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Page 1: Generation of Synthetic Datasets  for Performance Evaluation of Text/Graphics Document OCR

Generation of Synthetic Datasets for Performance Evaluation of Text/Graphics Document OCR

Mathieu DelalandreCVC, Barcelona, Spain

DAG MeetingCVC, Barcelona, Spain

Wednesday 19th of November 2008

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Huge amount of data exist, two main sources

• Text/graphics documentsText/graphics documents are used in a variety of fields like geography, engineering, social sciences …Some examples are

architectural drawing utility map geographic map

digitized documents (modern and old) web images

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Character recognition system working with text/graphics documents # First related work [Brown’1979] # More than 50 references on this topic today [Fletcher’1988] [Zenzo’1992] [Goto’1999] [Adam’2000] …

• OCR of text/graphics documents

Problematics - letter segmentation - multi-font recognition - scale variation

- text/graphics separation - rotation variation - text-line detection - no reading order - no dictionary

general to any documents

specific to text/graphics documents


s separati







full image of text-lines

images of single text-line

images of single character


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The case of general OCR [Kanungo’1999]More than 40 references on the topic [Kanungo’1999]Several standard databases exist (NIST, MARS, CD-ROM English, …)Annual evaluation reports [Rice’1992] [Rice’1993]

Black-box evaluation: The evaluation considers the OCR system as an indivisible unit and evaluates it from its final results (i.e. OCR output vs. ASCII transcription of the text using string edit distances). White-box evaluation: The evaluation aims to characterize the performance of individual sub-modules of the OCR system (skewing, letter segmentation, block identification, character recognition, etc.).





Performance evaluation


• About performance evaluation

The case of text/graphic document OCR [Wenyin’1997]Only 1 reference on the topicNo standard databasesNone complete evaluation done through 20 years of research

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• Scope of the proposed work

Performance evaluation of text/graphics document OCR # white-box evaluation # groundtruthing step # datasets for text/line detection and character recognition # generation algorithms are “simple”, the main purpose of the talk will concern the setting contributions

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1. Groundtruth definition2. Datasets for character

recognition3. Datasets for text-line detection4. In progress datasets

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Groundtruth definition

– Character level• ASCII code• font (name, size, style)• location point• orientated bounding box• orientation (ϴ)• scale ()

– Text level• first location point• groundtruth of

characters• characters/word


rH e l l o W o r l d


d0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1


r0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4

1. Groundtruth definition2. Datasets for character

recognition3. Datasets for text-line detection4. In progress datasets

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Datasets for character recognition (1/2)




size learning





682 ??/10

20 000

× × yes yes


?? ??/62

72 000

× × yes yes


242 ??/10

6 400

50% × yes yes


282 51/62

15 000

33% × yes yes




1 000

14% 1 no yes


282 51/62

15 000

80% × yes yes


322 ??/26

3 000

33% 3 yes no




18 000

80% 2 yes yes




8 000

80% many

yes yes

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

1. Groundtruth definition2. Datasets for character

recognition3. Datasets for text-line detection4. In progress datasets

• Problematics

How to generate single character images ? Which number of class ? Which image resolution ? Which size for the datasets ? Which fonts ? Etc ….

• Published experiments

• Main conclusions

(1)The real sizes of characters can be only estimated.

(2)The confusion problem (e.g. 6 vs 9) is not still well defined, the 62 class problem (a-z A-Z 0-9) is the main goal.

(3)It is not possible to fix a standard size for the training/test sets, this information is still well defined, several thousands of images are mandatory for the training.

(4)The impact of fonts is few studied and should be take into account in the evaluation

(5)The invariance to rotation and scaling is the final goal, they are few studied independently.

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Datasets for character recognition (2/2)

• Datasets

tests scaling




fonts images

3 no no 1 3 15 000

3 yes no 1 3 15 000

3 no yes 1 3 15 000

3 yes yes 1 3 15 000

• Generation setting

Geometry invariance

Font adequacy

Font scalability

1. Groundtruth definition2. Datasets for character

recognition3. Datasets for text-line detection4. In progress datasets

15 000 +30 000 + 45 000 + 60 000

letter class

62 a-z; A-Z; 0-9

font class 30 fonts with lower and upper case, no cursivebasic

fonts3 times, courier, arial

character size


pixelsmax dxdy of font symbols

dataset size

5 000 / font

62 classes; 40 samples/class; 50%/50%

training free ranked files allow a training specification 20% training on [file-4001 – file-5000]

character scaling

1.0 to 2.0

with a gap of 1/1000

character rotation

0 to 2×π

with a gap of π/500

• Generation algorithm font manager, centering, scale

and rotation processes

tests scaling




fonts images

4 yes yes 3; 6; 9; 12

12 150 000

tests scaling




fonts images

30 yes yes 1 30 150 000

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Datasets for text-line detection (1/2)

• Problematicsuse-case ima






geographic map

?? 5 000

yes many



artistic document

?? 1 521

yes many



poster, newspape


2 118 yes many



poster, publicity

30 1265 yes many



Japanese form

170 9 831

yes many



map 8 96 no many


He’1996 drawing 1 16 no many



cadastral map

4 150 no many



cadastral map

3 1 250

no many


(1) (2) (3)

1. Groundtruth definition2. Datasets for character

recognition3. Datasets for text-line detection4. In progress datasets

How to generate single character images ? Which number of word per image ? Which image size ? Which size for the datasets ? Which number of font ? Etc ….

• Main conclusions

(1)The use-cases are heterogeneous, the sizes and resolutions of images are few provided, the text density is then difficult to estimate, images with significant text content are preferred.

(2)Depending the use-cases, not all the methods work on curved text, a combination of curved and straight text is necessary.

(3)All the methods use context to extract the text-line (i.e. font type, character size, line model). The size of characters could change a lot, the number of font is generally small (less to ten).

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Datasets for text-line detection (2/2)

test text-line/img





1 low yes no 3 in progress

1 medium yes no 3 in progress

1 high yes no 3 in progress

The insert algorithm step 1 step 2

132 llld dd y sin dd x cos

B1 ejects B2 of dx,dyl2








22yx ddd

• Setting

1. Groundtruth definition2. Datasets for character

recognition3. Datasets for text-line detection4. In progress datasets

• DatasetsText-line density

• Generation algorithm

test text-line/img





1 medium no no 9 in progress

1 medium no no 6 in progress

1 medium no no 3 in progress

1 medium no no 1 in progress

Font context

test text-line/img





1 medium no no 1 in progress

1 medium yes no 1 in progress

Size context


422 text-lines

countries and capitals

font class

30 fonts with lower and upper case, no cursivecharacte

r size322

pixelsmax dxdy of font symbols

image size

6402 10-50 text-lines per image

dataset size

100 images

text scaling

1.0 to 1.5

with a gap of 1/1000

text rotation

-π/2 to +π/2

with a gap of π/500

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In progress datasets 1. Groundtruth definition and

setting2. Datasets for character

recognition3. Datasets for text-line detection4. In progress datasets

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Conclusions # in progress work … # character recognition datasets are ready # bags of words still under packaging, but will be ready soon.

Perspectives # middle term, experimentations with standard feature extraction

methods [Roy’2008] [Valveny’2007] # long term, experimentations with bags of word and text/graphics

documents [Delalandre’2007] [Wenyin’1997]

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