Download - Global Warming Speaking



Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of Earth's surface air and oceans and its projected continuation, we must change it.EFFECTS:

An increase in global temperature is the most important effect from global warming and it will cause sea levels to rise and will change the amount and pattern of precipitation, probably including expansion of subtropical desserts.

Warming is expected to be strongest in the Arctic and would be associated with continuing retreat of glaciers, permafrost and sea ice.CONSECUENCES:

Weather patterns



Glaciers and sea levels

Nowadays all the people talk about economic crisis and the global warming is in the second place but this is a mistake because its as important as crisis, and its the same that 2 years ago when everybody talked about it.GREENHOUSE EFFECTS:The greenhouse effects is the process by which absorption and emission of infrared radiation by gases in the atmosphere warm at a planets lower atmosphere and surface. It was discovered by Joseph Fourier in 1824.SOLUTIONS:

We must act now, because if we dont take care with the Earth, then our children will inherit a hotter world, dirtier air and water.

For this reasons we have to change our behavior with the Earth, the pollution is increasing.


Changing weather

Heat from the sun is held in the Earths atmosphere by natural greenhouse gases.

These kept the planet warm and without them the average temperature would be about 18 instead of 14C.

However, more and more heat is being kept in the atmosphere because of man-made greenhouse gases, particularly carbon dioxide (CO2) (cee-oh-two), which is produced by burning oil, gas and coal.

This global warming is already causing changes in the weather all over the world.

Experts believe that more and more places are going to be affected by climate change in the future.

Many scientists believe that more extreme weather conditions have been caused by climate change in recent years. For example, New Orleans was hit by a huge hurricane in 2005 and in the summer of 2003 (twenty o three), 15.000 (fifteen thousand) people in France died as a result of a heat wave.

The sea levels would rise further and many towns and villages near the coats will be flooded. This is a frightening thought because more than half the worlds population live near the coast.