Download - GETTING STARTED USING LINUX UBUNTU FOR A MULTI-USER SYSTEM Team 4 Lab Coordinator Manager Presentation Prep Webmaster Document Prep Faculty Facilitator.



Team 4

Lab CoordinatorManager

Presentation PrepWebmaster

Document PrepFaculty Facilitator

Billy MattinglyDavid WilsonBret CharboneauTim HaynieAndy BruinsmaRama Mukkamala


Installing Ubuntu Installing Updates Downloading MDM Using the Terminal Configuring MDM

Installing Ubuntu

Versions 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron) 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx)

Scheduled release April 29, 2010 Either 32 or 64 bit We are using 8.04 LTS 32 bit

Installing Ubuntu

Can be installed in Windows Can be installed from a flash drive or CD Only 1 monitor can be connected during


Installing Ubuntu

Installing Ubuntu

Installing Ubuntu

Installing Ubuntu

Installing Ubuntu

Installing Ubuntu

Installing Ubuntu

Adding Users

Adding Users

Adding Users

Installing Updates

Update Ubuntu using Update Manager

Installing Updates

Synaptic is used for installing packages

Installing Updates

Installing Updates

Install Nvidia-Settings and Open ssh Server



The Terminal

Common Terminal Commands cd: change directory . (period): refers to the current directory .. (double period): refers to the parent directory ls: list directory contents man: see the manual for a command (‘q’ to exit) mv and cp: move or copy a file rm: remove (delete) a file mkdir and rmdir: make and remove a directory chown and chmod: change file owner and

permissions (requires ownership or root access) sudo: run a command as the root user

Common Terminal Commands | (“pipe”): Send the output of one command as

the input to another command > : Send the output of a command to a file & : Run a command in the background grep: searches for patterns within text ps: show all running processes kill: end execution of a running process ssh: connect and execute commands on a

remote computer less: show the contents of a text file, one page

at a time gedit, nano, vim: text editors (gedit has a GUI)

Changing Permissions

ls –l shows files, permissions, and owners rwxr-xr-- haynieti somefile.txt

Think in terms of bits First 3 bits represent file owner (111=7) Second 3 bits represent group (101=5) Final 3 bits represent everyone else (100=4)

To achieve these permissions, you would type: chmod 754 somefile.txt

Installing MDM

First we need to allow permissions for the configuration files

> sudo bash

> chmod 777 /etc/X11> chmod 777 /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Installing MDM

Use the terminal to install repositories Repositories contain MDM installation files Use the command “apt-get”

Installing MDM

> gettext xserver-xephyr rccconf> git-clone

> cd mdm/mdm> make> make install> cd ..

Installing MDM

> cd extra-modes/xephyr-gdm> make> make DESTDIR=/install> cd ../ ../> cd dependencies> apt-get build-dep libx11-6

Installing MDM

When using an Nvidia graphics card, the following patches are needed: discover-devices mdm-bin mdm-start-seat

Installing MDM

The xorg.conf file is for the display settings in GDM

Copy the xorg.conf file into the MDM folder and rename it xorg.conf.mdm We now have a display configuration file for


Installing MDM

In order to change MDM files we need to change permissions Chmod 777 /../../file name


xorg.conf.mdm is MDM’s main configuration file

Allows computer to recognize ‘seats’



Other MDM files


Starting MDM

From the terminal: /etc/init.d/gdm start /etc/init.d/mdm start

At this point, MDM is started and each screen prompts the user to register a keyboard/mouse

Log Files

The overall MDM log file:

Log Files

Each seat also has it’s own log file

