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PR 1450PR 1450

Introduction to GlobalizationIntroduction to Globalization

Lecture 9Lecture 9

Globalization and democracyGlobalization and democracy

Chris RumfordChris Rumford

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Which countryWhich countryis the mostis the most

democratic indemocratic in

the world?the world?

Answer: SwedenAnswer: Sweden

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Which country isWhich country is

the leastthe least


Answer: NorthAnswer: NorthKoreaKorea

Source: EIU’s indexSource: EIU’s index

of democracyof democracywww.economist.commedia!df"E#$%&A%'(IN"E)(*++,(-.!df www.economist.commedia!df"E#$%&A%'(IN"E)(*++,(-.!df 

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 /his is accordin0 to the Economist Intelli0ence /his is accordin0 to the Economist Intelli0enceUnitUnit

$ther hi0hly democratic counties include:$ther hi0hly democratic counties include: IcelandIceland NetherlandsNetherlands NorwayNorway "enmar1"enmar1

%ountries are measured accordin0 to the%ountries are measured accordin0 to thefollowin0 criteria:followin0 criteria: electoral !rocesselectoral !rocess functionin0 of 0o-ernmentfunctionin0 of 0o-ernment !olitical !artici!ation!olitical !artici!ation !olitical culture!olitical culture ci-il li2ertiesci-il li2erties

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3ritain and the USA did3ritain and the USA didnot score as hi0hlynot score as hi0hly

3ritain was ran1ed *3ritain was ran1ed *rdrd and the USA 4,and the USA 4,thth 

In 2oth countries thereIn 2oth countries therewas a mar1ed decline inwas a mar1ed decline inci-il li2erties5 and a lac1ci-il li2erties5 and a lac1of !olitical !artici!ationof !olitical !artici!ation

 /he 6war on terror’ has /he 6war on terror’ has2een res!onsi2le for the2een res!onsi2le for thecurtailment of somecurtailment of somefreedomsfreedoms

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"emocracy and 0lo2ali7ation"emocracy and 0lo2ali7ation

Is 0lo2ali7ation a threat to democracy?Is 0lo2ali7ation a threat to democracy?

$n the one hand5 0lo2ali7ation may mean that$n the one hand5 0lo2ali7ation may mean that

democratically elected 0o-ernments no lon0erdemocratically elected 0o-ernments no lon0er

ha-e total control o-er their own a8airsha-e total control o-er their own a8airs

$n the other5 0lo2ali7ation has seen the world9$n the other5 0lo2ali7ation has seen the world9

wide s!read of the democratic nation9statewide s!read of the democratic nation9state

Since the end of the communism democracySince the end of the communism democracy

has 2ecome the uni-ersally acce!ta2le form ofhas 2ecome the uni-ersally acce!ta2le form of


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uestionsuestions /he relationshi! 2etween /he relationshi! 2etween

0lo2ali7ation and0lo2ali7ation and

democracy !ro-o1esdemocracy !ro-o1essome im!ortantsome im!ortant


Under conditions ofUnder conditions of

0lo2ali7ation is0lo2ali7ation is

democracy tied to thedemocracy tied to the


$r can democracy 2e$r can democracy 2e

trans9national or 0lo2al?trans9national or 0lo2al?

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3i0 issues3i0 issues"emocracy now en;oys"emocracy now en;oys

uni-ersal su!!ort < !oliticians5uni-ersal su!!ort < !oliticians5

leaders and citi7ens in allleaders and citi7ens in all!arts of the world !rofess!arts of the world !rofess

res!ect for democracyres!ect for democracy

3ut 0lo2ali7ation ma1es3ut 0lo2ali7ation ma1es

democracy di=cult to reali7e:democracy di=cult to reali7e: callin0 into uestion its 6natural’callin0 into uestion its 6natural’

0roundin0 in the nation9state0roundin0 in the nation9state can we ima0ine non9nationalcan we ima0ine non9national

sources of democracy?sources of democracy?

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>lo2ali7ation as a threat>lo2ali7ation as a threat

3en;amin 3ar2er *++4@ says that we3en;amin 3ar2er *++4@ says that weha-e 0lo2ali7ed the mar1et!lace 2ut notha-e 0lo2ali7ed the mar1et!lace 2ut notdemocracydemocracy

  As a result we ha-e a hi0hly or0ani7edAs a result we ha-e a hi0hly or0ani7edsystem of 0lo2al ca!ital 2ut 6an anarchicsystem of 0lo2al ca!ital 2ut 6an anarchic0lo2al !olitical climate’ !.+4@0lo2al !olitical climate’ !.+4@

66We are destroyin0 the nationalWe are destroyin0 the nationalinstitutions5 includin0 the nation9stateinstitutions5 includin0 the nation9stateitself5 which ha-e 2een the seed2ed foritself5 which ha-e 2een the seed2ed fordemocratic institutions’ . +49*@democratic institutions’ . +49*@

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democracydemocracy /he Bea0ue of Nations 4C4C@ wanted to !rotect /he Bea0ue of Nations 4C4C@ wanted to !rotectminority ri0hts within nation9states and sawminority ri0hts within nation9states and sawso-erei0nty as less im!ortant than 6newso-erei0nty as less im!ortant than 6newinternational norms as the 2asis for le0itimateinternational norms as the 2asis for le0itimate0o-ernment’ Dirst5 *++4: *F@0o-ernment’ Dirst5 *++4: *F@

In the !ost9WWII !eriod the United Nations hasIn the !ost9WWII !eriod the United Nations has!romoted the idea of human ri0hts < that!romoted the idea of human ri0hts < that!eo!le ha-e ri0hts inde!endently of those!eo!le ha-e ri0hts inde!endently of those0ranted to them or not@ 2y their nation9state0ranted to them or not@ 2y their nation9state

 /he UN’s 6Uni-ersal "eclaration of Duman /he UN’s 6Uni-ersal "eclaration of Duman&i0hts’ dates from 4CGH&i0hts’ dates from 4CGHwww.un.or0$-er-iewri0hts.htmlwww.un.or0$-er-iewri0hts.html

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"a-id Deld and"a-id Deld and



"emocracy is not always threatened 2y"emocracy is not always threatened 2y


DeldDeld et alet al ar0ue for trans9national 0o-ernance toar0ue for trans9national 0o-ernance toensure that the democratic state will 2e the 0lo2alensure that the democratic state will 2e the 0lo2al


It is a conce!tion of democracy which reco0nisesIt is a conce!tion of democracy which reco0nisesthe continuin0 si0nicance of the nation9statethe continuin0 si0nicance of the nation9statewhile ar0uin0 for a layer of 0o-ernance to limitwhile ar0uin0 for a layer of 0o-ernance to limitnational so-erei0nty Deld5 4CCH@national so-erei0nty Deld5 4CCH@

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 /he a8airs of nation9states /he a8airs of nation9statesare interrelated and manyare interrelated and manycontem!orary issuescontem!orary issues

reuire coo!erati-ereuire coo!erati-eres!onses !ollution5res!onses !ollution5diminishin0 resources5diminishin0 resources5terrorist threats5 mi0ration@terrorist threats5 mi0ration@

66%osmo!olitan democracy’%osmo!olitan democracy’loo1s to the 6creation of aloo1s to the 6creation of a

democratic communitydemocratic communitywhich 2oth in-ol-es andwhich 2oth in-ol-es andcuts across democraticcuts across democraticstates’ Archi2u0i andstates’ Archi2u0i and

Deld5 4CC@Deld5 4CC@

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"aniele Archi2u0i"aniele Archi2u0i

on 6cosmo!olitanon 6cosmo!olitandemocracy’democracy’

66cosmo!olitan democracy aims at a !arallelcosmo!olitan democracy aims at a !arallelde-elo!ment of democracy 2oth within and amon0de-elo!ment of democracy 2oth within and amon0states’ Archi2u0i and Deld5 4CC@states’ Archi2u0i and Deld5 4CC@

&ead "aniele Archi2u0i’s article on 6%osmo!olitan&ead "aniele Archi2u0i’s article on 6%osmo!olitandemocracy’ at:democracy’ at:


& d i t i ith " id& d i t i ith " id

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&ead an inter-iew with "a-id&ead an inter-iew with "a-id


66>lo2ali7ation5 cosmo!olitanism and>lo2ali7ation5 cosmo!olitanism anddemocracy’democracy’


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>lo2al democracy>lo2al democracy

%osmo!olitan democracy loo1s towards a%osmo!olitan democracy loo1s towards a

0lo2al institutional framewor1 which0lo2al institutional framewor1 which

wor1s with existin0 system of nation9wor1s with existin0 system of nation9


3ut reser-es the ri0ht for cosmo!olitan3ut reser-es the ri0ht for cosmo!olitan

institutions to inter-ene in cases where:institutions to inter-ene in cases where: !eo!les are 2ein0 o!!ressed!eo!les are 2ein0 o!!ressed

actions of states ha-e transnational conseuencesactions of states ha-e transnational conseuences


0lo2al initiati-es are reuired transnational crime50lo2al initiati-es are reuired transnational crime5


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 /he role of citi7ens /he role of citi7ens

%osmo!olitan democracy is !ossi2le%osmo!olitan democracy is !ossi2le2ecause citi7ens ha-e 2een em!owered 2y2ecause citi7ens ha-e 2een em!owered 2y

UN@ and throu0h IN>$sUN@ and throu0h IN>$s

Duman ri0hts 0i-e citi7ens ri0htsDuman ri0hts 0i-e citi7ens ri0hts

inde!endent of mem2ershi! of nation9stateinde!endent of mem2ershi! of nation9state

66human ri0hts ha-e !osited and sustainedhuman ri0hts ha-e !osited and sustained

the duties of indi-iduals to a le0al orderthe duties of indi-iduals to a le0al order

2eyond that of nation9states’ >old2latt52eyond that of nation9states’ >old2latt5


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Is the world ready for cosmo!olitanIs the world ready for cosmo!olitan


Archi2u0i 4CCH@ says that two im!ortantArchi2u0i 4CCH@ says that two im!ortantthin0s are lac1in0:thin0s are lac1in0:

existin0 forms of 0lo2al 0o-ernance lac1existin0 forms of 0lo2al 0o-ernance lac1su=cient le0al com!etencesu=cient le0al com!etence a0encies of existin0 0lo2al 0o-ernance are nota0encies of existin0 0lo2al 0o-ernance are not

necessarily 0uided 2y !rinci!les of democracynecessarily 0uided 2y !rinci!les of democracy

Dowe-er5 there is one -ery 0ood exam!le ofDowe-er5 there is one -ery 0ood exam!le ofactually existin0 cosmo!olitan democracy Lactually existin0 cosmo!olitan democracy L


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ea cosmo!o tanea cosmo!o andemocracy?democracy?

66the rstthe rst


or0ani7ation whichor0ani7ation which

2e0ins to resem2le2e0ins to resem2le

the cosmo!olitanthe cosmo!olitan

model is themodel is the

Euro!ean Union’Euro!ean Union’

Archi2u0i5 4CCH@Archi2u0i5 4CCH@

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Ira and cosmo!olitanIra and cosmo!olitan


 /he USA and 3ritain ha-e tried to 2rin0 a2out /he USA and 3ritain ha-e tried to 2rin0 a2outdemocracy in !ost9Saddam Ira5 and the rudimentsdemocracy in !ost9Saddam Ira5 and the rudimentsof !arliamentary democracy now existof !arliamentary democracy now exist

Archi2u0i 4CCH@ is sce!tical a2out the !ossi2ility ofArchi2u0i 4CCH@ is sce!tical a2out the !ossi2ility of0enuine democracy de-elo!in0 under these0enuine democracy de-elo!in0 under theseconditionsconditions

"emocracy will only ta1e hold when society is willin0"emocracy will only ta1e hold when society is willin0and a2le to em2race democratic !rinci!lesand a2le to em2race democratic !rinci!les

 /he de-elo!ment of democracy is endo0enous not /he de-elo!ment of democracy is endo0enous notexo0enousexo0enous

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%oncludin0 comments%oncludin0 comments

It is not necessarily the case thatIt is not necessarily the case that0lo2ali7ation is a threat to democracy0lo2ali7ation is a threat to democracy

>lo2ali7ation has also hel!ed s!read>lo2ali7ation has also hel!ed s!readdemocracy round the worlddemocracy round the world

It is !ossi2le that in the futureIt is !ossi2le that in the future0lo2ali7ation will also !ro-ide the means0lo2ali7ation will also !ro-ide the means

and the incenti-e to create a trulyand the incenti-e to create a truly

democratic world orderdemocratic world order

f& f

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Archi2u0i5 ". and Deld5 ". 4CC: 6Editors’ introduction’ in ".Archi2u0i5 ". and Deld5 ". 4CC: 6Editors’ introduction’ in ".

Archi2u0i and ". Deld eds@Archi2u0i and ". Deld eds@ Cosmopolitan Democracy: AnCosmopolitan Democracy: An Agenda for a New World Order  Agenda for a New World Order  olity ress@olity ress@

3ar2er5 3. *++4: 6%hallen0es to democracy in an a0e of3ar2er5 3. *++4: 6%hallen0es to democracy in an a0e of0lo2ali7ation’ in &. Axtmann ed@0lo2ali7ation’ in &. Axtmann ed@ Balancing DemocracyBalancing Democracy


>old2latt5 ". 4CC,: 6At the limits of !olitical !ossi2ility: the>old2latt5 ". 4CC,: 6At the limits of !olitical !ossi2ility: thecosmo!olitan democractic !ro;ect’cosmo!olitan democractic !ro;ect’ New Beft &e-iewNew Beft &e-iew ****

Deld5 ". 4CCH: 6"emocracy and 0lo2ali7ation’ in ".Deld5 ". 4CCH: 6"emocracy and 0lo2ali7ation’ in ".Archi2u0i5 ". Deld5 and #. Kohler eds@Archi2u0i5 ". Deld5 and #. Kohler eds@ Re-ImaginingRe-ImaginingPolitical CommunityPolitical Community olity ress@olity ress@

Dirst5 . *++4: 63etween the local and the 0lo2al: democracyDirst5 . *++4: 63etween the local and the 0lo2al: democracyin %*4st’ in &. Axtmann ed@in %*4st’ in &. Axtmann ed@ Balancing DemocracyBalancing Democracy%ontinuum@%ontinuum@