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God's Delays are not God's Denials: Rahul Dravid at BITS Convocation

This is a continuation of the article- The Day BITS Stood Still, Behind the Wall.

"Had my school principal agreed with my parent's concern, there was a chance I would stop playing serious cricket altogether, got better marks-life would then have followed another script, I learnt that support sometimes comes from the most unexpected places and it make all the difference.

Borrowing class notes from friends and furiously preparing for school and college exams at the last minute, I was growing as a cricketer.At that time we played many league and junior state matches on bouncy batting wickets.We traveled by train across the length and breadth of the country, staying 5 or 6 in a room in some cases.It was a chance to know to know our country and its wide variety of people.The hard sessions at the nets and my performances at the junior level won me a state cap and before I knew it I was playing the Ranji trophy for Karnataka in 1991.I did well from most of the opportunities I got, and I ended up playing with the best in bowling I had ever encountered right at the very start of my career in the domestic circuit.

Though we did not have the chance to regularly play fast bowling of international quality, I made up some unusual drills for myself.I would tell colleagues to throw down tennis balls from 15 yards, to simulate what playing the top bowlers might feel like.I got many puzzled looks, to many it seemed like a waste of time.For me it left like essential preparations for everything that was to come.By this time I was being talked about as a national probable, I even captained the Indian under 19 team, the question I got wherever I went was : When are you going to play for the country?Now this is not something I had any control over, but the question began to dominate my life and my game.I ended up playing five years of domestic cricket, before getting my national grade.It was frustrating.I remember putting a sticker on my kinetic Honda which read, "God's delays are not God's denials." It was a gentle reminder to myself to keep faith when I started the scooter engine and loaded my kit bag in the morning.

Looking back now, I do not think I would have been prepared for the success I had at the international level had I not gone through the finishing tool that domestic cricket provided.Spin or fast bowling, easy or difficult batting conditions, I was well prepared for anything.The opportunity that I had had to play experienced spinners in the Ranji trophy helped me play Warne and Murlitharan with confidence.Those tennis ball drills did not seem all that silly, when I played the likes of McGrath, Akram and Donald on tough pitches.When I speak to youngsters, I like talking about this phase of my life, likening it to a fascinating plant which I am going to entangle.

You can take a Chinese bamboo seed and plant it in the ground, water and nurture that for an entire year.You will not see any sprout. In fact you will not see a sprout for 5 years.But suddenly a tiny shoot will spring from the ground.Over the next 6 weeks the plant can grow as tall as 90 feet.It can grow as fast as 39 inches every 24 hours. You can literally watch the plant grow.What was the plant doing in those 5 years, seemingly dormant?It was growing its roots.For 5 full years, it was preparing itself for rapid massive growth, With its roots structure the plant could not simply support itself for future growth.Some say that the plant grew 90 feet in 6 weeks.I would say it grew 90 feet in 5 years and 6 weeks.This period tested my faith and my willingness to believe in my own talent at the beginning of my journey.

Overall I had an extremely gratifying career- many highs and several disappointments as well.After the tour of Australia last year it became very clear to me that the time had come to move on and make way for the next generation of talented young batsmen to begin their journey, just as I had done 16 years ago.It just felt right and I was happy to call time on my career, with my family, colleagues and friends around me.I was touched by all affection I have received.I have no regrets, no unfulfilled professional goals and nothing left to prove to myself.I have climbed my mountain, one which I had originally set to climb as a little boy.As I began climbing the mountain I had set my eyes on, I received lots of support along the way.As a sat alone dealing with my success and failure I got to understand myself better.The climb became everything to me and I immersed myself in it.As I got closer to the top of my mountain, I managed to remain focused and keep my eyes of the destination.When I finally got there I thoroughly enjoyed being where I stood, sense of peace and parity, because it is then I realized that you do not have to be the number 1 in the world, you have to be number one yourself.Reaching that peak is the highest peak there is."

"Like a good mountain climber I am now in search of the next mountain to climb.The uncertainty makes me nervous- it also excites me.I am back to being like a little boy, listening to the cricket commentary coming from my transistor in my father's studio.I would like to wish all of you- the graduating class of 2013, some of the brightest minds in the country today, as you embark on an exciting journey ahead of you.

May you find the mountain that is right for you.Give and receive support along the way, be patient and persevere through the ups and downs that you will face.And importantly learn to enjoy the journey you are about to embark on.All the very best!"

The August gathering had taken in every thing the Wall had to say and it had done so in rapturous silence.Now as he left the podium he was greeted with thunderous applause and a standing ovation.The packed auditorium was on its feet, saluting the man they had seen perform on the field, day after day but had never quite "experienced".Mr. Dravid also paid a short visit to the Cricket Lawns where he was greeted by the college cricket team.

Harsha Koneru, who got a chance to shake hands with the Wall, described it as the best 10 seconds of his life.Divya Verma, of the Department of Arts and Deco, known for her brilliant artistic skills presented Mr. Dravid with one of her works and Dravid's remark that he would put it up on his wall, made her go berserk with happiness.Dravid's " God's delays are not God's denials " found its way to almost every BITSians Facebook Wall.

Finally at about 2:30 in the afternoon as Dravid's BMW zoomed out of BITS Goa, he left behind memories in students' hearts and minds - memories which they will keep with themselves for many years to come!Rahul Dravid at the Convocation of BITS Pilani Goa Campus - 2013FullscreenRahul Dravid with an infectious smile - You cant help but smile back!The highly skilled and stylish master and the Wall of India's batting order was the Chief Guest at this year's Convocation Ceremony for the 2013 passing out batch.Rahul Dravid at the Convocation of BITS Pilani Goa Campus - 2013Rahul Dravid with an infectious smile - You cant help but smile back!The highly skilled and stylish master and the Wall of India's batting order was the Chief Guest at this year's Convocation Ceremony for the 2013 passing out batch.