Download - GIBSON DUNN Crutcher LLP 200 Park Avenue · 2014-12-05 · GIBSON DUNN May 23, 2014 VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL Reid J. Schar, Esq. Jenner & Block LLP 353 North Clark Street Chicago, Illinois



May 23, 2014


Reid J. Schar, Esq. Jenner & Block LLP 353 North Clark Street Chicago, Illinois 60654-3456

Re: New Jersey Legislative Select Committee on Investigation

Dear Mr. Schar:

Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP

200 Park Avenue

New York, NY 10166-0193

Tel 212.351.4000

Alexander H. Southwell Direct: +1 212.351.3981 Fax: +1 212.351.6281 [email protected]

I write in response to your May 9 letter, and further to my May 12 email, regarding the status of the Office of the Governor of New Jersey's subpoena compliance. As with your May 2 letter, we were disappointed to receive your May 9 letter, given our customary practice of conferring by telephone and my invitation to resume doing so here. You instead chose to send another letter that appears, again, intended for a different audience, ignores or distorts the ample record of the OGNJ's cooperation, and seeks to minimize the evident problems with the SCI' s prior subpoenas. We are therefore compelled to respond in writing to several mischaracterizations in your letter.

Rather than acknowledge what is now beyond dispute-that the subpoenas issued by the New Jersey Legislative Select Committee on Investigation ("SCI") are overbroad and impermissible, as Judge Jacobson's April 9 ruling made clear-you offer "guidance" that substantively modifies those subpoenas beyond recognition. Indeed, your May 9 letter demands the production of records that, as you acknowledge, are not even responsive to the subpoenas and that have nothing whatsoever to do with the George Washington Bridge lane realignment (the "lane realignment"). We are also disappointed that-whether intentionally or not-your May 9 letter contains repeated misstatements of fact. I will highlight just a couple of the most egregious ones here. One glaring example: you speculate that there must be more responsive documents from Governor Christie, claiming that he should have more because, according to you, a period of "intense public awareness of the issue [of the lane realignment] ... developed since at least September 13, 2013." All of us know that is not true. The lane realignment was mentioned only once-in a single local newspaper column­as of September 13, 2013. And to be crystal clear, we have produced all such responsive documents. You also erroneously claim that an August 22, 2013 email between Bridget Kelly and Christina Renna was not produced until April 22, 2014, when, in fact, that

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Reid J. Schar, Esq. May 23, 2014 Page 2

document was produced to the SCI in March 2014 before our Report was released to the public. See OGNJ-LEG-050258-59.

In furtherance of our continuing cooperation--cooperation that has already resulted in the production of more than 76,000 pages of documents to the SCI-we respond briefly below to some of your stated concerns. But as we did in our May 5 letter, we respectfully request a telephone conference to discuss any outstanding concerns regarding subpoena compliance, particularly given the inaccurate public statements that members of the SCI have made regarding both the status of the OGNJ's document production and the duplicative testimony elicited over three days of public SCI hearings this month that has consisted largely of witnesses repeating what they earlier told us in interviews and we then publicly released, and, apparently, what one witness told you in an interview prior to his testimony.

1. Responsive Records Already Produced By The OGNJ

In your May 9 letter, you continue to be confused about the specific documents we have already produced from Bridget Kelly's and Governor Christie's records. Please find attached, as requested, a Bates-numbered inventory confirming what we have previously and repeatedly represented to you-namely, that we have produced or logged more than 700 documents consisting of more than 5,400 pages sent, received, and/or possessed by Kelly, and more than 150 such documents from the Governor. 1

Your confusion in this regard may have resulted, in part, from the fact that the OGNJ' s initial production did not contain custodian metadata, as discussed with you. As you well know, the SCI's subpoenas as issued did not request the production of custodian metadata. Indeed, I raised this issue during our earliest calls, and you authorized the OGNJ to produce responsive records in PDF form, without custodian metadata. Weeks later, the SCI for the first time modified its document production specifications and requested metadata information, which prompted an additional conversation during which I agreed to provide this newly requested metadata as soon as was possible. In any event, the attached inventory leaves no doubt regarding the volume of responsive records already produced from these individuals.

We also hereby confirm that we have responded to your request for purported "handwritten notes" prepared by Michael Drewniak (see my May 13 email to you), and that OGNJ records

1 Our May 5 letter noted that "we have produced more than 65 [] documents consisting of around 200 pages" that were "maintained by Governor Chris Christie." As the attached inventory confirms, the OGNJ has produced or logged more than 150 documents sent, received, and/or possessed by Governor Christie.


Reid J. Schar, Esq. May 23, 2014 Page 3

were reviewed to determine responsiveness to both the January 27 and February 10 subpoenas. Furthermore, at various points in your letter you have asked us to confirm the diligence and thoroughness of our review for responsive documents. Rest assured that we are fully aware of and have fulfilled our obligations under the SCI subpoenas.

2. Non-Responsive Records Demanded By The SCI

As previously explained, your May 9 letter demands the production of several categories of records that are not responsive to either your January 27 or February 10 subpoenas. Though we are willing, consistent with our continued cooperation, to discuss a voluntary production of certain requested records, we note our ongoing objection to your unilateral modification of the subpoenas and our reservation of all rights with respect to the production of records.

First, you note that the OGNJ has not produced certain December 6, 2013 emails between Michael Drewniak and Governor Christie to the SCI. But as your May 9 letter explicitly acknowledges one sentence earlier, those non-responsive emails concern "the resignation of former Port Authority official David Wildstein," not the September 2013 lane realignment or any other subject matter called for by your subpoenas. Thus, the emails you demand do not respond-on their face or by any other measure of responsiveness-to the subpoenas the SCI has issued.

Second, your January 27 subpoena requested the production of certain telephone records "regarding the reduction from three to one of the eastbound Fort Lee, New Jersey access lanes to the George Washington Bridge from September 9, 2013 through September 13, 2013." In our May 5 letter, we specified numerous deficiencies in this request, several of which we identified for you months ago in a February 1 telephone call, including the SCI's failure to identify which employees' telephone records in particular we should review, as well as the fact that toll records simply do not identify the substance of any communication. Those deficiencies explain why you agreed to "table" this request during our February 1 call.

The unilateral modifications to the subpoena's request for toll records in your May 2 letter, however, did nothing to cure the subpoena's infirmity in this regard, even as it tacitly acknowledged the deficiencies in the original request. In response to our catalog of the request's numerous deficiencies, you now demand "logs of all calls between or among" 26 individuals, only 14 of whom are current or former employees of the OGNJ. In other words, faced with the manifest infirmities in the request for toll records in the SCI's January 27 subpoena, you respond by simply broadening the category of records demanded, once again confirming Judge Jacobsen's conclusion that the SCI document requests "even as modified remain a fishing expedition." The New Jersey Legislative Select Committee on Investigation v. Kelly and Stepien, Dkts. L-350-14, L-350-15 (Sup. Ct. N.J. Apr. 9, 2014), at 40. The toll


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records you now seek are overbroad and include records that have nothing whatsoever to do with the lane realignment; they largely concern OGNJ and Port Authority employees who had nothing whatsoever to do with the lane realignment. Not only is this request overbroad, it is unduly burdensome, as it requires the OGNJ to wade through tens of thousands of toll entries. And it remains ambiguous, inexplicably failing to identify the precise Port Authority telephone numbers for which you are asking the OGNJ to search.

Nevertheless, in furtherance of our continuing cooperation, we look forward to discussing this proposal with you, and we intend also to produce the "Poster of Names" requested in your May 9 letter.

3. Calendar Entries

As noted in our May 5 letter, your request for "all calendars, day planers, notes, and/or diaries from September 1, 2012 to the present," with no substantive or custodian restriction or focus, is plainly overbroad and impermissible. Once again, that is presumably why you agreed to "table" this request months ago, during our February 1 call. We did not hear back from you until your recent May correspondence, and you now propose to cure this deficiency by "offering to accept, as an initial matter, calendar items for the same list of 14 current or former employees whose telephone records were of most immediate interest." But this amended request continues to lack a substantive restriction, and thus continues to suffer fatal overbreadth (as Judge Jacobson concluded). Once again, you cannot dispute that this modified request seeks documents that have nothing whatsoever to do with the lane realignment-an overbroad and burdensome demand, particularly given the SCI' s stated focus on the lane realignment issue.

Moreover, as we stated in our May 5 letter, "our review of electronic data in fact included searching for items related to the lane realignment and[] there were no responsive calendar entries, notes, or diary entries related to the lane realignment"-a fact that is "hardly surprising," given our conclusion that no one inside the Office of the Governor other than Bridget Kelly had any involvement in causing the lane realignment or otherwise had advance knowledge of it. In other words, notwithstanding the fatal overbreadth and invalidity of your initial request for all calendar items with no substantive or custodian restrictions, we nevertheless proceeded to search OGNJ electronic records for calendar items responsive to your subpoenas. And, in fact, we already produced several such calendar items from the relevant OGNJ custodians. See OGNJ-LEG-10247; OGNJ-LEG-35447; OGNJ-LEG-17116 - 17117. Thus, our substantial cooperation has mooted this issue, and your effort now to seek documents well beyond the lane realignment issue does not cure the defects we identified long ago in the SCI's January 27 subpoena.


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In closing, we remain committed to working through the issues raised in your May 9 letter and will make ourselves available for a call to discuss them. Please let me know when you would like to do so.

Alexander H. Southwell


List of Documents Produced or Logged and Possessed by or Sent To or From Bridget KellySubmitted by Office of the Governor of New Jersey to the Select Committee on Investigation, May 23, 2014

Number Bates Range Document Custodian1 OGNJ-LEG-002618 - OGNJ-LEG-002619 Bridget Kelly2 OGNJ-LEG-002620 - OGNJ-LEG-002620 Bridget Kelly3 OGNJ-LEG-002621 - OGNJ-LEG-002621 Bridget Kelly4 OGNJ-LEG-002622 - OGNJ-LEG-002640 Bridget Kelly5 OGNJ-LEG-002641 - OGNJ-LEG-002663 Bridget Kelly6 OGNJ-LEG-002664 - OGNJ-LEG-002664 Bridget Kelly7 OGNJ-LEG-002665 - OGNJ-LEG-002665 Bridget Kelly8 OGNJ-LEG-002666 - OGNJ-LEG-002666 Bridget Kelly9 OGNJ-LEG-002667 - OGNJ-LEG-002685 Bridget Kelly

10 OGNJ-LEG-002686 - OGNJ-LEG-002707 Bridget Kelly11 OGNJ-LEG-002708 - OGNJ-LEG-002739 Bridget Kelly12 OGNJ-LEG-002740 - OGNJ-LEG-002777 Bridget Kelly13 OGNJ-LEG-002778 - OGNJ-LEG-002778 Bridget Kelly14 OGNJ-LEG-002779 - OGNJ-LEG-002806 Bridget Kelly15 OGNJ-LEG-002807 - OGNJ-LEG-002839 Bridget Kelly16 OGNJ-LEG-002840 - OGNJ-LEG-002840 Bridget Kelly17 OGNJ-LEG-002841 - OGNJ-LEG-002841 Bridget Kelly18 OGNJ-LEG-002842 - OGNJ-LEG-002842 Bridget Kelly19 OGNJ-LEG-002843 - OGNJ-LEG-002843 Bridget Kelly20 OGNJ-LEG-002844 - OGNJ-LEG-002844 Bridget Kelly21 OGNJ-LEG-002845 - OGNJ-LEG-002845 Bridget Kelly22 OGNJ-LEG-002846 - OGNJ-LEG-002847 Bridget Kelly23 OGNJ-LEG-002848 - OGNJ-LEG-002849 Bridget Kelly24 OGNJ-LEG-002850 - OGNJ-LEG-002851 Bridget Kelly25 OGNJ-LEG-002852 - OGNJ-LEG-002852 Bridget Kelly26 OGNJ-LEG-002853 - OGNJ-LEG-002853 Bridget Kelly27 OGNJ-LEG-002854 - OGNJ-LEG-002869 Bridget Kelly28 OGNJ-LEG-002870 - OGNJ-LEG-002888 Bridget Kelly29 OGNJ-LEG-002889 - OGNJ-LEG-002912 Bridget Kelly30 OGNJ-LEG-002913 - OGNJ-LEG-002940 Bridget Kelly31 OGNJ-LEG-002941 - OGNJ-LEG-002941 Bridget Kelly32 OGNJ-LEG-002942 - OGNJ-LEG-002943 Bridget Kelly33 OGNJ-LEG-002944 - OGNJ-LEG-002944 Bridget Kelly34 OGNJ-LEG-002945 - OGNJ-LEG-002945 Bridget Kelly35 OGNJ-LEG-002946 - OGNJ-LEG-002946 Bridget Kelly36 OGNJ-LEG-002947 - OGNJ-LEG-002981 Bridget Kelly37 OGNJ-LEG-002982 - OGNJ-LEG-002982 Bridget Kelly38 OGNJ-LEG-002983 - OGNJ-LEG-002983 Bridget Kelly39 OGNJ-LEG-002984 - OGNJ-LEG-002984 Bridget Kelly40 OGNJ-LEG-002985 - OGNJ-LEG-002985 Bridget Kelly41 OGNJ-LEG-002986 - OGNJ-LEG-002986 Bridget Kelly42 OGNJ-LEG-002987 - OGNJ-LEG-002987 Bridget Kelly43 OGNJ-LEG-002988 - OGNJ-LEG-002988 Bridget Kelly44 OGNJ-LEG-002989 - OGNJ-LEG-002989 Bridget Kelly45 OGNJ-LEG-002990 - OGNJ-LEG-002990 Bridget Kelly46 OGNJ-LEG-002991 - OGNJ-LEG-002991 Bridget Kelly47 OGNJ-LEG-002992 - OGNJ-LEG-002992 Bridget Kelly48 OGNJ-LEG-002993 - OGNJ-LEG-002993 Bridget Kelly49 OGNJ-LEG-002994 - OGNJ-LEG-002994 Bridget Kelly50 OGNJ-LEG-002995 - OGNJ-LEG-002995 Bridget Kelly51 OGNJ-LEG-002996 - OGNJ-LEG-002996 Bridget Kelly52 OGNJ-LEG-002997 - OGNJ-LEG-002997 Bridget Kelly53 OGNJ-LEG-002998 - OGNJ-LEG-002998 Bridget Kelly54 OGNJ-LEG-002999 - OGNJ-LEG-002999 Bridget Kelly55 OGNJ-LEG-003000 - OGNJ-LEG-003000 Bridget Kelly56 OGNJ-LEG-003001 - OGNJ-LEG-003001 Bridget Kelly57 OGNJ-LEG-003002 - OGNJ-LEG-003036 Bridget Kelly58 OGNJ-LEG-003037 - OGNJ-LEG-003077 Bridget Kelly59 OGNJ-LEG-003078 - OGNJ-LEG-003105 Bridget Kelly60 OGNJ-LEG-003106 - OGNJ-LEG-003138 Bridget Kelly

*Denotes an email or attachment to an email sent to or received by Bridget Kelly that, unlike the other listed documents, was produced from another individual's custody. Page 1 of 13

List of Documents Produced or Logged and Possessed by or Sent To or From Bridget KellySubmitted by Office of the Governor of New Jersey to the Select Committee on Investigation, May 23, 2014

Number Bates Range Document Custodian61 OGNJ-LEG-003139 - OGNJ-LEG-003140 Bridget Kelly62 OGNJ-LEG-003141 - OGNJ-LEG-003141 Bridget Kelly63 OGNJ-LEG-003142 - OGNJ-LEG-003142 Bridget Kelly64 OGNJ-LEG-003143 - OGNJ-LEG-003143 Bridget Kelly65 OGNJ-LEG-003144 - OGNJ-LEG-003178 Bridget Kelly66 OGNJ-LEG-003179 - OGNJ-LEG-003179 Bridget Kelly67 OGNJ-LEG-003180 - OGNJ-LEG-003180 Bridget Kelly68 OGNJ-LEG-003181 - OGNJ-LEG-003181 Bridget Kelly69 OGNJ-LEG-003182 - OGNJ-LEG-003182 Bridget Kelly70 OGNJ-LEG-003183 - OGNJ-LEG-003183 Bridget Kelly71 OGNJ-LEG-003184 - OGNJ-LEG-003184 Bridget Kelly72 OGNJ-LEG-003185 - OGNJ-LEG-003185 Bridget Kelly73 OGNJ-LEG-003186 - OGNJ-LEG-003186 Bridget Kelly74 OGNJ-LEG-003187 - OGNJ-LEG-003187 Bridget Kelly75 OGNJ-LEG-003188 - OGNJ-LEG-003188 Bridget Kelly76 OGNJ-LEG-003189 - OGNJ-LEG-003189 Bridget Kelly77 OGNJ-LEG-003190 - OGNJ-LEG-003190 Bridget Kelly78 OGNJ-LEG-003191 - OGNJ-LEG-003191 Bridget Kelly79 OGNJ-LEG-003192 - OGNJ-LEG-003192 Bridget Kelly80 OGNJ-LEG-003193 - OGNJ-LEG-003193 Bridget Kelly81 OGNJ-LEG-003194 - OGNJ-LEG-003194 Bridget Kelly82 OGNJ-LEG-003195 - OGNJ-LEG-003195 Bridget Kelly83 OGNJ-LEG-003196 - OGNJ-LEG-003196 Bridget Kelly84 OGNJ-LEG-003197 - OGNJ-LEG-003197 Bridget Kelly85 OGNJ-LEG-003198 - OGNJ-LEG-003198 Bridget Kelly86 OGNJ-LEG-003199 - OGNJ-LEG-003199 Bridget Kelly87 OGNJ-LEG-003200 - OGNJ-LEG-003200 Bridget Kelly88 OGNJ-LEG-003201 - OGNJ-LEG-003201 Bridget Kelly89 OGNJ-LEG-003202 - OGNJ-LEG-003202 Bridget Kelly90 OGNJ-LEG-003203 - OGNJ-LEG-003204 Bridget Kelly91 OGNJ-LEG-003205 - OGNJ-LEG-003215 Bridget Kelly92 OGNJ-LEG-003216 - OGNJ-LEG-003226 Bridget Kelly93 OGNJ-LEG-003227 - OGNJ-LEG-003238 Bridget Kelly94 OGNJ-LEG-003239 - OGNJ-LEG-003249 Bridget Kelly95 OGNJ-LEG-003250 - OGNJ-LEG-003260 Bridget Kelly96 OGNJ-LEG-003261 - OGNJ-LEG-003271 Bridget Kelly97 OGNJ-LEG-003272 - OGNJ-LEG-003282 Bridget Kelly98 OGNJ-LEG-003283 - OGNJ-LEG-003284 Bridget Kelly99 OGNJ-LEG-003285 - OGNJ-LEG-003309 Bridget Kelly

100 OGNJ-LEG-003310 - OGNJ-LEG-003338 Bridget Kelly101 OGNJ-LEG-003339 - OGNJ-LEG-003339 Bridget Kelly102 OGNJ-LEG-003340 - OGNJ-LEG-003341 Bridget Kelly103 OGNJ-LEG-003342 - OGNJ-LEG-003343 Bridget Kelly104 OGNJ-LEG-003344 - OGNJ-LEG-003344 Bridget Kelly105 OGNJ-LEG-003345 - OGNJ-LEG-003345 Bridget Kelly106 OGNJ-LEG-003346 - OGNJ-LEG-003347 Bridget Kelly107 OGNJ-LEG-003348 - OGNJ-LEG-003382 Bridget Kelly108 OGNJ-LEG-003383 - OGNJ-LEG-003383 Bridget Kelly109 OGNJ-LEG-003384 - OGNJ-LEG-003384 Bridget Kelly110 OGNJ-LEG-003385 - OGNJ-LEG-003385 Bridget Kelly111 OGNJ-LEG-003386 - OGNJ-LEG-003386 Bridget Kelly112 OGNJ-LEG-003387 - OGNJ-LEG-003387 Bridget Kelly113 OGNJ-LEG-003388 - OGNJ-LEG-003388 Bridget Kelly114 OGNJ-LEG-003389 - OGNJ-LEG-003389 Bridget Kelly115 OGNJ-LEG-003390 - OGNJ-LEG-003390 Bridget Kelly116 OGNJ-LEG-003391 - OGNJ-LEG-003391 Bridget Kelly117 OGNJ-LEG-003392 - OGNJ-LEG-003392 Bridget Kelly118 OGNJ-LEG-003393 - OGNJ-LEG-003393 Bridget Kelly119 OGNJ-LEG-003394 - OGNJ-LEG-003394 Bridget Kelly120 OGNJ-LEG-003395 - OGNJ-LEG-003395 Bridget Kelly

*Denotes an email or attachment to an email sent to or received by Bridget Kelly that, unlike the other listed documents, was produced from another individual's custody. Page 2 of 13

List of Documents Produced or Logged and Possessed by or Sent To or From Bridget KellySubmitted by Office of the Governor of New Jersey to the Select Committee on Investigation, May 23, 2014

Number Bates Range Document Custodian121 OGNJ-LEG-003396 - OGNJ-LEG-003396 Bridget Kelly122 OGNJ-LEG-003397 - OGNJ-LEG-003397 Bridget Kelly123 OGNJ-LEG-003398 - OGNJ-LEG-003398 Bridget Kelly124 OGNJ-LEG-003399 - OGNJ-LEG-003399 Bridget Kelly125 OGNJ-LEG-003400 - OGNJ-LEG-003400 Bridget Kelly126 OGNJ-LEG-003401 - OGNJ-LEG-003401 Bridget Kelly127 OGNJ-LEG-003402 - OGNJ-LEG-003402 Bridget Kelly128 OGNJ-LEG-003403 - OGNJ-LEG-003404 Bridget Kelly129 OGNJ-LEG-003405 - OGNJ-LEG-003405 Bridget Kelly130 OGNJ-LEG-003406 - OGNJ-LEG-003406 Bridget Kelly131 OGNJ-LEG-003407 - OGNJ-LEG-003408 Bridget Kelly132 OGNJ-LEG-003409 - OGNJ-LEG-003441 Bridget Kelly133 OGNJ-LEG-003442 - OGNJ-LEG-003480 Bridget Kelly134 OGNJ-LEG-003481 - OGNJ-LEG-003481 Bridget Kelly135 OGNJ-LEG-003482 - OGNJ-LEG-003482 Bridget Kelly136 OGNJ-LEG-003483 - OGNJ-LEG-003483 Bridget Kelly137 OGNJ-LEG-003484 - OGNJ-LEG-003509 Bridget Kelly138 OGNJ-LEG-003510 - OGNJ-LEG-003539 Bridget Kelly139 OGNJ-LEG-003540 - OGNJ-LEG-003541 Bridget Kelly140 OGNJ-LEG-003542 - OGNJ-LEG-003543 Bridget Kelly141 OGNJ-LEG-003544 - OGNJ-LEG-003544 Bridget Kelly142 OGNJ-LEG-003545 - OGNJ-LEG-003545 Bridget Kelly143 OGNJ-LEG-003546 - OGNJ-LEG-003546 Bridget Kelly144 OGNJ-LEG-003547 - OGNJ-LEG-003548 Bridget Kelly145 OGNJ-LEG-003549 - OGNJ-LEG-003549 Bridget Kelly146 OGNJ-LEG-003550 - OGNJ-LEG-003585 Bridget Kelly147 OGNJ-LEG-003586 - OGNJ-LEG-003627 Bridget Kelly148 OGNJ-LEG-003628 - OGNJ-LEG-003628 Bridget Kelly149 OGNJ-LEG-003629 - OGNJ-LEG-003629 Bridget Kelly150 OGNJ-LEG-003630 - OGNJ-LEG-003630 Bridget Kelly151 OGNJ-LEG-003631 - OGNJ-LEG-003631 Bridget Kelly152 OGNJ-LEG-003632 - OGNJ-LEG-003633 Bridget Kelly153 OGNJ-LEG-003634 - OGNJ-LEG-003660 Bridget Kelly154 OGNJ-LEG-003661 - OGNJ-LEG-003692 Bridget Kelly155 OGNJ-LEG-003693 - OGNJ-LEG-003694 Bridget Kelly156 OGNJ-LEG-003695 - OGNJ-LEG-003695 Bridget Kelly157 OGNJ-LEG-003696 - OGNJ-LEG-003697 Bridget Kelly158 OGNJ-LEG-003698 - OGNJ-LEG-003699 Bridget Kelly159 OGNJ-LEG-003700 - OGNJ-LEG-003700 Bridget Kelly160 OGNJ-LEG-003701 - OGNJ-LEG-003728 Bridget Kelly161 OGNJ-LEG-003729 - OGNJ-LEG-003760 Bridget Kelly162 OGNJ-LEG-003761 - OGNJ-LEG-003761 Bridget Kelly163 OGNJ-LEG-003762 - OGNJ-LEG-003763 Bridget Kelly164 OGNJ-LEG-003764 - OGNJ-LEG-003790 Bridget Kelly165 OGNJ-LEG-003791 - OGNJ-LEG-003822 Bridget Kelly166 OGNJ-LEG-003823 - OGNJ-LEG-003825 Bridget Kelly167 OGNJ-LEG-003826 - OGNJ-LEG-003826 Bridget Kelly168 OGNJ-LEG-003827 - OGNJ-LEG-003828 Bridget Kelly169 OGNJ-LEG-003829 - OGNJ-LEG-003829 Bridget Kelly170 OGNJ-LEG-003830 - OGNJ-LEG-003830 Bridget Kelly171 OGNJ-LEG-003831 - OGNJ-LEG-003863 Bridget Kelly172 OGNJ-LEG-003864 - OGNJ-LEG-003902 Bridget Kelly173 OGNJ-LEG-003903 - OGNJ-LEG-003905 Bridget Kelly174 OGNJ-LEG-003906 - OGNJ-LEG-003928 Bridget Kelly175 OGNJ-LEG-003929 - OGNJ-LEG-003956 Bridget Kelly176 OGNJ-LEG-003957 - OGNJ-LEG-003957 Bridget Kelly177 OGNJ-LEG-003958 - OGNJ-LEG-003980 Bridget Kelly178 OGNJ-LEG-003981 - OGNJ-LEG-004007 Bridget Kelly179 OGNJ-LEG-004008 - OGNJ-LEG-004009 Bridget Kelly180 OGNJ-LEG-004010 - OGNJ-LEG-004011 Bridget Kelly

*Denotes an email or attachment to an email sent to or received by Bridget Kelly that, unlike the other listed documents, was produced from another individual's custody. Page 3 of 13

List of Documents Produced or Logged and Possessed by or Sent To or From Bridget KellySubmitted by Office of the Governor of New Jersey to the Select Committee on Investigation, May 23, 2014

Number Bates Range Document Custodian181 OGNJ-LEG-004012 - OGNJ-LEG-004033 Bridget Kelly182 OGNJ-LEG-004034 - OGNJ-LEG-004059 Bridget Kelly183 OGNJ-LEG-004060 - OGNJ-LEG-004060 Bridget Kelly184 OGNJ-LEG-004061 - OGNJ-LEG-004095 Bridget Kelly185 OGNJ-LEG-004096 - OGNJ-LEG-004096 Bridget Kelly186 OGNJ-LEG-004097 - OGNJ-LEG-004097 Bridget Kelly187 OGNJ-LEG-004098 - OGNJ-LEG-004098 Bridget Kelly188 OGNJ-LEG-004099 - OGNJ-LEG-004099 Bridget Kelly189 OGNJ-LEG-004100 - OGNJ-LEG-004100 Bridget Kelly190 OGNJ-LEG-004101 - OGNJ-LEG-004101 Bridget Kelly191 OGNJ-LEG-004102 - OGNJ-LEG-004102 Bridget Kelly192 OGNJ-LEG-004103 - OGNJ-LEG-004103 Bridget Kelly193 OGNJ-LEG-004104 - OGNJ-LEG-004104 Bridget Kelly194 OGNJ-LEG-004105 - OGNJ-LEG-004105 Bridget Kelly195 OGNJ-LEG-004106 - OGNJ-LEG-004106 Bridget Kelly196 OGNJ-LEG-004107 - OGNJ-LEG-004107 Bridget Kelly197 OGNJ-LEG-004108 - OGNJ-LEG-004108 Bridget Kelly198 OGNJ-LEG-004109 - OGNJ-LEG-004109 Bridget Kelly199 OGNJ-LEG-004110 - OGNJ-LEG-004110 Bridget Kelly200 OGNJ-LEG-004111 - OGNJ-LEG-004111 Bridget Kelly201 OGNJ-LEG-004112 - OGNJ-LEG-004112 Bridget Kelly202 OGNJ-LEG-004113 - OGNJ-LEG-004113 Bridget Kelly203 OGNJ-LEG-004114 - OGNJ-LEG-004114 Bridget Kelly204 OGNJ-LEG-004115 - OGNJ-LEG-004115 Bridget Kelly205 OGNJ-LEG-004116 - OGNJ-LEG-004116 Bridget Kelly206 OGNJ-LEG-004117 - OGNJ-LEG-004139 Bridget Kelly207 OGNJ-LEG-004140 - OGNJ-LEG-004166 Bridget Kelly208 OGNJ-LEG-004167 - OGNJ-LEG-004181 Bridget Kelly209 OGNJ-LEG-004182 - OGNJ-LEG-004182 Bridget Kelly210 OGNJ-LEG-004183 - OGNJ-LEG-004183 Bridget Kelly211 OGNJ-LEG-004184 - OGNJ-LEG-004184 Bridget Kelly212 OGNJ-LEG-004185 - OGNJ-LEG-004185 Bridget Kelly213 OGNJ-LEG-004186 - OGNJ-LEG-004186 Bridget Kelly214 OGNJ-LEG-004187 - OGNJ-LEG-004187 Bridget Kelly215 OGNJ-LEG-004188 - OGNJ-LEG-004188 Bridget Kelly216 OGNJ-LEG-004189 - OGNJ-LEG-004189 Bridget Kelly217 OGNJ-LEG-004190 - OGNJ-LEG-004190 Bridget Kelly218 OGNJ-LEG-004191 - OGNJ-LEG-004191 Bridget Kelly219 OGNJ-LEG-004192 - OGNJ-LEG-004192 Bridget Kelly220 OGNJ-LEG-004193 - OGNJ-LEG-004228 Bridget Kelly221 OGNJ-LEG-004229 - OGNJ-LEG-004229 Bridget Kelly222 OGNJ-LEG-004230 - OGNJ-LEG-004230 Bridget Kelly223 OGNJ-LEG-004231 - OGNJ-LEG-004231 Bridget Kelly224 OGNJ-LEG-004232 - OGNJ-LEG-004232 Bridget Kelly225 OGNJ-LEG-004233 - OGNJ-LEG-004233 Bridget Kelly226 OGNJ-LEG-004234 - OGNJ-LEG-004234 Bridget Kelly227 OGNJ-LEG-004235 - OGNJ-LEG-004235 Bridget Kelly228 OGNJ-LEG-004236 - OGNJ-LEG-004236 Bridget Kelly229 OGNJ-LEG-004237 - OGNJ-LEG-004237 Bridget Kelly230 OGNJ-LEG-004238 - OGNJ-LEG-004238 Bridget Kelly231 OGNJ-LEG-004239 - OGNJ-LEG-004239 Bridget Kelly232 OGNJ-LEG-004240 - OGNJ-LEG-004240 Bridget Kelly233 OGNJ-LEG-004241 - OGNJ-LEG-004241 Bridget Kelly234 OGNJ-LEG-004242 - OGNJ-LEG-004242 Bridget Kelly235 OGNJ-LEG-004243 - OGNJ-LEG-004243 Bridget Kelly236 OGNJ-LEG-004244 - OGNJ-LEG-004244 Bridget Kelly237 OGNJ-LEG-004245 - OGNJ-LEG-004245 Bridget Kelly238 OGNJ-LEG-004246 - OGNJ-LEG-004246 Bridget Kelly239 OGNJ-LEG-004247 - OGNJ-LEG-004247 Bridget Kelly240 OGNJ-LEG-004248 - OGNJ-LEG-004248 Bridget Kelly

*Denotes an email or attachment to an email sent to or received by Bridget Kelly that, unlike the other listed documents, was produced from another individual's custody. Page 4 of 13

List of Documents Produced or Logged and Possessed by or Sent To or From Bridget KellySubmitted by Office of the Governor of New Jersey to the Select Committee on Investigation, May 23, 2014

Number Bates Range Document Custodian241 OGNJ-LEG-004249 - OGNJ-LEG-004249 Bridget Kelly242 OGNJ-LEG-004250 - OGNJ-LEG-004250 Bridget Kelly243 OGNJ-LEG-004251 - OGNJ-LEG-004251 Bridget Kelly244 OGNJ-LEG-004252 - OGNJ-LEG-004254 Bridget Kelly245 OGNJ-LEG-004255 - OGNJ-LEG-004255 Bridget Kelly246 OGNJ-LEG-004256 - OGNJ-LEG-004256 Bridget Kelly247 OGNJ-LEG-004257 - OGNJ-LEG-004290 Bridget Kelly248 OGNJ-LEG-004291 - OGNJ-LEG-004330 Bridget Kelly249 OGNJ-LEG-004331 - OGNJ-LEG-004331 Bridget Kelly250 OGNJ-LEG-004332 - OGNJ-LEG-004366 Bridget Kelly251 OGNJ-LEG-004367 - OGNJ-LEG-004367 Bridget Kelly252 OGNJ-LEG-004368 - OGNJ-LEG-004368 Bridget Kelly253 OGNJ-LEG-004369 - OGNJ-LEG-004369 Bridget Kelly254 OGNJ-LEG-004370 - OGNJ-LEG-004370 Bridget Kelly255 OGNJ-LEG-004371 - OGNJ-LEG-004371 Bridget Kelly256 OGNJ-LEG-004372 - OGNJ-LEG-004372 Bridget Kelly257 OGNJ-LEG-004373 - OGNJ-LEG-004373 Bridget Kelly258 OGNJ-LEG-004374 - OGNJ-LEG-004374 Bridget Kelly259 OGNJ-LEG-004375 - OGNJ-LEG-004375 Bridget Kelly260 OGNJ-LEG-004376 - OGNJ-LEG-004376 Bridget Kelly261 OGNJ-LEG-004377 - OGNJ-LEG-004377 Bridget Kelly262 OGNJ-LEG-004378 - OGNJ-LEG-004378 Bridget Kelly263 OGNJ-LEG-004379 - OGNJ-LEG-004379 Bridget Kelly264 OGNJ-LEG-004380 - OGNJ-LEG-004380 Bridget Kelly265 OGNJ-LEG-004381 - OGNJ-LEG-004381 Bridget Kelly266 OGNJ-LEG-004382 - OGNJ-LEG-004382 Bridget Kelly267 OGNJ-LEG-004383 - OGNJ-LEG-004383 Bridget Kelly268 OGNJ-LEG-004384 - OGNJ-LEG-004384 Bridget Kelly269 OGNJ-LEG-004385 - OGNJ-LEG-004385 Bridget Kelly270 OGNJ-LEG-004386 - OGNJ-LEG-004386 Bridget Kelly271 OGNJ-LEG-004387 - OGNJ-LEG-004387 Bridget Kelly272 OGNJ-LEG-004388 - OGNJ-LEG-004388 Bridget Kelly273 OGNJ-LEG-004389 - OGNJ-LEG-004390 Bridget Kelly274 OGNJ-LEG-004391 - OGNJ-LEG-004392 Bridget Kelly275 OGNJ-LEG-004393 - OGNJ-LEG-004422 Bridget Kelly276 OGNJ-LEG-004423 - OGNJ-LEG-004457 Bridget Kelly277 OGNJ-LEG-004458 - OGNJ-LEG-004465 Bridget Kelly278 OGNJ-LEG-004466 - OGNJ-LEG-004466 Bridget Kelly279 OGNJ-LEG-004467 - OGNJ-LEG-004467 Bridget Kelly280 OGNJ-LEG-004468 - OGNJ-LEG-004469 Bridget Kelly281 OGNJ-LEG-004470 - OGNJ-LEG-004470 Bridget Kelly282 OGNJ-LEG-004471 - OGNJ-LEG-004471 Bridget Kelly283 OGNJ-LEG-004472 - OGNJ-LEG-004506 Bridget Kelly284 OGNJ-LEG-004507 - OGNJ-LEG-004507 Bridget Kelly285 OGNJ-LEG-004508 - OGNJ-LEG-004508 Bridget Kelly286 OGNJ-LEG-004509 - OGNJ-LEG-004509 Bridget Kelly287 OGNJ-LEG-004510 - OGNJ-LEG-004510 Bridget Kelly288 OGNJ-LEG-004511 - OGNJ-LEG-004511 Bridget Kelly289 OGNJ-LEG-004512 - OGNJ-LEG-004512 Bridget Kelly290 OGNJ-LEG-004513 - OGNJ-LEG-004513 Bridget Kelly291 OGNJ-LEG-004514 - OGNJ-LEG-004514 Bridget Kelly292 OGNJ-LEG-004515 - OGNJ-LEG-004515 Bridget Kelly293 OGNJ-LEG-004516 - OGNJ-LEG-004516 Bridget Kelly294 OGNJ-LEG-004517 - OGNJ-LEG-004517 Bridget Kelly295 OGNJ-LEG-004518 - OGNJ-LEG-004518 Bridget Kelly296 OGNJ-LEG-004519 - OGNJ-LEG-004519 Bridget Kelly297 OGNJ-LEG-004520 - OGNJ-LEG-004520 Bridget Kelly298 OGNJ-LEG-004521 - OGNJ-LEG-004521 Bridget Kelly299 OGNJ-LEG-004522 - OGNJ-LEG-004522 Bridget Kelly300 OGNJ-LEG-004523 - OGNJ-LEG-004523 Bridget Kelly

*Denotes an email or attachment to an email sent to or received by Bridget Kelly that, unlike the other listed documents, was produced from another individual's custody. Page 5 of 13

List of Documents Produced or Logged and Possessed by or Sent To or From Bridget KellySubmitted by Office of the Governor of New Jersey to the Select Committee on Investigation, May 23, 2014

Number Bates Range Document Custodian301 OGNJ-LEG-004524 - OGNJ-LEG-004524 Bridget Kelly302 OGNJ-LEG-004525 - OGNJ-LEG-004525 Bridget Kelly303 OGNJ-LEG-004526 - OGNJ-LEG-004526 Bridget Kelly304 OGNJ-LEG-004527 - OGNJ-LEG-004527 Bridget Kelly305 OGNJ-LEG-004528 - OGNJ-LEG-004528 Bridget Kelly306 OGNJ-LEG-004529 - OGNJ-LEG-004529 Bridget Kelly307 OGNJ-LEG-004530 - OGNJ-LEG-004541 Bridget Kelly308 OGNJ-LEG-004542 - OGNJ-LEG-004542 Bridget Kelly309 OGNJ-LEG-004543 - OGNJ-LEG-004543 Bridget Kelly310 OGNJ-LEG-004544 - OGNJ-LEG-004544 Bridget Kelly311 OGNJ-LEG-004545 - OGNJ-LEG-004545 Bridget Kelly312 OGNJ-LEG-004546 - OGNJ-LEG-004546 Bridget Kelly313 OGNJ-LEG-004547 - OGNJ-LEG-004547 Bridget Kelly314 OGNJ-LEG-004548 - OGNJ-LEG-004548 Bridget Kelly315 OGNJ-LEG-004549 - OGNJ-LEG-004549 Bridget Kelly316 OGNJ-LEG-004550 - OGNJ-LEG-004550 Bridget Kelly317 OGNJ-LEG-004551 - OGNJ-LEG-004551 Bridget Kelly318 OGNJ-LEG-004552 - OGNJ-LEG-004565 Bridget Kelly319 OGNJ-LEG-004566 - OGNJ-LEG-004566 Bridget Kelly320 OGNJ-LEG-004567 - OGNJ-LEG-004592 Bridget Kelly321 OGNJ-LEG-004593 - OGNJ-LEG-004623 Bridget Kelly322 OGNJ-LEG-004624 - OGNJ-LEG-004651 Bridget Kelly323 OGNJ-LEG-004652 - OGNJ-LEG-004684 Bridget Kelly324 OGNJ-LEG-004685 - OGNJ-LEG-004685 Bridget Kelly325 OGNJ-LEG-004686 - OGNJ-LEG-004687 Bridget Kelly326 OGNJ-LEG-004688 - OGNJ-LEG-004722 Bridget Kelly327 OGNJ-LEG-004723 - OGNJ-LEG-004723 Bridget Kelly328 OGNJ-LEG-004724 - OGNJ-LEG-004724 Bridget Kelly329 OGNJ-LEG-004725 - OGNJ-LEG-004725 Bridget Kelly330 OGNJ-LEG-004726 - OGNJ-LEG-004726 Bridget Kelly331 OGNJ-LEG-004727 - OGNJ-LEG-004727 Bridget Kelly332 OGNJ-LEG-004728 - OGNJ-LEG-004728 Bridget Kelly333 OGNJ-LEG-004729 - OGNJ-LEG-004729 Bridget Kelly334 OGNJ-LEG-004730 - OGNJ-LEG-004730 Bridget Kelly335 OGNJ-LEG-004731 - OGNJ-LEG-004731 Bridget Kelly336 OGNJ-LEG-004732 - OGNJ-LEG-004732 Bridget Kelly337 OGNJ-LEG-004733 - OGNJ-LEG-004733 Bridget Kelly338 OGNJ-LEG-004734 - OGNJ-LEG-004734 Bridget Kelly339 OGNJ-LEG-004735 - OGNJ-LEG-004735 Bridget Kelly340 OGNJ-LEG-004736 - OGNJ-LEG-004736 Bridget Kelly341 OGNJ-LEG-004737 - OGNJ-LEG-004737 Bridget Kelly342 OGNJ-LEG-004738 - OGNJ-LEG-004738 Bridget Kelly343 OGNJ-LEG-004739 - OGNJ-LEG-004739 Bridget Kelly344 OGNJ-LEG-004740 - OGNJ-LEG-004740 Bridget Kelly345 OGNJ-LEG-004741 - OGNJ-LEG-004741 Bridget Kelly346 OGNJ-LEG-004742 - OGNJ-LEG-004742 Bridget Kelly347 OGNJ-LEG-004743 - OGNJ-LEG-004743 Bridget Kelly348 OGNJ-LEG-004744 - OGNJ-LEG-004749 Bridget Kelly349 OGNJ-LEG-004750 - OGNJ-LEG-004751 Bridget Kelly350 OGNJ-LEG-004752 - OGNJ-LEG-004790 Bridget Kelly351 OGNJ-LEG-004791 - OGNJ-LEG-004836 Bridget Kelly352 OGNJ-LEG-004837 - OGNJ-LEG-004867 Bridget Kelly353 OGNJ-LEG-004868 - OGNJ-LEG-004903 Bridget Kelly354 OGNJ-LEG-004904 - OGNJ-LEG-004904 Bridget Kelly355 OGNJ-LEG-004905 - OGNJ-LEG-004934 Bridget Kelly356 OGNJ-LEG-004935 - OGNJ-LEG-004970 Bridget Kelly357 OGNJ-LEG-004971 - OGNJ-LEG-004987 Bridget Kelly358 OGNJ-LEG-004988 - OGNJ-LEG-005007 Bridget Kelly359 OGNJ-LEG-005008 - OGNJ-LEG-005028 Bridget Kelly360 OGNJ-LEG-005029 - OGNJ-LEG-005052 Bridget Kelly

*Denotes an email or attachment to an email sent to or received by Bridget Kelly that, unlike the other listed documents, was produced from another individual's custody. Page 6 of 13

List of Documents Produced or Logged and Possessed by or Sent To or From Bridget KellySubmitted by Office of the Governor of New Jersey to the Select Committee on Investigation, May 23, 2014

Number Bates Range Document Custodian361 OGNJ-LEG-005053 - OGNJ-LEG-005053 Bridget Kelly362 OGNJ-LEG-005054 - OGNJ-LEG-005074 Bridget Kelly363 OGNJ-LEG-005075 - OGNJ-LEG-005098 Bridget Kelly364 OGNJ-LEG-005099 - OGNJ-LEG-005118 Bridget Kelly365 OGNJ-LEG-005119 - OGNJ-LEG-005141 Bridget Kelly366 OGNJ-LEG-005142 - OGNJ-LEG-005142 Bridget Kelly367 OGNJ-LEG-005143 - OGNJ-LEG-005143 Bridget Kelly368 OGNJ-LEG-005144 - OGNJ-LEG-005145 Bridget Kelly369 OGNJ-LEG-005146 - OGNJ-LEG-005176 Bridget Kelly370 OGNJ-LEG-005177 - OGNJ-LEG-005177 Bridget Kelly371 OGNJ-LEG-005178 - OGNJ-LEG-005178 Bridget Kelly372 OGNJ-LEG-005179 - OGNJ-LEG-005179 Bridget Kelly373 OGNJ-LEG-005180 - OGNJ-LEG-005180 Bridget Kelly374 OGNJ-LEG-005181 - OGNJ-LEG-005181 Bridget Kelly375 OGNJ-LEG-005182 - OGNJ-LEG-005182 Bridget Kelly376 OGNJ-LEG-005183 - OGNJ-LEG-005183 Bridget Kelly377 OGNJ-LEG-005184 - OGNJ-LEG-005184 Bridget Kelly378 OGNJ-LEG-005185 - OGNJ-LEG-005185 Bridget Kelly379 OGNJ-LEG-005186 - OGNJ-LEG-005186 Bridget Kelly380 OGNJ-LEG-005187 - OGNJ-LEG-005187 Bridget Kelly381 OGNJ-LEG-005188 - OGNJ-LEG-005188 Bridget Kelly382 OGNJ-LEG-005189 - OGNJ-LEG-005189 Bridget Kelly383 OGNJ-LEG-005190 - OGNJ-LEG-005190 Bridget Kelly384 OGNJ-LEG-005191 - OGNJ-LEG-005191 Bridget Kelly385 OGNJ-LEG-005192 - OGNJ-LEG-005192 Bridget Kelly386 OGNJ-LEG-005193 - OGNJ-LEG-005193 Bridget Kelly387 OGNJ-LEG-005194 - OGNJ-LEG-005194 Bridget Kelly388 OGNJ-LEG-005195 - OGNJ-LEG-005195 Bridget Kelly389 OGNJ-LEG-005196 - OGNJ-LEG-005196 Bridget Kelly390 OGNJ-LEG-005197 - OGNJ-LEG-005197 Bridget Kelly391 OGNJ-LEG-005198 - OGNJ-LEG-005222 Bridget Kelly392 OGNJ-LEG-005223 - OGNJ-LEG-005251 Bridget Kelly393 OGNJ-LEG-005252 - OGNJ-LEG-005253 Bridget Kelly394 OGNJ-LEG-005254 - OGNJ-LEG-005291 Bridget Kelly395 OGNJ-LEG-005292 - OGNJ-LEG-005336 Bridget Kelly396 OGNJ-LEG-005337 - OGNJ-LEG-005353 Bridget Kelly397 OGNJ-LEG-005354 - OGNJ-LEG-005373 Bridget Kelly398 OGNJ-LEG-005374 - OGNJ-LEG-005408 Bridget Kelly399 OGNJ-LEG-005409 - OGNJ-LEG-005409 Bridget Kelly400 OGNJ-LEG-005410 - OGNJ-LEG-005410 Bridget Kelly401 OGNJ-LEG-005411 - OGNJ-LEG-005411 Bridget Kelly402 OGNJ-LEG-005412 - OGNJ-LEG-005412 Bridget Kelly403 OGNJ-LEG-005413 - OGNJ-LEG-005413 Bridget Kelly404 OGNJ-LEG-005414 - OGNJ-LEG-005414 Bridget Kelly405 OGNJ-LEG-005415 - OGNJ-LEG-005415 Bridget Kelly406 OGNJ-LEG-005416 - OGNJ-LEG-005416 Bridget Kelly407 OGNJ-LEG-005417 - OGNJ-LEG-005417 Bridget Kelly408 OGNJ-LEG-005418 - OGNJ-LEG-005418 Bridget Kelly409 OGNJ-LEG-005419 - OGNJ-LEG-005419 Bridget Kelly410 OGNJ-LEG-005420 - OGNJ-LEG-005420 Bridget Kelly411 OGNJ-LEG-005421 - OGNJ-LEG-005421 Bridget Kelly412 OGNJ-LEG-005422 - OGNJ-LEG-005422 Bridget Kelly413 OGNJ-LEG-005423 - OGNJ-LEG-005423 Bridget Kelly414 OGNJ-LEG-005424 - OGNJ-LEG-005424 Bridget Kelly415 OGNJ-LEG-005425 - OGNJ-LEG-005425 Bridget Kelly416 OGNJ-LEG-005426 - OGNJ-LEG-005426 Bridget Kelly417 OGNJ-LEG-005427 - OGNJ-LEG-005427 Bridget Kelly418 OGNJ-LEG-005428 - OGNJ-LEG-005428 Bridget Kelly419 OGNJ-LEG-005429 - OGNJ-LEG-005461 Bridget Kelly420 OGNJ-LEG-005462 - OGNJ-LEG-005462 Bridget Kelly

*Denotes an email or attachment to an email sent to or received by Bridget Kelly that, unlike the other listed documents, was produced from another individual's custody. Page 7 of 13

List of Documents Produced or Logged and Possessed by or Sent To or From Bridget KellySubmitted by Office of the Governor of New Jersey to the Select Committee on Investigation, May 23, 2014

Number Bates Range Document Custodian421 OGNJ-LEG-005463 - OGNJ-LEG-005463 Bridget Kelly422 OGNJ-LEG-005464 - OGNJ-LEG-005464 Bridget Kelly423 OGNJ-LEG-005465 - OGNJ-LEG-005465 Bridget Kelly424 OGNJ-LEG-005466 - OGNJ-LEG-005466 Bridget Kelly425 OGNJ-LEG-005467 - OGNJ-LEG-005467 Bridget Kelly426 OGNJ-LEG-005468 - OGNJ-LEG-005468 Bridget Kelly427 OGNJ-LEG-005469 - OGNJ-LEG-005469 Bridget Kelly428 OGNJ-LEG-005470 - OGNJ-LEG-005470 Bridget Kelly429 OGNJ-LEG-005471 - OGNJ-LEG-005471 Bridget Kelly430 OGNJ-LEG-005472 - OGNJ-LEG-005472 Bridget Kelly431 OGNJ-LEG-005473 - OGNJ-LEG-005473 Bridget Kelly432 OGNJ-LEG-005474 - OGNJ-LEG-005474 Bridget Kelly433 OGNJ-LEG-005475 - OGNJ-LEG-005475 Bridget Kelly434 OGNJ-LEG-005476 - OGNJ-LEG-005476 Bridget Kelly435 OGNJ-LEG-005477 - OGNJ-LEG-005477 Bridget Kelly436 OGNJ-LEG-005478 - OGNJ-LEG-005478 Bridget Kelly437 OGNJ-LEG-005479 - OGNJ-LEG-005479 Bridget Kelly438 OGNJ-LEG-005480 - OGNJ-LEG-005480 Bridget Kelly439 OGNJ-LEG-005481 - OGNJ-LEG-005482 Bridget Kelly440 OGNJ-LEG-005483 - OGNJ-LEG-005483 Bridget Kelly441 OGNJ-LEG-005484 - OGNJ-LEG-005498 Bridget Kelly442 OGNJ-LEG-005499 - OGNJ-LEG-005515 Bridget Kelly443 OGNJ-LEG-005516 - OGNJ-LEG-005547 Bridget Kelly444 OGNJ-LEG-005548 - OGNJ-LEG-005585 Bridget Kelly445 OGNJ-LEG-005586 - OGNJ-LEG-005592 Bridget Kelly446 OGNJ-LEG-005593 - OGNJ-LEG-005600 Bridget Kelly447 OGNJ-LEG-005601 - OGNJ-LEG-005602 Bridget Kelly448 OGNJ-LEG-005603 - OGNJ-LEG-005603 Bridget Kelly449 OGNJ-LEG-005604 - OGNJ-LEG-005604 Bridget Kelly450 OGNJ-LEG-005605 - OGNJ-LEG-005605 Bridget Kelly451 OGNJ-LEG-005606 - OGNJ-LEG-005606 Bridget Kelly452 OGNJ-LEG-005607 - OGNJ-LEG-005607 Bridget Kelly453 OGNJ-LEG-005608 - OGNJ-LEG-005629 Bridget Kelly454 OGNJ-LEG-005630 - OGNJ-LEG-005655 Bridget Kelly455 OGNJ-LEG-005656 - OGNJ-LEG-005656 Bridget Kelly456 OGNJ-LEG-005657 - OGNJ-LEG-005657 Bridget Kelly457 OGNJ-LEG-005658 - OGNJ-LEG-005658 Bridget Kelly458 OGNJ-LEG-005659 - OGNJ-LEG-005676 Bridget Kelly459 OGNJ-LEG-005677 - OGNJ-LEG-005697 Bridget Kelly460 OGNJ-LEG-005698 - OGNJ-LEG-005721 Bridget Kelly461 OGNJ-LEG-005722 - OGNJ-LEG-005750 Bridget Kelly462 OGNJ-LEG-005751 - OGNJ-LEG-005752 Bridget Kelly463 OGNJ-LEG-005753 - OGNJ-LEG-005753 Bridget Kelly464 OGNJ-LEG-005754 - OGNJ-LEG-005779 Bridget Kelly465 OGNJ-LEG-005780 - OGNJ-LEG-005809 Bridget Kelly466 OGNJ-LEG-005810 - OGNJ-LEG-005810 Bridget Kelly467 OGNJ-LEG-005811 - OGNJ-LEG-005811 Bridget Kelly468 OGNJ-LEG-005812 - OGNJ-LEG-005812 Bridget Kelly469 OGNJ-LEG-005813 - OGNJ-LEG-005813 Bridget Kelly470 OGNJ-LEG-005814 - OGNJ-LEG-005814 Bridget Kelly471 OGNJ-LEG-005815 - OGNJ-LEG-005837 Bridget Kelly472 OGNJ-LEG-005838 - OGNJ-LEG-005864 Bridget Kelly473 OGNJ-LEG-005865 - OGNJ-LEG-005865 Bridget Kelly474 OGNJ-LEG-005866 - OGNJ-LEG-005866 Bridget Kelly475 OGNJ-LEG-005867 - OGNJ-LEG-005868 Bridget Kelly476 OGNJ-LEG-005869 - OGNJ-LEG-005869 Bridget Kelly477 OGNJ-LEG-005870 - OGNJ-LEG-005870 Bridget Kelly478 OGNJ-LEG-005871 - OGNJ-LEG-005875 Bridget Kelly479 OGNJ-LEG-005876 - OGNJ-LEG-005878 Bridget Kelly480 OGNJ-LEG-005879 - OGNJ-LEG-005881 Bridget Kelly

*Denotes an email or attachment to an email sent to or received by Bridget Kelly that, unlike the other listed documents, was produced from another individual's custody. Page 8 of 13

List of Documents Produced or Logged and Possessed by or Sent To or From Bridget KellySubmitted by Office of the Governor of New Jersey to the Select Committee on Investigation, May 23, 2014

Number Bates Range Document Custodian481 OGNJ-LEG-005882 - OGNJ-LEG-005883 Bridget Kelly482 OGNJ-LEG-005884 - OGNJ-LEG-005884 Bridget Kelly483 OGNJ-LEG-006092 - OGNJ-LEG-006122 Bridget Kelly484 OGNJ-LEG-006123 - OGNJ-LEG-006123 Bridget Kelly485 OGNJ-LEG-006124 - OGNJ-LEG-006124 Bridget Kelly486 OGNJ-LEG-006125 - OGNJ-LEG-006125 Bridget Kelly487 OGNJ-LEG-006126 - OGNJ-LEG-006126 Bridget Kelly488 OGNJ-LEG-006127 - OGNJ-LEG-006127 Bridget Kelly489 OGNJ-LEG-006128 - OGNJ-LEG-006128 Bridget Kelly490 OGNJ-LEG-006129 - OGNJ-LEG-006129 Bridget Kelly491 OGNJ-LEG-006130 - OGNJ-LEG-006130 Bridget Kelly492 OGNJ-LEG-006131 - OGNJ-LEG-006131 Bridget Kelly493 OGNJ-LEG-006132 - OGNJ-LEG-006132 Bridget Kelly494 OGNJ-LEG-006133 - OGNJ-LEG-006133 Bridget Kelly495 OGNJ-LEG-006134 - OGNJ-LEG-006134 Bridget Kelly496 OGNJ-LEG-006135 - OGNJ-LEG-006135 Bridget Kelly497 OGNJ-LEG-006136 - OGNJ-LEG-006136 Bridget Kelly498 OGNJ-LEG-006137 - OGNJ-LEG-006137 Bridget Kelly499 OGNJ-LEG-006138 - OGNJ-LEG-006138 Bridget Kelly500 OGNJ-LEG-006139 - OGNJ-LEG-006139 Bridget Kelly501 OGNJ-LEG-006140 - OGNJ-LEG-006140 Bridget Kelly502 OGNJ-LEG-006141 - OGNJ-LEG-006170 Bridget Kelly503 OGNJ-LEG-006171 - OGNJ-LEG-006205 Bridget Kelly504 OGNJ-LEG-006206 - OGNJ-LEG-006229 Bridget Kelly505 OGNJ-LEG-006230 - OGNJ-LEG-006257 Bridget Kelly506 OGNJ-LEG-006258 - OGNJ-LEG-006298 Bridget Kelly507 OGNJ-LEG-006299 - OGNJ-LEG-006339 Bridget Kelly508 OGNJ-LEG-006340 - OGNJ-LEG-006341 Bridget Kelly509 OGNJ-LEG-006342 - OGNJ-LEG-006342 Bridget Kelly510 OGNJ-LEG-006343 - OGNJ-LEG-006343 Bridget Kelly511 OGNJ-LEG-006344 - OGNJ-LEG-006345 Bridget Kelly512 OGNJ-LEG-006346 - OGNJ-LEG-006374 Bridget Kelly513 OGNJ-LEG-006375 - OGNJ-LEG-006407 Bridget Kelly514 OGNJ-LEG-006408 - OGNJ-LEG-006408 Bridget Kelly515 OGNJ-LEG-006409 - OGNJ-LEG-006410 Bridget Kelly516 OGNJ-LEG-006411 - OGNJ-LEG-006435 Bridget Kelly517 OGNJ-LEG-006436 - OGNJ-LEG-006464 Bridget Kelly518 OGNJ-LEG-006465 - OGNJ-LEG-006465 Bridget Kelly519 OGNJ-LEG-006466 - OGNJ-LEG-006466 Bridget Kelly520 OGNJ-LEG-006467 - OGNJ-LEG-006488 Bridget Kelly521 OGNJ-LEG-006489 - OGNJ-LEG-006513 Bridget Kelly522 OGNJ-LEG-006514 - OGNJ-LEG-006514 Bridget Kelly523 OGNJ-LEG-006515 - OGNJ-LEG-006515 Bridget Kelly524 OGNJ-LEG-006516 - OGNJ-LEG-006517 Bridget Kelly525 OGNJ-LEG-006518 - OGNJ-LEG-006518 Bridget Kelly526 OGNJ-LEG-006519 - OGNJ-LEG-006554 Bridget Kelly527 OGNJ-LEG-006555 - OGNJ-LEG-006596 Bridget Kelly528 OGNJ-LEG-006597 - OGNJ-LEG-006625 Bridget Kelly529 OGNJ-LEG-006626 - OGNJ-LEG-006659 Bridget Kelly530 OGNJ-LEG-006660 - OGNJ-LEG-006678 Bridget Kelly531 OGNJ-LEG-006679 - OGNJ-LEG-006700 Bridget Kelly532 OGNJ-LEG-006701 - OGNJ-LEG-006702 Bridget Kelly533 OGNJ-LEG-006703 - OGNJ-LEG-006707 Bridget Kelly534 OGNJ-LEG-006708 - OGNJ-LEG-006725 Bridget Kelly535 OGNJ-LEG-006726 - OGNJ-LEG-006746 Bridget Kelly536 OGNJ-LEG-006747 - OGNJ-LEG-006775 Bridget Kelly537 OGNJ-LEG-006776 - OGNJ-LEG-006809 Bridget Kelly538 OGNJ-LEG-006810 - OGNJ-LEG-006835 Bridget Kelly539 OGNJ-LEG-006836 - OGNJ-LEG-006865 Bridget Kelly540 OGNJ-LEG-006866 - OGNJ-LEG-006866 Bridget Kelly

*Denotes an email or attachment to an email sent to or received by Bridget Kelly that, unlike the other listed documents, was produced from another individual's custody. Page 9 of 13

List of Documents Produced or Logged and Possessed by or Sent To or From Bridget KellySubmitted by Office of the Governor of New Jersey to the Select Committee on Investigation, May 23, 2014

Number Bates Range Document Custodian541 OGNJ-LEG-006867 - OGNJ-LEG-006867 Bridget Kelly542 OGNJ-LEG-006868 - OGNJ-LEG-006868 Bridget Kelly543 OGNJ-LEG-006869 - OGNJ-LEG-006870 Bridget Kelly544 OGNJ-LEG-006871 - OGNJ-LEG-006907 Bridget Kelly545 OGNJ-LEG-006908 - OGNJ-LEG-006951 Bridget Kelly546 OGNJ-LEG-006952 - OGNJ-LEG-006952 Bridget Kelly547 OGNJ-LEG-006953 - OGNJ-LEG-006953 Bridget Kelly548 OGNJ-LEG-006954 - OGNJ-LEG-006989 Bridget Kelly549 OGNJ-LEG-006990 - OGNJ-LEG-006990 Bridget Kelly550 OGNJ-LEG-006991 - OGNJ-LEG-006991 Bridget Kelly551 OGNJ-LEG-006992 - OGNJ-LEG-006992 Bridget Kelly552 OGNJ-LEG-006993 - OGNJ-LEG-006993 Bridget Kelly553 OGNJ-LEG-006994 - OGNJ-LEG-006994 Bridget Kelly554 OGNJ-LEG-006995 - OGNJ-LEG-006995 Bridget Kelly555 OGNJ-LEG-006996 - OGNJ-LEG-006996 Bridget Kelly556 OGNJ-LEG-006997 - OGNJ-LEG-006997 Bridget Kelly557 OGNJ-LEG-006998 - OGNJ-LEG-006998 Bridget Kelly558 OGNJ-LEG-006999 - OGNJ-LEG-006999 Bridget Kelly559 OGNJ-LEG-007000 - OGNJ-LEG-007000 Bridget Kelly560 OGNJ-LEG-007001 - OGNJ-LEG-007001 Bridget Kelly561 OGNJ-LEG-007002 - OGNJ-LEG-007002 Bridget Kelly562 OGNJ-LEG-007003 - OGNJ-LEG-007003 Bridget Kelly563 OGNJ-LEG-007004 - OGNJ-LEG-007004 Bridget Kelly564 OGNJ-LEG-007005 - OGNJ-LEG-007005 Bridget Kelly565 OGNJ-LEG-007006 - OGNJ-LEG-007006 Bridget Kelly566 OGNJ-LEG-007007 - OGNJ-LEG-007007 Bridget Kelly567 OGNJ-LEG-007008 - OGNJ-LEG-007008 Bridget Kelly568 OGNJ-LEG-007009 - OGNJ-LEG-007009 Bridget Kelly569 OGNJ-LEG-007010 - OGNJ-LEG-007034 Bridget Kelly570 OGNJ-LEG-007035 - OGNJ-LEG-007063 Bridget Kelly571 OGNJ-LEG-007064 - OGNJ-LEG-007064 Bridget Kelly572 OGNJ-LEG-007065 - OGNJ-LEG-007088 Bridget Kelly573 OGNJ-LEG-007089 - OGNJ-LEG-007116 Bridget Kelly574 OGNJ-LEG-007117 - OGNJ-LEG-007117 Bridget Kelly575 OGNJ-LEG-007118 - OGNJ-LEG-007118 Bridget Kelly576 OGNJ-LEG-007119 - OGNJ-LEG-007119 Bridget Kelly577 OGNJ-LEG-007120 - OGNJ-LEG-007120 Bridget Kelly578 OGNJ-LEG-007121 - OGNJ-LEG-007122 Bridget Kelly579 OGNJ-LEG-007123 - OGNJ-LEG-007123 Bridget Kelly580 OGNJ-LEG-007124 - OGNJ-LEG-007124 Bridget Kelly581 OGNJ-LEG-007125 - OGNJ-LEG-007125 Bridget Kelly582 OGNJ-LEG-007126 - OGNJ-LEG-007126 Bridget Kelly583 OGNJ-LEG-043847 - OGNJ-LEG-043854 Bridget Kelly584 OGNJ-LEG-072377 - OGNJ-LEG-072377 Bridget Kelly585 OGNJ-LEG-072378 - OGNJ-LEG-072405 Bridget Kelly586 OGNJ-LEG-072406 - OGNJ-LEG-072407 Bridget Kelly587 OGNJ-LEG-072408 - OGNJ-LEG-072408 Bridget Kelly588 OGNJ-LEG-072409 - OGNJ-LEG-072409 Bridget Kelly589 OGNJ-LEG-072410 - OGNJ-LEG-072415 Bridget Kelly590 OGNJ-LEG-072416 - OGNJ-LEG-072416 Bridget Kelly591 OGNJ-LEG-072417 - OGNJ-LEG-072422 Bridget Kelly592 OGNJ-LEG-072423 - OGNJ-LEG-072423 Bridget Kelly593 OGNJ-LEG-072424 - OGNJ-LEG-072428 Bridget Kelly594 OGNJ-LEG-072429 - OGNJ-LEG-072429 Bridget Kelly595 OGNJ-LEG-072430 - OGNJ-LEG-072430 Bridget Kelly596 OGNJ-LEG-072431 - OGNJ-LEG-072432 Bridget Kelly597 OGNJ-LEG-072433 - OGNJ-LEG-072433 Bridget Kelly598 OGNJ-LEG-072434 - OGNJ-LEG-072445 Bridget Kelly599 OGNJ-LEG-072446 - OGNJ-LEG-072446 Bridget Kelly600 OGNJ-LEG-072447 - OGNJ-LEG-072452 Bridget Kelly

*Denotes an email or attachment to an email sent to or received by Bridget Kelly that, unlike the other listed documents, was produced from another individual's custody. Page 10 of 13

List of Documents Produced or Logged and Possessed by or Sent To or From Bridget KellySubmitted by Office of the Governor of New Jersey to the Select Committee on Investigation, May 23, 2014

Number Bates Range Document Custodian601 OGNJ-LEG-072453 - OGNJ-LEG-072453 Bridget Kelly602 OGNJ-LEG-072454 - OGNJ-LEG-072455 Bridget Kelly603 OGNJ-LEG-072456 - OGNJ-LEG-072457 Bridget Kelly604 OGNJ-LEG-072458 - OGNJ-LEG-072458 Bridget Kelly605 OGNJ-LEG-072459 - OGNJ-LEG-072459 Bridget Kelly606 OGNJ-LEG-072460 - OGNJ-LEG-072460 Bridget Kelly607 OGNJ-LEG-072461 - OGNJ-LEG-072470 Bridget Kelly608 OGNJ-LEG-072471 - OGNJ-LEG-072480 Bridget Kelly609 OGNJ-LEG-072481 - OGNJ-LEG-072486 Bridget Kelly610 OGNJ-LEG-072487 - OGNJ-LEG-072489 Bridget Kelly611 OGNJ-LEG-072490 - OGNJ-LEG-072490 Bridget Kelly612 OGNJ-LEG-072491 - OGNJ-LEG-072491 Bridget Kelly613 OGNJ-LEG-072492 - OGNJ-LEG-072492 Bridget Kelly614 OGNJ-LEG-072493 - OGNJ-LEG-072493 Bridget Kelly615 OGNJ-LEG-072494 - OGNJ-LEG-072494 Bridget Kelly616 OGNJ-LEG-072495 - OGNJ-LEG-072499 Bridget Kelly617 OGNJ-LEG-072500 - OGNJ-LEG-072500 Bridget Kelly618 OGNJ-LEG-072501 - OGNJ-LEG-072510 Bridget Kelly619 OGNJ-LEG-007192 - OGNJ-LEG-007194* Christina Renna620 OGNJ-LEG-043787 - OGNJ-LEG-043787* Christina Renna621 OGNJ-LEG-043833 - OGNJ-LEG-043834* Christina Renna622 OGNJ-LEG-043835 - OGNJ-LEG-043835* Christina Renna623 OGNJ-LEG-043836 - OGNJ-LEG-043839* Christina Renna624 OGNJ-LEG-043840 - OGNJ-LEG-043840* Christina Renna625 OGNJ-LEG-043842 - OGNJ-LEG-043844* Christina Renna626 OGNJ-LEG-073984 - OGNJ-LEG-073984* Christina Renna627 OGNJ-LEG-073985 - OGNJ-LEG-073985* Christina Renna628 OGNJ-LEG-073986 - OGNJ-LEG-073987* Christina Renna629 OGNJ-LEG-073988 - OGNJ-LEG-074015* Christina Renna630 OGNJ-LEG-074016 - OGNJ-LEG-074016* Christina Renna631 OGNJ-LEG-074017 - OGNJ-LEG-074017* Christina Renna632 OGNJ-LEG-074018 - OGNJ-LEG-074018* Christina Renna633 OGNJ-LEG-074019 - OGNJ-LEG-074019* Christina Renna634 OGNJ-LEG-074020 - OGNJ-LEG-074020* Christina Renna635 OGNJ-LEG-074021 - OGNJ-LEG-074053* Christina Renna636 OGNJ-LEG-074054 - OGNJ-LEG-074054* Christina Renna637 OGNJ-LEG-074055 - OGNJ-LEG-074057* Christina Renna638 OGNJ-LEG-074058 - OGNJ-LEG-074058* Christina Renna639 OGNJ-LEG-074059 - OGNJ-LEG-074085* Christina Renna640 OGNJ-LEG-074267 - OGNJ-LEG-074267* Christina Renna641 OGNJ-LEG-074268 - OGNJ-LEG-074268* Christina Renna642 OGNJ-LEG-074269 - OGNJ-LEG-074272* Christina Renna643 OGNJ-LEG-074273 - OGNJ-LEG-074371* Christina Renna644 OGNJ-LEG-074372 - OGNJ-LEG-074380* Christina Renna645 OGNJ-LEG-074381 - OGNJ-LEG-074386* Christina Renna646 OGNJ-LEG-074387 - OGNJ-LEG-074485* Christina Renna647 OGNJ-LEG-074490 - OGNJ-LEG-074496* Christina Renna648 OGNJ-LEG-074497 - OGNJ-LEG-074499* Christina Renna649 OGNJ-LEG-074500 - OGNJ-LEG-074539* Christina Renna650 OGNJ-LEG-074540 - OGNJ-LEG-074542* Christina Renna651 OGNJ-LEG-074543 - OGNJ-LEG-074641* Christina Renna652 OGNJ-LEG-074744 - OGNJ-LEG-074753* Christina Renna653 OGNJ-LEG-074755 - OGNJ-LEG-074764* Christina Renna654 OGNJ-LEG-074765 - OGNJ-LEG-074765* Christina Renna655 OGNJ-LEG-000001 - OGNJ-LEG-000002* Deborah Gramiccioni656 OGNJ-LEG-000003 - OGNJ-LEG-000003* Deborah Gramiccioni657 OGNJ-LEG-000004 - OGNJ-LEG-000005* Deborah Gramiccioni658 OGNJ-LEG-000006 - OGNJ-LEG-000006* Deborah Gramiccioni659 OGNJ-LEG-000007 - OGNJ-LEG-000008* Deborah Gramiccioni660 OGNJ-LEG-000009 - OGNJ-LEG-000009* Deborah Gramiccioni

*Denotes an email or attachment to an email sent to or received by Bridget Kelly that, unlike the other listed documents, was produced from another individual's custody. Page 11 of 13

List of Documents Produced or Logged and Possessed by or Sent To or From Bridget KellySubmitted by Office of the Governor of New Jersey to the Select Committee on Investigation, May 23, 2014

Number Bates Range Document Custodian661 OGNJ-LEG-000010 - OGNJ-LEG-000010* Deborah Gramiccioni662 OGNJ-LEG-000011 - OGNJ-LEG-000036* Deborah Gramiccioni663 OGNJ-LEG-000037 - OGNJ-LEG-000066* Deborah Gramiccioni664 OGNJ-LEG-000067 - OGNJ-LEG-000067* Deborah Gramiccioni665 OGNJ-LEG-000068 - OGNJ-LEG-000090* Deborah Gramiccioni666 OGNJ-LEG-000091 - OGNJ-LEG-000117* Deborah Gramiccioni667 OGNJ-LEG-012635 - OGNJ-LEG-012660* Deborah Gramiccioni668 OGNJ-LEG-012661 - OGNJ-LEG-012690* Deborah Gramiccioni669 OGNJ-LEG-012691 - OGNJ-LEG-012707* Deborah Gramiccioni670 OGNJ-LEG-012708 - OGNJ-LEG-012727* Deborah Gramiccioni671 OGNJ-LEG-012728 - OGNJ-LEG-012756* Deborah Gramiccioni672 OGNJ-LEG-012757 - OGNJ-LEG-012790* Deborah Gramiccioni673 OGNJ-LEG-013090 - OGNJ-LEG-013090* Deborah Gramiccioni674 OGNJ-LEG-013091 - OGNJ-LEG-013094* Deborah Gramiccioni675 OGNJ-LEG-072271 - OGNJ-LEG-072272* Deborah Gramiccioni676 OGNJ-LEG-072273 - OGNJ-LEG-072273* Deborah Gramiccioni677 OGNJ-LEG-072274 - OGNJ-LEG-072274* Deborah Gramiccioni678 OGNJ-LEG-072179 - OGNJ-LEG-072187* ES01679 OGNJ-LEG-020257 - OGNJ-LEG-020257* Michael Drewniak680 OGNJ-LEG-024291 - OGNJ-LEG-024291* Michael Drewniak681 OGNJ-LEG-024292 - OGNJ-LEG-024292* Michael Drewniak682 OGNJ-LEG-009646 - OGNJ-LEG-009646* Nicole Crifo683 OGNJ-LEG-009647 - OGNJ-LEG-009648* Nicole Crifo684 OGNJ-LEG-048762 - OGNJ-LEG-048763* OGNJ685 OGNJ-LEG-048912 - OGNJ-LEG-048912* OGNJ686 OGNJ-LEG-048926 - OGNJ-LEG-048933* OGNJ687 OGNJ-LEG-048944 - OGNJ-LEG-048944* OGNJ688 OGNJ-LEG-048971 - OGNJ-LEG-048971* OGNJ689 OGNJ-LEG-048979 - OGNJ-LEG-048979* OGNJ690 OGNJ-LEG-048986 - OGNJ-LEG-048986* OGNJ691 OGNJ-LEG-048988 - OGNJ-LEG-048988* OGNJ692 OGNJ-LEG-048999 - OGNJ-LEG-048999* OGNJ693 OGNJ-LEG-049033 - OGNJ-LEG-049033* OGNJ694 OGNJ-LEG-049141 - OGNJ-LEG-049141* OGNJ695 OGNJ-LEG-050245 - OGNJ-LEG-050246* OGNJ696 OGNJ-LEG-050256 - OGNJ-LEG-050256* OGNJ697 OGNJ-LEG-050258 - OGNJ-LEG-050259* OGNJ698 OGNJ-LEG-050261 - OGNJ-LEG-050261* OGNJ699 OGNJ-LEG-050292 - OGNJ-LEG-050293* OGNJ700 OGNJ-LEG-050315 - OGNJ-LEG-050315* OGNJ701 OGNJ-LEG-050379 - OGNJ-LEG-050380* OGNJ702 OGNJ-LEG-050424 - OGNJ-LEG-050424* OGNJ703 OGNJ-LEG-050425 - OGNJ-LEG-050425* OGNJ704 OGNJ-LEG-050434 - OGNJ-LEG-050434* OGNJ705 OGNJ-LEG-050479 - OGNJ-LEG-050479* OGNJ706 OGNJ-LEG-050483 - OGNJ-LEG-050483* OGNJ707 OGNJ-LEG-050498 - OGNJ-LEG-050498* OGNJ708 OGNJ-LEG-050499 - OGNJ-LEG-050500* OGNJ709 OGNJ-LEG-050517 - OGNJ-LEG-050517* OGNJ710 OGNJ-LEG-050521 - OGNJ-LEG-050521* OGNJ711 OGNJ-LEG-050529 - OGNJ-LEG-050529* OGNJ712 OGNJ-LEG-050531 - OGNJ-LEG-050531* OGNJ713 OGNJ-LEG-050533 - OGNJ-LEG-050533* OGNJ714 OGNJ-LEG-050600 - OGNJ-LEG-050600* OGNJ715 OGNJ-LEG-050638 - OGNJ-LEG-050638* OGNJ716 OGNJ-LEG-050678 - OGNJ-LEG-050678* OGNJ717 OGNJ-LEG-050701 - OGNJ-LEG-050701* OGNJ718 OGNJ-LEG-050703 - OGNJ-LEG-050703* OGNJ719 OGNJ-LEG-050705 - OGNJ-LEG-050705* OGNJ720 OGNJ-LEG-051693 - OGNJ-LEG-051694* OGNJ

*Denotes an email or attachment to an email sent to or received by Bridget Kelly that, unlike the other listed documents, was produced from another individual's custody. Page 12 of 13

List of Documents Produced or Logged and Possessed by or Sent To or From Bridget KellySubmitted by Office of the Governor of New Jersey to the Select Committee on Investigation, May 23, 2014

Number Bates Range Document Custodian721 OGNJ-LEG-051746 - OGNJ-LEG-051746* OGNJ722 OGNJ-LEG-051747 - OGNJ-LEG-051748* OGNJ723 OGNJ-LEG-051749 - OGNJ-LEG-051749* OGNJ724 OGNJ-LEG-051767 - OGNJ-LEG-051767* OGNJ725 OGNJ-LEG-051938 - OGNJ-LEG-051939* OGNJ726 OGNJ-LEG-052068 - OGNJ-LEG-052070* OGNJ727 OGNJ-LEG-052121 - OGNJ-LEG-052121* OGNJ728 OGNJ-LEG-052125 - OGNJ-LEG-052125* OGNJ729 OGNJ-LEG-052127 - OGNJ-LEG-052127* OGNJ730 OGNJ-LEG-052168 - OGNJ-LEG-052169* OGNJ731 OGNJ-LEG-052176 - OGNJ-LEG-052177* OGNJ732 OGNJ-LEG-052179 - OGNJ-LEG-052179* OGNJ

*Denotes an email or attachment to an email sent to or received by Bridget Kelly that, unlike the other listed documents, was produced from another individual's custody. Page 13 of 13

List of Documents Produced or Logged and Possessed by or Sent To or From Governor ChristieSubmitted by Office of the Governor of New Jersey to the Select Committee on Investigation, May 23, 2014

Number Bates Range Document Custodian1 OGNJ-LEG-053129 - OGNJ-LEG-053130 Governor Christie2 OGNJ-LEG-053131 - OGNJ-LEG-053132 Governor Christie3 OGNJ-LEG-053133 - OGNJ-LEG-053134 Governor Christie4 OGNJ-LEG-053135 - OGNJ-LEG-053136 Governor Christie5 OGNJ-LEG-053137 - OGNJ-LEG-053138 Governor Christie6 OGNJ-LEG-053139 - OGNJ-LEG-053143 Governor Christie7 OGNJ-LEG-053144 - OGNJ-LEG-053149 Governor Christie8 OGNJ-LEG-053150 - OGNJ-LEG-053151 Governor Christie9 OGNJ-LEG-053152 - OGNJ-LEG-053153 Governor Christie

10 OGNJ-LEG-053154 - OGNJ-LEG-053155 Governor Christie11 OGNJ-LEG-053156 - OGNJ-LEG-053158 Governor Christie12 OGNJ-LEG-053159 - OGNJ-LEG-053161 Governor Christie13 OGNJ-LEG-053162 - OGNJ-LEG-053163 Governor Christie14 OGNJ-LEG-053164 - OGNJ-LEG-053165 Governor Christie15 OGNJ-LEG-053166 - OGNJ-LEG-053167 Governor Christie16 OGNJ-LEG-053168 - OGNJ-LEG-053172 Governor Christie17 OGNJ-LEG-053173 - OGNJ-LEG-053174 Governor Christie18 OGNJ-LEG-053175 - OGNJ-LEG-053176 Governor Christie19 OGNJ-LEG-053177 - OGNJ-LEG-053178 Governor Christie20 OGNJ-LEG-053179 - OGNJ-LEG-053180 Governor Christie21 OGNJ-LEG-053181 - OGNJ-LEG-053182 Governor Christie22 OGNJ-LEG-053183 - OGNJ-LEG-053184 Governor Christie23 OGNJ-LEG-053185 - OGNJ-LEG-053185 Governor Christie24 OGNJ-LEG-053186 - OGNJ-LEG-053187 Governor Christie25 OGNJ-LEG-053188 - OGNJ-LEG-053189 Governor Christie26 OGNJ-LEG-053190 - OGNJ-LEG-053191 Governor Christie27 OGNJ-LEG-053192 - OGNJ-LEG-053193 Governor Christie28 OGNJ-LEG-053194 - OGNJ-LEG-053195 Governor Christie29 OGNJ-LEG-053196 - OGNJ-LEG-053197 Governor Christie30 OGNJ-LEG-053198 - OGNJ-LEG-053203 Governor Christie31 OGNJ-LEG-053204 - OGNJ-LEG-053205 Governor Christie32 OGNJ-LEG-053206 - OGNJ-LEG-053208 Governor Christie33 OGNJ-LEG-053209 - OGNJ-LEG-053215 Governor Christie34 OGNJ-LEG-053216 - OGNJ-LEG-053217 Governor Christie35 OGNJ-LEG-053218 - OGNJ-LEG-053219 Governor Christie36 OGNJ-LEG-053220 - OGNJ-LEG-053221 Governor Christie37 OGNJ-LEG-053222 - OGNJ-LEG-053223 Governor Christie38 OGNJ-LEG-053224 - OGNJ-LEG-053224 Governor Christie39 OGNJ-LEG-053225 - OGNJ-LEG-053225 Governor Christie40 OGNJ-LEG-053226 - OGNJ-LEG-053228 Governor Christie41 OGNJ-LEG-053229 - OGNJ-LEG-053230 Governor Christie42 OGNJ-LEG-053231 - OGNJ-LEG-053233 Governor Christie43 OGNJ-LEG-053234 - OGNJ-LEG-053240 Governor Christie44 OGNJ-LEG-053241 - OGNJ-LEG-053246 Governor Christie45 OGNJ-LEG-053247 - OGNJ-LEG-053248 Governor Christie46 OGNJ-LEG-053249 - OGNJ-LEG-053253 Governor Christie47 OGNJ-LEG-053254 - OGNJ-LEG-053255 Governor Christie48 OGNJ-LEG-053256 - OGNJ-LEG-053257 Governor Christie49 OGNJ-LEG-053258 - OGNJ-LEG-053263 Governor Christie50 OGNJ-LEG-053264 - OGNJ-LEG-053266 Governor Christie51 OGNJ-LEG-053267 - OGNJ-LEG-053267 Governor Christie52 OGNJ-LEG-053268 - OGNJ-LEG-053268 Governor Christie53 OGNJ-LEG-053269 - OGNJ-LEG-053272 Governor Christie54 OGNJ-LEG-053273 - OGNJ-LEG-053273 Governor Christie55 OGNJ-LEG-053274 - OGNJ-LEG-053274 Governor Christie56 OGNJ-LEG-053275 - OGNJ-LEG-053275 Governor Christie57 OGNJ-LEG-053276 - OGNJ-LEG-053281 Governor Christie58 OGNJ-LEG-053282 - OGNJ-LEG-053283 Governor Christie59 OGNJ-LEG-053284 - OGNJ-LEG-053292 Governor Christie60 OGNJ-LEG-053293 - OGNJ-LEG-053294 Governor Christie

*Denotes an email or attachment to an email sent to or received by Governor Christie that, unlike the other listed documents, was produced from another individual's custody. Page 1 of 3

List of Documents Produced or Logged and Possessed by or Sent To or From Governor ChristieSubmitted by Office of the Governor of New Jersey to the Select Committee on Investigation, May 23, 2014

Number Bates Range Document Custodian61 OGNJ-LEG-053295 - OGNJ-LEG-053295 Governor Christie62 OGNJ-LEG-053296 - OGNJ-LEG-053304 Governor Christie63 OGNJ-LEG-053305 - OGNJ-LEG-053306 Governor Christie64 OGNJ-LEG-053307 - OGNJ-LEG-053308 Governor Christie65 OGNJ-LEG-053309 - OGNJ-LEG-053315 Governor Christie66 OGNJ-LEG-072406 - OGNJ-LEG-072407* Bridget Kelly67 OGNJ-LEG-072408 - OGNJ-LEG-072408* Bridget Kelly68 OGNJ-LEG-072409 - OGNJ-LEG-072409* Bridget Kelly69 OGNJ-LEG-072410 - OGNJ-LEG-072415* Bridget Kelly70 OGNJ-LEG-072523 - OGNJ-LEG-072525* Charles McKenna71 OGNJ-LEG-072526 - OGNJ-LEG-072526* Charles McKenna72 OGNJ-LEG-072527 - OGNJ-LEG-072527* Charles McKenna73 OGNJ-LEG-072528 - OGNJ-LEG-072528* Charles McKenna74 OGNJ-LEG-072529 - OGNJ-LEG-072529* Charles McKenna75 OGNJ-LEG-072530 - OGNJ-LEG-072530* Charles McKenna76 OGNJ-LEG-072531 - OGNJ-LEG-072535* Charles McKenna77 OGNJ-LEG-072536 - OGNJ-LEG-072538* Charles McKenna78 OGNJ-LEG-072539 - OGNJ-LEG-072539* Charles McKenna79 OGNJ-LEG-072540 - OGNJ-LEG-072540* Charles McKenna80 OGNJ-LEG-072541 - OGNJ-LEG-072549* Charles McKenna81 OGNJ-LEG-072550 - OGNJ-LEG-072550* Charles McKenna82 OGNJ-LEG-072551 - OGNJ-LEG-072551* Charles McKenna83 OGNJ-LEG-072552 - OGNJ-LEG-072552* Charles McKenna84 OGNJ-LEG-072553 - OGNJ-LEG-072553* Charles McKenna85 OGNJ-LEG-076209 - OGNJ-LEG-076209* Charles McKenna86 OGNJ-LEG-072555 - OGNJ-LEG-072555* Charles McKenna87 OGNJ-LEG-072556 - OGNJ-LEG-072556* Charles McKenna88 OGNJ-LEG-072557 - OGNJ-LEG-072557* Charles McKenna89 OGNJ-LEG-072558 - OGNJ-LEG-072559* Charles McKenna90 OGNJ-LEG-072560 - OGNJ-LEG-072560* Charles McKenna91 OGNJ-LEG-072561 - OGNJ-LEG-072561* Charles McKenna92 OGNJ-LEG-072562 - OGNJ-LEG-072562* Charles McKenna93 OGNJ-LEG-072563 - OGNJ-LEG-072563* Charles McKenna94 OGNJ-LEG-072564 - OGNJ-LEG-072564* Charles McKenna95 OGNJ-LEG-072565 - OGNJ-LEG-072569* Charles McKenna96 OGNJ-LEG-072571 - OGNJ-LEG-072575* Charles McKenna97 OGNJ-LEG-072576 - OGNJ-LEG-072576* Charles McKenna98 OGNJ-LEG-072577 - OGNJ-LEG-072577* Charles McKenna99 OGNJ-LEG-072578 - OGNJ-LEG-072578* Charles McKenna

100 OGNJ-LEG-072579 - OGNJ-LEG-072579* Charles McKenna101 OGNJ-LEG-072580 - OGNJ-LEG-072590* Charles McKenna102 OGNJ-LEG-072591 - OGNJ-LEG-072591* Charles McKenna103 OGNJ-LEG-072592 - OGNJ-LEG-072592* Charles McKenna104 OGNJ-LEG-072593 - OGNJ-LEG-072593* Charles McKenna105 OGNJ-LEG-072594 - OGNJ-LEG-072594* Charles McKenna106 OGNJ-LEG-072595 - OGNJ-LEG-072595* Charles McKenna107 OGNJ-LEG-072596 - OGNJ-LEG-072596* Charles McKenna108 OGNJ-LEG-072648 - OGNJ-LEG-072650* Charles McKenna109 OGNJ-LEG-072651 - OGNJ-LEG-072651* Charles McKenna110 OGNJ-LEG-072652 - OGNJ-LEG-072652* Charles McKenna111 OGNJ-LEG-072653 - OGNJ-LEG-072654* Charles McKenna112 OGNJ-LEG-072655 - OGNJ-LEG-072655* Charles McKenna113 OGNJ-LEG-072656 - OGNJ-LEG-072656* Charles McKenna114 OGNJ-LEG-072657 - OGNJ-LEG-072661* Charles McKenna115 OGNJ-LEG-072662 - OGNJ-LEG-072664* Charles McKenna116 OGNJ-LEG-072665 - OGNJ-LEG-072665* Charles McKenna117 OGNJ-LEG-072666 - OGNJ-LEG-072666* Charles McKenna118 OGNJ-LEG-072667 - OGNJ-LEG-072668* Charles McKenna119 OGNJ-LEG-072669 - OGNJ-LEG-072669* Charles McKenna120 OGNJ-LEG-072670 - OGNJ-LEG-072670* Charles McKenna

*Denotes an email or attachment to an email sent to or received by Governor Christie that, unlike the other listed documents, was produced from another individual's custody. Page 2 of 3

List of Documents Produced or Logged and Possessed by or Sent To or From Governor ChristieSubmitted by Office of the Governor of New Jersey to the Select Committee on Investigation, May 23, 2014

Number Bates Range Document Custodian121 OGNJ-LEG-072671 - OGNJ-LEG-072675* Charles McKenna122 OGNJ-LEG-072676 - OGNJ-LEG-072680* Charles McKenna123 OGNJ-LEG-072681 - OGNJ-LEG-072681* Charles McKenna124 OGNJ-LEG-072682 - OGNJ-LEG-072682* Charles McKenna125 OGNJ-LEG-072683 - OGNJ-LEG-072683* Charles McKenna126 OGNJ-LEG-072684 - OGNJ-LEG-072684* Charles McKenna127 OGNJ-LEG-072685 - OGNJ-LEG-072695* Charles McKenna128 OGNJ-LEG-072696 - OGNJ-LEG-072696* Charles McKenna129 OGNJ-LEG-072697 - OGNJ-LEG-072697* Charles McKenna130 OGNJ-LEG-072698 - OGNJ-LEG-072698* Charles McKenna131 OGNJ-LEG-072699 - OGNJ-LEG-072699* Charles McKenna132 OGNJ-LEG-072700 - OGNJ-LEG-072700* Charles McKenna133 OGNJ-LEG-072701 - OGNJ-LEG-072701* Charles McKenna134 OGNJ-LEG-073503 - OGNJ-LEG-073504* Colin Reed135 OGNJ-LEG-073505 - OGNJ-LEG-073506* Colin Reed136 OGNJ-LEG-073507 - OGNJ-LEG-073507* Colin Reed137 OGNJ-LEG-073508 - OGNJ-LEG-073513* Colin Reed138 OGNJ-LEG-073743 - OGNJ-LEG-073744* Colin Reed139 OGNJ-LEG-073745 - OGNJ-LEG-073749* Colin Reed140 OGNJ-LEG-073966 - OGNJ-LEG-073966* Colin Reed141 OGNJ-LEG-073968 - OGNJ-LEG-073972* Colin Reed142 OGNJ-LEG-073973 - OGNJ-LEG-073973* Colin Reed143 OGNJ-LEG-073974 - OGNJ-LEG-073974* Colin Reed144 OGNJ-LEG-073975 - OGNJ-LEG-073975* Colin Reed145 OGNJ-LEG-073976 - OGNJ-LEG-073976* Colin Reed146 OGNJ-LEG-073977 - OGNJ-LEG-073977* Colin Reed147 OGNJ-LEG-073978 - OGNJ-LEG-073978* Colin Reed148 OGNJ-LEG-073979 - OGNJ-LEG-073980* Colin Reed149 OGNJ-LEG-014000 - OGNJ-LEG-014001* Maria Comella150 OGNJ-LEG-071398 - OGNJ-LEG-071398* Maria Comella151 OGNJ-LEG-071403 - OGNJ-LEG-071403* Maria Comella152 OGNJ-LEG-071406 - OGNJ-LEG-071407* Maria Comella153 OGNJ-LEG-071410 - OGNJ-LEG-071410* Maria Comella154 OGNJ-LEG-071411 - OGNJ-LEG-071411* Maria Comella155 OGNJ-LEG-071545 - OGNJ-LEG-071546* Michael Drewniak156 OGNJ-LEG-072349 - OGNJ-LEG-072350* Rosemary Iannacone157 OGNJ-LEG-072351 - OGNJ-LEG-072352* Rosemary Iannacone158 OGNJ-LEG-072353 - OGNJ-LEG-072355* Rosemary Iannacone

*Denotes an email or attachment to an email sent to or received by Governor Christie that, unlike the other listed documents, was produced from another individual's custody. Page 3 of 3