Download - German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining

Page 1: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining

.. CIAL SERIES, NO. 12 APRIL 12, Ita




Page 2: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining



W ASHlNGTON, April 12, 1943



MIS 461

1. Publication of Special Series is for thp, purpose of providing officers wit.h reasonably confirmed information from official and other reliahle sourc('s. t. Nondivisional units are being supplied with copies 011 a basis Rimilar to

the approved distrihution for divisional commands, as follows: INFANTRY DIVISION CA V AI.RY DIVISION

DivHq 8 Div Hq RcnTr 2 Ord Co Big Co 2 Sig Tr Engr Bn 7 Ren Sq Med Bn 7 Engr Sq QM CO 7 !\fpd Sq Hq In! R!'gt, 6 each 18 (~M Sq In! Bn, 7 paeh 63 Uq Cay Brig. 3 psch Hq Div Arty 8 Cay Regt, 20 paeh FA Bn, 7 I,ach 28 Hq Div Arty

FA Bn, 7l'aeh


8 2 2 7 7 7 7 6

80 ;{




Div Hq Ren nn Engr Bn Ml',l Hn Maint Bn Sup nn Div Tn Uq Arm,1 Rpgt. 2., pa('h FA Bn, 7 paC'll IlIr Regt


8 50 21 25

1 flO

Distribution to air units is being made hy the Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Intelligence, Army Air Forces. 3. Each command should circulate available copies among its officers. Reproduction within the military service is permitted provided the source is stated, and the information is safeguarded . ... Readers are invited to comment on the usc that they are making of thifl publication and to forward suggestions for future issuPR. Sllch eorreHpolld­ence may be addressed directly, to the Dissemination Unit, Military Intel­ligence Service, \,yar Department, WaHhingtoTl, D. C.

Other publications of the ;\lilitary Intelligence Service include: Tartir;al (Lnd Technical Trends (biweekly); Intelligence Bulletin (monthly) ; Military Report,~ on the United Nations (monthly).

RequestR for additional copicH of all publications of the ~vl iJitary Intelligence Service should be forwarded through channels for approval.

Page 3: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


1. GENERAL _____________ ___________ 1 2. PRINCIPU:i-iOFFoR:\IATION_ _______________ 2 3. SCll!'!;: OF THIi-i DWTIO!'iAHY _______ 3 4. ORGANIZATION OF THIS DICTIONARY 4

Section II. ABBREVIATIONS ___________ _ Section fIf. EXAMPLES_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. _


Page 4: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining



Perhaps to a greater extent than any other arnlY, the German Armed Forces employ military abbreviations on their maps and charts, on task force tables of organization,

. on direction and location sign posts in combat zones, on field orders, and, in short, in every case where abbrevia­tions may possibly be used. These abbreviations are often used in connection with military symbols (see

! German Military Symbols, January 1943, Military Intelli­. gence Service). A thorough knowledge of both abbrevia­tions and symbols is therefore essential to nlilitary per­sonnel engaged in the interpretation of captured docu­ments.

There is no "easy road to knowledge" iIi regard to these military abbreviations. Many words are abbreviated in more than one manner, sometimes in the course of a single document. Individual conunanders frequently improvise abbreviations, which will be understandable fr0111 the context to the German officer reading them, but may cause considerable difficulty to the non-Gerrnan. A


Page 5: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining the meaning of a par­ticular abbreviation-guessing, in this, as in all military intelligence work, is dangerous.


While the Germans do not follow any com~istent pro­cedure in abbreviating, the following tendencies can be observed:

a. Whenever possible the Germans keep enough of the original word structure to make the abbreviation a recognizable skeleton of the word for which it stands. An example is abkdrt. for abkommandiert.

b. Another common tendency is to lop off syllables of the word being abbreviated; the degree to which this is carried depends on the writer's haste and the amount of comprehension he expects in the reader. Here also the Germans attempt to leave enough of the distinctive struc­ture of the word to give the reader a clue. The word Befehlshaber, for instance, can be abbreviated Befhb., BeJh., or B.

c. In the case of compound words, the Germans often, make an abbreviation by taking elements or initial letters from each of the component parts. An example is KJz. for Kraftfahrzeug.

d. Sometimes this procedure results in a pronounceable combination of letters, and the abbreviation gains cur­rency as a word. Flak for Flugzeugabwehrkanone, Gestapo for Gehe:ime Staatspolizei, and Stuka for SturzkampJllugzeug are familiar examples.

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Because of the extent of the field, it is unlikely that any dictionary of German nlilitary abbreviations could be "complete." New abbreviations, whether as the result of developments in military equipment and tactics, or as the temporary short-cuts of an individual conlnlander writing orders, will continue to cmne into existence. With these the intelligence officer must deal to the best of his ability. A good working knowledge of the abbrevia­tions comlnonly in use at present will help in interpreting these new coinages. Frequently the meaning can be inferred from the context. The present list aims at a reasonable completeness, within the following linlits:

a. lVlilitary terms borrowed from other languages in use during the first World War and earlier have frequently been replaced in the present German Arlny by German equivalents. A considerable number of these older ternlS have been retained in this list, but not all.

b. German writers often use cornbinations of single abbreviations. The policy of this dictionary has heen to include these combinations when they are encountered frequently, but otherwise to list the component part:;.; separately. For instance, Divis1:onsm4klanliYIgsabtel}ung will be found under Div.Aufkl.Abt., and separate entries will be found for Dill., A ufkI.Abt., A ufkl., and Abt. But for Eisb.Pi.Rgt. it would be necessary to look under Eisb. and Pi.Rgt. separately.

c. Besides strictly military terms the present dictionary contains abbreviations for many general German words and expressions which are likely to occur in military docu-

Page 7: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


ments. In deciding which of these nonmilitary abbrevia­tions to include, the aim has been to put in those which will probably occur most frequently rather than to include all possible forms.

d. In a few cases German abbreviations will be found identical with those used in the U. S. Army. Examples are Apr. for April and mm for millimeter. Abbreviations of this type have not been included. But where a difference exists which might prove confusing, the German abbrevia­tion has been given. Examples are Dez. for December, and mm2 for square millimeter.

e. While this dictionary is primarily for the use of army personnel, a certain number of naval and aeronautic abbreviations are included in it. It is inevitable that such abbreviations will be encountered in military documents, and the more familiar the intelligence officer is with them, the better.


In using this dictionary the following principles of organization should be kept in mind:

a. Abbreviations are arranged alphabetically, first according to the abbreviation itself, then according to the word or expression abbreviated. Thus A. for Abteilung precedes A. for Ausbildung, and both these abbreviations precede Abt.

b. The umlaut is equivalent to the addition of e after the vowel; consequently a- follows ad- and precedes af-.

c. The German capital I, often written J, will be found under I.

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d. The German practice varies in use of the period following an abbreviation. In this list the period is usually not given, but an abbreviation given here without a period may appear in a document with one.

e. A German abbreviation frequently can stand for either the singular or the plural of the word it abbreviates. In this list the English meaning is usually given in the singular only.

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Page 10: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


A A1Jlir('viation German Tran,~lation

A __ ._ . _____ AbschnitL _____________ sector; section; IIOlie A ________________ Abschusspunkt _________ present position (antiair-

craft artillery) A ________________ Abteilung ______________ section; detaehlllcnt; depart-

IIl(mt; hattalion A _______________ _ Abwehr _______________ defellse A __ _ Alarm _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ alarm a __________ . ___ _ allgemeiIL _________ . . __ general (adjective) A _______ . ________ _ Alt ____________________ prefix Ali (old)- . ill names of

t(l\nls a __ . ______________ . anl ____________ _ at the; Oil the

office A ____ . __________ Amt ______ . __ _ a ____ . ________ _

A A A _____________ _ A __ . ____________ _ A __ A __

an _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ .-_____ _ Anhiinger __________ ., __ _ AnhalL _ _ _ _ . __ . ______ _ Anhang ____________ . Anleitung _____________ _ Allluerkung ______ ._ . ___ _ Ar _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _____ _

at; on; to trailer; follower Anhalt (Gfr'fltan proIJI'IU'J')

appendix; 8upplpIllPn1 illst.rllctiolll'; directions footll()te; remark; annot-at ion are (111(,(l.~llr(', l!)[J.fJ '~(II/IIr('

?lard.~) A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Arbeits- _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ labor A __ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Arbeitszllg_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ work train A _______ . ________ Armee _________________ army (formalioll. fl/'O/)C arm!1

('Or [Is) A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Artillerip _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ art illery A_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ArtilleriefUhrer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ art.illery COJlllllander (in (/

di,·i.~io'fl ) A_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Artilleriesch uIe_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ artillery school


Page 11: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


A_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Arzt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ physician . . L ____ .. ___ . _______ AHsistenz _______________ assistance; assistant & ____ . ______ . ______ auf ____________________ on A ________________ Aufklarung _____________ reconnaissance A ________________ Aufschlag _____________ impact &_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ auftragsweise_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in accordance with instruc-

tions A ________________ Ausbildung ____________ _ training A ________________ Ausgabestelle __________ _ distributing point

commission; committee old type

A____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ausschuss _____________ _ a/ A_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ alter Ark _____________ _ A.A___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Aufklarungsabteihmg ___ _ reconnaissance battalion

Foreign Office A.A ______________ Auswartiges AmL ______ _ A.AbL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Artillerieabteilung ______ _ A.Abt __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A ufklarungsabteilung_ A.A.Div __________ Divisionsaufklarungsab-

teilung a.a.O _____________ am angefiihrten OrL ____ _ a.a.O _____________ an anderem Ort ________ _ ab _______________ abgegangen ____________ _ A.B _____________ Arbeitsbataillon ________ _ A.B ______________ ArmeebefehL _________ _ A. B_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Artilleriebeobachtung ___ _ a.B ______________ auf BefehL ____________ _

A.B ______________ Ausflihrungsbestimmung-en

Abb ______________ Abbildung _____________ _ abbL ____________ abblasen _______________ _

abbL _____________ abblenden _____________ _ Abdr _____________ Abdruck _______________ _ abds __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ abends_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ A.BekI.AmL _______ Armee-BekleidungsamL __ abL ______________ abfahren; AbfahrL ______ _ abf ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ abfertigen; Abfertigung __ _

abL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ abfUhren ______________ _ abfr ______________ abfragen _______________ _

AbG _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Abiinderllngsgesetz Abg ______________ Abgang ____ _ abg _____________ abgeandert, _____________ _

artillery battalion reconnaissance battalion divisional reconnaissance

battalion in the passage quoted in another place dispatched labor battalion Army order artillery observation by order of (used with signa­

tures) executory regulations

figure;.- illustration to break off com bat; to fin ish

practice to screen; to dim lights copy; impression in the evening; p.m. Army clothing depot to depart; departure to dispatch; act of dispatch­

ing to lead away to test the line (communica-

tion) amending law departure amended

Page 12: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining

abg _____________ _ Abg _____________ _ abg _____________ _

abgebL __________ _ abgeg ___________ _ abgezw __________ _ Abg.H ___________ _ Abg. St __________ _ abh _____________ _ Abk ____________ _ abkdrt __________ _

Abl _____________ _ abl _____________ _ Abl _____________ _ ABl _____________ _ Abl. F ___________ _ abpr ____________ _ Abpr ____________ _ abr _____________ _ Abr _____________ _


abgekurzt _____________ _ Abgeordneter __________ _ abgestlirzt _____________ _ abgeblendet ____________ _ abgegangen ____________ _ abgezweigL ____________ _ Abgangshafen __________ _ Abgangsstation _________ _ abhAngig ______________ _ Abktirzung ____________ _ abkommandiert ________ _

Ablage ________________ _ ablasten _______________ _ A bleitung _____________ _ Amtsblatt _ _ _ _ _ ______ _ AblieferungsfrisL ______ _ abprallen ________________ _ Abpraller _____________ _

abbreviated deputy crashed (aircraft) dimmed (lights) dispatched; departed detached; branched off port of embarkation station of departure dependent abbreviation


detached or detailed Oil

special service depot; dump (on maps) to unload a pack animal leakage; lead; short circuit official journal or f(·gister time limit for deli very to ricochet ricochet; ricoclwt hurst

abrtisten _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ demobilize; dis ann Abriistung_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ demobilization; disarma-

ment Abr.lnL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Abrechnungsintendant, __ _ chief accountant Abr.lntdtL _______ Abrechnungsintellduntllr Abs ______________ Absatz- ___________ _

chief accountant's office _ paragraph

Abs ______________ Abschnitt _____________ _ Abs_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Absender _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Abs ______________ Absendestelle ___ _

abs ______________ absondern; AbAOIlderllng Abseh.hf'w --r - ____ AbAchied bewilligt. Abseh.Ger ________ AbschussgeriiL .. _______ . AbsehIL ________ . __ Abschuitt ___________ _ AbsL ____________ AbHtand ________________ _ AbL _____________ Abtcilung ____________ _

sector; section; zone sender dispatching point; office of

origin; sending point to separate; Reparation discharge approved grenade launcher sector; seetion; zone distance (tactics) ; interval section; detachment; depart-

Abt.CheL _______ _ Abt. Dir _________ _ Abt.GeU'L ______ _ Abt. L ___________ _ A.BtL ___________ _

ment; battalion Abteilungschef _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ section chief Abteilungsdirektor __ _ _ _ _ __ departmental director Abteilungsgefechtsstand_ _ battalion cOIllmand post Abteilungsleiter _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ seetion chief Ausbildungsbataillon _ _ _ _ _ training battalion

Abtlg ____________ _ Abteilung _______________ seetio-n; detachment; depart-ment: battalion

Page 13: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


abtr ______________ abtreten__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to withdraw; to retire from Abtr _____________ Abtretung ______________ withdrawal; cession; sur-

render Abt. Y orsL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Abteilungsvorsteher _ _ _ _ _ _ section manager; section

chief Abw _____________ Abwehr _________________ defense Abw _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Abwicklung_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ demobilization; unfolding Abw. Min __________ Abwehrmine ____________ defensive mine Abw.SchL ________ Abwehrschlacht __________ defensive battle Abz _____________ Abzeichen ______________ insignia; marking Abz ______________ Abzug __________________ trigger; retreat; outlet Abz. Vorr __________ Abzugsvorrichtung _______ firing mechanh·un; trigger

a.c. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ anni currf'ntis_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Achs.B_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ Achselband _____________ _ AchskL _____________ Achselklappe ___________ _ Achssk _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Achselstlick _____________ _ a.d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ an der __________________ _ a. -D _____________ _ ausser DiensL __________ _ a.d.D ___________ _ auf dem Dienstwege ____ _ Adj __ Adjutant _______________ _ Adj Obd H ______ _ Adjlltantur des Oberbe-

fehlshabers des Heeres

mechanism of the current year aiguillette (large) shoulder strap shoulder strap (officer's) on the; at the retired through official channels adjutant Adjutant's Office of t til'

Commander in the Army

(;hief of

Adm_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AdmiraL _______________ admiral ADO _____________ allgemeine Dienstord- general service reglllat.ions

nung ADP _____________ Arbeitsdienstpfticht_ labor service duty Adr ______________ Adresse____ address Adw _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Arbeitsdienstwilliger _ _ _ _ labor service vohmtper a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ arztlich _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ medical A.E ______________ Antitoxineinheiten ________ anti-toxin units a.E _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ am Ende _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ at the end; in the end A.E.G ___________ Allgemeine-Elektrizitats- electrical manufacturing firm

gesellschaft AlL_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Altester _ _ _ _ _ _ __ oldest; senior A.E.R__ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Artillerieersatzregiment _ _ artillery replacementtrainillg

A.i.B _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Anleitung flir die Ausflih­rung von Behelfsbefesti-gungen

A.f.G _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ausbildungsvorschrift flir Gebirgstruppen

regiment direction for the construction

of secondary field fortifica­tions

training manual for moun­tain troops

Page 14: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining

A.Fhr __

Afl~ _____________ _

A.(F) M.K _______ _

A.FU ____________ _


ArtilleriefUhrer _____ .. _ .... _ artillery commander (in (l

division) Artillerieflieger _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ artillery spotting pilot Artilleriemunitionskolonne artillery munitions tran~port

column ArtilleriefUhrer ~ ________ _ artillery commander (in (l

A.G ______________ Abwehrgruppe __ - -division)

defense group limited company A.G____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Aktien-Gesellschaft

AgEH ____________ Amtsgruppe Ersatz- llnd Heerwesen

Section for Heplac(,Il1Pllt Training and Army Mat­ters

A.G.L ___________ ArtilleriegeriHinspizienL _ general officer in charJ!;e of artillery equipment inspec­tion

A.Or _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Armeegruppe ___________ task force of varying strength A. (if. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Artilleriegruppe _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ artillery task force: art illery

A.R ____________ _ AHA ____________ _ A.H.Q __________ _ A.lng ___________ _ A.loW ___________ _

Allgempines Heeresgerat. .. Allgemeines Heeresamt_ Armeehauptquartier __ .. __ Arti11erieingeniellr _ Artillerieinstan c\setz u Ilgs-

werkstatt Ai--------------- Pers<>nlicher Adjutant

des FUhrers

group general army equipment Gpneral Army Office arm~' headq uarters arji1ler~' engineer artillery repair shop

person al adjutallt. of the FUhrer

A.K_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Abschnittskommamieur _ sector COllllJlall(lPr A.K ______________ Armeekorps____ army corps A.K ______________ ArtilleriekololillP _______ artiller~' column A.K _________ . ____ Artilleriekommandeur ____ artillery commander from

general headquarters pool a.K _____________ auf Kommando __ . _______ detailed (for military .~ffl)i("(;) a. K ______________ auf Kriegsdauer. _ _ _____ for the duration of j-he war Aka ______________ Artillerie-KampfarW!erie_ counterhatteryartillery A.Kdr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Artilleriekommandeur _ _ _ _ art.illery conunand('f from

J!;eneral headquart.ers pool .\kk ______________ Akkumulator storage battery A.K.K


A.K.O ________ _

Armeekraftwagenkolonne_ anllY motor t rallsport col­umn

Artilleriekommalldcllr Nord

Art.iJleriekommandeur Ost

Artillery Commander, Nort.h

Artillery COlllmallder, East

Page 15: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


A.Kom ___________ ArtilleriekommandeuL ___ artillery comander from gen-

A.Korps _________ _ Armeekorps ____________ _ A.K.P ___________ _ Armee-Kraftfahrpark ___ _ A.K.S ___________ _ Artilleriekommandeur

Slid akt ______________ aktiv __________________ _

Akt.Dpfl _______ aktive DienstpflichL ____ _ Akt.R ___________ Aktionsradius __________ _ A.K. W _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Artilleriekommandeur

West Akz ______________ Aktenzeichen __________ _ A.L ______________ AnfangsladIUlg_. ________ _ A.L ______________ Anschlussleitung ______ _ allg ______________ allgemein ______________ _ AU.Gab __________ Gasabwehrdienst aller

Waffen AIlg.Gr ___________ Allgemeine Gruppe _____ _ aUj _____________ alljiihrlich ____ _ All.Pi.D _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ allgemeiner Pion ierdienst

fUr aIle Waffen

eral headquarters pool army corps army motor park Artillery Commander, South

active; on duty active duty radius of action Artillery Commander, West

file index number initial charge (blasting) connecting circuit general gas protection for all arms

general group every year; annually general combat engineer serv­

ice for all arms A.L.R ____________ Allgemeines LandrechL ___ general civil law A.L. IL ___________ ArtillerielehrregimenL ___ artillery instruction regiment Am ______________ Amerika ________________ America Am_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ amerikanisch; Am e ri - American; an American

kaner a.M ______________ am Main _______________ on the Main (river) Am ______________ Auswanderullgsmesser ____ range corrector (naval and

antiaircraft) amb _____________ ambulant _______________ ambulatory; able to walk Amb_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ambulanz ______________ ambulance amb.Beh _________ ambulante Behandlung ___ treatment of ambulatory

cases (medical service) A.M.K ___________ Artilleriemullitiollsko- artillery munitions transport

lonne column Amn _____________ Amnestie ______________ amnesty Amp _____________ Ampulle ________________ ampoule Amp _____________ Amputation ___________ amputation Amph ___ ~ ________ Amphibienflugzeug ______ amphibian plane amtL _____________ amtlich ________________ official A.M.Tr __________ Artilleriemesstrupp ______ sound and flash ranging sec-

tion (artillery) an _______________ angekommen ____________ arrived

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An _______________ AnisoL _______________ _

A.N achr.Pk _______ Armee-.t\ achrichtenpark __ AnL _____________ Anfang ________________ _ anf ______________ anfangen ______________ _

A.N.F ____________ Armee-NachschubfUhrer._ Anf.Geschw _______ AnfangsgeschwindigkeiL_ Anf .Zeich_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AnfUhrungszeichell _____ _ ang _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ angestellt ___ - - _ - _ - _____ _ ang _______________ angewandL ____ - _______ _ angek ____________ angekommen ___________ _ Angr.Z ___________ AngriffszicL ___________ _ Anh _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ All hiingeL _____________ .. Anh _____________ Anhang _______________ _ Anh_ W _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AnhiingewageJL ________ _ AnL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ankunft_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ______ _ AnL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Anlag~ ________________ _

AnL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Anleitung _____________ _ Anltg ___________ Anleitung _____________ _ Anltg.A.M_W _____ Anleitung fUr die Aushil-

dung der MiIlenwerfer­kompanien

Anm _____________ Anmerkung ____ -: _______ _ Anmerk __________ Anmerkung. ____________ _ Ann _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Annahme ______________ _

anp ______________ anpassen ______________ _ Anp _____________ Anpassllng ____________ _ A.N.R ___________ Armee - Nachrichtenregi-

ment ansch ____________ anschaffen _____________ _ Ansch_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Anschaffung ___________ _ ansch _____________ anschiessen ____________ _ Ansch ____________ Anschuss ______________ _ Anschl.Bttr ______ ~ Anschlussbatterie _______ _ AnschLDiv _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Anschlussdivision _______ _ Ansch!. Tr ______ _ _ _ Anschlusstruppen _______ _ Ans.Sk ___________ Ansichtsskizze ________ .. _._ Anst_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Anstalt ________________ _ ansL _____________ anstauen ______________ _ anst ______________ ansteckend ____________ _ anst_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ anstellen ______________ _


, 13

trinitroanisole army signal equipment park beginning to begin; to commence army supply romlllalloer initial velocity or speed quotation marks employed applied arrived attack objective trailer; support ('r; follower appendix, supplement trailer arrival plant; establishment; enclo­

sure; park i construction; deRign; outline; foundation

insh'uct ions; direct ions instructions; direct ions instructions for tlw training

of trench motor ('ompsnies

remark; annotation; footnote remark; annotation; footnote acceptance; receipt.; as,mmp-

tiou; supp0l'it.ion to suit; to adapt aoaptation army signal rpgiment

to provide; to obtain acquh,ition to hit by shooting shot adjoining battery adjoining diviHion adjoining troops graphic sketch inHtitution; eHtablishment to dam up contagious to employ

Page 17: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Anst ____________ Anstellung ______________ employment Ant _____________ Antenne __________________ antenna AntJein ___ -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Antennenfeinabstim- antenna tuning

mung Anw _____________ Anwarter ______________ _ Anw ___ ~ ________ Anweisung _____________ _ Anz_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Anzeige _______ - _ - - - __ --

Anz ___________ -- A n zeiger _______________ -Anz.D _________ _ Anzeigerdeckung _______ _ Anz.O ___________ _ Anzugsordnung _______ _ A.O __ Ablaufoffizier ___ _ A.O _________ _ Anzugsordn u ng; _ _ _______ _ A.O ____________ _ Arbeitsordnung ___________ _ A.O ____________ _ Art.illerieoffizier __ Ao. Ges_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ausserordentlicher

Gesandter AoGubM __________ ausserorden tlicher G£'-

AOK __________ _ Ap ____________ _ A.P ____________ _

sandter und bwvoll-machtigter Minister

Armeeoberkommando_ A hpraller _________ _

Artilleriepunkt; Artiller-ii'ltischer Punkt

a.p _______________ ausserplanmassig ________ _

A. Pf.Laz__ ___ ._ _ __ Armee-Pferdelazarett_ A.Pf.Pk __________ Armee-Pferdepark_ apl _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ausserplanmassig _ _ _ ___ -

A pp _________ _ ApparaL ___ _

ar _____________ _ arisch ___ _ A.R ____________ _ ArtillerieregimenL ___ _ Arb. AbL ____ _ Arbeiterabteilung _____ _ Arb. Flgz _____ _ Arbeitsflllgzeug; ___ _ Arb. Kp __________ _ Arbeitskompanie _____ _ Ar. D ___________ _ Arbeitsdicnst _________ _

aspirant; candidate direction; instruction announcement; notice; re-

port indicator; informer pit (range) regulations for uniforms bridge traffic con trol officer regulations for uniforms work plan artillery officer envoy extraordinary

envoy extraordinar.v and minister plenipoten tiary

army conn nand ricochet artillery ref ere nee poi n t

(gunnery) not according to plan or

schedule army veterinary hm;pital army horAe park not according to plan or

schedule apparatus;

ment Aryan


artillery regiIllf'nt. labor det.achment work plane labor company labor service


ArftL ____ _ Artilleriefiihrer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ divisional artillery comman­der

a.Rh_ am Rhein on the Rhine A~k _ _ _ _ _ _____ _ Arktikmunition _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ arctic amJUllIIition

Page 18: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Arko ____________ .. A rtillerickommalldeur _. _

Arm ______ - ____ -

arm _____ . _ - ____ ..

Arm. Pf. Laz Arm. Pf. P ____ .. _._ Arm. Res. ______ . __ Arm.San.P _______ _ Arm.VOBL _____ _ Arr _____________ _

Armee _______________ _

armif'rL _________ _

ArmeepferdelazareU Armeepferdepark. __ Armeereserve. _. ____ _ Armeesanitiitspark. _. __ _ Armceverordnungsblatt _ ArresL ___________ _


artillery commander from general headq Hart ers pool

army (formation above armll corps)

armed army horse hospital army horsf' park army reserve army medical park journal of deereeR of an arIll~' detention

Arr _____________ . Arrestant ________ . ______ ._ man under detelltion ArR _____________ . Art. ____ . ____ . _ Art.AbL _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Art.Beob.AbL ___ _

Art-Besch __ .. _. _ ._ Art.Ers.AbL ___ .. __ _

Arsenal _______________ _ Artillerie _____ _ Artillerieabteilung __ ._ Artilleriebeobaehtull/!:s-

abteilung Artillcriebeschiessung. ___ . Artillerieersatzabteilun/!: _ .

Art. Ers. Rgt_. ___ . _ _ Artillerieersatzregiment. __

Art. F _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Artilleriefiihrer ___ _

Art. FL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Artillerieflieger _. _ Art. Kdr _. _ _ _ _ _ Artilleriekommandellf

arsenal artiller~1

artillery battalion artillery obRervation nptueh­

ment artillery bombardment artillery rpplaCellH'llt t ruin­

ing battalion artillery replacfHnent traill-

ing regirnellt divisional artillery

mander COIlI-

artillery spotting pilot artillery COIllIllaIHkr from

gellNal headq uartPrs pool Art.Kol ______ . _ _ Artilleriekolonne __ . _ artillery transport column Art. Kr.Zgm _______ A r ti 11 e r i e k r aft z u g - artillery primE' mover

maschine ArtL __________ . _ _ Artillerie ______ _ artillery Artl.Res ___ . __ ArtI.RgL __ _ Art.Mun.Kol_._

Art.Pk __ _ Art. RgL __ , __ Art. Sch __ . ____ _ Art.St.F ___ _ Art. 8tr. F ____ ._ Art. Verm.Tr __ . __

Art. WerksL '_ ArLZg ___ _

ArtiIleriereserve ____ _ Artillerieregimen t _. _ Art i 11 e r i e m 11 II i ti () n R-

kolonne Artilleriepark __ _ Artillerieregiment ArtiIlerieschule ._

artillery reserve artillery regiment. artillery munitions 1 ranR-


artillery equipment park artillery regiuH'nt artillery school

Arti1leriestorungsft~ller _ . artillery harasRing fire Artilleriestreufeuer __ .. _. artillery dispersioll firt' Artillerievermessllngs- artillery survey dctaehment

trllPP ArtiIIeriewerkstatt_ _ ___ ._ artillery repair shop Artilleriezug _____ . _____ . artillery plat oon

Page 19: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


AB_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Arsenik ____ - _ - - - - - - - - - -AS_____ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ Artillerieschule __ - - __ - - --A.San.Abt ________ Armee-Sanitiitsabteilung._ A.Sf).n.Pk __________ Armee-Sanitiitspark ____ --A.Sch. PL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Artillerieschiessplatz _ - - - -Ass.Arzt___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AssistenzarzL ____ - - - - - --A.St_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Auswertestelle - - - - - - - - - -

Asta_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ausbildungsstab der Ar­tillerie

AstL _____________ Ausbildungsstab der In-fanterie

arsenic artillery_ school army medical battalion army medical park artillery firing range 2d lieutenant, medical corps computing station (sound

and flash ranging gunnery) artillery training staff

infantry training staff

Astr.Mcsszug _____ Astronomischer MCRSZUg_ astronomical survey platoon At_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Atmosphiire _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ atmosphere A.T ______________ Aussichtsturm _________ - observation tower (on maps) A.T.B ____________ ArmeetagesbefchL _______ army order of the day Atm _____________ Atmosphiire ____________ atmosphere Att ______________ At.tacM ________________ attacM AtL _____________ Attest __________________ certificate attach ____________ attachiert_____________ attached Attr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Attrappe _______________ dummy Aubo ____________ AussenbordmotoL _______ outboard motor aufh _____________ aufhcben _______________ to raise; to cancel AufkL ___________ Aufkliirung _____________ reconnaissance Aufkl.Abt _________ Aufkliirungsabtcilung ____ reconnaissance battalion Aufkl..Ers.AbL_ _ _ _ Aufkliirungsersatzabtei- reconnaissance replacement

lung training battalion Aufkl.Str _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Aufkliirungsstreitkriifte _ _ combat reconnaissance forces AufL ____________ Auflage _______________ edition Aufm ____________ Aufmarsch ______________ initial assembly for opera-

tiElns Aufu _____________ Aufnahme ______________ reception; photograph; de-

laying action Aufn.Stg _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Aufnahmestellung _______ delaying position; rallying

position Aufn. Tr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Aufnahmetruppen_ _ _ _ _ _ _ delaying troops Auftr _____________ Auftrag _________________ order; task; mi,,~ion Auftr _______ _ _ _ _ _ _ Auftreff _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ impact (gunnery) auftrw ____________ auftragsweise ____________ in accordance with instruc-

tions Ausb____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ausbildung _______________ training Ausb.Offz ________ Ausbildungsoffizier _______ training officer Ausb. Pers _______ AusbildungspersonaL ____ training personnel Ausbr ___________ Ausbrennung _____________ erosion (of a barrel)

Page 20: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Aus! _____________ AusfalL __ ' _____________ _ Ausf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AusfUhrung ____________ _ Ausi. BesL _______ A usfuhru ngs bes t i m-

mungen Ausf. V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AusfUhrungsvorschrift._ .. _ Ausg _____________ Ausgabe _______ - - - - - - - --ausg_____ ___ _ _ _ _ _ . ausgemusterL _________ _ ausgen ____________ ausgenommen _______ ~ __ Ausgp _________ .. __ Ausgangspunkt. _______ _ Ausg. Stg _________ Ausgangstellung ________ _ aush _____________ ausheben ______________ . Aush _____________ Aushebung __________ .. __ _ AusL _____________ Ausland _______ - -. Ausl. Vertr ... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Auslieferungsvertrag ____ _ Ausr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ausrustung ____ . _. ___ _ Ausr. S ___________ Ausruckstarke __________ _

ausruck ___________ ausruckend _________ _

sortie; loss execution; completion executory regulations

executory regulations issue; issuance discharged excepted point of departure position of departure to draft conscription; draft foreign country extradition treaty arms and equipment


initial strength; marching­out strength

evacuating; marching out; decamping

Aussch ___________ Ausschllss ______ .----Allss. T _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A ussichtstllrm _ __

_ committee; COIllIllil'<sion observation tower (on maps)

AllSS.W __________ Aussenwerk _____ _ autom ____________ automatisch ____ . Autom. Gew _ _ _ _ _ _ Automatisches Gcwehr. A. V ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Armeeverpflegungslager __ A.V.A ____________ Ausbildungsvorschrift fUr

die Artillerie A VBL ___________ ArmeeverordnungshlatL_ AVL _____________ Allgemeine Verfiigullg ___ _ A. V.F _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ausbildllngsvorschrift fur

die Fahrtruppen

A. V. Flak .' _ . _____ - Ausbildungsvorschrift fur Flak

A. V.I ____________ Ausbildungsvorschrift fUr die Infanterie

A. V. IL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ausbildungsvofflchrift fUr die Kavallerie

A. V.Kdo _________ Artillerieverbind ungR-kommando

A.V.KfK ________ AusbiIdungsvorRchrifj fiir die Kraftfahrkampf­truppen

outworkR automatic automatic rifle army Rupply depot artillery training regulntiollR

journal of decrees of an army general order training regulations for serv­

ice troopR for animal­drawn trains

antiaircraft training rC'gula­Lions

infantry training regulations

cavalry training regulations

artillery liaison detachment

training regulations for mo­torized com hat troops

Page 21: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


A. V. Ko_ _ _ Artillerieverbindu ngs-kommando

A. V. Kraft_ _ Ausbildungsvorschrift fUr die Kraftfahrtruppen

A. V. L1L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ausbildungsvorschrift fUr Leibesubungen

A. V. N _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ausbildungsvorschrift fUr die N achrichtentrup-pen

artillery liaison detachlllent

training regliIat,ions for mo­tor transport service troops

physical training regulations

training regulations for sig­nal troops

A. V.O_ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Artillerieverbindungsoffi- artillery liaison officer zier

A. Y. Po. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ausbildungsvorschrift fur die Pioniere

A. Y pfL _._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Armee - Verpflegungsaus­gabestelle

A. V .~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ausbildllngsvorschrift fur die Scheinwerfertrup­pen

A. V:L ___________ Artillerievermessu ngs-trupp

A. V. Wo.o. _ _ _ _ ____ Arbeitsverwend I1l1gS-fiihigkeit fur die Wehr­macht

A. V.Z ____________ Arbf'it sverwend 11 n gs-fiihigkeit, Zivil

Aw __ ._ Artilleriewerkstatt ______ _ A.W _________ _ Atemwiderstand ____ .. ___ _

training regulations for engi­neers

army rations distribution point

training regulations for searchlight troops

instrument section (artillery)

fitness for labor employment for the army

fitness for labor employment for civil service

artillery repair shop breathing resistance (gas

mask) AW_______ ___ Aw-senwache _____ . _ outer guard A W lL ___________ Amtsgruppe Allgemeine


Az ______________ .. Akt('nzeichell ____ . __

Section for General Armed Forces Mattc·rs

file index l1umlwr A.Z ___ .. ________ .... AlarmzuEnde __ _ A. Z ____ .. ______ . Anforderungszeichen __ AZ ______ ... __ Aufschlagzunder ____ _ a. Zo.o. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ auf Zeit ____ .. _ ...

. _ all clear Rignal requisition mark percllssion fuze temporary

Az-Mllll _________ _ Az.m.V _________ _

Auszeichnung __ . _ . Aufschlagzundel'munit ion_ Aufschlagziinder mit Ver-

decoration; distinction percussion fuze ammunition percusRion fuze with delay-

zogerung action A. Z. V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Artilleriezielbau vorschrift _ artillery target construction


Page 22: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


B B _______________ Bach______ _ _ _ brook (on map8) B _______________ BackereL _______________ bakery B _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ Ballon _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ balloon B __ ,_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bataillon _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ battalion R_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Batterie_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ battery B_____ Bau __________________ construction B_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ Bedienungsmann __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ member of gun cr('w B_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ Befehl_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ order; cOIluuand JL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Befehlshaber _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ commander; ('ollllllanding

officer h_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ beL _________________ _ by; near; close to B _______________ _ B B B B _' ______________ _ B _______________ _ B ____________ _

h ________ _

IL B ______________ _ lL _____ _ B. _____ _


B _______________ _


H BA ____ _

H.A _____________ _ It A _________ _

BA ____________ _ BA _________ _

BA H. A bL __________ _

Belagerung ____________ _ Beobachtung _____ _ Beobachtungsstpllp _ Bereitschaft _ Berg _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ______ _

Betriebs- __ _ Bettungsgeschutz

bewegliches ___ _ Bombenwllrf ____ _ BrieL ____ _ Brieftallbenmeh4er _ Brucke __ BrUllnell_ _ ____________ _

Bucht_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __________ _ Buchse _ _ _ _ _ _____ _ -burg ____ _

:Feldhackerf'ikolonne _ BallamL __

Bekleid 1I11gsamt

siege observation observation post readillPSS; preparedness mouutain (on /IIaps) operating; working; t raft1c outrigger-ba."c gUll; gun on

platform mounting movable bombing (airplane) letter carrier pigeon serg('ant bridge (on maps) well; spring; fountain

maps) bay; inlet (on maps) rifle


final syllable "-burg" (1Jlare names)

fipld bakpry colllmn building and COl 1st "\I('t-ion

office clothing depot

BerichtallweisuIlg ________ instruction for making re-

Beschaffungl'lam t_ BespanTlllJ1gsabtpilung _ Betriebsamt Ballabteilung __________ _

port.s procurempnt office horse-drawn detachment ol)t'rat iou", office (railwa!l) bllildinK" and eOl1:-<t rile! iOll df'-

partlIlent; eOllst.rllct.iOJl


Page 23: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


B.Abt- ___________ Beobachtungsabteilung __ _ artillery observation or sur­vey battalion (sound and flash)

Back _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ BackereL _____________ _ bakery Back.K __________ Backereikompanie ______ _ bakery- company

bakery column bayonet

Back.KoL ___ . ____ Backereikolonne ________ _ Baj_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bajonett ______________ _ baj _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ hajonettieren __________ _ Baj. Gew ___ _ _ _ Bajonettiergewehr ______ _

B.A.K __________ _ Ballonabwehrkanone ____ _ BAIC _________ _ Beklcidungsamt KiPl ____ _ BaIL __________ _ Ballistik _______________ _

to bayonet dummy rifle for bayonet

practice antiballoon gun Kiel clothing depot ballistics

BalL __________ _ Ballon _________________ balloon Ball. Bttr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ BaIlon batterie ___________ _ observation balloon battery

error of the momcnt (bal­listics)

Balta_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ Ballistiche TagescinflUssc_

Balta-sekunden _ _ _ _ Ballistische TageRcin- error of the momcnt, distrib­uted along time of flight curve (ballistics)

fliisse, gcstaffelt nach Flngzeitsekundcn

Bar _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ Baracke ________________ _ barracks Bark _____________ Barkasse _______________ motor launch Barom _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Barometer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ barometer Barrik _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Barrikade_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ barricade B.ArL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Beobachtungsstelle der artillery obscrvation post

Artillerie Batl_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bataillon _________________ battalion Batls.Nachr. ZlIg __ Bataillonsnachrichtenzug_ battalion signal platoon Batt_ _ _ _ _ Batterie ________________ battery Bllttr _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Batterie_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ battery Battr.TL _________ Batterietrupp __________ battcry headquarters de-

Ban. Btl Ballv.O.(Heer) _

BA W ___________ _

Bb ____________ _ B13 ____________ _

Bb ____________ _

B.BtL _________ _

tachment BanbataillOlL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ construction battalion Bauverwalt.ungsordnung building and constrllction

fUr das Heer administration regulations for the Army

Bekleidungsam t helms haven

Wil- Wilhelmshaven clothing de­pot

Beobachtungsbatterie __ _ Gruppe Berlin-Branden­

burg (SA) Stab einer Beobachtungs­

abteilung Baubataillon __________ _

observation battery Berlin - Brandenburg group

(Storm Troopers) staff of an observation or

survey battalion (artillery) construction battalion

Page 24: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Bbv _____________ BahnbevollmachtiJ,!;ter fUr authorized railroad agent for Militar - Augelegenhei- military matters ten

B.d.A ____________ Befchlshaber der Auf- commander of cruisers klarungsschiffe

B.d.A ____________ Befehlshaber der Auf-klarungsstreit.kriifte

B.D.A __________ Besoldungsdienstalter ___ _ B.d.A.d_O ________ Befehlshaber der Aufkla-

rungsschiffe in der Ost-see ,

commander of reconnais­sance cruiser forces

longevity (pay); incremeut commander of cruisers in the

Baltic Sea

B.d.E. ___________ Befehlshaber des Ersatz- Commander of the Replace-heeres ment Training Army

B.d.E ____________ Befehlshaber des Ersatz- chief of recruitment service wesens

BdflL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bordfunket- ______ - ____ _

B.d.G ____________ Befehlshaber der Gen-darmerie

Bd.G Brandgeschoss _________ _ B.d.L ______ _ Befehlshaber der Lillien-

schiffe B.d.L ____________ Befehlshaber der Luft-

strei tk rafte Bd.-MG.-T _______ Boden-Mas~hinengewehr-

turm B.d.O ____________ Befehlshaber der Ord-

n ungspolizei B.d.S.d.N _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ Befehlshaber der Sicher-

ungsstreitkrafte der Nordsee

B.d.S.d.O _________ Befehlshaber der Sicher-ungsstreitkriifte der Ostee

B.d.Sipo u.d.SD ___ Befehlshaber der Sicher-heitspolizei und des Sicherheitsdienstes

bd.taug __________ bedingt tauglicIL ________ _ b.d.Tr _____________ bei der Truppc ________ _ Bd.Z _____________ Bodenzlinder ____________ _

B.E ______________ bc:"ondere Einfllisse _____ _ Bed ____________ Bedarf _________ _ bed ____ . _______ . _ _ bedcutet __________ _

board radio operator (avia­tion; navy)

commander of the local police

incendiary shell commander of battleship

force Commander of the Air

Forces bottom machine-gun turret

(al:rplane) Chief of the Regular Police

commander of the :"ecurity forces of the North Sea

commander of the security forces of the Baltic Sea

Chief of Security Police and .. of the SS Security Service

conditionally fit with the troops base percllssion fuze; base

detonator fuze special fact-ors (ballistics) requiremcnt means

Page 25: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Bed _____________ _ bed _____________ _ Bed _____________ _

BeL _ _ _ __ _ _ _ - _ - _ -Bef _____________ _

BeL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ Bef ___________ _ Bef. A _________ _

Bef.E ____________ _ Bef. E _______ - __ _ Befest ________ _ Bef. Gr ________ _ Befh ____ _

Bedeutung ______________ _ Bedienen ______________ _ Bedienung ____________ _ Befiihigung ___________ _ BefehL ____________ _ Befeuerung ____ _ Beforderung __ _ Befehlsausgabe __

Befehlsempfanp;er.. _____ _ Befehlsempfanp; _ _ _ _ Befestigung _____ _ Befestigungsgruppc _____ _ Befehlshaber _________ _

meaning to serve; to operate gun crew; service qualification order; command firing; lighthouse service promotion; transport issuance of orders; distribll-

tion of orders message orderly; runner receipt of order fortification; fa/stening group of fortificatiom; commander; commanding

officer Befhb _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ Befehlshaber ________ _ commander; commancling

Befh.d. P ________ _ Beg. Gef ________ _ BegL ___________ _ Begl. Zg _________ _

beh _____________ _

behelfsm __ _ _____ _ behelfsm. Bef ______ _

Beh San.1L

Befehlshaher der Polizei_ Bep;ep;nungsgefechL ____ _ Be/l:leit- __________ _ Beglcitzug ______________ _

behelfsmassip; ___________ _ behelfsmassig _ behelfsmassige Be f c s t-

igung Behandlung der Sanitiits-


officer commander of police meeting engagement accompanying accompanying platoon (of

machine-gun company) emergency; hasty; makeshift emergency: hasty; makeshift hasty fortification

care of medical supplies

BeiL ____________ Beilage ________________ annex; enclosure; ap(l<'lIdix beiL _____________ heiliegend ______________ enclosed Beitr.O ____________ Beitreihungsordnung_ procedure of rNplisit ion Reiwg ___________ _ Beiwagen____ _ _ _ _ _ sidecar HekL _ _ _ _ __ _ Rekleidung_ _ _ _ clothing; uniform Bekl.A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ RekleidungsamL _ _ clothing oepot Bekl.Fw ___ _ __ _ _ __ Bekleidungsfeldwebel ____ clothing sergeant BekI.N ___________ Bekleirilillgs- und Aus- clothing and equipment

rustungsnachweisung tables Bekl. Uffz_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bekleidungsunteroffizier __ clothing noncommissioned

officer Bekl.Ufw ________ Bekleidungsunterfeld- clothing sergeant

webel Bek!. V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bekleidungsvorschrift clothing regUlations

Page 26: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining

ABBREVIA TIONS 23 BeL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Belag _ _ _____________ _

BeL ____________ _ Bel ____________ _ beL ______________ _ beL ____________ _ beL _____________ _

Be lag _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Belast __ _ Belehr.Mp __ _ Beleucht.Ger ____ _ Bel.Zust __ Beob _____ _ Bcob.Aht ________ _

Beob. Battr _____ _ Beob.Ger Beob.P __

Belagerung ____________ _ Belastung _____________ _ belegeu _________________ _ belegL _______________ _ beleuch telL ____________ _ Belagerung _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ Belastung __ _ Belehrungsmappe _______ _ BeleuchtungsgeraL _ Belagerungszustand _____ _ Beobachter; Beobachtung_ Beobachtungsabteilung_

Beobachtungsbatterie BpobachtungsgeriiL __ _ BeobachtungspunkL ___ _

overlay (harness); planking (bridge); covering; plank ffooring; surface (road)

siege load; charge; burden; stress to shell; to occupy; to cover shelled; occllpied; covered to illuminate siege load; charge; burden; stress instructional llIap ill umilla tioll eq ui pmen t state of siege observer; observation artillery observation or snr-

vey battalion (sound and flash)

observation battery observation instruments observation point

Beob.PkL_ Beob.ScIL_

Beobachtungspunk L __ _ _ observation point

Beob.T _________ _ Beob. W _________ _

Beobachterschulc __ Beobachtungstllrm _ Bcobachtungswagen __

observers' school (avia/£on) _ _ observatioll tower (Oil 11/(1 p,~)

reconnaissance cltr (for bat­

Bel' _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ Bereitschaft _________ _ bel' _ __ _ beriUen_ Ber. Buchsc_ _ _ _ _ Bereitschaftsbuchse Bereit14ch. IL _ _ _ __ Bereitschafts-KoIllpanie_ Bel'. F _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ BcriUftihrer __ Bcrghsr _ _ _ _ __ _ Berghiiuser _____ _ Bel'. Inf. Kp ______ bel'ittellc Infanterip-

Bpritt--V ________ _ kompanie

VOI':-chrift fUr die Berit­telllllach lIng der Offi­ziere, Sallitiitsoffizjef(~,

Veterinaroffiziere lind oberen Beallltell des Heeres

BerL ______________ Rerlill ___ _

Ber. LftsIL _ _ __ _ _ _ berittener Lliftspiiher_ Ber.Offz_ __ berittpner Offizier __ Ber.Off;t, _ _ _ _ __ Ber.Pol

Berufsoffi;t,ier bel'ittene PolizeL ___ _

tery ob.~ervati()n) readiness; prepar(~dl)('ss mOlJnted canister (gas mask) company in readirles14 seetioll corporal (cavalry) moun tain 11OllS(>S (011 //IllpS)

mOllnted infalltry compltlly

regulations for the requir­ing of officers, medical of­ficers, veterillar.v o tli eel's , and higher officials of the army to he mOil II ted

Berlin mOll Hted air scou t lllOllJlted omcer career officer mounted police

Page 27: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Bes ______________ Besatzung _____________ _ Bes ______________ BeRoldung _____________ _ bes.A _______ . ______ besondere Anordnllngen __ besch _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ beschiessen ____ . _ _ ... ___ _

Besch ____________ Beschiessung ___________ _

BeschL ____ . _____ _ Beschl.Sch.Uffz ___ _

Besch.Nachw ____ _ beschr. taug ______ _ Bes. G _ - ________ - -Bes. Gr __________ _ Besold __________ .. Besold. Gr _______ _ Besold. Ordn _____ _ beap _____________ _ Besp ___________ _

Beschlag ___ .. ____ . _____ _


Beschiiftigungsnachweis __ beschrankt tauglich ___ _ Besoldungsgesetz _ _ _ _ __ _ Besoldungsgruppe ______ _ Besoldung. .. _ __ _ _ _ __ _ Besoldungsgruppe _____ _ Besoldungsordnung _____ _ bespan nk _____________ _ Bespannung_. __________ ..

garrison; crew pay special orders to shell; to bombard; to

fire upon shelling; bombardment; tf'st

firing metal fittings; horsehoeing stable sergeant

proof of employment partially fit pay law pay group pay pay group pay regulations horse-drawn fabric; covering (aviation);

draft horses Besp.Abt_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bespannungsabteilllng ____ horse-drawn detachment Bespr ___________ Besprechung__ conference; discussion;

critique Bes.Sch.KL ____ _ besondere Schiessklasse ___ special markRmanship class Best _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bestand ___ . strength; stock BesL ___________ .. BeRtimmung. _ .. destination; regulation Best. A ______ . ____ . Bestandaufnahme.. inventory Best. II _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bestimmungshafen ____ .. port of destination Bestr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ BeRtrafung ___ .. _ . _____ _ BestL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bestreichung _____ .. _____ _ Bestr R __________ .. bestrichener Raum.

BeL ____________ . Betriebs-_ BeL ____________ . BettuIIg __ .

punishment; sweeping (fire) raking (fire); enfilade danger zone (machine gun,

rifle) operational base; outrigger base; bed­

plate; foundation; road­bed

Bet.Gesch _______ BettungsgeschUtz ________ outrigger base gun (anti-aircraft); gun on platform mounting

Bet.K ___________ Betonkonstruktion _______ concrete construction Betr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Betrag_ . amount betr ____________ . betreffelld _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ concerning; with rf'ference

to; regarding Betr. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Betriebs- ____ _ _ _ _ operational

Page 28: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Betr.Abt __________ Betriebsabteilung ________ operations section; manage-ment

Betr. Ass _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Betriebs-AssiRtellt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ operations clerk Betr.Fr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Betriebsfrequcllz ________ operation frequency (radio) Betr.O _ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Betriebsordnunp; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ operating regulations Betr.St_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Betriebsstoff _ __ _ fuel Betr.St.KoL ______ BctriebsstoffkoloIllle ____ fuel column Betr.St.Zug_ _ _ _ _ _ Bctripbsstoffzug;_ _ _____ fuel train Bett _____________ Bettung___ _ ________ base; outrigger base; bed-

plate; foundation; roadlwd Bett.Gesch_______ Bettungsgesehutz_______ outriggcr-ba.<.;e gUll; gun on

platform mounting BeurL ___________ Beurlaubter _____________ manonleave BellrL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Beurlaubung_ _ _ ________ leave of absence Bev __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bevollmachtigtpr_ _ _ _ _ _ _ authorized agent; plenipo­

tentiary Bew _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bewachung _____________ guarding; watching; supervi-

Bew _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bewassenlllg ___________ _ Bew _____________ _ Bewaffullng ________ _ bew ____________ _ bewegliclL _ _ _ _ _ _ _______ _ Bew ____________ _ Beweis ________ _

Bewegl. Tankst ___ _ bewegliche Tankstelle __ _ Bew.M _________ _ Bewasserllugs-lVI tilde_ bez ______________ _ bezahlt _______ _ Bez_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ BezirL ____ _

sion irrigation anus mobile proof; evidence mobile filling station irrigation mill (on maps) paid diRtrict

bez _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ bezuglich_._ Bez.Kom_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bczirkskommando_

_ __ .. _ relative to; with reference to district command

bezL _____________ bezuglich __ _ _ with reference to Bez.Offiz _ _ ______ Bezirksoffizier _____ _ beztig ___________ bczuglich_

district off1cer with reference to

bezw _______ ... ______ beziehungswpiRP BL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bahnhof __

_ _ _ and/or; respectively railroad stat ion

BL _ _ _ _ _ _ Batteriefuhrer.. B.F ___ .. _ Beobachtllngsfernrohr __ _ Bf _ _ Brief _ __ _ _ __ Bfh_ Befehlshaber __

Bfh. riickw. HeN. Oeb.

Bf.Offz_ nfst Bfst_ .

Befehlshaber dps ruck-wiirtigen H(~f~resw>hiet"

Bahnhofsoffizier _ Befehlsf'tand Befehlsstellp _

battery" commander observation telN;cope

_ letter commander; comma,nding of­

ficer Commallder Army Group

Bear An~a railroad "tation provo:4 command post. command post; comma.lld


Page 29: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Bg ______ - _____ _ Berg_ _ ____________ _

Bg ______ --------- Brigade _____________ _ Bg ______ - _______ _ Brigadier __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Bge _____ - _______ _ Berge ___________ ._ _ __ _ B.G.O ___________ _ Bataillons - Gassch utzoffi-

zier Bgr. PL _ - - __ - _ - Begrabnisplatz _______ , Bg. St ____________ _ Brigadestab _____________ _

Bgw ___________ _ Bergwerk___ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bh ______ - ______ _ behelfsma""ig _________ _ Bh _____________ - ReihefL ____ . _______ _ BhL ________ _ RahnhoL ____________ _ Bhr.Ptr ________ _ Bohrpatrone __________ _

Biw _____________ Biwak ________ _

B. K _____________ Biickereikolonnc - ---B.K _____________ Rekanntmachung._

BkL _____ _ Bkl.(AHA) _____ .

BkI.O_ Bktm _________ _

Bekleidung _ Heeresbekleid u Jlgl-iabtei­

lung Bekleidungsordnung __ _ Bekanntn18.chung_ ..

Hkw _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ BeobachtungskraftwagCIL

131 _____________ _ BlatL __ _

BL ____________ . __ Blaukreuz __ _ BL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ B1e""e ________ _ bL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ blessierL __ . _. hL ____________ --Bl _____________ _

l~_- ____ -- _____ _ Rl ____ . _______ _ bL ___ _ Blasangr ____ _ BI. FL

blind __ . Blindganger __ . _ _ _. __ Blitz __ _ Blockade_ bloekieren __ Bla"angrifL __ Blindflug __ _

Blinkfeuer __ _

BlsL _____ - ______ - Blockstelle _____________ _

mountain (on maps) brigade brigadier general mountaim; (on maps) battalion chemical warfar('

officer cemetery (on map.~) brigade "taff; brigade hf~ad-

quarters mine emergency; ha"ty; makeshift I-iupplemcnt railroad "tation bla"ting cartridge; explo"iyf'

cartridge bivouac bakery column annOlmccuH'ni: public no-

tice clot.hing; revetmc'nt Army clothing "petiOli of

General Army Office clothing regulat.ion announcement; public no­

tice reconnai,,:"ance car (jor b"i­

tery ob.~enmtinn) sheet; page; brca::\t strap

(ha rne.~.~)

blue ero:"s (gas) wound woullckd blind; blank dud lightning blockade to blockade gaR attack hliJl(i flight; in:"trument fly­

ing intermittent light; revolvillg

beacon block station (railway)

Page 30: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


HI. Vbdg _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Blinkverbindung ____ _

HI. WalL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ blanke Waffen _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _

H. M _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Spannweite eines Flug­zeugs in Metern

B.lllllL _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bohrung eines Flugzeug-

B-Mun B.O B. () ____ -- _ - - - _ - - -

B.() ________ -- __ _

BO ____ - - _ - - - -- -

Bo _____________ _

motors in Millimeteru BeohaehtungsllluIlition_ Beobachtungsotfizier __ Beschwerdeordlllmg fiir

die Angehi.irigen der Wehrmaeht

Betriebsordllllng __ Blutorden (NfmAP) __

BordstatioIl ____ _


blinker signal communica­tion

armcs blanches (bayonet and other cutting weapons)

wingspread of an airplane in meters

bore of an airplane motor in millimeters

tracer ammullition ohservatioll officer complaillt regulations for tlu'

members of the armed forces

operating reglllatioll:'1 Order of Blood (National

Socialist Party) airplane or ship radio 8111-

tiOll BO ______________ Gfllppe Ostmark (8A) ____ Austrian S('C'tioll (Storm

Troopers) Bod.Pers __________ Bodpnpersonal_ grolilld personnel; groulld

Bug.Heh _ __ _ _ __ _ Bohr Pat r ___ _ HumiL __ Boot-shs BootskaIl_ Boot.:->m Boot SIll. ,\1 t


Bordk BL Br ____ _ BL __ _

Br __ B/"._

Br.AbL _____ _

BogenschllRH Bohrpatrone BOlllbardemen t __

_ HootshamL Bootskanone __ Bootsmanll

crew high-angle fire blasting cartrid/l:e bombardment; s/H'lIillg boathouse (on //laps) assltult-boat gun

boat:-nvain Boot;;;manWimaaL _______ boatswain's mate BordgNiHe _ _ ______ .. flight instruments; fti/l:ht

equipuwnl Bordkanone _ _ _ __ __ _ _ glln lIlol11l1PCi 011 ttirplalw Bri(:f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1(~I,t,er

Brigade. BrllclL___ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _

_ Briicke ____________ _


BIiich'n-A btf'ilullg_

brigade crack-up (aviation); brpak;

br(,peh; rupture; fmet iolt; i Itfr-act ion

bridge (on map8)

well; Rpring; fountain (on maps)

bridge df'tachmmlt «("Om/JIlt engineers)

Bran dGr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Brand/l:ranate_ incendiary shell Brh_ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Brueken bau __ _________ _ bridge cOllstrlldlon

Page 31: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Br.Baubtl ________ Briickenbaubataillon _____ bridge construction battalion Br.Bomb _________ Brandbombe _____ - - _____ incendiary bomb Brennst. V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Brennstoffverbrauch ____ _ Brennst. V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Brennstoffvorrat _______ _ Brft.Zug __________ Brieftaubenzug _________ _ Br.Gr ____________ Bruckengerat __________ _ Brig _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Brigade __ - - - ___ - _____ -Brig _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Brigadier __ - - - ___ - _____ -BrigdeL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ BrigadefUhrer __________ _

Brig.St ___________ Brigadestab ____________ _ Bris_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Brisan z _____ - _________ _ Brk_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Brucke_ _ _ - - - - - - - - _ - - -Br.KpL __________ BruckenkopL ____ - _____ _ BrIg _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Brennlange _ - -_ - _ - - ___ _ Brn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Brennerei __ - __ _ _ _ _ __ Br.N achr.~Zug ____ Brigadenachrichtenzug_ Br.T ___________ Brieftaube __ Brtb. Mstr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Brieftaubenmeister ____ _ Brtb. Uffz__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Brieftaubenunteroffizier __

Br. Tr ____________ Brustwehrtreffer ________ _ Bru.B ____________ Bruckenbau ___________ _ Bruko_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bruckenkolonne ________ _ B.S.m.O __________ Befehlshaber der Siche-

rungsstreitkrafte der mittleren Ostsee

B.S.N ____________ Befehlshaber der See-streit krafte der N ordsee

B.S.O ____________ Befehlshaber der See-streitkrafte der Ostsee

fuel consumption fuel supply carrier pigeon platoon bridge equipment brigade brigadier general brigade leader (Sto-rm

Troops) (equivalent rank of U. S. major general)

brigade headquarters high explosive bridge (on maps) bridgehead time of burning; fuze setting distillery (on maps) signal platoon of a brigade carrier pigeon carrier pigeon sergeant carrier pigeon noncommis-

sioned officer parapet hit bridge construction bridge train commander of the security

forces of the central Baltic Sea

commander of the naval forces of the North Sea

commander of the naval forces of the Baltic Sea

B.St _____________ Bahnstatioll ____________ railroad station BSL _____________ . Bataillonstab_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ battalion staff; battalion

headquarters h.SL _____________ beim Stabe ____________ with the staff; attached to

regimental headquarters B.St _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Beobachtungsstelle _ _ _ _ _ _ observatioll post B.Stelle _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ BeobachtungsHtelle _ _ _ _ _ _ observation post B.T ______________ Beobachtungsturm _______ observation tower (on map.~) Bt_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Boot____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ boat BT ______________ Brieftaube _______________ carrier pigeon BTaub ___________ Brieftaub ___ e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ carrier pigeoll BTb _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Brieftaube _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ carrier pigeon

Page 32: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


BtL _____________ BataillolL ______________ battalion

Btl. Gef. St_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bataillonsgefechtsstand__ _ battalion command post Btl. Kam_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ Bataillonskammer _______ battalion clothing depot Btl.Res_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bataillonsreserve ________ battalion reserve Btls_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bataillons- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ battalion BtI.St.Qu_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bataillonsstabsquartier _ _ _ battalion headquarters Btm.Maat ________ Bootmannsmaat _________ boatswain's mate Btn ____________ -- Bataillon_~ _____________ battalion Btr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Betriebs- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ operational Btsm_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bootsmann _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ boatswain Btsm.Mt _________ Bootsmannsmaat ________ boatswain's mate Btsmt ___________ _ B ttr ____________ _ B.u.E ___________ _

BootsmannsmaaL ______ _ Batterie _______________ _

Berichtigungen und Er-ganzungen

boatswain's mate battery correctionE' and additions

biL_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ biindig eingelassen _______ completely co u n te rs u n k; sunk flush with surface

Bug-MG _________ Bug-Maschinengewehr ___ front machine-gun (combat car)

Bus ______________ Kraftomnibus ___________ motor bus b.u.v _____________ beschlossene und vNkiin- resolved and proclaimed

BV _____________ _ Bv. T.O __________ _

B.VV ____________ _

det Besoldungsvorschrift ____ _ Bevollmachtigter Trans­

porloffizier Bahnwarter ____________ _

B. VV _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Beobachtungswagen ____ _

13. W _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bettungswagen _ _ _ _ ____ _

B. W.E ___________ Besondere- Ilnd Witte-rungs-Einfhlsse

B. W.E.-Tab _ _ _ _ _ Tabelle fUr die Besonde­re- und VVitterungs­EinfliisRe

13. W g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Beobachtungswageu ____ _

B Z _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Beglei tz ug _____________ _

BZ ______________ bezahlL _______________ _ Bz_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bezirk ________________ _ Bz _______________ Brennziinder ___________ _

5161\600-4:1--- --:~

pay regulation chief transportation officer

on an army staff signalman (railroad) (on

maps) recollnaissance car (for bat­

teryobservation) vehicle wit,h gUll-emplace­

ment material special and weather fact.ors

(ballistics) table for special and weat her

factors (ballistics)

reconnaissance car (for bat­tery obsl'rliation)

accompanying platoon (of the machine-gun company)

paid district time fuze

Page 33: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


bzgL _____________ bezugliclL ______________ relative to; with reference to B-Zug ______ - _ _ _ _ Begleitzug ____ . ____ - - - - _ accompanying platoon (of

the machine-gun company) bzw ______________ beziehungsweise. and/or; respectively

c C ________________ Centrum _______ _ c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ circa_ - - - _____ . ___ - -C____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Colonie ________ . ____ . C ____________ - _ _ _ Kanal ___________ . ca. __________ . ___ . _ _ c irca _________________ ._ CaL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ KalibeL ___________ _ Cand __ . ______ Kandidat ____________ _ Cap ______________ Kapelle _____________ _ Cat lL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Katholik ____________ . __ cbcm _____ ._ Kubikzentimeter _

center (of a city) about, colony (on maps) canal (on maps) about caliber; gauge candidate chapel (on maps) Catholic cubic centimeter

cbm Kubikmeter cubic meter cbuun Kubikmillirneter _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cu bic millimeter ccrn _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ K ubikzentimeter _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cubic centimeter cdrrL _ _ _____ . K u bikde'zimeter _ _ cu bic decimeter Centr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Centrum_ _ _ _ ._ _ center (oj a city) cg ______ _ Zentigramm _____ _ . _ centigram C-Gesch __ _ C-Geschoss ________ _ _ "C" shell (streamlined) CGH-MassSystl.'IlL Zentimeter-Gramm- centimeter-gram-second sys-

Sekllnden-Messord- tem of measurement nung

charakterisicrt- _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Ch. __ . Chaussee __________ . _. _"_ Ch. _________ _ Chef ____________ . ____ _ Ch ________ . . _ Chiffre. _______________ _ char _. charakterisierL ___ . _ _ _ Char!l:.Pf __ -- -- -- __ .- Char!l:enpferd _______ _

Ch-Arzt ___ ._____ ChefarzL

Chef H L _________ Chef der Heercsleitllng

Chef M L _________ Chef der Marineleitung_

holding honorar.\' rank highway (on maps) chief cipher; password; code holding honorary rauk officer's charger; troop horse;

service horse chief physician; senior

medical officer Chief of the Army High

Command Chief of the Navy High

Command chem_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ chemisch __ . chemical Ch.H.L __________ . Chef der Heeresleitung __ Chief of the Army High

COl1unand Ch.lLRiL _______ _ Chef der Heeresru~tung_ .. Chief of Army Equipment ChiL Chiru rg _______ . snrgeon

Page 34: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Ch.M.L __________ Chef der Marineleitung

CIl. - Vet ________ _ Chef- Veteriniir

Ch.W Challss(Sewiirter ________ _

Cit __ Citadelle __ _ cm 3 _____________ _______ _ C-Mine_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Gasmine fUr Grunkreuz __

cmllL ___________ Kubikmillimeter ________ _ eN -Stoff _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (~hloracetophenon __ _ CO-Buchse _______ Schutzgeriit geg(m Koh-

lenoxydvergasung CoL _____________ Kolonie _________ _ CoL _____________ Kolonne ________ _

Chief of the Kavy High COlllmand

chief veterinary; senior vet­erinary officer

highway attendant (on maps)

citadel; fort; fortress cubic centimeter gas shell marked wit h grl'(,11

crOSR (asphllxiating gas) cubic millimeter chloracetophenone, equipment against earhon

monoxide contamination colony (on maps) column; service train

Comm __________ _ Kommissar _ _ inspector; commissioner ComL ____ _ Komml. Konsulat _ consul; consulate Creed-Geber __ Gebemaschine fUr Hiir- automatic transmitter (for

priifungen testing audibility) Ctr__ __________ Zentner__ hllndredweight:50 kilograllls C-Zllg ____________ Zllgmaschine fur schwcrste prime mover for heavy ar-

. Artilleric tillery

o Dampfcr _ _ __ _ ______ _ Daucrfeuer ________ _

D ________________ _ DeckblatL _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Df'ckflugzcllg auf KripgR-~chitf

d ___ _ <IN. di(', da~, den d __ _ dl'lItsch _______ _ D ___ _ ])ichte _______ _ 1> ___ _ I )if'nst __ _ D ___ _ Dicselmotor ___ _ D ___ _ _ Division _____ _ D ___ _ Domiine _________ . ____ . _

IL _ _ _ _ _ _ DonariL D _ _ _ _ Doppcldeck('r d__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -dorf _________________ _

steamf'f continuOlls

fire fire; sustained

:;upplemelltar.v :;hf'ct.: allll'nd­lIIent (to (('glllalions)

airplalll' carried 011 board war~hip

the ( :erman dpnsity duty; service Diesel engine division domain: government land

(on maps) rlonaritc «('xplo.~iv(') hiplall!' final syllable "-dorf" (1!11lag(')

Page 35: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


D _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Druckschraube _________ _

D _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DruckvorschrifL _______ _ D _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DuraL ________________ _

d ________________ durch _________________ _ D _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Durchmesser ___________ _ D.A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dampferanlagestelle ____ _ D.A _____________ Dienstanweisung _______ _

D.A _____________ Dienstaufsicht ________ _ DA ______ ~ _______ Dienstauszeichnung _____ _ DA ______________ Divisionsarzt ___________ _ D.A.A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DivisionsaufkHirungsab--·

teilung DAD ____________ Deutscher Arbeitsdienst __ DAE _____________ Dienstaufwandsentscha-

digung DAF _____________ Deutsche Arbeitsfront __ _ DAL ____________ Deutsches Auslandsin-


pusher type propeller (air­plane)

printed service regulation duraluminum '(airplane con-

struction material) through; by diameter steamship dock (on maps) service instruction; service

regulation official supervision service decoration divisional medical officer divisional reconnaissance

battalion German Labor Service expense allowance

German Labor Front German Foreign Institute

D.A.K __________ Deutsche Afrika Korps __ German Africa Corps D AL __ .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dienstaltersliste_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ seniority list D.-Am_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Deutsch-Amerikaner _ _ _ _ _ German-American DAnw ___________ Dienstanweisung ________ service instruction; service

regulation Dap _____________ Dapolin ________________ dapolin (trademark of motor

fuel) Dat ______________ Datum _______________ date d.a.Z _____________ dicht am ZieL __________ (hit) close to the target Da.ZahL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dienstanweisung fUr Zahl- service regulation for pay

stellen offices· d. B ______________ des Beurlaubtenstandes __ on the reserve list DB. _____________ Dienstbeschiidigung ______ injury sustained in line of

duty d.B _____________ durch Boten ____________ by meRsenger D.B _____________ DurchfUhrungsbestim- executory regulations

mungen DBest ____________ DurchfUhrungsbestim- executory regulations

mungen DBG _____________ Deutsches Beamtenge- German Civil Service Law

setz DbL _____________ Deckblatt ______________ supplementary sheet; amend

ment (to regulaiio1is)

Page 36: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


dbr ______________ dunkelbraull _____________ dark brown D.D _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Doppeldecker _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ biplane D D-Gesch _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dumdumgeschoss__ _ _ _ _ _ _ dumdum bullet DE__ _ _ _ _ _______ Diensteinkommell _______ service pay d.E___ _______ durch Eilbotell __________ by express me~senger Dechiff.B__ _ _ _ _ _ Dechiffierburo _. _________ decoding office DeckbL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Deckblatt_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ supplementary sheet; amend-

ment (to reyulation8) def _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ defensiv _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ defensive Def _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Defilee ___________ . _ _ _ _ _ _ defile deL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ defilieren _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to pass in review; to deploy

out of a defile Def. Kr __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Defensiv-Krieg_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ defensive war Degr _____________ Degradatioll ____________ demotion in rank Dekr ____________ Dekret _________________ decree DeL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Delegierter _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ delegate; deputy Dem _____________ Demarkatioll ___________ demarcation Dem. Kom _______ Demobilmachungskom- demobilization commission

mission Dem.Krav ________ Deutsche Militiirkraft- association of German mili-

Dem.L __________ _ Demob ___ _ DemoL __________ _ DemoraL ________ _ Denkm __________ _ DenksL ________ _ Dep ___ . __________ _ dep ______________ _ Dep _____________ _ Dep _ _ _ _ __ _ _ ____ _ Dep.Bt.._ _ ____ _ Depesch. Bt ______ _ Desarm __________ _ Desert _________ " __ _ deserL _ _ _______ _ Desinf.AbL ______ _ Des. Wg ___________ _ Det. W ___________ _ DevasL _________ _

fahrer-Vereinigung tary drivers Demarkationslinie _______ line of demarcation Demobilmachung_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ demobilization Demolierung ____________ demolition Demoralisatioll_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ demoralizat ion DenkmaL ______________ monument (on maps) Denkstein_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ memorial stone (on maps) Depesche_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ telegram depeschieren _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to telegraph DeplacemenL ___________ displacement (tonnage) Depot __________________ depot; dump; warehouse Depeschenboot __________ dispatch boat Depeschenboot __________ dispatch boat Desarmierung_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ disarmament Deserteur _______________ deserter desertieren ______________ -to desert Desinfektionsabteilung ___ disinfection detachment Desinfektionswagen_ _ _ _ _ _ disinfect ion car (railroad) detachiertes Werk ________ outer fortification Devastation_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ devastation

Dezentr __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dezentralisation _________ decentralization Dez.SysL _________ Dezimalsystem __________ decimal system D.F _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Doppelfernrohr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ battery commander's tele-

scope; binoculars

Page 37: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


dfg _______________ dienstfahig _______ - - - - - --DJ.Rem __________ Dienstanweisung fUr die


DJr.K ___________ Dienstvorschrift fUr die freiwillige Kranken­pflege

DFS_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Deutsches Forschungs-institut fUr Segelflug

DO _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DrehgestelL - - - - - - - - - - -D.G.S.O __________ Diensttuender Gasschutz-

offizier d.IL ____________ das heissL _____________ _

D.H.IL __________ Deutsche HeeresbUchereL D.Il.L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Deutsche H ochschule fUr

LeibesUbungen Deutscher Hochseerund­

funk Dikt_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ Diktat, Diktator, Dikta­

tur Dim _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dimension ____________ -Din ______________ Deutsche IndustrienornL_

Dinafii .. Divisionsnachschubfiihrer _

Dipl.I ng_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Diplomierter Ingenieur __ _ Dip!. Wirtsch _____ Diplomierter Wirtschaft-


fit for active duty service regulation for re­

mount depot administra­tions

service regulations for vol­untary nursing

Getman Research Institute for Gliding

pivot mounting chemical warfare officer on

duty that is; i. e. German Army Lihrary German Physical Train ing

College German high-seas radio

dictation; dictated treaty; dictator; dictatorship

dimension; extent German manufacturing

standard (size) commander of division

ply services graduate engineer graduate economist


Dir ___________ ._ _ _ Dircktion____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ administration; management Dir ______________ Direktor _______________ director Disk _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Distanz _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ distance Dist.R ___________ Distanzritt _____________ long-distance ride Distr.Kom _______ _ Disz ____________ _

Disz.Ges._ Disz.Mssn _______ _ Disz .Str _________ _ Disz. Vorg _______ _ Di v _____________ _

Distriktskommissar _____ _ Disziplin ______________ _ Disziplinargesetz _______ _ Disziplinrama:ssnahme ___ _ Disziplinarstrafe__ _ _ __ _ __ Disziplinarvorgesetzter ___ _ Di vision _______________ _

district commissar discipline disciplinary law disciplinary measu re disciplinary punishment disciplinary superior division

Div . Arzt, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Divisionsarzt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ divisional medical officer Div.Aufkl.Abt ____ Di visionsaufklii.rllngsab- divisional reconnaissallcebat-

teilung talion Div.Beob.St ______ D i vi s ion she 0 b a c h- divisional observation post


Page 38: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining

Div.Grz _________ _

Div. Kdeur _______ _ Div .Kdo _________ _


Divisionsgrenze _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ divisional boundar.,' Divisionskommandeur _ _ _ divisional commander Divisionskommando_ _ _ _ division staff


Div.K.K ________ _ Di visionskraftwagen- division transport m 0 t.o r kolonne train

Div .St _______ - - __ Divisionsstab_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ divi:'1ion staff Div .St.Qu _. ____ - __ Div.VernL ______ _

Divisonsstabsquartier ___ _ Divisions-Ferns prech­


division headquarters divisional telephone exchangp

(signal servire) Div. Vet _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Divisionsveterinar ______ _ d.J _______________ des .Jahres ____________ _

divisional veterinar~' officer of the year

DJ _____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Deutsches Jungvolk _ _ _ _ German Young Pco pie'" League

D.K _____________ Deutsche Kriegsnach- German war comlllunique,,; richten

D. K _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Deutches Konsulat _ _ _ _ _ _ German Consulate D.K ____________ DiviRionskavallerie ______ divisional cavalry Dkm _____________ DenkmaL _____________ monument (on II/afl.~)

DKN ____________ Deutsche Kriegsnach- German war COIllllllllliqllC::; richten

D.K. V ___________ Di e nstklei dun gs v 0 r - uniform regulation schrift

d.L ______________ der Landwehr ___________ of the Landwehr; of t.he r('-

serve DL ______________ Drllckluft _______________ compr('ssed air

D-Lager __________ Durchgangslager fur collecting station (clearing Kriegsgefangene station) for pri,,;onf'rs of war

D LH ___________ _ D.L.T __________ _ DLW _________ _ D.l\L ____________ _

Deutsche Lufthansa German Luftham;a drahtlose Telegraphie ____ _ DplIt:<che Luftwacht _____ _ Dampfmuhle ___________ _

wirdess telegraphy German Air Proteetioll steam-powered III i II

maps) Drn__ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DpnkrnaL ______________ monument d. M__ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ deutsche Meile __________ German mile dnL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ Dezimeter _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ decimeter (1/11) meter) d. M _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ dieses Monats _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of this month


Dm ______________ Domiine ________________ domain;govcrllmellt lalld(l/t/

Dm ______ . ________ _ dm2 __ -- _______ --

drn3 _ _ _ ________ .

DmiizZ _________ _

Durchmesser _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ Quadratdezimeter __ _ K u bikdezimetcr _ DeutRche miIitiiriirztlichc


maps) diameter sqllare decimeter Cll bic decimeter German Military

.Journal Medical

Page 39: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Dm U min ________ mittlere Drehzahl (Um-drehungen in Minllten)

Dm W __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Durchgangszug

mit Wehrmachtteil dnat _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ deutschnational __ .... DNB ____________ Deutsches Nachrichten-


average revolutions per min­ute (automobile and air­plane engines)

civilian train with section for troops

German-nationalistic official German news agency

D-Nr ____________ Dienstnummer __________ service number d.O. ______________ der Obige______________ the above D.O _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dienstordnung_ _ _ ______ service regulations d.O ______________ durch Ordonnanz ________ by orderly DOB _____________ Deutscher Offizierbund __ German Officers' League D.O.B ____________ Deutsches Offizierblatt __ .. German Officers' Journal DOffBI _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Deutsches Offizierblatt_ _ _ German Officers' Journal Dok _____________ Dokument ______________ document Dolm _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dolmetscher _______ .. _ _ _ _ interpreter Dom _____________ Domane ________________ domain; governIllent land

(on maps) dopp _____________ doppelt- _______________ double; twofold; twice Dopp.Z __________ Doppelzunder ___________ combination fuze; double-

action fuze Dopp.Z.S.33 ______ Doppelzunder (33 Sekun- combination fuze (33 sec-

den BrennHinge) onds burning time) Do.X_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dornierflugboot _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dornier flying boat Dpf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DampL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ steam Dpf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dampfer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ steamer Dpfm ____________ Dampfmaschine _________ steam engine Dpf.T ____________ Dampfturbine ___________ steam turbine dpp ______________ doppelt ________________ double d.R ______________ der Reserve _____________ of the Reserve DR ______________ Deutsches Reich ________ German Reich DR ______________ Dragoner-RegimenL _____ dragoon regiment Dr _______________ Drall __________________ rifling Dr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dreidecker _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ trip lane Drag _____________ Dragoman ______________ dragoman; intcrpreter, and

Drag ____________ _ Dragoner ______________ _ Dra wa __________ _ Drachenwarte __________ _ DRB ___________ _ Deutsche Reichsbahn ___ _ Dreh-Br ________ _ Drehbrucke ________ .. _. __ _ Drehkr ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Drehkranz fur Flugzeug-

maschinengcwehr d.Res ____________ der Reservc ____________ _

guide (embassy) dragoon kite-balloon station German Railways swing bridge rotating track for airplane

machine gun of the reserve

Page 40: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


DrL _____________ Dreifuss _____________ tripod

D RG ____ - - _ - - - - - Deutsches Rcichsgesetz _ I,a w of the German Reich D. R.H _ - -- - - - - - __ - Doppelrichtungshorer ____ twin sound locator Dr.habiL _ - - __ - - _ _ __ - ____ - ___ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ academic degree Dr.h.c ____ - - __ - - _ _ Dr. honoris causa_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ honorary doctor's degree Drhdn_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Drahthindernis_ _ _ _ _ wire entanglement D RK _ _ _ - Deutsches Rotes Kreuz __ German Red Cross Dr.-N ___ -- - Drahtnachricht- _ _ _ _ telegram message; telegram D RP _ _ _ _ _ _ Deutsche ReichsposL _ _ German Postal Service Drp_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ Druckpunkt- ___________ squeeze-point (trigger mech-

D.S _____________ _ DS ____________ _ D.S ______________ _ DS ___________ -

Dampfsiige ____________ _ Dampfschifffahrt ______ _ Deutsche Seewarte _____ _ Deutschlandsender _____ _

anism); center of pressnre (aerodynamics)

steam-powered sawmill steamship service German Kaval Observatory German transmitter (offi-

ciai German radio station) DS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dienstsache_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ official business; pertaining

to the service ds ___ ~ ___________ diescR Monats ___________ ofthisrnonth DSM _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Deutsches SportmodelL _ _ German sport model (small

caliber rifle) Dst_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dicnst _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ duty; service Dst_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dienststelle_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ office; authority; duty sta-

tion Dst.A ____________ Dienstalter _____________ seniority Dst.Anz __________ Dienstanzug ____________ field service uniform nst. AufiL _ _ __ Dienstaufsicht __________ service supervision Dst.Ausz _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dienstauszeichnung___ _ _ _ service decoration Dst. Bez _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Diellstbezeichnung _ __ _ _ service classification; service

Dst. Bez _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dienstbezirk_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ Dst.FL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dienstftagge ____________ _ Dst.Gr __________ Diell;.;tgrad ___________ _ D .St. 0 _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Disziplinarstrafordnung __ D-Stoff ___ _ _ _ _ Dimethylsulfat __ - __

designation service district service flag rank; rating disciplinary code dimethylsulphate

gas) D.-Strafe _ Disziplinarstrafc_ _ _ _ _ _ diSCiplinary pu llishmcllt dt _ _ _ _ deutsch _ __ _ _ __ _ _ German D.T. B _ _ _ _ Divisions-TagesbefehL __ divisional order of the day Dt. Gr _ _ _ _ _ _ Deutscher Gruss _ _ _ _ _ _ _ German greetillg dtsch ______ _ deutsch ________________ German (on map.~)

Dtsch.MiI.Miss ____ Deutsche Militiirmission __ German Military Mission Dtzd_ _ _ _ DutzencL ______________ dozen

Page 41: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


d.u _____________ _

d.IL ____________ -

D.U ____________ _ D.u.D ___________ _

D--tjhertr _______ _


dauernd untaugl ich _____ _ dienstuntauglich _____ . __ Dienstuntauglichkeit_ .. _ ._ Dienstsiegel und Dienst-

stempel DisziplinarUbertretung _ dienstunfiihig ___ ..

permanently unfit unfit for military service unfitness for military service official seal and official stamp

transgression of discipline unfit for active military

service - Dulag_ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ Durchgangslager ________ trallf~it camp for prisOIH'rs of

war DupL ____ . ___ . ____ Duplikat _____________ duplicate

Durchf. Bpst __ DurchfU h ru ugs hestim- regulations of procedure Inungen

Durchf. V .0 _______ D u rchfUhruugsverord- procedure order nung

D. U. VerL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dienstllntaugliehkeits- aetion institu ted to deter-Verfahren mine unfitness for military

service D.U.-Z _. ________ Dienstuutauglichkeits- eertificate of unfitness for

Zell/!:1I is Dv _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Diellstvorsehrift ______ _

D V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ D u r c h fU h run /!: s \. e r 0 I' d­ntlllg

Dv.Ahko _________ Diellstvorsehrift flir die Ahnahmekommandos des \\' affenamts

D.V.A.V _________ Dienstvorsehrift fUr die Versuchsabteil u ngen der V erkehrstru ppen

d.VL ____________ der VerfasscL ______ _ J)v.f.Ran.lnsIL DiPllst\"orsehriften fiir die

Hal I itii tsinspek t ionen n.V.L ___ . ________ DelltseheVolbdist.c ____ _ ]) V(L _. __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ D II r<'llfii hruugs ve ford-

D- V org .... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dw ._. _______ _ Dw. M __________ _ DYIL __ --Dyn Maseh ___ _

lll1I1g Disziplinarvorgesetl:ter __ _ Deekungswinkel. DeekuIlgswinkclmcsser __ .. Dynamit_ Dynamomasehine ______ _ DOPI>Plzentller __ -. ____ _ Doppelz under __________ _

military service service regulations; training

manual procedure order

Regulations for the Accept­ance Commi:;;;ions of the Ordnanee Department

training regulationR for the experimental battalion;; of communication troop:;

thp author Hl'l'vice re/!:ulations for medi­

('al inspections German public directory procedure order

Stl mmary court officer angle-of -,;ite to lllaRk angle-of -sit.e clinometer dynamite dynamo ] 00 kilograms comhination fuze; double­

aetioll fuze

Page 42: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


J)··Zug _________ - _ Durchgangszug des off-

I'; . ____ - - - - - - - - - -~-----.----------

E _______________ _

E ___ _ E ____ _


R_ Io: E ..

entlichen Verkehrs

E eigene Truppe. Eilzug _____ .. Einschlag ______ _ Einwohner ______ _ Einzelfeuer ___________ _ Einzelsch uss ___________ .

Einzelwerfer __ - ________ .. Eisen bahn __ _ Eisenbahngeschutz ___ _ empfindlich ___________ _

Entfernung_ . ElltfernungsmcsHcr _____ .. ElltscheidulIg _ EntwurL ________ _

through train for civilian traffic

own troops ('xprp"s train impact (gunnery) inhabitant; re"idcnt independent fire single shot; semiautolllatic

(machine gun) mortar with Sillgh~ load railway railroad gun sensitive; iUHtantaneous

(fuze) range (gunnery) range finder (soldier) decision draft; rough sketch; projeet;

outline Ergiinzungs- reserve

I E ____ . ErgiinzungsofiiJder _.. replacement officer Ersatz ________________ . reserve; replaCellH'llt; sllh-

stitute fl _____ _ erster _________________ . first

Etappe ____ .. ___________ )'lone of commUlJieatiolls B.A ____________ _ Ersatzabteilllng _ .. _ _ _ _ _ _ replacement cPlltpr E.B _____________ _ Ersatzbatailloll ._. ____ replaecment training hat-

talioll E. Batl_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ergiinzungsbatailloll .. ____ rCAPrVe battalion Ed ___ .. __ . ___ . __ EdikL _ ............ _ .. _______ edict ED ______________ Eindecker ___ .. _________ monoplane RD _____________ ErsatzdiviRion ___________ replacement t.railling did-

E-Eillheitcll_ ___ _ _ _ ErgiinzungseinheiteIL ___ _ KF. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Einzelfeuer. ____ .. ____ _ E.F. _____________ Eisenbahnfiihre _________ _ E. 1"d_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ Erdfeind ______________ _ Eff.RL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ EffektivRtiirkc __ KF.K ____________ Etappcnfuhrparkk 01011 nc _

K1"lak_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Eisen bahn- 1"1 ugzeugab­wehrkanonc

Aion divisional rq)la('PllH'nt units independent fire (rijll~)

railroad ferry ho~tile gro1llld foreps effect.iye strength; ('tT('('ti\,(~il

communicationR zone trans-port and supply ('oltllnn

railroad antiaircraft gun

Page 43: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


E.Flak Scheinw __ _

E.Flu.VVz ________ _

E.G ___ . _________ _ Eg _________ _ ehem ________ " .. __ _ E.H.K __________ _

E.H.O ___________ _

Ehr. Bez _________ _

Ehr.Kr ____ ._. __ Ehr.V.OfL ______ _

Ehr. VV __________ _ Ehrz ____________ _ E.H.Z ___________ _

E.I _____________ _

Flugzeugabwehrkanonen­Scheinwerfer auf Eisen­bahnwagen

Eisenbahn - Flugwarnzen-trale

Einheitsgruppe _________ _ Entgiftung ______ -- ___ --ehemalig _________ . ____ _

V orschrift fur die Erhal-tung des Heeres in der Kriegsformation

Etappen-Hauptort ______ _

antiaircraft searchlight mounted on railroad car

railroad air raid warning center

tactical unit decontamination former regulation for the mainte­

nance of the army in battle formation

field base of communications zone

Ehrenbezeigung, Ehrenbe- military salute zeichnung

Ehrenkreuz von 1934 ___ _ Verordnung uber die Eh­

rengerichte der Offiziere des Heeres

Ehrenwache ___________ _ Ehrenzeichen ______ . ___ _ empfindlicher Haubitz-

zunder Etappenintendant ______ _

Cross of Honor (1934) Order concerning Courts of

Honor for Officers of the Army

guard of hOllor decoration instantaneous howitzer fuse

chief administrative officer in charge of supply for communications zone

eig _______________ eigen ___________________ own eig _______________ eigentlich __________ .. ____ actually eigtL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ eigentlich _____ .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ actually Eihgr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Eierhandgranate _____ .. __ egg-shaped hand grenade. Eilb _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Eilbote_ .. ___ .. _ .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ express messenger Eilg_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Eilgut __ .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _____ .. _ _ express freight Eilm_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Eilmarsch _____________ .. forced march EinbeL ______ .. ___ Einberufung ___________ call to the colors Einbr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Einbrllch _______________ penetration (tactic.~) ; raid ein dr ____________ _ eindringen ____ . ______ .. __ break into (tact£cs) EindL _________ _ Eindringung_ .. __ . _______ penetration; entry (tactics) Eindr. T _________ _ Eindringungstiefe ________ depth to which a raiding

plane penetrates into enemy territory

einf.mittl. Dienf't . _ einfacher mittlerer DiensL ff~gular service, middle group officials

Einf. V. 0 ______ . _ _ Einfuhrungsverordnung _ _ introductory regulations

Page 44: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Einf. W _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ EinfallwinkeL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ angle of fall; angle of in-cidence

Eingr.Div _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Eingreifdivision _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ division in reserve Einh _____________ EinheiL ________________ basic arm or service unit Einh. Gr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Einheitsgruppe_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tactical unit Einh. W ___________ Einheitswaffe ___________ standard weapon EinkL _______ - _ _ _ Einkreisung _______ ~ _____ envelopment (tartic.~) ; ('11-

circlement Einl. Lf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Einlegelauf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ sub-caliber barrel Einl.R _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Einlegerohr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ sub-caliber barrel: liner Einqu___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Einquartierung_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ billeting; quartering troops einr ______________ einrichten _____________ to organize; to arrauge; to

furnish einr ______________ einriicken _______________ to install; to lay (art£llery);

Eins _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Einsitzer _____________ _ Einsch _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ein~chalt ung ____________ _ Einsch _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ EinschiesserL _________ _ Einsch _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Einschiffung ___________ _ Einsch _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Einschuss _ _ _ _ _ _____ _

to enter military service single seater (plane) switching on adju~tmellt fire embarkation point where bul\pt entl'rs

body einschL __________ einschliesslich_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ inclmdve Eins.Geschw ______ Einsitzergeschwaopr ____ singlf'-~eater wing Eint _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Einteilung_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ graduation; scalp; classifi-

cation Einw _____________ Einwohner ______________ inhabitant; re~idpnt einz _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ einzeln _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ single Eisb _____________ Eisenbahn__ _ ______ railroad Eisb.BaubtL ______ EisenbahnbaubataillorL __ railroad construction bat-

Eisb.Brg ________ _ Eis.Best _________ _ Eis.Brig _____ _ Eisb. TL _______ _ Eisenb.Gesch __ Eisenb.Tr. ______ _ Eisenb.Verk.O ___ _

Eisenbahnbrigade ______ _ eiserner Bestand_ _ _____ _ Eisenbahnbrigade ______ _ Eisenbahntruppen _______ _ Eisenbahngeschiltz _____ _ Eisenbahntruppen ______ _ Eise n bah n ver kehrs-


talion railroad brigade iron rations railroad brigade railroad troops railroad gun railroad troops railroad traffic regulations

Eis. Krz_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Eisernes Kreuz__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Iron Cross Eis. Port _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ eiserne Portion_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ iron ration Eis. Rat _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ eiserne Ration_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ iron rations ELZ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ Einschiessziel_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ registration targf't KK. _____________ Ersatzkompanie _________ replacement company f'K _______________ Kartenentfernung _______ map range (gunnery)

Page 45: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


E.K.Z ____________ empfindlicher Kanonen- instantaneous gun fuze zunder

KK.L ________ .. _ _ Eiaernes Krenz 1. Klasse_ Iron Cross, 1st Cl,ass KK.IL __________ Eiseflles Krellz II. Klasse_ Iron Cross, 2d Class EL 00 _ 0 ___ 0 _ _ _ _ _ Einsteckhwf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ subcaliber barrel eL _______________ elastisch ________________ elastic eL _______________ elektrisch _______________ electric EL ______________ Element. _______________ el'Cment; cell FL _____________ Elite_____ . _ . _____ elite E.-I, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ElHass-Lothringen ______ _ El.Abw ___________ elastische AbwehL ____ _ clast _____________ elastisch _______________ _ elektr. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ elektrisch __ _ Elektr.W __ ._____ Elektrizitiit"werk. ______ _ Elev_ Elevation ___________ 0 _'_

Els 0 _ 0 0 ___ 0 _____ _ Elsass___ _ __ _____ 0 ____ _

Els.Loth _______ . __ Elsass-Lothringen _ 0 _ _ __

El. VerL _________ _ eiastische Verteidigung __ _ 1<:1. W ____________ _ Elektrizitatswerk ____ 0 __ _

em _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ emeritiert ___ _

Alsace-Lorrai}ne elastic defense elastic electric powerhouse (on maps) elevation (oj a gu.n) Alsace (province) Alsace-Lorraine flexible defense power plant (on 1nap.~) retired

E. M _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Entfernungsmesser ______ range finder KM ______________ Erganzunge; - Mann- reserves; replace:nents

schaften I<:.M.D _____ . _____ evangelische militar-

kirchJiche Dienstord­nung fiir das Heichs­heer und die Rcichs­marine

Evangelical (Protestant) mili­tary church regulation,s for the army and navy

E. Messer _________ Entfernungsme~ser _____ .

r': III i gr. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ E migrant ____ . _ E. M. K .. ________ elektromotorische Kraft_

stere()~copic range (navy)

emigrant electroIl1ot i \OP power

Empf. Ant .. _ 0 ______ Empfiillger-Antenne. ____ receiving autelllla Empf.lksch ________ Ernpfangsbescheinigung _ receipt


KMssger _________ EntferllllngsmessgeriiL ___ range finder (in.~trwnent) Em W ___________ Eilzug mit Wehnnacht- civilian train with section for

teil troop" EndkpL __________ EndkampL _____________ final engagement; final en-

cOllnter End,. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ EndRieg _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ final victory 1,:Jldz _____________ Endzid. __________ .. __ final goal eng ______________ engagieren ______________ to engage (1'n battle); to enter

into an engagement eng1 _____ ~ ________ englisch _________________ English

Page 46: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Engp ____________ Engpass ________________ pass; defile ent _______________ entbehren ______________ to do without; to miss EnL ______________ Entente ________________ entente ent__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ entern_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to enter Entd _____________ Entdecker _____________ di,-;coverer Entf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Entfernung _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ range; distance entfL _____________ entflammeu ____________ to inflame; to kindle Entf..!\l ____________ Entfernungsmesser _______ range finder Entg _____________ Entgasung, Entgiftung ____ degassing; decontamination Entg.Tr _________ Entgiftungstrupp ________ decontamination squad entk _____________ entkommen_______ to escape entI _____________ entladen_____ to unload; to discharge Entl.GL _________ Entla.<;sungsgrun(L _ reason for dismissal Entl.St_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Entladestab _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ unloading crew Entsch_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Entscheidung _ decision Entsch _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Entschiedenheit _ _ decisiveness Entsch.RG _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Entseheidung des Heiehs- deei;.;ion of t h(' Hllpreme

gericht Court of t hI' HPieh entspr ____________ entsprechend ___________ corresponding Entv _____________ Entviilkerung_ _ _______ depopulation Entw ___________ Entwiisserllng ___ - drainage Entw _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Entwaffnung_ _ _ _ disarrnament Entw _ _ _ _ _ _ EntwurL__ _ _ draft (of document); rough;

Entw.M __ shteh; project; dpsign

Entwiisserungsmuhle__ _ _ drainage mill (on n11l]J8)

entzw entzweien _______ _

EO ____ _ Eisenbahnoffizier __ KO ___ _ Erk IIl1dllngsoffizier ____ _ c.P _________ _ eiserne Portion __ e. H ____________ _ eiserne Hation ____ _

ER__ _ ____ _ Exerzier- ReglemenL_ Erd.Ahw ___ _ Erdahwehr __ _ Erd.Art _________ _ Erdartillerie _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Erdtr _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ Erdtrllppen __ _ E.R.G ___________ Entseheidung des Hei('hs-

geriehts Erg ____ .. ________ Ergallzllllg ___ _ Erhiihg ___________ Erhiihung ___ _ Erk . _________ Erklltldllllg_ _. ____ _ ErkL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Erklarll ng __

to dbnlllite; to separate; to ,.:et at. variance

railroad offi('er re('Ollllai":sILllc(' ofTicpr iron ratioll iro!] ratio!]; reserve' [orag!'

rat.ioll drill J·pgulat iOlls ground defPllsc field and coast art.illc·ry JIOt

ill('luding antiaircraft ar­tilh·ry

ground troops decision of the SlIprcllw

('Ollft of the Reich rescn-p; slipplempntary eh'\'atioll ((~f a (11171)

rp('ollnaissance; inquiry explalJatioll

Page 47: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Erk.M __________ _ Erk.S ___________ _ Erk.St ___________ ._ Erk.Tr __________ _ Erl ________ - ___ - _ Erl.Sch __________ _ ern ______________ . Ern _____________ _ Eroh ____________ _ E.R.P ___________ _ Ers _____________ _

Erkennungsmarke __ ErkennungssignaL ____ _ Erkundungsstab ____ _ Erkundungstrupp ______ _ Erlauterung ________ . ____ _ Erlaubnisschein ________ _ ernannt _ _ _ _ _ _ ________ _ Ernennung ____________ _ Eroberer _ _ _ _ _ _________ _ Ersatzr6hrenpulver _____ _ Ersatz ________________ _

identification tag or disc identification signal reconnaissance headquarters reconnaissance detachment explanation permit appointed to brevet rank appointment to brevet rank conqueror substitute tubular powder reserve; replacement train-

ing; substitute ers_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ersuchen _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to request Ers.AbL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ersatzabteilung _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ replacement training center.

battalion, or detachment Ers.B ___________ Ersatzbataillol1 __________ training battalion; replace-

ment training battalion Ers. Div _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ErsatzdivisiOIL _ replacement training division Ers. Komm_ _ __ _ _ _ _ Ersatzkollunission _ _ _ _ _ _ draft commission Ers. Mag _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ersatzmagazin__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ reserve magaine; reserve de­

pot Ers.R ____________ Ersatzregiment _________ _ Ers. Res _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ersa tzreserve __________ _

erst _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ersturmen ______________ _ Ers.Tr ___________ Ersatzt.rIlPPCIL ________ _ Erzw ____________ Erzwingllng _____ _ E.S.B ____________ Eisenbahnsockelbatterie __

E.S.D ____________ Etappensanitatsdcpot ___ _

reserve training regiment draft registrants; replace-

ment reservists to assault; to storm replacements enforcement railroad battery on rotating

mount depot of medical supplies in

communications zone E.S.K ___________ Eisenbahnsonderkom- special railroad service com-

mando mand Esk ______________ Eskarpe _______________ _ Esk_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Eskorte __________ _ E.S.K.A _________ Etappensanita tskraft-

wagenabteilu ng EStB ____________ Elektrische Strassenbahn_ E.T ______________ eigene Truppen _________ _ Et _______ ~------ Etappe ______________ _ Et. Anf. 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ EtappenanfangsorL ____ _

forward slope of trench mounted convoy; escort communications zone am-

bulance battalion electric trolley car own troops communications zone rear boundary of the com­

munications zone; home base

Etap _____________ Etappe _________________ communications zone

Page 48: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Etapp.lnsp _______ Etappeninspekteur ______ inspector of the communica-tions zone

Etapp.l\Iun.KoL .. _ Etappen Munitionsko- comlllllnications zone am-IOllne nUlllition column

Et..B.K ___________ Etappellbiickereikolonne __ COlllllltlIlications zone bakery

E. T.D ___________ Etappentelegraphendi-rektion

E.Tel.B.Tr _______ Eiscnbahlltelegraphen-bautrupp

ETelD ___________ Etappentelegraphendi-rektion

Et.Fp.K ________ Etappenfuhrparkko-1011 Ile

Et.Hpt.O _________ EtappenhauptorL ______ _

col limn telegraph direction of the

communications zone railroad telegraph construc­

tion squad telegraph direct iOIl of the

commtlllications zone cOIllIllunicatiom; zone trans­

port and supply column field base of commullica-

t iOllS zone Et. Insp _______ _ EtappellinRpekteur ______ inspector of the cOlIlmuni-

cations zone Et.KdL __________ EtappellkolllmalldanL ___ cOllnnandant of the commu-

nications zone Et.Kdtr _________ .. Etappenkommandantur _ _ headq lIartNs of the com-

mUll<lant in the cOIllIlluni­catiollti zone

Etkomet _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kommandeur der Etap- commander of the ammuni-pcn- :\111I1 itiollskolon- tion columns and t rains in nell und Trostie

Et.Ko. M. u. T _ _ _ _ _ Kommandeur de!' Et ap­pen -:\1 lIll it i 0 nskolOll­nen und TroRse

Et.Laz ___________ EtappenlazaretL ______ _

the communications zone commander of the ammllni­

tion coillmns and traim; in t he communications zone

stationary hOl'pital in the communications zone

Et. :Mag _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Etappenmagazin_ _ _ ____ s\lppl~' depot in the commu-

Et.l\1un.l(oL _____ Etappenm un itiollSko-lonne

Et.l\1ull.Verw ____ Etappenmunitionsver-\valtung

nical ions zone COlIlmllnieat ions zone ammu­

I1it iOIl column admillistratioll of ammuni­

tion depots ill the commll-nicatiollS zone

Et.Pf.D __________ EtappenpferdedepoL ____ remount depot in communi-cat i01l1' zone

Et.San.Dep _______ Etappcnl'anitiitl-idepoL __ .. (kpot, of medical Rllpplie;; in comllllmicllt ion;; zOlle

E. V __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Eillfiihrungsverordn uug _ _ introductory regulations


Page 49: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


E.V _____________ _ E.V _____________ _

evallg ___________ _ E.V.F ___________ _

EVO ____________ _

Empfangsverstarker ____ _ Etappenverwendung~

fiihig evangeJisch _____________ _

Eta ppen v erwend ungs­fahig im Felde

Eisen bahn yerke h r s-ordnung

receiving amplifier (rad£o) suitable for employment in

zone of communications Protestant (on identity discs) fit for field service in the

. communications zone railroad t.raffic regulations

p\·tL _____________ eventuell ____________ - __ eventual; possible Ew _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ EinwohneL _____________ inhabitant; resident EWGG ____ - ______ Einsatzwe hrmach tge-

bUhrnisgesetz Ex _______________ Exil __________________ _

exerz_. ___________ exerzieren _____________ _ Exerz. PL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Exerzierplatz ________ - - _ Exist. I< _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Existenzkampf _ .. _______ _ Ex.:\fllIl _________ _ ExerziermunitiOlL _. ____ _ exp _____ . _______ _ exportieren ____________ _ Ex.Patr .. __ - _____ .. Exerzierpatrone ________ _ Exped.-K ________ .. Expeditionskorps _______ _ Exp.Kr __________ _ ExpansionskrafL _______ _ ExpL ___________ _ Exemplar ______________ '. Ex. PL __________ _ Exprzierplatz __________ _ exp L ___________ _ explosiv _____________ . __ Expr ____________ _ Express ___________ . __ _ Exptr ___________ _ Expeditionstru ppen . _ ... __ Ex.R _______ . ____ _ Exerzierreglemen t ______ _ Ex.RgL ________ _ Exerzierreglement. _ _ _ __ ext _____________ _ ext err ito riaL ___ .. __ _

Exz __________ _ ExzelleIlz ___ . ________ ._. Ez. _____________ _ Eilzug ____ ._. E.Z empfindlicher ZUnckr __ _ E.ZlIg ___________ _ Eilzug _______ _

F F .... __ _. _ __ Fahre ___ _ F. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fahrabteilung __ .

F ____________ _ Fahrenheit.. .. __ ..... ~ _______ _ F . _____ . _____ _ Fahrtruppe_. F ..... _____ ._ .. ___ . Feind _______ ... c __ feindlieh ________ ..

law governing special assign-ment compensation

exile; banishment t.o drill parade ground; drill grollnd fight. for existence blank ammunition t.o export dummy cartridge; blank expeditionary force power of expam;ion specimen; copy parade grounds; drill grounds explosive express train expeditionary troops drill regulations drill regulations extraterritorial; not subjeet

to statute law Excellency express train instantaneoll" flD:e express train

ferry (on maps) transport section;

drawn transport ment



horse-drawn sllpply sen'iee (,llPlllY


Page 50: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


F ________________ Feld-__ _ ___ _ __ _ fipld F_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Feldkiichenverpfiegung__ _ field-kit dlf'n food suppl~';

(p('ding through field-kit­chpu

F _________________ Fernerkllndllng _______ _ F_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Fcrnsprecher_ F ______________ Festung ___ _ F______ Feller __

Feuerwerker _ _ _ _ __ I~-Flagge_ __ _ _____ _

F _______ _ _ Flache _________ _ Flug __________ _

long-distance reconnaissallce tplephonc fort; fortress; fortification fire ordnance sergpant; artificer F-flag (for IlIiWarp telepl/one


area; plant' sl/rfae(' (aviation)

flight Fluss_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ rin~r

ForstereL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ forest rangpr's hOIIS(' (01/

F ___ _

F 1<' _____ _

F ________ _

folgende_ _ _ ___ _ _ _ ForsL _ _ _ __ _ freitragelld _ Frequenz ___ _ Fripdc _______ _ Fiihrer ______ _

Fiihrungsamt der NSDAP

filr ________ -- __ Fuhrpark _____ _ Funk; Funker __ FUsilier ___ _

FahrabteiIllllg _________ _

Fddartillerie _________ _ For::;tamt __

Fiirsorge - Abteilung des Heichswehrlllill­isteriums

F'ab _____________ FahriL ______________ _

m(l ps)

following forest cantiIen~r (airplll1/e) frpqucucy (radio)

peace leader; COllllllalJ(icr; dri ver

of vebielp hoard for tact i('al It'adpfIodlip

of the Nat iOllal Socialist Party

for wagon park radio; radio ojleJ'ator fu:-;iJier; light -infantry

dier 801-

tran:-;port septioll; horl'l'­drawn tral1sport detacb­ment

field artillery office of the local foreRt

slIperilltl'lIcil'llt (on trial's)

Social Hervi!'\' Di viI-dOli of the German War Depart­ment

faetory Fahr FahriL _ _ _ _ _ _ ________ factory (on maps)

F_A_ Brig___ __ Feldartillprie-Brigade ____ field artillery brigade Fachgr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Fachgrllppe ________ . _ __ _ _ _ _ occupational groll P

Page 51: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


FAD __ . __________ :Freiwilliger ArbeitsdiensL Fahnr _ _ _. _____ . _ Fiihnrich _______ . _____ - -

Fahn.J _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fahnenjunker _ .. ________ _

Fahr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fahrenheit __________ . - -fahrh _____________ fahrbar ________________ _

Fahrb.-D _________ }<'ahrbahndecke _____ _ Fahrtr.Ausb ______ Fahrtruppenausbildllng __

Fahrv _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fahrvorschrift fUr die Fahrtruppen

Fahrw __________ . Fahrwerk __ _

FAK _____________ Freiwilliges Automobil-korps

Fallsch ___ . _______ Fallschirm ___ ..... _ .. ____ .. Fallsch. Spr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ }<'allschirmr;;pringer __ _ F AR_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Feldartillerieregiment ___ _ farb ______________ farhig ___________ . F .A.S_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Flakartillerieschule _____ _ Fasch ____________ Faschine ______________ _

Fasch ____________ Fa8chismus, Faschist ____ _ fb _______________ fahrbar ________________ _

Fb _______________ Fe1dbahn ______________ _

F.B __ .. ___________ Fe 1 d befestig ungsvor-schrift

Fb _______________ Festungsbau ___________ . Fb _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Flieh bolzen ____________ _ F.B ______________ Flugzeugbreite _______ .. __ F.B ______________ Fusilierbataillon _______ _ Fba ______________ Fahrbahn ______________ _

F.B.AbL _________ Feldeisenbahnbetriebs-abteilung

Fb. A.I.W.m.M ___ Fahrbare Artillerie-In-standsetzungs- Werk­statt mit Motorzug

voluntary labor service officer candidate (rank corre­

sponding roughly to U. S. sergeant)

c~det (rank corresponding roughly to U. S. corporal)

Fahrenheit passable; navigable; trans­

portable road surface training of personnel of

horsedrawn services driving regulations for the

horse-drawn services landing gear; undercarriage

(am:ahon); chassis Volunteer Automobile Corps

parachute parach11tist field artillery regiment colored antiaircraft school fa:--;cine (b1~ndlefor the strength­

ening of field fortijications) fascism; fascist passable; na viganle; trans­

portable field railway manual of field fortifica-

tions fortress-constrllction disappearing firing-pin (fuze) width of plane fusHier battalion roadway field railroad operation unit

motor-drawn artillery repair workshop

Fbba ______ . _ . ____ Feldbahnhetriebsltmt _____ field-railway operations office Fb.BackoL _______ fahrbarer Backofen ______ mobile baking oven

Page 52: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


F.B.D ____________ FeldhahndepoL ________ fieln railway depot FbH _____________ Festungsbauhauptmann __ fortress conlitruction cap-

tain F.B.K ____________ Feldbackereikolonne ____ fieln bakery column fb.Kwerkst- ______ fahrbare Kraftwagen- mobile repair shop

werkstatt FbM _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Festungsbaumajor _ _ _ ___ . fortress construction major F.B.O ____________ Festungsbauordnung _____ manllal for the construction

Fbr ______________ Fabrik _______ _ FbrIL_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FabrikClL _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fd ____ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ Feind _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ ._ _ _ fd ___________ . _____ feindliclL ______ _ Fd _______________ Fekl _________________ _

f.d ______________ fUr den, die, das __ F.d.D ____________ Fuhrer der Deckungs-

truppen fdL ______________ felddienstfiihig ___ . __ Fdg _______________ Falmdung ________ _ fdL _____________ feindlich ________________ . F d. Laz _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ }'e ldlazaret t- __________ _ FDO _____________ }'elddienstordnung ______ _ F.d.R ____________ Fur die Richtigkeit _____ _

F.d. tl_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fuhrer der tlbersetztrup­pen

F.E ______________ Feldeisenbahn _________ _

of fortifieation& factory; manufacturing plant factories (on maps) ellemy hostile field for the commander of covering troops

(bridge construction) fit for field duty search for missing person hostile field hospital field service regulations a true, copy (certification of

accuracy u.~ed with signa­tures)

leader of rivN-crosl"ing troops (bridge construction)

field railroad Fe_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fernsprech- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ telephone F.E.A ____________ Fliegerersatzabteilung ____ aviation replacement train-

ing cent,Pf FeArL ______ _ Feldartillerie_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ._ field artillery Fpbr Februar ___ _ Fphrl1ary Fech ___ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Feldeisenbahnchef. Chpf ehid of th!' field railroad

service dC's Feldeisenbahnwe-spns

Fech ZstL ________ Chef des Feldeisf'nbahll- ehief of the field railroad wPl"ens. Zentralstelle service. main office

Fedrawa_ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ Felddrachenwarte _ _ _ _ _ _ _ kitp-ballooll field station

feindL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Feka ________ '. ___ _ Fe.Kp ___________ _

( meteorology) feincllich __________ _ hOl"tile Fernkampfartillerie. IO~lg-range artillery Fernsprechkompanic_ _ _ _ _ tele'phone company

Page 53: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


F. EL __ .. _________ F('rnmeldetechnik im long -distance comm Ull i ca-Heere

Felda ____________ Feldartillerie ________ ..

Felda.G Felda.U.9{j n/A ___ _

Fdd-AIL. _______ _ Feldausb.Div ___ _ Fcldb.KoL _____ . Feldb.Wag _______ _ Feld.Ers.BtL ____ _

Fpldartillericgeriit __ . __ _ Feldartilleriegeriit, 1896

nener Art Fpldartillerie-Regiment _ .. Fpldau;;bildungdivision_ Fpldbiickerpi-Ko\onne_ _ Feldbiickerei-Wagen ____ _ Feldersatzbataillon.

Feldg _______ .. _ _ _ _ Feldgendarm, Feldgen-darmerie

Fpldgend _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Feldgendarm, Feldgen­darmprie

Feldgend. Tr. _ _ _ _ _ FpldgendarnlPrie-Trupp __ Feldg.O _ _ .. ______ Feldgendarmerie-Ordllung

Feld. Hh.Laz. (mot) Feldhalblazarett (motor-i;;iert)

FeJdh.G.98 Feldhaubitzgerat 1898 __ _

Fpldk Feld. Kdt r _ _ _ __ _ _ _ FeldkomIllaIldalltur. ___ _

Fpldlaz __ .. fpldnL ___________ ..

Fe 1 d ilL _______ _

Fpldm ______ . _ ..

Fpldm ___ _ Fpldm Fpld.Ilachkdt r

Feldlazaret. fPldmii8sig_

Fddmarsehall Fpldmeister .. _

Fpldmesser ____________ . __ F'eldmntze _____________ _

Fe 1 dnac h ri chte n kom-malldat.ur

Feldpola __________ Feldpolizeiabschnitt der Geheimen Fpldpolizei des Oberkommando K ord (Grenzschutz)

FeldtdeheL _______ Chef des Feldtelegrafie-wesens

tion technique in the army

field artillery field artillery equipm('nt field artillery equipment 1896

(new type) field artillery regiment field training divi;;ion field bakery column field bakery wagon field replacement training

battalion military policeman; military

police military policeman; military

police military police detaclllnpnt regulation govPrJling mili­

tary police motorized field hospital, half

strength field howitzer eqllipment,

1898 field kitchen Field Administrativp H ead­

quarters field hospital equipped to takp to

field; meeting field quirements

field marshal

th(' re-

leader in comJlll I,.;or.\· labor service (seventh ran k)

geometer; land-surveyor fiC'ld service cap field communication head­

quarters field police sector of tlw

Secret Field Police of t1w Northern High Command (bordpr guard)

commander of the field tek· graphic service

Page 54: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Feldw ___________ _ Feldwache _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ picket Feldw ___________ _ FeldwebeL __ . ____________ (corresponds roughly to [7. S.

Feld-W g __________ Feldwageu ____________ _ Feldz _____________ FeldzeicheIL. _________ _

first serg(,(l1lt)

field wagon em;ign; st.andard; haUlwr;

emblem Feldz _____________ Feldzug ________________ campaign

Feldzgm _. __ . _ .. _ _ _ Feldzeugmeister. _ _ _ _ _ _ Chipf of OrdnulH'p Dppart­Illellt

Fefllaufkl. FI.Sta_ _ _ Fernaufklaru llgRfl ipger­Rtaffel

FprllL ___________ . Fprnfeuer. ___ .... ______ _ ferngest. __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ferngesteuert.. __________ _

long - range recollllui"''''HIWP Rquu<iroll

long-rallg<, fire guided by n'lIlOt,p COllt rol

(aviation); wirdt'ss COII­

trol FerIlL _____ .. ____ FC'rnkampL. ____________ battle at long rUllgl'; IOllg-

range fire Fernl. ~ _ .... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FernleitungsIlet.z ______ .. _ _ stat ion-to-st atioll t./,lpphoIlP-

line net; trunk "',\'",tPIll FerIlR.Ap _______ FprIlRehapparat_ .. ___ . __ .. _. television apparatll" Fernschr. _________ FPfIlSchreiber . ____ .... ___ teletype apparatus Fernspr _________ .. Fernsprecher _ .. . telephone FernsL _______ .. ___ Fernerkunciungs",taffpL ___ lrmg - range r!'colllHlissance

Rq uadroll FernR.Verb _______ FprnsphvprhindllIlg. _____ telpvi",ioll eOIlIl('ction

i Fe.-Spr ---------- Ferm;pruch ---- _____ tdl'phol1l' .call; kjppholll' nH'ssage

. FesR. B _________ . _ FeRRelballoll __________ ., _ captive ballooll;

FeRt. "'pst. BetL ____ ... __ ... Festb.Fw_. _____ _

Fei4t.B.Hptrn __ _ Festb.Lehrg __ ...

FeRtllIlg. FestullgRhpsat ZlIllg Fe:stuJlgsbaufeld "P})(d __

Fpi4t IIngR ball hall ptm ann Fe:stulIg",baulehrgang ___ ~

Fest 1I11gshauschule __ _

Fpi41, Fprnspr. P F('st lIugs-Ferllspr!'c hpark_ Fe"'t., Fw _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fest.uugsbaufeldwebeL _

ballooll fort ifieal ion; f()rtn~ss: fort fortress garri",o" (corresponds rlil/!!III/l 10 I'. S.

first sl'Tgeart/) (f()l'l,.es,~ 1'01/­


fort re:-:s eOIl"t rllet ion eap1ai II course of ill"trul'tioll ill tIl('

COIl"truetioll of fortitir'll­t iOlls

traillilJg Rehool for 11](' ('011-

strlJ('t iOIl of fort iti('at iOlls fortification tl'kpholll' d.·pot (col'respoluls rOllgh/!1 If) t', S.

fir8t Nf'I'(!f'lInt) (forl"('8,~ e01,-­


Page 55: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Fest.GeL ___ _ Fest. Oef ____ _ Festg.Laz ________ _ Fest. Gt _________ _

festh ___________ _ Fest.HptnL ____ . _ Fest.KmdL _____ _ Festkr __________ _ Fest.O.Fw _______ _

Festungsgefiingn if'_ Festungsgefangener _ _ _ __ FestungslazaretL___ _ _ __ FestungsgUrteL ________ _

festungshaft ____________ .

Festungsbauhauptmann _ FestungskommandanL __ _ _Festungskrieg ____ . _ Festungsbauoberfeidwe-


Fest.San.K _ _ _ _ _ Festungssanitiitskompanie FestsL ___ . ______ Feststellung _________ . _

Fest. Vb ____ . _ _ Festungstibllng ________ . Fest.W _____ . __ FestungswalL _________ ._ Feu ______________ Feuer _______________ _

Fell.A ___________ FeuerarL _____ ._ :Feuergeschw _____ FeuergeschwindigkeiL _ . Fellergew __________ Feuergewicht _________ _ Feu. ErofL_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Feuereroffnung _________ _ Feuerstg __________ Feuerstellung __________ _

Feuerw ___________ Feuerwaffen _____________ _ Feuerw __________ _ Feu. Flak-Cir _____ _

Feu.Fm __________ __

Feuerwerker __ Feuer leit u ngsstelle

Flakgruppe Feuerform _________ _


fortrcRI' pril'on priiwner in a fortress fortress hm;pital ring of detached forts; ring , of forts restricted to post fortress construction captain fortress commander siege warfare (corresponds roughly to U. 8.

staff sergeant) (fortress con­str'uction)

fort.ress medical company establishing; fixing; settIi ng:

discovering; stating; iden­tificat.ion; determination

fort.ress drill fortresR rampart fire type of fire rate of fire denRity of fire opening fire firing position; bat.tNY posi­

tion; emplacement (artil­lery)

fin>arms ordnance sergeant; artificer fire control post for antiair-

craft section types of fire; classification of

fire Feu. Gef _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fellergefecht ___________ . fire action Feu.Ltg _________ . Feuerleitung_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ fire control Feu.P ____________ Feuerpause ______________ firing pause; interval in

'Fell. tJbf _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ Feueriiberfall __________ _ Feu. Wiz _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Feuerwalze ____________ _

Fewewa ___________ Feldwetterwarte ____________ __ FF __ __ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Maschincnkanone in die

FHigel eines Flugzeugs F.F.KabeL________ F'cldfernkabeL _____________ _

firing surprise fin> rolling barrage; creeping bar­

rage field meteorological station rapid-fire cannon in the wing

of an airplane two-strand field cable

Page 56: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


F.Fspr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Feldfernsprecher _ . F.l<~u ___ . _____ .. _ Fer n m eldeteehnik im

FG ___ _ fg __ F.G.A_ Fgd __


feldgralL __________ .. _ __ _ folgende_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. ___ . __ _ Feldgendarmerieabteihmg

. _ Feldgendarm, :Feldgendar­merie

Feldgendarmerie-Ordnung Fgd.O __________ .

F.-GeR.B_ .. ____ _ Fgo ____ _

Feldgesangbuch. _ _ _. _ .. Feldgendarmerieordllllllg _

F.Gr____ Feldgranate __________ _ Fh__________ Fabre __ .. ____ .. _ .. __ __ F.R _________ . __ . Feldhaubitze ______ . __ . F.R___________ Feldheer ___ .. _____ ... _ F.R___________ Flugzellghohe _______ _ Fh _______________ Forsthaus _____________ _

F.H.Ger _________ _ F.H.Gr ___ . F.H.Gr.(I\")

FeldhallbitzgeriiL _ Feldhau bitzgranatp ___ Feldhallbitzgranatc (1'\e-

bel) F.H.Gd';tg ___ .. _ .. _ Feldhallbitzgranate(Htahl-

ring) Fhj _____ . ________ Fahnenjunker. __

F.R. M .K_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Feldhallbit ZPIIJl:llllitionH­kolOllne

Fhr.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fiihurie h _ _ _ _ _. _______ _

Fhr.. ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fuhrer.. ______ . .

field telephone long-distance communica-

tion technique in the army

field gray following field military police unit military policeman; militar.,·

police regulation governing mili­

tary police field sOllg book regulation governing mili-

tary police high-explosive Hhell ferry field howitzer field force; army in t hI' field height of plane forest ranger's hOIl;;e (011

maps) field howitzer eqllipment field how it zer shpU field howitzer shell (l"llIloke)

field howitzer shell (i'lteel band)

cadet (corre.sponding rll1lghly to U. S. corporal)

field howitzer ammunition column

officer candidate (correspond­ing roughly to 1'. 8. sergeant)

leader; commander; driver of vehicle

Fhr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fuhrwerk __ . ____ .' ___ . _ _ horRe-drawn vphicle Fhrp _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fuhrpark ______ . _____ '. _ _ wagon park Fbrwl"l. ___ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FuhrWCRcIL .. _ _ _ _ _______ .. transport service Fhrz_. ____ . ____ .. Fahrzeug_ .. __ .. _. _ .. __ vehicl('; v('ss('l fix ______________ fixierell ____ .. _________ . __ to fix; to hold fa~t; to

el'tablil'h; 10 ;;pttle: to discover; to state; to iden­tify

Page 57: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


F.K ______________ Feldkanone ________ . _____ field piece; field gun F.K_ __ _ _ _ _ Feldkommandantur ______ .Field Administrative Head-

quarters F.K ______________ Feldkompanie ___________ field company FK ____ .. _________ FeIdkilche ______________ field kitchen FK __ ._ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fernkabel_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ long-distance telephone ca-

ble F.K ______________ Fliegerkammer ______ ._ aerial camera FK ______________ Funk; Funker __________ radio; radio operator F.Kan.Bttr _ _ Feldkanonenbatterie. field gun hattery F. Kdtr __ .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Festungskolllmandantur __ fortress commander's head-

quarters F.K.Gr ___________ Feldkanonengranate ____ . field piece shell Fkh __ .... __ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Feldkochherd _ field range F.Kl.Abk ________ Vllnker-KleinabteiIung_ _ portable radio detail F.L ______________ FeldlazaretL________ field hospital FL ______________ Fernleitung ____________ Htation - to - Htation tele-

FL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fernlenkung _________ . F.L _____________ Fernlenkwaffe __________ . FI _______________ FIAchc _______________ _ Fl __ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Flagg __________ . ____ .. _ FI ______________ Fleck _________________ . fl ________________ fliegend ______ .. _ _ _____ _ FL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fli eger ______________ _ FL ____________ . _ _ Flottille .. _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _. FL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FI uss _ _ _ _ _ _ . _____ . Fla ______________ Flugzellgabwehr Fla_ _ .. _______ .. _ Flilgelanordllung _______ .. Flachf. _ _ _ Flachfeuer- _ _ _ Fla-Dr-MG _______ Fliegerabwehr- Dreifach-

Flak ___________ _ Flak-ArL _______ _

maRchin(mgewehr Flugzcugahwehrkanone __ _ Fl ug z e llgabwehrartil­


phone line: trunk systclIl remote control: radio control remote-control weapon area; plane surface flag flaw (gunnery) flying aviator; flyer flotilla river (on maps) an tiaircraft defense \ving arrangement (airplane) flat trajecton' fire antiaircraft triple machine

gun antiaircraft gun antiaircraft artillery

Flakgruko ________ Flugzellgabwehrkanonen- commander (command) of gruppenkolIllllandeur antiaircraft gUll battalion (-kommando)

Flak.MeRstr.\Vg ___ FlakmesstruppwageIL ____ antiaircraft flash and sound ranging truck

Flaksch _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Flugzeugabwehrkanonen- antiaircraft gun school schule

Flakzg. 9.9 ______ 9.9 cm Flll~zcllgabwehr- 9.9-crn antiaircraft-gun kall{)JlcnzlIg platoon

Page 58: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Flam_ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Flu~ab weh rmaschincn-watfen

Fla.M.G __________ Flugabwehrruaschinenge-

Flaruga __________ _

Fla-MGAbt ______ _

Fla-MGK _______ _

FlaseheiIL _______ _

Fla-Sehw _ _ _ ____ _

F.Laz ___________ _ F.Laz.lnsp _______ _ FJb ___ _

FI.Beob.Sch ______ _ FI. BL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ .1d ____________ _

wehr Flugzeugabwehrnlasehin­

engewehrabteil1l ng, Flugzeugal)wehrJllasehin­

ellgewehral)teilung Flugzellgabwehrlllaschin­

engewehrkOllll)an ie FI ugzeugabwehr:,;c!tein­

werfer F1ugzeugabwehrsehein-

werfer Feldlazarett _____________ _ Feldlazarettinspek tor ___ _ Flughahn __ _ Fliegerbeobaehter;;chllie __ Flugboot __ _ FelcL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _


autom!ttic antiaircraft weap­OilS

antiaircraft machine gUll

antiaircraft machine-gUll sec­tion

antiaircraft mac hi IlP-gu11 sec­tion

antiaircraft ruachille- gun company

antiaircraft ,.;earchlight

antiaircraft searchlight

field hOHpital field h08pit,al inspector trajectory aerial ol)Hervers' school flying hoat fit'ld

Fld.Art- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Feldartillerie _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ field art iJlery Fldverw.Behl

FI.E.A __________ _ F1. F _____________ _

Fl~_-------------Hgd _____________ _ FIg.Kall _________ _ FIgz ____________ _ FI. H ____________ _ Fl.Hf ___________ _

F1. H st- _______ . __ 1<'1 ieg_ __ _ _ ___ _ Flicg.Tr _________ _ FI ieh b _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fl.lll ____________ _

Fl.lng ___________ _ Fl.Insp __________ _

Flivo ____________ _

1"1. K ____________ _

Feldverwaltungsbehorde __ field adminbtrative Bllthor­ity

FliegererHatzahteil ung ___ _ fiiegeude Fi.ihrc__ _ _ __ _ Fhgg- _______________ _ folgende _______________ _ Flti.gelkanone ___________ _ Flugzeug _______________ _ Flughalle ______________ _ Flughafen _____________ _

Fliegerhor"t ____________ _ FliegeL ______________ _ Fliegertruppe ___ _ Fliehholzeu_ I1l8pektion der Flieger­

truppen Flot tille II ingell iC'll r Inspektioll der Fliegertrup­

pen Fliegerverbi n dun gsof­

fizier Flakkompanie. ____ . _____ _

aviation replacement ccnter ~lying ferry flag following wing canllon airplane hangar a.irfield; airport; f'eaplane

base airhase aviator; flyer air force diHappearing firing pin illspectorate of the ai r force

flotilla ellgi rH'pr iniipectorate of Ow air force

air liai8011 officer

antiaircraft cOTllpan:\' (TlrJIJY)

Page 59: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


FIL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Flanke _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ flank; side Flk.M ___________ . Flankenmarsch __________ flank march Flk.Sch_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Flankenschutz __________ flank protection Flk.SL ____________ Flankenstoss _______ ._. ____ flank thrust Flk.Stg __________ . Flankeustcllung ______ ._ _ _ flanking posit.ion Fl.Lstg_ _ __ _ _ _ ___ Flugleistung_ _ _ _ ______ flying performance Fl.M ___ ' _________ Flugclmine _____________ finned bomb Fl. Meld. n _ _ __ _ ___ _ Flugmeldedienst_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ airplane reporting service Fl.M.PL _________ FlachenmessplalL ______ . plotting board (flash rang-

ing) Fl. M tf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fliegermarschtiefe _ _ _ _ _ _ _ depth of unit flying FI. M. Ticfe _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fliegermarschticfe_ _ _ _ _ _ _ depth of unit flying Fl.M. W __________ Flugclminenwerfcr _______ trench mortar firing finned

bombs FI.O.GL _________ Fliegerortsgruppe_____ local air unit Flot _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Flottille _____________ . flotilla F.L.P ____________ Festlegepunkt____ _ _ reference point (artillery) F.L.R ____________ fahrbarcn Eisenbahnlade- portable railroad loading

rampen Fl.Sack-Zg ________ Flosssackzug __________ _

Fl.Sch ___________ _ Fliegerschule ___________ _ Fisp ____________ _ Festlc/!:espiegpl ________ _ Fl.Stp ___________ _ Flugstutzpunkt. _______ _ Fl. T ____________ _ Fliegertuch ____________ _ FllIgb ___________ _ Flu/!:boot ______________ _ Flnggcw _________ _ Fhl/!:gewicht ___________ _ Flugh ___________ _ Flughafen _____________ _

FIllgh ___________ _ FlugzenghallP _________ ._ Fhlgp_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __. Flllgposk _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ Fl.UGr _________ _ Fliegeruntergrllppe _____ . Flugz __ _ Flugzeug_ _ ______ _ :FlugzPllgf _______ _ FlugzclIgfiihrer ___ . ___ . __ Flugz.:\1 11 ________ _ Flugzellgmutterschiff ____ _ Flugz.Trg _____ _ Flugzeugtriiger __________ _

Flnko_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Flugwachkommando_ _ _ Flu.M.A __________ Flugmeldeabteilnng _____ _

Fluna _____ . _ . _ _ _ Flugnachrichtenabtcilling Flu. Wa. .. __________ Flugwache _____________ _

ramps pneumatic assault boat pla-

toon flying se hool sighting mirror air base ground panel (m,iaf1On) flying boat flying weight (avia/lOn) airport; airfield; s{~aplane

base hangar air mail sub-group of aviators airplane; plane pilot seaplane tender airplane carrier; aircraft car­

rier report center (aviaNon) airplane reporting deta.C'h­m~nt

air signal detachment plane spotting post; aircraft

lookout station

Page 60: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining

ABBHEVIATIO~S .57 FI.V ____________ _ FlaggenvorschrifL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ regulations for the use of

FI. W ____ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ Flammenwerfer _ _ __ _ _ _ fl. W _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ fiiessendes Wasser __ . _ FI. Wirk.Abstand _ _ Fliegerwirkungsabstand __

f'ignal flag::; flame thrower flowing water interval in march formation

as protection againlSt aerial attacks

Flz _____________ _ Flugzeug ______________ . airplane FlzL ___________ _ Flugzeugftihrer ________ . pilot Flzf.Anw ________ _ Flugzeugftihreramvarter candidate pilot Flzg ____________ _ Flugzcug _ _ _ _ _ airplane Flzg.-Bes ________ _ Flugzeughesatzung _ _ _ _ _ airplane crew Flzg.-Bew _______ _ FlugzeugbewafflJung_ !l.irplane armament Flzg.lnd. _______ _ Flugzeugindustrie _ __ _ airplane industry Flzg.-Kan _______ _ :FJugzeugkanone__ _ _' airpialle canllon Flzg.-Otg;_ Flugzeugortung ____ ' . _ airplane navigation Flzg.-SchL ______ _ Flugzeugschlender _______ catapult (aviation) F.M _____ _ FeldmarschalL _ _ field marshal Fm_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FrJdmeio,ter _____ . ________ .

Fm2 ______________ FlugelfHiche einco, Flng-

zeup:s in Quadratmct.ern F.Mag.DO ________ Feldm agazi nd ieust-

ordullng fmdL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ fernmundliclL __________ _ F.M.G ______ . ____ FlugzeuU;abwehrmaschi-

neugewehr Fm W ___________ Flammenwerfer _______ _ Fo ______________ Familienname_ Fo _____________ Felgen ___________ _ Fnd _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Feind _. ______ . __ F.N.D ____ . ______ Feindnachrichten(lien~t __ _

fndL ____ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fcrnmiindl~clL ___ _ F.N.J\. __________ Feldnachrichtcnkom-

mandantllr F.O ______________ Felddiellstordnllng __ F.O ______________ FursorgeoftizieL. F.O.K ____________ Feldoberkornmando F.O.K ____________ J<'Jieger beim Armeeober-

kommando folg ____________ .. __ folgende ______________ _ Form _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Formatiou _____________ _

leader in COlllpu!t-lory labor !Service (;;eventh rank)

wing area of an ill square meters

service regulation for field depots

by telephone rapid-fire antiaircraft gUll;

antiaircraft machine gUll

flame thrower family name; ~mrllallle felloes; wheel rirw; enemy

ell(;my COHill, U n icaLion :-;PI'V­

ice by telepholw field :-ignal hcadqllart en;

field service regulation I'\()cial flen'ice otficpr field high command aviator with the army hi"h

command following formation; form; figure;

shapej unit

Page 61: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


ForllL __________ FormulaL _____________ form; formulary; kcherIulP; blank

fort.l _________ _ fortlallfend _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Forts _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fortsetzung_ _ _ ________ _

continuous; sllccessive continuation; carrying on;

F.P ____________ _

F.P F.P _____ _ Fp__ _ __________ _

Fp_ Fp __ F.P.A ___________ _ F.Patr __________ _

FeJdpost _____ _ Feldposten __ Fest legepull kL_ FeHtllngspiollier _______ _ Fullpul vcr __________ _ FlIhrpark _____________ _ FeldpostamL _________ _ Feldpatrone _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

prosecution field mail; field postal service combat outpost; co".~ack pm;t reference point (artillery) fortification engineer (soldier) powder charge wagon park field post office field gun cartridge (fixed (un­

munition) Fp. D.O ___________ Feldpostdienstordnnng __ _ field post regulation;;

combat engineer service reg-F.Pi. D ____________ Feldpionierdienst fur aile

Fp. K _____________ _ F . PL _ _ __ _ _ - - - _ F.Plsk _____ _ F.P.Nr __ F.PoL _________ _ FPfL __________ , __ F.P.SeL. ______ _

F.P.W __ Fr _ Fr ____ _ fL _____________ _ fr ____ ._. _____ _

Fr __ , Fr ______ _ fr ___________ _ Fr _________ _

FL __________ _

F.B.A __

Waffen Fuhrparkkolonne ____ _ Fellerplan _____________ _ Feuerplanskizze ___ _ FcJdpostnllmmer __ _ Feldpolizei __ Funkpeilstelle __ _ Fel d postsek tor ___ _ Feuerpausen __

FcJdpostWC"Cll ___ _ FlamIlwllwerfer ___ _ Frachtflngzeng_ fmllzosiseb ________ _

ulations for all hrallches wagon park column firing chart firing chart sketch field post number military police (in the field) radio beam station field post zone intervals in firing; pn,nl"'P;; in

firing field postal service flame thrower freight plane; transport plane French

frei augelegt_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ blasting charge attachpd to the outside (engineer dOl/o­lit ion service)

Freitag ________________ . Friday Friede __________________ . peace frUher _______ _ FUhrer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . __ _

earlier; formerly leader; commander; driv('f

of vehicle Grllppe Franken der S.A Frallken (Franconia) section

of the Storm Troopers Funkenrichtullgsalllagc dirpctional radio installatioll

franz __ franzosisch_ _ __ _ French Fr.Arb.D _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ Frauenarbeitsdiellst_ _ _ _ _ _ compulsory labor service for


Page 62: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Fr.Bes.V _________ Friedensbesoldullgsyor- peacetime pay rf'gulatiolJ" srhrift

F. R. D _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Feldrekrlltelldepot_ _ _ _ _ _ _ depot battalion behind the lines

FreiL _________ .. _ ". Freiw __________ _ Fr.-lL __________ _

Frhr. Friedeis _________ _

Freitag ________________ _ Freiwilliger _____________ . FreihafeIL _____________ _ Freiherr ___ , ___________ _

KOIllmisHar fUr die Demo-bilmaehung und die vor­bereitendell Arbeitell flir den Frieden

Friday volunteer free port Baron eomllliH"ioner for dpJl\ohili­

zation and the prt'para­tory work for peltep

Frk _ _ _ _ _______ .. _ Fruhkrepierer __________ . premature burst Fr.Kprf __________ FroutkampfeL __________ combatant; vekrall of COlJl-

bat Herviee Fr. Leg ___ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fremdenlegion _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FOf('ign Legion Front-Alltr ____ . __ Frolltalltrieb __ . _________ frollt-wheel drive Fron tHtalag _ _ _ _ _ _ Frontstammlager _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for war d

camp fr.SchL __________ freier SchritL ___________ route step

F.Rtg. W g _______ _ frtr ___ .. ______ _ Fr.Tr.Teil _____ . Fr.Vertr __ ._ Fr. V. V ___ _

Frw ____ _ Frw ______ ,

Frw.-Hptlll Frw.l\rpfl Fnv.Lah ___ _

Frz_ ,Fr.ZuL ______ _

Friedenstiirke ___________ pea('etilll(~ strellgt,h Feld-Roll tgen wagell_ _ field X-ray wagoll freitragend_____ cantilever (airfJl(lIu~) Fricrienstrll ppellteiL peaeet ime ullit, Friedensvertrag ,. _ peac!' treaty FriedensverptiegllngH \.01"- ration regillation" (\11 ring

schrift peace time Feuerwerker _ _ artificpr; Ordllltlle!' H('rgeall{, FrPiwilliger ____ .,. _ _ _ voluntecer Fel1erWerkl'hali pUTJa IIIl Freiwillige KrallkplIptl!'ge. Fcuerwerkslaborat!)l"illlJl

ordllUllce eapi,ain volulltary 1111 r"ing laboratury for ordlllllJ('('

Franzosc; tranz()HiHch. Frenchmall; French Friihzcllipringer _ premat-II fl' hurst Frontzlllagc ____ . bonus for front-Iill!' troops

F.S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FeJdschlllierle __ . _ mobile forge Fs _____ . _________ FeldHeilbahnbau und -be- cable fi('ld-railway ('Oll"trll(,-

trieb tion and operation Fs _______ '. __ . _ _ _ _ Fe"tung ________ . _ _ fortr('sh }·'S ____ . ____ ., . ____ Fiihrerschule ____ . ____ .. _ school for kadf'rs; ,"ul,,!'

Hchoo] FS ______________ FUllkstution; Fllnkstel1t' __ radio "tatiun; wir!'h's- sll1-

tioll; selHii ng "tal ion

Page 63: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Fs.BaIL_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fesselballon_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ captive baUoon; sausage bal­loon

F.Sch ____________ Fiihrerschein ____________ pilot certificate; driver's li-cense

F.Sch.A __________ . Feldschliichtereiabteilung_ field slaughter detachment F.Schm _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ E'ahnenschmied _________ farrier Fschm _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fallschirm_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ parachute Fschm.Spr ________ Fallschinnspringer ____ - - _ parachutist; parachute jump-

Fschr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FernschreibcL ___ - ___ _ FSO _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Friedenssanitatsordnung_

F.Sp __________ _ feindliches Sperrfeurer __ _ Fsp ____________ _ Fernsprecher _-__________ _ Fsp.AbL ____ _ FernsprechabteihlIlg _ _ _ _ Fsp_Bau-Wg ____ _ Fernsprechbauwagen ____ _ Fspr _ _ _ _____ _ Fernsprecher ___________ _ F.Spr.A ________ _ Fernsprechabteilung ____ _ F.SprechltgIL ____ _ Fernsprechleitungen ____ _ Fspr.K __________ _ Fenlsprechkompallie ____ _ Fspr.Kb ___ _ FernsprechkabeL _______ _ Fsp.Wg __ _ FernsprechwagelL ______ _

er teletype apparatus peacetime medical

tions hostile barrage fire telephone telephone detail


telephone cart: cable wagon telephone telephone detachment telephone lines telephone company telephone cable telephone communication

wagon Fssm ______________ Fussmari'lch ____________ foot march Fst _____________ Festung F.St _____________ Feuerstellllng

F. SL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Flaggen i'ltoc k _ _ _ _ _ _____ _ Fstg _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fei'ltung __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ F.St.N ___________ Feindstarkenachweisung __

F . Stoff _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Titantetrachlorid _______ _

Ft ______________ _ F.T _____________ _ F.T _____________ _ Ft _____________ _ F.T.B.K _________ _

F.T.K~ _____ _ F.T.Kpfw _______ _

Fort __________________ _

Fllllkentelegraphie ______ _ FullkturlIl ______________ _ FurL _________ _

Dienstvorschrift fUr die Festungs-Telegraphen­baukompallien

Fc1dtransportkommissioll_ Kampfwagen mit Funk­


fortification firing position: battery posi­

tion; emplacement (artil­lerp)

flag pole fortress report of actual enemy

strength ti ta Il i 11 m tet rach loride

(smoke producer) fortification wireless telegraphy radio sending tower(on maps) ford (on maps) regulations for fortress tele­

graph-constructioll com­panies

field transport commission ta,nk with radio installation

Page 64: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


F.T.-Meldung _____ Funkentelegraphiemel- wireless message; radio mes­sage dung

F.Tr ____________ Fahrtruppe ___________ _ horse-drawn supply serviee interdiction of radio comIUU-F.T.Sperre ________ Funkelltelegrafiesperre __ _

nieat ion; stop IlSiIlg radio FT.St ____________ Funkentelegraphiestation wireleRs telegraphy station;

radio telegraphy statioll FT .Stat _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Funkentelegraphiestat ion wireless telegraphy Hlat ion;

radio telegraphy stat iUII F. T.-Verbindung _ _ FunkentelegraphieverbiIl- wireless communicatiun; ra-

dung dio communication Fu _______________ Funk; Funker __________ ·radio;radiooperator Fu____ __ _ _____ Fuss _____ . _ _ __ _ _ _ foot F. U. A_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FeldunterarzL. medical officer aspirant (in

F.U.Behorden ____ _ FU _____________ _ FUhr ____________ _

FUrs _ __ _ _ ____ - -_ FUrs.OffL ______ _ FUrs.SL ________ _

FUs. ____ . FUR.BtL ___ _ Fufa ___ .

Familieunterhaltbehorden FUhrer _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _. __ _ }<~U h rer _ _ _ _ ___________ _ FUrsorge _ __ _ _ ________ . FUrsorge-Offizier ____ . __ FUrsorgestelle ____________ _

FUI'i1ier _______________ _ FUHilierba taillon _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. Fllnkerfeidabteihlllg __ ..

the field) family maintenalJ(,p ollicials leader; conuuander leader; commander public welfare; Hocial Hervice social service officer public welfare offiee; social

service office fw!ilier; light infantr)' soldier fusilier battalion field radio detachment

Fu.Fernschr.Tr ____ Funken - FeruHchreiben- radio teletype sectioB truppe

F.UffL __ FUl1kunteroffizier _ radio noncommissioned of­ficer

F.U.FL_ .______ FunkunterfeldwebeL ___ ._._ (corresponding roughly to

Fu.Fw ___________ Funkfeldwebel U. 8 . . sageant, radio)

radio technical sergpant (corre8ponding roughl y to U. S. first sergeant)

training: lIlalitlal fOJ If'ading and combat. of combiued

F.u.G _________ .. _ _ FUhrllng ll11d Gefecht cler verbulldeuen \Yaffell

arms Fu.Ge ___________ _ FllnkgeraL _________ . ___ radio equipment Fuhrp ___________ _ Fuhrpark __ . __________ . _ wagon park Fuhrp. KoL ______ _ Fuhrparkkolorme ________ wagon park column FuKI.AbL _______ _ Fuukcrkleillahteilung ____ portable radio uuit Fu.Kp _________ _ Fuukkompallie_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ radio compauy

5165600 -43--1i

Page 65: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining



Funk.Aht Funkla_ Funkt.. __ _

Funkt Fu.spr. Fusta _ FU.TeI.Abt Futtmstr _ Fu.TlL. Fu. DberIV .1:\ p

Fu.WachtuL _

FII. Wg .. F.V __ F.V __ . _ Fv ____ _ F.L .. ___ _

FVO FV8 __ . F. V.St. __ _ 1<'.V.'1'_._ FvL __ . Fvtg. _ F.W F\Y.

F.W F. W.Aht



Fundament _

radio sergeant (corresponding roughly to U. S. first sergeant)

basis; fundamental principle; base

FunkerabteiilUlg_ _ radio detachment Funkerkleinabt(~illllig ____ portable radio unit FunktioIL. _. _ function; service; duty; exe-

cution Funkturm_. ___ . _ _ _. ____ radio sending tower Funkspruch __ . radiogram; wireless message Funkenstatiol1 ______ . _. __ radio station; wireless statioll FunkentelegraphcllaiJteilung radio telegraphy detachment Futtermeister _ forage master Funkturm __ . radio sending tower FunkUberwachungskom- radio supervision company

panie FunkwachtmeisteL. . . radio sergeant (corresponding

roughly to U. S. first 81T­

geant) FunkwageIL. radio truck Fahrvorsehrift _ _ driving regulation Feldbefestigungsvorschrift manual of field fortifications Fernverbindung_ long-distance connection Feuer verteilen ___ . __ to distribute fire Funkverordllung ___ . ___ radio regulation Fernverkehrsstrasse___ _ long-distance highways Feldvorschriftemitelle_ _ field order post FeldverpfiegungstabelleIL field ration schedule Feuervcrteilung _ . _ fire distribution Feuerverteilullg_ . fire distribution Fl'ldwache_ _ _ _ picket Feldwebel.. (corresponds roughly to U. S.

first sergeant) Fliegerwarte air observation tower Feldeisenbahnw(,rkstal- field railroad workshop unit

t enabteilllIlg F.Wg_.. Feldwagen _____ .. field wagon

ordnance II ordnance captain

FwH _______ ... ___ . Feuerwerksh!111ptmann. __ Fw II ptm ____ . _ Feuerwerkshallpt lllallIL __ Fwk _ _. ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ Feuerwerker ___ . Fwk. Uffz _________ Feuerwerkerunteroffizier __

artificer; ordnance sergeant artificer noncommissioned

officer Fw.Lab. _________ Feuerwerkslaboratorium __ laboratory for ordnance

Page 66: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Fwp. V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Feurrwt'r kspprsonalvor­schrift

FWSt ____ _

F.W.\L Fz_ _ _ _ Fz __ _

F.Z __ . Fz .TIL


Fz.Pk_ Fzw .. F.Zwh

G ___ . G __ G __ G __ _

/1:------G ___ _ G ____________ _ G ______ _ G ___ _

Fplctwf'ttersfat ion Fddwettprwartp Fahl'zPlIg _ ... }t'p!dzpug ___ _

F('stlegezahl_ Felctzeugillspek tion FeldzellgmeiRtpr _

Felctzeugpack Fe lctzeug,vaff elllllPi,.; t pr F'pldzwiehack

Gam it"o 1I __

Gas Gebirgs- ___ _


Gt'fpehtsublingell mit scharfer Munition

Gegllcrpunkt. __ _

geheim .. _____ _ Gelande __ _ Gendarmerie GeneraL _ Generalstab_

G ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Gera L ___ _ G ___ _ G ___ _ CL G ___ _ G __ _

g - --G __ _

G G_ G.9R


n.A. __ G.A

Geschutz __ GeschutzfU hf(~r _

_ _ Gewehr __ _ _ Gramm ____ ._

Granate __ _ gross ______ _ Gruppe __ . __ _

Gfllppenkommallrio Giitnrl:llg Gewphr 18m~ gerichtlich fiir tot Nkliirl_

Gpfecht,.;allshild Illig (1enem,larzt


ordnanc(' person1l0l regula-tion,.;

tkld wpat lH'r ,.;t at ion fipld llwtcorological station ,"('hide; \"(',.;,.;<,1 (nlllJ?/)

field equipment: ordnancl' l"efel"Pllce II 11m lWI" (a I'till C7'Y)

inspectorate of ordnance chief of orrillUJH'1' dppart-

ment field ('quipmPli t pack field ordnalll'e s(>rgrant field hiscll it

garrison gas mountaill maneuver!'; with live I'Unmll­

nitioll prese/lt enem:\" positiolJ i anti-

aircraft) secret terrain; ground: region local police general general staff equipment gun; can non gun comnlander rifle gram grenad-c great; large group; squad (infantry) army group command freiIJ:ht train rifIP, lIIodel 18!1~ I('gally· presllIllNI to h(' dead

((In CflWIJ ali II iJ:.,<I.,)

combat kaininIJ:; battle drill (cnrrr.p,ponds to (1. 8. briga-

rlirr genf'ral, Afed£caZ ('()rp.~)

Page 67: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


GAB _____________ Gasabwehrdienst_ _ _ _ _ _ _ gas protection service Gam_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Gamasche _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ legging GAR____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ GebirgsartillerieregimenL mountain artilJery regiment Garn____ _ __ __ __ __ Garnison _______________ garrison Garn.ArzL _______ GarnisonarzL ____________ garrison mediC[lj officer Garn.Kom ________ Garnisonkommando _____ garrison commander's head-

Gam. Laz _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Garllisonlazarett ________ _ Garn. V erw _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Garnison verwaltullg ____ _ Gas-A ____________ GasanstaIL ____________ _ Gas KoL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Gaskololllle ____________ _

Gasm ____________ Gasmaske _____________ _

Gassch.Ger.PL ___ Gasschlltz-Geratepark ___ _ G.B ______________ Garnisonsbauordnung ___ _

Gb ______________ Gebirgs- ______________ _

G.B____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ GeschwaderbefehL

Gb.B ____________ _ Gbd __________ _ Gbg ____________ _

GbhL _________ _

G Blink (m.A.S. Zusatz)

G.Bomb _________ _ G-Buch _________ _ G-Buch ________ _ G.D _____________ _

Gebirgsbrigade _________ _ Gebaude_ _ _ __ _ _ _ ____ _ Gebirgs-________________ _ Guterbahn hof __________ _ grosses Blinkgcrat (mit

elektrischer Batterie und Azetylen-Sauer­stoff Zusatz)

Gasbombe _____________ _ Gesetzbuch ____________ _ Gesundheitsbuch _______ _ GeschUtzdepot _________ _

GdA. ____________ General der "\rtillerie ___ _

GdL _____________ General der Infanterie __ _

GdK__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ General der Ka vallerie __ _

Geb ______________ Gebirgs-_______________ _ geb ______________ geboren _______________ _ Geb.AbL _________ Gebirgsabteilung _______ _

quarters military hospital garrison administration gas-works gas column; balloon service

groups gas mask anti gas equipment park garrison building and con-

struction regulations mountain squadron order (navy and air


mountain brigade buildings mountain freight yard large scale blinker signal

(with electric battery and addition of acetylene and oxygen)

gas bomb law book health record (medical) ordnance depot; depot for

guns and cannons general of the artillery (cor­

responding to U. S. lieu­tenant general)

geueral of the infantry (cor­responding to U. S. Lieu­tenant general)

general of the cavalry (cor­responding to U. S. Lieu­tenant general)

mountain born battalion of mountain troops

Page 68: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Geb.Batt _________ Gebirgsbatterie _______ ._ mountain bat,tery Geb.Brig _________ Gebirgsbrigade _____ ' .. _ _ mountain brigade Geb.Btl_ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ Gebirgsbataillon _ _ _ _ mountain battalion Geb.Haub __ .. _____ Gebirgshaubitze _____ . __ mountain howitzer Geb.Jag.RgL _____ GebirgsjagerregimenL _ _ mountain rifle regiment Geb.J.IL __ .. Gebirgsjagerregiment .. _ ... mountain rifle regiment Geb.K ___________ Gebirgskanone _____ . __ .. _ mountain cannon or gun Geb.K___ _ Gebirgskorps ____ .. __ mountain corps Geb.N achr. AbL _ _ _ Gebirgsnachrichtenabtei- mountain signal battalion

lung Geb.PL _ _ _ _. _ _ _ Gebirgspioniere ________ mountain combat engineers Gebr.Anw ________ Gebrauchsanweisung _____ printed instruction:;; din~('-

Geb.Tr __ _ Gebirgstruppe _____ . Geb.Werf.AbL __ Gebirgswerferabteilung __ _ ged ________ . ___ _ gedeckt ____________ .. __ _

ged.Z _________ . _.. gedecktes ZieL __________ . GeL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ GefalleneL. __ . _ . ___ _ Gef _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Gefangener _____ . __ . ___ _ GeL _ _ _ _ Gefechts- _____ . ______ _ Gef.AufkHirtlllg ___ _ Gefechtsaufklarung _____ _ gefher __ _ gefechtsbereik _______ _ Gef.BeL _ _ _ _. _ _ Gefechtsbereitschaft __ _ Geferna_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fernsprechahteilung bpi

Generalkommando or Grllppenkommando

Gef. Gr __________ _ Gefechtsgruppe _ _ _ _ _ __ _ Gef. Lag _______ . __ Gefallgenenlager _. _ _ _ _ __ Gef.LpL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Gefechtslandcplatz _____ .

Gefr __________ .. _ Gefreiter _________ _

Ge~Sgn _________ _ Gefahrsignale _ . Gef.St __________ _ Gefechtsstalld ___ _ Gef. Staff _ _ _ _ _ __ . Gefechtsstaffel __ _ Gef.Stat _____ ._ Gcfechtsstation ________ _

tions for use mOllntain troops mountain mortar battalion concealed; covered; camou-

flaged; sheltered defiladed target dead soldier (killed in action) prisoner of war combat; battle batt Ie reconnaissanee prepared for act ion preparedness for I1ct ion telephone detail of t lIP eorpf'

general staff or army group headquarters

combat. group; combat unit prison camp com hat landing field; aci·

vaneed landing field (corresponds rou.ghly to U. s.

acting corporal) danger signals (on maps) command post field train (.~ervice.~ of supply) battle Rtation (navy)

Gef.Str __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ GefechtsRtreifen _________ combat sedor Gef. TL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Gefeehtstross ___________ combat train Gef.Vorp________ Gefechtsvorposten ______ combat OlltPORt Gef.Wg _______ .. __ Gefechtswagen __________ combat wagon; company

wagon (munition and tool wagon)

Geg.Angr ___ . Gc!,:enangriff. ___________ connterattack

Page 69: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Gegens_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Gegensa tz __ _ contrast; antithesis; oppo­sition

Gegn __________ _

Gegs _______ - - -

geh_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Geh _______ _ Geha _____ _

gehob Geh.Sch ______ _ geL _ _ _ _______ -GeL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ geL __ _ _ _ _ __ - _ - - -

Gel_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Gel __ Gel .. Gel.FL __ Gel. W. __ _

Gel. 'VinL __ _ gem ___ _ gem ___ _ Gem. Pol gem.pzkw.Kl-l_


Gem.Vorf'L_ gen ge.;\J __ _ GeIL ___ _ Gell.Adj Gell.Arzt


Gegner ___ _

Gegensatz __ _

geheim. ___ .. ______ . _ .. _ Gehilfe ____ . __ _

opponent; enemy; foe; ad­versary

contrast; antithesis; opposi-tion

secret assistant

Generaldirektor der director general of the Arm., Heereswerk~tatten

gehoben_ GeheirnschrifL __ _

Plants elevated (in rallk)

geladelL _ _ _ _ _ _ __ code; cipher; s('cret writing loaded

Gdande_ gelandegallgig ___ _

Gdbkreuz __ Gelegenhcit ____ _ Gp!eit __ _ Geleitflottillp ____ _ Gelandewelle _. _

Geliindewinkel gemiiss __ gPllIbchL ____ _

terrain; ground; region. having cross-country travel-

ing ability yellow crOSH (gas) oecasion; opportunity con voy; escort convoy flotilla curtain; screen; mask (as

regards relation of gun to target)

angle of site according to mixed

Gpmeindepolizei __ gcmischte Pallzerkraf1.-

community police mixed tank company

wagen-KoIllpauie GemeillClevert reter_

CeUII' illr!evorsLp hpl·

gPllannt gt'ographische N ord __ _ (iplll'ral_ (;ellf'raladj 11 tant_ ( ;Plleralarzt

(;(,lleraJ del' Artillerie

reprei'eutative of the com-Illunity

rna.vor of the COtllllllUlity

llH'ntiolled; called true north

. general adjutant gelleral (corresponds to U. S. briga­

dier general, M edirat Corps) _ g(,lleral of the artilll'rY (cor­

re.~fJ()nding 10 U. S. lieu­tenant general)

Page 70: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Gen.d.Fl .. General der FliegeL_


general of the air corps (cor­responding to U. S. lieu­tenant general)

Gen.d.lnL ________ General der Infantrie_ ... _ general of the infantry (cor­rf'Sponiling to U. S. lieu­tenant genl'ral)

Gell.d.Kav _____ _



Genf.Konv Genftdm_ _ _ _ _

General der Kavallerie

(ipneral dpr Pioniere.

(;clwral dPl" Panzcrtruppp

Genfer Konvention (ipnNalfpldma rschall

Gen.Fm __________ GeneralfeldmarHchalL_

Gt'l1. I nHp ________ . Gerwralin8pektellr ___ .. Gen. Kdo_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Gerwralkommaudo ____ _ Genko_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ Generalkommando _____ _

Gen.Lt__ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ Generalleutnant _______ ._

Gen. Maj ____ _ Generalmajor __________ _

Gen.ObsL . Generalober8t __ .... __ . ___ .. Gen.Ob.St.Arzt ___ .. GenpraloberstabsarzL _. __ _

Gen.Ob.St. Vet_ .. __ Generaloberstabilveteri­nar


Gen. Qu _ _ _ _ _ _ .. Genst _ _ .. _ _ _ .. Gen.St.ArzL __

Generalordenskom m is-fo;ion

CieJlPralq lIartiermcister .. __ GeneralHtab_ _ .. Gcncralst absarzt

general of t he cavalry (cor­responding to U. S. lielden­ant grneral)

geJH'ral of the enginePl"H (cor­responding to U. S. lieu­tenant gew'ral)

general of the armored forces «("o1"responding to U. S. lieutenant grneral)

Geneva Convention field marf'hal (no U. S. equiv­

alent) field marshal (no U. S.


illf'p('ct or gf'Iwral corps hcadqllart.erH corpH general staff; corps

headqlmrtprs (corresponri8 to U. S. major

general) (correspond.~ to U. S. briga­

dier general) (corresponds to U. S. general) (corre.~ponds to U. S. lieu-

tenant general, }j,Jedical Corps)

(ror/'/,sponds to U. S. lieu­h'nant general) (Vc//~rinary

Corps) GenNa] Decorations Com-

mission q lIart ermaHter gmwra] gPlwral staff (corresponds to U. 8. major

fI"lU·/"Id. J\ledical Corps) gelwl'al statT

Page 71: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Genstb.-CheL _____ GeneralstabscheL ______ _ Genstb.d.H _______ Generalstab des Heeres __ Gen.St. Vet _ _ _ __ _ Generalstabsveterinar ___ _

Gen. VeL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ General veterinar ________ _

geogr.Br _________ geographische Breite ____ _ geogr.L ___________ geographische Liinge ____ _ GeopoL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Geopolitik _____________ _ Gep_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Gepiick _______________ _ Gep.Wg __________ Gepackwagen _________ _ Ger _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ GeraL ________________ _ Ger.Fw _____ _ _ _ _ _ _ GeratefeldwebeL _______ _

Ger. Uffz_____ _ _ _ _ _ Geriiteunteroffizier ______ _

Ger.Wg __________ Geratwagen ____________ _ Gesch_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Gesc hoss _ _ _ _ _________ _ Gesch ___________ GeschUtz _____________ _ gesch.Arrest _______ geschiirfter Arrest _____ _

Gesch.Ex _______ GeschUtzexerzieren _____ _ Gesch.F _ _ _______ GeschUtzfUhrer _____ - - __ _ Gesch.Fabr _______ Geschossfabrik __________ _ Gesch. Giess_ _ _ _ _ _ _ GeschUtzgiessereL _____ _ Gesch.Kb _________ Geschosskorb _____ - __ Geschl.KL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ GeschlechtskrankheiL __ _

chief of t.he general staff army general st.aff (corresponds to U. S. major

general) (Veterinary Corp.s) (corresponds to U. S. brigadier

general) (Veterinary Corps) latitude longitude geopolitics pack; baggage baggage wagon equipment equipment sergeant. «('orr('­

sponding roughly to U. s. first sergeant)

equipment non-commis-sioned officer

equipment wagon projectile; bullet piece; gun; cannoll disciplinary arrest for a short

period gun drill gun commander ammunition factory gun foundry shell basket.; shell case venereal disease

Gesch.ReL _______ GeschUtzreinigen _________ gun cleaning geschtl _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ geschichtlich_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ historical Geschw _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Geschwader ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ wing formation (aviation);

Geschw. M _______ _ Geschwindigkeitsmesser __ Gesch.Z ________ _ Geschiiftszimmer _ _ ____ _ gesetzL _________ _ gesetzlich_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____ _ Ges.St __________ _ Gesamtstiirke __________ _ gest _____________ _ gestaffelt ______________ _ Gest ____________ _ Gestalt ________________ _ Gest ____________ _ Gestellung _____________ _

gest _____________ ~ gestorben ______________ _

Gestapa._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Geheimes Staatspolizei­amt

Gestapo _________ _ Geheime StaatspolizeL _

squadron (navy) speedometer office legally total strength echeloned figure; shape; form; stat.ure summons, calling-up (of re­

cruits); provision (of carts) died office of the secret state

police secret state police

Page 72: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining

ABBHEVlaTIOXS 69 get ______________ getotet ________________ killed Gew _____________ Gewalt _________________ force; power; might Gew _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Gewehr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rifle gew ______________ gewerblich_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ industrial; pertaining to trade Gew _____________ Gewicht ________________ weight; stress Gew _____________ Gewinn ________________ profit gew ______________ gewohnlich _____________ wmal; customary Gew.98 ___________ Gewehr 98 ______________ rifle, model 1898 Gew .Fhr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Gewehrfiihrer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ gun commander (heavy ma-

Gew.Gran ________ Gewehrgranate ________ _ Gew. Gran. Gew _ _ _ _ Gewehrgranatengewehr __ _ Gew. M _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Gelandewin kelmesRer __ _ Gew. Mun _______ GewchrmunitiOlL ______ _ Gew.Sch __________ Gewehrschutze _______ _ Gew.Z.F __________ Gewehrzielfernrohr ______ _ gez _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ gezeichncL _____________ _

chine gun) rifle grenade grenade-rifle angle-of-Rite instrument rifle ammunition rifleman telescopic sight (rifle) Rig-ned

gez _____________ _ Gf ______________ _ Gf _____________ _ Gf ______________ _

gezogen _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ rifled; twisted; drawn Gefechts-__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ combat; battle GeschossfabriL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ shell factory Geschutzfabrik__ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ gun factory

G.F ______________ Geschutr.fUhrer __________ gun commander Gf _______________ Gruppcnfiihrer _________ SS or SA commander with

rank correHponding to U. S. major general; squad leader (infantry)

GFM __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Generalfeldmarschall_ _ field marHhal (no eqUt·'!alent

G.F.P ____________ Geheime Feldpolizei_ Gfsch ____________ GcfangenRchaft ____ _ Gfuk ______________ grosse FunkRtatioll __ G.Fuk.StaL ___ . ___ grossc Funkstation __ Uf. W g. ___________ UefcchtswageIl_

Gf. W g. gr _ _ _ _ _ _ __ grosscr Gcfcchtswagcn ___ _ Gf. Wg.kL ________ kleincr Gcfcchtswagcn __ _ gg _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ gegcn _________________ _

G.G _____________ GeneralgouvernemenL __ _

G.G ____________ _ Graugussgesehoss _______ _ G.G ____________ _ grosse goldene Mcdaille __ G.G _________ _ Grundgcschutz __ _

U. S. rank) Rcerct military police imprisonment; captivity largc radio gtatioJl largc radio station combat wagon; company

wagon (ammunition and tools)

largc com bat wagon small combat wagon against; to; towards; op-

posed to General Governmen t (CeIl tral

Poland) ca~t iron l'lhell great gold medal base picce (artillery)

Page 73: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining
Page 74: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


GL ____________ . _ _ GleichstronL __________ _ direct current (electririt!/) /l:1a.<;;s works (on map.~) havin/l: crosR-colllltry travel-

Glash ____________ Gla.<;;hiitt.e ______ ' _______ _ gldg _____________ geliindegiingig __________ _

Gleisk_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Gleiskette _____________ _ ing ability

caterpillar traek full-track vehicl~ G!(·it>k_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Gleiskettenfahrzeul!;

Glt)isk. Pr. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Gleisketten - Panzerfahr- full-track armored vehicle

CIfL_ Gl.Kfz

Cl.Sk _______ _


Glw gUY.;\I

glz ___ _




G.11ed ______ _ G.M.G ___ , _____ _ G.M.K _________ _

Gmr ____ ' __

G.M.Sch.G_ GOA ____ _

zeug Glritflu/I: . _ glide (alJiation)

geliinde/l:angiges fahrzeug'

Kraft- crmis-country motor vehicln

Gleichstrom direct current (elpctriciill) Gluhlicht __ _ _ incandcRcpnt light: electric

bulb; illCall(iPscCllt Inmp Gelandewinkf'1 __ . __ . ___ angle of ;.:ite glatte 'yurfminc _________ smooth bore mille-thrower

shpll gleichzcitig ___ _ Gar-maRkt'. Generallllaj or

.. _ silllllit am'OIlR gal" mar-k

Geselbchaft. mit be-schrankter Handlung

(corresponds to U. 8. In'iga­dier gt:ueral)

limited liability COJllpany

Goldmcdaillc_ _ _ _ gold medal GrllndmaRchinenge"ehr. _ base piece (machine gun) GebirgsmunitionskoloIlne_ mountain ammunition col-

GcschwindigkcitsmesRer __ grosset> MarkscheidegeraL Generalo berarzt_


umn speenometer large incli nometer, (geology) (corresponds to U. S. lie-utw-

ant colonel, j\1 edical Corps) General Decoration;; COlll-

mission GOStA, _ Generalober,-tab"arzt _ (corresponds to U.S. lieutenant

general, .\1 r:dical ('{)rp.~) GOSt. V __ ., ____ ., Gelleralober:,;tabsveterinar (em responds to l '. S. lil'lI/('l1-

Gp ____ _


Gepack .. J.!;epauzerte graphi:,;eher Punkt

GrundrichtungflpllI1kL __

(HIt general) (Ve/('r1:710T!I

Corps) hag;gag;e anll()rpd graphic point; topographim'!,1

point bail!! point (arlillN!!!; rd,\r­

ence point (glmnf'l"Y)

Page 75: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


gpo Kw __ :. ________ gepanzerter Kraftwagen __ Gp.Tr ___________ Gepacktross _______ ----G.pzgr __________ Gewehr-Panzergranate_ --gJqmc__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Querschnittbe1sstung_ - ---

G.Qu ______ . ______ Generalquartiermeister ---

G.Qu. M_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Generalquartiermeister - --

G.Qu.St_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Generalquartiermeister-stab

Gr _______________ Graben ______ -- __ - - ---- --Gr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Grad_ - ___ - - _ - _ - - - - - - - - -Gr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Granate __ - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -Gr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Grauguss _______ - _____ - _ Gr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Grosse ________ - _ - __ - - _ - -Gr _______________ Gros __________________ _ Gr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Gru be _________________ _

G.R ______________ Grundrichtung ________ _ Gr ______________ Gruppe __ - ________ - __ -_

Gran _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Granate _______________ _ gr.Bl.P ___________ grobes Blattchcnpulver __ _

Gr.Br ____________ Grossbritannien ________ _ Grd ______________ Grund ________________ _

GrdfL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Grundflache ___________ _ GrdL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Grundlage _ _ __________ _ Grdl _________ ~ _ _ _ Grundlinie _____________ _

Grd.MG __________ Grundmaschinenge"yehr __ Grdr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Grundrichtung __________ _ Grdr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Grundriss _ _ _ _ _ _______ _ Grdwsp _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ GrundwasserspiegeL ____ _ Gren _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Grenadier. ___ _ Grenzm _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Grenzmark ____________ _

Grepola _________ "_ Grenzpolizeiabschnitt ___ _ GIf ______________ Granatfiillung __________ _ Gr.F _____________ Gruppenfiihrer __________ _ gr.Fk ___________ " grosse FeldkUche _______ _

armored car baggage train armor-piercing rifle shell ballistic coefficient; average

load (ballistics) Deputy Chief of High Com­

mand, General Staff Deputy Chief of High Com­

mand, General Staff staff of Deputy Chief of

Command, General Staff trench; ditch (on maps) degree shell; grenade cast iron size; greatness; height main body (of a 1tnit) pit; mine; ditch; quarry;

grave (on maps) base-line direction (artillery) section; squad; group; flying

formation shell; grenadf> powder in large flakes (pro­

pellant) Great Britain ground; soil; terrain (011

maps) base; basis; area basis; foundation; base base line; outline; datum

line; point of reference base piece (machine gun) base-line direction (artillery) design; sketch; outline; plan water table grenadier; infantryman Grenzmark (former German

provinces Posnanw and West-Prussia)

border police zone bursting charge squad leader (infantry) large field kitchen

Page 76: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Gr.G.St __________ Grosser Generalstab _____ . Grand General Staff (1914-

Gr.Hptqu ________ _ Gr.H.Qu ________ _ Gr.K ____________ . Gr.KpL _________ _ Gr.Kr.Mun ___ _ Gr.Kw.KoL _ _ _ _.

Grosses Hauptquartier __ _ Grosses Hauptquartier __ _ Gruppenkommand(L __ . __ GrosskampL ________ _ GriinkreuzmunitiOlL __ ... _ grosse Kraftwagenkolon-

ne Grkz _____________ Grunkreuz _____________ _

GrIlL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Grenzmark ____________ _

Grm _____________ Grossmacht ____________ _ Gr.m.P ___________ Granate mit Panzerkopf __ grosskaL _________ grosskalibrig. G.R.P _________ .. __ GrundrichtungspunkL __

Grp ______________ Gruppe _______ . _____ _

Gr.R.Dn _________ Gruppe von Reserve-dh'isioncn

Gr.Rch ___________ Grenzschut.z _____ _ Gr.St ____________ Grenzstation ______ . Gr T _______ . ____ Rustgewicht in TOIllWTL.

Gru ____________ .. Gruppe_

Uruf _____________ Uruppenfuhrer _________ _

Grufahr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FUhrer der Fahrtruppen beim GruppenkoIIl-man do

CrufL ____________ GruppenfUhrer der Flieg-er

1918) general headquarters general headq uarters army group command large-scale fighting green cross (gas) shell heavy motor transport train

green cross (gas): choking gas (diphosgene or chloro­picrin)

Grenzmark (former German provinces Posnania and lVest-Prussia)

Great Power armor-piercing shell (of) large caliber base point (artillery); refer­

ence point (gunnery) section; squad; group; pur­

suit squadron; bombard­ment group

group of reserve divisions

frontier protective force border station structural weight in tons

(airplane) section; squad; group; flying

formation (SA) Storm-Troops corps

leader (corresponding to U. S. lieutenant gcrwral)

(SS) Elite Guard corps com­mander (correspond1:ng to U. 8. lieutenant general)

commander of horsf'drawn supply trains with the army I!:rollp command

staff air officer

Page 77: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Gru.Kdo __________ Gruppenkommando ______ army group command gr.u.k1.Fk ________ grosse und kleine Feld- large and small field kitchens

kuchen Gnlko ____________ Gruppenkommando ____ _ Grutrain _________ Fi.ihrer del' Fahrtruppen

beim Gruppellkomman­do

Gru VeL _________ GruppenveterinaL _____ .

Gr. \V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ Granat-werfer ___ _ Gr.Z __ .. __________ Granatzunder_ Grz ___________ . Grenz .. _. Grz. Kdo_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Grenzkollllllalldo __

Grzseh __ . _____ . ___ Grenzschutz ______ _ Grz.Sch_Kdo. GrenzschutzkoIllwando_ .. _

GrzsL ___ . _. ____ Grcllzstein ____________ _ GS ________ . __ . __ . Gencraiinspekteur des

SUlliUitswesens (SA)

G.S.L ____________ GasschutzlageL __ . _____ .

G.R.O. ___ _ G.Sp _ .. G_SprgL_ CU';L_. GSt. ______ . __ _ GStA __ .. _

Gasschutzoffizier .. _ GrllllChvassel'spiegeL __ Gewehr-Sprenggl'allatc_ GefechtstitaJld _. Generalstab __________ . Generalstabsarzt ___ _


GU1;;sehutzlIll teroffizier.

G.s.v ______ . ___ ._ .. Gus~chlltzvors('hrift

G L ______________ • Fluggewicht ill TOllllelL __

Gt.Br ___________ . Gross Britannien Gtr. HhL ____ . ____ GiiterbahnhoL. __ G_Tross __ Gt'piicktross __ _ GtL. ______ _ Gitter __ _

army group command commander of horse-drawn

supply trains with the army group cornmand

chief veterinary officer witll army group command

mortal' shell fuze border frontier division headcJ1lar­

ters frontier protective force frontier protective force

headquarters boundary marker Inspector-General of the

Medical Seryice of Storm Troops


chemical warfare depot; gas-defense supply depot

antigas officer water table (tOpogra7Jhy) high explosive rifle shell command po~t general staff (corresponds to U. S. major

general, .Medical Corps) (corr('sponds to [7. S_ major

general) (Vettrinar'lI Corps) anti gas non-commis;,;iolled

officer regulations for defenKe ug-aint

(:helllical warfaJ'e flying weight ill tOll;'; (avia­

tion); gross weigh t; total weight

Great Britain freight yard baggage traill grid; fence

Page 78: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining

Utt. HI' _________ _ GUrt. Wag ____ _

Gut.BhL __ _ Gut.W ____ _ g.v _____ _ GV _____ _

OVIL __ _


G. Verw. V.I,

G VB __________ _

G.V.O __________ _ GVOL _______ _

Ow ______ _


G-Wagen _ _ _ _ _ _ _


Gitterbrucke ____ _ Gurtclwagen des langcn

schweren l\forsers Giiterbahnhof ____ _ Giiterwagen ___ _ garnisonverwendllngstiihig Generalveterinar _______ _

Gesamt.verhand __ _


lattice bridge })('drail truck for the long

Iwavy mortar fr!'ight yard freight car fit for garrison dllty (c()rresp(lnd.~ to U. 8. briga-

dier general) ( Veterinary Corps)

total force garll is onverwelldllllgsfii- fit for ga.rrison d\lt~· in th£>

hig ill del' Etappc eOIlUllllllieat iOllS zone Geriitsverwa.Itcnvorsc hrift eq lIiplllPnt ad lllinistratiOlI f()r

ftir die Luftwafi"e the air corps gar n i S onvenvendullgsfii- fit for garrisoll duty ill tht":

hig im Felde field gar n i s onverwendllllgsfii­

hig ill der (jamison gar Il is 011 \,erweJi(!IlIlgsfii­

hig ill der Heimat Gar n i SOil V e r waltllngsin­


fit for garrison duty in tlIp garrisoll

fit for garrison duty in the illterior

inspector (SIII)(,l'Yisor) of gar­rison adlllillistrat.ioll

Gar Il isoll verwaltu Ilgsord- regliia lions for garrison ad-nUllg III ill istratioll

Griiberverwaltungsoffi I':i('f grave ad III i II j:-;t.rat i011 of lice I' Garnisollverwaitl1llg;;uh(T- chief imqwctor (:-;Ilppr\'isnr)

in:-;pektor of garrison adlllilli;;tratioll GeliindewinkeL angle of site GrtlPPCllwahler_

Guterwagell mit ID TOllllen Ladllllgsgewicht

Giirtelwagen des langf'1l sehwerell Miiri'\ers

Generalstab - Zentralab­teilung

Granatzunder ___ _ GrulldzahL

grollp s(~l('etor; illt(~rmediate !ieJf'(~tor (.~i(Jnal serlJi(:(~)

2-:3 Itxlp, eovpred frnight ear with l[l-tOIl load ca­paeity

pedrail tru('k for the long heavy mortar

Central Hectioll of the GCIl-pral Htatf

!ilwll flll':e

Gz _______________ Giiterzug lilti'\ie data (gullI/cry)

freight train Gz L_ Zuladungsgewieht in 1'011-


Giiterzug_ ..

\\"t·il!ht of dispo;;al.lp load ill tOilS (llvialion)

freight train

Page 79: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


H h ________________ hangend ______ . __________ inverted (cylinder arrange-

ment of airplane engine) H _______________ Halt! __________________ Halt! H _______________ Haltestclle ______________ stop; station IL ______________ Handwerker ____________ workman; artisan; craftsman H _______________ Haubitze _______________ howitzer H ______________ Haupt-_________________ chief; principal H_~ ______ . _______ Hauptmann ____________ captain H _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Heckmotor _____________ rear engine (motor vehicle) H _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HeeL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ army H ______________ Hengst _______________ stallion H _____ .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hilfs- _____________ .. ____ auxiliary H _______________ Hinter-_________________ rear; after; back H ______________ Hoch-__________________ high H _______________ Hochdecker ________ . __ . _ high-wing monoplane H _______________ Hochleistllngssegelflllg- high-performance glider

zeug H _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Holz ___________________ wood h _______ . _______ horizontaL ______ .. ____ horizontal H ________________ Horizontalachseam Theo- horizontal axis of theodolite

doliten (surveying service) H _______________ Hutte __________________ hut (on maps) /H _______________ in der Stundc __________ per hour H ________________ Reichs-SA-Hochschlilamt_ Reichs Office of Storm-

Trooper Academy H ____________ . ___ Zielhohe________ height of target (gunnery) Ha ______________ Gruppe HanRa (SAL Hansa Section (Storm

Troopers) Ha_____________ Handgranatenunter:,;tnnd_ hand-grenade shelter ILA ______________ Hauptabschnitt _________ main sector Ha__ _ ______ HektaL ___ .__ hectare Ha.B.SL _________ Haupt beo bach t 11 n gR- main observation post

stelle HaL _____ . ______ _ Hafen ______________ . port; harbor (on maps) Haf.PoL _______ .. _ Hafenpblizei _________ . harbor police Haf-SL _________ _ Hafenstadt______ _ _ _ seaport HAL _________ _ HallptanschlllssJeitling ___ main connecting line (com-

halbj__________ halbjiihrlich _____ _ HalbkoL _________ Halbkolonne _________ . __ haIL _________ .. _ halten _________________ _ haltb __________ ._ haltbar _______ .. _

munications) sernianmlal half column to stop; to halt; to hold tenable; defensiblE'; Rtrong;

durable; valid

Page 80: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Handb ____________ Handbuch ______________ handbook; mall1utl Handgr ___________ Handgrallate ____________ hand grenarte Hand!. Kr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Handetskrieg - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ economic warfare Handschr _________ Handschrift ____________ signature; manuscript; hand-

H.A.O ___________ _

Haub ___________ _

Haupt. B. Stelle __ _

writing Anzugsordmmg

Reichsheer flir das clothing regulations for the

Haubitze _____ _ Hauptbeo ba c h t u ngs­


army howitzer main observation post

Hauptgefr ________ Hauptgefreiter _________ _ (con'esponds roughly 10 U. S.

HauptL ________ _ Hauptleute ____ -- ---- --HauptllL _______ .:._ Hauptmann ____________ _

acting corporal) captains captain

Hauwewa ________ _ Hauptwetterwarte _______ _ main meteorological Rtation; main weather station

hb ______________ _ halb __________________ _ half H.B ____________ _ Hauhitzbatterie _________ howitzer hattery H.B ____________ _ Hauptbahn_ _ main railway H.B _________ _ Hauptbeobachtullg main observation H.B _________ _ H eeresheamter civilian employee of

army H.B.A ___________ HeereshauamL __ _ army construction service H.Bau A __________ Heeresbauamt ___ _ H .Bef.BesL ______ H eeresbefi)rderu n gR b e-


army construction service army promotion regUlations

H. Bekl.A_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HeeresbekleidungRamL __ army clothing service II .Bekl.A. V _______ Heercsbekleidungsamts- director of the army c1othillf,(

vorsteher office II .Bes.BesL ______ Heeresbesoldungsbestim- army pay regulations

H . Bes. K V _______ _

H hf _____________ _

mungen Heeresbesold II ngsergan­

zungsvorschrift Hauptbahnhof _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __

army supplnmentary pa~'

regulations main depot; main railway

station Hbhf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hauptbahnhof _ _ __ _ main depot; main railway

station H.Br______ ___ Heeresbrot________ army bread hbsL ______ ~ ____ halhstarr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ semirigid (aviation) hhst ________________ halbstundig __ _ _ _ _ _ _ every half hour HchfL ___________ Hochftieger _ _ _ _ _ __ _ high-altitude flyer H.D ____________ Hochdecker________ _ high-wing monoplane Hdb _____________ Handbuch_ _ _ _ ________ handbook; manual


Page 81: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Hdbr ___ _

Hdfw _________ _ H dgem ______ - - _ - -H dgr ____________ _

H.Dienst __ Hdpfd _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hd.R___ __ _ H.Draht Nd _____ _

Rd.Seh. W ___ _ H.D.St.O ____ _

Handbremse _____________ _ hand brake; em erg",nc y brake

Handfeuerwaffe ________ small fire arms Handgemenge___ hand-to-hand fight Handgriff _______________ handle

Horehdienst_ _ _ _ _ listening-in service (radio) Halldpferd ___________ ledhorse Hunderotte_ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ dog pack (3 messenger dogs) Drahtnachrichtcr,diellst army wire signal service

des ReichsheercA Handseheillwerfer _ _ _ portable searchlight Heeresdisziplinarstraford- army disciplinary regulations

Dung H.Dv ___________ HeeresdienstvorsehrilL __ army service regulation H.Dv ___ . ________ Heeresdruckvorschrift ____ printed army regUlation:;;

H. Dv ____________ _ Heeresdruckvorschriften-verwaltung

Gruppe Hessen (SA) __

army regUlations; army service regulations; army manual

army regulations adminiAtra­tiOll

Hesse Section (Storm Troop­ers)

He ______________ Helium ______________ helium

H.E.B. ____________ HeereAergiinzungsbestim- army recruii ing regUlations mungen

Heeresgr ________ Heeresgruppe _________ _ Heel' 8al1._ _ Heeressanitiitswesen ____ _ Heerw _____ _ Hcerwesen ___ _

H.E. G _ _ _ _ __ _ _ Heereserganzullgsordnung Heliom ___________ HeIiometer _________ _ H.F_______ _ Hochfrequellz _________ _ H.F.A____ _ HeeresforstamL ________ _

army group; group of armies army medical service army organization; military

affairs army recruiting regulations heliometer high frequency (radio) army hoard of woods and

forests H. Fachsch__ _ _ _ _ _ Heeresf:l':~hschule _ _ _ _ _ _ _ army technical school If.Fachseh.D ____ _ H .Fachscl}.f.Ld.u.


H.F.Auf.A ______ _ If fbe8chl. Lm:-;tr. __ _ H.F.G ___ _

HeeresfachschuldieTIIlL __ _ Heere8fachl'chule fUr I,and­

wirt8chaft und Forst­wirtsehaft

HeeresforstaufsichtsamL _ H IIfbeschlagle h rmeistcr __ _ Hinterbliebencnfilrsorge-


army technical school service army school for agriculture

ane! f'restry

army forest supervision office horseshoeing instructor law pertaining to the welfare

of survivors

Page 82: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


H.F.L ___________ Heeresforstinspektion ____ army forestry inspection service

H.FilmsL ________ Heeresfilmstellc _________ army motion picture service Hfn ______________ Hafen ________________ harbor; port H .Forst-1 ________ HeeresforstinspektiOlL ___ army forQstry inspection

service H.Forst-Verw ___ .. Heeresforstverwaltung ___ army forestry administra-

tion H.F .R.A_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Heeresforstrevieramt_ _ _ _ _ district office of army fores-

H.F.Sch _________ Heeresfachschule _______ _ H .F.St_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hauptftirsorgestelle _____ _ Hfst ______ -. _ _ _ _ _ _ Hilfstelle_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ H.Ftirs.St_____ _ _ _ _ HauptftirsorgesteUe _____ _ H.Fz ____________ Heeresfeldzeugrneister(ci)

H.Fzgr _______ ~ __ _ Heeresfeldzeuggruppe ___ _ H.Fz.Gru ________ _ Heeresfeldzellggruppe ___ _ H .FZllL __________ _ IIeeresfeldzeugrneister(ei)

H.Fz. V ___________ Heeresfeldzeugverwal-tung

Hg _____________ ~_ Handgranatc ___________ _ H.G _____________ _ II eercsgera t ___ ... _____ _

try service army tedlllical school main social service office auxiliary station main social service ofliee chid of ordllance; army

ordnance departmPlIt army ordnance grollp army ordnance group chief of ordllanee; arIlly

ordnance department army ordnance adlllillistra­

tiOIl hand grenade army equipment; military

Hg ______________ _ equiPlllent

H ligeL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ hill H.Geh.O _______ _ Het'rel'!gebaudeorcinung ___ army housing regllla t.iUTlR HgefL __ _ _ _ _____ _ Hauptgcfreiter _ _ ._ _ (corresponds roughly III e. 8.

H. Ger. Pk _ _ _ _ II eeresgera tepark H.G.L ________ Heergeratinspiziellt_

Hgr______ <_ Handgranatc ___ _ H.Gr ____________ Heeres!!;ruppe ___ _ H. Grell_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Handgranate __ _ Hgr.Kdo ____ . H eeresgru ppel1 kOlll-

mando H.H.A __ _ . _ Heere"hundeanstalL H.Handw.Hch _____ Heercshandwerkef-

schull' H .HauslL ________ II eereshaushal tsabtei-


acting corporal) army equipment park army eqniprnent illspeetor;

ordnance inspeetof hand grenade army group; group of arwiell hand grenadc headquarters of a group of

armies army rnessenger-dog kennels anuy vocational school

Army Administrative Rt'c­tiOIl (of General Army 01FcI')

Page 83: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


H.Hd ____________ Heereshund ____________ _ H.Hd.AnsL ______ Heereshundeanstalt _____ _ H.Hg.Stg__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hinterhangstellung _____ _ HhL___ Hohle ________________ _ H.L ____________ HalbinseL ___________ _ HL _____________ Hinterrader ________ _ Hi.B.St_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ Hilfsbeobachtullgsstelll:' __ _ Hilfs-Min.Su_ _ _ Hilfsminensucher __ Hind _____________ Hindernis_ _ _ _ _ _ _____ _

hinh _____________ hinhaltend ____________ _ hinh. Gef _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ hinhaltendes Gefech t hinh. KpL ________ hinhaltender KampL __ _ Hint.R ________ Hinterhang _____________ _ hinw _____________ hinweisen _______________ _ H,J _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hitlerjugend_ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ H .K.A ___________ Heereskustenartillerie ___ _ H.Kav ___________ Heereskavallerie ______ _

H.K.F _____ _ H.K.F _____ _

H.K.Feld ______ _ HKL ___________ _ H.Km ______ . ___ _

II. Korp _________ _ H.K.P __________ _ H.K.P __________ _

Hauptkampffeld_ _ _ _ _ _ __ Heereskraftwagenfach-

lehrer Hauptkampffeld ________ _ Hauptkampftinie ____ _ Gipfelhohe in KilometerrL

hoherer Kavallerioffizier __

Heereskorper ___________ _ Heereskraftfahrpark ____ _ Heimatkraftfahrpark ____ _

H. K.S___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Heereskraftfahrschule ___ _ HL ______________ Heeresleitung ________ _ h.L_____ hinten links ____________ _

army messenger-dog army messenger-dog kennels reverse slope position cave (on maps) peninsula rear wheels auxiliary observation post auxiliary mine sweeper obstacle; barrier; barricade;

entanglement; impediment delaying delaying action delaying engagement reverse slope to indicate; to point (to) Hitler Youth army coast artillery genera] headquarters cav­

alry battle position instructor in an army motor

transport school battle position main line of resh,tance ceiling in kilometers (avia-

tion) cavalry officer above the

rank of captain body of an army; army army motor transport park motor transport park in the

interior army motor transport school army high command from behind and to the left

(gunnery, wind direction) HL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H ohlladungsgeschoss ___ ' _ blank shell H.Laz ____________ ReereslazaretL ________ army hospital HlfL ____________ Halfter _________________ halter H.L.Schm ________ Heereslehrschrniede ______ army horseshoer's school HlsL ____________ Heilstiitte ______________ health-resort (on maps) H M _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Allgemeine Heeresmitteil- general army infonnation

ungen (bulletin); general army memorandum

Page 84: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


hm _______________ Hobe eines J<'lugzeuges in Metern

height of an airplane in meters

H. M _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H ohenmesser __________ _ H. Ma_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Heeresmunitionsanstalt __

altimeter; height-finder army ammunition establish­

ment Hmins_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hilfsminensucher ________ auxiliary mine sweeper Hmm_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hub eines Flugzeugmo- stroke of an airplane in milli-

tors in Millimetern meters H. M un.AnsL _ _ _ _ _ Heeresmllllitionsanstalt __ office of army ammunition H.Mus.lm'lL ______ HeeresrnusikinspizienL ___ superintendent of army mu-

sic H Nb ____________ Heeresnachrichtenbe-

triebsleitung army signal corps adminis­

tration H.N.Ma __________ Heeres-Nebenmunitions-

anstalten sub-office of anny ammuni­

tion H.N.O ___________ hoherer Nachrichtelloffi- signal officer above the rank

zier of captain H.N.S ____________ Hauptnachschubstetle __ main base of supply H.N.Za __________ H eeresnac h weis un gs- army recording bureau for

zeugamt army equipment H.N.Za __________ HeeresnehenzeugamL ____ army ordnance sub-bllreall H.O _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Heeresordnung_ _ _ _ army organization; army

order H.O _____________ Hochofen _____________ blast furnace (on maps) hoh_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ hohef- ____ . _ _ _ _ _ higher Roh.Ko(L _______ Hoheres Kommando ______ corps command hiilz _____________ holzern ______________ _ wooden Ho.Tonn _________ Hochsttonage ___________ _ tonnage limit; maximuIll tOll-

Holzbr __________ _ H.O.PL ________ _ H/OQuV ________ _

horiz ____________ _ Hp _____________ _

H.P _____________ _ H.P.A ___________ _ _________ _ H.PLO. ________ _

nage Holzbrucke ____________ wooden bridge (on mapa) Heeresoberpfarrer _______ senior army chaplain Heeretl - Oberquartier- Army Director of Historical

meister V Records horizontal_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ horizontal Haltepunkt _____________ aiming point; point of aim;

Horchposten _____ _ Heerespersonalamt ___ _ Heil- und Pflegeam;talt_ hOherer Pionlerofiizier

stopping point (railroad, street car) (on map.~)

listening po;;.t Army Personnel Office con valescent sanatoriulll engineer om(~er above the

Hpt ______________ Haupt-________________ _ rank of captain

chief; principal capital Hpt ______ -- _____ HauptstadL __________ _

Page 85: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Hpt.K.Feld _______ Hauptkampffeld __ _ Hptl Hallptlellte_ Hptm ____________ Hallptmann ____ ._ ... Hpt.Res__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hallptreserve __ . Hp~.San.Pk __ . HauptsanitatsparL _____ _ Hptscha _______ ._ .. _ Hauptscharfo.hrer __ .. _. _ _

Hptst __________ HauptstarlL. ______ _ H ptstuL _____ .. _ _ HauptsturmfUhrer ____ . __ ._

Hpt.Tr ___________ Haupttross __ .. ________ _

battle position captains captain main body of reserve medical supply depot (8S) first pla.toon-Ieader,

Elite GIlaI'd (corresponding to U, S. master sergeant)

capital city (8S) chief company-com­

mander, Elite Guard (cor­responding to U. S. captain)

main field train; main supply train

Hpttr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HalipttrllPP _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ reserve (of ad/lance or rear guard)

Hpt.Tr.Fhr _______ Haupttrosllfuhrer _______ ._ commanner of main field

Hpt. Verb. PI. __ ..

Hpt,verw ___ . _ .. __ Hpt,.V.PL __ HpLVet.Pk_

Haupt vnrbanrlplat7l __

Haupt verwaltulIg ____ .. Hauptverbandplatz __ Hauptveterinarpark ___ .. _

H.Pz.O ___ . _ h6herer Panzeroffizier __ .

trains main dressing station (m8d­


main administ.ration main dressing stat iOIl veterinary suppl~' depot tank officer above the rank

of major H.Qu __________ . Hauptquartier _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ headquarters HR _____________ Heeresrechtabteilllng ____ army legal sectiolJ H. Ro ____________ Heeresrohstoffabteilllng __ army raw material section H.R.P ___________ Hauptrichtungspunkt ____ base point hrsg __________ herausgegeben ________ .. _ edited H.S ______________ Handscheinwerfer ______ hand searchlight Hs _____________ ... HandschrifL __________ . __ handwriting: signature; man-

uscript Hs ______________ Haw,-_ hOUf-le (on maps) H.San.lspr ________ Heeressallitiitsim;pekteur _ inspector of the army medi-

cal service ILSan. Lager ______ Hauphmnitiitslager ____ . _ main medical supply depot II.f:att,lms/L __ _ H eeressattlermeisteL ____ army saddle mast,cr hHChL _ _ _ _ halldschriftlich _ __ _ _ _ written by hand H .Sehr. V Vorl'lchrift fUr den Schrift - regulatiolJl'I for army eorrp-

lind GeschiHtsverkehr spolldenc6 iIll Reichsheer

H.Schllhm. Mstr ___ Heeresschuhmachermeis- army shoemake.-r tel'

Page 86: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


hsL ______________ handschriftlich~ _ _ _ written by hand H.S.L_ _ __ ______ Hauptsanitiitslagcr _ _ main medical supply depot H.S.S. Ger ________ H e ere s sa u e r s to f f- military oxygen apparatus

sch u tz~eriit H.SS PL _________ H6herer SEl und Polizei-

fuhrer H.St _____________ Haltestelle _ HsL _____________ HauptstadL_ HsL _____________ Hilfstelle __________ _ H.8LO.K ________ Heeresstandortkasse_ H.St.O. V __________ Heeresstando ,. ts verwal-

t.ung H.Stp. V __________ HandwaffpIlstempel vor-


Superior 88 and Police COIlI-

mander stop; station capital city auxiliary station post nnancu office army post administratioll

small arms stamping regu­lations

H.St.V ___________ Strafvollstreekungs\'or- regulations for the exeeution schrift fUr das Reichs- of sentences ill the arlllY heer

HL _______________ Hutte___ _ _______ hut; cottage (on maps)

hT _______________ Treffpunkthohe _________ altitude of point of impact

(antiaircmft art ill C1"1/) HTA _____________ Haupttelegraphcnamt_ main telegraph ofIlee HtL _____________ HinterfesseL_ pastern H.Tp ___________ Heereskraftwagcn trans- army truck detachment

portgruppe Htr ______________ Hinter-_____ _ _ _ rear; after; back H.U.A ___________ HceresllnterkunftsamL __ army billeting administra-

tioll H.U.A.Dir ________ Heeresllnterkllnftsamts- director of arlllY bil!(1ting

direktor administration II unengr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H unengralL _ H ufbcschl. LUL _ __ _ H ufbeschlaglchrmciskr_ hund ____________ hUIlderL_.

prehistoric grave (on 11111 fis)

horseshoeing instrlletor hundred

hUIldtsd_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ hundcrttausend _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ hundred thousand HV ______________ Heeresverwaltullg_ army administration H.V.A ___________ HauptversorgungsarnL ___ main social sl'rviee and wel-

fare office (for depl'Tulents of soldiers)

H .V.A ___________ IIeeresverpflegungsamL __ army cOllnnissary service II.V.BL ________ Heeresverordnllngsblaf.L_ army bulletin H. Verpfj.!;.A _____ _ H.Verpfl. V _______ _

HeeresverpflegullgsamL __ Heere~verpflegu ngs vor­


arIll.V commissary I'len'ice arm.'l· reglliations for com­

missary service

Page 87: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


H.Vers.A _________ Hauptversorgungsamt ____ main social service and wel-fare pffice (for dependents of soldiers)

H.Verw __________ Hauptverwaltung ________ main administration II. Vet. Akad__ __ _ _ _ Heeresveterinarakademie_ army veterinary school H.Vet.U.A ________ Heeresveterinaruntersuch- army veterinary examining

ungsamt service H. Vpfl.A _________ HeeresverplegungsamL __ army commissary service H.V.PL __________ Heeresverbandplatz ______ army field dressing station H.V.U.A _________ Heeresveterinarunter- army veterinary examining

suchungsamt service H.V.V _______ , ____ Heeresverkehrvor- army traffic regulations

schriften H.V. V ____________ Heeresverwaltungsvor-

schriften army administ.rative reg\lla­

tions H. V. V ___________ HeeresveterinarvorschrifL army veterinary regulatiolls II. Wg ____________ Handwau;en _____________ handcart by _______________ hydraulisch_:.. ___________ hydraulic H.Z ______________ Haubitzzunder __________ howitzer fllze H.Z ______________ Heereszeitung ___ . ________ army jonrnal H.Za ______________ Heeres-ZentralamL ______ army central bureau ILZiL ___________ . Heereszeugamter ________ army ordnance departments

or depots H.-Zahlm.Verw ____ Heereszahlmeisterverwal- army finance department

tung lI.Zg.A ___________ HeereszeugamL_ Hzw _____________ HeereS'wugverwa!i.ung ___ _

army ordnance depar1ment army ordnance administra­


L _______________ ._ im, iu __________________ iu; in the L______________ Industrie _______________ industry L _______ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I nfanterie _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ infantry L _______________ InfanteriezieL __________ infantry target or ohjective L _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ InseL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ island L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J nspektor; Inspektion_ _ _ _ inspecting officer; inspector;

inspection; supervision r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ InstituL _ _ _ _ _ institute Ia_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (pronounced "E£n8s-ah")._

La _______________ im allgemeinen _________ _ I.A ______________ im Auftrage ___________ _ LA _______________ in Abwesenheit ____ _

LA in Alisbildung __ _

operations unit

generally by order of in absence in training

officer of field

Page 88: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Lad.D ____________ im ausserordentlichen Dienst

Lallg __________ _ im allgemeinen _______ _ i.Aufb __________ _ im Aufbau ____________ _ i.Ausb ___________ im Ausbau ____________ _

LA. W ____________ Inspekteur des Ausbild-

ungswesens LB ______________ Infanteriebataillon ___ _ i.bes.A ______ . __ im besonderen Auftrage I .B.O ____________ Infanterie-Beobachtungs-

Offizier icL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ identisch ___ - _ I.D _____________ Infanteriedivision ____ _ i.d.F___ inderFassung ___ _ Ld.G ___________ in der Gegend ______ _ Ld.M__________ in der Minute __ _ I.d.O ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Inl'pekt cur der Ordllullg!;-

polizei i.d.R _____________ in der RegeL ___________ _ i.d.Res ___________ in dN Rel'erve __________ _ i.d.tlek __________ in der Sekunde ___ _ i.d.tltcL _________ in der Stullde ____ _ I .E.B _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Illfanterieerl'atzbalaillOIL_

i.e.F _____________ in erleichterter Form ___ _ i. Entw _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in Entwurf __ _


in extraordinary service

generally in construction; building up in consolidation; in com-

pletion inspector of training

infantry batt ali Oil

in special misl'ion iIlfalltry observation oflicer

identical infantry division wording (of docu.ment) in the vicinity per minute I nspector of Regular Police

as a rille in the Reserve per se("ond per hour infantry replacf'ment train­

ing battalion in simplified form; faeilitated in draft; outlille

i.e.R ______________ im eillstweiligen Ruhe- temporarily retired stan de

I. E.R _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ InfanterieersatzregimcnL. infantry replacement train-ing regilllPllt

i.e.S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ im engeren Sinne_ _ _ _ _ _ _ in a narrowN sense i.F _______________ im Felde ________________ in the field IL___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ InfanteriefUhrer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ infant r.\" commander in a

division I.F.H ____________ internationales Flughand- international aviation mall-

buch ual I Fhr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Infanteriefiihrer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ infantry commander in a

HL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Infanteriefiieger ________ _

Iflakhcim ________ Inspekteur der Flu~ab-

wchrkanonen in Heim­atgebiet

division pilot a.."f'i~ned to infantry­

SlIpport avial ion inspector of ant iaircraft· ar­

tillery in th€' zone of the interior

Page 89: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Iflakop_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Inspekteur der F'lugab­wehrkanonen im Oper­tionsgebiet

I.F'lL ____________ InfanteriefUhrer - - - - - - - --

i.G _____________ im Generalstabe ________ _ I.CL __________ . LG ___________ -


I. GeRch 1.G.L __

Igr.Z- -LH.L i.LD_ i.L i.Kas.L __ . l.K.H.D ____ ..

LK.K ___________ _

I.L.R _____ - - - __ --IluH _ - __ . __ - - - - - - -

IluL ___________ _

I nfanteriegera te ________ _ I nf an teriegeschii t z __ IIl~pektion fUr \Vaffen und

Gerat Infanteriegeschutz ____ _ I nf anteriegera tsinspizient_

Infanteriegranatezunder in Haubitzlafette im inneren DicnsL __ im.Tahre _______ .. __

in Kasematten Lafette immobiles Kraftwagen-

hilfsclepot immohile Kraftwagen-

kolonne Infanterielehrregiment __ _ Inspektion der I_uftschif­

fertruppen Inspektion des Militar­

Luft- und Kraftfahr-wesens

inspector of antiaircraft ar­tillery in zone of opera­tions

infantry commander in a division

on the general staff infantry equipment infantry howitzer inspectorate of weapons and

equipment infantry howitzer inspector of infantry equip-

ment infantry grenade fuze in howitzer gun carriage on interior duty per year; in the year on casemate lllOlInt stationary automohile aux-

iliary depot stationary motor transport

train infantry training regiment inspectorate of dirigible

troops motor transport echelon in­


im I.M.Kol

_ _ _ _ _ _ imitiert _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ imitated

_ _ _ _ _ I nfa n teriem un i tions- infantry ammunition column; kolonne infantry ammunition train

Imp _ _ ______ Impediment __ . ________ obstacle impf- __________ impragniert ____________ impregnated imsL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ imstande ____________ . capable i. N _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ iIll N amen _________ . in the name of In 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Inspektion der Kricgs- inspectorate of cadet schools

schulen III 2 _____________ Inspektion der Infanterie_ In 3 _____________ Inspektion des Reit- und

F'ahrwesens In 4 .. ___________ Inspf'ktion der Artillerie._ In 5 Illspektion der Pioniere __

inspectorate of the infantry inspectorate of riding and

driving training inspectorate of the artillery illspcctorate of combat cng-


Page 90: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


In 6 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Waffenabteilung der Pan­zertruppe, Kavallerie und Heeresmotorisie­

weapons section for the pan­zer troops, cavalry and army motorization

In 7 ___________ _

in 8

III \l

inakL. ___ _ ind ____ _ Ind ____ _ Ind ____ _ Ind ____ _ Ind.A __ _ Ind.B __ Ind.B __

Indust.Moh __ _

InC ____ . __ InC _____ . Inf.AbL __ _ Inf.BatL. InLBeob.

Inf.Br ___ _ Inf.BtL Inf.Bttr _ Inf. Div _ InFesL Inf.F.

I Ilf. KoL _

rung Inspektion der Nachrich­

tentruppen Inspektion der Fahr·

trupppn Inspektioll der Npbcl­

und Gasabwehrtrnppen lnspcktion der Eisenbahn-

pioniere inaktiv ___ _

inspectorate of signal troops

inspectorate of transport troops

inspectorate of chemical war­fare troops

inspectorate of railroad en­gineers

inactive indem, in des, indcsscIHL __ while; meanwhile; however Index_ _ _ _ _ _ _ index Iudiz _____ _

Industrie ___ _ circumstantial (ev-idence)

_ industry Industrieanlage ____ _ Industriebahn __ . Ind ustrie bet ric!> _

industrielle Mohil-machung

Infanterie ____ _ Information ___ _ I nfantcrieabteil Ull~ __

Infalltenebataillon Infanteril' beo haeh t ('1';

Infallterieheoi>acht Ull~ Illfantcriel )r-i~a( Ie I nfantPrieiJ9 tail It )11

I nf antt:'fiei mt t (~ri( ~ I nf antf'fiedi v bioI I Inspektioll dpr Festungen _ Infanteriefnhrer

I nfanteriekololllle

industrial plant industrial railroad iud ustrial organization; in­

dustrial operation indwitrial mobilization

infantry information infantry detachment infantry battalion infantry observer;

ohservat ion infantry hrigade infantry battalion

infallt ry

infantry howit:.lcr i>ati()ry infantry divi"ioll inspectorate of fortrt'ssPH infantry eOIlIJuamier in a

division illfautry train; iufantry col-


Inf.MlIlI.KoL _____ Illfallterielll'\llIitiolls- infantry amlllunition train; infantry a.mIllunition eol-kolonne umn

Inf.Nsp_.:. ________ Infantericnaehspitze___ infa.ntry rear point InL:,\.Z __________ Iufantericnaehriehtenzug _ illfnlltry ;;ignul platoon

Page 91: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


1nf.Regt ________ _ Infanterieregiment ______ _ Inf.Sch __________ _ Infanterieschule _______ _ Inf.Sp __________ _ Infanteriespitze _______ _ lnfu ____________ _ InfanteriefUhrer ________ _

Inf.Wff ___________ InfanteriewaffClL _____ _ Ing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ Ing. 0 _ _ _ _____ _

Ing.Offz.Anw_ .. lng. Tr _____ _ Inh _____________ _

1nh ___________ _

Iugenieur ____ . ___ . ___ _ 1ngenieuroffizier ______ . __ _ 1Ilgenieuroffiziemnwiir1er _ Ingenieurtruppell _._ Inhaber ________________ ._

1nhaIL ________________ . inhib _____________ inhibieren ______________ .

infantry regiment infantry school infantry point infantry commander in a

division infantry weapons engineer engineer officer engineer officf'r candidate engineer troops possessor; holder; propridor;

occupant content; capacity; su b><tancp to hinder; to preveut; to

obstruct Inn ____________ _ Inneres _____________ . ____ inside; interior innerlL inoff. __

innerhalb _______________ within; on the inside inoffiziell_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ unofficial

Ins _ _ _______ .. __ . Inscl _________________ _

insbes ___ .___ ___ insbesondere ___ . ______ _ Insp _____________ 11l~pektor; Inspektion ___ _

insp ___________ .. Insp.d. Artl _____ _ fnsp.d.Fel'lL ___ _ Insp.d.lnf Insp.d.lnf.Hch _____ .

inl'pizif'ren ___ _ J Iil"'pekteur der Artillerie __ J Iil'fwktenr der Fest uugen_ I nl'pekteur der Infanterie_. Inspcktion (Inspektellr)

der Infanterieschlllell

Insp.d. Kav _______ Inspekteur der KavallNie_ Insp.d.Kf.Tr ___ . _ . _ Inspekteur der Kraft-

fahrtruppen I nsp.d. N _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Inspektellr der N ach­

richtentruppen Insp.(l.OJkL ______ .Inspektion der Ostbe-

festigungen Insp.d. Pion _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I llspektellr der Pioniere __

Insp.d. WBpL _ _ _ _ Inspektion der We~tbe­

festigungen InspKdr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Inspektionskommandeur_

Insp.O _____ _ Inspektionsoffizier ______ _ InsL ____ . _ Institut _______________ _

island especiall.v; in particular insp<'cting officer; inspector;

inspect.ion; supervision to inspect; to supervise inspector of artillery inspector of fortifications inspector of infantry infautry school inspectorate;

inspector of infant.ry schools

inspector of cavalry inspector of motor transport

troops inspector of signal corps

troops inspectorate of the Eastern

fortifications inspector of combat en­

gineers inspectorate of the Western

fortifications inspection commander (state

. police) inspecting officer institute

Page 92: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Inst.96 n A _______ Instandsetzungsanleitung fUr das Feldartillerie­gerat 1896 neuer Art

lnst. 98/09 (98) _ _ _ _ Instandsetzungsanleitung fUr das Feldhaubitz­gerM 1898/1909

Instand __________ Instandsetzung _________ _ Instr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Instruktion ____________ _

InL _____________ IntendanL ____________ _

lnL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lntendautur ___________ _


repair regulations for field field artillery equipment 1896, new type

repair regulations for fif'ld howitzer equipment 1898/ 1909

repair instruction; ord er; com­

mand intcndant; adminh;t.rative of­

ficer (with highn staff) general administrative and

provisioning; office (branch of Quarterma8ter General·.~

Department) inL ______________ internationaL ___________ illt ernational Intdt _____________ Intendant ______________ illtelldant; administrative

officer (with higher staff) Intend __________ Intendant _____________ intendant: administrative

ofiicer (with higher staff) lntend __________ lntendantuL ___________ gcneral administrative and

provisioning office (branch of Q'Uartcrma.~ter General's Department)

intern ____________ internationaL ___________ international lntern ____________ lnternierung __________ internment Intern.Lag ________ Internierungslager _______ internment camp lnterL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Intervention_ - _ - __ - _____ intervention; mediat ion lnt.Insp __________ Intendanturinspektor ____ inspector in branch of the

Quartermaster General's Department

Int.Verw _________ Intendanturverwaltung __ administration of Qllarter-master General's branch office

lnv ______________ Invalide ________________ invalid; veteran; soldier not

fit for active service; dis­abled man

Inv ______________ Invasion _______________ invasion

Invas.A __________ Invasionsarmec __________ invading army I nv H . _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ InvalidenhauR _ _ _ hospital for disahled Roldif'rs InvR ____________ Invslidenreute __________ veteran's pellsion Inw ______________ lnwohner ____ . ______ inhabitant 10 ______________ Inspckteur Ost (~AL ____ Inspector, Ea"tern Section

(Storm Trooptl)

Page 93: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


LP.L ____________ in PanzerlafeUe __ ..

i.R____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ iIll Ruhestand __ .. I.R ___ .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IllfanterieregimellL irg_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ irgend _ __ _ _ _ _ _ LR.L ________ in Radlafette __ _ LR. (mot) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Il1otorisiertes Infan terie-

Irr.A _______ _ irreg _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IS ________ _ i.S.!. _________ _

regiment T rrenanstalL ____ _ irregular _______ ._ Infanterieschule in Schirmlafette

in an armored carriage; on an arnlOred mount (artillery)

retired infantry regiment any in wheeled gun carriage motorized infantry regiment

lunatic asylum (on maps) irregular (soldier) infantry school in carriage with overhead

shield ISO __________ . _ - _.. Inl'lpekteur Siidost (SA) Inspector, South Eastern

Troops) Section (Storm I .St__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Iststarke_ _ _ _ _. _ actual strength [sth ____________ .. Isthmus_ _ _ _ _ _ _ isthmus Istue _____________ Internationale Studiell- International Commission

for the Stud~' of Moto/"­less Flying

Itanach _________ _

i. u.F ____ - _ - _ - _ - - -i. V ____ - - - - - - - - --

kommission fUr motor­losen Flug

Inspektion del' techni­schen Abteilung der 1'\ achrichtentru ppell

im umgekehrten FaIle __

inspectorate of the technioal section of the signal corp"

dee versa in Vertretung ____ _ - for; as the representatiYe of;

acting for LV _____________ in Vollmacht __________ by authority; by proxy i . Verb ________ - __ .. in Verbindung _________ _ i. Vorb ______ - ____ _ in Vorbereitung _______ _ J.W _____________ _ Innenwache __ . _______ _ IW _____________ _ Inspekteur West (SA) __

in connection in preparation in terior guard I nspector. Western Section

(Storm Troops) 1. W. G _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Inspektion fiir Waffen und inspectorate for weapons

Gerat and equipment Iz _______________ Innenziinder __________ internal fuze I .Z. V _______ .. ____ I nfanteriezielbauvorschrift regulations for infantry tar-

J .1 ____________ _ .J ager _ .. __________ _

i- ---------- jabrig ___________ _ J _ _ _ .. __ Jagdflugzeug __

get construction (range)

rifleman (in a light division); pursuit plane

annual pursuit plane

Page 94: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


J _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J ahr __________________ .. year j ______ . ___ . judisch _________ . Jewish

Jabo. Jagdbomber pursuit bomber Jag...... JageL____ _ rifleman (in Q light division);

pursuit plane Jag.B._ Jiigerbatailloll.___ _ rifle battaliop. in a light

Jag.K.K J agerkraftwagellkololllle. division

motor t.ransport train light division

in It

Jag.IL .. _ _ _. ____ JagerregimenL __ . __ . __ . infantry regiment in a light division

JagRzPL __ .. Jagerregiment zu Pferde __ infantry regiment in a light division (mounted)

Jagdh ____ . ______ .. Jagdhaus ____ .. hunting lodge (on maps) Jagdkdo . _ .. _____ Jagdkommando_ raiding detachment Jagdi<chL. _______ JagdRchloss __________ hunting castle (on maps) jed_. _________ jedeL ______________ each; every jed __ ._ .. ___________ jedoch ______________ ._ however; yet J.Eins ___________ JagdeinRitzer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . single-seater pursuit plane jem _____________ jemals ________________ ever; at any time jem _______________ jemand ________________ someone; anyone jen ____________ .. __ jener ____ ._ _ _ _ _ _._ _ _ _ _ _ t,hat; that perl':on jens ______________ jenseitig; jenseits opposite; beyond; on till'

jew _____________ _ Jg.Hb ___________ _ Jgr _____________ _

J.H ___ _ j. .1 ____ _ JR ____ .

j eweils _____________ _

.Jugendherberg£' __ . __ _ Jager ______ _

.1agerhaus_ . __ jeden .lahrp,; JagerregiIlH'/l t

other side at times; for the tiIlH' being yout.h hostel «()n lII(1p~)

rifleman Un a l£ght division); pursuit plane

hunting lodge (on maps) of (in) every year rifle regiment in a light ill­

fantry division JRzPL __ _ .1agerreginl<'11 t ZII Pferde_ rifle regimen t ill a light ill­

jUd ___ . _. __ _ jug _____ _ JuL ____ .. _ Jun ____________ _

judisch jugoslawiseh _ Juli J uui ________ _

K K ________________ Chef des Kraftfahrwes--

ens (SA) K______ _ Feldkiiche __________ _

fantry division (moullted) Jewi ... h Jugoslavian Jllly

_ June

chief of motor transport (Storm Troops)

field kitchen

Page 95: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


K _______________ Inspektor und Kontrolle-

fiihrer (Militarbekleid-ungswesen)

inspector and supervisor (military clothing service)

FC _______________ _ KabeL _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cable l{ ______________ _ Kammer _______________ room; clothing depot 1( _______________ _ KanaL _________________ canal (on maps) FC __________ : ___ _ Kanone ___________ _ cannon; gun FC ______________ _ K _________ _____ _

Kanonier _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cannoneer Karabiner _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ carbine

1( _______________ _ Kastenmagazin ________ _ l{ _______________ _ KatarlUltdeckflugzeug __ --K ______________ _ Katapllltflugzeug _______ _ K ______________ _ Kavallerie _____________ _ lL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kavallerie _____________ _

(FC.) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kirche ________________ _

K _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kirchhof ______________ _ K _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kolonne_ _ _ _ _ _________ _ K _______________ KommandanL _________ _ k _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ kommandiert __________ _

box magazine (rifle) catapult deck plane catapult plane cavalry (with Arabic numeral on the

shoulder straps of noncom­missioned officers and pri­vates of cavalry division staff)

church (visible from afar) (on maps)

cemetery (on rnaps) column commander; commandant detached; detailed; com-

manded FC _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kompanie_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ company IL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Konstruktionsabteilullg _ _ construction detachment K _______________ Konsul; Konsulat _______ consul; consulate K _____________ _ Korps _________________ corps K _______________ KraftfahreL ____________ driver; truck driver IL ______________ Krankenhaus____ infirmary; hospital K _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Krankentrager der In- stretcher bearer of the in-

fallterie fantry K _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FCreis_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _______ district K _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ K llgellager _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ball beari ng IL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Schirrmeister bei K raft- supply sergeant. motor trans-

fahrgerat port equipment K.98b ___________ Karabiner98b _________ carbine98b K98K ___________ Karabiner 98 kurz ______ carbine 98 with short (600

mm) barrel KA ______________ Kabelauffuhrungspunkt __ point where overhead Jill(' is

connected to underground cable

Page 96: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining

ABBREVIA TIONS 93 Ka ______________ ICardan _______________ _ universal coupling (automo-

K.A _____________ ICraftfahrabteilung _____ _ K. A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IC ustenartillerie _ _ _ _ _ __ _ K.A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Luftkriegsakademie ____ _

K.A.B ___________ Kriegsgefangenenarbeiter-bataillon

Kab. Tr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kabeltrage ____________ _ Kad _____________ Kader ________________ _ Kad _____________ Kadett ________________ _ Kad. H __________ Kadettenhaus __________ _ ICAI _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Inspektion der IC usten-

artillerie und des Min-enwesens

bile technical term) motor transport battalion coast artillery air force staff school; aerial

warfare academy (insignia on s'~oulder strap)

war prisoners' labor battalion

cable carrier: reel cadre cadet military academy coast artillery and mine


IC.Ak ____________ ICriegsakademie _________ war coilege KaL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ICaliber _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ caliber Kampfgr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kampfgruppe_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ combat group Kan ____________ KanaL _________________ canal Kan _____________ Kanone ________________ cannon; gun Kan _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kanonier _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cannoneer K.A.N _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kriegsausrustungsnach- war equipment information

weisung Kand ____________ Kandare _________________ curb bit (bridle) Kand _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kandidat _______________ candidate Kand.Z _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ KandarenztigeL _________ curb rein Kant _____________ Kantine ________________ canteen; post exchange Kap ___ ~ _________ KapazitiiL _____________ capacity; ability Kap _____________ ICapelle ________________ chapel Kap _____________ Kapitiin ________________ captain Kapit ____________ ICapitulation ____________ capitulation KapL ___________ ICaplan _________________ chaplain ICap.Sch_ _ _ _ Kaperschiff _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ raiding ship; sea raider ICapt _____________ Kapitiin ________________ cl'!-ptain Kar _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Karabiner _____________ ~ carbine Karab ____________ Karabiner ______________ carbine Kart ______________ Kartiitsche _____________ case shot; canister shot Kart _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kartell_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cartel Kart_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ Kartograph_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cartographer; map drafts­

Ulan Kart _____________ Kartusche ______________ shell (.semifixed ammunition);

cartridge 5165(100 --4:\--7

Page 97: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


K.Art ____________ Korpsartillerie. ________ _

Kartogr._ _ _ Kartograph.

K.ArzL KorpsarzL .. . _ . ____ . _ Kas _____ _ Kasematte_ .. _____ ..... . Kas .. _________ ._ Kaserne._ K.A.S_ .. _ .. ___ .. _ . _ Kustenartilleriesehule_

Kasem _________ _ KasL _ _ ________ . KaL ___ ' ______ ..

Kath KathoL _ Kav __ Kav.Br. Kav.Div_ Kav. Div.-Xachr.

Schwd. Kav.Gesch_ . Kav.Geseh.Z Kav.K .. Kav.~Iall

Kav. :VfG.Zg

Kasematte ______ _ Kasten ___ . __ .. ___ . KatapulL .. ______ . Katholik _____ .. ___ . __ _ Katholik _ __ Kavallerie __ Ka valleriebrigade Kavalleriedivision_ Kavalleriedivisionslladl-

richtenschwadroll Kavalleriegeschutz _. Kavallericgeschutzzlll!; Ka valleriekorps _ ._ Ka v alleriemano ver Ka valleriemaschincnge­

wehrzug Kav.N.Z Kav.Pi-Esk ..

__ Kavallerienachrichtenzllg_ _ Kavalleriepionicreskadroll

Kav.Pi-Hchwd __

Kav.Hgt. Kav.Han. Wg Kav.Hch Kav.Scht.z Kav.Hp_

Kav.TeL K.B ________ . k.h _______ .


KavalledereginlPll t Ka vallpriesanit a t.s \\' agp II Kavallerieschille Kavalleriellchii t.zell Ka v alleriespi t ze

Kavallerietelegraf. Kavalleriebril!;ade _______ _ kommandiert bei

Kb ______ ' Kriegsbeschadigter. ____ _ KBeford Hf'st. KriegsbefOrderllllgsbe-

stimmungen K.Besold.V _______ Kriegsbesoldungsvor-


corps artillery cartographer;

man map

corps area surgeon casemate barracks


coast art.illery school (Wil-helms haven)

casement caHe catapult plane Catholic Catholic cavalry cavalry brigade cavalry division cavalry division communica-

tions troop cavalry howitzer cavalry howitzer platoon cavalry corps cavalry maneuvers cavalry machine-gull platoon

cavalry signal platoon cavalry combat engineer

troop cavalry combat engineer

troop cavalry regiment. cavalry ambulance eavalry ",chool cavalry ritlemeu eavalry point (tacti('s);

mount.ed poiut cavalry t.elegraph cavalry brigade commanded by; detached

by; det.ailed by disabled soldier act governinp; wartime pro­

motions wartime pay regulations

Page 98: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


K-Blink __________ kleines BlinkgeraL ______ small blinker signal equip-

kbm ___________ _ KBL _________ _ Kch.V _________ _

KD __________ _ KD ______ _ kdb __ _ K.D.B_



K.Div_ K.d.K

Kubikmeter _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Ka valleriebrigadp ___ _ V orschrift fur die Ver­

waltung der Trllppen­kuchen

Kat apllltdeckflllgzellg_ Kavalleriediyision k riegsdienst besc hadigt K riegsdienst besc had igtpr

ment cn bic meter cavalry brigade regulations for the admillis­

tration of troop kitchens

catapult deck plane cavalr? division injured in line of war d1\t~· war invalid; soldier illjnrpd

in war Kriegsdienstbpschactigllng war service injur~·; war sen-­

ice connected disabilit~-Kommandeur _ __

Kraft durch Freude ____ _

conullander; cOJlunl1nding offic£'r

Strpngth t.hrough .Jo~· (Ger­man 'Welfare organization)

Kavalleriedh-ision _" cavalry divi1;ioll Kommandeur der Kraft - conuuander of motor-t ralP'-

fahrtruppl'll port troop" K.d.O_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ KOlllmandeur der Ord- Commander of Regular Po-

nungspolizei lice Kdo_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kommando_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ command; headquarters

staff Kdo.Beo _________ Kommando der Beobach- observation schools command

terschulen Kdo.d.Pz.Tr ______ Kommando der Panzer-

truppen Kdo. Fea_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kommando der Flieger­

ersatzabteilungcIl Kdo. Ger _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ KommandogeriiL __ """ ___ _

Kdo. GewaIt ___ . __ Kommandogewalt_ Kdo.HGeL __ Kommandohilfsgerat ___ _

J\do.L.Sch __ _ K 0 III III all d 0 der Luft­"chifferschule

armored troops command

air-force replacellwnt unit command

stereoscopic fire dirpctor; station cont ro! (antifLir­crafl artillf'T?I)

military authority auxiliary ster('oseopic fif(~

dirpctor (antininorafl) airship school COllllllflnd

KOllllllando dpr \Iilitii.r- military gas works eOIll-

~aHam'ltaltpli TIIaud hdoH _____________ KOlllmandosachc ________ " llIat tpr pert.aining to (~om-

!lland (military corre~pond­ence)

Page 99: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Kdo St ___________ Kommandostand ________ command post; bridge

Kdr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kommandeur __ -Kdr.d.FL ________ Kommandeur der FliegeL

K.d.Schupo_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kommandeur der Schutz­polizei

K.d.Sipo u.d.SD ___ Kommandeur der Sicher-heitspolizei und des Sicherheitsdienstcs

(navy) commander commanding officer of air

force with corps head­quarters

commander of the munici­pal police

Chicf of the Security Police and Security Service (of the SS)

KdL _____________ KommandanL __________ commander; commandant kdL _____________ kommandiert ___________ command; detailed; detach-

ed Kdt.H.Q _________ Kommandant des Haup- headquarters commandant

quartiers Kdtr _____________ Kommandantur _________ administrative headquarters;

commandant's office Kdt.St.Qu _________ Kommandant des Stabs- commandant of staff head-

quartiers kdt.z _____________ kommandiert ZU, ZUL ___ _

K.E ______________ KalibereinheiL __________ _ Ke _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kette _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _______ _ Kea____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kraftf ahr-Ersa tzabtei-

lung K.E.B ___________ Kriegseisenbahnbau _____ _

Kek _____________ Kampfeinsitzerkomman-do

K.E.O ___________ Kriegsetappenordnung __ _

kL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ kaltefesL ______________ _ K. F _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Kahnfahre _____________ _

K.F _____________ _ KompaniefUhrer ________ _ I(f ______________ _ Kraftfahrabteilung _____ _ KF _____________ _ Kraftfahrer _ _ ___ _ ____ _ Kf ______________ _ Kraftfahrtruppcn _____ _ KF.A _____ _ Korpsfernsprechabtcilung

K.F.A_____ __ ___ _ _ Kriegsfeuerwerkerei fUr Artillerie

quarters ordered to (the); detailed

to; detached to unit of caliber chain; flight (aviation) ; series replacement center for mo-

tor-transport forces wartime railroad construc­

tion command of single-seater

fighter planes war regulations for the zone

of communications cold resisting boat ferry; ferry by rowing

boat (on maps) company commander motor transport battalion driver motor transport troops corps signal detachment (tele-

phone) war ordnance section for


Page 100: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


KJ.d.K __________ Kampfbund fUr deutsche

Kf. K. Tr _________ _ K. Flak _________ _

Kf.LehrsL _______ _

Kult.ur Kraftfahrkampftruppe __ _ Flugabwehrkanone auf

Kraftwagen Kraftfahrlehrstab _______ _

K. Flzg _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kanonenflugzeug _______ _ Kfrw _____________ Kriegsfreiwilliger _______ _

kftechn_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ kraftfahrtechnischer ____ _ k.Fuk Station ___ _ K.F.V ___________ _ KFVO __________ _

Kfw ____________ _

Kfw ____________ _

kleine FunkstatiOlL ____ _ Kraftfahrzeugvorschrift _ Kraftfahrzeugver kehrs-

ordnung Kampfwagen __________ _ Kriegsfreiwilliger _______ _


militant association for Ger­man culture

mechanized combat force antiaircraft gun mounted OIl

truck motor-transport training

staff cannon-equipped airplane wartime volunteer; war vol·

unteer motor technical small radio station motor vehicle regulations motor vehicle traffic regula-

tion tank wartime volunteer; war vol-

unteer Kfz ______________ Kraftfahrzeug ___________ motor vehicle Kfzen ___________ _ K.G ____________ _ K.g _____________ _ kg _____________ _

K.-Gerii.t _________ _ Kgf _ _ _ _____ _ K.G.L _________ _

Kraftfahrzeugpn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ motor vehicles Kavalleriegeschutz______ cavalry howitzer Kenntnis genommen notice taken Kilogramm_ _ kilogram Kraftfahrgerii.L motor transport equipment Kriegsgefangene__ prisoners of war Kraftfahrgerii.tsinspiiient_ motor transport equipment

inspector Kgr ____________ Kiesgrube ____________ _ gravel pit (on maps) Kgtb ____________ Kriegstagebuch _______ _ war diary; station and record

of events book Kh ______________ Krankenhaus ___________ hospital Kh ______________ Kriegshinterbliebene _____ war widows and otber dp-

KhL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ KirchhoL_ K.H.Qu_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Korpshauptquartier _____ _ KL _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kimme _________________ _

1-· \.L _________ _ Kirche ________ _ K.L ___________ _ KorpsintendanL _

K.L _____________ Korpsintcndantur ____ _

pendents cemetery (on maps) corps headquarters notch; sight notch; notch of

rear sight church (on maps) corps staff administrative

officer Quartermaster General's De­

partment Corps Oflice

Page 101: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


K.lntdt...: _________ KorpHint.endanL ________ corps staff administrative officer

K. [lltdL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ KorpHint.elldantur ______ _ Quartermaster GeIlPral's De-

h..i.H.L _________ _ K.K ____________ _ K.K ____________ .. K.K ___________ _ KK8 ___ .. _

Kanone in Radlafette .. __ _ Ka valleriekorps ______ .. __ _ Kompasskurs __________ _ KontrollkommissiolL ___ _ KleinkaliberschutzeIl ____ _

partment Corps Office cannon on wheeled carriage cavalry corp::; compa"s course COlltrol commission

K.K.Schiessen ____ Kleillkalibcrschicsscn ___ _ riilemen (small caliber arms) small bore target practice

Kkw ________ .... __ k L ______________ _ kl ______________ _ KI. ____________ _ K. LaL __________ _ KlbhL. ________ _

(miniature range) Krankenkraft.wagen _ _ _ _ _ _ motor ambulance Kiloliter _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ kiloliter klein ___________________ small Kloster _____ . ___________ monastery; cloister; convent Kastenlafette ___________ box trail Kleinbahnhof __________ _

kleinkal_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ kleinkalibrig _ . kl.FL _ _ _ _ _ . _. __ kleine Feldkuche __

small railroad statioll of small caliber light field kitchell

Kl.Fu.u.E.Wa _____ kleiner FUllk- und Emp-

Klg ____________ _ Kl.Kpfw ________ _ KI.Krg __________ _ Klkw ____ ... _ _ _ __ kI.Kw.KoL ______ _

kl. Ldg ___________ _ Klop. ___________ _ K lost __________ _

fangswagen Kugellager __ ...... _ KleinkampfwageIl ______ _ Kleinkrieg .. _ _ _ .. _______ .. Kleinkraftwagell _ _ _ _ _ .. kleine Kraftwagell-

kololllle kleine Ladung __________ . ChlorpikriIl ____________ .. Kloster ________________ _

light radio transmitting and receiving wagon

ball bearing light tank guerrilla warfare light motor car light motor transport column

reduced charge; small load chloropicriu (ga,~)

cloister; convent; lOollastel'Y (on maps)

Klp_. . ..... ___ . Klippe. cliff; reef; crag (on map.~) kl.Spl.Bo _________ . kleille Splitterbombe ____ ... ::;mall splinter bomb; small

fragmentatioIl bomb· K.Ltg .. ________ Kabelleitung __ ... ________ cable line kl.Zdg ___________ kleine Zundung ________ . small primer KM _____________ Kastenmagazin __________ box magazine (rifle) km ______________ Kilometer ____________ kilometer K. M _____________ Kriegsmagazin _________ war magazine; war depot km2 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Quadratkilometer _ ___ _ _ _ _ square kilometer Kmdo ____________ Kommando ___________ .. command; headquarters staff Kmdr ___________ . Kommandeur _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ commander KmdL __________ . Kommandallt ___________ commander; commandant

Page 102: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


kmdL ____________ kommandierL_____ _ _ _ __ _ commanded; detailed; de-tached

Kmdtr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kommandantur _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ local headquartNs kmdt.z ___________ kommandiert zu. zur _____ ordered to (the); detailed to;

KMGB __________ katholisches Militiir-Ge-bet- und Gesangbuch

km/stcL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kilometer in der Stunde Kn.P ___________ KnotenpunkL ____ _ Kn/Std ___________ Knoten in der Stunde_ K. 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kalkofen_ __ _ _ _______ _

detached to Catholic military prayer and

song book kilometers per hour junction knots per hour lime kiln (on maps)

Ko_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kompass __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ compass Ko _____________ Korn______ front sight; l}('ad (gunnery)

KoC_ Kohl.nrb I\ok

Kompanieflihrer ___ _ Kohlengrubc ____ ._ Kokarde.

l\okampL ________ Kommandcur der Kampf-wagenabteilungen beim Grllppenkommando

koL ______________ koloniaL ______ _ KoL .. ____________ Kolonie _____________ .. _ KoL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Kolonne _______________ _ Kol.A___________ Kolonialarmee ________ _ KoLa __________ _ Kol.Br _________ _ Kolb. Ven;:chL ____ _ Kol. Rgt _ _ _ __ _ KolufL ________ _

Konzentrationslager __ . __ Kolonnenbrticke ________ _ Kolbenverschluss _______ _ Kolonialregiment__ _ _ _ __ Kommandeur der Luft-

waffe Kol.W ___________ Kolonncnweg _________ _

l\om _____________ KommandanL ___ _ Kom _____________ KommisRar __ Kom _____________ Kraftomnibus ____ _ Komb ____________ Kombattant _____ _ Komb ____________ Kombination - Arbeib;:-

schutzanzug der Luft­waffe und Kraftfahr-truppcn

company commander coal mine cockade (a rirt'ulllr metal

badge worn on rap) cOlnmandpr of Ih(' ('om bat

car unitH of t he army group commalld

colonial colony (on maps) column colonial army concentration eamp bridge for all arm!' bolt section; cylinder breech colonial regiment air force commander (at­

tached to large unit) road passable for columns;

unimproved country road cOIIllnander; commandan t commissioner; iWipector motor bus combatallt com billatioll fatigue uniform

of the aircorps and the motor tmnsport troops

komb.KoL ________ kombinicrtc KoJolllw combillPd column Kom.Br __________ J{ommishrot ____________ arlllY bread 1\ omdo_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kommando_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ COlllmund

Page 103: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Komdr ___________ Kommandeur ___________ commander; commandant Komdt ___________ KommsndanL __________ commander; commandant Komdtr __________ Kommandantur __________ local headquarters; comman-

dant's office kom.Gen __________ kommandierender Gen- commanding general of a

eral corps Komm __________ _ Kommissar _ _ _ _ _______ _ Komp ___________ _ Kompanie _____________ _ Komp ___________ _ Kompass ______________ _ Komp.F _________ _ Kompaniefuhrer ________ _ Konf ____________ _ Konfiskation ____________ _

Kons_____ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ Konsul; Konsulat ______ _ Konstr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Konstruktion- _________ _

commissioner; inspector company compass company commander seizure; confiscation; expro-

priation consul; consulate construction; type of con-

struction; structure Kont _____________ Kontingent _____________ contingent Konting_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ KontingenL ____________ contingent KontL ___________ Kontrolle _______________ control; supervision Konv ____________ KonvoL _______________ convoy (naval) Konz _____________ Konzentration __________ concentration Konz _____________ Konzession _____________ concession; permission; ad-

Konz.Lg _________ Konzentrationslager ____ _ Korps-St. Qu _ _ _ _ _ _ Korpsstabsquartier _____ _ KorucL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kommandant des ruck-

wartigen Armeegebiets Kp ______________ Kapelle _______________ _ Kp ______________ Kolbenpumpe __________ _ Kp _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kompanie _____________ _ K.P ______________ PanzerkabeL __________ _ Kp.Fhr ___________ Kompaniefiihrer ________ _ Kpt. Tr ___________ Kampttruppe __________ _ Kpfw _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kampfwagen __________ _ Kptw.Abw _______ Kamptwagenabwehr-____ _ Kptw.Abw.Gesch __ Kampfwagenabwehr-

geschiitz Kptw .Abw .Kp _ _ _ _ Kampfwagenabwehr­

kompanie Kptw.A bw.Z _ _ _ _ _ _ Kampfwagenabwehrzug __ Kptw.Begl.Art ____ Kampfw agen begleit-

artillerie Kpfw . Falle _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kampfwagenfalle _ _ _ _ _ __ Kp!w .Handw.Kp __ Kampfwage nhand werk­


mission concentration camp Corps staff headquarters Commandant of Army Rear

Area chapel (on maps) piston pump company armored cable company commander combat troops tank antitank antitank gun

antitank company

antitank platoon artillery accompanying tanks

tank trap tank maintenance company

Page 104: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Kpfw.Kp _________ Karnpfwagenkompanie ___ tank company Kpfw .Kr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kampfwagenkrieg _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tank warfare Kpfw.Nachb ______ Kampfwagennachbil- dummy tank

dung Kpfw.sich.GeL ____ kampfwagensicheres Ge- tank-proof zone

Hinde Kpfw.Verb _______ Kampfwagenverband __ _ Kvfw.ZlI: _________ Kampfwagenzug _______ _

tank formation; tank unit tank platoon

Kp.-Grz __________ Kompanieabschnittsgrenze_ KpL _____________ Kapelle __________ _ Kp. ( _ _ _ _ _ _ Kompanie auf geliindl'­

gangigen Kraftfahrzeu­gen motorisiert

Kp.PW _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ Kompaniepackwagen ___ _ Kps ______________ Korps ________ _ KPS _____________ KupferpanzerstahL _____ _

company sector bOllndary chapel (on maps) company motorized on cross­

country vehicles

company baggage wagon corps copper-steel alloy for armor-

ing Kpt ______________ Kapitiin _______________ captain Kp.Tr ___________ Kompanietrupp _________ company headquarters de-

tachment K.Q _____________ Kasernenquartier _______ barracks quarters Kr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kammer ____ ... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ room; clothing depot K. R _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ka vallerieregiment _ _ _ _ _ _ cavalry regiment K.R _____________ Kopframpe ____________ endramp Kr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kraftwagen_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ motor car kr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ krank_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ill; sick Kr _______________ Kreis __________________ district Kr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kreig _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ war K.R _____________ KriegsrechL ___________ martiallaw Kr _______________ Krug __________________ inn (on maps)

Kr ______________ Krupp _________________ Krupp (manufacturing com-

pany) Kr.A____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kraftfahrabteilung ______ motor transport detachment

'or battalion Kr.A____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kriegsanleihe _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ war loan Krabus____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kraftomnibus ___________ motor bus Krad _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kraftrad ____ .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ motorcycle Kradf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kraftradfahrer __ . ___ . _ . __ ' motorcycli1't Krad.m.B _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kraftrad mit Beiwagen ___ motorcycle with side car Kradsch __________ Kraftradschutze___ __ _ ___ motorcycle rifleman Kradsch.Komp ____ Kraftradschutzcnkorn- motorcycle company

panie Krader. __________ Kraftrader ______________ motorcycles

Page 105: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Kraft __ ~ _______ _

Kraft AbL __

KraftL _____ _ Kraftf. 1'r _ _ _ _ __ Kraftobus _____ _ Kraftwk _______ _

Kr.AL ____________ _ K rak. W ________ _ Krala __ _

Krankenhs . _____ _ Krallk.Sam.P ___ _ Krank. Wg __ _ Kr.ArL ___ _ Kr. Ber. Erst __ _ Kr.D ____ _

Krd.-S.BtL _

Regimen tskommSlldeur der Kraftfahrtruppen

Kraftfahrabteilung ______ _

Kraftfahrer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Kraftfahrtrllppen ____ _ Kraftomnibus ________ _ Kraftwerk ___________ - __

K riegsakademie _________ _ KrallkenwageIL __ Kriegsranglistenallszug __

Krankenhaus ________ -- __ Krankensammelpunkt ___ _ KrankenwagetL __ KriegsartikeL ____ _ Kriegsberichterstatter __ _ KraftdivisiOIL __ Kradschutzenbatailloll __ _

Kr. Erf _ _ _ _ Kriegserfahrung __ Kr. ErkL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kriegserklarung_ _ _ _ _ KrL _ _ _ _ __ _ _ KraftfahreL _ _ __ _ _ __ _ Krf _ _ _ Kraftwagenftihrer _____ _ Krfa.AbL __ _ Kraftfahrabteilung _____ _

Krfg_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ KrfL ______ _ Kr.G ______ _ Kr.G __ Kr.Geb

Krgef __ Kr.Ger.R

Krie/!fiihrung ____ _ KraftfahrtrupperL __ _ K raftwagengcl'lchutz __ _ K riegsgericht __ _ J\:riegO'gebieL _

Kripgl'gef'allgener Kriegsgerichtsrat_

Kr.Gesch. Heer __ _ Kriegsgeschichtliche

KrgL ____ _ Kr.Gr ______ _ Kr.GIL _________ _

AbteilulIg des Heef(';: K riegsgef angcner Kriegergriiber _ KriegsgerichtsraL ______ _

regimental commander of the motor trallsport troops

motor transport battaliotl or detachment

motor transport driver motor transport troOJl:< motor bus power plant; power :<tation

(on maps) military academy ambulance war service rpcord of an

officer hospital collecting point (rned ical) ambulance articles of war war correspondent motorized division motorcycle rifle battal ion war experience declaration of war motor transport driver driver motor transport battalion or

detachment conduct of war motor transport troops self-propelled gun court martial theater of war; war zone;

com hat ZOlle

pri~oner of war ci vilian judiciary official in

the .J !ldge Advocate Gen­eral's Ikpartmcnt

history of the war sectioll of the army

prisoner of war war graves (on maps) civilian judiciary official in

the Judge Advocate Gen­eral's Department

Krgs ___________ Kriegs~ ________________ war

Page 106: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Krgsd ___ ~ K riegsdienst _ _ _ _ _ _ _ war service Krgs.Gef.Arh ____ ~. KriegsgefangenenarbeiL __ work done by prisoners of

Krgs.Gef.Arb.Abt _

Krgs.Gef.Arb.RtL _

Krgs.Gef.L ____ .. _ ~ Krgsgef. La;L KrgsL_ Krgs.J ,a7._

Krgs.Lief Krgs. Rust __ Krgssch_ ~ KrgsL_ KrgstlrL __ _ K rgsw ______ . _. _ Krgsw _____ ~ Krh _ _ _ __

Kr.HinL ~

Kriegfg _____ . Kriegsbed


Kriegsgefangenenarbei-terba t aillon

Kriegsgefangenenlager __ _ Kriegsgefangenenlazurett _ KriegskullsL ___ .. K riegsla7.aretL __ _

K riegslieferant _ -Kriegsrustungen ___ ~

Kriegs<,chule KriegsteilnehIllPr __ _ Kriegsteilnehrrwr _ Kriegswesen __ K rif'gRwirtRchaft . Krankf'nhaus Kriegshinterblielwnf'

Kriegftihrung ~. Kriegsbf'darL __ ~. _ . Kriegsbesatzung

war detail of workers who Hrt'

prisoners of war battalion of workers who 11 rt'

prisoners of war prisoner-of-war calllp ho,;pital for prisoner,; of wltr

art. of war station ho,; in ('f)III~

municatiolls ZOI)('

furnisher of war lllnt priR.l war armalw:mt,; milhar.\" sehool participant in war participant ill war warfare wartinlP econ()m~" hospital war widmn; awl other de-


condu('t of war

Illilitar~' requirements war garrison Kriegsbes .. ~

Kriegsbesch Kriegsfin ..

. _ Kriegsbeschadigter __ ~ disabled man finaneing of war refugee of war Kriegsft ________ ~ _

Kriegs .Furs ___ . _ ~_

kriegsgesr k ___ ~ _ .

Kriegsgew Kriegsgew ~ KriegsksL. Kriegs T Kriegs-W Kriegs- \,y ____ .. Kr.Ind_~ __ .. _ Kripo_ ~ .. _ _ _ _ Kr~ta ___________ _

Krk.HR. ___ ~ ~

Kriegsfinanzierung ___ _ Kriegsfluchtling __ KriegsfUrsorge ____ ~ ____ _ care for peoplp affected by

war kriegsgeschichtlich _______ pPrtaining to mjlitar~' his-

Kriegsgewinn _ _ .. ~ _ ~ ___ _ Kriegsgf,winnkr .. Kriegskullst Kriegsteilnehmer . _ ~ ___ ~

tory gains of war war profitN'r art of war participant ill war warfarp

_ wart inll' ecolll)rn.\" war induRtr.'"

Kriegswesf'n _ ... KriegRwirtschaft Kriegsindustrip Kriminalpoliz('i


criminal policp war service re('ord (oj an en­

li.~ted 11I(Jn or n{Jn{·{jmmi.~­

sioned ojJirer) hospital

Page 107: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Kr.KL ___________ Kriegskarte ___ - - _______ _ Krkw _____________ Krankenkraftwagen _____ _ Kr.Laz ___________ Kriegslazarett __________ _

Kr.Lg ____________ Kriegslage ___ -- ________ _

Krnk. W __________ Krankenwagen _________ _ KrpL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kriegspfarrer __________ _ Kr.R _____________ KriegsrechL_ - - ________ _ Kr.R_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kriegsrichter ___________ _

Kr. Rat ___________ Kriegsration_ - - - _______ _ Krs _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ K reh.; __________________ _ Kr.San.Ausr ______ _ Kriegssanita tsausrlistung_ Kr.Sch ________ _ Kriegsschule ___________ _ Kr.Schd ________ _ Kriegsschaden __________ _ Kr.Schld _________ _ Kriegsschulden _________ _ Kr.SchpL ________ _ Kriegsschauplatz _______ _ Kr.Schtz __________ _ Kriegsschatz_ _ _ _______ _ Kr.SL ___________ _ Kriegsschuldluge _______ _

·Kr.Sp ___________ _ KriegsspieL ____________ _ Kr.SL __________ _ Kriegsstarke ___________ _ Kr.St.N _________ _ Kriegsstarkenachweisu ng_ Kr. Tb ___________ _ Kriegstagebuch ____ _

Kr.Tr.AbL ______ _ Krankentransporta bte i-lung

Kr. VerL _________ _ Kriegsverluste __________ _ Kr. W ___________ _ Krankenwagen _________ _ Krw.G __________ _ Kraftwagengeschtitz _____ _ Kr. Z ____________ _ KriegszieL _____________ _ Kr.ZusL _________ _ Kriegszustand __________ _ Ks _______________ _ Kaserne _______________ _

Kavallerieschule ________ _ K.San.Kp _________ Kraftwagensanitatskom-

panie Ksgr ___________ _ Kiesgrube ______________ _ K.Sig ___________ _ kleines Signalgerlit ______ _ K.S.O ___________ _ Kriegssanitatsordnung __ _

KSSVO ___________ Kriegssonderstrafrechts-verordnung

war map ambulance communications zone station

hospital war situation; strategical situ-

ation ambulance chaplain martial law civilian judiciary official in

the Judge Advocate Gen­eral's Department with rank of captain

war ration district wartime medical equipment military school war damage war debts theater of war war chest lie of war guilt war ga~e; map maneuver war strength war strength record war diary; station and record

of events book ambulance detachment

war casualties ambulance tractor-drawn gun aim of war state of war barracks cavalry school medical company (motor-

ized) gravel pit (on maps) small signal apparatus war service regulations for

medical corps special war penal decree

Page 108: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining

Kst _____________ _ Kst.Batt _________ _ Kst. H ___________ _ Kst.K ___________ _ Kst.L ___________ _ Kst. Mrs _________ _ K.St.N __________ _ K.S.V ___________ _ K.T _____________ _ Kt ______________ _ Kt ______________ _ K.T _____________ _ K.T.B __________ _ Ktn.Sk __________ _ K t. 0 ____________ _ K.Tr ____________ _ K tt. Br __________ _ Ku _____________ _

K ust. Bttr _______ _ K.u.F ___________ _

KuppL _________ _ kv ______________ _

K. VerschL ______ _ K.Vet ___________ _ K. Vet. V _________ _


Kuste, Kusten- _________ coast; coastal Kustenbatteric __________ coast defense battery Kustenhaubitze _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ coast defense howitzer Kustenkanone _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ()oast defense gun Kustenlafette ___________ coast defense mounting Kusienmorser __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ coast defense mortar Kriegsstarkenachweisung_ Kriegssanitatsvorschrift __ Kabeltelegramm ________ _ Karta tsche ____________ _ Karte_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ Kolonialtauglichkeit ____ _ KorpstagesbefehL ______ _ Kartenskizze ___________ _ Krankentragerordn ung __ _ ~orpstruppen __________ _ Kettenbrucke __________ _ Kuppe _______________ _ Kustenbatterie_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Anleitung fur den Kampf

um Festungen Kupplung __________ _ kriegsverwend ungsfahig __ Keilverschluss ____ _

war strength record war sanitary regUlations cablegram case shot map fitness for colonial sen-ice army corps order of the day map sketch stretcher-bearer regulations army corps troops suspension bridge knoll coastal battery instructions for warfare on

fortified positions coupling; clutch fit for war service wedge type of brcechhlock

Korpsveterinar _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ corps area veterinary Kriegsveterinarvor- army veterinary regulations

schriften kv.f.h.Z ___________ kriegsverwendungsfahig fit for war service for special

purposes fUr besondere Zwecke KVL _____________ Kriegsverbindungsleut-

nant K. V.O ___________ Kraftfahrtruppen ver-

bindungsoffizier K. V. V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kriegsverpflegungsvor-

schrift K. W _____________ Kartenwinkelmesser ____ _ k W _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ KilowatL ______________ . Kw _____________ _ Kraftwagen ___ . ___ . _____ _ Kw.AH _______ _ Kraftwagenan hanger ____ _ Kw.-D __________ _ Kampfwagendivision ___ _ K w .FlaL _______ _ Kraftwagen-Flugzeugab-

wehrkanone Kw.G ___________ _ Kraftwagengeschutz ____ _

liaison lieutenant

motor transport liaison offi­cer

wartime commissary regula-tions

map protractor kilowatt motor car trailer truck armored division motorized antiaircraft gun

gun mounted on a truck

Page 109: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Kw.K ___ ~ ____ , _ Kraftwagenkanone ______ tractor-drawn gun; gUll

Kw.Kol __

Kw.Werkst K,Z _____________ _

Kraftwagenkolonne __ _

Kraftwagenwerkstatt Kanonen zunder_

k.z _______________ kommandiert zu, zur ____ _

mounted on trllck mo tor transport train; motor

column motor repair shop gUll perclIssion fuze;- cannon

shell fuze; gun fuze ordered to (the); detailed to;

detached to K.Z ______________ Konzentrationslager _____ concentration camp Kz _______________ Kopfzunder ______________ point detonating fuze Kz.Flak __________ Kraftzug-Flugzeugab- motorized antiaircraft gun

wehrkanone Kz.Laf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kreuzlafette_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ outrigger-gun platform (anti-

aircraft artillery)

L L ________________ Ladung ________________ charge; propelling charge;

L_ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ ____ _ Lafette ______________ _ L_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ Landes-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _____ _ L_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Landesyerteidigung _____ _

load gun carriage land; country; region home defense; national de­

fense L________________ Landsturm _____________ reserve (men over 4.5) L _________________ Landwehr ______________ resC'rve (men betu'een 35 and

L ____________ _ lang __________________ _ L ____________ _ _ Lazarett _ _ ____________ _ L ____ _ ledig _______________ _ L ___ _ _ leicht_ __ __ L_ __ Leuchtgeschot-ls_ L __ _ LClltnaut __ _ L ___ _ _ _ links _ _ _ __

__ _ Luftfahrt_ _ _ _ _ __ L _____ _ Luftwaffe ___ _ Lab.FL Labeflasehe _____________ _ Ladg ________ _ Ladung ________________ _ Lad.R __________ _ J,aderampe ___________ _ Lad.R ___________ _ Laderaum ____________ _ Laf _____________ _ J,afette ________________ _

45) long hospital single (unmarried) light flare sl1l'1I 2d liell tenant left aeronautics; aviation air force canteen charge; load loading ramp chamber (artillery) gun carriage; mount

lery) (artil-

La/;! La/;!pr camp; dump; depot; bearing Landesvert_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Lall(!esverteidigung ______ horne defense; national de-


Page 110: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Landg ____________ Landegeschwindigkeit __ Landgs_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I .. andungs-L.A.O ____________ Anzugsordnung flir die

Luftwaffe L.Ap _____________ L6hnungsappclL __ l.Art.Abt ________ lcichte Artilleripabtnilunl!; Latr Laz Laz.Zg _______ _ l.b_ .. _________ _ Lb ______________ _ L.B _____________ _ Lb ____ .. ______ _


L. Brig ________ _ Ld ______________ . Ld ______________ _ LD _____________ .

Latrine _____ _ Lazarett __ Lazar('ttzul!;_ . lange Brennliiugp_ Li belle ____________ _ Lichtbild ___________ . Lnftbild _________ _ Flugzeug mit pingpballj,PIl

IJichthildgerat Lf'itpr dp!'; BrilckPn-

I'chlagel' LIlft.hrigade Land Lan dll IlgS- _ _ LalldwC'hrdivj1'ion.

Ldfrt ____________ LandfronL. _. ____ . __ _ Ldg ______________ Ladung _________ .

Ldg _____________ _

Ldg.Gesch ______ _ Ldg.IL ______ _ Ldg. K _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Ldg. PI _________ _ Ldgs _______ _ L.Div __________ _

Landungs- _ . Landungsgel'c h i.itz. LandullgshaferL. _ Landungskorps _

Landllngsplatz _ Landungs- _ I Jl1ftciivision

L.Div ____________ Landwehrdivision_

L.d.L_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Lelltnant der Landwehr __

landing speed landing


ulliform regulations for the air force

pay call light artillpry battalion latrine hospital hospital t.raiu lon~ huminl!; actioll (fuze) le\'el; spirit IC'vel plwtol!;raph al'fial photol!;rapb plane with built-in f'RIlIf'ra

('hief engineer of brid/!;(' COIl-

1't ruction air bril!;a(k coullt,ry: land; 1',p; rq-doll landilll!; rp1'pn'p divi1'joll (men between

81) and 4/i)

lam) frollt charl!;e; propelling charge;

load landing landing gun lallding port lallding det af'hrnnnt ; landing

force landing place; landinl!; grollJl(i landing air di vi1'ion reserve division (men be­

tween 35 and 41)) Landwehr (rc><en'e) 2d liclI­

tellant L.d.R ____________ Lelltnant der Reserve. ____ re1'crvc 2d lieutellant Lds ______________ Landp1'- ___ _ Ldsch,BtL____ _ _ _ Lande,,:,whUt zen bataillol1 Ldschtz ... ______ _ Lds. PoL _______ _ Ldst- __________ .

1 Jail de~sc h nt-zen r ,allde1'polizei Lan d:,; III rill

land; cOllntry; rpg;ional local defense battalion local defml:-;c unit Idale police reserve (rru'n (/tier 45)

Page 111: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Ldst.BtL_~ _______ Landsturmbataillon ______ Landsturm (reserve) battsJ-ion

Ldstm ___________ Landsturmmann ________ Landsturm man (reservist

oller 45) Ld.Tr ____________ Landtransport __________ overland transportation L.Dv ____________ Druckvorschrift fUr die service regulations for the

Luftwaffe air force Ldw _____________ Landwehr ______________ reservists (men between 35

and 45) Ldw.Div _________ Landwehrdivision _______ Landwehr (reserve) division Ldw.DstpfL ______ LandwehrdienstpflichL __ obligation for service in the

Landwehr (reserve) Ldw.IB __________ l.andwehrinfanteriebatail- Landwehr (reserve) infantry

Ion battalion Ldw.IR __________ Landwehrinfanterieregi-

ment Ldw.Rgt _________ l.andwehrregimenL _____ _ le _______________ leicht _________________ _ leb.Z _____________ lebendiges ZieL ________ _ led _______________ ledig ___________________ _ LegiL____ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ Legitimation ___________ _ legiL ____________ legitimieren ____________ _ Lehrg .. _________ Lehrgang ______________ _

Lehr-IB. _________ Lehrinfanteriebataillon __ _ Lehrf't. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Lehrstab ______________ _ le.LG ____________ leichtes lnfan teriege-

schutz Lei L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ . Lei ter _________________ _

le.Kp.Wass.Versorg leichte Wasserversor-gungskompanie

le.Krad ___________ leichtes Kraftfahrrad ___ _ L.E. M unition_ _ _ _ _ LufteinschiessmunitiOIL __ L.Ers.L __________ Luftwaffenersatsreserve L

l.Ex.M ___________ leichte Exerziermine ____ _ LEx.m.R __________ leichte Exerzierrnine mit

Rauchladung L.F ______________ Lafettenfahrzeug _______ _ lfde_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ laufende ______ . ________ _ l.Fernspr. Tr ______ leichter Fernsprechtrupp _

LF.H ____________ leichte Feldhauhitze _____ _ l.Fl.F _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ vom link en Flugel Feuer __

Landwehr (reserve) infantry regiment

Landwehr (reserve) regiment light living target single (unmarried) identification to prove identity training; course of instruc-

tion infantry training battalion staff of im;tructors light infantry gun

leader light company for water

supply light motorcycle tracer ammunition draft registrants assigned to

the air corps light training mine light training mine with smoke element

gun carriage current light telephone operations

squa.d light field howitzer battery left (artillery)

Page 112: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Lischr ____________ J,allfschritt ____________ _ l.F.Tr ____________ leichter Fernsprechtrupp_

Litsp ___________ _ Lftsp ___________ _ Lftw ____________ _ l.Fu.Oer.Wg _____ _

l.Fu.Wg _________ _

Lfw _____________ _ Lg ______________ _

19---------- ----Lg ______________ _ L.O _____________ _ Ig.Bd.Z _________ _ L.OeRch _________ _ Ig.F.H.GL _______ _ Ig.F.H.Gr. (N) ____ _

Lggr ____________ _ Lgr ____________ _ 1.0r.W __________ _ Lg.Zdr __________ _ l.Hb ____________ _

Luftspiiher ____________ _ Luftsperre _____________ _ Luftwaffe ____________ _

Oeriitewagen fur lciehtes Funkgeriit

Funkwagen fur leiehtes Funkgeriit

Luftfahrwesen _________ _ J ,iinge_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _________ _ lang___ _ _________ _ Leuch tgeschosR ________ _ I,uftgau _______________ _ langer BodenzulH!cr _____ _ Leuchtgeschoss ___ _ lange Feldhaubit7.granatc_ lange Feldhau bit 7.granate

(Nebel) Langgranate ___________ _

leichter Granatwerfer ___ _ LeuchtsgeschoRszulHler __ _ leichte Haubit.ze _______ _

LL ______________ Lichtmessbatterie ______ _ Lib_ ____________ Libelle ________ _ 1.1.0 _____________ leichtes Infanteriege-


double time (march) light telephone operations

squad air scout halloon barrage air force equipment car for light radio

apparatus radio car for light wireless

set aeronautics; aviation length long flare Rhell air territorial diRtrict long base percussion fuze flare R11('1l long field howitzpr slwll long field huwitzer shell

(smoke) long shell camp; dmnp; depot; bearing light mortar flare shell fuze light howiiz('f flash ranging battpry spirit levd light infantry gun

Lin ____________ _ Linie_____________ line L.lnf.BatL ______ _ J,ehrinfanteriebatailloll __ infantry training bal t alion L.Inf. R ________ _ LehrinfanterieregilllPllt ___ _ LInf. \Vff _________ _ leichte I nfanteriewaffen __ _ Li. Off. ___________ _ LichtsignaloffLlipr _ L.I.R ___________ _ Lehrinfanterif'fPgiment __ _ L.I.R. ___________ _ Landwehrinfanterieregi-

ment LLSign.Off _______ _ Lichtl'ignaloffizier _______ _ 1. K _______________ _ lpichte Kololllle _________ _ L. K _____________ _ I,uftkiihlung ___________ _ L.Kg ____________ _ Leuchtkugel ___________ _ 1. KoL ___________ _ Leerkolonne ____ _

5165r;o' -43-8

infantry training rpgilllOllt light infantry weapons lamp signal officpr infantry trainiIl~ rpgiment Landwphr (reserve) infantry

reginwnt lamp signal officer light column air cooling rocket; flare column of empty trucks or


Page 113: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


l.Kol.Br ___ ~ ________ leichte Kolonnenbrticke bridge for carrying troops in file

I.Kpfw ________ _ leichter Kampfwagen ____ light tank L.Kr _________ _ Landkrieg ________________ land warfare

'Lkr _____________ _ Lastkraft,wa~en __________ truck L.Kr ____________ _ Leichtkrankenzug _______ hospital train for slightly

wounded J '. Kr. A K _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ LUftkriegsakaci<'ll1 ie _ _ _ _ _ air force staff school L.Kr.Sch ________ Luft kriegsschule _________ air force school L.KL ____________ Landkarte ______________ lIlap Lkw _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Lastkraftwa~en _ _ _ _ _ _ _ truck Lkw.f.Betr.:-:t.u. Lastkraftwagen flir Be- motor truck for fuel and

Geriit triebsstoff und GenU Nluipnwnt. Lkw.f.Fsp.B:w Z ___ Lastkraftwagen flir Fern- motor truck for telephone

sprechbauzlIg iw4alIat ion platoon Lkw.f.Fsp.SLZ Last kraftwageTl flir Fern- motor truck for telephone

I. K. Z _______ _ I. Lkw __ _ 1,.1,.1' _____ _

I.11L _ _ _ _ _______ _

1. M.A __________ . ___ _

spr<'chstationsZllg station platoon langer Kanonenziinder _ _ IOl1g cannon fuze lPichter Last kraft wagen _ light truck Luftiandllllg:-;t rtl pperL _ _ _ _ airborne troops Lange eines Flugzeuges IplJgth of an airplane in

ill lYfetern meters leichte Munit.ionsabteilung light ammunition detach­

ment l.mech __________ . leicht mechanisierL __ _ light mechanized

light machine gun light motorized

l.M.G _ _ _ _ _ ______ leichtes Maschillengewchr. l. mot _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _, _ leicht motorisicrt __ l.mot.Kp _________ leiehtc motorisierte Kom-

L. M ss~ __________ _ L. M. Tr _________ _ 1..lY1: V __________ _

1. Nachr.Ger. 1\.01. __ _

Ln. Tr ___________ _ lok _____________ _ Lok _____________ _ 1,os _____________ . Los. W __________ _ LP _______ _ L. PLKp. (mot) ____ _

panic Licht.messung ________ _ Lichtmesstrupp _____ _ LichtulCssverfahren __ kichter Mincll\verfcr_ leiehtc 1\ achricittcllgc-

ra tckolonne Luftnachrichtcntrllppe _' _ lokaL ____________ _ Lokomotivc _______ ._

Losung, Lmnlllgswort J,osullgsworL ____ . _ _. __ Landf)spolizeL __ ._ Lphr- und Verstlrhs-l'io­

nicrkompalJie (mo[.or­isiert)

light motorized company

flash-ranging fla,.: h-ranging detail tlash-rang-ing process light. mortar light signal equipment train

air signal troops loral railroad engine; locomotive password password statc police combat cngineers t.raining

and exp<'rimental company (motorizf'd)

Page 114: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


_ _ Ladeplatz _ ._ _ _ _ _. _____ _

L.P.O __ .' leitender Piollieroffizier __


loading place; loadiIlg point (on //laps)

officer in charge of combat ellgineers (bridge con.~truc­

tion) L.Rgt ____________ . Luftregiment ___________ regiment of thp air force Ls ______________ Lllftschlltz ______________ . antiaireraft defplls(' Lsch.Ger _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ LauschgeraL ___________ listpIIing eqlliplllPllt (tele-

L.Schm __ ._ L.Sch.Wd Lsg _____ _

L.S.Gesch Lsp ____ _ l.SplitL _ _ __

Lehrschmiede ______ _ LuftschlltzwarIldiensL _ L0811ngsworL _ _. __ . __ _ LpuehtsplIrg;eschoss _____ _ LuftsporL __________ _ leichte SplitterbolIl be_

phonc) horseshoer's school air raid waf/dllg; service paNl'word tracer bullet air sport lig;ht "plill/pr bomb:

l.Spr. M __ . _____ _ leichte SprengmillP Leuchtspur __ LauerstellllIlg Lalldstrasse

frag; ion bomb light blast mill('

L.Spm _ L.Htg; Lstr _ _ ____ _ It __________ _

L.T __ _ LL __ . __ Ltg ________ _

L.Th __ _ Ltn_ Luftber

Luftf Luft-na.'!'!" Luffv(·!"t Luftwi luth ___ . Lv ______ . _

L. V ____ . _______ _ l.v __________ . __ l.v ___ _

LVBl __ L.Vert

lauL. __ LeuchttllrIll Lell tnall t. Leitullg ____ _

Lichtmesstlwodol it LeutnallL __ LlIftbercit _

LuftfahrL _ .. LlIft.llachricht.f~llt rtlPPP _ Luft.verteidigllllg LlIftwiderst alld III t herisch _____ _ Ladullgsverhalt 11 is. ..

Laut.ver!'t iirker Ipicht vcrwlJlldet. lillks vorbeL __

_ Lllftvcrordlllllll!sblatt _ Landcsverteidigllllg

tracer bullet trajpelory hiddpn gUll empla('('lIIcllt, highway according to lightholl:,;(' (on maps) 2d lieu tpnan t control; lilH~ (ell'ctrio'tll): ad-

llli 11 istrat.ioll flash-ranging thpo<inlitp 2d 1i(~lIt(,llallt. pr()vi<ipd wit.h PIl('IIIll!Lt i('

tin's aviat.ioll air signal troops air defptl:-:(,

air f{~"i:-:taII('·p Lut lu'l'IUI ratio of ('harge 10 weight of

projectile am p lifter slig;ht I~' woulloed over alId to the left (gl/n­

nAr!/) air mid pro/eetion hlllll'l ill

_ hOIllP defcnsc; natioI lUi de­fensc

Page 115: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


L. V.S.St ___ -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Lei c h t verwundetensam- collecting point for slightly melsteJlewounded

Lw ______________ Luftwaffc _______________ air force Lwg _____________ Lastwagen ______________ truck Lwk _____________ Leitwerk- _____________ trail unit; empennage; tail

assembly (aviation) L.W.M ___________ leichte Wurfmine ________ light mine (light mortar

sheIl) L.W.~1.Z_. ____ ---_ leichter Wurfminenziin- light mine fuze (on moriar

der shell) L Z ______________ Lazarettzug _____________ hospital train

M M _______________ Magazin _______________ magazine; store; dump;

depot M _______________ Magazinverpflcgung _____ depot food supply; provi-

M ______________ _ M ______________ _ ~f ______________ _ ~f ______________ _ M ______________ _ 1f ______________ _ 11 ______________ _ 11 ______________ _ 1f ______________ _

sioning by supply depot Main __________________ the river Main Major __________________ major Mann, MiinneL _________ man (soldier), men Manover _______________ maneuver Mark __________________ mark (coin); model; mark Maschine ______________ _ Maschinisk ___________ _ Maske ________________ _ Medaille ______________ _

machine; engine machinist (gas) mask medal

III ____ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mehL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ more; adcti tional M _ - __ - __________ Messmann ______________ range finder (infantryman) M ____ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Messpunkt _____________ midpoint (antiaircraft) m _______________ MeteL _________________ meter Ill_ --- - ___________ militiir __________________ military 1\'1 _ - __ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mine_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mine m _______________ miL ___________________ with M _______________ Mitglied ________________ member M _______________ Mitteilung ______________ message; report; informa-

tion M_ - __ - __________ Mitteldecker ____________ midwing monoplane nL - __ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mi ttlerer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ medium; mean; average 1\-1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ M i)rser _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mortar m_ - _____________ monatlieh ______________ monthly 1\-1 - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Motor _____ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ motor; engine M _______________ MOhle _________________ mill (on maps) 1\-1-_ ---- _________ MunitiOIlS- ____________ ammunition

Page 116: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


M _______________ MuflteL ________________ pattern; model; sample; ex-

2 ' m ______________ _ m 3 ______________ _

M,17, M.18, M.24_

Quadratmeter __________ _ Kubikmeter _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _

(Gas-) Masken von 1917, 1918 und 1924

ample square meter cubic meter (gas) masks of 1917, 1918,

and 1924 ma _______________ magnetisch ______________ magnetic Ma ______________ Mannschaftsunterstand shelter on hand grenade

auf dem Handgranaten- practice range wurfstand

M.A _____________ MeldeamL ____________ draft and inactive reserve

Ma_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Militiirarrestan"t alL ____ _ M. A_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ M ilitarattachC _________ _ MA_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MitarbeiteL ___________ _ M. A_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mondaufgang __________ _ Ma_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MunitionsanstalL ______ _

M.A.A ___________ l\lilitiirische Stelle der N achrichtenabteilung des Auswartigen Amts, Berlin

M. A. B _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ militiirische Ausfiihrungs-bestimmungen

M.Abw.St ________ Meldeabwurfstelle ______ _

Ma.C ____________ Munitionsanstalt CasseL_

regi;;tration office; message center

military priRon military attache co-worker moonrise ammunition loading factory

(on maps) Military Department of the

Intelligence Section of the Foreign Office, Berlin

military regulations for exe­cution (of orders)

message dropping center (aviation)

ammunition loading factory, Cassel

Ma. F _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mastfernrohr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ large observation telescope

Mag _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Magazin ______________ _

Mag.Fp.KoL _____ Magazinfuhrparkkolonne_ Mag.Gew -- ____ - __ Magazingewehr - - _ c _ - - __

magn_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ magnetisch ____________ _ Mag. Tasche _ _ _ _ _ _ Magazintasche am :\1 a-

schinengewehr Dreyse

Mag. Wff _________ Magazinwaffe ___ _ Ma.H ____________ Munitionsanstalt Han-

nover Ma. In _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ M l1nit.ionsanstalt Ingol-


on special mount magazine; store; dump;

depot (on maps) depot supply train magazine rifle magnetic magazine pocket of the

Dreyse light machine gun 13

magazine weapon amllJunition loading factory,

Hanover ammunition loading factory,


Page 117: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Maj ________ ~---- 1\1ajoL ______ _ Ma.J ____________ Munitionsanslalt .1ilter-

bog l\f.Ak . __________ miIitararztliche Akademie M .K ___ .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ M unitionsanstalt Konigs-

berg Malz-Fabr _______ :\lalzfabriL _________ _ ma.N ___ . Man ___________ . m.A.n _______ .. __ Mand ________ .

Man. KarL ___ _ l\fannsch __ ___ _

magnetisch I\ ord . Manover _. meiner Amdcht lIacli _ .. ;\fandaL __ ..

Manoverkart,en Mannschaft __ _

major ammunition loading factory,

.1ilterbog military medical school ammunition loading factory,

Konigsberg malt factory (on maps) magnetic north Inaneuver in my opinion mandate; order; allthoriza,­

tion maneuver maps body of men; crew; team

Manov _ :\fanover _ maneuver Manov.Best-. __ . :\lanoverbestinuIlllngen ___ maneuver regulations MaL ____________ Marine ___ ._ _ navy l\fal'lclL ________ . :\Taschine ______________ .. Masch _________ .. :\faschinist.

Maschfbr ____ _

l\1asch.Ge\L Masch.Pist

:\Iaschinenalllt _


Maschillengewehr ______ _ Maschinenpistole _______ ..

1\1a.8Ie__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ M unitionsanstalt Stf~ttin_

machine; engine machinist locomotive depot;

five office IOCOlllO-

mach ine fact,ory; engiueering factory

machine gun maehine pistol; automatic

pistol; submachine gnn authoritative; decisive; de­

termining ammunition loading faet{)r~-.

Stettin Mat _____________ MatmiaL ________ .. _____ material;materiel;slIhstarwr

MauIL __________ MauItier ___ .. __ __ mule Maus. Gew .. _ _ _ _ __ _ _ 1\1ausergewehr _ Mallser riftf' m.a. W ___________ mit anderen Worten _ _ _ _ in other wornl'l Max _____________ Maxim___ _ _ _ Maxim (machine gun)

Max _____________ Maximal-, Maximnm- ___ maximum Ma.Z ____________ Munitionsanstalt Zeit- ammunition loading factory,

M.B ____________ _ M.B ____________ _ MB _____________ _ l\1B _______ ~. _____ _ M.Batt ______ .. ___ . M.BatL ________ _

h~n Ze~h~n

Manoverbestimmll11geH __ _ Messband ___ . Militiirbrieftalll)(' __ Motorboot.. __ _ Messbatterie _ Morserbatterie __ ~ ____ . __

maneuver n~gIIlatiolll'; tape meal'llrre military carrier pigeon motorboat survey battery mortar battery

Page 118: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


M.B.d. W_. Vorschrift fUr die militii­rische Benutzllllg der Was s e r s t r ass e n i rn Kriege

M. B.I. (K.) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MilitiirbrieftaubellallHtalt I, Konigsberg

M-BlillL _________ mittleres BlinkgeraL __ _

M-BooL _________ Minensucherboot M-Boot _ Motorboot.._ _ ______ _ MbL ____________ Marsehbrcitc ___________ _

regulations for Ow m;litary lise of waterways ill war­time

military carrier pigpoll sta­tion I, Konigr;berg

medium blinker sigllal ap-paratus

mine 8wet'per motorboat width of marchinlJ; ('olllmn;

front of marchillg col­umn

Mbs ______ . ________ Meerbuseu _____________ bay

M-Buch __________ Bestandsbuch bei den troop inventory of ammu-Truppen tiber Muni­tion, Nahkampf-, Spreng-uud Zlindrnittel

M.D ______________ Messdreieck ____ _

Md_____ ___ _ _ _ _ _ Milliard('. ______________ _

m.d ______________ mit dern,---deL ________ _

nition, close-com hat wpa­pons, explosives, and prim­ing suhstances

range triangle (ins/rumen/

to rne(1,~ /irl; / raver.~e and range of he(w1l machine gun)

milliard (,OOO); bil­lion (Americ(Jn)

with the m.D ______________ mit der Kriegsdekoration_ with the War Dp('oration M.D _____________ Mitteldecker ___________ rnidwillg mOllOplallt' Mdf _____ . ______ .. Dienstanweisung zur Be- service n'glllations for tht'

urteilung der Militiir- jUriglllPllt of fihlPSS for diellstfahigkeit uetivp military duty

m.d.F.b ____ ._ _ _ mit der Ftihrung beauf- authorized to pOlllmand;

Mdg__ ________ _

Mdg.Seh __ mdL_ mdl. BeL _ _ ___ _ MdlchL _________ _

tragt eommissiolll'd to take

MilndllIlg ____ _ MilndllllgsHdlOlH'r _. _____ _ mil ndlich __ mtindlieher Bpfc hl ______ _

charge lIulz",I., (gllnnery)

IlIllzzlt' and sight cover (rifle) or ul; v('rbul oral order

Milndloehflltter _________ fuze recess (ammultitionj.

gaillP_ (of fuze) m.d.R ___________ mit dem Range _________ ~jth the rallk of m.d.R.e.GfM _____ mit dem Range cine" with the rallk of fipld

GeneralfeldmarHehallH mar"hul Mdst _____________ . Mundsttick_ _ _ _ _ mouthpiece M.Dv ____________ MarinedienstvorscltrifL ___ naval service rerz;1I1utioTls

Page 119: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


me _______________ mechanisch ______________ mechanical m.E ______________ meines Erachtens_____ in my opinion M.E_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MilitareisenbahIL _ _ __ _ military railroad m.E ______________ mit Erlaubnis_ _ _ _ _ ______ with permil"sion M.E.Betr.Abt _____ Militareisenbahnbetriebs- military railroad operations

abteilung section Mech_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mechanik _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mechanics mech_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mechanisiert _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ mechanized Meehan _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mechanismus_ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ mechanism MeckL ___________ Mecklcnburg_____ _ _ _ Mecklenburg Med ______________ Medaillc ______________ medal med ____________ medizinil"ch ____________ medical M.E.D_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MilitareisenbalmdircktiolL Directorate of Military Rail­

roads Meg _____________ Megaphon ____________ megaphone Mego_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Messgeratoffizier ________ measuring - instruments of-

ficer Mehrf.Kan.Oe ____ Mehrfachkanonn Oerlikon_ Oerlikon multiple gun (with

lJeveral tubes) Mehrzw __________ Mehrzweck- ____________ multiple purpose Mehrzw.Flzg ______ MehrzweckfIugzcug ______ multiple-purpose airplane MeL _____________ MeliniL _____________ melinite (explosive) Meld _____________ Melder _________________ runner Meld _____________ Meldung _______________ message Meldeh ___________ Meldehund _____________ messenger dog Meld.SL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MeldestellP ___________ message center Menl" __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Memmr _ _ __ student's duel Merk.Z ___________ Merkator-Funkpeilung ___ Mercator radio direction

Mess.! _______ _ Messkraftwagen


_Messinstrumenk ________ _ Messkraftwagen fur An­

schluss-, FeruleitungH­und Telt'grafenkabcl der deutHchen Tele-

finding measuring instrument surveying motor vehicle for

connecting, station-to-sta­tion and telegraph cables of the German Telegraph

grafenverwaltung Administration Met _____________ MetaIL _______________ metal met _____________ _ ~feteor __________ _ Met.St __________ _ M.E.u.B.W ______ _

M.E.V.A ________ _

metalliseh ______________ metallic Meteorologie___ _ _ _____ _ meteorologische Station __ M iIi tiir-Erzie h ungs-

lind Bildungswesen Mil i tii r- Eisen bahn­


meteorology meteorological station military educational and

inl'tructional services military railroad traffic offine

Page 120: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


M.E.W.Abt _______ Militar-Eisenbahnwcrk- military railroad workshop

m.Ex.~1.R ________ _

M.E.Z __________ _ Mf ______________ _ M.F ____________ _ ML ____________ _ :Mfd ____________ _

M-FlaL ______ _

m.folg. W ________ _ M.F.S __________ _ M.F.-Schcin _____ _

m.Fu.Ger. W g ____ _

m.Fuk.StaL ______ _ m.Fu.Wg ________ _

MG_. __________ _ mg _____________ _ M G.08 ___________ _

MG. 08/15 _______ _

MGA ___________ _

MG.-BatL ______ _

MG.Begl.Zg _____ _

MG.-CheL ______ _

M.G.E.R ________ _

M-OeraL _______ _ M.G.G __________ _ MG.Hd.Wg ______ _

stattenabteilung mittlere Exerziermine mit

Rauchladung mitteleuropaische ZeiL __ _ M arschfolge ___________ _ Mondfinsternis _________ _ Motorfahrzeug _________ _ Mundungsfeuerdampfer _

FI ugzeugabwehrma-schinenkanone

mit folgenden Worten ___ _ Marineful1kstelle __ _ _ _ _ _ __ MilitarfUhrerschein fUr

Kraftfahrzeuge Geratewagel1 fUr mittleres

Funkgerat 17 mittlere Funkstatiol1 ___ _ Funkwagen fur mittleres

Funkgerat 17 Maschinengewehr ______ _ Milligramm ____________ _

(schweres) Maschinen-gewehr (Maxim), !{on­struktion von 1908

(leichtes) Masehinenge­wehr, KOl1struktion von 1908 mit Andemn/l:en von 1915


Maschinengewehrba t ai l­Ion

Maschinengewehr- Re­gleitzug

Chef der Maschinenge­wehrkompanie


M6rser (auf Kraftzllg) __ _ Maschinengewehrgerat __ _ Maschinengewehrhand-


section medium dmnmy mine with

smoke element Central European Time order of march moon eclipse motor vehicle flash hidPr; flash reducer

(gunnery) antiaircraft rapid-fire can-

non with the following words naval radio statioll military driver's license for

motor vehicles equipment truck for medium

radio equipment 17 medium radio station radio wagon for medium

radio equipment 17 machine gun milligram (heavy) machine gun

(Maxim), 1908 conRtflH'­tion

(light) machine gun, 1908 conRtrllction with changes of 1915

machine-gun detachnlPnt

machine-gun batt alion

machine-gun escort (aecom­panying) platoon

commandl·r of machine-gun company

machine-gun drill mles

mortar (on motor tractor) machine-gun equipment machine-gun handcart

Page 121: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


MG.IAnL _. ___ _ _ _ Maf<chinengewchrgerat-ins tandsctzungsanlei­tung

MOK ____________ Maschincngewehrkom-panie

machine-gun equipment re­pair regulations

machine-gun company

MG.-Kalil ______ _ Maschincngcwehrkamera_ machine-gun camera (avia­tion)

Mg.Kp ___________ Mat'chillongewehrkornpa- machine-gun company nie

Mg. K w _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Maschincngewchrkraft­wagon

MgL_ m.gI.Lkw.o:r _____ _ Pk \\-_ _

MGMlIJI.-Hlcllc __ _

M.G.O_ Mg.Oif. v. PI ______ _

M i t,g lied _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

rnittlercr Oiff'ller gc1aJlrlc­giingiger J ,ast k raftwa-gClI

llJittlorer gelil nnegiingiger Pe rt' ° nell kraft,wagcn

rnittlerer gcliinrlegiingigcr Zugkraftwagcll

M ascll i nengcwchrlJlllni­tioTl.~allsgabestellc

Maschincllgewehroffizier __ Maschincngewehroffizier

Yom Platz

machille-gun truck (carrier)

nwmher ll1('diulll open cross-country

motor truck

medium crosl'-counf,ry pas­senger car

medium crot'I'-COIl n try trllck prime movcr

machine-gun ammllnir,ion rlifltributing point

machine-gun officer machine-gun officer of the

fonresB M. Gr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Marschgrllppe_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ march group; marching unit

M.-Gr ___________ _ MG.-H.A ________ _

M orsergranate _ __ _ ____ _ Mas c hinellgewehrricht­

allfsatz M.G.~('h _________ Ma:-chincngewehrschlitze_ M. G. Hell. V ____ . _ _ M a I-i chi II P n g ewe h r-


MG.HehwfL ______ M aRchinCllgewehrt;chwa-dron

disposed for combat mortar shell machine-gun sight

machine gunner reguJatioIlR for machine-guo

fire machine-gun troop

MGSEL ___ _ MaRchillcngewehrRcharf- machine-gun sharpl-ihootcr scniitzc

M.G.S.S.A ________ _

M.G.S1,p.V _____ ..

M.O.-1' _________ ..

M.G.V _______ _


l\{ a s c hinengewehrgeriit­I'telllpel \'or~ch rift

.Maschincngeweh rtllrlll __ _

Mar s e h g e b ii hrni,;yor­:-;('hrift

machine-gull sharpshooter detachment

mac h i n e-gu II equipment :-;tarnping regulations

maehinl' - gun turret (av£a­lion)

march allowances rngulation

Page 122: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


M.G. V.V _________ Mas c hinengewehrgeriit-verwaltungsvorschrifl,

M.G. Wtfm.Wg .. _ _ Maschinengewcbrwafl'cll­Illcisterwagcn

M.G.Wg(I,) ____ . __ leichter Maschinengt"-wehrwagell Hir Dn·j­fussgcwehl'

M.G.Wg.(s.) ______ schwerer Ma~'ehineng('-wehrwagen flil' Scldit­tengcwehre

M.G.Z ___________ mittlere Zeit des Meri-dians von Greenwich

MG.-Z.F _________ 1\1 as chi n e ngewehrziei-fernrohr


technical manual on ma­chine-gUll equiplIlPnt

lllachillt'-gll11 artificer wagoll

lig-ht machine-gun cart for g-1I1l" on tripod

heavy lllaehille-gun eart for gu ns on ;.:Il'ig-h"

Central Greenwich Meridian Time

machine-gUll tele"copic ;.:ight

MG .Zg ___ . _______ . MasehinengewehrzlIg _ _ _ _ machillc-gllll platooll M.H__ ___ . ___ Meldehllnd. rtl(,Sf'Cllg-ef dog M. Hbgr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Morserhau hengranate high-cxplosi \'0 lIIortar I'hell

with windshield Mhd. _.. __ . _ _ __ _ Meldehllud __ . _ n1f'ssenger dog MHD Munitionshauptdepot. _ ammunition main depot Mhd. Vb .. _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Meldehllndverbindung _ _ __ messenger dog commuuica-

M. II. TL . ______ _ Mi

ML ____________ ._. Mikr Mikr __ _ Mikr mil_ Mil. MiLA_ ._ _ _ __ ._ _

Mil.Ak __ . Mil. Arr.A IIsL ~1il.AtL_

Meldehundtrupp __ _ MittagskosL ____ _

Mitte l\likroIlleter _____ . l\1ikrophon ___ . Mikroskop ______ . ____ _ militiir. __ Miliz- __ Militiiranwiil'kr

1\1 i litiirakaciPll1i(' 1\1ilitii I'arrestanstalt Militiirattachc __ _

Mil. Bev ... _ _ _ _ _ Militiirbevollmiicht igter _ Mil.Bez _ _ _ _ _ ___ . l\1ilitiirbezirk ____ _ MiLBhf __________ Militiirbahnhof __ ._

Mil.DGO __ Dicnst- und nesehiift,,­ordllung fiir die Mili­tilrgeriehte des Reiehs­heems

tion messenger dog section noon meal (military provi-

sioning) middle mierometpr micropl)(me microscope Illilitary militia ex-;.:er\,iC'p lIlall (Ilfler 12

years of mililary ,~cl'vice)

military aead(,llI.\ military guard hOllsc military attache llJilitary plenipot.cntiary military di;.:r,rict military railway "tation (on


"ervif'e and busill(,ss rpgu\a­Lions for the military courts of the German army

Page 123: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Mil.Eis ___________ Militareisenbahn _______ military railroad Mil. Eis. Dir _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Militareisen bahndirek- military raIlroad direction

tion mi!.GeL _________ _ Militargefangener ______ _ mil. GeL ______ . ____ _ militiirisches Gefolge ____ _ mil. Ger_ MhitiirgerichL _______ ._ Mil.Ger.Ob.Wm __ _ M j Ii targeri ch ts 0 ber-


. Mil. GOliV ____ _ _ _ _ _ MiIitiirgouverneur ______ _ Mil.Gouv _________ MilitiirgouvernmenL ___ _ miliL _____________ militiir ________________ _ 2\lilit.Eisenb_ _ _ _ _ _ Militiireisenbahn _______ _ Milit. lnt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MilitiirintendanL ______ _

military prisoner military retinue milltary court military court sergeant (cor­

responding roughly to U. S. staff sergeant)

military governor military government military military railroad administrative officer (with

higher staff) MiIit.lnL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Militarintendantur ______ office of administrative offi-

cer (with higher staff) Milit.Just. B _ _ _ _ _ _ Militiirjustizbeamter _____ military court official Milit.Knab.Erz. Militiirknabenerziehungs- military boys educational

Anst. anstalt institution Milit.L __________ Militiirlehrer ____________ military teacher M ilit. Ob. Pf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ M ilitaroberpfarrer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ senior military chaplain Milit. Techn.Akad_ Militiirtcchnischeakademie military technical academy Milit. Veter. Akad _ _ M ilitarveterinarakademie_ military veterinary academy Milit. Veter.lnsp__ _ MiliUirveteriniirinspek- military veterinary inspector

teur (-ion) or inspection Mil.Kab __________ MilitiirkabineL _________ military cabinet Mil.Kfz __________ Militiirkraftfahrzeug _____ military motor vehicle Mil.Kr. WL _______ MiJitiirkrankenwiirter ____ military hospital orderly Mil.LiL __________ Militiirliteratur __________ military literature M il.1\f us_ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ 1\.1 iIitiirmusik ____________ military music; band Mil. MlIs __________ Militiirmusiker __________ milit8ry musician; bandsman MiI.Pers __________ Militiirperson ___________ military person Mil. ReitanHt_ _ _ _ _ _ Milit.iirreitam!taIL _______ military riding institution Mil.-Reitim;t_ ___ _ _ Militiirreitinstitut _______ military riding institute Mil. ReitsclL _ _ _ _ _ _ M ilitiirreitschule ________ military riding school 1\.liI.San __________ Militiirsanatorium _______ military sanatorium MilStGB _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1\1 ilitiirstrafgesetzbllch ___ military penal code MilStGerO _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Militarstrafgerichtsord- manual for court-martial

Dung MiI.Str.Anst ______ MiIit.arstrafanstaIL ______ military penitentiary MiLT.AnsL _ _ _ _ _ _ MilitarturnanstalL _ _ _ _ _ _ military athletic institution Mil. Url.Zug _______ Milititrurlaubzug ________ train carrying men on fur-


Page 124: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


}\'IiI. Vers_____ __ _ _ _ Militarversicherung ______ military insurance Mil. Verw _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Militarverwaltung_ _ _ _ _ _ _ military admiuistration Mil. Vet.lnsp_ _ _ _ _ _ Militarveterinariuspekteur military veterinary inspec-

tor Mil. WbL _________ MilitarwochenblatL _____ military weekly bulletin Mil.Ztg _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Militarzeitu ng _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ military newspaper rMin _____________ in der Minute ___________ per minute Min _____________ Minen-_________________ mine Min _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ministerium _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ministry; department; cab-

inet Min.Abt __________ Minenabteilung _________ mine detachment Min.Dep _________ MinedepoL _____________ mine dump Minens___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Minensuch-______________ . minesweeping Minsbt ___________ Minensucherboot _______ mine sweeper Min.-Su __________ Minensuch-_____________ minesweeping Minw ____________ Minenwesen ____________ military mining; mine war-

fare or tactics Min. Wf __________ Minenwerfer ____________ trench mortar Mio ______________ million _________________ million Mipo_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MilitarpolizeL __________ military police MIR____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Militarintendanturrat ____ military superintendent (ad-

ministrative oiJicial) Miss _____________ Mission ________________ mission Missb_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Missbilligung ___________ diRapproval Missbr ___________ M issbrauch _____________ misuse missf __ '- __________ missfallen _______________ displease Missh ____________ Misshandlung ___________ abuse Mi.-Stelle _________ Minenwerferstelle _______ mortar position Mitarb ___________ Mitarbeiter _____________ co-worker Mitbes ___________ Mitbesitzer _____________ co-owner Mitbew __________ Mitbewohner ___________ co-occupant; co-inhabitant MitgL ___________ Mitglied ________________ member Mitt- ____________ Mitteilungen ____________ communications; informa-

tion Mitt _____________ Mittel-_________________ middle mittI.Bomb ________ mittlerer BombcL _______ medium bomber Mittn__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mitteilungen_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ communications Mitw ____________ Mitwirkellder __________ co-operator; participant Mitw ____________ MitwirkuJlg _____________ assistance; participation; co-

operation Mk ___________ Marschkolonne __________ march column M.-K ____________ MaschinenkanoJle _______ machine cannon: automatic

cannon M.K _____________ McldckopL _____________ advanced message center

Page 125: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


M.K ______ ~ ______ Militarkraftfahr- _________ military motor transport m.K ___________________ mit Karte __ __ with a map m.K _________________ mit Klappensichernng_ _ with folding safety device MI( _______________ Munitionskolonne_ __ __ ammunition column M.Kab ______________ MilitarkabineL_ M.-Ko ____________ Marschkompass M. Kol_ _ _ __ __ _ __ __ ___ Marschkolonne __ _

military cabinet lensatic-type march compass

__ march column M. Kr ___________________ Messkreis ____ _ map protractor; graduater!

circle M-K-Sch Mas chi n e n k a non e n- gunner of rapid-fire cannon

schutze M K w M unitionskraftwagen ___ . M.1,___ _ Marineleitung ________ _ M. TJ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ Messlatte_ __ _______________ _ 1\'1 _1, __________________ Militarliteratur ______________ __ M I(L _ _ _ __ ___ _ __ __ __ __ Melder __ _ __ __ __ __ __ ______________ __ MI(L ___________________ Meldullg ________________ _ Mld ___________________ Milliarde _________________ _

ammunition truck navy department surveyor's rod military literature runner message milliard (1,000,000.000): mil­

lion (Ampriran) :\f.-Lehrling _________ MilitiirlehrIillg _____________ military apprentice (in the

aviation industry) :VIlsL ____________________ MeiJenstein ___________________ mile8tone (on maps) 1111112 _ __ _ _ __ __ __ __ _ __ _ _ __ Quadratmillimeter __ _ _ _ _ __ _ sq uare millimeter mma _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ __ Kubikmillimeter ______________ cubic millimeter m.M.W ____ __ mittlerer Minenwerfer ______ medium mortar m.lVLW.Zg ____________ mittlererMinenwerferzug_ medium mortar platoon Mn _ Minensuch-_________________ - mine sweeping Mob_ _ _ __ _ __________ Mobilisierung ___________________ mobilization Mob.lnstr ___________ Mobilmachungsinstruk- instructions for mobilization

tion Mohm ________________ MobiImachung _____ , _________ mobilization \fob. Tg _ _ ___________ Mobilmachullgstag _ __ _ _ mobilization day; M-day moh.Tr ___ __ mobile Truppcn _ mobile troops -"'lor! ___ ________ ModeIL_ __ __________ pattern: model III or! ____________ IJloderll__ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ modern l\lodpllrgt ____________ MocielIregiTllPlit _ __ _ __ __ ___ . model regiment M-Ol..______ MilleraloL ______ . _____________ mineral oil 1\1 iir~ _ __ _ __ __ __ __ _ 1\1 i:ir"er _ __ __ _ ._ __ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ mortar monatl _ monatlich _ _ __ _ __ _ monthly .:Ylorep. Komp_ _ _ _ _ Motoneparat Ilrkompanie_ motor repair company Illorg ____ . morgelJ \lot __ .. ___________ \rotor

tomorrow Illotor

III ot.. _ _ _ _ __ __ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ motori~ierL _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ motorized

Page 126: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


mot. gL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ auf gel and e g ii n gig e n

Fahrzeugen motori"icrt mot.fl.ArL ________ motoritderte 8chwere

mot.Tr __ mot.Z_ M.P ____________ _

Artil1prie lllotori:-;icrte Truppen nwt ori"iert mit KraftzulS Maschillellpio;tole ___ _

M.P ____________ lVlilitiirpension ____ _ lVLP _____________ l\IilitiirpolizeL_ m.P ______________ mit Pallzerkopf m.P _______________ mit Pension ______ _ m. PL _. __ _ mit PlalL ______________ _

motorized on cross-coull try vehicles

motorized mediullI art illpry

lllotori7.ed troops traetor drawn maehillc pistol;

pistol milit ary ppl1sion lllilitar~' police


,,,it h armor-piercing head wit h pPllsion with plans; with map; with

ehart m.R.r___ _ _ mit RohrriicklauL___ with reeoil Mr8___________ l\liir"er..__ _ _ mortar M.S_ _ _ _ _ _ Meldesamrnelstellp_ _ message center M.S_____ ;\linensllch-_ _ millPswpeping Mschft.Erfl l'.lann!'chaftsen;at7.___ troop replacements M'schftn_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ;\lanll8chaft eIL _________ enli"ted persollllPl hplow

rallk of llol1coInmi""iolled offieer,,; rank and file

M.Sch.G _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l\1arkscheidegf'fii t _______ inclinometer m.sek _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ l\fet ersekundell_. _ __ __ _ __ _ __ _ BlP(.('rS per spcond

m.Sig mittlcres Rignalgl'Tii L _ _ llll'dilllll "ignal apparat liS M.S.O_ :\leldesarnmcloffizier _.. ot!ieN ill ehurlSc of me"sagc

Ms.Offiz Mobilmacliung"otnzkr msL __ -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mei:-;tcn:-;, mei"tpllfpib __ Mstb ______________ l\la,,:-;stab __

MstGB. __ MStCB 1\lStGO

1\1 arilw"t alldg~~"et ZhlWIi 1\1 ilitiirstrafgeset z buch 1\1 ilitiir~trafgerichtsord·

II II illS 1\1.Ht I" l\1ar"chst m""p _._ Mstr.. :\1(d"teL ____ ._ 1\1:-;tr :\Iustcr... M.St. V. V _________ ;\1 il itii rst raf Y 0 II s treck-


M.S. W _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ;\Iilitiirsanit iit ,",wpselL 1\1.1' _____________ 1\lar:-;chtag_ MT ______________ militiirtechllisclL _______ _

C(,II t('r mohilization officer most ly scale; "tandard; rule 11I1\'al code military jH'llal ("o<i(· lluUlllal for court-martial

routp of ma['('11 ma:-: t er; ell ipf pattPfll; model army r('glllat ion!' for the

exeCll tion of di~ci pliI l!try Pllllishlll(,TI t

army IIlpdical "prvice day of mareh military technical

Page 127: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


mt _____ ,, ________ mittlere _________________ medium M.T ______________ Munitionstragtiec _______ munition pack animal MTB _____________ MesstischblatL __________ map, scale 1:25,000 MtL _____________ Marschtiefe _____________ depth of marching column M.Tr _____________ Militartransport _________ military railroad transporta-

tion M. Tr.O ___________ Militartransportordnllng __ transportation regulations MttL ___________ Mittel- ________________ middle M.T.W ___________ Mannschaftstransport- personnel transportation

wagen M. U _____________ Marschunterkunft ______ _

M. U _____ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ Militarurlauber _________ _ Mun _____________ Munitions- ____________ _

wagon march quarters; march

lets; march shelter man on furlough ammunition


Mun-Anst ________ Munitionsanstalt ________ ammunition factory (on

M un.Bed__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Munitionsbedarf ________ _ Mun-Erg_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l\lunitionsergunzung ____ _

Mun.Ers _________ Munitionsersatz _______ _ Mun.F ___________ Munitionsfabrik _______ _ M un.Kol_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ M unitionskoloJlne ______ _ M un. N achsch M unitionsnachschll b ____ _

Mun.Trgt _______ _ M unitionstragtier ______ _ M un. Trsp _______ _ M unitionstransport ____ _ M un. Verbr _ _ _ __ _ M unitionsverbrauch ____ _

maps) ammunition requirement replenishment of ammuni-

tion supplies ammunition replacement ammunition factory ammunition column ammunition supply and re-

placement ammunition pack animal ammunition transport expenditure of ammunition

Mun. Wg ________ _ M IInitionswagen _ _ _ _ _ _ _ caisson M un. Zg _________ _ M unitionszllg ___________ ammunition train Mus ____________ _ MusiL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ music Musk __________ _ M usketier _ _ _ _ _ _ musketeer Must.Kom MllsterungskoTllmissiorL_ M. U.Z ___________ Militarurlauberzug _ _ __ _

M. V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ MilitaryersicheruIIg _____ _ M. V __________ .: __ MiIitarverwaltung ______ _ m.V ____________ mit Verzogerung _______ _ MVBl __________ Marineverordnungsblatt __ m.V.u.l~ __________ mit Verzogerung und


mustering commission train carrying men on fur-

lough military insurance military administration with delay-action (fuze) naval regulations pUblication equipped with delayed action

and folding safety device (fuze)

m.W ____________ meines Wissens ________ as far as I know M.W _____________ Minenwerfer __________ mortar

Page 128: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining

mw _____________ _ m. W _ _ _ ________ _ MWB ___________ _

M.W.G ________ . __ M.W.O __________ _ M.W.Pr _________ _ M.W.Tr _________ _

M.W.Zg (1)-------M.W.Zg.(m) _____ _ M. W.Zg.(s) ______ _ MZ ____________ ... M.Z ________ .. __ _ Mz _______ . __ . ____ _

M.Z.Briicke ______ _

M.Zug __________ .

IL. ____ . _____ . __ _ X _____ ._ .. _ .. _ .. _

x ____ _

~--.--- ... _. --_ .. :\_---- .-._-_ .. -

X _____ . ___ .... _ .....

:\----_ ..• -

IL ____ . _____ .. __ .. _.

ll ______ ... _ .. ____ _ X _____________ _ X ______________ .. N.A ____________ .. n.A _____________ _

l'\ achL ____ ._ 1'\ achh. ____ .. _. ___ _ Xachkdo. _______ _


missweisend ___________ _

mittlerer Wasserstand __ _ Militarwochenblatt _____ _ Mcldcwurfgranate ______ _ M inenwerferoffizier _____ _ Minenwcrferprotze _____ _ Minenwerfertruppe _____ .. leichter Minellwerfcrzug ... mittlerer Minenwerferzug schwerer Mincnwerferzug Maschinengewehrzug ___ _ Miiitarzeitung ________ ._ MotorenzahL _ . mittlere zerlegbare Eisen­

bahnbriicke Meldzug ________ .. _____ _

N lIach :\achrichten ___ .' _______ _

l\achrichtenabtciluug_. __

N achrichtcntTuppe _____ .. K achschub-_. _ ___ _ _ ._ .... ::\ahkampL ____ _ X ebeI __ . _ _ .. __ ..

deviating mean water level military weekly bulletin message canister officer in mortar unit tren.::h-mortar limber mortar troops light mortar platoon medium mortar platooll hea\'y mortar platooll machille-gull plntooll military newspappr Ilumber of engilll'S (1II'ill(ion)

mediulII portable railroad bridge

flour uain

in the direction of; following reports; inforlllation; com­

Illullications; illtt'IIigence signal bat taliolJ; intellilJ,;elwe

section Hignal corp" Hen·iees of sllppl.\· clof'e COlli bat sllloke; fog (I/.~t'll /11 desif/lllI/e

gill, as 11'ell (]., s 11/ II k e ) l\ebelmunitioIl. _________ HlIIoke nlllllllJllitiolJ neutraL. ___________ ._ Iwutml niirdlich ______ .. ___ .... __ .. _ llorlhel'll K orden ________ .. _____ .... II orlh 1\ ordsee_ _ ...... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1'\ orth Sea Kebenanschluss _________ extension (telephone) neuer ArL _ _ __ ., __ _ N achforschung _ .. _______ _ NachhuL _ . XachkolllIllando ___ '. __ _

of new type in v(>f'tigatioll; scareh rear guard

Xachr ____________ i:\achrichteIL ____ .. _____ _ rear-g1lard detaeimlPut repurt~; inforfllfltioll; pow-

l':achr . .-L_. ________ Nachrichteuabteilung ___ _

5165(\0' -4:1--9

III IIlJi('at.iolls; i ntell ig('llee :signal bat talioI\; intelligence


Page 129: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Nachr.D..; ________ NachrichtendiensL ______ signal service; intelligence service

Nachr.Flg ________ Nachrichtenftugzeug _____ communications plane Nachr.Ger.KoL ___ Nachrichtengeratkolonne_ signal corps equipment col-

umn N achrm _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ N achrichtenmittel_ __ _ _ _ _ channel of communications Nachr.Mine _______ N achrichtenmine ________ message shell Nachrm.O _________ Nachrichtenmitteloffizier _ communications officer N achr.St __________ N achrichtenstaffeL signal section N achr. Tr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ N achrichtentru ppe_ _ _ _ _ _ signal corps N achr. W _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ N achrichtenwesen _ _ _ _ _ _ _ signal service Nachsch __________ Nachschub _____________ supply N achsch. D _ _ _ _ _ _ _ N achschu bdienst _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ supply service N achsch.KoL_ _ _ _ _ N achschubkolonne _ _ _ _ _ _ supply column Nachsp ___________ Nachspitze _____________ rear point Nachsp.Kp _______ N achspitzenkompanie ____ rear party Nacht Bo _________ Nachtbomber ___________ night bomber Nachtr ___________ Nachtrupp _____________ support of rear party Nachtw __________ Nachtwache ____________ night watch; night guard niimL ____________ niimlich _______________ that is to say N ahAufkL ________ N ahaufkliirung __________ close reconnaissance N ah-B-Stelle_ _ _ _ _ _ N ahbeobachtungsstelle_ _ _ close-range observation post NahgeL ________ Nahgefecht _____________ close combat Nahk ____ - ______ NahkampL ___________ close com hat Nahk.Battr _______ Nahkampfbatterie _______ close-combat battery Nahk.M __________ NahkampfmittcL ________ close-combat weapons N.A.L ____________ Nebenanschlussleitung ___ extension wire ______________ nichtarisch _____________ non-aryan naL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ nationaL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ national Nat.Soz _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ N ationalsozialismlls__ _ _ _ National Socialism nat.soz __________ _ Natur.V_ . _______ _ Nav ____________ _ N.B ____________ _ Nb ____________ _

nationalsozialistisch _____ _ N aturah-erpflegung _____ _ N a vigation_ _ _ ________ _ Nahbeobachtung _______ _ NebeL ________________ _

National Socialistic food supplies in kind navigation close-range obsprvation fog; smoke (used to designate

gas as well as smoke) n. B_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ nordliche Breite_. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ northern latitude N.Bomb _________ Nebelbombe ____________ smoke bomb n. BL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ nordliche Breite_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ northern latitude NbW ____________ Nebelwerfer ____________ chemical projector (gas or

smoke) Nb.ZsL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ N ebelzerstiiuber __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ smoke-disperser N dn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Norden _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ north ndr ____ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ nieder-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ low; down

Page 130: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Neb _____________ NebeL _________________ smoke; fog (also gas) neb_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ neben_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ besides; next to Neben-A _________ Nebenabteilung _________ adjacent formation; flank

unit Neb.Gesch ________ Nebelgeschoss ___________ smoke shell Neb.Hgr _________ Nebelhandgranate _______ smoke hand grenade Neb.Kz __________ Nebelkerze ____________ smoke candle Neb.Mun _________ Nebelmunition __________ smoke a,ll1111unition Neb.St_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ N ebelstoff ______________ smoke-producing agent Neg ______________ Negcr __________________ negro Neuform _________ N euformation ___________ new formation; re-formation;

reorganization; n(~wly or­ganizcd unit

Neum ____________ Neumark _______________ Neumark (German city) neu tr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ neutraL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ neu tral neutr.Bd __________ neutraler Boden _________ neutral ground Neutr.Bed _______ Neutralitiitsbedingungen_ conditionsofneutrality Neutr.Eckl_ _ __ _ _ _ N eutralitiitserkliirung_ _ _ _ declaration of neutrality neutr. Geb _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ neutrales GebieL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ neu tral territory Neutr.Grz _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ N eutralitiitsgrenze__ _ _ _ _ _ boundary of neutrality N eutr.Seh_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ N eutralitiitsschutz__ _ _ _ _ _ protection of neu trality neutr.St__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ neutraler StaaL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ neutral state Neutr. Verh_ _ _ _ _ _ _ N eutralitiitsverhandlung negotiation of neutrality N eutr. VertL _ _ _ _ _ N eutralitiitsvertrag_ _ _ _ _ _ neutrality pact; treaty (agree­

ment) of neutrality neutr.Z ___________ nentrale Zone __________ _ zone of neutrality

. N.f.d.D __________ nur fUr den Dienstge- only for service use brauch

N.f.L ____________ Nachrichten fUr Luft- flight information fahrer

NFL ___________ Nachtflug _____________ _ N-Fluwa _________ Nachtflugwache ________ _

N.Gesch _________ Nebelgeschoss __________ _ N.G.L ___________ Nachrichtengeriitinspi-

zient N gL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ N i troglyzerin _____ .. Ng.PS ___________ hochste Leistung eines

Flugzeugmotors in Pfer­destiirken

N.Hgr ___________ Nebelhandgranate _____ _ Nitroz ___________ Nitrozellulosc __________ _ Niv ______________ Niveau ________________ _ n/K ______________ Il'(mere Konstruktion ____ _

night flight night flight guard (patrol,

spotting post) smoke-shell inspector of signal equip­

ment nitroglycerine maximum performance of an

airplane motor in horse power

f:moke hand grenade nitrocelJulof;e level; standard of new-type construction

Page 131: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


N.K.A ___________ N achschubkolonnenab- supply column detachment

NKdo ___________ _ N .Kz ___________ _ NL _____________ _ N.M ____________ _ N.M ____________ _ N.M.A _____ _

n.Massg _________ _ N.M.O __________ _

N.Mun __________ _ N.N.O __________ _ N.N.\Y ____ . ___ _ N.O ______ _

teiluug Nachkolllmando ________ _

N ebelkerze - - - - - - c - - - - - -

N aturalleistung ________ _ N achrichtenm ittel ______ _ Naehtmarsch _________ _ Nachrichtenrnittel­

abteilung nach Massgabe ___ _ Nachrichtenmitt{'l-


rear-guard detachment smoke candle payment in kind channels of communications night march signal communications de­

tachment according to; in proportion communications officer

N ehelm unition_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ smoke alllJll unition N ordnordost _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ north-northeast N ordnordwest _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ north-northweHt, N achrichtenoffizier ______ signal officer; intelligence of-

ficer N.O _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ N ordoHten _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ northeast No ______________ Nor(li:lee _____ . ________ North8ea

Nob______ Nachrichtenoffi;der signal or intelligence officer, Berlin Berlin

NoBre ____________ Notbremse _____________ emergency brake n.o _______________ nicht offentlich __________ not public nordL ___ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ nordlich _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ northern Norm.Rpb. ______ Normalspurbahn ________ standard-gauge railroad Not.F' ____________ Notfeuer _______________ barrage; protection fire Notw __ . _________ Notwehr ______________ . self-defense NOzl'\ __________ Nordost zu NonL _______ northeast by north NOzO ____________ Nordost Zll Ost __________ northeast by east NP ______________ NordpoL__ _ _________ North Pole N.F _____________ . NOl'malpl'ofiL ___________ normal profile N.P ____ . __________ .l\'ullpunkt._. ______________ zero point; zero N.Post ___________ NachtposterL ___ _ _ night guard KIL _____________ Nationalsozialistischer National Socialist Reich

Heichskriegerbuud League of Veterans (Kyff-(Kyffhallserbund) hiiuserbund)

Nr _______________ NlIlIllIlcr... ______ number N .8 ______________ Luftnachrichtenschule ____ air force communication and

signal school NS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ K achschrift _________ ~ _ _ _ postscript N.-S _____________ NebelsignaL_: __________ smoke signal N.-S _____________ :Nordsee _________ . _______ Korth Sea

Page 132: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


NSBDT __________ Nationalsozialistischer National Socialist Agsocla-Bund Deutscher Tech- tion of German T('ch-nik nology

NSBO ___________ Nationalsozialigtische National Socialist Organiza-Betriebszellenorganisa- tion of Cells in I ndustr.\' tiol1 and Commerce

Nscp. _____________ Nachschub _____________ supply

XSDAB __________ N ationalsozialistischer N atiollal Socialist AgROcia-Deutscher Arztebund tion of (;erman Physidans

XSDAP __________ N ationalsozialistische

Deutsche Arbeiter Partei

NSDFB __________ N a tio llalsozialistischer

Deutscher Frontkalllpf­bUIld

and Surgeons K ational 80cialist

Workers Party German

National Socialii"t Lpa.gllC of German War Veterans (formerly Stohlhelm (Steel Helmet) )

NSDMB _________ Nationalsozialistischer National Socialist German Deutscher Marinebuud

:\,SDStB_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ N ationalsozialistiRcher

Deutscher Studenten­bUild

:'\SF _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ N a tionalsozialistische

Frauenschaft :'\SFIC __________ Nationalsozialistisches

Flicgerkorps K8G__ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ N a tionalsozialis t ische

Gemeinschaft "Kraft dureh Freude"

NS Hago _________ Hauptamt fUr Handwerk

LIlld Handel del'

KSDAP :'\SK _____________ Nationalsozial i s tis c h e

Parteikorrespomienz ::\SKK ___________ Kationalsoziali s tis c h es

Kraftfahrkorps ::\SKOV __________ Kationalsozi al is tis c he


NSLB_ ____ __ _ _ _ _ _ Katiollaboziali s ti S c her

I ,ehrcl'bu lid :\SRK ___________ Natiollalsoziali s ti s c h es


Naval League National Socialist. Associa­

tion of German Studellts

National SocialiRt German

'" omen's Leagllf' National Socialist Fly iug

( ~orps N atiollal Socialist OrgHll iza­

tion "Strength t hrollgh .J oy"

Kat iOllal Soeiali:-;t Cl'llt ral Office of Trades Hnd COIll-

nlPree National Socialist Party Bul­

letin or News AI(Plley Kational Socialbt Moto/'

Corps Katiollal Soeiulist W"lfur.'

I>epartuwllt for \\' ar \' ie­tiIus

NatiollHl Soeiulbt Tl'uehPl"" Gilild

N atiollal Socialist Moullted Corps

Page 133: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


NSS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ N ationalsozi a lis tis c h e Schwesternschaft

National Socialist Sisterhood of Nurses and Social Workers

N.St _____________ Nachschubstab ______ _ supply staff KSV _____________ Nationalsozia 1 i s tis c he N atiollal Socialist Organiza­

tion for Public Welfare V olkswohlfahrt NSW _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ Nationalsoziali s tis c her National Socialist Service

Wirtschaftsdienst for Economic Information NT ______________ Nachrichtentechnik__ signal corps commullicatiolls

(technical branch) Il. tdL ____ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ nicht tropendienstfii.hig. _ _ not fit for duty in the

tropics (Africa) Ntldg ____________ Notlalldung _____________ emergency landing; forced

landing NtzL ____________ NutzlasL ______________ useful load N-UrL ___________ Nachturlaub ____________ ._ overnight pass NW _____________ niedrigster Wasserstand __ lowest water level NW _____________ NordwestelL_ northwest Nz _____________ _ Nachriehteulllittelnetz ___ network of means of com-

munication K.Z _____ _________ Nachriehtenzentrale _____ communication center N z_ ___ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ NitrozPllulose __ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ nitrocellulose N.-Z _____________ NormalzeiL ____________ standard time

o 0 ________________ oben ___________________ above 0 _______________ _

0 _______________ _ 0 _______________ _ 0 _______________ _ 0 _______________ _ 0 _______________ _ 0 _______________ _ 0 _______________ _ 0 _______________ _

obeL _________ _

OberkommanciierCllder __ _ Oberkolllllla ndo __ Oder __________________ _ OfIizier __________ . ___ _

upper; first; chief high commander high command Oder (river) officer

Omnibus _______________ bus Ordell __________________ decoration; order Ordnung _______________ order; regulation Osten _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ east

() _________________ ostwiirts ________________ eastwards o.a _______________ oben angegeben _________ indicated above Oa _______________ OberabschnitL __________ region or district (of the Elite

Guard) O.A ______________ OffizieranwiirtcL _______ officer candidate O.A_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OffizieraspirallL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ probationary cadet; aspirant

officer o.A ______________ ohlle Auftrag __________ without order o.Az _____________ ohne Aufschlagzundung __ without percus'3ion system

Page 134: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


ob ________________ ober ____________________ upper; first; chief Ob_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Oberst _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ colonel O.B ______________ Ortsbiwak_________ __ close billets o.b.B ___________ .. ahne besonderen Befund __ without any distinct symp-

tOIl::; (medical) Ob.BausttL _______ Oberbaustab ____________ superior constructioll staif

Obbfhb______ _ _ _ _ OberbefehlshaheL_ Ob.d.H ___________ Oberbefehlshaber rles

Heeres Ob.d.L ________ .. __ Oberbefehlshaber cler Luft-

waffe Ob.d.M __________ Oberhefehlshabcr der

Kriegsmarine Ob.d. W __________ Oberbefehlshaber der

Wehrm'1cht Oberf ____________ Oberfiihrer ____________ _

(eqnal in statu8 to a /)rigaile .~taff)

commander in chif'f conullan(ier ill chid of the

army commander ill chief of the

air force cOHunander in chid of the


cOlllm!1noer in chief of the armed forces

(SA) first regilllental If'ader, Storm Troops (equivaZrnt U. S. rank: colonel); (HH) first regimental COIll­

mander, Elite Guarci (equivalent U. S. rank: colonel)

Oberfeldkdtr _ _ _ _ _ _ Oberfeldkommandantur _ _ Supreme Field Command ObergruL ________ Obergruppellfiihrer __ .. ___ (SA) leader of group of

OberIL ___________ OherleutnanL _________ _ Oberr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Oherreiter _ _ _ _ ...

Oberschles _. _ _ _ _ Oherschlesien __________ _ Oberstlt_ Oher~tleutnant.

OberstubaL ______ Ohersturmhannfiihrer ___ _

Storm Troop" ellrps (equivalent U. S. rank: general): (S8) COlllllltllHier of group of Elite Cuard corp,; (equivalent U. S. rank: g('neraZ)

fir;.;t lieutenant (c()rr('.~]lond.~ roughly to P. S.

private fi.rst class, cavalry) l'pper ~i)e;.;ia liPutenallt colonel (HA) first bat t.alioll-kader,

Htorm· Troo»s (equivalent U. S. rank: major); (H~)

first bat t alioll-I'ollllllltnder, Elitp Guard (eqllivalent U. S. rank: major)

Page 135: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Oberstuf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Obersturmflihrer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (SA) first company-leader, Storm Troops (equivalent U. S. rank: 1st lieuienant); (8S) first company-com­mander, Elite Guard (equivalent U. S. rank: 1st lieutenent)

ObertruL _________ ObertruppfUhrer _________ first platoon-leader, Storm Troops (equ£valent U. S. rank: master sergeant)

OB:L ' ____________ Oherbannfuhrer _________ chief district leader (Hitler Youth)

Oh.Fahnr __________ Oberfahnrich ____________ officer candidate (cnrre-.~ponding roughly to U. 8. staff sergeant)

Ob. F. Arzt_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Oberfeldarzt __ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lieutenant colonel (Medir:al Corps)

Of.F.Apoth _______ Oberfeldapotheker ________ lieutenant colonel (Phar-macy)

Oh.F.K _________ , Oberfeldkommandantuf-_ Supreme Field Command ObftL __ ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Oberfunker _ chief radio operator Ob.F. VeL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Oherfeldveteriniir __ _ _ _ _ _ _ lieutenant colonel (Veteri­

nary Corps) Ob.Fw ___________ OberfeldwebeL_________ (corre8ponds roughly to U. 8.

8taff sergeant, ordnance) Ob.Fw ___________ Oberfeuerwerkcr _______ " _ ordnance sergeant; artificer Ob.Fwrk _________ Oberfeuerwerker____ _ ordnance sergeant; artificer Ob. Fw RclL ___ , _ _ _ _ Oberfeuerwerkerschule _ _ orrlnance artificers' school Ob. Gefe __ ___ _ _ _ _ Obergefreiter __ ,' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ (corre8pond8 roughly to [). 8.

acting corporal) Obgfr ____________ Obergefreiter ____________ (corre8ponds roughly to U. 8.

acting corporal) obh _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ oberhalb _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ above Obj ______________ Oberjagef- _____________ soldier in light infantry divi-

sion (correspond'ing roughly to U. S. private fir8t class)

Objag_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ Oberjiiger ______________ mernberof light infantry divi-

sion (corre8ponding roughly to U. S. private first class)

Obkan ___________ Oberkanonier ___________ (corre.~pond8 roughly to U. S. private first clas8 in artil­lery unit)

Ob.Kom __________ Oberkommanrlierender ___ high commander

Page 136: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Ob. Kom__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OberkoIIllnando _______ _ Ob.Kr.Ger ________ OberkriegsgerichL ______ .. Oblt ____________ .. Oberleutnant __ .. _______ _ Ob. Milit.Anw _ _ .. _ Oberrnilitaran walt ______ _ Ob.PL __________ .. Oberpionier ____________ ..

Ob. Quartiermstr _ _ Oberquartiermeister ____ _

Ob.Qu.Mstr_. ___ ... OberquartiermeiHter ____ _

Obr_. __ ... _____ .. _ _ Ober-•. _. __ .. ___________ ._ Ob.lL ________ ., _., Oberreiter _____________ .

Obrtr ___________ .. Oberreiter _____________ _

Obs ________ ... ____ .. ObservatiollH- __ Ob. Schmstr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Oberschirrmeil:;ter _______ _

Obschtz __ .. _______ OberschUtze ___________ .

Obst ___________ _ ObSta ___ _ Ob.St.Apoth _____ _ Ob.St.Arzt_ .. ____ _ ObstArzL _ Ob.-St.-B.Fhr _

ObersL.:_ o berstabsarzt_ Oherstabsapothe ker _____ . Ober8tabsarzL Oberstarzt_ . ObersturmballllfUhrer.

Ob.Stbs. VeL Oberstabsveteriniir _____ .. Obstlt ___ ' ObersleutnanL. Ob.St. Vet ______ . _ Oberstabsveterilliir _____ _ Obst Vet.. _ .. _ _ _ _ Oberstveteriniir ________ _ Obus ___ . _____ .. _ Omnibus __ .. ______ _ Ob. Vet ________ . _. Oberveteriniir _ .. _ .. ___ . __

Ob. Wachtmstr __ . Oberwachtmeister ______ _

Ob.Wm _______ . __ Obcrwachtmeister ______ .

Ob.Zahlm _______ . Oberzahlmeister.. _ _ _ _ Ob.Zm __ .. ________ Oberzahlmeister _ . _. _' _. o.D ______________ ohne Datum

high command gelleral COllrt-Illurtial first lieutenant


Judge Advocate General (corresponds roughly to U. S.

private first class, combat engineers)

Army Quartermaster (Dcp­uty Chief of Staff)

Army QuartermaHter (Dep­uty Chief-of-Staff)

fin;t; chief; upper (corresponds ro//ghly to U. S.

private first class, cavalry) (corresponds roughly to U. 8.

private first class, cavalry) ohservation supply sergeant (correspond­

ing roughly to U. S. staff sergeant)

(corresponds roughly to U. S. private first class)

colonel Il\ajor (M e(i1:cal Corps) major (Pharmacy) major (Med£cal Corps) colonel (Medical Corps) first hat.talion-leader, St orIn

Troops; rank of lieutenant colonel

major (Veterinary Corps) lieutenant colonel major (Veterinary Corp.~) colonel (Veterinary Corps) motor bus first lieutenant (Veterinary

Corps) (corresponds roughly to r·. s

staff sergeant) (corre.~ponds TOllghly to U. S.

staff sergeant) chief paymaster chief paymaster undated

Page 137: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Od ________ ~ ___ - -" OstdeutRcher _______ , __ ' Eastern German Od _____________ _ Ostdeutschland_____ _ Eastern Germany

~--------------­~-------------- -

t)lstatioIl ____ , , ______ , _ oil station; fuel station thterreich" _____ , _~ ___ Austria

0 ____ , ________ , iistlich ____ , _ ___ _ eastward O.E.G _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OffizierentschiiCIigullgs- officers' compensation law

gesetz ()lmtihle ____ - ___ ,,__ _ oil-mill (on maps)

6rt! _ _ _____ _ (irtlich ___ ' " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ local ~sL _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ t)sterreich __ " __ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Austria GsL _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ ijstlich __ eastward Ofeldw _ _ OberfeldwebeL ___ - __ _ (eorre.~TJonds roughly to U. S.

off ________ - _ ' _ -off ____________ _ off ____________ _

Off __ " __________ -


offen ________ ,,_ offenRiv ________ , _' offizielL _ , __ -- _ ,_ _ - - , , Offizier ___ , _ " __

staff sergeant) open offensive official officer officer candidate

OffEntschG ___ , __ Offizieranwiirter OffizierentschiidigllngRge- officer's compem'ation law

;;;etz Off. Erg. BeSL ___ " _ Offiziererganzungsbestim- officers replacement regula-

IIluIlgen tions Off.K ___ ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OffizierkorpR_, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ officers' corps Offiz __ , __ , ______ Offizier____ ____ officer Offiz.Heitsch _____ " Offizierreit~~chllle _____ , ' Off. KL _ _ ______ _ Offem;ivkrieg _____ "" __ _ Off.Patr ________ _ Offizierpatrouille _____ _ Off.PL _________ _ OffiziNpferd __ '

officers' cavalry offensive war officers' patrol officer'R horse


Off.St __________ _ Offizierstellvertmter __ _ acting officer (noneommis­.~ioned o.flicer)

Off.Stv.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Offizierstellvertreter ___ _

Off z ____________ _ Offizier _______ _

Offz.Anw_ Offizieran wii rter

acting officer (noneommis-8£oned oiJiecr)

_ officer officer candidate

Offz.Anw.d.B_ _ _ Otlizieranwiirter des Beur- candidate for a commiRsioll laubtenRtandes as reserve officer

Offz.Asp___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Offizieraspirant ____ , probat.iollary cadet; aspirant officer

Offz.Aufs_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OffizierallfRicht _ officer's supervbion Offz.d.B __________ Offizier des Beurlaubtell- reserve officer

;;;tandcs Offz.d.R __________ Oflizier der Reserve, ___ . reserve offieer

Page 138: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Offz.d.Rde _______ _ Offizier der Ronde Off z. d. S _________ _ Offizier del' Seewehr ___ _


dpplity officer of the guard naval f(':o;prYe officcl' rctired officer recalled to

active dllty Offz.Entl.Best___ _ _ Offizier-Entlasstlllgshestilll- reglilations COllcNlling the

Offz. (E) _________ _ Ergiinzu ngso ffi zie r

mungen di:o;eharge of o1Jicers Offz.K ___________ Offizierkorps_ _ offieer:o;' corps; cOl1ll1lissiolled

pcrso line! Offz.(La E) _______ LuftaufsichtergiiuzlIllg::<- retired officer I"l'<,allpd to

act.ive duty for air traflic control


Offz.Prf _________ _ Offizierpriifung _______ _ _ officers' examination Offz.Sp.A _________ _ Offizierspeiseanstalt ____ _ Offzstv __ _______ _ Offizierstcll vertreter ______ _

Offz.v.D __________ Offizicr yom DiensL __ _

officerR' lI1eRR acting ofIieer (noncom mis-

8ioned o.t/icer) offi(,cr on duty

Offz.Vers __________ Offizierversammhllll!; _____ officers' assembly Offz.Vers.R _______ Offizierversammlllllgs- ofIicers' asserubly room

raum Offz. v. Kas. D ______ Offizier vom Kasernen- officer on barracks dllty

dienst Offz. y .Lag. D _ _ _ _ _ Offizil'r vom Lagerdienst_ officer on camp duty Offz. v .0_ _ _ _ Offizier yom OrtsdicnsL officer of thc day Offz.v.O.u.d.Rde __ Offizier yom Orbdienst

und der Ronde Offz. v. Tr D _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Offizier yom Truppen­

dienst Offz. (W.E.) _______ W aff energan z u ngsof-

tbier Oflag _____________ Offizierslager ____________ _

0-Flak _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0 r t s f cst e Flu g z e u g­abwehrkanone

O-Flak-BattL ____ orisfeste Flugzeu[.!;-abwehrkanonen bat­terie

O-Flak-Zg ________ ortsfester Flugzeug-ab",ehrkanonenzllg

OFSehm __________ OherfahneTlRchmic<L _____ _ Ofw _____________ OherfcldweheL ________ _

OGefr ____________ Obergefreiter ____________ _

O.Grenz-Kontr ___ ObergrenzkontroJleur ___ _ O.K _____________ Oberkommandierender __ _

OffiCN of the day and deputy otlic('r of the gllarrl

depllty otIicer of th(~ day

ordnance replacement of­ficer

officers prisoner-of-war camp stationary or fixed antiair­

craft gun stationary or fixed antiair­

craft gun battery

stationary antiaireraft pla­toon

horseshoer sergeant (corresponds ruughly to l T. 8.

staff sergeant) (corresponds roughly to U. S.

acting corporal) chief border supervisor high commander

Page 139: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


O.K _____________ Obcrkommando _________ _ O.IL_______ _ OrtskommandanL ______ _ o IL ___________ Ortskommandantur _____ _

Okdo ____________ Oberkommando __________ _ O.K.H _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Oberkommando des H ceres Okkup ____________ Okkupation _________ _ O. K.L ____________ Oberkommando der Luft-


high command loeal military administrator local military administrative

head q lIarte rs high command Army High Command occupation Air Force High Command

O.K.M_________ Oberkommando der Navy High Command Kriegsmarine

O.Kr ____________ Ortskrankenstube ______ _ O.Kr.Ger __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Oberkriegsgericht ________ _ Okt ___________ Oktober _____________ _ O.K.W __________ Oberkommando der

\Vehrmacht O.L_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Oberste Lllftsportkom-

OLandrn ______ _ Oldh__ _ _______ _ OLK ______________ _

mission Oherlandmesser _____ _ Olden burg _ _ _ __ Oberste Luftsportkom-

sick bay; hospital ward general court-martial October High Command of the

Armed Forces Supreme Aerial Sports Com-

mission chief surveyor Oldenburg Supreme Aerial Sports Com-

mission mission bbt. ___________ blstation ______________ oil (fuel) station o IA _______ ______ Oberlelltnant. __________ finit lieutenant O. M __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ortswis,nveisllIlg __________ local compass declination Om________ Ostmark____________ Austria OMA ____________ Obermilitaranwalt. Judge Advocate General OMiIA _____________ Obermilitaranwalt Junge Advocate General OMilBefh _________ Obermilitiirbefeblshaher commander in chief Omn _______________ Omnibus _______________ _ ON ______________ Ortsnetz _____________ _ ONO _____________ Ostnordost. __________ _ 00 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Abort_ _ _ _ _ __ ___________ _ 00 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ Grm,sgii terwagen _______ _

0.0 _ __ _ _ Ordonnanzoffizier _ _ __ _ _ _ o.p _ _ _ _ _ ohue Portepce __________ _

Op _____________ Operation _____________ _ OIL _____________ Operationsabteilung ____ _ O.P ______________ OrtspolizeL ____________ _ Op.B _____________ Operationsbasis ________ _ oper _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ operativ _______________ _

motor bus local telephone network ea1't-northeast latrine 4-axle heavy freight car (u,p

to 15 tons) adminiHtrative officer without sword knot (applies

to junior noncommissioned officers)

operation operations section local police base of operations operative

Page 140: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Operat_ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ Operation ________ . operation operational airport line of operatiolls order Pour le A-J t:rite

Op.FIgh . _ ... _ _ _ _ _ OperationsflughafeJL_ .... Op.L ___________ Operationslinic ______ . O.p.l.m ___________ Orden Ponr Ie Merite_ O.p.l.m.E_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Orden Pour Ie Merite mit order Pour le M erite wit.h

oak leaf Eichenlaub Op.PL ___________ Operationsplan __________ plan of operatiolls OpL _____________ OptiL____ optics Op. Z ____________ . OperatiollszieL _. tactical objective O.Q ______________ Oberquartiermeister ____ . Army Qllartermasl PI" (Depu-

ty O.Qmstr ________ .. Oherqnartiermeister _____ Army Quartenwlster (Depu-

ty Chief-of-Staff) o.R. _____________ ohne Rauch ________ . __ :mlOkeless Ord _______________ Orden_____ _. _______ decoration; order Oro _. ____ . __ _ _ __ _ OrcillUng _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ order

Ord. Offz.. Ordonnapzoffizier _______ . admini:-it.rative officer Ordonn.Offiz ____ . __ . Org ____________ _ org ____________ _ org _____________ _

Org.PL_. _. ______ _ Org.Todt ________ _

Orpo ___ . OrtsbeL __ . Ortsoeh_

Ortsbw ____ _ Ortsgef _ _ .. _ _ _ _ _ _ Ortskdt _______ _ Ortskcltr ________ _

Orts San.Offz_. ___ _ Orb~ Vet.Offz ____ _ OSAF _________ .. __

O.Sch ____ _

Oscha (SA)_ ..

Ordonnanzoffizicr_ ____ _ _ administrative ofliccr OrganisatioIl_ _ _ _ _ ___ . _ _ _ organ izat.ioll organi8ieren____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to organize origineiL ________ .. original OrganisationsplaIl_ _ plan of orf.!;anization Organisation TodL _ _ special eOllst ruC'tiOlJ organi-

Ordnungspolizei ._ OrtsbefestigulIg Ortsbehorde ___ _

zation (named aflN l:tS fir.<! head, J)r. Pritz l'oeil, rte/; dc('eased)

regular poliec local fort ifieatioll muuicipal allthoritips; local

authorities Ortsbiwak __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ close billet

OrtsgefnchL __ _ _ .. _ local combat; local fighting Ortskonnnandant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ local militltry a.dministrator Ortskommandantur.

Ortssanit.atsoffizif'r Ortsveterillaroffizier Oberster SA-Fuhrer ___ _

Oberschutze ___________ . _

Oberscharfuhrer _. _______ _

local military a.dTuini"trative headquarter:;;

local nwdical otfieer local veterillary oflieN Ruprenw Commander of t])p

Stornr Troops (corresponds roughly to U. S.

prit'ate fir.~l I'iflS.~)

first sect ion-leader, Storm Troops (equivalent U. 8. rank: staff sergeo nO

Page 141: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Oscha(SS) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Oberscharfiihrer ________ _

O.Schirrm_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Oberschirrmeister _______ _

OSO ____________ .. Ostsiidost _____________ _ Ost _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ostland ______________ _

Oberstabarzt ______ .. ____ _ OSt.Apoth _ .. __ ... Oberstahsapothekec ____ .. Ostd _____ Ostdeutscher __________ _ Ostd ___________ . Ostdeutschland ________ _

platoon leader, Elite Guard (equivalent U. S. rank: 1st sergeant)

supply sergeant (correspond­ing roughly to U. S. staff sergeant)

east-sou theast Eastern Germany major (Medical Corps) major (Pharmacy) :Eastern German Eastern Germany

Ostuf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Obersturmfiihrer ________ first company-leader (Storm Troops), rank of captain

OSt V ____________ Oberstabsveterinar _ .... _ .. _ major (Veterinary Corps)' ostw ______________ o;;twiirts ___ .. ___ .. _ eastwards o.T ______________ oberer Totpunkk ___ . ___ upper center of gravity; top

dead center O.T ______________ Organisation TodL ______ special construction organi-

zation (named after its first head, Dr. Fritz Todt, now deceased)

Otg ______________ Ortung _________________ orientation; location; navi-gation

OTF _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Obertruppfiihrer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ first platoon-leader (Storm Troops), rank of 2d lieu­tenant

O.U ______________ Ortsunterkunft ___ .. billet O.u.E ____________ Orden und Ehrellzeiehen __ decoration and badges of

honor O. Untk ____ _ Ortsunterkunft __________ billet OV _____ _ Oberycterinar ___________ fir~t lieutenant (Veterinary

o. V ______ . _ _ _ ohne Verptlegung _______ . o.V ______________ ohne Verzogerllng_ .. O.v.D ____________ Offizier yom Dienst_. O.V.L ____________ oberste Verkehrsleituug __

Corps) without rations without delay officer on duty general headquarters,

control sectioIl traffic

O.v.N ___ . ___ _ Offizier vom Nachrich- intelligence officer tt'lldienst

O.v.O _____ . ____ OffiziervomOrtsdiensk. OW _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Oberwachtmeister ______ _

officer of the day (corresponds roughly to U. B.

staff sergeant)

Page 142: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


OWachtmstr ______ Oberwachtmeister ______ ..

O.z ___________ . _.. Oberzahlmeister _______ _ O.Z ______________ Oberzensurstelle __ .. _____ _ Oz ____________ . _. OzealL _______ .. __ .. ____ _ O. ZrrL _ .. _ .. ____ . _. 0 berzahlmeil:.; Ler ________ _ OzN _ _ _ __ . _ _ __ _ Ost zu N orrL _. _____ _ OzS ______________ Ost zu Siid __ _

p P _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Panzer ______ . _ _ __ . ____ . P __ _ _ _ .. _ .. _ _ _ _ _ PanzergcHchos,, __ P _______________ Panzertruppe __________ _


(correspond8 roughly to U. S. staff sergeant)

chid paymaster chief censor's office oeean chief paymaHter east by north east by sou th

armored armor-piercing shell armored troops; armored

units; mechanized unit.s; tank forces (P on shoulder stmps)

P_----------­P_--------­P_----- ._ .. _

Park _________________ park; depot Parkplatz _____ . _ _ __ ParsevaL ___ _

P_----- Partci ____ .. P_------- . ___ ._. Patrone __ .

parking lot (Jor alltomobiles) Parse val (non-rigid, airship) party; faetioll

. _ cartridge; selllifixed shell; round of amlllunition

P _____ . _ Patrollille .. _ _... patrol P ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PegcL ____ .... _

P_---- _ .. _____ _ P_--_._­P_-----_.

Pcrsonenzug __ _ pfercL _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ PhosphoL _____________ _

P ____ . __ . __ . _ _ _ _ _ Pionier ____ . _ _ _______ _ P ___________ Pistotc __ .. ________ .. _

p------- -------P_----P_---_. P_---­P_-- -P __ - __

P_----P _______ . - - __

planllliissig _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

PlatzpatrOJII' . Polizeibealllt('r .. Pralhlchitf __ _ Proh)stant _ _ _ ProviaIlt ____ . _ .. _ _ _ _ _ _ Pulver ____ . _ . _ .. _ _ _ __ Pumpe .. _ _ _ _ Punzerabwehr

.Httpr gauge; watermark POl't (on maps)

pUHl'enger train horse phw.;phorlls


combat engineer pistol


according to plan blank cartridg(' police offkial; )Jo1i(,(,lllan non-rigid airship Protestant t'uppljps; provisiollH; :,;tort'H

powder pump antitank defense P.A_ ..

P.A.A __ PA

Panzt'rabwt'IHltbtcilllllll: _ anlitank ddadllrH'nt Perl'ollalamL _ _ _ _ Army PNf;OIllIP] Offiee

PA ___ _ Propagandaamt_ _ _ _____ propaganda office

Page 143: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Packh ___________ _ PackhUlle _____________ _ Packpf __________ _ Packpferd_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ P&ck-Wg _______ _ Packwagen ___________ ,_

Pack-Wg.mF.Schm_ Packwagen mit. Feld-schmiede

Pak ________ _ Panzerabwehrkanone ___ _ PAN _______ _ Dringlichkeitsmeldung __ _

Panz. Tr.PL Zg_ _ _ _ _ Panzertruppenpionicrzug_

P.A.O _____________ Proviantamt.sordnung __ --Pap ______________ Papiergeld _____ - - - - -- - - --Pap.M ___________ Papiermiihle ____ - - _ - -- __ Par _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Parade _____ - - - -- - - __ - - _ Par.Anz ___________ Paradeanzug ___________ _ Par.Stg ___________ Parierstange ___ - _ -- __ Part. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ParteL ___ - -_ - - - -- - -- - - - - __ Pass _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Pasfiagier _ - - - - - - -- - -- - - - _ Pass.SelL _________ Passierschein ____ - - ___ - __ PaL _____________ PatenL _____ ---------_ Patr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Patrone __ - - - - - - - - - - _ - -_

Patr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Patrouille _____ - _ - _____ _ Patr. Mun_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Patronenmunition - - - _ - __ Patr.T ___________ Patronentasche _______ _ Patr. Tr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PatronentrommeL ____ - __ _ Patr.Wg _ _____ _ PatronenwageIL ___ _ P.Auftrag_ _ _____ Patrouillenauftrag __ PB _____________ Pionierbataillon ____ _ PB ______________ Polizeibeamter __ P.B. T __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Panzerbeobachtllng~tllrm_ PEG___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Pensionsergan z II ngs-

gesetz Pens_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Pension _________ - _ _ __ _ Pens V _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Pensionierungsvorschrift

fUr das Heer Perisk ____________ Periskop ______________ _ Perm _____________ Permancnz ____________ _ perm. BeL _________ permancnte Befestigullg __ pers ______________ personlich _______________ _ Pers_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Person ________________ _

Pers.Adj __________ personlicher AdjlltanL __ _

carrying case pack horse baggage wagon baggage wagon with mobile

forge antitank gun emergency message (aV1:a­

tion) combat engineer platoon of

tank troops supply office regulations paper money paper mill (on maps) parade; review parade uniform bayonet guard party; faction passenger pafiS; permit officer's commission; patent cartridge; semi fixed fihell;

round of ammunition patrol fixed ammunition cartridge pouch cartridge drum ammunition carrier patrol task; patrol mission combat engineers battalion police ofticial; policeman armored observation turrd law regarding 8upplementan-

pension pension pension regulations for the

army periscope lwrmanenc( permanent fortification personal person; paf'senger-personal adjutant; aide elf'

camp Per-StofL ______ GrUnkreuz ________________ "green cross" choking ga;;

Page 144: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Pers. V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Personenverkehr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ passenger t.raffic Petr.F ___________ Petroleumfeuerung ___ .. __ petroleum firing (heating);

Pf ______________ _ P.F _____________ _ Pf ______________ _ Pf ______________ _ Pf ______________ _

Pf ________ ._ .. ____ _ Pf _________ .. _ Pf ______________ _ Pf ______________ _ Pf ______________ _ Pf __________ . ___ _ Pf.Aush ______ . ___ _ Pf .A. V ______ _

Pfd ____________ _ Pf.D ______ _ Pfd.Kr.Kw ______ _

petroleum fuel mit Pferdezug ________ .. __ horse-drawn Personenfahre ___________ passenger ferry (on maps) Pfennig ________________ pfennig (1/100 of mark) PIerd __________________ . horse pferdehalter _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ groom (cavalry) Pfiege ______ ._ ________ nursing; care Ptlicht ________________ duty; ohligation Ptiock _______________ ._ _ peg; stake; picket PfuhL _________________ pool (on maps) Pfund _______________ pOlllld ( . .5 ofa kilogram)

Polizeifuhrer ____ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ch ief of police Pferdeaushebtmg__ _ _ _ _ re<jubitionillg of hon'{'~ Pferdeaushebungsvor- rejrulations for the reqllil'i-

schrift tioning of hor,.;ps Pfcrd____________ _ horse Pferdedepot _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ remount depot Pferdekrankenkraft- horse ambulance

wagen Pfd.Kr.Kw.KoL ___ Pferdekrankenkraftwa- horse ambulance coillmn

genkoloIllle (rnotorized) Pfd.Trsp.\Vg ______ Pferdetran!:lportwagen_. horse transport wagon Pf.Ers ____________ Pferdeersatz_________ horse replacement PLF ______________ Pfadfinder ______________ scout

PtHB____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Pferdefeldbahn__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ horl-lc ficld-railroad Pf.Fz ___________ . Pfg ______ . __ . _ _ ___ _ Pf.Kr.S.St _____ _

Pf.L ____________ _ PH ______________ _ pH ______________ _ Pti ______________ _ PH ______________ _ Pti _____________ _

Pferdefahrz('ug._ _ ___ ._ _ _ _ horse-drawn veltiele Pfennig _____ ._. _ pfennig (J/l0() oj mark) Pferdekran keIlHa lIunpl- collecting station for

stelle Pfcrdelazarett Ptlege ____ _ pflegen ____________ _ Pflicht __________ . ~ ____ _ PHock ________________ _ PfuhL __________________ _

horses horse hospital Ilursing; care to nllrse; to take cart> of duty; obligation peg; stake; picket pool (on rnapN)

Pf.Laz _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Pferdelazarett. horse hospital Pfiegcp __________ _ pflgem _ _ _ _ _____ _

Pflegepersonal _________ _ pflichtgcmass __________ _

nursing- perHollllel duty-bOlllld; 10_val


P.F.S ___________ _

Pf. Verb.PL ______ _ Pf. W ____________ _

Peilfunkstelle __________ _ Pferdeverhandplatz _____ _ pferdewarter ____________ _

radio bea.ring station dressing station for h<m';PR

horHe-groom Pf _ Zg ___________ _ mit Pferdezug __________ _ horse-drawn

Page 145: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Pg _______________ Parteigenosse ___________ member of the National

?G ______________ Pensionsgesetz _______ .: __ P. G. I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Piolliergeriitinspizient ___ _

PGr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Panzergranate _________ _ Ph _______________ PhosphoL _____________ _

Pharm _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Pharmazeu t ___________ _

P.B. D ___________ Pionicrhauptdepot ______ _ Ph. Mun __________ Phosphormllnition ______ _

phoL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ photogrammetrisch _____ _ Phot _____________ Photographie __________ _ phot _____________ photographisch ________ _ photogr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ photogrammetrisch ______ _ Photom _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Photometer ____________ _ phys _____________ physisch ______________ _ PL ______________ PionieL _______________ _ Pi _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Pistole _ _ _ __________ _ Pi08_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Pistole (Modell von 1908)_ PLA_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PioIlierabteiIIlIlg ________ _

Pi B_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PionierbatailloIl ________ _ Pi.Br. KoL ________ Pionierbrtickenkolonne ___ _ Pi. Btl ____________ Pionierbataillon ________ _ Pi. lId. Karr _______ Pionierhandkarren ______ _

Socialist Party pension law combat engineer equipment

inspector armor-piercing shell phosphorus (ammunition,

tracer) pharmacist; apothecary;

druggist combat engineer main depot phosphorus (tracer) ammu-

nition photogrammetric photography photographic photogrammetric photometer; light meter physical pioneer; combat engineer pistol pistol, model 1908 combat engineer detach-

ment combat engineer battalion engineer bridge train combat engineer battalion combat engineer halldcart

Pi. Kp__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Pionierkompanie _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ combat engineer compall.V Pi.Kp.(mot) _______ motorisierte Pionier- motorized combat engineer

kompanie PLK.u.F __________ Pionierdicnst irn Kampf

Ulli Festungen

cornpan.v combat engineers instruc­

tions for warfare on fortifi-cations

PiL_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PiloL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ pilot

Pi.I..Boot _ Pi.1\lasch.Zg Pion_ _ _ _ _______ _

Pion.BtL_ Pion.Kol_ Pion. Min.I\omp_

Pionier- LandungsbooL __ _ Pioniermaschinenzug _____ _ Pioniec ________________ _ Pionierbataillon _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Pionierkolonne Pioniermineukompanie __ _

PiOll.U.N"achr.P ____ Pionier- ulld Nachrichten-park

combat engineer assault-boat engineer repair platoon pioneer; combat engineer combat engineer battalion combat engineer train combat engineer mine com-

pany combat engineer and signal

equipment depot (on maps)

Page 146: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Pion. Vers.K _ _ _ _ _ _ Pioniervcrsuchskompanie __ combat engineer experimen­

Pion. 'V g_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Pionierwagen _. _______ _ Pi. Park-E.p. __ . __ _ _ Pionierparkkompanie __ . __

tal company combat engineer wagon combat engineer park com-

pany Pi. Rgt. ___ .. _ _ _ _ _ _ Pionierregiment .. ___ . _ _ _ _ _ combat engineer re!1;imcnt Pi.Seh _____ . _____ . Piouicrschule_.__ _ combat pngilH'Cr school Pi.Sehirrm.V ______ Piollierschirrmeistervor-


Pi.Schwd _________ PionierHchwadrou _____ ._

service rpgulatioIll-i for sup­ply l-il'rgeants (combat eu­gineers)

com bat clIgint'Pf t fOOP (cat­


PLSpr.M _________ PiouierHprengmitteL _____ exploHivc;; used by combat

PbL .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Pi;;tole _ __ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ Pist. Gr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ PistolengritL Pist.Sch_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PiHtolenschiessen __ _ Pist.Sch_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Pistolenschut;r,e _____ . PLtib.PL _________ Piouierubungsplah

P. Verb.Offz __ -_____ Pio ni er vcr bi ud u ngs-o fti;r, ier

Piv.L_..: __________ Pivotlafette _____________ _

PL~-st. KL _______ Pionierwcrkstatt Klallfl-dorf

PLZg ____________ PionieTzug __ _ PL _______________ Park P _ K _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ Propagandakolll pan ie_ PkL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Punk L ___________ _

PkV\, _____________ PackwagPTL_ Pkw _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ PanzerkraftwagPlI Pkw _____________ Perflonenkraftwagen __ _

enginecn; pistol pistol grip ph,tol thing pistol sharpshooter COlli hat PlIgin(,pr

grollnd com bat engineer

officer pivot mounting;

mount (attnlery)



rotat illg

combat cngill('l'r worb;hop, Klaul-idorf

combat (,llgillPpr platoon par k; dl'pot propaganda company point; dot; Twriod; aid stll­

tion (medical)

baggage wa(.!;on armored car pafll-i(,lIg('r antolllohill'; pa,.;-

Sf'Ilg('r car; lIJotor ear PL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Personen- und I.astauto _ _ com bi nation pal-iS(~Il(.!;er cal'

and trllck PI ______________ ~ pL ____________ ._ , __ "' planmiissig ____________ _ Pl _____________ _ Platpau _______________ _ PI ______________ _ PlatirL ______________ _ PI ______________ _ Platz __________________ _

planm _________ _ planmiissig_ _ _ __ _ _ _____ _

plan; map; dpsigll; project aecordirig to plan plateau platinum location; place; aid station

( medical) according to plan

Page 147: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


P-LauL_ ..

P Kdo __


Platzpatronenlauf am Maschinengcwehr

Platzkommando ______ ~ _ .. Platzmajor ____________ ..

PI.Patr Platzpatrone ___________ _ PI. Sch _ __ _ Planschiessen _ _ _______ _ Plu ______ .. ' ___ '_ .. Planunterlage __________ _ PI. VeL _. _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ Platz veterinitr __________ _ Pl.W __ .... ________ Plauwagen_ .. _________ _ PIz _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Plan zeiger _ _ __________ _ PI. Zch 11 _____ '. _ _ _ Planzeich nen ___________ .. PM_ __ _ ____ _ _ _ _ _ Papiermark. ___________ _ PM _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Platzmajor ______ .. _____ _

P.M ____________ _ Pulvermagazill_ _ ______ _ Pmk. ____________ _ Papiermark __ . _______ _ P-Muu ___________ _ PlatzpatroneIlmunitioll __ _ Pm.W ___________ _ Postzug mit Wehrmacht-

teil PIIeu _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Pneumatik_ P. 0 ______________ PersonenonlIlibus_ PO ______________ Politische Organisation

der NSDAP PoL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PolizeL ___ _ Pol B_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ___ Polizeibeamter _________ _ Pom_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ POIll1llern .. _ PonL ____________ PontoIL_. PonL _ _ _ _ ... _ __ Ponto!1nier _ _ ____ . __ Pont.Br ________ Pontonbriicke _________ _ PontoIl _________ __ Pontollnier Pont.Zg. ____ .. __ POlltonzllg .. _____ .. __ . ____ _ PorL _ __ ______ _ Portepee_____ .. _ _" Port. Uffz . ________ _ Portepeellntemffizier ____ _

PosiLArt. _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ PositiowmrtiIlerie .. __ .. __ _

POS.Lpll _________ Positiollsiampen ___ .. __ _ PI' . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Phosphor _ . ___________ _

blank-cartridge ba.rrel of machine gun

garrison headquarters fortress headquarter's execu-

tive officer blank cartridge map fire (artillery) plane table local veterinary tilted cart plotting board llIap making; plotting paper mark (currency) fortress headquartpr's execu-

tive officer powder magazine (on maps) paper mark (currency) blank ammunition mail train with section for the armed forces

pneumatics; pneumatic tire passenger bus political organization of the

National Socialist Party police police official; polieeman Pomerania ponton ponton-bridge engineer ponton bridge ponton-bridge engineer pont.on platoon officer's sword knot senior noncommissioned of­

ficer (with o.tficer' 8 sword knot)

artillery in permanent em· placements

navigation lights phm~phorus (a m Tn /I n£tt'on,

tracer) P. It __ ... _______ . _ _ Piollierregimellt __________ combat engineer regiment PL __ . ____ .. __ ._ Probe _____ .. _. _________ trial; test

Page 148: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Pr ____ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Proviant. Pr _ ._ .. ___ .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Priifung_ .. ___ ... Pr A _____ .. ________ Proviantamt_ Pr AD _. ___ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Proviantamtsdirektor. Priis.St _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ Priisenzstiirke_ Pr lA .. __________ ProviantamtsinspektoL .. _ prakt ___________ .. _ praktisch ________ .. _. ____ _ prbw __ .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ probeweise _____________ _

PrL __________ ._

Pris R


Prti(nng_ .. _ . Prisenrecht

preussil'che Meile

Pr M ___ . _____ . _ _ _ _ Proviantrneis/Pf

Pr.MUIl .. _ ... ___ . Pho;;phorm unitioll_

ProbL ______ .. _ ... Problem ... _.

supply; provisionf<; ~tores test; examination; cllPck supply office; depot Rupply office director effecti ves; effect,iye Rtrength supply office inspector practical by way of trial; pxppri­

mental test; examination; clwck right of capture; law Il:O\"­

erIling prizes (nrlt!nl) PruRsiall mile (7J);-l;J kilo­

meters) rations non-collllllissiOllPd of­

ficer phosphorus (t,racPf) ammu­

nition. problem

Proj _____________ _ Projekk .... . ___ . _ _ _ _ _ _ project Proj ____________ _ ProkL _____ . _ _ __ Prol ______ . ______ _ PromL __________ _ Prop_ .. _______ _

Prop_. Prop.MiTL ___ .. _ ProRp... _ _ _ _ _ __ Prot ___________ _

Prot .... _ .. __ .. ___ _ Prot _ ... _ .... Prov ..

ProjektiL .. Proklamation _ .... Prolongation .. _ PropaganoamiTliHterill1Il Propaganda __ Propeller _ . Propagandami n is t pri IlIIl

Pro;;pekt. __ . ProtektiolL _ .. _ ....

projectile proclamation

_ prolongation _ propaganoa minist.ry

propaganda propeller Propaganda :\1 j nistry

Protektorat .... _ _. ____ ._

prosppct protectiou Prot.ectorate Prote"tant Protestant. _. _ . __ ....

Proviant. _ ..... __ _ Pro v .Amt . ___ ... _ Proviantant..

supplies: provisions: i"t ores supply offiee: depot (an maps) provincial ins1itllt ion provincia~ highwll.v provincial wat erway; provin-

Prov. An;;!;. __ .. _ _ _ _ Provinzialanstalt . Prov.Ch __ .... _____ Provinzial-Chausspc. _ .. __ Prov. Wf<Rtr . __ . _ _ _ _ Provinzialwa.<;serRtra.'lSe ... _

ProzenL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._ Proz.G _______ . __ _ Prozentgehalt ______ .. __ ._ PI' . SL .. ________ _ Protzenstellung ____ . _____ _ Prtif __________ _ Prtifung_______ ___ ._ Prv_ .. Proviant __ _ Pry .Amts-Dir ____ _ Proviantamtsdirektor _ '. __

eial canal per cent percent.age contpnt limber position tPRt; examination; check sllppl~T; provi8ions; st.oreR suppl;v office director

Page 149: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Prvmstr _______ ._ _ Proviantmeister _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rations noncommissioned officer

PS _________ . Pferdestarken_. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ horsepower P.S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ Pionierschule. ___ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ combat engineer school PS_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Postskriptum _ _ _ _ _ postscript P.S.Gr________ Panzerstahlgranate__ _ _ steel armor-piercing Rhell PSL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ indizierte PferdestarkerL _ indicated horsepower PS Std ___________ pferdestarken pro Stunde_ horRepower per hour PSt ______________ PasRstelle _______________ passport office; point on a

mountain pass P.St _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ Pioniersturmalllcitlmg ____ combat engineer assault man-

PC _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Pontonnier _ _ _ _ _ _____ _ Pt. V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Pontonniervorschrift ____ _ P. V _____________ Post-tlberwachung _____ _ Pulv ______________ Pulver ________________ _ pulv ____________ pulverisieren ____________ _ Pulv.Fabr ________ Pulverfabrik_ -- _ - ___ - ___ _ Pulv. Mag ________ Pulvermagazin_ - - - - - - - --Pumpst _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Pumpstation ___ - ___ - __ P. V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Pensionierungsvorschrift __ P. V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Pontonniervorschrift ___ -_ P. V. V ____________ Patronenverwaltungsvor-

schrift P.V.W ___________ Postvorschrift fUr die

pw ______________ _ Pw ______________ _

p"._--- ---------Pw 4 V __________ _

Pyrot ___________ _ pz _____________ _ PZ ______________ _

PZ.Abw _________ _ PZ.Abw.Abt. ____ _ Pz.Abv--.Kp. Pz.Abw.Zg ______ _ Pz.A.O.K ________ _

Pz. B_ _ _ __ ______ _ Pz.B ____________ _

Wehrmacht paarweise _____________ _ Packwagen ____________ _

Personenzuggepackwagen 4-achziger D-Zuggepack-

wagen mit stahlerner Vbergangsbriicke

Pyrotechniker __________ _ Panzer ________________ _ Personenzug ___________ _ Panzerabwehr- __________ . _ PanzerabwehrabteiIung __ _ Panzerabwehrkompanie __ Panzcrabwchrzug_ _ _ _ __ _ Panzerarmeeo berkom-

mando Panzerbuchse __________ _ Panzerbrigade __________ _

ual ponton-bridge engineer ponton bridging regulations surveillance of mails powder to pulverize powder factory powder magazine (on maps) pnmp station (on maps) pension regulations ponton bridging regulations ammunition handling regula-

tions postal regulations for the

armed forces by pairs; in couples baggage wagon passenger-train baggage-car 4-axle express-train baggage-

car with steel footbridge

artificer armor; armor-plate passenger train antitank antitank battalion antitank company antitank platoon high command of an ar­

mored army antitank rifle tank brigade; armored bri­


Page 150: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining

ABBREVIA nONS 147 pzbr ____________ _

Pz.B.Tr _________ _ Pz.D _______ . _____ _ pz Ft ___________ _

pz.Fu.Wg ______ _ PZ.Gr. _________ _ Pz.Gr ___________ _ Pz.Jg __________ _ Pz .• Jg.Abt ________ _ Pz.Kp __________ _

Pz.Kpfw ________ _ Pzk w _______ . _____ _ Pzkw.-Nachb. ___ _

panzerbrechend _ _ _ _ _ .... Panzerbuchsentrupp __ Panzerdivision ___ .. _ . __ Panzerfort ___ . __ Panzerfunkwagen _____ _ Panzergranate __ Panzergrenadier- ______ .. _ .. Pallzerjiiger-Panzerjiigerabteilllng _____ . Panzerkompallic __

Panzerkampfwagen ._ Panzerkraftwagen _ Panllerkraftwagennach-

bildung Pz. Rgt ___________ Panzerregiment _____ _

pzsch_ .. __ . PanzcrschUlcr _.

armor-piercing antitank rifle f'eetion armored divi;,ion armored fort armored radio car armor-piercing :::;holl infantry in a panzN unit antitank antitank battalion armored company; tank com-

pany tank tank dummy tank

panzer regiment; tank regi­lllent; armored rej.!;inlPut

student at armored school Pz.Spr.Gr ______ _ Panzersprenggranate _____ high-explosive armor-pierc-

Pz.sp.Wg _________ PanzerRpiihwagen ___ _

Pz.Sp.Wg.Kp _____ Panzerspiihwagen kOIll-

P;I;.T _________ _ P;I;. '1'r _ . _____ .. __ .

Pz.Trsp.Wg ____ _


Pan 7.erturllL __ .. Panzertruppen


P-Zug ___________ ._ Postzllg . Pz. Verb _______ _

l'zwff ________ . __ _

Pz.Z. Pz.-Zg_ . _________ _

q--- -----------­Q----------------Q---- - ---------I1cm. _____ .


Panzerwaffe . Panzerziel Panzerzug.

Quadrant __ _ Quadrat_ qualifiziert


Quartier_. Qllerschnittsiw last ung. Quaciratzentimctcr.

ing shell anllored reconnaissance car;

armored Rcout ear tank recollnaissance COlll­

pany; armored scout car company

arlJlored turret JIlPe han ized

forees units; tank

armored tran:::;port vphicle; tank earrier

mail train Ilwehallized tank foree; tank

force: mechaniz('(i force armored troopi'i i tank troops tall k objecti ve armored train; tallk plat.oon

quadrant· i'iquare qualifit-d hillet: quarters ballii'itie coefficient square centimeter,

Page 151: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


qduL ____________ _ (~uadratdezimeter~ _____ _ qkm ____________ _ Quadratkilometer _____ ~ __ qL _____________ - querliegend ______________ _ QM _____________ _ Quadratmeile ____________ _ qIn _____________ _ Quadratmeter __________ _ qmm ___ .~ ~ _______ ~. Quadratmillimeter ______ _ Qmstr __________ _ Quartiermeister ________ _

square decimeter square kilometer diagonal square mile square meter square millimeter quartermaster (general

officer) staff

QSL-Karte _ _ __ _ _ _ _ Funkverkehrskarte _ _ _ _ _ _ wireless communication map; radio network chart

Qu ______________ _ Qu ______________ ~ Qu ______________ .

Qu _____ .. ______ _ Quadr __________ _ Quadr ___________ .. quadr ___________ _ QuaL _ ~ _________ _ quaL ____________ _ Qual. Bel' ________ __ QnaL _________ ._ Quart- __ . ______ _ QnartuL ________ _ Quart. Mstr ______ _

(luart.W - _____ _ Qu.HcL _____ _ Qu.-Hlcllde _____ _

QuartieL ______________ _ Quarticrverpflegung _____ _ -QueUe_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _________ _

Querschnitt ____________ _ Quadran t ______________ _ Quadrat _______________ _ quad ra tisch ____________ _ Qualifikation ___________ _ qualifizierL _ _ __ _ _______ _ Qualifikationsbericht ____ _ Quarantane __ .. (~uartier___ _ _____ _ Quartiermacher ________ __ Quartierrnei:ster ________ _

Quartierwirt __ . Querschnitt,:sbelastullg ___ _ Querschnittsblellde ______ _

billet; quarters rationing in quarters spring; well; fountainhead

(on maps) profile; :section; cross-section quadrant square square qualification qualified qualification report quarantine billet; quarters billeting officer quartermaster (general staff

officer) host (in billets) ballistic coefficient

quitt _____________ quittieren _____________ _

shutter (to reduce the size and intensity of blinker beam)

to quit; to receipt; to give a receipt

Qu. M _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Quartiermeister ________ _ quartermaster (general staff officer)

R R _______________ _ Hation _________ . ________ ration

rechts_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ right H. __ _ Regiment _______________ regiment R _______________ _ Reglement____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ regulations; manual; text

book R_ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Reich ___ . __ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Reich R____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Reichsminister _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Reich minister r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ reitend ___ .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mo ullted

Page 152: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


R_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Reiter ______________ _ IL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Rekr'uk _______ . ________ _ R ____ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Reserve _____ . ____ . _____ _ R_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Rettung_ _ _ ___________ ._ R ________________ lticht- ________________ _

cavalryman recruit reserve rescue aiming; sighting


R ________ .. _ _ _ _ _ _ Richtung_ _ _ ___ . __ . _____ _ R ______________ . __ Rohr __________________ _

direction; alignment; aim barrel (gun); tube (radio);

pipe R ____ .. _______ . _ _ Rotationslllotor _________ engine (aviation) R_ _ _ _ . ______ .. _ .. Riick:4oRslader _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ recoil-operated gun IL ___________ .. _ Ruhestand ____________ ._ n~tirel1lent

R .. ____ . ________ . Ruine_________________ ruin; ruins (on maps) r. ________ . ______ .. rund________ round; circular IL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ RundkopfgeschoRR ... _ round-headed projPctilf' R. A _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Regil1lentsar7.L _ _ _ _ _ _ regil1lentall1ledicai offif'er R.A ____________ Heicht;amt __ .. ________ Rpich Government. Office R.A ______ . _. ___ _ RcmonteamL _______ . ___ remount depot It A ____ . Richtaufsatz_ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ gun sight R A H. Reichsautobahn __________ Reich motor highway Ra(t. _ _ _ _. _ _ _ Radio ___ ._ _ radio R.A. D ____ . __ .. _ ._ Heichsarbeitdienst _ ,~ational Labor Service Radf __ .. _________ Hadfahr- __ . _"".. hi cycle RadLBtL ____ . _ _ _ Radfahrbatailloll_. bicycle battalion RadLKp ______ . __ Hadfahrkompanie _ bicycle company RadLSchwd _______ Hadfahrt;chwadrOlL ______ bicycle troop (cavalry) Radf. Tr _______ . __ Hadfahrtruppe __________ bicycle troop Radiogr __ .. _ _ _ _. R.adiop;ramIlL _ _ _ _ radiogram RAdj____ _____ Regiml'l1.tRadjlltant. regimental adjllt.ant r.Ag _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ riiekwartigef-l ArlllP!'gebiek rpar arps. IIndPr cont.rol of an


Hah.H ________ . __ . Rahmcnhecr ___________ cadrp army HaL ___________ . Hakete____ . _______ )"()('kd: narp

R.A.K ___________ Reservearmeekorps_ _ _ _ r(~s('rvl' army corp~ RAmt ___________ . HeichsamL_. ______ ._ .. Reich GoVt'mml'llt Office RandsL__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ralldstaat_ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ border i'ltatp Rang.Bhf ________ _ Rangicrbahnhof __

Rang-KL ______ ._ Hangkla;1st~ __________ _ RangL _________ _ Rangliste ___________ .. Rano ___________ _ ReichsarbeitsT1lwhwl'is f\iT


shunting station or yard (on maps)

clasf-l; degree of rank; grade officers' regif-ltN Reich emplo~'l\l('nt ageney for

officers R.A.N .St ________ . Remonteamtsncb(,llstclle _ remount allxiliary depot

Page 153: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


R.Anst.f.I.schtz_ _ _ Reichsanstalt fUr I.uft­schutz

R Anw ____________ ReichsanwalL __ _ r.A.R ____________ reitend~)s Artillerieregi-

ment R.ArzL ________ RegimentsarzL ________ _ RaL____________ Balion_ _ __________ _ Raup _ _ _ _ _ _ _____ _ Raup.Fzg _____ _ R A ussch-Kriegs­


Rb _____________ _

Raupe _______________ _

Raupenfahrzeug ______ _ Reichsausschuss der

Kriegsbeschadigten­und Kriegshinterblie­benen-Fursorge

Regierungsbezirk ________ _

R. B ______________ RegimentsbefehL _______ _ Rb_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Reichsministerium fUr die

besctzten Gebiete Rh ______________ Reihenbild ________ _ R. B _____________ Reiterbrigade ___________ _ r.Battr ___________ reitende Batterie _______ _ R Bez ____________ RegieruugsbezirL ______ _

RbL __________ RangierbahnhoL _______ _ RbL __________ ReichsbahnhoL _______ _ RhF. 34 ___________ Rundblickfernrohr 34- __ _

R.Bg ___________ _ Reiterbrigade ____________ _ Rbl.F _________ _ Rundblickfernrohr ______ _ R.B.St _________ _ Regieru ngsbezirksha u pt-

stadt R.B.T ____________ Richtlinien zur Beurteil-

ung der TalIgJichkeit fur das Reichsheer lInd die Marine

r.Bttr ____________ reitende Batterie __ Rch_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Reich _ _ _ _ _ _ ________ _

(Branch and) I~iaison Office of the German Air Minis­try

Assistant Attorney General horse artillery regiment

regimental medical officer ration caterpillar track full-track vehicle Reich Committee for the

Care of War Injured and War Dependents

civil administration district; governmen t district

regimental order Reich Ministry for Occupied

Territories mosaic (aerial photo) horse cavalry hrigade mounted battery civil administration district;

government district shunting station or yard railroad station (on maps) panoramic sight, M-34 (ar-

tillery) horse cavalry brigade panoramic sight capital city of civil adminis­

tration district directions for the jUdging of

fitness for active duty in the Heich army and na vy

horse battery Reich

Rchs _____________ Reichs-_________________ Reich-Rcklf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Rucklauf _______________ recoil (of weapons) Rd_______________ Had_____ ________ wheel; bicycle R.D _____________ HekrutendepoL _________ recruit depot R.D _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Reservedivision _________ reserve division rd _______________ rund_ _ __ _ _________ round; circular

Page 154: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


R.D.A ___________ Rangdienstalter ________ rank and seniority RDemobA__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Reichsdemobilmachungs- Reich Demobilization Office

amt HdL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Radfahr- ___ __ _ _ _ __ bicycle R.d.F _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Reichsminister der FiIlan- Reich Finance Millister

RD FL __________ ._. RD H ___________ _ RDisz-HL _______ _ R Disz Kam _____ _ H.rl.L _________ _

zen Reichsdienstflagge _______ _ Reichsdisziplinarhof ____ _ Reichsdisziplinarhof ____ . __ Reichsdisziplinarkammer _ Heiehsrninister der Luft-


German service flag Reich Disciplinary Court Reich Disciplinary Court Reich Disciplinary Chamber Reich Minh:lter of Aviation

RDO ____________ Reiehsverband Deutscher Reich ARsociatioll of German Offizicre Officers

RdL _____________ RechtsdralL ___________ elockwise rifling (weapons) Rdr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ReichHdruckerei _ _ _ _ _ Reich Printing Office RDStO____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Reichsdienst,strafordnung_ Reich Service Penal Code reakL _____________ reaktivierL ____________ rpactivated reakL ____________ reaktiollar. _____________ rpactionary RefL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Reflektor _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ reflector Hpfr ____________ _ H eg _____________ _ Heg ______ _ Reg _____________ _ reg _____________ _ rpg.A ____________ _ Heg.Bez _________ _

Reg.Gef.SL _____ _ RegL ____________ _

Hefraktor _______________ refractor RegimenL _____________ _ Regimen1.s-. ________ , _____ _ Region _________________ _ rpgular _____________ _ regulare Armee_. __ . Rcgierllllgsbezirk_

regiment regimental region regular regular arm." civil administ,ration dh.;trict;

government dist riet RegimentHgefechtsstalHL _ regimental eOlllllJanci pOHt Reglemenk ______________ regulations; mallual; tl'xt

book Re~leIllel1t-------------- re~1I1atioIlH; IlHtIIH!tl; text;;

book Reg.Sattll'J"tr ~ . Re~imelltsHattlerllleiHter __ re~imell t al Haddle

regiment HegL RegimenL~ ~ __ reg.Tr ______ ~__ _ _ _ regulare Trllppe~ ~ _______ _ re~ular t mop!'! reguL regular_~ ____ .~ ___ _ regnlar Reichsfrhr ___ . _ _ _ _ _ Reichsfreiherr ___________ _ Baron of the Reieh (title of

nobility) Reich"kok _____ _ Reichskokarde _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cockade: em bJplll of the

Germall Reich Reichskr_FL ______ Reieh"kriegHflagge _______ Reich war flag Reichsw ___ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ Reichswehr._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ standing G e r III a II arm y

(befoTe 1983)

Page 155: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Reihenf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Reihenfolge __________ ~ __ Reinschr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Reinschrift ____________ _ Reisek _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ Rei!3ekosterL ___________ _ Reit ______ ._ ReiteL ____ . ___________ ._ Reit. N sp _ _ _ _ __ _ _ Reiternachspitze _______ . Reit Rgt _______ .. _ Reiterregimen L ________ _ Reitsch_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Reitschule _____________ . Reitv __ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Reitvorschrift __________ _ Reit.Zg ___________ Reiterzug _____________ _ rek _______________ rekollstruierL ________ .. _ Rekr ____ . _________ RekruL _____ _

order; arrangement clean copy traveling expellses cavalryman cavalry rear point ca valry regimen t ca valry school; riding school equitation manual ca valry platoon recollstructed recruit

Rekr.Ausb _______ .. Rekruten-Ausbilder, -Aus- recruit trainer or training bildullg

Rekr.Dep ____ . ____ HekrutendepoL_ .. _______ recruit depot Rekr.Offz _____ . _ _ _ _ Rekrutenoffizier- ________ recruit-training officer ReL _____________ Religion _______________ religion Rem_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Remonte ________________ remount Rem_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ Remontierungs- _______ . _ Rem.A_____ _ Remonteamt ____ _ Rem.A.Neb.SL ___ Remonteamtsnebenstelle_. Rem.Inspr _ _ _ _ _ Remonteinspekteur Rem.Kom_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ Remontekommisl-liOlL _ .. __ Hem.O ___________ Remolltierungsordllung __ _ Hemowo ________ . _ Reichsmordwocheu ____ _

Hep ____________ _ Hep _____________ _ Rep ____________ _

Hep.Gew ______ .. _ HelL ______ _

ReR. A Res.A.K _______ . _ Res. Div._ RCR.d.R __ .. _ Res. F ______ _

Reparation _____________ _ Reparatur ______________ _ Repartiernng _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Repetiergewehr _ _ _____ _ Reserve _ _ _ _ __ _ _. ___ _ H PRcrveannec_ ReRervearmeekorpH ___ .. __ .. ReRervediviHioIl Reserve dps ReginH'nts ___ _ ReRervcformatioll _____ . __

remounting remount depot remount auxiliary depot remount inspector remount commission remount regulations Heich murder weeks (refer-

ring to official purges) reparation repair distribution rep(~ati!Jg rifle; magazine rifle reserve reserve army reserve army corps reserve division rCJ!;inwntal reserve reserve formation; reserve

unit Refl.F.A RCRervefeldartilleric_ _ _ _ reR('rVe field artillery Res.Fhz_ .. _____ _ Reservefahrzeuf.l:_ __ reserve vchide Res.L _ _ ______ .. Reserveinfanteric_ _ reserve infantry Hes.I.B _________ . Reserv{'illfanteriebatailloll reserve infantry battalion Res. I. Br _______ ._ _ ReHervpinfal1 teriebrigade Hes.lnL ___ ... _____ .. _ Rcserveinfantcrie __ Res.lnf. Br_____ _ _ Reserveinfantcriebrigade_ ReR.lnf.BtL _. _ . Reserveinfanteriebataillon

reserve infantry brigade reserve infantry reserve infantry brigade reservc infantry battalion

Page 156: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


RCR.lnf.Div _______ RCRcrveinfan teriedi vi-Rion

RCR.Illf.Mun.KoL ~ Reserveinfanteriernuni­tionskolonne


reRerve infantry diviRion

reRervp infantry ammunition COIUlllll

Res. Inf. RcgL _ ~ _ Reserveinfanterieregi- reRerve infantry regiment ment

HeR.,J.B _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Reservejagerbataillon ~ _ reserve light infantry bat-talion

Res.K ___________ ~ ReRervekorps_____ __ rei"erve corpi" Res.Kav ____________ Rei"ervekavallerie ____ .~ reRerve cavalry Res. Ka v. B_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Reserveka valleriebrigade _ reSNve cavalry brigade Res.KoL __ Reservekololllle_ _ _ reHerve colullllI Res. KOIllIL ______ ~ Reservekompanie _____ .__ reserve company Res. K p ___ ._ _ _ ____ _ ReservekoIllpanie ~ _ _ _ _ __ __ reserve company Res.Laz _________ . Reservelazarett _________ reserve hospital Res. M un _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Reservemunition ________ reserve amJllunition ReR.Offz _____ ~ ____ Reserveoffizier_____ resnrve offieer Res.Offz.Anw ______ Reserveoffiziersanwiirter __ candidate for a commiHRion

in the reHerve ReH. Pi. Btl_ __ _ _ _ _ _ Reservepionierbatailloll _ _ rCHerve combat ellginepr hat-

talion ReH. Prov. KoL _ _ _ _ ReserveproviantkolollJle __ r(~HCrVe supply column ReK.S. K ________ Reservesanitiitskompanie_ reserve medical eompany Res. Tr._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Reservetruppe __________ reserve troop HeR. Uffz __________ Reserveunteroffizier ______ reserve Il011commiRsiolled of-

ficer Retr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hetraite_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ retrpat Hett ____________ Rettllllg ______________ . rCH(" lie Hett.Mall ________ Rettungsmanover ________ life-savinp; maneuvers Rev __ .... __________ Revier _ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ _____ siek bay; quarter; precinct Rev_ .. ____________ . Revolver _______________ revolvN Rev .D __________ Revierriiellst _______ . ____ .. hospital-attendallt duty Hey .KaIL _______ ._ Revolverkanone _________ mpid-firc cannon RL .. _. ____ Radfahr- _____________ bieycle IU _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Radfahrbataillon __ .. ____ .. bicyele battalion HF ______________ Reichsfiihrer _________ Fuhrer of the H.eich RF _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Reichsfiihrerschule_ ___ _ _ _ Reich School for I,eaders RF ______________ ReiehsfHhrnng_ __ ____ _ _ leader:-;hip of the Heieh R.L_______ __ RohrefreL ____________ . bnrrelcmpty (artillery) RF _ _ _ _ _ _ _ RlIndfunk _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ radio; broadcasting Rf.B ___ .. __ . ______ Radfahrbataillon____ _ bieyele battalion RfL ___ ... ________ Richtfliiche _ plnne of sighting r.F1.F _______ . __ .. yom rpehh'n Flugel Feller!. bat ter,\' right (artilll'-ry) Rf.Sch ______ ~ _ ReichsfUhrerschllle_ _ Hpich Sehool for Leaders

Page 157: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


RFSS ___________ _ Reichsfiihrer SS _________ Reich Commander of the SS R.F.W __________ _ Reitcrfcldwache _____ ~ __ _ Rf. Zg ___________ _ Radfahrzug ____________ _ RG _____________ _ Reichsgerat ____________ _ Rg _____________ _ H ing> ___ > _____________ _ R.G.A __________ _ Reitergruppcnallfgaben __

RgbhL ___________ RangierbahnhoL _______ _

Rg. K _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hingkanone ___________ _ RgL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Reglement _____________ _

Rg.P ____________ _ R.O.St __________ _ Rgt _____________ _ Rgt _____________ _ Hgt.Grz _________ _ Rgt.I{dr _________ _ Rgt.N.Zg ________ _ Rgt.R.Zg _______ _ Rgts ____________ _ Rgt. Vet _________ _

Ringpulver ____________ _

Regimentsgefechtsstand __ Regiment. ________ >" > ___ _

Hf'giments- ____________ _ Hegimentsgrenze _______ _ Regimentskommandeur __ Rf'gimentsnachrichtenzug Regimentsreiterzug _ _ _ __ Regiments-____________ _ Regimentsveterinar _____ _

mounted picket bicycle platoon government-issue equipment ring Cavalry Group Problems

(manual of in8truction) railroad shunting station or

yard (on map8) built-up gun (refer8 to barrel) regulations; manual; text

book powder in rings (propellant) regimental command post regiment regimental regimental boundary regimental commander regimental signal platoon regimental mounted platoon regimental regimental veterinarian of-

ficer RH ______________ Reichsheer _____________ Army of the Reich Rh ______________ Rhein __________________ the Rhine R.L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Reserveinfanterie _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ reserve infantry RL ______________ Richtung __________ > ____ direction; alignment; aim R.I.Bg ___________ Reserveinfanteriebrigade __ reserve infantry brigade R.I.Br ___________ Reserveinfanteriebrigade_ reserve infantry brigade Richt ____________ Richtung ___________ > __ direction; alignment; aim Richt-Empf-Tr _ _ _ _ Richtungsempfangertrupp directional reception troop Richtgsw kL _ _ _ _ _ _ RichtungswinkeL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ angle of dcflection; angle of

sighting (gunnery) Richt.H __________ Richtungshorer __________ sound locator (antiaircraft);

direction finder R.I.D ____________ Reserveinfanteriedivision_ reserve infantry division RLKr.A __________ Richtlinien fUr Kraft- directions for motor transport

fahrabteilungen units Rikrs _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Richtkreis_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ aiming circle (gunnery) R.I.R ____________ Reserveinfanterieregiment reserve infantry regiment Rittm _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Rittmeistcr _____________ captain (cavalry) R.Jag.B __________ Reservejagerbataillon ____ reserve light infantry bat-


Page 158: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


RK ______________ Reichskriegs- ___________ Reich War-R.K _____________ Re8ervekorps .. __________ reserve corps R.K _____________ Revolverkallone _________ rapid-fire cannon; revolver

cannon R.K _____________ Richtkreis ______________ aiming circle (gunnery) R.K _____________ Ringkanone ____________ built-up gun (refers Lo barrel) R. K _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Rotes Kreuz _ . _______ .. _ _ Red Cross R.Kf V ___________ Reichskraftfahrunfall- motor vehicle accident law

gesetz R.K.K.-Scheille ___ Rei c hsk red i tkassell- Reich Credit Otlice l'\otes

8cheine (occupation marks) R.K.O _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Regimentskommandoord- regimental cOlllmand regula-

nung tiOll8 Rkr ____ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ Richtkreis ______________ aiming circle (gunnery) Rkr _____ .. ____ . _ _ _ Hohrkrepicrer ___ . _ _. barrel bur8ter Rkr.Felda ________ Feldartillericrichtkrt·is ____ field artillery aiming circle R.K. U ___________ RichtkrdsunterofilzieL ___ nOll-coIlUliissioned ofllcer in

RM________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Heichsminister _________ _

RL __________ • ____ Radlafette _____________ _ RL _______________ Reichsluft- ____________ _ RL _______________ Heichsluftfahrt- ______ _ RL _______________ Reichsillftsehlltz- _______ _ RL __________ •. ___ Reichsluftsport-_ RLAD _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ II e i c h s 1 u ft auf sic h t-

charge of aiming circle Reich Minister (cabinet offi-

cer) wheeled gun carriage Reich Air H<;ich Aeronall1 ieal Reich Air Df'fense Heich Aerial Sports Rpieh Air-Traffic Control

dienst Sen'ice RLaL ___________ Rohrenlafette _______ tubnlar gun earriage RLB _____________ Heichslllftsehlltzhund ___ l'\ational Air lkfcu:-;e Lpague RLF_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hcichsluft~p()rtfiihrer _ _ _ _ Lpader of Reich Aerial Sports RLM ____________ Reiclu;luftfahrtminis- Heich Air Miui!;iry

terillm RM ______________ Heichsmarine __________ _ H M _____________ Reichsmark ____________ _ RM ______ - _______ Heichsminister _________ _

R M ____________ . _ Eeichsministerium ______ _ Rm.A ___________ RemonteamL_ HMfVuP _________ Heieluuninistpr fUr Volk:-;-

aufkliirung und Propa­ganda

R.M.G ___________ Reiehsmilitiirger-;ctz H.m.O ___________ Ritter mehrerer Orden __ _

Gplman Navy Heieh:-;mark Reieh Minister (cabinet offi-

cer) Heich Ministry rPTllOllnt commi;;sion Hpieh Minister for Popular

EnlighteIlment and Prop­aganda

Edeh militar.\· law knight holding several orders

Page 159: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


RMVP ____________ Reichsministerium fUr Reich Ministry for Popular Volksaufklarung llud Enlightenment and Prop-Propaganda aganda

RO. ________________ Reiseordnung______________ t.ravel regulations ROA ___________________ Reichsostwehranordnung_ Reich East Army Orders R.O.A ______________ ReserveoffizieranwartcL ___ reserve officer candidate Rohrbr ...... __ .. _ ...... __ Rohrbremse _______ .. _ . ___ .. _ recoil brake (artillery) RoL ___ . ._ ... __ _ _ _ _ Rotationsmotor ______ __ __ _ _ _ _ rotary engine (aviation) roL __ . __ .. ___ .. _ __ _ _ rotieren _ _ _ _ .. _ _ _ _ __ _ to rotate RoL ____ .. __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ Rotor __________ . _ _ __ _ __ __ __ __. rotor RottL ________________ Rottenfiihrer ________________ (SA) file-leader, Storm

Rp ______________ __ R.-P _____________ . ___ Rp _________________ _ R.P ______________ _ R.P ____________________ _

Troops (equivalent U. S. rank: corporal); (SS) file-­leader, Elite Guard (equiva-­lent U. S. rank: corporal)

Raupe _______________________ caterpillar track Reisepass _________________ passport Reparatur __ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ repair RichtpunkL __ .. ____________ aiming point (gunnery) Rohrenpulvcr ________ .. tubular powder (propellant)

R-Patrone _ __ __ __ __ __ Rallchpatrone ftir MCHs-- smoke--signal cartridge for

Rp.Fz __________________ .. Rp.SchL _____________ . Rp.SL ________________ ... R.P.V __________________ _ RP.-Verf _____________ .. Rpw _ __ __ ________ _ R.Q ______________ . R R ___________ _ RR _______ .. ______ . RRG _ _ _____________ __

batterie survey battery Rallpcnfahrzeug ________ .. ___ full-track vehicle Raupenschlcpper _________ . caterpillar tractor Raupenschlepper ___ .. __ eaterpillar tractor Reichswehrpostvorschrift_ army postal rpglllations Richtpunktverfahnm_. ___ indirect laying (artillery) Reparaturwerkstatt _____ .. repair workshop Reisequartier ____ . _ .. ____ mareh billet Reichsrundfunk- _________ .. __ .. Reich broadcasting ReiterregimenL _ horse cavalry regiment Reichsrllndfllllkg e s e 11- Reich Broadcasting Com--

schaft pan)'; Reich Radio Com­pany

R.Rp.Fz ________________ . Riiderraupenfahrzeug ______ wheel-tracked vehieJe (ar--

RRZg ______________ RegimentsreiterzuIC_. Rs__ __ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ Regimentsuntersa ttler-­

meister R-Sft.-B.-Schule_ __ __ Reichs-Segelfiugbauschule

mored vehicle that can run either on w~eels or on a caterpillar track)

re~imelltal mounted platooll regimental assist!).nt saddle

master Reich Glider Building and

Construction School

Page 160: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


R.Sp ___________ _ Reiterspitze ______________ cavalry point; mounted point R.Sp.Tr _________ _ Reitcrspahtrupp__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cavalry recollnaissance de­

tachment RSt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ RegimentstalL _________ _ RSt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ReitersturnL __________ _

R.St ___________ _ R .. Sta __________ _

RSt GB ________ _ R.St.V.O ____ _

RT _____________ _

Richtstelle _____________ _ Reiterstandarte_ _ _ _ _ __ _

Reichstrafgesetzbuch ____ _ Reichsstra sse n v e r­

kehrsordnung Reichstag ____________ _

regimental staff mounted troop of Storm

Troops or Elite Guard aiming-circle station mounted regiment of Storm

Troops or Elite Guard Reich penal code German highway traffit,

regulatiolls Reichstag; German Parlia-

ment Rt ____________ _ Reiter _______________ cavalryman R. T __________ _ rtde ___________ _

Reservetruppe _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ reserve troops reitende_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ mounted

Rtg ________ _ Reichstag ______________ Reichstag; German Parlia-

Reservetruppen kom­mando

Rittmeister __________ _ ReiteL _____________ _

Rtr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Reiterregimenk _ _ __ Rttm _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Rittmeister R. U _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Reiterunteroffizier_

R.U ____________ Reserveunterstand ___ _ R. U _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Richtkreislluteroffizier ___ _

RiL _____________ Riistung _____________ _ RiickL __________ RiicklauL _________ _ Riicksp __________ RiickspiegeL _______ _ RiicksL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ RiickstOSIL _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ riickw __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ riickwartig ___________ _ riickw ________ . __ riickwarts ___________ _ riickw ___________ . riickwirkend __________ _ Riickw ___________ Riickwirkung __ _ riickw.Kr ________ riickwirkende Kraft_._ riickw. Verb_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ruckwartige VerbilldUll-

gen Riickz ___________ Riickzug __________ . ___ _ Riit4 __ .. ________ Hiistung _______________ _

51H560 0 -43 --11

ment reserve troops command

captain (cavalry) cavalryman cavalry regimellt (h01 .. ~e) captain (cavalry) cavalry UOIlCOlllllli:-;siolled

officer reserve dugout; nOllcolIllllissiolJPci oftieer in

charge of aiming circle armament; equipment recoil (of a gun) rearview mirror repulse; recoil behind the linc; rearward backwards; to the rear retroactive reaction; f(~percllssioll retroactive power communication ill or to the

rear retreat; withdrawal armament; equipment

Page 161: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


RUst.Ausg ________ RiistungsausgabeIL_ _ _ _ _ armament expenditure RUst.SL __________ RUstungsstand ___________ state of military prepared-

ness R.U.P ____________ ReiterunteroffizierposteIL mounted cossack post led by

russ_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ rllssisch _______________ _ R.u. V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Verordnung Uber Rang­

u n d V orgesetzen ver­hiiItnis der Soldaten des Reichshecres

r.v _______________ reehts vorbeL _________ _

R.V_____________ Reiseverordnung fUr die Soldaten

R. V ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ReitvorschrifL __ R.V.O ____________ Reichsversicherungsord-

nung R W __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Reichswehr ____________ _

R.W ____________ _ ReparaturwerkstatL ____ _ R.W ____________ _ Richtungsweiser _________ _ Rw _____________ _ RollwagerL _ _ _ ________ _ R.-WagerL _____ _ Rungenwagen __________ _ R WD ___________ _ Reichswetterdienst _____ _ RWe _____________ _ Heichswehr _____________ _

R. W g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ RohrwagerL _ _ _ - - _____ _ r.w.K ____________ rechtweisender Kurs ____ _ Rw San V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Reichswehrsanitatsvor-


noneommissioned officer Russian German Army rank and su­

periority regulations

too far to the right (gun­nery)

travel regulations for sol­diers

equitation manual Reich immrance law

standing German (before 1.933)

repair workshop signpost dray-cart


heavy freight car (Ui tons) German weather bureau standing German army

(before 1933) barrel carriage (artillery) true course (aviation) regulations regarding the

Medical Service of the Reichswehr

Rz___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Rohrzerspringer _________ barrel burster (artillery) R.Zg _____________ Reiterzug _______________ cavalry platoon R.Zug ____________ Reiterzug _______________ cavalry platoon

s s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Heeresnachrichtenschule _ army signal school (insignia

on shoulder straps) S_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Luftsprengpunkt_ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ point of burst in air (mortar) S ________________ Sachverstindiger ________ expert S ________________ Siiure __________________ acid S_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sammelstation __________ collecting station

Page 162: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sammel transport_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ collecti ve transport; com hi­

nation transport S ________________ Sanitats- ______________ medical S_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sani tatsabteil ung_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ medical ha ttalion; medical

detachl1lcll t S_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sanitatsnnteroffizier _____ medical nOI1('ommissiolled

officcr S ________________ Schallmessstelle _________ sound-ranging station (on

S _______________ _ S _______________ _ S _______________ _ S _______________ _

S _______________ _ S _______________ _ S _______________ _ S _______________ _ S _______________ _ S _______________ _ S _______________ _

scharf. ________________ _ Scheinwerfer ___________ _ Scheinwerferzug ________ _ Schirrmeister __________ _

Schiess-________________ _ Schiessbaumwolle _______ _ Schnellzug _____________ _ Schutze _______________ _ Schule ________________ _

sketches) live (amm unition) searchlight searchlight platoon supply sergeant (sleeve

signia) fire; firing gun cotton express train rifleman school

Schutz-________________ protective SchwefeL ______________ sulphur


s ________________ schweL ________________ heavy (medium in case of

artillery weapons) s ________________ schwere Panzerwagen ____ heavy tanks S _______________ Sehscharfe ______________ sight; clearness of vision S ________________ Seite ___________________ page S ____ ~ ___________ Seiten-_________________ flank S ________________ Sekunde ________________ second s _________________ selbst-__________________ self-S ________________ Sicherheit ______________ seclUity; saff'ty B _______________ _ sichern __________________ to put machine gun at safety

by the safety S ________________ Sicherungsstreitkrafte ____ protecting forces (navy); re-

s _______________ _ S _______________ _ S _______________ _ S _______________ _ S _______________ _ S _______________ _ S _______________ _ S _______________ _ S _______________ _

siehe __________________ _ SignaL _______________ _ Sold __________________ _ Soldat ________________ _ Sommer _______________ _ Sonder- _______________ _ Bozialist _______________ _ Spitz-_________________ _ Sprecbstelle ____________ _

serve forces see. refer to signal pay soldier summer special socialist. pointed call station (on sketches)

Page 163: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


s ________________ SprengpunkL ___________ -_ point, of burst S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ StahL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ steel S_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Streitkrafte _____________ fighting forces S _______________ Sud-_____________________ south s ________________ sudlich_____________ southward; southerly 08/S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Rilckstossverstarker fUr recoil booster for live am-

scharfe Munition munition (machine-gun) S.A ______________ Sanitatsabteilung ________ medical battalion; medical

S.A _____________ - Selbstanschlussamt _____ _ B.A _____________ _ Skiabteilung ___________ _ SA. __ . ___________ ._ Sonnenaufgang _______ _ SA ______________ _ Sturmabteilungen der


SA.-A ____________ Anwiirter der 8turmab-teilung der NSDAP

Sab _____________ _ Sabotage ______________ _ Bach. B.. ______ _ Sachbearbeiter _________ _ Sachbesch ______ _ Sach beschadigung ______ _ sachgem_ _ ______ _ sachgemass_ _ _ _ _ _______ _ 8achk ___________ _ Sachkenntnis _________ _ Sachk ___________ _ Sachkunde _____________ _ 8achl ___________ _ Sachlage ______________ _ Sachsch _________ _ Sachschaden ___________ _

detachment automatic eentral office ski detachment; ski battalion' I'unrise Storm Troopers Organ ir.a­

tion of the N aHonal 8oci­alist Party

candidate for the Storm­Troopers Orgallir.ation of the National Socialist Party

sabotage specialist damage to property relevant; pertinent profel'l'ional knowledge expertneRs Rl,al,e of affairR; Ri tuation damage to property

8a<;hsch.-V ________ Sachschaden·versicherung_ inRurance against property damage

Sach v _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sach verstandiger _ _ _ _ _ _ expert; specialist Sachv.-G _________ Sachverstandigengutach- expert'" opinion; expert's

ten report Sab_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SabeL _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ saber; sword Sab.Sch_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sabelscheide_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ saber Rheath Sab.Tr __________ SabeltroddeL. __________ 8word knot Saub. Tr __________ Sallberungstrupp ________ mopping-up party SA-M _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Stllrmabteilungsmann__ _ _ (SA) Storm Trooper (equiv-

alent U. S. rank: private) Sam_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sammel-___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ collecting; collective Sam.BhL _________ SammelbahnhoL ________ railroad collecting point Sam.Dep ________ _ SamrneldepoL _________ ._ Sam.Kp _________ _ Samn'elkompanie ______ --Sam.L_ '" ________ _ Sammellazaret t ________ _ Sarnml __________ _ Sammlung _____________ _

collecting depot salvage company colleeting hospital collection

Page 164: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Sam.San.P ________ Sammelsanitiitspark _____ medical supply collectiug depot

Ram.Sch _____ ._._ Rammcl"chutz_. __ .. gas protection measures Sam. SL. _______ _ SamlllPlst clIe ___ _ _ salvage dump; collecting

point Ram. TL __________ SammeltransporL _____ .

San_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sanitats- __ . ______ .. _____ .. San ____________ . Sallitiitsiager __________ _ San.A _______ .. ____ Sanitatsamt ___________ _ San. Abt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sanitatsabteilung _______ _

Sari. Ausr ... __ . __ . SanitatsausrUstulIK_ San. Bed _____ . _ _ _ _ Sanitatsbedarf _____ .. San. D _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SanitatsdiellsL _____ ._

Szn. Dep_ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ Sanitatsdepot __ .. _ San. D .St _______ .. Sanitat~dienststelle

SaIl. Einr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~anitatseinrichtung(en) __ _

SaIl. Fz _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sanitatsfahrzeug_ San. Ger. Wg _______ Sanitiitsgcriitewagen .... San.Rd __ . _________ Sallitatshund ________ _ San. Insp _ .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SallitatsinspektiOIL ... __ .. Sanit.K. _. ______ . Sanitatskorps __________ _ Hall. K ___________ . San itlitskarren _____ . San. K___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SallitatskraftwagerL __ _ Sanka_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ Sallitiitskraftwagenabteil-

ung San. Kp ___________ Sanitatskompanic. Sankra ... _. ______ .. Sanitatskraftwagen __ Sail. K"t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sanitatskasten Sankw _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ Sanitlitskraftwagcll .. _ San. Mitt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sanitiitsmittel __ .. San.Oh.Fw.b.SL ... _ Sanitatsoberfeldwebel

beim Stabe

San. Ob. Gefr _ _ _ _ _ _ Sanitatsobergefreiter ____ _

San.P ____________ Sanitiitspark ___________ _

SaIl. Pers____ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sanitiitsperl'onaL .. ________ _ San.P.Pf _________ Sanitatspackpferd .. _____ _ San.P. T_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Sanitiitspacktasche _____ _

collective transport; combi­nation transport

medical medical depot medical departmellt medical battalion; medical

detachment medical equipment needed medical supplies medical corps; arm~ medical

service medical depot medical servic.~ iOIl

medical establishment; medi-cal installations

medical vehicle; ambulance nlPdical supply car ambulance d()~ medical inspect orate medical corp" ambulance cart alnbnlance ambulanee detaehment

nwdical company ambulance nwdieal kit alllbulallce medieal supplies (correspond.~ rou.ghl?1 to U. S.

staff sergeant, 1111,11 ical C(Jrp.~. at headquartf'n;)

(corrn.poiuis ro'ughly to U. S. actirl(! ('ofporal, J/l'ILical


medieal supply elf-pot medical personnel medical pack horse medical pack

Page 165: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


San.St ___________ Sanitiitsstab ____________ medical staff San.Tr __________ _

San. Vorr. Wg _____ _ San. \"" g _________ _ s. Art ______ _ s.Art. (mot.) ______ _

Sanitiitstrupp_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ medical detail (navy) Sanitiitsvorratswagen _ _ _ _ medical supply car Sanitiitswagen __________ ambulance schwere Artilleric_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ medium artillery motorisierte schwere motorized medium artillery

Artillerie Sas ______________ Sandsack _______________ sandbag Satt _____________ SatteL _________________ saddle Satt lmstr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sattlermeister __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ master saddler Satt!. Zg __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sattclzeug _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ saddle harness Sauerst__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Saucrstoff _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ oxygen sb _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ selbstiindig _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ independent s.b ________________ siehe beL _______________ look under S.B ______________ Soldbuch _______________ identification book and serv-

ice record s.B_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ sUdliche Breite __________ southern latitude Sbd ______________ Sonnabend ____________ Saturday Sbst _____________ Selbst- _________________ self-; automatic Sch ______________ Schaden ________________ damage; injury Sch _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Schaft _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ shaft; rifle stock Sch_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Schallmess ______________ sound-ranging Sch_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Schanz- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ entrenchment; fieldwork sch ______________ schanzen _______________ to entrench; to dig Sch ______________ SchaL _________________ troop; band; host; multitude scIL _____________ scharL _________________ sharp; live (ammunition) Sch ______________ ScharfschUtze ___________ sharpshooter Sch ______________ Scheibe ________________ target Sch_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Scheide _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ limit; boundary; sheath Sch ______________ Scheidung ______________ separation Sch _______________ Schein _________________ appearance; light; dummy-Sch_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Scheinwcrfer ____________ searchlight; headlight Sch _______________ Schcune ________________ barn (on maps) Sch ______________ Schi ___________________ ski Sch ______________ Schieds- _______________ arbitration; umpire SCIL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Schieue ________________ splint; rail sch ______________ schicnen ________________ to put in a splint Sch __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Schiess- _______________ firing; shooting Sch_____________ Schiff _________________ ship Sch ______________ SchitrfahrL _____________ navigation Sch ______________ Schildcrhaus ____________ sentry box Sch ______________ Schirm _________________ shelter; screen; umbrella Sch ______________ Schirr- ________________ harness; trappings Sch_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Schnee_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ snow

Page 166: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


sch ______________ schon __________________ already

Sch_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Schornstein _____________ chimney Sch ______________ Schutze _________________ rifleman sch ______________ schutzen _______________ to protect; to guard; to

shelter Sch ______________ Schu~ _________________ school 8ch ______________ Schuss _________________ shot Sch ______________ Schutz _________________ shelter; refuge; protection;

cover Sch_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Schutzschild ____________ protf'ct ive Rhield Schalld_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Schalldiimpfer __________ _ Schall-Geschw _ ___ _ Schallgeschwindigkeit ___ _ Schallm_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SChallmessung __ Schallm.Battr _ _ _ _ _ Schallmessbatterie ______ _ Schallm. Ger _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Schallmessgerii t _________ _ Schallm. Tr ___ _ _ _ _ _ Sehallmm,strupp _________ _ SchaUm. V erf _ _ _ _ _ _ SehallmesRverfahren ____ _ Schaltg_ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Schaltung _____________ _ Sch.AnL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Scheinanlage ___________ _

Schanz. Wg _______ Schanzzeugwagen _______ _ Scharfsch_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Scharfschutze ____ . ______ _ Scha (SAL _______ SeharfiihreL ___________ _

Scha (SS) ________ Scharfiihrer ____________ _

Sehb _____________ Seheibe _______________ _ Sch.B ____________ 8chiessbuch ____________ _ Sch.B ____________ Schiitzenbrigade ________ _ Seh.Bew __________ Scheinbewegung _________ _ Seh. Biw _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Scheinbiwak ___________ _

Schbw _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Schiessbaumwolle _____ .. __ _ Sch.D ____________ Schulterdceker __ - ______ _ Schdpfr __________ Schalldampfcr __________ _ SchcinanL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Seheinanlage ___________ _

ScheingeL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Scheingefecht __________ _ Scheinst_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Scheinstellung __________ _

Scheinw __________ Scheinwerfer ___________ _

Scheinw.Ger. W g. ___ Seheillwerfergeriitewal!;en_

muffler; silencer veloeity of sound sound-ranging sound-ranging baUpT)' sound-ranl!;ing ('quipment sound-ranging sect ion Round-ranging IJlPthod connection; /!:ear shift dummy works; camouflage

works elltreIlchiIl/!:-tools wagon sharpRhooter section leader, Storm Troops

(eql1.-ivalent U. S. rank: ser­geant)

first seetioTi-lea(jpr, Elite Guard «(~quiva{('ttt U. S.

rank: staff sergeant) target score hook (gurwI'rY) rifle hrigad(' fein t; "illlulatpd lIlovenwnt dummy biyouac; camouflage

bivouac gil n cott on high-wing mOlloplane lTIufIier; Riiene('r dummy· works; camouflage

works fiham hattIe dummy position; camouflage

p01-;ition searchlight; headlight searchlight eqlliprnent truck

Page 167: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Scheinw .Zg _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Scheinwerferzug_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ searchlight platoon Scr..Entf _________ Schussentfernung ________ range ScherL __________ - ScherenfernrohL ________ battery commander's tele-

scope Schf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Scharfschiitze_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ sharpshooter Hch.F ____________ Scherenfernrohr _________ battery commander's tele-

scope Hch.FIgz __________ Schulflllgzeug ___________ training plane Sch.G __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Schnlgefechtsschiessen ___ combat practice firing SChgL ____________ Schottergrube__________ rubble pit (on maps) Seh.Gr. ___________ SchiitzengrabeIL ________ trench Seh. Gr. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Schiitzengruppe _ _ _ _ __ _ _ rifle :o;quad Sch.Grab.Kan _____ SchiitzengrabenkanoIle__ irrnch gun Srhi-Abt_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Skiabteilung_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ :o;ki drtachment; ski battalion Schiehtl ________ Schichtlinien___________ contour lines (on maps)

Srhiess-Anfs ______ Schiessaufsicht __________ supervision of firing Schie:o;sL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Schiessfertigkeit_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fire profieiency; fire skill Schiess-G _________ Schiessgestell __________ firing stand; firing rest Schiess-H.l\L _____ SchiesshilfRmitteL ______ . fire control aidR Schies'3l_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Schies:o;lehre_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ballistics; gunnery 8chiesspl. ________ Schiesi'platz ____________ firing range (on maps) 8chiess 8L _________ Schiessstand ___________ rifle range (on maps)

8chiesssLAufs _____ Schiessstandaufseher __ _ _ _ rifle range supervisor Schiess-VlL___ _ _ _ _ 8chiessiibung_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ shooting practice Schiess V __________ Schiessvorschrift ________ gunnery manual 8chiess-VerL ___ _ _ _ Schiessverfahrell_ ___ _ _ _ _ _ method of fire; conduct of

fire 8chie:o;sw __________ Schiesswesen ____________ balli:o;tics; musketry; gun-

nery 8childhs __________ Schilderhaus ____________ sentry box SchirrnL _________ Schirrmeister ___________ supply sergeant 8ch.K ____________ Schtitzenkette ___________ skirmish line Sch.KL __ ~ _______ Schiesskladde __________ data book Sch.KI __________ _ Sch.Kp _________ _ Sch.Kpf _________ _ 8chl ____________ _ Schl _____________ _ schl _____________ _ 8chl ____________ _ SchL __________ _ 8chl ____________ _ Schl ____________ _

Schiessklasse __ Schiitzenkompallie ______ _ ScheinkampL _________ _ Schlacht _______________ _ Schlappe ______________ _ schleichen ____________ _ Schleier _______________ _ Schlepp-______________ _ Schlepper ______________ _ Schleppflugzeug ________ _

markmanship rating rifle company sham battle battle reverse; rebuff to craw!; to creep screen; veil tow-tractor; prime mover; tug tow plane

Page 168: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


SchL ____________ Schleuder-______________ catapult SchI _____________ . Schleuse ________________ 8luice; lock SchL ___________ .. SchliesRender _ .. _________ .. file closer SchL _____________ Schlinge _______________ sling; noose SchL _____________ HchlitteIL ____________ . sled; sleigh SchL _____________ Hchloss ________________ ca8tle (Orl map.~)

SchL ____________ . Hchlucht _______________ . ravine; gorge schL ____________ . schiussehL _____________ . to encode; to encipher SchL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HchilIss_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ end; close; conel usion;

ination; finish SchL _____________ Schutzenloch ___________ . rifle pit HchIli-cht _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Schlachterei _ .. _ .... Schiacht.A bt. __ _ _ _ Schlachtereiabteilllug. Hchl.Aus!lch _____ ... Schliehtllngsall!lSchu:,;:,; .. __ Schl.Bolz. _____ .. __ Sehlagbolzen _______ .. ___ _ Schl.Bt __________ SchlauehbooL _________ _

Schlchtgs A __ .. ___ _ Hchl D .. ________ _ Se h. LeisL _ .. ____ _ Schles ___________ _ Sehl. Flgz ________ _ Sehlf. M _________ _ Hchl.Ge!lchw _____ _ Sehlicht.Aussch __ _ Hch.Lkw ___ _

Schliehtungsamt _______ _ Schleppdampf er _ ~ .. ______ . SchusHlei:,;tung ___ .. ___ .. _ .. Schlesieu_ _ .. ___ .... _ Schlaehtflllgzcug __ .. __ .. _ . SchleifmUhle ..... Schlaehtgesch wader ____ _ SchliehtungsausschusH ___ _

butchery, siaughier slaughter detachmt'nt arbitration cOJllm ittl'e firing pin; striker pneumatic boat (combat

gineer .~el'vice)

arbitration office tugboat gun IH'rformance Hile:,;ia fighter plane grinding-mill (on maps) batUe wing (airplane) arbitration committee truck on rail:,;




He hI. M G _____ .. __ Sehienenlastkraftwagen __ Schlittel1ll1asch ill en ge- machine gun on sleigh

wehr Hc hI. 0 .. __________ _ Sehlaehtordnllng ___ .. _ . _ .. Hchlp ________ .. __ Se hlepp- _ _ _.. ___ . _____ .. Hehlp.Flgz ____ ~ __ _ Schleppfiugzeug ________ _ Schl.Seg _________ _ Schlepp!lcgel ___________ _

Sc-hl.St_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ SchlaehtstaffeL ________ _ Schl W ___________ Schleppwagen __________ _ Sch1.Z.Schr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SchlagzUndschraube ____ _

Schm .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Schirrmeister __________ _ Scll.~L __________ SchUtzenmuldc _________ _

Rchmalsp. B__ _ _ _ _ _ Schmalspurhahn ________ _ -HcI1.~lasch ________ Schulmaschinc _____ ....

llIount battle order tow-tow plane landing-apron (dra(l(led sail

for landing ai/'plll1te.~ at sea)

battle wing (a£/' IJ/mteS)

tow car (motor vehicle) threaded-ba..,e percussion

primer· supply sergeant skirmisher's trPllch

prone riflemen) narrow-gauge railroad training plane


Page 169: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Sch.1VI. K _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SchallmcsskabeL __________ sound-ranging cable Schn_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Schnecken- _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ worm-Schn __ _ schn __ Schn ____________ _

Schn.Aufs ______ _ Schn. Br. __ _ Schn.Br.Zg ______ _

Schnee. BtL

Schnee-K __

Schnefen Schnellbr __ Schnellf ____ _

Schnee _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ snow schneIL ________________ fast; quick; rapid SchnitL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ cut; section; intersection;

bearing Schneckenaufsatz_: _______ worm-gear sight (arWlery) Schnellbrucke ________ portable footbridge Schnellbruckenzug__ _ _ portable footbridge platoon

(combat engineers) Schneeschuhliiuferbatail- ski battalion

Ion Schneeketten _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ snow chains; nonskid chains

(for motor vehicles) Schnellfeuer _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ rapid fire Schnellbriicke_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ portable footbridge Schnellfeuer _____ _ rapid fire

Schnellf.Gesch __ _ _ _ Schnellfeuergeschutz __ _ _ _ _ rapid-fire gun Schnellf.Kan_ _ _ _ _ SchnelIfeuerkanone _ __ _ _ rapid-fire cannon Schn.Sch.PatL _____ Schneeschuhpatrouille ___ _ Schn.Sch.Sptr _ _ _ _ _ Schneeschuhspiihtrupp __ schur V er b_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ schneller Verballd _ _ _ _ __

Schn.Z ____________ Sehnellzug __________ _ Seh.O____ ___ Schiessstandordnung ____ _ Sch. P ________ _ Seheitelpullkt _____ _

ski patrol ski scout squad mobile task force (oj motor-

ized, mechanized mixed troops)

express train rifle range regulations zenith of trajectory (bal­

hstics) Sehp_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Schuppeu_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ shed; hangar (on m-aps) Seh. PL __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Schiessplatz__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ firing range Sch.Pl.L _________ Sehiessplatz Juterbog ____ ,Juterbog Firing Range Seh. PI. K_ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ Schiessplatz Kummerl'dorf _ Kmmnersdorf Firing Range Seh. PI. Kdo _______ Schiessplatzkommando ___ firing range command Schpl.W_________ Schiessplatzwache ________ firing range guard Seh.PoL________ SchutzpolizeL __________ police sehr ______________ schrag _________________ oblique SChL___________ Schrapnell ______________ shrapnel Schr ______________ Schraube__________ __ _ screw; propeller Sehr ______________ Schrot ________________ ~nnall-shot; buckshot Schr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fic hrott_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ scrap metal Seh.IL ___________ Sehutzcnrcgiment ________ rifle regiment Sch.R ____________ Schutzcnrcihe__________ file of riflemen Schr. A ___________ Schrapnell mit Aufschlag- shrapnel with percussion

zunder fuze

Page 170: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


8ehrapn __________ SehrapneIL _____________ shrapnel 8ehrb ___________ Schraube. _____________ screw; propeller 8ehrbm ___________ 8ehraubenmllt,t,(·L _______ nut 8ehr. Bz __________ 8chrapnell mit Brenn- shrapnel with time fuze

zundel' 8eh. RdL________ 'I)('hutzenrudeL _________ _ rifle squad in combat forma-

tion 8chr.FL ______ _ 8chrotflinte _____________ small-shot rifle; buckshot

8chr.Oew _____ _ 8chRgL __ _ 8chrm ____ . Sch.Rm __ . Schrum.u.Zgw. V __ _

8chraubengewinde _____ _ SchutzenregimenL ___ _ Schirrmeister _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8chutzraum_._. _____ _ Schirrmeister- und Zeug­

hauswaffenmeist('}" vor­schrift

rifle; shot~un thread (mechanics) rifle regiment supply sergeant shelter (m:r rm:d) manual for supply Rer~('ants

and arsenal ordnance nOll­commissioned officers

8chr.8t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8chreibstube ____________ orderly room; office Sch. S _______ . _ ._ _ _ 8ch ulschiessen ________ _ Sch.Std_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ Scheibenstand __________ _ Sch. TL __________ SchusstafeL ___________ _ Sch.Tr. __________ Schutzentrupp _________ _ Schtz ___________ Schutze_____ _ _______ _ Schtz ____________ Schutz ________________ _ Schtz.Sch _________ Schutzschild _____ - _____ _ Sch. U _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Schiessunteroffizier _ _ _ _ _

Schutzh __________ Schutzenhaus __________ _

SchultkL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Schulterklappe ___ ~ _____ _

Schultst __________ Schultersttick __________ _

Schupo __________ _ SchutzpolizeL __________ _ schussL ______ . ____ _ schussfertig ____________ _ Sch uSRgesch w ____ _ Schussgeschwindigkeit __ _ Sch ussL _________ _ Schusslinie _____________ _

Schuss/Min _______ Schuss in del' Minute ___ _ Schussw _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Schusswaffe_ __ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _

practice fire butts (musketry) firing table; range tabitl rifle squad rifleman protection; cover protective shield marksmanship instructor

(noncommissioned officer) shooting lodge; club-house

of a rifle-club (on rnaps) shoulder straps (on unIforms

of noncommis8ioned offi;­cers and privates)

officers' shoulder straps (on uniforms of officers)

municipal police force read y to fire veloeity of fire; rate of fire gun-target line; line of sight-

ing; line of aim; line of future position (antiair­craft)

rounds per minute firearm

Schussw __________ SchusRweite ____________ range SchusswG _______ '- Schusswaffengesetz ______ firearms la.w

Page 171: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


SchussZ______ _ Sehllsszahl __________ _ Schutzbr _________ Schutzbrille ____________ _ SchutzWg ________ SehutzwagerL ___ - _ - - - ___ _

Seh.V ____________ Sehiessvorsehrift ______ _ Seh v.f. Gew _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sehiessvorsehrift fUr Ge­

wehr (Karabiner), leich­tes Masehinen gewehr ulld Pistole, und Bestim­mungen fur das Werfen seharfer Handgranaten

Schv.8.M.G ____ . __ Schiessvor8ehrift fUr das

Sch.W __________ _ Sehw ____________ _ Seh w ____________ _ Seh w _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sehw. ___________ _ SeIHL ___________ _

sch w _____ .. _____ _ 8ehw ___________ _ Seh w __________ ..

sehwere Maschinenge­wehr

Scheinwerfer ____________ _ Sehlltzwaehe ___________ _ Schwaden ______________ _ SchwadrorL ___________ _ Schwanz ______________ _ Seh warllL _ _ ___________ _

8eh warz _______________ _ Sehwenkarm ___________ _ Seh wenku ng ___________ _

schw _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ schwer ________________ _ 8chw _____________ Sehwimm ______________ _ Sehw ____________ Schwimmer _____________ _

8chw ____ . ________ Schwinge ______________ _

ScJ.lwadr--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ SchwadrOlL ___________ _

schw.ArL. _________ schwere Artillerie _______ _ schw.Art.AbL _____ sehwere Artillerieabteil-

ung Schw.B ___________ Sehwebebahn _______ _ sl1hw.Besch ______ _ schw.Bomb ______ _ sehw.-Br. Mod ____ _ 8chw.Bttr ________ _ Schwd __________ _

Schwerbesehiidigter __ . seh weres Bombenflugzeug sehweres BruckeumodelL sehwere Batterie _______ _ Sehwadron ____________ _

Schw.D _________ . Schwimmdock •• _____ ...

numlwr of rounds goggles protective wagon (armored

trat'n) gunnery manual gunnery manual for rifle

(carbine), light machill(' gun and pistol, and regu­lations for the throwing of live hand grenades

gun nery manual for the heavy machine glln

sparchlight; hearllight protective guard fumes; vapor troop (caval,.y); sqlladron trail (gv.n); tail swarm (6-7 ai,.plane,~, 2

flights) black rotating arm tllrn; turning movement,;

wheeling heavy floating swimmer; float; ponton (avi­

ation) bird':; wing (collar ins£gn/;a of

the air force) cavalry troop; squadron (avi­

ation) medium artillery medium artilleQ- battalion

sllspension railroad seriously injured perl'lon heavy bomber heavy bridge model medium bat.tery (artillery) cavalry troop; squadron

(aviation) • floating dock

Page 172: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Schwd.Ch _____ ... Schwadronschef _______ _ Schw.-Dock ______ Schwiuundock ________ _ Schwefla ________ .. schweres Flachfeuer ___ _ Schwerb__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Schwerbeschiidigter ____ _ Schwerg__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Schwergewicht _________ ..

schwerkr __________ sehwerkrank __________ _ Seh Wf ___________ Seheinwerfer __ ... Sehwf.GeL _ _ _ _ _ _ ScheinwerfergcriiL ___ _ Sehw . .Fhr _ _ _ 8cheinwerferflilm~r __ _ schw.Fu-Sta.(Kr.) _ sehwere Fllnk:4atioll auf

Kraftwagcll Seh. WG ___ '. ___ . __ GpHetz liber Schllsswaffell-

M IInition Schwg. Dpfr . _ _ _ _ _ Hehwingullgsdiimpfer ____ _ SchwgR_ ...... ____ . _ HehwlIllgra(L ___ . Sehw.K _______ .. HehwarmkeiL_ .... _ .. __ .. schw.Kp ________ .. schwere Kompanie _____ .. _ schw.Kpfw _____ .. _ schwerer Kampfwagell __ _ Schwol.MoL ____ .. SchwerOlmotor ___ ... ___ .. _ Sehwp _________ .. _ Hchwerpunkt ___________ _


troop commander (cavlllry) floating clock heavy flat tmject.ory fire o;eriollsly illj lIred persoll heavy weight; main streo;s;

emphasis sNiollsly ill searchligh t; hea<i1ig h t searchlight equipment o;earchlight conullalH1Pr heavy radio statioll Oil t,rllck

jaw cOllcerllillg firearms I1lld

aUlIllllllitioll vibration damper «(willtion) tlywheel wedl/:e formation (allintion) heavy weapons company heavy tank 'wavy oil engine (aviation)

stroug point (tactics); center of gravit.y

Schwpv _______ .. _. Schwarzpulver __________ black pmr<iPr :,:chw.v __________ .. schwer verwllllrlet _______ Heriousl.'· wounded Sehw. W __________ SehwarmwinkeL _______ _ Sehw. W _________ . Hchwesterwaffe _________ _

sehw. Wff _______ _ schwere Waffcn .. ______ _ Sehz _______ _ Se II a Tl z Z(, 11 g Sch.Zg ________ ._ Sclll~illwerfprzllg_ . ______ ._ Seh.Zg _ .. ____ _ Sebi.Hz~mzllg Sehz. Wg ______ _ HehanzzeligwagPlL ______ _ SD ______ . ______ . Seitcndeekung S.l) ____________ ... i'\ieherungsdienst ... _____ _ sd___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ sonder. _ _ _ _ ______ _ sd _______________ suddeutseh ___________ _

8ulld ____ _ SDeckg _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Seitendeekung .... ______ .. sd I . ___________ . _ I'udlich ____ . _ sdr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bonder _______ .. _________ _

SlIr. (;esch ______ ... Son<iergeRcho!-1I'._ Sdr. Kdo_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sonderkommalldo ______ _


wedge forillatioll (avifl/'io/t)

relat ed hrltlleiw,", (of the armed f()rce.~)

hcav." weapons l'lltrellehing tools :-;parehligilt platoon rillp plat 0011

(~lltrmlehillg-to()I" wagon flallk guard; flank :-<eeurity security service t-1pecial :-\Ollt It G!~I'I/1all Hound; arm of niP ;o<ea

flail k guard: fin II k ;o«'ell ri I.v

HOllt tlPrn; !:!()ut.!Jwnrd

Hpecial Hpeeial project ile spedal COIlllUallfl; "('pam.le

command Ralldhag

Page 173: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


S.d.S __________ _ SolI der Sanitat"aul;rus- rcquisition of medical sup-tungen

Seeft Seeflieger _ _ _ _ _ _ _____ _ plies

naval ftier Seeflgz _________ _ Seeflugzeug __ _ _________ _ seaplane; hydroplane Seegef ____________ _ SeegefechL _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ naval engagcment.; fleet ac­

tion; sea battle Seek _____________ Seekarte ______________ _ sea chart; hydrographic

seekL ____________ seeklar ________ - ________ _ chart

ready to sail SeclA_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ Seelenachse_._ Seeobsdienst_ Seebeobachtungsdienst __ _

axis of the bore (artillery) international nautical weath-

seew _______ _ seewarts _ _ ________ _ Seg _____________ _ Sf'geL_ _ _ _________ _ Seg.FIgz ________ _ Segelflugzeug __________ _ Sehr ________ _ Sehrohr ________________ _

Seit_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sei tcn- __ Seit.Abw _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Seitcnabweichung ______ _

Seit. D _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Seitendeckung _________ _ Seit.FL __________ Seitenftosse _ __ _ _ ______ _ Seit.Gew _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Seitengewehr ____________ _ Seit.M _________ . Seitenmarseh __________ _ Seit.Sch _________ Seitenschutz ___________ _

er service seaward sail glider periscope (submarine, tank);

telescope flank drift; deflf'ction error; lateral

deviation flank guard; flank security vertical fin (aIJiat1-on) bayonet; side arm flank march flank protectioIl; flank se-

curity SeiLSich_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ Seitensichcrung _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ flank protection seitw ____________ seitwarts _______________ sidewards Sek______________ Sckunde____ ___________ second /Sck ______________ in der Sekund!L_________ per second sckr ______________ sckrct______ __________ secret Sekr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sekretiir _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ secretary SekL __________ Scktion _____________ section Sekt__________ Sektor____ sector S.E.L ____________ Selbstlade-EinstecklauL _ subcaliher barrel for auto-

Selb _________ _ Sel bst- ___________ _ selbst ____________ selbstandig ___ _ SclbstL L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Sclbstfahrlafette _________ _ Sclbst-St ________ ._ Selbststeuerllng _____ . __ selbst. Verb ________ selbstiindigcr Verband __ _ Scnd _____________ Sender _________ _ Send_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Sendung _______________ _

matic weapon self-; automatic independent self-propelled artillery mount automatic control (am'ai£on) independent unit sender; transmitter (radio) transmission; broadcastin~;


Page 174: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Send.AnL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sendeanla~e ___ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ transmitting station Send.SL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SendestatiOIL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ transmitting station; sending

station; broadcasting sta­tion

senkr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ senkrechL __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ vertical sesslL ______________ sesshafL _ _ ___________ persiRt<>nt (gas)

Sessh ____________ Sesshaft.igkeit __________ persistency (oj a gas) Sext _____________ Sextant___ _ ________ sextant S.F _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Schetenfernrohr _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ battery cOlllmander's tde-

scope S.-F _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Sonnenfinsternis _________ solar eclipse s.F.R __________ ~ schwcre Feldhaubitze _ _ medium field howitz('f s.F.R.M.W _______ Munitionswagen der ammunition Wa~()11 fOI' the

schweren Feldhallbitze medium field howitzer 8. F.K_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8chnellfeuerkanone_ rapid-fire cannon 8fl ______________ _ 8fl ______________ _ 8flg _____________ _ Sflg_ _ _________ _ SflL ___________ _ 8fi tl _____________ _


8.F.8t s. F. St _ _ ______ _ s.Fu.Ger.Kw


s. Fu. Kw _________ _

s.Fu.SL _______ _

s.Fu. Wg

8.F.V __ _ s.F.\Vg SF-Zug __ _ S.-Geriit.

S-Gesch _________ _ SOew ___________ _

Sg.FL __

8egclflieger _ _ ~lider

8elbstfahrlafette _________ seIf-propl'Ilnd JIlount 8eeflieger _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ naval flier Segelflllg __ ~ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ glider flight; gliding Segelflllglager _ glider depot 8egeIflngUbungsgeliindc __ _ drill ground for practice

Schnellfrontzllg mit Reise­zugteil

SdlPrenfernrohrst and _ _ schwerp Fllukstelle_ Geriitskraftwa~eTl

sch weres Fu n kgeriit ftil"


express troop train with civil-iall section

telescope mount

large radio station heavy radio equiplllf'llt truck

bespanntpr GeriitwagPTl hpavy radio equipment wag-fUr se}nveres Fllnk- on (hor;<e-drawn) gerat

Kraftwagen fUr sch'H'res truck for heavy radio nquip­Funkgeriit

schwere Funkstelle bespannter Wagen ftir

went large radio st ation wagon for heavy radio equipment (horse-drawl)) schweres FUllkgerat


schwerer Feldwa~eTl_ _ glider cillb

SchneIlfrontzu~ _ _ __ _ 8chutzgeraL

SpitzgeschoR!L __ .. ______ .. Seitengewehr _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ Segelftieger _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _

heavy field wagon express troop train protective equipment;

fellsive appliances pointed bullet bayonet; sidearms glider


Page 175: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


R.gI __________ _ _______ _


SgL _ _ _ _ _ _ __ R.H.D ___________ .

Si _ __ __ __ _. Rich ___________ _ ~ch _____________ _

Rich.Abt Rich.B Rich. Best Rich.IL ________ _ Rich. FL _ _ ___ _ Rich.H _____ _ Rich.I.. Rich. MassI!. __

Rich. Sell!. ____ _ Sichtb _______ _ SichterL __________ _ Rich.Tr ___________ _

Richtv_ Richt-?L ______ ..

Rich.W _

Sicg_ _ _ _ _ ____ _ siegr ____________ _ Sig ____________ _ 8.I.G ____________ _

schwer gelandegangig schwerer gelandegangiger

Lastkraftwagen schwerer geliimlegangiger

PerRonen kraft wagen Sandgrllhe SicherheitR- llnd HiIf-

dienste Signalstation _______ _ Sicherheit ___ ~ ______ . ___ . sichern. __________ ..

Richerungsabteilu ng Richerheitsheamter SicherheitRhestimm t I ngell_ Richerheitsdienst ____ .. SicherungsflligeI _ _ _ _ _ Richerungshebel_ _ ____ _ Hicherllngslini<:> . RicherullgsmaRsnahme ___ _

heavy croRR-COllntry heavy crosR-cotlntry motor

truck heavy cros;.:-cotillt.ry perRon­

nel carrier sandpit (on rnap.~) air-raid protection auxiliary

services signal station security; safety to Recure; to protect; to put

weapon at Rafety security detachment security official ~afety regulations security service Rafety catch (weapon.~)

Rafety lever (w(!apon.~) ontguard liTH' of n~si~tall('e safety precaution; protective

measure SicherungRschIeier ___ . ___ safety screen Hiehtbarkeit. ___ .. . visibility Siehterkundllng _________ vi~t1al reconnaisRance Sicherheitstruppc. ______ . security troops Sichtvermerk .. viRa SichtzeicherL ___________ . gronnd signal; ground panp/

(all1'ation) vilmal signal Siclwl't111gS\\"('~P''- secllrjt~' measures; safety

Ripgreich __________ . __ ... _ SignaL _______ .

schweres Infanteriege-schlitz

measures victor victoriollR signal heavy infantr~- gun

Sign_____ Signal ________ . __ _ signal conventional sign SigrL _____ . _____ ... Signatur __ . ____ . _______ _

Sign.H_ Signalhorn ___ . ____ . ____ _ Sign.Mitt ______ _ Signaimittel _ .. _______ _ Sign.OfL Signaloffizier Sign.RaL .. _____ . Signalraket.p ________ . Signst __ . ________ _ SignalstatioIL __________ _

troop symbol) signal horn; siren signal device signal officer signal rocket; flare signal station

(map or

Page 176: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining

Sign. W ________ .. Sig.Pers ____ _ Sig.PisL _______ . Sig. W _______ . _. __ sil b __ .. _ . _______ _

S.IIL ___ . s.Inf. Wff Ripo __ SLSpruch __ _ Sist __ SK __ _ SIC ___ . SL ____ _ S.K ___ _

~.kllL ______ . _.

S.Kol s.Kom S.Kp __ _ Skr _._. S.L_. HL ___ .. . SL ___ .... . Slh._ .. _ .. HIg ...... . Hlv.


sm __ .

:';. :\last-l~ w


s :\led __ _ s.:\I c.


Sigllalpersollal ____ .. _ Signalpistole _ _. Sig;nalwesen _ _ __ . _ . _ silbern __ II eeressanitatsim;pek tioll schwere InfanteriewatlPl1 Sicherheit.sp()] izd SiKnalspruch .. Sistierunl( .

sir-nal Aarp projector siKnal per801111('\ signal pistol sil(nal system silH~r

army medical inspectorate heavy infantrr wpapolls security polic(~ sil(llal message temporary arn'st InPflieal col1llllJl Sail itatskolollllP

SchlleilfcI1Pr ~l.all (Jill'

Skizze. Sonderkollllllalldo

rapid-fire cannon . _ sketch; olltline .. special COIllmand: Reparate

command Rpichweite piliPS FllIf./;- range of a plane in kilo-

Z(~lIgs ill K ilolll!,j prn Sail itatskololllle schwerer KrafionlTl ihlls SallitiHskompani() Spk rdar _. Sanitiitslager _._. SatteL Scp- und LalldflllgzPlIg Silber Sammillng. Salve.

meters nwdical train hea v~' mot or hilS

medical ('olllpany _ secmt.ary

nlPdical depot saddle alllphibious plane silvpr ('ollpd ion salvo (artillf'r!/); volley (rifff');

broadside (nov!!1 Hpemp,ile. _____________ ... Rea mile; nalltical IniIP: KPO-

Sekundenmeter. l\I a Rt.kraft wag P, n fiir

schw('re~ Funkgerat auf Kraft.wagen

l\Iastwagell fur beRpann-

t('~ sehweres Funk­geriit

sil herne :\ {eclaillp

graphical mill'; k flot (1 H.i;;

meters; 6080 j cet) lIlej ers per s('('olId anj.Pllna truck for

radio apparatus ized)

antpllna wagon for

radio equipmpnt clrawll)

;dlvpr medal



Ii Pit v~!


schwemsl\fasehiIIPlIge- hellv.,· lllaehillP glln

wehr Sm/h ______ . ____ . Sppmeilen ill der Stllndp.. nautical miles per hour;


Page 177: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining

174 GE:R:l\1fu~ MILITARY ABBREVIA TII()1';18

S-Mine_ Spreng- or Schrapnellmine anti-personnel mine; "silent soldier"

S. M. K _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ schwere M unitionskolonne Smk _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Spitzgeschoss mit Stahl­


heavy ammunition column pointed bullet with steel

core Sm K I.-spur _ _ _ _ _ _ Spitzgeschoss mit Stahl- pointed bullet with steel core

kern und I.euchtspur Sm/Std_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Seemeilen in der Stunde __ S. M.Tr ____________ Schallmesstrupp ________ _ S-MllIL ________ scharfe MunitiOIL ______ _

and tracer effect knots per hour Round-ranging section live ammunition

s.Mun.Wg.02 _____ schwerer Munitionswa-gen Modell 1902

heavy ammunition wagon, model 1902

s. M w _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ schwerer l\1inenwerfeL _ _ _ heavy mortar SO _______________ Signa10ffizieL __________ signal officer SO _______________ SudosterL _____________ southeast so _______________ siidostwiirts _____________ southeastward; southeast-

erly Sock. Luf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sockellafette ________ ... _ .. _ rotating-base mount SOleL _ _ _ ______ S6ldner _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ hired soldier; mercpnary Siild.H _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S6ldnerheer _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ . __ . mercenary army Sold.TL _________ Siildnertruppe __________ mercenary troops soL ____ .... ________ Rofort____ __________ immediately SoL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sofortsache _________ _ immediate action (no/ire on

sog _____ ._. _______ _ sogL ____ _ soL _ _ _ _ ________ _ Sold ____________ _ Ro1d _____ . __ _

sogenannt ______ _ sogleich ________ _ solunge_ _ _ _ _ ___ _ Soldat _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ soldatiRch ______ _

d oe1l rnent.s)

so-called immediately; at once so long as Roldier soldierlike

Sold-B ___ .. SoldbuclL _ ideII tification book and Rerv-ice record

Sold. :Frdh _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Soldatenfriedhof _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ soldiers' cemetery Soldgr _ __ Soldatengrab soldiers' grave (on maps) Sold.Hm ________ .. Soldatpnhpim _ ._ _ _ _ l'io1diers' home Sold.Spr ___________ Soldatensprache __ Sold.Sk _________ SoldatellRtllTlcL __ Sold.l..Trl.O_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ SoldatenurlullbRordllllllg __ SoUbeRt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SolIlwstand _ _ __ SomIlL ___________ SommeL _________ .. 80llfL _____________ sonder _______________ _ Sond.Anh_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sonderanhanger _ _ _____ _

Sond.Auftr _ _ _ _ _ _ Sonderallftrag __________ _ Sond.-Ber _______ Sonderbericht __________ _

soldiers' slang military profpssion soldiers' leave rpgulationR required strength Rumrner sp<,cial special trailer; extra

(motor transport)

special miRsion speeial report


Page 178: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining

Bond. KL __ Sond.UrL __ Sond.Zw_


:::londerklasse _ _ _ ________ _ Sonderllrlallo _________ _ Sonderzweck __


Sonnt UrI ______ Bonntagsurlaub

special class special leave special purpose Sunday leave southeast by east SOzO_____ Sudost zu Ost.

S.P _ _____ __ ___ _ _ Signalp0titeJL _________ _ signal post: signal guard; signal sentry

Sp _____________ _ sp _____________ _ Sp ______________ _

sp sp__ __ _ _ _ ______ -Sp ____ - -- ____ _

SIL - --- - - - - - -

Sp ______________ _

Sp _ __ _ _______ _ sp ___ _ sp ______________ _ Sp _____ _ Sp ___________ _

Sp ______ _ Sp _____ _ Sp __ _ sp ___ _ Sp __ _ Sp __ Sp_ 8p __ .

Sp _____________ _ Sp ___________ _

Sp __ _ Sp.A _________ _

Spann.-W __ _ Span.R ______ _

Sp.D ____ _ Sperrf __ _ Sperrh ___ _ Spez ___ _ spez.Gew ________ _

Spah- _________________ scout-spahen ___________ .. ____ to scout; to obRcrve Spa her _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ scout; observer -spauni!!;_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ drawn by altimals spa t-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ late Spalte__ _ ________ ._ split; crack Sparlll ung _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ tension; strain; stress; volt-

age Sperre ______ _ .. _ ._ _ _ _ barricade; blockade Sperr-_________ ._ blocking; arresting sperrel1 ______________ _ to block; to arrest

speeific spezifiseh _ SpiegeL _ Spiess__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Spinel __ . __ _ Spinne_ Spion (ageL _____ _ spionierCll __ _ SpitaL Spitzen- _-. Splitter- __ _ Sporn __ _ __ _ __

Spreng- ____ _ SprellgpunkL _ Spur ___ _


Spannweite Spanische Reiter _____ _

SpiihdiensL ___ _ Sperrfeuer Sperrholz __ _ SpezialitiiL spezifhlehes Gewich t_

mirror; reflector sili!.; pike; soldipr's slang for

master sergeant locker (sold£er',~ wardrobe) foad j 11 Il etioll spy; espionage to spy hospital head; point: advance ~plillter

trail spade; tail skid; spur (artillery, avial ion)

explosive point of hurst (gunnery) track; trail; scent badge for achievcmell t ill


.... _ willg:spread; span cheval-de-frise (wire

glements) scouting duty barrage; barrage fire plywood specialty 'lpeeific gravity


Page 179: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Spez. Tr _________ _ Sp~z. Verw _ _ _ _ __ _ Sp.Flg ___________ _ Sp.Flgz ____ _ Sp.Flgz __________ _ Sp.Ft ___________ _ spg __________ - _ - __ Spg _____________ _ Sp.Geb __________ _ S P.Gesch ________ _

Sp.Gr ___________ _ Sp.Gr ___________ _ Sp.Gr _______ _ Spgr.m.K ________ _

Sp-H ____________ _ Spion ___________ _ SpiL ____________ _ spitz ____________ _ Spitz. Komp ______ _ Sp.Kp ____________ _ Sp.Kps __________ _ Sp1.130 __________ _

Spezialtruppeu SpezialverweIlduug __ _ SpaltfhigeL ____ _ Spezialflugzeug _ Sportflugzellg __ SperrforL _,,_ -spannig _______ _ Spsnnung ___ _ SperrgehieL ____ _ Spitzgeschoss mit Phol'-

phor Sperrgrenze_ Spi tzengruppc _____ _ Sprcng-granatc __ _ Sprenggrana teTIZ ti Iider

mit Klappen:>icherullg

Sprellgpunkth6hc _______ _ Spionage _____ _ SpitaL ________ _ Spitzen-______ _ Spitzenkompanie _ Spitzcnkompanie __ SprengkapHcL __________ _ Splitterbomoe __________ _

:>pecial troops special use slottcd wing speelsl airplane sport plane out,er fort drawn hy animals span; voltage barred zone; hlockaded zone pointed bullet with t,racer

effect boundary of blocked zone forward echeloll high-explm,;jve l'hell fuze with cell trifugal safet y

device (high-explo:·;ive shcll)

heigh t of poill t of burst espionage hospital head; point; advance ad ,-alice party advallce party detollating cap fnl/!:lIItmtatioll bomb: splill-

I!~/' bomb Sp.Leh,t _________ _ Spitzenleistllng_ _ _ _ _ _ _ peak capacit,y; record Spl. Gr __________ _ SplIt-t-ergrltllatc __________ fmgmentation shell Sp.l\L __ Sp. Metalle _______ _

Hperrmaller _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ blocking wall; rampart Sparmetallc _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ rare Uletals

Spr ____________ _ HpPI'I'- __ S.Pr _____________ _ :::;pitzgeHcho8s mit Phml-

ph or spr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 8preizen ____________ . __ Spr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sp/'eng-____________ __ Hpr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Hprcllgell ____________ _ Spr, H _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ Sprengbtiehse _ .. __ _ Spr. Bo __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SprengLombe ___ . _ _ _ _ ___ _ Sp. Hri_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ Rpornrad _ .. ____ __ SprPlIgm _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ 8prcIlgmittel 8prcngm __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8prengrnlillit iolt 8prcngsL _ _ _ _ _ _ 8preng8tofi' Spr.Gr_ _ ____ _ _ _ Sprellggrallate _________ _

blockillg-; milling (naval) poin ted bldlot wWJ tracer

effect. to spread; to Hi,raddle explosive to hlaH!. blaHt illg char~e JJigh-explol'ive bomb rowel; spur whppi explosive exploHive am III III I it ion w:ploHive high-explosive Hhell

Page 180: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Spr.Kab __ Spr.Kdo __ _ Spr.Kpr

Spr.KpH Spr.KpH.Zd Spr.LaL Sprldg. __ _ Hpr.MitL __ Spr.Mull. Spr.ML ________ .. Spr.P __ Spr.PatL _______ _ Spr.Patr. ______ _ Spr.SL _________ _

Spr.St __________ _ Spr.SL _________ _ Sp.Rtr _________ _

Spr.V ___________ _ SprzlaL _________ _ Spt _____________ _ Sp.Tr __________ _

S-Pulver ________ ..

Sp. W ___________ .. Sp.Zg ___ . _______ _

i'l.Pz.Kpf. WI( _. - __


Spreng;granate mit Klap­pensicheruIlg

Sprengkorper ________ .

Sprengkabel ____ .. ___ ... ' Sprengkommalldo __ _ Sprengkorper _ ... _______ .

Sprengkapsel_ . _ _ _ _ .' _ Sprengkapselzullrler ____ . SpreizlafeUe __ Sprengladung_ .. _______ .. SprengmitteL .. Sprengmunit.ion. Sprengmunition _ SprengpunkL .. Sprengpatrone _____ . ___ . Sprellgpatrollille .. _____ _ Sprechstelle. _____ .. ____ _

Sprengstoff ........ _ .. __ .. __ _ Sprengstuck ___________ _ Spanische Reiter .. _____ .. _

SprengvorHchrifL _______ .. Spreizlafette _________ . _ .. September ______ .... _ _ _ __ SpiihtrllPP ____ .... _ Pulver fiir scharff' Muni-

tion Spannweite ____ _ Spielmannszllg ______ . schwerer Panzerkamrf-

wa!l;en S.Pz.Sp. W g _______ schwerer Panzerspahwa-


A.R ____________ _ Schutzenregiment ______ _ S.R ___________ _ Sehrohr _____________ _ Ss. _ . ___ . ______ .. _ Sandsack _____________ _ S S __________ . __ Scharfschutze ___ .. .. __ .' S.S ____________ _ Schlltzstaffel der XSDAP


high-explosive shell with folding safety df'vic<'

blaHt iug charge; explosive charge

blaRtillg ignit.ion cable dplUolition part.,· blaHting charge; explosive

charge defollating cap; primer cap df'tollator split.-t.rail carriage high explosive charge explosive explosive ammunition explosive amIllllnition point of hurl't hla:; cartridge dplllolition patrol telephone exteTlsion ; cB,lll-1ta-

Uon explosive homb splinter: shell fragment chpyal-dp-friHP (w£re I'1tian-

glernents) t<'ehnical manual 011 blasting "pli t - trail carriage Septmn ber seOllt. squad: pat.rol powder for live amlJlunition

wing spread; span fife and drum corps heavy tank

heavy armored scolltinJ.!: ear: heavy armored recol1llai:,;­sance car

rifle rcgiinent periHcope; telescope sandbaJ.!: sharpshooter; marksman Elit.e Guard of the National

Socialist Party

Page 181: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


S S BrUcke ________ schwere Schiffsbrlicke_. s S-Gesch ________ schweres Spitzgeschoss __ _ S.Sich ____________ Seitensicherung ________ _ S.Sign ____________ SchallsignaL . ___ .. SS-Mann_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Schutzstaffelrllanll __ . ss. M G _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ liberschweres Maschinen-

gewehr SSO _____________ Sndsudost _____________ _

S.S.P ____________ Sammelsanitatspark ____ _ SS PL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SS und Polizeifnhrer ____ _

S. St _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sammelstelle ___________ _

sst_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ schragstehend __________ _ S.St.A ____________ Schiffsstammabteilung __ _ SSW _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SndsUdwest ___________ _

heavy ponton bridge heavy pointed bullet fJan k protection sound signal (88) Elite Guard privatI' superheavy (large caliber)

machine gun south-southeast medical collecting depot SS (Elite Guard) and Police

Commander collecting point; salvage

dump diagonal cadre (naval) south-southwest

SS. WageiL _______ besonders schwerer Guter- especially heavy freight car wagen

ST _______________ Schltisseltrupp zur Bear-beitung von Funksprli­chen

radiogram deciphering troop (on sketches)

S.T ______________ schnelle Truppen ________ mobile troops St_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Stab_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. ________ staff sL _______________ stiindig _________________ permanent St _______________ Starke ________________ strength

SL ______________ Stafette ________________ dispatch-radio; messenger relay service

St _______________ StaffeL ________________ echelonjsquadron (aviation);

detachment; ammunition section

sL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ staffelformig _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ echeloned SL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ StahL. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ steel St _______ - _______ • Stahlhelm_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Steel Helmet (organization of

war veterans) St_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ StalL __________________ stable (on maps) St ______________ . Stamm- _______________ stem; cadre St _______________ Standarte ______________ standard; regiment of Storm

Troopers SL ______________ StapeL ________________ staple; dump st ________________ stark ___________________ strong st_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ starr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rigid SL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Station ____ . __ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ station; depot St_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Staudruck _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ dynamic pressure; impact

pressure (aviation)

Page 182: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


st ________________ stehend _______________ _ st _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ steiL _ _ _ ______________ _ st __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ steigend ________________ _ sL _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ stellen _________________ _ St _ _ _ _ _ __ Stellung _______________ _ St. _____________ Stellvertreter ___________ _ St. ______________ StempeL ___________ _ st _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ sterbelL _ _ __ ___ - _____ _

Sterlllllot 01'_

standing stiff; rigid rising; climbing; to put; to place; to set position deputy stamp to die radial engine


St SL Steucr _ rudder; tax; helm controls

(avio lion) st ________________ stellerll ________ _ to steer; to navigate; to

pilot St _____________ _ Stoff. - ________ stuff; material .,L _______________ _ stopperL ________________ to stop St _________________ _ Stoss-_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _______ thrust St ______________ _ Straf-_ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _______ punislunent; selltcllce; pen-

alty St._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Strassc_ - ____ - - -St _______________ Stube _________ _ Sf.. _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ StUck. _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ ____ - - __

sf,rcet room piece; part support hour

SL __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SWt7.e

SL St SL St. Sta Sta __ _

Stllnde __ Sturm ______ _ Sturz ____ _ Stutzen __ StalmarzL _ Standarte ___ _

Sta __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Station _ _ __ _ St. A _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ Stubellarre.,t_ Staatsh _________ -_ Staatsballll Stahsw ___________ _ SLAbw ________ _


Stabswaehe Sturmabwl'hr Stiirke

StiL:\' chw _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Stiirkellaehwei"llng Staff _____________ StaffeL

storm; assault crash; dive; plunge short rifle captain (Medical Corps) st.andard; regimen t of ~torm

Troopers _ station; railroad station

confinement to quarters fedeml railwa~­headqllartePB Ctllllpany ddclise ngll.inst ai'lsltult strPlJgth

_ statement of actllal st rength echelon; squadron (aviation);

deta.rlurlent; amnllllJition sC'A")tion

Stab cl!~s Art.ilkriefUhrf'rs_ staff of the (divisiollal) artil-

StAG Stahl\\" _ SLA1._ __ __ _ ____ _

Sturrnabwchrgeschiitz _ Stahlwerk stiller Alarm

lery comlllltlldpr an ti-assa uIt gun steel work!'!

_ silell talaI'm

Page 183: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Stalag_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~talldlager _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ priHoucr-of-war camp for en­listed men

Stamm B ________ _ Stammbataillon ________ . cadre battalion St.arnmbttr ______ .. Stammbatterie _________ .. cadre battery Starnrnl _________ .. Stammliste ____________ _

Htammr RtammrolIe _____ _ m Ilster roll; cadre lif<t register of recruits:

roll (of a formation) name

.stand ____ . ______ Standarte ____________ standard; regiment of .sform Troopers

Btand_F _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Btulldartcllfiilirer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (SA) regimental leader.

Stand.Ger _______ StandgerichL _ Standorta .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Standortarzt_ Standort.laz_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Standortlazaretc _______ _ I:'ltandr __________ StandrechL _________ _ staudr ___________ _ standrechtliclL ________ _ St.Angeh _______ _ StaatsangehCirigeL ______ _ St.Angeh _______ _ Staatsangehe>rigkeiL ____ _ Stap ___________ _ StapeL ______ .. StapeJlg _________ _ StapeIlegllIlg _____ .. ' ___ _ St.ApOtlL _______ _ StabHapotheker ________ _ St.ArL __________ _ StellllTlgsartillerie ______ ..

StaStr ____________ StarkHtrollL SLB_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Btammhatterie ___ _ stB _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ stf~llographischer Bericht Btb.X ___ .. _______ .. Stubenaltester_

St.BatL_________ Stabl'lbattcric. _______ .. _ St.BeL ___________ StabsbefehL.

StbL ____________ ' Steinbruch _____ . _ Stbs ___________ .. Stabs- __ Stbstr ___________ .. Stabstrompeter

StbsW_____ _ _ _ Stabswache_ .. St. eh _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ StabscheL ____________ _

Storm Troops (equivo{enl U. S. rank: colonel)

(8S) regimental commander. Elite Guard (equivalent U. S. rank: colonp!)

COllrt martial garrison medical officer garrison hospital martial law by martial Jaw citizen; subjcet of a I'ltate citizenship ; nationality staple; dump laying of thf' keel captain (Pharmacy) art iIJery in permauent em-

placements high voltage cadre hattery Hhort hand report mall in charge of barracks

room hpadquarters bat tNY administrative ordel': head-

q lIarters order quarry staff; headquarters leader of trumpeter-corps

(cavalry) h('adquarters company (8A) Chief of Staff, Storm

Troops (fquivalent U. S. rank: general)

Page 184: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Sfck _________ _ Stuck Std ____________ _ Stunde __ .. /Std ____________ _ in der Stunde __ " _ s tdg _ _ _ _ _ _____ _ stan dig . ___ .. Std./Ge,whw ___ _ StundengeRchwindigkeit __ StdknL _._ StlludenkilometeL _____ _ Std. L _. __________ _ Standlinie _____________ _

stdL _____________ Rtiindlich _______ . ______ _ Stdort ____________ Standort_ _ ______ _

, Stdort-V eL _____ _ St.Dr. _ Std/sm ________ _ St. D. V _ . ______ _ steh.IL

Standortvet.eri nii r _ Stacheldraht Seemeilen in d<>r Stllnde .. Staudortdienst vorsehrift __ RtehendeR If eer

Steig ________ . _ _ _ Stei gerung_ _ _ _______ _ steig_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Steigullg ______________ _

Steigb ____________ SteigbUgel ________ _ Steigg ____________ Steiggeschwindigkeit ____ _

SteilL __________ _ Steilfeuer __ Steilf. Gesch __ . _ _ _ _ SI.eilff'lIergc;.:('hii tz Steilh _ .. __ .... _ _ _ __ Steilhang.

piece; part hour per hOllr permanent speed per hOllr kilometers per hour


radio base line (air naviga-tion)

hourly garrison; ;.:tation garrison veterinar~' officer barbed wire knots per hour manual on garrison duty Rtanding arm,V increase; allgmc1l1 ation gradient; ascent: ri;.:e; pitC'h

(av£ation); indiliP stirrup climbing RImed; rate of climb

(aviation) high-angle fire high-angh' gUll

st.eep bank: pf(~cipice Steinbr ___________ Steinbrueh .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ quarry St.Eis __ . ______ ... Steigeisen _ climbing iron Stell_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Stell ling __ ., ________ po;.:ition; emplaecment : line:

setting; st.ation: rank; attit udl'


Stell.Div. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ StellungRdiyj,<ion '. ______ front-line divi;.:ioll: division in line

Stell. Kr ________ . _ Stellungskrieg_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ war of position StellY ' __________ Htcllvertreter __ . ___ . ___ deputy stellv.K.A _________ stellvertretender Korps- deputy corp;.: area Hllrgeon

arzt St.Ent_, _________ Sturmentfernullg., Sterbl.Z. _______ ._ Sterblichkeitsziff er __ . __ St.F _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Staffelfiihrer ___________ _

~t . F. _ . . .. __ , _ _ _ _ StorllngRfeuer_

Rtffsth __________ . Staffclstab. Stfi ______________ Stabsflagge

a;':Ralllt distance mortality rate squadron leader (aviation of­

ficer) harasRing fire (artil/('ry) ;

strafing divi;.:ional train command staff flag

Page 185: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


stfr ______________ sturmfreL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ unassailable (well-fortified against surprise attack)

St.Fu.SL__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Standortfunkstelle_ _ _ _ _ _ _ garrison radio station Stg _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Stahlring_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ring of steel stg _______________ steigend ________________ climbing; rising Stg_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ Stellung ________________ position; emplacement; line;

setting; station; post; rank; attitude

Stg.Aufs __________ StangenaufsabL _________ tangent sight; bar sight St.G. B ___________ Strafgesetzbuch _________ penal code St. Gefr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Stabsgefreiter _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (corresponds roughly to U. S.

acting corporal) St.Gr ____________ Standesgrade ___________ grade Stg. Vis_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Stangenvisier ___________ tangent sight; bar sight Sthg _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Stielhandgranate _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ stick hand grenade; "potato

masher" Stichpr ___________ Stichprobe ______________ spot check; sample at ran-

dom Stickst ___________ StickstofL ______________ nitrogen Stielhgr __________ Stielhandgranate ________ stick hand grenade; "potato

masher" ST IL ___________ schnelle Kavallerietrup- mobile troops (cavalry)

pen St.K_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ StaffelkeiL _____________ squadron wedge (aviation) St. K_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Strassenkommandantur _ _ road traffic control head-

quarters St.K _____________ StreitkraJte _____________ combat forces St km _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Stundenkilometer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ kilometers per hour St.Kn_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SteuerknuppeL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ joy stick (airplane); control

column St. KoL _________ _ St. Kol __________ _ St. Kp ___________ _ St.KpL _________ _ St. Kr __________ _ Stllv ____________ _ St.Ltg __________ _ Stm _____________ _

Staffelkolonne ___________ squadron column (aviation) Sturmkolonne ___________ assault echelon Stabskompanie __________ headquarters company StellungskampL _________ position warfare Stel1ungskrieg ___________ war of pORition Stellvertreter ___________ deputy Stammleitung ___________ trunk line (communications) Sturmmann _____________ (SA) Storm Trooper (equiva-

lent U. S. rank: private first class); (SS) Elite Guard­man (private first class)

St.N _____________ Starkenachweisung ______ statement of actual strength StO ____________ . _ Stabsoffizier _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ staff officer; field officer

Page 186: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


St.O _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Standort ______________ _ St.O.A___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Standortaltester _ _ _ _ _ __ _ StOArL_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Stabsoffizier der Artillerie_ StofahL __________ Stabsoffizier der Fahr-

truppen Stoffgl_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Stoffgliederung __ _ St. Off z _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Stabsoffizier _____ . ______ _ Stokraft_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Stabsoffizier der Kraft-

fahrtruppen St.O.Laz _________ StandortlazaretL _______ _ Stona _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Stabsoffizier der N ach-St.O.PL _________ . Standortpfarrer __ St.O.PL _______ ._ _ Stabsoffizier der Pioniere __

St.O.V _________ _ Standortverwaltung _____ _ St. Oz __________ _ Stiller Ozean ______ . _____ ._ St. P ____________ _ Sttitzpunkt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ st.Patr ________ _ stehende .Patrouille _____ _ St. PenL _________ _ Stamm personaL ________ _ St. PL ___________ _ Stapelplatz ____________ _ Stpl _____________ _ StempeL _ _ _ _ _ _________ _ St.PS ___________ _ Steuerpferdestarken _____ _

St.P.w __________ _ Stabspackwagen _______ ._ ST Pz ___________ _ schnelle PanzertruppeIL __ St. Q ____________ _ Stabsquartier __________ _ St.R _____________ _ Stammrolle ____________ _

Str ______________ Steuer ________________ _

str _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ strafelL _______________ _ Str _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Strand _ _ _____________ _ Str _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Strasse _ _ ______________ _ str _____________ _ st.rategisch _____________ _ Str ____________ _ Strebe ________________ _

Str __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Streife _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Str _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Streifen ______________ _ str ______________ streitbar ____________ _

Str _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ StrcitkrMte _________ _

garrison; station garrison commander staff officer for artillery


staff officer for horse drawn supply troops

classification staff officer; field officer staff officer for motor trans-

port troops, garrison hospital staff officer for signal troops garrison chaplain staff officer for combat en-

gineers garrison administration Pacific Ocean strong point; base 1

fixed patrol cadre dump; depot stamp taxable horse power (motor

vehicles) headquarters baggage-wagon mobile troops (panzer) headq lIartC'rs register of H'eruib; nominal

roll (of a formalion) rudder; tax; helm controls

(aviation) to punish shore; beach; coast street strategic stay; brace; strut; snpport

(airplane constn1f:(ion) party; patrol; raiding band; strip; sector; lane fit. for fighting; warlike; val­

iant fighting forees

I For a comprph!'nsivc drflnition and discussion of 8lulzpnnkl. soo :MIS Special Serie,. No.5, "The Denlopment of German Dl'fensive Tactics in Cyrenaica---1941." p. 3.

Page 187: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


str ______________ strellg; ______________ ~_ severe; strict; stern; harsh Htr .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ streuen__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ search anq traverse Str ______________ Strom __________________ current; strea~; river Str.A_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Strafanstalk___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ priHon; jail; penitentiary Straf. AnsL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Strafanstalt_ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ prison; jail; penitentiary (on

maps) Strassb ___________ Strassenbahn ___________ street car Strat ____________ _

strat. B.. __________ _ Strat.Ball ________ _ Strat.FIgz _______ _ strat. L _ _ _ ______ _ strat. P __________ _ ~Mat. PI __________ _ strat.Z ___________ _ Str.-B __________ _

Stratosphiire_ _ _ _ _ ___ _ strategische (Eisen-) Bahn Stratospharenballoll Stratosphiirenflllgzellg ___ _ strategische Linie ______ _ strategischer PllukL ____ _ strategischer Plan ______ _ strategisches ZieL _____ _ Strassenbahn _________ _

8tr. B _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Strassenbau __________ _ 8tr Bel.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 8trafbefehL __________ _ 8tr Besch _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Strafbescheid __________ _

Str.B.Kp _________ Strassenbaukompanie ___ _ Strd __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Strand _ _ _________ _ 8trd.Bttr _______ . __ Strandbatterie _________ _ Streuf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Streufeuer _____________ _

Str.F _ .___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Streufetwr _____________ _

strL _____________ sturmreif ____________ . ____ _ Strg _____________ Streuung _____ . ______ _ St.Riern __ Sturmriemen ___________ _ Str.Korps ________ Streifkorps ____________ _

Str.Kr ___________ Strassenkreuzllug _______ _

Str.Kr ___________ Streitkriifte ____________ _ Str. N _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Strassennetz ____________ _ 8tr.P.O ___ . ___ .... _._ Strafprozessordrl1lug Str.Pzkw .. _______ .. S t r asse npan ze r k raft-


stratosphere strategic railroad stratosphere halloon stratosphere plane strategic line strategic point str'ategic plan :-;trategic objective street car road construction sentence (by lower court) sentence (by government de-

partment) road construction company coast shore battery (coa8t artillery) combined traversing and

searching fire (artillery) combined traversing and

searching fire (ar/niery) softened up for assault d iSI )er:-;ian (ba lli,gtic8) ehill strap (of steel helmet) raiding force; combined unit

for patrol\injl; duties street interseetion; cross-

roads fighting farees road network; road system eriUlinal code arulOred seout car

Str.Pzkw.Kp S t r asse np a n z e r k r aft- armored scout-car company wagenkompanie

Str.Pzkw.Zg ______ S t r asse n pa nz er k r aft- armored scout-car platoon wagenzug

StrR _____________ StrafrechL _____________ penal law

Page 188: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Str.Sp_. _ _ _ _ __ _ 81 ral<l<cm,pinne _______ _ Str.Spr ___________ Strasscnspern' _________ _

road junction barricade

Str. T _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8treckelJzugtafeL _______ _ t·ravcrse tabk (gunnery) execution of sl'utl'nce moiJile troop" (infantry) po"itioll warfare

Str.V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Strafvollstrcckung ____ _ ST Sch __________ schnelle SchUtzentruppen_ St.SchL _________ Stcllungsschlacht _____ _ st •. Sptr ___________ stehender Spii.htrupp ____ _ St.St. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ StaffelstarL __ _ St.Stellg_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sturm;;tl'lhmg ___________ _ St.Str _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Stark;Mom_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Rt.Tr ____________ Stosstrupp _____________ _

Rt.Trt______ _ _ 8tammtruppenteiL St. U ______________ Stcllungr-mnteri"chied ____ _

fixed I:<COllt squad diyil:<iollai train command al:<l:<altlt position high voltagl' ;;hoek detachml'nt: al:<sault


cadre unit perpendicular from ha"p

pieee--aiming circlt'-- -tar-get line (artillull)

St. U ___________ _ Stoppubr _______________ stop watch Stub.A _________ _ Stllhenarn'st. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ confinement to quarters Stub.A _________ _ Stllbcnij.Jtpster. ________ man in charge of harrack~

Stubaf ___________ Sturmbannfiihrer _______ _

Stutzp _______ _ SttitzpnnkL __

Stuf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ StllflllfUhrN __

Rt,n. Get-'eh _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8t.urmgeschUtz _, __ _ Fltll.H _ _ _ _ _ Stllfmhaubitze ______ _

room (SA) battalion leader, Storm

Troops (eqllilla.lent U. S. rank: major); (S8) hattalion cOlTlmander, Elite Guani (equil,alent V. S. rank: major)

strong poi lit; bat-'(' (.~ee note, p. 188)

(SA) company leader, Storm Troops (eqlliva.ient U. S. rank: 1st lieutnwnt)

aSRalllt, gun assault howitzer

Rtuka __ Fltnrmhptf __

Sturzkampfflugzeug _____ dive bomber SturmhauptfUhrer _______ (SA) chief company-kllder,

Stnrminf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Stnrminfanterie __ _

StV ______________ 8tabsveterinii.r __ . _ Sty _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Stell vertreter __________ _ St. V.O ___________ Stra.'lscnverkehrsordnung_ St. V.Z.O _________ Stra.'>"',enyerkehrszu}assungs-


Storm Troops (equivalent U. S. rank: captain)

shock infantry; as!<ault in-fantry

captain (Veterinary Corp.~) deputy traffic regulations ordinance for the operation of

motor vehicles

Page 189: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Stw ______________ Stabswache_ - _ - ___ - ~ ____ headquarters company St. W _____________ StaffelwinkeL ___________ open squadron angle (avia-

tion) St. W _____________ Stallwache ______________ stable guard St.W _____________ SteIlungswechseL ________ shift of position; change of

position St.Z _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Stabszahlmeister _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ civilian official of the Army

Finance Department with equivalent rank of captain

Stzbomb _________ Sturzbomber ____________ dive bomber St.Zm ____________ Stabszahlmeister ________ civilian official of the Army

Finance Department with equivalent rank of cap­tain

St.Zt _____________ SteigzeiL____ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ time of climb s.u _______________ sieheunten _____________ see below S.U ______________ Sonnenuntergang ________ sunset subm _____________ submarin _______________ submarine slidd_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ sliddeutsch_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ South German slidL _____________ slidlich _________________ southern sudl.BL __________ slidliche Breite __________ southern latitude sudw _____________ slidwarts _______________ southward Sudw ____________ Sudwesten ______________ southwest S.u.E.-GeraL _____ Sende- und Empfangsgerat transmitting and receiving

S.V _____________ _ s. v.a ____________ _ S. VersL _________ _ SVG ____________ _

Selbstverwaltung _______ _ soviel als ______________ _

Selbstverstummelung ___ _ Sol daten versicherungsge-


apparatus autonomy as much as self-mutilation soldiers' insurance law

s. v.w _____________ soviel wie _______________ as much as S. W _____________ Scheinwerfer ____________ searchlight; headlight S. W _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Scheinwerferzllg_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ searchlight platoon S. W _____________ Schmiedewagen _________ forge, wagon SW ______________ SudwesL _______________ southwest sw _______________ slidwestlich _____________ southwestern S. W.Abt_____ _ _ _ _ _ Scheinwerferabteilung ____ searc~:llight detachment S-Wagen _________ Gliterwagen ____________ 2-axle freight car with iron

side-supporting-barA, de­tachable wall, sui1)able for carrying rails

s.W.G ____________ schweres Werfergerat ____ heavy mortar equipment s.w.u _____________ siehe weiter unten _______ see further down S. W.Zg ___________ Schemwerferzug _________ searchlight platoon

Page 190: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


SWz S ____________ Sudwest zu Stid __________ southwest by south SWz W ___________ Sudwest zu West _________ southwest by west SZ_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Schnellzug_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ express train S.Z _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Selbstzerleger _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ self-destruction charge (pro-

- jectiles) Sz _______________ SitzzahL _______________ seating capacity (aviation) SZ _______________ Spielmannszug __________ fife and drum corps S-ZerL ___________ Sclbstzerleger ___________ self-destruction charge (pro-

jectiles) S.Zg _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sekundenzeiger. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ second hand (timepiece)

T T ________________________________________ air base (conventional sign in

d01lble circle) T ________________ Giiterwagen mit Selbst- freight car with self-loading

T _______________ _ T ______________ _ T _______________ _ T ______________ _ T _______________ _

ladeeinrichtuug inRtallation Tauschung _____________ _ Tag ___________________ _

TagesbefehL __________ _ Tank _________________ _

deeeption; fraud; illusion day order of the day tank

Tapferkeits - Medaille; medal or decoration for valor Tapferkeitsorden

T ________________ Tasche_________ poeket T ________________ Technik_________ _____ tcehnique; technology T ________________ TechllikeL ______________ technician L _______________ technisch _______________ technical T __________________ Teil ____________________ part; eleIIll'nt; component;

piece T ________________ Teilring ________________ graduated ring; azimllth

T ____________ _ T _____________ _ t _____________ _ T _______ _ T _____________ _ T ______________ _ t ________________ _ T _______________ _ T _______________ _ t _______________ _ T _______________ _ T _______________ _

Telefon ______________ _ TelegraL ______________ _ telegrafisch ___________ _ Temperatur ___________ _ Tender. ______________ _ Termin _______________ _ tid _________________ _ Tiefdeekpr ____________ _ TiteL _________________ _ Tonne _______________ _ Topograf _____________ _

Topographic; topograph-isch

drum; micrometer ring; dial

telephone telegraph telegraphic temperature tender (boat or train) term; date; hearing (law) deep; low low-wing monoplane title metric ton (2,205 pounds) topographer topography; topographic

Page 191: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


T ________________ Torpedo_ .. __ . _____ ~ _____ torpedo T ________________ Torpedoboot ____________ torpedo boat T ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Torpedoflugzeug____ _ _ _ _ _ torpedo plane T ________________ Touren _________________ revolutions T _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tross ________________ ~ _ train T ________________ TransporL _____________ transport; conveyance T ________________ TreffpunkL _________ .. _. point of impact (ballistics) T ________________ Treib-__________________ propelling; driving T ________________ Trieb-__________________ . driving T ________________ Triebwagen _____________ self-propelled railroad car T ________________ Trupp ______ . ________ party; detail; troop T ________________ TruppendiensL _________ duty with troop~ T ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Truppengeriit_ _. _ troop equipment T ________________ Turbine ____ ._. j,urbine T ________________ Turm __________ ._ .... _ tower (on maps); turret T.A ______________ Lufttechnische Akademie_ Technical Aeronautic Acadp-

my (insignia on shoulder straps)

Ta _______________ Tank __________________ tank

Ta _______________ Tarnung-------------- .. camouflage Tab ______________ Tabelle _________________ table; list tagL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ taglich _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ daily Tausch__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tiiu~chung-- ______ .... _ _ _ deception; fraud; illusion Taf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tafel_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ table; chart; index; diagram Tag ______________ Tag ____________________ day Tageg ___________ .. Tagegeld _______________ daily allowance Tag-P ____________ TagposteIL ____________ day post Tak ______________ TankabwehrkanollfL____ antitank gun Tak-Kp __________ Tak-Kompanie __ . antitank company TakL ____________ TaktiL. __ . tactics Takt.L_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Takt ikleh rer teacher of tacticl'S takt. L. . . _ _ _ _ _ _ tak til'che Lagc takt. Vb. R_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ taktische Vbungl'reil'c_ ... takt. Vb. R _ ___ _ _ _ taktische Vbungsritk _ _. Tak-Zg ___________ Takzug _____ . ______ _ Tall'l ____________ Tall'lohle _____________ .. _ .. Talsp ____________ Talsperre ___ . ______ .. ___ _ Talsp.-S__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Talsperrensee __________ ..

tactical situation tactical route march tactical practice ride antitank platooJl bottom of valley dam lake formed by dam

maps) Ta. 1\1 ___________ .. TarnmitteL ___________ .. camouflage material Ta. N ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tarnnetz _ .... ________ .. _ _ _ camouflage net TarIl_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tarn \lng ____________ ., _ _ camouflage Tasch_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tasche _________ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ pocket


Page 192: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Tasch.M _________ Taschellmunitioll ________ small arms ammunition in pouches

Taus ____________ ~ Tausend ________________ thousand T.B. _____________ Tuberkulose ____________ tuberculosis Tb _______________ Turbine ________ .. ______ turbine T.-BNL __________ Tagesbedarf ____ ..... ____ daily requirements T.B.F ____________ Turmbeobachtungsfern- turret observation telescope

rohr T.Br _____________ Tankbrigade ____________ tank brigade tch _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ technisch_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ technical T. D _____ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tiefrlecker ______________ low-wing monoplane tdL ______________ tropendienstfiihig ________ fit for service in the tropicH

(Afj'ica) T.D.F ____________ Tropendienstfiihigkeit ____ availability for tropical serv-

Tdr ______________ Tenrler ________________ _ t.E _______________ taktisehe EinheiL . t.E. Ball.Zug_____ _ _ techni;,;cher l":rsatzbal!on-

zug Techn ____________ TechniL _____________ _

Techn.lnsp _______ Technischer Inspektor ___ _ Techn.NIL ________ Technische Nothilfe ___ . __

Techn.Ob.lnsp ____ Technischer Oberinspek-tor

ice tender (boat or train) tactical unit tecllllical replacenH'lIt (rain-

ing balloon platooll technique; technology technical inspector Teehllical Emergelley Serv-

ice chief teehnical inspl'etor

Techn.Offz ________ Technischer OffizieL _____ technical officer techn.Schwrl _______ technische Schwadron___ teehnical troop (cavalry) tecllTl. Tr_________ _ _ technische TruIJpen ______ t(~(~hnical trOOPH Tl'ilg _____________ 'feihmg _______________ divi!>ion; separation Tl'ilm ____________ TeilmanteL ___________ . semi-jacketed (bullet) Teiln _____________ TeilnehmeL __________ . _ participant tpilw _____________ teilweise ______________ . partial; in part; partly Tl'ilz ____________ .. Teilzahlung _________ ...... part-paymplll T.-EiIllL _________ TageseinIlahme _________ rl'eeipts of the day TeL ______ ..... ____ TeldOIL .. _ .. _________ ... tplephone TeL ____________ . TelegraL ________ .. ____ tl'1egraph teL _______ . ___ ... _ telegrafisch ____________ .. _ telegraphic TeL _________ . ___ TelegramrrL ____ .. _._. tl'legram TclA ____________ . TelegrafellarnL __ . telegraph office Tel.lnRp __________ Telegrafeniwlpt'ktor___ telegraph inspector Tel Kp _________ . TelegrafenkolIlpanie ... _ telegraph company Tel-Ob-Bauf ______ Telegrafen-OberbaufUhrer. telegraph construction squad

engineer 516560°-43--13

Page 193: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Tel. St ___________ TelegrafenstatiOlL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ telegraph station Tel. Vt ____________ Telegrafenverwaltung ____ telegraph administration Temp ____________ Temperatur _____________ temperature Tend _____________ Tendenz ________________ tendency Tend _____________ TcndeL ________________ tender (boat or train) Teno _____________ Technische Nothilfe _____ Technical Emergency Scrv-

ice. Term_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Termin _________________ term; date; hearing (law) Terr _____________ Terrasse _______________ _ Terr _____________ Territorium ____________ _ Terr.GL __________ territoriale Gliederung ___ _ TF _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Telefunken ____________ _

tL _______________ tieL __________________ _ T.F ______________ Tiefenfeuer ____________ _ TF _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TragtierfUhrer _________ _ T.F ______________ TransportfUhrer ________ _

T.F ______________ TruppenfUhrer _________ _ T.F ______________ TruppenfUhrung ________ _

terrace territory territorial organization trade name of German wire-

less-telegraph company deep; low searching fire pack animal leader officer in charge of a military

transport commander of a task force tactical command; leader-

ship TF _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TruppfUhreL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ troop leader T-Falle ___________ Tankfalle ________________ tank trap T J.d.Gstb ________ Taschenbuch fUr den Ge- pocket manual for the gen-

neralstabsoffizier eral staff officer T-Flugzeug _______ Torpedoflugzeug _________ torpedo plane T-Fluwa __________ Tagfiugwache ___________ daylight spotting post Tg _______________ Tag ____________________ day Tg.B _____________ TagbombeL ____________ daylight bomber Tg.BeL __________ TagesbefehL ____________ order of the day Tg.Bo ____________ Tagbomber _____________ daylight bomber tgL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ taglich _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ daily Tg.M ____________ Tagmarsch; Tagesmarsch day march; day's march Tgr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Telegrafie_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t.elegraph Tgt ______________ Tragtier _________________ pack animal T.H _____________ Technische Nothilfe _____ Technical Emergency ~erv-

ice Th _______________ Theodolit _______________ theodolite Th _______________ Theorie ________________ theory T.H _____________ Turmhaubitze ___________ howitzer in turret Therm _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Thermometer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ thermometer Thur _____________ Thuringien _____________ Thuringia TieL _____________ Tiefen-________________ depth Tiefangr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Tiefangriff _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ low-flying attack

Page 194: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Tiefd _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tiefdccker _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ low-wing monoplane Tief. GL __________ Tiefgliederung __________ distribution in depth Tief.SL __________ Tiefenstaffelung _________ echelonment in depth Tief.Z ____________ Tiefenzone____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ defensive zone Tilg ______________ Tilgung ________________ extel'millaiion; eradication TiL _____________ TiteL _________________ title T.I.W ____________ Train - Instandsetzungs- train-repair workshop

Werkstatt Tk _______________ TanL _________________ tank TK ______________ Turmkanone ____________ gun in turret Tkst _____________ Tankstelle ______________ filling station; gas station TL ______________ Taschenlampe ___________ flashlight TL ______________ Teil ____________________ part; element.; component;

piece T.L ______________ Torpedolaboratol'ium __ .. _ torpedo laboratory (Kiel) T .L ______________ Truppenlehrer __ . _______ military instructor TLBlatt __________ Taschenlampenbatterie ___ flashlight battery Tlbn _____________ TaschenlampenbatterielL _ flashlight batteries Tln ______________ Taschenlampen_ _ _______ flashlights TIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Teilnehmer ___ . ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ participant TM_____________ Tapferkeitsmedaille_ medal for valor tm _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ teilmotorisiert. _ _ _ part Iy motorir.ed T M _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Torpedomechaniker _ torpedo mechanic T/Min __________ Touren in del' Minute ____ revolutions per minute T -Mine __________ Tellermine _____________ ._ flat percussion-type antitank

mine tmoL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ teilmotorisiert _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ partly motorized T-Mun _________ Tank-Munition _________ tankammunitioll T.N _____________ Technische Nothilfe _____ Technical Emergency Serv-

T.N .A ___________ Truppennachrichten-abtf'illlng

T.N.V ___________ Truppennachrichten-


ice signal communications bat­

talion signal cOllununications IllJit

T.O ______________ Technischer Offizier _____ technicalofficN T.O ______________ Teerofen___ _ _______ tar works (on maps) To _______________ Tonne _________________ ton (1000 kilograms or about

TO _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Transportoffizier _______ _ TOBF ___________ Telegrafen-Oberbaufuh-

rer Tonn ____________ Tonnage ___________ _ Top_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Topograph ____________ _

2205 -p01.tnds a!J()irdupoi.~) transport officer telegraph construction squad

engineer tonnage topographer

Page 195: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Topographie; toppgraph­isch

topography; topograp hical

'l'orn ___________ Tornister ______________ pack; knapsack Torn.Fu.Ger ______ TornisterfunkgeraL _ _ _ _ portable radio set Torn. Fu.Tr_ Tornistcrfunktrupp_ _ _ portable radio detachment Torp ____________ Torpedo ________________ torpedo

Torp.Flgz _ _ _ _ _ Torpedoflugzeug torpedo plane Torp.Lab__ _ _ _ _ TorpedolaboratorillllL _ _ _ torpedo laboratory (Kiel) Torp.Mot.Bt _ _ _ TorpedomotorbooL _ torpedo motor boat t ot_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ totaL _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ total; complete ToL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Toter. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ dead person tot. KT. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ totaler Krieg_ _ _ total war tot. Mob _ _____ _ fatale Mobilmachun~ ___ total mobilization tot.P _____________ toter PunkL dead center; dead point Tot-V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Totalverhist _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ total loss tot. W __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ toter WinkeL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ dead angle Tp____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Torpedo___ _ _ __ _ torpedo t.P_____________ trigonometrif'cher Pllnkt trigonometrical point (on

maps) tp ____________ - tropcIlfe~t _ _ _ heat-resisting Tp_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ TropenmunitiolJ __ tropical ammuuitioll T.p.M __ _ ____ _ Teile pro l\lillioll_ parts per million T.p.Min __________ Touren ill der }liIlutc__ revolutions per minute Tpp _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ Trupp_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ troop; party; detail T. IL__ _ _ _ _ _ Tankregiment ________ - _ _ tank regiment Tr____________ '1'rab: Traber_ trot; trotter TL ______________ Trager_ _ ______ carrier; prop; girder (avia-

lIOn) tr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tragbar _________________ _ portable Tr ____________ : _ __ Train _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ train '1'r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Trak tor _ _ _________ _ _ tractor Tr ______________ Transformator ________ _ Tr _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Transport _ _ _ ______ _ tr _____________ treffell __________________ _ Tr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ Treffer. _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Trc i b-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ Treibladullg _ . _____ _ TL_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ TrcnnschnitL __________ _

Tr _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ '1're1111 ung _ _ _________ _ Tr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TrosH _ _ ___________ _ Tr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ Trupp _ _. _______ _ Triig_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Trager_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ __ . _

transformer transport; COil veyance to hit (gunnrry); t.o meet hit (gunnery) propelling; driving propellant charge cross section; chamber (ex-

plosive) division; dividing supply train; field train part.y; detail; troop carrier: prop; girder (avia­


Page 196: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining

TragL __ -_ TragfL __ - _ - _____ _ Tragschr' ______ , __ Tragt ___________ _ 'I'ragw _ - _ - ____ _ train , __________ _ Traj _ .... ____ . Trakt .. _ _ _ ,. _ transat I Trallflp __

Tranflp.F __

Tr.Arzt Tr.Allsw _________ _ Tr.lL __________ _ Tr. BeL _ _ _ _ ____ _ Tr.Befh __ .. ___ _ T.Hhl.F ________ _ Trbst .. _______ • __ Tr. Dst ________ • __ Tr. E _ . ___ - _____ _


Treff Trpffiihigk


Tragfiihigkeit __________ _ Tragfhigel _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tragschl'allber ______ . __ Tragtier _ _ _ ____ , .... Tragweite _ _ _ _ _ ____ . trainieren , ____ . __ , ____ , __ Trajekt, . Traktor __ transat.lantiseh _

carrying capacity wing (aviation) gyroplane; autogyro paek animal


range; ;;ignificance; lwaring:-; to train ferry tractor trallsa tlan tic

Transport . traJH'iport; COli veyanee: car­rier

Transportfuhrnr , _____ _

Truppcnarzt. TruppenalliSWpj:-; _ .. _____ _

officer in charge of a llIilitar~' transport

medical 0 fIiepl' with t roop:-; military ident ifi ratioll (lapPl' plotted hits milit.ary order

TretferbilcL __ Truppenbefehl Truppcnbefchl:-;hui>pr _ Turmrundbl iek f(,),11 ro hI'

. cOlllInandpr

Treib;;toff ____ ' turret panoralllie tp\f':-;eopp fupi dllt~· with troop:-; Tnlppenciiellst .

Trllppcneintpilllllg_ . disposition of trooJls; taetieal organizat ion; orgallizut iOIl for eombat

TruppeneinteilulIg_, _ . _._ disposition of trnopH; tactiea!

TrcffcL Treffiihigkcit

orgallizatioll; orgallizatioll for l'ombat

hit (gunnery)

aceurae.v of fire; strikillg aeclll'acy

Treffwahrfleh __ _ _ Trpffwahrscheillliehk!'it hitting probahilit!·; probable

Trens.Z Tr.F Tr.F1. Tr.Fz Trgf Tr.GI


Triebkr trig.P __

Trenscnzugel, Truppenfiihrer Tragfiugel_ Truppenfahrzeug. Tragfiihigkeit , Truppengliedprlillg,

Triebkraft trigollometrischer PllnkL ,

I)('rcentage of hits snaffle reill commander wing (aviation) troop earrier carrying capacity organizatiolJ of troops; for-

matioll of t.roops range; sigllifieanee; l)(>aringH;

span (of bridllf! driving power t rigollometrieal point (on


Page 197: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Tr.Kch_ ~ ____ _ Truppenkiiche __________ troop kitchen; field kitchen Tr.Kdr __________ _ Truppenkommandeur ____ commander Tr.L ____________ _ Trennungslinie ____________ line of demarcation Tr.Ldg __________ _ Treibladung ___________ propelling charge Tr.Lehr _________ _ Truppenlehrer __________ military instructor Tr.Lsch _________ _ Truppenluftschutz_ _ _ _ _ _ _ military air protection; aerial

defense Tr. Mldg _________ Truppenmeldung _ __ _ _ _ _ _ unit report Tr. N achr. V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Truppennachrichten ver- communications detachment

band Trop ____________ Tropen ________________ _ tropics trop.df _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ ___ _ _ tropendienstfiihig ______ _ fit for service in the tropics

(Africa) Trop.Hm ________ _ Tr. P __ __________ _ Trsp ____________ _ Trsp. Bew ________ _ Trsp.F __________ _

Trt _____________ _

Trt. Kol _________ _ Tr. T ____________ _ Tr. Trsp _________ _ Tr. tJ.Pl __________ _ Truf ____________ _

Tropenhelm ___________ _ TreffpunkL ____________ _ TransporL ____________ _ Transportbeweguug _____ _ Transportf iihrer ________ _

sun helmet point of impact transport; carrier transport movement officer in charge of a mili-

tary transport Tragtier _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ pack animal Tragtierkolonne _________ pack animal train TruppenteiL ____________ unit TruppentransporL ________ transportation of troops Truppeniibungsplatz_ _ _ _ _ drill ground; training area TruppfUhreL ___________ (SA) platoon leader, Storm

Troops (equivalent U. s. rank: 1st sergeant)

Tr. V.PL __________ Truppenverbandplatz ____ dressing station Trw ______________ TreffwahrscheinlichkeiL __ hitting probability; proba-

ble percentage of hits Tr W g_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Triebwagen_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ self-propelled railroad car Tr.Z ______________ Truppenzeichen _________ conventional signs or troop

symbols T-8 _______________ Talsperre _________________ dam Tso ______________ Tausend _________________ thousand Tsp _____________ Talsperre___________ _ dam T-8taffeL ________ TorpedofiugzeugstaffeL _ torpedo plane squadron T.St.R.Nr ________ Truppenstammrollnum- unit roll number

mer T'1'T _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ Sichcrheitsmeldung_ _ _ _ _ _ weather warning signal (avia-

tion) Tllberk ___________ Tuberkulosc __ . _________ tuberculosis T. Vb.PL _________ Truppeniibungsplatz _____ drill ground; raining area

Page 198: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining

ABBREVIATIONS 195 tunl _____________ _ tunIich, tunlichst ________ feasible; most feasible Turb ___________ _ Turbine _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ turbine Turm-MG ______ _ T.V _____________ _

T.V _____________ _

T.V.P ___________ _ T.VV ____________ _ T.Z _____________ _ T.Z _____________ _ T.Z.F ___________ _

Turmmaschinengewehr __ _ Truppen transportvor­

schrift Truppen vermessu n g s-

dienst Truppenverbandplatz ____ _ Turmwarte ___________ _ TageszieL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ TeilringzahL ____ _ Turmzielfernrohr __

u u ________________ um _____________ _ U _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Umlaufmotor __________ _ u _______________ und ___________________ _ U _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ U nfalL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ U ________________ Uniform ________ _ U ________________ untauglich fill' Wehr-

dienst U _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Un ter- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ U _______________ UnterkunfL ____________ _

U _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ U nteroffizier ___________ _

U _____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Unterrichtsmunition ____ _

turret machine gun troop transportation regu­

lations surveying service (artillery)

aid station (combat) observation tower (on maps) day's objective micrometer setting turret telescopic sight

about; around rotary engine and accident uniform uufit for military service

under; beJleath; subordinate billet; accommodation; shel­

ter noncommissioned 0 fI1 c f) I' ;

sergeant (correspond i ng Toughly to U. S. sPrgcallt)

practice ammunition; drill ammunition

U ________________ Unterschied _____________ difference U ________________ UJlterseehoot __________ submarine; l~-boat U _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ lJ nterstancL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ dugout; shelter u.a _______________ und andere ___________ and others U.A ______________ l;nterabschnitt __________ subdivision of a sector u.a ________________ unter andereIL ________ _ U.A_____ _ __ __ __ _ Unterseebootsabwehr ___ _ U.Abt ____________ Unterabteilung _______ _ U .Abt____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Unterseebootsabteilung __ _ lLii.- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ und ahnliches __ _ _ _ .. __ F.A.K ___________ Unterabschn i t til kom-

mandenr U.ArzL __________ . l;nterarzt ____________ _ UbtsabL _________ Unterseebootsabteilung __ _

among others defense against submarines subdivision suhma,rine detachmcnt and the like sub-sector commander

medical officer aspirant submarine detachment

Page 199: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


u.dgL ___ ~ ________ und dergleichen _________ and the like u.d.M ___________ unterdem MeeresspiegeL_ below sea level Ud.S.S.R ________ Union der Sozialisten Union of Socialist Soviet

Sowjetrepubliken Republics u _________________ ubeL ________________ above; over iL ______________ iiben,chwer _____________ superheavy n b _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ii ber ______ . _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ abo ve; 0 ver Ub _____ ._ _ _ _ _ Ubereinkommen_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ agreement Vb _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tTbergang _______________ . crossing; level crossing (rail-

Hb ____________ . tTberschreitulIg _________ _ Ub ___________ . VberbichL _____________ _ Ub ____________ _ tTbung ________________ _

Vb ______________ Vbungsmup.itiOlL ______ _

VhAnI - _________ _ Vbungsanlagc __________ _ trh.AnL _________ _ tJhungsanleitllng ______ _ {Tb.Beg __________ _ lJbullgsbeginn _ _ _ __ ___ _ Vb.BesL __ tifmllgsbestimmnngen ___ _ tTbereillk __ _ nhereinkommen ________ _ tJbercillk {TbereinkullfL _________ _ tJbf'Tf __ _ nherfahrL ____________ _ Hberf __ _ {Tberfa1L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _

tJberf __ t'berHihrllng_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ t;herfL _____ . 1 Tberfltigelu llg ________ _

VberfL ___ _ _ t"rberflllsiL __________ _ t'herg __ nhergabc ____________ _ tTbergew _____ _ tibergewicht trberg.z.IL ___ _ Vbergang ZIl r Ruhe _____ _

{JberL__________ tTberliiufer _____________ _ ttberL _________ tTberlassllng __________ _ nberl_ _ _ _ _ _ _ UberlastuIlg __________ . tfherL _______ . tJherlegenheit _.. ____ .. __ t!berl_ _ _ _ __ _ lTberlieferung _ .. _______ _ tJherrL ___________ Cbernachtuug __________ _

road); transition crossing; transgression survey; synopsis; &ummary drill; maneu ver; exercise;

practice blank ammunition; practice

ammunition planning of field practice field practice regulations start of practice drills field practice regulations agreement arrangement crossing; paRs age raid; surprise attack crossing; transfer outflanking abundance surrender; capitulation overweight; preponderance transit.ion to rest, period; com-

ing to rest deserter cession; yielding overstrain; overburdening snperiority. traditioIl; surrender spending the night; shelter-

ing Ubern ____________ Ubernahme _____________ taking over; taking posses-

Hberpr _____ . _ Hberpreis ______________ _ tTbprpr ___ . __ ... _ _ nberprUfu ng _______ _ Cberr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ Cberrasch u ng ________ . Vberr ____________ Vberredung _________ _

sion overprice; excessive price examination; check-up surprise persuasion

Page 200: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Dberr _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ Dberreichung _____ .. ____ . presentation; handing over Dbers __ .. ____ .. _ _ _ _ tJbersee _. - . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ overseas libers_. _________ ._ libersetzeIL ______ .. ____ 'to cross (a r£ver); to trans-

Dbers_ . t'rbersetzer ___ . __ ... _____ .. Dbersch .. ______ _ tTberschiitzung. _______ _ Dbersch ... Dberschiessel1_ . tlberschw _____ " Oberschwenullllllg ____ . _.

late translator overest.imation; overrating firing beyond the target. flooding; overflowiu!!;; inun-

rlation iiberschw.MG ___ .. uberschweres Maschincn- superheavy machine gun

gewehr Dbers.K __ .. ___ .... _. tJbersichtskarte ________ . index lTlap (to a serif'.~ of

tJbert r ____ .. ____ _ t'rbertr _____ . ___ . tJbcrtr ________ . Dberv __________ .. _

tJberv __ .. ___ .. ___ _ tJberw _________ _ Dberw _________ _ Dberw.Rttr ___ _ uberz ___ .. ______ .. _ . Dberz_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ .

tJberz __________ _ tJb.FIl!:z ________ 0 0

tJb.Fz _____ . __ . _ Db.Gr ______ .. __ _ ubI ____ .. __ ._._ tJb.Ldg ____ ._0_ tlb. Lg _ _ _ _ _ _ __ . tlb. M .. ___ . _ .. _ . tlb. M. __ .. _. ___ .. _ tlb.Mun _______ .

tlb.PL _________ _ tlb.Pl.Kdo _______ . tlb.Pl.KdL ______ _

Vb.Pse _________ _ V h. R ___________ _ Vbs ____ .. _____ . _ tlb.Spr.K __ . ___ _

trbertragu11 !!:_ _ _ . ______ .. Hbertreibllug ___ _ Hhertretullg _ .. Dbervolkefllllg

Uhervorteihlllg_. ____ . _ ... {Jberweisung_. _ ... ______ _ V'berwinterung_ _ _ ... _ .. _ .. Uberwachullgsbatterie __ _ Hberzahlige_. ______ .. __ UberzahL ___________ . _ .

Uherzellgung ______ . ___ . Otl1lllgsflugzeug .... __ . __ ._ Obllllgsfahrzcug .. _ .. tJbungsgranatc. .. _... _ uberland .. _ ... _ _ _ _ _ ... tibungsladung _____ . _ ... tibungslagcr _ .... _ ... .. _ .. Dbungsmarsch ____ .. _.. _ .. tJlJllIlgsminc ___ .. ______ _ Dlmngsmullition _____ .. __


transmission; tram;eription exa!!:geratioll violation; trans!!;rcHsion excess of popllla1 iOIl; over-

popUlation imposition; overrpaching transfer; coItvictioll hibernation observation batt('r~-surplus; supernlllIlPrlil'y surplus; superior lluJllber (of


COli viction trainiul!: plalle training vehielt· practice shell overland practice char!!;c training camp practice march; route march dummy (training) mine blank ammunition; practice

ammunition Ubungsplatz _________ . __ drill ground; training ground Ubungsplatzkommando ___ drill ground headquarters Kommandant rlcs Trup- commander of the drill

penubungspJatzes ground tl"bungspausc _____ . rest period dUrillf.( trailling Dbungsreise .. ___ .... _ tact.ical ride t)bersetzung _. trallslation; crossing (a riva) Ubungssprengkijrpcr __ .. _ dumrpy blasting cllarge

Page 201: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Ubst_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ UbergangsstelJe _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ crossing point Ub.S"hg __________ Ubungsstielhandgranate __ practice stick hand grenade Db.Tg ___________ Ubungstag ______________ drill day Ub.Tp ___________ Ubungstorpedo __________ training torpedo; dummy

torpedo Dbtr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ubertragung_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ transmission; transcription Dbtr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ubertreibung _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ exagge ration Ubtr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ubertretung _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ violation; transgression Ut ______________ Uberlagerungsfrequenz ___ heterodyne frequency ii. MG __________ . iiberschweres Maschinen- superheavy machine gun

gewehr n. PL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ubungsplatz ____________ drill ground; training ground iischw __________ iiberschwer ____ . __ . _____ superheavy l:f .. ______________ UnterteldwebeL _________ . (corresponds roughly to U. S.

sergeant) U.F ______________ Vnterfiihrer _____________ subordinate commander lTffz _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ U nteroffizier _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ noncommissioned officer;

s erg e ant (corresponding roughly to U. S. sergeant)

Uffz.Anw ________ Unteroffizieranwarter ____ noncommissioned officer as-pirant

Uffz.D.R _________ Unteroffizier der Reserve_ reserve noncommissioned oi-ficer

Uffz.v.D _________ Unteroffizier vom Dienst_ noncommissioned officer on duty

Uf.Schn.St ________ Uferschnellsteg __________ hasty landing bridge U.Fw _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ UnterfeldwebeL _________ (corresponds roughty to U. S.

sergeant) ugesch_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ungeschiitzt__ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ unprotected ugL _____________ ungefiihL ______________ approximately; about U.K _____________ Umgebungskarte ________ position sketch; map of im-

mediate vicinity Ck ______________ . U mzugskosten _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ moving costs uk ______________ .. unabkommlich_ _ _______ indispensable; subject to oc-

cupational deferment u.M_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ unter dem MeeresspiegeL _ below sea level mnL _____________ umfangreich ____________ voluminous umf ______________ umfassend ______________ extensiye; comprehensive;

en veloping Umg _____________ Umgang ________________ detour umg _____________ umgeandert _____________ changed; altered; converted

(ammunition) Umg __ .. __________ Umgebung ______________ vicinity

Page 202: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Umg.Bew _________ Umgehungsbewegung_. • t.urning IllOVCml'llt: llallkillg nlOVeml'nt

Umg.K ___________ Umgebungskarte_. ______ position "k('teli: llll1p of im-mediate vicinity

Umg. Man ________ Umgehungsmanover _ _ _ _ _ outflanking mall(,11 wr UmgL ___________ Umgruppierung _________ regrouping; r('dbtribution of

forces umh _____________ IlmhangeIL ____ .. _______ to sling (packs or riJles) U/Min ___________ Umdrehungen in der Min- revolutions ppr minute

ute Umkr ____________ Umkreis ______________ .... surrounding PllvirOIlIlH'llt UmL ____________ UmlauL _______________ circulation; rotation; f('volu-

tion UmI. Mot_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Umlaufmotor ___________ rotary engine Umw _____________ Umweg ________________ detour Un ______________ Uniform ________________ uniform "Gnabh ___________ Unabhangigkeit _________ independence unangr ____________ unangreifbar ______ . _____ unas"ailablc: impn~gnable unausg ____________ unausgehildeL __________ untrained unbed .. ___________ unbedeutencL ___________ insignificant unbed ___________ unbpdingt _____________ unconditional; absolute unbeL ___________ unbefestigL ____________ unfortified; open unbek ____________ unbekannt ______________ unknown Unbek.Sold _______ l7nbekannter Soldat _____ unknown soldier unbem _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ unbemannt _____________ unmanned unbeIIl ___________ ullbemerkt ______________ unnotic('d nnbeob ___________ unbeobachteL __________ unobserved unbes ____________ unbesetzt _______________ unoccupied unbesch __________ ullbcschadigt ____________ uninjured; undamaged unbesch __________ unbeschiiftigt- __________ unemployed unbesch __________ unbeHchtitzt ____________ unprotected unerL ____________ unerlaubt ______________ forbidden unerL ____________ unerledigt. ______________ unsettled unerpL __________ unerprobt ______________ not teHted; Ilntri('(1 unerr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ unerreich bar _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ unattainabIP; illaccessible uners ____________ unerHetzlich _____________ irreparable unerw ____________ unerwartet _____________ uDl'xpectcd Unf ______________ UnfaH __________________ accident unL _____________ unfahrbar ______________ impaH"able ung ______________ ungtinstig ______________ unfavorable u ngb _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ungal1gbar _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ im passahle ungelL _________ . ungchorsam ____________ disobNliellt ungen_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ungel1au _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ inaccurate

Page 203: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


ungep ___________ __ ungcpanzert ___________ _ unges ___________ _ ungesetzlich ______ ~ ____ _ unges __________ _ ungesicherL ____________ _ unges ____________ _ ungesund _____________________ _ ungesch __________ _ ungeschtitzt ________________________ __ u ngez ___ -- _ - _ - - - __ ungezielt _ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ __ __ _ __ __ u ngez ___ --- - - _ _ _ _ _ ungezogcn __ _ _ _______________ __ ungf _____________ _ ungefahL_. ________________ __ uuh_. ___________ _ unhaltbar _______________ _

U niL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ U nif orm__ __ __ _ __ ___________ _ unk_. ___________ . unkundig ________________ _ unl _____________ _ unlosIich _ _ _ _ _________ __ unpass ______________ unpassierbar ______________ _ unt __________________ __ unter _ __ __ _ _ _______________ __ Untcrg _____ __ U ntergang __ __ __ _ __ _ _____ _ Untcr/!,h ___ Untergebener ____________ __ untcrh ____ __ unterhalb ____ _ Cntcrk.Gr __________ __ Unterkunf!,sgruppe _____ _ n ntCrIL _____________ __ U nternehmll ng__ ___ _ __ __ __ __ _ {'nterorrL _________ _ U nterordnung ______________ _ F ntcrr. ____________ __ U nterredung __ Unterr ______________ _ Uncerricht.smllnition _______ __

U nterHeh _ __ _ {; nterRehied ______________ _ UnterHL __________ Unterst.alHL ______________ __ Unt.F. _________________ Untorfiihrer __________________ _

without armor; unarmored unlawful; illegal unsecure unhealthy unprotected unaimed unrifled approximately; about untenable; indefensible (posi-

tion) uniform ignorant insoluble impassable under decline; fall; ruin subordinate below; beyond billeting party enterprise su bordination conversation practice ammunition; drill

ammunitioll difference; distinction shelter; dugout subordinate commander

Untffz____ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ Unteroffizier _____________ noncommissioned 0 f f ice r : s erg e ant (corresponding roughly to U. 8. sergeant)

Untffz-Hch ___________ Unteroffiziersschule ________ school for noncommissioned

untgL ___________ . II11V ________________ __

unverL ______________ _ un verz ____________ __ unvors ______________ _ UllzUg_ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ __ _ unzuL _______ __ unzuL ___________ _ unzll v _______ • ________ _ U offz ___________ . _

untaugliclL ______ . __ . __ _ un vollstandig ____________ __ unverteidigt ______________ _ II n verzagt ________________ __ unvorsichtig __ .. ________ _ ullzuganglich __ . _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ unzulanglich__ __ __________ _ unzulassig _ _ _ __ _ _ _____ _ unzuverlasf'i/l: _____________ _ Unteroffizier _______________ _

officers unfit incomplete undefended undaunted; fearless careless; unwise inaccessible insufficient inadmissible unreliable noncommissioned officer;

s erg e ant (corresponding roughly to U. S. sergeant)

Page 204: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining

U.P ______________ UnteroffizierposteIL __ _

u.R ______________ unter Riickerbittung ____ _ rrL ____________ Urlaub ________ _ Url.Antr _________ UrlaubsantritL _______ _ UrI. Ges __________ Urlaubsgesuch ______ _ Url.Sch ___________ UrlaubscheiIL ________ _ Url.Sp_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Urlaubssperrc ____ _

U rs _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ U rsitC he _______________ _ Urschr ___________ UrschrifL _______ _ VrspL __________ Ursprung ________ _ Urs.IL __________ Ursache unbekannL U.S _____________ Unteroffiziersschule_

Vschs ____________ Unterscharfiihrer __

Uschla ___________ Un te rs u c hun g s- lind

Sch lich tuugsalls"chuss der Reichsleitllng del' NSDAP


1l01lcommissiOlWd 0 f fie e r eommalld post

request return (on document.s) furlough; leave date> of start of furlough request for furlough furlough paper or pass (tem porary) dh,:('ollti nuance

for furloughs cause; rC'ason original (a.~ opposed to COPlf) origill calise unknown school for llollconllIlissionpd

offieers (8S) section kader. Elit.e>

Guard (equ£!'·aZent U. 8. rank: sergeant)

National Socialist Supreme Part.Y Board of In vestiga­tion and Arbitration

U stuL _____ ._ _ _ _ _ U ntersturmfii hrer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (SS) company cOllllnander, Elitp Guard. (Pqu ivalnd U. 8. rank: 1 sf liP1i1('nani)

II"W ______________ und. so weitpr_ and ,,0 forth u.U ______________ unterirdischer lTnterstand subtprrallPall shelter or dl1g-

out I1.U ______________ I1nter Umst.anden _ 11. V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ unter V orbehalt

under eprtain eOll(litioTls with the proviso or n~serva­

tion U. v.n ___________ Unteroffizier VOIll Dienst_ noncoIllmi!')sioned officer on

duty uverh ____________ unverheiratet ___________ single (unmarried)

U.Wm ___________ Unterwachtmeistcr ______ (corresponds rOl/{/htllj to U. S 8U{ICflnl)

U.z.h. V __________ Unteroffizier zur bCHondp- noncommissioned officer ren Verwendung specialist

v V _______________ Vater ______________ father V _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Veranderung_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ change; alt<>ration; Illodifica­

tioll; variation

Page 205: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


V ________________ Verband ________________ formation; task force; unit;

surgical dressing V ________________ Verbindung _____________ connection; junction; com-

bination; communication; con tact; liaison

v _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ verboten _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ forbidden; prohibited v _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ verdeckL ________ . ____ - _ _ defiladed; cam 0 u fl age d ;

screened; masked; covered V ________________ Verdienst _______________ earnings; gain; profit; merit V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Verein _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ association; society; union v ________________ vereinigte _______________ united; combined V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Vereinigung _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ unification; union; associa­

tion; fusion; junction V ________________ Verfassung _____________ state; condition; constitu-

tion; situation V ________________ Verfti.gung ____ . ________ decree; order; disposition;

disposal V ________________ Vergiitung _______ . ______ compensation; indemnity V ________________ VerkehL _______________ traffic; communication; in-

tercourse V ________________ Vermessungs-Batterie ____ survey battery (used in con-

junction 'With conventional sign)

V ________________ (Fernsprech)-Vermittlung_ telephone exchange (on sketches)

V ________________ Vermogen ______________ wealth; ability; power; ca-

pacity; faculty V ________________ Vcrnehmung ____________ examination; hearing; inter-

rogation; questioning V _______________ Veri'>ffentlichuug _________ publication; promulgation V ________________ Verordnung _____________ order; ordinance; decree; in-

struction V ______________ .. _ Verpftegung_ .. ___ . __ . ____ foodsupply;ration V ________________ Verpflegungsunteroffizier __ supply noncommissioned of-

ficer (used in conjunction with conventional sign for cavalry)

V ________________ Verschlagwagen _________ crate car; freight car with

latticed-walls for small cattle

V ________________ Versicherllng ____________ insurance; assurance V _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Versorgullg __ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ supply; provisioning v ________________ versparlllk _____________ braced (airplane construc-


Page 206: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


v _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ V erstar kung _ .. _________ .. V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Versuch _____ - _________ _ V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Verteidigung ___________ _ v _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ verteilen ______________ _ v ________________ vertikal _______________ _ V ________________ Vertikalachse __________ _

V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Vertrag _______________ _ V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Vertreter ______________ _ V ________________ . Verwaltung ____ .. _______ _ V ________________ Verwaltungsamt ________ _ V ______ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ VerwaltungsdiensL V ________________ Verwaltungsunteroffizier.

der Luftwaffe

V ________________ Verwendung ___________ _

v _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ verwundet _____________ _ V ________ • _______ Verzogerung ___________ _

V _______________ _ V eteriniir _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ V _______________ _ Viertel ________________ _ V _______________ _ Vize- _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ ______ _ V _______________ _ Volker _________________ _ V _______________ _ V olks- _____________ . __ _ V _________ ------- VolL __ .. _______________ ..

reinforcement; amplification attempt; experiment; trial defense to distribute; to rlivide vertical vertical axis of theodolite

(survey service) treaty; contract; a~rpoment reprosontativp; a~(>nt adminil'itration; management adminil'itrative office civil service administrative noncommis­

sioned officer of the air corps (sleeve insignia ')

use; applicatioll; employ­ment; appropriation

wounded delay; delay-action (am 111 /1-

nition); retardation veterinary quarter; fourth vice-peoples; nations people's full

V _______________ _ Vollzllg ______ . ___ . ________ execution (oj orders): cltrr~--

in~ out V ________________ VoIL ___________________ volt v _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ vom _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of the v _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ von ____ . ____ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ from; of v ________________ vor- ___________________ before: in front.

v _______________ _ V _______________ _ V _______________ _ V _______________ _

vorbeL _______________ _ Vorder· _______________ _ V orderrad _____________ _ V organg _ _ _ _ _ _ _______ _

formpriy missed! (gunnery) front; forward front wheel event; oeellrrence

of; for:

V _______________ _ Vorhaltepunkt ________ _ lead point (antirlir('rajt

V _______________ _ Vormittag ____________ _ v _______________ . vormittags ____ . _________ _ V _______________ _ Vorn- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. V _____ . __________ _ V orposten _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____ _

arWlery) morning; forenoon in th(> morning; befof(~ noon front outpost

Page 207: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


v ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ V orschriften ____________ _

v ________________ Vorwerk ______________ _ v _________________ verwendungsfiihig _______ _ 1.V ______________ _ erste Verzogeruug _______ _ 2.V ____________ _ zweite Verzogernng __ _ v 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ Landegeschwindigkeit von


regulations; Instructions; manual; provisions

advanced work; outwork fit for duty; employable short delay long delay landing speed

VA _________________ _ HeeresverwaltllngsamL __ Army Administration Office V.A _____________ _ Vermessungsabteilung ____ survey detachment VA ______________ _ Versicherungsanstalt_ _ _ _ _ insurance office VA _____________ _ Versuchsanstalt ________ experimental station; re-

search laboratory V.A __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Verteidigungsanleitung ___ defense regulations; defense

VAbd __________ Vorabend ___ _ Verwundetenabzeichen __ _

var ____ _ varia beL ________________ _ Var _____ _ Variation ______________ _ vat ______ _ vaterlandisch ___________ _ vaterL _ _ _ _ _ _ vaterliindisch __________ _ Vb __________ _ Verband _____________ _

Vb _______________ Verbinduug ____________ _

Vb ________ _

VB ________ _ V.B _____________ _ VB _____________ _

VB _ _ _ _ __ ___ _

V.Battr ____ _ Vbd _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Vereinbarllug __ _

Visierbereich _____ _ V 61 kerbunrl __ Vol1zugsbestimmllngen __

vorgeschobene Bcobach­tl,lng

Vermessungsbattcric _ Verband _______________ _

instructions eve; evening before wound stripe variable variation national; patriotic national; patriotic formation; unit; task force;

sur'gical dressing connection; junction; com­

bination; communication; contact; liaison

agreement; arrangement; ac-cord

danger zone (gunnery) League of Nations regulations for the execution

of orders advanced observation

survey battery iormation; unit; task force;

surgical dressing Vbd _____________ Verbindung _____________ connect.ion; junction; com-

bination; communication; contact; liaison

vbd___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ verbunden__ _ _ _________ joined; combined; connected; dressed (medical)

VBeL ____ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ V ollstreckungsbefehL _ _ _ _ writ of execution; execution-warrant

Page 208: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Vb.G ____________ Verbindungsgraben vbL ____________ variabeL __________ _ V.BL ____________ V crordnungsblatL Vbr __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Verbrauch _____ _

V.B.SL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ vorgeschohelle Beobacht-ungsstelle

V.D _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ VeterinardepoL _ _ _ _ __ _ v.D ______________ yom Dienst ___________ _

communication trench variable published orders expenditure (ammllnition);

consumption advanced observat,ioll PORt

veterinary depot

v.d _______________ von der _______________ _ 011 duty; of the sen'ice of th~

v.d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ vor dem __________ _ VDA _____________ Volksbund fUr daR

Deutschtum im Am;land V.d.F.H __________ Anleitung zur Vprpflcg-

ung des Feldhecres Vdg _______________ Verordnung _______ _ ve_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Endgeschwindigkeit der

GeRchosse V.E ______________ Verpftegungseinheit_ VE ______________ Volksempfanger __ Ver _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ V crein _________________ _ veL ___________ vereinigte _____________ _ verabsch _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ verabschiedet _ _ _ _ _ __

VerabsclL ________ Verabschicdllllg ________ _ Veriind ________ VerallderllIlg_ _ _____ _

Vcranhv __________ Verantwortlicher ____ _ verb _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ verbesscrt __ Verb ____________ Verbesserullg

Verb _____________ Verbindulig

vcrb _____________ verboten ____ _ verb _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ verbtindcte _ _ verb _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ verbunden __________ _

before the National ARsociation for tIl<'

German Elemcnt Abroad field commiRsary regulations

for the army decree final velocity; strikill/l vc-

loeity of projcctil('s ration unit people's radio receivl~r association; society; 1111 ion united; combined discharged; retired; taken

leave dismissal; diseharg('; farp\\'(,]l change; alteratioll; 1I10dificll-

tion; variation responsible persoll eorreeted; impf(wNi corf(~ctioll; improv('ment ; ad-

jllstmcllt cO!lIleetion; jUllc! ion; COlll­

bination; COUllllllllicatioll; contaet; liaiRoll

forbiddell; J>rohibih~d allied; united; confecil'rat.l'

-joined; combill(·d; eOlllJeeted; dressed (medical)

Verbd ____________ Verband _______________ formation; unit; i'illrgielll dressing

Verbd ____________ Verbindung _____________ connection; junction; CO TIl-


binat,ioll; communication; contact i liaison

Page 209: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Verb.FIgz _________ Verbindungsflugzeug _____ communication plane Verb. Gr __________ Verbindungsgruppe ___ , _ _ _ connecting group; communi-

cation section Verb. Grb_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Verbindungsgraben_ _ _ _ _ _ communication trench Verb.KradL ______ Verbindungskraftrad- communication motorcy-

fahrer clist Verb. Kst . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Verbandkasten_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ surgeon'p dressing case; med-

Verb. L_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Verbindungslinie _______ _ Verb. Lte _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Verbindungsleute _______ _ Verb.M _________ Verbindungsmann ____ _ Verb. Offz_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ VerbindungsoffizieL ____ _ Verb. P _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Verbandpiickchen _____ _ Verb.PL _________ Verbandplatz __________ _ Vcrb.R ___________ Verbindungsrotte ___ -____ _ verbr ____________ verbrannt _____________ _ Verbr ____________ Verbrauch ____________ _

verbr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ verbraucht ____________ _

Verbr ____________ Verbrechen ____________ _ verbr ____________ verbrecherisch _________ _ Verbr ____________ Verbrennung ____________ _ Verbr.Geschw _____ Verbrennungsgeschwin-


icine chest line of communication connecting file contact man (march security) liaison officer; agent officer first-aid kit. field dressing station connecting file burned; consumed by fire expenditUle (oj ammunition) ;

consumption consumed; spent; used; ex-

pended (of ammunition) crime; felony criminal combustion rate of combustion (gunnery)

Verbr. MoL _______ Verbrennungsmotor ______ combustion engine Verbr.R __________ Verbrennungsraum ______ combustion chamber (gun-

nery) Verbr.Temp ______ Ver bre n n u ngstemp- combustion temperature

eratur (gunnery) Verbst _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Verbandstoff _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ bandage; dressing Verb.St __________ V prbindungsstab _ _ _ _ _ _ _ liaison staff Verb. Vffz _________ Verbindungsunteroffizier _ liaison non-commissioned of-

ficer Verbzg ___________ V prbandzeug___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ bandage; dressing (medical) Verd _____________ Verdacht _______________ suspicion verd ____________ . verdiichtig ______________ suspected; sllspicious verd _____________ verdiimmL _____________ tamped (combat engineer

blasting service) Verd _____________ VPrdammung ___________ tamping (combat engineer

blasting service) verd ____________ verdeckt ____________ defiladed; camouflaged;

screened; masked; cov­ered

Page 210: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


verd _____________ verdichteL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ condensed; compressed Verd _____________ Verdichtung ____________ compression; condensation;

concentration: packing; solidification; thickening

Verd _____________ Verdichtungsverhaltnis ___ compression ratio; degree of compression (engine)

Verd _____________ VerdiensL _____________ earnings; gain; profit; merit verd _____________ verdienL ______________ deserved; earned; merited verd _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ verdorben _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ spoiled; rotten verd _____________ verdunkelt _____________ . blacked out Verd _____________ Verdunkelung__ _ ____ black-out Verdo Med ________ Verdienstmedaille __ . medal of merit Verdo tJb __________ Verdunkelungsubllng_ _ _ _ _ black-out practice vereid ____________ vereidigen ___ . ___________ to swear (a person) in; to

Vereid ___________ VereidigteL __________ _ Vereid ___________ Vereidigung ____________ _ verein _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ verein igelL _____ .. ______ _ VereinL __________ Vereinfachullg ________ _ verL _____________ verfahren _______ . _______ _ VerC _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ V erf ahren _____________ _ VerL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ V erf al L _______________ _ verf- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ verf allen __________ - ___ _

VerL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Verf assung ___ - ____ - - - - -

verf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ verfehlen ____ - _________ _ Verf _____________ Verfehlung ___________ _

administer an oal h person under oat Ii swearing-in; attestat ion to concentrate (fire) Ilimplification to act; to proceC'd; to manage procedure; process; pracj icC' decay: decar\(,llce: dpcline to decay; to decline; to

deteriorate state (condition);

tion; situation to fail; to millS lapse

eOIlI'! it 1I-

verf ______________ verfellern _______________ to burn; to use up verL _____________ verfeuert _______________ burned; used up (of ammu-

nition) verf ______________ verfolgen _______________ to pursue, to pf",ol'('eute; to

verL _____________ verfolgL ______________ _ Verf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ V erf olgung _____________ _ verL _____________ verftlgen _____________ _ Verf _____________ Verfiigung ___ - _________ _

Verf.FL_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ VerfolgungsfliegeL _____ _ Verf. Tr ____ • ___ • __ Verfugungstruppe ______ _

Verg_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Vergangenheit _________ _ verg ___ .. ____ _ vergasen __ _

trail pursued; perseellted; trailed perseeution; plIrsuit to decree; j {) dispose dccrc('; order; disposit ion;

disposal pursuit flier reser\'e~; malleu v('r f( )I"ee ;

permanently militarized SS units

past to gas; to attack with gas

Page 211: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Verg_ _ _______ _

Verg __ verg .. _________ _

Vprg ___________ _

Verg _ _ _ __ - - __ _ vprg

Verg __________ - __ verg ____________ _ Verg ____________ _ Verg ___________ _ Verg.F ______ _ VergL _________ _ Vergl.HelL _______ _ V ergl. Z _- ______ _ Verg.lVI _______ _ Verg.:\IoL ______ _ Vergr __

Verh_ _ ______ _ verlL ________ _

Vergaser carburetor V(~rgaHung __ _ ga;,;sing; carburetion vergatterrL _ _ __________ assemble for change of the

guard (by the beat of a drum)

VergaHcrung _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ change of the guard VergehelL __________ misdemeanor vergeltcn _ ____ - - - _ _ _ _ to repay; to retaliate; to re-

Vergelt \J ng . ___________ _ vergiften __ _ _ _ ______ _ Vergiftung ____ .... Vergii tung _____________ _ Vergeitung;,;fellpr Vergleich ___ _ Vergleichs,.;ch ieHsen ___ _ Vergleichszicl VergeltungHmassllahme __ Vergasermot.or __ V ergrosserung ___ . _

Verhiiltn is._ verhullgnisvolL ________ _

ward ret aliation; reprisal to pO\I>Oll

poisoning; contamination compensation; indemnity retaliatory fire comparison registration fire auxiliary target (artillPrY) retaliatory measure carburetor enginc enlargement; increase; aug-


"(~rh _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . verhaftet. ______________ _

relation; proportion; ratio fatal; fateful; om in OUI>; por­

tentous; disastrolls arrcsted; apprehended; tak­

en into custody; impris­oned

verh ________ _

V erhaftllng ____ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ arrest; imprisonment; cap-

Verhalten _____ _ vcrhalldelt ___ _

ture beha vior; attitude negotiated; treated; deliber­

ated Vorh _____________ Verhau ___________ _ ahatis; barbed-wire obstacle

_ hindered; prevented; ob­structed

verh __________ _ verhindert __ _

Verh _________ _ Verhinderllng _

Verh ____________ . VerhC)L ..

verlL __ vcrhort _____ ..

verj _____________ _ verjudeL .. Verj ___________ -- VerjullguJlg __ . _______ _ verk ___________ .. verkanteL ______________ _

hindering; prevention; ob­stacie; impedimen t

hearing; interrogation; ex­amination; questioning

examined; interrogated; ques-tioned

Judaized tallering (form of projectile) tilted; canted (sighting error)

Page 212: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


V crk _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Verkchr_

Verk _____________ Vcrkiindigung _________ _

Vcrk ____________ Verkiirzlln~-------------

Verk.FL _________ Vcrkehr~fticgcr

Verk.Flzg_____ _ __ _ Verkchr"fllll!:zcug __

VcrkL ___________ \'crklcidung _____ _

Vcr kL __________ _

Verk.Tr Verkzg

Verkleinerung- _ _ _ _ _ Verkehrstrllppell _ Verkiirzung __

verl ______________ vprladen _____________ _

VerL________ Verladung ________ _

VerL __________ _ verL __ Verl Veri

v('rl VerI

verL _________ _ verL _ _ _ _________ _

VerI __________ _ verL __________ _ VerL _____ _ Vprl.BhL __ Verl.Kdo ___ _ Verl.L _____ _ Verl.Offz Verl.R _____ _ Verl.St __ _

V pr Iii !Igoru ng verlastet _ V crlastung- ______ _ Verlauf _____ _

verlcl!;en _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ VerJegllllg ______ _

verl('sen _ verletzt

VerletzUIlI!; ___ _ vprloretL _ _ _ _ _ VerlusL __ _ Verladebahn hof V erladekommaml() Verlustlist e VerladeofIizicr __ V erladeram pc_ V erladestah ___ _

VerI.St__ _ _ Verladcl'ltatiOIl Verl.St ___________ Verladestelle ___________ _


traffic; commllllicatiOll; ill-tercourse

announcement; publicat i(m; proclamation; prolloull('­illl!; (of senter/('e)

shortening; abridl!;ment; ab­breviation

commercial flier commercial plane: pa"~(,llg('r

plane cowling (airplane (/nd (/u/o­

mobile eon8[rurti(lll); ('111<­

ing; camoufial!;<': di~guis(' reduction; diminllt ion communication troops "hortening; abridgnH'lll : ab-

breviation to load; to entrain (troops) ent raining; embarkat iOII ; (,1lI-

bussing prolongation; extpJlsiol\ loaded (pack aTlhlllll.~) loading of pack all illlnls ('ourse; progress; pn )(,Pl"l": r\('-

velopment to shift fire (artilliri/) shift; trallsfer; t.ransport!l­

Uon (of troops) to ca1l the roll wounded; injurl'<\: hurt; vio-

lated; offellded injury; violation lost loss; cB.'malty loading statioll (rII iill.'11 1/1 ('nl raining command post caslIa}t,y list. entraining officer loading ramp loading crew ('nt raining Htation ellt raining point: loadin/o!:

point; point of f>llIbarku. tion; entrueking point

Page 213: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Verl.St _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ V erlangerungsstuck_. __ .. _ _ extension piece VerI. Vb _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ VerIadeiibung ____ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ entraining practice Verl.Z ____________ VerIadezeik ____________ entraining time verrn ____________ vermacht ______________ bequeathed Verm ____________ Vermachtnis ____________ testament Verm ____________ Vermahlung ____________ grinding verm ____ .. _______ vermehrt ____ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ increased; multiplied Verm ____________ Vermehrung ____________ increase; multiplication Verm ____________ Vermerk _______________ observation; note; remark verm ____________ vermessen ______________ to measure; to survey Verm ____________ Vermessung _____________ survey; measurement verm ____________ vermindert _____________ lessened; diminished; abated VernL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Verminderung ___________ reduction; diminution verm _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ vermisst _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ missing Verm ___________ .. Vermisste _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ missing men verm ____________ vermitteln ______________ mediate; arrange Verm ____________ Vermittlung ____________ intervention; mediation Verm _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Vermittlungsstelle _ _ _ _ _ _ _ telephone exchange Verm ____________ Verm6gen ______________ wealth; ability; power; ca-

pacity; faculty verm _____________ vermutet _______________ conjectured; supposed verm. _____________ vermut.lich ____________ .. _ presumable; probable; likely Verm ____________ Vermutung _____________ supposition; conjecture;

Verm.Abk _______ Vermessungsabteilung ___ _ V E'rm.Battr _______ Vermessungsbatterie ____ _ V erm. Tr __________ VermeSStUlgstrupp ______ _ vern_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Vernachlassigung _______ _ Vern _____________ Vernehmung ___________ _

vern _____________ verneint _______________ _ Vern _____________ Verneinnng ____________ _ vern _____________ vernichtet _____________ _ Vern _____________ Vernichtung ___________ _ VerIL ____________ vernachlassigt __________ _ vern _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ vernagel L _____________ _ VerIL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ vernommen ____________ _

verneb ___________ vernebeln ______________ _ Verneb ___________ Vernehelung ___________ _ Vern.F' ___________ Vernicbtungsfeuer ______ _

Vern.i.D __________ Vernachlassigung im Dienst

surmise survey detachment survey battery survey detachment negligence; neglect questioning; interrogation;

examination; hearing denied; contradicted denial; contradiction destroyed; annihilated annihilation; destruction neglected; slighted spiked (weapon) questioned; interrogated;

heard to screen by smoke smoke screening destructive fire; annihilating

fire (artillery) neglect of duty

Page 214: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Vern.KL _________ Vernichtungskrieg _______ war of annihilation Veroff ____________ Veroffentlichung _________ publication; proll1ulgatioll verordn __________ verordneL ______________ ordered; decreed Verordn __________ Verordnung _____________ ordnance; decree; order; in-

struction Verp _____________ Verpackung _____________ packing; loading verp _____________ verpassL ___________ oo ___ rniRscd; adjuRted (gas mask)

verp _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ verpestet_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ infected; poisoned verp _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ verpont _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ forbidden; prohibiH'd verp _____________ verpuffL _______________ fired away (uselessly); waRted verpfl ____________ verpflanzt ______________ transplanted; replant cd verpfl ____________ verpflegt _______________ fed; cared for; nourished Verpfl ____________ Verpflegung ______________ rations; food Rupply; ration-

Verpfl ____________ Verpflichtung __________ _ Verpfl.Auf ________ Verpflegungsaufenthalt ___ _ Verpfl.Ausg. (St.) _ _ Vel' p fIe gun g sausgabe-

stelle Verpfl.B __________ Verpflegungsbasis _______ _ Verpfl. Ernpf _ _ _ _ _ _ Verpflegungsempfang ___ _ Verpfl. Fz _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Verpflcgungsfahrzeug ___ _ Verpfl.Kfs ________ Verpflegungskraftfahr-


ing obligation; duty food stop rations distributioll point

rations base receipt of rations commissary wagon ratioIlR motor 1 rllck

Verpfl.KoL ________ Verpflegungskolonne _____ commissary train; ;;Ilpply

Verpfl.L _________ _ Verpflegungsliste _______ _ Verp.Lg __________ _ Verpflegungslager _______ _ Verpfl.Mag ______ _ Verpflegunp;smagazirL ___ _ V erpfl. N achsch ___ _ Verpflegungsnach:'iChllb __ _

V erpfl.Offz ________ VerpflegungRoffizier _____ _

column ration list eomIlliHRary depot food dq)()t supply rppI!H'PIlIPnl; briJlg­

ing up of food I:'upplips cOlIlIuil:'sary oflicer; JIll'I'S otli­

eel' Verpfl.P __________ Verpflegungsportion ______ individual rat iOllS Verpfl. Tr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Verptleguugstross_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ supply t mill; ratioll train;

Verpfl. Uffz ________ Verpfl egungsuntero ffi-zier

Verpfl.V _________ _ VerpflegungsvorschrifL __ _ Verpfl. W g _______ _ VerpflegungRwagen ___ . __ _ Verpfl.Zg ________ _ Verpflegllngszug __________ _ VerI' ____________ _ V erra tel' _________ . _ _ __ VerI' ____________ _ VerraL _ . ._ __ _ _ __ verr _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ verraten ______________ _

commissary train supply noncommissiolled

officer; mess serp;Pl1llt rations reglliationt> supply wagon supply train (railway) traitor treason to betray

Page 215: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


verc __________ · . verrechnet __

Verr .. Verrechnung. _

placed to account; settled; miscalculated

placing to account; settle-men t ; miscalculation

verr ____________ verringerL ___________ .. _ diminished; reduced verL ___ .. ___ .. _. _ verriickt .. _____ . _________ . insane; crazy; deranged Verrgl Verriegelung .... __ . _____ . barricade; locking mechan-

ism (weapon8) Vers_____ _ Versaumnis.. neglect; negligence vers ____________ .. _ versaumL __ .. ___ .. _______ missed; neglected vers ____________ versagen ______ .. _________ to fail; misfire; refuse; deny Vers .. . _ _ __ . V ersager _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ misfire vel's.. versammelt.. . _________ assembled Vers_ . ________ Versammlung _________ . _ convention; assembly; gath-

vprs V('rs


ering versandt ______ .. ________ dispatched Versandung _____________ sanding up; choking up with

sand vprsehelL _______ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ prodded; furnished with;

supplied VNS ... ___ . ____ . Versehen _______________ provisioning; furni:o;hing

\,prs .. _. \'prs_

\,prl' ..

VerR __ . ____ .. ___ _

versetzL _ _ _ __________ _

VersetzulI!!: __ _ verRichert ___ _ V pr::;icheru ng_.

\'erRorgt .. _. V prsorgullg .

VPfRuch ______________ . vers _____ . ______ .. _ venmchsweise ____ _

Vf'l'R.AbL __ Ver".Abt.d. Verk.­

Tr Vers.An::;L _______ _ Vers.AllRL _____ ._

VerRuchsabteilung Versuchsabteilung der

Verkehrstruppen VersicherungsanstalL ___ .. V ersuchsanstalt.

with; supply; mistake; blunder

transferred; removed transfer; removal i:w-4llred; guaranteed insurance; assurance; seclI-

rity. provided for; cared for proviRion; maintenanc<': fill\>­

ply supply systNu; state pro­

vision for the deserving attempt; experiment; trial by way of trial; as an experi­

ment; experimental experimental department experimental detachment of

the communication troop" insurance office e.xperimental station; re­

search laboratory Vel's. Anst.f.Hdfw ~_ VersllchsaIlfltalt fi1r Ha1ld- experimental station for

feuerwaffen small weapons

Page 216: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Vers.B~ __________ Versuchsballon~._ experimental balloon experimental battery Vcrs. Batt ~ _______ _

Vers.Beh V ersu chsba tterie Versorgungsbehorde. state administration for vet-

erans VerB. Bt _~ _____ ... Versuchshoot experimental boat,

experimeutal bat t,ery boarded; revetted entrenched

Verso Bttr.. .. _ _ _ _. Versuehsbatterie vers c h ~ .. ___ .. ___ _ versch ________ _ V en;ch~ __ . ___ - .. _ .. ven;ch~ _ .. _ Verseh

versch ___________ _ Versch _________ _ Versch _ ~ .. ~ ___ ~ _ versch ___ _

Verseh . verficb .. versch ______ _

Versch versch~ verseh. __________ _

Versch versch Versch.1I VerschL verschl VetschL,. verschL ~ _ verschl~ . \,prschL vNsc}!1 vprschl _.~,.

VerschL.~_ ' .. ~. ~_

Yersch1.K. ____ .~.

Versehl.Ht __ . _. Verschl.TL._._ ..

Versehr. _ ..... . Versehr __ .. _ .. versehw_~ ....

verschalL . ~ .. verschanzL ,._ V crsehan zung. verscharrt Verschiebullg . ~

Cllt rellchment; elll relleh illg covered with Cart h shifting; displacement; de­

lay versehicden ___ . __ . _ .... ~ .. diN]: variolls Versehiedenes_ . ~

VerschiedenheiL. versehift'L. ___ . ~. ~. Vel'schiffung. __ . vel'sehoben~ . _ . verschollen. _ ~

Ver:;:chollene __ ~. vprschont _______ .. verschosselL ___ ~ ~ __ ~ .. Verschuttung ___ ~. __ _ veri<chnldelL_ . VersehiffullgRhafell. ~ Vpr:;:chlanllllung_ . verschleehtprt . \' prschiechterllll/C _. versehh·ierL .. ~ ~ ~ . \'ersehleppL~ __ versehh'uderL _ ... __ . vprsehlossen _____ ~ _. v('rschlulIgen __ .. __ .. ~ VerschhtsiL.~ .. _ ..

V(,l'schlusskappe __ _

Vf'rschleierungtrnppen ..

Rtllldry; variolls difference; variety shipped out; exported

_ shipping: shipment removed; shifted; delayed presnmed (kad; sunk into

obliv ion .. _ mh,sin!!; person

prote('t I'd; spared: imlllune out. of amIllunitiol1

.. ~ burial alive' to be in deht: to be indel)tt'd port of emharkat ion silt deteriorat pcl: llllHk \\OI'",P

deterioration scn'clwci remov('d; mispill.('pd t brown away; wltstNi 1m' ked: UIICOlllUltllli('ul ive swallowed: illtC'fWOV('1I

bolt; brcpchbloek loek; hreech llleehun iSIII

Incking cap; brf't'ehblrwk (~over

breechhlock eamonflaging t.roops: sllloke

troops Veri<ehraubung~ screwing Versehrot tUllg.. sera pping v(·rschwiegen_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ secretive

Page 217: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


verschw ______ _ verschwinden __________ _ Verschw ____ _ Verschworung _________ _ verschw _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ verschwunden ____ ' ______ _ Verschw. Laf _ _ _ _ Verschwindlafette ______ _ Vers.Fst_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ Vorschrift fUr die wirt­

schaftliche Versorgung der Festungen

Verso FL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Versuchsfahrzeug _______ _ V ers. Geb _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ Versammlungsgebiet ____ _ Verso Kdo _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ V ersuchskommando ______ _ VerR.Kdo.Flak ____ Versuchskommando fUr


to disappear conspiracy; plot disappeared retractable gun mount regulations for the provision-

ing of fortresses

test vehicle assembly area experimental unit experimental detachment of

antiaircraft artillery

Vers.Komp _______ Versuchskompanie _______ experimental company Vers.Lg_ _ _ _ _ _ Versammlungslager ______ reception center; assembly

camp Verso MschfL _ _ _ _ _ versammelte Manllschaft_ assembled personnel (of a

1mit) Versorg _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Versorgu ng _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ provisioning; supply; social

security Versp _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ Verspiitung_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ delay versp ___________ _ Versp _ __ __________ _ versp ______________ __

verspannt ________________ braced (aviation) V erspaIlll u ng _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ bracing (airplane) versperrt _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ blocked; barricaded;

aded hlock-

Versp_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Ven;perrllng ___________ _ barring; barricading; ade (of a port)

assembly point


Vers.PI __ _ V erspr ____ _ Verspr __ _

Versarnmillngsplatz _____ _ Versprechllng _ Versprengter __ _

promise straggler

Verspr ___ _ Verspr.S.St __ _

VersprenguIlg _ Versprengtensam mel-

_ dispersal; isolation straggler collecting point

stelle Vers.Se h_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ Versllchschiessen __ Vers.St. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ VersorgllIlgstellc ___ _

Ver.SL ___________ Verladestelle ___________ _

Ver.St ___________ _ V erliingerungsstllck __ Verst.. _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ V erstiirker _____ _ verst.. ________ _ verstiirkL .. _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ Verst ___________ _ Verstarkung ___________ _

tCbt firing supply station; social welfare

office. entraining point; loading

point; point of embarka­tion

extension piece amplifier (radiu) reinforced; intensified reinforcement; amplification


Page 218: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


verst_ _ _ __ verstanden _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ understood Verst _ _ _ _ __ Versteck _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ hiding place verst___ _ _ _ _ _ • versteckt _______________ hidden VersL _ _ _ _ Verstopfnng _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ stoppage; obstruction verst_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ verstorbeIL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ deceased Verst __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Verstorbener_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ deceased per::1OIl verst _____________ verstiimmelt ____________ mutilated; maimed Verst ____________ Verstiimmelung _________ mutilation Vers.Se _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ VersllChsstelle_ _ _ _ testing. statioll Verst. Art. _ _ _ _ __ _ Verstarkerungsart illerie _ reinforcemcll t artillery verst.F.P __________ verstiirkter FeldpostClL _ reinforced combat outpost Verstkg _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Verstarkung _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ reinforcement; amplification

Verstzg _____ _ Verst.ZuL __ _ Vel's. VbcL __ Vel's. V g ________ _ Vers.Zw _________ _ vert _____________ -Vert _______ .:. ____ _ vert _____________ _ Vert ____________ _ vert _____________ _ Vert _____________ -vert _____________ _

VerL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Vert.Abschn _ Vert.AnL ______ _ Vert.AnL ________ _ Vert.ArL _______ _ Vert.BhL _______ _ Vert.FL ____ _

Vert.L ____ _ Vert.P _ ... _____ _ Vertr ___ . _ . ___ _ vertr __ . ________ _ Vertr _. _ Vertr.P_

Vertr.Tr.ArzL __ _ Vert.St _______ _

Vert.Syst. Vert.Z. ___ _

(radiol Versetzung __ _ __ t l'allsfer Versttimmeltenzulage allowance for lUll t ilated Versuchsverband experimental unit Versailler Vertrag_ _ Versailles Treaty Versuchszweck_ _ __ _ experinwlltal purpose vertagL _____________ adjourned Verteidigcr _____________ defender verteidigt _____ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ defended V erteidigung_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ defense verteilen_ _ _____________ to distribute Verteiler ________________ distributor vertikaL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ vertieal Vert reter ____ _ VerteidigungsabschnitL Verteidigungsanlage V erteidigungsallh~itllllg_ V l'rteidiguIlg8art ilIerie ___ _ Verteilungsbahnhof __ _ VerteidigulIgsfront ..

Verteidiguugslin ie _ ... VerteidigungspunkL_ Verf.rag __ vertreten_ Vertreter __ Vertrauenspost.en __

Vertragstrllppenarzt Verteidigung8RteIlullg VerteidigungssYRtem Verteidigungszone __

repret-'elltatin': agent defense sector defenses; defpllRi v~' works dnfCllsP instruct iOBS

defensi \'(~ art ill cry distribut ion railroad station defense front; frontage of

defeusive position line of defense defen8e point treaty; contract; agmenwnt to represent repre~en t-a ti ve ; agel I t confidential po",it.ioll; place

of trust contract surgeoll defensive position defensive system defense zone

Page 219: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Vert.Zust _________ Verteidi~lmgszustall(L __ verurlL ___________ . verlll'~aehL _ - - __ ' __ -_

defense condition caused

Verurt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Verll rteil tel' ____________ _ condemned perSOIl; convicted person; sentenced perHOIl

condemnation; sentence reproduction; m ul tip Ii c a­


Verurt ___________ Verurteilung_ .. _____ - __ _ Very __ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Vervielfiilti~lIl1g- ___ - - __ _

Vervoll"t. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Vervoll"Uindigung ______ . Verw·_. ___________ . Verwalter .. __________ _

completion administrator

verw _ .. __________ ' verwaltet.. __________ . administered; managed Verw ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Verwaltllng_ ... _________ .. administration; management. verw .. _ _________ vcrwandt _____________ related Verw _____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Verwarnung ____________ caution; reprimand; warn-

ing Verw _____________ Verwech"elllng_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ confusion; mistake Verw ____________ _ Verw __________ _ Verw ___________ _

V erweigerllll g Verwe~ ________________ _ Verwendullg ____________ _

refu"al; denial reprimand; rebuke use; employment; applica­

tion; appropriatioll Verw ____________ Verwiistung _____________ devastation Verw ____________ VerwllIldeter.. ____________ wounded person; injured

man verw _____________ verwundeL _____________ wounded Verw ___________ Verwundung ____________ . wound; injury Verw.AhJwL____ Vcrwundetenabbefor- evacuation of wounded men

Verw.Absch __ . Verw.Ahz. ______ _ Verw.B Vcrwdg_

derllng Verwundetenabsehuh Verwundetenabzeichell Verwaltungsbeiimter _ . Verwelldun~.

Verw .(jeb _ ... _ _ _ _ _ _ Verwa1tllll~sgebiiude- ____ _ Verw. :\.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ VerwlIlldetennest

Verw. Pers_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ VerwaltllllgHpersollu]. Verw.S.SL.. ______ VerwlIndetensaIlllllel-


evacuation of wounded men wound stripe administrative official

. use; employment; applica­tion; appropriation

administration building forward collecting point for

wounded administrative personnel collecting point (rneriiml)

Verw. Tr __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ VerwundetentrallRport. transportation of wounded men

verz_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ verzeichnet._. _____ ... listed; registered Verz _____________ Verzeichnis __ . _________ index; list; regiRter Verz _____________ Verzetteillug ____________ waste; scattering verz _____________ verzogert _______________ delayed

Page 220: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Verz _____________ Verzogerung ____________ delay; delay-action (ammu-

nition); retardation Verz ____ . ________ Verzug __________________ delay; postponement Vcrzw ____________ Verzweifhmg ____________ despair Verzw ____________ Verzweiglll1!!:___ ramification Verz.Z ___________ Verzogerungsz{illder _ __ _ _ _ delay-action fuze VeL _____________ VeteriniiL ____ . ______ veterinary Vet ______________ VeteriniirmittcL _________ vet.erinary supplies and rem-

edies Vet.D ____________ Veteriniirdienst _____ . _____ veterinary servic(,; Veteri-

Vet. Ger _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Veteriniirgeriit ___ _

Vet. Insp __________ Veteriniirinspektion __ _

Vet.K ___________ _ Vet.Otfz ____ . _____ _ Vet.R ____________ _

VeteriniirkorpH __ Veteriniiroffizier __ . _ __ __ __ Veteriniirrat _ _ __ _

VL ______________ Verfa..'lsul1g _____ _

VL_____ __ __ ____ Verfolgun!!; _____ _ VL ______________ Verfligung___ _____ _

V.F ______________ Vernichtungsfcuer _. ____ _

\'. F ______ . _ _ _ _ _ __ Vorschrift flir-- __ Vfg Verfligung_

Vg _____________ _ H6chstgeschwindigkeit Vg _______________ _ Vereinigung _____ _ V g_ _ _______ . ___ _ Verordnung __ .. __ __ Vg ______________ _ Vert rag _____ _ Vg _______________ _ V olksgenosse __ _

Vg ______________ _ Vorgang______ __ ____ _ VgKm/h _________ _ H6chstgeschwindigkeit ill

Stundenkilometern V gL _ __ _ _ _______ __ Vergleich _____ _ vgL _____________ _ vergleiche _. ____ . Vgr ______________ _ Vergaser __ _ V.g.tL ____________ vorgelesen, genehmigt,


nary Corps vetprinar~- equipment (in­

strtllIH'llts) inslwctorat.e of veteripary

servicps Vet pri nary CorpK vetprinary officer senior veterinary officer in

gov('rnlllPlll. sprvice state; cOlldition; eonst,itu­

tion; situut iOll

pero;eclltioll; pursllit decn~('; ordpl"; (iif'p0f'ition;

di;;po;;al dpf'trllctin' fin' (artillery);

annihilal ing fire fPglllat.ions for--· decr!'!'; ord!'r; disposition;

dif'posal top H]ll><,d (airplaw.»

associal ion; union decree treaty; coutract; agrpl'lllPTlt fellow countr.Vlllun; co-na-

tional evpnt; OCCllrrpnc(' top speed in kilolJwters per

hour comparison com pare; see carhuretor read, approved, Kigned

Page 221: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


v.H ______________ vom Hunderk ___________ percent V.L _____________ Veterinarinspektion ______ inspectorate of veterinary

services vielL ____________ vielleicht ________________ perhaps

VierI'. AntI' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Vierradantrieb __________ four-wheel drive Vierr.Br __________ Vierradbremse __________ four-wheel brake viersp ____________ vierspannig _____________ drawn by four horses Vjn_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Veterinarinspektion_ _ _ _ _ _ veterinary inspectorate Vis ______________ Visier __________________ rear sight Vis ______________ Visum ________________ _ Vis.Ber ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Visierbereieh ___________ _ Vis.Eb ___________ Visierebene ____________ _ Vis.Einr __________ Visiereinrichtung _______ _ Vis.L ____________ Visierlinie _____________ _

Vis.Sch____ __ _ _ _ _ _ Visierschuss ____________ _ Vis.Sch. W _ _ _ __ _ _ _ Visierschussweite _______ _ Vis.St ____________ VisierstelIllng __________ _ Vis. W ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ VisierwinkeL __________ _

vit ______________ _ vitaL _________________ _

visa danger zone plane of sighting sighting mechanism line of sighting; line of pres-

ent po,dtion (antiaircraft) sighting shot sighting range sight setting elevation setting; angle of

elevation (rifle) vital

V.K ____________ _ Verkehrskontrolle_ ___ _ _ _ traffic control V.K ____________ _ Vorpostenkompanie _____ _ VK G ___________ _ Verkehrsgraben ________ _ VLF ____________ _ Vereinigung flir Luft-

forschung Vlkrbd_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ VOlkerbund ____________ _ V.Lkw ___________ Verpflegungslastkraft-


outpost company communication trench association for aeronautical

research League of N a,tions commissary truck

V!\L__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Verdienst.medaille _______ merit medal Vm_ _ _ _ ___ __ _ _ _ _ _ Verminderung __________ _ v.M _____________ vorigen Monats ________ _ Vm _____________ Vormittag _____________ _ vm ______________ vormittags _____________ _ V -M -StofL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _______________________ _ vnuIL ____________ Anfangsgeschwindigkeit

del' Geschosse Vn ______ ~ ________ Vorname ______________ _

vo _______________ Anfangsgeschwind i g k eit

del' Geschosse vo _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ veloci tii ts- ____________ _ VO _______________ Verkehrsordnung _______ _ VO _______________ Verordnung ____________ _

reduction; diminution last month morning; forenoon in the morning; before noon mustard gas initial velocity; muzzle ve­

locity of projectiles first name initial velocity; muzzle ve-

locity of projectiles velocity traffic regulation decree

Page 222: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining

ABBREVIATIONS 219 Vo ____________ _ Vorderrad _____________ _ front wheel VoL _____________ VolumerL _____________ volume Volks-VertL ______ Volksvertretung________ representation of the people;

voUaut. Wff ______ _ voUautomatische Waffe_ voUber __________ _ vollberechtigt_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ vollj ____________ _ voUjiihrig ____________ _ VoUk ___________ _ VoUkommenheiL _______ _ VoUm ___________ _ Volhnacht _____________ _ VoUsp.B _________ _ Vollspurbahn __________ _ voUsL __________ _ vollstiindig _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ V ollstL _ _ _ __ - - - _ VoUstreckung _ _ _ _ _______ _ Vollstr.BeL _____ -_ Vollstreckungsbefehl. ___ _ voUz ___________ _ vollziihlig __ _ V omi _________ - - - Volksdeutsche MittelsteUe

represt'ntati ve" automatic weapon fully authorized; qualified of age perfection authority; power of attomey standard-gauge railroad complete; entire execution; accomplishment writ of exeeution complete agency for repatriation of

racial Germans VOL _____________ Vorrat ________________ supply; store;,; provision;, VoranschL _______ Vorallschlag ____________ estimate; provisional ealcu-

lation VorbeL __________ VorbefehL _____________ wamillg order Vorb.F ___________ Vorbeifahrt- _ ________ driving past; passing by Vorb.FL _________ Vorbeiflug Vorb. M __________ Vorbeimarsch vorb.M ___________ vorbereitende


passing flight (anliaircraft) _ passing rpview

Massnah- preparatory measure

Vorb. M __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Vorheugungsmassnalune_ _ preventi \·e measure Vord ____________ Vorder-_ for(,; front Vordgr ____________ Vordergrund ___ ._ .. ______ foreground Vord.H __________ Vorc!prhallg_ __________ forward slope Vord L. _________ VOJ'(jpdader. __________ muzzle loader Vord.M __________ VOJ'([(>nnann__________ front-rank man vordr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ vordringend_ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ ad vanein!l;; forging ahead vordr ___________ vordringlich ____________ forward; urgent Vord.S_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Vorderseite_ front; frontispiece Vord.T _________ VorderteiL _____ . frontpart;front Vord.Wg_. _______ Vorderwagen _______ limber Vorf ______________ VorfahreIL _ _ ancestors VorL ___________ Vorfahrt _____ _ rlrh'illg up VorL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Vorfall " _ _ VorL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ VorfehL VorL ____________ Vorftihrullg

Vor.Fz ___________ Vorratsfahrzeug __

oceurrellee; illeident foregound demonstrat.ion; brillgulg

forth supply wagon

Page 223: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


V org _ . _______ - . -

Vorg Vorg._ .

vorg ... _ - _. __ ..... vorg _ .. ______ . Vorg._ .. vorg. RcolL .

vorg. B.HL __

vorg.D.Ht __ . _____ _ vorg. P ....... ____ . vorg.St ____ . _ .... Vorh _________ . vorh. ___ . __ _

vorh vorh vorh vorh. ___ .... ___ . V orh _ _ .. __ - . __ Vorh Vorh.\1 York Vorkdo.. _ .. _____ . York Vorkr.Zt vorl Vorl .. Vorl __ vorIn.

V orgiinger __ Vorgang. V orgchcn ... _ .. __________ .. vorgchell. _ . ___ .. _______ _

Vorgelande. vorge!5cholwll. _ _ _ _ _ _ _. vorgesetzt __ ... _______ . _ V orgcsetzter __ ..

predecessor event; occurrence advance to proceed; to advance; to

precede foreground advanced superior; set ahead superior

vorgc!5cho\)nner ter

Hcobaeh- advanced observer

vorgesehobener Bfmbaeh_ advanced observatioll post t 1I11gSS teIle

vorgesetzte Dienst slclle ___ superior office or post vorgeschobener PostPll advanced post vorgeschobene Stelhlllg._ advanced pORition Vorhalt _ .. ____ . _ _ lead (artillery) vorhalten .. _____ .. ________ to take a lead «(luiiairr'm/I

and artillery) vorhanden __ . __ .. ________ at hand; available vorher vorhergehcnd. vorherrscheJld

.. _ . _ _.. before; previously

V orh01er __ _ VorllUL ___ ... V orhaltcmass ___ . ___ . Vork(~hnlllg(,l1 . Vorkommalldo VorkOIlllllllil" Vorkriegslwit_ vorlaufig __ V orlage ______ ... VorlauL _______ . vormals _____ ..

previous predominant counterrecoil mechan il"lll ad vance guard amount of lead «(luliaif'rm/l) provisions; precautiolls advance detail occnrrence; evell t prewar time meanwhile; temporarily fiu..."h hider counterrecoil formerly

Vorm. VOrlll

_ VormarsclL. _ . advance

Vorm ... _________ . VOrlrL _. ____ . _ . V orm __ ... ____ ..... Vorlll. Bd. _____ .. __

vormilitiirisch ... Vormittag. vormittags ______ . _ Vormusternnl!: __ . Vormarschbefehl .

vormiL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ vormilitarisch_. Vorm.Str ________ _ _ Vormarschstru...-.;sc ___ .. _ .. _ VOrlL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ V orname ________ ~ _ .. __ vorn _______ . vornchmlich _ _ __

premilitary forenoon; morning in the morning; before noon inspection; examination advance march order prernilitary ad vance route; approach first name chiefly; mainly

Page 224: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining

Vorp ____________ _

Vorp.Abschn ___ _ Vorp.AufHL Vorp.Bet' Vorp.D.. Vorp.Gef_ Vorp.Gr_ Vorp.Kp _________ . Vorp.L_ .. _____ _ Vorp,Rnl'<_ Vorp.St ______ _ VorL __________ . __ vorl' _________ _ Vorl' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ Vorl' ___ . _______ _ Vorr ___________ _ VOl'S __________ _ VOl'S __________ ._

yors ___________ _ Vors _________ . _ .. \ -ors __________ _

VorRchL __ ._ yorl'<ehm __ . VorRellr

vorschrm vor~;chrw .. Vorsp. \"orRpL ____ ... Vorl'<pr Vorl'lL _ YorHt _

\"01':,,1 ___ ..



V orposten. ________ _

Vorpo:-;tcnabschnitt _ V orpostcnaufst(' HUlIg Vorpo:'itl'llbefehL _ VorpoHtcndil'IIHt Vorpoo:tengpf('cht VorpostengroH. __ _ Vorpostcnkolll pall it'_. Vorpostelllinip _ Vorpostenreserve _ V orpostensteHUllg __ Von'ang __ _ vOl'J'iitig _____ _ V on'at _______ . _ _ _ _____ _

Vorrccht _

Ol1t post 0\1 t POH t. Recto r pOHting of out posts outPOHt ordel' outpost dut . .\" outPOHt. skirwiHh lllain bod.v of out.pOHt outpost company lille of outposts oul [>OHt rescrve outpost posit ion

_ precedcnce; supf'riol'ity in stock; on hand Hupply; store; stock privilege

VorrichtllI1g lJlechanism; device yorsiitzlich ________________ . illl ('lit iOllal


yorsichtig __ Vorsitzen(jpr_ Vorl'<orge Vorschlag yori-ichrift slIliissig_ Vorschrift

vorl'<ehriftHolii"Hiil; vorschrift i-iwidrig Vorspanll vorsprinil;Plld Vor>iprung; . Vorstadt Vor"tccker


V or"t.e lIUllg

plan; dPHigll; projPct : 1'('soJlI­t iOIl

.. _ cauj,jouR; careful pr('sidmlt ; chairman carp; f, )f(~"ight. proposition; proposal aC(1ordillil; t·o din'ct ions n'glllat ion; inHt I'll!'! iOIt; 1I1111l-


according to din'cI iOlls contrar.\' tn din'('( iolt" tparn of hOI':<el' projeeti ng Ipad; ,-alipnt; head "tllr! suhllri> tellsioll Jr)(:k (flJztl: fllz,'

Hafef,y pin f1

I'J'('s(mj,; reprpsenl: ilJtrodll<'(, advanced pOHifion

Vorst _______ _ _ _ Vorst.oRs __ _ forw'ard movement.; ad \'1111('(' ;

vorst. _________ . vort _________ _ Vort __________ _ Vort- ________ ._ .. vortr _______ . __ _

vor"toRHen _ vort Ii lise IlPn V ortii.\l"chu nil; Vorteil_ vort raben ___ ._ .

fhru"t; raid to thrust; t.o push fOf\\'IlI'r! to simulate; to fpigll Himlllatioll; fpignin/,( advantage; benefit: )J/·(,fil t () t 1'01 ahead

Page 225: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


VortL ___________ Vortrupp _______________ advance party and support vorw __________ . ___ vorwarts _____ , __________ forward Vorw ____________ Vorwerk ________________ advanced work; outworks vorz _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ vorzeitig _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ premature vorz _____________ vorziehen _______________ to move up; to prefer Vp _______________ Vorposten ______________ outpost VpfL ____________ Verpflegung _____________ rations; food supply; ra-

tioning Vpfl.E ____________ Verpflegungsempfang ____ receipt of rations Vrmtg ___________ Vermutung _____________ supposition; conjecture; sllr-

vrmtL ___________ vermutlich _____________ _ Vs _______________ Versorgung ____________ _ Vs ________________ Vorderseite ____________ _ V schr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ V orschrift _____________ _

v.S.d _____________ von Seiten des _________ _ VSL _____________ Vermittlungsstelle ______ _ V.St _____________ Vorderstfitze ___________ _ V.St.A ___________ Vereinigte Staaten von

Amerika vst.St ____________ versteckte Stellung _____ _

mise presumable; probable; likely supply; provisioning front; frontispiece regulation; instruction; man-

ual; provision on the part of switchboard exchange front tripod leg United States of America

masked or camouflaged position; hidden emplace­ment

V.S. V ____________ Vorschrift fUr den Schrift- correspondence regulations verkehr

V t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Verteiler _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ dis tributor v.T ______________ yom Tage _____________ . of the day V.T ______________ VorderteiL _____________ front part; front V. Tr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ V erpflegungstross_ _ __ _ _ _ _ supply train; commissary

train v.u _______________ vollig untaugliclL _____ _ V.u.G.Tr _________ Verpftegungs- und Ge-

'" packtross V.U.Wm _________ Vorschrift fiber militar-

arztliche Untersuchun-gen der Wehrmacht

absol\ltely unfit commissary and baggage

train medical examination regula­


V.V ______________ Versailler Vertrag _______ Treaty of Versailles V.V.St ___________ Verkehrsvorschriftstab. _. traffic regulation headquar-

V.V.St ___________ Vorschriftenverwaltullgs-stelle

ters administrative office of regu­


Page 226: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining

Vw ____________ _ Vw. ________ _

Vw_ .. Vw ____ _

v wz ________ ...... .

V.Z __ .. _ .. ____ .. V-Zug .. Vz ______________ _


V crwaltung_ Verwendung ..

Verwundetcnabzcichen .. . Vorwerk _____ .. _ .. " __ .. .

Verwendungszwcck. _ .

Verzogerungszunder _ .. Verpfiegungszug __ _

ad min istratioll lise; application; elllpl()~'­

ment; appropriat.iOll wound stripe

. advanced work; outworks (on maps)

purpose of liSP; lise to be put to

delay-act ion fllz(' supply train (railway)

Vize- _________ . __ . ____ . vice-

w w ____________ . _ Wache __ .. ___ . guard; watch; sentinel:

Wac hregimcn t Berlin_

W ______ ._. \Yaffe ...

sentry Berlin Guard Ht'ginwnt (in­

signia on shoulder .~traps) arm; weapon; brallch of "prv-

ice W ________ . _____ . Waft'el1111Cister _________ . civilian armorer with ran k (If

2d lieutcnallt. (arm:. om­cia!) (lised in c01ljllnction with conv(mtional .~ign of raVI11ry)

w ____________ .. "'affenmeistergehilfe ____ .. aSl'il'tant artificpr ('118I'd 711

conjunction with ('mtv/'lI­

tional .~igns of infant I'll and eavalril)

W. _________ .' _ . _ \Yaffenoffizier .. _ . _ _ _ _ ordnanee officPr (in.~igni(J on shoulder straps)

W ______________ . \Yaffen- llnd Gal:\:-;ehut.z- 'ordnance alld antigafo' pro-unterotnzier tcetion TloneOllllll i;-;;-;iOlJ('d

officer (/Iud in (:onjllnclion 1I'ith convent lonal .~ign of infantry)

W _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \Yaffenunterotnzier _____ ' ordnance noncommiHsioned

w ___________ _ Wagen ___ . _____________ _ \V ______________ _ Wagcnfuhrer __ . _____ _ \V ______________ _ Wald _________________ _

officer (laed in conjunction with conventionrLl sign of cava.[ry)

wagon; vehicle driver wood; forest; woudlallfl

Page 227: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


w _______________ Wallmeister ____________ civilian official with the for-

w _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ", arte_ _ ______ - _____ _

W _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wasser _ ._ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _____ _ W _______________ Wasserflugzellg ________ _ W _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Watt _________________ _ W __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ WechseL ______________ _

W ________________ WechselpllIlkt __________ _

tification maintenance service, rank of 2d lieu­tenant (sleeve insignia)

observatory; watchtower (on maps)

water hydroplane; seaplane shallows (on maps) change; variation; oscilla­

tion (electricity) reference point (antiaircraft

artillery) W _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'Yechselstrom_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ alternating current W _______________ Wehr- ___________________ army; defens<:; resistance \V ______________ Wehrkreis _____________ military district W _______________ Wehrkreiskolluuando ____ military district headquar-

ters (with Roman numerals, insignia on shoulder straps)

W _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wehrmacht _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ armed forces w _______________ weiss ___________________ ''ihite \V _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \V erfer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mortar; projector W ______________ WerkstatL _____________ workshop \V _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ WesL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ west 'L _______________ wesWch __________________ western; westerly

\,. - ---------- -----w w_ W w_ w ______________ _ "'.A. ______________ _ Wa_

'Va WitA WaAbn _________ _

WachAbt ________ _ WachD _________ _ WaChefing _______ _

Wachhab ________ _

wider ___________________ against; contrary to wieder ___________________ again; OIlC(, more WindwillkeL ____________ angle of drift (aeronautic.~) \'" oche _. _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ week wochen tags ______________ _ wochentlich ____________ _ Wachabteilllng_ _ _ _____ _ Waffen- _______________ _

'Y asser ________________ _

Heerm~-vr affenamt ___ _ Abnahmeabteilung des

Heeres-Waffenamts Wachabteilung _________ _ WachdiensL __ Chefingenieur de:,; Heeres-

'''' affenamts Wachhabender _________ _

weekdays weekly guard detachment ordnance; weapon; arm of

service water Army Ordnance Office Acceptance Section of Army

Ordnance Office guard detachment g1lard duty Chief Engineer of the Army

Ordnance Office commander of a guard detail

Page 228: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Wachst ___________ Wachstube ____________ _ Wachtm __________ Wachtlllei"teL ________ _

Wachtr ___________ Wachtrllppc __________ _ W. A.d. K__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ vVachabtcihmg der Korn­

malldantur Bcrlin WaF _____________ Forschungabtcilllllg des

Hccrcs-VlT affpnamts

guard room (rorr(~sponds roughly to r:. 8.

first sageant) guard detacilllll'nt Guard DetachnH'lIt of Bl'rlill

Local Headquarters Research S('CtiOIl of Army

Ordnance OtIice Waff _____________ Watfen- __ _ _ ordnance; weapon; arm of

WaffDA _________ _

waffenL _________ _

DienstanweislIllg fUr den Waffcngebrauch

waffenfahig ____________ _

servicc service regulations for t Iw

usc of arms able-bodied; capable of bear-

ing arrm; Waffenf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Waff(,llfahigkeit _________ ability to bear arms \Vaffenf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Waffellfarhp ____________ color 011 uniform, indieat ing

WaffFw __________ WaffenfeldweheL ________ _

W affGebrG _ _ _ __ _ _ _ Gesetz tiber den Waffen­gebrauch

Waff.L ____________ Waffenlehrc __________ _ Waffm ___________ Waffellllleit-lter _________ _

Waffm.Sch_____ _ _ _ Waffenmeit-ltPrschule WaffOFw _________ WaffpJlol>erfelclwei.wL

WatJ'OWm_ _ ___ _ _ Watfcnoberwachtllwister_

Waff.PL _________ Waffenplatz __________ _

WaffTL __________ Watfcnrock __ _ Watf.Hev ________ Waffenfevisi(lIl _________ _ Watf.Rev _________ WatfcnrcvisoL _ _ _ _ ____ _

Watf.St_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ Waffcllstilbtand_ __ Watf.St.Bed_ _ _ _ W aff en" tills tan ds bc-


branch of serviep ordnallce scrgeant (('orn~spond­

ing roughly to [J. S. first sergeant)

law cOllcerlling the UISC of arms

sciencc of arrm; and weapons civilian ordnance jpehllieiall

(army o.!liC/:all wit h equiv­alent. rank of 211d liPllten­ant

ordnance mailltcnltncp s('hoo) (('Orrt'sponds rOllghl!! to ('. 8.

staff sergeart/, ordnl1rll;'~) orduance ISnrgcallt (corre-

sponding roughly to U. S sto.ff sergca nf)

largc fori res IS ; alarm post in a fort ifieatioll

t)loIIse; tunic arms revisiolJ; arm." che(~k-u p army civiljall ordllanee ill-

spector with rank of )::;, lieutenallt (nrm,lI ojJi(·ia.IJ

armistice armistice terms

Page 229: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


WaffUFW ________ WaffenunterfeldwebeL ___ ordnance sergeant (corre-sponding roughly to U. S. sergeant)

Waff. Uffz___ _ _ _ _ _ _ Waffenunteroffizier ______ ordnance non-commissioned

Wag ____________ _ wahrsch _________ _ WaJRil _________ _

Wako ___________ _

WageIL _ _ _ _ __________ _ wahrscheinlich ___________ _ Amtsgruppe fUr Industri-

elle Rilstung des Heeres­Waffenamts


officer wagon; vehicle probable Industrial Mobilization Sec­

tion of Army Ordnance Office

armistice commission

WallnL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wallmeister ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ civilian army official with the fortification mainte­nance service, with equiva­lent rank of 2d lieutenant

Wallm.Lehrg ______ Wallmeisterlehrgang _____ fortification maintenance course of instruction

Wall Uffz _________ WallunteroffizieL _______ .fortification noncommis-

Wall UFw ________ WallunterfeldwebeL ____ _

Wand.Patr _______ Wanderpatrouille _______ _ WaPriiL _________ Amtsgruppe fiir Entwick-

lung und Prufung des HeereR-Waffenamts

Wa Prilf L _______ Ballistische und Muni-tionsabteilung

sioned officer fortification sergeant (corre­

sponding roughly to U. S. sergeant)

roving patrol Development and Testing

Section of Army Ordnance Office

Ballistics and Munition Sec­tion of Army Ordnance Office

Wa Prilf 2 ________ lnfanterieabteilung ______ Infantry Section of Army Ordnance Office

\Va Prilf 4_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Artillerieabteil ung _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Artillery Section of Army

\Va Prilf 5 ________ Pionier- und Festungs-pionierabteilung

Wa Priif 6 ________ Kraftfahr-und Motorisie-rungsabteilung

Wa Prilf 7 ________ Nachriehtenabteiluug ___ _

Ordnance Office Engineer and Fortification

Engineer Section of Army Ordnance Office

Motor transport and Motor­ization Section of Army Ordnance Office

Signal Section of Army Ord­nance Office

Page 230: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Wa Pruf 8 ________ Abteilung flir Optik, Messwesen und Heeres­wetterdiellst

Wa Priif 9 ________ Gasschutzabteilllng __


Section for Optical and Measuring Equipment ancl Army Weather Service Section of Army Ordnance Office

Chemical Warfare Section of

Wa Prlif 1 L _____ _ Army Ordnance Office

Abteilung fur Sondergeriit_ Section for MiRcellaI1('ous Equipment of Army Ord­

WaPruf12 _______ Abteilung fUr Versuchs-pliitze

Wa Pr W _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Priifwesenabteilung des Heeres- \YaffenamtR "r arn-D_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ WarndicnRt ___________ _

Wa no _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ RohRtoffstelle deR Hceres-\Vaffcnamts

nance Office Section for Experimental

Stations of Army Ordnance Office

Ordnance InRpection Service of Army Ordnance Office

warning service (antiaircraft) Haw Material;; Section of the

Army Ordnance OfIice WasR ____________ Wasser ________________ water WasRerb_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Wasserbombe_ depth charge wassergek _ _ _ _ _ _ _ wasRergcklihl t_ \YaRs.Flgs ________ WaRserflugzellg ______ _ \VaRs.Kr _____________ "TasRcrkraft __ WasR.KlihL _____ _ WaRRerklihlung _____ ---

\VassffiRR. ______ _ \VasscrmeRser __ WasF.Sch_ \VasscrRchcidc ______ _

__ _ water-cooled hydroplane; seaplane water power water cooling; water cooling

Syst(,Hl h y d ro HI (' t er watprshed; divide

WasR.Str _ \Yasserstrasse_ canal; waterway \Yass. Vers_ _ _ _ _ _ _ \" asserversorgung wat er Rupply Wass. W g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ", al'ser",reg __ _ _ _ _ _ waterway \Va Vs__ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ VorschriftenabteilllIlg des Heglllat ionR Sect ion of Army

Heeres-Waffcnamt.s Ordllancc Office W.B__________ "'ehrbezirk __________ .. recrllitmPII( district \V.Bez__ Wehrbpzirk.__ ______ ._ recruitment di!<triet W.B.Kdo __________ \Vehrbezirkskommando __ recruitrrH'lIt dil'trict Iwad-

quarterR W.B.Kd ___________ Wehrbezirkskommandeur _ commanding officer of rp-

W.R.O ________ _ W f'hrbezirksoffiziPr Wchs __________ _ WechseL ___________ _

cruitment distriet (with rank of field off/cpr)

recruitment officer change; variat iOll; oscillation


Page 231: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Wchs.Str_ W ec hsclstrom_ wd . _____ _ wiener. _____ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _. W.D.B _________ _ Wehrdienstbeschadigung _

W.d.E __________ _ Wahrung der Ehre ______ _ Wdg ____________ _ Wendung ___ . ___________ _ Wdh ____________ _ WicderhoJung ___________ _ Wdr ____________ _ wider- _ _ _ _ _ __________ _ Wdr.-Allfn__ _ _ _ _ _ Wideraufnahme ________ _ W drhst____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wimlerherstellung ______ _ W dst _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ W andstarke ___________ _

Wdst ____________ Widprstand __________ _ W dst. Kr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Widerstandskraft _______ _

alternating current again; once more illjuries received ill line of

duty preservation of honor turn repetition against; contrary to resumption repair; reconstruction wall thickness (of projectiles

and barrels) resistance; oppositioll power of resistance; magni­

tude of resistance; defen-sive power

W dst. L_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ Widerstandslin ie _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ line of resistance \Vdst.N _ ________ 'Viderstandtmest _________ point of resiRtance 'V dst.Z_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Widerstandszonc .. _ zone of resiRtancc ·WdsLZentr _______ WidcrstandHzcntruIlL __ _ W .Dv _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ WaffellIneisterdienstvor­


center of resistallce ordnance techllical mallual

W(E) ____________ Watfen - Ergiillzllllgsoffi- designation of retired orcl-zier Il!mce officer recalled to

active duty We _________ . __ _ W.E ____ _ W.E __________ _

Wehr- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _. 'Vehl·ersatz ______ .. _. ___ _ W itterungseill fHis"p __

defense; resistance; arllls draft registran ts atmospheric infillcllees; error

of the moment \\"eg _______________ -wegeli ____________________ Oil account of wegL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ weglegen _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to file \Veg'\- _____________ Wegweiser _______________ signpost; road sign; guide \Vehr-Bez _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ WehrbezirL ______________ recruitment district Wehrd __________ Wehrdienst _____________ active service wehrL___ wehrfiihig______________ fit for army service WehrL _________ . __ Wehrform _______________ system of national defense 'Vehrg ___________ Wehrgesetz _____ . ________ basic law pertaining to na-

W ehrkde____ _ _ _ _ __ _ vYehrkunde ______ . _____ ._ Wl'hrkr .... ___ 'VehrkrafL ____________ . Wl'hrkr

tional defense military sci('lIce total military potential military district

Wchrkr.Apoth ____ Wehrkreisapotheker _____ military district pharmacist

Page 232: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


\Vf>hrkr.lnL ______ . WehrkreisintendanL civiliall official in tlw Quar-termal4ter Ueneral'~ T )c­partment, with milk of brigadipr gPlleml

Wehrkr. Kdo __ . _. Wehrkrei~kommando. military district headquar-ters

,vehrkr.KdL _____ WphrkrpiilkoIllmalldeuL __ ('0 III III It II d (' J' of military district

Wehrkr.PL______ WehrkreispfarreL__ military dil4trict chaplain Wehrkr.Rem.Sch __ \Vehrkreisremontcschulc __ military district remoullt

school W ehrkrs_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wehrkrei'L __ . _ _ _ _ military district Wehrkr. Verw _____ Wehrkreisverwaltung _" military di;;t rict adlllinil-;t ra-

Wehrkr.Verw.A ___ W phrkreisverwaltungs-amt

Wehrkr. VeL ______ \Vehrkreisveteriniir_ Wehrm ___________ WehrmachL __ Wehrm.Ak_____ __ Wchnnachtakadcmic \Vcbrm.Laz ______ . Wehrmaehtlazarett ___ . Wehrm.Sp ________ Wehrlllachtsport ______ . _ WebrP ___________ Wchrpa8s. ____________ _

WehrpfL _________ WehrpflichL ___________ . wehrtgL __________ wehrtallglich _ .. __ - _____ _ Wehrtglkt_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wehrtauglichkeit _______ _ 'V ehrverb _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ W ehrverband __________ _

WehrVerf _________ Wehrverfassung ________ _

tion military district a<illlilli;;tra-

t ive ofiicp military district vl'tprillary armed forc('s staff co liege mili t ary hospit al military sport;; service and ("oIHluct book;

:,wryic(' rl'cord liability fIJJ' military s('n'h'e fit foJ' military seJ'vice fit foJ' lloIilit ary fwrvicp semi-milit ary nat iOllal j"t or-

ganizatioll military sy"tem as e;;taIJ­

IbhN\ by lIt\\' WehrVers ________ We}lrversammlung _______ aUllual ('oilirol as;;('llJlJl,\' of

reser\'i,-.;t s Wehr Wirtsch _____ Wehrwirt>;chafL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ militan' economy Wehrwiss___ _ _ _ _ _ _ WehrwissenschafL _ _ _ _ _ _ military sciPllCe W.E.L ___________ Wehrersatzinspektioll ____ recrnitlllPllt f{~placmll()lJt dis-

W. KJ nspr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wehrersatzinspekteur ____ '

W.Einst.BesL ____ Bestimrnungcn fUr Ein-stellung in die Wehr­macht wr Erfiillllng der aktiven \VehrpJiicht

trict headqllarkrs inspector of recruituH'nt re­

pl!.tCPlIlcllt dist riet regillatiolls pertailling tot he

recruitmeld illto tJ](· armed forces for active military Hcrvice

Page 233: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Weis _____________ Weisung _________ ~ ______ mission-type order (tactics);

instruction Weiterl.St_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Weiterleitungsstelle_ _ forwarding office (railway);

supply reloading station W.E.l\L __________ WaffencntgiftungsmitteL_ liquid preparation for de-

Wend ____________ Wendung ______________ _ Wend.P __________ Wendepunkt ___________ _

WE-Offz _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ W affenergiinz ungsoffizier _ werL _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ werfelL ___ - ___________ _ \V erf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Werfer ________ _ Werksk_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Werkstatt __ W.Endnsp ______ WehrersatziIlspektioIl __

W.Ers.lspr ________ Wehrersatzinspekteur ___ _

WesL ______ _ \Vesten _______________ _

contamination of weapons turn c r i tic al moment; turning

point ordnance replacement officer to throw; to cast; to fling mortar; projector workshop recruitment replacement dis­

trict headquarters inspector of recruitment re­

placement district west

Westd __________ _ Westdeutschland _ _ _ _ __ Western Germany WestL _ __ _ _ _ ___ _ Westfalien ______________ Westphalia westL _______ .___ westlich ______ _ WESZ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ Westeuropaische - So m­

merzeit W ett_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wet teL _______________ _

western; westerly Western European Summer

Time weather

Wett.-D ______ _ '" etteraiellst_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ weather service; meteoro­logical service

Wett.M ___________ WettcrkraftwagcIl _______ meteorological truck (art£l-lery)

Wett. M _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ WettermeSSltng _________ meteorological measurement Wett.St_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ Wetterstclle _____________ weather station Wett.Tr __________ Wettertrupp _____________ meteorological detachment WettW ___________ Wetterwarte_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ weather station Wett.Zg_ _ ___ _ ____ 'Vetterzug_ __ _ __ meteorological platoon Weva ____________ Wehrkreisverwa1tungsalJlt military district headquar-

ters office WeWL ____________ Wehrwirtschafk _ _ _ _ _ defense economics WEZ ___________ Westcuropiiische Zeik ___ Western J~uropean Time W.F _____________ Wagenfiihre__ ferry for vehicles (on maps) W. F _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wahrscheinlichkeitsfaktor factor of probability W. I" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ WerferfUhreL _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ leader of trench mortar de­

tachment WFA _____ ~ _______ Amtsgruppe Fuhrungsstab Armed Forces Operations


Page 234: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


WfL _____________ Waffe __

WfLFw __________ WaffenfeldwebeL ______ _

Wff.G ____________ Waffengattung ______ _ Wffm._ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ "-affenmeisteL __ _

Wffm ___ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ WaffenmeistereL ___ _

Wffm.Geh ______ _ Wffm.Wg _____ _

Wff.Ob _________ _

Wff.Ob.Fw ____ _

W affenmeistergehilfe_ Waffenmeisterwageu_


W affenoherfeld wehel_

Wff. Rev _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ Waffen revisor _____ _

Wff.Sch _________ Waffellschule _______ _

Wff.Str ___ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ Waffenstrellung __ Wff. Uffz_ _ Waffenunt<'roffizier

arm; weapon; hranch of service

ordllance Hergeant sponding rOllghly first sergeant)

arm of the service

(corre­to U. S.

civilian armorer with rank of 2d lieutenant (army offi­cial)

maintenance section armor­ers workshop

assistant artificer maintenance wagoll (ord­

nance) ordnance sergeant (corres­

ponding roughly to [7. 8. staff sergfant)

(corresponding roughly to V.S. staff sergeant, ordnance)

army civilian ordnance in­spect~)r with rank of bt Iiclltpnant (army official)

branch-of-servicp !;('hool (jor yOllng o11jcer,~ and oilicer­a'~7Iirants)

gun disper!;ion ordnance noncoll1ll1isl<iolled

officer Wff.FFw_ Waffenunterfeldwebel _ ordnance sergeant (('(Irr£'­

sponding roughly to U. S. sergeant)

Wff.U-Wachtm ___ Waffenunterwachtmeis-ter

Wff. Wirk _________ Waffenwirkung _______ _ Wff. Wirk. Uffz _____ Waffenwirkungsllnter-


WFO ____________ \'" f'hrmach tfursorgeoffi-

W.F.Sch _______ _ W.F.St __________ _

zier WehrmaehfsfUhrf'rschein_ \Vehrmachtsfuhrllllgsstab_

ordnance sergeant (('(Irrr­

spond£ng roughly 10 ll. S. .~ergfant)

etf('ctivenesl'l of a weapon noncommiHHioned officer

ulIIpire for effectivl'lless of weapons

officer in charge of the s()('ial I<erviee of the arIlH'd forr:PH

arIllY driver'/'! liceww Armed ForceH Operations


Page 235: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


WFV A_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wehrmachtfiin;orge- und Versorgungsamt

WFVDst _________ Wehrmachtfiirsorge- und Versorg u n g s die n s t­stellen

WFVG ___________ Wehrmachtfiirsorge- und Versorgungsgesetz

Social Service and Employ­ment Department of the Armed Forces

Offices of the Social Service and Employment Depart­ment of the Armed Forces

I,aw concerning Social Serv­ice and Employment of the Armed Forces

Wg ______________ Wagen _________________ wagon; vehicle; freight car wg ______________ wegen __ . _______________ on account of W.G _____________ Wehrgesetz __________ basic law pertaining to na-


Wg.H.PL _____ _ Wg.KL_ W gL _ _ ______ . _ W g.N _ _ _ _ _____ _

Wg.Pk _______ ._ Wgr _______ _ Wgr.Z _________ _ Wg.Sp ________ _ WGZ __________ _ WH _____________ _

WidersetzL __ _

Wagen fiir Halldschein-werfer

Wagenhalteplatz ________ _ Wegekr'euzuIlg _______ . __ Wagenladung_ _ ________ _ Wegenetz ______________ _

tional defense wagon for portable search-

light park; ambulance station road crossing wagon load; car loading road network: system of

roads W agenpark _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ wagon park Winkelgruppe ____________ firing angles (gunnery) Werfergranatzunder _ _ _ _ _ mortar shell fuze Wegespinne______ road junction Wohnungsgeldzuschusl'L rent allowance Wehrmachthaushalt-und Armed Forces Budget and

Verwaltungsabteilung W idersetzlichkeiC. _

Administration Sectioll refusal to obey orders; ill-

subordination WiIlk _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ discretion; arbitrary action wilIk__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ willkiirlicb ______________ arbitrary; despotic Wimp ______________ WimpeL ____________ pennant; streamer Winddr _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ Winddruck _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ wind pressure Winddr. M_ _ _ __ _ _ __ Winddruckmesser _______ wind pressure gauge WinL_______ _ Winken ________________ signalling (with flags or rods) WinL___ _____ Winker ________________ flag signalman Winkelgr _ _ __ _ _ _ _ Winkelgruppe ___________ firing angles (gunnery) Wink. FL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Win kerflagge _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ signaling flag Wink.St_ _ _ _ _ __ Winkerstab. _ _ _ _ ____ . _ signaling rod Wink.Z___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ WinkerzeichelL _________ flag signal; wigwag signal Wirk__________ Wirkuug _____________ ._ effect; result Wirk.Kr_______ \Virkungskreis __________ radius of action; effective

radius (blasting) Wirk.Sch_ _ _ _ _ Wirkungsschiessen.. _ _ _ _ fire for effect

Page 236: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


wirtsch ___________ wirtschaftlich _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wirtsch.BL ______ . Wirtschaftshlockade_ Wirtsch.Kr- _____ Wirtschaftskrieg ___ . ___ . Witt ____ .. _. ______ Witterung ____________ _

Witt. Einfi _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ W itterungseinfiiil'se __ ..

economic ecollomic hlockade economic war


weather; temperature; weath­er conditions

atmospheric in f!uellces; error of the moment

Witt.K________ _ Witterungskunde. meteorology WK _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wehrkrei"komlllando ___ .. military district headquar-

W.K _____________ Windkurs_. ___________ _

Wk _ .. _________ ... WinkeL ___________ _ WKdo ___________ Waehkommando ___ _

ters wind direction (aviaNon, n(w­

£gation) flag signalman gllard detail

W.Kdo__ _ _ _ _ Wehrkrciskommando .. _ military district headquar-

W.Kdr WKK __

Wehrkreiskommandeur Wehrkreiskommando.

Wk. Lftseh ________ Werkillftschutz_ .. _~ __ .

Wkmstr .. _ . _ _ _ _ Werkmeister. __

W.Kp _____ . ___ .... Wkr _ _ _ . _ _ __ .. Wkr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. __

W.KL_ W.K.S _________ _

Wachkompanie ___ _ Wasser kraft. ______ _ Wehrkreis __ _ Wirtschaftskrieg. Wehrmachtkraft fahrsaeh-

verstandiger WksL __________ . Werkstatt __ Wk. V _ .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \Vinkervorsehrift_

Wkz _ __ _ _ _ _ ___ ... W erkzeug __ _

tel's military dist riet cOllllllalHipr military district Iwadq lIal'­

Lers an t iaireraft defense of iJl(lu n­

trial plants lIlotor transport, repair-shop

foreman guard cOlllpan,\' water power; hydrauli(' pOWN

mili tary district economic war army motor y('hieIp opera­

tions expert workshop signal COmIllllllieat ion IIIUlI­

lIa] tool; implenwTl t

WL ____________ Wachtruppe dN

waffe, Berlin Luft- air corps guard (iPtadlllll'nt,

Berlill (1:nsignia on shoulder siraps)

W.L _____ .. _____ _ WId __________ .. __ W.I~.R_ .. __ .. _._ W.L.St.

Widerstandslinic .. Wald ___ _

Werferlehrregiment Weiterleitungsstelle

Wltg ____________ Wasserieitllllg .. _. __ . __ .

line of resistanee wood; forest; woodland mortar t.raining regiment forwarding otlice (railroad);

supply reloading Rtation water pipes; aqucdlle1 ; callal

(on maps)

Page 237: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Wm _____________ Wachtmeister (corresponds roughly to U. S. first sergeant)

Wm _____________ Wallmeister _____________ civilian official with the fortification maintenance service, rank of 2d lieu­tenant

WM _____________ Wegemarke _____________ trail marker Wm ______________ WehrmachL _______________ armed forces W.M _____________ Wehrmelde- __ . ______ recruitment reporting W.M _____________ Winkehnesser ___________ clinometer (instrument for

measuring angles) W.M.A______ WehrmeldeamL __ . _ _ recruitment reporting office W.M.Bez____ Wehrmeldebezirk_____ recruitment reporting dis-

Wm.San.V _______ Wehrmachtsanitatsvor-schrift

trict regulations for the medical

service of the armed forces Wm.Sch ______ -- Wallmeisterschule_ _ _ _ __ fortification maintenance

Wm.Verw __ _ W ehrmach tverwalt ung_

Wm.Verw.V ______ Wehrmachtvenvaltungs-vorschrift

W.M.Z __________ _ Wurfminenzunder ____ _ WNW _____ _ ,V estnord west _____ _

school central administration of the

armed forces mallual for administration of

the armed forces (Army Regulation 320; r\ avy Reg­ulation 530; Air Corps Regulation 402)

_ fuze of mortar shell west-north'vest

W.O. _________ _ W affenoffizieL__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ordnance officer WO _____________ _ Wehrordnung ___________ regulations for execution of

W.O. ____________ WerferoffizieL ___________ _ W.Ob.Fw __________ WaffenoberfeldwebeL ____ _

W.Ob.Wm ________ Waffenoberwachtmeister_

woch ______________ wochentlich __________ _

Wo km/min_ _ _ _ __ _ _ Steiggeschwindigkeit eines Flugzeugs in Kilometern in der Minute

W olfsgr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ W olfsgru be _____________ _

the law pertaining to na­tional defense

mortar officer (corresponds rO?lghly to U. S.

sta:tJ sergeant, ordnance) ordnance sergeant (corre­

sponding rO>lghly to U. S. staff sergeant)

weekly climbing speed of an airplane

in kilometers per minute

pit with pointed stakes; trap hole

'Vachposten ___________ sentry post

Page 238: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


W.P.__ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ WurfelpulveL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ flaked powder (propellant t·n small rectangu1ar tablets)

WR _____________ Wehnnachtrechtsabteilung_ Armed Forces Legal Section W.Rgt.Bln ________ Wachregiment BerliIl____ Berlin Guard Regiment Wrt.Kr ___________ Wirtschaftskrieg _________ economic war W sp _____________ Wehrsport_ _ ____ _ _ _ __ _ _ military sport Wss ______________ Wasser __________________ water Wssb __________ Wasserbombe_______ depth charge Wss.Hb.PL _______ Wasserubullgsplatz ______ water training area (combat

W.St___ _ _______ Wartestellung _________ _ W.St ____________ Wechselstellung ___ _ Wst _____________ WerkstatL __ WStlL ____________ Amtsgruppe vVehrwirt-

schaftsstab W.-Str ___________ Wass~rstrasse_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ W str _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wechselstrom ________ _ Wstr.-M __________ Wechselstrommotor ___ _ WStVZV Wehrmachtstrafvoll-


engineers) position in rpadiness altemate position worhhop Defense Economic Staff

canal; waterway alternating current alternating current engine regulations for thc eXPCII-

tion of sentences in the armed forces

WSW ____________ Westsud\vest ____________ west-sonthwpst W.T ______________ vVassertllrrn __________ water tower (on maps) W.Tr ____________ Wachtrllppe _____________ guard detachment W. Tr _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wassertransport_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ water transportation W.1L ______________ wehruntauglich____ _ _ _ _ __ unfit for military service vV.Uffz __________ \Vaffen1lnteroffizier ________ ordnance noncommissioned

W.UFw ___________ WaffenunterfeldwebeL __ _

W.u.G ____________ Ahteilung Waffen und Geriit beim Wehrkrcis­kommando

W.V ____________ WehrkreisverordIluIlg ___ _ w. V ___ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ Wehrkreisverwannng ___ _

W.V _____________ _

W.V __ W. V.A ____________ _

W.W _________ _ Ww ______ _

WehrmachtversorguIlg __

Wchrverwaltung _____ _ \Vehrkrcisvcrwalt 1lngs­

amt WaffenwerkstatL _ W egweiser ___________ _

officer ordnance sergpant (corre­

sponding roughl!/ to U. S. sergeant)

weapons and equipment departmellt of the military district headquari,prs

military district orrh'rs military district headq1lar­

ters social service for memberR

of Hw armed force/< army admillistration military district administra­

tive office weapon repair shop Rignpost; road sigll; /l;1I ido

Page 239: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Wz ____________ _

W.Z _______ _

W zg _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ W ZgllL __________ _

W zN _________ - __ -_ WzS ________ - __ _

\Varnzent.rale __________ _

\Vetterzug_ _ __________ _

Zentralabteilllng des Oberkommandos der Wehrmacht

warning center (antiaircraft defense)

meteorological platoon Central Section of Armed

Forces High Command

Werkzeug _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tool; implement Werkzeugmaschine__ machine tool West zu Nord ______________ west by north West zu Slid __ _

x nicht sonderlich dringewL

west by :,;outh

not particularly urgent (sign on message blank)

xx ______________ dringewL - urgent (sign on message blank)

Z ______________ _ (Z) _______ _

z Zl1hhneister _ Zahlllieisteriallfbahn

Zeiehen _______________ _


Z ________________ Zeile__ _ ________ _ Z ZeiL ______ _ Z . ___________ Zelt ___ _

paymaster paymaster career (added to

designation of rank) sign; symbol drawing; design; sketch; di-

agram lirw time; period tellt central Zentral­

Zentralamt _ _ cell t ral office z. _ __ ZentrllUl center Z. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Zen-;torer __ destroyer (navy) Z _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ ZieL _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _______ _ target; obj(~ctive; goal; des­

tination; aim; scope; ob­ject

z Z Z

Z ______________ _

Zielachse am Theodoliten ZielbaIL_. Zielbezeichnung zielen ___ _ Zifter ___________ _ ZolL ___________ _

sighting axis on theodolite construction of target

_ target designation to aim; to sight cipher; numeral inch

Zone __________ . ____ zone zu. zum. zur ________________ to; to the; at; for; by Zubehor _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ accessories; fittings

Page 240: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Z_____ ________ ZiindeL _ _ ___________ fuze: det.onator z ________________ Zug_ __ _ ________________ train (railroad) : platoon: ~ec-

Z ________________ Zup;fiihreL ____________ _

Z___________ ___ Zuf.!;kraftwagen _________ _ Z ________________ Zup;sch~sRen ___________ _ Z ________________ Zugschraube __________ _ Z.A ______________ Zentralamt ____________ _ Z.A ______________ ZeugamL ________ ' _____ _ Za _______________ Ziindapparat ___________ _ Z.A.B ____________ Zivilarbeiterbataillon ____ _ Za C _____________ Zeugarnt Cassf'1 __ . _____ _ Zahlm ____________ Zahlrneister ____________ _ Zahlm_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Zaillmeisterei Zahlm. Anw _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Zahlmeisteranwiirter __ Zahlm.Asp ________ Zahlmeisteraspirant _____ _ Zahlmstr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Zahlmeister ___ _ Zahlm.V __________ Vorschrift iiber die Zahl-

meisterlaufhalln Zahlm.Verw ______ Zahhneisterverwaltun/!: __ _

ZAK _____________ Zentralnachweiseamt fUr

Kriegerverlul't.e und Kriegerf.!;raiwr

Za S ____________ _ Zeugamt Spandau ______ _

tion; groove (ordrlllnl'l');

pull (1IIl'chan il's)

platoon leader; platoon eom-mander

prime mover truck platoon fire (II/ortar)

tractor propellm (airplane) central office ordnance dppartmcllt maf.!;neto; if.!;nition apparatus civilian worker,,' bItt t alion orduancf' depart men\.. ('a"sel paymaster pa.vlllaster's om!'p candidate for pa~'llIastpr candidate for paYIllllstpr payma~ter

regulation" COI!e('rJj ing the career of pay mast er

payma"tN administration; admini"t ration by pay­ma~tf'r's ofTicp

Central I nfofJnatioll Burputl for War Casualt i('" and Holdim,,' (;ravps

ordnance dppartnH'nt. Kpan­dall

Z-AufkL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Zif'laufkliirung _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ larg!'t mcollllui";:-;H1H't' ZB ______ . ________ Zentralhatterie ___ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ centrnl bat tery (comlnnn/m-

7..13 _____________ _ Z-Biiro __________ _ z.b.V _____________ _

Z.D _____________ _ Zd ______________ _ Zd ______________ _ Zdg _____________ _ Zdht ____________ _ Zdlg _ _ _______ _

t illli 8) zurn Beispiel ___________ for examplP Zentralhiiro ___________ . __ cpntrnl office

zur bel'oncieren Verwen-dung

Zivildienst ___________ . __ _ Zund-________________ _ Ziinder _______________ _ ZOndung ___________ _

Ziindhiit chen __ Ziilldladung ___________ _

for I'Ilf'cial lise

civil :-;en'ice ignition; <1('\ ollat i ng fuz('; detonat.or ignition; priming; !If'! onat ion prinwr; percu:-;sioll eap dl'tonatioll chargp; primer


Page 241: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Zd. Mitt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ZundmitteL ____________ priming substance; means of detonation (explosive)

ZdL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Zundel' ________________ ~ fuze; detonator Zdschn ____________ Zundschnur _____________ fuze Zdschn.Anz _______ Zundschnuranzunder _____ fuze cord Zdschr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ziindschraube __________ ~ threaded percussion primer Zd.St_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ziinderstreuung _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ dispersion caused by fuze

differences Zeich _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Zeichen _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ sign; symbol Zeichn ___________ Zeichner ________________ draftsman Zeichng _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Zeichnung_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ drawing; design; sketch; dia-

gram Zeitlp ___________ ~ Zeitlupe ________________ slow-motion lens Z.E.L ____________ Zentralersatzteillager ~ • central spare parts depot Zellst _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Zellstoff _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cellulose Zens _____________ Zensof ________________ ~ censor Zentr __________ .. _ ZentraL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ central ZentL _____ .~ _~_ Zcntrum_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ center Zentra.A ___ . _____ ZentralamL ___________ ~ central office Zentr. W _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ZentrierwulsL_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ bourrelet (artillery ammttni-

tion) Zepp_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Zeppelin ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Zeppelin Z-Erk __________ ~ _ Zielerkundung __________ target spotting zernL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zermurbL _ .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ worn down; ground down;

crushed Zerm_ _ _ _ _ _____ _ Zermiirhung ____________ attrition Zf'rr _____________ zerl'eissen _______________ to split Zel'spL ___________ Zersplitterung ___________ dispersion (of forces) zerspr ___________ ~ zel'f'prengL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ dispersed; scattered; blown

zerst _____________ Zerstauber ___ .. ______ ~ __

zersL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zersti:iren ______________ .. Zerst_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ Zerst6rer ______________ _ Zerst _________ _ Zerstorung ____ _ Zerst.F _______ _ Zersti:irungsfeuer _______ _ Zertr _________ ~ __ Zertriimmerung ____ ~ _ ~ _ Zeugh ___________ ~ ZeughawL _ _ _ _ _ ~ ~ ___ _ Zeugh. V erw ___ ._ Zellghausverwaltung __ _ Z.F ____________ . Zielfernrohr ________ ~._ Zf ______________ ~ Zitfer _______________ _ z.F ______________ zu Fuss _______________ _

up sprayer; spray diffuser;

spraying apparatus (chem­ical warfare)

to destroy destroyer (navy) destruction; demolition destructive fire demolition; destruction arsenal; armory arsenal administration telescopic sight cipher; numeral afoot; on foot

Page 242: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


ZF _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ZugfUhrer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ platoon leader; platoon com­

mander ZF _______________ Zwischenfreq!lenz ________ intermediate frequency (ra-

dio) Z.F.-Gew _________ ZielfernrohrgewehL ______ rifle with telescopic Hight Z-FL ____________ Zielflug _________________ flight toward a fixed objec-

tive Z:Fw _____________ ZeugfeldwebeL __________ ordnance sergeant. (corre-

sponding roughly to U. S. first sergeant)

Zg _______________ Zehrgeld _______________ mouey for provisions; trav-

eling expeuses or allow­anc<'s

Zg _______________ Zug ____________________ train (railroad); platooll; Hec-

tion; grO(H'e (ordnance); pull (Iflech(]nic.~)

Zg.A _____________ ZeugamL ______________ ordnance depl1rtllH'llt Z-GeL ___________ Zielgelande _____________ target area Zgf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ZugfUhrer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ platoon leader; platoon com­

mander Zgfig _____________ Zugfolge ________________ order (sequence. Sl1CccHsion)

Zg.Hs ___________ _ Zeughaus ______________ _ Zgkw ___________ _ ZugkraftwagelL _ _ _ _ _ __ _ Zgl _____________ _ Ziegelt'i _______________ _ zgL _____________ _ zugleieh _______________ _ Zgpf ____________ _ Zugpferd _ _ __________ _ Z.G.T ___________ _ ZielgevierttafeL ________ _

of trains (military trans­port)

arsenal; armory prime mover truck brick kiln at the Hal1W time draught horHC comlJinatiol1 proi ract or and

scale Zgtr _____ ~ ________ Zllgtrupp_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ platoon headquarterH de-

tachment (in/fIT/try) Zgw _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Zeugbaw<wafIenmpister _ __ _ arscllal art itlcer zgw. Eins _________ zugweiscr Einsatz_ employment by platoons (tac-

zickz ____________ .. zickzack ____ _ Zickz. K _________ . Zickzaekkurs _________ _ Ziegelhe _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ziegelhiitte ____________ _

tics) zigzag zigzag course hrick kiln; tilf'



ZieHL _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ Zielbau____ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ construction of targets Zielbeweg____ _ _ _ _ _ Zielbcwegung _ .. ______ _ Zielbez __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Zielbezeiehnung __ Ziel.-F _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Zielfehler _____________ _

movement of target tan.r;et deHignation sighting error


Page 243: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Ziel.-F _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ziclfernrohr _____ ~ _______ telescopic sight Zielf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Zielfeuer _______________ fire representing target ZiclgcL __________ Zielgelandc _____________ target arca Zielgcv. T _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ZielgevicrttafeL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ com bination protractor and

scale Zielgew ___________ ZielgewehL _____________ subcaliber rifle Zielrnun __________ Zielmllnition___________ subcaliber ammunition ZifL _____________ Zitfcr __________________ cipher; numeral ZiL ______________ Zitadclle _______________ citadel Ziv _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ZivilisL _ _ _______ civilian Ziv.Arb.BtL _______ Zivilarbeitcrbataillon ______ civilian worker's battalion Ziv.IL _ _ _______ ZivilbcamteL ___________ civilian official Ziv.Beh __________ Zivilbchorde ____________ civilian authorities Zk_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ztilldkerze ______________ spark plug lIL ______________ zurucL ________________ back; backwards Zkw _ _ _ _ ___ _ __ _ _ Zugkraftwagen __________ prime mover truck ZL ______________ im linken ZicldritteL ____ in the left-hand third of the

target ZL _______________ Zickzack- und Leiterkette_ zigzag and ladder chain (no1/.-

skid device) Z.L ______________ Zwischenladung ___ ~ _____ intermediate blasting charge

(combat engineers) Z-Ldg_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ziellandung _____________ precision landing (aviation) Zlmstr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Zahlmcister _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ pay master Zm ______________ im mittleren ZicldritteL __ in the middle third of the

target Zm _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Zahlmeistcr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ paymaster ZM ______________ Zugmaschinc ____________ primemover Z.m.V ____________ Ztinder mit Verzogcrung __ delay-action fuze Zp _______________ Zallllradpumpe_____ gcared pump Z.P _______________ ZielpunkL _____________ aiming point; goal z.PL _____________ zu Pferde _______________ on horseback; mounted Zpfstr ____________ Zapfenstreich ___________ retreat; tattoo (bugle call) Zr- ______________ im rechtcll ZieldritteL ___ in the right-hand third of

the target z.Rd _____________ Zll Ra(L ________________ on bicycle zs. _' _. _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ZlIsammelL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ together Z-SehltisseL _ _ _ _ _ _ ZtinderstellschliisseL _____ hand fuze setter (artillery) Z-Schw__________ Zelltralschwirmner _______ central float; central pontoon

(aviation) zsL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zllsammenfassen. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to comhine; to summarize ZsL _____________ Zusalllmcnstellung _______ organization (of a unit) Z.St.M__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ztillderstelhnaschine _____ fuze setter (artillery, anti-


Page 244: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Zk ______________ Zeit _______ ._ .. _______ time; period z.T ______________ zum TeiL ______________ partly ztL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zeitlieh ___________ .. _ _ _ _ _ timely; temporarily Ztr ______________ Zentner ________________ hundredweight; t)O kilograms ZtschL ___________ Wehrmachtzeitschrift- Periodicals Section of the

enabteilung Army Ordnallcc Office ZtschL ___________ Zeitschrifk _____________ periodical; publication ztws _____________ zeitweise _______________ from time to time Zt.Z _____________ Zeitzunder. _____________ time fllzP Zt.Zdschn ________ Zeitzundschnur __________ filliP fllzn; long fuze cord

(com.bat engineers) Zub ______________ ZubehoL _______________ accessories; fittingt' Zubr _____________ Zllbringer ______________ follower (magazine) Zug ______________ ZugeL _________________ reins; bridle Zuf ______________ Zufahrt ________________ approach ZuL _____________ ZufUhrer _______________ feeder: belt pawl (machine

gil n) ZuL _____________ Zufuhr _________________ supplieH; brin!l;ing up of sup-

plins ZufL _____________ Zuflucht ________________ refll!(p: t'heller: reeollJ"se Zuf.Tr. __________ Zufallstreffer ____________ accidental hit zug ______________ zuganglich ______________ accct'sib\p Zug ______________ Zugang _________________ aCCPHS; approach; PlltTY

zugeh ____________ zugehorig _______________ bPlonging to; attaehed to zuget _____________ 7ugeteilL _______________ attaeliPl\ to zugew ____________ zugewieseu _____________ alloHed: al'<t'ij!;l\('d to Zug-F ____________ ZugHihreL _____________ plat.oon leader; platoon com-

mander ZuL _____________ Zulage _________________ allowance ZuL _____________ Zulas,mng ______________ permission zllr ______________ zuruck _________________ back: backwards Zurr _____________ Zurrllng _______________ lashing; latch Zur.SL ___________ Zurucksf.ellung __________ deferment zus ______________ zusammen. __________ togettwr; in cOlillectiol1 with Zus ______________ Zusammensetzung _______ orgaJlizat iOll (of a nru't); COIll-

position; combination Zusch __________ -_ Zuschuss _______________ allowance; extra pay Zus.Ger __________ ZusatzgeraL ___________ . _ supplementary equipment Zus. Wk __________ Zusammenwirken _____ .. __ cooperation zut ______________ zuteilcn __________ . ______ to attach; to allot: to aSt'ign ZuL _____________ Zuteilung _______________ allotment; attachment; as-

signment Zuw __ '" __________ Zuwachs _______________ increase Zuw _____________ Zuweisung_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ allotment; assignment

Page 245: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


Zuw _____________ Zuwiderhandlun'g _________ infringement; violation; con-

z.V ______________ _ zur VerfUgung _________ _ ZvD __________ _ ZivildiensL _______ =- ____ _ ZVerw __________ _ Zentralverwaltung ______ _ ZVerw __________ __ Zeugverwaltung ________ _

travention available civil service central administration ordnance department

ministration ad-

Zw _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Zwang _ _ _ __ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ compulsion; coercion Zw _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Zweck _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ purpose; objective; aim Zw ______________ ZweifeL _______ ---- _______ doubt Zw ______________ Zweig ___________________ branch zw _______________ zwischen _________________ _ Zw ______________ Zwischenwerk __________ _

Zw _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Zwitterfahrzeug ________ _ Zw. Bttr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Zwischenbatterie _______ _

Zwg _____________ Z'veig _________________ _ ZwgsL ___________ Zweigstelle _________________ _ ZwillMG _______ . __ Zwillingsmaschinenge-

wehr Zwisch _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Zwischen- _. _____________ _ Zwisch. Bttr _ _ _ _ __ _ _ Zwischenbatteric _______ _

Zw.F _____________ Zwischenfcld ____________ _

Zwisch. R_ _ _ _ _ _ ___ Zwischenraum ________ . __ Zwisch. W _________ Zwischenwerk __________ _

Zwitt.Fz____ _ _ _ _ _ _ Zwitterfahrzeug _______ . Zw.L.PL __________ Zwischenlandeplatz _____ . Zw.MG _____ . ____ Zwillingsmaschinenge-

wehr Zw~P _____________ Zwischenpunkt _________ _ ZyL __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Zylinder _________________ _ Zyl.P ____________ Zylinderpulver. ___________ _ Zyl. VerschL _ _ _ _ _ Z~·linderverschluss- _______ _ Z.Z ____________ . ___ Zeitzi.indec _____________ _ z.Z ______________ _ zur ZeiL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Zz ____________ _ ZylinderzahL ____ . ____ _ Z.Z.E __________ _ Zeigerzieleinrichtung ____ _

between; among; amongst intermediate work; redoubt

(fortification) half-track vehicle intermediate battery (forti-

fication) branch branch double-barreled machine gun

intermediate; between intermediate battery (forti­

fication) intermediate delaying posi­

tion; covering position interval; inteqnediate space intermediate work; redoubt

(fortification) half-track vehicle intermediate landing field double-barrelerl. machine gun

intermediate point cylinder powder in cylindrical pellets cylinder locking; bolt action time fuze at the moment, at this time number of cylinders dial sight (artillery)

Page 246: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


A./A.R6____ AU8bilduIlj:!;sbattcrip, Artillcriercgiment 6

A./I.R12__ _ _ Ausbildungsbataillon, Infantericregimcllt 12

14.(A.)/I.R.13 _____ 14 (Ausbildungs-) Kom-pan i e, Infanterieregi­ment 13

A.K./ A.R6 _______ leichte Artilleriekolonne des Artillericregimcll 1.8 6

Ill./A.R4_ .... _____ III. Abteilung, Artillerie-regiment 4

I./A.R5 __________ 1. Batterie, Artillerie-regiment 5

A./RR.17 _ _ __ AURbildllngsRchwadron, Reiterregiment 17

I.Div_. ____ . __ l.DiviRion. ____ .. _____ _ Div.N.(t,m) 6 _____ N achrichtcnabteilung

(teilmotoriRiert) der 6. DiviRion

F.6 ______________ Fahrabteilllng 6 ________ _ 2.F.5 ____________ 2. Schwadron Fahrabtei-

lung 5 F.A.6_ _ _ Fahrabteilung 6_ 6.(Geb.)A.R.7 6. (Gebirgs-) Btttterie,

Artillerieregimellt 7 4.(Geb.) F.7 ______ 4. (Gebirgl"-) Schwadron,

Fahrabteil ullg 7

G./I.R.L ___ . ______ Geschu tzkompanie, I nfanterieregiment 1

G./I.R.3 __________ G esc hu t z k 0 m pa ni e,

Infanterieregiment 3


Training BattNY of Artil­lery Regiment 1\0. 6

Training BattaJioll. 12th InfantT!' Regiment

14th (Training) Company, 13th Infantry Regiment

Light Artillery Tranl"port Column of the 6th Artil­ler~' Rpgiment

3d Battalioll of tIl(' 4th Field ArtillNY Regiment

lRt Batt pry. 5th A rti Ill" I'Y HeginlC'!lt

Trainillg Troop of the 17th Cavalry HClSimclli

l~t Diyj,.;ioll Signal Bat talioll of the 6th

Division (partly motor­ized)

Trall"po("t Spct ion fj

2d Troop. Transport, Sec­tion ;)

TI''p()rt Seet ion fi 6t h Mount aill Batt ery of the

7t h Art i1h~r.v H('gimellt 4th Troop of tlw 7t II ;\louTI­

tain Traw-;port Detaeh­nlent

Howitzer Company, 1st 111-fantry Hl'gilllt'nt

Howitzer Company, 3d IIl­fan try Regiment

Page 247: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


G./RR8 _________ Gesehu tzsehwadrOll, Reiterregiment 8

I.K./LR19 _______ leieht,e Infauteriekolonne des Infanterieregi­ments 19

4./LR.9 __________ 4. Kompanie, Infanteri-regiment 9

I./LR.15 _________ 1. Batailloll, Infanterie-regiment 15

5./Kav.R.1O ______ 5. Schwadron, Kavallerie-regiment 10

2.K.D ____________ 2. Kavalleriedivision ____ _ Kdo sb.I.Bg. (m) 2_ Kommando del' selbstall­

digen 2. I nfan teriebri­gade (motorisiert)

Kdr.LR.24 _______ KOlllwandeur des lnfan-terieregimcllts 24

Kf.3 _____________ Kraftfahrabteilung 3 ____ _ l.Kf.7 ____________ 1. KOlllpanie, Kraftfahr-

abtcilung 7 Korps.Kdo. VL __ ~_ Korpskommando VL __ _ 2. Kradsch.Bt1.3 ___ 2. Kornpanie, Kradschut-

zenbataillon 3 4.(M.G.)/I.R.19 ___ 4 (Maschinengewehr-)

Kompanie, Infanterie­regiment 19

MG./R.R.9 _______ M aschincngewehrschwa.-dron deR Reiter-Regi­ments 9

Nachr.Z.I/I.R.8 ___ Nachrichtcnzug,1. Batail-1011, In fan t e ricregi­mcnt, 8

Pi.4 ______________ Pionierhataillon L _____ _

2.Pi.5 ____________ 2. Kompanie, Pionierba-taillon 5

Pi.Lehr- und Vers. Pionier-Lehr- und Ver­Bt1.2.

II.Pz.Brig _______ _ 2.Pz.D __________ _

14/ (Pz.Jg.) I.IU 7

suchsbataillon 2. II. Pallzerbrigade ______ _ 2. Panzerdivision _____ _ 1-1. (Panzerjager-) Kom-

pall ie, Infallterieregi­ment 17

Howitzer Troop, 8th Horse' Cavalry Regiment

light infantry column of the 19th Infantry Regiment

4th Company, 9th Infantry Regiment

1st Battalion, 15th Infantry Regiment

5th Troop of 10th Cavalry Regiment

2d Cavalry Division Command of the independent

2d Infantry Brigade (mo­torized)

24th Infantry Regimental Commander

Motor 'l'ransport Battalion 3 1st Company, ?\fotor Trans­

port Battalion 7 VI Corps Headquarters 2d Company of 3d Motor­

cycle Battalion 4th (Machine-Glln) Com­

pany. 19th Infantry Re~i­ment

Machine-Gun Troop of the 9th Horse Cavalry H,egi­ment

Signal Platoon of h,t Battal­ion of 8th Infantry Regi­ment

4th Combat Engineer Bat­f;alion

2d Company, 5th Combat Engineer Battalion

2d Engineer Training and Experimental Battalion

2d armored brigade 2d armored division 14th (Antitank) Company of

17th Infantry Regiment

Page 248: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


II./Pz.Rgt.4 ______ II. Abteilung, Panzerregi-mellt 4

IV. (r)/ A.R.3 ______ IV. (reitende) Abteilung, ArtiIlerieregiment 3

Il.(r.)/A.R.6 ______ 11. (reitende) Batterie, Artillerieregiment 6

Rf.L ____________ Radfahrbataillon 4 _____ _ 2./Rf.4 ___________ 2. Kompanie, Radfahrba-

taillon 4 R./F.A.R.5 _______ Reitende Abteilung des

Feldartillerieregirnents 5


2d Battalion of 4th ·Panzer Regimellt

4th Horse Battalioll, 3d Artillery Regiment

11th Hor:-;e Battery, 6th Artillery Hegimellt

4th Bicycle Battalion 2rl Company, 4th Bicycle

Battalion Horse Battalion of 5th Field

Artillery RegimPllt

Rf.(tm) 3 _________ Teilmotorisiertes Rad- 3d Bicycle Battalion (part fahrbataillon 3 motorized)

RR.I4 _________ . Reiterregimcnt I4 __ ~ ____ 14th Hors<' Cavalry H.e~i-

5.R.R.9 __________ 5. 8chwadron Reiterregi-ment 9

S.A.l K __________ Sanitatsabteilnng 1, Kraftwagm1pPfsonal

Sch.L ______ .. ___ Schutze L . Sch.2 ____________ Schutii<' 2 ______________ _

L/Sch. Rgt.2 _ _ _ _ _ _ r. Bataillon Schutzen-regiment 2

St.L. ____________ Stab des 1. Bataillolls __ .

Ht./ A. R.] 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Stab des Artillerieregi­lllents 15

St.I/A.R.23 ________ Stab der I. AbteilulIl!: dps 23. Art ilIerierel!:imf'nts

St./J. Fu. L __ _ _ _ _ __ Stah des Infallteriefuhr­ers r

St. 1./1. R.19_ _ _ _ _ _ Stab de:-; 1. Bataillons, I n­fanterierpgilllent 19

St./L R.37 ________ Stab des Infanterieregi-llWllts 37

St.II./I.R.(m)5 ____ Stabde:-; II. BataiIlonsdes motorisierten Infunter­ieregiments 5

St./Kf. 7 _ _ _ _ _. ____ Stab der Kraftfahrabtei-lung 7

8t./MG.3_________ Stab der Maschinengc­wehrabteiluIIg 3

mcut Troop 5, 9th Horse Cavalry

Regiment 1st Medieal Battalioll (Mo-

tor Traw.;port Pert'ollllel) maehine-gunner r-;o. 1 ma(~hill('-g\lllner r-;o. 2 ] st Battalion of 2d Rific

Rel!:ilIH'lIt Headq\larters of the I st Bat­

talion Hpadq\larterl', 15th Artillery

Reginwllt Hpariquarters 1st Battalion,

2:3d ArtillPry Regiment. Staff of Illfantry COllUllandPl

r H<'aciquarters of the 1st Bat­

talioll, 19th Infantry Hegi-100'lIt

Headquarters of 37th In­falltry Hegiment

H()adqllartprs of the 2d Battalion, .11,11 Infant ry Regiment (motorized)

Hpaciq\lartert' of 7t.h Motor­Transport Batt ali Oil

H('a<iquarters of 3(\ Ma­chirll'-GIlIl Dptaehm('nt

Page 249: German Military Abbreviations - LES LUFTEAUX Military... · 2 GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS thorough foundation in the German language is useful, but not infallible, in determining


St./MG. (m)2 ____ _

St./N.A.Div.5 (tmot)

Stab der motorisierten Maschineng~w e h r a b­teilung 2

Stab der teilmotorisierten Divisionsnachrich ten­abteilung 5

St./Pi.3 ___________ Stab des Pionierba1ail-Ions 3

St./R.A.A.5 _______ Stab der Reiteraufkla-rungsabteilung 5

St.III.(r.)/A.R.3 ___ Stab der III. (reitenden) A bteilung, Artilleriereg­iment 3

St.R.Bg.L ________ Stab der Reiterbrigade L

St./Rf.3 __________ Stab des Radfahrbatail-Ions 3

St./Rf. (tm)6 ______ Stab des teilmotorisierten Radfahrbataillons 6

St./R.R.9 _________ Stab des Reiterregiments 9

2. (tm)/Rf. (tm)3_ _ _ 2. teilmotorisierte Kom­panie des teilmotorisier­ten Radfahrbatailluns 3

verst. LJag.5 _ _ _ _ _ _ verstarktes I. Bataillon, Jagerregiment 5

verst.I.R.32_. _____ verstarktes Infanteriereg-iment 32

verst.III./I.R.67 ___ verstarktes III. Bataillon, Infanterieregiment 67


Headquarters of 2d Ma-chine-Gun Detachment (motorized)

Headquarters of 5th Divi­sional Communications Battalion (part motor­ized)

Headquarters of the 3d Combat Engineer Battal­ion

Headquarters of the 5th (Horse) Cavalry Recon­naissance Battalion

Headquarters of the 3d (Horse) Battalion of the 3d Artillery Regiment

Staff of the 1st (Horse) Cav-alry Brigade

Headquarters of the 3d Bicycle Battalion

Headquarters of the 6th Bicycle Battalion (part motorized)

Headquarters of the 9th (Horse) Cavalry Regi· ment

2d Company (part motor­ized), 3d Bicycle Battal­ion (part motorized)

reinforced 1st Battalion of 5th Rifle (Jager) Regi­ment

reinforced 32d Infantry Reg­iment

reinforced 3d Battalion of the 67th Infantry Regi­ment