Download - George E€¦  · Web viewLanham, Maryland 20706-2499. Telephone: 301.918.8680 Fax: 301.918.8688. Website: tjohnson. Every Scholar. Every Class. Every Day.

Page 1: George E€¦  · Web viewLanham, Maryland 20706-2499. Telephone: 301.918.8680 Fax: 301.918.8688. Website: tjohnson. Every Scholar. Every Class. Every Day.

5401 Barker Place Lanham, Maryland 20706-2499

Telephone: 301.918.8680 Fax: 301.918.8688 Website:

Every Scholar. Every Class. Every Day.

Bienvenidos a Thomas Johnson Middle School

Tuesday, September 8, 2009 Volume 1

VISION (Where are we going? Our goal):

We are committed to a culture of high expectations where all students learn to become … caring, involved citizens of good character; … literate, high performing scholars; and … technologically competent life-long learners.

MISSION (What are we currently doing for students?):

The mission of Thomas Johnson Middle School is to provide a positive learning environment that … is safe and nurturing;

... supports intellectual, emotional, and social growth of all students; and … fosters a good working relationship between home, school, and community

The Principal Speaks

Bienvenidos a Thoms Johnson Middle School espero trabajar con ustedes. Enthusicatically, I welcome you to an new and exciting year. There is so much that the teachers have planned for the children this year. This is a new year, and your child is getting a fresh start. I am here for both you and your child. I

want every child in every class everyday to rise to his or her fullest potential. Teachers have been instructed that they are to teach using higher-ordering thinking skills, which means that students will have to learn to think critically and not always have answers “right there” for them. This year the work that students will be doing is going to be even more challenging than it was last year. We will be focusing on instruction at Thomas Johnson Middle School (TJMS) like we have never done it before.

This year, we started preparing students for MSA on the first day of school. I really need the help of our parents/guardians to support the initiatives that are being done at TJMS. I want to congratulate the parents/guardians of TJMS for the increases in test scores from last year. This year, we plan to make even greater gains.

Thomas Johnson Middle School is a good school and with the efforts of our stuents, parents, community, and the staff, we will make it a GREAT school. I am genuinely excited about the number of ethnic groups that are represented in our school. I look forward to learning and exploring the cultures of our students. TJMS is the world as we know it – a diverse place where learning is number one and there is no compromise.

I encourage our parents to come out and support the school, as we try to work harmoniously to accomplish the goal and mission of our school. Please ask your child EACH week for

Dr. Michael RobinsonPrincipal

Mr. Dennis BilicicAssistant Principal

Ms. Stephanie FryeAssistant Principal

Mr. Zory KenonStudent Success Coordinator

Ms. E. Valeria ReedCounselor

Ms. JoAnne Ward-SmallCounselor

Mrs. Damalia RuffinCounselor

Page 2: George E€¦  · Web viewLanham, Maryland 20706-2499. Telephone: 301.918.8680 Fax: 301.918.8688. Website: tjohnson. Every Scholar. Every Class. Every Day.

the newsletter, as this will be one of the many sources of communication between the home and the school.

This year will be an exciting but challenging one for me, as I attempt to be exposed to learning and mastering Spanish. I want to be able to communciate with ALL of our parents/guardians. I am also allowing the students to teach me American Sign Language, which is another apsect of our school that I am so happy to have at TJMS. Each week, I will post my progress in our newsletter.

Today, our scholars had the opportunity to listen to President Obama’s message. Our students can never be encouraged and challenged enough to rise to the expectation. We must begin to teach them that success does not come without hard work. Success comes with a price. I want to continue to echoe the sentiments of our President, as we usher our students to the next level.

As the principal, I will be spending a great deal of time in the classrooms with the teachers. If you call and are unable to contact me until the afternoon, it is because I am ensuring that both teaching and learning is taking place. I want the best for our children at Thomas Johnson Middle School.

THANK YOU for allowing me to be your principal!

Welcome to TJMS and welcome to success!

Dr. Robinson

Welcome Back!The staff at Thomas Johnson Middle School would like to say thank you to all of our students and parents for making the opening of school a success. We look forward to working with you and having another great year! Our theme for this is year is “Sailing for Higher Achievement.” This year will be a successful one because of you. Have a JAGUAR week.

Back-to-School Nighthomas Johnson Middle School will have it’s Back-to-School night on this evening (Tuesday, September 8, 2009) at 6:30 p.m. in the school’s multipurpose room.

The faculty and staff of Thomas Johnson are looking forward to welcoming each of the parents. Students who come to Back-to-School night with their parents/guardians will receive Jaguar Bucks to be used in the school’s store for items deemed ONLY for Jaguar buck purchasing.


PTA to be OrganizedOn Tuesday, September 15, 2009, Thomas Johnson Middle School will be reorganizing its PTA. The parent committee is asking for our parents to please come out and support this effort. This is another way that our parents can be active participants in the lives “our” children.

Student IncentivesStudents at Thomas Johnson Middle School will be receiving Jaguar Bucks and Caught-U-Cards for doing great things at school. Any adult in the building can issue a student Jaguar Bucks and/or Caught-U-Cards. With the bucks, students can cash them in and purchase items deemed ONLY for purchasing using Jaguar Bucks. At each Student-of-the-Month program, students will be eligible to receive a prize if their name is selected from a drawing. We’re excited about this initiative and look forward to our first Student-of-the-Month program.

Please ReturnStudents were issued a series of forms that should have been returned to the school during the first week. It is very important that you complete these forms and return them to the school as soon as possible. In the event that we need to get in touch with someone regarding your child due to an emergency, sickness, or other particular reasons we need to have these documents on file in the office. If your child did not bring home one of the above items, please let your child’s teacher know what forms were not sent home. Thank you in advance.

Cell Phones and Electronics It is preferred that students DO NOT bring cell phones to school. However, once they get on the campus and enter the building, the phone must be turned off and MUST remain out of sight until the end of the day. If the phone is seen and/or is being used in ANY way, it will be taken. When there is an emergency, parents/guardians are asked to contact the school. If an emergency occurs at school, the school will contact the parent/guardian. In accordance with the state law, we strongly encourage parents to comply with the law. There is no need for any child to be using a phone during school hours.

Students should not bring electronic devices to school. If there is a need for these items to be brought to school, the teacher and/or the school will communicate that request to the parent/guardian. The school will not accept responsibility for cellular phones, electronics, and/or other personal items that students bring to school. Our main focus must be on instruction. These items and the issues that arise as a result of students bringing them to school take away from instructional time. Please work with the school in adhering to this request.

Bus Behavior Parents/Guardians, please help us with keeping your child’s behavior on the bus at the appropriate level. Continue to emphasize school-wide expectations. The bus drivers would cheerfully accept your assistance. Many of the students are not sitting down on the bus and following the safety expectations that were discussed during the Student Code of Conduct Meetings that were held on the first day of school.

Page 3: George E€¦  · Web viewLanham, Maryland 20706-2499. Telephone: 301.918.8680 Fax: 301.918.8688. Website: tjohnson. Every Scholar. Every Class. Every Day.

Citations As a way to keep students’ discipline at a minimum, Thomas Johnson will be implementing citations, which is basically a warning ticket that students will receive when they are in violation of school-wide and/or classroom expectations. Please always sign the citation and return it to your child’s teacher the next day. Receiving a citation will help your child not to receive a referral. However, once they receive a specified number a referral may be the next result.

Grandparent’s Day CelebratedOn Friday, September 18, 2009, during students’ lunch time, we will honor our Grandparents. Many of the students in schools across America are being raised by Grandparents. We want our Grandparents to know how much we appreciate them. Please come and join us during students’ lunch time. Lunch prices range from $2.25 - $5.00 depending what you choose off the menu. We look forward to seeing our Grandparents.

Student Activity Opportunities at Thomas Johnson Middle School Beginning next week, students at Thomas Johnson Middle School will be able to sign-up for some of the activities and/or clubs that will be offered at Thomas Johnson Middle School. We want this year to be a memorable one for each of our students. As a school, we can only do so much. We need the active participation of our parents to support the school and to be actively involved.

Uniform RemindersOur boys and girls look so nice in their uniforms. It has really helped tremendously with having students in uniform shirts by grade level. This truly makes it easier to maintain effective discipline and school management. THANK YOU to our parents/guardians.

REMINDERS:Shirts: 7th grade royal blue polo shirt with collar 8th grade yellow (NOT GOLD) polo shirts with collar

Pants or Shorts: - No cargo pants OR shorts - Pants cannot be cut at the seam - Khaki colored pants only (shorts must be khaki as well)

Shoes: Plain solid black tennis shoes. Please do not allow your child to wear tennis shoes that do not meet the school’s dress code.

Belts: It is NOT an option for girls or boys NOT to wear a belt. All students (girls and boys) must wear a belt; all students must tuck their shirts inside of their pants.

Jewelry: Students are NOT allowed to wear chains and necklaces to school. Earrings cannot be larger than a dime. Students can wear one (1) bracelet and one (1)

ring. Arrival Time and Early Check-Outs Students should not be on the campus prior to 8:30 a.m. There is no supervision for those students who are brought to the school and dropped off prior to 8:30 a.m. The school is not responsible for students who are dropped off prior to 8:30 a.m. Students must be in class by 9:00 a.m. At 9:01 a.m., students are late and a tardy slip will be issued.

Please remember that students must be checked-out prior to 3:00 p.m. for early dismissal. It is important that students maximize every minute of instructional time.

For every 3 tardies and/or 3 check-outs (early dismissal) or the combination thereof, it is equal to one (1) absence.

Media News September is “Library Card Sign-Up Month” - a time to remind parents and students that a library card is the most important school supply of all. Libraries play an important role in the education and development of our children. Studies have shown that children who read in the home and use the library perform better in school and are more likely to use the library as a continued source of lifetime learning.

Public libraries offer books, magazines, audio and videotapes, computers, software and other multimedia materials, which can be borrowed for home use, simply by showing a library card. On Back to School Night, September 8, 2009, we will have a table with library card applications, and library personnel to assist you and answer any questions you may have.

Coming Soon!

Fall Book Fair, September 29 - October 7 – Details in next week’s newsletter!

Mrs. Norman, Media Specialist

25 Book Campaign and Hispanic Heritage

Month Kick-off On Friday, September 18, 2009, at 2:15 p.m., Thomas Johnson Middle School will kick-off our 25 Book Campaign and Hispanic Heritage Month. We want this to be a memorable event for our students, but we also want this to be a time that they recognize the importance of reading and the efforts and contributions that have been made by Spanish-Americans.

Page 4: George E€¦  · Web viewLanham, Maryland 20706-2499. Telephone: 301.918.8680 Fax: 301.918.8688. Website: tjohnson. Every Scholar. Every Class. Every Day.

Principal’s Book-of-the-Month (Students)Each month, students will be reading a new book. This month, my selection is We Beat the Streets by Drs. Sampson Davis, George Jenkins, and Rameck Hunt. I cannot wait to read the responses that students write once they have completed the book. Principal’s Book-of-the-Year (Parents)Just as I have selected a book-of-the-month for the students, I have selected the book-of-the-year for the parents. I am excited about starting a book club for our parents. We will meet four times this year to discuss the book. It is one that I know will truly help our parents/guardians. The book is entitled Ten Steps to Helping Your Child Succeed by Mychal Wynn. I have had the profound pleasure of meeting and communicating with Mr. Wynn, and I know that our parents/guardians will enjoy reading the book as much as I have. Please see next week’s issue for the date of the first book club meeting.

A Note about DisciplineWe have had a wonderful start to a brand new year. Many of our students have done an awesome job of meeting the new expectations for Thomas Johnson Middle School. We are asking parents to assist the school in communicating to their child that there will be consequences for their actions when they violate school expectations, policies, and procedures. The school wants to keep all students in school and in class where they belong. Nonetheless, for every action there will be consequences. This is a proactive plea to parents for assistance in ensuring that our children remain respectful and adhere to school-wide expectations. Thank you to all of the many students and parents who are meeting the bar. THANK YOU!

School-wide Principles



ExpectationsLearning Readiness




PPW Speaks:Welcome to the beginning of a great school for you and your student! I am, Ms. Diane LeRoux Arnold, Thomas Johnson’s new Pupil Personnel Worker. The P.P.W. is the Superintendent’s designee to investigate and report to the Board of Education on expulsion requests, to determine the result of long-term suspension requests, and to make sure that due

process is accorded the student at all times. P.P.W.’s advocate for students by addressing truancy issues that have not responded to interventions from counselors or administrators. Please make sure your student attends school every day, and brings a note excusing necessary absence. Attendance is the foundation of academic success!

Diane LeRoux Arnold, M.A., M.Ed.

Parent Liaison SpeaksEs preferible que los estudiantes NO Traigan cellulares a la esuela. Si es que deciden traerlo el telefono debe estar apagado y guardado hasta que salga de la escuela. Si algun maestro o empleado de la escuela ve el telefono en las manos del estudiante se le sera quitado hasta que los padres vengan a retirarlo. En caso de emergencia los padres deben comunicarse con la escuela. En caso que haya una emergencia en la escuela el personal se comunicará con los padres/tutores. Los estudiantes no debe traer ningún artefato eletronico a la escuela, la escuela no es responsable de daños o perdidas de los mismos. Es muy importante el buen comportamiento de los estudiantes en el bus.

Counselors’ Corner:Science & Technology brochures were given out to all interested 8th grade students last week regarding application procedures. This program provides in-depth experiences to assist in intellectual growth and development of students who have the following characteristics: interest in mathematics, science, computer science and engineering technology potential for developing academic and applied skills in science and technology career goals in science, engineering technology, mathmatics and computer science Students will have the opportunity to test for entrance into area High Schools via their Science & Technology programs. AT THIS TIME, THE GUIDANCE DEPARTMENT HAS NOT RECEIVED APPLICATIONS; WHEN APPLICATIONS ARE AVAILABLE, THEY MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE GUIDANCE OFFICE AND RETURNED NO LATER THAN NOVEMBER 4TH 2009. 8th GRADE NIGHT- October 6, 2009; 6:30 pm - information regarding high school programs and options for 2010-2011 will be discussed at this very informative event. The guidance department is in the process of adjusting and balancing schedules and classrooms. Please be sure that your child understands and is able to follow his/her schedule. Team A- Ms. Small - 7th Grade CounselorTeam B- Ms. Reed - 7th Grade CounselorTeam C- Ms. Ruffin - 8th Grade Counselor If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Guidance Department at 301-918-8694.

Scholar Reminders:

Page 5: George E€¦  · Web viewLanham, Maryland 20706-2499. Telephone: 301.918.8680 Fax: 301.918.8688. Website: tjohnson. Every Scholar. Every Class. Every Day.

Students who are interested in being news announcers have until tomorrow (Wednesday, 9/9) to let Dr. Robinson know if you are interested in auditioning.

Students MUST have a pass to be in the hallways. Please ensure that your teacher gives you a pass.

Please visit the student information table located by the lockers in the main hallway.

Cheerleading tryouts are September 14 – 17, 2009 from 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. in the gym. ONLY students who have a ride need to remain for tryouts.

Sports UpdateWe want to congratulate the following students who are now members of the 2009 – 2010 baseball team:


Game Schedule: All games start at 5:45Jaguars @ Greenbelt Wed 9/9

*Jaguars Home against Pullen Mon 9/14*Jaguars Home against Carroll Wed 9/21

Jaguars @ Goddard Wed 9/23*Jaguars Home against Wirt Tue 9/29

Johnson @ Gholson Mon 10/5

*Home Game

A/B ScheduleM Tu.




9/7 9/8 9/9 9/10 9/11OFF A B A B

Let’s CelebrateStudents

August SeptemberAndrea Angel 1st Brian Dawis, 1st Dashan Asiedu, 1st

Nelson Morgan 5Diamond Stith 5William Villatoro 6Graig McCalum 6Steven Ezeami 6Thierry Pouassi Ngaleu 6Tolawalase Ojo 6 Kuyateh N Tianna, 8Nicholas Mungal, 08Marco Goodman 8Bowman Steven 9Chandra Jones 9Oluwademil Adsomuyiwa 11Justin Epps 12Alexander Chavez 13Burks, Dorian Rashaun,13Shereece Standard 13 Segovia Gerson 14Patricia Ramirez 14Bianca R.Cisneros 16Romel F Figueroa 18Frank Owusu 19Toluwalope,Adeboyku 20Amos Reffell, 20Terry Mayo 20Michelle Nguyen 21Jose Pacheco 21Garyelle Wanzer 21Kayla Wade 21Trelian Lloyd 21Datujah 22Joseline Guevara 22Akinrimisi,Olamide 23Oswia Best 23Blessing Adebiyi 24China WL 24Deon Floyd 4Alexis Valdpena-Lopez 28Tran, Cathy, 25Jonathon Dunbar 26Monay Ashton 26Onjay Johnson 27Christopher Mason, 27Tolulope,Akindela29Dominic 29Johntre Jenkins 29Josue Montoya, 29Adea Moore, 29Jenifer Parada 29Andre Fox, 30Ocran Kwamera, 31

Monifa Newell 01st Samuel Chen 2 Liliana Martinez 2Zarceno Arrollo 3Vince Abellano 3Stephanie Brown 3Newton Terewell 4Christopher.Hernandez,05Juwan Avans 7Evelyn Eden 7Diante Coleman 11Edgar M. Lopez 12Erika Andrade-Bustillo 12Brian Cueto Yenty 12Elmer Reyes 13Daja Medley 13Emeka M. 14Alonte Lee 14Rackel Torres 16Ronald Prince 16Gregory Smith 16Justin A.Baker 17Victor Vivar 18Monica ventur18Monica Ventura, 18Carlos Garcia 19Paulo H Jr 19 D’Andra Hodge 20Chukaocha- Ikenna 21Olujuwon Adepegba 21Maurice Robinson 21Thu-Ann Pham 23Donnice Wall 23Anastashia Charleton, 23Charleton Anatanya Tiara, 23Jarrett Scott 24Tosin Adebayo 24Christiana Lee 24Rebekah Little 24Indya Wray 25Keeshawn Addison 27Daniel Tapia 26 Louis R Trejo 26Vincent Surih 26Adebajo Adepegba 26Irania Maradiaga 27Sesay A Diallo 27Delante Rush 29Eid Sesay 30

Thought of the Week A sense of humor is part of the art of leadership, of getting along with people, of getting things done.

-Dwight D. Eisenhower 34th President of the United States 1953 – 1961 (1890 – 1969)

Page 6: George E€¦  · Web viewLanham, Maryland 20706-2499. Telephone: 301.918.8680 Fax: 301.918.8688. Website: tjohnson. Every Scholar. Every Class. Every Day.

This Week’s Vocabulary FocusThis week’s vocabulary words are:



Character Education-----SeptemberThe character education word for this month is trustworthy. To be trustworthy means to be dependable and reliable.

Calendar Updates Back-to-School Night 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, 9/8/0925 Book Campaign/Hispanic HeritageMonth Kick-off Friday, 9/18 @ 2p.m.Fall Book Fair 9/29 – 10/3Annual National Book Fair 9/26 10a.m. – (Mall of Washington) 5:30 p.m.

MSA Prep = Success Reading/Language Arts

“Fet Walks Melody Home’

Is she too quiet or am ISwamping her with jabber?

In Budapest studentsOur age battle tanks.

I chuck snowballs at trees,Worry that my coat’s too small.

Oh, I love her furry boots.Didja see the show at the Cap?

Yeah, Elaine and I went last night.Should I talk more or does he

Prefer good listeners?He asks questions then clams up.

Looks like a kid in that coatAnd clowns like one in the snow.

Wish he were more mature.Why’d I hear these stupid boots?

Think about what you just read. If you were to tell your friend about this story, what would you say?

MathOn a blueprint of a new home, 3 ½ feet is represented by ¼ of an inch.

Step AIf the length of the family room on the blueprint is 1 ¾ inches, what is the actual length of the family room?

Step BUse what you know about scale drawings to explain how you determined your answer. Use words, numbers, and/or symbols in your explanation.

What’s the Last Book that You Read to Your Child?

Writing Prompt

If I had only three days to see, I would …

Problem of the WeekIn an effort to increase math scores on MSA and participation in math classes, TJMS will do problem-of-the-week. Each week, students can go to the student table in the main hallway near the locker area and pick up a problem of the week form. Once it is completed, students can drop their slip in the box provided on the table. We strongly encourage students to participate. Students who do participate will be eligible to have their name

Page 7: George E€¦  · Web viewLanham, Maryland 20706-2499. Telephone: 301.918.8680 Fax: 301.918.8688. Website: tjohnson. Every Scholar. Every Class. Every Day.

in a drawing at the Student of the Month (SOTM) program. At the end of each nine weeks, students who are CONSISTENT and respond CORRECTLY will be eligible to be recognized at the Jaguar Award Assembly, which will be held quarterly. Character WritingEach month, students will be able to write a short, brief but concise response to the character expectation for each month. Participating students whose writing is selected by the counselors will be recognized at the Jaguar Award Assembly. Students can pick up the writing entry form from the student table located in the main hallway located by the locker area. Once completed, students can drop their entry in the box provided on the table. We encourage students to participate!

Prince George’s County FairEvery year the PGC Fair Association is in need of volunteers to assist during this year’s County Fair. The County Fair will take place from Thursday, September 10, 2009 – Sunday, September 13, 2009. Any student who wish to volunteer at this year’s County Fair, please contact Scott Geist at (301)-567-8639 or email [email protected].

Race and Ethnicity Identification Form As per our Board of Education, ALL student files MUST be updated in order to be in compliance with state and federal guidelines. Please!! Please!! Complete the form today. All forms will be going home on tomorrow and MUST be returned on or before Monday, September 14, 2009. This is time sensitive and URGENT!!!

Principal’s Progress Each week, I will be posting words, phrases, and/or sentences that I am learning in Spanish. My test each week will be to see how I effectively communicate and use what I am learning. Our students will be my best teachers.

English Spanishola helloactivity actividadbook librodia dayagua water

----------------------------------------------------------------Return This Part to Homeroom Teacher

Student’s Name:_________________________ Grade:______

Parent’s Signature: ___________________________________

Home Phone: _______________________________________

Cellular Phone: ______________________________________

Email Address: ______________________________________

Homeroom Teacher: _______________________________