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Giorgio Tsoukalos V.S. Thor Heyerdahl on Easter Island

So, let’s look at Erich von Däniken has to say in the Chariots of the Gods video time index 1:02:15 and ending 1:08:46. The narrator Wilhelm Roggersdorf, dose a great job with the script but we have no idea how he feels about the subject matter. For this reason I’ll just give you some of the facts stated in the segment. The clip show the carvings of bird people the script asks the question are they bird heads or do the natives just think there are they could be helmet with oxygen masks? Legend has it flying people came to the island amidst fire. 2000 people live there now but, scholars agree that no more then 4000 ever lived here a one time. Out of the total population 70% are woman, children or the elderly most of the able bodied men are needed for food production this doesn’t leave enough men to carve the 600 or so statues. The stone is so hard that repeated hammering with a steel chisels hardly scratches it. Some statues stand 65 feet tall and weight 400 tones. The stone statues were moved over 12 miles from the volcanic crater were they were caved. There are no trees for rollers and no evidence as to how they were moved. A legend says that the statues moved themselves with the use of manna which only two priests could invoke. When the priests left with the manna the caving was stopped. A French expedition in 1964 end with do to the height level of magnetism and unusual geographic phenomenon one can’t rule out extraterrestrial contacted.

Okay lets hear from Giorgio A. Tsoukalos in Giorgio A. Tsoukalos on Easter Island – YouTube time index 1:49 and ending 3:48 I have no problem with quoting Giorgio A. Tsoukalos “I say that if they tell us who have a living tradition still that the statues were never pulled by any ropes or rolled across the terrain with wooden rollers we should listen to them. Now it’s up to us to figure out well what was this manna. Time index 2:31and ending 2:43 “and Rapa Nui history their legends are filled with accounts of these strange bird people that descended from the sky. They weren’t bird people in a spiritual or in a divine way. They had technology to fly and their entire history is based on a significant event that in the ancient astronaut opinion was an extraterrestrial visit. The largest statue is 65 feet tall and so you have a 65 foot stone head that weights like 200 cars of today. That feat would be incredible even with our modern day technology to complete. Thor Heyerdahl tried to use the stone tools and after a week of doing this they gave up. They said they didn’t make any progress so the answer is clear that stone tools don’t work”.

Well, finding Thor Heyerdahl wasn’t hard at all and I’d like to quote him now as a direct rebuttal to what Giorgio A. Tsoukalos said about him. But first did you know that in 1955 Thor Heyerdahl went to visit Easter Island and asked the natives how the statues were erected and published his results in a book called Aku Aku which came out 10 years before Chariots of the Gods. A video was released by Graham Massey and Nova in 1977 as a rebuttal to Erich von Däniken’s book Chariots of the Gods and makes for very interesting viewing. In the video The Case of the Ancient Astronauts (BBC Horizon PBS NOVA 1977) – YouTube time index 35:24 and ending 39:39the narrator asks Thor Heyerdahl “are the statues an unsolved mystery?” Thor Heyerdahl’s answer

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was “no it’s not a mystery any longer today we ah actually we know who made them, when they made them, why they made them, how they made them, and even when they stopped making them. As a matter of fact they were made by the ancestors of the people living on the island today. And the tradition they remember how their ancestors did it and they did it in front of our eyes. They erected and caved a statue it looked like a very slow procedure in the beginning but they poured on water as they worked and when they first got inside the hard outer shell of rock the work went much quicker.” Holding up a rock Thor Heyerdahl says “dose this look to you like a very sophisticated tool or a tool from a spacecraft this is a typical Palaeolithic tool a Stone Age tool. It’s not even polished as some of the other tools they use. This is what they used to carving the statues.” The narrator says “after only a few days the out line of a statue had already appeared”. Thor Heyerdahl says “we went on for only three days to make an estimate and it was easy for the archaeologists to figure out that even the largest statues could be completed with in a year. The narrator says “he also persuaded the islanders how their ancestors had moved the statues”. Thor Heyerdahl says “since we were less then two hundred men could transport an average statue even if they didn’t concentrate on one statue at a time they could easily transport two or three or four statues with a couple thousand men. The island could with no difficulty what so ever feed 10,000 20,000 people. Scientists have been estimating really what the agriculture could feed there and with no problem 20,000 people. The narrator says “the islands forest had been destroyed by fire and agriculture but at the time the statues were carved there was plenty of wood for levers. Under the direction of the mayor the islanders used them to raise a statue as their ancestor had done. They levered up each side and placed rock underneath very soon the statue rested on a platform of boulders. More rocks were placed underneath to support the statue as the levers gradually inched it up right. It took 12 men three levers and 18 days to erect the statue.”

It was amazing to see real video footage of the islanders at work with stone tools carving and erecting a huge statue. Why would Giorgio A. Tsoukalos say what he did about Thor Heyerdahl and Easter Island? If an armchair researcher like me could find it why couldn’t he?

The video didn’t answer the question about the bird men. I’d like to point out that Thor Heyerdahl believed that the natives of Easter Island came form South America he was wrong about that. To answer the bird man question and where the islanders came form we have to look at The Mystery Of Easter Island - Part 1 – YouTube this is a 6 part video. The Mystery Of Easter Island - Part 1 – YouTube time index 5:54 and ending 8:31 Prof Erika Hahelberg a geneticist from University of Oslo says “tiny island in the middle of the pacific ocean if you look at the map people could have come from ether direction”. Thor Heyerdahl believed that the natives of Easter Island came form South America and showed that it was possible to sail a raft to Easter Island. Others thought that the natives came from Polynesia. Prof Erika Hahelberg “accentually no one had looked with modern techniques the idea to be able to find out and to look directly at the genetic material of prehistoric people it’s a terribly exciting prospect”. Prof Erika Hahelberg used DNA from skeletons of early natives from the island. Using this DNA she found the Polynesia motif. This is a genetic marker that is exclusively found in Polynesians and nowhere else. Prof Erika Hahelberg “because it’s unambiguous it showed that these people had to have been descends of Polynesians”.

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The Mystery Of Easter Island - Part 2 time index 0:18 and ending 0:38 The narrator John Shrapnel says “carbon dating suggests that the Polynesians reached Easter Island around 700 AD but that was it for the next 1000 years it seams that no more people came to Easter Island they were on their own”.

The Mystery Of Easter Island - Part 3 Covers how the islanders carved and moved the stone statues. It also explains that the statues were a form of ancestor worship.

The Mystery Of Easter Island - Part 4 Describes the how the island went from being covered with palm trees and lots of birds and fish to an island with no trees and little food. Starvation drove the islanders to warring over the last of the recourses.

When the Dutch arrived in 1722 the islanders were a peaceful people fit and healthy with food to spare so what happened to turn the islanders around?

Enter of the birdman of Orongo! The birdman cult is well documented and was terminated by the missionaries in 1864. Wow, was anyone surprised by that? Missionaries interfering with the history of other people, no wonder it’s hard to find out about the past. The Mystery Of Easter Island - Part 5 time index 0:30 and ending 1:19. What Dr. Jo Anne Van Tilburg University of California, Los Angeles has to say about the birdman carvings. “One example of such a carving is this one. You can see the open curved beak a round eye very prominent head here’s the body muscular legs human like feet a muscular arm and a human like hand”. “Birds have freedom don’t they birds come and go birds bring with them fish which provides food I think the birds are significant on Easter Island for sacred reasons for spiritual reasons but also for purely for economical”.

The Mystery Of Easter Island - Part 5 time index 3:04 and ending 5:30. Dr. Jo Anne Van Tilburg “Those young men would descend the cliffs plunge into that water down there swim for their lives about approximately mile out to the largest of those three islands and there wait for the coming of the birds. When the first egg was found by one of those individuals he placed it in some sort of woven a basket that he could wear on his head for it’s protection and he then would plunge which by the way are full of sharks most of the time and swim back ascend the cliff and present the egg to the person who had sponsored him. What ever resources that there were had to be controlled and had to be dispensed if you will among the population in an organized way or people were going to start being hurt. And so I think this place represents an incredible societal effort to channel the aggression and control the competition and keep the society working”.

The Easter Islanders do have a living tradition Thor Heyerdahl wrote a book Aku Aku and videoed the islander carving and erecting a statue with stone tools for all to see. The missionaries in 1864 terminated the birdman cult and nowhere was there anything about aliens or the ability to fly.

I don’t need Occam’s razor to see that Giorgio A. Tsoukalos is apparently trying to discredit Thor Heyerdahl, Dr. Jo Anne Van Tilburg and the work of others with the sole purpose of further is own agenda in this case.

I’m still left wondering about what manna is? Maybe it’s a spiritual or in a divine way of thinking. (Now I’m just guessing so don’t make it a big deal)!

Easter Island case closed.

All you have to do is Google the BOLD text in the doc and see the vids! All the research was done by internet Google and compiled by jim100ab