Download - Genome-wide Regulatory Complexity in Yeast Promoters Zhu YANG 15 th Mar, 2006.

Page 1: Genome-wide Regulatory Complexity in Yeast Promoters Zhu YANG 15 th Mar, 2006.

Genome-wide Regulatory Complexity in Yeast Promoters

Zhu YANG15th Mar, 2006

Page 2: Genome-wide Regulatory Complexity in Yeast Promoters Zhu YANG 15 th Mar, 2006.


• C. S. Chin, J. H. Chuang, & H. Li. 2005. Genome-wide regulatory complexity in yeast promoters: Separation of functionally conserved and neutral sequence. Genome Research. 15(2):205-13.

Page 3: Genome-wide Regulatory Complexity in Yeast Promoters Zhu YANG 15 th Mar, 2006.


• Purposes

• Methods

• Results

• Discussion

Page 4: Genome-wide Regulatory Complexity in Yeast Promoters Zhu YANG 15 th Mar, 2006.


• To separate functionally conserved and neutral sequence.

• To know how much promoter sequence is functional.

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• Determine the local neutral mutation rates by measuring the degree of sequence conservation across the genome

• Determine what parts of yeast promoters evolve neutrally

• Estimate the total amount of promoter sequence under selection in promoters.

• Find out how much regulation acts on each gene roughly by analyzing the length of sequence in high conservation regions for each promoter.

Page 6: Genome-wide Regulatory Complexity in Yeast Promoters Zhu YANG 15 th Mar, 2006.


• Calculation of substitution rates from fourfold sites

• Mutational uniformity

• Separation of high and low conserved regions with a hidden Markov model

• Genome-wide percentage of promoter sites under selection

• z-score in Gene Ontology analysis

Page 7: Genome-wide Regulatory Complexity in Yeast Promoters Zhu YANG 15 th Mar, 2006.

Neutral mutation rates are uniform genome-wide

• Mutation rates are uncorrelated along the yeast genome

• In contrast, mouse-human conservation rates are significantly correlated along the human genome at separations up to several megabases

Page 8: Genome-wide Regulatory Complexity in Yeast Promoters Zhu YANG 15 th Mar, 2006.

Autocorrelation in conservation rates

Page 9: Genome-wide Regulatory Complexity in Yeast Promoters Zhu YANG 15 th Mar, 2006.

Neutral mutation rates are uniform genome-wide (Cont’d)

• There is a subset of genes was biased toward high conservation by some secondary effect

• There are 92% of the genes mutate neutrally at fourfold degenerate sites. The high conservation values for the remaining 8% of the genes were explainable by codon usage selection

• correlation of the normalized substitution rate with codon adaptation index (CAI) was 0.67.

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Distribution of normalized conservation rates

Page 11: Genome-wide Regulatory Complexity in Yeast Promoters Zhu YANG 15 th Mar, 2006.

Neutral conservation rates in promoters

• Functional elements should be separated from the neutral background, since conservation can be due to shared ancestry.

• Hidden Markov model (HMM)• Break the promoters into high conservation regio

ns (HCR) and low conservation regions (LCR).• the HCRs and LCRs gave a good approximation

to functional and neutral regions.

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Separation of conserved blocks from the background

Page 13: Genome-wide Regulatory Complexity in Yeast Promoters Zhu YANG 15 th Mar, 2006.

Neutral conservation rates in promoters (Cont’d)

• The HCRs, on the other hand, contained an excess of functional elements.

• While the HCRs covered only 34.3% of the promoter regions, they contained 71.6% motifs in the promoters.

• The neutral rates in the LCRs were consistent with the neutral rates obtained from the fourfold site analysis

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Distribution of the conservation rate for promoter sequences

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Genome-wide amount of promoter sequence under selection

• Frequency of Conserved Blocks (FCB) method was more robust than the HMM for inferring the amount of selectively conserved sequence

• Count the numbers of blocks of n consecutive conserved bases in the promoter sequences, which were then compared to neutral expectations.

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• The frequency distribution of conserved blocks in neutral sequence is known

• This neutral component can be extracted from the real frequency distribution.

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Distribution of the counts of blocks of n consecutive conserved


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Estimate of the percentage of sites evolving neutrally among various s


Page 19: Genome-wide Regulatory Complexity in Yeast Promoters Zhu YANG 15 th Mar, 2006.

Gene-specific selection in promoters

• The HCRs provide a rough characterization of the transcriptional regulation in each promoter.

• most genes having 15%–25% of their promoter sequence in HCRs.

• Protein sequence conservation was correlated on a gene-by-gene basis with HCR length

Page 20: Genome-wide Regulatory Complexity in Yeast Promoters Zhu YANG 15 th Mar, 2006.

The Gene Ontology terms

• With the largest HCR length biases were those involved in the energy generation and steroid synthesis pathways, suggesting that these types of genes have unusually complex regulation.

• The genes with the strongest protein sequence conservation were not always those having the longest HCR lengths, Catalysis, Basic Biosynthesis, and Ribosomal Genes, for example.

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Nonsynonymous conservation versus lengths of HCR

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• The neutral conservation rate is uniform across yeast genomes. One nonselective possibility is that yeast chromosomes are too short to have heterogeneity in their mutational environment

• A significant fraction of promoter sequence was under purifying selection.

• A typical function block may contain one or two protein-binding sites; an upper bound of 10 tran∼scription-factor-binding sites in a promoter.

• Genes involved in energy generation and steroid synthesis may be subject to complex transcriptional regulation.