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Globalisation in media is how something is distributed globally. This has changed how we think and do things every day. Globalization is the process by which nations become increasingly

integrated. This is occurring primarily due to advances in technology that have enabled people, goods, money, data and ideas to travel the world much faster than before.


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This can be seen as a good thing as it means we can connect with other people around the world and share our cultures/experiences.

This can be seen as humans evolving to help our intelligence grow by sharing knowledge.

However this can also be seen as a hindrance with such things as viruses and diseases being easily transferred between countries.

Another bad thing about Globalisation is that we only get to see the big companies films- e.g. Hollywood blockbusters.

A number of international polls have shown that residents of Africa and Asia tend to view globalization more favourably than residents of Europe or North America. In Africa, a Gallup poll found that 70% of the population views globalization favourably.

Pro’s and Con’s

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Films can be distributed easily due to globalisation. The internet makes it easy for audiences around the world to hear about upcoming films.

Films are now being edited to involve other countries within the franchise. For example some films are now being released with a Chinese audio specially for the Chinese audience as records show that a large amount of profits from films come from Asian countries.

How films are involved in Globalisation

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Since the latter half of the 20th century, the international community has become more interconnected and interdependent in economic, cultural and environmental matters than ever. It seems the world is rapidly becoming a single community, a global village.

There is a lot of talk about whether the world will become one whole community in the future. Where we are integrated to a point at which where there is something from every country in your local supermarket.

What Globalisation May mean For The Future?

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I think that Globalisation is a good thing. It means that we can become better at solving cures for diseases and think together rather than fighting and separating the world.

We can see other countries views in media and how they live which may help us be more understanding rather than following the racist stereotypes that still linger in everyday life today.
