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Getting Started With Voice-overs: 7 Steps to

Becoming a Successful Voice-over Artist

The last time when you were at a train station, do you remember the voice-overs that

informed you about the delay in arrival of trains? Or perhaps at an airport, where a voice-

over informed you about the gate that you should use to get into your flight? While

coming home, did you hear the voices advertising a new burger joint? After reaching

home, do you listen to the advertisements on radio? Voice-overs have becomes such a

common part of our lives. But have you ever thought about the people behind those

voices? Ever thought of being a voice-over professional yourself?

Being a voice-over professional is an excellent career option that is not only exciting but

also well paid. If you have a good voice and want to be a professional voice-over artist,

the below mentioned 7-step guide is sure to help you out.

1. Setting the Stage

For doing Professional Voice Over, you’ll first be required to create a demo of your voice.

You can get it done in a studio, but hiring a studio is expensive. A cheaper alternative is to

buy good recording equipment and record your voice in a quiet, echo-free room. It will

be better if the room is carpeted.

2. The Right Components

For recording your voice, you will need a microphone. As a beginner, an affordable USB-

microphone will do the job for you. You will also need headphones, but don’t invest a lot

of money on them. You will need a computer for recording and software for editing.

There are many free editing software available on the internet.

3. Getting Some PR Juice

If it suits your budget, try to hire a company that will promote your talent. If such a

company is too expensive for you to hire, try looking for current voice-over actors and

people who are involved in this field. Then look for the companies that represent these

voice-over professionals.

Page 2: Getting Started With Voice-overs: 7 Steps to Becoming a Successful Voice-over Artist

4. The Night before the Audition

Make sure that you take a proper sleep the night before the audition and stay away from

alcohol. Also, ensure that you do not consume cold water and avoid greasy foods as well

to keep your voice nice and crisp.

5. The Audition

Create multiple demos for showcasing your talent. You can record voice-overs related to

commercials, cartoons, announcer reads, etc. to allow the listener understand your

capabilities. You can try to record TV and radio commercials or can also download the

scripts of voice-acting agencies from the internet.

6. Spreading the Voice

Distribute your demos to multiple agencies, TV stations, studios, etc. There are websites

which can provide you with a good amount of exposure. Getting your own domain and

website is also a great idea.

7. Rinse and Repeat

Getting your first break as a voice-over professional generally takes some time. While

things are getting highly competitive, your talent will surely get recognisedwith constant


Remember these steps if you want to be a successful voice-over artist and be the voice

that can attract and engage the masses.

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