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Global Canvas 2014Natural History Museum - London March 13

The event magazine from the 2014 Global Canvas Art & Poetry

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Welcome to the Global Canvas Event Magazine

Dear children, parents, grandparents, teachers and supporters

Welcome to the 2014 Global Canvas Event Magazine which comes hot on the heels of the fabulous event at the Natural History Museum in London on March 13. Thank you to everyone who made the journey and helped make it such a memorable and inspiring event! And for those who couldn’t be with us we hope that this magazine gives you a flavour of the wonderful celebration of art and poetry that we enjoyed thanks to all your hard work!

Next year’s competition will be titled “We can heal our World” so do get thinking about your entries for next year!

Thank you again for taking part and we look forward to welcoming you and your entries in 2015.

Kim Hale

The 2014 Winners

PHOTOGRAPHS: The following pages are filled with photos from the day in London - should you like any of them please email us with the number of the image and we will send it through as soon as we can. While we do not charge for photos a donation toward the running costs of the event and our conservation projects is always very welcome!Please email: [email protected]

Front cover: Chan Avril Hau Chin, Joint Overall winner and 1st in the Under 8s

Pictures on this spread top to bottom and left to right: Akinunmade Olaolusubomi, 2nd in !5s; Alexandra Davison, 3rd in 11s; Amelia Achatova HC in 8s; Amelia Bruggen, Joint 3rd in 14s; Alina Zhatkina, 2nd in 14s; Amelia Spencer, HC in 13s; Angelina Onenko joint 3rd in 9s; Arina Udintseva, joint 3rd in 9s; Tessa Hargrave, 1st in 9s; Sophia Martin, 2nd in 11ys; Amelia McConnell, 1st in 13s; Georgie O’Brien joint overall winner and 1st in 12s; Alicia Gray, HC in 11s; Dopownha Mapnr, 3rd in 16s

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Pictures on this spread top to bottom and left to right: Akinunmade Olaolusubomi, 2nd in !5s; Alexandra Davison, 3rd in 11s; Amelia Achatova HC in 8s; Amelia Bruggen, Joint 3rd in 14s; Alina Zhatkina, 2nd in 14s; Amelia Spencer, HC in 13s; Angelina Onenko joint 3rd in 9s; Arina Udintseva, joint 3rd in 9s; Tessa Hargrave, 1st in 9s; Sophia Martin, 2nd in 11ys; Amelia McConnell, 1st in 13s; Georgie O’Brien joint overall winner and 1st in 12s; Alicia Gray, HC in 11s; Dopownha Mapnr, 3rd in 16s

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Pictures on this spread top to bottom and left to right: Baxktova Hatanbr, joint 2nd in 10s; Ben Clark, 3rd in 8s; Daniel White, 2nd in 13s; Greg Shahane, HC in 10s; Billy Cripps, joint 2nd in 12s; Christine Ho Wing Yan, joint 3rd in 10s; Eleanor Harrison, joint 3rd in 10s; Josh Schreiber, 1st in 8s; Ella Kemp, HC in 12s; Emma Tardrew, 3rd in 12s; Ellen bailes, HC in 13s; Esme Heath, HC in 9s; Evelyn Sau Man Wong;; George Fletcher, 1st in under 8s; Kennard Alvaro Hadinata, HC in under 8s; Georgina Heywood, joint 3rd in 12s; Jake Roberts, joint 2nd in 12s

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Pictures on this spread top to bottom and left to right: Baxktova Hatanbr, joint 2nd in 10s; Ben Clark, 3rd in 8s; Daniel White, 2nd in 13s; Greg Shahane, HC in 10s; Billy Cripps, joint 2nd in 12s; Christine Ho Wing Yan, joint 3rd in 10s; Eleanor Harrison, joint 3rd in 10s; Josh Schreiber, 1st in 8s; Ella Kemp, HC in 12s; Emma Tardrew, 3rd in 12s; Ellen bailes, HC in 13s; Esme Heath, HC in 9s; Evelyn Sau Man Wong;; George Fletcher, 1st in under 8s; Kennard Alvaro Hadinata, HC in under 8s; Georgina Heywood, joint 3rd in 12s; Jake Roberts, joint 2nd in 12s

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Pictures on this spread top to bottom and left to right: Kristina Gagkaeva, joint 3rd in 9s; Lily Anderson joint competition runner-up, 1st in 14s; Nastya Antipova, 2nd in 16s; Ksenya Popova, joint competition runner-up, 1st in 10s; Lucy Hebden, joint 3rd in 14s; Nathan Westbrook HC in 9s; Lily Godbole, 2nd in 9s; Maria Veronina, 2nd in under 8s; Prudence Butler, joint 2nd in 10s; Mariya Shutkina, HC in 9s; Millie Perry, 1st in 11s; Ruben Simms, 2nd in 8s

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Pictures on this spread top to bottom and left to right: Lydia Green, HC in 10s; Sveta Vtyurina, 1st in 16s; Teila Morris, HC in 10s; Sabine Savage, HC in 9s; Tyler Henningham, HC in 12s; Tanya Pononareva, 3rd in 15s; Ulya Herhun, joint 3rd in under 8s; Valerya Kuzecova, HC in 14s; Zara Gaffar, 1st in 15s; Yelzhas Medgat, HC in 9s; William Wright, HC in under 8s; Victoria Ansell, 3rd in 13s

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At the event ...







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At the event ...





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Poetry Overall poetry competition winner,Joint 1st prize 14-16 categoryBajo Adekunle, age 16, Adesoye College, Nigeria

The Earth is angry, Mankind has angered her,Her deadly weapons have been unleashed,I thought she was kind,Now I know she is an unforgiving person,She has sent her right-hand man, death to take me,Death had a warming smile when he was at my door,I let him in like an old friend,He ripped my soul from me,I am as cold as ice in the hands of Death,

Earth sits on her dry, grass-like throne,Alone and angry,Smoke rose from her head and a tsunami swept thousands,Her footsteps cause earthquakes,Her tears cause hurricanes,Her empty stomach causes famine,Her cracked lips cause drought,

Death laid me at her feet,Once Earth laid eyes on me her eyes turned red,She stepped on other souls as she approached me,When she reached the last man I screamed “Wait!”Why are you angry?Why do you order Death to claim mankind?

Her voice was weak,“Let me show you” she said.Her fingers were cold on my skin like Death,I saw flashes of the beginning of time,

The rivers were sparkling clean,Green grasses and tall trees surrounded the earth,The blue skies clear and free from smoke,The fishes swam happily,The lions roared like kings,Elephants roamed Africa like princes,The birds of Brazil sang their beautiful songs,

Mankind came with is diseases,With War came destruction,With Technology came chaos,

The blood of man turned the waters red,Technology brought terror on Earth,It burnt down the green grasses and tall trees,It polluted the lands and air,It had killed the lions, fishes, elephants and birds,They now hide under their own shadows,

The world is full of ugliness,Let mankind rebuild the world,Let Earth become the beautiful woman she once was,Let her smile reach her hearts,Let there be balance in nature,It’s Our World.

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Poetry IT’S OUR WORLDOverall poetry competition runner-up, 1st prize under 8 s cat-egoryIona Mandal, age 7, individual entry

Ostrich feathers on her hatA coat from leopard skinCollar and sleeves from real bear furOn her waist a belt of snakeskin.

Ivory rings dangle from her earsReal corals around her neckShe clutches onto her crocodile purseSheep fur boots on her legs.

Carrying the world and its continentsTropics, poles and seasMrs. Posh Ruthless kills to dressAnd happily dresses to kill.

Her ignorance and vanityMakes poachers greedyIn rainforests, highlands, rivers and reefsThreatening species to death.

Every living creature belongs to this worldFor the present and the nextSo learn to value Mrs PoshOr it will be too late.

MY TEACHER SAYS1st prize, poetry, 11-13 categoryFoloranmi Precious, age 11, Aocoed International School,Nigeria

My teacher says:Plants produce oxygen that we breathe,So I wonder why we cut them down and plant no other,That animals give the protein we eat,So I wonder why we kill them without breeding another.That the ozone layer shields dangerous rays in our breeze,So I wonder why we emit so much that depletes our cover.That oceans are home to creatures of countless breeds,So I wonder why we pollute it and have it plundered.

It is clear to me now,That plants, animals, fishes and all,Must be together for the survival of all,And man being the head of all,Must save our world for all.

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Lily Godbole and Prudence Butler with David Shepherd and Steve Leonard

IT’S OUR WORLDJoint 1st prize, 8-10 year oldsPrudence Butler, age 10, Ashdell Prep School

Snow leopard, snow leopardWhy are you so rare?Why don’t humans even care?

Moon bear, moon bearWhy are you in a cage?It really fills me up with rage.

Tiger, tigerWhere’s your skin?It really should be classed as a sin.

Elephant, elephantWhere is your tusk?On the mantel piece, gathering dust.

Humans, humansWhy aren’t you helpingInstead of listening to the world yelping?

IFJoint 1st prize 8-10 categoryLily Godbole, age 9, Ashdell Prep School

If you can keep your car out of sightThe earth will begin to win the fight.If people stop littering the earth,The animals might be able to give birth.

If plastic bags keep floating away,The little turtle will have nowhere to stay.If bamboo keeps being chopped down,The panda will have nowhere to lie down. If you can turn the lights off at night,The polar bears’ future will be bright.If the elephant is to keep his tusk,Then stopping poachers is a must!

If people use energy less,Then the world wouldn’t be such a mess.If poachers would just agree,To stop killing animals,Please, Please, Please!

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IT’S MY WORLDJoint 1st poetry prize, 14-16 categoryEmmanauel Chukwura, age 15, Dowen College, Ni-geria

Forest and jungles used to run on for miles,Oceans used to be clean and clearLife would flourish,The young of every animal would grow healthily,The only cause of death would be by the hand of nature,But now there is no longer peace and order.Machines quickly devour the homes of millions of creatures,Hunters kill without a second thought.Humans are cruel to the earth and her true children:Polar bears, tigers, elephants are in dangerAnd many more are on the brink.Not only animals are suffering,Plants are being killed off.They give us the gift of breath;We owe our very lives to them.Yet we throw them aside as if They are nothing.

If we don’t take a stand forThose without a voice, nothing will changeAnd soon life will fall away.The world will become dark.We need to fight,To wage a war against the wrong-doing of man.We need to keep this world,Our world,My world,Safe

Poetry winners: along the bottom l to r : Angelina Thakhar, 3rd prize under 8s; Alice Hosen, 2nd prize 8-10s; Daisy Betony Cahalane-MacGuinness, 2nd in under 8sFrom top right: Amelia Hancock, joint 2nd 11-13s; Erin McDonnell, HC in 8-10s; Angus Horn, 3rd in 8-10s

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Thank you to everyone for entering - we hope to see you next year!The theme is ‘We can heal our World’

The David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation is a charity registered in the UK No: 1106893


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