Download - Geog your memory 15 -


Geog your memory... What is meant by these terms: Integrated transport system- Prediction- Quaternary sector- Post- industrial economy-

Complete the DTM using the colours in the key for the different population features.

Complete the mind map to give the effects of IT on the UK’s economy:

Describe the monitoring, prediction or protection method for tropical storms shown in the images:

Sustainable urban transport strategies to reduce traffic congestion

Identify whether the strategies are related to Freiburg, Singapore or Beijing. t

An integrated traffic plan- the tram network

provides efficient, cheap and accessible public


Congestion charge and pollution tax has

been introduced.

45% less traffic and 25% fewer accidents in the

city centre.

Electronic road pricing on major roads and high petrol prices.

Restricted entry to the city centre during rush


Only 20% of people who apply to own a

vehicle are allowed to do so.

Thirty new metro lines and a rapid bus transit system to be built by


The tram network is connected to the bus

routes- 70% of the population lives within 500m of a tram stop.

Cars are banned from the city one day a week,

based on a number plate system.

20% drop in car use but building roads has increased the use of


400km of cycle paths and restrictions of car parking spaces (one

can cost £20k)

An overhead railway system and efficient bus





Birthrate Deathrate Totalpop.

The UK is recognised asoneofthetopIT__________________________


In the UK over ___.___million people work intheITsector.

Developments in thetechnology havestimulated the growthof______________________________________

The internet andcomputers allowspeople toworkfrom_______________________

Exam Question: Using an example(s) you have studied evaluate the sustainability of urban

transport strategies.






















