Download - Genre :)


For our A2 Media Studies coursework we are to create a movie trailer (of any genre we wished) and 2 other tasks to go along with it (in this case, a film poster and a magazine cover).

My group and I chose to create a “Faux Found Footage-Thriller”, so we had regular meetings to develop our ideas into a feasible and interesting plot, which we could then create a movie trailer for.

Upon some research we manages to conjure up some research of codes and conventions of faux found/ thriller trailers. - Create a sense of enigma/ suspense- Contain some fast paced action - Tension is built up throughout the film- There will be scenes that thrill the audience (perhaps making them jump)- Fast paced editing (especially during the end of trailer)- The protagonist’s tend to be male, possibly with a female counterpart.

What other factors may be considered for this genre if we were to make it in this genre? 

-Mind games (could be between the character, but may also involve the audience)- A sense of danger and enigma- Dark settings- Isolation - a sense that their not alone - Brief glimpses of an antagonist

 We will discuss further which of these would fall best into our plot and what wouldn’t!

Teaser Trailer

Teaser Trailer

Upon Research a teaser trailer as such should have follow these points, which we are to use to make an effective and interesting opening. - We should not show the whole storyline, a trailer is only meant to work on the audience’s appetite and not make them feel like they know the whole story already.- Include many different quick shots in the shortest space of time as possible, whilst still making the viewer want to see the film.- Establish some kind of comprehendible narrative.- Include information about actors/ actresses, the distribution and production companies.-Leave the viewer wanting to see more.

As a group we feel a lot more comfortable knowing what the codes and conventions of a thriller/ faux found would be and what is generally expected within a trailer.

Tension is built up throughout the trailer: A typical device used within trailers to build up the tension is the use of different editing speeds. Typically, a trailer will begin with slow shots that establish the storyline, develop character and introduce the themes within the film. By the time you have reached the end of the trailer, there will be many quick cuts (that can range from half a second to 3 seconds) that build up the tension. These build up tension as the audience may not understand why certain shots have been included and this could lead to confusion, they may also feel overwhelmed by the amount of scenes and actions that are being thrown at them in such a short space of time.  


The use of sound within any trailer is crucial in engaging the audience whilst also giving the viewer hints as to what genre the film belongs to and what emotions they should be feeling whilst watching.

Two typical conventions of trailers include:

-A change in music to suggest a change in atmosphere

- Diegetic Sounds to give atmosphere to the environment

- Sound bridges to add an Enigma.

Film Poster &Film Poster &

Film Magazine

Film Magazine

Cover Cover

Film Magazine Cover:

Before our group even started planning the design for our cover I drew out a typical structure for a film magazine cover, this way we knew we’d be making a professional looking product as we would be following the conventions of a film magazine.

I’ve pinpointed the main key points that would be of any integral use of any magazine!.

Here I’ve analised the magazine in higher detail, picking out the sections and mentioning how and why they have done what they have. And how this makes it effective

Film Poster:

Film poster can take on many different shapes and forms, so there was no set way of laying things out. There are, however, a few conventions that all posters follow. These include:

- An image relating to the film (typically a character)- Studio credits at the bottom of the poster- The title of the film- Date of release (if it is a theatrical poster, not a teaser poster)

Here are a few examples of posters that follow these conventions…

As our main task was to create a teaser poster, I analysed one in depth to gain an understanding of the conventions of a typical teaser poster. Here were my findings…