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Happy Birthday Ginger!

You are loved!

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Birthday greetings to the world traveler! We all miss you here but realize the

benefits of what God is doing in you and through you will be awesome! I

pray that your love for our Lord is growing deeper and deeper as you see His

heart for other nations.

Two Scriptures come to my heart for you:

Philippians 1:9-11 – ―And this I pray, that your love may abound still more

and more in knowledge and all discernment, that you may approve the

things that are excellent, that you may be sincere and without offense till the

day of Christ, being filled with the fruits of righteousness which are by Jesus

Christ to the glory and praise of God.‖

Philippians 4:4-7 – ―Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice! Let

your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand. Be anxious for

nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let

your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which

surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ


Have a great birthday and rest of your ―trip‖!

In Him, Bruce Eveleth

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Happy Birthday, Ginger! I miss your

energy and enthusiasm at the Calvary

Office…and in my life. May you have a

blue skies day, my blue skies friend!

A thousand wishes,


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Happy Birthday Ginger!!!!!! We have been praying for

you and enjoy reading your updates! Keep pressin' on

sister!! We love you!!!

Johnny and Kathy

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What a great day it is ... the day that God created you! I'm praising Him

because YOU are fearfully and wonderfully made ... and created in His


Your joy and laughter are contagious! Here is a Scripture and a prayer foryou for this year !

My lips will shout for joy when I sing praise to you— I whom you have


~Psalm 71:23

Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy

and be glad all our days.

~Psalm 90:14

May your contagious laughter, huge smile and incredible joy draw people

to God all around the world!

And, may you always be satisfied with Him!

Love you tons and praying for you!


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Missing you this summer ESPECIALLY on

your birthday!! I know you love blue

skies-- so I like blue moon, what about

it? :) recognize my bracelet? I carry you

with me everyday - it's just on my wrist

AND in my heart now.

SaraHoy and I were talking about FL

yesterday and how much Sugar and Soy

Sauce miss Spice! We were starting to

plan our next visit but your getting back

in the summer and we (well, mostly me)

wanna wait til after soggy-butt season...

So maybe like Oct or Nov :)

Thanksgiving in Okeechobee?? IDK. Just

enjoy your last couple months out there,

ok? Cuz you'll be home before you know

it and you can't go wishing away these

precious moments in the grip of His love!

There's many much more for you!

Happy Birthday Ging! Don't forget to

make your list- we'll share when we're

back in each other's presence, ok!? ;)

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I miss you and your smile so much! I pray

you have a wonderful birthday filled w/ "blue

skies and blessings"! I finally truly could

appreciate that greeting once I moved to FL.

I think of you often when I look at that

beautiful blue sky. I am so thankful for you

and all the work you are doing and the

people you are blessing through the world

race. Happy Birthday Ginger!

Love & Blessings,

Melissa Patrick :)

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Whenever I see blue skies - even

just slivers of them! - here in State

College, I think of you. I wish you a

happy birthday and a new year of

life that is filled with expectations

and with delight in small blessings.


Ruth Nissly

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Happy Birthday Ginger! Missing you on

the Bend, but it's exciting to see what

God is doing in the places you're going reading your blog! -Elliot

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Happy birthday sweet girl! I am so proud of you as you spend

your birthday right smack in the middle of where God wants you!

THAT is a beautiful thing! Celebrate!

I just asked the Lord for a word for you. He whispered I Thesalonians 3 into my heart. Verse 12 and 13 say, "May the Lord

make your love increase and overflow for each other and for

everyone else, just as ours does for you. May He strengthen your

heart so that you will be blameless and holy in the presence of your God and Father when our Lord Jesus comes with all His holy


So, that is my birthday prayer for you. That your love would

increase and overflow for your team and in turn for those you are serving. That as you love, you would sense and know how much

we love you back here in the states! :) And, most of all, that you

would know and experience how crazy in love Jesus is with you!!!

I am praying that He strengthens your heart supernaturally in a way that you cannot understand or explain but in a way that fills

you up like nothing else can! I love you! Lisa

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Hi Ginger

I bet you thought we would not remember...hum how

could we forget our smiling servant....

Happy Birthday to you and I pray you are blessed

beyond measure with today being filled with the love

and encouragement and joy you bring to others. I am

asking Jesus to surprise you with unanswered prayer

being answered and dreams and visions restored. I am

also asking Jesus to hold you close as He pours his love

and spirit in new ways into your life.

I would send you some cake but somehow I am sure it

be green by the time it got there!

Love and blessings


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Happy birthday Ginger! Don't worry, things

haven't changed much around here since

you've been gone (see photo). We miss you

and we love you!

-Emily & John

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Wow…I sure would enjoy hearing some of

your birthday reflections this time around. I

can only imagine what you have been

hearing from the Lord as you are circuiting His

planet. Thank you for taking this adventure

on behalf of the rest of us. Ginger

gospelseed (better than Johnny), spreading

the little nougats of life as you go.

May He give you great things on this

celebration of your life.


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Bet you can recognize this spot on the Dixie!

One of the many things I miss is my snail mailings to you of the Bull Joke

page. Here is one for a chuckle on your birthday and team Rodeo:

Not Quite a Cowboy

More than anything, Billy wanted to be a cowboy. Taking pity on him, a

rancher decided to hire the lad and give him a chance. "This is a lariat," the

rancher said while showing him a rope. "We use it to catch cows". "I see,"

Billy said, trying to seem knowledgeable as he examined the lariat. "And

what do you use for bait?"

Happy, Happy Birthday!

Bushels, tons and heaps of love,

Mom and Dad

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Can you guess where these are located?

(from mom & dad)

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My Oh My how YOU are so dearly missed

As your birthday approaches, I thought of a list!

From star gazing, praying and grape fights galore

It's hard for me to pin point what I miss more

You loyalty, love, and bright cheery ways

Or your love for the Lord through out the days

I've decided not to pick or select only one

But share with you, so it would be more fun!

Where two or more are gathered, He is in our midst

Sometimes it's hard and we have to throw fist

At the end of the day, no matter how far a part

I'm thankful to know, by God's beautiful art

That you are living for the Lord and are a Sister in Christ!

As we celebrate You here and you celebrate there

I can not be more thankful for the life He did spare

and then brought us together for fellowship to share!

Looking forward to seeing you face to face soon

With blue skies, bright smiles and a colorful balloon

We wish you a Happy Birthday dear Ginger Kay!

With so much love from miles and miles away!

Happy Birthday Ginge! Can't wait to see you again!

In Christ's Victory - Kel

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Sweet Ginger,

I beyond MISS and LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope

that your birthday is FULL of amazing moments,

laughs, joy, adventure, and more of HIM. May you

deeply know how loved you are by your community

of friends here and how often you come to mind. I

can’t wait to catch up with you in person and hear all

about what God’s teaching you and how you’re

doing. I miss your laugh, I miss your smile, I miss

hanging with you and cracking up, and I just really

miss doing life with you! I love and miss you tons, I

think of you often, and I wish you all HIS Best on your very special day

Love to you,


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―Yo shawty, it’s ya birthday, we’ve got to pauwty like

it’s ya birthday‖!! I Love You Girl, and miss you so very

much! Here’s a taste of the new dance moves!


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Hello lovely lady! I hope that you are doing well and looking forward to

celebrating your birthday in a beautiful country with beautiful people. You

are an incredible gift to so many and I love that God has called you on this

journey of growing deeper in relationship with Him while you serve and love

neighbors all around the world. Thanks for sharing pieces of your travels

through your blog. It is such a joy to hear about the happenings of your

days and ponderings in your heart. Blessings for your birthday and for the

moments on the rest of your journey with the World Race.

Love you!


P.S. Hope you enjoy the

pic...have fun

deciphering! :)

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Hi Ginger!

I hope you're having a GREAT

BIRTHDAY! We've been praying for you and

for God's direction in your life for the

future. My prayer for your birthday today is

that He will give you a glimpse of the

glorious future He has for you. We love and

miss you so much.

Joyce and Mike

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Ate Luya!

My dear friend, Happy Birthday! It has been a lovely adventure

following your blog and hearing about all that God has done in

and through you this past year.

You are much loved, and much missed back here in the states. No one here will ever see blue skies and not think of you!!!

You are a special gift to all of us and I'm so thankful for all of our


Praying that as you finish up this journey, that God will give you strength to finish the race, joy in your new friendships, and peace

about what is to come :)

Love you much chica!!


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Dear Ginger,

A birthday wish for you:Do not be anxious about anything, but in

everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving,

present your requests to God. And the peace of God,

which transcends all understanding, will guard your

hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

Thank you, Ginger, for allowing God to use your

talents to reveal the needs in this world that we do not

see or want to ignore. You have gone in faith to

remind us of what God is calling each of us to do - to

follow him and not look back. Thank you for following

Him and showing us the world He wants us to love…Love,

Tracy R

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LOVE you and miss you. Have a

great God filled, joyful Birthday! You

are in our hearts and prayers.


Beth, Rocco, Alycia, and Caleb

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My dear, beautiful friend…

Happy, Happy Birthday to you! What a

year it has been for you – full of many

memories and God-stories! You are

deeply loved by so many around the world! Thank you for being you. Thank

you for being such a treasured friend.

You are in my thoughts and prayers. I

love you!!!

―We put our hope in the Lord, He is our

help and our shield. In him our hearts

rejoice, for we trust in his holy name. Let your unfailing love surround us,

Lord, for our hope is in your alone.‖

Psalm 33:20-22

In Him,


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Ging, you have been traveling the earth

In a few days, we will celebrate the

day of your birth.

kNow that you are loved and missed

by all of us

now Go on and travel back to State

College by plane, train, or bus!

you are Ever the kind, loving, and energetic


Remember we love you (and thanks

for giving me a house on the bend).

-Curt Himmelberger

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Happy Birthday dear Ginger!

Hope you’re having a great celebration there in Kenya!

I couldn’t believe while looking for paint that I came across not only your name, but you location as well

My prayer for you is that this year, as you continue to

migrate across the globe, you will be more and more

deeply rooted in the great love of Christ!

I can’t wait to hear your highlights from this past year!!!

Love to you my dear friend, Beth

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