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God’s Blueprint:Prophetically Drafted

in the Tabernacle of Moses

©2012 Joanna Fruhauf, Gracious Vine

All Rights Reserved.Enjoy this Study and seek to lay hold of the eternal riches as they enhance your faith and understanding!

God’s Blueprint: Brief Intro by Author, Joanna Fruhauf

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IntroductionUsing scripture to interpret scripture, like two mirrors facing each other when an object is between them, this manuscript places the Tabernacle of Moses between the Old and New Testaments, two holy mirrors. As we peer into it’s beauty those holy mirrors convey the wonders and deep truths of its glory. The reader will come to know the Tabernacle as it is reflected back and forth, deeper and deeper into the mirrors themselves.

This book shows four things in relation to the famed ‘Tabernacle of Moses’: The historical context of the tabernacle as it related to the people of its time. The typology of the furniture as manifested and fulfilled in Jesus Christ’s life, earthly ministry and work of Redemption. Third, the symbolism for those same pieces of furniture is seen as it relates to the progression of our walk with Jesus

Christ from faith to faith and glory to glory. Finally, the multitude of prophetic and symbolic promises as they relate to the Heavenly promises and Heavenly Temple that is to come.

Each chapter relates biblical accounts to that specific piece of furniture and the implications of Christ’s life, ministry and work, valuable prophetic direction for our maturing faith and practical applications for our ministry in Christ.

I humbly submit to you some of the awesome revelations that have been made manifest to my heart through years of studying the

famous tabernacle. I do not claim to have apprehended all truth regarding its types and shadows, in fact being a flawed vessel, I’m assured that my finite understandings are not exact or complete. Here and now I see only in part and can only proclaim in part as Paul

has said, but OH the day when we will see Him in full glory and all our questions and doubts will melt away in the full knowledge of His unveiled presence!

Jesus said, “These are the words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms concerning Me.” And He opened their understanding, that they might comprehend the Scriptures.” (Luke 24:45)

To God be all glory and honor through Jesus Christ, His precious Son and my beloved Savior, King and God!

Enjoy the dig!

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Chapter 1

Why Study the Tabernacle?

Some have asked, ‘Why study the Taberna-cle; it’s an artifact of the old covenant? It doesn’t relate to us today.’ I would reply,

‘Having heard that hindsight is 20/20, I know the more hindsight I have, the greater my

foresight can be’. It helps to see more clearly as things meet us on this walk with Christ, if we see the track record of God’s faithfulness,

mercy, patience, principles, and ways. It helps to tune our spiritual senses on Christ’s

work in our hearts and lives. Then we can fol-low Him with more confidence of faith, trust

and less fear.

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Luke 24:13-45 presents an excellent example of this very thing. On the road to Em-maus, two disciples disheartened by the death of their Lord and ‘rumors’ of His risen body, found themselves joined by a ‘stranger’ as they walked away from Jerusalem. This man walked with them and started to show them how the scriptures foreshadowed Messiah. As He spoke the words, the various types and shadows burned, excited and stirred within them.

After they urged Him to stay longer with these two disciples, the stranger agreed and sat down to eat with them. Upon breaking the bread, they recognized that it was Jesus Christ raised from the dead. In that moment, ecstasy and joy filled them as they had seen the fulfillment of all the scriptures explained to them, by the very One that inspired and anointed the writers. They had a very intimate meeting with the risen Lord. They were able to see through the written word the ‘type’ and were able to gaze on the fulfillment of them, the ‘Antitype’, Jesus Christ. Jesus shared with them, and unveiled before them some of the manna, treasures and mysteries hidden from men’s eyes for generations. In response, they were compelled to run back and share the glorious news with others.

That is some of what you will find in this book. Having handled the word of God in written form, and seen some of the ‘types and shadows’, through study and various trusted authors, I have come to gaze into the eyes of Him who is the fullness of those shadows a little better than before. I can’t help but be excited about having seen the Lord! This book is the expression of those revelations.

Jesus desires to make Himself known, and He does so through the scriptures them-selves. As scripture interprets scripture, it creates a gloriously splendid and intricately woven tapestry. I am often amazed and saddened when the Old Testament is neglected as if it were irrelevant to our culture, society, and world. God is the same yesterday, today and forever, He doesn’t change.

The Old Testament has incredible glories that wait to be unearthed by the diligent and faithful student of the Word of God. They serve as fundamental cornerstones upon which the New Testament terminology and doctrines are founded. For example, everything in Genesis is summed up by the end of Revelation, and every doctrine of the New Testament is worthless without Genesis being completely true. When we see Jesus Christ in the scrip-tures of the Old Testament, we have a clearer view of Jesus Christ in the New Testament. It sharpens our spiritual vision, gives us discerning spiritual ears, and helps us to be more keenly aware of His Holy Spirit directing our lives.

I have taught the tabernacle at several churches, and after having done another session of classes I had been told that this type of study was too involved, too deep, too much for most Christians that, perhaps I should stick with simpler teachings. For a while, I really wrestled with that, I prayed to search my heart, begging God to remove any lofty or pride-ful ambitions.

Having changed the next session of classes to a study on ‘simpler’ things, I was still not satisfied, feeling as though I had been bottled up regarding the teaching. I was cleaning out basement cabinets in the church and tossing away old curriculums previously used for children’s Sunday school. As I was internally praying about my frustration, I was amazed by what I came across. There within the draw was a huge envelope that had posters refer-ences and instructions on how to share with children of various ages about the Tabernacle of Moses! As I opened it up and went through the entire precious little felt backed pieces, I

was overjoyed! I fell in love with the truth of God’s word all over again! Here was the an-swer to my prayers! If children are being taught this, shouldn’t their parents?

Granted, it is intense! It is challenging! However, the honor and revelation gained is priceless and far greater than the output! I have had seasoned Christians as well as new-born Christians tell me how mind blowing some of the truths were to them. Not everyone gets the same thing. That’s the glory of the Word of God. It is living! It speaks to each person as we have need according to that which the Holy Spirit desires to work within us. There is one woman who at the writing of this manuscript is currently attending another session of classes. It is the third time she has come in the last six years. Foundations were laid in her the first time and each time the Holy Spirit works in her to build her up and in-crease her faith, and lead her into truth for her life.

A simple reading of the scriptures is important to help lay foundations, and slowly as you dig and seek truth through God’s Holy Word, the foundations are fortified, and then built on layer by layer. Isaiah 28:10 says, “For precept must be upon precept, … line upon line, Here a little, there a little”.

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It’s been said, that the Old Testament conceals Christ within its pages, while the New Testament reveals Him. The Old Testament is often the spiritual dictionary to the New Tes-tament. Through it, we will begin to see more fully His authority and presence in all things and matters.

So many chapters in the Bible are taken up with descriptions of the Tabernacle. There are 13 in Exodus, 18 in Leviticus, 13 in Numbers, 2 in Deuteronomy not to mention 4 chap-ters in the New Testament Book of Hebrews. There are countless references to various as-pects of the priesthood, sacrifices, furniture, and holy rituals that are mentioned in Isaiah, Ezekiel, Psalms, the books of Kings and Chronicles, the minor prophets, The New Testa-ment Gospels, Epistles and the Book of Revelation. So to say that a study is irrelevant, is at best, naïvely ignorant of the tremendous relevance the whole of scripture places on its invaluable significance.

It speaks to us of the Lord Jesus Christ, designed by the Holy Spirit and Authored by the God of Heaven and Earth. There is so much in the New Testament that we cannot fully grasp without an understanding of it. It is an antidote to unsound teaching regarding the various teach-ings of sin, atonement, and the person, character and work of Jesus Christ while He walked the earth and in our hearts today. It displays clearly the precision of God’s Holy and infallible Word and grants innumerable proofs to the inspiration of scripture. It was the Glory of God on earth for that time, therefore, it had to relate to the true form of God’s Glory on earth, Jesus Christ, Fully God, Fully man.

As we look at the tabernacle made under the direction of Moses, we will start to see very interesting types and shadows of the work of Christ. We will search out vari-ous aspects that relate to the tabernacle’s furniture. There is a wealth of wisdom and revelation packed into the study of the Tabernacle’s vessels, coverings, structure as well as the priesthood and the offerings. I would encour-age you to search these out after you have secured an un-derstanding of the six pieces of furniture.

I am a person prone to questions. I grew up with a father that always told me to check things out for myself

before I believed the report. I was always encouraged to dig for truth by him, even before he became a believer.

I have constantly gone to God with a ‘Doubting Thomas’ heart, and yet God has been very gracious toward me in granting me answers and pointing me toward truth. Truly, if we seek, we will find, and if we ask, we will be answered and doors have been opened when I have knocked. We are also implored in Proverbs, Psalms and many other places throughout the word of God to seek out knowledge, to gain understanding, because through them we are imparted wisdom. If we seek to know Him through knowing His word, we will come to understand Him and His ways and thereby have wisdom as to how to live and serve our God.

This scripture in Isaiah starts off with, “Come now, and let us reason together, says the Lord…” I just simply love that! He encourages us to ask questions, to engage in dia-logue with Him. He is saying, Come on, Ask the hard ones, I know they are there, they don’t shock or surprise me, nor do they stump me, the question is do you have ears to hear my answers whether you like them or not?’

He is not afraid of my questions, He is not offended by my curiosities, and He is not made powerless by my doubts. Instead, He calls me to come close, to engage Him in conversation, to be honest with my thoughts, my emotions, and my weaknesses of faith. He wants me to put it all on the table. He stands calling me to come say-ing, ‘You’ve got questions, bring them, I’ve got answers’. That impresses me and encourages me to go to Him more often than if I were discouraged thinking they were not welcome in His presence.

I love the story of the disciple Thomas. When all the other disciples saw Jesus in resurrected form, they re-joiced and were overwhelmed with excitement. Thomas recognized that enthusiasm, but still he defiantly pro-claimed that unless he was able to thrust his hand in Je-sus’ side and touch His wounds, he was reluctant to be-lieve what they said (John 20:24-29). He wanted a one on one encounter with the resurrected Jesus. He would not be satisfied with second hand information. Most of us would think that too bold.

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Jesus showed up, knowing full well what Thomas had said and how he felt. He en-couraged, perhaps even dared, Thomas to touch the scars and know it was true, and when Thomas did, “My God and my Lord!” burst from His heart, mind, and mouth! Jesus didn’t cast him off or refuse to engage Thomas. He satisfied Thomas’ desire to lay hold of the only true Savior.

How marvelous Jesus is, there is hope for us like Thomas! Once Thomas met and the Lord proved the words with evidence of His presence, Thomas never doubted His resurrec-tion again and He became a powerful testimony because of the full conviction and confi-dence of heart and mind.

In Christ, we have been called to minister before the Lord, and been given the ministry of reconciliation. We have been made a holy nation of kings and priests to our God(1 Peter

2:5,9). Jesus Christ as our High Priest calls us into fellowship with Him in this priesthood and makes us joint heirs of it. By this, we are granted access to the Most Holy Place, unlike

the multitude of priests of the old covenant. We will look into these things and marvel at the honor we have been granted by our God and our King!

We have a high priest that sat down at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in heaven and He serves in the sanctuary, the true tabernacle set up by the Lord, not by man

(Hebrews 8:1-2). This is what the tabernacle of Moses’ day was fashioned after. As we traverse through the various areas of the Tabernacle of Moses we will see in the spirit realm the plans and purposes of God.

When revelation hits you as it has so often hit me, stop, and pray for the ability to grasp its truths. Too often, a revelation comes and it can be illusive, like grasping a vapor. I pray that will not be the case for you. Our words are often times incapable of declaring with full clarity the wonders and glory of our God and King! Take the time to enjoy this study, as it will be tremendously beneficial to your walk, ministering to others and before the Lord Himself!

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Chapter 2

Building Foundations

Eventually, the people came to a desert area near the same mountain that God spoke to Moses in the midst

of the burning bush as a broken and bewildered people. God needed to regroup this people, to

structure them, to remove the influence of Egyptian religion and culture that been interwoven within the

hearts and minds of His people. He had to remove all vestiges of paganism, which as see by their quick

willingness to worship Apis, in the form of a calf they made out of gold while Moses was still on the Mount

with the True Living God.

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The Children of Israel had lived several hundred years in Egypt surrounded by their cul-ture and influenced by their lifestyles; secular and religious. They lived for some time un-derneath heavy oppression as slaves to the Egyptian people.

Moses, who had been tending sheep on the backside of the Arabian Desert, was called by God to deliver them. As they left, they were about two million people from various clans and tribes of Jacob.

These people needed to be deprogrammed and re-taught the truths of God. They needed to learn how to work together, how to deal appropriately with each other, to submit to a leadership and priesthood with which they were currently unfamiliar. This desert time and project of building the Tabernacle would secure that purging and change.

The Tabernacle built under Moses direction was the principle feature and object of ado-ration for the young nation of Israel. It solidified them and centralized all their worship. It became their focus and the center of their world regardless of where they traveled.

In the scriptural account, we find that it opens on the topic with the very holy and most

precious Ark of the Covenant. As the scripture elaborates the details of the curtains, the walls, the coverings, the utensils and furniture it winds its way through, getting ever closer to the general population near the gate. This is the manner in which God revealed Himself and instructed Moses in its preparation. God was condescending toward mankind starting from His Most Holy throne. With each step closer, the Lord graciously veiled Himself with layer upon layer, cloaking His glory so that man would survive in His presence.

Once the Tabernacle was built man’s approach to God started at the most external point.

He walked his way ever closer to the Supreme Presence. This will be our approach through this book. We will see Christ and His work as well as our calling and responsibility. This is our walk of faith precept upon precept, line upon line. With each step He will unveil Himself and His glory that we might know Him and find the life He has for us.

Scriptures from both the New and Old Testament when speaking of Christ say, ‘in the volume of the book’ it is written of Him. He is the sum of all things. We will follow in the footsteps of Moses and with spiritual eyes, we will see things that most Israelites never saw. There is a vast treasure waiting to be unearthed as we delve into the various pieces of furni-ture. Proverbs 25:2 tells us, it is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but it’s the honor of kings to search it out. We are called in the New Testament a royal priest hood a holy na-tion, a kingdom of kings and priests to our God. God has concealed many things in the Tab-ernacle and it is our honor and privilege in this age to search them out, unearth them and receive the blessings of those precious things in our hearts, mind and spirit man.

Foundational Stability

Before we begin, one question needed to be answered. Why did God want a taberna-cle? Exodus 25:8 says He wanted the people to make a sanctuary or tabernacle so that He could dwell among them. Didn’t He once dwell with mankind without a structure that veiled His glory?

The answer would be, yes. In Genesis after the creation of man and his placement within the Garden of Eden, God walked with Adam in the cool of the day and conversed with him. There was intimate fellowship between them. God probably took Adam around throughout the garden and perhaps beyond it. God probably taught Adam about the various plants and animals, igniting Adam’s new intellect. God made Adam as His very own emis-sary on earth. He entrusted Adam with all authority over the entire garden, the plants, and the animals. Adam was given authority and dominion over all things. God displayed that authority as He commanded all the living creatures to appear before Adam to receive a name from him.

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Unfortunately, this was soon altered when Adam ate of the fruit he knew he shouldn’t. Now, right here someone is sure to say, ‘Hey wasn’t it Eve’s fault?’. Sorry, that’s not what the bible teaches at all.

Genesis chapter one is an overview of what happened the first six days of creation. Chapter two starts by summing up the week with the seventh day, the Sabbath, and then revisits the creations of man on the sixth day and the more specific details of the event. We know this because in Genesis 1:27 Eve is mentioned as part of the creation of day six though not yet by name, then in chapter two we read about her actual creation.

Interestingly, before Adam’s female counterpart is made, God specifically addresses Adam and warns him not to eat of The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Eve not being formed yet may have gotten this information relayed from Adam and perhaps at that point he told her to stay away from it, not even touch it. Regardless, Adam was the one with whom God gave the command Gen 2:16-17. In 1st Timothy, we are told that Eve was de-

ceived but Adam wasn’t

1Tim 2:14. She fell into sin first, but had Adam refused, she probably would have died and God would have sup-plied him with another helpmate. Since Adam was the one, in whom all power and authority was originally placed. When he ate of the fruit, it was a willful act of disobedience. Adam understood it was rebel-lion to God’s direct com-mand. That act would require the removal of Adams vested authority.

God confronted their rebellion, covered their bodies with the skin of an animal that paid the price of immediate death for them, and then cast them out of the garden so that they wouldn’t try to partake of the Tree of Life in an attempt to remedy death. Eating of The Tree of Life in their fallen, sinful state would forever separate them from the position they once had. Eating the fruit of the Tree of Life now, they would live forever in their sinful state. This would not be a good idea!

Having been cast out of the Garden of Eden, did mankind cease to have interaction with God? If you answered yes, you are wrong. While Adam was alive, His sons brought their sacrifices to God. They knew how to make acceptable sacrifices to God.

At this point they were strong, probably men and probably not the only two siblings alive. Scripture tells us that Adam and Eve had many sons and daughters Gen 5:1. Certainly, there was at least a daughter, because later Cain takes a wife, no doubt a sister.

Abel’s sacrifice was received in some way that everyone recognized, and Cain’s was rejected in a manner that everyone recognized. God was present somehow and chances are these sacrifices were not given absent of the other family members. God verbally rebuked Cain’s anger which had been directed towards his brother. God also, encouraged Cain to do what he knew was right and acceptable and to take authority over the emotions of his heart and the sin that wanted to destroy him.

Cain refused the advice and we know the story, he killed Abel and then hid the body of his brother in a field, which was probably his own since he, was a farmer not Abel. God questioned Cain hoping to prompt repentance; instead, God was met with defiance.

Cain’s response to the Lord was arrogant, even when caught, I believe it’s because there was a certain tan-gible manifest presence of God that mankind. There was a manifesta-tion of God's presence that they became famil-iar with and could probably sense in some way. They say that familiarity breeds contempt. Much the way our children may talk back to us but not to other adults. An indication of this is found in the consequence Cain received. Cain was unrepentant and was then driven out of the ‘presence of the Lord’Gen 4:16.

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Presence Lifted?

There were plenty of men in the lineage of Christ that had some form of personal rela-tionship with the Lord God before Moses. We are told Enoch walked with God. Noah had conversations with God about the building of the ark. God warned Noah that His presence wouldn’t continue with mankind any longer Gen 6:3, that within 120 years a catastrophic change would take place. If God’s presence sustained an area of the earth when He left, that would cause huge changes, spiritually and physically. Much the way we know that if He removes His breath from us, which He first breathed in Adam, we would cease to exist, and be destroyed physically.

As man continued to populate the earth and grow in numbers, they would spread out further and further from the presence of the Lord, which may have been felt in close proxim-ity to the garden. As man moved to find more land, they either inadvertently or purpose-fully removed themselves from the presence of God. In doing so, the conviction of sin would lessen and restraints would have been thrown off. Violence and wickedness would increase.

After the flood of Noah’s day, the spirit of God was not known again except by the peo-ple of the Tower of Babel, when God, ‘came down’ not to have fellowship, but to judge and disperse the people and stop the project from being completed. Job, a contemporary of Abram, records God as in the heavens, and yet there is an interesting dialogue between them on several occasions. Abram has a personal relationship with the Lord God and rees-tablished true worship that had become so distorted and perverted. With Abram, we see that God meets with man personally and intimately once again but not regularly or for ex-tended periods of time. God actually makes a covenant with Abram and met with Him once in personal human form before destroying the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.

During this encounter, God clues us in on the type of relationship He wants to have with those that, through faith, are willing to live a surrendered life with Him as their God and Master.

Restoration of Relationships

In Genesis 18:17, the Lord knowing what He was about to do to the two cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, posed the questions, ‘Should I hide from Abraham what I’m about to do?’ The Lord wanted to make known to Abraham the plans and purposes He had and what was about to take place. In fact, as you read through the rest of the situation, God per-mits Abraham to be influential in what He was going to do. In some form of haggling, Abra-ham was permitted the honor of asking God to lower the number of righteous found in or-der to spare the destruction of these cities. Originally, if there were 50 righteous people found in the city, judgment would be stayed. Abraham humbly asked if that could be

changed, to 45, then 40, then 30, then 20 and finally 10. What an absolutely incredible ex-change. The Lord agreed to each step as Abraham persisted. Granted God already knew that the only people that would leave on His warning would be Lot, his wife and two daugh-ters. Nonetheless, God granted Abraham a great honor.

This is the type of relationship God desires to have with us. The Lord desires to make known to us the mysteries of His will Eph 1:9,18,19. Someone that wants to tell you secrets and reveal their mysteries wants to have an intimate relationship with you. God wants to share His heart; it has always been that way. Therefore, God decided it was time to set His peo-ple apart and have them build Him a sanctuary adequate for Him to be able to have His manifested presence among the people without destroying them all.

We are about to embark on a walk that draws us closer and closer to a very Holy God, a God who consumes His enemies. We are called to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, in holiness and righteousness. We are called to put to death the old man, and not mourn his death, knowing that we are made alive in Christ. This is our reasonable service; it is not beyond our ability if we submit our lives to the Lord. If we follow the Lord Jesus Christ, He will accomplish in us and prove out through our lives the good and acceptable, even the perfect will of God through us.

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Chapter 3

The Mount of God

At the foot of a terrifying mountain, a large multitude of people stood intensely watching a lean, white haired

old man climb up through a blazing landscape; his cloak billowed as the winds of God passed through

them. At eighty years of age, that humble shepherd made his way into the very presence of the God the

people cried to for years, but had not personally encountered for generations. Moses had been chosen to deliver the descendants of Israel from centuries of Egyptian slavery. He made his way up marking the

completion of that mission.

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God chose to rescue His flock from the world power of Egypt. Determined to have fel-lowship with the descendants of Abraham, God humbled every aspect of Egyptian power through a series of devastating blows. In a show of force, God wiped out their water sup-ply, agriculture, and livestock. The religious system was directly attacked as all of their gods were shown to be powerless against His authority and might.

The Lord decimated the population by killing the first born of both man and beast in each household. The monetary system and the administrative rule over the people were dis-rupted. Then in a final display of supreme authority and power, the entire Egyptian military force was wiped out as walls of water came crashing in on them at the Red Sea. He led these captives away from the occultism, sensual and selfish world of Egypt, so they would have the opportunity to rekindle their faith in God.

The crowd, transfixed on Moses ascent, found themselves trembling. They stood at the base of the mountain free from the slave camps and oppression of Pharaoh’s tightly clenched fists, but were dumbstruck with fear in this unfamiliar territory. They stood before God’s mountain unsure of what would happen next. They waited with great trepidation as the mountain quaked, crackled, and blazed due to God’s holy manifest presence.

Jagged Rocks and dark hollow paths marked the trail into which Moses slowly disap-peared from their view. On top of the mountain was a presence that struck fear in each man’s heart. Loud rumblings and fierce tremors shook the people and the mountain. Blinding flashes of lightning and blasts of a loud trumpet prompted them to remove them-selves from the foot of the mountain. The smell of smoke filled their nostrils.

The People Reject God

Days earlier, all the people heard the audible voice of God as He broadcast to the trem-bling hearers in the valley below the laws of His covenant Ex 20:1-20. The experience was so intense that the people approached Moses afterwards and begged him to be the mediator of the covenant, the go between, and the middleman. No doubt with terror in their eyes they pleaded saying, "You speak with us, and we will hear; but let not God speak with us, lest we die."

I am sure that Moses’ response to this would have been mixed with some perplexity. ‘What do you mean; if we hear God we will die? You just heard Him and you’re fine! Why don’t you people want this relationship with God yourselves? Why are you so filled with fear and terror? Don’t you realize that He delivered you from the Egyptians to have fellow-ship with you directly?’ One can almost hear the tone when Moses tried to console them, "Do not fear; for God has come to test you, and that His fear may be before you, so that you may not sin."Ex 20:20

How Moses’ heart must have been discouraged when the people withdrew from the mountain and stayed at a distance after being encouraged to come close to their God. It was at this point that the people rejected the privilege of a one on one relationship with the Living God. Moses alone approached the thick cloud atop the mount while the people re-mained at a distance. Moses, by demand of the people, became the mediator of the cove-nant.

A Dinner Table is Set

God instructed Moses to call on his brother Aaron, Aaron’s two sons, Nadab and Abihu, as well as seventy of the elders. Two elders from each tribe accompanied Moses and Joshua, his servant, Aaron, Nadab and Abihu. The delegation of seventy-five men was per-mitted to approach a holy God.

This assembly ascended the mount of God. Their eyes were struck with awe and amaze-ment as they gazed on the LORD. They turned their eyes down to look away from His glory; and in doing so, they saw He stood on a pavement of sapphire Ex 24:9-11. How they must have trembled with weakened knees in fear for their own lives.

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Instead of being met with death for looking on Him, there was a welcome meal pre-pared for them by the LORD. God had invited the leaders of the people to a dinner ban-quet. God desired fellowship, communion, and an intimate relationship with these people.

Fellowship has always been the desire of His heart. Even though God had led these peo-ple out of Egypt in the form of the Pillar of cloud and fire, even though He had protected them from the encroaching army, He was not having fellowship with them.

God had brought them out of Egyptian bondage after four hundred years with a miracu-lous show of strength, yet true fellowship had not been achieved with the masses. Here at last, some of the very people who had stood at a distance were personally invited to dinner with God.

During the dinner, God requested a private meeting with Moses. Joshua alone was per-mitted to accompany him. Moses told Aaron to stay with the people and deal with them appropriately until he returned. Six days Moses and Joshua were at a higher elevation than those of the original party. Then came the call for Moses to ascend even higher to receive the tablets of the law from God’s own hand.

Forty Days and Forty Nights

Forty days and nights, Moses stayed in the cover of the cloud on top of the mountain. It was during this time that God spoke to Moses regarding a place of habitation, a tent in which mankind could meet with God.

As God conveyed to Moses the explicit details of the furniture, vessels, curtains, boards, garments, and sacrifices, God pressed Moses with a stern warning. Repeatedly God warns him to take immense care, making sure to build everything according to the precise specifications shown him on the mount. Every aspect of the tabernacle was to be followed explicitly. Why? As a shadow of what already existed in the Heavens, it was a representa-tion of worship displayed on earth so that mankind could begin to grasp the concepts of God and His established plan of salvation for them.

Chapters 25–31 of Exodus are glorious descriptions of that which God commissioned Moses and the people to build. The blueprints of the tabernacle were shown to Moses on that mountaintop. How glorious it must have been to see the very items God purposed him to build. Yet at the same time think of how frightening a commission, it must have been.

God was giving Moses the blueprints of a habitation He was worthy of. God desired a dwelling place that He, the God of the universe, could dwell in the midst of the people. This pattern given to Moses on the mount was a shadow of the things to come. It was the only way a holy God could dwell with an unholy people.

Since God’s plan for salvation is the only way for God to dwell and have fellowship with people, it had to be according to His design and specifications. There was no room for human inventions.

God could only be approached in the manner He set forth.

The Offering

God told Moses to speak to the children of Israel that they should take up an offering. Those whose hearts were willing were to give to the offering. Moses was told to collect from the people gold, silver, brass, and precious stones. To gather up fine linens, goat hair, ram skins dyed red, sealskins, and acacia wood. To gather up the sea crustaceans, and bugs needed to create dyes of blue, purple, and red.

People donated the purest of olive oil and spices, items that would be utilized in the sweet incense, lighting fuel and anointing oils. They were to gather precious stones to be placed in settings for the ephod and the breastplate.Ex 25:17

Imagine the enormity of the offering. Imagine too, the loads as they might have been carried on carts, in sacks laid on men’s backs, carried by cots or on pack animals as they were brought before and presented to Moses. There had to be incredible excitement in the camp. A tremendous sense of purpose and unity was exhibited in the building of a habita-tion for God.

The fervor that spread through the camp of Israelites was thrilling. They gave in such abundance that Moses had to command the people to stop giving! The stewardship of Moses and those in charge are a shining example of accountability for the riches entrusted to them. They didn’t collect more than needed. They had no desire to enrich themselves! This was holy unto the Lord!

There would be no tolerance of greed or hoarding on anyone’s individual behalf! Can you imagine that? The devotion of the people to give and bring of their own free will out shined any passing of the plate or basket in our churches today. Perhaps the accountability and judgment on the leadership was a telling factor. Perhaps the divine design and purpose produced the anointing to fulfill it rather than obligation, compulsion and guilt often used today.

Sweat Equity

Being able to exercise our spiritual muscles does not gain us righteousness or make us any more worthy of salvation, those are free gifts granted by His powerful grace and ac-

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cepted through our faith to believe it. Instead, the energies expended from our side are a privilege granted to exercise obedience, faithfulness, and cultivate fruitfulness. Much the way when a child is born and has no ability in itself to love a parent at first, it is given many opportunities as they grow in strength, maturing in mind and personality, to exercise their abilities, to reciprocate the love first showed to them through obedience, tenderness and various actions.

Ask anyone involved in a church needing the sweat equity of those in the fellowship to actually build or redo a facility and you’ll find an incredible sense of fellowship and com-mitment. We’ve been involved with many church projects that required a building to be revamped in order to fit the needs of the congregations. Saturday after Saturday would be committed to working on the various projects. It mattered not whether you were swinging a hammer, vacuuming up behind the workers or simply holding the ladder for the more ex-

perienced. There was a common unity, purpose, and goal: the furthering of the Kingdom of God. People gave and gave and gave some more. The carrying of loads, tools, and supplies was far more satisfying than placing money in the basket.

With these types of projects everyone involved brings what they can and does what they know how to do. People are taught informally in new areas of creativity and talents are shared, while being experienced. The sense of community, the vision of purpose, the hand to the plow causes growth and strength in all that faithfully participate. Having experi-enced small-scale building projects within various churches, I can only begin to imagine the wonder and joy of those involved in the building of the Tabernacle.

I pray that as we search out the riches of these blueprints you will have built within you the understanding of God’s Word and His work with in His story of redemption.

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Chapter 4

Glorious Blueprint

What is the importance of a blueprint? It de-fines proportions, dimensions, and boundaries for a set project, giving a picture of the end result before the work begins. A detailed plan prescribes every aspect of a project. Having a defined understand-ing of what needs to be accomplished there is little room for error and tremendous room for success.

It helps to clarify thoughts and priorities when con-fronted with a problem. Blueprints remove the guesswork. It is the vision of things to come.

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A blueprint produces, peace of mind and excitement in the process. Trusting that the one who designed the prints was precise to the smallest detail, and then having the most competent crew to build it, you will be able to enjoy the process with full assurance of its completed end.

This is what God in His divine providence has given us. Throughout the Holy pages of scripture, God shows us His plan of Creation, Salvation, and Glory. Scripture tells us that without vision and understanding, people are destroyed Prov 29:18, Hos 4:6. He makes it plain before our eyes that He determined so much more than what we have become. God’s Blueprint restores us from our fallen state back into the fellowship He originally intended for both you and me. If we take the time to understand the blueprints and are diligent to fol-low the prescribed plans, we will be made complete as God designed.

In searching out the Word of God for ourselves, we become intimately familiar with the blueprints God has intricately designed. As we apply ourselves to these instructions, we learn more about the wonderful designer. We come to see the painstaking lengths to which He has applied Himself in order to make sure that all things will work together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to those purposes.

God told Moses, ‘Let them make me a sanctuary that I may dwell among them’ Ex

25:8. God starts to display and express to Moses the habitation He desires. With each revela-tion, Moses puts into written form those things he hears and sees.

Competent Builders

God has made sure that the ways of eternal life are straight. A blueprint is so spe-cific in its design that you know exactly what its final result will be. If unrolled before me is a set of plans that show how to build a 3 bedroom wide-line ranch, then it will not at all look like a center-hall colonial, a cape-code, or a hotel for that matter. If I hire a contractor to build that home for me I know, it will turn out just as I have planned and approved. That builder is not welcome to build as he sees fit.

If I showed up at the work site to find that they decided to do things their way and not mine, I would be enraged. What right would they have to make radical adjustments? They are not the designer they are merely the builders. Unless the Lord God is the architect and designer of the structure of our faith, those that would try to create an environment for religion, labor in vainPs 127:1.

Yet these are things we have seen done to the plans and purposes of God’s design from the beginning of time. God has given us a specific order in meeting Him, yet over the millennia of time man has distorted the structure adding rooms on to rooms. We need to look at the original plans, plans Jesus spoke of and fulfilled.

The plans we will look at are of the tabernacle built by Moses. In the pages of this book, we will reflect on that structure and see the amazing wonder within it. God orally

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and visually translated the blueprints to Moses. While gazing at the pieces, God specifies exactly what Moses is seeing.

The Dig

I have often compared studying the scriptures to working in an underground mineshaft. Often reading through the scriptures, I feel as though I am in a dark tunnel with a minimal amount of light to see. The light of previous revelation helps in the search but there is a la-bor on my behalf to find more. With a pickax in hand (pen, paper, and reference books per-haps), I start to chip away at the surface of the rock before me looking for the vein of gold. Some times I find it immediately, other times I may dig in the scriptures for hours or days before there’s a strike that’s significant.

We have to consider the Word of God even the aspects we’ve neglected as a mine wait-ing to unearth its riches. The riches will not be made manifest unless we do some digging. Through the text of this book I’m hoping to help direct that pickax of yours. I am hoping that you will lay hold of understanding that the writer of the book of Hebrews so desper-ately wanted to convey.

Jesus is often concealed in the Old Testament scriptures. In the entirety of the scrip-tures, Christ is revealed, not merely one portion. Jesus Himself used the Old Testament scriptures to point to Himself. He equated Himself, His death, and resurrection to Jonah in

the belly of the whale. He related the bronze serpent on the pole and its ability to break the power of the serpent’s bite, to His death on the cross and belief in Him that breaks the power of sin.

At the beginning of Jesus’ ministry, He read from the book of Isaiah and told the listen-ers that it was fulfilled in their hearing. He likened the Temple of God, its destruction and rebuilding to His own flesh. In one of the greatest discussions with two followers on the road to the town of Emmaus, Jesus started with the writings of Moses and showed how He fulfilled them. That would have been a conversation I would have loved to hear! Imagine how every instance of Old Testament truth would have exploded open with life eternal!

Progression of Faith

After a playwright conjures up a story in his head, he then goes about the process of writing it out and if he is fortunate and talented it progresses to either stage or screen. The product of his mind went from desire and spoken words to written words and then living actors, those words lived out. God declared from His throne first through His spoken word [various covenants and commands before the law], then the written word [the Torah] and finally the Living Word [Jesus Christ].

Originally, interaction with man was through spoken word, by His Holy Spirit. From Adam through the generations down to Moses this was the only avenue of communication. In the Garden of Eden before the fall of mankind this was the deepest most intimate form of interaction with God. After sin we humans were cast out of the garden from the holy pres-ence of God and encounters were infrequent. Yet, God in His ever-abundant mercy didn’t cast us off completely, instead He continued to pursue mankind.

About 2000 years after the fall of man, at the mountain of God, a people were called to come close and hear the commands of their God with their own ears in a national event. The people stood trembling in fear and finally rushed Moses pleading with him, ‘You go and speak to God yourself and then you come and tell us what he said.’

The people wanted a middleman. They couldn’t endure the purest form of God’s revela-tion by the Spirit. God condescended down to man’s level and placed His words into writ-ten form. With the written form, man could learn the heart of God’s ways and seek after righteousness. This was still not all that God had for man. So eventually, the Living Word, Jesus Christ, Fully God, Fully Man came and dwelt among us.

We will see these types of progressions as we encounter the various elements of the tab-ernacle. We will see how one area will relate to the babes in Christ, cleansed and thankful yet could still be operating in their human reasoning and carnal sensual lifestyle. How those considered, ‘Young men of the faith’, operate in servant hood, and those maturing in

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Christ, worship God more and more intimately as the spirit leads them in fellowship and knowledge of God’s ways.

We see our walk as it progresses forward in Christ and we see God’s abundant mercy as He condescends down toward us, veiling His power that we may come closer. Without this tabernacle made under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, God would not dwell among the people.

The writer of the book of Hebrews tells us about a heavenly tabernacle. Moses and the Israelites served at a sanctuary that was a copy and shadow of what is in heaven. This is why Moses was warned when he was about to build the tabernacle: "See to it that you make

everything according to the pattern shown you on the mountain." The ministry Jesus re-ceived is far superior to Moses, just as the covenant of which He is mediator is superior to the old one, and it is anchored on better promises.1

The book of Revelation tells us that the temple in heaven is the Lord God and the Lamb. Moses may have seen this with undiscerning eyes.

More than History

To study the Tabernacle of Moses is more than a history lesson. Enjoy this splendid display of faith by digging to find the hidden beauty Christ.

Veiled within the components of sacrifices, priesthood and furnishings are glorious rep-resentations of the life, death, and ministry of Jesus Christ! In addition to seeing Christ we

see the walk of faith for our lives laid out like a blueprint before us of various callings, stages and maturities.

The Children of Israel erected the Tabernacle during their first year in the wilderness near Mount Sinai. God instructed Moses to take every precaution to build it exactly as he had seen it shown to Him. There was no room for human, ingenuity, creativity, or expression. Moses fully understood that he was creating a form; a shadow of what was al-ready a heavenly tabernacle.

This tabernacle had an open-air courtyard bordered by a 7-½ foot high linen wall. In the courtyard was a 15-foot high by 15 foot wide, by 45-foot long structure. That structure was covered and separated into two parts. The first part being 2/3rds of its space was called The Holy Place or The Sanctuary. The second part was at the back end composing the last 1/3rd of the building and was called The Holy of Holies; it was a perfect cube 15 feet in every direction.

Within the Outer Court there were two pieces of furniture. The first was stationed di-rectly in front of the only door to the courtyard and was called the Bronze Altar. This is where all sacrifices were brought and consumed by fire. The second furnishing in this area was the Bronze Laver, which was positioned directly westward from the Altar, between it and the entrance to the Sanctuary. This is where the priests washed themselves before and after sacrifices or entering The Sanctuary.

Once entering the Sanctuary or Holy Place the Priests were met with three splendid pieces of furniture. To the priests left on the south wall was the Golden Lampstand, which illumi-nated the room. To the right always positioned on the northern wall was the Golden Table of Showbread. This is where the priests brought holy bread to represent the 12 tribes each week as an offering before the Lord. Finally within this room was the Golden Altar of In-cense which was centered before a dividing veil that cordoned off this room from the next, putting it in direct alignment with the outside Laver and Altar.

The final chamber, The Holy of Holies, was the most revered and most inner sanctum of the entire Tabernacle. Within this room, which was a perfect cube, sat the glorious Ark of the Covenant. The Ark of the Covenant contained three precious items, the tablets of the law, the budding rod of Aaron, and a golden vessel containing the miraculous manna sent by God to feed the people each morning. This ark was then sealed with a solid gold lid called the Mercy Seat.

Our Approach

There are two ways of studying the Tabernacle. One would be in the manner according to the lay out given by God through the scriptures. The scriptures detail for us the building

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as if drawing a line from the inside out, from the innermost part to the outermost bounda-ries. This is the manner in which God relayed His presence.

As God condescended to meet with fallen man, several layers and curtains would be necessary to veil His awesome glory in order that we might survive in His full manifest presence. As the Lord draws near He cloaks Himself with layer upon layer, veil after veil to conceal His glory. This is His walk of abundant Grace toward us. God is seen coming ever closer to His creation, humbling Himself with veils and coverings to protect us from being overcome and ultimately destroyed by His purity and holiness.

The other way to study the tabernacle would be as a member of the congregation, look-ing at the finished product and slowly making our way through. This walk starts at the out-ermost boundary moving ever closer toward the most Holy center, His Presence.

This will be our approach.

My reasoning for this approach is very simple; we have all fallen short of the Glory of God. We can approach God no other way but to start from the outside and enter at the door. With each step we take closer to Him there is revelation. There is the removal of veils as well as increased accountability and further invitation. With each intimate encounter we begin to see Him more and more. Thus we progress from faith to faith and from glory to glory. In this manner of walking we are transformed into the image of God’s Son, Jesus Christ.

The bible tells us our life is hidden in Christ. It’s not until we walk into Christ that are we made aware of what that life is. We may only have light and revelation for the step we have just taken, each step brings with it the unveiling of those things He has planned for us from the foundation of the world. This is our walk of faith toward God and as we draw near to Him, He indeed draws near to us. This was the place where God met sinners, now He meets sinners in Christ 2 Cor 5:19.

Therefore, let us press forward with eager anticipation that we may grab hold of the pur-pose that Jesus Christ has already apprehended for us!

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Chapter 5

Layout & Floor plans

Imagine standing on a mountainside looking down at a huge congregation of nearly two million people

with women and children. You would see thousands of tents pitched in the sand of the valley

below. Sounds of men, women, children, and animals busily working and living life would rise up

the mountain and meet your ears.

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The tabernacle, situated at the very heart of this colossal congregation had a rectangular building covered in curtains offset to the western end of an open-air courtyard. The court-yard was curtained off from the people of Israel with white linen walls and guarded on three sides by those that would officiate and care for it. During the day, rising ominously from the rectangular building offset in the tabernacle’s courtyard was a cloud that went up into the heavens and then spread out like a covering over the entire congregation so they were all under the cloud1 and protected from the scorching elements of the desert sun. At night this became a pillar of fire that gave them warmth and light in the night.

The only thing I can think to compare the cloud with is a tornado, which is a horrifying thought in our world. The pillar of cloud could very well have been a constantly roaring tor-nado. Think of the sound that would be ever-present, not to mention the winds. I can’t even begin to think of a swirling flame that large, though I’m sure some of the residence of Cali-fornia that were close at hand and survived the horrible fires of the years past could attest to the terror. Perhaps over time recognizing that it was a daily occurrence they became accus-tomed to it, but scripture tells us it struck fear in their enemies.

What a marvel! Surely God was with them! This was the Tabernacle of God’s pres-ence in the midst of the congregation of Israel.

Raise the Banner

If you looked more intently you would rec-ognize pathways that sectioned off areas like streets throughout the tent city. Areas marked with different banners flying high above the people’s heads. Families, clans, and tribal af-filiations were set according to the banners. The flags signified their status, their orders, and positions of authority. One would be awestruck by the enormity; precision and military or-ganization of their set up. Moses was a very intelligent man and most likely militarily trained in Egypt. He would have known that order within a camp is one of the highest pri-orities for safety and survival especially with such a large group in the harsh conditions of a desert surrounded by enemies.

There were twelve major banners, one for the head of each tribe. All of the clans and families belonged to one of the twelve sons of Israel. All people were broken down into those twelve tribes. The tribes were positioned around the tabernacle, three to a side. Of the three on any given side there was a principle tribe among them. That tribe’s flag be-came the ranking banner of that side.

Like a compass on the desert floor those three tribes on each side are pointing their way to-ward the four directions of the compass. Inter-estingly, compasses of long ago were not fixed to the north as ours are today, but to the east, to the rising of the sun. The eastern side of the tabernacle had the largest gathering of people. This compass pointed eastward. As a people following the presence of the Lord, they were fixed on the coming of the sun. As the spirit of God leads us in our walk through the wilderness of life, we need to have our heart fixed and established on the Son’s coming and His light in our lives.

If you stood on a mountain east of the encamp-ment looking down at the children of Israel you would see a huge cross in the valley below. At the center of the encampment was the taberna-cle surrounded by an enormous group of people camped in the form of a cross. The breakdown was three tribes per side the smallest grouping of people were on the western side, on either side of the tabernacle were larger groups, nearly equal on each side, extending towards the north and the south. Closest to you would be the largest group of people extending nearly twice as far as the opposite, western side.

What an awesome presentation the Lord set up. Didn’t Jesus Himself say that we as a people

should take up our cross and follow Him? In Romans 6 we are told that we are crucified with Christ. Scripture declares that we are the habitation of God and as such have the hope of Glory within us. The Tabernacle was within the midst of this military encampment. The Glory of God resided within the midst of His people for the world to see. A cross was pre-

Children of Israel in transition moved in a very orderly, military manner. Tribes were give a set procession and were never to deviate from it.

Gallery 5.1 Military movements of Tribes

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figured for the people to see if they had the eyes to do so. As the entire body of followers was positioned on the desert floor in the shape of a huge cross, it foretold of a unity that would declare to all onlookers the source of that unity; devotion to the cross of Jesus Christ.

The positions of the tribes around the tabernacle were never changed. They always moved from camp to camp within a certain order and flow. Certain tribes moved out and others would follow. The Tribe of Judah always took the lead. This was the tribe from which all the Kings of Israel were to come. The tribe of Dan was always the rear guard.

Levi, the son of Jacob, had three sons named Gershon, Kohath, and Merari. The Tribe of Levi was the priestly tribe and broken up into three smaller family clans the Gershonites, Merarites and Kohathites.

The tribe, Levi, was privileged to be closest around the Tabernacle, positioned directly on the walls. Each one of these clans was posted on a specific side immediately nearby the curtain of the tabernacle. The Kohathites were the priestly clan who actually performed the sacrifices and officiated over the rituals. They camped on the southern side of the curtain wall.

The Gersonites were camped at the western wall, and were responsible for tending to the actual curtains, screenings, doors, and the essential materials. Finally the Merarites al-ways found themselves on the northern side and were charged with all of the boards, pillars, sockets, pins, and cords.

Aaron and Moses also from the tribe of Levi were positioned directly in front of the door on the eastern side. They would have understood the heart cry of David in the Psalms when he declared, “Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked.”Ps 105:39

Guardians of the Throne

Though these were priests, they were armed and protected the tabernacle with the sword in the event anyone, even someone from within Israel, tried to sneak in under the curtain. If any stranger, whether a stranger to Israel or more likely a stranger to the Levitical Tribe, were to be found too close to the Tabernacle they were put to death.

These Levites were to stop anyone from trying to enter into the presence of God with-out having gone through the door. God recognized there would be those who might try to enter in another way, whether seeking to steal some of the riches or to defile the camp by trying to reach Him on their own terms. No one, Israelite or foreigner could enter in any other way. These directions were explicit. There was no going around it over it or under

it. Everyone must enter through the only door. It was the exclusive entrance to the pres-ence of God and His forgiveness.

This was a holy nation, a royal priesthood, a people set apart to show forth the praises of Him who had called them out of the darkness of Egypt and were bringing them by His marvelous light to a land flowing with milk and honey. It was a nation set apart from all others; it was holy to the Lord.

Every thing about the encampment, its layout, and design are based on heavenly things. Out of the twelve banners, there were four chief banners. Jewish tradition states the tribe of Judah on the east was represented as a lion; the tribe of Reuben on the south as a man; the tribe of Ephraim to the west as an ox; finally on the northern side the tribe of Dan was represented by an eagle. These four banners surrounded the Tabernacle, which was the habitation of God on earth. These tribes were the principle tribes and as such were the com-manders and protectors of the habitation of God and His people. The Tabernacle was God’s earthly throne.

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The prophets Ezekiel and Isaiah saw a vision of the throne of God many years after the twelve tribes wandered the desert floor. In their visions they saw cherubim that encir-cled and guarded the throne of GodEz 1:5-21; Is 6:2,3; Rev 4:6-8. These cherubim have the faces of a lion, a man, an ox and an eagle. Even the apostle John in the book of Revelation saw these cherubim. These living beasts praise Him continually in these forms to some degree. How exciting it is to see that at the very outset of our interest in the tabernacle there are hints of heavenly things!

Even in the layout of the encampment itself, God displayed a heavenly pattern. My mind is blown away by the precision God would display within the natural realm to declare those things that are eternal. When I find things like that, it just verifies within my spirit faith in His ability to keep His Word.

Certainly If the Lord pays this much attention to detail in areas that could be allu-sive, how much more should we trust His promises and prophecies of Christ’s first and sec-ond coming! Isn't He amazing!

Focusing Closer

Now if we were to zoom in and focus just on the actual set up of the tabernacle we would see more heavenly clues to the pattern God gave to Moses. Looking at the floor plan from above we see the tabernacle had a rectangular footprint on the ground. The eastern wall had the only entrance to this courtyard. That doorway is narrow. Any entrance is made there. Even though the walls are only made of white linen curtains, if anyone at-tempted to sneak in under it instead of walking around to the door, are considered a thief and a robber and were killed.

The eastern and western walls extended 50 cubits, which would translate to 75 feet. The northern and southern walls were a length of 100 cubits, which would be 150 feet long. The white linen curtains surrounded this area to a height of 5 cubits, about 7 ½ feet. This area was about one forth the size of a football field and most of it was exposed to the ele-ments, without a covering or roof.

Directly west of the eastern door was a bronze altar. Farther west was the bronze laver. These two pieces of furniture were the only two pieces exposed to the elements of the world and the light of day.

Positioned to the west was the actual tabernacle structure itself. This building was composed of wood planks fifteen feet high and about 18 inches wide. Each plank was com-pletely covered in fine gold and anchored in a silver base. These walls were secured with

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gold covered wood poles that fed through clamps. The structure was 10 cubits or 15 feet wide at the face on its eastern wall by 30 cubits or 45 feet in length.

A curtain inside separated this structure to create two rooms. The first room toward the east was 20 cubits, or 30 feet long by 10 cubits (15 feet) wide by 10 cubits (15 feet) in height. To enter this room an individual needed to pass through a very thick curtain. This room housed three intricately created pieces of gold furniture. Once having entered, the Golden Lamp Stand, which lit the room, was located on the southern wall to one's left. To the right on the northern wall was a golden table that displayed the 12 loaves of bread repre-senting the 12 tribes. Finally, directly forward, centered in front of the next veil was a Golden Altar for burning incense. This first room was the called the Holy Place or the Sanc-tuary.

The Holy of Holies was the final room and in accordance with its name was the holi-est place not just of the tabernacle and the encampment, but the whole earth. This room was a perfect 10 x 10 x 10 cubit cube. Within this room was centered the most precious posses-sion and holiest item of all, The Ark of the Covenant and its Mercy Seat. The Ark of the Covenant was the most treasured piece of furniture in all of Israel and displayed the splen-dor and majesty of all that represented God.

Birds-eye view

If we were to take a bird’s eye view of the tabernacle, we would see a very interesting configuration in the layout of the furniture. Starting with the Ark of the Covenant in the West, you can draw a straight line to the Brazen Altar in the East. Then draw a line di-rectly across from the Lamp stand to the Table of Showbread.

What is left? We see the symbol of the cross of Jesus Christ.

As we progress, we will see that every piece of the furniture speaks of the work of Jesus Christ as fulfilled in His earthly walk. In addition, it speaks volumes of what we are to do. If we are the body of Christ corporately, then we are to walk in the same manner that Jesus walked. It is then fitting for us to watch, examining His ministry and imitate Him in our earthly walk of faith. Jesus told His disciples that they were to follow Him. That is my de-sire and I am convinced yours.

Jesus declared that Moses wrote about Him1. The writer of Psalm 40 stated that the en-tire volume of the book spoke about the Messiah. The writer of the book of Hebrews equated that statement to Jesus. We know the Old Testament speaks to us of greater things than the surface text reveals. The examples, the various trials and tribulations of the Chil-dren of Israel when they wandered the desert were all written admonishing and instructing us how to live 1 Cor 10:11.

As we look at the layout there is much to observe...physically, spiritually, regarding Christ Himself and our relationship with Him.

Gallery 5.2 Foreshadows in Layouts

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Now enlightened with greater hindsight, let us look to see what awaits us as we walk toward Christ!

Oh the wonder of the Cross! His and ours!

Review 5.1 Layout & Floor Plans

Check Answer

Question 1 of 4How many pieces of furniture were in the Taber-nacle of Moses?

A. 3

B. 5

C. 7

D. 12

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Chapter 6

The Outer Court

Reading from Exodus 27:16-18 we find the boundary set for the tabernacle is a white linen curtain

supported by bronze pillars, a form of brass mixed with copper. It extends completely around the

perimeter of the courtyard at a height of five cubits or 7 ½ feet. There is only one way permissible in to the

area. The door is the only entrance.

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God’s directions demanded the strictest adherence of Moses regarding the Tabernacle's structure and furniture. There was no room for the interweaving of man’s ideas. God’s plan for fellowship is the only way we can come to God. Anything else would be unholy, strange, unclean and thereby completely unworthy and altogether unacceptable. In fact, any other way man might think to approach God is in danger of His wrath!

This courtyard is a somber area it is here in this outer courtyard where blood and water flow. Judgment for sin takes place at the altar of sacrifice as wrath is poured out. This area represents sacrifice for sins. The Bread of Sacrifice in the Outer courtyard is the Flesh of Sacrifice. Jesus proclaimed Himself to be the Bread of Life ingested by the saints/priests of God today. This is not a literal ingestion, but application of faith in recognition of His sacri-fice and atonement of our sins.

Sand became the floor for the entire courtyard and was exposed to the natural light and the earth’s climatic and environmental changes. Even this speaks to us of an earthly walk and life that would be lived by God. How God would one day come and literally dwell among His people and walk on this earth, get the grit of sand on His feet, feel the scorching heat of blazing sunlight and the cold air of lonely dark desert nights.

The curtains of the Outer Court were white linen (as were the priest’s robes), which we know from Revelation represents the righteousness of the saints, which ultimately comes from God who IS our righteousness. Those curtains hung on Bronze covered wood posts that were positioned on Brass footings and topped with silver caps. Silver represents re-demption; in the scriptures it was the price of a soul. The Wood was a very special wood called Acacia or Shittim wood, which is very dense and considered incorruptible, much the same way as cedar or redwood because of its ability to fend off insects and molds that would rot it. Bronze represents not only human flesh, but also the judgment of God on sin.

God’s way to redemption is the system of sacrifice. One day someone would come to fulfill all this. His nature would be that of an incorruptible, sinless Man. His sinless and perfect human blood would need to be shed to adequately atone for sinful human nature. He would become the sacrifice for us in order to redeem humankind through His righteous-ness, thus making complete atonement.

The Blood of Sacrifice is not only poured out on the altar as a sacrifice, but also washed off with the water of the laver, making the one stained, clean. In the outer courtyard, recon-ciliation was administered to those that came to the door/gate of repentance and confessed their sins.

Casting His Long Shadow

Here in the tabernacle, we see that God was looking to manifest His presence to the Children of Israel. Each aspect of the Tent of Meeting represents an aspect of Jesus

Christ’s earthly walk as well as our own walk of faith. It foretells How He would come, and what He would do and ultimately accomplish.

A white linen cloth curtained off this courtyard. The walls were 5 cubits high (about 7 ½ feet) and extended, 100 cubits (150 feet) on the north and south sides and 50 cubits (75 feet) on the east and west. The total square cubits, the area of linen fabric was 1500 square cubits. This area was open to the natural elements of the world. Similarly, the sacrificial system that required the death of animals from our natural environment was instituted 1500 years before the death of Jesus Christ, The True Passover Lamb. Those first 1500 years of countless sacrifices were a foreshadowing of what Christ would accomplish with the single sacrifice of Himself.

This was the righteousness of God extended toward man through this substitutionary sacrificial system. This was God's appropriation of atonement. It was the only way that God permitted them to find His mercy, righteousness and ability to forgive their sin. He set the standard, He initiated the system, and He authored this work. however, He had not yet finished it in the sight of men. It was the beginning of things, not the end.

This shows a certain progression designated for us by the Lord, not that we behave as robots all conformed like drones, looking, acting, behaving and speaking exactly the same way. We still have our own unique personalities, talents, gifts, zeal and passions. Those are offerings of praise and worship for God.

It’s all in the Name

The Tabernacle was also called the Tent of TestimonyEx 25:22 or the Tent of the Congrega-tion Num 9:15; 17:7. These two names speak of the relationship God would have with humanity as He would dwelt among them physically and as He would dwell in the midst of them cor-porately.

The tabernacle being a mobile structure had a perimeter made of curtains. As a tent, it was a temporary structure, one that moved around and was subjected to the elements of this earth’s environment. God was showing in picture form the promise of His coming that the presence of God would come in bodily form Col 2:9. God spoke of this when He prophesied through Isaiah that a virgin would conceive and His name would be Emmanuel, which means, ‘God with us’Is 7:14. God cannot lie; His word alone is the true testimony in the en-tire universe. The presence of God would dwell within a temporary tent among men. The tent, the veil, and the curtains were physically representing mortal flesh, the body of Christ. John tells us that the Word of God became flesh and made his dwelling among us and that His words have power and is the source of eternal lifeJohn 1:14.

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This name was The Tent of Testimony. Declaring that within a temporary tent housing dwelt the words of power and eternal life. They would be light and life to those who follow

that tent, that dwelling place. The pillar of fire would be their light, as would the testimony of truth within it. Those words of the testimony are words of Life.

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The other name, The Tent of the Congregation, speaks of the body of Christ corporately, the congregation of believers. We as believers make up and comprise the habitation of God; we are the body of Christ with various functions, abilities and movements. We are the contact the world now has with God. We are His hands, His feet. As such, His Spirit calls us to come under the authority of the Head, Jesus Christ, not acting on our own, but moving in unison with His mind. A body under self control and fully disciplined by Jesus Himself. Today, we are the habitation of God among men, His dwelling placeEph 2:22; 1 Pet 2:5; 4:17.

Lord of all the Earth

Jesus is the Lord of Heaven and the Lord of Earth. The materials used in the construc-tion of the tabernacle represent every kingdom seen in the world and God’s sovereignty and preeminence over all of them.

The Mineral Kingdom is represented in the usage of Gold, silver, brass and the precious stones used in the priest’s breastplate. Gold represents deity, holiness, kingship and the Spirit of God. Silver is equated with redemption, ransom and the soul. Brass is linked to judgment, wrath, sacrifices and our physical body.

The Plant kingdom is seen in the fine linen used on the priests and in the curtains. It represents righteousness and is used instead of wool so that the priests will not sweat. God doesn’t want us to think it is our toil and exertion that grant us favor with Him.

Wood often represents human life. The specific wood used in the construction of the tabernacle was called Shittim or Acacia wood. This wood had special features. It was very dense and strong. It was much like cedar or redwood and was considered incorruptible be-cause bugs would not burrow into it, and it didn’t rot easily. Also, the olive oil for the Lamp stand and the anointing oil signify the Holy Spirit’s ministry of illumination and em-powerment for ministry. The spices that were used to scent the oil show the various fruits and gifts of the Holy Spirit. The mixture of incense represents the various aspects of inter-cession, praise, petition and worship.

The final kingdom represented is The Animal Kingdom. It is seen in the huge amount of sacrifices that would take place over the course of millennia and the coverings of goat’s hair, ram’s skin and badger’s skin. This is also seen in the colors that various yarns fabrics and skins were dyed. Various living organisms created these vibrant colors.

God’s Descent

God’s instructions to Moses started with the making of the inner most part of the Taber-nacle, the Ark of the Covenant. From there He preceded to give Moses the directions as they moved from the inner portions to the outer limits. God in His resplendent glory was

condescending down to humanity. He concealed His glory with layer upon layer so that He could dwell among His people and be their God, so they would not die in His presence. That is Grace, God coming and reaching us in mercy.

We as His people must enter from the outer areas inward. We must come to Him from where we are, outside His holiness. As we are transformed into the image of His Son we move ever closer to the very throne room of God. This is a great privilege and honor. With it comes great joy and great fear of our God. Our God is Love, yet at the same time, our God is a Consuming Fire. Our God is faultless in judgment and mercy, coupling the two perfectly. As we press in, we come to know both the mercy and judgments of our King, the goodness and severity of our God.

As we enter inward and work our way through this book we will be walking in areas, many have feared to tread, and rightfully so. With each aspect of knowledge and under-standing, with each level of maturity, there is a weightier mantle of scrutiny and a harsher judgment for disobedience. To whom much is given, much is required.

Therefore, we will start outside of the Tabernacle just as all of the Israelites began. Slowly, we walk closer to God into those holy places. This is a walk through history, time and faith.

As a key to the rest of the study, the composition of the furniture has different mean-ings:

1. Gold = divinity or the Spirit2. Silver = Redemption or the soul3. Bronze (brass/copper) = judgment or the flesh4. Red = blood, sacrifice, or as in the curtains, Lord of Earth (red clay) human nature5. Blue = presence of God or Lord of Heaven, Divine nature6. Purple = Royalty but also a combination of both natures blue and red divine and hu-

man in one7. Acacia (Shittim) wood = incorruptible, sinless human nature

Perfect without Blemish

The sacrifices needed to be the best of the animals. No animals were to have any blem-ish, disfigured bodies or spots on them. They were required to be perfect physically. So too the priest’s were also required to be perfect physically. This is because both, the sacri-fices and the priesthood prefigured as a type the Messiah to come.

Scripture tells us that the blood of rams and bulls was insufficient to atone for men’s sinsIs 1:ll. Only human blood will properly atone for human sin. No human is or was holy enough to do that; all humanity is under the curse of sin and death. Spiritually, all human-ity is marred, disfigured and blemished by sin.

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Though animals were without sin, because they have no moral conscience and not made in the image of God like humanity, were only temporary solutions. What was needed to atone for humanity’s willful rebellion to God was a human who was sinless and willingly capable of dying for others Ex 12:5; 29:1; Lev 1:3,10; Eph 5:27; Col 1:22; 1 Pet 1:19.

How could that happen?

Genesis 3:15 gives the first biblical clue how. God, when cursing the serpent said, “I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; he shall bruise thy head, and thou shall bruise his heel.” (KJV - Emphasis mine) Jesus Christ is the one and only perfect and sinless man whose blood would make a suitable sacrifice for man’s sin because He was the seed of a woman(her egg’s DNA) and she being a virgin, was impregnated by the Holy Spirit Matt 1:18; Lk 1:35. There was no sperm (seed) of man therefore He was without sin because in Adam all sinRom 5:12.

Unfortunately, too many modern translations totally miss this and simply state that her offspring would crush the head of the serpent. To crush its head would mean to give it a fatal wound a ‘death blow’ from which it would not recover. Not just any offspring or hu-man could do that.

Jesus was the ‘Seed’ of a woman impregnated by the power of the Holy Spirit. He was fully man and fully God. He alone could pay the price for all of humanity’s sin. This was a double miracle. The first miracle is that a virgin conceived a child. The second was that it was a boy. If a woman could conceive alone, she would only have a little girl because within the eggs of women there are only ‘x’ chromosomes. The sperm of a man has either the ‘x’ or the ‘y’. The ‘y’ chromosome produces a boy. Isaiah the prophet prophesied this miracle nearly 750 years earlier. ‘Behold a virgin will conceive . . . and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace’Is 0:6-7.

The magnitude of this miracle exceeds that of the creation of the first Adam. The first Adam was fashioned from the earth’s red clay and then God breathed His life into him. Ac-cording to the lineage of Luke’s gospel, Adam was called the son of God, made in God’s likeness and imageGen 1:26,27; Lk 3:38.

The Holy Spirit of God within Mary’s womb brought Jesus, the Last Adam, to human life. He was God the express image of His person, the fullness of the Godhead in bodily form3. He was more than just fully man He was also fully God!

As we look at the first chapter of Hebrews, verse three we see Jesus is the brightness of God’s glory and the ‘express image of His person’. The express image, the spoken word manifested in human flesh.

Abraham’s Prophetic Lamb

The representation prefigured in the Tabernacle was that of the Coming One, the Branch, the Messiah, Him who would suffer and take upon Himself the wrath of God for man’s sin. Prophecies tell us God Himself would take on the form of human flesh.

Nearly 500 years before Moses, the patriarch Abraham took his son Isaac to the moun-tains of Moriah to sacrifice Isaac on an altar as God requested. Isaac recognized that the fire and wood were present but then asked his father, ‘Where is the lamb for the sacrifice?’ Abraham spoke prophetically and declared, ‘God Himself will provide the lamb.Gen 22:8’ Just as Abraham raised the knife to slit his son’s throat, an angel stopped him. God had been pleased with Abraham’s loyalty and obedience. God provided an animal for sacrifice, but it was not a lamb as Abraham had stated. There was a ram caught in the thicket, this provided their sacrifice.

So where was the prophesied lamb? It was nearly 2000 years away and Abraham recog-nized it, he saw it prophetically John 8:56. Therefore, Abraham called that place The LORD Will Provide or ‘YHWH Yireh’, which really means the Lord Himself will provide and see it done. And to this day it is said, "In the Mount of the LORD it shall be provided"Gen 22:14. King David sacrificed on this same mountaintop to the Lord and it is where King Solomon

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built the Temple Gen 22:2 & 2Chr 3:1. Jesus Christ was crucified just outside the city walls; this entire area is the mount of Moriah. It was on this rolling mountain that the Lord God truly did provide the Lamb that took away the sins of the world. As Abraham prophesied, ‘God Himself will provide the lamb’ truly God Himself had come in human flesh to be the lamb slain.

Jesus said, “Abraham rejoiced to see My day, and he saw it and was glad.John 8:56” I be-lieve He saw with the eyes of the spirit, or in a vision the crucifixion of Jesus and truly rec-ognized that He was God incarnate, dying as the sacrificial lamb for the sins of all human-kind. I believe He completely understood the relationship of the Father and the Son. He had a Son born by the power of God, through a miracle unable to be accomplished by man. Isaac typifies Jesus.

We see a son fully willing to submit to His fathers will, even at the expensive of his own life. A son that recognized what was about to take place, having the strength to run or refuse, he submitted to being bound and placed on an altar to be killed by his father’s hand. He trusted the words of His father that they would come back to the servants together, so Isaac, also must have had faith that God would raise him from the dead. Do you see Jesus in all of this?

I am awestruck!

The Bible tells us that the Lord uses the things of the natural realm to teach us of things in the spiritual realm, that natural things come first and then spiritual1 Cor 15:44-46 fulfillment follows. We see things that happen throughout the scriptures as examples of how we should live and walk according to the spirit and not the flesh.

As we move closer, we start to focus more keenly on various aspects of this glorious tabernacle. The door is before us; it is time to approach.

Review 6.1 The Outer Courtyard

Check Answer

Question 1 of 3Which pieces of furniture were in the Outer Court-yard?

A. Laver and Altar

B. Ark of Covenant

C. Lampstand

D. Altar of Incense

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Chapter 7

The Door

At first sight, a beautiful tapestry of colors greets us. The door that grants access to the outer court is unlike the surrounding curtains that act as a wall around the Tabernacle. All of the curtains that create a perimeter

are made of white linen. This gorgeous curtain was intricately woven with blue, purple and red. A sight

for sore eyes, a refreshing splash of color in this dismal desert of tan and grey.

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The blue dye was made from secretions of a rare amphibious animal known as chilazon, whose exact identity has been lost throughout the years. Interestingly, the chilazon is be-lieved to be like the cuttlefish and is returning to areas of the Mediterranean and Red Sea areas in record numbers. The red dye was made from a currently unknown insect that was found in the land during that time period and the purple was made from the secretions of rare cerulean mussels previously found in the Gulf of Aqaba in large quantities. Massive amounts of these creatures would be needed to make these colors so vibrant.

The Blue color signified the heavens and the red signified the earth. The purple color would represent the two blended into one color. The Blue stood for Deity, as God is in the heavens, the red represented humanity like the red clay that Adam was created from, and the purple represented the One who would one day come with that dual nature, Fully God, Fully Man.

Jesus declared that He was the door John 10:10. He made Himself ex-clusive stating that anyone else is a thief and a robber of the glory of God and that no one can get to the Father except through Him.

This gorgeous curtain door was interwoven with the rare colors of blue, purple and red. I am sure it captivated all who looked on it. In the seemingly endless desert of vary-ing brown tones, it must have been a welcome pleasure to the eye. This was a brilliant display of color repre-senting the Glory, Majesty and Royalty of God. These colors were very rare only the rich had access to them because of the amount of crustaceans needed for the blue and purple, and insects needed to produce the red. These colors signified God’s Lordship over the Heavens (blue) and the earth (red). In combining these two colors, blue and red, mixed to-gether make purple.

Four pillars of acacia wood overlaid with bronze and topped with silver capitals held up this curtain door. Interestingly, the four gospels continually display the divine sacrifice and atonement to purchase man’s redemption. They bear witness to the truth that Jesus is the only way to the Father.

As we read the New Testament, Jesus continually confronts us with exclusive state-ments. In Luke 13:24 Jesus implored the people to strive to enter the narrow door. The

Jewish leaders placed great importance on the doors of their homes, the doors and gates of the city and most importantly the door to the Tabernacle and Temple. They recognized there was no other entrance to God but through the specified door or gate.

How do you think the religious leaders of Jesus day reacted when He said, ‘I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture, The thief does not come except to steal, kill, and destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly”.John 10:9-11 The scriptures tell us that the priests were divided among themselves some believing He was demon possessed and others beg-ging Him not to leave them in suspense but to indicate if He was indeed the ChristJohn


Jesus spoke on another occasion stating that, ‘I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me"John 14:6. Je-sus made it clear; there is no other way. Not all roads lead to heaven. We must remember as Christians, re-gardless of what is politically correct, there is no salva-tion in any other: ‘for there is no other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved’Act 4:12.

Here at the door we find this is where God met with sin-ners, revealed Himself to sinners, spoke with sinners, accepted sinners and received from sinners. God needed this tent to veil His glory in order to do these very things. He now does all these things through the veiling of His glory in a tent of human flesh, Jesus Christ.

Gate of Repentance

At this gate, an offering was presented in order to have peace with God, a sacrifice that would pay the debt of sins. Depending on the status of the family, their equity, the family brought various sacrifices. The more they had materially the greater the sacrifice. The very rich would bring a bull and from there it stepped down to a ram, a sheep, a goat or doves. Bringing these sacrifices would be an acknowledgement of error and separation from God.

At this doorway, a minister of reconciliation, a Levitical priest, would meet the Israelite. They would instruct the member of the camp to lay their hands on the animal and confess their specific sin. This would symbolize the transference of that sin to the animal.

Coming to this entrance declared the need for forgiveness. Those who came repented and trusted that the sacrifice they brought would atone and forgive their sin. It was a dis-

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play of faith. This was the gate of repentance where confession and transference of sin to an animal took place. The priests of Levi would meet people at the door. The person would confess their sin aloud and lay their hands on the animal to signify the sin had passed to the animal. That animal then would be taken north of the altar by the priest, killed and placed on the altar to be consumed by the fire of God’s wrath. This was done as a substi-tute for the sinner. This is the beginning of the path to meet a holy God.

Do not mull around the Gate

Coming to Jesus Christ, we recognize we are desperately lost in sin, and have fallen short of God’s gloryRom 3:23 unable to recover from the curse. We accept the fact that Jesus willingly took our sins on Himself so that He would receive the wrath of God, saving us from itRom 5:5-10. This gift must be put on and walked in. It is not something that can merely be acknowledged and left at the entrance. We are told to ‘put on Christ’Gal 3:26 much the same way, Adam and Eve would have had to wear the skins made for them by God after the kill-ing of the first sacrificeGen 3:21. Our self-righteous fig leaves, the works of our hands, are insufficient justification in the presence of a Holy GodIs 64:6.

Having once recognized this and willing to walk in the truth of it, we enter past the cur-tain into the courtyard itself. This door is the very beginning of the journey. It is by no means the end of it. Simply approaching the door is not when salvation of the soul takes place. It is merely where repentance and acknowledgment of sin takes place. Like the ad-dict, just being sorry for sin is not enough to be transformed. As my mother often said, there are many sorry people in hell. That may sound harsh, but that is why the way of salva-tion needs to be made plain, we do not want to be guilty of not letting people know the truth.

People think that just coming to the door is sufficient for salvation. ‘Isn’t that enough for salvation? After all the person coming must have some measure of faith to believe that what goes on inside is valid or real’. Not necessarily, perhaps they just know they are a mess and need help. That does not mean they have made the choice to move forward or taken a step to follow through with their understanding.

I have witnessed people that have recognized that they had fallen short of God’s ideals in their lives. It was not until they actually appropriated the sacrifice of Jesus Christ to their own lives and started to walk in the light of that revelation that they would walk in the salva-tion purchased for them.

The scripture in Romans 10:9-11 states that if we confess with our mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord’ and believe in our hearts that God has raised Him up from the dead then we will be saved. As Christians in this ‘fast-food’ world, we interpret that very loosely and think that

believing is mental acknowledgment. It is not. Believing is living in a man-ner of constant leaning on that truth we hold dear, knowing without it we fall.

Addicted to Sin

Addicts know that the first step to re-covery is to admit there is a problem and seek help. They also know that unless they keep moving in that direc-tion there is no recovery. It must be a constant walk towards wholeness. It is not complete just because someone admits they have a problem or because they know there is help available. They must press into that help and lay

hold of it applying its truths, recognizing their inability to recover on their own and their desperate need for the help that comes from someone stronger.

We are all addicted to sin. We are not delivered from the power of sin simply by ac-knowledging that fact. Nor are we delivered because we have heard that Jesus died for us. We must believe it, accept it, apply it daily and continue in it. Today we are called back into a personal relationship with God the Father through His Son, Jesus Christ. We are in-vited into this courtyard once we repent of our sins and recognize that we cannot pay the debt owed to a holy God without a substitute. As Christians, we realize this was the very purpose Jesus came to the earth.

Substitute Sacrifice

Jewish tradition tells us that the person bringing the animal needed to lean on the ani-mal with both hands and all their weight if the animal was a bull or ram. This was done to convey the spiritual truth in a visual object lesson. If the sacrificial animal were not there,

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they would fall to the ground before God with nothing to spare them the consequence of their sins.

When teaching this I often lean on a chair with both of my hands and all my weight. Then I ask some-one to pull the chair away. I usually get a strange look from them followed by, ‘You are sure you want me to pull the chair away’. I ask them, ‘What will happen if you do that?’ Their immediate response is, ‘You’ll fall’. The point is made.

Without the substitute sacrifice, I have nothing to rely on. Jesus is the only sufficient substitute sacri-fice.

Lean and Confess

The reality is when we come confessing our sin we need to lean on the Lord Jesus Christ. We should not lean on our own understanding, but on Him and His will for us. We need to recognize that were it not for Him we would fall to our face on the ground before a holy God. Were it not for Christ we would be the one consumed for the error of our ways without hope of forgiveness or fellowship with the Father. We are as-sured that no one who trusts in Jesus and lives his or her life in Him will ever be put to shame.

As we lean on Him in all things, the confession of our lips and profession of our lives will be that of giv-ing and bringing glory to our God before all men.

We know that many of those who believed after Jesus’ resurrection went to the disciples and openly confessed their evil deedsAct 19:18. At the same time, there were many among the leaders that believed in Him, but because of their fear of the Pharisees, they would not confess their faith. They kept it quiet. They did not share it with others. These men were afraid they would be removed from the synagogue losing their rank, power and prestige. Their love for the praise of men rather than the praise of God hindered them from really entering into a relationship with Him. Instead, they mulled around at the gate John

12:42-43. As leaders, they hindered others from entering as well for which Jesus publicly re-buked themMt 23:13.

Ah, the sinners prayer!

Another soul for Christ! Or is it? Was their prayer done in faith, fear or our pressure? Was it a confession that was coerced from them through interrogation, manipulation or fear tactics? If it was I guarantee you, it will be recanted! Remem-ber without faith we cannot please GodHeb 11:6, Rom

9:32 and it is by faith Heb 4:4 that we come to God, accept Jesus Christ as Lord, walk in the newness of His life and continue to stand in Christ.

The Jews according to tradition and the Torah are mandated to deter a person three times in their desire to become a Jew; you actually see this played out in the book of Ruth as Naomi deters her from following her back into Israel. I find that most interesting! We are so quick to pray the sin-ner’s prayer with someone and then neglect his or her continuing growth and maturity. In our false estimation of fulfilling the great commission where Jesus said, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.”Mk 16:15 We neglect to see that though we make converts, we do not necessarily make disciples.

Jesus stated, ‘Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations… teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you…."Mt 28:19-20 I think it is in making disciples that I have fallen short. I have taken too much credit for giving birth and yet failed to ‘raise the children’ and have had to repent for being a ‘delinquent mother’. People look at Christians and often times scoff at them because they are not living the life of a disciple, instead using the grace of God as

liberty for sin. This would be the result of an untrained childhood.

Salvation is indeed a gift of God, granted to those who will believe its life altering truths. The salvation of Jesus Christ is powerful; it is far more than just the ability to change our destination from hell to heaven after we die. It has the incredibly potent power to transform our lives here today!

Laying on of hands, in the practice of transferring sin to a substitute sacrifice.

Gallery 7.1 God’s Grace Grants a Substitute

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Once someone is given a gift it is his or hers ‘to keep’ forever. ‘Keeping it’ is the key, it requires a receiving and attention to it. Several years ago, my husband and I gave our mid-dle child an electronic learning lab that was nearly $75.00. He was all excited when he got it because he saw the poten-tial to create new items. He could wire up 200 different projects. Unfortunately, to-day it sits completely unused on the top shelf of his closet. Yes, he has it, it is his until he gives it away or throws it away, But until he opens the box and starts to exercise the various wires and compo-nents, the potential is unused and undis-covered. As year after year passes, the value of that unused gift diminishes. Eventually it will either be sold cheap at a garage sale or simply tossed in the gar-bage can. Salvation is often treated the same.

Diplomatic Immunity?

Living near New York City there have been a few times when the newspaper told of a delegate from another country com-mitting a crime, but receiving diplomatic immunity. It is certainly unrighteous, makes everyone else wonder if there is any justice, and imbeds a lack of trust for him or her. Too often, this is the case with Christians. Much like a corrupt delegate, some Christians have not considered the reputation of the one that has called and sent them. Nor do they act in accordance with what they proclaim. Jesus said that we are the salt of the earth, but then he warned when salt looses its potency, it is thrown out and trampled under men’s feet.

Scores of people will tell you, ‘I believe in God’. How many of them walk with a sense that God is ever before them? How many live their life as if the ‘god’ they believe in is dis-tant or an abstract reality? Many. Broad is the road that leads to destruction, and narrow is the road that leads to life. Few find it; I would dare say that even applies to the world of ‘Christendom’.

There’s a real push in churches today to be seeker friendly. To embrace and converse with every attendee as though they are already saved never really imploring them to recog-

nize that they are sinners that need to be changed. The only commitment they may be asked to make is to serve or join the community itself. You do not find this patter in the New Testament. Certainly, Jesus did not make it easy to follow Him. People often left or

refused to follow because they were taken back by His requirements. He called people away from their jobs, their families and their comforts.

Too many want revival without repentance. They consider repentance a change of thought or mental ascent, rather than humble remorse for sin and a complete change in action, practice or lifestyle. Churches grow dramatically when offering this kind of gospel that does not mean it is true and faithful to Christ’s call of brokenness and the cross. Many want the glory of resurrection with-out the cost death.

Our Responsibility

Realizing that God is a holy and jealous God, we should not think it strange that there would a call to obedience. Yes, salvation is a free gift of God, freely bestowed through the death of His Son, Je-sus the Messiah. He freely laid down His life that we might live ours in Him. That freedom does not give us liberty to abuse it. With every privilege, there is a cost, accountability and responsibility on

our part.

God warned us, if we desire to draw near to Him, we must regard Him as holy and not consider being in His presence as an insignificant or common thingLev 10:3. We need to rise to the proper standard. Unfortunately, humanity is often like water, seeking its lowest level possible. There is a reverence, a respect, and an honor that God is due. To live for Christ is not to be counted as a small thing.

If we truly accept that Jesus, God Himself, humbled Himself, came in the form of a man, died on a cross to pay the debt of our sin, and rose from the dead, we will want to ap-ply and submit to His way of living daily. God calls us closer to Him. He calls us to come inside the courtyard and to bring with us a sacrifice of our own.

Let us enter in, bring the beasts that rage in our hearts, and lay them before Him.

The altar awaits us.

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Review 7.1 The Door

Check Answer

Question 1 of 2Drag labels to proper location.





Outer Courtyard

Outer Courtyard

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Chapter 8

The Bronze Altar

“You shall make an altar of Acacia wood, five cubits long and five cubits wide – the altar shall be square- and its height shall be three cubits. You shall make its horns on its four corners; its horns shall be of one piece with it. And you shall overlay it with bronze…You shall make a grate for it, a network of bronze; and on the net-work you shall make four bronze rings at its corners … And you shall make poles for the altar, poles of Acacia wood, and overlay them with bronze. The poles shall be put in the rings, and the poles shall be on the two sides of the altar to bear it.”

Exodus 27:1-8

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Having passed through the door, our eyes fall on this large piece of furniture glistening in the sun’s rays. We cannot miss it; it stands directly in our path to the inner sanctuary. We have come hearkening to God’s call of repentance. We recognize that we are in need of help and have understood that we deserve a horrible fate for our choices, our actions, and our sins. Now we stand here in open air and need to reckon with the altar.

A stench of burning meat is in the air, the fragrance of death. The altar before us has been splattered with blood and is a blaze with someone’s sacrifice.

It is a Bloody Mess

The priest directs us to the north side of the altar opposite the side of ascent. Here we grab the animal by the top of the head and pulling it backwards, we slit the throat. The priest captures the blood in bowls of bronze and we continue to cut the animal into the allotted por-tions separating the fat, the head and then wash the intes-tines. The priest then takes them and places them on the altar for sacrifice to be consumed by the fire and wrath of GodLev 1:4-11.

This animal is paying the price for our sins. It has taken on our sin at the gate when we leaned on it and confessed our sins aloud. This is the death we should pay but God in His mercy has permitted that a substitute pays our debt. After we part the animal the priest re-moves the portions and brings them to the altar to be consumed by the fire of God. We stand there looking on covered in the blood of the substitute sacrifice. Though we are guilty, now covered in another’s blood we are set free.

This was a messy procedure. Each person would become covered in the blood of the substitute. This speaks to us about being covered in the blood of Jesus Christ. Jesus will-fully took our sins upon Himself that we might be redeemed. His blood has made atone-ment for us.

We stand knowing our failures and our desperate need for help, struck with the fear of God; we come to know both the severity and goodness of GodRom 11:22.

Dimensions and Composition

This altar stands three cubits high and five Cubits Square. In our current standards that equals approximately 4 1/2 feet high by 71/2 feet square. It had two wooden poles overlaid with bronze with which the priests carried it representing an earthly walk by a priest of

God. On each of its four corners there was a horn. When the blood of sacrifice was placed on these horns the forgiveness symbolically reached to the four corners of the earth. Often times they would bind the sacrifice with cords to the horns of the altarPs 118:27. This altar was made of wood overlaid or plated with bronze. What could these symbolize?

Wood throughout scripture is often symbolic of humanity’s mortal flesh. In Jeremiah 5:14 the wood is equated with people and was to be consumed. Again in Psalms 1:1-3 a

man who seeks after righteousness is equated to a tree planted by the waters and will eventually bring forth fruit.

Of all the pieces of furniture within the Tabernacle, this was the high-est. It is here that the sacrifice is lifted high. Jesus said, ‘When I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw men to myself’.

In scripture we read the story of the Children of Israel in the desert when the fiery serpents bit them due to their murmuring. To be deliv-ered from the death that would be inevitable after the bite, Moses was instructed to create a bronze serpent, attach it to a pole, and lift it up for people to gaze on. It declared judgment against the serpent and its deadly bite1. Jesus Linked Himself to this story when He said, “Just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so must the Son of Man

be lifted up.” (John 3:14) In much the same way the bronze serpent2 was lifted on a pole to grant healing to those bitten by the snake if they looked at it; Jesus received our wrath, was lifted on a pole. If we look on His death and recognize that it alone can save us from the poisonous bite of sin, we will be healed.

In Deuteronomy 28:23 Moses is warning the people not to turn away from God or His judgments will be fierce, even the sky would be as bronze, with no blessings to pour forth on them. Bronze is symbolic of judgment and flesh. So here in the bronze altar we have two aspects of the coming Messiah. He would be human flesh overlaid with judgment. Since the wood is overlaid with bronze, it represents a man bearing the judgment of God for sinfulness, that man is Jesus Christ. When we read Isaiah 53 it becomes evident:

“Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; Yet we esteemed Him stricken, Smitten by God, and afflicted But He was wounded for our trans-gressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him. And by His stripes we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray; We have turned, every one, to his own way; And the LORD has laid on Him the iniquity of us all. He was oppressed and He was afflicted, Yet He opened not His mouth; He was led as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before its shearers is silent, So He opened not His mouth… Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise Him; He has put Him to grief. When You make His soul and offering for sin, He shall

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see His seed, He shall prolong His days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall pros-per in His hand..”Is 53:4-7

Jesus said that He came into the world for the judgment of man, to change the course of their lives. He came to free us from the curse of sin and death and to ransom our lives with His so that we might become the righteousness of God. The fact that God became flesh and dwelt among us is incredible. To become acquainted with all of our sorrows and grief, to be tempted in all areas as we are and yet remain sinless is tremendous.

Not only do we have a man overlaid with judgment, we have an incorruptible or sin-less man taking on judgment. Jesus was a lamb without spot or blemish making Him the acceptable sacrifice to atone for our sin.

How God Sees Things

In Ezekiel 18:4 we are told that the soul who sins shall die. Romans 6:23 tells us that the penalty for sin is death, that the wages sin earns death. We are further told in Leviticus 17:11, “For the life of the flesh is in the blood; and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul.” Are we starting to get the picture? Is there any hope for us sinners? Yes!

A very interesting aspect of the offerings upon this altar is that God at the Dedication, with the FIRST sacrifice lit the altar and consumed the offerings. “and fire came out from before the LORD and consumed the burnt offering and the fat on the altar. When all the peo-ple saw it, they shouted and fell on their faces.” (Leviticus 9:24) But Before the people saw that they knew that there was going to require a continual work on their part, after it was initiated. They did not know how it was going to be initiated but they knew, “the fire on the altar shall be kept burning on it; it shall not be put out. And the priest shall burn wood on it every morning, and lay the burnt offering in order on it; and he shall burn on it the fat of the peace offerings. A fire shall always be burning on the altar; it shall never go out.” (Leviticus 6:12-13)

The Pillar of Fire came down and the Shekinah Glory lit and consumed all the sacri-fices and lit the coals of the very first sacrifice. He initiated and consumed the sacrifice with His holy fire. Those same coals were then used to ignite the fresh wood that would be brought by the priests and then further consume more sacrifices. Were it not for the initial sacrifice consumed by God there would be nothing more man could do. Though Jesus was the sacrificial atonement for us, we are required to work out our faith continually by His Spirit, for us to be a living sacrifice. Though we are divinely lit at the point of repentance and acceptance of His Sacrifice that fire is never to go out! We must be continually upon His altar with our lives. Even allow ourselves to be tied to the altar in some cases.

Ministers of Reconciliation

In this outer court the priests ministered to the people of Israel. When we look at this in relation to our walk with Christ, we notice that at some point we recognized our need for

With Sacrifices, not only does the person transfer their sin vocally at the gate, inside they are required to slaughter the animal, collect the blood and give it to the priest for an offering poured out into the sand. Messy.

Gallery 8.1 Blood, Death and a Consuming fire of judgement

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help. We went to the door, met a servant of God’s Kingdom, they told us of the substitute sacrifice and we were told to lean or trust Him and confess our sins to repent of them.

Somewhere, somehow a minister of reconciliation explained to us our need for redemp-tion, how that would be met and what steps we needed to take in order to receive it. Some of us learned the salvation message as we either watched a television broadcast, searched out answers through Internet ministries, read a booklet or were witnessed to by someone. - There was a minister, an ambassador of Christ to direct us.

Once having received that grace, we now stand here in the outer court as ambassadors for Christ ourselves and are able to proclaim the ministry of reconciliation to any who might come searching. We will proclaim redemption to others to the degree we understand it. We do not need to have it all figured out, we just need to be faithful to what we under-stand.

As we mature in Christ, we gain a more comprehensive understanding of our salvation and our ability to express it grows. We do not need to wait until we become mature to start proclaiming redemption. The sweetest praise and purest direction can come out of the mouth of babes. I have seen many new babes in Christ so excited about their salvation that they convey it to their friends and family immediately. They are conveying the ministry of reconciliation to a lost and dying world, theirs. This is ministry at the first piece of furni-ture.

Purchased with His Blood

Today we think of blood sacrifices as horrible, detestable even, but God sees things dif-ferently. In Ezekiel 18:4 we are told, that the soul that sins will die. We recognized that we have all fallen short of God’s predetermined glory and therefore, we will die. God made a way to spare us eternal separation and that vehicle of grace was one soul for another. Unfor-tunately, the blood of animals could not eternally satisfy the separation made by a spiritual being, humankind. For this reason, God Himself became flesh that He might be the sinless offering for us.

We know that the life of the flesh is in the blood and that God has given it to us at the altar to make atonement for our souls. Therefore we find that Jesus, the good shepherd, has laid down his life for us. Scripture tells us that He knew no sin, there was no deceit found in His mouth and yet He bore our sins in His own flesh that we would put to death our sin-ful actions and in turn might put our energies towards righteousness in all manner of liv-ing3.

In some Asian cultures there is a tradition that would seem to express the very thought of God’s heart. If you were on the brink of death, and someone came along and rescued

you from that death, you surrendered all, relinquished your rights to you own life and were forever indebted to your savior. You answer his every beckon call. You served him faith-fully and with all reverence and respect. You no longer had a life of your own; you would willingly be his, because he in essence purchased your life from the grave.

In Christ, I should be dead as a living sacrifice, living a death to my own life, as I for-merly knew it and now living for Him under His authority, because He has purchased me by His blood and I am no longer my ownAct 20:28. Scripture tells us that we are not our own, that we have been purchased at a great price1 Cor 6:19-20, that Jesus became poor that we might become rich2 Cor 8:9. In order for us to recognize this in our own lives we must lay down our own lives.

We must cease from the sin that we indulge ourselves. Though Jesus died for us to re-deem us, we are to put our fleshly lusts to death on the altar of sacrifice for Him. We have beasts to bring to the altar of sacrifice all the time. Beasts of sin, pride, arrogance, lust, greed, these rise up in our hearts continually.

Our Refuge

Here at the altar we gain favor and we find a refuge. We are granted pardon if we are repentant and run to the altar. We know that we are to come to the foot of the Cross of Christ when we are in need of forgiveness. Isn’t it amazing when looking at the floor plan of the Tabernacle that is where the bronze altar is situated at the foot of the cross?

In the Old Testament there were two situations when an individual ran to the altar seek-ing forgiveness, literally clinging on to it. Just before the death of King David, His oldest living son, Adonijah, pronounced himself king. King David promised the kingdom author-ity to his son Solomon. Adonijah had the general of David’s army, Joab and various priests on his side. They anointed him king and started a procession. This was a coup d'état. When this was brought to King David’s attention, those loyal to him helped anoint and set up Solomon as the rightful King.

Once Adonijah realized that he had jumped the gun, falsely presuming his birth order placed him in line for it, he ran with haste to the altar and would not let go until he received mercy 1 Kg 1:50-53. Solomon granted mercy giving Adonijah the benefit of the doubt but warned him not to defy Solomon’s authority again.

Joab also ended up laying hold of the very same horns not too long after Adonijah. Hav-ing been unfaithful to King David, Solomon was warned not to trust him. Joab was granted mercy by David but Solomon was told if Joab usurped authority again to no longer have mercy on him. This is too bad for Joab. He should have repented and changed his rebel-

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lious ways. His remorse the last time was only that he was caught there was no true repen-tance. If there were, he would not now be begging for his life.

Joab did not receive mercy, contrariwise he was slain right there at the altar because he refused to leave. Joab seemed to be a loyal general to King David for many years. Before David died he warned Solomon about Joab. He had killed David’s oldest son Absalom af-ter David directly ordered that no one was to harm him. Joab killed two men with whom David was seeking to meet with and forge and alliance. Finally, he helped to set up Adoni-jah as king knowing that Solomon was the chosen son. Joab sought refuge at the altar be-

cause he had incited Adonijah to ask for a woman from Solomon’s harem. This would be another sign of defiance and rebellion to the throne1. Joab had been given time to repent and change his heart under King David’s reign but the continued rebellions to the King’s authority was swiftly dealt with by King Solomon.

The bronze altar was a place of refuge, if we

come with a desire to re-pent and be changed by the blood working power, we will receive the forgiveness we seek. There can be no forgiveness if it is sought with out true brokenness, only a stay of judgment may be achieved. If we are only sorry we are caught that is not repentance because there would be a desire to return to that action. Actions speak louder than a word, which means to say that words are cheap and actions carry the weight of value.

Consider a similar situation in the New Testament, two thieves one on each side of the cross. Both men started out mocking JesusMt 27:44, eventually one of them saw that he was wrong and was being rightly judged. This man was granted a place in paradise as he asked for forgiveness3. One repented the other did not. Therefore, one received mercy the other did not.

‘Well do I have to give up . . . THIS?’

Subconsciously every sinner knows this. How often have we heard it asked by some-one that we witness to, ‘So I’m going to have to give up something?’ They know and we know that there is a cost. Yes, the gift of God is free, but certainly not cheap.

Often I’ve heard it defensively said, ‘So, I’ve got to stop . . . smoking, drinking, sleep-ing around, drugging, lying, cheating, cursing, etc.’ the list goes on and on. What makes it almost humorous is that those topics were never even discussed.

Often when the message of the Cross-is presented, there comes the statement of self-preservation, ‘You mean I’m going to have to give up this?’ People get a momentary spiri-tual vision of an altar, and immediately know there is going to be a sacrifice on their part if they want to go past just the door and enter into a courtyard of God’s presence.

Presenting the gospel of Jesus Christ, His love for us, His sacrificial offering to atone for our sin, His resurrection and power is the gospel message, belief of these things in a manner where we are adjusting more than our mental understanding of it is needed to ob-tain salvation. We must repent, and move in accordance with this new structure and author-ity for our lives.

People know they have to deal with the altar once they enter through the door. It is a spiritual truth that rings in our being whether we have been told it or not. Too many try to deny the altar its place in their lives; they want to set it to the side placing other altars fash-ioned after worldly standards in its place.

There was a King of Judah that did this very thing. He succumbed to the worldly pres-sures and powers that wanted to take the people captive. He approached this world power and paid a tribute, a bribe if you will, to appease him. While King Ahaz did this he saw a pagan altar and had plans drawn up and an altar fashioned after it. He then had the Bronze altar the Lord had designed for the Temple in Jerusalem and the sacrifices worthy of God, moved to the north side of this ‘new and improved’ altar. He also went so far as to remove the huge laver off its base and placed on stone. He then commanded the priests to bring and make all sacrifices on this new altar. Needless to say, God was very displeased2 Kg


Ambassadors of The King

We have become afraid of telling people about the altar of sacrifice. Too often the gos-pel is presented on a fragrant bed of roses instead of a splintered and bloodied cross. We have listened to the misconception, the satanic lie, ‘has God said?’ In our politically correct attempt to be tolerant and all embracing, we only site the scriptures that tickle ears and give goose bumps. We do not want to be offensive and we think we are being loving and merci-ful. But I have to ask; can we be more merciful than God can? The truth is, without the

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cross, the death of Christ and the death to our sinful lifestyle, there is no atonement, no res-toration, no salvation, no forgiveness and no resurrection, change or victory. So have we really presented any good news, or are we just giving people a false sense of hope? I am not saying that we should now go and arrogantly, harshly, and obnoxiously proclaim with unwavering sternness the sometimes-hard realities of the Christian walk and faith, but as Paul encouraged believers, we need to know not only the goodness of God, but also His sternness. God is fully balanced with mercy and justice.

To be faithful witnesses of Jesus Christ and truthful ambassadors of the ministry of rec-onciliation, we are not granted the right to adjust the terms of salvation, to alter the blue-prints. To do so would be presenting another gospel, and putting Jesus Christ to open shameHb 6:6. It is unacceptable to God, which is why Paul strongly warned that if anyone even an angel comes and preaches a different version of salvation, they would be greatly cursedGal 1:8. If the power of salvation is not through the CrossRm 1:16, 1 Cor 1:18 and Christ’s subsequent resurrection, then our faith is worthless 1Cor 15:14-19, and we have no hope of a transformed life.

Many people mull around at the door never actually going to the altar and putting to death the actions and manifestations of their sinful heart. They walk, talk and mingle in the crowd speaking the same language. They have a form of godliness and yet they deny the power of God to work in their lives to set them free from their bondage of sin. They may have conformed themselves to look like the body of Christ, yet they may have not been transformed into the image of Christ Himself.

Conforming and transforming are two completely different things. Conforming is sim-ply taking on the shape of something else or submitting to pressure applied, it affects exter-nal features. Transforming is a complete change of structure and composite. It affects inter-nal features. Thus the Word of God instructs us not to be merely conformed to the pres-sures, socially, philosophically, or ideologically to that of the world but to be transformed by the renewing of our mind into the image of ChristRom 12:2. It is a complete overhaul of the worldly system in our understanding. We are to base our lives on a heavenly system, king-dom principles and its mandates. Only in Christ are we new creatures. Dwelling in Him, day in and day out we are transformed completely.

We cannot continue in a worldly-mindset, trying to serve two masters, the Lord and our lusts. Like Sir Isaac’s third law of physics, no two objects can occupy the same space at the same time. This is the war between the flesh and the spirit; the same war the apostle Paul expressed in Romans 7:14-25 and Romans 8:1-13.

Onward Christian Soldier

If we continue steadfast in the faith, after coming through the door, we start to deal deathblows to those beasts in our lives that have captivated us for so long. We bring our sins before God and commit them to death before Him. In this we follow our Savior, surren-dering our lives, to live righteously for Him. Christ suffered for us, leaving us an example that we should follow Him1Pet 2:23.

We are called to cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light. We are to walk properly. We should not allow any opportunity for the fleshly desires to manifest and fulfill their lusts through actions. Instead we are to put on the Lord Jesus ChristRom 13:12-14. We are to be cloaked in Him much the same way Adam and Eve wore the skins of the sacri-ficed animal. When they stood before God, He did not see their sin, but saw the substitute sacrifice for them, judgment was satisfied.

Sometimes we have to force ourselves to give up a sin with incredible energies. We almost have to grab ourselves by the back of the neck and wrestle ourselves into submis-sion. The Holy Spirit equips us with the strength needed. At those times we may have to tiePs 118:27 the sacrifice down to the altar so that it does not rise up again, keeping vigilant watch over it until we know for sure it is dead and consumed. We are to bring every thought as our captive, to the obedience of Jesus Christ; this will bring glory to God the Fa-ther2 Cor 10:5.

Salvation is a free gift, and once received we can exit the outer court only to reappear once and a while, BUT that is far less than what God has prepared for us.

Fiery Trials

God at the Dedication of the Tabernacle divinely ignited and consumed its first sacri-fice. The cloud of God’s presence miraculously came down in fire and burned up the sacri-fice placed on the altar. This sacrifice divinely lit and consumed by God sanctified the tab-ernacle and the peopleLev 6:12. As the pillar of fire came down and the Shekinah Glory con-sumed all the sacrifices it also lit the coals. Those same coals were never to go out; wood had to be supplied daily to keep it burning at all times. Being that it was divinely lit the continual and steady flow of wood and sacrifices brought by the people were considered divinely consumed. The blaze was not broken; there was no period of time where the fire had gone out. Even when traveling the coals were taken, transported and then used to ig-nite the new wood. Jesus’ sacrifice was provided supernaturally, the wrath of God con-sumed the sacrifice of Jesus, satisfied the judgment on sin, and sanctified believers in the way of salvation, yet we continue daily to present our lives to Christ as offerings.

Paul said we are to die daily. We are reassured to know that as we place daily sacrifices on the altar, the fire of God will consume us Lev 9:24. A heavenly fire will consume us, and

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we will burn with a holy passion for His altar and His presence. He will deliver us from the grip of those things if we are faithful to leave it there on the altar.

Once having received atonement with the substitutionary sacrifice of Jesus Christ, it is at the brazen altar that we are to put to death the beasts in our lives on a continual basis. We put to death the outward manifest presence of sinful acts!

There are times when even the most diligent Christian gets up off the altar. The flame is too intense. We think we will be consumed by the situation we are in, that it will over-whelm and overcome us. James 1:2 says to count it all with joy. I have heard it said that if it does not break you, it will make you. Scripture seems to imply that as the Holy Spirit works through you in the midst of red-hot ovens that a new work will be done in us. These situations will produce, character, strength and ultimately hope. We are encouraged to draw on a strength that is from God, to endure temptation so that we will receive the crown of lifeJames 1:12. James clues us in on a little secret of the heart, each one is tempted when we are drawn away by our own desires and enticed by the lusts of our heartJames 1:14-15. As the temple of God, His place of habitation, we will go through various trials that will like firing of silver and gold, purge our hearts from the hidden defilements and lusts. Fire was always symbolic of judgment. God purged and purified things with fire. Even the temple was purged of its defilements by fire, in 586 BC and in 70 AD.

We know that God is a consuming fire; we being an offering to bring God glory must be purged like gold and silver to be of value to Him and His kingdom. So knowing that our purging is bringing forth a more glorious product and setting in us the glory of God, we can rejoice in it knowing that what we currently endure is nothing compared to the glory that will be made manifest and revealed in usRom 8:18.

Living Sacrifices

We are required to be a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God. It is our reasonable and spiritual service. We are not to be fashioned according to the world’s measures and standards. Instead we are to be fully transformed from one creature into another by His power so that we can display to the world what is the good and perfect will of God for man’s lifeRom 12:1,2.

In our walk, we must be continually willing to apply the altar to our lives. We are to work out our salvation each day, This does NOT mean that we gain salvation by our good works; it means that we walk in accordance with our faith, not contrary to it, and that is work because we will then desire to stop living according to our sinful nature.

Jesus was the sacrificial atonement for us, yet we are required to work out our faith continually by His Spirit, we are to be a living sacrifice. Our works are not the way we

gain salvation, they do not proceed before us blazing our trail, instead they are the produce of our salvation, the fruit that grows from our salvation, and the wake we leave behind us as we proceed through His waters of Salvation. Though we are divinely lit at the point of re-

The Altar of Sacrifice was the Raised up and needed to be approached by a ramp. The sacrifice was lifted High, to show it’s importance to reconciliation

Gallery 8.2 Sacrifice High and Lifted Up

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pentance and acceptance of His Sacrifice that fire is never to go out! We must be continu-ally upon His altar with our lives. Even allow ourselves to be tied to the altar in some cases.

Good works do not save us. Good works do not mean we are righteous, good works are to be the outward effects of a life dedicated to God. They are not the fruit by which we judge things; they are a byproduct of the fruit. If we live as dead men, not according to our will, but according to the will of the One who has purchased our lives from death, we will live and do things according to His heart; this will automatically result in good works. They are to be the byproducts of the grace we live by, not the economy by which we attain or purchase grace. In other words, what we leave in our wake, not what we pursue.

Remember, the altar is where we put to death the actions, the outward workings of our sinful nature. Until we make a decision to do this, we will not be thoroughly cleansed by the word of God in relation to that sin. We need to understand that from the very beginning it was not God’s desire

that any would perish in their sin. God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked, instead He pleads, ‘Turn and Live’.

God let us know that each man will be judged according to his own ways. He wants us to repent and turn from our iniquities so they are not the cause of our ruin. He desires that we would cast away all of our transgressions and get a new heart and a new spirit from Hi-mEz 18:23-32.

This we commit to at the brazen altar, the altar of man’s judgment and atonement. The place where Christ made the eternal sacrifice is followed by our living sacrifice. It is at the brazen altar that we put to death the beasts in our lives on a continual basis. This is the point of death to our outward manifestations, our sinful acts. This is where sin is judged. Remember, that judgment is a merciful act of God in our lives.

It is a Father’s love that corrects and disciplines His children. Because of His Great Love towards us, we can expect He will call us to surrender more authority in our lives to Him. This is so He may be glorified and be able to use us for His purposes and display His greatness to those around us who stand watching.

The heart of God is made evident towards us. He is tender, loving, patient and provi-sional. In Ezekiel 18:23, 30-32 we hear His heart, “Do I have any pleasure at all that the wicked should die? Says the Lord God and not that he should turn from his ways and live… Repent, and turn from all your transgressions, so that iniquity will not be your ruin. Cast away from you all the transgressions, which you have committed, and get yourselves a new heart and a new spirit. For why should you die … I have no pleasure in the death of one who dies.” Says the Lord God. “Therefore turn and live!”

1 Peter 2:22-24 calls us to recognize the walk we have before us in Christ, “For to this you were called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow His steps…who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness.” We are charged by Paul, “Nevertheless, to the degree that we have already attained, let us walk by the same rule” (Philippians 3:16).

Continually throughout the scriptures we are called to dedicate ourselves to a right-eous way of living, ordered and according to the principles and laws of the Kingdom of God. We are to lay down our lives as a willing and living sacrifice, and not live for self-ishly but for Christ. Dying daily, that we might decrease and He might increase. Not to be merely conformed to a form of religion, because in doing so, if all we do is take on the im-posed shape of what we think is ‘Christian’ we are denying the power of God to create us in His image and likeness. We will have a form of godliness, but will lack the transforming power that remakes us into a completely new creation.

Christ wants us to be renewed in our mind, heart and spirit day by day, so that we will be able to give a reason to those that see the genuine transformation and point them to Christ.

If I say that God saved me, from Hell, but I continue to live in a manner that shows I still pursue it, have I truly been delivered from its pull? Romans 12:1-2 Paul cries, “I be-seech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be con-formed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” Then further in Romans 13:12-14 we are encouraged, “Therefore let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light. Let us walk properly, as in the day, not in revelry and drunkenness, not in lewdness and lust, not in strife and envy. But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts.”

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Consider your walk with the Lord. Are there things that you have not brought to God and sacrificed to Him? Are there things you have been convicted about and refused to sacrifice? Has their been a time when you tried to set the altar of sacrifice aside justifying your error and doing what you want instead of what you know is righteous? Have you been faithful and diligent to continue to put your fleshly will and carnal mind to death on His altar? Have you been a living sacrifice for His Kingdom? He desires that we live right-eously and totally separated from the works of darkness for His purposes.

Do you recognize that through His death, He received the entire wrath of God that was originally aimed at you and your sins? Do you realize that His single act of death re-moved from you from the guilty verdict and removed the wrath of God from you? Do you want to live a life now honoring that work of salvation for you?

Begin to read more and more from the pages of the Holy Bible so that you can more fully understand truth. As you do, you will be seeing the reflection of Jesus Christ, and you and he will continue to cleanse you and make you whole.

You are invited to move forward each day, go to the laver now and wash, see yourself

being made new.

Review 8.1 The Bronze Altar

Check Answer

Question 1 of 2What types of sacrifices happen at Bronze Al-tar?

A. Incense

B. Animal

C. Human

D. Water

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Chapter 9

The Bronze Laver

“You shall also make a laver of bronze, with its base also of bronze, for washing. You shall put it between the tabernacle of meeting and the altar. And you shall put water in it, for Aaron and his sons shall wash their hands and their feet in water from it when they go into the tabernacle of meeting, or when they come near the altar to minister, to burn an offering made by fire to the LORD, they shall wash with water, lest they die.”

Exodus 30:18-20

“He made the laver of bronze and its base of bronze, from the bronze mirrors of the serving women who assembled at the door of the taber-nacle of meeting.”

Exodus 38:8

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Since every aspect of the Tabernacle speaks to us of greater things, we must look closer at this laver. Why was no dimension given for the laver? Let us first consider what the laver represents. The Laver was a large solid bronze basin. It is holding a large quantity of water for the daily washing of the priests.

Two pieces combined to form the Laver, the base or foot and the basin. The basin alone did not have the privilege of holding the Living water, but it was joined to the base and to-gether they enjoyed the glory of such an honor. The basin or laver was supported and rest-ing upon the foundation of its bronze foot. Together the two become one piece of furniture. These are like the Old and New Testaments.

In the King James Version the Bronze Laver is personified. In Exodus 30:18 is says, “Thou shalt also make a laver of brass and his foot of brass”. In Revelation and Daniel in the vision of Jesus His feet were like that of polished brassRev 1:15 & Dan 10:4-6. Certainly we see Jesus in this beautiful piece of furniture.

We already know that Jesus is the Living Word of God having come in the flesh. He did not come to do away with the Law and the Prophets but come to fulfill them all. Within the Old Testament we have the Messiah concealed, in the New Testament we have Messiah revealed. Without the understanding of the Old Covenant we cannot fully understand the New Covenant that is promised in the book of Jeremiah and brought forth in the New Testa-ment Scriptures.

The book of Hebrews in the New Testament will certainly be a mystery to those who do not understand the books of the Old Testament. As you read the accounts in the Old Testa-ment, they increase your understanding, broaden your faith and sharpen your vision to see better most of the New Testament.

I have encouraged many adults that come to accept Christ to read the gospels then read a good children’s bible to get familiar with the Old Testament stories, time-line and cultural aspects. I am usually met with a curious eye, but those who take me up on the tip are quick to come back and thank me as well as pass it on to others. Once the foundation of understanding is laid in child-like understanding, when you read the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit builds on it with His revelation.

When we begin to consider what the laver represents in our walk with the Lord Jesus, we see that it is the instrument of cleansing for the priests not the sacrifices. The lack of measurement would seem to indicate that there is no limitation on the cleansing power of Jesus Christ in our lives. The fact that it was composed of solid brass speaks of the complete judg-ment on sin, which once eradicated, would make us pure and blameless.

With the judgment of all sin, on the flesh of Jesus Christ, the process of continual cleansing is available to us through the washing of our minds and hearts by the word of God through the Holy Spirit’s regeneration.

Forgiving us of our sins and cleansing us from them are two different things; the first is called justification, the latter is called sanctification. We are justified as blameless in the eyes of God by our faith in Jesus’ atonement. Our sanctification is a process of being made holy by the Holy Spirit as we walk and grow in the truth of Him that justified usJn 17:19. We are justified by Christ’s work toward us, and sanctified by the Holy Spirit as we allow Him to work in and through us.

We know that if we confess our sin He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins, and then to cleanse us from all unrighteousness1 Jn 1:7-9. One takes place at the altar of sacri-fice where we lean on the substitute sacrifice and confess our sins. The other takes place after the sacrifice is made and we go to wash ourselves. Sacrificing can be messy. Once it is consumed we walk over to the Bronze Laver and we begin to wash ourselves clean with the water supplied.

At the altar we put to death our sins, our actions and all the outward manifestations of our sinful heart. But is the heart itself dealt with there? Not really, that requires a deeper work of Christ’s Holy Spirit. Therefore we stand now at the laver for a deeper cleansing.

Having now entered through and made the sacrifice of our selves we come to the Laver for a washing. Sacrificing can be messy; we need to be cleansed and sanctified now.

My sons used to go bike riding in the woods to enjoy the thrill of the dirt jumps. They would come back home covered in mud. Their clothes and their shoes were imbedded with clods of dirt. The first thing they needed to do was STRIP! They needed to go in the garage and get rid of the outer layer of caked on dirt. That dirt was a sure indication of

what they had been doing, their activity. Once that was removed, they could clean more thoroughly by washing and removing the subtle, finer film of dirt that had darkened them.

Once we have made the sacrifice of our selves on the altar and dealt with the activities of our sin, we are more receptive to the cleansing water. If we were to keep our filthy garments on and try to cleanse ourselves it would only go so deep. The garments might not have the clods of dirt any longer but they would still be dirty. We can only properly wash ourselves when the outer manifestations of sin are done away with. We are not truly recep-tive to God’s cleansing waters otherwise.

So what are the cleansing waters, what does the laver represent in our

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walk? Or as the scriptures ask, ‘How can a young man cleanse his way?’ The scriptures tell us we are cleansed by applying God’s Word to our lives 1. We must take heed and pay close attention by applying the truths of it as an act of the will to our lives. With the knowl-edge God shares we need to add understanding, if we do, we will have the wisdom needed to act on it.

So here at the Laver we put to death our self-will, our motives, intentions and under-standings. We deal with the issues of the heart. Having brought judgment to our outer workings of sin, we now delve deeper applying God’s cleansing to the agendas and atti-tudes of our heart that gave birth to those sins in the beginning.

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

This Laver, a beautiful piece of furniture housed in the tabernacle, gleams in the natural light of the sun. Humanity has a sense of moral law. Even when humankind does not know the word of God, there are internal indicators of sin from their own conscience. All of crea-tion declares and displays attributes of God’s nature.

Exodus 38:8 tells us that the laver was made from a most interesting product. The women were responsible for this donation of bronze. They donated their looking glasses, their polished bronze mirrors. These were the mirrors they would use to look at them-selves while they lived under the bondage of Egypt. It was this item alone that was used to fashion the Laver.

If we look honestly and humbly at the word of God, it is a mirror that reflects back at us our error, our evil heart, our transgressions against others, and against God.

The Word of God exposes us to ourselves! We see ourselves reflected and as we wash ourselves from that filth with the water of the word we are made clean inwardly. As the Laver was made from the women’s looking glasses, when we come to the Word of God we are to consider ourselves, take spiritual inventory of ourselves, and see ourselves through the Word of God with all our faults, not deceiving ourselves.

Job was distressed when he saw the glory of God. In see-ing it he saw the wretchedness of himself and he cried, “I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear; but now my eye sees You. Therefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashesJob 42:5,6.” In Isaiah 6:5 the prophet cried, “Woe is me! for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips: for mine eyes have seen the King, LORD of hosts.”

Many of the prophets and some of the Kings of the Old

Testament recognized their wretchedness when met with the Word of God whether in ver-bal, written or visual form. John’s gospel tells us that Jesus is the Word of God in living flesh.

When Jesus met Peter the first time, He commanded Peter to cast his nets into the water. Peter did not want to because he had been fishing all night with bad results. He did it be-cause Jesus was his guest on board and when he did they caught so many fish that it bog-gled Peter’s mind. At this point he realized Jesus was holy and called Him Lord. Then he realized his own inadequacies and proclaimed, “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord"Luke 5:8

Many men and women have peered into the Word of God, trying hard to disprove it, only to find that it is irrefutable historically, medically, scientifically, mathematically, spiri-tually and morally. Many of them become believers when they honestly deal with the word of God and their own heart.

We look, we see our lack, we want to turn away but we are met with eyes of great mercy, tenderness and loving kindness towards us. Though we are convicted by it we are not condemned by it, if we surrender to His remolding pressure in our lives.

We see our defilement and our need for cleansing by looking into His word, we will also see Christ, our example, the very one we want to imitate and who’s image we desire to be made into. The Living Word shows us what we are, ought to be, and can become. Paul put it this way, “But we all, with unveiled face beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are transformed into the same image from glory to glory, even as from the Lord the Spirit. 2 Cor 3:18”

Water… in the Desert?

This Bronze Laver stood within the outer courtyard of the Tabernacle. But where did the water come from? We know that Moses struck the rock at Horeb and vast quantities of water came gushing out. I have seen engravings and paintings of this scene and the rock is only waist high. The water that comes out is barely a trickle. How could that sustain nearly two million people and all their livestock? Chances are the Rock at Horeb was a huge landmark and the water that gushed forth was abun-dant. More than likely this is the source for the water within the Laver. Paul tells us that the Rock in the desert that gave them water was symbolic of Christ. Jesus is the fountain of Living Waters regardless of the desert wanderings and our circumstances

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The Laver had to be filled from the Rock that followed them in that waterless desert. The huge rock that the Bible says followed them through the desert was the source of living waters once it was ‘smitten’ by Moses. Paul equates this rock to Christ. Jesus was the smit-ten rock. Once smitten by death, living waters flowed.

Caught Red Handed

The priests had to wash their hands and feet at the Laver before they could either enter into the Holy Place or make any other sacrifices. If they dared to enter into the Sanctuary after a sacrifice without washing, God had warned them that He would strike them dead. They were also warned that if they did not wash their hands and feet before a sacrifice they too would be struck dead. That is pretty serious stuff. It sounds incredibly harsh, until we understand why.

What does being caught ‘red handed’ mean? If someone had blood stained hands, they were guilty of murder. I can remember reading Mac Beth by William Shakespeare and the one scene that capti-vated my mind for years was when the queen was wringing her hands after cleaning them. Clean as they were, she hallucinated that the blood was still on her hands.

Pontius Pilate at the Judgment Hall washed his hands in front of the crowd of people calling for the crucifixion of Jesus. He visually declares to the people that he was innocent and would not be held responsible for what he saw as the murder of Jesus.

While in the courtyard, after dealing with the Bronze Altar, we are compelled to wash. As we near the Laver and peer into it we see where we are stained and blemished.

The priests approached this Laver to clean their hands and feet. They had handled the bloody sacrifice and they had walked around the altar where the blood was spilled out in large quantities. They were soiled. Before they were permitted to enter into the Holy place they needed to cleanse their hands and feet. If they did not follow God directions, he warned he would strike them deadEx 30:19-21.

What was the significance for washing the feet? Hebrews 10:26-31 gives us a good indi-cation, “For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a certain fearful expectation of judgment, and fiery indignation which will devour the adversaries. Anyone who has rejected Moses’ law dies

without mercy on the testimony of two or three wit-nesses. Of how much worse punishment, do you sup-pose, will he be thought worthy who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, counted the blood of the cove-nant by which he was sanctified a common thing, and insulted the Spirit of grace? For we know Him who said, ‘Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,’ says the Lord. And again, ‘The LORD will judge His people.’ It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.”

Scripture tells us we must have clean hands and clean hearts as we approach and ascend into the Hill of the LORDPs 24:4. We want God to cleanse our conscience and renew our minds with His righteousness. We want to live holy lives that are bearing true witness to the spirit of Grace within us. We do not want to trample underfoot the reputation of our God and savior. We do not want to be guilty like King David of giving the ene-mies opportunity to blaspheme God 2 Sam 12:4 and receive a curse on ourselves.

If a priest were to walk into the Sanctuary, the Holy Place with bloody hands or feet, God was going to strike him down. To walk in that way is to disrespect the blood of the sacrifice and disregard the Holiness of His habitation. With-out the cleansing of the Lord, our deeds display death. Death is the consequence of sin and the subsequent curse. When we enter into God’s presence, we display the white linens of Christ's righteousness.

This can only be done as we read, meditate and apply the Word of God which is living and powerful, sharper than any two edged sword, dividing the soul from the spirit, discern-ing the thoughts and intentions of our heartsHeb 4:12. As we read the Word of God, we see into the fiery eyes of Jesus, are convicted by His spirit of our deceitful agendas and either repent or rebel against Him. As we surrender to His conviction we are changed by His Spirit.

Be Clean

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Jesus said in John 15:3 "You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you”. We know that our salvation and cleansing from our old life is not “by works of righteousness, which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of regenera-tion (spiritual rebirth) and renewing of the Holy Spirit”. We know that if we draw near with a true heart in full assurance that faith grants, we will have our hearts cleaned from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with the pure water of the word of God1. Now that we have been cleaned, washed by the blood of the Lamb and the water of regeneration, we are called forward in our walk and personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The deep things of God call out to the deep needs inside of us, we hear, as it were, refreshing sounds of a cool running waterfall. Let His billowing waves wash over you.

The correlation between the Bronze Altar and the Laver can be seen in many New Testament scriptures. 1John 1:7-9 says, If we confess our sins, he is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness”. Do you see a correlation to these two pieces of furni-ture? Forgiveness is gained through the shed blood of sacrifice and cleans-ing is a continual process of washing.

Psalm 119:9 asks the question, ‘How does a young man cleanse his way?’ and the answer is, by taking heed to live according to God’s word. Paul declared to new believers if they believe on the Lord Jesus they would be saved and those that did, he charged them to be washed, and baptized without delay. Coming from our sinful past, acknowledging the sacrifice of Jesus Christ in faith we then come to the laver to be washed, baptized, sanctified and justified through the name of the Lord Jesus Christ by the Spirit of God1 Cor 6:11.

At the Bronze Altar we are justified, our debts are removed, and we are pronounced free from guilty verdict. At the Laver we are sanctified, set apart, made pure in our conscience, consecrated for the work of ministry in the Lord through the renewing and purifying of our mind. We allow God to deal with, convict, rebuke and change our heart’s attitudes, mo-tives, agendas and intents.

Clean before the sacrifice

Exodus 30:20 also declared that the priests must clean themselves even before they per-form the sacrifices. Before they administered the sacrifices on the altar, the ministers of reconciliation needed to be undefiled or risk death from the fury of God.

As we come to the place where we are to present the gospel truth to others, we must be clean and not present it with any defilements. It cannot be too soft and sweet and it cannot be too hard or bitter. We need to present the gospel of God unadulterated, unaltered, un-scathed or defiled by our humanness. We must seek to please God rather than man or ourselves. Those that minister the Gospel must not do so for selfish gain, whether fame, financial increase or lust-ful agendas. These the Lord rebukes as wolves in sheep’s clothing, false apostles, false teachers, false Christs, and wicked shepherds.

In reading the accounts from Exodus before the first sacrifice, Moses, the deliverer was commissioned by God to wash Aaron, the High Priest and his sons. It was an initiation to their work in the ministry as priests before God. Moses was required to cleanse them from head to toe, then to dress them and then anoint them with oil. Jewish tradition states that Moses cleaned and dedicated them by immersion in the Laver. By this they were set apart for the work of ministry that they would soon administer.

Jesus was baptized by John in the Jordon River at the inauguration of His ministry. Being the mediator of the New Covenant and our High Priest, He fulfilled the scriptures type and shadow and be-came the anti-type, the fulfillment of that picture set by Moses and

Aaron. John was the voice that cried out in the wilderness, “Prepare the way of the Lord”. He was the man that called the people to repent of their bondages, and leave their sinful lives, no longer being subject to the taskmaster of sin but to live in righteousness as ser-vants of God, much the way Moses cried out.

Jesus at the end of His ministry set apart His ministers before the final sacrifice of Him-self. Jesus fulfilled this when He washed the feet of the disciples. He being the deliverer dedicated them for their work of ministry at the Passover dinner. They each would be dressed in a garment of righteousness spiritually and anointed with the Holy Spirit 40 days after His resurrection at the Jewish Feast of Pentecost. Peter tried to refuse the Lord be-cause he did not understand what Jesus was doing. Jesus informed Peter that unless He did this Peter would have no part in the ministry of reconciliation. At that, Peter wanted is feet, hands and head washed.

So we see that at the dedication of the Tabernacle, Moses (the deliverer) was required to cleanse Aaron and his sons by washing their whole body at the initiation of their ministry. Jesus (our deliverer) at the dedication of Himself, during the Passover dinner, washed the feet of His disciples for the initiation of their ministry. They would be the ministers of recon-ciliation. As Moses dedicated the priests before the first sacrifice that would consecrate the

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Tabernacle and the people, Jesus was initiating his priests before the final sacrifice that would make atonement for all people. God is truly the first and the last, the author and fin-isher!

Spirit of the Law

When you think of commandments, what do you think of first? Most people think of ‘The 10 Commandments’. If you look closely at the Ten Commandments you will find they deal mostly with outward actions of a sinful heart.

A lawyer asked Jesus, ‘what is the greatest commandment?’ and He replied, "You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.Mt

22:37-40" Jesus revealed the spirit of the Law not the letter of it. If we follow the two that deal with the heart, none of the laws that deal with actions will be an issue. The spirit of the Law hangs on the fulfillment of these first two, not the last eight.

You could be faithful to all of the last eight, and still not have a right relationship with God. You could do away with all the outer workings of sin and yet not receive salvation. There are several false religions that emphasize ‘good works’. These seek to force you to do away with bad habits and immoral practices and perform good works as the goal for sal-vation, which is not enough. The motives of our hearts must be purged.

Jesus instructed His disciples that their righteousness needed to exceed the righteous-ness of the scribes and Pharisees. They were alarmed because the Pharisees were really, “good”. They wondered how could they exceed or be better. Jesus started by restating a few of the commandments. They were not to murder or commit adultery.

Suppression of a sin is not the same as the death of that sin. Suppression of sin only contains it for a time but does not truly bury anything. If the control were to lighten, that sin would surface once again.

Jesus stated that He requires more. That someone is not even to be angry without a just cause or lust in their heart otherwise they are considered guilty of murder and adultery. He was dealing with deep heart issues. Going deeper to the root would be greater than merely suppressing the outward manifestation of the inner sin. It lays the axe to the root of the problematic tree. Our righteousness must exceed the fulfillment of the letter of the law and fulfill the spirit of the law. The righteousness He spoke of is only possible by living accord-ing to His spirit.

Water Baptism

Jewish tradition teaches that the earth in Genesis was immersed in the waters of the mikvah. When God gathered the water into the seas, the land came forth and was birthed or resurrected from its watery grave. Jewish thought, considers the waters of mikvah like the womb of creation, when a person is immersed in the waters of mikvah, he is placing him-self in a state of death subjecting himself to God’s creative power. When that person emerges from the mikvah of creation they are born as a new creation of God2 Cor 5:17. Scrip-ture teaches us that if anyone is found in Christ, that person is a new creature: old things pass away and all things are made new.

In the Jewish tradition they celebrate the mikvah, which is cleansing by immersion in “living waters” to show that you have rejected the former works of unrighteousness and are committed to a deliberate movement towards righteousness. Living water is described by Jewish tradition as water from a fresh water source, such as a river, lake, rainwater, spring or underground well or aquifer (i.e., underground river). Cisterns were a created catch ba-sin usually for rainwater collection. Wells were from underground springs. Regardless of how dry a desert is there are areas where wells have been found, and in many areas, even underground rivers flow.

Many Jews enter the mikvah, the immersion pool, before Yom Kippur in anticipation of their being cleansed by God and their further commitment to walk deeper into the Holy things of God’s kingdom.

As Christians we think that baptism is a ‘Christian’ thing. In truth it comes from the Jewish tradition of the mikvah, which goes back to the Laver within the tabernacle of Moses. John's call to God’s people of repentance was against their sinful lifestyles and heart issues. Once they repented they were invited to be immersed in the living waters of the Jordon River to declare publicly their change of heart and mind. He was calling them to the mikvah, to repent of their works of sin, to be immersed in the cleansing waters of re-vival with God. Then it would be expected that their lives start to produce fruit in accor-dance with their new faith and lifestyle. Fruit such as love, patience, kindness, self-control gentleness and so forth. bear out the fruit of righteousness in their lives through action and attitude changes. We see this repeated in the book of Acts. As people were coming to be-lieve and lean on Jesus as their Savior and Lord they were then called to show that commit-ment in baptism. This symbolized their willingness to be acquainted with the death and bur-ial of Jesus Christ and then be raised up by His power, to walk empowered by His resurrec-tion.

Water baptism is an act of obedience and is often called the believers baptism. It is an awesome experience. It publicly declares your commitment to Jesus Christ. Notice in the scriptures the order that baptism is placed within, ‘Repent and be baptized’. We cannot be

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baptized into the family of God unless we have conscientiously recognized that we are in-deed sinners and that Jesus Christ was the substitute sacrifice for us. The bible is clear that baptism is after repentance, just as the laver is after the altar of sacrifice. It is only after the death of our sins that we can be cleaned from the stains they have left in the process. This is done at the Laver of God; the pure Living Water of the Word cleanses us.

Jesus does desire to be both Savior AND Lord. His salvation is found at the cross, which we spoke of as being seen at the altar. His Lordship and authority in our lives is found as we surrender our own wants and desires, to His. This begins at the altar as we lay down wicked works, but it is made full as we see the wickedness of our hearts and surren-der the deeper issues to Him.Underground Rivers

Living on Long Island in New York State I am a little familiar with aquifers. We have three that run under our feet stacked like layers of a cake and they clean our water, creat-ing an underground fresh-water source. Upstate New York has several underground caverns with running water sources, waterfalls and pools. There are underground wells and springs. Some seep from the rocks gently, others gush out of the ground under high pressure.

Several years ago, my family went to a winery upstate NY and took the regular tour through the vineyard. Our guide explained may of the fascinating aspects of the winery, but God started speaking to my heart after someone in the crowd asked a simple question. “Do you water the vines?” The guides response was no, and he went on to explain why. As he spoke I stood there amazed and must have looked like I was having a seizure, my mouth was open and my eyes were wide as each word pierced my core. He explained that other wineries in the area have watered their vineyards, but to do so is counterproductive.

The vines situated on the side of the mountain just above the lake below, they receive plenty of moisture from the evaporating lake, dew and rainfall. “But what if there is a drought?” the person asked. They still do not water the vines. If they watered the vines even two hours a day, the ground only gets wet up by the surface. The plant would keep all its roots in the surface of the ground. In a serious drought, the vineyard would not be permitted to continue wa-

tering the plants due to restrictions. The vines would all die off because of a shallow root system. By not watering the vineyards, the grapevines are forced to send down roots deep in the ground as they search for underground water sources. This then sustains the entire vine and its branches even in the harshest drought. Watering the plants makes it easy for the plants to attain their water supply, providing temporary benefits such as a large multi-tude of juicy grapes, which produce vast quantities of wine. Without a deep root system, when harsh conditions come, the entire vineyard can shrivel up and die off.

The other point the guide made was that those vineyards that water their grapes, may have a huge harvest, because the grapes are plump with juice from the over watering, but their juice is weak. In a drought, the best wine is produced. The grapes are smaller and the flavor condensed, so their may be less wine produced that year, but it is the best tasting, because it is the sweetest, making it more valuable to the discerning wine connoisseur.

I was dumbstruck as the guide declared all of these spiri-tual truths. Do you hear what the spirit is saying in that? Regardless of the desert like conditions we will face from time to time, if we set down roots deep enough, we will find underground water sources. We will be sustained. We will find the river of Life that flows from the Rock, Jesus Christ! We will produce the sweeter more valuable wine with our lives!

Living Waters

Jeremiah mourns as he hears God’s complaint against His people. God said, “My people have changed their Glory for what does not profit…My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the fountain of living wa-ters, and hewn themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that can hold no water.Jer 2:12-13” Later He implores them to wash their heart from wickedness that they might be saved. He asked, “How long shall your evil thoughts lodge within you?Jer 4:14”

God does not want to see us turn away from the source of life toward those things that cannot satisfy. We are quick to turn away after temporary things, acquiring and storing up for our selves a vast expanse of merchandise, but they leave us broken, empty, unsatisfied and dying.

Far too often we leave the only true and living water sup-

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ply for muddy puddles left at the bottom of a nearly dried up water basin. Even the heav-ens look on shocked at the foolishness of people leaving abundant fresh, running water for puddles of stagnant, putrid water that are infested with insects and bacteria.

Jesus rebuked the Laodicean Church for the same thing. Having acquired much, the church assumed it was rich, but Jesus exposed its true condition as poor, wretched, blind and naked.

In Jesus’ time during the fall festival, The Feast of Tabernacles or Sukkoth, a procession followed a priest from the temple each day to the Gihon Spring. There the priest filled a gold pitcher with water while the choir sang Isaiah 12:3, “Therefore with joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.” The procession would return to the temple and then the priest poured out the water on the altar. This ritual reminded the people of the rock that fol-lowed the children of Israel in the desert as their source of salvation and life. They also rec-ognized that it had a symbolic messianic meaning.

One year, on the last day of festival Jesus abruptly stood up and cried out in a loud voice, using all authority, as one would while making a solemn announcement, “If any one thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living waterJohn 7 38-39.”

No more drought spiritually! In this desert of life, Jesus is an incredible source of liv-ing water!

Jesus was echoing an imploring cry of God for all those thirsty to come to the watersIs

55:11. Ezekiel 36:25-27 the LORD God says, "Then I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you shall be clean; I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and from all your idols. I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will keep My judgments and do them."

Jesus is the source of the Living Water and once we believe on Him become a container of Living Waters for those who will come to us to receive from Him.

Woman at the Well

Jesus equated Himself with the Living Water when He leaned against a low stone wall that surrounded the mouth of a well Jacob had dug 2000 years earlier. Jesus asked an ap-proaching Samaritan women for a drink of water. After a few moments, Jesus informed her that she would have asked Him for water if she knew who He was. He proclaimed that He had water unlike the water she drew from. With His water she would never thirst again.

She began to press him and Jesus answered and said to her, “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, ‘Give Me a drink,’ you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water.” The woman said to Him, “Sir, You have nothing to draw with, and the well is deep. Where then do You get that living water? Are You greater than our father Jacob, who gave us the well…Jesus answered and said to her, “Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.” The woman said to Him, “Sir, give me this water, that I may not thirst, nor come here to draw John 4:10-26”

Her first inclination was to beg Him for some so that her tiresome labor would end. How often we come to the well of Living Water and our first response is simply from our fleshly understanding. It takes time for it to penetrate the hard ground and sink down deep. Jesus told her that the water He gives would dwell in man and then forcefully spring up from within to eternal lifeJohn 4:5-30. Unlike a well that needed to be drawn from, this water would be under pressure and would burst forth when permitted.

The woman desired the living waters; she knew and could recognize her lack and her need for life. She was not living she merely existed. As the conversation continued she came to know Jesus that day, as the Messiah. Even though He knew all about her, and her sinful lifestyle, He was willing to offer her living waters that could become a fountain within her springing up and overflowing out to others with the message of eternal life. Once she recognized He was Messiah, that is exactly what she did, this woman, who had several husbands and was now shacked up with a man she wasn’t married to, went running through the town declaring the good news that Jesus was the Messiah, that He had come and He was present within their own town! The town rejoiced at the news she declared and they were blessed by the fountain of living waters springing up and out of her heart.

Radiant Bride

Paul, speaking to husbands and wives within the Ephesians’ church said, “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word, that He might pre-sent her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish.Eph 5:15-17”

Being set apart through the cleansing of water, was a purifying act. To this day, ortho-dox Jewish brides, bathe in the waters of Mikvah the evening before their wedding. It is a ritual that goes back to Moses. They enter the living waters of the Mikvah and it represents them being made clean and pure spiritually, physically and mentally, setting them apart for their husband to be.

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In doing this she is purging herself from any impurities, seeking to be without spot or blemish for her groom. This would not be done if she did not have full confidence in the tremendous love that He has for her. That love being willing to lay down His solitary, and if need be His physical life, to protect, nourish and cherish her. The first step was His Love displayed in complete surrender of His life in self-sacrifice for her provision. The next step is her surrender to the waters of renewal and holiness to honor Him in all things. What a tender and tremendously glorious act or submission and surrender in loving adoration for her bridegroom. Paul uses this analogy to display a loving picture of the Church seeking to be pure for her Lord. There is nothing more radiant than a blushing, pure bride is.

Christ desires His believers, His bride to be holy and pure. He sanctifies the Church and cleanses her with the washing of water by the Word. This He does so that He can pre-sent her to Himself as a glorious bride not having any spots, wrinkles or any kind of imper-fection, but that she would be completely set apart for Him and stand radiant and without blemishEph 5:26.

How is the Bride of Christ seen in the eyes of the world? In answer to that, I have to say, I do not know that the world sees her too often. More often, the world sees a bride wanna-be. By that I mean, something that calls itself the Bride, or Church of Jesus Christ but may not be more than sanctimonious, self-righteousness, religious church attendees.

The world has seen too many, scripture spouting, pulpit pounding adulterous greedy deceptive preachers and pew warmers. The world can quickly pick out someone who wants all the pious affiliations and blessings of God, His glory, kingdom and family, but none of the accountability and correction.

It is not often that they get to see the ministries of people that are sacrificing their own benefit, for the needy, hungry homeless and hurting.

The Bride of Christ is considered beautiful and precious, because of her insatiable love for Jesus, her devotion to keep herself pure for Him, her desire to eradicate from her life any and all vestiges of her sinful past. The world needs to see her willingness to surren-der completely to her Lords desires for and of her. She needs to become the living example of His heart, this can only be done as she, each one of us individually are empowered super-naturally by His spirit!

The world does not need any more rules or obligations. The world needs life, and it is displayed when the Bride is selfless, strong, pure, resolute, devoted, maturing, strong and humble. It is seen when she puts other needs above her own, when she does not waver at the different winds that blow, when she is willing to give up her own comfort for others and willing to rejoice in persecution and trials. The Bride is seen when the adulterous heart that

comes to Jesus is transformed by the same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead and makes her pure. When her eyes no longer wander to the fame, friendship and riches of the world but are fixed on Jesus regardless of the cost.

Here in the Outer Court we lay down our selves. As we proceed forward, we enter into the Sanctuary, where we will meet with others that have gone through this process of death to outward manifest sins and activities as well as inward sins of the heart and mind. It is time to move forward, are you ready to enter into the Holy Place, where even more is required of you. Remember, to whom much is given, much is required.

Let us enter through the veil

Review 9.1 The Bronze Laver

Check Answer

Question 1 of 3What was the dimension of the Laver?

A. Waist high

B. 4 1/2 cubits

C. 3 cubits

D. None given

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Chapter 10

The Sanctuary

Facing us now is a wonderful tapestry. This thick fabric veils the sanctuary from our present view. In

the Outer Court we stand in open air. We have sacrificed those things that are required of us by God to come close to Him. We have been cleansed from all unrighteousness because we have seen ourselves and

confessed our sins. Having pondered His goodness, we are careful not to disgrace Him. We have cleansed our hands (actions), our hearts (motives) and now walk in


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Facing us now is a wonderful tapestry. This thick fabric veils the sanctuary from our present view. In the Outer Court we stand in open air. We have sacrificed those things that are required of us by God to come close to Him. We have been cleansed from all unright-eousness because we have seen ourselves and confessed our sins. Having pondered His goodness, we are careful not to disgrace Him. We have cleansed our hands (actions), our hearts (motives) and now walk in purity.

Now we as priests in fine white linen, enter under the thick veil that blocks the day-light. We enter the Holy Place. We have to adjust our focus, for the light in here is differ-ent from out side. Were it not for the Lampstand we would not be able to see at all.

Within this room only three pieces of furniture appear. The Lampstand, The Table of Showbread and the Golden Altar of Incense. In these walls made of wood and covered over the top with various coverings, we find others like ourselves that are here to work and minister before the Lord Almighty and to the priesthood itself.

Here we learn how to live without those things we put to death; how to walk in the humility and selfless life that we proclaim. Here in the Sanctuary, where other ministers dwell, we must learn to prefer others to ourselves. We are required to serve them in all hu-mility and love and place a high regard for them.

In this room we have elements such as lighting lamps, burning incense and a covenant meal. But these elements merely represent a greater work and deeper truth. They point be-yond themselves as a signpost of a greater spiritual reality. To be caught up in just the ele-ments, practices, or rituals is shortsighted.

It is also in this place where we minister to the Lord and are ministered to by the Lord. It is here that we learn a deeper aspect of His word by revelation. In the outer court, blood and water flowed, which symbolized Jesus Christ, His death and cleansing. Here in the Inner chambers we see a sacrifice of wine and bread. These speak of the sustenance, health and excitement received through ingestion of the Word of God and a pouring out of ourselves for others.

This large curtain doorway stands 15 feet high and is 15 feet across. Five pillars of acacia wood that are overlaid with gold hold it up and they are anchored with brass foot-ings. These pillars could very well represent and symbolize the five ministries1 that are needed for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministering to the Lord and others.

This curtain was made of fine white linen interwoven with the same gorgeous colors on the door to the outer courtyard. Priests stand in white linen before their God and they have taken the care to wash their hands and feet so they would be clean and without spot.

Pulling aside the curtain to enter they would step into the room. It would take a moment for the eyes to adjust to the different magnitude of light. For one split moment, every thing goes dark. No exterior light penetrates this room except for the momentary breach of the curtain as one enters.

As eyes adjust they are drawn to the source of this room’s light. On the south wall is an absolutely gorgeous gold lamp stand with seven branches extending upward from its base. At the top of this lamp stand, on each branch is an oil lamp with a lit wick. The walls of this room are covered with gold and reflect the lamp’s light.

To the right on the north wall, glistening in the light is a gold covered table that dis-plays 12 loaves of bread with a variety of gold vessels for wine and frankincense. About thirty feet away centered in front of another curtain door stands an altar covered in gold from which a fragrant aroma rises. In this holy room all the priests are dressed in fine white linens. Each one tends to offerings of the Lord; prayer, praise, bread, wine, incense and light. This room is very special; it is The Holy Place, The Sanctuary.

The bread of sacrifice within this room is unlike the bread of sacrifice offered in the outer courtyard.

Here it is made from fine flour ground from the manna miraculously received each day; there it is the flesh of animals. In the outer court the flesh of sacrifice is consumed by God’s wrath through fire, here the priests consume the sacrifice of bread with thanksgiving for God’s grace. Here the fragrance is not that of burning flesh, but of scented oils, herbs and spices.

Here in the inner courts, the light is that which burns from precious oil and illuminates the room with beautiful and radiant lamps, there the light is natural and given for all men to see plainly the truth of God’s word.

As priests before God, we are welcomed to this place by the Spirit of God. Here we learn how to live without those things we have put to death at the altar and been cleansed of at the Laver. Here we walk in humility and selflessness, the life we proclaim. Here in the Holy Place, the Sanctuary, we dwell in the company of others and prefer them to ourselves. Here we are required to serve. Here we minister directly before the Lord.

The outer court was ominous with a sense of wrath, judgment and fear of the Lord. Here the reverence is filled with praise, prayer and fellowship. The outer court was where blood and water flowed in death and cleansing. Here in the inner chambers, we find bread and wine. These speak of sustenance, health rejuvenation, and excitement in the fellowship of priests before their God.

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In the Outer Court all that we saw spoke of death and purifying, here in the Holy Place or Sanctuary every thing is speaking of Life, Light and Fragrance. In the Outer court we see Jesus having gone to the lowest limits, paying the ultimate price for sin and re-ceiving the total consuming fire of wrath. Here we see Him who is crowned with a name far superior to any other. He is crowned and takes His rightful place of supreme authority above all others whether dominions or king-doms.

‘Who may ascend into the hill of the LORD? Or who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who has not lifted up his soul to an idol, Nor sworn deceitfully. He shall receive blessing from the LORD, And righteousness from the God of his salva-tion”Ps 24:3-5.

The light here is not the light of natural worldly origins that are common to all human-ity, but it is precious and holy. Here there is spiritual illumination and revelation. It is here that we need spiritual eyes. In this room the light is not the elementary light of the world, which can be seen and known by all. This special light and its fuel speak of the Holy Spirit. Everything done here is by that Holy Light.

It is interesting to note that after Jesus was baptized by John, “the Holy Spirit descended in bodily form like a dove upon Him”Lk 3:22. It was at this point that He began His ministry but first, “being filled with the Holy Spirit… was led by the Spirit into the wilderness”Lk 4:1

Jesus ministry was then marked by the power of the Holy Spirit. He returned to Galilee in the ‘power of the Spirit’Lk 4:14-21. Je-sus promised the same filling of the Holy Spirit and His power to the disciples. This was after they recognized Jesus as the Christ the Son of God. So the Holy Spirit’s was a sub-sequent baptism to their faith in Jesus.

Jesus promised the disci-ples that the Holy Spirit would teach the, lead them in all truth, covey those things which Je-sus received from the Father to them. He would empower them to be effective wit-nesses, perform mira-cles, protect and com-fort them; He would even teach them what they should say in their

hour of need Lk 12:11-12 or danger. The Holy Spirit was given for all these things and as a guarantee of Christ’s promises.

Jesus after His resurrection and several encounters with the disciples prophesied to them that, “You shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now.” This was not so that they would believe; they already saw and believed in Jesus as their Lord and Sav-ior. It was to receive power so to be effective witnesses of Jesus. They all received the ful-fillment of those very promises about 10 days after Christ’s ascension into heaven. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and there were various different evidences to the power they had been endowed withAct 1:4-8; Act 2: 1-21.

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Chapter 11

The Lampstand

"You shall also make a lampstand, of pure gold; the lampstand shall be of hammered work. It’s shaft, its branches, its bowls, its ornamental

knobs, and flowers shall be of one piece. And six branches shall come out of its sides: three branches of the lampstand out of one side, and

three branches of the lampstand out of the other side. Three bowls shall be made like almond blossoms, on one branch, with an ornamental knob

and a flower, and three bowls made like almond blossoms on the other branch, with an ornamental knob and a flower- and so for the six

branches that come out of the lampstand. On the lampstand itself four bowls shall be made like almond blossoms, each with its ornamental

knob and flower. And there shall be a knob under the first two branches of the same, a knob under the second two branches of the same, and a

knob under the third two branches of the same, according to the six branches that extend from the lampstand. Their knobs and their

branches shall be of on piece; all of it shall be one hammered piece of pure gold.

Exodus 25:31-37

Illustration: Lisa Alferi

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Many people think the Menorah they see during the December celebration of Hanuk-kah is the same as the ancient Menorah spoken of in these scriptures. It is not. The modern menorah has nine branches as opposed to seven of the an-cient one.

Hanukkah commemorates the rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem after the Jews' victory over the Helle-nist Syrians. In 165 BC Judah Maccabee and his soldiers went to the Temple, they were disheartened by the disrepair so they cleaned and repaired the Temple, when they were finished; they decided to relight the lamp stand. They found a single flask containing enough oil to light the menorah for one day. Miraculously, this oil lasted for eight days, present-ing the priests with time to make new oil and keep the meno-rah lit.

Today Jews celebrate Hanukkah for eight days by lighting candles in a menorah every night. There is one branch for each miraculous day it stayed lit and the center candle is the server, which is used to light the others. The modern Menorah commemorates the eight-day miracle.

During Jesus’ time this celebration was called the Festi-val of Dedication or the Festival of LightsJohn 10:22

Ancient Menorah

This wonderful Golden Lamp stand was made from a 75-pound lump of solid gold. It was one cohesive piece of furniture. It was not made of pieces that were later attached to each other but beaten into form while hot from the fire. On top of the seven branches were seven lamps, one for each branch. This piece of furniture was placed opposite the Table of Showbread against the gold covered wall on the South side of the Holy Place Ex 26:35. This was the only light within the confines of that room. As the priests entered the room their eyes refocused and adjusted in order to see. That light was unlike the sun’s beams, which only shone during the day. This light was to be an eternal light, never extinguished while set up within the sanctuary. The High Priest lit the lamps with a coal that had been set ablaze by God’s supernatural pillar of fire when He consumed the initial sacrifice. As such the Lamp stand was considered divinely lit.

The priests were required of the Lord to tend to the lamps every morning and every evening. They would refresh the fragrant holy oil and they would trim the wicks that were

made of flax. This flame was not to be extinguished. It represented God’s presence in the midst of His peo-ple.

Many attributes, One Piece

Interestingly the Lamp Stand had a base, one shaft and six branches with a variety of knobs or buds, flow-ers and bowls. Yet it was forged from one piece of hot gold. Various aspects of the Lamp stand have been symbolically linked to the seven churches of Revela-tions and the various gifts and fruit of the Holy Spirit.

Its completely unified piece speaks of complete uni-formity of faith in all aspects of life. A quote from the Stone’s edition of the Chumash regarding the Lamp Stand says:

“This symbolized the conviction that both our spiritual and temporal lives must be guided by, and work to serve, the dictates of the Torah. Life cannot be compartmentalized in the realms of sacred and temporal, or in the modern ver-nacular, Church and State; the Torah regulates all aspects of life, and demands purity in all of them. Indeed, the requirement that the entire, very intricate Menorah had to be hammered out of one ingot of gold symbolized the indivisibility of the Torah; a life must be constructed entirely from one set of values, It may not be a hodge-podge of separate bits and pieces, grafted to-gether to suit anyone’s convenience. All areas of

life must derive from the same set of values.”

Each of the six branches that extend off the center was adorned with nine ornaments. Each branch had 3 bowls, 3 knobs or buds, and 3 flowers. The center shaft had four of each ornament. This made for a total of 66 ornaments. Amazingly the Holy Bible is comprised of 66 books, yet it is one cohesive book. Reading the pages of the Bible with the illumina-tion of the Holy Spirit’s light, we have the privilege of seeing within the Holy Place of God.

Illustration: Lisa Alferi

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Jewish custom declares that the Torah is the Light of the World. Scribes have always tended to the keeping of the Torah very diligently. The copying of the Torah for millennia had been done with the most painstaking accuracy to preserve its integrity and infallible nature. The Scriptures both New Testament and Old Testament have been kept with the utmost integrity to accuracy. There are thousands of scriptural manuscripts, hundreds of ancient scrolls that attest to the accuracy of our current word for word translations. The Dead Sea scrolls that were found further confirmed the accuracy of Biblical manuscripts. They were 1000 years older than our oldest copy at that time and they were nearly exact. This makes our oldest copies 2000 years old.

The discrepancies were considered less than 5% of the overall content. The incredible accuracy that spanned those missing 1000 years of manuscripts can be seen clearly in the scroll of Isaiah. Yet, with all of the incredible manuscripts we have that validate the Word of God it is continually scrutinized.

None of the scholars, theologians, scientists, historians would dare treat the writings of Caesar or Herodotus with such disrespect. In fact they do just the opposite. They treat those works with greater reverence and awe. Yet there is less than a dozen of each.

Author Date Written

Earliest Copy

Number of Copies

Accuracy of Copies

Caesar 1st Cent. B.C. 900 A.D. 10 ⎯⎯⎯Livy 1st Cent. B.C. ⎯⎯⎯ 20 ⎯⎯⎯

Tacitus c. 100 A.D. 1100 A.D. 20 ⎯⎯⎯Thucydides 5th Cent. B.C. 900 A.D. 8 ⎯⎯⎯Herodotus 5th Cent. B.C. 900 A.D. 8 ⎯⎯⎯

Demosthenes 4th Cent. B.C. 1100 A.D. 200 ⎯⎯⎯Mahabharata ⎯⎯⎯ ⎯⎯⎯ ⎯⎯⎯ 90%

Homer 9th Cent. B.C. ⎯⎯⎯ 643 95%

New Testament

1st Cent. A.D. (50-100


2nd Cent. A.D. (c. 130


5,000 99+%

(Table from Norman Geisler's Christian Apologetics, p. 307, )(Table from Norman Geisler's Christian Apologetics, p. 307, )(Table from Norman Geisler's Christian Apologetics, p. 307, )(Table from Norman Geisler's Christian Apologetics, p. 307, )(Table from Norman Geisler's Christian Apologetics, p. 307, )

The integrity of the scriptures is unbreakable. That kind of unity is to be seen through-out the body of Christ as well. We see that spoken of in the New Testament as it speaks of the followers of Jesus as a body. Ephesians speaks of the believers as a holy temple1 being fitted together. Each one of us as living stones 1 Pet 2:5-9 is being positioned to create the habi-tation of GodRev 21:9-21. By the various gifts, talents and fruits of the Holy Spirit we are able to grow and come to maturity as one body, with one head, ChristEph 4:11-16. Those various gifts, talents and fruits are demonstrated by the various ornamentations on the lamp stand’s shaft and branches.

Made of One solid ‘talent’ of Gold, about 75 pounds. With 16 ounces in a pound multiplied by 75 that’s 1,200 ounces multiply that by current gold values, and the worth in gold alone is 1,600,000 approx. value.

Gallery 11.1 The Golden Lampstand

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A Beaten Work

Not only does the Lampstand typify Jesus because He is the Light of the world, but also the very process through which it was made. The gold was purified through the fire and then it was to be beaten into its form. Jesus Christ was beaten and abused for our sins. The chastisement for our sins was placed on Him. He was whipped, hit, spit at, mocked, his flesh was torn off his body, he was forced to walk carrying his own cross on rough ter-rain to a hill where He was nailed to it and then hung to die of suffo-cation.

As his disciples we are to be willing to endure similar re-proaches. Throughout history, the one people group hated and de-spised above the Jews was true believers in Christ. From the terrible persecutions under Roman Emperors, through the Spanish inquisi-tion, to people hiding Jews in WWII and today around the world in Muslim and Communist countries, Christians are beaten or killed daily for their faith.

Jesus warned His disciples not to think differently. That He being their master was despised and we being His servants would be no different1.

Paul talked about dying daily, being poured out, being beaten, stoned shipwrecked and in danger from false brethren. He said that He himself bore the marks of the Lord Jesus Christ2.

Hebrews 13:10-15 states, ‘We have an altar from which those who serve the tabernacle have no right to eat. For the bodies of those animals, whose blood is brought into the sanctuary by the high priest for sin, are burned outside the camp. Therefore Jesus also, that He might sanctify the people with His own blood, suffered out-side the gate. Therefore let us go forth to Him, outside the camp, bearing His reproach. For here we have no continuing city, but we seek the one to come. Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name.’ We are to remember we are not possessors here and now. We are pilgrims and strangers here look-ing for a habitation a possession that is not made with human hands.

We are not to store up our treasures here on this earth. If we do, we are no better than the scribes and the Pharisees of Jesus day. He warned His disciples not to be like them. They would always have the appearance of godliness by their possessions and position.

They presumed the right to the best seats, the best status among their peers and so on. Jesus said they would even go so far as to display their holiness so that others would admire them. With all their hunger for earthly and external rewards, Jesus said ‘they have their re-ward‘Mt 5:10-12.

The reward of the true believers is not here on this earth. Not that we cannot have nice things, good jobs, great family and homes. But if all that were taken away in a mo-ment, what would happen to our faith? Is our faith secured in them? Are they what anchor us?

Our treasure, our hearts fixation should be on Christ and His Kingdom at work in our hearts and lives. If so, nothing can rob our joy or shake our faith.

The Holy Sanctuary housed some of the most pre-cious possessions of the tabernacle. But notice the common person did not see these items. The carnal minded man can-not know them for they are spiritually discerned. They are heavenly treasures, and if we are carnally minded Christians seeking the riches of this world in the name of godliness, then we are not dwelling where the true riches are housed. If we love the world, we have placed ourselves as enemies of God.

Light of the WorldPsalm 119 is an absolutely wonderful psalm detailing the beauty and splendor of God’s word. With each letter of the Hebrew alphabet another attribute of the Word of God is spelled out. Throughout the psalm, the exposing nature of God’s word is evident. It exposes the dark recesses of the heart; it illuminates the proper pathway for life.

Jesus made very dramatic statements. While in the Temple teaching, He equated Himself with the Torah by saying that

He was the Light of the World. In this statement He was indicating that He was Divine and that He alone was the source of light for the priests as they ministered before the Lord in the temple services. This was not well received. Jesus let people know that if they fol-lowed Him, they would not walk in darkness but they would walk in the light of lifeJohn 8:12. These were bold declarations from Christ. The Scribes and Pharisees knew what He was saying and they were not thrilled with it.

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The Torah is considered the ‘Living Word of God’. The apostle, John, starts his gos-pel by saying that ‘The Word’ took on flesh and dwelt among us. He stated that the entire sum of the scriptures speaks and point to Him and make Him known4. That He was physi-cally touched and handledJohn 1:1-14. We know that Jesus is the ‘Word of God’ made flesh.

Light is the very nature and character of God. Jesus proclaimed Himself to be the Light of the World repeatedly in the gospel of John6. He alone sheds light on our hearts and lights our way to the Father. Without the revelation of who He is by the illumination of His Spirit, we have no fellowship, no communion, and no privileged station before the throne of God. Without His light we walk in darkness, groping trying to find our own way to the Father. Without the Light of Life in Jesus Christ, we cannot see God.

You are . . .

Jesus told us that we are the light of the world. As the Body of Christ, corporately we now are the light of the world that leads men to the Lord Jesus and the Father.

Jesus made it plain that He shares His light with the world through His believers. There are a few key things Jesus proclaims we are. We are the salt of the earth, which is a preserving element. We are the light of the world, which grants warmth, growth and direc-tion. We are His witnesses and can faithfully declare what we have seen and heard4. Finally we are the branches on the vine bringing forth fruit to nourish and refresh those that receive life5.

In the King James Version of Exodus 25:31 it states, “His shaft, His branches, His bowls, His knops and His flowers, shall be of the same. . .” The pronoun being given sig-nifies the varying aspects of HIS - Christ’s body.

Interestingly, the book of Revelation mentions seven golden lamp stands. Jesus is walking amid these lamp stands and they represent the churches not just of John's day, but also of the current condition of Churches throughout history and collectively in today’s cul-tures. I have often seen it pictured as seven individual lamp stands and Jesus is separated from them, but I would dare to say that a more appropriate picture would be of Jesus as the base and the seven church being the branches extending from that source. We are the branches, the off shoots, or offspring with a lamp fueled with Holy Oil shining in a dark place.

As the light of the world we should not hide our light underneath a basket, but in-stead place it high that men would be drawn to it1.

Fuel for the Fire

The lamps were set on top of the branches of the lamp stand. Placed within them was a wick made of flax, which is a plant and pure olive oil. Each morning and evening the priests would tend to the lamps by making sure their fuel supply and wick were sufficient for the duration of the day or night.

Oil is used for a few things. A scented version of it is used to anoint priests, kings, some of the sacrifices and here at the tabernacle, the furniture itself. Oil is also used in the preparation of the holy bread for the Table of Showbread, or The Bread of His Presence. Specifically here it is used as a fuel source. Olive Oil represents the purest and most precious por-tion of the olive tree. Though its wood is hearty and good for building, and its fruit nutritious as a staple food, its oil is consid-ered the finest in the world.

What is one of the symbols of Israel as a nation? One is the star of David, the other is the menorah, and the other is an olive tree or branch. There is a wonderful reason. If you were to have an olive tree and it were to be cut down, flooded out or burn in a forest fire, it would come back because of its incredible root system. If the tree had been cut down, eventually the area in a circle around the old trunk would send up sprigs from the roots beneath the surface.

The Olive tree represents eternal life or resurrection. Do you remember want the dove brought back with him to Noah after the floodwaters had receded? It was the young sprig of an olive branch. Here the earth was destroyed by the wrath and floodwaters of God. The sprig of the olive branch was a promise of resurrection and hope to those who then looked on a destroyed earth.

The Nation of Israel, which was planted by the Lord God, had been cut down and completely destroyed in 135 AD under Roman law. The Temple had been obliterated, cir-cumcision and reading the scriptures were outlawed and every last Jew was required to leave the land or die in it. Their land was cut off from them, their language lost, their peo-ple dispersed among the nations of the world. Yet on May 14th, 1948 a nation was brought forth in one day! That is resurrection!

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The Lamp Stand was supplied with pure oil pressed or beaten out of the olives. This precious oil was the source of fuel for the light. Jesus was Himself pressed on the Mount of Olives the night before His death in the Garden of Gethsemane, which translated means, Place of the Olive Press. Jesus said, that ‘If I am lifted up’, speaking of the cross of His crucifixion, He would draw all men to Himself. Much the way, men are drawn to a great light in the midst of darkness or a lighthouse.

Oil always represents the Holy Spirit. In some of the older translations of scripture, the Lamp Stand is called the candlestick, but a candle’s fuel is wax. This lamp stand’s fuel was oil, not wax. Candles burn by self-consumption; as a solid it is considered an exhausti-ble fuel source. Oil being a fluid can have more oil added to it at any point and you cannot tell where the old oil ended and the new oil started, they become one immediately. It is thereby considered inexhaustible.

The Holy Spirit desired to indwell the believers, not merely lead them. We should be asking continually to be filled with the spirit of God as was done in the New Testament Church. The apostle John tells us that we have an anointing from the Holy Spirit, which will abide in us and will teach us all necessary things but we must be willing to surrender our lives to Him and go through the process of pressing, brokenness to receive the constant flow of oil in our lives.

Jesus told a parable about the ten virgins as they waited for the bridegroom’s proces-sion to come. Five were foolish, because they did not have enough oil and wanted the other five virgins simply to give them some of their excess. They were hoping to get some easily from those conveniently nearby. Oil is never gotten easily or cheaply. It is too precious and expensive to be simply given away to those who are unfaithful. The wise virgins, who had brought extra oil, told them to go and purchase oil from the sellers. They were unwise because they knew there would be a long walk back to the bridegroom’s home in the dark. Certainly, they should have expected to run out and should have been prepared. We need to be willing to pay the price for Christ so that the oil will flow freely in our lives, if not we will run out eventually, and may miss the bridegroom’s coming. At that point it may be too late.

As Christians the life that we live is to be fueled by or lived by the spirit of God, not according to the flesh. As we walk in the spirit and are led by the light of His leading, we will walk in the life Jesus Christ has purchased for us. The Church is not to give natural light and do good works in their own strength, but be the Lamp stands shedding divine light by source and supply of the oil of the Holy Spirit. Common knowledge and moral law is acknowledged through everyday experiences and situations. It is evident in the laws of sci-ence and society. The Church does not need to be teaching these things unless the society has stopped. That is when we as a body of believers raise a standard and say these things are acceptable and others are not. That church responsibility is found in the outer court-

yard. This is where the common things of this world, as fantastic as they may be, are used to display the wonder and order of God's authority and kingdom. Within the Sanctuary, where other believers meet, the responsibility is to shine with the light of revelation by the illumination of the Holy Spirit. There we share with one another the wonder of the Word of God, as expressed and illuminated by the very presence of God. If the oil runs dry and not replenished, the wick will burn and will smoke up the room. At that point it will be re-moved. If it can be trimmed and oil added, the Lord would prefer that.

Smoking Flax

Some time ago I went to a candle party at a friend’s home. At one point the pre-senter was giving tips as to care for your candles, remove old wax etc. She asked ‘How long a wick is supposed to extend above the fuel source?” One of the women in the group said, ‘no more than ¼ inch’. She was correct. The presenter explained the reason to us. If a wick is longer than ¼ inch it starts to smoke because that portion of it is actually burning. Keeping the wick shorter permits the part that is absorbing the oil to burn, as a bright light not charred remains. Smoke obscures the light within the room. Light is needed for illumi-nation of the room so that the bread can be seen and eaten and the incense can be offered. The light of revelation is needed when we come before the Lord, so that we can pray in ac-cordance with the word of God.

There will be times in our walk with the Lord where we have held on to some charred remains in our life. Unfortunately, this will ob-scure our vision and the illumination of those things within the courts of God. The High Priest, Jesus Christ, is faithful to trim those wicks so that we do not put out so much smoke and instead will burn brightly for Him in His house.

Jesus reassures us in Matthew 12:20, which is a quote from Isaiah 42:3, ‘A bruised reed shall he not break, And a smoking flax shall he not quench.’ Ask yourself, has your fire, the passion you have for Jesus, been burn-ing low? Perhaps, you have allowed the oil to run out and it seems that your vision and under-standing is clouding up? Perhaps, you feel it has gone out all together. Repent for the lack of attentiveness to those things He called you to; repent for the neglect of your walk with Him.

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Then be diligent to carry out those things you know you should do, pray and read His word. God is faithful and just to forgive all of our failings if we will simply call out to Him. He can re-light the lamp stand if we will go back to our first love.

Think again of the seven churches in the book of Revelation. Jesus declared Him-self to be fully aware of their condition. He warned five of the churches to tend to their wicks and replenish their oil, or else1. The Lord has no use for a lamp stand that has no light. Though He will not extinguish a dim light, He warns he will remove one that refuses to burn.

Here in the Holy Place, we have the light of Jesus’ to shine on us and in us. God commanded the light to shine in our hearts, to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory as it is displayed in the person of Jesus Christ. We must be willing to look at our lives as see if we have either resisted, grieved or sinned against the Lord. If so we will have to repent and ask the Lord to clarify for us the way in which we need to go. We may need to seriously ask and be willing to follow His direction and correction for actions or attitudes we held to intentionally or inadvertently. Once restored and refreshed, we share in the light of His truth and have this treasure in our earthen vessels, ‘that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.‘2 Cor 4:7 We no longer walk according to the light of the natu-ral world, but of the spiritual light. We walk according the spirit’s leading, not the worldly, carnal, base understandings of human wisdom that are common to all humanity 1 Cor 1:18-25.

This is the hope of His Calling as we walk closer to Him, having the eyes of our un-derstanding enlightened, that we might know the riches and the glory of the inheritance we have in HimEph 1:18-19. Now that our oil is renewed and the wicks have been trimmed, in the brilliance of His revelation let us move over to the Golden Table and partake.

Review 11.1 The Lampstand

Check Answer

Question 1 of 4What kind of fuel was used in the Golden Lampstand?

A. Olive Oil

B. Flax Oil

C. Animal Oils

D. Candle wax

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Chapter 12

Table of Showbread

“You shall also make a table of Acacia wood; two cubits shall be its length, a cubit its width, and a cubit and a half its height. And You shall overlay it with pure gold, and make a molding of gold all around. You shall make for it a frame of a handbreadth all around and your shall make a gold molding for the frame all around. And you shall make for it four rings of gold, and put the rings on the four corners that are at its four legs. The rings shall be close to the frame, as holders for the poles to bear the table. And you shall make the poles of Acacia wood, and overlay them with gold, that the table may be carried with them…And you shall set the showbread on the table before Me always.

Exodus 25:23-30; 37:10-15

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Holy Construction

We are invited to a table set before the presence of the Lord. This table is beautiful. It

measured two cubits long, about three feet. It was 1 cubit deep, about 1 ½ feet and stood 1

½ cubits high, about 27 inches. At the top of this table around its perimeter is a raised

border like an embellished crown and along the length of its sides are gold covered poles

that are used when the priests carried it to the next encampment. It was made of

incorruptible wood, the Acacia or Shittim wood and had been carved and designed with

great intricacy. It was overlaid with pure gold that formed to every nook and cranny

displaying all the finer features as its gold reflected the light of the Lamp Stand.

Remember wood represents and prefigures an incorruptible or sinless human nature. The

gold overlaying that wood represents the deity of God in this Holy Place. Here we see the

dual nature of Jesus Christ, fully God, fully man. With these embellishments we have a

Holy King represented by the crown that had an earthly walk as signified by the poles by

which it was always transported and the sand floor on which it stood.

Each loaf of bread represented one of the twelve tribes of Israel. They were to be forever

before the Lord’s presence, displayed and prayerfully tended to. Each week on the Sabbath

the priests replaced the twelve loaves of fine flour. The loaves from the previous week were

to be completely eaten within the Sanctuary by the priests. They were not permitted to

leave the Holy Place or be eaten by anyone other than the Levitical priesthood. It was

believed during this time that the frankincense that sat on top of the two piles all week was

burned in the bowls while the bread was replaced. The Bread and the wine also represented

the Lord’s provision and sustenance as He graciously granted it to the children of Israel.

They recognized that He was the source of Life for them.

Weekly Renewal

Each Sabbath the wine was poured out of as drink offering, a libation before the Lord1.

These three separate acts, the bread made and replaced, the wine poured out and the

frankincense burned were considered one offering and all had to be done within the Holy

Place. This was done each Sabbath in conjunction with the sacrificing of a perfect and

spotless lamb. This table was always positioned on the northern wall within the Sanctuary,

to the right side as one entered2. As the Bread of Life was displayed on the northern wall,

we know that this corresponds with the burnt offering that was to be slain on the northern

side of the altar3.

Jesus, himself, was displayed outside the city walls and Golgotha is positioned on the

northern side of the temple mount area. Jesus being the bread of Life was displayed for all

to see. He poured out His life and blood as a libation or drink offering for the sins of the

world. Jesus declared at the Passover dinner that He was instituting a new covenant with

His blood that was going to be shed and poured out for the sins of many4. This is where we

start to see communion with God restored and constructed according to His Divine Pattern.

No one was permitted to eat this bread except the priests5. This was done on the Sabbath,

after the new loaves were brought and dedicated to the Lord’s presence. The only person

that ever ate of it aside from the priesthood was David. This happened before he was king

while running for his life from King Saul6. This was several years after the Lord had

anointed and chosen David as the next king of Israel. This same David was the one to

whom the promise and an everlasting covenant of Kingship was made. That from David’s

descendants, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords would come and He would be King,

Priest and Prophet. Jesus even speaks of this event Matthew 12:2-4 and Mark 2:25, 26

while arguing with the Pharisees. He argued that the compassion of the priest to preserve

David’s life overrode the prescribed letter of the law.

Bread of Life

Jesus declared Himself to be the Bread of Life, which is greater than the Holy Bread in the

sanctuary and greater than the Manna that was miraculously supplied to the children of

Israel for nearly 40 years. In a physical display of Jesus unmatched compassion He fed the

multitudes miraculously created bread, and then He became the bread of sacrifice for our

atonement, by being the sinless lamb slain as our Passover. In His defeat of the law of sin

and death, He conquered the bondage to sin and the devil’s hold over the earth. Once

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resurrected and ascended He is ever before the Lord as the Bread of His presence

displaying His love for us1.

In John 6:32-35 Jesus equated Himself with the Bread of Life. The bread that the Jews

spoke of as holy was a little wafer that was deposited six days of the week on the desert

floor for the wandering tribes of Israel. Even though the spirit of God gave that bread, they

all died, most of them within the wilderness itself, never having reached the Promised

Land. Much the way Jesus talked to the Woman at the Well, declaring that the living water

he had was far superior to that water of the well that her ancestor Jacob had secured, the

Bread of Life Jesus spoke of was far superior to that which

sustained the life of the nation during its 40 years of


Jesus proclaimed, “I am the bread of life. He who comes to

Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall

never thirst. But I said to you that you have seen Me and

yet do not believe. All that the Father gives Me will come

to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will by no means

cast out. For I have come down from heaven, not to do My

own will, but the will of Him who sent Me. This is the will

of the Father who sent Me, that of all He has given Me I

should lose nothing. But should raise it up at the last day.

And this is the will of Him who sent Me, that everyone

who sees the Son and believes in Him may have everlasting

life; and I will raise him up on the last day.”

The Jews complained that He equated Himself with the

heavenly bread, they knew Jesus, they had seen Him grow

from childhood, and they knew His mother and father.

Their familiarity bred contempt for His words. Jesus spoke

some more and then He restated the truth, “Most assuredly,

I say to you, he who believes in Me has everlasting life. I

am the bread of life. Your fathers ate the manna in the wilderness, and are dead. This is the

bread that comes down from heaven, that one may eat of it and not die. I am the living

bread which came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever; and

the bread that I shall give is My flesh, which I shall give for the life of the world.1”

These last statements completely upset the hearers. They could not get out of their mind a

cannibalistic act, which is contrary to the Torah. Would Jesus require such a thing? It did

not make sense to them that the Messiah would contradict the Torah; instead everything He

speaks should be in perfect accordance with it. How could this thing be so contrary? These

are excellent questions and for years I myself have struggled with

the supposed contradiction. Jesus knew this, but He did not define

it further, to clarify or make it more palatable.

This is the Bread of Life, and from it we gain the nutrients of

ingestion. As we learn more of the Word of God mentally, our

heart and spirit are nourished intimately to understand Jesus, the

Word of God as He presses us to change and be formed in His

image, nourished by His life in us.

The Bread of Sacrifice

The Jews to this day, teach that there is the surface text, which

speaks of actual, historical, as well as practical truths and laws.

But they also recognize that there is a deeper truth that goes

beyond the written letter of the law, to the spirit of the law. Jesus

was speaking from that place. He was stating that the Bread that

comes down from heaven, grants eternal life, not temporary

physical life. That bread was equated with his flesh, the sacrifice

of God to make eternal peace between God and men. He was

linking the sacrifice of the outer court at the Bronze Altar to the

bread of the Holy Place at the Table of Showbread and the blood of

the Sacrifice with the pouring out of the wine offerings. In doing

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so, He was showing that they speak of the forgiveness, which grants restoration and

fellowship with God.

Much the way the Israelites were required to eat the flesh of the lamb from the night of

Passover, so the priests were required by God to eat the flesh of many of the sacrifices once

they were offered on the altar. The sacrifice of flesh for these offerings was called the

bread of God. When giving instructions as to the need for animals that had no defect,

blemish, brokenness, cuts or bruises on their physical body God said, “You shall not offer

to the LORD what is bruised or crushed, or torn or cut; nor shall you make any offering of

them in your land. Nor from a foreigner’s hand shall you offer any of these as the bread of

your God, because their corruption is in them and defects are in them. They shall not be

accepted on your behalf.1” The blameless and perfect sacrifice was the bread of God,

Jesus, was the bread of God that came down from heaven, in whom the wrath of God

would be seen, by whom the people would be forgiven, of whom we need to ingest the

provision for our soul and spirit. Jesus is the perfect sacrifice.

The hearers of what Jesus had to say were stuck in the thought and visual picture of

cannibalism. They were not seeing that He was declaring that He would be the perfect,

blameless sacrifice upon the altar of God that must then be eaten by the priests once

consumed by the fire of God’s wrath. Their eyes could not get past the physical dimension

to see with eyes in the spirit, to hear what the spirit was saying to them. And from that time

forward many disciples walked away from Him. Peter when asked if he too were going to

walk away, replied, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. Also

we have come to believe and know that You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.2”

Even though they were called to something they could not fully grasp they rejoiced in

knowing Him and trusted Him eventually to make all these things evident to their mind and

heart. With that kind of faith and assurance, there is undoubtedly a joy that stabilizes, and

nourishment that brings growth and life to us.

In the Outer Court all that we saw spoke of death and purifying, here in the Holy Place or

Sanctuary every thing is speaking of Life, Light and Fragrance. In the Outer court we see

Jesus having gone to the lowest limits, paying the ultimate price for sin and receiving the

total consuming fire of wrath. Here we see Him who is crown with a name more excellent

than any other is.

He is crowned and takes pre-eminence above all things as signified by the glorious gold.

Hebrews 2:9-11 tells us that Jesus tasted death for everyone and was then crowned with

glory and honor so that He could bring many more to glory. That being the captain of such

salvation He is the one who not only orders and initiates, He goes before us as a trail blazer

securing our safety, our salvation in His finished and complete work on the cross.

The Matzos and the Cup

The famous ‘Lord’s supper’ or ‘Last supper’ are terms we associate with the dinner Jesus

had with His disciples the night before His crucifixion. Unfortunately, we use these terms

as if those are the names of the meal or event and we neglect the Jewish roots. In doing so

many are ignorant of the true significance and various meanings regarding the dinner as

well as some of what Jesus was saying. He was actually celebrating a time honored

custom and feast required by God Himself for thousands of years. It is called ‘Pesach’ or in

English, ‘Passover’. Jesus did not come to do away with the law and the prophets but to

fulfill them1.

On the night He was betrayed, Jesus took His twelve disciples into an upper room and there

served them the Passover dinner. During this dinner, they commemorated the miraculous

victory over the angel of death and their subsequent freedom from the clutches of Pharaoh’s

bondage. They commemorated the words of the deliverer, Moses and they ate the flesh of

the sacrifice, a blameless lamb, one that had no spot or blemish on it. During this dinner,

Jesus used the elements that for generations had become very familiar to the Jewish people,

and He began to express to them the fuller meaning of those things that sat before them on

the table. Those items for millennia had been used in a formal memorial dinner of the great

deliverance God secured for them under the leadership of Moses. It was also an informal

rehearsal of what was to come. This dinner was a prophetic object lesson teaching them of

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a fullness that had not been completely realized as of yet. It spoke of an act that would be

more fully accomplished by the Messiah, who is greater than Moses is.

During this dinner, Jesus stated that the bread was symbolic1 and foreshadowed His flesh;

the piercing and bruising His body would endure to acquire for them their liberty from sin

and Satan’s hold. The wine spoke of His blood as it would be poured out and shed for the

remissions of sin, the lamb spoke of the fulfillment of a pure and blameless, Lamb of God

who would take away the sins of the world.

Before their eyes and n their hearing, Jesus made it plain what each aspect of the dinner

really meant, and How He was the fulfillment of every thing it referenced. He used them as

object lessons for all His disciples to see and understand of more fully.

Jesus wants us to ingest His word and accept the blood of

sacrifice as it was shed for us. Jesus made it clear to His

disciples; He is the bread of Heaven, the bread of

Sacrifice, the Bread of God’s presence. He also made it

clear that His was the blood that makes atonement, this

blood cleanses, and it purifies and it gives life to those

that apply it to the threshold of the door of their hearts.

Taste and ‘Smell’ the Lord is Good.

Frankincense was placed on the bread2 through the week

and then burned while eating it on the Sabbath. Prayer

too, is a vital part of reading God’s word. Many people

read the words of God and yet they have not asked the

Holy Spirit to convict them and reveal to them truth.

They walk forever learning and yet never coming to a

true knowledge.

The Lord has written us a glorious love letter, one that is

completely honest about the author, His likes His

dislikes, His tender mercies and affection toward us. This love letter fully describes for us

warnings, commitments and promises. Unlike love letters, or pen pal letters where there

may be things we are not made aware of about the persons reactions, intentions, desires,

likes, dislikes, behaviors and secret issues, God is completely open with us. Through His

word we find out exactly everything we need to know to trust Him and fall in love with

Him surrendering our life completely to Him. As we progress in our relationship with Him

we are made more intimately aware of those things we do or stop doing that bring pleasure

to Him and in turn he blesses us.

Those times where I have sought out truth regarding various issues that have risen in my

worldview, values and spiritual walk I get my greatest revelations of truth through His

Spirit as I search out His Holy Word. I mean really taking it to task and breaking it down

and then seeing the truth build as I wrestle with the scriptures. I spend the time ingesting,

digesting and then eventually incorporating that truth into

my life with the joy of the Lord. The wine is certainly

symbolic for the blood of sacrifice poured out, but let us

not forget the element of jubilation wine can bring. The

joy of the Lord is our strength, and that joy comes in

knowing Him and the cross He not only bore, but also

calls us to bear. This is what it means to eat and drink of

the bread and wine, to have communion with the Lord


Covenant meal

Often when a bride and groom get married they celebrate

with a covenant meal. I do not mean the reception that

may follow, but during the actual ceremony they often

times have ‘Communion’ together. That goes back to

biblical practices1. Covenants are to be until the death of

one of the individuals, each one pledging their life for the

other. Abraham had a covenant meal with the Lord when

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He was promised a son by the power of the Lord. When you made a covenant, you broke

bread with that person as a means of showing fidelity, unity, fellowship, protection and

commitment to the promise.

The priests partook in this covenant meal each week as a reminder of God’s graciousness as

He condescended down in veiled form to restore them to fellowship with Himself, but it

was also an acknowledgement of their continued commitment to God’s holy requirements

of them. In the book of Revelation, Jesus knocks on the door of the Laodicean church

imploring those who would hear Him to restore fellowship with Him in a covenant meal1.

Jesus at the Passover dinner was breaking bread and passing the cup as a promise of the

new covenant and He was sharing a covenant meal with them using familiar symbols.

When we partake of ‘communion’ it is not merely remembering what Christ did for us, this

is a two-way thing. We also acknowledge and reaffirm our commitment to Him. It is far

more than the mere elements of memorial and

it is more than just thinking on His death; it

requires us to make the commitment to live in

a manner worthy of Christ. To put to death

our carnal ways, to embrace the cross of Christ

in our own lives of which we are called to be

joint heirs of2, to bring forth the fruits of

repentance, to take up our cross dying daily to

our fleshly old nature and follow Him even

our own death3.

It is as we eat at His table in the Light of

Revelation of the Lamp stand and offer the

incense of praise, prayers and thanksgiving to

Him as His royal priesthood, we become

partakers of His divine nature, conformed to

the image of Christ’s death then to walk in the

power of His resurrection.

Fellowship of the Inner Sanctum

I want to dwell in Christ. I want to know the richness of His Word. I want to be

able to see by the light of His glory. I desire to know Him and those that long for His

habitation. 1 John 1:7 exhorts us that, ‘if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have

fellowship one with another.’ Here is the community of the believers. This community is

based on sacrifice at the Altar, His cleansing at the Laver and now the oil of His Spirit, His

Holiness and His light. We minister before the Lord within this Holy Place and this place is

focused on Christ.

It is difficult to have true fellowship with those that have not walked in the knowledge of

Jesus Christ or have turned away and left the Lord for the things of this world. Paul and

John both recognized this. How can two walk together unless they are in agreement? How

can darkness and light dwell together, how can the saints of God have a bond in the spirit

and covenant with those who practice sinful deeds?

Paul implored the saints, not to stop dealing with those

in the world. We are to reach out to them and minister

to them at all times, always ready to give an

accounting of the work of Christ in our lives and

beseeching them to be reconciled as well. It is hard to

have deep fellowship and community with those that

are not part of the Kingdom of God, and too often we

are made to feel guilty for that. I am not saying that

we cannot have intimate relationships with unsaved,

we can. There are many saved people married to

unsaved spouses, or people that have unsaved children

or parents. In those situations there is no less love, no

less intimate a relationship than before, but those that

have partaken of the Spirit of God are hard pressed to

share that with others that cannot comprehend the


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When we encounter others usually our first mode of interaction is a brief introduction and/

or a handshake, it is physical.

As we continue to meet there is more interaction, more is known about each other, and we

engage our souls. But that is as far as two individuals can go without knowledge of Jesus

Christ as their Lord and Savior, regardless of how deep those soul ties may be. You can

minister Christ, but not fellowship spiritually with someone who has no knowledge of Him.

The Bible makes it clear that it is hidden from them; they can only be spiritually discerned

and appreciated by those that are spiritual to begin with1.

What joy can be found in the presence of our King! Here as we come to commune with the

Lord God, we come to know Him intimately, and we are known intimately. Here we have

not only fellowship with the Lord, but also fellowship with those who are also ministering

before Him. We come to know each other on a spiritual level, serving and loving one

another in a way that cannot be found in the physical or the soul realms. These ties that

bind are His power and they are found only here in the Holy place. What praise He is

worthy of, what glory there is in Christ. We draw near to Him and He is gracious to engage

us, and know us.

How fun and precious are those time when you get together with others and really get into

the Word of God, taking it apart, discerning it’s content, questioning and seeking for truth.

Those are some of the most precious times with other believers because the more we really

know (have understanding with our mind) the Word of God (Biblical content and context),

the more we really KNOW (intimately fellowship with) the WORD OF GOD (Jesus

Christ). We come to know personally Jesus Christ through reading and understanding the

various aspects of His character through the pages of scripture.

It is like swimming in the deep water with friends. Granted there are people in various

depths of the waters. Some may only wade in to their ankles, others to their waist, but

some enjoy the liberty and free motion in the deep end.

In areas, I am only ankle deep myself so I am thankful for those who are patient with me

and encourage me to go deeper. If I am with someone that does not want to go any deeper

than their ankle, I am required to encourage them to go deeper into the living waters, if they

cannot, I am to be patient and enjoy the water where they are.

Sharper than a two-edged Sword

We know that knowledge gained has the ability to inflate the recipient. As the scriptures

say, “Knowledge puffs up”. And yet we are encouraged through out the whole of scripture,

from Genesis to Revelation, to gain knowledge of the word of God. 2 Timothy 2:15 says,

“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be

ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” Further on 2 Timothy 3:15-16 let us us know

that it is “…The Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through

faith, which is in Christ Jesus. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable

for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of

God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

Hebrews 4:12 says, “For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-

edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and

is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” God’s word is extremely precise. In

submitting to its ability to cut sharply we have less damage than if we try to do things with

our own wisdom and understanding. Learning the Word of God and increasing in the

knowledge of the Word of God is not so that we can parrot off a scripture and impress those

around us, but so that we will gain understanding of its application to our everyday life and

thereby walk in the wisdom of God’s counsel.

We know that the Word of God is alive, it is powerful, it is so pointed at times that it has the

ability to divide between those things that are from our own soul and separate them from

things that are truly born or brought forward through the Spirit.

In surgical operations across the globe, doctors utilize the sharpest scalpels, to cut their

patients. Still there is a tremendous amount of blood because the blade actually cuts

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through a cell. Within the past few years some doctors have been utilizing a devise that

cuts with a minimal amount of blood. They are utilizing a blade that emits radio waves. It

does not cut through cells, the radio waves actually force the cells apart from each other1

causing less damage to the area, less destruction to the cells as a whole, which means

quicker and easier heal time. The word of God is even sharper than that! It is able to divide

between soul and spirit, something we humans often get confused.

The Word of God is potent, it is powerful, able to cut deep into our heart and mind, able to

divide things, where we may have blurred the lines and it is powerful to protect us.

Ephesians 6:17 “And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the

word of God” Both the helmet of Salvation and the Sword of the Spirit are the Word of

God. With one we are able to bring every thought to the obedience of Jesus Christ and

bring low every thought that exalts itself against the word of God. So that our mind is not

tossed back and forth by every wind of doctrine that will blow around our schools,

governments, society and churches.

Fine Flour

The bread needed to be made of fine flour. While studying this I started to ask myself

where they got the flour from, they were not growing wheat in the desert. Did they go to

their neighbors, which were generally enemies they conquered? I do not think they would

have made there way into the surrounding cities to purchase at the town marketplace. I got

curious and decided to ask a Rabbi or two. I believe they used the ‘manna’ that was

supplied to them daily and when I asked the Rabbi, he confirmed that Jewish tradition

believes that.

That manna was picked up each day. They were not permitted to stockpile the bread in

order to skip a day of gathering. If they did, the following day the left over manna was

worm infested and would make them sick. I found that very interesting. We need to have

our ‘daily bread’ supplied by the Lord. He is the bread from Heaven, not the bread from

surrounding peoples. God supplied their daily needs, and Jesus is the bread from Heaven

for us today. He is the Living Word, and if we ingest it and receive of His spiritual

nutrition, we will live. We cannot rely on someone else’s manna pot to feed us, nor can we

eat and remain healthy if we are living off previous understandings, truths, victories and a

cold relationship with Christ. We need to seek Christ diligently for ourselves daily if we

want to have that healthy relationship that is full, vibrant, and anointed by the Holy Spirit.

That is work, each day. Work required by us alone. I must read my bible. I must pray. I

must worship. I must stop doing things I know are not pleasing. I must start doing things I

know are pleasing to His heart.

Do we as Christians only want to have our ears tickled and get goose bumps? To be spoon-

fed by someone else, or do we seek out our relationship with Jesus Christ by praying,

reading, seeking, and laying down sinful behaviors and attitudes of the heart. Are we

seeking after sensory satisfaction, or another way, living according to the flesh, instead of

the spirit? If our spiritual walk and health is based on ‘feeling’ God then we have become

dependent on sensory stimulus to affirm our belief in God. That becomes dangerous. Faith

becomes fragile and easily broken if not simply rejected when hard times, persecution, and

trauma press on us. Faith truly is the evidence of things not seen; it is an anchor and

bedrock of strength to stand on even when all the pressure of this world and stressful

situations shout otherwise.

If I spiritually eat in a way that takes in too much sugar, always looking for an exciting

time, a steady diet like that will create nothing more than a diabetic Christian, who does not

like to digest meat. If my spiritually diet has little spiritual nutrition which the Whole

Counsel of God has to offer, I may become an anorexic Christian that may eventually starve

to the point of complete shut down and death. Either way I will never be brought to the full

stature of Christ.

I love great atmosphere, which is why I choose certain restaurants, movies, decorate my

home, design jewelry, go certain places for vacation, and wear certain styles of clothing. I

am someone who loves drama; atmosphere, visual effects, art, great music and I love

churches that have all that. I believe in being culturally relevant, I do not believe truth is

relative. I had better be culturally relevant or my neighbors will not even talk to me, I need

to build a certain amount of trust and respect in order to be heard without defensive walls.

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By being relevant I am able to be real with people and yet I do not have to be a proverbial

welcome mat. Too often we as Christians want to be liked by everyone and are

unfortunately respected by few. You cannot have it both ways. Jesus certainly did not

worry about His like-ability. He was looking to lay the foundations of a radically different

type of Kingdom. In order to do so, He had to upset the apple cart, or thrash the temple or

confound the powerful and prominent of His day. He may have made many friends that

were sinners, but they were not expected to stay that way. They were expected to come in

contact with the only hope for life, and be radically transformed by it. As Jesus walked

through the countryside, He left a wake of people that were loved, healed and fed, yet

challenged, corrected and even rebuked in mercy. I can be very much a relevant person,

and still have a strong unwavering faith. People do not look to Jell-O to secure them in

tough times. I am not living in the 1800’s and for that matter; I am not living in the 1st

century. Being relevant does not require me to compromise truth or integrity.

Things around us have changed culturally, technologically, medically, scientifically and so

on. The message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ has not. Not one word of the Holy

Scriptures is any less potent, valuable, relative to our spiritual needs, human inclinations,

attitudes, actions and daily life. They are all just as important today, as they were 400,

2000, even 3500 years ago. Most of the scriptures are simply not politically correct in our

world. The pressure to comply with and befriend the world to avoid any persecution is

strong and growing, but it is not an acceptable excuse before a most holy God.

To know what the Lord God says about things through His Word, we find an anchor for our

thoughts and the stability of our souls. This eliminates a double-minded lifestyle, one that

fluctuates with every supposed new fad that comes along. This is the helmet of Salvation,

secured and protecting our minds and ultimately our heart by having a clear understanding

of our salvation and God’s Word. The Sword of the Spirit is also the Word of God by

which we can fend off those deceptions that are thrust against us. In the same way that

Jesus used the Word of God to fight off Satan’s attempts to deceive the Lord in the

wilderness with the inappropriate usage of God’s word.

Review 12.1 Table of Showbread

Check Answer

Question 1 of 3How many loaves of bread were put on the Ta-ble?

A. 3

B. 12

C. 24

D. 144

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Chapter 13

Golden Altar- Altar of Incense“You shall make an altar to burn incense on; you shall make it of Acacia wood. A cubit shall be its length and a cubit its width-it shall be square-and two cubits shall be its height. Its horns shall be of one piece with it. And you shall overlay its top, its sides al around, and its horns with pure gold; and you shall make for it a molding of gold all around. Two gold rings you shall make for it, under the molding on both its sides. You shall place them on its two sides, and they will be holders for the poles with which to bear it. You shall make the poles of Acacia wood, and overlay them with gold. And you shall put it before the veil that is before the ark of the Testimony, before the mercy seat that is over the Testimony, where I will meet with you.

Exodus 30:1-5

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Aaron shall burn on it sweet incense every morning; when he tends the lamps, he shall burn at twilight, he shall burn incense on it, a perpetual incense before the LORD throughout your generations. You shall not offer strange in-cense on it, or a burnt offering, or a grain offering; nor shall you pour a drink offering on it. And Aaron shall make atone-ment upon its horns once a year with the blood of the sin offer-ing of atonement; once a year he shall make atonement upon it throughout your generations. It is most holy to the LORD.”

Exodus 30:1-10

The Golden Altar of Incense was made of Shittim/Acacia Wood it was overlaid with pure gold. This piece of furniture was also made of the finest incorruptible wood and over-laid with pure gold. It had an ornate border or crown that adorned the top. This was similar to the Table of Showbread and was also carried on the poles during transportation. It was situated in front of the veil that separated the Holy Place from the Holy of Holies. It was exactly the same height as the Ark of the Covenant and the grate of the brazen altar. It was foursquare, and had horns on the corners just as the Bronze Altar did.

Coals from the Bronze altar lit the incense. Therefore, the Golden Altar and the Lamp-stand were considered divinely lit because God had miraculously lit the altar of sacrifice at the inauguration of the Tabernacle.

The position of the Altar of Incense was directly centered before the veil. It was the heart of the Sanctuary. Its height echoed that of the grate of the Bronze Altar of sacrifice in the outer courtyard and the Ark of the Covenant in the Holy of Holies. These three were of unified on Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the Jewish calendar. The Sin Sacrifice would be made for the people, the blood would be caught and some put on the Bronze Altar, the High Priest, The Golden Altar’s horns and then sprinkled on the Mercy Seat within the Holy of Holies. It is through God’s acceptance of the sacrifice, the ministry of the High Priest who makes intercession for us, that we are granted remission, forgiveness of our sins.

This is the place where the Priests came to bring their petitions, worship and praise before the Throne of God. At this altar they would take the various prescribed spices, mix them with the coals from the altar, and allow a potent fragrance to fill the room and per-fume is space. The Ketoret (incense) was burned every evening and morning on the Golden Altar by the priests, in front of the veil that blocked entrance to the Holy of Holies, which housed the Ark of the Covenant.

According to Jewish tradition the Incense Offering is the most precious part of service in the eyes of God. When God had given the Jewish people the city of Jerusalem, every Priest that served at the temple desired to have the honor of conducting this service, which was usually only a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

High Priestly Advocate

Again we have the dual nature of Jesus Christ, Fully man, Fully God, both human and divine as represented by the wood and gold. It displayed one that would have a very real and earthly walk as it rested in the sanctuary on an earthen floor. Being transported from place to place by a holy priesthood carried on poles that rested on their shoulders further displayed a human earthly walk among humanity. Jesus walked among us as a priest of prayer.

One of the more obvious features of Jesus life was that of constant prayer with the Father. Often going away to a solitary place to pray and have fellowship with Him.

Jesus often prayed while He was walking here on the earth. He often times went off to pray alone all night. He would pray for his disciples, those that would betray Him, situa-tions and the people that followed Him. He has taught us various aspects of prayer through parables, teachings, His prayers and the famous, ‘Lord's Prayer' or ‘Our Father’. Unfortu-nately that has been taught as a routine or repetitive prayer, simply parroted off, and so many no longer even consider its context. Jesus did not teach us that quoting them had any power; it was not so much an exact prayer to be prayed but a format or outline of how to pray. We should really look at it, break it down and expound on it with words of our own heart as we pray. Jesus taught in Matthew 6:7-9, “And when you pray, do not use vain repe-titions as the heathen do. For they think that they will be heard for their many words. Therefore do not be like them. For your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him. In this manner, therefore, pray: Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name…” It is a model to use, a template, framework for our own prayers to be placed in or hung on.

Jesus’ prayers as transcribed by those that wrote the gospels are excellent examples of how to pray. Whether He was raising Lazarus from the dead or crying out to God from the garden of Gethsemane. What we see is the man Jesus, verbalizing, desire for others, implor-

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ing through grief, submitting His will and so on. Sometimes His prayer is simple, other time quite involved. We have recorded for our encouragement a personal prayer Jesus prayed for all of us much the way a High Priest would before the altar of incense in John 17. As an-other model for prayer, Jesus prays for Himself, for those close to Him, and then for those afar off all the while giving honor to the Father and submitting Himself to the plans and purposes of God’s authority and glory in His life.

Other scriptures to look at and learn how to pray are found throughout the book of Psalms. They are the cries of the heart as ex-pressed during trials, tribulations, jubilee, de-pression, sorrow, fears, repentance, petitions, desires, adoration, grateful thanksgiving and so on. It is one giant prayer book. Prayer is just that, the honest expression of your heart and mind. Declaring the truth to God about who you are, where you are at, what your needs are, who you understand Him to be and your desire to become more like Him.

Kingdom of priests

1 Peter 2:9 declares that we as believers and disciples of Jesus Christ are a kingdom of priests before God. “You are a chosen genera-tion, a royal priesthood a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light”. This scripture comes from Exodus 19:5-6 where God is tell-ing Moses to say to the people, “Now therefore, if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, then you shall be a special treasure to Me above all people; for all the earth is Mine. And you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.” This is our calling as believ-ers in Jesus, having now been grafted into the true olive tree1 through faith.

As joint heirs with Jesus Christ we are called to join Him in intercession, prayers, praises and declare to this dying world His Glory. Jesus lives forever and is an intercessor for us acting as High Priest forever before the Throne of God. He is the High Priest, but He encourages us to engage in the activities of priesthood with Him. He calls us along side Himself to join Him at this place, in this func-tion of worship, praise, and prayers for others and ourselves.

Throughout the book of Revelation we find the various pieces of the Tabernacle of Moses. In Revelation 8:3, 4 incense is likened to the prayers and intercession of the saints and priests to God. Prayer is extremely important to all believers in Christ. It is the mainstay of our walk. We need to have a vibrant prayer life. Why? We need to know God’s ways, not just His works or wonders. The masses of people that followed Jesus often followed Him simply because of His healing power or the ability to make an abundance of food from essentially nothing. They saw His miracles and wanted to be near the power and excitement.

Few were truly close to Him with their heart. On one Sunday they adored and worshiped Him as He rode into the city on a donkey. They proclaimed Him ‘Son of David’ recogniz-ing and desiring Him to be their King. A few days later, the crowds were calling for His cruci-fixion. Psalms 103:7 shows a huge difference between Moses relationship with God and the children of Israel’s relationship with God. Moses knew God’s ways, the people merely His acts, wonders and power. Having a regular prayer life we become intimately aware of God’s ways, desires, likes, dislikes, encourage-ments and warnings. We cannot know how to

intercede unless we have a regular relationship with God.

Incense was placed in a personal incense carrier and transported into the holy of holies once a year on the Day of Atonement - Yom Kippor, in other instances it was brought out and presented as a prayer for the sins of the people, as Aaron stood between life and death....on behalf of others. (Numbers 16:41-50)

Gallery 13.1 The Priest & Incense

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Sweet Aroma

It is to be a perpetual offering - we are to be continually in a state of prayer to pray without ceasing1, spiritually attuned and sensitive to the needs surrounding us and to the Holy Spirit’s leading and promptings. Prayerful attitude throughout the day does not inhibit your ability to go about your business. It is being constantly aware of the Spirit’s presence with us, being sensitive to the needs of others, willing at a moments notice to pray with them, over the phone, in the store, at the fence line presenting them and the concerns of their heart to the Lord. Remember, we are ambassadors of the ministry of reconciliation to this hurt and dying world, our neighbors, friends and family. We should walk in a manner, radar on, so to speak of any opportunity, being always ready to give an account of the hope of glory that resides within us2.

We are to be fragrant in the same manner as the incense of the altar. We are called to perfume the halls of Heaven and emit Heaven's scent. 2 Corinthians 2:14-16 says, “Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fra-grance of His knowledge in every place. For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing. To the one we are the aroma of death leading to death, and to the other the aroma of life leading to life.” Let’s face it, as we walk in a manner that is contrary to the world but aligned with Christ Jesus, there are going to be those who do not like us. They recognize a commitment, dedication, and an entirely different set of priorities. This will convict their hearts and if they chose to reject Christ, they will be repulsed by our presence. We cannot worry about that. We do not want to become pleasers of men, but rather be pleasing to God1.

To those that are rejecting Christ, they see, hear and smell in our lives sacrifice, death to outward manifestations of sin and inward renewing of our minds and attitudes. Though they may be amazed by changes in our behavior, actions and motivations, they are not will-ing to pay the price themselves and are repulsed by the thought of it. All they see is the death of the Bronze Altar; death to worldly pleasure and lust, death to self-exaltation and promotion.

To those that are being saved, they see the death, and smell the aroma, but recognize that it is the beginning of life through the resurrection power of Jesus Christ. It has a sweet smell and they are drawn to it that they might walk in a greater understanding of who Christ is. They enter into the Holy Place, the Sanctuary and to those being sanctified; they find life and recognize the fragrance of this precious and secret place.

Standing in the Gap, between Life and Death

In the book of Numbers there is a fascinating display of the power of intercession. The children of Israel had just seen the wrath of God swallow up several family clans that

desired to remove Aaron and Moses from authority. This coup d'état was unacceptable to God. He had fully displayed His favor for Moses and Aaron’s leadership and priesthood. So He completely displayed His power in the midst of the tribes by having the ground split apart under them, swallowing them, their goods and families alive and then closed up again. Everyone ran for his or her life and 250 of them took it on themselves to offer up incense to try to appease God, but they were consumed with a fire that came out from the LORD.

The next day, the entire congregation of people complained against Moses and Aaron blaming them personally for what took place saying, “You have killed the people of the LORD.’ Now it happened, when the congregation had gathered against Moses and Aaron that they turned toward the tabernacle of meeting; and suddenly the cloud covered it, and the glory of the LORD appeared. Then Moses and Aaron came before the tabernacle of meeting. And the LORD spoke to Moses, saying, ‘Get away from among this congrega-tion, that I may consume them in a moment.’ And they fell on their faces. So Moses said to Aaron, ‘Take a censer and put fire in it from the altar, put incense on it, and make atone-ment for them; for wrath has gone out from the LORD. The plague has begun.’ Then Aaron took it as Moses commanded, and ran into the midst of the assembly; and already the plague had begun among the people. So he put in the incense and made atonement for the people. And he stood between the dead and the living; so the plague was stopped.”1

Can you just imagine the scene? Here is a man nearly a hundred years old rushing in to the Tabernacle getting his censor, grasping some coals from the Bronze Altar, scurrying to get incense from the Sanctuary and then rushing out through the gate of repentance. Then he had to run hard and fast across dead bodies lying everywhere trying to get ahead of the cloud of God’s wrath. Finally he comes to a place where people were still alive, he turns around facing the on coming cloud and beseeches an incredibly powerful, pure and holy God to forgive the people that deserved to die Aaron, at the urging of the deliverer, Moses, offered up prayers to God on behalf of those who did not deserve mercy. God heard and the plague was stopped. Was everyone spared the death of the plague, no, many died. But that did not stop Aaron from running, and I am sure he was praying all the way!

Do you see Christ? Do you realize how much He did? Not only did He do this for us, He now calls us to join in this type of supplication on behalf of others. Do you hear the call to ministry? We too are called to perfume the halls of Heaven’s throne room.

We know that the prayers of a Righteous man have great worth, weight and authority. James 5:13-20 talks about different ways to pray by asking, “Is anyone among you suffer-ing? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing psalms. Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. Confess your trespasses to one

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another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain; and it did not rain on the land for three years and six months. And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth produced its fruit. Brethren if anyone among you wanders from the truth, and some-one turns him back, let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save a soul from death and cover a multitude of sins.”

We are called to this kind of intercession within the ministry of Jesus Christ, as joint heirs; we too are called to intercede on behalf of others, sometimes between death and life. It is a high call of God in Christ Jesus.

High Cost and Accountability

What an incredible privilege God grants us, to be welcome in the Sanctuary and Holy Place of God! Think of the honor it is have fellowship with Him, to serve Him, to be am-bassadors of His Government and ministers of reconciliation to a lost and dying world. What a humbling honor! What manner of living and loyalty to His values and to the standards of His government should we be expressing day in and day out? Complete devotion!

Unfortunately, that is not always the case. Is it? So many times we fall. So many times we see people completely walk away. So many times we hear of some misuse of spiritual authority and the destructive results that reverberate through a fellowship. God will hold us to give an account of our actions and attitudes. He will judge His people ac-cording to the degree of grace and mercy and authority they have been granted. He who is forgiven much had better love much or He will be considered a wicked and selfish servant. To whatever degree of maturity, understanding and intimacy we have had with the Lord, He will hold us accountable to that. Certainly those that are considered teachers among the body of Christ will be held accountable and receive a stricter judgment1.

Philippians 3:16 says, “Nevertheless, to the de-gree that we have already attained, let us walk by the same rule”. Throughout the New Testa-ment scriptures, God calls us to maturity in knowledge and understanding2. God implores His people with numerous exhortations to grow up, be wise, know the word, pray, turn from sin, and stop being selfish, prideful, malicious instead living holy, just as He is holy. It is a high calling, but we have the spirit of God to equip us and empower us to do it3.

We see an incredible example of God’s judg-ment on two priests that did not honor Him shortly after the dedication of the Tabernacle. These two priests were the sons of Aaron, Na-dab and Abihu. At one point they overstepped a boundary they must have been familiar with and God killed them there on the spot. “Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, each took his censer and put fire in it, put incense on it, and offered profane fire before the LORD, which He had not commanded them. So fire went out from the LORD and devoured them, and they died before the LORD. And Moses said to Aaron, ‘This is what the LORD spoke, saying: ‘By those who come near Me I must be re-garded as holy; And before all the people I must be glorified.’ So Aaron held his peace”1.

What happened? These were two sons of the High priest; they had been instructed on how to serve the Lord beside and under their Father’s authority. They saw the mountain on fire with God’s blazing presence; they heard the voice of God as He spoke to the entire con-gregation of people the laws of the covenant. They were honored guests on the mountain of God and saw His bronze-like feet standing on a sapphire pavement and were able to eat at the table God set for them there2. So what happened? How could two men that had seen, heard, felt, and tasted that God was good, suddenly be consumed in the wrath of God?

Scriptures tell us they offered profane, and unauthorized fire before the Lord. We do not actually know what made it profane. There are a few thoughts based on various scrip-tural clues that follow that passage of text. They may have used different spices than the prescribed ingredients for the incense. They may have gone in the Holy of Holies them-

The priests had a very specific recipe for the Incense to be burned. The High priest along with other priests were to burn incense two times a day.

Gallery 13.2 The Golden Altar

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selves, ‘Before the LORD’, which is only permitted by the High priest, one time per year. A final thought is that they were drunk with the wine from the Table of Showbread, hence the warning that follows, “Then the LORD spoke to Aaron, saying: ‘Do not drink wine or in-toxicating drink, you, nor your sons with you, when you go into the tabernacle of meeting, lest you die. It shall be a statute forever throughout your generations, that you may distin-guish between holy and unholy, between unclean and clean”1.

We know that being drunk blurs the mind: inhibitions are lowered, respect for bounda-ries is neglected and physical reactions are diminished. So they may not have paid close attention to the details of how to present the incense offering, choosing coals that were not from the Bronze Altar as required, or mixing in their own amounts of the various required spices and they may have tried to look in at the glory of God peeking behind the veil, unin-vited.

Do you see the incredible accountability and standard God held them to for the privi-lege of being able to come near to Him? In our love-y dove-y world, we do not like to think that our God, the God of the New Testa-ment would dare treat His believers that harshly. All too often we only hear of the soft side, the mushy, sugar daddy side of God. Rarely do we hear about our responsibility in this walk with the Lord. Rarely do we hear that there is a cost, a high accountability, and correction of His children, sometimes-quiet stern. We want to sweep everything that Christians do under the carpet and blanket it all with some wishy-washy, ineffective form of what we call mercy. But is it really mercy at all? Can we be more merciful than God Himself?

Perhaps we just do not want God to judge righteously, because maybe, just maybe, He will turn and fix His eyes on us, and we would be destroyed.

Trendy or Treading?

Are we seekers of righteousness and justice, pure and holy or are we enablers of

sin, winking at our brother’s sin, so they will wink at ours? In the name of tolerance we have compromised far too much. Mercy and compassion are different from tolerance. The first are displayed in love the second is enabling sin or apathy. The first are true fruit of the Holy Spirit’s work the latter is a counterfeit with serious repercussions.

If we looked at the Old Testament and New Testament with balance, and sought the whole counsel of God, we would see that He is in fact the same yesterday, today and for-ever that He does not change and there is no variation in Him. What we sow we will reap and if it is to the wind, we will reap the whirlwind of destruction, God will not be mocked, certainly not by those who call themselves by His name. He will discipline those of His household. The corrections of our Father must be recognized as love and protection. Are we offering up any strange fire in the name and place of God? If we are Christians in

name, are we in practice? Do we give opportu-nity for the unrighteous to blaspheme our God? If we live sinfully why do we get up set when the unbelievers point and say, ‘And you’re a Chris-tian?’ Ouch! I know it hurts me too.

I have been convicted of whitewashing it by sounding so religious with bumper sticker say-ings like, ‘Christians aren’t perfect, just for-given’. True as that statement is, more often then not I have use it to feel better about my own hy-pocrisy rather than repenting and turning from my wicked ways. So then those people who were pointing the finger at me were making a righteous judgment in seeing hypocrisy? If I re-fused to allow God to hold me to account, if I refused to allow Him to purge me and judge me in His mercy as a dear child, then the world would judge me and be merciless.

Often what is stated is, “That’s the God of the Old Testament, not the New” or “that’s legalis-tic”. These are usually used to brush off responsi-bility for sinful behaviors. It is short sighted and undiscerning. If we read the Old Testament we will find the same merciful, patient, tender, car-ing and gracious God as found in Jesus. Merci-ful toward Adam, Cain, King David, the pagan city of Nineveh, His own people in the wilder-ness, generations later in Israel, King Nebuchad-

Nadab & Abihu were well aware of what was required

Gallery 13.3 Strange Fire

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nezzar of Babylon, King Cyrus of Mede-Persia and so many countless others unnamed here. Then in reading the New Testament we are sure to find the same sternness, warnings and judgment seen in the Old Testament. We hear it in Jesus own rebukes, words of offense to the rich young ruler, woman at the well in Samaria, Scribes, Pharisees, woman with de-mon possessed daughter, cities of Chorazin and Bethsaida, not to mention the numerous parables. We hear some of these same concerns and corrections from Paul, John, Peter, James and Jude’s rebukes, exhortations and firm warnings within their various letters to the churches and us today.

Strange Fire?

Over the course of the last few times teaching on the Golden Altar of Incense, I have been confronted with questions regarding a practice that is sweeping through Christian churches called contemplative prayer. My original responses were, ‘I think being contemplative during prayer and reading the word of God is crucial' or 'meditation on the Word of God is powerful, important, imperative even'. I defined the words contemplative and meditative as actively contemplating, actively thinking about, using my mental faculties to understand, researching to know truth, seeking answers through various corresponding scriptures. But my definition of how those words were being used was different from the movement itself.

Not knowing much about it at first, I dismissed it. Having

done research I now have an aversion to it. Jesus tells us to judge a tree by its fruit, during my research I went to the Website and amazingly they have a tree of contemplative practices there. Nowhere on the tree, trunk, branches, roots or ground does it say bible, scriptures, Jesus, or even God. Instead you find these words at the end of the branches (where fruit would be): “Council circle, journaling, deep listening, building an altar, sweat lodge, vision quest, metta/loving-kindness meditation, petitionary prayer, lectio divina, marches, vigils, mindfulness practices (gathas), social justice pilgramages, work, silence, centering prayer, insight meditation, sitting meditation, clearing the mind, marital arts, qi gong, t’ai chi chuan, yoga, sufi dancing, walking meditation, contemplative movement, labyrinth walking, singing, chanting, contemplative music & art, sand mandala”. Currently, the contemplative movement has far too many borrowed practices from the Hindu and Bud-dhist cultures to be considered Christian according to the exclusive statements of Jesus Christ. These are not ancient Christian practices, certainly not from the 1st century New Testament Christian church and practices.

Are we as Christians presenting the Gospel of Jesus Christ as the only way to eternal life, or are we becoming infatuated with an ancient mystic phenomenon incorporated into Christian cultures? Certainly well intentioned and good meanings people have practiced and promoted such things, does that mean its fine and is off limits of testing?

Traditions of Men

The set up of the Tabernacle of Moses, is not indicating to us that we should be burn-ing candles, lighting incense, eating communion, or praying in a set environment to try to

get us to ‘feel’ through our physical sensory receptors the pres-ence of God.

The Tabernacle speaks of greater, spiritual things. Everything represented within it had greater spiritual truths than the item or practice itself, they were mere shadows to point toward a better promise. If we once again come under the bondage of rituals that brought death, we are no different from the Galatians Paul so vehemently rebuked. The Galatians were succumbing to pres-sures around them to do things a certain way as had been done in the past. Paul let them know all those things were incomplete and needed to be fulfilled by Christ Himself.

Remember the Tabernacle is no longer with us, the Temple its self was destroyed, glorious as they were, ordained as they were at that time. The first time the temple was destroy was because the Jews incorporated pagan practices in the very courts of their God and set up icons and idols along side the holy furniture,

sometimes even moving the holy furniture out of its proper and consecrated place. Then the priests of God had the audacity to worship at those pagan altars.

What horror!

God was infuriated and brought the enemies of Israel to destroy it and purge it with fire, not once, but twice. Could it be there is a warning here? God's people in the days of Jeremiah would say, 'God's not going to destroy us or allow us to be destroyed, look here we have the holy Temple'. They put their trust in the fact that the Temple was ordained by God in the beginning, had all the precious pieces of furniture and had continued sacrifices.

Well that did not stop God from tearing it to the ground. He did not allow any glory to remain during the destruction by the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar in 586 BC; and He did not allow one stone to be left on the other or during the Roman destruction at the hands of Titus in 70 AD.

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It is always amazing to me how people will be more upset when you question the tra-ditions of men than when you question doctrines of scripture.

God warns in Deuteronomy 12:30-31, “take heed to yourself that you are not en-snared to follow them [the pagan nations] … and that you do not inquire after their god, saying, ‘How did these nations serve their gods? I also will do likewise’. You shall not worship the LORD your God in that way”. We have to be careful regardless of how many ‘Christian’ groups are promoting a specific way to pray, or doctrine, does it line up with the whole of scripture? We need to be testing the spirits of a thing constantly – that requires an element of discernment/judgment – Does it measure up to scripture? Are there arguments against it from scripture? What are they? Do they have any validity?

Remember Jesus, Paul, Peter, James and Jude all warned us that in the end days many subtle changes to practices and doctrines would start happening. Could this be one of them? Could this be strange fire in the presence of our Holy God? Scriptures warned that people would no longer be willing to hear sound doctrine, but instead would heap up teach-ers that tickle their ears, satisfying sensory desires. “For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. And no wonder! For Satan him-self transforms himself into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works.”1

Be Still

Satan himself used scripture to try to distort and deceive Jesus Christ. What was Je-sus’ response? Was it, ‘Gee, that’s scripture I can’t say anything.’ No! He rebuked Satan vehemently and countered the distortion and deception with an accurate appraisal of the word of God. Paul had to deal with that in another way. Do you remember the demon pos-sessed slave girl that practiced divination in Philippi? Luke notes, “This girl followed Paul and us, and cried out, saying,’ These men are the servants of the Most High God, who pro-claim to us the way of salvation.’ And this she did for many days. But Paul, greatly an-noyed, turned and said to the spirit, ‘I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her2.’ ” How interesting, she was speaking the absolute truth and yet it was inspired by a demon that Paul finally got fed up with, rebuked and cast out of her! That says more than I can write! Are we that discerning? Shouldn’t we be?

To be still and know that He is God3 is not imploring me to be physically motionless, sitting straight, breathing deeply and repeating a ‘Christian’ word. This removes the guard from my mind and heart that God tells us to keep vigilant and allows entrance to all kinds of other voices. It is a form of self-hypnosis a self-induced trance state that alters the mind

and consciousness and removes my free will which can then be pressed by outside wills, evil powers, and principalities in high places.

We are to set aside time for the Lord, Him and us. That will require us to find a place that is not distracting. Having one on one time with the Lord is precious and needed. God never instructs us to put our mind in neutral. Never are we asked by God through the scrip-tures to disconnect mentally in order to eventually reconnect with Him to hear from God. We are told consistently through scripture that the voice of God is in His Word.

Being still has more to do with presenting to God our worries, fears, doubts, insecuri-ties and inferiorities and handing them over to God. In doing so we recognize that it is a burden to heavy for us to carry. We leave the situation with Him and walk the rest of our day in peace, trusting that He is able, sovereign, loving and merciful to us. We realize that if the situation is left with Him, our striving can cease, the exertion of our strength will not ruin us, instead His holy oil is renewed within us and we are equipped and strengthen for the task at hand by His powerful grace. We are told to, “Be anxious for nothing but in every-thing by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made know to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hears and minds through Christ Jesus.1” As I trust Him, bringing my requests to Him, I am able to leave the burden of that petition in His care, and I receive His supernatural peace that goes beyond, extends past, any peace I can achieve through my mental logic, ascent or control.

Jesus encourages us, “Do not worry about your life…Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature? So why do you worry…Therefore do not worry…For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not wor-ry…2” We are to cease from striving, ringing our hands, stressing, being fearful of what may happen and trying to control outcomes. We are to trust Him in all our ways and not lean on our own understanding.

Just like the disciples on the storm tossed ship, when Jesus finally stood to rebuke the winds, He rebuked their stressful and fearful hearts, ‘BE STILL’ and immediately the winds died down, and the disciples stood dumbstruck, and asking ‘who could this man be that even the winds and storms obey His commands?’ They saw that He was God, and their faith was strengthened and stirred within them. This command was a rebuke. In the same sense the LORD God rebukes the nations that are raging against Him and each other in Psalms 46:10. He shouts, ‘Shut up!’ or ‘Cease striving!’ better known as ‘Be still!’ If we stop our striving, our wrestling, our wrangling, our worrying, our scratching and clawing – We will know that He is God because we will see Him move and radically change the cir-cumstances.

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If we continually acknowledge Him by searching out His word, and understand His ways, then we will know that He is God because our storms will not control us, He will calm it and we will wonder at His power! What an awesome and powerful God we serve!

Pray Without Ceasing

We are called in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17 to, “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Do not quench the Spirit. Do not despise prophecies. Test all things; hold fast what is good. Abstain from every form of evil.” Prayer is a staple of our walk with the Lord Jesus Christ, we come to His courts with praise and thanksgiving ‘praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching with all perseverance and supplication for all saints1’. We ‘con-tinue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving2’. As we bring our petitions be-fore the Lord, we come with thanksgiving, and a grateful heart, cannot be a selfish heart. As we pursue the Lord in prayer and come with brokenness, repentance, or gratitude and thankfulness, our hearts delight in Him. In His love, mercy, righteousness, goodness, kind-ness, patience, faithfulness, power and so on. As we wonder and adore Him, the weights of burdens are lifted, the heart is transformed, our eyes see His glory, our desires become His and our spirit is made new.

A Pastor once said that praying without ceasing is like having a cable modem connec-tion instead of a dial up for the computer. It is always on, always ready, perhaps in the back-ground, but always connected. That is the heart of prayer, continually connected and mind-ful, instant in and out of season, always ready to give account, always sensitive to the pres-ence of God, leading, directing, and prompting you to engage in conversation and petitions with Him.

Prayer is something the Lord very much wants us engaged in. Prayer is a verb an ac-tion word. God desires to bring us to His habitation, and make us joyful in His house of prayer. He will accept the offerings of the beasts in our lives and our heart issues. He de-sires that His house, His habitation, His Church, would be a house of prayer1. For it is in prayer that we converse with the Lord to submit our will and ways to His. We ask for His endowment of power to accomplish those things He desires done in and through us. We come to Him on behalf of others, whether they are the authority of our land and the govern-ment or the fellow Christian or the unsaved loved one.

We know that in Revelation 8:3, 4 an angel stands at the golden altar in heaven and

has a golden censer. In it there is an abundance of incense and he offers it with the prayers of all the saints before the throne of God. Even “the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb. Each one had a harp and they were holding golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints2.” That incense rises as the prayers before the throne of God, beseeching and imploring God. Psalms 141:2 equates the

prayers of the righteous with incense when he wrote, “May my prayer be set before you like incense; may the lifting up of my hands be like the evening sacrifice.”

We pray that we might submit our heart, our soul and our spirit to God’s will. We are

encouraged to know that the “eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil1”. As we continue to obey through our submission to His will we know that “the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward Him2.”

It is not enough to just see, read or hear the word of God (Golden Lampstand); it is not enough to study it, alone or with others and merely take in information (Table of Show-bread) or to be in continual prayer with our petitions (Golden Altar of Incense). All three are vital parts of our continuing relationship with the Lord Jesus and God the Father. It is the working of God through all of these that he forms us into vessels of honor upon His pot-tery wheel.

Prayer is a vital part of reading God’s word; with out it we only have half of the truth. Without it we only have the letter of the law which brings death, but we miss the spirit of the law wherein is the life3. Many people read the words of God and yet they have not asked the Holy Spirit to convict them and reveal to them truth. Several Theologians can quote scripture having studied it but do not apply it to their life. They look at scripture as mythical, purely symbolic and seek it to attain mental ascent. They walk forever learning and yet never coming to an intimate indwelling knowledge of the truth. Jesus said those that worship God must worship Him in spirit and truth, not one or the other; both are man-dated to comprehend the full counsel of God. We cannot afford to neglect either prayer or studying the word. When we do we walk off balance and are undiscerning and unable to hear correctly the voice of God. To know the word of God is how we will intimately love and know Jesus, the Living Word of God.

If this is not something you do, start with just 10 minutes a day, close yourself in a

room and simply express your thankfulness and your concerns in word followed by a por-tion of scripture. You will be amazed at how much God’s blessing will be there for you. But be diligent, regardless of how you feel. Remember the spirit is willing but our flesh is not only weak it is contrary to the things of the spirit. Do not allow the flesh to control or subjugate the spirit. Reverse it. Let your flesh know that it does not have a choice.

We go into the presence of Him who dwells in unapproachable light. Our God is a consuming fire. Once the vessel is formed, we are fired, in the glory of His presence and made solid.

Let us enter in the Holy of Holies, and meet our God face to face.

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Review 13.1 The Altar of Incense

Check Answer

Question 1 of 2Where did the fire come from to light the incense?

A. Coals from Bronze Altar

B. The Lampstand

C. The Priest generated it new

D. From the Burning Bush

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Chapter 14

The Holy of Holies

“But into the second part the high priest went alone once a year, not without blood which he offered for himself and for the people’s sins committed in ignorance; the Holy Spirit indicating this, that the way into the Holiest of All was not yet made manifest while the first tabernacle was still standing. It was symbolic for the present time in which both gifts and sacrifices war offered which cannot make him who performed the service perfect in regard to the conscience – concerned only with foods and drinks, various washings, and fleshly ordinances imposed until the time of reformation...”

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“...But Christ came as High Priest of the good things to come, with the greater and

more perfect tabernacle not made with hands, that is, not of this creation. Not with the

blood of goats and calves, but with His own blood He entered the Most Holy place once for

all, having obtained eternal redemption…. Therefore it was necessary that the copies of the

things in the heavens should be purified with these, but the heavenly things themselves with

better sacrifice than these. For Christ has not entered the holy places made with hands,

which are copies of the true, but into heaven itself now to appear in the presence of God for

us; not that He should offer Himself often, as the high priest enters the Most Holy Place

every year with blood of another- He then would have had to suffer often since the

foundation of the world; but now, once at the end of the ages, He has appeared to put away

sin by the sacrifice of Himself. And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the

judgment, so Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many.”

Hebrews 9:7-28

Type of Christ

This portion of the actual structure is the most glorious room of God’s manifest

presence and represented form. Every aspect of it speaks of even greater glories than what

came before it to this point. This veil was woven so intricately that it was thick. According

to Jewish tradition, the sages believe that the curtain was made of twisted linen and that all

of the materials mentioned were spun the same way. They say that six strands of each color

were spun into a single yarn and then the four yarns, linen, blue, purple, red were then all

spun together to create one large yarn of 24 threads. They were then artistically woven

together to create the curtain that covered the airspace of the top of the tabernacle and was

used for the doors to the outer courtyard, the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies. It was

very thick, blocking out all possible light from the previous room. This veil, situated as the

door to the Holy of Holies, was interwoven so that cherubim were seen on it, and it’s

believed they were in the form of the Lion, Man, Ox and Eagle. Four acacia wood pillars

covered in gold held up this beautifully ornate veil and was stabilized by their solid silver

footings and various gold loops at the top. We have four precious and Holy Spirit inspired

gospels that displayed Jesus life, continually declaring for all to see and know God manifest

in the flesh.

The fine-twilled linen represents the righteousness and purity of God and the

various interwoven colors of blue, purple and red represent the dual nature of God in Christ

Jesus. Blue represents the Heavens, red represents the earth and purple is the perfect blend

of two in one. These colors were rare and only used by royalty. For the process needed for

making them was expensive. The Cherubim being interwoven represent the divinity of

God and thereby the one who would come to fulfill that form. The three walls created by

the planks of wood that rose from the ground covered in gold were displaying the dual

nature of one that would be sinless and incorruptible flesh and divine royalty walking on

the earth. They were stabilized on silver footings showing the earthbound purpose and

message of redemption of Him who would come. This room was a complete cube that had

and earthen floor much the way the city of the New Jerusalem is measured and will descend

as the Lord takes up residence as King of all kings on the earth in the future.

Before entering this room the High Priest would place his censor of incense under

the veil and allow the smoke to fill the room ahead of him. After pushing aside or lifting

and crawling under it the High priest only one day out of the entire year would enter the

room. He would stand in the presence of the Shekinah glory; he was shielded by a cloud of

incense so that he would not die recognizing that the Lord God was a ‘Sun’ (the Shekinah

glory) and a ‘Shield’ (the cloud of incense)1. This would further shield him from the

unapproachable light of the Shekinah glory of God’s presence that resided in the room.

The High Priest had the solemn task of taking the blood of animals into the Holy of

Holies one day per year. At no other time was humanity welcome within the veil. First He

would offer sacrifices for him and His family, for the priests and then for the nation at large.

This was a dreadful day for him, the weight of all the nation’s sins were on his shoulders.

If for any reason he did not repent of his own sins, or perform the ritual sacrifices precisely

right, he would die that day. This was done, every year for thousands of years, with

millions of animals and their blood. Yet it did not satisfy, all it did was buy time. It was a

‘stay of execution’, in a sense.

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Jesus, the True & Ever Living High Priest

Our High Priest, Jesus Christ, with His own blood, has done what no amount of

animal’s blood could accomplish. He atoned for the sin of all mankind in one single

sacrifice of Himself. His blood is that precious. The earthly tabernacle is valuable to study,

as obviously the author of the book of Hebrews understands, simply because it

foreshadowed so much of Christ’s work, life, mission, divinity and power.

We see that the earthly copy, though extremely glorious and worthy of God’s

presence was but a shadow of the glory that would one day walk among the people of God

as one of them. The Holy Spirit indicated that while the veil separated everything from the

Holy of Holies, the permanent way in, had not yet been established. So each day that the

separation was there, the veil intact, man was barred from entering in to the throne of God,

because the proper atonement, sinless human blood, had not yet been spilled out through


The tearing of the veil, displayed to any onlookers, the Sinless Lamb had been slain,

His blood spilled for all sin, for all humanity, for all time, and they way to the Throne of

God was made possible. At the moment of Jesus death, the veil in the temple, which stood

30 feet high and was several inches thick, was torn starting at the top all the way to the

bottom1. The hands of God reached in and tore it apart. It was a type of Christ Himself, His

flesh. If it had stayed untorn one minute after Jesus died, the ‘type’ would have been

incorrect. Entrance has been granted; the separation that existed between God and man was

removed with the death and sinless blood of Jesus Christ, God in the flesh2. Atonement for

sin was finally, fully satisfied and the invitation to enter had come to all mankind.

Since that time Jesus as our High Priest appears in the presence of God for us

continually. He has anchored us within the Holy of Holies. We have been granted the right

to come close to the throne, even boldly, in full assurance of faith to receive the mercy

needed for our sins and the equipping power of grace to walk in the manner worthy of

God3. This we can do because Jesus entered and completed the work as our forerunner and

we are called to follow Him in1.

Here we meet with a Most Holy God. Here all pretenses are gone. Here all glories,

trophies and victory crowns are offered back.

Are you ready to enter?

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Chapter 15

The Ark of the Covenant

“And they shall make an ark of acacia wood; two and a half cu-bits shall be its length, and a cubit and a half its width, and cu-

bit and a half its height. And you shall overlay it with pure gold, inside and out you shall overlay it, and shall make on it a molding of gold all around…you shall make poles…rings…of acacia wood, and overlay them with gold…that the ark may be

carried by them…You shall make a mercy seat of pure gold; two and a half cubits shall be its length and a cubit and a half its width. And you shall make two cherubim of gold; of ham-

mered work you shall make them at the two ends of the mercy seat…And the cherubim shall stretch out their wings above, covering the mercy seat with their wings, and they shall face one another; the faces of the cherubim shall be toward the

mercy seat… and in the ark you shall put the Testimony that I will give you. And there I will meet with you, and I will speak

with you from above the mercy seat, from between the two cherubim which are on the ark of the Testimony, about every-

thing which I will give you in commandment to the children of Israel.”

Exodus 25:10-22

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Holy Construction

When we look at the construction of this piece of furniture we see once again that the ark itself is made of Acacia wood covered in gold, inside and out which represents the sin-less human life and the divinity of God, inside and out. Jesus is fully God and fully man. The Bible says, “He is the image of the invisible God…For it pleased the Father that in Him all the fullness should dwell, and by Him to reconcile all things to Him-self, by Him, whether things on earth or things in heaven, having made peace through the blood of His cross…For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you are complete in Him who is the head of all principal-ity and power…who being the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person, and upholding all things by the word of His power, when He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, having become so much better than the angels, as He has be inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they1”

Looking at a cross section of this ark we would see three layers: gold, wood gold. Gold representing divinity or spirit of God and wood representing sinless human flesh, we would see: the Father (gold), the son (wood), the Holy Spirit (gold). The priests carried this ark any time it was moved. This once again represents an earthly walk and life that was lived as a priest to God with a dual nature of humanity and divinity. Jesus walked this earth, as an ambassador of God’s kingdom, with signs and miracles declaring the power of God within Him. He pro-claimed the way of salvation, and made it secure through His shed blood on the cross.

The Mercy Seat sat on top of the Ark of the Covenant as a lid. It was made from a solid piece of Gold; it was made with hammers while it was soft from a fire. It consisted of three parts, the lid top to fit on the ark and two cherubim that faced each other with wings spread over their heads nearly touching each other. This solid piece of gold represented God and His unified Godhead. The lid portion is where the blood was always sprinkled, it represented Jesus body, the cherubim represented the Father and the Holy Spirit as they both looked upon the blood that made atonement for the people from the midst of these three, was the brilliance of God’s presence and His voice when He would speak.

A Holy Calling

Imagine the High Priest standing in front of the veil 3000 years ago, next to the Golden Altar. A plume of incense rises up and He fills his censor with hot coals and more

incense. On the other side of this thick veil that prohibits His entrance is the most Holy sanctum, the Holy of Holies. Moving aside the curtain the Priest would place the censor inside allowing the plume of smoke to fill the room, further veiling God’s Glory before he enters. It is here that the Ark of God’s Covenant resides, the presence of God’s Glory, the consuming fire that would kill a man upon entrance if he were unworthy. It is the Day of

Atonement, Yom Kippur, and he can only enter that room on this most solemn day and he must be alone. He works through his faith with fear and trembling at the thought of approaching the holi-est point on earth. To step foot within the veil, the High priest had to be purged of all His sins, be holy and perfect in all his ways or die. Slowly he pulls back the curtain and enters the room.

The room was bright, with shimmering gold walls that reflected the flashing beams that shot back and forth, making it nearly im-possible to look at the light. Above his head was a radiant cloud of smoke from the incense as it diffused the awesome glory of God’s Shekinah Glory. Beneath the cloud sat the most glorious piece of furniture. This was the golden Ark of the Covenant and its Mercy Seat. The High priest would offer prayers and sprinkle the blood of the sacrifice on the mercy seat to atone for the sins of the na-tion. He stood alone in this room, before the Throne of God to beseech God for His mercy on a people that were in constant rebel-

lion. The High Priest did not breathe comfortably until he left the room alive.

Death without Blood

Aaron was not permitted into the Holy of Holies without the blood of the lamb. If he appeared without it, he would have died immediately, without warning. This connects di-rectly to the last plague suffered by the Egyptians.

Moses told God’s people that the final plague was going to sweep through the land. An angel of death was going to kill every firstborn in every household. They only way to be spared was to kill a blameless lamb, take its blood and with a hyssop plant, like a brush apply that blood to the lintel, the door jam of their houses and then stay inside and eat the lamb’s cooked flesh. The angel of death would then Passover that house, knowing it had no right to claim a life there, because the price of blood was paid, those inside were ransomed and paid for with the sacrificial blood of another.

Were there some who did not believe? Perhaps. It could have been that some of the Jews chose to think this was foolishness, and perhaps they refused to apply those warnings, directions and truth to their lives. Perhaps they thought it was possible but their understand-ing was not acted on. Perhaps they thought that it would not really matter if they applied

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the blood to the outside of their dwelling, and only ate the animal as a dinner meal. Maybe they thought that they would escape simply because they had Abraham’s blood running through their veins and were unjustly oppressed. They would have found out otherwise!

The Blood of Jesus is not applied in our favor until by our choice to believe and act in accordance with our faith. Faith without the outward working of it on our part is nothing more than mental acknowledgement of a truth1. This is a walk of faith; we are to be en-gaged through our life actions. Yes it is a free gift, but it must be accepted by a deliberate choice of our will through faith! If we truly believe it to be so, our lives will declare it with-out a single word spoken, it will be seen as we change our lifestyle, mindset, values and priorities. That will be the outward evi-dence to a watching world that these things have the power to change a life and set it free from the curse of the angel of death.

Faith is the applicator by which Christ’s blood is applied to the support beam of our hearts. Then we make com-mentary on it and agree with its truth as we make a conscious choice to live according to Christ’s dictates through His word.

The bible tells us to live holy lives, to surrender our will to His, as faithful ser-vants. But it is more than that. Our lives have been purchased with the most pre-cious blood and redeemed not for ourselves but for His purposes, that we should be ser-vants and sons, with all the responsibilities, accountability and privileges that are linked to that. We are asked in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, “Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; there fore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.” For we ‘have been brought near by the blood of Christ’1.

Without the Blood of Christ on the Mercy Seat, we are going to receive judgment, pure and righteous, but it would utterly destroy us. We cannot know God or come to God without the blood. The death of Jesus is the only way to the Father. It was at His death alone that the veil of separation was torn apart, removing the division between God and

man. We must first acknowledge that His blood is the only atonement for our sin, and it must be applied to our heart.

Death at Beth Shemesh

In 1 Samuel chapters 2 through 6 we read a horrifying account, several generations after Moses’ death and his successor, Joshua had led the children of Israel victoriously into Canaan, two sons of the High Priest Eli were corrupting the priesthood and the people. The Lord had rebuked Eli but Eli had become complacent and apathetic to the situation. During

a battle his two sons, removed the Ark of the Cove-nant from the Tabernacle set up at the city of Shiloh, and carried into battle. They did this assuming that God would then grant them victory against the Phil-istines. They were terribly mistaken.

God is not mocked; He will not be our lucky charm. If our lives are not right, and our actions are unau-thorized, and we corrupt the ways of God, He will send judgment on His own people! The Ark of the Covenant was capture, they were killed and the Phil-istines conquered them. For months the Ark then traveled among the Philistine cities like a trophy on display.

Even though God’s own people were wrong, pun-ished and left without the presence of God, He did not honor the Philistines. He permitted the Philis-tines to be the sword against His own people in cor-rection, but that did not mean God now favored them.

The Philistines set the Ark up in their temples, be-side their false gods. God would not share His right-

ful place as ‘Exclusive God of Heaven and Earth’ with their false gods, even in their igno-rance.

Those false gods were thrown to the ground and broken in pieces by God Himself and a plague went out and tormented the Philistines. One town after another sent the Ark away after recognizing that this God was not happy; this God brought judgment on them. After seven months of being under the judgment of the God of Israel, they sent the Ark back by placing it on a brand new cart, yoking two cows to it and sending them on their way to-wards the cities of Israel.

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The people of Beth Shemesh were in the fields harvesting when they saw the cart com-ing down the road and they rejoiced to see the glorious Ark. They rushed the cart and re-joiced with praise and offered up the cows as a burnt offering sacrifice to God for the safe return of The Ark. This they took as an indication to them that the Lord was turning His face toward them. Unfortunately, the Levites forgot, to apply any of the blood of the sacri-fice on to the mercy seat. They became curious, and sought to look into the ark of the LORD, to see God’s glory.

They removed the Mercy Seat off the Ark setting aside the blood atonement to peer in at God’s presence and they were immediately struck with a plague that killed thousands of them!

Unfortunately, this was not the last time a situation like this took place. Several years after this, David ruled as king and desired to bring the Ark of God’s presence to the city of Jerusalem. He took it upon himself to figure out a way to do this. He got all the finest minds together, all his counselors and all his trusted leaders. This was the plan, they would put it on a new cart, just like the Philistines, and they would bring it in to the city with all kinds of pomp and circumstance, a royal procession. It was gloriously planned out, with incredible attention to detail. But it was wrong.

They sought the wisdom of men and not the counsel of God. God’s word had de-clared hundreds of years earlier that it was only to be carried on the shoulders of the Leviti-

cal priests during transit. And it was to be tended to by the Levitical priests and no one but the priests were to come near it. Well as the cart moved forward on its processional march, the animals pulling the cart stumbled, the cart shook, the ark teetered and a hand was stretched out to stabilize it. ZAP! Immediately Uzzah fell down dead trying to the touch God’s presence. His intention was good, his approach wrong, without blood, without proper approach, death. It seems harsh, but God has set up a way, one way, by which He can be met with. That is always through the sacrificial sacrifice and shed blood of another for sin.

We cannot come near to God without the blood. There is no other way but through Jesus Christ and His shed blood. Unless we fully realize this, there is no fellowship with God, no mercy from God, only judgment from God. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me1.” That was not just a direc-tion; it was a command and a warning. He made several exclusive statements like this throughout His ministry.

Jesus also stated, “He who does not enter the sheepfold by the door, but climbs up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber… I am the door of the sheep. All who ever came before me are thieves and robbers… If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved.1” We cannot try to reach out to God, regardless of the intent, regardless of the desire to assist, regardless of the sincerity, regardless of our desire to help.

It comes down to this; we cannot try to have a relationship, to hear from, to engage with or pray to God without having a relationship with the Son, Jesus Christ. That is not acceptable. Why? We are sinners, and in the presence of this Most Holy God, we would be utterly consumed. We need to be shielded from His incredible consuming fire. We need the blood of Jesus upon the door of our heart, applied in faith. We need the prayers and in-tercession of our High Priest, Jesus Christ to shield us from the unapproachable light of God.

From Judgment to Mercy

Romans 3:25, 26 we read that Jesus was whom God set forth to be a propitiation. That is a big word that means mercy seat. By His blood, through faith, He demonstrates His righteousness, with His incredible patience and forgiveness, God passes over the sins that were previously committed. This He does to demonstrate to us here and now how right-eousness He is. That we cannot make ourselves right, so He did it for us. He did this prov-ing that He loves us more than we can love and be obedient to Him, so that all the credit for salvation goes to Him alone. In doing so He is seen as just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus! Not only is Jesus the High Priest who presents a sacrifice to the very Throne of God, He is the sacrifice, offering Himself.

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In this throne room, we can come before an incredibly powerful and just God, know-ing that we in ourselves do not deserve His mercy, but because of the perfect offering of His son, we have been made holy, and blameless in His sight, free from the wrath of God’s pure and righteous judgments. We have been redeemed by blood far greater than the mil-lions of gallons of animal’s blood.

We are in the grip of death even deserving death, but He ransoms us from it, grants us life and calls us to live for Him instead of our selves. This is the call of God on us. Those understanding the full magnitude of their salvation would surrender with great thanksgiving and submission loving their master and serving him the rest of their life bringing him honor in everything enriching his master’s house. We see this in the life of the patriarch Joseph.

We know that a time will come when all of our thoughts and the intents of our hearts will be judged by God. We will stand before our Lord and King and be summoned to give account for our lives. Being flawed and sinful human beings, many of the things we have done may burn up and we may suffer some loss1 but we do not want to hear the dreaded words, ‘Depart from Me I never knew you’. These words will be heard by some that think they know God, but have not gone through the door, through the appointed way, made clear by Jesus Christ alone, His blood, His death and sacrifice, of which we are to be joined to through a life a complete surrender to Him.

There is no learning of God by osmosis. We cannot diffuse the water of regeneration through our brains just by being in the environment. We as humans cannot just be around others that seem to have a relationship with God, and think that we have a free pass because they know Him. We can-not think that because we go to church, sing songs, and enjoy some of the ex-citement that may be found there grants us en-trance. It is not good enough to believe that there is a god out there that created the vast won-ders of our universe be-yond and within us that is so great that we think we will go to heaven because of that. The scrutiny at the door of Heaven is quite intense.

The only way in is if your name is written in the Lamb’s book of Life, for that to hap-pen there must by an exclusive claim of Jesus Christ on your heart. No other gods allowed. Because of His incredible sacrifice on our behalf, He has the right to call for exclusive wor-ship throughout the whole world. God will share His glory with no one.

In the Holy of Holies, enclosed with 4 veils of thick fabrics and skins, as well as walls of wood 15 feet high and gilded in gold, as the most inner sanctum. NO earthy/natural light or manmade light was able to enter..IT was illuminated by GOD HIMSELF.

Gallery 15.1 Glory of the ARK

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Greater Blood than Animals

In studying the sacrifices, the blood of the sin offering was brought into the Holy of Holies and sprinkled upon the mercy seat once a year on the Day of Atonement. This changed the seat of judgment to a seat of mercy for the people. The blood, appeased the wrath of God, but did not completely satisfying the debt to sin. It did not completely re-move the guilt of sin, instead was a constant reminder from year to year that it still existed.

“For the law, having a shadow of the good things to come, and not the very image of the things, can never with these same sacrifices, which they offer continually year by year, make those who approach perfect. For then would they not have ceased to be offered? For the worshipers, once purified, would have had no more consciousness of sins. But in those sacrifices there is a reminder of sins every year. For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and goats could take away sins…we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. And every priest stands ministering daily and offering repeat-edly the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins. But this Man, after He had of-fered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down at the right hand of God, from that time wait-ing until His enemies are made His footstool. For by one offering He has perfected forever those who are being sanctified.1”

What thousands of years and millions of sacrifices could not do, Jesus did! His blood, poured out for us, completely atones for not just your sins, but is so powerful, it atones for all the sins, from Adam in the garden of Eden to the last human ever to live in the future. He has perfected the way of salvation forever. No other blood grants us such entrance, not even our own.

Glorious Throne of Mercy

This was the fullness of God’s presence. The Holy Ark had been seen by very few. What an all consuming and overcoming sense of responsibility and reverence there must have been. It is like being summoned into a most magnificent and resplendent Throne Room by the most powerful and Regal King of the earth. There would be an incredible sense of accountability, as one is called to give an account of activities and responsibilities. Certainly trembling in His presence would be felt if not seen.

The Ark with its lid, the Mercy Seat was the only item in the veiled room. This room would be utterly dark no light was able to penetrate into it. Yet, during the days of Moses there was an incredible light that beamed out from this place. It illuminated the Holy of Holies. 1 Timothy 6:16 says that God dwells in the midst of unapproachable light, and I am sure every High Priest that saw it, would tremble in agreement.

Jesus made a way into the Holy of Holies, as our High Priest and we are encouraged to follow Him. Once He died and the veil of separation was torn asunder, we have been granted entrance. We come with the pure holy blood of Jesus that has been applied to our hearts and lives through faith in Him.

Hebrews 4:16 instructs us to approach the Throne Room boldly, fully assured of the grace and mercy we can receive in times of need. This we can do simply because we have come to trust His atoning blood sacrifice and have desired to live in a manner worthy of such a loving act towards us! By His atoning blood we are able to boldly, walk into the presence of God; not in arrogance, that would be presenting a foreign spice.

Romans 3:21-26 says, “Now the righteousness of God apart from the law is revealed, being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets, even righteousness of God, through faith in Jesus Christ, to all and on all who believe, For there is no difference; for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, being justified freely by His grace through the redemp-tion that is in Christ Jesus, whom God set forth as a propitiation by His blood, through faith, to demonstrate His righteousness, because in His forbearance God had passed over the sins that were previously committed, to demonstrate at the present time His righteous-ness, that He might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus.”

If we believe and through faith trust in the glorious work of God through Christ Jesus, we who were dead in our sins are made alive in Him. All our sins are forgiven because He has, “wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us. And He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross. 1”

Jesus said I did not come to do away with the Law, but fulfill it. Christ fills the law through the ultimate display of love and obedience to the Father’s will. He completely relin-quished His life for ours. We know that the two greatest commandments are to Love God and Love others. If we truly ‘love’ we will not commit any transgression against any of the other commands. Romans 10:4 tells us that Christ is the end of the Law for us if we believe in His finished work on the Cross. His righteousness is then credited towards us.

We know that even in times of need we can come before Him and receive grace and mercy. His mercy forgives sins and failures while His grace equips and empowers us to live this life through the Holy Spirit. Marvelous Light!

We are told that we are a chosen generation, a royal Priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people that we may proclaim the praises of Him who called us out of darkness into His marvelous light!1

The light within this room was unlike any other light. It was pure brilliance, so bright that the High priest needed to veil it with the smoke of the incense before entering the

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room. God is a consuming fire; I believe far greater then the power of our sun. Coming close would consume us utterly if the blood of the Lamb slain on our behalf could not bring us near. Our God is the Father of lights and He dwells in unapproachable light. This room’s only light was God incredible and mar-velous light. Revelation 22:5 says, “There shall be no night there: They need no lamp (as in the Holy Place) nor light of the sun (as in the Outer Court), for the Lord God gives them light (as in the Holy of Holies).

The outer court was lit by the sun, with natural light, and could be seen by those out-side. Common knowledge is available to all mankind through creation as well as natural and moral laws, these all point to God. The Holy Place or Sanctuary was lit by the Lamp-stand, which is fueled by the Holy Spirit. Eve-rything in this room represents the illumination of the Holy Spirit on the word of God through careful study, application to daily trimming, daily prayers and weekly fellowship and com-munion with the other priests. Here the body of Christ learns about God through His word, their prayers and through each other. In the Holy of Holies is the Shekinah Glory of God’s own pres-ence.

Meetings with God in this place are life changing. They are perhaps not as often as the encounters we have with God in the other ar-eas, they are always intense, but marked by per-manent change, because to go in requires a death to sin, and to leave is victory in Jesus Christ.

Only the Glory of God was found here, man did not dare bring any to show off or compete with it. This would be the most humbling experience through the year, the most foreboding thing that the High Priest would have to do all year. And yet upon leaving it resonating within him would be the greatest glories of God’s incredible mercy and power. All glory is brought before God as a sacrifice of worship. We bring our best in honor of Him who is All Glorious. Any honor, privilege or authority we have been called to or granted by God are crowns we throw before Him in humble and awestruck adoration. We

will fall down before Him who sits on the throne and worship Him who lives forever. We will being crying out, ‘You are worthy, O Lord, To receive glory and honor and power; For

You created all things; and by Your will they exist and were created.’1 In this place all the glory of man is given to God.

We leave this room in the same ecstasy the High priest probably had once leaving, with life still in his lungs exuberant with overwhelming joy and praise.

Speaks of Better things

This 10x10x10-cubed room of gold with a sand floor was filled with the light of God Himself, and speaks of one who would have an earthly walk, dominion and habitation. Because this room is 10cubits cubed that equals 1000 cubits. In the book of Revelation it says that John, “saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus ... And they lived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years”.2 This is also a type of the New Jerusalem which will descend to the earth one day; A golden city that is perfectly cubed, when the Lord Himself will dwell among His people as King of kings and Lord of lords. It is interesting to note that when the High Priest stood within the Holy of Holies, he was fully adorned with a gold crown, a breastplate of 12 precious stones, each one inscribed with a name of the 12 different tribes of Israel. With all of that in mind, look at Revelation 21:9-27,

“‘Come, I will show you the bride, the Lamb’s wife.’…he showed me the great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God, having the glory of God. Her light was like a most precious stone, like a jasper stone, clear as crystal. Also she had a great and high wall with twelve gates, and twelve an-gels at the gates, and names written on them, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel, three gates on the east, three gates on the north, three gates on the south, and three gates on the west. (Remember there were three tribes on each side of the tabernacle) Now the wall of the city had twelve founda-

The Ark was the where the Presence of God resided. The Throne of God on Earth. As the Throne it was the habitation of God’s Judgement & Mercy.

Gallery 15.2 Within The Ark

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tions, and on them were the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb… The city is laid out as a square… Its length, breadth, and height are equal… The foundations of the wall of the city were adorned with all kinds of precious stones... And the street of the city was pure gold, like transparent glass. But I saw no temple in it, for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple. The city had no need of the sun or of the moon to shine in it, for the glory of God illuminated it. The Lamb is its light. And the nations of those who are saved shall walk in its light, and the kings of the earth bring their glory and honor into it. Its gates shall not be shut at all by day (there shall be no night there). And they shall bring the glory and the honor of the nations into it. But there shall by no means enter it anything that de-files, or causes an abomination or a lie, but only those who are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.”

This will be the greatest unity that Christ will have with His bride, the believers.

Until then we must be willing to stand before Him naked and bear knowing that if we came to Him with the Blood of Jesus, we will be fully covered and clothed by His righteous-ness! Having met with our God we put off the old man and walk in the power of His Resur-rection and Life! Certainly a death takes place to be able to enter this room. Jesus Christ paved the way for us to come through His precious blood; we follow with our life laid down for Him. If we walk and live as though we have been crucified with Christ, then we will walk empowered by His resurrection power.

As we turn to leave the room of His Presence, we proceed back into the Sanctuary where other priests are assembled. We seek to serve them more fully, hoping to be an en-couragement and an edifier, someone who builds up another. Having been at the Seat of Judgment and instead received mercy we humbly share with them the goodness and sever-ity of God, the awesome revelation of His precious Son through our lives, word and deed.

This is the secret place of the Most High God. We are not always in this place, that day for constant dwelling has not yet come. But we look to it and are often invited to spend some glorious time with our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ!

Death and Resurrection

We celebrate the Death and Resurrection of Jesus as Christians. Unfortunately more often than not, the celebrations and festivities do not bear much resemblance to the impor-tance of those events. Fluffy bunnies, little chicks, colored eggs, baskets and chocolate fill the day. Do not get me wrong I love the chocolate.

We celebrate them these holy days, but do we really live as though we believe in them? I know some times I do not. I get discouraged over little things, I worry about little

things I get flustered by little things. And Yet His Resurrection is so BIG! I loose sight sometimes of His Power and Authority not just in eternity but also in my life.

From time to time I get a glimpse of that resurrection power, I am unable to grasp the depth, the width, the height of it all - I am hardly able to grasp the hem of the garment here, and yet when I do I am made complete! I need to walk in the understanding that this life is but a vapor and that my life is found in Him. But so often I seek the resurrection power without the process of the cross in my life. I cannot have the one without the other they are so joined together that they cannot be separated.

Perhaps this is why so many don't have the resurrection life here and now, too many of us walk around professing the cross without actually having died to our sins, our mo-tives, our attitudes, our worldly philosophies and hidden agendas.

I seek to live for Christ, when I am a poor example of it; I know I have not gone to the cross. Then with that area this whole process and progression of faith starts again. Lord help me. It is so exciting to see our Lord in new ways. It is completely humbling, but not in a false sense of humility, but a fortifying sense of awesome reverence. Stuff that blows your mind and proves Christ more and more!

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I cannot tell you how I have thought about that scene of Jesus weeping over the city below Him. It is hard to think of being so ostracized by my own beloved family, aban-doned by my own devoted intimate friends. To have an entire population desire me to teach them, feed them, lead them, and heal them for three years only to have my death called for by a bloodthirsty mob that in the end would sell me off for a murderous, self-righteous zealot that could not live at peace with anyone that did not agree with him (Barabbas).

I think it would be more than I could bear. Oh yeah - IT WAS! That is why Christ bore it for you and me! To think of that day and remember the beating, betrayal abandon-ment and death of Jesus is a lot to take in. Often we focus on the death so much from a physical realm, we do not grasp the power of the Cross. I have been pondering though where the power of the cross is found displayed.

I have recently thought about it more than any other time in the past. I have asked the Lord to help me see with eyes of the spirit past the human side; to go past the 'veil' of His flesh and sufferings to see what happened that day. I want to see the full implications of what was 'FINISHED' and accomplished at the cross of Jesus Christ.

The Power of the Cross

God shook the entire universe at the upheaval of sin's curse when it was reversed. The POWER of the cross fiercely secured a great deal for each of us. This next coming RESURRECTION DAY celebrate the Risen Lord with a fuller understanding, and deep resonating joy. It is a glorious day! Here are just a few things accomplished by the work of the Cross.

1. Earth was violently shaken as:

a. Mankind could now be released from the bondage and shackles of their slavery to Sin.

b. We were released from the authority of the law of sin and death over their lives if we believe.

c. Christ cancelled the written code, with all its regulations, that stood against us with a list of all our transgressions, He took it away nailing it to the cross granting peace with God.

d. A new and better covenant was established

2. The 30-foot high veil in the temple was torn from the top down by the hands of God as:

a. We are granted entrance by Christ precious and pure blood into the very Holy of Holies to have fellowship with God the Father, and renewing the fellowship, He intended from the Garden of Eden. The division between God and humankind was removed!

b. The religious systems and traditions of men was torn to shreds, done away with and no longer needed to engage Him as long as we come through the DOOR, which alone is Jesus Christ, and apply His blood to our lives.

c. Access was granted to whoever would believe on Jesus, whether Jew or gentile - the divisions among men were eliminated before God.

3. His blood changed the 'judgment seat' to the 'mercy seat' for us as:

a. Unmerited forgiveness of our sins was granted to us and our over-whelming debt was eliminated.

b. Righteousness and blamelessness was accounted to us if we believe.

c. The angel of death could no longer threaten us if we applied the blood of the Lamb to our heart.

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d. We are granted Freedom from the wrath of God toward our person sin, because Jesus bore it for us.

e. Though our sins stained us, we are made white as snow

f. Justification and sanctification were made available to us sinners

4. He disarmed the powers and principalities, making a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by His cross.

a. We were ransomed with a price so great and redeemed from the op-pressing clutches of Satan’s grip.

b. Looking and believing on Him we are healed from the bite of the deadly serpent.

c. He retrieved the keys of Hell and death and destroyed the one who had the power of death, the devil. He destroyed the works of the devil pub-licly

d. The darkness of those 3 hours was only while He was dying. At His death, light was restored because, 'It was finished' and complete. The power of Darkness no longer had authority it was vanquished.

This is some of the Power of the Cross!

It is Explosive Power!

With His fulfillment of every prophecy regarding His first coming fulfilled we can fully trust that each one relating to the second coming will be fulfilled with equal precision and authority.

Turning to Exit

As the High priest left that most Holy of Holy rooms, He must have glowed! What incredible honor, What incredible light. To be in the midst of the presence of God Most High and NOT die! What a merciful God, What a Powerful God!

As that priest left behind him the presence of God’s awesomeness, did he ache to have to leave it? What words could he possibly have expressed to the others that were in the next room? How could he possible express with human words the Glory and Wonder of God?

After having an intense encounter with God whether during study, or prayer, or wor-ship have you just been a babbling fool? I have been. So much to say and not enough ade-quate words to frame what took place or what has been revealed to me.

Even this book has paled in comparison to what I still have in my heart regarding vari-ous aspects I have come to know. I cannot fully express with words the excitement and changes that have taken place within me from knowing Him. I have been forever changed. I am not the same person I was 20, 10 or even 5 years ago.

I still have so much to learn, so much to surrender, so much to put to death. As I walk out of this Holy of Holies, having caught a glimpse of my God and my Savior in His glory I am strengthened to continue in the Sanctuary of His house, serving others as I am called to, being faithful to His Kingdom and His Truths. Then I am able to walk out to the Outer Courtyard, and continue to me a minister of reconciliation, pleading, beseeching and implor-ing others to come to the altar and recognize Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

As I myself continue to bring things before Him in surrender and am in the continual process of being saved and sanctified now that I am justified in Christ. It is a cycle of growth that may never end here on this earth. My sins are more hidden, less noticeable, but still there. I am not finished, but I am being brought to completion. Jesus Christ alone is the Author and the Finisher of my faith.

Each time I teach this, I relearn it for myself learning and seeing even more than be-fore. I am continually awestruck by His glory, precision, absolute truths and unequalled power.

Truly, there is no God like our God!

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Review 15.1 Ark of the Covenant

Check Answer

Question 1 of 2How often did the High Priest Officiate at the furniture Shown?

1x per year

1x per year

2x daily

2x daily

2x daily

2x daily

1x per week

1x per week

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Chapter 16

Our Mansion

“Now Solomon began to build the house of the LORD at Jerusalem on Mount Moriah, where the LORD had appeared to his father David…Thus Solomon had all the furnishings made for the house of God: the altar of gold and the tables on which was the showbread; the lampstands…So all the work that Solomon had done for the house of the LORD was finished…So all the elders of Israel came, and the Levites took up the ark. Then they brought up the ark, the tabernacle of meeting, and all the holy furnishings that were in the tabernacle. The priests and the Levites brought them up.”

2 Chronicles chapters 3 & 4;

1 Kings 6 & 7

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The Tabernacle of Moses was a tent, a temporary structure that God used to teach the Children of Israel about His holiness and provision through their wilderness wanderings. Once the Nation of Israel was set up in the land God had promised to Abraham’s descen-dants through Isaac, God desired a permanent structure in a set place and there He would set His Name1.

In studying the two structures many comparisons can be made between them. We see Christ’s physical mortal body portrayed in the tent, the temporal structure, then we see Christ’s corporate body, the Church, through the more permanent structure, symbolizing temporal to eternal, or from tent to mansion.

The tabernacle typifies Christ and His Church as God’s dwelling place and habitation during wilderness wanderings, on this earth in sinful state, not having fully received the Promised Land the place of rest. The Temple typifies Christ and His Church in resurrection

glory, a permanent setting, established forever in the very presence of God.

The Lord Jesus Christ is the antitype of the Tabernacle, ‘He tabernacled among us1’ or dwelt among us as one of us, His glory veiled in human flesh. Then Jesus likened His body to the Temple as well in John 2:20, 21, when He said that if you destroy this temple, I would raise it up in three days. The Church is likened to both, individually and corporately,

as Paul encouraged the Romans and the Corinthians, that ‘Whatever things were written before were written for our learning2…all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition3.”

Paul shows the transition and the progression of Glory from tent to permanent dwell-ing as the habitation of God as He wrote to the Corinthians in His second letter. “For we know that if our earthly house this tent, is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed with our habitation, which is from heaven, if indeed, having been clothed, we shall not be found naked. For we who are in this tent groan, being burdened, not because we want to be unclothed, but further clothed, that mortality may be swallowed up by life. Now He who has prepared us for this very thing is God, who also has given us the Spirit as a guarantee. So we are always confident, knowing that while we are at home in the body we are absent from the Lord. For we walk by faith, not by sight. We are confident, yes, well pleased rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord.”1

Brief History Lesson

God’s plan from the beginning of time was to dwell among humanity. He wanted to reveal His glory to man, to walk and talk with man. Sin separated us from Him. Because of His purity, holiness and pure judgment we cannot come near to Him.

Because humankind did not follow the plans and purposes originally designed by God, amendments were made and provision granted to man, so that they would not be lost permanently to death. God granted provision that would temporarily appease His wrath against sin. As long as offerings were paid and there was shedding of a blameless victim’s blood, appeasement was made on a short-term level. God could thereby dwell to some de-gree among men and show His glory, through a veiled habitation. He would eventually ful-fill His purpose to dwell among humankind, Himself. We know that Jesus Christ is God with us, Emmanuel, God incarnate. Upon Jesus death and resurrection, we see the building up of a corporate body of Christ through the pages of the New Testament and in churches round about us.

King David desired to build the LORD a habitation, a permanent structure as opposed to the tent he had set up for the Ark of the Covenant. David had a permanent house, one of cedar and stone, and the Ark was housed in a makeshift tent. This displeased David. He knew that His God was ultimately worthy of a greater and more glorious habitation that a mere tent of skin. He sought the LORD regarding this and plans as to how to build the Tem-ple were given to Him through the Holy Spirit1. Excited to see this done David set out to have all necessary items stored up for the project. His heart was moved to create store-houses of gold, silver, bronze, precious stones, wood and so on.

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King David, though anointed by the Holy Spirit to create the blueprint of the Temple, and the storehouses full of goods, was not permitted to build it Himself because he was a

man of war. So David told his son Solomon, “My son, as for me, it was in my mind to build a house to the name of the LORD my God; but the word of the LORD came to me, saying, ‘You have shed much blood and have made great wars; you shall not build a house for My name, because you have shed much blood on the earth in My sight. Behold, a son shall be born to you, who shall be a man of rest; and I will give him rest from all his ene-mies all around. His name shall be Solomon, for I will give peace and quietness to Israel in

his days. He shall build a house for My name, and he shall be My son, and I will be his Fa-ther, an I will establish the throne of his kingdom over Israel forever.2”

King David had fought many wars, and shed a lot of blood. He vanquished all his enemies. He was a humble shepherd who was willing to protect his sheep from bears and lions with his own hands at the risk of his own life. He fiercely defended the reputation of the living God when an obviously blasphemous giant mocked and ridiculed. He fought for a king that desired to kill him and even protected that same king when fleeing for his own life at his hands. David was a man after God’s heart, and even though he fell from glory through various sins, it was the shedding of much blood that hindered his preparation of the permanent dwelling place of God.

King David is a type of Christ in many ways, regardless of his frail sinful nature, as-pects of David’s life, represented a work of Christ. David was permitted to set the Ark of the Covenant within the city of Jerusalem, and place it within a tent to be seen by others in the city of God. He was the king that conquered the enemies of God in the land, bringing them under his feet and causing them to bow to him. Jesus in this same way came as the presence of God among men in human flesh. He came to the city of the Great King. Jesus, through His death on the Cross, conquered the law of sin and death, and “disarmed princi-palities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it.1” He put down all the spiritual enemies in His first coming.

In His second com-ing as the Prince of Peace, He will set up His eternal kingdom, and take His rightful place as King, ruling the nations with a rod of iron. At that point, all the nations will cease their striving2 against Him and be at peace. The glory of the Lord will be seen in Jeru-salem again, It will strike awe in the heart of every world leader, they will come to Him in submis-sion, and they will recognize that there is no one else like Him, that He is the Wisdom of God, and that His Kingdom is established by God. All the nations will be at peace around Him and with each other, because of His rule. They will bring all their riches to Him in sur-render, and they will serve Him. This is typified in the life of Solomon, King David’s son.

The wisdom of God given to King Solomon was so extensive. He was the wisest man ever to have lived, having a full grasp of the sciences, human behavior, civil insight as well as mathematical and engineering.

Gallery 16.1 Temple built by King Solomon

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Extreme Glory of the Whole Earth

King David charged His son, Solomon that this temple “must be exceed-ingly magnificent, fa-m o u s a n d g l o r i o u s t h r o u g h o u t a l l countries.”1 We know that this was the end re-sult of this holy habita-tion. Scripture tells us that King Solomon sur-passed all the kings of the earth in riches and in wisdom. The all sought to be in his presence and

learn from him. All the kings of the earth paid tribute with gold, silver, livestock, spices, slaves and rare animals from their territories2. Even the Queen of Sheba, was overwhelmed and to the point where she fainted at the awesome splendor of the Temple and the pathway needed to ascend to get to it3. It shocked the eyes, and stumped the minds capacity to grasp it all. When the Queen of Sheba recovered and met with Solomon she expressed how much she had heard of the wonders, wisdom, riches and buildings of Solomon.

She said, “It was a true report which I heard in my own land about your words and your wisdom. However I did not believe the words until I came and saw with my own eyes and indeed the half was not told me. Your wisdom and prosperity exceed the fame of which I heard…Blessed be the LORD your God, who delighted in you, setting you on the throne of Israel! Because the LORD has loved Israel forever, therefore He made you king, to do justice and righteousness.1” Then she lavished him with gold, abundant spices and precious stones, as did every other king that visited.

The Psalmist declared with a cry of ecstasy, ‘In His temple does every bit of it utter His glory!2’ We do not really have a clue how glorious it really was. I cannot really get my mind wrapped around the amount of gold alone was used. I think that if we were to tally up in gold bars the amount used to cover the walls, the floors the doors, the ceilings the furniture, lampstands, Cherubim, tables, vessels, bowls and utensils and stacked them next to all the gold within American treasuries, we would be shocked at how poor we as a country are!

This temple was massive in size. The dimensions are all twice the length, width and depth of the tabernacles dimensions, which in volume makes it eight times the size of the Tabernacle. That is huge! The amount of gold, silver, bronze that covered all things was enormous. There was so much silver used that it was considered almost worthless, because the abundance and quantity. It was adorned with all manner of intricate carvings, covered with precious metals and garnished with extremely precious stones for added sparkle.

This is a type of the glory of Christ’s Kingdom when He sets it up, and the New Jeru-salem when it descends. Full of glory and splendor, so much, that ‘eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor can the mind comprehend’ the things that the Lord has prepared. We will all be awe and dumb stuck by His incredible glory! Scriptures encourage us to know that these natural, earthly things are for our learning of spiritual things, that first the natural comes and then the spiritual1. This God does because our finite mind and our earthly way of think-ing must first have some natural element on to which we can lean to begin to see into the spiritual and understand the things of God. This is why all throughout the scriptures, both new and old, object lessons where used to display a truth of God and the natural laws of the world around us have been used to teach us of their spiritual equivalent. This is for our benefit, the natural realm helps our minds grasp and visualize spiritual matters so that we can understand them and walk in their wisdom.

What was Built?

An extremely glorious habitation for God’s dwelling was built among men. God’s original purpose to dwell among men and have the intimate fellowship was taking another step forward. Jesus laid the foundation stone with His sacrifice and from there all the foun-dations were raised up and made more glorious than previously imagined.

After the death, resurrection and ascension of the Lord, the disciples once filled with the Holy Spirit were able to be effective witnesses for Christ’s Kingdom. They turned the world upside down and became an unavoidable aspect in many communities. They became solidified in faith, through hardships, persecutions and love. As the body of Christ grew and spread abroad, the glory of God was becoming known on grander and wider scales across the Roman world. The Glorious habitation of God was rising from the ground. Even Caesar and His procurators were taking notice of its growing size and strengths.

The Church was becoming a bride, rising and shining with the radiance that a bride would have when speaking of her groom with adoration and affection, and with strength and fidelity as others came courting. With eyes fixed on the Lord, believers guarded things here with earnest, but never held too tightly. Many lost their lives, loved ones, property and possessions for the name and testimony of Jesus Christ. Their light had come, and the glory of the Lord had risen and shined on them. They looked and waited like Abraham be-

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fore them for a city, whose builder and maker was God. They themselves were the founda-tions for that city that will one day descend from heaven.

The New Jerusalem is called the bride of the Lamb in the Book of Revelation. The city is adorned and arrayed in full splendor with a large variety of precious stones, pearls, gold and so on. The precious stones are likened to each one of us. Not only were they rep-resented in the breastplate of the High priest with the names of the tribes of Israel; they were imbedded into the walls of the Temple. In the New Jerusalem they are the founda-tions of the city. Precious stones are usually a crystal of some kind. Interestingly, crystals are called ‘living stones’ because they grow, just like rock candy that you can make from sugar crystals. In 1 Peter 2:4-10 we are told that we come to Christ, who is a living stone, we come “as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer

up spiritual sacrifices accept-able to God through Jesus Christ.”

What a beautiful picture of the bride of Christ, the city of God, the Temple of His habitation, the permanent dwelling of God in the midst of His own special people. This will be the ultimate ful-fillment of those things pur-posed at the beginning. Truly He is the author and finisher of our faith!

Who Built the Temple?

One thing we see in the Tabernacle built by Moses, was those that built it were exclu-sively Jews. Being that it represented the physical body of Jesus and His nature of fully God, fully man it is fitting. Jesus was a full blood Jew, from the line of King David. With the Temple being a representation of Christ’s Corporate body, I think it would be amazing if it were made by both Jews and Gentiles, because so many who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ are not from Jewish descent? Well, it was! In chapter five of 1 Kings, Hiram the King of Tyre, sent word to King Solomon to congratulate his coronation. In their correspon-dences King Solomon asked King Hiram to help with servants to cut down cedars of Leba-non for the building of the Temple.

King Hiram was overjoyed and responded with an enormous work force. There were a total of 153,600 gentiles working on this project1, felling trees, shipping logs bearing bur-

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dens, cutting stone in the quarries or overseeing the workers. These worked along side the people of Israel’s labor force of 30,000 men. Interesting to me is the difference in num-bers between those of Israel and those gentiles helping to build the Temple of God.

Paul said the gospel is to the Jew first and then to the gentile, we know that the scrip-tures say that the Jews are to be a light to the gentiles, and a blessing to them. Since the days shortly after Jesus death and resurrection, there were an incredible amount of Jews that came to faith in Jesus Christ as the Messiah of God. Even many priests came to be-lieve. But a few short years later the tide began to change, and there was an explosion of faith in Jesus Christ among the gentile cultures. They were always encouraged to remem-ber that they were grafted into the original plan, the original tree, not a new tree that was better. They by faith and their reception of the truth were then grafted into the promises that had been promises as far back as Abraham. King Hiram rejoiced to help in the build-ing of the structure that would bring glory to the God of Israel. We are to have the same attitude and continually strive to exalt the Lord God of Israel, working along side those of Israel with servants’ hearts, willing, and rejoicing in the greater glory of God.

Interestingly, King Solomon was the man commissioned by God to raise this incredi-ble structure up. He was the King of Israel. He had been filled with the wisdom of God, and exceeded all the wisdom of the known world. Courtiers and Kings stood dumbstruck by His wisdom, righteous judgments and the grasp of Knowledge He had. His name, Solo-mon, means peace and rest and comes from the word ‘Shalom’. He represented Jesus as King of the Nation of Israel. King Solomon, means King of Peace. We know that Jesus Christ is the one through who rest and peace with God is established. He offered himself as a sacrifice, is alive forever more, to intercede before the Throne of God on behalf of the peo-ple.

Solomon on the day of dedication for the Temple stood offering prayers and sacrifices to God for the people. He was acting as both King and Priest on this day. No one ever be-fore him was permitted the honor of both offices without serious consequences. As prophe-sied 750 years before the birth of Jesus, Isaiah the prophet said, “For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful; Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6). We know that God has highly exalted Jesus and ‘given Him a name which is above every name. The bible is clear stating that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, those in heaven, those on earth, and those under the earth. Eventually every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord finally giving the glory of God to the Father.1

The whole world came and bowed before Solomon, every king on the earth that had a dominion went to him to pay tribute and honor. These are the very things that will one day be seen in Jerusalem again, as all the rulers of this world pay homage to our Great God and King Jesus Christ. We know that the author of our faith is Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the

Prince of Peace, the Counselor, Mighty God and the express im-age of the Ever-lasting Father. Truly His name is Wonderful. This is He who builds us up into a holy habita-tion. We are built under the direction of Je-sus Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit into a temple for our God.

When was it Built?

This Temple was built when all the enemies to David’s dominion had been put down and placed under His son, Solomon’s feet.

1 Corinthians 15:35-58 tells us that death will one day be utterly vanquished, and that we who have trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ will be receiving a new glorified body. One much like the glorious resurrected body of Jesus Christ; one that is impervious to corrup-tion and decay. That day has not yet arrived for all of us. And much the way we wait to be further clothed with glory, we wait for the fulfillment of the Church to rise up and be the glorious Temple of God. In His timing, He will one day set on the earth the Glorious city, New Jerusalem, which is described much the way the Temple made under the direction of Solomon was, but far more splendid.

We see the antitype of King Solomon in Jesus. Paul in speaking to the believers in Ephesus wrote, “Therefore I also…do not cease to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers; that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of your under-standing being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power, which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand

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in the heavenly places, far above all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come. And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.1”

Jesus is building His body of believers, setting them apart for His plans and purposes. He being the Prince of All peace, peace unlike and unsurpassed by peace the world has to offer, has put down through the cross and resurrection of Himself all enemies of God in spiritual places. They have no claim, no authority, and no power that can come against Him.

In Hebrews 2:5-9 being crowned supreme and ruling all powers and principalities. “For He has not put the world to come… in subjection to angels. But…have put all things in subjection under his feet…For in that He put all in subjection under him, He left nothing that is not put under him. But we do not yet see all things put under him” But the day will come. And when all things are accomplished, fullness of the glory of His holy habitation will be fully seen by the entire world.

Where was it Built?

Location, location, location; in the real estate world you hear that a lot. Well, it was just as important regarding the Temple.

Jesus asked His disciples, ‘Who do men say that I am?’ and they replied with a host of answers, ‘Well Jesus, some people think you’re one of the prophets come back to life, or perhaps John raised from the dead…’ then Jesus asked them very pointedly, ‘Who do you say that I am?’ And Peter gave the right answer, “ You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.” Then Jesus answered and said, “Blessed are you…for flesh and blood has not re-vealed this to you, but My Father who is in heaven…and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.1”

The Rock that anchors the entire building above it is the revelation from the Father that Jesus is The Christ, the express image of the Living God! It is upon that understanding that the Temple of God’s people are built. We recognize that Jesus is the Christ and made peace between God and us through the sacrifice of Himself. This is our rock of salvation. This understanding anchors our feet on solid ground.

The history of this mountain is amazing. It is here that Melchizedek the King of Sa-lem blessed Abraham. It is here that Abraham brought the son of the promise of God to be sacrificed (read ‘Abraham’s Prophetic Lamb in chapter 5) and it is here that King David made a sacrifice to the Lord as well. This was Mount Moriah. This city was an ancient

city. Its name was Salem, which comes from the word ‘shalom’, which means peace. When David conquered the city, He renamed it Jerusalem, City of Peace.

Several years after David had been king, he had committed a grievous error. His pride had prompted Him to take a head count of all the men in Israel. He surveyed His king-dom and His dominion and got a little puffed up. This was displeasing to the Lord and even though others told him that this was wrong, he prevailed and the men of the country were counted. God struck Israel in His displeasure and David realized he had sinned against God and he repented of his foolishness. The Lord sent Gad, David’s seer or prophet, and said, “Thus says the LORD: I offer you three things; choose one of them for yourself, that I may do it to you’…Choose for yourself, either three years of famine, or three months to be defeated by your foes with the sword of your enemies overtaking you, or else for three days the sword of the LORD- plague in the land, with the angel of the LORD destroying throughout all the territory of Israel.1”

David had a tough choice to make. After deliberation, he called Gad and asked to fall

into the hands of the LORD, because He recognized the Lord would be more merciful to Israel than either the famine or their enemies. So the Lord did indeed send a plague through out Israel and we are told that 70,000 men died. But before it was all over God

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sent an angel to Jerusalem to destroy it. The angel of the Lord stood on the top rise of the hill on Mount Mo-riah, which happened to be a threshing floor for crush-ing and separating wheat from its worthless outer shell.

This angel was huge. In 1 Chronicles 21:16 through 22:4 it says, “Then David lifted his eyes and saw the angel of the LORD standing between earth and heaven, having in his hand a drawn sword stretched out over Jerusalem. So David and the elders, clothed in sackcloth, fell on their faces.” David further re-pented and begged the LORD to have mercy on the people of Israel, His sheep. So the angel of the LORD told David through Gad that he should go and erect an altar and sacrifice on the threshing floor. So David ran up the hill to the threshing floor where a man named Ornan was still threshing out the wheat while his sons stayed hidden in a cave once they saw the angel. David then paid Ornan for his oxen and all the thresh-ing implements at a full price, six hundred shekels of gold. He then used the threshing sled to build the altar and burn its wood and sacrifice the oxen. He offered burnt offerings and peace offerings and called on the Lord there and God answered with fire and consumed the sacrifices. At that point the Lord commanded the angel to return his sword in to its sheath. This was the first time a burnt offering was sacrificed in a place other than at the Taberna-cle, which was currently in Gibeon. And it was accepted. Then David said, “This is the house of the LORD God, and this is the altar of burnt offering for Israel’ So David com-manded to gather the aliens who were in the land of Israel; and he appointed masons to cut hewn stones to build the house of God.”

We know that the LORD had said that He would lay in Zion the chief cornerstone, the initial rock for the foundation of His habitation1.

It is not insignificant that the House of the LORD would be built on a threshing floor. On this hilltop, wheat was crushed and separated from its outer shell. Significant in our walk with the LORD is such a process of crushing and stripping away of those things that are of no value. This is done in and amongst His people, the church. As the scriptures point out that it is iron that sharpens iron, so too we are needed as a body to work together for the glory of God in each other. It is an unpleasant process, but needed to produce the fine grain.

In Matthew 7, Jesus tells the story of a wise and foolish builder. The wise man builds his house on bedrock while the foolish builder builds on sand. He goes on to bring atten-tion to the foundation’s ability to withstand tumultuous storms. Needless to say, the one

built on the sand fell, and the destruction was total ruin. This is not unfamiliar to those living in coastal areas like, North and South Carolina, Florida, Louisiana and Texas coastlines during hurricane season. Jesus equates Himself with the rock. He is bedrock to our lives, personally and corporately as His body. We must have Him as our solid foundation; everything else in life regardless of the view is unstable. There is no greater Rock that the Rock of Ages!

The apostle Paul talks about the foundation of the church, and recognized that he was one builder among others that have built; great caution must be taken as to the purity of the build-ing of God’s house. “For we are God’s fellow workers; you are God’s field, you are God’s building. According to the grace of God, which was given to me, as a wise master builder I have laid the foundation, and another builds on it. But let each one take heed how he builds on it. For no other foundation can any-one lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Now if

anyone builds on this foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw, each one’s work will become clear; for the Day will declare it, because it will be revealed by fire; and the fire will test each one’s work, of what sort it is. If anyone’s work, which he has built on it endures, he will receive a reward. If anyone’s work is burned, he will suffer loss; but he himself will be saved, yet so as through fire. Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? If anyone defiles the temple of God, God will destroy Him. For the temple of God is holy, which temple you are.1”

As the building of God, together we corporately strengthen each other and support each other, together becoming citizens of the Heavenly Kingdom. “Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone, in whom the whole building, being fitted to-gether, grows into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit.1”

As the Body of Christ, the Church, the Temple of God, we have been set on the bed-rock of Jesus Christ and the gates of hell, will not prevail against it, because Christ has put all His enemies under His feet!

How was it Built?

We know that the temple under the direction of King Solomon was built by the wis-dom of the Spirit of God. David was anointed by the Spirit of God to put the plans down in

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written form. From there the Spirit anointed the workers and overseers to build it according to those plans. There was a Divine Heavenly order and supernatural wisdom granted to King Solomon. This structure was hewn by God, with tools in the hands of men.

I Kings 6:7 tells us that the enormous stones needed to create the buildings structure was done to size and shape at the quarry. We are told that no hammer or tools were used or heard on the holy temple grounds itself all the work was done outside, in the field and quar-ries. The precision needed for that would be extremely exact. So the wisdom was recog-nized as from God. We know that it is here on earth, while we yet live that we are being formed and brought under the work of the Holy Spirit it shape us. We know that once we die, that process is over because at that point we go to before the judgment of God. We are currently in the quarry, being chiseled, being cut, being made into the living stone He de-sires for the building of His holy Temple.

This is the quarry, this life. There is no hammer heard in Heaven, there are no second chances. This life is the life that determines heaven or hell for us. We cannot assume that when we get to heaven we will be given a second chance to hear the gospel and believe. The scriptures do not indicate that ever.

When Peter is speaking of the Living stone he is referring to the people of God as they are built up stone by stone into the habitation of God. Each one will be set into the body, the church, the temple, the habitation of God. Just like cells in our physical body, each one is valuable, needed and has the ability to support and bless those that surround it. The body of Christ is made strong, and the walls become fortified, through corner stones that help to secure both sides. As we are built up, we grow into a maturing fellowship of believers, speaking the truth in love, coming under the authority of Jesus Christ, who is the head of the Body, and we become joined and knit together by what every joint and cell sup-plies. With every part working effectively according to their design and doing their share, growth of the body, the fellowship is inevitable as each part builds up another in love for the whole and for Christ1.

Colossians 2:19 says that we need to hold firmly to Jesus, “the Head, from whom all the body, nourished and knit together by joints and ligaments, grows with the increase that is from God.”

It is Christ that builds His Church.

Christ has desired to build up a holy habitation in us that He might dwell in the midst of His people, a interesting mix of cultures and people groups that would be able to express freely of their own will, His praises, His glory, His Salvation and Redemption to the entire universe. All creation declares the glory of God, because they cannot help but do so. The greatest praise comes from those that have willingly submitted to the Lord God. From

these He has ambassadors, priests and kings that will forever minister before His throne of Splendor. These will sit in the Heavenliest together with Christ in the Ages to come and will continually declare the wonders of their God.

O what glorious fellowship awaits us here now and in the Kingdom yet to come!

Review 16.1 Temporal to Eternal

Check Answer

Question 1 of 3The Tabernacle was made by Jews alone. Who helped build the Temple

A. Jews

B. Gentiles

C. Both

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The size of the Temple was Tremendous. By doubling all the measurements of the Sanctuary building, we can see it’s not just twice the size. This is only the size of the Sanctuary, not the various courts.

Movie 16.1 Tabernacle vs. Temple Size

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Other information:

Other Books by Joanna Fruhauf - Hardcopies can be purchased at LULU.COM

Author Speaker & Worship Leader:


Joanna is an Author, Retreat and Conference Speaker as well as a Singer/songwriter and Worship Leader traveling extensively to Share the Wonders of God through Messages, Testimony and Music.

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Acacia wood or Shittim wood was used for building the Bronze Altar, the Table of Showbread, the Golden Altar/Altar of Incense and the Ark of the Covenant as well as all the poles used to carry the pieces of furniture and the planks and posts for the Tabernacle. The wood was considered highly durable and incorruptible, much like the Redwood or Cedar of today because of its natural oils, bugs would not burrow into it, it did not rot, and it was very dense.

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Page 112: Gods Blueprint:Prophetically Drafted in the Tabernacle of Moses -  IBOOK

Altar of Incense

The Altar of Incense or the Golden Altar, is where the priests would burn a fragrance mix of spices ordained by God morning and night. They were to take a coal from the bronze altar and bring it into light the lampstand as well as the incense. It is here that the priest would raise prayers of intercession before the very throne room of God to petition Him for direction, and mercy for the people of God.

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Page 113: Gods Blueprint:Prophetically Drafted in the Tabernacle of Moses -  IBOOK

Ark of the Covenant

The Ark was the most holy piece of furniture within the Tabernacle. It was the very throne of God on the earth. It was where His presence was made manifest and yet veiled from the eyes of those He wished to dwell in the midst of. Within the Ark were three uniquely special items. The Tablets of the Law, the Budded Rod of Aaron and The Pot of Manna. The Law, showed the people of Israel THE WAY in which they should live, the Budded Rod showed them THE TRUTH of who was anointed to lead them, and the Pot of Manna, was THE LIFE miraculously provided to sustain them in the wilderness. Jesus likened Himself to these three pieces when He said, I am The Way, The Truth and The Life, No one comes to the Father except through Me.

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Page 114: Gods Blueprint:Prophetically Drafted in the Tabernacle of Moses -  IBOOK

Bronze Altar

The Bronze altar was made of shittim wood and was overlaid with bronze, which is a metal made of mostly copper and some tin. Bronze is symbolic of judgement on sin. Shittim wood was considered an incorruptible wood, much like redwood or cedar today. This is symbolic of A sinless or incorruptible man, being overlaid with judgement. It is at the Altar that the substitute sacrifice was burned being fully consumed, displaying the full wrath of a Holy God on a sinful creation. Blood was placed on the four horns on the four corners of the altar, foreshadowing the extension of forgiveness extending to the four corners of the earth, in all directions.

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Page 115: Gods Blueprint:Prophetically Drafted in the Tabernacle of Moses -  IBOOK

Bronze Laver

The Bronze Laver made of solid bronze was also made from the women’s looking glasses, their mirrors. It is here at the Bronze Laver that the priests would daily wash their hands and feet, not leaving any residue on themselves before entering into the inner chambers of God’s Habitation. Their hands and feet being made clean by the cleansing of God’s miraculously provided water in the desert was symbolic of not being stained with blood that would display guilt of murder - ‘red handed’ or having trampled on the blood and tracking it in, making it of no value. There were no dimensions given to the Bronze Laver, signifying the boundless forgiveness and ability of God to wash those that come to Him in forgiveness.

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Page 116: Gods Blueprint:Prophetically Drafted in the Tabernacle of Moses -  IBOOK


These angelic forms were symbolic of the nature and character of God Himself. They were displayed and woven into the curtains within the ceiling, door, and partitioning curtains. They were also formed from the Gold on the Mercy Seat with was the lid of the Ark of the Covenant

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Page 117: Gods Blueprint:Prophetically Drafted in the Tabernacle of Moses -  IBOOK

Cloud or Shekinah

The Cloud of God’s presence or the Shekinah glory was the manifest presence of God as seen in a pillar of cloud by day or a pillar of fire by night. This cloud covered them and led them through the wilderness wanderings for 40 years. It was this cloud that went before them toward the Red Sea when fleeing Egypt and this Pillar of Fire that was their rear guard protecting them from the armies of Egypt before they crossed the sea on dry ground. This Pillar of Cloud could probably be portrayed as a tornado in our understanding. A Loud and Whirling presence ever before the people, covering their encampment from the scorching rays of a desert sun and a pillar of fire continually protecting them from the cold nights.

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Page 118: Gods Blueprint:Prophetically Drafted in the Tabernacle of Moses -  IBOOK


This was a promise that God made with His people. They were to be His people and He would be their God, all they needed to do was obey and follow Him. As they did they would be granted the promises, protection and provision that a King would grant to His servants.

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Page 119: Gods Blueprint:Prophetically Drafted in the Tabernacle of Moses -  IBOOK


A cubit is a measurement of length which is believed to be either 18 or 21 inches. For our purposes we have adopted the 18 inches length as this is the most often suggested.

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Page 120: Gods Blueprint:Prophetically Drafted in the Tabernacle of Moses -  IBOOK


There were various Curtains used in the Tabernacle. The White curtains that marked the exterior border of the Tabernacle grounds were made of white linen, and symbolically display the purity and holiness of the area. Curtains partitioning off the Holy Place/Sanctuary and the Holy of Holies, were uniquely crafted to be very thick, made with Linen but then interwoven with Blue, Purple and Red threads as well as Gold spun threads. These curtains were hung from the top of the supporting beams and were similar to that of the door at the outer perimeter.

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Page 121: Gods Blueprint:Prophetically Drafted in the Tabernacle of Moses -  IBOOK


The Golden Lampstand was made from solid Gold. A talent of Gold, equal to 75 lbs of gold in our measuring system which in todays market would be worth more than 1.5 million dollars worth of Gold. It was a beaten work, made and formed from one piece, not created in pieces and then placed together, but solid and continuous. It was fueled with precious olive oil and had seven branches, it is considered by the Jews as the Light of the World.

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Page 122: Gods Blueprint:Prophetically Drafted in the Tabernacle of Moses -  IBOOK


Manna was the Bread of Heaven, miraculously given to the children of Israel to survive. They were to eat it each day, collecting it fresh each morning. Only on Saturday, the Sabbath they were not permitted to collect any. The previous day, they were to collect a double portion, so that they would have enough to eat on the day they were told to rest.

Jesus likened Himself to the Bread of Life and proclaimed that if anyone were to eat ‘ingest’ Him they would live forever. He was speaking of spiritual life and spiritual ingestion.

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Page 123: Gods Blueprint:Prophetically Drafted in the Tabernacle of Moses -  IBOOK

Mercy Seat

The Mercy Seat was the lid for the Ark of the Covenant. It was placed on top of the ark as a throne seat for the presence of God and where the High Priest would sprinkle the blood of the sacrifice on the Day of Atonement. It was made from a talent of Gold, approx. 75 lbs and it was solid Gold. Its base had a crown around it to embellish it and it had two cherubim facing each other while looking down toward the mercy seat base itself. Their wings nearly touching.

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Page 124: Gods Blueprint:Prophetically Drafted in the Tabernacle of Moses -  IBOOK

Outer Court

The Outer Courtyard was an area curtained off from the people of Israel. This area was holy ground and where all of the sacrifices were slaughtered and prepared for the consuming fire on the Bronze altar. This area was open to the natural elements, the light of the world. It was an area where the people would bring their sacrifices and participate in the killing of the animal, collecting of the blood and see the sacrifice consumed and its blood poured out as a substitute sacrifice for their sins. Unless someone came through the door, they were considered a thief and a robber and were in danger of being killed by the armed priests that were commissioned to protect the area.

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Page 125: Gods Blueprint:Prophetically Drafted in the Tabernacle of Moses -  IBOOK


Sacrifices were made by individuals on behalf of themselves and their families sins. There were several types of Sacrifices/Offerings made through the year. The Burnt offering, Meal Offering, Peace Offering and Trespass Offering. Each of these were for different reasons, and different benefits were received by the priesthood or individual.

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Page 126: Gods Blueprint:Prophetically Drafted in the Tabernacle of Moses -  IBOOK


Acacia wood or Shittim wood was used for building the Bronze Altar, the Table of Showbread, the Golden Altar/Altar of Incense and the Ark of the Covenant as well as all the poles used to carry the pieces of furniture and the planks and posts for the Tabernacle. The wood was considered highly durable and incorruptible, much like the Redwood or Cedar of today because of its natural oils, bugs would not burrow into it, it did not rot, and it was very dense.

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Page 127: Gods Blueprint:Prophetically Drafted in the Tabernacle of Moses -  IBOOK


The structure used for the habitation of God built under the direction of Moses and lasting until the days of King David. The original Tabernacle was a mobile housing consisting of three different sections, the Outer Court which we a curtained off from the people assembled around it. The second part was built with planks standing approx. 15 feet high covered in gold and the entrance and ceiling were curtains and was partitioned in two parts. This first part was called the Sanctuary or Holy Place and was two thirds of the small building. The third section was called the Holy of Holies and was walled on three sided by planks. Entrance into the room was through a thick curtain and the ceiling was also curtained with 4 layers. No light penetrated into this area. Only the presence of God Himself illuminated the room, making it the Holy of Holies.

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Page 128: Gods Blueprint:Prophetically Drafted in the Tabernacle of Moses -  IBOOK

Table of Showbread

This table housed the 12 loaves of bread that were refreshed each week by the priests. As they made and replaced the week old bread, they together in fellowship with each other would partake of the bread. This bread was before the Lord as a continual reminder to God of His People, ever before Him. The priests at the time of refreshing, would also take wine and pour it out into the sand as a libation offering to God. Additionally, at this time they would take the frankincense and burn it as a sweet savor before the Lord. It is very reminiscent of our communion Sunday, and gives us an understanding of why we break bread and fellowship together. It too signified that the ‘people of God’ were to be a living sacrifice, ever faithful in their service to Him. It linked the Bronze Altar of Sacrifice, as that was also considered the bread of sacrifice.

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Page 129: Gods Blueprint:Prophetically Drafted in the Tabernacle of Moses -  IBOOK


The Temple of God was finally built by Solomon, King David’s son. It was at this Temple that the presence of God was made manifest once again, just as it had been when the Tabernacle was completed. It was to be the permanent structure to house the presence of God in the Midst of His people. Unfortunately, sin and desecrations made it reprehensible to God and He saw fit to tear it down to the ground stone by stone. The Temple is an earthly symbol of the permanent promise of God’s habitation yet to come.

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Page 130: Gods Blueprint:Prophetically Drafted in the Tabernacle of Moses -  IBOOK

The Door

The Entrance into the Outer Court yard where people would bring their sacrifices and then lay their hands on the head of the animals and transfer their sins to it as the substitute sacrifice for their sins. It was here at the door that people came to realize the penalty for their sin, the need for a substitute as their salvation. This door was beautifully woven, on linen with blue, purple and red threads.

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Page 131: Gods Blueprint:Prophetically Drafted in the Tabernacle of Moses -  IBOOK

The Holy of Holies

This was a cubed room, 10 x 10 x 10 cubits cubed. It would be equal to a 15 foot cubed room. Held within this room was only one piece of furniture, it was the Ark of the Covenant. This room was completely cut off from all natural and man made light, the only light in this room was emanating from the very presence of God Himself. It was into this room, the High priest alone was welcome only one time per year on the Day of Atonement or Yom Kippor. On that day, sacrifices would be made on behalf of the people as a nation, and God would require the priest to come before Him to atone for the sins of the whole nation. In doing so the High Priest would fearfully, prepare himself and then present himself before God with the blood of the required sacrifices.

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Page 132: Gods Blueprint:Prophetically Drafted in the Tabernacle of Moses -  IBOOK


The Tribes get their original names from the 12 sons of Jacob (Israel) included in their number were Ephraim and Manasseh the two sons of Joseph (as Joseph himself is unnamed) These 12 tribes of Israel were sectioned in to four groups. The Tribe of Levi was considered responsible for all the dealings with the Tabernacle itself, from the continual maintenance, break down and set up as well as the transportation and protection of it from all others. The tribe of Levi was sectioned by three families, Kohath, Meri & Gershon. Of these three families the Kohathites were the priests they alone were the family commissioned to execute the sacrifices. All of the other tribes were sectioned into 4 parts, with the Lead tribes being Judah, Reuben, Dan and Ephraim. The people were given specific sides of the Tabernacle to encamp on and their marching orders were never to change.

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