Download - Getting HIRED with LWF (NGO) as a volunteer was "impossible"

  • 7/27/2019 Getting HIRED with LWF (NGO) as a volunteer was "impossible"



    Comment 8th June 2010: All I wanted was really to be ALLOWED to do HUMANITARIAN WORK as easy and

    quickly as possible to HELP people in distress and of course without meeting BUREAUCRAZY and without

    going through a process like if I was going to become a full-time HIRED employee (!) this is what I met at

    Lutheran World Federation, this is how the world works today not my cup of tea! In the world today it has

    become an INDUSTRY like all other industries to HELP people in distress, what happened to help from man

    to man? What happened to REAL humanity? With this, NGOs and all of this industry and bureaucracy

    would not be needed at all! I leave it up to you to evaluate, my reader please think carefully.

    RE: "Learning experience" from the induction visit 14-15 April ...

    Fra: Philip Wijmans [[email protected]]Modtaget: 21. april

    2009 kl. 14:12:58


    "Stig Dragholm" ,




    Dear Stig,

    Thank you, looking forward to see you here. I am sure we will talk.

    There are no easy ways out, no short cuts, nobody really wrong, and nobody really right. We are all working

    hard to make things better, even though perfect they might never be. Many people are seriously committed

    to do the very best, in the given context. Often there is not much else to do. But we need to continuously get

    inspired, not to be tired and let it go!

    Kind regards,

    Philip Wijmans


    LWF Kenya

    Gitanga road


    Direct line: +254 20 3875373

    Cell phone: +254 73 3515383

    "Uphold the Rights of the Poor and Oppressed"

    From: Stig Dragholm [[email protected]]

    Sent: 20 April 2009 13:23

    To: [email protected]; [email protected]

    Cc: Philip Wijmans

    Subject: "Learning experience" from the induction visit 14-15 April ...

    Dear Tore, Pia and Philip,

    With the enclosed memo I would like to repeat my thank you for your very kind and warm welcome of me in

    Geneva last week, and the time and effort you took introducing me to LWF and your work.

    I took a few notes from the meetings, I had with you and your colleagues, and in the enclosed document you

    can see my learning experience - my take outs - from these notes/meetings and "open ideas", which you are

  • 7/27/2019 Getting HIRED with LWF (NGO) as a volunteer was "impossible"



    welcome to use if you believe they are worthwhile ...

    Please feel free to contact me, if you should have any comments or questions to the notes. I am looking

    forward to coming to Kenya, to get to know all people and to our continued cooperation .

    Kind regards,


    Re: Thank you very much for a very good learning experience in Geneva ....

    Fra: Tore Samuelsson [[email protected]]Modtaget: 17. april

    2009 kl. 12:47:02

    Modtagere:"Stig Dragholm" , "Pia Slavenburg"




    Thanks for this Stig and for the telcall just now. As I mentioned, Philip will send a revised ToR for you. Do stay

    in touch with him and the team should there be any other queries.

    I wish you all the best in the preparations and safe trip to Nairobi.

    Best regards


    >>> "Stig Dragholm" 17-Apr-09 12:25 PM >>>

    Dear Tore and Pia,

    I would like to say a deep thank you very much for the very warm welcome you and your colleagues gave me

    in Geneva Tuesday and Wednesday this week. As I told Tore, this Induction visit has been the most positive I

    have experienced in my 25 year long professional career, and it gave me a very good learning experience

    talking to managers and employees from your different functions. I have taken notes from my meetings and I

    expect to send a memo including these notes for your information Monday next week.

    As agreed I forward the mail below with the details of my flight arriving at Nairobi 2nd May 01.00 am. Please

    notice that my departure is Friday the 1st May from Copenhagen and that my arrival to Nairobi is the same

    day, even though it is after midnight and therefore the 2nd May ...

    Pia, I hope you still do your daily swimming-exercise ....? And I can inform you that my leg is much bettertoday ....!

    Philip, I am looking forward very much meeting you and your team in Kenya/Dadaab.

    Kind regards,


    -----Oprindelig mail-----

    Fra: Stig DragholmDato: 6. april 2009 15:58:22

    Til: Lokiru-

    [email protected],[email protected],[email protected],NancyLiz-

  • 7/27/2019 Getting HIRED with LWF (NGO) as a volunteer was "impossible"



    [email protected],anne-

    [email protected],[email protected],[email protected]

    Emne: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Induction Meeting in Geneva- correctiontomypreviousmail

    Dear Philip,

    Thanks very much again - and for your kind offer of arranging the booking at the guest house and taxicompany (thank you, Liz). I will of course be happy to pay for the expenses.

    Yes - it takes quite a few hours coming from Copenhagen to Nairobi, and the cheapest option arrives at 01 am

    during the night, but I will be fresh monday morning!

    In case of a flight delay I will be arriving with Turkish Airlines from Istanbul, TK1129, scheduled arrival at 01

    am 2nd May.

    Kind regards,


    RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Induction Meeting in Geneva- correctiontomypreviousmail

    Fra: Philip Wijmans [[email protected]]

    Modtaget: 6.

    april 2009 kl.



    "Stig Dragholm" , "Lokiru Matendo" , ,

    , "NancyLiz Ngone" , "Wangari Anne" ,




    Dear Stig,

    By copy I am asking Liz to make arrangement with the Methodist Guest House.

    We will also arrange for a taxi to pick you up. The Taxi Company is called Princess, and we run an account

    there, you only have to sign. The driver will have a sign with you name and LWF on it.

    We have noted that you will arrive at 01.00 am at night!

    Kind regards,

    Philip Wijmans


    LWF Kenya

    Gitanga road


    Direct line: +254 20 3875373

    Cell phone: +254 73 3515383

    "Uphold the Rights of the Poor and Oppressed"

  • 7/27/2019 Getting HIRED with LWF (NGO) as a volunteer was "impossible"



    From: Stig Dragholm [[email protected]]

    Sent: 06 April 2009 14:51

    To: Philip Wijmans; Lokiru Matendo; [email protected]; [email protected];

    NancyLiz Ngone; Wangari Anne; [email protected]

    Cc: [email protected]

    Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Induction Meeting in Geneva- correctiontomypreviousmail

    Dear Philip and all,

    Thank you very much for your kind mail.

    I have now booked a flight from Copenhagen 1st May arriving at Nairobi 2nd May at 1 am where I will go by

    taxi to the Methodist Guest House. I hope it will be possible to arrive this late at the guest house.

    I look forward to meeting you all at your office in Nairobi Monday morning 4th May - what time do you start?

    For Pia's information: I will bring my medical report to Geneva - I expect to receive it in hardcopy within the

    next couple of days.

    Kind regards,


    -----Oprindelig mail-----

    Fra: Philip Wijmans

    Dato: 6. april 2009 11:51:45

    Til: "Stig Dragholm" [email protected]

    Emne: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Induction Meeting in Geneva- correctiontomypreviousmail

    Dear Stig,

    Thank you. Arriving here the first of May would be okay, but it is a public holiday. That would give you some

    time in Nairobi over the weekend. Then on Monday and Tuesday we will be together here in the Nairobi

    office. That is very important. You will then travel to Dadaab either by car or by plane, charter (UNHCR). We

    still need to decide whether we have a vehicle here, which would be nice for you to understand something

    about Kenya, otherwise you fly.

    In Nairobi we will book you in the Methodist guesthouse

    ( If you wish to stay in a place a bit more upbeat it is

    possible, like the Silver springs hotel ( . We use that hotel for our guests.

    1. You can arrive on a tourist visa, you need to fill the form and pay USD 50 at the airport upon arrival.

    While in Kenya we will work on a work permit, takes about 3 months.

    2. Immigration is not asking about any return ticket, so you do what is best for you.

    Looking forward to see y6ou,

    Kind regards,

    Philip Wijmans


    LWF Kenya

    Gitanga road


    Direct line: +254 20 3875373

    Cell phone: +254 73 3515383

    "Uphold the Rights of the Poor and Oppressed"

  • 7/27/2019 Getting HIRED with LWF (NGO) as a volunteer was "impossible"



    From: Tore Samuelsson [[email protected]]

    Sent: 06 April 2009 10:42

    To: Stig Dragholm

    Cc: Lokiru Matendo; Philip Wijmans; Sofia Malmqvist

    Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Induction Meeting in Geneva- correctiontomypreviousmail

    Thanks Stig,

    I pass this on to my colleagues in Nairobi and ask them to respond to your questions below. I think arriving

    around May 1 is a good plan, but let us see what Philip and his team feels.

    Best regards


    PS I attach the plan for your induction here in Geneva in order to inform Philip.

    >>> "Stig Dragholm" 06-Apr-09 9:34 AM >>>

    Dear Tore,

    I just wanted to say thank you for a very good conversation over the telephone this morning and to confirm

    my arrival at Geneva the 14th April - and also the possibility of coming to Kenya the 1st May - or maybe

    another date which might suit the office better?

    As we spoke about it would be nice to hear if LWF in Kenya would like me to be at the office in Nairobi before

    joining the colleagues at Dadaab and also to hear about accomodation possibilities in Nairobi if this is the


    Furthermore I would like to hear Kenyas advice on the following questions:

    1. I understand that a tourist visa applies for three months and that it can be prolonged for a further three

    months. Should I write in the visa application that I am a tourist visiting LWF in Kenya or that I am going to

    work for LWF at Dadaaab and that you will apply for a work permit for me?

    2. Is it possible to enter Kenya with an open return flight, or is it required that I book a return flight for

    example after 7-9 weeks as part of the R&R?

    I also have other practical questions of what to bring and what not to bring at Dadaab, but I believe I can wait

    asking these questions until I arrive at Nairobi if I am not to go directly to the camp.

    I look forward to meeting you all and to do my best work for you.

    Kind regards,


    -----Oprindelig mail-----

    Fra: Tore Samuelsson

    Dato: 2. april 2009 10:03:50

    Til: "Stig Dragholm" [email protected]

    Emne: RE: RE: RE: RE: Induction Meeting in Geneva- correction to my previous mail


    here is a first attempt to put some pieces together. Some colleagues are out for Easter + vacation...

    I will call you later and also check with Philip W in Nairobi and Anne Wangari in Dadaab by copy of this if

    there is anything special we should add.

    Best regards

  • 7/27/2019 Getting HIRED with LWF (NGO) as a volunteer was "impossible"




    Tore Samuelsson,

    Program Officer

    Dept. for World Service,

    The Lutheran World Federation

    P.O. Box 2100CH - 1211 Geneva 2


    direct line +41 22 791 6427

    fax +41 22 791 6629

    mobile +41(0)79 768 6134

    e-mail [email protected]

    skype toresamuelsson


    World Service is the humanitarian and development arm of the LWF

    >>> "Stig Dragholm" 01-Apr-09 8:47 PM >>>

    Thanks, Tore. I look forward speaking to you. You can catch me at +45 23742358.

    Best regards,


    -----Oprindelig mail-----

    Fra: Tore Samuelsson

    Dato: 1. april 2009 19:55:06

    Til: [email protected]

    Emne: RE: RE: RE: Induction Meeting in Geneva- correction to mypreviousmail

    Dear Stig,

    Good, please go ahead with the ticket.

    I will plan for a program from Tuesday April 14 around 3 pm. We will make sure to wind up around the same

    time Wednesday so you can catch the flight back. I will get back to you on phone to discuss the program but

    it will include various colleagues at the World Service and other LWF departments.

    Best regards


    RE: Induction Meeting in Geneva- correction to my previous mail

    Fra: Tore Samuelsson [[email protected]]Modtaget: 1. april

    2009 kl. 14:58:50

    Modtagere:"Stig Dragholm" , "Pia Slavenburg"



    That is excellent, Stig

  • 7/27/2019 Getting HIRED with LWF (NGO) as a volunteer was "impossible"



    I will prepare a program for you. Let us say we start afternoon Tuesday and continue Wednesday up to some

    time in the afternoon so you can return to Copenhagen in the evening. Check flights and let us know what it

    looks like.

    Best regards


    Tore Samuelsson,

    Program Officer

    Dept. for World Service,

    The Lutheran World Federation

    P.O. Box 2100

    CH - 1211 Geneva 2


    Fra: Pia Slavenburg

    Dato: 1. april 2009 09:29:18Til: [email protected]

    Emne: Induction Meeting in Geneva- correction to my previous mail

    Dear Stig,

    Reference is made to my mail below sent earlier this morning. I am sorry for this mistake. The proposed

    dates would be after Easter, for Tuesday 14 arrival and Wednesday 15 departure. This would allow a bit

    more time for planning the meeting.

    Please contact me at your earliest convenience regarding these above dates.

    Sorry for the confusion.

    With best regards,


    Greetings from Geneva. I hope you are well.

    Following some recent discussions between DWS and the Kenya office, we would like to invite you to the

    LWF Secretariat in Geneva for an induction meeting. The most suitable time from our side would be just

    before Easter. I am sorry for giving you such a short notice for this proposal and hope that you will be


    We will cover the costs for travel and 1 night accommodation in Geneva. May I please ask you to revert to

    me as soon as possible after having looked at travel possibilities. Our preference would be if you arrive on

    Tuesday 7 April and plan your return in the evening of Wednesday 8 April.

    I hope you will be available and look forward to receiving your travel plan and price quotation for this trip.

    With best regards,


    RE: Re: "Mentally suitable for field work"

    Fra:Pia Slavenburg

    [[email protected]]

    Modtaget: 24. marts 2009 kl.


    Modtagere: "Stig Dragholm"



    Dear Stig,

  • 7/27/2019 Getting HIRED with LWF (NGO) as a volunteer was "impossible"



    Thank you for this.

    Best regards,


    >>> "Stig Dragholm" 24 March 2009 17:43 >>>Dear Pia,

    I just wanted to say to you that my doctor's conclusion from the medical check today was that everything is

    fine. The lab will now do the final surveys and I expect to receive the medical report in English in the

    beginning of April, where after I will send it to you. The doctor will also confirm that he finds me mentally in

    a good condition.

    Best regards,


    -----Oprindelig mail-----

    Fra: Pia Slavenburg

    Dato: 23. marts 2009 16:49:59

    Til: "Stig Dragholm" [email protected]

    Emne: Re: "Mentally suitable for field work"

    Dear Stig,

    Greetings from Geneva.

    We do not require any detailed psychological report. Normally it is the general doctor, when making the

    physical examination that simply confirms that he/she finds you in good physical and mentally stable

    condition and suitable to take up an assignment in a different cultural environment. We would not require

    you to go through a complete psychological test at a high cost.

    I am sorry that this was not correctly explained in my last mail.

    With best regards,


    >>> "Stig Dragholm" 23 March 2009 15:19 >>>

    Dear Pia,

    In your mail from the 19th April you ask me to do a "medical check-up confirming that you are both

    physically and mentally suitable for field work".

    I have an appointment tomorrow to do a medical check-up, but this check-up only covers the physical

    element and not the mental. I have therefore also contacted a business psychologist to hear if he will

    perform a mental check-up of my ability to do field work. He believes this can be done for an amount of

    approx. 3.000-5.000?, which I believe will result in an extensive report and which is a higher amount than

    what I have calculated for.

    I have contacted DCA today to hear if they use psychologists in their recruitment work, which I can contact.

    In the mail below, Siri - in Danish - replys that they don't. I would therefore like to hear your advice on how

    to proceed with your request. Would you like me to visit a business psychologist and are you interested in a

    short declaration stating that I am mentally fit doing field work - if this is possible to get in Denmark,

    because this is as far as I know not normally done when recruiting employees - or would you like to receive

    a more extensive report?

    Thank you very much in forehand.

  • 7/27/2019 Getting HIRED with LWF (NGO) as a volunteer was "impossible"



    Kind regards,


    -----Oprindelig mail-----

    Fra: Siri Louekari

    Dato: 23. marts 2009 14:38:22Til: "Stig Dragholm" [email protected]

    Emne: SV: Vurdering af "mental arbejdsevne"

    Kre Stig

    Nej, jeg er helt enig, det ville jeg ogs mene er for meget at forvente at du skulle betale selv. Du kunne

    mske simpelthen sprge Pia, om det er, hvad LWF havde forestillet sig og hvis de mener at det virkelig er

    ndvendigt, om de har et forslag om hvordan udgiften skal dkkes. Det er meget muligt, at de ikke har

    forudset at det ville vre s dyrt.

    Vi har tilknytning til psykologer, men det er i forbindelse med traumatiske hndelser og behandling afvirkningerne af disse, at vi bruger dem. S jeg ved ikke om de samme personer kan lave sdanne tests. Og

    nej, desvrre FKN fr ikke noget rabat.




    Fra: Stig Dragholm [[email protected]]

    Sendt: 23. marts 2009 13:58

    Til: Siri Louekari

    Emne: Vurdering af "mental arbejdsevne"

    Kre Siri,

    Jeg skriver til dig for at modtage dit rd. I Pia Slavenburgs mail af 19. marts beder hun om en "medical

    check-up confirming that you are both physically and mentally suitable for field work".

    Jeg fr foretaget et helbredstjek i morgen, og jeg har talt med en erhvervspsykolog, som siger, at han

    normalt vil udfre opgaven med at vurdere det mentale aspekt for 25.-40.000 kr., som nok overstiger det

    belb, jeg havde forestillet mig at bruge.

    Hvad vil du anbefale mig at gre? Bruger Folkekirkens Ndhjlp psykologer, som jeg kan kontakte?

    Hvor lidt eller meget mener du, at der er brug for? En enkel erklring om min mentale arbejdsdygtighed i

    forhold til at arbejde i en flygtningelejr fra en psykolog efter en samtale med mig omkring mit arbejds- og

    flelsesliv eller er der brug for flere oplysninger eller en beskrivende rapport om min "mentale tilstand"?

    P forhnd mange tak for dit rd.

    Venlige hilsener fra

    Stig Dragholm

    Tlf. 23742358


    RE: RE: RE: Fwd: Volunteer to Dadaab Camp Stig Dragholm

  • 7/27/2019 Getting HIRED with LWF (NGO) as a volunteer was "impossible"



    Fra: Stig Dragholm [[email protected]]

    Modtaget: 20.

    marts 2009 kl.



    , ,

    , , , , CC:



    Dear Pia,

    Thank you very much for your mail and for your kind words. I am looking forward to offer you my help and

    assistance in your work at the camp.

    I can give you the following answers to your mail:

    1. You are very welcome to contact the following persons as references:

    Director Bo Andresen,

    Dahlberg Assurance, Copenhagen

    Direct telephone: +45 33 70 44 92

    Mobile phone: +45 40 41 48 26

    E-mai: [email protected]

    I have worked closely together with Bo from February 2008 (with Unemployment Insurance - sales, product

    development etc.) until I decided to resign from the end of 2008 not because I was unhappy working

    for Dahlberg and Bo - on the contrary, I was very happy working for him - but because I wanted to start doing

    humanitarian work in stead. I have continued working for Dahlberg as a consultant in 2009 and just

    Wednesday this week Bo offered me to come back working for Dahlberg on a new contract and he gave me

    the impression that he would give me additional responsibility. I thanked Bo but declined his offer because

    working with insurance is not what I want to do in the future.

    CEO Soren Hancke

    E.N. Sak Frskring i Europa, Stockholm Sweden (the company name in English: "One Insurance in Europe")

    Mobile phone: +46 706 16 33 32

    I worked closely together with Soren from 1998-2000 at GE Insurance, Denmark (General Electric), where Istarted as an Account Manager with the responsibility of optimising sales of unemployment and

    accident/sickness insurance through Financial partners (banks and loan companies) and where Soren was the

    General Manager. After Sorens resignation in 2000 I took over the responsibility of GE Insurance in Denmark.

    In 2002 Soren hired me for a new position as a Business Development Manager for the Danish Insurance

    company Fair Forsikring in co-operation with an Irish Insurance company called Accent Europe, where my job

    was to develop a new unemployment insurance product and carry out the sales and marketing hereof. We

    kept on working closely together until 2005, where Soren moved to Sweden. We still have a very good

    contact today.

    Please let me know if you require more references than the two mentioned.

    2. I accept your offer of a a six months contract, with the possibility of renewal for a second six-months term.

    The reason for my study on Dadaab was to try understanding what kind of conditions I will meet at the place

    and I understand your argument of Dadaab being a "different world".

  • 7/27/2019 Getting HIRED with LWF (NGO) as a volunteer was "impossible"



    3. I enclose the terms of conditions of my insurance policy. The terms are in Danish with a very short

    description in English on page 31. The policy has an extensive cover with treatment of accidents and

    sicknesses, home transport, dental treatment, legal cover, evacuation etc. Please let me know if you require

    an English translation of the terms, which I in this case will ask the Insurance company to provide if possible.

    4. I started my vaccination program yesterday including vaccinations and medicine for Malaria, Yellow Fever,Typhoid, Hepatitis A and B, Tetanus-diphteira, cholera and meningitis. The doctor has recommended me to

    do the Hepatitis B vaccination, which require a follow up vaccination after 1 month and we have agreed doing

    this the 19th April in Copenhagen. Please let me know if you have any comments or recommendations on this


    I have arranged a medical check up tuesday next week and I will receive the medical report in the beginning

    of April, whereafter I will send it to you. I will later today make arrangements for a mental check up regarding

    my fitness of doing field work.

    Erik Johnson at ACD recommended me to read the guides on Financial Management for NGO's etc. included

    at, which I will do as part of my preparations.

    Because of these arrangements I believe it can take some weeks before I will be able to start working at the

    camp, and I would like to hear your recommendation of the start date when we get closer to the final


    Finally, I would like to mention that I had a very good conversation with Peter Joshi at UNHCR in Geneva the

    day before yesterday. Peter was working as a Field Officer at Dadaab in 2006-07 and I was interested to hear

    his experience working in the camp. Peter offered me to take part of a work program called "Peace &

    Management program", where 40-50 young people per year are educated as leaders within conflict

    management. Peter gave me the impression that a follow-up on this work would be appreciated and that he

    would like me to get in contact with the refugee leaders within the camp, and that UNHCR would be able to

    provide new computers etc. I have said and written to Peter that I would like to help if possible but that it is a

    condition that LWF/ACD can accept this kind of work as part of my assignment, which I kindly ask you to


    I look forward to our continued dialogue.

    Kind regards,


    -----Oprindelig mail-----

    Fra: Pia Slavenburg

    Dato: 19. marts 2009 17:15:10

    Til: [email protected],[email protected],"Stig Dragholm" [email protected],"Tore Samuelsson"

    [email protected],[email protected],[email protected],Philip-

    [email protected],[email protected]

    Emne: RE: RE: Fwd: Volunteer to Dadaab Camp Stig Dragholm

    Dear Stig,

    Thank you for your mail. We are happy to hear that you had a good and positive meeting with Erik and Siri at

    DCA and that you are very motivated and ready to meet this challenge.

    In order to proceed with your assignment, we would like to clarify the points below:

    1) References: we would kindly to ask you for 2 or 3 references. This is standard procedure for all staff and

    volunteers we accept in our programs.

  • 7/27/2019 Getting HIRED with LWF (NGO) as a volunteer was "impossible"



    2) Contract: as per our regulations, Philip Wijmans as Kenya country Representative will issue and sign your

    contract. We have noted that you have extensively gathered information on Dadaab and Kenya via Internet,

    which of course is a good start. However, reality is another thing and you must be prepared for a "different

    world" upon arrival there. For this reason, we think it preferable to start by issuing a six months contract,

    with possibility of renewal thereafter for a second six-months term. I will prepare this document on behalf of

    Philip Wijmans and share a copy with you for your comments.

    3) Insurance: kindly share a copy of your insurance policy with me. We are particularly concerned that you

    are fully covered, including evacuation in case of serious illness or accident.

    4) Vaccinations and medical check-up: please confirm that you have made arrangements for all necessary

    vaccinations as well as sending us a copy of a recent medical check-up confirming that you are both physically

    and mentally suitable for field work.

    Thank you in advance for addressing the above issues, which we are sure that you agree are important to

    settle before proceeding with a final decision and contract.

    Looking forward to hearing back from you.

    With best regards,


    "Stig Dragholm" < [email protected] 19 March 2009 14:47

    Dear all,

    I had a very good meeting with DCA today, and I agreed with them that they would get in contact with Pia in

    Geneva to discuss matters regarding contract etc. DCA suggested a volunteer contract period of 12 months,

    which I accepted.

    DCA will come back to me before the end of next week, and they suggested that I wait to send my questions

    to Sofia or Wangari regarding pratical issues until then. This can mean that the date of arrival will be

    postponed some weeks, which I hope that you will understand.

    Please let me know if this leads to any questions or comments.

    Kind regards,


    -----Oprindelig mail-----

    Fra: Sofia Malmqvist

    Dato: 13. marts 2009 20:02:20

    Til: "Stig Dragholm" [email protected]

    Emne: RE: Fwd: Volunteer to Dadaab Camp Stig Dragholm

    Dear Stig,

    I am seconded to LWF from Church of Sweden (CoS) as the Somali Refugee Programme Coordinator based in

    Nairobi, responsible for the Sida/CoS funded activities in both Kakuma and Dadaab but I am also the focal

    person for all LWF activities in Dadaab.

    Since Wangari, the Project Coordinator in Dadaab is on leave until the 18th of March, I would avail myself to

    answer any practical questions you may have.


    Kind Regards,

  • 7/27/2019 Getting HIRED with LWF (NGO) as a volunteer was "impossible"



    Sofia Malmqvist

    RE: SV: Follow up on our meeting yesterday

    Fra: Stig Dragholm [[email protected]] Modtaget: 20. marts 2009 kl. 08:27:25

    Modtagere: ,




    Dear Erik,

    Thanks very much for your recommendation.

    I also wish the best of luck to you in the future, and I will continue my dialogue with Siri.



    -----Oprindelig mail-----

    Fra: Erik Johnson

    Dato: 20. marts 2009 09:28:01

    Til: "Stig Dragholm" [email protected]

    Emne: SV: Follow up on our meeting yesterday

    Dear Stig,

    Good to meet you too. I hope that LWF can use you. We will certainly give them a good recommendation.

    Here's the link:

    (I think that manga may lead you to some Japanese comics... :))

    Siri will follow up with you from here on out.

    Best of luck to you, and keep in touch!

    Erik Johnson

    Humanitarian Response Coordinator


    Nrregade 13

    1165 Copenhagen K


    Telephone: +45 33 15 28 00

    Direct Line: +45 33 18 77 41Fax: +33 15 77 37

    Mobile: +45 29 70 06 05

    Skype: erikjohnson1

  • 7/27/2019 Getting HIRED with LWF (NGO) as a volunteer was "impossible"



    Follow up on our meeting yesterday

    Fra: Stig Dragholm [[email protected]] Modtaget: 20. marts 2009 kl. 06:11:49

    Modtagere: ,



    Livet for flygtningene i Dadaab.doc (122kb)

    Dear Erik and Siri,

    I would like to say thank you very much for a positive and fruitful meeting yesterday. I was happy meeting

    both of you.

    As agreed I enclose my personal memo on how life is for the refugees at Dadaab. The reason for my study of

    this is trying to understand how difficult life is for the refugees hereby trying to understand what kind of

    place it is I am going to so I am as prepared as possible for this aspect of the work.

    I will read the content of the website as Erik recommended and I look forward toreceiving the tool that Erik talked about , which I will also go through as part of my preparations.

    I received yesterday a mail from Pia Slavenburg, who asked for 2 or 3 references, suggested a six months

    contract with the possibility of renewal for a second six-months term and documentation of my insurance,

    vaccinations and medical check-up. I will send her this information today and make arrangements for a

    medical check-up, which I will send to her as soon as possible. Siri will receive a copy of this mail.

    I look forward to our continued dialogue and to our future co-operation.

    Kind regards,Stig

    RE: Samtale, volontrophold

    Fra: Stig Dragholm [[email protected]] Modtaget: 13. marts 2009 kl. 14:10:14





    Kre Siri Louekari,

    Mange tak for din mail.

    Jeg vil meget gerne komme at besge jer torsdag den 19.3. kl. 9.00.

    Jeg har kommunikeret med Pia Slavenburg siden begyndelsen af marts mned, siden jeg i slutningen af

    februar mned kontaktede LWF i Kenya. Vi talte i starten om et ophold i Kakuma-lejren, men de har nu

    anbefalet, at jeg i stedet kommer til Dadaab-lejren, hvilket jeg har accepteret.

    Jeg ser frem til et godt mde med jer.

    Venlige hilsener fra

  • 7/27/2019 Getting HIRED with LWF (NGO) as a volunteer was "impossible"



    Stig Dragholm


    -----Oprindelig mail-----

    Fra: Siri Louekari

    Dato: 13. marts 2009 14:49:42Til: "[email protected]" [email protected]

    Emne: Samtale, volontrophold

    Kre Stig Dragholm

    Jeg er blevet kontaktet af en kollega i Geneve, Pia Slavenburg, i forbindelse med planerne om et

    volontrophold i Kakuma. Hun synes det ville vre godt, hvis vi havde et uformelt mde, ja

    forventningsafstemning kan man sige, vedr. stedet, arbejdet, osv. Derfor vil jeg hre om du har mulighed at

    komme her torsdag den 19. marts, klokken 9.00. Jeg har bedt en kollega, som kender Kakuma-lejren meget

    godt, om at deltage i samtalen.

    Med venlig hilsen


    Siri Louekari

    Field personnel officer


    Nrregade 13

    1165 Copenhagen


    Direct phone +45 33187856

    Fax +45 33187855

    RE: RE: Fwd: Volunteer to Dadaab Camp Stig Dragholm

    Fra: Stig Dragholm [[email protected]] Modtaget: 13. marts 2009 kl. 09:16:07





    Thanks very much, Pia.

    Looking forward to hearing from you again.

    All the best,


    -----Oprindelig mail-----

    Fra: Pia Slavenburg

    Dato: 13. marts 2009 09:31:12

    Til: "Stig Dragholm" [email protected]

    Emne: RE: Fwd: Volunteer to Dadaab Camp Stig DragholmDear Stig,

    Greetings to you from Geneva. Thank you for your positive response and high motivation to assist our

    colleagues in Dadaab on a voluntary basis. I have copied all involved both in Dadaab and in Nairobi. I will

  • 7/27/2019 Getting HIRED with LWF (NGO) as a volunteer was "impossible"



    again contact Siri Louekari at DCA in order to schedule a meeting for you with her in Copenhagen.

    I will revert to you as soon as I have more information to share with you.

    With best regards,


    RE: Fwd: Volunteer to Dadaab Camp Stig Dragholm

    Fra: Pia Slavenburg [[email protected]]

    Modtaget: 13.

    marts 2009 kl.


    Modtagere: "Stig Dragholm"


    , "Tore Samuelsson"

    , "Lokiru Matendo" , "NancyLiz Ngone" , "Philip Wijmans" ,

    "Sofia Malmqvist"


    Dear Stig,

    Greetings to you from Geneva. Thank you for your positive response and high motivation to assist our

    colleagues in Dadaab on a voluntary basis. I have copied all involved both in Dadaab and in Nairobi. I will

    again contact Siri Louekari at DCA in order to schedule a meeting for you with her in Copenhagen.

    I will revert to you as soon as I have more information to share with you.

    With best regards,


    >>> "Stig Dragholm" 13 March 2009 00:33 >>>

    Dear Pia,

    I would like to appreciate my thanks for your help and assistance, and I would like to accept the job

    description and conditions working at the Dadaab Camp as they appear from the mails below. Thank you!

    At the same time I can confirm that I will cover costs for food, accommodation, travel, R&R and medical

    insurance, and if I understand the mail from Lokiru correct, I will also bring a laptop with me. I look forward to

    meeting DCA as suggested by Philip, and I will be able to hold the meeting whenever DCA has the opportunityto meet me - for example next week.

    As mentioned in my mail I will be able to come to the camp with a notice of 1-2 weeks from the day of

    decision and at the moment I think of the 1st or 2nd April as possibilities, which I hope will be fine with you?

    Please let me know if you think another date would be more appropriate.

    Details of my passport:

    No. 200623045

    Place of issue: Copenhagen, Denmark

    Date of isse: 01/08/05Valid until: 01/08/15

    Issuing Authority: The Police Commissioner of Copenhagen

  • 7/27/2019 Getting HIRED with LWF (NGO) as a volunteer was "impossible"



    I look forward to hearing from you again regarding the DCA meeting. After the DCA meeting I would

    appreciate if it is possible to get a contact at the camp who can guide me with answers to a few practical

    questions regarding what to bring and what not to bring etc.

    Kind regards,


    -----Oprindelig mail-----

    Fra: Pia Slavenburg

    Dato: 12. marts 2009 16:37:31

    Til: [email protected]

    Emne: Fwd: Volunteer to Dadaab Camp Stig Dragholm

    Dear Stig,

    I am happy to share the message below with you:

    >>> "Philip Wijmans" 12 March 2009 15:05 >>>Dear Pia,

    He did a good job, convincing us.

    We now would like him to join us, see the email below from Lokiru the program manager for LWF Kenya. We

    would want him to work in Dadaab under Wangari the Project Coordinator. He would come in on a tourist

    visa as soon as possible. We will get him permission to be in the camp to do an internship (not to work as


    It would be good to indicate what the internship would be all about, what he will learn and get from his stay

    in Dadaab, and what he can contribute. For that he could use what is written below (his first task). Then the

    Department for Refugee Affairs will get him permission to stay in the camp.

    We need his passport details as soon as possible. While being here we will try getting a work permit, takes

    two to three months. A tourist visa one gets at the point of entre for USD 50,-, no problem.

    Now it would still be good that DCA interviews him, before making the final decision. Then we need to know

    how we engage him, will DCA sign an agreement with him and second him via Geneva? Will Geneva sign an

    agreement with him? Will LWF Kenya sign a short term contract for non national staff with him as he gets

    here? I would like DCA involvement.

    I am not in the office tomorrow, UNHCR donor meeting, but can be reached on my mobile.

    Hope this helps all, including our work in Dadaab where we really need extra hands.

    Kind regards,

    Philip Wijmans


    LWF Kenya

    Gitanga road


    Direct line: +254 20 3875373

    Cell phone: +254 73 3515383

    "Uphold the Rights of the Poor and Oppressed"

    From: Lokiru Matendo

    Sent: 12 March 2009 15:04

    To: Philip Wijmans

    Cc: Sofia Malmqvist; Wangari Anne

    Subject: RE: On staffing

    Dear Philip,

    Yes, we revisited Stig's application to work in the camps and in principle agreed that he be given a chance,

    especially because we had told him our reservations about taking a lot of time and effort orienting him to a

    totally different work field, and yet he still felt he can fit in. Given the work pressure in Dadaab, we felt as a

    team (Wangari, Lokiru, Sofia) that we give him a chance and will monitor and review the cooperation to

  • 7/27/2019 Getting HIRED with LWF (NGO) as a volunteer was "impossible"



    ensure it is useful to both parties and to refugees in particular.

    Job description

    We proposed that he may be of help to LWF Dadaab in the following ways;

    sist the PC in budget monitoring, i.e. tracking project expenditure versus plans

    sist the Admin officer to develop and monitor adherence to a Travel, Leave and R&R plan for Dadaab staff

    sign and operate an asset inventory for LWF in Dadaab camps

    ganize self-help activities at the Save Havensist in the updating of LWF Kenya policies to include Dadaab (e.g. security and others)in preparation for the CS


    He would work under the supervision of the Project Coordinator or his/her designate.


    We will appreciate if Stig will cover his food and accommodation costs for living and working at Dadaab, plus

    air/road travel,...the project does not have a budget to support additional person.

    sed on the prevailing rates, food and accommodation will cost about KES 60,000/month. NB: we have no

    spare room at the moment but we could have one staff move to a tent and build a room with funds raised

    from visitors' charges.

    g would need a laptop.

    travel costs approx USD 300 return (Dadaab-Nairobi-Dadaab). Road transport charges are much lesser, theequivalent of approx. USD 50 return. Like LWF staff, Stig would need R&R every 7-9 weeks. Depending on

    where he would prefer to take his R&Rs, Stig will meet associated costs.

    dical insurance.

    Other requirements

    There might be need to process for appropriate documents/permission with GoK/DRA to work as a volunteer

    in Dadaab.




    Please indicate if the above short job description and conditions will be in line with your acceptations, in

    particular since the Kenya program is planning to accept your services for Dadaab Refugee Camp and not for

    Kakuma as you had requested.

    I look forward to hearing back from you.

    With best regards,


    RE: Information on Kakuma Camp

    Fra: Stig Dragholm [[email protected]] Modtaget: 10. marts 2009 kl. 13:10:58




    Dear Pia,

    I understand the situation with much work because of the strategic plan being done, and your concern of the

    six months of service offered, which you feel might not be compatible with your needs.

    However, I would like to give you the following, additional information, which I hope you will take into

    consideration and hopefully reconsider the possibility of me joining the work at the camp:

    The six months of service was only given as an example. As I mentioned in my application, I can accept all

    employment periods - also longer periods - which you find suitable.

    I have extensive experience in working on business and strategy plans during many years, implementation

    hereof, preparation of budgets etc. These skills can be used in all lines of work including humanitarian work.

  • 7/27/2019 Getting HIRED with LWF (NGO) as a volunteer was "impossible"



    I am a quick learner when it comes to acquiring knowledge on a new line of work using self-studies and

    seeing how the work is carried out on the ground, and I can manage my self according to the responsibility

    giving to me.

    I will be happy either assisting as an employee in the daily work and follow your instructions, or if you

    require the skill, I can also lead meetings, projects and people by focusing on the strategic plan, delegation ofgoals and responsibilities, follow up plans - and furthermore I believe I have the ability of understanding

    people and their needs, coaching and motivating people on a daily basis, individually and in groups, hereby

    ensuring that goals will be carried out according to plans.

    As a person I am very committed to both work and people and I set high targets, which I normally reach by

    working (very) hard together with the team.

    And normally I am being seen as a likeable person with a good sence of humour and interest in other


    I believe my assistance can be of value to the team in Kenya also with the ongoing strategic work. If youshould decide to accept my assistance I will be able to come to Kenya already within 1 or 2 weeks after the

    decision is taken, and it can also be such arranged that the first couple of weeks can be considered as an

    evaluation period where you are welcome to stop the co-operation if you evaluate that this will be for the

    best for both parties.

    I will do all I can in order to help you and your work by giving my best competences and if you believe it is a

    good idea, I will be able to take the meeting with DanChurchAid this week. I can also give you information on

    reference(s) from previous employers, which you or DanChurchAid are welcome to contact, and finally, if the

    Kenya management believe it is a good idea to speak over the telephone first, I would be happy doing so.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    Best regards,

    Stig Dragholm

    -----Oprindelig mail-----

    Fra: Pia Slavenburg

    Dato: 10. marts 2009 12:31:01

    Til: [email protected]

    Emne: Information on Kakuma Camp

    Dear Stig,

    With reference to our previous mails with regard to your interest in assisting LWF in Kakuma, we are very

    sorry to have to inform you that due to very heavy workload in connection with the preparation of mid-term

    strategic plan of the program, our colleagues in Kenya have unfortunately had to take the decision not to

    accept your services at this time. They feel that since your background is purely from a commercial sector

    with no humanitarian experience, the six months of service offered might not be compatible with our needs.

    We are very sorry to have to inform you of this negative decision, in particular after having started making

    arrangements for accepting your services. We thank you for your understanding and your interest in the

    work of LWF and hope that you will find a suitable opportunity to fulfil your desire to assist refugees in a

    camp elsewhere.

    With best regards,

    Pia Slavenburg

  • 7/27/2019 Getting HIRED with LWF (NGO) as a volunteer was "impossible"



    RE: Information on Kakuma Camp

    Fra: Stig Dragholm [[email protected]] Modtaget: 2. marts 2009 kl. 18:54:09





    Dear Pia,

    Thank you very much for a good conversation the other day and for your follow up mail including information

    on the Kakuma Camp.

    After our conversation, I gave information to my contact at DanChurchAid, Merete Gjetting Frese, that you

    would contact Siri Loukari. Merete informed me that she would inform Siri about this.

    I look forward to hearing from you again.

    Best regards,

    Stig Dragholm

    -----Oprindelig mail-----

    Fra: Pia Slavenburg

    Dato: 2. marts 2009 17:40:30Til: [email protected]

    Emne: Information on Kakuma Camp

    Dear Stig,

    It was nice talking to you the other day. I have asked the DWS Kenya Program Representative to prepare a

    detailed Terms of Reference indicating the tasks he thinks would be relevant to your voluntary assignment in

    Kakuma. In the meantime, I am happy to send you the attached document giving you some indication of our

    present activities there.

    I will revert to you as soon as I have more information to share with you.

    With best regards,

    Pia Slavenburg

    Offer to work as an volunteer in the Kakuma Refugee Camp

    Fra: Stig Dragholm [[email protected]]Modtaget: 19. februar 2009 kl.






    CV Stig Dragholm - Jan 2009 short version.pdf


    Dear Tore Samuelsson and Philip Wijmans,

    I am writing this e-mail to you in the hope that you will consider my offer of working as an volunteer in the

    Kakuma Refugee Camp or alternatively in another camp, which you work in.

  • 7/27/2019 Getting HIRED with LWF (NGO) as a volunteer was "impossible"


    My name is Stig Dragholm, I am 42 years old, male, live in and come from Denmark, where I recently have

    decided to leave my ordinary job in the financial sector in order to do something more meaningful in my life,

    which I believe is to help other people voluntarily using all of my energy and resources. My thought is to take

    part of the aid work with whatever tasks are required - for example planning and distribution of food and

    non-food items, registration of refugees, water, sanitation, hygiene, health care, communication, education,

    administrative or coordinating tasks etc.

    I offer my full work resource without asking for any benefits in return like salary, insurance, cover of

    transportation expenses, emergency plan etc. All I am looking for is the opportunity to work for and help

    some of the most underprivileged people in the world by being and living together with them offering them

    the best that I am able to, doing whatever tasks are required.

    For your information I enclose my CV which gives information on my personal, professional and language

    skills and experience. Even though I have worked in Manager positions I would like to enhance that I am

    willing to do every kind of work. Through my business work I have many years of experience working

    together with people from other countries and I believe this has given me the ability to communicate with

    and understand people from other cultures than my own.

    I know and I am as prepared as one can be that working in a refugee camp is very different to the good life

    we experience in a country like Denmark. For this purpose I can inform you that I am robust and persistent

    and that I will always do my best in every given situation.

    As a person I believe my strengths are analytic, coordination and communication skills. I am flexible, loyal,

    responsible, tolerant and open minded in order to understand other people and their specific needs. My

    health is good and I am in a good psychical and mental form, which means that I am not limited in any

    prospective field of work or ability to travel. I have a clean criminal record.

    Due to a busy, professional career my experience with aid work is limited to a short period in 2006-2007,

    where I participated in the work for refugees living in my commune in Denmark organised by Red Cross. I

    have financially supported the Save the Children's organisation in Denmark as well as collected funds directly

    from households through yearly collections organised by both of these organisations.

    In order to get an overview of the work carried out in a refugee camp I have so far browsed through the 598

    pages long "Camp Management Toolkit" prepared by the Norwegian Refugee Council, which can be found

    at This toolkit gives a detailed description of the work

    done in camps and a good understanding hereof.

    I hope you will consider my offer positively and I look forward to hearing from you. I can accept all

    employment periods and can start with a short time limit.

    Thank you very much in forehand for your attention.

    Yours faithfully,

    Stig Dragholm

    Rungstedvej 4

    2970 Horsholm


    Tel. +45 23 74 23 58