Download - Geology Group Report Final

  • Acknowledgements

    First and foremost, we would like to express our gratitude to our lecturer, Mr Deejaysing Jogee, for his

    invaluable support and guidance during the conduction of the Geotechnical Engineering module, which

    helped us to better grasp the practical aspects of soil mechanics.

    Furthermore, we would like to pay a special tribute to all the Technicians of the Soil Mechanics

    Laboratory, who guided us throughout the experiments carried out and enabled us to improve our

    practical skills.

    Finally, we would like to thank all those who have, directly or indirectly, helped us in conducting the

    required experiments and in the writing of this group report.

  • Table of Contents

    Preface .................................................................................................................................................... 1

    1.0 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 2

    2.0 Aim and objectives ........................................................................................................................... 2

    2.1 Aim ............................................................................................................................................... 2

    2.2 Objectives ..................................................................................................................................... 2

    3.0 Literature Review .............................................................................................................................. 3

    3.1 Weathering and soil formation ...................................................................................................... 3

    3.2 Soil classification .......................................................................................................................... 3

    3.3 Soils of Mauritius .......................................................................................................................... 4

    3.4 Geology of site .............................................................................................................................. 4

    4.0 Methodology ..................................................................................................................................... 6

    4.1 Description of soil cut ................................................................................................................... 6

    4.2 Field tests and sampling ................................................................................................................ 7

    4.2.1 Sampling .................................................................................................................................... 8

    4.3 Laboratory tests ............................................................................................................................. 8

    4.3.1 Determination of moisture content ........................................................................................ 8 Apparatus ........................................................................................................................ 8 Test Procedures ............................................................................................................... 8 Health and Safety .......................................................................................................... 10 Precautions .................................................................................................................... 10

    4.3.2 Determination of liquid limit ............................................................................................... 10 Apparatus ...................................................................................................................... 10 Soil sample preparation ................................................................................................. 11 Test Procedures ............................................................................................................. 11 Health and Safety .......................................................................................................... 12 Precautions .................................................................................................................... 12

    4.3.3 Determination of plastic limit .............................................................................................. 12 Apparatus ...................................................................................................................... 12

  • Test Procedures ............................................................................................................. 13 Health and Safety .......................................................................................................... 13 Precautions .................................................................................................................... 13

    5.0 Test Results ..................................................................................................................................... 14

    5.1 Field test results .......................................................................................................................... 14

    5.2 Laboratory test results ................................................................................................................. 16

    5.2.1 Colour of different soil layers .............................................................................................. 16

    5.2.2 Determination of moisture contents ..................................................................................... 17

    5.2.3 Determination of liquid limit ............................................................................................... 17

    5.2.4 Determination of plastic limit .............................................................................................. 17

    4.0 Contribution of team members (ECSA ELO 8) .............................................................................. 18

    4.1 Diary of activities ........................................................................................................................ 18

    4.2 Summary ..................................................................................................................................... 18

    4.3 Contribution of team members ................................................................................................... 20

    References ............................................................................................................................................. 21

    Appendix ............................................................................................................................................... 22

  • List of figures

    Figure 1- Location of road cut. ............................................................................................................... 5

    Figure 2 - Part of road cut. ...................................................................................................................... 6

    Figure 3 - Quartering process.................................................................................................................. 9

    Figure 4 - Samples in pans before drying. ............................................................................................ 10

    Figure 5 - Penetrometer apparatus. ....................................................................................................... 11

    Figure 6 - Crumbled threads of soil. ..................................................................................................... 13

    Figure 7 - Granular structure of peds. ................................................................................................... 15

    Figure 8 - Bottom layer. ........................................................................................................................ 16

    Figure 9 - Soil Map of Mauritius (MSIRI, 1965).................................................................................. 22

  • List of tables

    Table 1- Colour of different soil layers. ................................................................................................ 16

    Table 2 - Data collection for the determination of moisture contents. .................................................. 17

    Table 3 - Penetration results for the determination of liquid limit of the main strata. .......................... 17

    Table 4 - Data collected for the determination of plastic limit of the main strata. ............................... 17

    Table 5 - Diary of activities. ................................................................................................................. 18

    Table 6 - Contribution of team members. ............................................................................................. 20

  • 1 | P a g e


    This document is a group report pertaining to the mini-project assigned to students from Level 2 of the

    BEng (Hons) Civil Engineering programme related to the Geotechnical Engineering module. This

    report has been written as a group and is not a complete one and should be read in conjunction with the

    individual reports, to be submitted apart.

    The sections covered in this group report include the following:

    1. Introduction

    2. Literature Review

    3. Aims and objectives

    4. Methodology

    5. Test results

    6. ECSA ELO 4 (partly)

    7. ECSA ELO 8

    The complementary sections, listed below, are found in the individual reports. They are:

    1. Abstract

    2. Data Analysis

    3. Recommendations

    4. Conclusion

    5. ECSA ELO 4 (partly).

    6. ECSA ELO 6.

  • 2 | P a g e

    1.0 Introduction

    Soil essentially consists of mineral constituents, organic matter, water and air which takes different

    forms on the earth surface or beneath depending on its origins, distribution patterns as well as the

    different interactions occurring with time and compositional changes. The study of soil is important to

    any civil engineer and is mostly evident from geotechnical investigations performed, during which the

    engineering properties of soils are assessed before the design phase or during feasibility studies. Part of

    this investigation requires the ability to describe the surficial and subsoils but to also classify the soils

    according to an adopted standard.

    As part of our geology module, the study of soil formation and classification was undertaken. For this

    mini-project, we were tasked as a group of 4 students to select a cut within 3 m to 4 m. Both qualitative

    and quantitative description of the soil horizons was required based on the British Standards.

    2.0 Aim and objectives

    2.1 Aim

    The aim of this mini project is to understand the process of weathering and classify different soil sample

    using simple field tests and laboratory tests.

    2.2 Objectives

    The objectives established were:

    1. Identifying a cut meeting the height requirements.

    2. Performing field tests on soil horizons.

    3. Sampling of the horizons (or strata) and performing simple tests.

    4. Providing a description of the cut based on the tests and producing a soil log.

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    3.0 Literature Review

    3.1 Weathering and soil formation

    Soils may be formed in place from rocks or formed in weathered rocks and minerals that have been

    transported from where the original rock has occurred. Thus being said, the weathering of rocks can be

    perceived as the main factor leading to the formation of different types of rocks.

    Weathering, in this case, can be defined as the breaking down of rocks through contact with the Earths

    atmosphere, its biota and waters. It can be classified into 2 main categories, namely:

    1. Mechanical weathering.

    2. Chemical weathering.

    Mechanical weathering refers to the breakdown of rocks through direct contact with atmospheric

    conditions such as heat, water and pressure. On the other hand, chemical weathering involves the

    influence of atmospheric chemicals, such as acid rain, in the breakdown of rocks.

    The material left over after the breakdown of rocks, together with naturally occurring organic material,

    is thus called soil. The properties of the latter can be directly linked to the properties of the parent rock.

    3.2 Soil classification

    Soil classification refers to the grouping of soils within a similar range of properties (chemical, physical

    and biological) into units that can be geo-referenced and mapped (Food and Agriculture Organization

    of the UN, 2014).

    Soil classification is of fundamental use to civil engineers, especially those involved in geotechnical

    engineering design and construction. They classify soils according to their engineering properties. The

    latter are then related to use for foundation support or building materials.

    The classification of soils is not random and is done through scientific tests, which can vary in

    complexity. These tests include field tests and laboratory tests. The field tests take place during site

    exploration. These tests are mainly based on visual inspection and feel (Whitlow.R, 1995). Laboratory

    tests can be more complex and involves the use of specific equipment to determine the variability and

    geotechnical parameters of the soils. The ideal testing scheme to classify soils is to carry out in-situ

    field tests instantly followed by laboratory tests. However, owing to constraints over time and economy,

    this may not always be feasible.

    Different soil classification systems have been developped to allow engineers to classify soils according

    to different properties. Some of them include AASHTO Soil Classification System and United Soil

    Classification System (Butler.E, 1990). They have been developped in such a way that there is a smooth

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    transition from field observation to basic predictions for soil properties. The conventions used by the

    different systems do vary, albeit by little.

    3.3 Soils of Mauritius

    Mauritius originates entirely from volcanic formation except for its coral reefs, dunes and beaches along

    the coast. The alluvial deposits in northwest and west of the island are thin. The volcanic deposits have

    been classified into 4 periods of activity; emergence, older volcanic series, intermediate volcanic series

    and younger volcanic series. The recent lava flows has given rise to rocky soils formed from rocks with

    very porous lava. This has allowed the soil to present with different properties as compared to the soils

    formed from older series rocks. The soil groups has been classified into 2 groups mainly: intrazonal and

    azonal (Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute, 1965)

    The zonal soils of Mauritius has been classifies into 3 main groups:

    Low humic latosols

    Humic latosols

    Humic ferruginous latosols

    The low humic latosols formed from the intermediate lava are deep soils containing a high amount of

    organic matter. They have silty clays textures with about 80% clay content. They have red to brown

    colour in the A horizon and red to reddish brown on the B horizon. The humic latosols were formed

    from the intermediate lava flows. The soil is clay and do not show any variation in texture over different

    horizons. The humic ferruginous latosols occur on the younger and older volcanic series.

    Intrazonal soils were formed from the late lava flows and consists of latosolic soils and dark magnesium


    3.4 Geology of site

    The road cut investigated was found along the Terre-Rouge Verdun Trianon Link road. The road is

    situated on the Central Plateau region and is located in the humid zone. From the Mauritius Hydrology

    Data Book (2010), the mean annual rainfall is approximately 2400mm per year. As there was no

    prominent land mark, the approximate position is shown in Figure 1.

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    Figure 1- Location of road cut.

    Source: Google Images

    From the MSIRI soil map (refer to appendix item A), the cut is found to lie in the region abbreviated

    H2 which is also the soil group of Humic Latosols and further categorised as the Riche Bois soil.

    However, the zone is close to the Belle Rive Humic Ferruginous Latosols and thus the soil may exhibit

    transitional behaviour. According to the MSIRI, the Riche Bois soils have formed mostly from the

    Intermediate lavas in the humid zones or higher (i.e. 1750mm to 3750mm). These soils are moderately


    The main characteristics of the Riche Bois soil are the reddish-brown colour of the soils due to the

    relatively high concentrations of iron and aluminium oxides. The soil typically behaves as silty clays

    and boundaries of horizons are usually gradual. The Riche Bois soils are transitional to the Humic

    Ferruginous Latosols.

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    4.0 Methodology

    4.1 Description of soil cut

    Figure 2.0 shows part of the cut considered.

    Figure 2 - Part of road cut.

    The cut was investigated on Monday, the 24th of November 2014. The weather was clouded but there

    was no rain.

    The road cut stretched continuously for nearly 100 m along the road. The cut had a height on average

    3.6 m. The slope was about 30o and the surface was straight throughout. Faded vertical mechanical

    marks were visible.

    The cut was also stepped as seen from Figure 2.0. One of the horizons, namely the bottom horizon lied

    below the stepped region and had a nearly vertical surface.

    Vegetation was present, mostly shrubs and wild plants on the topsoil layer. Some small grasses and

    plants were also present on the step region. At discrete sections along the length of the cut, small extents

    of colluvium was observed.

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    4.2 Field tests and sampling

    Field tests were carried out for all of the horizons. The equipments used were mainly a trowel and a

    knife. The samples were removed at thicknesses where the horizons were judged to have changed.

    The field tests performed relied mainly on the observers sense of touch and sight. They were carried

    out as follows:

    1. Dilatancy test

    Most of the soil samples were dry. Some water was added to sufficiently moisten the soil being

    held in one hand. The sample was then patted using the other hand. The presence of any water

    on the surface was noted and the soil was again pressed. The water was observed again. This

    field test determined whether silt is present.

    2. Consistency test on in-situ soil

    The soils were mostly dry or moist. A small ped from the horizon was broken using the thumb

    and forefinger. The amount of force required was qualitatively recorded (ex: soft ped,

    moderately hard ped, or very hard ped). This test allows a rough estimate of the clay content.

    For dry peds, the harder the dry ped, there is a possibility of higher clay content. For moist peds,

    the same outcome as for dry peds is expected but cohesion of the soil was noted if any, thus

    indicating the presence of clay.

    3. Observation of soil features

    The soil cut was evaluated as a whole and some criteria were assessed namely:

    The boundaries of horizons.

    Secondary features such as precipitations, illuviation and other anomalies

    The soil structure of the peds from the different horizons.

    Estimation of moisture content roughly by touch and sight and categorising as wet,

    moist or dry.

    The types of roots and the approximate amount present.

    Smelling for any odour indicating organic content.

    Colour changes could not be mapped on-site due to the unavailability of a Munsell chart. This was

    however done by using the dry sample in the laboratory.

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    4.2.1 Sampling

    For the sampling process, about 1.5 kg from all horizons other than the main horizon were taken using

    a trowel. However, peds from the surface were not taken as these appeared coated in clay. The samples

    were loosened using the trowel and placed quickly in polyethene bag which was also quickly closed.

    Care was taken to remove any air and the top was carefully folded on itself to avoid moisture loss. They

    were labelled using permanent markers.

    The same sampling was performed for the main strata but about 5 kg was collected since more tests

    would be performed. The sample was placed in a larger and stiffer bag so as not to rupture.

    4.3 Laboratory tests

    Other than simple field tests, simple laboratory tests were performed to provide a more definitive

    description based on subsequent data acquired and the tests were used to determine:

    1. The moisture content for all the horizons or strata.

    2. The Atterberg limits for the thickest strata (also the middle strata) including the determination

    of the liquid limit by the cone penetrometer and the plastic limit.

    4.3.1 Determination of moisture content

    The moisture content of the soil was determined by the oven-drying method using the experimental

    procedures and guidelines given by BS 1377: Part 2: 1990. Apparatus

    Drying Oven capable of maintaining a temperature of 105C to 110C.

    Metal container

    Electronic balance (readable to 0.01g)



    Flat glass plate. Test Procedures

    1. The soil sample from one of the plastic bag corresponding to a particular stratum was placed

    on a flat horizontal glass plate.

    In order to obtain a representative sample of the soil in the required quantity, the process of

    quartering was carried out.

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    2. The soil sample was mixed and piled on the flat glass plate using the scoop. Each scoopful of

    soil was placed on top of the pile until the soil was uniformly distributed.

    3. The soil was then flatten with a trowel giving it a circular shape.

    4. Using a trowel the soil sample was first divided into two equal portion. Then the soil sample

    was divided into 4 equal portions by separating the soil perpendicular to the line of the first


    5. Two diagonally opposite portion was discarded.

    6. The soil sample was mixed again and the quartering process was repeated until about 30g of

    soil sample is obtained.

    7. Three clean dry metal containers were weighed on the electronic balance. The reference number

    of the metal containers were noted.

    8. The metal containers were filled with the soil sample and their respective weights were found.

    9. The metal containers with the soil sample were then placed in a drying oven at a temperature

    of 105C to 110C for 24 hours.

    10. The whole procedure was repeated for the other soil samples.

    11. After 24 hours the weight of each metal container was obtained and noted.

    Figure 3 - Quartering process.

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    Figure 4 - Samples in pans before drying. Health and Safety

    Use of heat proof gloves when placing and removing the metal container from the hot drying


    Use of face mask to avoid inhaling the fine soil particles. Precautions

    The metal containers were filled completely with the soil sample to avoid loss of mass during


    The metal containers were allowed to cool before weighing.

    4.3.2 Determination of liquid limit

    For the determination of the liquid limit, a soil sample from the thickest stratum was taken. The liquid

    limit was then determined by the cone penetrometer method. Apparatus

    Cone penetrometer

    Palette knives

    Glass plate

    425m sieve

    Metal cup



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    Drying oven. Soil sample preparation

    1. The soil sample was placed on the flat glass plate and the quartering process was carried out in

    order to obtain a representative sample of about 500g. Since the soil did not have high moisture

    content, it did not require any air drying.

    2. Any coarse particle present, which was expected to be retained on a 425 test sieve, was

    removed by hand. The soil sample contained particles that had been stuck together forming

    large masses and hence, they were ground using the mortar and pestle to form finer particles.

    3. The clean dry retaining pan of a test sieve was weighed. The soil sample was then placed on a

    425 test sieve and the sample was shaked until the amount of soil passing was about 300g.

    The weighted of the sieved specimen was obtained.

    4. The sieved sample of soil was placed on the glass plate and was thoroughly mixed with distilled

    water until a homogenous paste was obtained.

    5. The paste was allowed to stand in an air tight container for 24 hours. Test Procedures

    1. The soil sample was remixed for 10 minutes and then it was placed in the metal cup using the

    palette knives taking care to avoid any entrapped air.

    2. The emerging excess soil at top of the cup was removed by swiping it off to give a smooth flat

    horizontal surface.

    3. The cup was placed on the base of the stand.

    4. The steel cone was wiped and lowered until it just touched the surface of the soil.

    Figure 5 - Penetrometer apparatus.

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    5. The cone was locked in position and the dial gauge was lowered to the locked position of the

    cone shaft. The dial reading was set to zero.

    6. The cone was released for 5 seconds and then it was locked again in its new position. The dial

    reading was taken after lowering the gauge to the displaced position of the cone shaft.

    7. The difference between the two dial readings gave the penetration of the cone in mm.

    8. The whole procedure is repeated using same sample of soil and an average value was found.

    9. The moisture content of the sample was found using the oven-drying method.

    10. The moisture content of the soil sample was altered by adding a little water and the whole

    experiment is repeated for soil samples with 7 different moisture content. Health and Safety

    Heat proof gloves were used when placing and removing the metal container from the hot

    drying oven.

    Care was taken while handling the metal cup due to its sharp edges.

    The steel cone was avoided from being touched while cleaning due to its pointed apex. Precautions

    The steel cone was cleaned before each experiment since it would not penetrate the soil if it

    was dirty due to friction and it would slip further into the soil if it is wet.

    The spreading of the soil sample was avoided over the glass plate while conducting the

    penetrometer test since this would cause evaporation of water hence change in moisture content.

    After the addition of water the soil sample was done carefully and properly to ensure uniform

    distribution of the water.

    4.3.3 Determination of plastic limit

    The plastic limit was determined using the soil sample prepared to find the liquid limit as discussed in

    the previous section. Apparatus

    1. Glass plate

    2. Palette knife

    3. Drying oven

    4. Weighing pan

    5. No 36 BS test sieve

  • 13 | P a g e Test Procedures

    1. About 25 g of the prepared soil sample was placed on a flat glass plate and the paste was

    thoroughly mixed with distilled water.

    2. Using about 8 g of the prepared soil sample, the paste was rolled into a ball within the palm of

    the hand.

    3. The spherical paste was then rolled on the glass plate into long thread of about 3.125 (one eighth

    of an inch) mm by applying a light pressure.

    4. The paste was rolled again until the 3.125 mm thread began to crumble.

    5. The thread was placed in a moisture content tin and the tin was placed in a drying oven for 24

    hours to find the moisture content of the soil.

    6. The whole procedure was repeated the remaining portion of soil.

    7. After 24 hours an average value for the moisture content was found and was reported as the

    plastic limit.

    Figure 6 - Crumbled threads of soil. Health and Safety

    Gloves had to be used to roll the soil paste.

    Heat proof gloves were used when placing and removing the metal container from the hot

    drying oven. Precautions

    The rolling of the prepared soil sample was done on a clean glass plate to avoid any external

    impurity causing the soil crumbling which would have led to biased results.

    It was ensured that the hands of the experimenter carrying out the thread rolling process were

    moderately humid to ensure that the crumbling did not occur due to friction only.

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    5.0 Test Results

    5.1 Field test results

    Four horizons were identified from top to bottom as follows:

    (i) Topsoil layer

    This horizon had the lowest depth compared to the other horizons of about 0.3 m on average. The soil

    was mostly fine but contained many randomly scattered stones, the latter being mostly gravels and some

    cobbles in a slightly weathered state. The soil was in disturbed condition as some region parts showed

    soil accumulation and uprooted plants.

    The soil structure consisted mostly of concretions which were dry to the touch. The horizon contained

    many roots of varying sizes possibly from the wild shrubs and grass growing on the soil. The soil also

    gave a moderate odour indicating the presence of organic matter. The boundary of this horizon was a

    clear horizontal plane and was accentuated by the colour change with respect to the next horizon.

    Furthermore, the dilatancy test showed that water no apparent quick reaction indicating low silt content.

    It required ample force to crush a dry sample. A moist sample could be penetrated with relative ease

    when using the thumb.

    (ii) Main strata

    The horizon was found to be the thickest out of the four with a thickness on average 1.8 m. The boundary

    to the adjacent lower horizon was gradual and not as distinct as with the topsoil. In some places, the

    boundary appeared inclined sloping downwards.

    The peds from this horizon appeared weakly developed and broke on removal with the trowel. The

    surface of the horizon contained illuvial deposits possibly by rain as the surface peds were covered with

    clay. Some cracks were visible on the surface of this horizon. There was some black deposit or mottling

    on the surface (see Figure 2.0). Roots were absent.

    The dilatancy test showed a moderately quick reaction indicating the presence of silt. A dry ped from

    the horizon could be broken with relative ease into powder indicating lower clay proportion.

    (iii) Third horizon (Red soil)

    The third horizon was nearly as thick as the main strata but of a thickness varying from 0.9 m to 1 m.

    The boundary of this horizon with respect to the main strata was gradual and sometimes even

    discontinuous. The horizon was coated in clayey illuvium and the soil just beneath was considerably

    red in colour.

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    This horizon also contained several rocks outcrops which were in a state of weathering; partially

    weathered rocks with some only slightly weathered. The surface of the horizon contained about 30% of

    rocks by visual inspection. The structure of the peds was mostly granular as indicated by figure 3.0 and

    roots were not present.

    The soil itself was fine grained by observation and felt only slightly moist. The peds were removed

    fairly easily using the trowel. The test for dilatancy showed a slow reaction. A dry ped was slightly hard

    to break.

    Figure 7 - Granular structure of peds.

    (iv) Bottom horizon

    The bottom-most horizon was separated from the third horizon by a step region. It was adjacent to a

    side ditch. The horizon was about 0.5m thick on average. The horizon appeared to have parent rocks

    which were in a state of weathering. About 10 cm from the top contained some soil peds. These peds

    had a blocky structure as is evident from figure 4.0 and were moist. Very little to no roots were observed.

    The peds were densely packed and requiring much effort for removal using the trowel.

    Dilatancy test could not be performed as the soil peds were hard, even when moistened. The dry peds

    were very hard and could not be broken using finger pressure.

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    Figure 8 - Bottom layer.

    5.2 Laboratory test results

    5.2.1 Colour of different soil layers

    Table 1- Colour of different soil layers.

    Soil origin Reference no. on pan Munsell colour: Reference

    Red soil (Third Horizon) 129,132,140 Yellowish red: 5YR 4/6

    Bottom horizon 26,71,32 Dark yellowish brown: 10YR


    Main strata (second layer) 130,141,186 Strong Brown: 7.5YR 4/6

    Topsoil 192,183,11 Yellowish brown: 10YR 5/6

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    5.2.2 Determination of moisture contents

    Table 2 - Data collection for the determination of moisture contents.

    Soil layer

    Pan reference


    Mass of pan

    / g

    Mass of wet soil +

    pan / g

    Mass of dry soil +

    pan / g

    Top soil 192 18.47 61.25 55.85

    183 18.78 76.55 69.19

    11 15.45 41.82 38.52

    Red soil 132 17.98 66.84 60.07

    140 18.9 68.57 61.57

    129 17.69 54.14 48.9


    layer 71 15.58 56.83 43.33

    32 15.93 48.75 37.75

    26 15.38 57.33 43.88


    strata 186 9.67 68.31 58.64

    141 18.36 72.34 63.2

    130 19.17 68.26 60.4

    5.2.3 Determination of liquid limit

    Table 3 - Penetration results for the determination of liquid limit of the main strata.

    Moisture content reference number

    Mass of pan / g

    Mass of pan + wet soil / g

    Mass of pan + dry soil / g

    Penetration 1 /mm

    Penetration 2 / mm

    1 18.28 29.63 25.88 13.5 13.5

    2 15.19 17.85 16.96 14 14.1

    3 18.46 26.02 23.48 15.4 15.6

    4 18.94 36.21 30.40 16.6 16.9

    5 15.83 18.81 17.80 19.6 19.7

    6 18.03 35.58 29.36 22.4 22.8

    7 15.52 22.37 19.91 25.2 25.5

    5.2.4 Determination of plastic limit

    Table 4 - Data collected for the determination of plastic limit of the main strata.

    Pan reference number

    weight of empty tin/g

    weight of tin + wet crumbled soil threads/g

    weight of tin + dry crumbled soil threads/g

    94 15.04 15.79 15.58

    14 15.12 15.91 15.68

    52 15.38 16.4 16.09

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    4.0 Contribution of team members (ECSA ELO 8)

    4.1 Diary of activities

    The following table illustrates the activities of the group conducted for this mini-project.

    Table 5 - Diary of activities.

    Date Description of activity / activities

    24/11/2014 Reconnaissance of site at Verdun and selection of soil cut.

    25/11/2014 Collection of soil samples from selected soil cut.

    25/11/2014 Field tests on selected soil samples.


    Laboratory tests - Determination of moisture content and preparation of soil

    sample for further tests.

    1/12/2014 Laboratory tests - Determination of liquid and plastic limit.

    2/12/2014 Laboratory tests - Collection of data for dried soil samples.

    06 - 11/ 12/ 2014 Effective writing of Group Report

    It is to be noted that all effective writings and other written works pertaining to the report was done as

    a group and there were regular group meetings to evaluate the progress of the report.

    4.2 Summary

    To complete this report within the given time frame, a strategic plan needed to be adopted by all team

    members to ensure that the work progressed as smoothly as possible and to ensure that everybody are

    on the same page whenever an activity has been carried out. A flow diagram of the adopted strategic

    plan is shown on the following page.

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    Reconnaissance of site at Verdun

    Literature Review

    and Methodology

    Discussion of report


    Field test conducted and

    collection of soil sample by one

    team member for each strata

    Laboratory test conducted by

    different team member for each


    Reporting of results for Field


    Reporting of results for

    Laboratory test

    Division of tasks for effective

    writing of group report

    Effective writing of the different

    part of report as assigned

    Is previous writing for each

    team member satisfactory?

    Carry out further

    research on the

    geology of the site

    Compilation of the group

    report as required for the

    final report structure



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    4.3 Contribution of team members

    Each and every section of this report has been discussed with each team member. However, the

    structured writing of each discussed section has been carried out by different members and evaluated

    later on. The following table shows the contribution of each member.

    Table 6 - Contribution of team members.

    Section Sub-Section Contributing members

    Abstract Busawon Heetendr

    Introduction Veeramah Avinaash

    Aims &

    Objectives Aims Lubrun Veeresh

    Objectives Tirouvalen Appasamy


    Review Weathering Veeramah Avinaash

    Soil Classification Lubrun Veeresh

    Soils of Mauritius Busawon Heetendr

    Geology of site

    Busawon Heetendr & Lubrun



    Description of cut

    soil strata Veeramah Avinaash

    Field tests and


    Busawon Heetendr &

    Tirouvalen Appasamy

    Laboratory tests

    Determination of

    moisture contents Veeramah Avinaash

    Determination of liquid

    limit Lubrun Veeresh

    Determination of plastic

    limit Busawon Heetendr

    Test Results Field test results Tirouvalen Appasamy

    Laboratory test


    Colour of different soil

    layers Tirouvalen Appasamy

    Determination of

    moisture contents Lubrun Veeresh

    Determination of liquid

    limit Veeramah Avinaash

    Determination of plastic

    limit Busawon Heetendr

    Conclusion All team members

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    1. Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (2010), Soil Classification, [Online],

    Available at:, Accessed on


    2. Whitlow.R (1995), Basics Soil Mechanics, 3rd Edition, Ch. 1, p. 16-18.,Longman Publishers,

    London, United Kingdom.

    3. Lutgens.T (2009), Essential of Geology, 11th Edition, Ch. 5, p. 125-131, Pearson Education,

    United States of America.

    4. Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute (1965), Soil Map of Mauritius Provisional


    5. Butler. E (1990), Soil Classification for Soil Survey, Oxford Science Publications, Oxford,

    United Kingdom.

    6. Terzarghi. K (1964), Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice, 3rd Edition, Wiley-Interscience

    Publications, United States of America.

    7. Cline.M.G (1963), Logic of the new system of soil classification, p. 17-32.

    8. Waugh, David (2000), Geography: an integrated approach, 3rd Edition, p. 272. Gloucester,


    9. British Standard 1377 Part 2: 1990 (1996), Methods of tests for soil for Civil Engineering,

    British Standard Institution, London, United Kingdom.

    10. University of Mauritius (1988), Soil Mechanics Laboratory Sheets, Department of

    Civil Engineering, School of Industrial Technology.

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    Item 1 - Soil Map of Mauritius (MSIRI, 1965)

    Figure 9 - Soil Map of Mauritius (MSIRI, 1965).