Download - GET A MOVE ON! · MOVING: A TIMELINE 4 TO 6 WEEKS BEFORE MOVING • Schedule your mail to be forwarded to your new address with Canada Post. 2 TO 3 WEEKS BEFORE MOVING • Get boxes

Page 1: GET A MOVE ON! · MOVING: A TIMELINE 4 TO 6 WEEKS BEFORE MOVING • Schedule your mail to be forwarded to your new address with Canada Post. 2 TO 3 WEEKS BEFORE MOVING • Get boxes

GET A MOVE ON!Proven Steps to Save Time & Reduce Pain During Your Next Move4

Page 2: GET A MOVE ON! · MOVING: A TIMELINE 4 TO 6 WEEKS BEFORE MOVING • Schedule your mail to be forwarded to your new address with Canada Post. 2 TO 3 WEEKS BEFORE MOVING • Get boxes

© 2013 Larlyn Property Management


PART 1. Preparing For Your Move

Step One – Choose your moving date

Step Two - Book Movers and truck

Step Three - Create a binder

Step Four - Create a task list

PART 2. Packing It Up

PART 3. Executing The Plan – It’s Moving Day!

PART 4. The First Weeks In Your New Home









Page 3: GET A MOVE ON! · MOVING: A TIMELINE 4 TO 6 WEEKS BEFORE MOVING • Schedule your mail to be forwarded to your new address with Canada Post. 2 TO 3 WEEKS BEFORE MOVING • Get boxes

© 2013 Larlyn Property Management



Are you a new student moving away from home for the first time?Are you merging two homes into one?Are you dividing shared space, and moving on to new and separate locations?Are you downsizing to a smaller home?

You’ve found the perfect new home. Both excitement and fear fill your thoughts. Moving can be

stressful and full of surprise expenses. With a little preparation and organization, you CAN plan a

budget-friendly, low-stress move.

Take a deep breath and let’s think this through together. This e-guide shares fantastic tips to organize a

smooth move, including suggested timeframes and task checklists! No matter what your circumstances

are, these steps will ensure an easy transition.

Page 4: GET A MOVE ON! · MOVING: A TIMELINE 4 TO 6 WEEKS BEFORE MOVING • Schedule your mail to be forwarded to your new address with Canada Post. 2 TO 3 WEEKS BEFORE MOVING • Get boxes



Page 5: GET A MOVE ON! · MOVING: A TIMELINE 4 TO 6 WEEKS BEFORE MOVING • Schedule your mail to be forwarded to your new address with Canada Post. 2 TO 3 WEEKS BEFORE MOVING • Get boxes

© 2013 Larlyn Property Management


“Failing to plan is like planning to fail.” Yes, we’ve all heard that one before but it’s great advice! Preparing for a move isn’t just grabbing some boxes and filling them up. There are many important things to consider and some need to happen well in advance.


If you’ve purchased a home or signed a lease, there will be date

imposed when possession is yours. This doesn’t have to be your

moving day. Consider cheaper rates and more flexible availability

for services in the middle of the week.

Some people may choose to arrange an overlap period during the

move from one residence to another. Paying for two homes may

be costly but it will allow more time to pack, move and set up your

new place.

Page 6: GET A MOVE ON! · MOVING: A TIMELINE 4 TO 6 WEEKS BEFORE MOVING • Schedule your mail to be forwarded to your new address with Canada Post. 2 TO 3 WEEKS BEFORE MOVING • Get boxes

© 2013 Larlyn Property Management



Book Movers, a truck, and

appointments for related

services such as phone and

cable hook-ups at your new

home. Disconnect services at

your current home, as soon

as you have confirmed your

moving date. Many of these

services may completely book

up especially just before and

after month-end.

Will you use a professional

moving company? Ask around

for recommendations from

those who have used similar


Information on how to

choose reputable, ethical and

professional movers is available

from the Office of Consumer

Affairs at: http://www.

Will friends and family be

helping? Make sure they have

the date and time you need

them on their calendar.

Do you have a truck or need

to rent one? Make sure it’s the

right size.

Ensure you have furniture

covers and a dolly for heaving

lifting – does the service/truck

include these or do you need to

locate separately?

Page 7: GET A MOVE ON! · MOVING: A TIMELINE 4 TO 6 WEEKS BEFORE MOVING • Schedule your mail to be forwarded to your new address with Canada Post. 2 TO 3 WEEKS BEFORE MOVING • Get boxes

© 2013 Larlyn Property Management



Having ONE place to organize contracts and documents related

to your move is invaluable. During the moving process things

tend to get misplaced during purging and packing. If you only

have one place to put things and look for things, you will save a

lot of time, headache and maybe even money. Organize the binder

into categories. A suggested list of tabs for your binder is on the

following pages.


If you are moving to a new province or territory and bringing a vehicle, you

must get license plates for that province or territory. To get new plates,

your vehicle will probably have to pass a vehicle safety inspection. The

length of residence that requires a change of license plates varies from

province to province. Check with the local motor vehicle authority, which

will be listed in the blue pages of the phone book. Drivers’ licenses may

also need to be changed. Here also, a test may be required. Generally, you

have only a brief period of time to make these changes.

Page 8: GET A MOVE ON! · MOVING: A TIMELINE 4 TO 6 WEEKS BEFORE MOVING • Schedule your mail to be forwarded to your new address with Canada Post. 2 TO 3 WEEKS BEFORE MOVING • Get boxes

© 2013 Larlyn Property Management


Task List /Checklist - a detailed to-do list

broken down into timeframes described in Step 4

Utilities - To keep track of appointments: who,

where, what, and when

Loan Documents - For easy access and

reference. These items can find a new permanent

home after the move

Receipts - Any purchases that will be made

relating to the move or your new home. A great

plan incase something needs to be returned or


Movers - This section is for your moving

company or truck rental contract & contact

numbers of those helping you

Builder/Realtor/Landlord - Any contact

numbers and paperwork from the professionals

related to your new home

Inventory List - A printed copy of a basic

spreadsheet tracking furniture and boxes with

their contents sorted by room. This is invaluable

for those helping you unload as well.

Schedules - This section is for appointments,

moving company schedule, etc… a simple list

sorted chronologically will do or if you are more

visual, print out a blank calendar and fill in the

details of closing appointments, walk-throughs,

movers times, utility hook up times, etc..

*Most of the paperwork in the binder will later be filed. What is

not needed will be sent to the recycling bin.

Page 9: GET A MOVE ON! · MOVING: A TIMELINE 4 TO 6 WEEKS BEFORE MOVING • Schedule your mail to be forwarded to your new address with Canada Post. 2 TO 3 WEEKS BEFORE MOVING • Get boxes

© 2013 Larlyn Property Management



This is a detailed list including deadlines of all the little things that

need to be done before, during and after your move. A suggested

list to use as a starting point that you can add to if you have unique

circumstances to consider is included on the following pages. This

can be the first thing for your binder!

Page 10: GET A MOVE ON! · MOVING: A TIMELINE 4 TO 6 WEEKS BEFORE MOVING • Schedule your mail to be forwarded to your new address with Canada Post. 2 TO 3 WEEKS BEFORE MOVING • Get boxes

© 2013 Larlyn Property Management




• Schedule your mail to be forwarded to your new address with Canada Post.


• Get boxes and moving supplies

• Arrange phone service at your new home

• Take unwanted items to charity and/or dump

• Dispose of household chemicals properly (old paint, caustic cleaners, etc.). Take these to the local Toxic Waste Centre

• Arrange the return of any cable TV equipment


• Drivers’ license

• Health cards

• Insurance Employer

• Doctor

• Dentist

• Magazine subscriptions and other mailings

• Memberships

• Insurance

• Bank accounts and credit cards, and

• Tax office (Canada Customs and Revenue Agency)

Page 11: GET A MOVE ON! · MOVING: A TIMELINE 4 TO 6 WEEKS BEFORE MOVING • Schedule your mail to be forwarded to your new address with Canada Post. 2 TO 3 WEEKS BEFORE MOVING • Get boxes

© 2013 Larlyn Property Management



• Make travel arrangements and reservations.

• Arrange transfer of car insurance & license plates.

• Notify kids’ schools, transfer records.

• Register at new school.

• Get copies of medical and dental records.

• If you have pets, get copies of veterinary records.


• Return borrowed items.

• Arrange connection of utilities at new place.

• Retrieve loaned items.

• Arrange disconnection of utilities at old place.

• Arrange for major appliances to be moved.

• If necessary dispose of all flammable materials.


• Determine what you can bring with you if travelling by car, plane, train, or bus.

• Pack a suitcase with the clothes and toiletries that you’ll need the first day in your new home.

• Prepare “installed items” that you’re bringing (TV antenna or shelves).

• Pack a special box with other essentials you’ll need for the first few days and mark this box “Do Not Move”.


• Take down curtains and curtain rods.

• Pack your personal belongings (except your alarm clock, necessary clothes, jewelry and bedding).

• Empty, defrost and clean refrigerator; clean the stove.

Page 12: GET A MOVE ON! · MOVING: A TIMELINE 4 TO 6 WEEKS BEFORE MOVING • Schedule your mail to be forwarded to your new address with Canada Post. 2 TO 3 WEEKS BEFORE MOVING • Get boxes

© 2013 Larlyn Property Management



• Keep paperwork accessible.

• Collect all keys; keep them in a safe place.

• Strip and dismantle beds.

• Clean premises that you are leaving, inspect with the landlord.


• Check all closets and cabinets.

• If using a moving company, confirm the new address and delivery time with the driver.

• If using a moving company, walk about with supervisor and sign inventory forms.

• Know how to reach your new landlord or superintendent.

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Page 14: GET A MOVE ON! · MOVING: A TIMELINE 4 TO 6 WEEKS BEFORE MOVING • Schedule your mail to be forwarded to your new address with Canada Post. 2 TO 3 WEEKS BEFORE MOVING • Get boxes

© 2013 Larlyn Property Management


Packing your entire home can be a daunting task… but it doesn’t have to be. Like our grandmother used to say, “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.” Packing is the same – one box, one room, one day at a time.

Here are some great tips to make the process of packing smoother AND will keep in mind the process of unpacking in mind so that goes just as smooth:

• If you aren’t going to use it in your new home, don’t move it. Sell, donate or toss items that won’t be needed or won’t fit in your new home.

• Measure each room of your new home to make sure the items you are taking with you will fit.

• Get like sized boxes! Free, randomly sized boxes save money but definitely not time. Check out some of the big box stores or online for cheap but sturdy boxes. Stick with just 3 sizes (small, medium and large). These tips will make it easier to stack an save space, both at home and on the truck.

• Pack similar items together and pack one room at a time to avoid any miscellaneous unlabeled boxes. Zip-lock style bags are the best to keep tiny items sorted within boxes.

• Create a “moving basket” for all of the necessary labels, tape, Sharpies, scissors, etc. When you move from room to room, just grab the basket and carry on.

• Don’t over-pack boxes, especially your dishes and books. One person should easily be able to lift a box.

• Keep valuables close to you during the move and use proper packing material.

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© 2013 Larlyn Property Management


• Using old newspapers and your own linens saves money and they are great for packing. Never underestimate the beauty of bubble wrap if it’s in your budget – this will save the trouble of rewashing items wrapped in newspaper.

• Create a simple color coded moving legend for all of your boxes. Each room gets a different colour. This can be as simple as using different coloured markers to label boxes or using coloured circle labels. You can make cardstock tags for the doors of each room, both in your original home and new home, or

use painters tape. The tags help identify furniture too. I drew and made copies of a colour coded map of my new home so movers knew where to put boxes and furniture when unloading.

• Keep a basic packing inventory list with the number of boxes and a short description of what’s inside each numbered box. A basic excel spreadsheet can be easily updated but keep a printed copy in your binder.

• Load the boxes of things you will need right away at the very end. Label these boxes “Open First”.

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Page 17: GET A MOVE ON! · MOVING: A TIMELINE 4 TO 6 WEEKS BEFORE MOVING • Schedule your mail to be forwarded to your new address with Canada Post. 2 TO 3 WEEKS BEFORE MOVING • Get boxes

© 2013 Larlyn Property Management



It’s time for all your hard work to pay off and the day will be something to celebrate instead of dread.

Make sure to pack overnight bags for your entire family for the first night at your new place. Think about

clothing, toiletries, a shower curtain and hooks, and bedding.

If you have kids make sure to have a few things to keep them entertained before, during, and after the


Rest the night before and take some down time with your family.

Pack a cooler for the day of with snacks, lunch, and plenty of bottled water. If you have friends and

family coming to help, make sure to feed and hydrate them too.

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Page 19: GET A MOVE ON! · MOVING: A TIMELINE 4 TO 6 WEEKS BEFORE MOVING • Schedule your mail to be forwarded to your new address with Canada Post. 2 TO 3 WEEKS BEFORE MOVING • Get boxes

© 2013 Larlyn Property Management


The obvious first step after moving day is to start unpacking.

This process should be simple with all

boxes unloaded in the correct rooms and

their contents neatly organized inside. The

packing inventory checklist itemizing what is

inside the boxes will make it easy to locate

items and unpack setting up your new home

room by room.

But the checklist isn’t complete. Now that

you’ve moved in you can relax – but just a

little. Here’s a separate checklist for after

the move:

• Check all major appliances and electronics to ensure nothing was damaged during the move. Your insurance policy may have a limited time in which to make a claim. Since these are big ticket items, you should make sure they’re all working.

• Before you can check your electronics, make sure all your services are up and running. Get more information on setting up utilities.

• File documents and receipts you were storing in your Moving Binder in the appropriate places and recycle papers no longer needed.

• Find and register your child(ren) for school. The sooner your child can establish a regular routine, the easier it will be for them to settle in.

• Register to vote.

• Buy a subscription to the local newspaper or community magazine. This will quickly get you up to speed on what’s happening in your neighborhood.

• Find new health professionals, including doctors, a dentist and vet.

• Take care of your finances - set up new accounts, have money transferred or order new checks with your new address.

• Contact insurance companies, including household, auto and health. Find out if you’re currently covered or if you need to create new policies with a new company. This is important to check especially if you’re moving to a new province.

Page 20: GET A MOVE ON! · MOVING: A TIMELINE 4 TO 6 WEEKS BEFORE MOVING • Schedule your mail to be forwarded to your new address with Canada Post. 2 TO 3 WEEKS BEFORE MOVING • Get boxes

© 2013 Larlyn Property Management



My binder used for planning my wedding became famous among family and friends as

did my task lists printed on orange paper. The positive experience of planning the most

“perfect perfect perfect” wedding paired with my history of having a different address

every year of high school and university gave me the experience to plan several smoothly

executed moves. By the time my husband and I merged homes and became a family, I had

the process down to a science. Our second move happened only 3 days before Christmas

but we enjoyed festivities together with our two small children complete with stockings

hung and decorated tree. It CAN happen.

I wish you success on the preparing, packing and executing of your next move with minimal

surprises and lower stress. Oh – and congratulations on your new home!

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