Download - GIS (Global Information System)

  • 8/14/2019 GIS (Global Information System)


    GIS (Geographic Information System) 1

    : .AME GEET H SAHANI: .AME GEET H SAHANI. :ROJECT NO 48. :ROJECT NO 48nvironmental.gmt Project

    . :OLL NO. :OLL NO11616

  • 8/14/2019 GIS (Global Information System)


    GIS (Geographic Information System) 2

    GIS (Global Information

    System)(IS G e o g ra p h ic In fo rm a tio n(IS G e o g ra p h ic In fo rm a tio n)ystem )ystem

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    GIS (Geographic Information System) 3

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    GIS (Geographic Information System) 4

    What is GIS ?

    GIS stands for geographicinformation System. GIS has beendeveloped in recent years for thepurpose of using and studyinggeographic information. It

    integrates hardware, software, anddata for capturing, managing,analyzing, and displaying all forms

    of geographically referenced

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    T h e y e a r 1 9 6 2 sa w th e d e v e lo p m e n to f th e w o rld 's first tru e o p e ra tio n a l

    ,G IS in O tta w a ,O n ta rio C a n a d a b y

    th e fe d e ra l D e p a rtm e n t o f Fo re stry.a n d R u ra lD e ve lo p m en t D e ve lop e d

    .b y D r R o g e r To m lin so n

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    GIS (Geographic Information System) 6

    How do we create a GIS ?

    Essentially, geographicinformation states what is where. Soto create geographic information, we

    have to record these two elementssomehow. They can be capturedthrough many different types ofobservations, measurements and

    surveys. Data can be sourced fromaerial photography, satellite images,field samples, land surveying,population censuses, global

    positioning systems (GPS) andovernment administrative records

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    GIS (Geographic Information System) 7

    A GIS Creation

  • 8/14/2019 GIS (Global Information System)


    GIS (Geographic Information System) 8

    Types of GIS ?

    There are mainly 3 types of GIS Systems :

    The Database View: A GIS is a unique kind of database of theworlda geographic database (geodatabase). It is an"Information System for Geography. GIS is based on astructured database that describes the world in geographic


    The Map View: A GIS is a set of intelligent maps and other viewsthat show features and feature relationships on the earth'ssurface. Maps of the underlying geographic information can beconstructed and used as "windows into the database" to

    support queries, analysis, and editing of the information.

    The Model View: A GIS is a set of information transformationtools that derive new geographic datasets from existingdatasets. These geoprocessing functions take information fromexisting datasets, apply analytic functions, and write resultsinto new derived datasets.

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    GIS (Geographic Information System) 9

    Essential Elements Of aGIS?

    ,A n y syste m th a t is ca p a b le o f w orkin g w ith g e o g ra p h ic in fo rm a tio n m u st

    , :th e re fo re a lso b e a b le to

    .1 C re a te a sp a ce in th e w h ich lo ca tio n s o f fe a tu re s ca n b e p lo tte d

    .2 P lo t a n d sto re in fo rm a tio n th a t d e scrib e s th e sh a p e s o f th e fe a tu re s in th elo ca tio n sp a ce

    .3 S to re in fo rm a tio n th a t d e scrib e s w h a t th e sh a p e s re p re sen t

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    GIS (Geographic Information System) 11

    Where is GIS used ?





    Utilities Oil





    UsesInventory and management of

    resources.Crime mapping to target resources.

    Monitoring route.Managing pipe networks.Monitoring ships.Planning services and health impact.Troop movement.Analyzing crop yield.

    Identifying risk : eg:risk of flooding.

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    GIS (Geographic Information System) 12

    im p o rta n t te ch n o lo g y fo r th e n e w

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    GIS (Geographic Information System) 13

    , a n S a ve T h e E n viro n m e n t It Ju st N e e d s To B e M a n