Download - Geoland Title Limited Customer Relationship Management System Manual

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Customer Re lat ionsh ip Management System

Page 2: Geoland Title Limited Customer Relationship Management System Manual

To improve the tracking and follow-up of customer issues and queries

To allow for the assignment and follow-up of leads (this a potential customer

who wants to do business with the company), queries and tasks to any user

To provide a centralized location for the storage of all customer related


To permit the staff members of Geoland Title Limited the opportunity to provide

an excellent and constantly improving level of customer service by utilizing the

features and tools that are afforded by a customer relations management


To provide Geoland Title Limited a competitive advantage and market place

differentiation amongst its competitors, granted that research has shown that

customer satisfaction is a clear factor in the viability of any organization.

Customer Relationship Management System Goals

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Customer Relationship Management System Login Screen

Enter your username and password then click the “Log In” button to enter the system

Click the forgot password option reset your password.

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Customer Relationship Management System User Home


Login URL:

Recent CRM Activity below

Your home page in the CRM system is the first page that you are presented with after logging into the system, this page give heads up view of any outstanding customer queries along with any recent activity.

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User Configuration Screen

Click here to access user configuration screen

At the top right of your home page and immediately following the word “Welecome,” there is a blue underlined link, which has your name as its caption, clicking on this link will take you to the user configuration page below. From the user configuration page you can click on the password tab to change your current password.

Click here to update login password

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CRM – Change Login Password ScreenTo change your login enter your current password followed by your new password twice and then click save, as shown below.

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Customer Queries ModuleThe customer queries section of the CRM system is the module that allows you to maintain a listing of all outstanding queries or issues which have lodged by customers and the respective person to whom the issue has been assigned for resolution. Selecting the customer queries button on the customer support tab provides a list of current queries as shown below.

Click the Customer Queries to view existing queries

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Creating A New Customer QueryTo create a new Customer Query click the “Create Customer Query” button on the customer support tab, fill in the appropriate fields in the Customer/Property, Agent, Query, Assignment and other details sections and then click save to create the new query. Note only the File/Reference number and query subject fields are required. Also note that to the left each sectional heading there are two arrows pointing upwards that are used to hide that section.

Click “Create Customer Query” to add a new query

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Updating Customer QueriesTo update an existing Customer Query click the “Customer Queries” button on the customer support tab and then click on the subject of the query to be updated in the list of queries, this will open the page shown below, update the required fields and then select save.

Click to update the selected customer query

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Assigning Customer Queries to UserAll new customer queries are automatically assigned to the user who creates the query, to change the user who is assigned to a customer query, click the button to the right of the “Cusomer Query Assigned to:” field as shown below and select the user to whom the query should be assigned.

Click here to assign a user to this Customer Query

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User Selection Screen Click on the username of the user to whom the customer query is to be assigned as shown below to assign that user to the customer query when the user selection screen pops up. The created by user field is automatically populated with the username of the user that creates the customer query.

Click on username to assign this user to the Customer Query

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)Q. When should I Create a Customer Query?

A. A Customer Query should be created in the customer relationship management system for all customer interactions that require a follow-up or resolution to an issue identified by the customer.

Q. To whom should I assign a Customer Query?A. Customer Queries can be assigned to all users of the customer relationship

management system once checks on Landfolio indicate that the file is assigned to that person, however file search queries for which the location of the is determined to be Geoland Junction should be assigned to Sashekia Powell, while queries for related files residing in Geoland’s Kingston office or LAMP should be assigned to Shaniel Dacres.

A. What happens after queries are assigned?A. When work is completed by an officer they will reassign the customer back

query to the user who created it, the user who created the query will then follow up with the customer and close the query by changing the status on it to closed.

Q. Do we use the system for cases when customers provide a new telephone numberB. Yes, when new telephone numbers are obtained, the officer accepting new

telephone number is to check which paralegal is assigned to the file and create a case/query with the info and assign the query to that paralegal. If a paralegal is not assigned then the case is to be set as per a normal case (as per above).

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)Q. How do I close a Customer Query?

A. To close a customer query open the query from the customer query list by clicking on query status link, then click the edit button and change the query status to closed then click save.

Q. How do I reset my password if it is forgotten?A. To reset your user login password, click the forgot password button on the login page and enter your username and Geoland email address, then click the submit button and an email with instructions to reset your password will be sent to your email address.

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