Download - Generating Images

Page 1: Generating Images

Traps, PS

Spatter a clear acetate sheet with spray paint. Lay the acetate over a print of the

original image and photocopy twice.___

Scan the photocopy. Using the Dodge tool, lighten areas that may have been obscured by the copy machine. Adjust the image levels to improve its legibility.

Page 2: Generating Images

Print the image on cream or other warm toned paper. Lightly spatter flecks of ink

or paint onto a sheet of clear acetate___

Scan. Add a sepia toned gradient map and set to overlay. Place the acetate in a layer over the image and also set to overlay. Ad-just the image using the Dodge tool and

Levels to improve legibility.

Photocopy your image. Print your final image on a heavily textured paper.


Scan. Place a heavily blurred color image above the photocopy and set to overlay. Use the Dodge tool and Levels to improve

the images legibility.

Page 3: Generating Images

Photocopy your image. Arrange clear tape at random on a sheet of acetate.


Scan. Place the acetate in a layer over the image and set to multiply. Add a sepia toned gradient map followed by a blue toned gradient map. Set both to overlay.

Adjust the levels on each layer.

Fresh or Fried

Page 4: Generating Images

Photocopy your image. Arrange clear tape at random on a sheet of acetate.


Scan. Duplicate the image layer and set the uppermost layer to multiply. Erase where the image becomes too dark. Place the acetate in a layer over the image and set to multiply. Add a violet toned gradi-ent map at a very low opacity. Then add a sepia toned gradient map and set both to

overlay. Adjust the levels on each layer.

Photocopy your image. Scan the photo-copy and print on brightly colored paper.


Scan again. Duplicate the image layer and set the uppermost layer to multiply. Place a copy of your original black & white image in a new layer and set to a low opacity. Erase where the image becomes too dark.

Adjust the levels on each layer.

Page 5: Generating Images

Print your image at a low resolution on cheap paper. Tear up your image and choose your two favorite tears. Make a

photocopy of nothing. [Really.] ___

Scan your tears and the photocopied Nothing. Lasso a section of the image you like and paste it into a new layer at a low opacity. Offset the section slightly. Paste your tears into new layers so that they match up with your original image and lower their opacity slightly. Use the burn tool on your original image just beneath each tear. Add a sepia toned gradient map and set to overlay. Add a blue toned gradi-ent map and set to multiply. Make a new layer for your photocopy of Nothing and

set it to overlay.

Suicidal Pigeons

Page 6: Generating Images

Print your image at a low resolution on cheap paper. Tear up your image and choose your three favorite tears. Photo-

copy your image onto acetate. ___

Scan your tears and the acetate. Place the acetate scan above a very low opacity layer of solid violet. Paste your tears into new layers so that they align with the image below. Lighten and increase their contrast while lowering their opacity slightly. Use the burn tool on the original image just beneath each tear. Make a new layer for your photocopy of nothing from the pre-

vious image and set it to overlay.

Change the settings on a photocopy machine so that it will lighten whatever is copied. Photocopy your image. Take sandpaper and lightly buff the print to

strategically remove ink.___

Scan your photocopy. Adjust the exposure of the photocopy to create more contrast. Place the original image in a layer above the photocopy and set to multiply. Lower the opacity and shift the upper image slightly. Blend the edges where the two

offset images separate.

Page 7: Generating Images

Photocopy an image of tree branches [or something] onto clear acetate. While pho-tocopying, shift the image slightly to blur it.


Duplicate your original image layer and add a sepia toned gradient map. Add your acetate photocopy into an additional layer.

Set all your layers to multiply.

Nicole Kidman

Page 8: Generating Images

Print your image on glossy photo paper. Scratch halphazardly with course sandpa-per. Deepen some of the scratches using a small safety pin. Work a small amount of ink into the scratches using a cloth. Wipe

off any excess ink.___

Scan your scratched image. Paste your original image into a new layer and lower the opacity. Offset the new layer slightly.

Print your image on glossy photo paper. Using fine grain sandpaper rub in a circular

motion to distress the image. ___

Scan your scratched image. Paste your original image into a new layer and lower the opacity. Offset the new layer slightly.

Page 9: Generating Images

Photocopy your image. Distress a sheet of acetate using sandpaper and spraypaint.


Scan both your photocopy and distressed acetate. Create a Brightness/Contrast lay-er mask and set it to Linear Dodge. Create a new layer for your acetate sheet and set it

to Linear Light.

June Madrona

Page 10: Generating Images

Photocopy your image. Photocopy the photocopy.


Scan the photocopy of the photocopy. Create a green color fill and set it to over-lay. Duplicate the original layer twice and place them at the top of your layers palette with each set as multiply. Erase parts of

each image to create a distressed effect.

Photocopy your image. Use fine grain sandpaper to scratch a sheet of acetate. Add smudges by using a cloth to apply

watered down elmers glue.___

Scan the photocopy and the acetate sheet. Put the acetate scan in a layer above your photocopy and set to overlay. Create a blue, green, and pink gradient map, each set to overlay. Erase some of each layer to

create a soft blend of colors.

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Print your digitally manipulated image on tissue paper. Spritz with water and hang up to dry, allowing the tissue to become

further warped and wrinkled. ___

Create a blue toned gradient map, then a sienna toned gradient map and set each to

overlay. Scan the printed image.

Photocopy your image. Paint a sheet of watercolor paper with several colors us-ing a Wet-Into-Wet technique. Print the scanned photocopy on the painted paper. Rub off some of the ink from the printer

using a wet cloth.___

Scan the photocopy. Scan the image printed on the watercolor paper. Adjust levels.

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Photocopy your image. Photocopy the photocopy of your image. Use fine grain

sandpaper to further distress the image.___

Scan the photocopy of the photocopy. Scan the inside cover of an old book [stains preferred]. Set the scanned paper as the background. Duplicate the pho-tocopy layer twice, setting each layer to Screen. Duplicate the background layer twice. Set one layer to Multiply and the

uppermost layer to Color Burn.

Biko Garage

Page 13: Generating Images

Generating ImagesA Visual Exploration of the Here & There.

September 2010