Download - Geography of Italy and the Rise of Rome. Geography of Italy Located at 42° 50’ N, 12° 50’ E Europe Boot-shaped peninsula Slightly larger than the state.


Geography of Italy Geography of Italy and and

the Rise of Romethe Rise of Rome

Geography of ItalyGeography of Italy

• Located at 42° 50’ N, 12° 50’ E

• Europe• Boot-shaped peninsula• Slightly larger than the

state of Arizona• Only about ¼ of the

land is arable (able to be used for farming)

Seas Around ItalySeas Around Italy• Mediterranean Sea

– the largest inland sea– between Europe, Africa, and

Asia• Adriatic Sea

– between Italy and the Balkan Peninsula

• Ionian Sea– between Southern Italy (by heel

of boot) and Greece• Tyrrhenian Sea

– between Italy and the islands of Corsica, Sardinia, and Sicily

• Ligurian Sea– between Northwest coast of Italy

and the island of Corsica

Neighboring IslandsNeighboring Islands• Corsica

– southeast of France, north of Sardinia, and west of Italy

– Birthplace of Napoleon Bonaparte

• Sardinia– settled by Phoenicians, Greeks,

and Carthaginians before the sixth century B.C.

– taken by Rome in 238 B.C. • Sicily

– the “football” that the boot of Italy appears to be kicking

– separated from the Italian mainland by the narrow Strait of Messina

– largest Mediterranean island

Major RiversMajor Rivers

• Po River– flows from the Alps near

the French border, through Turin, and eastward into the Adriatic Sea

• Tiber River– flows from the north-

central Apennines, south through Rome, and into the Tyrrhenian Sea

Mountain RangesMountain Ranges

• Alps– located along the north of Italy, along modern-day border

with France, Switzerland, Austria, and Slovenia

• Apennines– run through the center of Italy

ClimateClimate• Mild, “Mediterranean” climate

– Warm, dry summers– Mild, rainy winters

• The far north is cold and mountainous; the south is rugged, hot and dry

• Similar to Greece• Good for growing grapes, olives, and wheat

People of Ancient ItalyPeople of Ancient Italy

• Etruscans lived mostly in northern and west-central Italy

• Latins lived along the Tiber River. Founded the city of Rome


• Heavily traded with the Greeks and the Phoenicians– Etruscans sent lumber, furs, and probably slaves to the

East– They bought jewelry, spices, perfume, and Greek vases

from the East


• Lived mostly in northern and west-central Italy, from the Po Valley to the Tiber River

• Their region was known as Tuscany

• stone walls• stone temples• canals and

ditches to irrigate crops

• Monarchy with powerful rulers


• Aeneas, hero of Virgil’s Aeneid– According to legend….

• Trojan War hero• After the war,

he traveled to Italy• Made an alliance

with the Latin tribe• Helped them conquer

much of Italy• His family ruled

Italy for centuries

Geography of RomeGeography of Rome• West central Italy• On the banks of the Tiber River

• Seven Hills– Quirinal (Quirinalis)– Viminal (Viminalis)– Esquiline (Espuiliae)– Caelian (Caelius) – Aventine (Aventinus)– Palatine (Palatium)– Capitoline (Capitolium)

• Queen Victoria Eyes Caesar's Awfully Painful Corns

Founding of RomeFounding of Rome

• Romulus and Remus– Descendents of Aeneas– Raised by a wolf !?!?– Leaders of a Latin clan– 753 BC

• Established a new settlement on the Palatine Hill along the Tiber River

• Named “Rome” after Romulus

• Read about the founding of Rome at

Latins vs. EtruscansLatins vs. Etruscans

• In early 600’s BC, the Etruscans conquered Rome

• They brutally ruled for over 100 years

• The Latins (the people of Rome) rebelled

• According to legend, the last Etruscan ruler, Tarquin the Proud, was expelled in 509 BC


• Latins expelled the Etruscans

• Regained control of Rome

• Vowed to never again have kings rule over them

• Established the Roman Republic in 509 BC– Got the idea for a

republic from the Greeks– Plato’s book “Republic”