Download - Geraints Target Audience


Target audience presentation:

Target audience presentation:

The film I am analysing is ‘The Pact’.The reason being that is matches our film openings target

audience of horror Thriller.

The film I am analysing is ‘The Pact’.The reason being that is matches our film openings target

audience of horror Thriller.

Age target audience.Age target audience.

As you can see from the image, the main age range for this movie is 15-24.The main reason is that teenagers are more likely to go to the cinema in this day and age due to the experience of watching a scary movie.People in the 40+ range are more likely to watch family films with their children. The films legal viewing age is 15 due to the generic conventions in this genre, which includes blood and violence.

As you can see from the image, the main age range for this movie is 15-24.The main reason is that teenagers are more likely to go to the cinema in this day and age due to the experience of watching a scary movie.People in the 40+ range are more likely to watch family films with their children. The films legal viewing age is 15 due to the generic conventions in this genre, which includes blood and violence.

Gender audienceGender audienceAlthough there is a slightly higher female percentage, The amount of males and females watching this movie are very similar.The generic conventions in the pact doesn’t limit the enjoyment for males or females.The majority of horror movies have a cast of males and females, which is a factor to why Horror thrillers are open to both genders. The protagonists in the movie are females meanwhile the antagonist is male. This is a common convention of thriller movies.

Although there is a slightly higher female percentage, The amount of males and females watching this movie are very similar.The generic conventions in the pact doesn’t limit the enjoyment for males or females.The majority of horror movies have a cast of males and females, which is a factor to why Horror thrillers are open to both genders. The protagonists in the movie are females meanwhile the antagonist is male. This is a common convention of thriller movies.

Demographics for The Pact

Demographics for The Pact

The main class range for this movie is ‘DE’ (31%). Despite this, the difference between the classes is relatively similar. Its very common in the horror thriller genre that DE is the main class because less people of higher class go to the cinema in this day and age. Also students fall under the E category due to them not having a full time salary of profession.

The main class range for this movie is ‘DE’ (31%). Despite this, the difference between the classes is relatively similar. Its very common in the horror thriller genre that DE is the main class because less people of higher class go to the cinema in this day and age. Also students fall under the E category due to them not having a full time salary of profession.


There is an argument as to what kind of psychographic groups watch a film of this genre. By psychographics we're analysing different peoples belief systems. In my opinion i’d say the viewers would fall into the ‘Explorer’ category due to the fact that the film doesn’t address everyday problems in life, therefore the people watching this type of Genre are challenging themselves.

There is an argument as to what kind of psychographic groups watch a film of this genre. By psychographics we're analysing different peoples belief systems. In my opinion i’d say the viewers would fall into the ‘Explorer’ category due to the fact that the film doesn’t address everyday problems in life, therefore the people watching this type of Genre are challenging themselves.