Download - GLP_05.doc - Web viewmore of Dan Burisch is at . note: because important websites are frequently "here today but gone tomorrow", the following was


archived as

more of Dan Burisch is at

note: because important websites are frequently "here today but gone tomorrow", the following was archived from on April 8, 2004 . This is NOT an attempt to divert readers from the aforementioned website. Indeed, the reader should only read this back-up copy if it cannot be found at the original author's site.

misc. Dan Burisch postings on the GLP board - Volume 5full un-edited and non-excerpted posts are at the referenced URL

(continued from Vol 4 - …)

(1195) Remote Viewer 03/23/2004 12:11 am EST

Hi there! I am a Controlled Remote Viewer with a professional past doing that type of work. I have spent the better part of the last 30 days working Dr. Dan Burisch: his surroundings, thought patterns, physical work, and textual contents. I don't want to butt in here, and so tell me if I am.

Would anyone be interested to learn what I have been finding, to include through Stage 6 data on the target, Burisch?

(1196) Remote Viewer 3/23/2004 1:00 am EST

Okay. My analytic overlays have been built upon over the last 30 days and have shown some surprising results. If anyone wants the full data, that can be arranged. But in a short report, here is what the doc has been up to ( minus eating, bathing, etc:

1. Short trips to the Las Vegas Strip or an area where there are a lot of Casinos. Hits for this have been in the evenings only (save 1 trip back and forth from his residence on March 2.). The trips I have picked up on were Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and one Thursday (last Thursday).

2. His personal residence has been modeled and he is still living in wealthy conditions inside of a moderate apartment. His food, care, etc. are like a rich man.

3. His office space is small, set as a semicircle and full of electronic equipment. In his office space he has a computer system with printer and scanner. These items are sitting at the bend of the "U" of the semicircle. To his left -- if he is looking toward the computer -- he has a work desk. On the desk is an electric desk lamp, two microscopes, an oil lamp, a candle, figurines of angels, a yo-yo, and an embossers stamp. He also has a Bible on it. His desk blotter is a looney-toons desk calendar. I drew a Marvin the Martian image. Below his desk are briefcases and 3-ring binders stored with encyclopedia-like information. They are all labeled with the curious label -- "Bible". To his right is a television with 2 VHSs somehow hooked to it. Below that is a storage are where he keeps disks and Lotus Reports. To the right of that -- to his back right -- are books


on some kind of stand and office supplies, pens pencils, paper, drawing instruments like compasses. The wall in front of his desk is full of diplomas, degrees, and other certificates. He has some kind of doll pinned to the wall, a collector's item. It is a female and she looks like she is either a clown or an Asian woman. There are butterflies, pocket watches, and personal photographs also on the wall. A rattle like an Indian medicine rattle and ancient masks are also on it.

4. He does office work during the day, makes calls to co-workers, etc., and does research at night. I only find him sleeping during short/scattered times. Almost not detectable.

5. Over the past 30 days, he has had geometric shapes -- like 3D stars and cubes and pyramids -- scattered all around his work area. He has been shining lights though them and looking at their shadows.

6. He has been engaged with someone -- a female -- over a bibliography. He has been speaking on Monday nights with a high-ranking military official and a financier/politician. He takes trips every Monday and Wednesday night to a nearby place where he works with some people -- 2 females, then a male afterward -- for a little while. These people are part of some kind of cooperative work effort, Lotus.

7. He is trying to match swirl patterns to a process. Haven't found out what.

8. He is going through thousands of images and reams of numerical data and matching what he is looking at to books and scientific publications.

9. For the last 2 days, I only find him lying down in a bed. He has tubes connected to him. I find a mask on his face. He is ill. Data says he has breathing problems.

(1197) starcode 3/23/2004 1:20 am EST

Thank you, 'Remote viewer'...

You mentioned "If anyone wants the full data, that can be arranged ..." Would you feel comfortable sharing the full data with us?

(1198) Remote Viewer 3/23/2004 2:00 am EST

Sure I can. It may take me a couple of days to get all the hand notes together than have them transcribed. I actually do this with a friend. I wanted to report this to the group here because these have been much more than just a normal CRV sessions. My friend and I have had profound impressions and images that have gone well beyond the normal.

They come in two varieties. Neither she nor myself have been able to conduct a good data gathering CRV on Dr. Burisch since about noon today. We know for sure that he is alive. But when we attempt data-gathering, all we get is a gray sea-like single ideogram, an "a" component of energetic fluidity, and a "b" component of serenity, immediately followed by shaking fear. Both of us felt it to be some kind of warning to us.


On March 1, we conducted separate several hour sessions and were both very disturbed by our findings. We gathered data on some kind of very "bright being" (drawn as a winged angel by my friend and as a enveloping sphere by me). During the viewing, I attempted to continue gathering while the impression of the presence of the "being" continued. All of a sudden a very serene unisex-looking face looked right into my eyes and I evoked the word, "LO!" I saw a brief flash of light then felt my chest pushed on as if being physically pushed away. I thought -- to start -- that the word was something associated with something like "Lo! A child is born!" But then my friend got the same thing at the same time. It had a foreign sound to it, so I punched it in. It means "NO" in Hebrew.

From that time, when we detect the "being" we stop the session immediately.

(1199) Best Advice 3/23/2004 2:10 am EST

Darlene G., located in Carson City, Nevada --

Compliments on the fine work, but please stop poking your nose in where it hasn't been invited.

Thank you!

(1200) starcode 3/23/2004 2:24 am EST

'Remote Viewer'--

Thank you so much for your time and efforts and also your friend that has assisted you. Sounds like someone --'Best Advice'-- does not like the info you are picking up. Please take care and our continued prayers will double for Dr. Burisch.

(1201) Silent Type 3/23/2004 4:04 pm EST

I just got this email from Bill Hamilton (I had inquired about Dan's condition. I don't know how to copy-and-paste the email here, so I am just copying it. Bill said:I received this message this morning.....

>> FYI, Burisch has bilobar pneumonia and is currently being treated with high volumes of liquids, antibiotics and oxygen. Infection is responding well to medicine. He is stubborn as ever. His seizures are still bad and he is still in evaluation phase for pacemaker and vagas nerve implants. Expect near-term decision.

Sincerely, Bill Hamilton Executive Director Skywatch International <<

I asked and he said I could post here and mentioned that he was currently trying to get verification on the other items mentioned by the remote viewers.


(1202) Human Subject #58-001 3/24/2004 6:04 am EST

>> Writings have said about him that they try to make his life look normal to the outside. Wonder how normal it would look when the letter carrier delivers a tonne of letters to him?

last known address:

Dr. Dan BC Burisch 3200 McLeod Drive, Apartment 162 Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S. 89121 <<

I'm sending a postcard today!:) to both 1200 and 3200. (can we get an answer to that? is it 1200 or 3200?)

(1203) Anonymous Coward 3/24/2004 10:12 am

'Paperboy' wrote:

IMHO, BJ Wolf was not mysteriously inducted into the MAJI -- she already worked for them! C'mon folks, how many other humble authors do you know who have been tapped? It makes no sense and just adds credibility to the claims made in Eagles Disobey. And we know that proxy ridicule and proxy questioning of credibility are part of the MAJI's modus operandi.

Some background info on BJ WOLf (aka Marcia McDowell):

McDowell's Father was a courier between the American and Canadian Majestic "sects" and was best friends with James Huffman. Huffman was the maiden name of Deborah's mother, Doris, who was distantly related to James Huffman (a Majestic courier) and Rev. Huffman (of Missouri crash fame).

volume 4 page 15

>>When did BJ realise her father's connection?

Only recently, at the same time as induction. volume 4 page 16

>> I do not think that she already worked for them. Maybe they are using Dan's feelings for BJ -- and vice versa -- as "leverage". She also has a very ill mother which she wished to be close to and what choice did she have? Either to be on-the-run or to work with them?

She is in charge of the Lotus Project (also known as the Staar Project) under the direction of the Committee Of the Majority. She has a background in people management and is a security expert. Security is obviously a big part of this deal, but that does not mean that's why she was employed.

******* ************* 543

(1204) skywatcher22 3/24/2004 10:32 am EST

'Human Subject' posted"

>>RP: If they really believe that the world could suffer a catastrophe, why do they not inform everyone about it openly so that we can all work together to obviate it?

BH: There isn't much anyone will or can do about it.<<

Good question:) I´ve asked it, too. Why not let the whole world know if it is such a good job you're doing? (you might even get some help!)

>> Bill´s answer sucks big time because the people would maybe become more serious to get their spiritual affairs in order before the shit hits the fan, right? <<

It may "suck big time" but what are you or anyone going to do to prevent a catastrophe? Do you have a plan? Telling everyone about a future event doesn't mean they will believe. You have believed Dan and company because it struck a chord with you, but the wider world will just believe this is an orchestrated hoax.

>> Me thinks BJ and Bill are on the other team now. <<

What "other team"? BJ is a friend, but she is working for the same people as Dan. I am not. They both have a background related to that work. I do not. I am neither with nor against the Maji as I have insufficient data.

I do not accept things on faith alone. I investigate and analyze.

May Dan fully recover and obtain the life he dreams of.

The last time I saw Dan and BJ (earlier this month), they shared jokes, laughed, and seemed in good spirits. I find it hard to believe they are oppressed. They are excited by the work they do. Why? What does that tell you?

(1205) Crackajack NLI 3/24/2004 8:48 pm EST Phylogeny Based on Ribosomal Proteins.

Oriane Matte-Tailliez , Céline Brochier , Patrick Forterre and Hervé Philippe

Until recently, phylogenetic analyses of Archaea have mainly been based on ribosomal RNA (rRNA) sequence comparisons, leading to the distinction of the two major archaeal phyla: the Euryarchaeota and the Crenarchaeota. Here, thanks to the recent sequencing of several archaeal genomes, we have constructed a phylogeny based on the fusion of the sequences of the 53 ribosomal proteins present in most of the archaeal species. This phylogeny was remarkably congruent with the rRNA phylogeny, suggesting that both reflected the actual phylogeny of the domain Archaea even if


some nodes remained unresolved. In both cases, the branches leading to hyperthermophilic species were short, suggesting that the evolutionary rate of their genes has been slowed down by structural constraints related to environmental adaptation. In addition, to estimate the impact of lateral gene transfer (LGT) on our tree reconstruction, we used a new method that revealed that 8 genes out of the 53 ribosomal proteins used in our study were likely affected by LGT. This strongly suggested that a core of 45 nontransferred ribosomal protein genes existed in Archaea that can be tentatively used to infer the phylogeny of this domain.

Interestingly, the tree obtained using only the eight ribosomal proteins likely affected by LGT was not very different from the consensus tree, indicating that LGT mainly brought random phylogenetic noise. The major difference involves organisms living in similar environments, suggesting that LGTs are mainly directed by the physical proximity of the organisms rather than by their phylogenetic proximity.

(1206) Crackajack NLI 3/24/2004 9:13 pm EST

The alleged infliction of the JROD: MGUS. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


The blood normally contains a large number of different proteins called the plasma proteins. One type of protein is called gamma globulin and combines to make antibodies. Normally many different types of gamma globulin are produced to deal with different infections. When most of the protein being produced is one particular form of gamma globulin this is called monoclonal gammopathy. A clone is a population of cells which are all derived from one original cell. In monoclonal gammopathy all of the abnormal protein is identical proving that it came from cells of one clone (monoclonal).

If there is no evidence of disease such as myeloma or lymphoma which would explain the presence of a monoclonal gammopathy it is called monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance (MGUS).

The clinical importance of monoclonal gammopathy in patients with no symptoms and no other signs of disease is not yet understood. In about 80% of people with MGUS the level of monoclonal protein is low and the vast majority of these people will remain well and never have symptoms related to MGUS.


MGUS, like myeloma, is seen mainly in older people. It is most common over the age of 70 years. The cause of MGUS is unknown.

Signs and symptoms

MGUS is a chance finding in people with no symptoms. If a person has symptoms of myeloma or similar disease then the diagnosis of MGUS is ruled out.



MGUS is often a chance finding when a person is having blood tests done either as part of a routine check-up or because of some unrelated medical problem. Often the initial finding is just of a high level of protein in the plasma. Further tests are done to find out which of the several forms of protein is increased and whether the increase is monoclonal.

Other tests are done to confirm that there are fewer than 10% plasma cells (antibody producing cells) in the bone marrow, no raised calcium level, no monoclonal protein in the urine and no other signs of myeloma. If the only abnormality found is the monoclonal protein then the diagnosis is MGUS.

Treatment See below.


As most people with MGUS will never develop any symptoms they do not require any treatment. However, it is very important to have regular follow-up checks because each year about 2% of people with MGUS will develop myeloma or a related condition. It should be remembered that this still means that at five years after diagnosis 90% of people will not have progressed to myeloma, at ten years 80% have not progressed and even at fifteen years 70% have not developed any symptoms. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

(1207) Anonymous Coward 3/24/2004 9:41 pm EST

CJ --

But the J-Rods do (allegedly)have peripheral neuropathy, don't they? Pretty bad, apparently, since that was one of the reasons -- it was said -- that the 'Clean Sphere' was kept so cold. (I just thought that article made MGUS and therefore their problem sound so benign)

(1208) Anonymous Coward 3/24/2004 9:47 pm EST

Yea … so benign...

Paraproteinaemic Demyelinating Neuropathy may also be variously known or titled in neurological books, articles and papers as: MGUS associated neuropathy or polyneuropathy. ; Paraprotein-associated demyelinating neuropathy. ; Paraprotein associated polyneuropathy. ; CIDP associated with a paraprotein. ; CIDP associated with MGUS. ; Paraprotein-related or associated demyelinating neuropathy. ; Demyelinating paraproteinaemic neuropathy. ; MGUS polyneuropathy. ; Peripheral Neuropathy associated with benign monoclonal gammopathy. So whenever I use the title PDN or Paraproteinaemic Demyelinating Neuropathy, it may be regarded as any of the above!

I have had personal experience of this unusual neurological disorder since mid-1993. It is one of the rare disorders that affect the peripheral nerves. The only information about "my" neuropathy that I


could discover on the World Wide Web was very academic, professional neurological material. So I have tried to prepare a layperson's account based on knowledge gained from medical textbooks and articles from professional journals. I'm sorry! Some professional neurological language cannot be avoided! I live in Halifax, Yorkshire, England and I am now in my mid-70´s.

Included is brief information about the two more major neuropathies in the same inflammatory neuropathy family, GBS and CIDP. Another page relates my own Conjectures about why I -- and some others -- experience painful relapses which appear to have a connection with falls in ambient (surrounding) atmospheric pressure. As an aid for visitors to this site, I have included a special page about Peripheral Neuropathy. This is a general term for disorders of the peripheral nervous system and not a single disorder.

PDN. What is it? Paraprotein.

PDN. What is it? Continued with monoclonal gammopathy/MGUS.

PDN. How it happens. Demyelination damage.

PDN. How it happens - continued. The 3 types of antibody.

My PDN story in brief.

2 related inflammatory neuropathies - GBS & CIDP.

Under Pressure - effects caused by weather?

Peripheral Neuropathy.

(1209) Crackajack NLI 3/24/2004 10:28 pm EST

Thanks, 'AC 9.47'. Good to see ya ;)

Hopefully a little less "benign" this time...

Treatment of MGUS-neuropathy

I am new in this business, 35 years old and my neurologist has recently discovered a monoclonal protein, IgG=3.0/L. He will now send me to a hemdoc. For years I have had neurological symptoms on and of with extreme fatigue. No doc has ever known what kind of disorder I have. Now I strongly suspect that the IgG causes the neurological symptoms and also the extreme fatigue. I would like to know if there is anyone who has been treated with cyclophosamide for neuropathy related to MGUS, and in that case, what was the result. I read a Dutch study (author: Notermans NC et. al., published in Neurology Nov 1996) at Medline which describes a treatment with interesting results. The study included 16 patients with MGUS-neuropathy (11 IgM and 5 IgG) They were treated with cyclophosamide (300mg/m2 body surface for 4 days) combined with prednisone (40mg/m2 body surface for 5 days) at 4-week intervals during 6 months. During a follow-up period of 3 years, 8 patients had improvements and 6 stabilized. There was no difference in response between IgG- and IgM-


neuropathy. A very interesting thing is that the monoclonality disappeared in 4 patients. Anyone with knowledge or information regarding this? Would be appreciated, Thank you! 4

Peripheral Neuropathy

Peripheral Neuropathy Menu This is a web forum to discuss and comment on Peripheral Neuropathy. Click here to Enter a new Neurology WebForum ... CONTROL (1/13/00) 3:36 PM Peripheral Neuropathy (1/12/00) 2:32 AM PN - Symptoms/Testing ... This Web Forum is not moderated in any sense. Anyone on the Internet can post articles or reply to previously posted articles, and they may do so anonymously.

MGUS Background Monoclonal ... suspicious peripheral neuropathy (see below). The prevalence ... spikes detected in MGUS mirror the relative ... and 26% at 15 years. Neuropathy - Although neuropathies are a complication of MGUS, they are usually ... Monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance, MGUS (or benign monoclonal gammopathy, BMG) falls under the category of plasma cell disorders in which an abnormal amount of a single immunoglobulin is present in the serum. This monoclonal spike, or M... 9

Neuropathy Message Index ... Resources Website Related Neuropathy Diabetic Gourmet Community ... autonomic, and focal neuropathy.Posted by kenneth ... Talk via phone about neuropathy Posted by Caroline ... at 10:19 a.m. MGUS Posted by Melba on ... Posted by kenneth bovaird on Friday, 17 October 2003, at 8:25 a.m 91

Plasma exchange Therapy ... hyperviscosity syndrome related to monoclonal gammapthies ... polyradiculonevritis (A2a) - IgA or IgG MGUS related neuropathy (A2a) - Renal failure ... Group B - IgM monoclonal related neuropathy - Multiple sclerosis ... It is made of a sterile, apyrogenic single-use kit, with an outside volume of 250 to 500 cc. The line has to be prepared before session (rinsing, purging with saline solution), there is a filling in time of the line before process and a filling...

Current Concepts In The Diagnosis And Treatment Of Peripheral Neuropathies ... retarding the progression or resolving the neuropathy, care should also be directed to pain ... of the motor deficits. Paraprotein Related Neuropathy Paraprotein related neuropathy is responsible for about 10% of initially ... The last decade has seen remarkable progress in understanding the pathogenesis and treatment of peripheral neuropathies (PNs). Despite these scientific advancements, determining the etiology and instituting effective treatment remains a difficult...

Peripheral Neuropathy Lectures Peripheral Neuropathy Overview ... of Utah Peripheral Neuropathy Objectives: 1) Understand ... evaluating a patient with a peripheral neuropathy to have in mind a schema or ... 2) Understand the pathophysiology of axonal and demyelinating neuropathies and how electrodiagnostic studies can help distinguish between the two types


(1210) Paperboy 3/25/2004 8:31 am EST

>> Waiting for the paperboy: <<

150 media packets?? I have no idea what you are referring to. I am not with the media and have not received anything from anyone. Sorry.

I really hope that you didn't send already-skeptical journalists a sheaf of unverified biological data and photos of nothing hoping they would also take it at face-value? You didn't do that, did you?

The UFO community already has zero credibility in most media circles. More unevaluated junk from well-meaning "believers" will zap what's left and set any disclosure cause back by years. The British media have taken great pleasure in the recent demise of UFO magazine.

For your info, I have watched this affair since it was in its JAROD/Bill Uhouse phase. He was another 'inside' who made various provocative statements that bore no fruit. Perhaps Bill Hamilton would like to add his 'two cents' as to what happened to him (before you retire, Bill!).

Dr Burisch's case is a follow-on to this and no amount of appeals to believe will make it a fact.

I am open to the possibility that this is all true, that all your insider-helpers were not playing some cruel trick, exploiting your trusting natures.

You'll have to excuse my impudence when I question why these self-serving factions apparently had no option to air their dirty laundry in public. Or why people you believe are the top dogs have condescended to a Q&A with "dondep". The character 'IMINVSBL' stated to policy-maker 'J' that: "...if you continue [not to cooperate} then you know what one member of this forum will do with the information..." . Does that not give you any clue as to what is going on?

'IMINVSBL' was trying to create the impression that you had some hot info and that "they" already knew the outcome. Yes, a nice little ruse going on there. And while were at it, let's try and create another conspiracy theory to further muddy the pond. Yes, let's give the impression that the omnipotent US government has access to time-machines.

The bottom-line is: you (everyone here) have no idea who you in business with, whether they call themselves 'MJ#1', 'Preserve Destiny', whatever alias you please. Or perhaps I am wrong. Please tell me that -- of course -- you know who 'MJ#1' is, who 'Raven' is, who 'J' is, who 'Preserve Destiny' is. Yes, we all know the names that have been "suggested". But of course -- when you had the chance to ask them -- you didn't ask, did you?

If you were a policy-manager wrestling with this issue, would you even consider using a forum like this to spread the word about what may be the most important piece of human history?

By all means, suspend your critical faculties and dive on in feet first. You'll excuse me if I pause for breath first.


(1211) Anonymous Coward 3/27/2004 8:52 pm EST

"60 something" had mentioned a point in regards to the fact that we have heard nothing recently from the remote viewer. This person had said that the remote viewer is now silent.

Is there a reason that the remote viewer is silent that "60 something" knows about, but has not shared?

I am praying that the remote viewer is safe and unharmed---"

There is a High Frequency Energy shield around Dan Burisch's work place, that is the energy the remote viewer felt, the "shaking" is the remote viewer's energy field as it gets closer to the High Frequency Energy of the barrier. Since the R/V's frequency was not high enough to pace thru this barrier, indeed it was a Warning.

However there are those who are "BUBBLED" thru the barrier, thru and Above.

The Being watching over Dan is not what you think it is. It is not Holy.

The Seed Of Life is HOLY.

(1212) Anonymous Coward 3/28/2004 5:18 am EST

Yes Hue, (Denise)

It would seem that the Doctor´s marriage is not what dreams are made of, but then one could say that about any marriage sometimes. In theirs, it does seem like it was arranged, but maybe that´s what we´re supposed to think, for whatever purpose I have no idea.

I have another question along those same lines that stems from this snippet from '60' what´s-his-#:

<<< As a dry bone to each of you------I am watching the STRUTTINGBITCH and the frail xxx xxxx right now! She is sleeping. He is sitting on a couch watching some video tape of something or other, puffing on a breathing system that makes him look like Tonto puffing a peace pipe!>>>

Sleeping where? Surely there isn´t a video camera in their bedroom? I cannot imagine a life under a microscope.. I especially can not imagine myself being able to concentrate with the knowledge that the person watching my every move, and my family's every move, would be allowed to in anyway broadcast what they are seeing to a public internet Forum, with their sick expletives added in... just for fun.

Bill Hamilton, if you are Dan's friend, and you have access to him, you should at least find a way to let him know he is being defiled by a snot-nosed adolescent. Reading here, starting on page 11, you should be able use the time and dates to identify him/her/it. Surely the Maji Security can kick any old rawk and roust out a lizard with more class and integrity? Or is this wasted heap of reptoid flesh indicative of the Alligators Regan warned you about spending quality time with? Or am I going to have to plead with Clark to expose this vermin bone thrower?


It's bad enough the Me-Firsters there are using Dan up, let alone verbally assault him in his time of weakness. Be a Man, Bill, fix this.


(1213) anonymous no one 3/29/2004 1:59 am EST

A snippet for those that would argue Dr. Burisch alone in his belief of a possible "stargate enigma". A person can always say that this article merely argues, by why argue it at all? Maybe Dr. Salla should answer that at the X-Conference! If not a stargate or stargates, then what? Oil that America will not be able to keep under international pressure? WMD´s (by now we should all be lol!)? Wag the Dog to finish what former Pres. GHWB didn´t (or couldn´t)?--come on, not that many would enter a cabal just for Junior or even Senior's reputation, when they can´t even get the best seats in the Grove!

No one has come forward? How long did it take for the Roswell military witnesses to? When you are in the military, you do what you are told. An ugly fact of the military.

Maybe in 2013 some will come forward and tell of their heroism that saved the world!

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- An Exopolitical Perspective on the Preemptive War against Iraq

Research Study #2February 3, 2003,

© Dr Michael E. Salla

"Exopolitical Analysis of US policy towards Iraq

If there is a Stargate existing in Southern Iraq that will play a role in such a ´prophesied return of the gods´, then it is most likely that clandestine government organizations that greatly influence or control the Bush administration, are aware of the existence and the role of this Stargate. Iraq´s President Hussein is most likely also aware of such a Stargate´s existence as might be inferred by his architectural projects intent on reviving the grandeur of early Mesopotamian civilizations, and cementing his place as the restorer of Iraq´s past glory. (37) More significantly, his permission for a German team of archaeologists to resume excavations in the Sumerian city of Uruk after detailed underground mapping, suggests that this may be the location of the Sumerian Stargate. This knowledge of a buried Stargate, may also be part of the reason why the German government has been publically opposed to a US preemptive war against Iraq. If in fact both the Hussein regime and the Bush administration believe that a Stargate lies buried in the sands of Southern Iraq, then there most likely exists a race to gain access to it and to control it. William Henry´s thesis is that this is indeed the political underpinning of the continuing military conflict in Iraq. (38)

From the perspective of the Bush administration, control of the Sumerian Stargate would enable clandestine government organizations to continue their global campaign of non-disclosure of the ET presence. (39) This is strongly implied by the Bush administration´s penchant for secrecy and overturning many of the Freedom of Information initiatives from the earlier Clinton administration. Control of the Stargate, in addition to any other Stargates that may have been established in the capitals of other civilizations, e.g., the Egyptian, Incan and Aztec; would presumably give clandestine government organizations greater leverage with ET races that are presently interacting with the planet,


or are predicted to arrive on the scene in some event associated with the ´prophesied return of the gods´. At the very least, control of the Sumerian Stargate would allow clandestine government organizations to dictate the pace of global transformations that ET races promise to introduce to the Earth with their advanced technology, superior knowledge and heightened psychic abilities.

On the part of Hussein Regime, control of the Stargate would allow him to activate it and to fulfill prophesy by facilitating the return of an advanced race of ETs, the elite Anunnaki...."

(1214) Anonymous Coward 3/29/2004 7:17 pm EST

2 hit today as if nothing special. Not that I didn't have a little to do with it. ;) A pack from stealthskater as if it was an order they had made, and a pinkie from Idaho.

For those that wished to paint a bad picture of us, in the words of Independence Day:


(the first shot was fired and hit the barrier), then the President refused to give up and once again said.............

EAGLE 1 FOX 2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


BOOM! THE ROCKETS GOT THROUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(1215) Harrdrawk 3/30/2004 1:14 am EST

Hello good people,

Yes, 'Pagemarker', my friend, this is definitely huge progress for the frustrated masses hating the Majicians surrounding Dan and curtain between us.. here´s part of the note again:

<>2 hit today as if nothing special. Not that I didn´t have a little to do with it. ;) A pack from stealthskater as if it was an order they had made, and a pinkie from Idaho.<>

It IS in fact, a fact. Dan has received mail from the free world! The Get Well card Saje and I sent to 3200 McLeod (his last known address, where he is said to still reside no less), was in a Pink Envelope, from Rawkland, ID. If Mark (Stealthskater) got a package like the one he sent to me, into Dan's hands, we should bombard Mark with a ton of thankyou notes, and every grateful thought we can muster. If my suspicions are correct, Mark's package would have included his Entire website on one of the Discs. This would be just too good. It would show Dan most of what Kate (formerly known as WR), has in her library, which is no small amount of information. It would also include many Raven chats, and other Dan chats he had with us, literally loads of information we have been making public for the last 6 months. (Waiting to hear from Mark on this)


And what's more, Dan will maybe get to see some more positive parts of our 5 volume science project that 61 or Forum Snipper forgot to share. I can only hope the scenario I´ve suggested is true, and that Dan will not be disappointed.

This is a tremendous gift we have recieved from Clark, (the Protector), once again. (Posting as A/C 7;17) I am so glad, and WE are so fortunate, to have Clark, (referred to by some here as ´Dan´s Prison Guard´), go the extra mile to connect Dan, (our dear friend Dan), to the hearts that never stop beating for him. Clark and others could have easily returned "everything" to sender as usual. I can´t know why these particular two pieces of regular US Mail managed to be the ones penetrating the barrier(s), but I feel blessed for having attempted "the leap of faith" that was suggested. Now (shaking my head)I wish I had written more words, and included a picture of my family like I first thought to, instead of drawing the goofy cartoons of us waving, because, now it seems that may have been my only chance. I hope there will be another chance.


We are truly only swimmers swimming, but it seems to me that our overall, connectedness and subsequent chances of survival have just now been raised ONE whole notch.

Don´t anybody stop swimming.

h(A)rrd(R)aw(K) is seeing 2 rainbows

(1216) Anonymous Coward 3/30/2004 2:10 am EST

To those that say that the Q94 is only a draft and therefore some problems could exist from others----have others think of it this way..

If a boss wrote a draft and said that they were making a decision as to the status of someone´s job, and that the preliminary decision was to terminate the employee, what could we say?

A boss wrote it. A decision is underway about a person´s status. The prelim is to term the employee.

We know a lot from it. Do we know the final decision? No. But we know a lot.

Now let´s look at the Q94.

We know the doc was written by some kind of scientist. The doc tells of attempts to treat some kind of illness.

So what?????????????

The basis of the doc, the underlying thing that doesn´t matter if it is a draft or not is--------------


The theme is that someone was writing about experimenting on an extraterrestrial. 553

That someone has been confirmed by a confirmed person that worked at S4, Tom Mack.

That someone has been confirmed to have been working on Project Aquarius by the same person.

The principle detractor, responsible for a lot of the "word salad" accusations now says that someone is lucid and is one of the most sane people he's listened to, speaks in conformity as scientists speak, and knows more than he does about neurophysiology. And the principle detractor is a board certified neurophysiologist and physician!

All other detractors, with all due respect to other members that have tried to check this stuff out---have been nameless-----so they really don't matter to the public, do they?

Can the Ganesh Experiments be replicated? Sure they can! But excuses have followed challenges. Why the excuses? Too many variables they say! So what! Excuses are excuses. Why the excuses? People pay good money to go to university and listen to so called learned people spew facts at them. If they pay enough money, memorize enough facts to take the tests (forgetting most after), they get something called a degree. That makes them "real" in the eyes of the same people that set up the whole game, because they have mimicked back (Pavlov?) what they are told is the TRUTH.

If you are waiting for those with university positions to ever say there even exists the possibility that this is real, you wait will be in vain. If you are waiting for students to say it either, remember, they know that if they step too far out of line, they won't ever be recognized as "real," so the same problem persists. The only answer is the regular people- grass roots. They have to be told in the right way to get them to ask questions. The system is in place to prevent too many asking the same question, unless the answer to the question is know beforehand and it serves the interest of the PTB.

Your real challenge is to get people to think for themselves.

They have a natural distrust of the governments and for good reason. Spin the story in the right way, follow the paths that dondep has offered and start the storm!

(1217) Prove It 3/30/2004 4:19 am EST

I´m the poster, not dondep. As for "prove it"--to hell with that! I don´t need to prove who I am and dondep doesn´t need to prove anything to you. :)

I am the one that guaranteed the arrival of package and pinkie today. ;) I am not Clark but I would like his job. I am coming from left field and they didn't see me. ;)

Short answer-----not written for them------tell them that it was written for a society that keeps different rules than the open scientific profession. The styles of the discourses Burisch writes are more like from the past (17th/18th century), before 8 second sound bites and publications that limit your wording. It was written for an insider world of people that think "way" outside the box.

You are right, 'crackajack' -----tell the dumb political tricksters to get the hell out.

My name, call me "prove it"!!!! :()


Have a great night Brave people!!!!!!!!

(1218) Prove It 3/30/2004 4:21 am EST

and by the way before I turn in:

Burisch, like a miracle, is back on his feet!

(1219) Crackajack NLI 3/30/2004 5:01 am EST

Quote: "The principle detractor, responsible for a lot of the "word salad" accusations now says that someone is lucid and is one of the most sane people he´s listened to, speaks in conformity as scientists speak, and knows more than he does about neurophysiology. And the principle detractor is a board certified neurophysiologist and physician! "

For memory, that would be none other than Mr Kit Green PhD.

With much respect to everyone here, Stealthskater or Peter7 are the best documenters I´ve seen to date. They add easy to read context to the info submitted. We could even get it checked and verified right here, just for that added touch of accuracy. Would either of you 2 guys be interested in formulating an information sheet? I am quite happy to assist If I can offer anything. Might even have a go myself as time allows.

Just thinking out aloud here. I certainly would not wish to burden either of you with something you may not be comfortable with. :)

Thanks friend, for the doc update. ;)

(1220) Anonymous Coward 3/31/2004 1:17 am EST

Dr Burisch has planted seeds from the ‘Tree’ in the Lotus Process. And yes, others have taken liberties with this knowledge that Dr Dan refused to do. They have begun to genome the Ganesh Particle DNA. ‘Reversine’ apparently is a synthetic molecule which can reverse a developed cell to the stem cell level. Advanced Cell Technologies is an organization which sought to profit from Ganesh Particle technology. Recently, we received notice that research from Los Alamos will be used to create life by engineering the molecular components of life forces into different patterns. As Dr Dan said, ‘the genie is out of the bottle.’ Can’t say he didn’t warn us!

What will Dr Burisch’s research be used for? It is part of T9. The aliens get the right to 10 million humans a year and the working Lotus Protocols for genetic manipulation of mankind into alien hybrids. What do we get? Well, only the military knows for sure. Bigger bombs? Stargates? Coordinates for off-world terraforming operations? Wow, why bother to ‘tell all the world’ our leaders have sold us out to Satan for their continued success?


Whatever good could come out of this research will never see the light of day for the benefit of mankind as those who control the information will utilize it for the manipulation of us all.

But which tree has Dr Burisch cultivated? The ‘Tree of Eternal Life’ or the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil? I think the latter, and this Tree will kill those who eat its fruit. It will kill in spirit those who think they know, rather than the essence of life itself. There is no way to cure the cancer except thru death and the dying experience, the very fact of material existence which those who manipulate life forces through knowledge are trying to avoid to save a dying race of J-rods which are not worth the time of day, let alone the fate of a single human being.

Oh, about fertilizer, it is used so much that now the oceans are dying off in its surface runoff. Great, we need more genetically modified crops to feed the cattle to give them all sorts of unheard of diseases. Lichen killing elk? Impossible. What about man? Just so long as the flowers grow the graveyard won’t seem so empty.

(1221) Anonymous Coward 3/31/2004 2:10 am EST

Interrogatory 03NOV03 Submitted: Dr. Burisch, there are many within our tight group as well as those laterally interested (specifically authorised contacts in the Society of Jesus), that have concern over the involvement (Good/Evil) of the being alleged to visit with you on a regular basis. Can you clarify and comment? Submitted, Reviewer #098 (Religious Doctrine Division)

The following was received from the Desk of Dr. Dan BC Burisch on 06NOV03 0400UTC

“Dear Reviewer #098:

Thank you for your questions and comments. I, too, bear the same concerns. While I am a confessed follower of Christ as a true representation of the Lovingkindness of the Creator, I give my free will to no one, aside from if the Creator would directly ask that of me, to the Creator. I doubt that to ever be the case, but I wish not to tempt the Lord God in my unworthy comments.

As you may be aware, during my term in seminary, I acted as a Death and Dying counselor at Holy Redeemer, assisting the AIDS patients at their final moments in reaching out to our tender God. I must have had well over two hundred die in my arms, and during that term I wore no protective clothing, aside from the presence of Jesus Christ and an abiding belief in the wonderful angels of God that were present to watch over all of us. Many who passed to His presence gave testimony of the angels in the room. I could “feel” them with my soul, as well, in a way- seeing them. I believed, in faith, that I was there to do His work, so only required true faith as protection, and my required blood tests, many months following the horrendous bodily fluid exposures, yielded negative results. I was not infected with any variant of HIV, Hepatitis B, nor any other disease. I was infected with greater faith. At the time I didn’t know the origin of the HIV variants, as we do now, but if I had it would have only strengthened my faith in His armor!

I was known as a different one in the house-like facility because I wore a white clerical shirt with white collar, instead of black, and that was allowed of me by the Church (Father Dave in the seminary) because of the earlier healing I was so fortunate to have received. Many joked of me in the seminary and called me “Francinas” (a foolish combination of the names St. Francis and Thomas Aquinas). They were


the ones engaging in the “behaviors”. So sad. I considered it an attack of the devil at that time, and testified so when I had them charged (and were subsequently convicted) with violations of Church (Canon) Law before I departed. Monsenior H. gave me the Francis relic, within the crucifix and as a gift from His Holiness Pope John Paul II, and that I still wear (quietly under my shirt). They knew I was to one day work with the J-Rod, and possibly even Lotus. I guess Francis was (is) with me afterall. God, I hope so.

I understand the things of this world, and the Universe, through faith in God and His Christ, and use the tools of science to further my understanding of this beautiful Creation. Science is only a human-made tool, that is all, and bears within its machinations the internal faults of our logical processes. We have difficulty in finding them, but they are there; to assume otherwise is the folly of arrogance before God. Aquinas, help us! :) I guess that is also part of what your question really asks, ‘what kind of man am I?’ I hope that helps open myself up to you and those evaluating this work, a little better. I often keep “myself” hidden, as I spare others of my unworthiness. That is who I am my friend, just a man, a marveling child, knowing the Love of God, and dancing in His beautiful Creation, while the chains of illusion are wrapped about my feet by those given to ultimately illusory consequence, of their own designs.

This is the general framework that I take with me, into this great adventure, looking at the wonderful act of continuous creation that God gives to this Universe, and possibly an infinite set of other’s.

During the first visitation at Shady, the being made itself clear with a warning that what I was viewing was to be observed and not touched. I have respected that admonition, not because it said it, but because it is in keeping with the ancient admonitions that are both respected and followed as words of divine inspiration. During the first visitation at my residence, I said nothing to the being. I was not visiting it, it was visiting me. It spoke of the Glory of God and the Creation of the Ages. I listened. Most of the time, that is all I do. After all, what words could I add? Before it, I am a child. Thus far, everything that has been uttered by the being has been in keeping with my understanding of known, sacred revelation, spanning multiple faiths based on the Love of God and God’s true Love for us. Contents of discussions, as has been audio taped from the outside of my residence, have been evaluated by our representatives of numerous religions, as you are aware. Do I accept that on face value? No, not even that. If you check my log requests, as each specialist evaluating concludes this or that about the contents of the discussions, I have their comments cross referenced against (1) the sacred literature which they cite and (2) a potpourri of scholarly commentary, across faiths, concerning those same texts.

As Director of this project, I feel a special responsibility (for my team as well as myself) to steer clear of trespassing within those areas that have been seared as prohibitory (into the fabric of human consciousness), across generations, faiths, and philosophies. There have been those, and will be those to follow, who will attempt not show that same respect. They risk only themselves, for there are limits that are set upon all humanity, with respect to how close one may come to the Fruit of the Tree of Life. There exists no human being, whose hands are worthy to touch it. I have simply considered blessed to have possibly glimpsed a little bit closer to some of its beauty and innate philosophy. I am confident, in faith, that they will ultimately be found powerless to control it, when they try. Their actions will only bring forth that creation, already deigned by the God of the Ages, and in so doing only apply to themselves the ancient warnings against “addition” to prophecy and the distancing of themselves from His Holy presence.

In the presence of this being, one hears the great rushing of waters, and feels the peace that is found in the Holiness of the Creator. I can assign no further spiritual description than that. It’s repetition of wisdom is not a deciding factor of its posture, and such could never be decided upon as a factor to its allegiance, for I am not possessing of sufficient wisdom. So, this sets as thus: I retain my free will and


have given myself to the Creator through the Christ. I trust, in the deepness of my soul, only through that faith, to our Creator, and provide no guarantee of such trust to any being that must condescend sufficiently to stand before the likes of me. I will continue, God willing, in my work, and complete the Lotus model on time, as directed by those who are assigned as my superiors. The results for which some so pretend as “enamored friends” and salivate as the self satisfied Oroborus, may be different than they expect. They must wait and see. The real potential of this model is not meant for now, and its core is not the concept from which future ideas will spring the illusive cure. They (the so called Superiors), also, had better understand, that we ALL stand equally before God, and equally before the Creator’s Holy attributed Tree of Life. In that respect they are not my superiors, no matter what chains of illusion to which they sell themselves. I will take no action, nor will I tolerate any team member doing the same, that will trespass past the ancient warnings. To that end, I am prepared to give my life, for in losing it in such a cause, I will gain it with Christ.

Sincerely so,

Dan Burisch”

(1222) hue 3/31/2004 3:07 am EST

"Insider" ac,

Thank you for posting that interrogative from Dr. Burisch. I have never really questioned the Dr.´s integrity, and do believe that his heart is in the right place. It is the implications of what can be done with his work if used by others with an evil agenda. I´m sure the Dr. has thought all of these possibilities through as well, and yet has decided to continue with his work. One has to wonder if he has really made the right decision--and for the right reasons.

Of course, it also seems that the Dr. may know (or have insight to) possible use of his work by others in the "future". I'm also not sure how I really feel about that idea as well, but there are so many unknowns, and I am unable to discount any possibility right now.

It may be possible that by continuing to bring this information out into the open, it might prevent others from using it for nefarious purposes. If most of the world is aware of what is going on--it would be much harder for these people with ill intentions to get away with what they are doing, as they will not be able to hide from, or easily control a large mass of people who have the collective power of knowledge and truth.

(1223) To my friend Publius! 3/31/2004 5:01 am EST

FYI I just asked the Dr. over the intercom to comment on Publius´ statement that he wrote. I sent him the text but according to certain rules, without the name Publius on it. If that smacks your asses sorry. At least I am doing something for you huh?

(Before you protest that this is disinfo HS may I remind you that you have taken for granted the Q94 by calling yourself HS and your comments with Dr. hasn´t directly confirmed HS´s, so the name to which you apply yourself is by your own logic illegitimate. ;) If I am wrong, please post his comments confirming to you, the HS´s. If I am wrong I will apologize.)


This is what I sent...

"Dan, give me a feed back, for a close friend please.

""After reading the AC 2:10 post I started musing on what other acceptable spiritual authorities get to pose questions.

How about the Dali Lama? Is he in on the loop?

Any Islamic authorites asked to participate?

Any Hindus invited to the discussion?

Any Jains?

Any Shamans?

Any Tulkus consulted?

Please, for the sake of the non-Christian world, enquiring minds want to know. ---------------- There seems to be a tremendous amount of spiritual arrogance associated with Dan´s work-this despite his protestations of humility. I do not think he can serve two masters. He would be better off both as a man and as man of God to abandon his project and trust in Christ that this was wise.""

I am awaiting his reply. He is looking at it right now. How do I know? I am watching him. He´s typing. I will send it through when he does. :)

(1224) Anonymous Coward 3/31/2004 5:49 am EST

Dan Burisch:

First, I have to ask your friend what the word "acceptable" means. If someone trusts in God, they are acceptable to me. On the other hand you know we have a professed Atheist that works nearby with us. Whatever the word "Atheist" means? :() As for Dali Lama...are we confused with His Holiness the 14th. Dalai Lama? or is the person speaking of Salavador Dali??? :( )

Actually, the best way to answer your question, Bud, is to say that one Abbot of Dzogchen has been in the loop for some time and whose spiritual insight I deeply treasure. There are a few Jains in the UK with which I frequently have the honor to speak. Numerous Islamics (a few clerics), Hindus, and Rabbi´s as well, honor me with their insights. As far as I am aware, there are over 10,000 religions that grace this wonderful planet. But, I am sure that given the apparent accusative nature or spirit of the statement, the writer must be aware of that? Yes?

I know you are aware of our Wiccan friend? Yes, there is a tremendous amount of spiritual arrogance associated with this work. I encounter it, time after time, in comments such as the one you sent. I regard it as part of the test of this project, the influences that surround it, that would have an


opposing position be the victor. God will be the victor here, no one and nothing else. I do not protest my humility, I beg for more of it, because I am not satisfied with myself. And to whom would I protest it, as such a protestation is by itself an act of arrogance! There is a difference in wanting to appear humble and being it, I think. I am not humble. At the same time, I know damned well that I am unworthy, yet still at the same time doing this project. That makes me feel even more blessed.

I love God. I think, just maybe God loves me! I only serve one master: the Creator. I do act in accordance with my philosophy that I should, within reason, accept those powers appointed above me on this earth, as my share in any Kingdom (should Christ admit me!) is not of this earth, as Christ´s Kingdom is not of the Prince of the world´s! (I won´t get millennial on you! :() ) I do hope that after such a posited "given", that this individual is of a kin to wander the earth, eating locusts and honey, living and sustained only by the word of the Creator and not in any way affiliated with any societal ambition? The individual should not be driving a car, for that serves the oil industry. I am sure that this is true, for such a lofty statement must come from such a pure spirit?

This project will not be abandoned, as it was given as a gift to see beauty. I will not abandon the beauty of the Tree of Life, but marvel at it, to the extent I am allowed. Who should this person be to entreat me as to what is wise, and in the same statement call me a man of God? If this person takes such a tack, then he/she should also know that "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom" (Prov. 1:7) From that it follows that the individual is self entrapped by a non sequitur argument. The missing point is that I am doing this, not to be better off, but ultimately for the betterment of humanity."

(1225) Anonymous Coward 3/31/2004 6:03 am EST

The above was his direct comment. He is by authority I won´t challenge not aware that this came from this group.

He is at home. At his desk working. His ailment is nearly gone. He is fully in charge of the project.

Harrdhawk, with all due respect, with what this guy is responsible for I doubt anyone here could stress him. :)

The only thing I am glad for is that he is in charge of this project. We can all say "it shouldn´t be just decided by him what to do, or the few representatives of religions that have spoken with him."

But you know the fact remains he is in charge of this project. He is the one writing the model, right now even. It could have been Deborah Burisch. Think about that.

I am over 300 miles from him and he doesn´t even know it. No one knows who this is. Not even the Maji.

He calls everyone that has a number and talks over the intercom "Bud". :)

This guy is going to get his job done, while many applaud, many whine, and many think they know better! He knows about all of that. It is his job (some call it foolishness, a burden, and even a hoax!) to do. He calls it a blessing! When he got done typing just now he looked into the camera and gave me that "wet-eyed twinkle-eyed smile." Forget Nicholas, Dan knows.

Thank God he was the one that drew the lot to get this ´BLESSING´. ;) 560

Have good lives and be happy!

(1226) starryeyes 4/1/2004 11:29 pm EST

Thought I would take a night off and just veg in front of the TV and guess what I learned…

A Bermuda Triangle show spoke of stargates, wormholes, inter-dimensional portals – time portals and a Navy military base called AUTEC (Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Center). Anyway it is supposed to be as big underground as Area 51 and even uses Wackenhut Security.

Wasn’t Deb Burisch or her dad in Puerto Rico at some this story?

(I am sure some of you already know about this – in which case maybe you can expand with some links)

(1227) Anonymous Coward 4/2/2004 12:48 am EST

Just so happens that Harry Burisch (Majestic, deceased) was assigned, under normal Majestic cover, to Roosevelt Rhodes Naval Base in Puerto Rico. That is where Debbie Burisch was first approached by Maj.

(1228) Anonymous Coward 4/2/2004 4:02 am EST

some info about Puerto Rico

Have you heard about Puerto Rico? Did you know it is a place where extremely strange things have been happening since the beginning of the 1900s? It would take me forever to write about the complete story, but here is some interesting information about the island of Puerto Rico ...

Puerto Rico has been in a Commonwealth status with the United States since 1898. The correct term for the political status of the island is a "Colony", perhaps the oldest colony in the world, from 1493 to 1898 with Spain and from 1898 to the present with the United States. The original intentions that the United States had with the island were what they called "Project 2020". Amazingly, there is very little documentation about this, but it is a plan they have had for the island since the early 1900´s! It consisted in converting the island into a big military installation.

Here are some pertinent facts about Puerto Rico:

- 13% of the land on the 35 x 100 mile island is occupied by U.S. military bases.

- U.S. nuclear arms are used and stored in Puerto Rico in violation of the Treaty of Tlatelolco, which prohibits nuclear weapons in Latin America.

- The island´s unemployment rate is a staggering 45%! 561

- 40% of Puerto Rican women of child-bearing age are sterilized as a result of U.S. depopulation programs. This was a project funded by David Rockefeller. You can find more information on this matter here: -

Half of the Puerto Rican nation has been forced to migrate to the United States, due to unemployment and the colonial government´s policies - an exodus among the most massive recorded in history. When they arrive in the United States, the migrants are subjected to poverty and racism.

- The U.S. congress retains power to legislate for Puerto Rico, without the consent of its people. Puerto Ricans on the island are not permitted to vote for the President or their congressional representatives.

- In 1917, the Jones Act **forced citizenship** on the Puerto Rican people, along with the draft and World War I. Puerto Ricans have been forced to serve in all subsequent U.S. wars, yet they are not allowed to vote?!

- The most important U.S. Navy Base in the Atlantic is in the island of Vieques, Puerto Rico. This is where NATO "rehearses" the different invasions they plan to be involved in - many YEARS in advance!!! For example, they had been rehearsing the invasion of Kuwait since the early 1980´s. People in Puerto Rico are now united to get the Navy out of the island, after one civilian was killed, but they insisted that "Vieques is unique" for their "exercises".

It has been reported that the military have "Tesla coils" and that they have tested them on civilians, which are found "calcinated" (To heat a substance - in this case - a human being - to a high temperature, but below the melting or fusing point, causing loss of moisture and the decomposition of carbonates and other compounds).

- "El Yunque" is the only Rain Forest in the U.S. Forest System. There is a "secret" millitary base in this forest and access to the area is forbidden. Many people consider this base to be the "Area 51" of the Caribbean. I have talked to people who have tried to get near the base and armed military personnel have threatened them, warning them that they are allowed to shoot anyone who intends to get into this base. This is an area of major UFO activity and many people have seen reptilian aliens in the surroundings of the forest. In fact, the famous "Chupacabra" sightings were first seen there.

- Puerto Rico is one of the key areas for the HAARP Project. HAARP stands for "High-frequency Active Aural Research Project", a joint effort of the Air Force and the Navy at an isolated base near Gakoma, Alaska. It uses 360 72-foot-long antennas, spread out over 4 acres.

HAARP zaps the upper atmosphere with a focused and steerable electromagnetic beam. It is an advanced model of an "ionospheric heater". (The ionosphere is the electrically charged area surrounding the Earth´s upper atmosphere and is located approximately 40 to 600 miles above Earth´s surface).

The largest Radio Telescope in the world (Arecibo Obsevatory) is on the island. This is the center for "Ionospheric" studies (another HAARP project).

Weather modification is possible by altering upper atmosphere wind patterns, by constructing one or more plumes of atmospheric particles, which will act as a lens or focusing device. Molecular modifications of the atmosphere can take place so that positive environmental effects can be achieved. Besides actually changing the molecular composition of an atmospheric region, a


particular molecule or molecules can be chosen for increased presence. For example, ozone, nitrogen, etc. concentrations in the atmosphere could be artificially increased.

For more information, visit the observatory web site - Arecibo Obsevatory

All this and much more is happening on this little island, that the whole world has had different interests in for some time. Even Nazi Germany was going to invade Puerto Rico during the Second World War! I could go on and on with much more data about this. I suggest you do some research about the island of Puerto Rico and you will find a place where the "New World Order" already has its presence deeply rooted, yet very little is known by most researchers.

Sabana Seca Naval Security Group Activity

The Sabana Seca Naval Security Group Activity operates as a high-frequency direction-finding facility. It provides communication and related support, including communication relay, security, and manpower assistance, to Navy and DoD missions in the area.

Possible UFO Crash in Puerto Rico


About Puerto Rico . . . U F O´s Reports on UFO´s are quite frequent in, over and around Puerto Rico. This fact can be partly

explained by the benign climate , the clear skies with (still) little atmospheric pollution and many rural open spaces which seem to be favorite oases for UFO´s around the world.

Remote RNM Devices NSA´s RNM equipment remotely reads the evoked potentials (EEGs) of the human brain for

tracking individuals and can send mental images through the nervous system to affect their performance, EW weapons as Aerostats were used successfully in the Gulf War and population control in Puerto Rico, Florida and Texas. The newest and most fearsome arsenal includes the HAARP Ionosphere Mirror System and Ultra low frequency world weather network; the use of FM, TV, Cable TV, Cellular Phones and the Internet for mass manipulation of Human mind is actually in use. Samples: Patent # 05270800 (subliminal Message Generator) and EW mirror Patent # 05041834 (Artificial Ionosphere Mirror Composed of A plasma Layer Which Can Be Tilted.)

MARINE BARRACKS Roosevelt Roads Naval Station, Puerto Rico That naval station serves the Navy battle groups and marines that train in Vieques and open waters

around Puerto Rico. Roosevelt Roads provides $300 million to Puerto Rico´s economy each year and employs 2,500 civilians and 2,400 military personnel. Roosevelt Roads was used in the war against drugs as well as other military training.



Located on Isla Verde Avenue, one of San Juan´s best clubs is without a doubt Area 51. This hot spot offers three floors of rave, techno, and modern music for a cosmopolitan crowd that dances on and on and on. Known for its special Playa Ibiza parties on Summer Sundays, it offers a full bar and plenty of action. The crowd is mixed but you´ll see all ages there.

-As always Caveat lector-

(1230) Anonymous Coward 4/2/2004 5:23 am EST

more about puerto rico:

A Ufo Base Beneath the Sierra Bermeja Range in SW Puerto Rico?

During his recent visit to Puerto Rico, Bob Pratt, U.S. investigator, said: “Puerto Rico is incredible. In other parts of the world you see a wave of a certain type of case for a certain time and in a certain place - but here all types of UFO cases are occuring everywhere all the time. You see UFOs entering or leaving the sea, entering into mountains, landings, encounters with entities, abductions, physical examinations, military jets pursuing UFOs and vice-versa, encounters with “Bigfoots” - in fact the lot! Puerto Rico is a veritable “paradise” for the investigator who has dedicated himself to probing the entire UFO situation”.

Similar comments have come from other visiting investigators, such as Timothy Good of England, Yun Ichi Yaoi of Japan, Jaime Maussán from Mexico, Salvador Freixedo and his wife Magdalena del Amo from Spain, Command-Sergeant Major Bob Dean from the USA, and many, many others. ....

Firstly, on top of a peak lying to the right of the Cayúl Peak (i.e. as seen from the direction of Cabo Rojo), there were erected, about seven years ago, some facilities said to be for a station of the Voice of America Radio. The area around it was declared a restricted area, the excuse being that this was on the general grounds of security and nobody living in the region was permitted to approach the place.

However, so far as we know until now, no transmissions from that alleged Station have ever gone out. So why, then, was the building erected there? If it is not being used for the function for which it was allegedly built, what then is its true role?

At times unidentified individuals have been seen visiting there. Who are they, and what are these people doing?

They might very well be watching, from there, what is going on in the coastal zone near Lake Cartagena and the Sierra Bermeja.....Or they might indeed perhaps be participating in what is afoot there?

On many occasions the residents of Boquerón, Las Palmas, and Betances (all in Cabo Rojo Municipal Region) and of Olivares (in Lajas Municipality) have observed large UFOs of different shapes (triangles, discs, cigars, etc.) hanging stationary over the Cayúl Peak and over the mountain where the building of the alleged Voice of America Station is located. What are the UFOs looking for so persistently up there? ....


In our last issue (EVIDENCIA OVNI No.1) we published an article on the strange death of Diego Segarra, the fisherman from Cabo Rojo.

We reported on the experience of a person close to him, who made a video film of the landing of a UFO on the Sierra Bermeja, and of the emergence from it of two “Grey” beings and of a tall, human, ‘albino’ type of person who left the site in a military jeep driven by two soldiers. The spot where this happened, according to the fisherman Segarra, was at the foot of the El Cayúl Peak.

The reports from this entire area are extremely numerous, and in future issues we will be continuing to analyse them.

Late 1997 and early 1998 represented a period of considerable activity in Puerto Rico: The U.S. Navy was conducting maneuvers as a prelude to operations in the Middle East, while floating missiles washed up on the beaches of Loíza, Yabucoa and Humacao. If tests were being conducted 200 miles off shore, why would these missiles wash up on beaches? An armed forces communique distributed to the media simply stated that the missiles were harmless and that "currents" had caused them to drift toward the island.

Simultaneously, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) was preparing its Coquí II Project and the launching of 11 rockets from February 12 to April 9th from the former U.S. military base at Camp Tortuguero. This project was met with strong opposition by the Comité Contra los Experimentos Ambientales, the mayor and municipal assembly of Vega Baja, and other ecological, civic and religious organizations protesting the absence of information on the project. They were fearful of a repeat of the events which transpired in 1992, as well as of the fact that the boosters would release into the atmosphere a chemical compound known as "bromo-trifluoro-methane", whose use is forbidden by international treaties due to its devastating effect upon the ozone layer.

NASA assured local residents, protesters and environmentalists that there was nothing to fear. However, a NASA official acknowledged that bromo-trifluoro-methane had indeed been used in 1992, but insisted that this time, aluminum trimethrol (TMA) would be employed, stating: "The reason for which we have chosen TMA is precisely because it has not been recognized as a harmful chemical."

The project´s goal was the evaluation of the electrical properties and turbulence of the upper atmosphere. Five of the twelve rockets launched five kilograms of TMA into the atmosphere while the remaining six contained instrumentation necessary to carry out the project.

1. About three years ago we were informed by some friends of a catholic priest that was organizing a UFO cult group with a mixture of beliefs such as aliens and UFOs mixed with angels, the Virgin Mary, and new age ideas, in the southwest of Puerto Rico.

The man was a priest at the Church of Hormigueros, a town in the southwest region, but his actions became even more suspicious when he started saying to the group´s members that "...many special children had to be born, that the extraterrestrials needed them [specially the women] to collaborate in bearing this children [of course sexually and with his active participation in the process]. Eventually we came to the knowledge that this ´priest´ was really a spanish CIA operative that had been brought to Puerto Rico years ago from Nicaragua.


... Several such UFO cult groups have flourished recently in Puerto Rico, and there´s an interesting

pattern in them, most of the leaders of these groups are men from central american countries who have strong background ties with either the U.S. military / intelligence community or NASA. Is this just coincidence?

2. In June 1996 we were given an audio cassette tape with the alleged recording of an air combat between several U.S. Navy and several flying saucers which escorted a huge alien mother ship, allegedly northwest of Puerto Rico. Allegedly, the recording was made by its owners when they were talking by phone and there was an apparent accidental technical malfunction which allowed another communication to cross with theirs.

.... One of the UFOs was reported as crash landing in El Yunque rain forest, in Rio Grande, east of

Puerto Rico, and being captured by U.S. Navy forces there. Examining the recording with several consultants who collaborate with us, U.S. military retired officers, we all came to the conclusion that it was a fraud, a forgery, as the technical language used by the alleged military personnel and pilots in the recording was not the one officially used in such combat situations.


In most of the incidents described in this report the relationship between the UFO situation and the U.S. Roosevelt Roads Naval Station, a principal U.S. military installation in the east of Puerto Rico is evident. Because of that, and pertaining to the increasing number of UFO incidents of all types and the many ufo / etfighters "chasings" reports, this together with what some witnesses have seen pertaining to UFOs coming out of that naval station, I can’t help but wonder and ask myself: Are the U.S. jetfighters seen with these UFOs chasing them... or are they really escorting them?

******* *************

The part of the Pentagon hit on Sep 11 was the Navy Command Center.(ONI - Office of Naval Intelligence)

One hundred twenty-five Pentagon workers were killed that day. Forty-two died in the Navy Command Center. Seven served in the Intelligence Plot.ONI is the most powerful US intelligence agency.

"The ONI already had a deep existing covert illegal structure. They had a mechanism before the CIA even existed. They had contacts in foreign intelligence services and in foreign governments that the CIA never could have hoped to obtain."

"Also ONI controlled its own assets, which the CIA had to build from scratch later on. The CIA can´t control any of its own assets domestically because it´s against the law for it to do so, thus the ONI is obviously in a superior position. For instance, you don´t see an airfield that says ´Owned by the CIA´ on it in the United States. The ONI doesn't have any such restrictions because it´s part of the US Navy."

"ONI is where the real deep control is. It´s where the real deep secrets are kept. That was what ONI always did the best. Keeping secrets. Accumulating secrets. Warehousing secrets


for the purposes of control."

(1231) Publius 4/2/2004 12:02 pm EST

Puerto Rico is also where the IRS is domiciled. And perhaps it is important to mention that live human births in the USA are used as collateral for the debt of the Federal government. And monies raised by the IRS go to England under a tax treaty.

------- Well in my own little way I have been sharing the Dan Burisch story with those who have keen

interest in abductions, UFO´s, secret government, Area-51. I must say, the desire for people to connect the dots seems to be lacking.

(1232) Anonymous Coward 4/3/2004 12:43 am EST



TELL HIM!!!!!!!!!!!


(1233) Anonymous Coward 4/3/2004 1:17 am EST

AC 12:43.\-- Harry has been contacted and will no doubt listen to the warning. I am only aware of certain aspects concerning Dr and Asst, but was under the impression Harrdwrawk suspected a rouse from the onset. Even so, we appreciate the notice and will consider it with importance and gravity.

(1234) Anonymous Coward 4/3/2004 2:04 am EST

It wasn´t a ruse, I really tried. But that is the only time I will take the risk.

They caught it and even Burisch and McDowell could feel something wrong, not knowing that I just tried to make a contact. You can see that Burisch has no problem with the GLP. He has his spirits up as you can tell from his parady of "The wicked Witch is dead."

The following transcript between Burisch, McDowell, J1, and 61 is unedited. Good luck, you brave hearts!

To the Maji: it is time to come clean and allow Burisch the freedom to talk to the public. I am an insider as you will be able to tell from the transcript. There are many of us inside that want this. Our numbers are growing.


[StealthSkater note: refer to internal MAJIC-12 chat #18at for transcript]

(1235) Anonymous Coward 4/3/2004 3:51 am

Bill Hamilton-- if you are still reading here,

I have quite a lead for you maybe. George Norry is running a "Full Disclosure" line tonight. He had a guy on that talked about Germans being on Nellis Air Force Base. He said that they wear black uniforms with their country flag on it, and below the country flag was an unusual symbol. I have read your publications about Dr. Dan and have heard the same thing from a couple of my sources.

What strikes me is that they are German and the weird symbol? Didn´t Dr. Dan and others say that the Germans at Dulce wore an inverted triangle with a tau "T" in it? It just all came together for me! What is the name of the upcoming conference? The T-9 right? Many posters (I think even Dr. Dan said it) called the T-9 conference the TAU 9 conference.

I think this weird symbol is from the Dulce complex. You may have an inside ability to contact George Norry to maybe find out who that guy was. I was surprised that Norry didn´t question the guy more about the "weird symbol" he mentioned, but maybe it just got by him.

My sources online have told me that the Tau-9 is going down near Los Alamos and that they are sidetracking people to think it is happening in Israel. If it is going down near Los Alamos then they are going to need much equipment there to house the aliens right? That type of equipment might be found at Area 51 right? Then maybe the Germans are at Nellis to protect equipment that is being shipped to Los Alamos.

I hope this gives you some help. The guy that talked online also said he thought the Germans would pop off a nuke in Vegas in the next Bush term, but I think that is disinfo he heard. At least I hope so.

(1236) Craig 4/3/2004 1:56 pm EST

Dear Bill Hamilton:

If you are interested, I just came across a confirming bunch of paperwork for some of Dr. Dan Burisch´s story. I found a bag in a garbage can outside of a storage unit in Toronto, Canada. This bag and all the shit from this facility is burned everyday so I guess they thought it was secure. Why was I looking inside a garabage can? I was told that there was unusual activity in the storage facility and I am a alien conspiracy buff! Don´t believe me? I can prove it!

Here is a list of some of the documents I found:

1. Letter to James Hafford Huffman (Deborah Burisch´s Grandfather and the friend to William McDowell) from none other than JAMES FORRESTAL (Secretary of the Navy). This letter is a copy, with Forrestal´s signiture right on it and a copy of the envelope it came in, showing the


stamp of February 5, 1946, from washington DC to New Castle, Virginia. There are old photos attached to it, of Huffman I think.

2. Print outs about Dan and Deborah Burisch.

3. Records from the American Society of Naturalists showing the name Crain, Danny in the list, and an invitation to membership, sent to Danny B. Crain, Ph.D. from the Board of Governors of the NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES.

4. A letter from NASA, signed by B.I. Edelson, Associate Administrator for Space Science Applications, sent to Dr. Crain, attached to a NASA proposal status record, control number 00023. The proposal says on their form it was received on Feb 15, 1990, acknowledged Mar 9, 1990, and the letter sent Feb 4, 1991.

5. Strange too I have paperwork on Dr. Crain from 1989. It is a commendation for Heroism from the Nevada Department of parole and Probation and a newspaper article talking about Dr. Crain catching a bank robber.

6. I have photo copies of a young Dr. Crain working in a laboratory of some kind. He has on a white long lab coat and he has a full head of hair!

7. A copy of a hand written note from John Bunyan in England to Danny Crain, something about his memberships in microscopical societies.

8. A photo dated April 16, 1990 2300 hrs. A young Dr. Danny Crain standing next to the alien face on the side of The Little Ale´inn. His arms are crossed, he is wearing shorts and it look like a military hat.

Mr. Hamilton, if you want these I can arrange for a suitable method to get copies of them to "you".


(1237) Harrdrawk 4/3/2004 3:15 pm EST

Hello Good People,

This is a message to Clark, 61 (Brian), Marcia, Dan, J, Michael, and all the righteous Ravens or Majestic 12 insiders who have contacted me in the last 48 hours.

I saw no trap. There wasn´t one to walk into. We were invited to a meeting place to talk face to face about life on this planet. We did remarkably well on such short notice and lack of resources to make ourselves available at the UNLV Campus Library. We checked it out as soon as we got into your town and it looked good enough to us. Your team was to be the only one armed with any technology, gadgetry, weaponry, paranoia, or fear. We just brought ourselves, and a desire to replace our illusions with an honest workable relationship. At the time we were informed about our quiet little meeting being called off, we were buying some umbrellas for the occasion, in case your team forgot to bring one. I´m disappointed to hear that your lives are so buried in so much paranoia and are structured and lived according to someone’s apparently hackable code. IMHO that will be your Achille’s Heel. Sorry too,


that Dan gets taken out of position to make any future intuitive calls because of his association with Angels. Ha! (What a shame…) You should be listening to HIS heart instead of trying to make it work right. You and all your resources are still the ones handicapped. You are denying the rest of us a chance to make a difference in our own lives with whatever few minutes, or resources we have left. This is nothing less than a Crime on a galactic level. You would rather trust your life and our future (and Dan´s life) to some stupid passcode than God. Sad. We will never outsmart any Rogues or other Dark Hearts if we keep refusing to depart from their way of thinking. When does one learn to live without such a crutch until he decides to? And how can one “decide to” if he can’t see the big picture? Why aren’t you (our Majestic controllers) demonstrating what real faith is? Why are you still hiding? When are you going to learn to trust the Creator, and stop trying to arrange the future you think you want, or the one you think I want?? Dan is not afraid, so why do you keep trying to make him afraid? If you wish to castrate someone, let it be 61, not Dan.

>>>God will always want information given to His children, but this information is also deemed Majic-Cosmic so that we may save as many as possible, should a world-wide catastrophe occur. "Dan, The Order is: Maji 1, Omnipotent, J1, Michael Love."<<<

I don´t know what the new Majic-Cosmic classification means, but I do know that None of you, in all your omnipotency, can guarantee anyone, that a world-wide catastrophe will not occur. None of you have the power to save even your own miserable life. I refuse to accept that INSIGHT and AWARENESS are reserved just for your group. It´s our planet too.

I had some hope, and again it has been replaced with the thought of you.

Thanks for the invites.

Harry Dschaak

Edit: Going up the Statosphere to see Frenchman’s and then home.

By the way, Clark, the vehicle is not registered to me yet, just bought it. Thought I´d save you some time.

(1238) starryeyes (nli) 4/3/2004 3:23 pm EST

Was that the same public storage facility that contained the "plates" to BJ´s Book? re Ontario?

EDIT: that post above was for Craig. Bennie was Busted trying to get the key... or so the story goes.......

(1239) Anonymous Coward 4/3/2004 3:30 pm EST

Harry, sit tight. There was a lot of unease over this on their end so it comes as no surprise to us at GLP there are glitches. You are in the open and can be verified. There are higher ups who are involved in this, so don´t blame security for following orders. They should be aware of your status, I would recommend staying low for a bit.


(1240) `Boomerang 4/4/2004 6:46 am EDT

Happy Sunday --

Do trees suffer from hangovers? I feel like a weeping willow, well hung over, gob feels like a J-Rod armpit after a bad landing.

The latest news about the secret mission (sshhhh, dont tell anyone).

The Ravens are said to be settling into the new habitat, seems to be the breeding season.

Danny and his pink lady watched a movie, (yes, you guessed which one)....Mel will be more chuffed than Thomas and Nigel combined (ask the Reverend about that).

I am demonstrating my ability to be a spy here guys.....might get offered a job?

I love ya, daisy

(1241) Not at my desk 4/4/2004 7:58 pm EDT

Hopefully the ones who are lacking courage can see how easy this is to share with Humanity. The codes codes codes are cracking cracking cracking.

[StealthSkater note: refer to Internet Chat-Interview #19at for transcript]

(1242) Harrdrawk 4/4/2004 9:01 pm EDT

A few thoughts for the insider (not a raven) that has been contacting GLP members with great intensity:

First off, Bless your heart! I am certain that you will not regret this time. I only want to say that where we may all be fledglings with whatever understandings we have, we are not completely impotent. 'WallRace' has indicated that whatever we may lack in expertise, we make up for in determination to help. Obviously we are only researchers and messengers untrained in either, but we can and will convey these insights. Exposing your belligerent cohorts should be part of your display. If you are a member of majestic as so hinted, you know that it's only a matter of time before you are discovered. What happens to us after you go silent will be on your head. We can't communicate with Dan through your systems efficiently. Face to Face meetings like the aborted one we agreed to are your/our only hope. If you want to talk about courage and righteousness, you're going to have to get a little closer my friend. Time's a wastin'.

(1243) Anonymous Coward 4/5/2004 7:11 am EDT



Michael Riconosciuto, a former Wackenhut employee, claims that at Area 51 when one goes past a certain level of security they are either dead or disappear. Riconosciuto´s father Marshal Riconosciuto was a Hitler-supporter and a close friend of Fred L. Crisman. Michael Riconosciuto told reporters that when he worked for Wackenhut at the Nevada Test Site before he was ´framed´ on drug charges and put in a Federal Prison, he and several others tried to get damning evidence and documents out of the base on a helicopter, data apparently dealing with unconstitutional biogenetic activities, alien interaction in the underground facilities, etc. This helicopter was shot down before it could leave the base and the five people on board were killed. ******* *************

Wackenhut maintains an especially close relationship with the federal government. While early boards of directors included such prominent personalities of the political right as Captain Eddie Rickenbacker; General Mark Clark and Ralph E. Davis, a John Birch Society leader, current and recent members of the board have included much of the country´s recent national-security directorate: former FBI director Clarence Kelley; former Defense secretary and former CIA deputy director Frank Carlucci: former Defense Intelligence Agent director General Joseph Carroll; former U.S. Secret Service director James J. Rowley; former Marine commandant P. X. Kelley; and acting chairman of President Bush´s foreign- intelligence advisory board and former CIA deputy director Admiral Bobby Ray Inman. Before his appointment as Reagan´s CIA director, the late William Casey was Wackenhut´s outside legal counsel. The company has 30,000 armed employees on its payroll.

******* *************

Development of a genetically modified killer disease possesses potential for profits also. During one of her last interviews with Riconosciuto, Carol Marshall pressed the CIA scientist to explain his involvement in developing a genetically engineered biological weapon during his time at Wackenhut. Riconoscituo explained that he had worked on a “military concept where you can engineer these biological agents…. you see, a specific penetration group can be immunised, and everybody else dies.”

Riconosciuto, meanwhile, was the first to claim years ago that a race specific biological weapon had been developed. At the time his claims received short shrift. We now know, however, that the Israeli’s have indeed been developing such a device as have the South Africans.

******* ************* Wackenhut has a standing army of 30,000+ men and women under arms, a state-of-the-art

undercover investigations division, offers “executive protection” services and special delivery services to transport sensitive products and equipment, and is said to have access to the largest privately-held files and dossiers (more that 4-5+ million names) of suspected “dissident Americans” in the world.

******* ************* Is the CIA using Wackenhut to conduct operations that it has been forbidden to undertake? Is the

White House or some other party in the executive branch working through Wackenhut to conduct operations that it doesn´t want Congress to know about? Has Wackenhut´s cozy relationship with the government given it a feeling of security-or worse, an outright knowledge of sensitive or embarrassing information-that allows the company to believe that it can conduct itself as though it were above the law?


******* ************* All those [Wackenhut government security] contracts,are just another way to pay Wackenhut for

their clandestine help.

******* *************

(1244) skywatcher22 4/5/2004 9:22 am EDT

A/C 4/3 --

The Dulce Base symbol is a triangle with the Greek letter "Tau" (T) within it and then the symbol is inverted, so the triangle points down.

(1245) RavenHood 4/6/2004 3:24 am EDT

My "birdie" ears have heard that a meeting took place tonight. Present were a bald eagle, a wolf, a hawk and a walrus. Some 3 hours of uninterrupted conversation.

This is confirmation of prayers answered for many of the truthseekers and wonderful people of this forum. Updates will be forthcoming soon enough.

Plenty of guts. Plenty of glory.

(1246) skywatcher22 4/6/2004 9:52 am EDT

[StealthSkater note: refer to Bill Hamilton's conjecture of a possible Solar Catastrophe to the Earth in relation to the Dan Burisch story]

(1267) Anonymous Coward 4/6/2004 3:24 pm EDT

Personally I wouldn’t call anyone here useful idiots. I do want to comment on Burisch’s past. Yes, it is difficult to verify him, especially with a document like you are about to see. It is difficult to see him listed as a Biologist, and as a formal title on the document as Dr. Burisch, especially when there is clear evidence that his degree record was stripped in their system. Take a look at it. It says, UNLV (01), but look closer, the bottom is cut off, even though they left the year of his graduation. How I got this off a system is open for debate. (SCAN1) ;)

And (tongue in cheek) it is even more difficult to find evidence of him in an actual laboratory, especially when that evidence must go all the way back to 1982. Labels below, because this was posted in a public hallway show that he was kind of a BMOC at the time, working on cancer and everything. It is real difficult to verify this guy though (tongue in cheek). (SCAN2) ;)


I thought you would like to see a small snippet of what Hamilton is getting. I snatched this from a guy named Craig. He is a great guy though. Hamilton will release (I am sure) evidence of the Forrestal letter as it is verified- and it will be. ;)

Have a good day everyone.

Go to: kolbrin33 Password is frenzy

(1268) skywatcher22 4/6/2004 4:28 pm EDT

Answer to question about Stargates - I have nothing further to add at the moment. Research will continue.

I successfully snatched scans from briefcase. Thank you.

(1269) WhyDoWe 4/6/2004 5:46 pm EDT

Here are the original versions of the scans:

AND here is a PDF "flyer" for passing around/posting off-line for those interested in "waking" some "sleepers":

(1270) greggus 4/6/2004 6:43 pm EDT

Hmmmm....These are also ´temporal incursions´, as in using the south polar ´gate´ to enter other ´times´.

2006, 2009 and 2012 are the times when the harmonics which are building, cascade upon one and other, and the ´gate(s)´ are multi ´directional´, with ´two way´ traffic from multiple points possible, or so it has been theorized.

The Doctor -- from this remote viewers perspective -- is both pleased and annoyed, but mostly annoyed, at the time that these threads have taken, as well as the increased level of scrutiny in what, for reasons not clear to all here discussing these issues, have caused the good Doctor to come under stress of a most unique and affective nature. It is affecting his health, and he and i need all of you to back off, with the energy of your attention.

(1271) WallRace 4/7/2004 5:40 am EDT


[StealthSkater note: refer to a transcript of the April 6 meeting with Dan Burisch & BJ Wolf]

(1272) skywatcher22 4/7/2004 10:08 am EDT

Quote... "They commented that Bill Hamilton started "showing up" like we did, and it wasn´t long before he was inducted."

Inducted? Into what? This is news to me.

The last meeting I had with Dan was on March 13, along with Deborah and later B.J. The purpose of the meeting was unknown. It was said to be authorized by the 12 Maji. Why they would authorize such a meeting is unknown.

Dan has conducted an enhanced replication to Lorenzo Spallazani´s famous experiment, wherein the notion of abiogenesis was sent to its rest. Results from this ´enhanced´ replication confirmed Spallazani´s original results.

Dan has also produced protocells that differentiated into cycling eukaryotic cells. Also, some of the results he obtained are suggestive of neurogenesis, something which will be of great interest to an M.D. associate. The results of these experiments and replications of been forwarded to the higher ups (the 12).

I am glad you had this meeting Wallace as now you are one of the few who has had a face-to-face talk with Dan and B.J. When I go to Washington next week, I will be seeing who I can contact on getting Dan that hearing he wants. I will take your report with me for reference as well as my whole book of documentation on this.

Very best, Bill

(1273) Harrdrawk 4/7/2004 10:49 pm EDT

Mystery of Dan Burisch update. 04/05/04 Las Vegas, NV

A private meeting between Life Scientist Dan Buriisch, Eagles Disobey author BJ Wolf, (Marcia McDowell) and two members of the GLP Forum, was arranged by an unidentified reader/poster close to the top of the chain of command, who (with a kindly nod from me at least) has now reached "Dove" status. Prior to this meeting, Bill Hamilton was the only known witness from the outside allowed such an audience. This [isolated case] describing unfettered outsider access to Dan caused some suspicion that maybe Bill had been recruited by the black-ops community, but that now seems less likely. In fact, Dan Burisch, reported to 'Harrdrawk' and 'WallRace' that Bill has graciously supplied Dan with two very important writings relevant to the Lotus Project. He said readers could contact Bill for details, as he wouldn't have time to describe their significance in the minutes remaining of the meeting.

That was my announcement from that day, but I never made it to a computer, (sigh). Here are some additional thoughts and observations for the record.


I was left with the impression that Maji is far from Majic, and not endowed with endless funding. Dan and Marcia both agreed that things such as wire-taps and surveillance of persons in the private sector was not within Maji's budget. That those capabilities stem from other agencies or organizations but neither would speculate further. We discussed the couriers like 'Bennie', (Birdie Raven), and others who have taken turns borrowing the 'ravenmaji' username. They were quite impressed with the information quality that had been leaked, and complimented whoever was responsible for those leaks without naming names. They both revealed that neither has approved access to non-authorized gadgetry and have no access to the thread, that the only word they get is from the thread is secondhand. Both agreed that '61' (Brian) was very "effective" in keeping communication lines disrupted, and the GLP group at odds. They had no idea the group was still functional, and did not expect anyone to ever show up with such a detailed report of Dan's health, schedule, or so many subtle insights on their daily activity.

Their mood the entire evening was energetic, complimentary. and grateful. I produced a Greeting Card from the stalwarts of the GLP, with those Avatars (and first names) and everyone's State or Country if I knew it, (33 in all), and they both were humbled gauging the size of their extended family. Marcia told me that she was impressed that we had managed to get Eagles Disobey recovered (albeit in pieces) and recounted how she felt after seemingly having failed to make even a tiny splash for all her efforts to gain disclosure. I took a few minutes to introduce everyone not already familiar to them. They deliberated for 10 minutes on how they might somehow smuggle the card past security, and in the end decided not to take the chance. Instead, they both signed the card as follows:

5 APR 04 A.D.

"May God in His Infinite Beauty Teach, Guide, and Heal each of us, thru His Loving Kindness" ----- With Love, Dan Burisch (Signature)

This world is a finer and better place because of the Love and dedication that you show -- Please keep the faith and don´t give up. Love to you all, Marci McDowell (Signature)

When I get the chance I will get this card and signatures into the Library, for you all to see. We could have probably taken photos of Dan and Marcia, but the feeling was that we would see them again soon, so we both spaced it off. I am not worried, I have been already been gifted with so much.

We learned that the CD from 'Stealthskate'r was taken to a place for scanning before being entered into any part of their system, and has yet to be returned to Dan´s possession. The only card that he has received so far was the pink one from 'Harrdrawk' which he has on his desk.

Dan confirmed the accuracy of the Controlled Remote Viewers who described his work station and the activities so described in the posts. He said he had no problem with visits from any remote-viewers. Claims that they are most helpful and always welcome and gave us an example which will take a separate effort to convey. Deborah Burisch is presently in charge of their own RV unit. To clarify a part of Sterling´s report, one of their Remote Viewers we learned about in Volume 1, (Sheala Anderson) screwed up some months ago while "viewing" Frenchman's. She "challenged" the entity there, (whether with her own two eyes or remotely Dan said isn't clear to anyone). They found her alive with blood coming from her eyes, and to this date is still being "cared for" as she trembles uncontrollably and is unable to care for herself.

Both Dan and Marcia got very quiet at this point. They urged Viewers to please be careful. This entity was not the Light Being referred to as Dan's Angel, but one that some witnesses described in conjunction with the Stargate. Not sure if this was the same occasion when personnel was lost (as in


disappeared, as in time-travel type disappear) Neither Sterling or I felt to press for more insight on the subject, as it was becoming a mood killer. They said one of the CRVs is called 'Spirit', but I'm not sure if that was Sheala's code name. They would like anyone who can help Sheala to please feel free try. Prayers will help if nothing else.

I have a distraction here. Need to post. More to follow …

(1274) Harrdrawk 4/8/2004 3:36 pm EDT

Hello Good People,

I´m still on the road, but have again managed to find a computer where I could download the Yahoo IM package and check off-lines. I saw that I had 159 messages in my mailbox and thought WO!!... but they were all from GLP people, some of which I haven't even heard from in a while and apparently had virus attachments and so I had an easy time answering those... delete, delete, delete...

To 'Human Subject': The Document(inner-project memorandum) we refer to as the 01-09-04 doc, or the "Silent Running" doc was reviewed by both Dan and BJ and it was discovered that in the first paragraph it stated that >>>"...the research relevant to the construction of the theory and model HAS BEEN COMPLETED".<<<

Dan circled that segment drew a line to the side and wrote "NOT then" and signed his name by the notation. He said that it has only recently been completed, and that difference was "written in" intentionally by someone wishing to cause a rise (among the J-rod community) without using those exact words. Why else change the wording? I asked him if he thought the message would be read by a J-rod following the thread and he never answered the question, (got distracted), and I did too, not remembering it until just now.

The Personal notes at the bottom of the Memorandum were not part of the original memo as we suspected, but he admitted to writing them and presenting them to separate individuals in private. He wouldn't speculate who it may have been that combined the personal notes with the memo for posting.

This computer doesn't have Microsoft Word so I will post before I time out.

(1275) Anonymous Coward 4/8/2004

Hiya 'Starry' and everyone,

Re Bill Hamilton's Rense interview, I have sent more than one article to Rense (as have many here I'm been told), tried a few different angles/angels so to speak!.....As far as I know, (as much as I like to think we had some small part in Bills audio invitation), Bill was there to represent.......Bill?

I look forwards to re-listening to the interview, I "stayed up" here to listen to it live. But.... come to think of it, I don'´t recall any mention of GLP, Harry and Sterling's heroic effort, the personal involvement of any of us here, websites etc. etc.(maybe I blinked and missed it?).


In fairness to Bill, he was allowed two hours air time,(minus those irritating adverts for thicker hair) he allocated the last half hour to Dan's cause. From what I heard, Bill did a fair job too. However, at times it was like listening to a government representative! The caution exercised in some replies rang out like a bell, 'J' will be pleased I guess.

I have always been supportive of Bill Hamilton, he has been at this ´game´ a long time, however, that does not allow carte blanche..... or does it? The last words of Mr. Rense went something like this: "Thanks Bill, I am pleased that you have been selected to be the man to get this information out"......

A personal message to Bill,

Sir, you have constantly referred to the ´massive´ amount of material that has been ´entrusted´ to your care. When will this information be distributed? I have asked you point blank whether you intend using what you have to incorporate in a future piece of work (i.e. book etc.) You said that you had no current plans. From what is happening, maybe it is time to take a look in your archives and throw a few more bones out? Don't lose the respect that many here have for you as a researcher.

(1276) Flies Like An Eagle 4/8/2004


Link to Jeff Rense archives for Bill Hamilton interview regarding Dr. Burisch of 7 April 2004

Hamilton was the second guest on his program, the topic of Dan Burisch was the subject of the last half hour segment of the interview.

(1277) Publius 4/8/2004 5:01 pm EDT)

Dan wishes to finish his work. How can he do this is if he is "liberated?" Why does Dan wish to finish his work? On the one hand, out of hope the J-Rods will vanish. On the other hand, perhaps, because he is programmed to be driven. Dan is probably a victim of Monarch level mind control. This would be in keeping with the tactics of persuasion used by the power elites.

--------- While Disclosure is a noble notion, in reality it is absurd. Absurd because too many lies over too

many years would see the light of day. If there could be a Truth Commission set up like there was in Argentina or South Africa I think there might be more hope. The same of course for 9/11.

------------ Google 'Charles of Hesse' and start walking the cat forward to the Reich. Walk from the Reich to

High Jump. From High Jump to the Cold War. From the Cold War to the Wall coming down. From that moment to Dan Burisch. ------------ Sleepers awake!


(1278) Harrdrawk 4/8/2004 6:33 pm EDT

The subject is BJ Wolf:

My initial reaction to the name BJ Wolf was one of welcome and support. She authored the book Eagles Disobey with Dan and Chuck's help in an effort to open the world's eyes. She seemed heroic. Then she lost contact with Dan. She was alone and panicky (sp?), trying to stay among the living. She fled to Canada. Then went off the radar screen. She showed up years later as Dan's superior at the Frenchman Mountain Stargate tests? Huh?? Witnesses claimed she was demanding, controlling, and argumentative.

What happened to BJ??

No longer the frightened writer and champion for truth, she wouldn't even post on the thread.. I was sure she had been altered some how... or compromised... or bought off... or intimidated ... or brainwashed... or cloned. In fact I referred to her as BJ the Clone (instead of BJ the clown). I regarded her as a traitor to the cause, etc, etc... even Dan didn't talk about her . Her [foretold] presence in the Vegas meetings was the only thing that had me worried... would she summon security? Would she censor Dan? Would she terminate the meeting on sight? I just didn't know. (Just couldn't get a feel). Soon the time for wondering had ended...

When we rounded the corner right onto their table there was no turning back. We were within three feet of them when I recognized Dan. Whoa! The moment of truth was at hand. I just acted like we were supposed to be there. (cuz we wuz). Within a couple minutes of me jabbering the ice was broken, and we were seated in the best seats in the universe.

I have an obligation to share this story with the world about Ms. McDowell. I am happy to do it, and just happy period. I think about her writing her books, or directing the Lotus bibliography, or challenging Dan's theories, and I am relieved. Eagles Disobey was akin to mapping new frontier. I can now feel the energy she must have had for that effort (the Eagles book) and wish to redirect some praise towards her work as well as her personally. I can only imagine her tenacity and determination to get the truth out, in spite of the opposition to be careful how it read.

The subject of Robert C Charles (the purported CIA op during Vietnam) -- and his role in that book -- I will leave for another time, as I note Dan's comments to 'J1' touching that subject. She was amazed to hear that we knew anything about the items in storage (reportedly some recovered and uncirculated copies of Eagles Disobey, etc) in the storage unit in Kirtchner, (near Toronto, CAN). I told her that I was the GLP member who received the tip, and that I passed the information on to others more able to do anything about it. I told her that we would need written permission from her to remove any of the stored materials from that place. And she said she would have gladly done so, but that the storage shed had supposedly been visited recently (by Maji personnel) and all the contents reportedly destroyed.

I argued that a poster going by the name of 'Craig' had posted on the thread that he had found some discarded items of interest in the alley trashcan next to the storage facility, and wanted to know if Bill Hamilton or anybody else was interested. She asked me "Like what kind of stuff?", and from memory I cited that there was "a letter from Forrestal to Huffman" and they both stared at each other. Apparently that letter is of immediate concern among the Maji and either is or would lead to some kind of 'smoking gun' being discussed among their handlers. They suddenly wanted to know more. I didn't have a copy to quote from, but mentioned photos of Dan with a full head of hair and another one outside the A-le-inn in Rachel , NV. They were buzzing. It was speculated that poster 'Craig' didn't accidentally find some


evidence in a dumpster in an alley, but that poster 'Craig' was very aware of what he had and what he was going to do with it . Only thing now is "where is it?"

Will Bill share with us before he gets a visit? Hmmm….

Another thing I wish to comment on was this observation. Marcia must have taken her reading glasses off about 19-1/2 times during the 3-hour meeting and put them in her glasses case, only to retrieve them moments later to read something else we had in our files. I have to say that when she has her glasses on, she's quite a different energy: all business, carefully worded, disciplined, solid (liked to say "ahem" alot when Dan was yakking, drawing, etc..). But when the glasses come off, her energy changes. Her voice softens along with her appearance. When she relaxes, she is an attractive woman, (brown eyes) shoulder-length hair with some highlights, and if I didn't know better I'd say was in her early thirties. I caught myself staring at both of them at different times.

I bring this up and say this respectfully -- in lieu of reports and first-hand testimony -- that she is a growler. (I had occasion to interview her some weeks ago without her knowing who she was talking to. I confessed this to her, and she didn't hold it against me under the circumstances) I would post that conversation in here now (whew) but it's on my personal computer somewhere not with me. I told her that the reason I agreed to that code accessed [earlier] interview, was that I wanted to know if she was a "clone". (They both laughed). I understand now why we got differing feedback from various 'Raven's about Marcia regarding her character and general disposition. I also see why she is the one chosen to succeed Dan when he retires next March. We talked about the Nobel Prize nominations, and I quietly surmised that less deserving folks would probably walk away with the prize this round, but a little insight and awareness could do wonders.

(1279) The Quite One 4/8/2004 7:42 pm EDT

So sorry that things didn't work out your way by the meeting not taken place. But it eventually did. There are higher powers at work here and wonderful people involved. Go with the flow … you'll feel a lot better. The up-lift will be awesome.

(1280) Harrdrawk 4/8/2004 8:03 pm EDT

'Starryeyes' --

>> Hi Harry - I am sincerely happy that you and Sterling made it to Vegas and got to see and talk to Burisch. I am wondering if you could enlighten me as to the references to Don Deppeller that Burisch made it in reply to 'J'. I am very curious... <<

We obviously didn't know anything about the restrictions 'J' referred to in his letter to Dan or Dan's reply. When we walked up to their table (it was at an outdoor type bar in an atrium setting in the Sam's Town Casino), Dan said he was not allowed to talk to anyone from Dondep's group. I told him we weren't from Dondep's group, and introduced Sterling as the Providential Party Presidential Candidate and myself as 'Harrdrawk' from GLP, and we went from there.

Both were relieved that they could speak freely without fear of repercussion. After all, somebody with the passcode had arranged the meeting. Not one of us. During the course of the evening, Dan


touched on Bill's perception of 'Dondep' which stemmed from Don's insistence that Bill participate in Don's plan. It was never Bill's intention to capitulate, especially after it was rumored [to Bill] that he had no choice but to do the right thing. It wasn't a breezy part of the meeting, so we all agreed to change the subject. Marcia started to say something but cut herself off.

By the way, most of us close to Dan refer to him as Dan, or Dr. Dan, or even Dr. Burisch when we reference him... not "Burisch".

(1281) Anonymous Coward 4/8/2004 11:14 pm EDT

Please take note of the SYMBOL for "Galactic Butterfly" and the Drawing Dr Dan Burisch sketched of the 4 "U"s. Snip taken from

click on "An Overview of the Mayan Calendar"

"Dr. Carl J. Calleman, PhD is a biochemical scientist from Sweden. Hhe has for 30 years worked in labs performing microbiology experiments. Most of his work was investigating how pollution causes disease to proliferate. 8 years ago he trained his attention on the Mayan calendar to see what correlations or sets of facts could be proven not just “studied” as the archeologists have done. What he uncovered with his new found “hobby” is quickly changing the world and the way we live with it.

For Dr Calleman, has scientifically proven the Schedule of Creation and Evolution over the last 16.4 Billion years. (From the “Big Bang” forward)

Mr. Ian Lungold entered the scene for his discovery of a simple formula to find any day on the Mayan calendar from the Gregorian calendar. There-by providing access to every man, woman and child on Earth to the Mayan calendar.

Dr Calleman and Lungold are working together to expose this vital information. He is in Europe and Asia; I have the American continents as my responsibility.

What makes this information vital is many-fold. First in general we have a road map of time and history. A road map is not a crystal ball. You don’t know just what will happen when you get to a destination. But knowing where you are going and seeing the landmarks along the way, is very reassuring. If you’ve been to a place before you can prepare for the circumstances you will find there. If you were going to Paris for example, you’d need French francs and some French phrases. This Creation pattern has repeated 7 times before and so we have, or at least consciousness has, been through all of this before.

The actual pattern of Creation described by the Mayan calendar looks like a pyramid with 9 levels. Immensely long periods of time with shorter and shorter periods stacked on top. Or even more accurately, as a set of nestled vessels, each of them 20 times smaller than the last. Each of these 9 Creation cycles is 20 times shorter than the previous cycle. Each of these cycles is further divided into 13 equal sections of time and each of these sections has a purpose onto Creation. There are 7 sections of day and 6 sections of night to each level. The Sumerian, and Mesopotamians wrote this same pattern in clay tablets as their understanding of Creation. The Ancient Vedic texts, that are the basis of Buddhism, Hinduism, Sufism and Taoism have the same understanding of 9 levels with 13 sections each. Our own Bible, states that there were 7 days to Creation in the book of Genesis. "


(1282) Anonymous Coward 4/9/2004 3:10 am EDT

You'll never get your way.

You think anyone will let him talk about those sensitive things? Those sensitive things are but a marketing technique to get him "outted" for the Rogues.

It has been determined that the driving forces behind many good people here is the Illuminati.

The Illuminati, in turn, is advised by the Rogues, with an ultimate Luciferian agenda.

Yes, there are many good people here. But the movers/shakers have been found out.




We don't get in the way of people talking about him. That is free speech. But he will be protected and the rest will be stopped.



(1283) Kiwi Cocky 4/9/2004 4:17 am EDT

'Googler'-- if your post is correct, then is the current 'J1' George John Tenet?

(1284) WallRace 4/9/2004 5:11 am EDT

Both Dan and BJ (not sure about BJ, but quite sure) were wearing a crystal hanging from a necklace -- very much like the one that Harry wears.

That was nearly the first topic of the evening. I said to Dan that I wanted to know about this "angel" I've been hearing about.

He said, "Oh, this?" pulling out his crystal. Harry will be able to say more about it and what properties Dan said it had. My memory fails me on the details on that one.

BJ says Dan is regularly sharing these with people he meets -- people he doesn't know, but feels inclined to do so.


Dan told of a time just a few days prior(?) when he gave one to a lady and she broke down in tears of gratitude.

It seems BJ said something to the effect that Dan had given like 12 of them away.

In talking to Harry afterward, Harry said that he didn't think that this was THE angel, but that Dan deflected the question, not yet feeling safe enough to discuss the "real" angel with us.

(1285) Crackajack 4/9/2004 6:37 am EDT

For anyone interested, here's the actual transcript of a preliminary setup plan for the meeting which eventuated. Gives an idea as to what goes on behind the scenes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

ravenmaji : Hello?

crackajack332003 : you got someone?

ravenmaji : I got you which I hear is best. I have one last shot for these intrepid adventurers.

crackajack332003 : ok, will give it a shot

ravenmaji : Security thinks this is all a joke. That's good. Burisch has a late-night meeting tomorrow night. Before had, his schedule reads: saw2030. Which means he is going to be escorted to his old hangout, Sam's Town, and take a walk in the large open atrium where there's a waterfall.

crackajack332003 : Sam's Town a casino?

ravenmaji : It literally means Sam's Atrium Walk. Yes, hotel, casino, same one he was at last night with the wife to see the movie and have dinner.

crackajack332003 : ah, ok … they will find. timing?

ravenmaji : Security won't follow him into Sam's Town. Especially thinking this is all a joke with you guys.

crackajack332003 : I just hope they're still orbiting

ravenmaji : You'll have to find that out. He goes in there, walks around, gets coffee, and sets at the circular raised bar area, where there are tables. He usually reviews his meeting notes from there, then goes to the meeting. When he leaves, he will be picked up by surveillance and watched 'til he gets to his meeting.

crackajack332003 : How should they approach?

ravenmaji : However they want. He will be alone. But they should say to him “(codeword)”


crackajack332003 : ok. I'll deliver the message to his wife who will call his cell.

ravenmaji : That will get 'em an invite to sit down because he will think they are biowarfare people giving him a message- same system as in "The Andromeda Strain" where they told the scientists: "We have a fire." It is not until tomorrow night, though. Yeah, security has been laughing their asses off saying what a bunch of phonies! They really don't believe it. This can certainly work to the advantage of your group.

crackajack332003 : Ah well, they had a go at least....

ravenmaji : ok, call the number and get it set up if possible. He will arrive at 8:30pm or about and stay there for an hour or so. So, if they get in his good graces- they have an hour or so.

crackajack332003 : ok, anything more? I'll try to get this thru quickly.

ravenmaji : ok, bye.

crackajack332003 : right. ty. bye,

A little later……….

ravenmaji : You still on? update

crackajack332003 : yes

ravenmaji : The "doublemint twins" both have a meeting. So both of them are meeting there to discuss strategy. Burisch and McDowell.

crackajack332003 : ok. I will have Harry online shortly

ravenmaji : Ok. Goodluck. This is a definite. McDowell said in a communiqué that she really needs to discuss a matter with Burisch before they go into "this thing" (meaning the meeting at midnight with other scientists).

crackajack332003 : ok. thanks again.

ravenmaji : bye

Then… a bit later on….

ravenmaji : Still on, 'Crackajack'?

crackajack332003 : yes

ravenmaji : Success? I hope so, they are still laughing.

crackajack332003 : Message has been passed successfully. 8.30pm tomorrow night, yes? 584

ravenmaji : You got it right. Recent traffic between Burisch and McDowell has been tense.

crackajack332003 : Why so? Worried?

ravenmaji : No, they have NO IDEA about this. They are in a debate with each other over a publication that comes from Russia that has something to do with what Bill Hamilton wrote his papers about. I have 'harrdrawk' online now … bye

crackajack332003 : ok bye

(1286) Crackajack 4/9/2004 7:56 am EDT

'HS', could you translate anything from this site that might be related??

Titled: Effectiveness of biofeedback and relaxation in reducing the side effects of cancer chemotherapy Burisch, T.G. & Jenkins, R.A. (1992). Health psychology, (1), 17-23.

(Samenvatting drs P. van Burken (fysiotherapeut/psycholoog), 30-8-98)

Wonder if that was Dan back in 92??

(1287) Crackajack 4/9/2004 9:00 am EDT

Found some of the original Mars pics submitted by Dan, on the old Riskers site. Notive the "B.A.R." at the top, meaning Burish, Andrews, Riskers. Kate, you may be able to use theses for Eagles somwhere hopefully.

(1288) Crackajack 4/9/2004 9:22 am EDT

Found this, penned by Dan, back in 1997 sometime. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I have recently come into possession of a series of photographs, one from the recent NASA Mars meteorite claim and the other from a 1992 text "The Proterozoic Biosphere (page 1093, plate 32F, ed. Schopf/Klein) that bear great likeness to each other. NASA was written -- via my Senator's Office -- and while they do not argue the likeness of the specimens, they indicate that such similarity would be coincidental. The media won't touch the story because they have indicated that NASA would not lie about such an important discovery.


I am not saying that they are lying. However, every acquaintance of mine that has seen the photographs has indicated the belief that the two specimens appear one and the same. The specimens bear both gross similarity and "finger print" like structures that appear to match from specimen to specimen. Does your Web Page wish a complete write-up or can you place me in contact with someone who can get this information out to the public, for the people to look at the photos and make their own judgment? I am willing to send the original scanned photographs (on diskette and/or hard copy) to anyone willing to just look at them. While I am not saying that a cover-up or lie is being perpetrated, the available evidence suggests that a close look should be conducted.

Can you help, please?

Dr. Dan Burisch ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Wonder if these images ever got out?

I also notice a reference to Biosphere.... hmmmm

(1289) skywatcher22 4/9/2004 11:16 am EDT

Forgive me if I haven't responded to everyone's queries. I have recently moved and do not yet have my DSL-connected so I am limited right now to my online time.

I am sorry I did not get more time to spend on Dan. I wanted to use the whole second hour on the Rense show on the subject of Dan, but there is an enormous amount of commercial time that restricts one's time to talk on the show.

Also, I am not sure now that what I said in whole was entirely acceptable, but did not have the time to clear it with Dan or his security. I am a stickler for facts, but sometimes we find that we cannot fully and accurately represent another person as well as that person can represent themselves.

I started this investigation motivated by B.J.'s postings and my desire to help her. I quickly became possessed of the desire to help Dan who I found to be quite personable. I started off trying to be objective as much as possible, but one soon finds himself becoming partisan as one becomes more involved. This is inevitable. It was my desire to be able to prove a water-tight case for Dan, and -- though I feel I have fallen short of that objective --I still feel that this is one of the most significant cases to come out of this field in half a century.

I have just enough scientific knowledge to recognize the significance of the work Dan has done and is an item of interest that should be drawing attention from the worldwide scientific community.

I don't wish to emphasize just the science as something more is involved here which can affect our entire paradigm or world view. This also deserves more consideration.

More later...


(1290) Boomerang´ 4/9/2004 11:24 am EDT

Hello my friends,

Got dragged away by my girlfriend to do something exciting... well, she finds shopping exciting so I followed along to keep the peace.

The crystal that Dan wears, just a guess but if you look at the photo of Dan at the ´Kiss´ concert, I believe it is visible around his neck.

My website features the pic on the front page here.... (I love saying ´my website´, not a patch on Kate's and the others......yet!!!)


Bill Hamilton (skywatcher)--I have heard from some people that they have trouble downloading audio etc from sites, I will transcribe the interview if you are agreeable to this being done and made available?

Keep smiling all.

(1291) Publius 4/9/2004 12:49 pm EDT

'Boomer'-- MJ-12 is illuminati. It is also controlled by EBEs. {Naval] Com-12 is not. Bill Hamilton knows this if he is the same person as "William Hamilton III".

Furthermore, it is possible that premature disclosure could trigger the conflict that gives rise to the split lineage of Nordics and Grays.

(1292) Harrdrawk 4/9/2004 2:56 pm EDT

Hello everyone everywhere,

Rawk report here,

I am very frustrated with my computer skills, and am struggling to get the story of our meeting with Dan and Marcia out in a timely fashion. It has been 5 days already and I am still squirming to get things recorded before I forget. I never want to forget, and I want everyone to be there with Dan as much as possible. I want to talk about everything, like the first-hand experience Marcia had at Frenchman's when she found that even at 50 meters from the Stargate she still received a type of burn on her right arm and neck (the side closest to the flash). She rolled up her sleeve to show me where the skin is still recovering and I felt her hands where her fingerprints were still rough from handling the heated pieces of "bacon bits" months earlier. (Imagine walking around on this planet bearing scars from your involvement with a off-world package retrieval. I'll bet the occasion to share that story doesn't present itself very often. I have a lot of cool stories I could tell my grandkids someday, but I can´t beat that one).


I suggest the next time they go to send something to the Orionites or the Sirians to slip a pizza in the mix (at least it will get there hot). Dan tried to get my farmer brain to grasp a proven Dan Winter's theory, but I begged off, thinking I would prep myself before our next meeting. Like most of our conversation subjects and topics were so "ordinary" that I thought I would remember things so I didn't write them down.. I also thought we had only 55 minutes from the time we began. Trying to make the best use of those minutes, I only wanted to brief them on the leaks and status of the group and leave them to their scheduled meeting.

It turned out we were welcomed. They were not used to receiving straight talk. Generally speaking, their interaction with other humans is limited to those mostly seeking answers, not providing them. For this reason as much as any other, we were allowed ALL of their allotted time and then some. Security even sent in an older fellow to check on them 'cause we had gone over the limit. We all spent some of those moments reveling in the experience, amazed at the reality of the illusion. It seemed like we would most certainly be allowed more such meetings as our two worlds were colliding in a splendid fashion. The Controllers and the Gods had arranged it... the Angels and the Guards allowed it... a summit meeting.. (for once...)

I was there. I was connected. I'll be talking about it forever. For someone to suggest that a meeting with Dan and Marcia never took place or that anyone could have dreamed these things up is evidence that more than one kind of 'Rawk' has learned how to type.

Night before last I wrote a piece and couldn't decide what to do with it, so I just saved it. Judging by the thread and the Holiday this might be a good Easter story about Angels:

The Subject of Dan's Angel:

Sterling specifically asked about Dan's Angel. But because Dan doesn't refer to the 'Light Being' visitor as an Angel, he answered the query with a story about the quartz crystal angel he usually wears around his neck. He compared it to the one Marcia had which was a crystal in the shape of a cross but very startling in its simplicity. Dan told us that he gave his crystal angel away to a Hispanic woman he found sitting alone outside the movie theatre sobbing a couple of nights previous. Dan and his wife had just finished watching the 'Passion of Christ' there, when he saw this woman reacting to the movie and openly weeping. He took his angel off his neck and placed it around hers then whispered something to her and slipped away. She held the angel and looked into it just long enough to not notice which way Dan had departed. He said it was a wonderful time for him to be here. To be able to be alive and give whatever he can to humanity.

I have been wondering if I should repeat this story as I'm sure Dan would not want anyone to give it a second thought It didn't take much to notice how natural his reaction had been, when presented with the situation. It was easy to envision the perplexed look on the face of a woman when she realized too late that she had just been visited by an Earth Angel bearing a prismed Angel with sacred geometry written into its DNA. It came to her at a good time, and I'm sure one day it will be passed along to another in exactly the same spirit of healing and Love. We never got back to the subject of the Light Being, as a brighter Light was already upon us.

(1293) skywatcher22 4/9/2004 3:44 pm EDT


>> Is it possible to allow us some insight as to what you make of this post? You more than anyone else here have most insight to the workings and agendas of these factions. <<

I am as ignorant as the many when it comes to factions except I am aware there are many and it is not a simple puzzle to solve or ball of yarn to unravel.

(1294) skywatcher22 4/9/2004 3:49 pm EDT

Now we have got trouble right here in River City. Royce Myers has seen the Press Release (which, btw, has a few inaccuracies), but which will create a whirlwind. Royce will go to great lengths to debunk a person and spread it far and wide. Oh my! I hate to be engaged in hours of fruitless debate. Maybe they will banish me to Area 51 and then I can work quietly without all these naysayers coming out of the wood work. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Area 51 Microbiologist Ready To Talk

Interesting, but I'll take this with a grain of Nevada sand (see below)...

A quick Google search on the alleged microbiologist had some interesting results though:

Guess we'll have to wait and see what turns up....



(1295) Anonymous Coward 4/9/2004 5:22 pm EDT

Here we have the great humanitarian -- Dr.Dan Burisch, wonderboy microbiologist of Area 51 and S4. Who after working in the guts of world's worst-kept secret, Burisch has a repentant heart for dirtying his hands on the caged human and ET test subjects. Now wishes to leave a gift to humanity in the GP and Lotus projects and come clean on the UFO/ET question. Now works at a fever pace to redeem himself an hiding from the those evil Lucifierians forces bent on his destruction.

Burisch won't open his mouth to Congress and possibly spare countless humans from experimentation an tests. That would make the Nazi scientists seem like mere wannabes. Burisch -- that "great" humanitarian -- won't spew a word until he gets a blanket full immunity.

Immunity from what, Dr.Dan? Those countless screams of your pet projects in S4 cages while you came at them with your latest concoction dropping from the end of a needle? No, my good doctor, you can not escape those screams for every mutated and tormented soul now rests upon your own. Waiting for that day you stand before God's throne an provide answer for playing God!


What shall your utterance be my good doctor? The echo of Nuerumberg? "I was only following orders" or perhaps the heartless scientific justification that sacrificing a few unwilling test subjects will benefit millions?

For every heart that failed in terror's fright, for every tear that hit the floor of their cell an cage, now your heart fails.

Yes indeed, good Doctor, there is a God and He/She shall be your final judge.

Play the noble, the noble humanitarian to the end. For when God alone decides your parting from this Earth. There before God's sight you bare; all secrets torn from you an exposed with flood light. The only voice heard shall be of the innocent dead. Those you refused to hear as your needle pricked their flesh when you played God!

(1296) 61 4/9/2004 6:04 pm EDT

You can see who this is from and I have something to say. During his time at S4, Dan never experimented on anyone. He took samples from a JRod at the Jrod's request. He used samples that were provided to him to help the JRod and only later found out who they came from- in this particular case a person that willed himself to that cause "for the sake of humanity."

As for the Gulf, his work stopped what could have been a pandemic. His immunity, which I doubt any of you lame brain fuckers could ever get, would guarantee him safety simply because he was legally involved in something that is considered very bad. His involvement was a legal technicality. His work has always been to preserve people.

Now, you lonely fuck that wants to accuse him of doing something morally wrong, why don't you stand up and be either than man or woman you say you are and files real charges instead of bad mouthing a man that is more respectable than you'll ever know.

Your actions may even gain him the freedom he really does deserve, but then again he is retiring soon anyway.

So, until then- anonymous coward- GO FUCK YOURSELF!

(1297) D. 4/9/2004 8:36 pm EDT

Hi Guys --

I´d like to express an opinion about interest in Congressional Hearings with Dan.

(1). At this time not a good idea. It may not be necessary.

(2). Dan needs to finish finding those artificial time warp rings (manmade stargate rings) and not get side tracked with such a sensitive issue.


(3). Dan's experiments are fulfilling a prophecy that was written. It would be nice if he can complete it for our race.

(4). Lets help him stay alive.

(1298) Kate 4/9/2004 9:17 pm EDT

Hehe, I'll try and explain the Libraries, how they function and how traffic seem to flow through them.

I suppose there was no main page or website, with which traffic has been guided in the past, just a ´free for all´, and LOL, I love ´free for alls´ :)

As to the different Dan Burisch archives, I'll list them in order of appearance:

Bill Hamilton: Stealthskater's: Mine: Fire's: P.Harman's (in Dutch): Peter's: Human Subject's: Boom's office: Whydowe:

Sorry if I missed any :)

Each site has some information that the others don't, so all are worthy of a visit. 'Stealthskater' has loads of information conveniently saved in Word doc format including some transcripts not posted anywhere else excepting the thread on GLP.

'Fire' has 600MB+ of images and video not hosted on any other site and he also archived the Nobel nominations before they disappeared.

P Harman has the only non-English site to be found and also hosts a video stream of an interview from 2002 with Bill Hamiton, Dan Burish and BJ Wolf (Marica McDowell).

'Human Subject' has some interesting images of the "Stargate stones"which were saved before they too disappeared.

'Boom' has the unedited scans that were picked up a couple of days ago.

'Whydowe' has some great images and logos including my favorite 'Stop the T9 Treaty'. I gather content is being added at a fast and furious rate, I'll have to go look :)

My site next :), this site has 2 sections, the first stores documents, including the Q94 doc and lotus protocol overview, files, e-books, images and transcripts. The second section is an incomplete but functional, reconstruction of the original Eagles Disobey website. In total there are almost 200 pages of info there.


Finally Peter's site, which appears to focus on introducing the content available for researchers in a more user friendly format. This site is a good choice of portal as it guides visitors to explore the other sites.

All the sites usually link to each other, so any keen researcher will find all the info available on all sites, but it's a little chaotic :)

As far as site traffic goes, my site is not receiving anywhere like the kind of numbers that 'WallRace' has mentioned. No big deal, as the most important thing is to introduce the subject first, then encourage further research. That further research is what I’m seeing.

Traffic has increased dramatically in the last couple of days. The visitors don’t appear to be the media, at first glance, just normal ISP traffic and then there’s the return of the .Mil hits again (they’re crawling everywhere, lol).

Most visitors, once they reach the library, are viewing an average of 20 different pages. Historically much of the traffic will return to the site again, 3 or more times, as there is too much to absorb in one day/lifetime, lol.

A quick (from memory) listing of external referrers to my site.

Those listed above along with:

There's more, just can't find my list for now.

As a rule, traffic to my site peaks when a new transcript, image or file is released, then slows to a steady smaller average of about 30 visitors-a-day (not including traffic to the Eagles Disobey website)

The site received over 1300 hits yesterday, of which there were 150 unique visitors. Today I’m seeing that figure is nearly doubled (remember, it's morning here in Australia). Some might think the figures are small, but take into account that no new files have been released on my site to artificially increase the traffic.

This is telling me that the train is leaving the platform :)

Have a great day Easter, I'm off to the next scheduled barbie, on my Easter list. Got to remember my stubbie cooler this time.

(1299) D. 4/9/2004 10:45 pm EDT


I hope so, B. The last I read, there were 40 retrieved and 20 more still to go. I suspect Dan is an intuitive receiver that may curtail any shenanigans if there are alterations with these rings. I'm 'Dex' from "Skywatch". No mystery there. There's more in the making of revelation by Dan, but I think he feels may be too far advanced for disclosure at this time. His approach with the media is an important one and has helped people who have a hard time believing in things that are difficult or nearly impossible to comprehend. Projects of enlightenment.

I recently wrote to Dan on 'Skywatch' and asked for a reply to a question about his experiments and am still waiting. It will put me on the right track with understanding his project. He really deserves more credit with how he's handled disclosure to the media of concern. He puts himself at risk. He's found God and the Host and has his way of sharing it with the world. IMO, extremely important for us all. Eventually I'll be able share more of my contact experiences about my relationship I have with the Host, once we've gotten beyond belief impediments that hinder our understanding and acceptance of our wondrous cosmic counterparts. Not the fighting factions of lower evolutionary orders.

Maybe our collective opinion might have some shaping as to what ought to be done about this. Haven't we of recent learned our prayers activate the living Ganesh? Bill Hamilton has been to our home a couple of times but didn't ask any questions. I shared a few things and asked him what he knew of the Light? Are you being communicated anything about the Light projects? He said 'no', so on that note it ended our discussion. Since then, Bill through Dan has gained a lot insight about these projects at hand. I hope for the same to the many others who sincerely seek for the Truth of Life of this level and beyond.

That's my story, B. If GLP can stay on the net long enough, we'll learn more about of these Light projects. And by the way the sound MJ8 heard from the recording of the Cherubim, I believe it is the sound of the power of Shekinah. The Living Light residing in the midst of the Throne of your being and the Cherubim´s being.

(1300) Craig 4/10/2004 2:29 am EDT

Because so much inroads have been happening in this case, I have decided to flood the rest of the files, including the Forrestal letter to the GLP, Mr. 'Harrdrawk' and Mr. 'WallRace'. I also have Mr. Huffman's separation document in the files which really gives us an eye in the doings because Secretary Forrestal apparently sent this letter to a "Seaman First Class". Imagine that, one of the original members of MJ-12 just sending a letter to a an average "Seaman First Class." Yea right! ;)

12 files are in the name on the briefcase- kolbrin34 pw: frenzy

(1301) Anonymous Coward 4/10/2004 2:57 am EDT


“To: MAJ Distribution CC: Marcia Ann McDowell, M.A. Asst. Dir. Project Lotus


From: Danny B Catselas Burisch, Ph.D., Dir. Project Lotus Re: Retirement Date: 09 Apr 04

Pursuant to a directive from the Maji, I am being moved by security to seclusion due to recent events. Due to the pace that must be kept in order to complete the production of the model, such ordered seclusion is incompatible with my continuing in the position as Director of Project Lotus. The necessary information, in order, has been provided to Ms. McDowell, and she is also in possession of all my private notes regarding the philosophical issues that will be interwoven into the model. She is to be allowed immediate and total access to my diary archives, which span from 1986 to present.

Therefore, with the kind permission that was granted from the Majestic 12 at 22:30 hours UTC this date, I am submitting my announcement of immediate retirement from active service. Once security indicates that I am safe from the drama that is playing out regarding the Tau-9, I presume that I am to be moved to my permanent place of retirement. In either case, my first order of business is to get some rest, get a new cat (as my current one can’t be brought with me), and dredge up an unused scope from the labs so that I may be able to watch some protozoa for awhile. : )

Just looking at the beauty God has given us, that sounds so nice. But, you know, that is all it has ever been about- just observing. I am so blessed.

As of 03:00 hours UTC, Marcia Ann McDowell, M.A. has been directed by the Majestic 12 to have been appointed Operational Director of Project Lotus. I wish her the best and know that she will complete the placing together of the “blocks” for the model in her usual smooth style. May God grant her the necessary wisdom to bring this to fruition and may the One Creator of the universe give to her the protection of the Cherubim while doing so.

Gosh, it came so quickly and I thought I had so much to do! But, isn’t that always the revelation? So, it is time to just...fade away. May God Bless you all!

Truly in Christ,


(1302) Anonymous Coward 4/10/2004 6:01 am EDT

You know there is an old, old saying: "If it sounds to good to be true, it often is."

Do you actually think that a member of infamous MJ-12, a worker of Area 51 and S4 would be allowed to sit at his computer in robes sit back sipping coffee and spill his guts on-line across the World Wide Web?

Dann Burisch, Damn Rubish! nothing but Damn rubish :)

Ta ta it's been fun

(1303) PSYOPWATCHER 4/10/2004 4:42 pm EDT 594

In October 2002 this man was reported flat out stone cold dead. Now over a year has passed and the research for the T9 model is complete. PsyOps gaining time for the work to be done. Now it is 2004 and he is supposed to be writing the model up so it can be presented at the T9. So what happens? "Bye world! I am retired, look to someone else!" Again, PsyOps to gain time.

You really think she can put this together? Not unless it involves counting chips at a black jack table, which is exactly what they slang black jack in Las Vegas- "BJ".

The issue of bio %&^&% war *&^%$ fare gets brought up and watch them protect him. Yes, they have secrets to hide but there is exactly no reason to believe that he actually wrote the memo. He may not even be aware of it.

Since the announcement of retirement has anyone harassed the forum? No reason to as long as it believes the PsyOp.

(1304) Rvdude 4/10/2004 4:46 pm EDT

I am a remote viewer. As of 4 hours ago, I had witnessed Dr. Burisch at his office desk typing. I see that he is in pain. I think it is his legs.

(1305) remoter 4/10/2004 5:55 pm EDT

To the CRV who is reporting Dan being in pain, I do not perceive this to be true. I find him working as usual, on THE project, or for personal observations is not clear.

BTW, CRVs who are using psy/physical attacks and mental psy-ops to disinform other viewers -- do you think Dan Burisch would appreciate your efforts? When he allegedly welcomed remote viewers to look in?

(1306) Anonymous Coward 4/10/2004 6:03 pm EDT

TPTB gave orders that just as soon as Burisch´s usefulness to the project came to an end, he was to be erased.

The birdy has been chirping a wee bit to much and drawing much too much attention to some.

Clotting agent, inactivity, endless cups of coffee. Make GodLike Productions logo REALITY. Damn those heart attacks.

(1307) Harrdrawk 4/11/2004 1:58 am EDT

Harry here again, 595

I swung out of my way to Rachel, NV (to the Al-e-inn) to meet with a researcher named 'Chuck'. I don't know what I was thinking. He was the absolute rudest piece of human flesh I've met in my lifetime. The elements of this memory won't be fading anytime soon. Unfortunately he is the only one in that tiny town that knows anything about anything. Pat -- the Owner of the Inn -- was nice and helpful. I left town without a contact. I have no desire to return.

There is a UFO conference being held there on May 29th and 30th. The Speakers will be Dr. Alan Meyer, Mike Bara, Pamella Donovan, Bruce Cornet, Bill Hamilton, and retired Lt. Colonel Gerald Rolwes.

(1308) Anonymous Coward 4/11/2004 2:52 am EDT

Hey, here's a wild thought.

The Psy/Ops boys need to keep their skills fresh. So they come a wild unbelievable story and their assignment is to get it out into public and have it spread so much until it blirps onto mainstream media news. No major impact on society, just enough to get it 15 minutes of fame.

So they pick one Bill Hamilton, a UFO investigator whom they've tangled with before and love to discredit him in the UFO community with a hoax. With the ET/UFO angle, Bill will spread it deeper into the Ufology Commuinity

Then there is Harry & Sterling involved in alternative politics and well known in the Patriot community. They'll spread this story threw out the Patriot Movement for its Bio-Weapons/Designer viruses angle.

There is also the quaso-Relgious/New Age angle. Assuredly to spread like wild fire throughout that community as well and might spark years of debate keeping the story alive.

Toss in deep throat "mystery" element to keep the conspiacy buffs glued to the story for any new news. As Dan does a ´I´m in fear for my life´ ´Dan is dead´ ´Dan surfaces alive´ ´Don goes super secret, super secret project and then retirement disappeerance´ angle. Popping back up time an time again like a fishing float to keep interest going.

Then after the story takes on a life of its own. The Psy/opers return to debunk their creation. As Gomer Pye would say, "Surprise, Surprise, Surprise!" All the above named are chumps! Discredited in there communities. They get a 'B' on the assignment because it didn't spread fast and deep like good old Nancy Leader and the Zetatalk mind game.

(1309) Crackajack NLI 4/12/2004 3:55 am EDT

There really is an absolute stack of information, links, and things that one might call more than a coincidence. This story ain't just about Jrod; it's much wider than that.


What we need is a chronology of events to this story, linking documents and websites along the way, referencing people who can verfiy as to the substance of the material. The websites and contributions of people here have gone a long way to that end, but that extra mile is needed.

Kit Green has already changed his stance on the doc, and now gives him his due credibility. One day, probably when it's too late, some other scientists might grow enough balls to give this story a proper analysis.

Sitting back and demanding the "smoking gun" will just continue the $$ juggernaut, which speculation creates. It simply won't happen.

BJ worked on this herself for many, many years, and IMO, probably still is, in her own special way. ;) She made big inroads, but couldn´t garner the support. Ironically, she is better supported on the inside.

Most stories like this do the Ufer circuits, make $$ for some speculators, then fade to "gray". With respect, to the serious researchers who work hard on these things for the right reasons, let's just

hope that maybe this particular story can go the extra mile.

People take many different roles in this story. Researchers, politicians, debunkers, challengers, mouthpieces, informants, spiritualists, documenters, archivers, fear mongerers, comedians, commentators, lyricists etc.

All of them play a vital role. Which one will you be?

Like I said, much to be done.

(1310) 42 4/12/2004 3:58 am EDT

Can you confirm or deny this post originates from within your community?

**Some within our community floated a meeting with Harry Dschaak and Sterling Allan because they knew they would go for the bioweapon angle publicly and quickly. That angle screwed up any chance of ever seeing the man, Dr. Dano, again. EVER.**

Any comments on my questions?


Anonymous Coward 4/9/2004 3:10 am EDT:

I would like some clarification please.

You say:- "Those sensitive things are but a marketing technique to get him "outted" for the Rogues."

Q) If Dan was ´outted´, do the rogues desire to harm Dan or just want access to his work?


They desire to find out what he knows concerning particulars having to do with the Ganesh Particles. He is protecting some delicate stuff.


You say:- **Not me in particular.**

"It has been determined that the driving forces behind many good people here is the Illuminati."

Q) How has this been determined? What method of determination has been employed?

Some of the Illuminist members are known. They were tracked to communiques with members inside our community, who have since given themselves up. Surveillance techniques, both electronic and physical have established beyond any doubt who is who.


You say:- **Again not me**

"The Illuminati, in turn, is advised by the Rogues, with an ultimate Luciferian agenda."

Q) How do the Maji organisation differ to the Illumanati?

The Maji are NOT Satanists. I know that flied in the face of your preachers earlier (lol!), but they are not. The Illuminati are.


You say:- **Again not me.**

"Yes, there are many good people here. But the movers/shakers have been found out."

Q) Who, in your opinion are the movers? who are the shakers? How (in your opinion) do the movers differ? If your desire is to simply stop access to Dan and his work, why differentiate between the two? Surely both movers and shakers are classed as ´undesirables´ using your criteria?

Movers and shakers, Illuminati wise. and good wise. Good wise is people like 'Human Subject' (Dan), you, 'Kiwi Cocky', etc.

Then we have a group of two (best left at that) who fell under the wrong influences a long time ago. Then we have a new two that just got used to further an agenda to accept that Dr. Dano should be retired very quickly. They got used like a dirty rag, not by Dr. Dano or Marcia, but by influences within our community that have a dark agenda to keep the model from coming to completion. Now you have a press release, your members are out there, Dr. Dano has been protected, but he is cut off (however temporarily, I hope) from the model (which serves the Illuminists agenda), and all manner of idiots will come out of the woodwork to make the Passion of the Christ look like a walk in the park.**



You say:- **Again not me**


Q) Why would Dans being allowed to testify interfere with him completing this work? And does Dan agree that it is his duty to complete it, or is he simply following orders?

That is a great question! His testimony would necessarily expose elements in the government that don't want to be. Exposure would cause the reality of this situation to fall under open scrutiny. Everything would come to a halt. Nearly so now because of the stupidity of the press release. Not stupidity about aliens or the Ganesh Particle, but about the subject they chose. Shear stupid. I can't talk for Dr. Dano, and I don't know what the current plans are for the alleged T9, etc. he has laboured for many years getting to this point and now look at it. If God is in His heaven, I know He'll make everything right, but to jump in front of the media with a statement about what it says, just dumb.


You say:- **Not me**


Q) The use of the plural, are you aware of the interaction of more than one ´angel´? Beware? surely a righteous person wishing Dan no harm has nothing to fear?

True statement if I ever saw one! I am certain of one angel. I photographed it and it pushed me away. Gently but firmly. I don't know, maybe the author was suggesting that they come in herds? :)


You say:- **Not me**


I would say that we have and do apply common sense here, we have asked for answers to our questions, we have been fortunate to have had >some< of our requests granted. We do however need to base our judgments on more than your AC posts, perhaps if you can expand (see above further questions), we can apply ourselves in a way to assist >your< request to us.

Thank you in advance.

Yes, most of the regular group here, applies commons sense as I see it.

(1311) 42 4/12/2004 5:03 am EDT

Kiwi Cocky 4/12/2004 4:29 am EDT :

>> '42', thank you!!! More clarification - excellent.


"Then we have a group of two (best left at that) who fell under the wrong influences a long time ago."

>> Yes, as I suspected, I have to check one of Harrdrawks posts and will come back to this.

"Then we have a new two that just got used to further an agenda to accept that Dr. Dano should be retired very quickly."

>> Damn - is there any way to undo this, '42'? <<

Frankly I don´t think so. These two people (I know Dr. Dano much better than I know Marcia, as I have been his regional since he became a member) -- I think -- only operated under the assumption that (1) good forces trying for disclosure set it up, and (2) they (the two) would act in concert with the man they (Dan and Marci) have grown to trust-- Bill Hamilton.

I think they got snookered on both accounts, which is sad really. Dr. Dano is just so open. Marci did her job there to protect him but there is only so much anyone can do when Dr. Dano begins to carry an occasion. His words have meaning and the way he expresses them in person really carries a great deal of power. He doesn't even realize it, mainly. My surveillance people (including Clark which I believe you know of) did have sight-to-sound on when the meeting took place and the authorities in DC said a "no go" for intervention. So, hanging on a hair's breath, we didn't react and dismiss the two gentlemen into the Vegas night. I can and will confirm that our two characters were told that a public confirmation of the meeting would not occur -- at least for a long time -- so more meetings could possibly be held. It was said by the "lesser politician" and agreed to by the "greater". This made our two characters feel even more comfortable because they thought for sure after being told that they (the politicians) would work with Bill Hamilton on this.

Now, no matter what Dr. Dano may have told them, the eyes are on one thing: not aliens, not time issues, not even the Lotus. But on a very dangerous subject. I can confirm that Dr. Dano spoke hypothetically about the issue. But to go from there to a Press release -- given the weight of what the hypothetical may mean to our country and to the world -- was senseless and reckless. Now there exists about a snowball's-chance-in-hell of him ever being allowed access to contact within the Patchwork protocol he has been put in (also against his will) and that may even include Bill Hamilton. The best we can hope for is for some negotiation allowing him to complete the Model, rather than it being shoveled on top of Marcia. Talking to the outside world again -- even if he is remediated to working status -- is ZIP!

Now it has been really good chatting but it is time for me to walk my dog and call it a night.

(1312) Crackajack NLI 4/12/2004 9:22 am EDT

… … …

If I understand things correctly, we now have a fairly circular catch 22 situation.

Dan would prefer to walk and work in the light. The Illumes are leaking info and arranging backdoor contacts to enable this, but not for any humanity interest in Dan, more likely nefarious reasons. Model knowledge and or a cessation of his current work in support of the Luciferian agenda?.


For this reason, Maji puts Dan in lockdown mode, both for his own safety and also to ensure model completion. Dan loves his work and so would wish to continue working on the model, but it may have to be in a deeper, darker fashion.

Maji and the 12 must meet their deadlines and "get the job done" for all with as little disruption as possible. We and others may have been a disruption for the objectives of the 12, but not for the man who has had such an unusually controlled life.

Dan's work in biowarfare has been overpublicised now, which would cause concern and nervousness for certain Maji membersand maybe even Dan himself. The history of this story was being delivered and spun to us in a way such that the particular subject of biowarfare may be pushed to the back, and thereby bring to the fore, the incredible realities of which the world knows little. That should take precedence as it is life-changing and would rewrite history. In comparison, biotech and its uses pale (with due respect to anyone effected by biowarfare of course). Unfortunately, much has been made of the wrong subject, and hence, any further information may be limited or withdrawn. This would be another reason for Dan to be moved into the background.

The people here at GLP wish for disclosure, no matter what. I don't see it can ever be done that way. We must remain mindful of what actions trigger which type of reactions, and so on. The GLP people are being manipulated and fed by people with agendas to serve certain purposes of their own. The two outcomes might serve each other, but in the end -- ironically --those outcomes may be disastrous for humanity. So we find out the truth, and gain some evidence to back it up. Then what, the model stops, other "plans" are not fulfilled and the prophecies of doom are realised? Maybe this is God's will, I don´t know. But I would not like to see Dan harmed due to misuse of information by people genuinely trying to do the right thing.

Most people here, do genuinely try to do what they believe is right, but there certainly are influences from ones who are not genuine. There seems to be a society type code, no matter the faction, not to expose these ill doers. That makes life hard for truthseekers, but that's the way it is.

You see what I mean by "catch 22". Whatever one group's outcome, there will always be a negative faction which would not support that outcome. Who is right and wrong?

The old Good vs. Evil comes back into play.

I can only trust in one thing, that the creator will do what is right. That is out of anyone's control here.

(1313) skywatcher22 4/12/2004 11:50 am EDT

"It is easier to ridicule than investigate, but not as profitable." -- Alan

Many have taken jabs on this forum at the authenticity of this story -- of even the reality of Dr. Dan Burisch -- and then there are those who seem well meaning and want to hear more, and even those who -- like me -- prefer investigation (with a sprinkle of intuition) as a route to truth.

Then Harry and Sterling come along and talk with Dan and B.J. in person. Then -- without exercising good judgment IMO -- issue a Press Release emphasizing something misleading about Dr. Dan. A wrong emphasis that has the following result: removal of Dan from Las Vegas and sequestering


Dan's resignation from active service, and terminating the step-by-step progress I was making to acquire proof. To date, I have probably collected more documentation than anyone except for B.J.

Now, I look at all that has happened -- centered around messages in this forum -- as a circus with few genuinely interested in discovery or truth, perhaps never to know the truth.

It has been an adventure for me these last two years and I do not regret it. But I will be damned if I will go on with something I started back in 1979 -- before Steven Greer or any other. I interviewed those who claimed experiences while in the employment of government with UFOs and UFO technology (a really inadequate way to describe this involvement). And now, after many years involved with this, I am coming to the conclusion that the majority are not seeking new knowledge, enlightenment, or the advancement of mankind, but find new ways to joke and ridicule the entire subject.

When I finish my obligations to speak this year, I will try to gracefully exit from the public involvement and continue with my own private research in Astrobiology, Cosmology, and Philosophy and retire from the endless noise and argumentation perpetrated by those who lack critical thinking skills and those who lack a heart to grant other humans beingness without vicious character attacks that are symptomatic of deficient emotional quotients.

I wish Dan the best and only hope I can meet with him again one day when the clock ticks on. I only wish, in the face of much gloom and doom on this planet, for a brighter future for all of us.

(1314) skywatcher22 4/12/2004 3:40 pm EDT

>> "Bill, don't go away just yet,-are you William Hamilton III? Can you speak about Com-12? Will you explain the difference to us of Satanic controlled Illuminati and MJ-12---different demons maybe?" <<

Yes, I am he. "Com-12", I believe, was an invention of a guy named Mike Younger who I met a few years ago in Orange County. It was believed at one time he was an 'insider', but that did not bear out.

As for the Illuminati, I only know from what I have read. Most agree that it doesn't exist under that name anymore and may have been absorbed into Masonic Lodges. I don't know. I have not found anything definitive and have no special knowledge in that area.

Read the names of the original members of MJ-12 and you will see some remarkable people who were appointed. They had a difficult task to manage the UFO situation. They needed expert studies without interference from the outside. We now know why the secrecy continues. Even so, we have still learned a lot from leaked documents. I am not sure the world at large is ready to handle Disclosure.

(1315) 42 4/12/2004 6:03 pm EDT

To all the good people in here: Please be advised and BEWARE, elements are preparing to call Burisch a scam because:

1. He lives in an apartment. 602

2. He has been legally bankrupt. 3. His vehicle (which is now not his vehicle, they have a new beat-up one) was listed on a public

record. 4. His former addresses (and some not that were just mail drops) have been listed on public record. 5. They state that the lack of elimination of such records indicates a scam.

This is what they are down too: you live in an apartment (ALBEIT WATCHED BY SECURITY), you MUST be a scam artist. For those searching for the truth, continue to search.

Long ago, the government found out that Burisch couldn't operate (during normal times) under anything but a domestic situation. This is called a "Domestic Op". WHEN HE IS HOME: He picks up the minor children at school some days. He picks up Mrs. Burisch from work some days.


(1316) Kate 4/13/2004 7:19 am EDT

I missed some of the Lou Gentile show. I only heard the interview up to the beginning of the phone in section.

Couple of Q´s here.

Where was Bill H, he was scheduled to be on that interview?

In regards to '42's comments yesterday. I didn't fully grasp the reasoning given, in the Lou Gentile interview, as to why Sterling and Harry made an agreement, during the meeting with Dan and Marcia and later dismissed it.

Could either of you two post an explanation here? or if anyone else knows what's going on?

(1317) Harrdrawk 4/13/2004 7:22 am EDT

Hello Readers and 'Insider's:

Good to see that after such an eventful week, we have the insiders playing and posting again, especially '61' (Brian) and '42' (long time no see).

Am just now caught up to page 54 and I need to comment on 42´s remarks regarding Boomerang's q's.

>>Frankly I don't think so. These two people (I know Dr. Dano much better than I know Marcia as I have been his regional since he became a member) -- I think -- only operated under the assumption that 1) good forces trying for disclosure set it up,<<

'42'-- we all agreed on this once we discovered each other's lack of personal agenda 603

>>and 2) they (the 2) would act in concert with the man they (Dan and Marci) have grown to trust -- Bill Hamilton. I think they got snookered on both accounts, which is sad really.<<

This is pure speculation on your part, but so noted.

>>Dr. Dano is just so open. Marci did her job there to protect him but there is only so much anyone can do when Dr. Dano begins to carry an occasion. His words have meaning and the way he expresses them in person really carries a great deal of power. He doesn´t even realize it mainly.<<

This is true of most humans that have a story to share that they are impassioned about, not just Dan. Words from the heart enter the heart.

>>My surveillance people (including 'Clark' which I believe you know of) did have sight-to-sound on when the meeting took place and the authorities in DC said a "no go" for intervention.<<

Why do you suppose they said "no-go" for intervention? They wanted a microbiologist present. And they had one. To talk about what? Timelines? And now that you bring it up … since you and Clark have the conversations of the meeting recorded with all your awesome gadgetry, how about you save me (us) a lot of brainwracking of trying to remember who said what- and how they said it- and what they meant when they said it? Just post the entire 3-hour conversation right here? I'm really feeling the weight of trying to keep everything in context, you know! Your record of the meeting would be such a welcome display. Could you be so kind??

Your claims suggesting that we betrayed some kind of an "Oath" and your assessment that we took advantage of Dan and Marcia's naivete are most interesting. Imagine, two civilians convincing Marcia and Dan to spill their guts about all sorts of evil, and that these two strangers only had to promise (ssshhh!) they wouldn't tell anybody till later??? After hearing you go on-and-on about some big blunder, I'm wondering why we were invited and not someone more -- how shall we say -- "predictable"? I guess we're not all that good at thinking like you (or your type).

You are right about one thing: Dan is very open when he feels like he is talking to someone he can trust. Then you start talking down about him because he was honest and forthcoming about everything. (You must be a bad parent!) I like the part when you suggest we would be working toward some "controlled" end with Dan and Marcia's long-time friend and your boss's first choice and a man I've never met or spoke to or IM'd or PM'd or EM'd or had any contact with -- Bill Hamilton -- without anybody from within your organization actually telling us that "that" was the plan (HA!). And I'm also impressed that the arrangers of this meeting somehow forgot to have Mr. Hamilton himself contact us to make sure we "got it". You know, there was plenty of occasion to "[enlighten" us.

Now you act like someone on the outside dropped the ball. Imagine that! SOMEONE ON THE OUTSIDE DROPPED THE BALL!! The truth is, Dan and Marcia were not consulted or apprised of the clandestine meeting one second before it took place. The truth is that you and your whole crew of surveillance peeps were not consulted before the meeting was arranged. Now were you? The truth is what we agreed to or didn't agree to is still none of your business. The truth is that the right thing happened at the right time and it didn't concern you. And the truth is, it will happen again … and again … and again, without your permission.


What a sad display of passing the buck and shitting on the (volunteer) messengers. If there was a chance that two clods would ruin everything beyond repair, why did your boss bother contacting us and then making arrangements twice, then double/triple checking that all we needed was the time and place and passcode before sending us in? Have you got a good answer for that question? Neither of us -- or any other members of the GLP forum -- received any specific instructions whatsoever on what to do with whatever information we recovered from anyone at any meeting. Period. I have the transcripts of my (our) invites and I see no guidelines. The subject of biowarefare is the most serious as you so noted. I think it's a great place to start when you're dealing with do-gooder powermongers such as the likes of Dan's controllers. I think disclosure about mysterious timelines, ET presence, and Operation Patchwork are rather dull subjects by comparison. And ones that thus far have produced only minor interest, wouldn't you agree?

>>So, hanging on a hairs breath, we didn't react and dismiss the two gentlemen into the Vegas night.<<

"Hair's breath" for 3 hours?! Wow! I had no idea! Do you think that big boss told you to stand down for a reason? Did this have anything to do with the fact you could hear the words of the conversation, and that we posed no threat to Dan or Marcia or ANY REAL CHANCE of disrupting their work? And where is your evidence that the work was ever interrupted? All claims subject to dismissal until validated. You know... standing by for '42' confirmation …. Hmmm????

>>I can and will confirm that our two characters were told that a public confirmation of the meeting would not occur, at least for a long time, so more meetings could possibly be held. It was said by the lesser politician and agreed to by the greater. This made our two characters feel even more comfortable because they thought for sure after being told that they (the politicians) would work with Bill Hamilton on this.<<

'42'-- Be sure to note that any such comments were made at the end of the evening after the comfort level you described had been enjoyed for nearly 3 hours. The mention of 'Bill Hamilton' was brought up in the last quarter hour of the meeting. So let's refresh my memory, sir. Your claim that this promise set the mood for the evening is overstating the facts. We all agreed that we would like to meet again under the same conditions and pretenses again. But we soon discovered that that was not to be the case, unfortunately (sadly). Try wearing our shoes for one moment. You'll see how impossible it was to not divulge. Living and learning, we go.

>>Now, no matter what Dr. Dano may have told them, the eyes are on one thing- not aliens, not time issues, not even the Lotus: on a very dangerous subject.<<

I'm sorry if you wanted us to avoid this very dangerous subject until a later time, like maybe after we are all infected. I'm sure Congress would have taken an real interest in the time issues or even the Lotus. And -- oh GOD! -- don't forget the all consuming issue of UFOs. I see subpoena-worthy issues glaring me right in the face there. You forgot, by the way, to add the names of the Congressmen (or women) or those many Senators who would jump up and tackle those captivating issues? Gee, they can't even seem to take their eyes off their reputations or contributing constituents' personal agendas long enough to even return a phone call. So very sad ... yes...

>>I can confirm that Dr. Dano spoke hypothetically about the issue, but to go from there to a Press release, given the weight of what the hypothetical may mean to our country and to the world, was senseless and reckless.<<


Thank you for adding emphasis to the weightiness of this situation. It's obvious that not only a Press Release was in order but a Press Conference as well. I don't know who you pray to, but it's obviously not the same Creator that I -- or Dan -- pray to. I can die tomorrow knowing I did the right thing every step of the way. The idea of killing children to save children will never be mine. If you think Sterling and I behaved recklessly, you should spend more time talking to Dan or Marcia. They think it's your boss -- and your boss's boss -- that have lost control of the freight train they conduct.

>>Now, there exists about a snowball's-chance-in-hell of him ever being allowed access to contact within the Patchwork protocol he has been put in (also against his will) and that may even include Bill Hamilton.<<

'42'-- I am used to the odds of a "snowball's-chance-in-hell". Sterling, too. Bill Hamilton was not included for some reason, so knock it off with the symphony of tears. Quit giving up and start giving in.

>>The best we can hope for is for some negotiation allowing him to complete the Model, rather than it being shoveled on top of Marcia.<<

Negotiating with whom? The Rogue J-rods? Marcia is not Dan and vice-versa. Your obvious lack of faith in "God" is showing through. Who says Dan has to finish the project anyway? Was that God? Or was that Dan? Or was that your boss?? Oh, I see.. none of the above.

Relax. It's not just your life in the balance (or is it?). At this point I not only care about Dan Burisch and Marcia McDowell the persons but I also care about you (and Clark, and Brian, and the rest of the heartbeats sharing our air). I don't understand the Lotus Project enough to know what [if anything] I need or want there. Dan doesn't even know what he wants there (so there!). He is hopeful about the future [at best]. Maybe you could write up a piece in your own words what you think the Lotus Project is all about and post it in here so anyone can understand what you alone claim to understand. We're all eyes.

>>Talking to the outside world again, even if he is remediated to working status is ZIP!<<

Tsk, tsk, tsk... How many times have we heard this before? You really mean it this time, I'm sure, but again you are factoring out the hand of "God". And I wouldn't do that.

>>Now it has been really good chatting but it is time for me to walk my dog and call it a night.<<

You seem like a genuine hand. I would have liked to have met any of you and shook your hand(s). But you were nowhere in sight and were not interested in us personally. (Maybe next time)

Both Sterling and I have willingly posted just about every detail (including photos) about ourselves for anyone to challenge or criticize. And that isn't something you see everyday. None of your group (except the one you haven't mentioned) has contacted us. You are all afraid of dying or losing something. Else you might approach us with face-to-face instructions for us. Since you can't afford to show your face even in a regular Casino setting, you lose. (See? You can't blame us... you can only blame your boss. )

Stop losing. Start living! Go towards the light and be seen. Don't be so certain that something got lost. Nothing got lost. The viewing community can see Dan. They have permission (his!).


We (the "two politicians" you referred to) did some more blabbing tonight on the airwaves. And so far we've had no visitors or messages suggesting we shouldn.t have. Hmmm…? Maybe we're being used as someone suggested. Harrd to tell.

I find it interesting that your group is fond of 'Human Subject', yet he lives for immediate and complete Disclosure as much if not more than we politicos. Make up your mind, gentlemen.

Harrdrawk 4 ever.

(1318) Boomerang´ 4/13/2004 7:34 am EDT

Hello '42',

You are obviously intelligent. I have pasted some questions below. You should have no trouble understanding them. They appear 'complex' because this is such a complex subject.

>> Then we have a group of two (best left at that) who fell under the wrong influences a long time ago. Then we have a new two that just got used to further an agenda to accept that Dr. Dano should be retired very quickly. They got used like a dirty rag, not by Dr. Dano or Marcia, but by influences within our community that have a dark agenda to keep the model from coming to completion. Now you have a press release, your members are out there, Dr. Dano has been protected, but he is cut off (however temporarily, I hope) from the model (which serves the Illuminists agenda), and all manner of idiots will come out of the woodwork to make the Passion of the Christ look like a walk in the park. <<

a) Having talked with the two that I assume you mean here ["Then we have a group of two (best left at that)"], they deny any knowledge of what you refer to.

Q) Can I ask you to clue us and them in?


b)"by influences within our community that have a dark agenda to keep the model from coming to completion."

Q) What is that 'dark agenda'?


By extrapolation.

You, '42', (and '61' by association as you are his boss) are not part of this 'dark agenda' then, are you? You wish for the model to be completed; you want to assist if possible. It is the faction that is working towards exposing Dan to the public that wants to prevent Dan's continuous input. Dan's being cut-off from the model serves the Illuminists' agenda. They are the 'bad' guys. But you want Dan out. If you didn't, you wouldn't be offering words such as "For those searching for the truth, continue to search."

This sounds contradictory to me?



Q) So these people are the opposite of you and '61'? You want the people here to get Dan out and to testify. But by doing so, he will be placed in the open where the Iluminists can get at him, therefore preventing him completing the Lotus. However, if Dan retires then Marci assumes Dan's position. And as previously posted, Marci was informed that she would become the new Director should Dan not survive the project through to the end of the model.

Again, why does that sound contradictory? Is it me or are we going around in circles here?

(1319) Crackajack NLI 4/13/2004 7:52 am EDT

Circular catch 22s at every turn, 'Boom'. Makes ya dizzy sometimes, don't it? lol

(1320) Harrdrawk 4/13/2004 8:22 am EDT

From 'Skywatcher 22', page 56:

>>Then Harry and Sterling come along and talk with Dan and B.J. in person. Then, without exercising good judgment IMO, issue a Press Release emphasizing something misleading about Dr. Dan, <<

Which part of the press release was "misleading"? I think it's a good thing you added the letters "IMO". The emphasis was placed where Dan placed it. The meeting obviously wasn't a result of Harry and Sterling just happening along.

But go ahead and make yourself out to be a victim and that now the world isn't as saveable. I like to think I have my priorities in order. I warned everyone many times that I don't keep secrets well. That may have been one of the reasons someone such as yourself was passed over this time. Maybe after all this time, disclosure of a potentially deadly machine doesn't weigh heavy enough on your conscience.

>> a wrong emphasis that has the following result: removal of Dan from Las Vegas and sequestering, Dan´s resignation from active service,<<

Dan and Marcia seemed confident in sharing with us the things they did. The subject of biowarfare and designer viruses was not one we brought up. It could have easily been avoided.

>> … and terminating the step-by-step progress I was making to acquire proof. To date, I have probably collected more documentation than anyone except for B.J.<<

Oh, now I understand. You were working alone for 25 years building the killer case that two uninspired no-accounts ruined overnight. I hate it when that happens.

Who here had any idea what-the-hell you were doing or why? Funny how no one bothered to tell us. I guess they just didn't know.


Personally, I think you're making too big of a deal out of this. In a few days we'll all be staring at the latest developments like they are the new pivot point, still empowered with the same training and ready to adjust to the moment. Nothing got lost. No one got lost. Quit if you want to. I wouldn't …

(1321) Boomerang´ 4/13/2004 8:33 am EDT

Hi Harry,

Straight question, straight answer: The suggestion that you have somehow betrayed the trust of Dan and Marcie. Is there ANY substance to it?

(1322) Harrdrawk 4/13/2004 9:36 am EDT

To 'Boomerang':

Sterling and I conversed about dozens of subjects with Dan and Marcia. We went in with the intention of disclosing what had been leaked out and had the idea of getting as much as we could confirm. Hopefully '42' will produce a copy of the transcript he suggested that he had. I can tell you we all spoke as friends do. Marcia told us that security could read the time on your watch at 300 feet, but we saw no security. Period. One older fellow that may have been an eavesdropper, but no one either Dan or Marcia recognized.

The claims that '42' and Bill Hamilton are making have yet to be confirmed. I've discussed these allegations with Sterling and he feels as do I. That we did not betray either Dan or Marcia by our actions period. Dan would not need immunity for Stargate involvement, EBE surgery, Timeline overlays or the DCTP, or the Ganesh Particle potential. There was only one thing Dan would need Congressional immunity for. Dan and Marcia may have viewed us as another 'Bill' because we showed up in the same way we did. But the person who arranged the meeting made it clear to us that it was a one-time shot. When we were in the meeting, it seemed like we would have more opportunities and those hopes could have been verbalized. But no one believed it was a given. (How could anyone know that for certain?)

We just did what we could to keep our source unidentified which so far seems to be accomplished. Anytime something like this happens, lots of feathers get ruffled. Security feels uneasy, Bill's plans got disrupted, suspicions and accusations are rampant. But disclosure is like that. There are bound to be developments that are upsetting to somebody somewhere. I know that Dan is not unhappy with what happened. Marcia's reputation was not damaged. And if the only ones taking the heat are Sterling and myself, oh well... we can take it.

Four days till X-conference. Maybe we will get denied access now.

(1323) lord lefty 4/13/2004 1:28 pm EDT

Well -- as nobody will tell me -- I shall make an educated guess as to who 'PreserveDestiny' is. I think it is only right that I know -- being a UK citizen -- but I assume the reason nobody is telling me is


because this page is monitored, and disclosing the identity of 'PreserveDestiny' would jepordise his whistle blowing position. Therefore, I am not looking for a direct answer, but could somebody please tell me if the following facts are correct:

1) He's "eclipsing 60".

2) He's "2 steps away from number 10" implying that he is high in the ruling party of Great Britain -- New Labour -- perhaps in the cabinet.

3) Being in the Committee of the Majority and knowing how the 'Elite' conspiracies work, I would say he was in a position to do with foreign or economic policy.

Am I right?

(1324) Anonymous Coward 4/13/2004 1:34 pm EDT

Assumption is that it's Kevin Tebbit. Does that help?

(1325) Publius 4/13/2004 2:02 pm EDT

Accepting Dan's work at face value, we still have tremendously important questions ignored. Why focus on this Ark if folks are already off-planet? This is one thing I keep mulling over. I would still like to have more explanations of the interaction between G-d and the Nazi inspired S-4.

----------- If the meta-questions are just dropped, then we have a giant contextual hole. I would like to see the

fine quality posters on this thread step up to the philosophical challenge of thinking through the implications of the Occult and the National Security State. I have seen very little overall discussion of the deep story which suggests that -- as Salla says -- Disclosure is being manipulated to serve special interest groupings.

Another question is one raised by Salla regarding the other EBEs whose existence is not being revealed unless quite obliquely. If I recall correctly, Dan said over 100 EBEs and they were wondering how it would all work out since they have not evidently gone back in time to improve their species.

(1326) Uncle John 4/13/2004 2:20 pm EDT

Uncle John here: "Well, well, well, you can never tell." Look at what just popped into my email with a response from Dan himself:

[StealthSkater note: for the statements made by Michael Sally and Dan Burisch's response,refer to ]

(1327) starryeyes 4/13/2004 1:35 pm EDT


'lord lefty' -- I see you are reading the chats. If you had read your PMs the other day, it would have saved you some time. The identity is only speculation at this point. Told to us by 'insiders'...

Which brings up a good point. Harry, didn't you mention that in your meeting that Dan and Marcy said something to the effect that they were surprised that the GLP group was still around? Alluding to a little psy-ops here? I may be wrong but I think the point you made. Please correct me if I got that wrong.

And this is right on!<<And now that you bring it up--->Since you and Clark have the conversations of the meeting recorded with all your awesome gadgetry, how about you save me (us)alot of brainwracking of trying to remember who said what- and how they said it- and what they meant when they said it- and just post the entire 3 hour conversation right here? >>

How about it, insiders, numbers, etc, etc, etc.? Of course you never know what might actually get posted. "Forum Snipper" might be given the job.

Also 'HS'; from what I have seen here on the thread and in my 44 years of living, those who most strongly promote the ideals of "Love and Light and/or being a 'good' Christian" and point out the short comings in those areas had by others are often those who seem to have the hardest time living by what that means. Can one really assume to know "God's" will? Don't forget that the Bible went through many editions and editors throughout the ages, influenced by the politics of times past.

(1328) lord lefty 4/13/2004 2:34 pm EDT

Ok, thanks 'Starryeyes'. Now, does anybody know who 'IMINVSBL' is? I hear this is a bit of an elusive one...

(1329) Human Subject #58-001 4/13/2004 2:41 pm EDT

… … … …'lord Lefty', (unconfirmed) Gus Weisman . (correct me if I am wrong anyone:)

(1330) 42 4/13/2004 3:11 pm EDT

>> "Four days till X-conference. Maybe we will get denied access now." <<

Not with their players, you'll breeze right through. The stench of the hypocrites that will fill those rooms (save Hamilton and Howe and a precious few other researchers, and some honest public) will ensure they won't even notice YOU.

Glad to have made you feel better.


(1331) Sufi 2 4/13/2004 3:56 pm EDT

Should we have a party now or what?

I can't believe you're all just going to take John Henderson's word that Dan sent him an email. Didn't even sound like Dan to me. Sounded like John re-enforcing John's views to me. Not the 'Dan' I've been listening to. I guess if you're the only person awake on the planet, sometimes a sufi's just gotta do what a sufi's gotta do, right John? Why not, right? If Dondep can do it, so can you.


(1332) Uncle John 4/13/2004 4:23 pm EDT

to 'Sufi' --

It arrived in my email from a person who I trust. Turns out it came from Bill Hamilton (skycom22) posted on 4/12/04 at 9:17am on one of his groups: Check it out yourself if you don't believe me.

I still can't believe Dan was able to pass this to Bill and I can't believe Bill posted it. Thought they both were retired. Strange days …

(1333) PageMarker 4/14/2004 1:34 am EDT

>> “Don told me he has no explanation for the accusations (if indeed they are aimed at them) and would welcome more insight as to what exactly is being speculated.” <<

What is the "spiritual affiliation" of some of the characters like 'Preserve Destiny', 'IMINVISBL', or 'Peace'? Does Dr Burisch possibly perceive any of these individuals as "Illuminati"? I suggest that the status of the Lotus Project last November was not well known by rogue groups who were dying to know more at the time. Perhaps Don was being used by Illuminati figures to find Dr Burisch's initiate contacts, and then use these contacts to get info out on a public forum where progress could be verified a bit easier as rogue elements within were exposed as info was released. Speculation, of course.

'42' mentions two "who fell under the wrong influences a long time ago". Seems like a longer-term time “frame.”

All direct contact ceased around Feb 1 when 'J' issued his order of no further contact with Don and GLP. It might have been verified that those in assistance were of dubious character and removed when the mandate to cease contact was given, as no direct contact with Dr Burisch followed. 'J's notice in this context might be construed as a "diplomatic overture" to 'Peace' to keep out now that the inside rogues were primarily gone.

Perhaps as it was Maji intention to forbid disclosure, those 'insider's were truly helping to get the message out, and it was stopped when the final stages of the Lotus were being evaluated at the Class 'C'


stage as the 'rogues' knew a little bit too much too quickly thru the Dr Burisch sessions they were able to intercept thru the non-secure channels used.

In light of the more recent developments in the direct meeting with Dr Dan, '42' noted: >> Then we have a new two that just got used to further an agenda to accept that Dr. Dano should be retired very quickly. They got used …by influences within our community that have a dark agenda to keep the model from coming to completion. <<

I find it difficult to accept the retirement of Dr Dan as it is what the "dark agenda" wants. Such a course of action would be contrary to common sense unless of course that is what they want "us" and "them" to think. But maybe they don’t want it completed because they don’t want the Lotus Protocol handed over to the J-Rods? Perhaps they are conducting their own research and want monopoly power with real Federal Reserve Notes and their own Lotus with which to bargain? I don’t know. Personally, I somewhat distrust both sides.

So, apparently Don fell under the wrong influences, and now Harry has served unwittingly to hinder the Lotus Model completion and any future contact with Dr Burisch is essentially non-existent. I have known them both long enough and do not doubt the sincerity of either. "I Spy" is not a game with which I am too familiar.

Looks like I should keep an eye out for Bill's research papers, they usually provide enough clues as to the Dr.'s research, discretely of course, properly footnoted with links and everything else.

Oh, I do wonder who on the inside was responsible for setting up that recent interview, good intentions gone awry? Politics? Don’t blame security! Thanks for the info '42' & '61'. And let's not forget '58'!

Corvus? Corvus??

(1334) WallRace 4/14/2004 1:37 am EDT

Hi Folks,

With Harry and Jodi and their family being here for the past couple of days, I've not had much time to catch up on the Forum thread. Harry gave me a briefing this morning about what has been transpiring regarding the sentiment that is being expressed that he and I "blew it" by going public as soon as we did after the meeting with Dan and BJ.

Harry and I are all about disclosure. It is what we do. My memory of the exact details of the meeting last week is already beginning to fade, but I am certain that we both made it clear that we are for disclosure. That is what the GLP forum (which is public) is all about; and it was made explicitly clear that we were with GLP. The first portion (45 minutes?) of our meeting was spent mainly with Harry giving them a briefing of how much the GLP has been able to determine; and I would think that our very presence there are representatives of that Forum would be a statement in and of itself that what we would be learning from them would be made known in that forum.

Now, as to the matter of the timing of that exposure. I think what took place was a lack of clear communication on the matter of disclosure. I did make a statement to them to the effect that we planned on holding back for a while on reporting on the meeting.


What I had in mind -- and I think I even started saying something to this effect -- was that we should at least give it a few days so that people could not pinpoint just what day we met with them, and thus they would not know where we met. My hope -- and Harry and I had talked about this some before the meeting -- was to be able to have ongoing meetings with them, and to not give out the location of where our meeting took place.

I didn't want to jeopardize Dan's ability, for example, to go to the atrium at Sam's Town to relax and at least enjoy an artificial outdoor setting. Apparently Dan and Marcia interpreted differently my statement about our plans to hold off on reporting the meeting. They apparently envision a much later disclosure. Even leaving from the meeting, we still planned on holding out for a while.

But when we saw that the fact that we had gone was public news on the forum and that people were waiting anxiously for our report, things began to cascade. I had envisioned that those who were privy to our going to see Dan would keep it to themselves until we were ready to disclose that.

But this was not the case. They had disclosed the security aspect was blown. The need for "holding back" on our part was no longer in place. People were now expecting a report and we wanted to give one as soon as we could while our memory was yet fresh.

Even in my first report of the meeting (posted at GLP only), I tried to be nebulous about just when and where the meeting took place. That came out later, revealed by others. Harry has done a good job of presenting the case for why disclosure was warranted how/when it was.

(1335) WallRace 4/14/2004 1:44 am EDT

Harry and I spoke at length today by phone with Steven Bassett, the Washington X-Conference organizer. Per his permission, I tape recorded the conversation and hope to transcribe portions of it for you.

He made the comment that the Dan Burisch story is extraordinarily hot and complex, and that he did not have any intentions of seeing it covered in the X-Conference. He said that there are a thousand scientists in the world in a position similar to Dan Burisch.

That may be true ("similar"), but I can't help but think that there are aspects of the Burisch situation that are unique making it a worthy "poster child" of the other 1000.

● the GLP forum that is focused on him and his situation

● the work he is doing is so monumental that supposedly the T-9 treaty renewal date was bumped back two years to enable Dan to finish his report (If I understand correctly)

● he has a smoking gun with the biowarfare signature sequences

I did not raise these points in our phone call today. Steve also said that a "smoking gun" is not the key in getting disclosure. There have been hundreds (he may have said thousands) of "smoking guns". No dearth for evidence. That is not the issue.

He said the issue is a political one: to work with opinion molders to get them to change their mind. That is why he was glad to feature us at the banquet: because of our pro-disclosure stance as presidential


candidates. He can relate to the write-in/independent candidate status as he himself has run for office as such. He's running for office now.

I would say that there are many factors that will move us closer to disclosure, and that no one thing will do the trick. The evidence needs to continue to be compiled, the books need to continue to be written, the movies produced, etc.

Harry and I are in process of trying to get things together to make it to that conference. Jodi will probably go with us, too.

Steve recommended that we remember that the other people presenting at the conference are veterans of years, and that we should not try to present ourselves as researchers in the subject or we will look foolish. He said that what we have to offer is a stand-in for the many other candidates who should take a stance for disclosure. "You walk the talk," he said. That is why he chose us over some other candidates that were being considered.

(1336) Nightshade09 4/14/2004 2:00 am EDT

Well, it does seem that "Dr.Burisch and His Enigma - Volume 5" is official dead.

I expected such when Herry and Sterling took the supposed press release and began spreading it across the net to mainstream press sources. The creators of the hoax high-tailed it for the hills knowing that they couldn't keep the hoax against the professionals that were sure to come asking questions. That's when it began to un ravel fall apart, wasn't it?

Being an anthro and studying patterns how people thick the way they tick., you tripped up when Dan the man-on-the-cam was way, way too comfortable for a man supposedly carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. Plus your story was too complex -- too many twists and turns.

When your finished hiding from the world and possible any cops after your ass for this (God-only-knows who was scammed!). I would like to chat with the creators of this hoax. My interest is purely professional as an anthro. If not, then guys -- hey! you should publish the story of the hoax yourself. Damn good one! And I've seen many.

(1337) WallRace 4/14/2004 2:06 am EDT

>> Sterling/Harry-- as Dr Burisch is in contact with an angelic being, either a cherubim or not, does that not give some indication that we have Divine assistance to help for our benefit despite our adversaries?? <<

Harry and I had a meeting today with an intuitive who had been apprised of this Burisch situation. She asked to meet us in person to relay her concerns.

As we spoke, she softened in what at first seemed to be a strong agenda on Dan's part to deceive. She could later see that what she was picking up on was some of those around him who are using him at times (unwitting by him) to deceive.


We talked about the angel, and commented that angels are not necessarily cut and dry "either perfected, holy beings from God" or "evil being from Satan". There are gradations of angels.

(1338) WallRace 4/14/2004 2:10 am EDT

>> Sterling,Harry -- Would you please respond as to why we need an Ark??? Are we headed for a catastrophe? <<

My apology. Apparently, in Dan's world view, the "ark" in this context refers to the "ark of the covenant" more than a "Noah's Ark" which I speculated on in the show. Harry clarified that this was my opinion being stated.

(1339) ChainReaction 4/14/2004 3:15 am EDT

Pardon my ignorance....

Tonight is the first time I have ever heard about Dr. Dan Burisch. I found info through and have been reading all I can (which as you all know is quite a lot). I'm not sure what to believe and what not to believe.

That's not what I need your help with, however. My question is: if Dr. Dan Burisch is (or was) really an Area-51 worker with a "smoking gun" -- which would blow the cover off of secret government work. --why would the 'Powers That Be' let all of this information be posted here? Why is this message board still operational? I figured they are very powerful in information suppression. And how is the credibility of everyone who claims to be someone "in the know" established? There seems to be people on this message board who obviously don't take things at face value, so I would imagine that these sources are verified. Can someone point me in the direction of this verifying info? Or is it not as black-and-white as that? I appreciate any info......

(1340) WallRace 4/14/2004 3:40 am EDT

Below is correspondence I received last night by email prior to the Lou Gentile show. I printed this out, and Harry and I reviewed it just minutes before the show. See my earlier post called "on early disclosure" to explain how a misunderstanding took place between Harry-Sterling and Dan-BJ regarding the timing of the disclosure.

It is an unfortunate thing. Following the quote, I will give my input point by point.

================= quoting from email =================

From: Aerielle Louise 616

Sent: Monday, April 12, 2004 9:34 AM Subject: *urgent-Mon. April 12

Please - see emails included below. I'm not sure - at this point - if Hamilton is in or out ? What about you ???

I need to start posting the program. Please - let me know - if we still have a program.


A. ;-)

Bill Hamilton wrote:

As you might know by now, Dan will not be talking to anyone. He is being removed from his residence in Las Vegas. He has resigned his position as Director of Project Lotus and has retired from active service as a result of the Press Release issued by Harry and Sterling. He has said, "The truth is the outlook that the many possess, as placing themselves above the stars of heaven, is the only ´real hoax´. Press release- Premature. I told them the truth in the only way certain truths can be, at this time, told. This was done as a back-drop to a statement made by them that a report of this meeting would not be made (at least for some significant time) public. They said they would act in such a manner to attempt (in concert with you) to enable a subpoena to be developed and counsel to be obtained. That now seems not to be the case, and security is now acting to protect me from what they see as actions to out me on behalf of certain negative principals in this drama. I had no idea that I was talking to the press! Frankly I have no interest to speak with the press, anyway. You know that, Bill. I am retiring within a year's time. No one will ever have to hear from me again! That's a nice thought! Relaxation. I personally don't care that the mass media would like to spin this whole thing as a hoax, game, fraud, whatever! It doesn't change my life and it doesn't change my work. "End of story. Bill Hamilton.

----- Original Message ----- From: Aerielle Louise To: [email protected] Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 12:28 AM Subject: urgent-Mon. April 12 From Aerielle Louise 952-447-5049 [email protected] The Lou Gentile Paranormal Radio Network IBC Radio Network **** NEW NETWORK - - - ASK For Details ! **** new***THE IBC SPRITUAL NETWORK***new We will help you to have your own "quality" show !

To: Wm. F. Hamilton III Executive Director - Skywatch International Phone: (661) 726-4946


Email: [email protected] Re: Dr. Dan Burisch, Ph.D. (Dr. Dan Benjamin Crain, Ph.D.)

Hi Bill,

Sterling D. Allan and Harry Dschaak will be on The Lou Gentile Show on Monday, April 12 10 PM to Midnight - 7 PM to 9 PM Pacific talking about their recent visit with Dan Burisch in Las Vegas.

Would you like to be on with them ? You may have more to share - in the area of background and all events leading up to the present.

Please - let me know. 952-447-5049 [email protected]


A. ;-)

================= end of email =================

STERLING´S REPONSES: Quoting from Dan Burisch in [brackets]

>> [The truth is, the outlook that the many possess, as placing themselves above the stars of heaven, is the only ´real hoax'.] <<

Agree. Pride is the great stumbling block; and that -- in my opinion -- is what is at the core of the non-disclosure of this information to the lay public.

>> [Press release- Premature.] <<

I'm sorry to hear that he feels this way. As mentioned before, we were just riding the wave as it came, doing what in our best judgment was the right thing to do.

>> [I told them the truth in the only way certain truths can be, at this time, told.] <<


>> [This was done as a back drop to a statement made by them that a report of this meeting would not be made (at least for some significant time) public.] <<

This was a misunderstanding. The phrase "some significant time" was not used, though the words that were used could have been construed that way, and they could be construed to be a week or two or even a day-or-two. We didn't know exactly how this would evolve. At the time, we did intend to hold off for a while but we had no idea how long or short that would be. In my mind, I was thinking a week-or-two. Dan, obviously, was thinking much longer than that -- perhaps years -- which is duration of silence he is


getting from Bill in regard to publishing to the world. I do not believe that we made a statement that we then reneged on. It was not an overt breach on our part. Only a misunderstanding of meaning between us.

When we returned from the trip and saw that others who were privy to the meeting were disclosing that it took place, the snowball of disclosure began to roll at that time.

>> [They said they would act in such a manner to attempt (in concert with you) to enable a subpoena to be developed and counsel to be obtained.] <<

Call me naive, but I did not see the subpoena and counsel as being one and the same with non-disclosure. I do not specifically recall mentioning counsel or hearing anyone else mention it. If Dan mentioned it, I must have missed that part. I'm not saying I'm opposed to this, I'm just saying that I do not recall that as being a specific part of the conversation.

>> [That now seems not to be the case, and security is now acting to protect me from what they see as actions to out me on behalf of certain negative principals in this drama.] <<

I do not believe that the person who let us in had destructive intentions. They were gambling in what the outcome would be. We did not receive explicit instructions about conditions of going in and conditions of disclosure afterward. This was left completely to our discretion. It was only our own discretion that made the recommendation to try and put some time between the meeting and a mention of the meeting to others.

>> [I had no idea that I was talking to the press!] <<

I do not consider myself to be the "press" in the way he is using that term here. I am "fringe", and rarely do the things I submit to the wires get published. I know of no instance other than letters to the editor, in which items I have submitted have been published by the mainstream press.

Go here for a list of press released I have written, and you will see that I am not "PRESS" as in a bona-fide source that then becomes published.

>> [Frankly I have no interest to speak with the press, anyway. You know that, Bill.] <<

I imagine the reason he says this is because the mainstream press is famous for spinning stories like this to make everyone involved look like raving lunatics. Indeed, truth is stranger than fiction, and that is especially true here. That is not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the intentional jabs and slants they employ to paint the "weird" label all over the story. I've been on the receiving end of the mainstream press once or twice, and it is not fun. So in that, I can relate with Dan.

>> [I am retiring within a year's time. No one will ever have to hear from me again! That's a nice thought! Relaxation. I personally don't care that the mass media would like to spin this whole thing as a hoax, game, fraud, whatever! It doesn't change my life and it doesn't change my work.] <<

For the record, so far I do not know of any mainstream press that has picked up this story.

A Google news search comes up null with the exception of my press release at eMediaWire


The story has only been circulated among the "fringe" where stuff like this usually stays, going no further.

By the way, I did hear back from Senator Robert Bennett's office today (on my answering machine). They informed me that they did not receive my email, as such things take around 2 weeks to clear the system. They gave me a number to call back to.

Question: do any of you know what kind of legal counsel would take a case like this one of seeking to establish a Congressional hearing for Dan?

(1341) Human Subject #58-001 4/14/2004 5:13 am EDT

to 'ChainReaction' --

There are people with/in power who wish for disclosure (in a responsible manner),but don't want to come out in public themselves (they've been "bad boys":). So they arrange for a slow-but-steady release of info (maybe to see how we would react to it). They don't have to expose themselves but still they feel they have an obligation to humanity. As far as we know, the Committee of the Majority was/is split up in two factions, and "the sweet 16 disobeying eagles" (out of 33, with one dead) started to release info to us. To an extent, they did it for themselves and to cleanse their soul for when they meet their Maker.

Credibility can only be established after reviewing the info. And getting universities to seriously look into the science hasn't worked yet, though I know of one University that tried but hadn't the balls to follow through.

Like Kate -- and many any of us would wish this wasn't true. -- elements to the story have been verified, so it is not all disinformation..

Hope it helped a bit, as we are still toiling ourselves..

(1342) paperboy 4/14/2004 8:22 am EDT

So many postings over the holiday weekend when you should have all bee outside enjoying the sunshine!! A few questions:

Harry and Sterling have made a bold gesture in speaking with DB and BJ/MM. They cannot be faulted for trying. The timing of the wave of a/c abuse is surely no coincidence.

Security a/c: why shout so-o-o loudly and stamp your feet like over-indulged infants if Harry's and Sterling's little meeting was all in vain? Obviously they were speaking with real deal, and they stand nothing to gain by doing so.

Is there not a very-real physical danger to DB now? Dr David Kelly was intentionally exposed by his employer -- the MoD -- thrown to the wolves in the media, called a "Walter Mitty character" by the Downing Street press secretary, unsympathetically grilled by our dumb-and-dumber MPs. Then he killed himself, or so we are told.


Maybe there is a DB/DK link. I don't know but no one in the MoD -- right up to Sir Kevin Tebbit at the top -- was held to account for Kelly´s public naming.

(1343) paperboy 4/14/2004 8:28 am EDT

re: DB concern regarding possible war-crimes charges.

This is an area I will research but I am fairly confident that DB would not be subject to any prosecutions in this respect. "Hell will freeze over" before Uncle Sam allows such a man to speak openly in a courtroom. But perhaps more importantly, any arrest warrant issued under ICC jurisdiction outside the USA is going to fall on deaf ears.

(1344) Boomerang´ 4/14/2004 9:48 am EDT

More on the "Ark":


skywatcher22 1/10/2004 9:43 am EST Re: Mystery of Dr. Dan Burisch !!!IMPORTANT!!! Volume 2:)

I knew this was coming, and more. Dan and I discussed it on Dec. 3rd. He told me that he would be fully engaged in 2004.

We did look at the moon as the destination of the ARK. The old ARK was built to serve as a lifeboat during catastrophe.

Did we remind ourselves to execute this plan? It is as if we sent ourselves a message from the future: "prepare to embark to the Moon, then Mars, then the far stars of Orion."

Let the mission proceed. It is a lifeline to the future.

One more thing Dan mentioned - a summit meeting is planned in 2004 for Majestic, J-Rods, Orion folks, and Rogue elements. Dan knows of this, but doesn't expect an invitation. Are they starting the Clock?

(1345) Anonymous Coward 4/14/2004 10:46 am EDT


Administrative Contact: Wolf, BJ (BW6166) [email protected] Candlelight Publishing 1973 North Nellis


Las Vegas, NV 89115 US (702) 459-4980 fax: (702) 459-7540


So did BJ Wolf work for a publishing company prior to Dr. Burisch involvement? ... or still does?

(1346) Harrdrawk 4/14/2004 11:09 am EDT

Hello, Thread Followers!

I'm just now caught up to page 63 and I can't believe I am seeing what I am seeing. Dan Burisch is answering e-mails?! Dr. Salla made a great move to answer an answer and '42' says Dan is penning an answer to the answer???

This is just too awesome!!! This is just an incredible development! Dan has time and permission to communicate with outsiders? '42' (who didn´t provide the transcripts I asked for and looks like he has no intention to do so, and who has also said I was (we wuz) glory hound stupid asses) is a making history. If this communication with Dan via Bill can continue, we all have been blessed! I can't WAIT to see if Dan has posted back. Just TOO AWESOME! WOO-HOO, DAN!! You RAWK! Somebody shoot me!!! THANK, THANK, THANKYOU '42'!

Reading and scrolling like mad. Dan can ramble! He's the leak!! WA-HOOO! You go, DAN!

(1347) Anonymous Coward 4/14/2004 11:42 am EDT

For your consideration …

Eisenhower´s biographer was S. Ambrose. The guy who cornered the market on DDay. That war, of course, wasn't what everyone thought it was. What it accomplished vs. what we don´t talk about. If I have to say it, you don´t know jack.

So Ambrose corners all things heroic, establishes a DDay museum, consults on films and books. Spielberg doing his best to change history via his films focusing on individual dramas during the war, charming ET's drinking our beer, etc.

Why can´t we all just get along? How can I count the ways we have been divided and misled? Who knows -- really -- what is happening right now?

I went to one UFO conference many years ago in Gulf Breeze, FL. I had the strangest experience. I met the son of the woman who ran the conference. He played his guitar for me and told me some wild shit about his mom's new husband, a former pilot.

On the day I was leaving the conference I stopped into a bar and talked to a bartender. She was a local, and I played "do you know" with her. My boss at the time was from Gulf Breeze. I was told that the woman who was MY BOSS in another city far away had been the next door neighbor of the guy at


the center of the Gulf Breeze controversy. Her dad, of course, was a RETIRED NAVY high up. Just happened to live next door to the guy with the photos and model in his back yard.

What was strange to me about this was that my boss KNEW I was attending the conference and never said.. hey.. funny thing, I lived next door to the guy at the center of the controversy down there. Not a peep.

What does this mean? I have no idea/ but it demonstrates the role of coincidence in our lives, for sure. Unless, of course, there are no coincidences.

If it isn't real, someone sure wants us to think it is real. I was told by someone who CLAIMS to be an 'other' that there are many different aliens here now, and that some of them can't do anything to CHANGE what happens. All they can do is give people info and let them do what they can.

Some are just talkers

This conference sounds like an opportunity for the usual suspects to get together and BLOWHARD. Of course, some tidbits will come out and they will chuckle about it on CNN or FOX. "Those crazy Ufers, what will they think of next?!"

met a man from mars.......

(1348) skywatcher22 4/14/2004 11:58 am EDT

Hello everyone.

IMHO, there has been an abundance of miscommunication and misunderstanding that has occurred on this forum regarding Dr. Dan Burisch. As I have said before I started the investigation as an offer to B.J. Wolf to help her out, it has gone in directions that I would never have predicted when I first got involved. Also when I first got involved, very few were paying attention. Now the world is watching (or so it seems), not in small part due too many who have participated in this Forum.

I hold no grudge or malice for anyone here. You came here to seek out the truth whether you are believer or a skeptic. I hope you have all found some morsel of truth that satisfies your search.

There have been many valiant efforts on the parts of many to disclose the testimony of those who have worked on secret projects, but many of these efforts remain thwarted by the excessive secrecy and the inaccessibilty of documents. And this goes back to the 1940s at least. I believe that excessive secrecy erodes communication and the social order and may be a destructive practice that will only lead to the Late Great Planet Earth.

For various personal reasons I have posted the following on Skywatch:


After this coming Memorial Day weekend, I will be retiring as Executive Director of Skywatch International and Ufology in general to pursue private research and writing. There are several personal reasons that have led me to this decision. I will remain on the Skyopen list for a little while longer after that.


I am happy to announce that Skywatch International will continue and that Jim Hickman, former VP of Skywatch, author, speaker, and radio host and a rising star among UFO researchers will be taking the helm of Skywatch and it will continue. At that time there will be a new Skywatch website. Oh, did I say, Jim is excellent at crafting websites as well.

The corporate status of Skywatch is currently uncertain and I am looking into that now.

It has been a real pleasure corresponding with all my new friends out there in Netland and I have enjoyed the many exchanges we have had. Hopefully, in an uncertain future, I will make another appearance on this stage.

Peace and Prosperity to all,

(1349) WallRace 4/14/2004 12:14 pm EDT

starryeyes :>> .actually in one of the early chats (first or 2nd w/ dondep) - Dan talks about people being selected for the ark.... sounds more like Noah´s to me... but I could be wrong. Dan said something to the effect that the best and the brightest have been chosen but that he was not to go. <<

It sounds to me like their "ark" is not an ark in the sense of Noah's ark, because they have no intentions of getting to the point where they could preserve all the animals and possibly seeds as well in order to come back and repopulate; but that they plan to just head out to another star system and abandon this one when it is toastified. I'm thinking repopulate, reseed.

Think of that -- a world-wide project to carry as many of us as possible off the Earth as it goes through its catastrophes, and then return. That is why I said "Manhattan project times 100" on the Lou Gentile show.

I was fascinated to read Boomerang's reposting of Dondep's and Burisch's dialogue on this subject.

Just think how much more we could do if we had the planet rallying together on this project as a joint project.

Perhaps the reason the insider tapped me as well as Harry to go see Dan was because of the press release I composed a couple of months back about this ark vision, which included speculation on how this scenario fits into a scriptural prophecy paradigm.

P.S. I'm guessing that Bill Hamilton is one who has been invited aboard the ark as presently constituted.

(1350) Publius 4/14/2004 12:37 pm EDT


>> Think of that -- a world-wide project to carry as many of us as possible off the earth as it goes through its catastrophes, and then return. That is why I said "Manhattan project times 100" on the Lou Gentile show. <<

'WallRace', what number of frozen embryos do you think this craft will have? Methinks it ain't comin' back here very soon by the way. Furthermore, if humans are off-world -- and no one on this thread is able to say aye or nay, even Dr. Dan-oddly enough -- this Ark is a service to J-Rods and a service to the Orion Space Brothers. No Ark, no MGUS problem.

(1351) OnlookerDelay 4/14/2004 2:31 pm EDT

Hi everyone -- a newbie to this Forum here. I was drawn here by the legendary Dan Burisch disclosure thread. I thought you guys might be interested in hearing the following. I've yet to form an opinion on Dr. Burisch ... still gathering data.

Here are links (with permission from Gary Leggiere) to the responses of the Dr. Dan Burisch disclosure question that Gary Leggiere (aka 'Mars Revealer') posed to Steve Bassett and Stanton Friedman in my behalf during this past week's "Martian Revelation" radio program. The audio files are in mp3 format and run about 4 minutes each. The gain might be a little low so be prepared to increase your output a bit to hear it.

The full program can be heard at

Thanks Gary!

(1352) Harrdrawk 4/14/2004 5:26 pm EDT

I'm not sure if this thread will be visited now that the new one is up, so I'll post it there too.

I am just totally confused about Bill Hamilton these days. I can't understand how anyone as close to the issues as he is, or as privy to Dan and the Maji as Bill is, could dismiss this subject in favor of other interests? What's up with that? Could it be that Dan is not who we think he is? That he isn't really a microbiologist being held without freedoms even after he is retired or fired? Bill is not behaving like a friend. He admits that things are going in a way he never anticipated and wants to be no part of it. I can not get my head around this. Maybe it's just me …

(1353) Anonymous Coward 4/14/2004 10:50 pm EDT

Hamilton retiring from Skywatch just as the model is getting ramped up and we head headlong into the Tau-9. Interesting timing, eh?

Methinks he has been accepted.625

(1354) Reality man 4/15/2004 12:07 am EDT



(1355) Realityguy 4/15/2004 1:14 am EDT

"black-ops, or government cover-ups"

Actually there are some cove-rups, like new stealth designs and special forces operations in unknown locations that have nothing to do with aliens, just typical James Bond stuff. There is no place called S4 Papoose Lake or mountain and no aliens there. There is just Groom Lake where new UAV designs and advanced training takes place. You can thank the genious people at Lockheed Skunk Works for that.

… continued at …

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