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Generating educational assessment items from Linked Open Data

The case of DBpedia

Muriel [email protected]

Page 2: Generating educational assessment items from Linked Open Data

“To Really Learn, Quit Studying and Take a Test” (NYT, Jan, 2011)

Formative assessment


Items are expensive

Creating, reusing, sharing test items

05/2011 2ESWC 2011

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Why generating items?

Security issue

Adding variability to an item

no expected variation of the construct

Model-based learning

Generating items from knowledge represented as a model

the construct is modified for each item

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Assumption on model-based learning


- Can enable adaptive learning paths

- Independent from particular representations of learning resources


A domain model must exist

- Can enable adaptive learning paths

- Bring experts together to design a model of what learners should learn


- Experts are difficult to mobilize for a long modeling exercise

- What about specialized /professional knowledge?

- How to ensure the evolution of the model?

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The LoD Cloud as a source of knowledge

Existing data sources

no need to gather experts

Including knowledge which is not well codified in curricula

Knowledge gathered from experts as well as non experts

Many datasets added or modified all the time

Can reflect evolution of the knowledge

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Using LoD for model-based learning

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Limitations of model-based learning

LoD as a source of knowledge

Experts are difficult to mobilize for a long modeling exercise

Existing data sourcesNo need to gather experts

What about specialized /professional knowledge?

Including knowledge which is not well codified in curricula

Knowledge gathered from experts as well as non experts

How to ensure the evolution of the model?

Many datasets added or modified all the time

Can reflect evolution of the knowledge

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Objectives of the experimentation

Are there limitations to the use of Linked open Data as knowledge model for learning ?

• Is this feasible?• Are the datasets relevant?• How much quality control is needed?

Test on factual knowledge for simple choice items

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Semi-automatic item generation

Manual definition of an item template Automatic generation of variables

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Stem variables



Auxiliary information

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Existing strategies

• Algorithms• X: Value range: 3 to 18 by 3

• Natural language processing• vocabulary questions and cloze questions

• Structured datasets• Vocabulary questions from the WordNet dataset

• Model extraction then question generation• From natural language (or model creation by experts)

Mostly used in mathematics and scientific subjects • where algorithmic definition of variables is easier

And for L2 learning

Challenge to generate other types of variables• Additional information, historical knowledge, feedback…

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The QTI item generation process

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QTI Item template

IMS Question & Test Interoperability Specification

XML serialization using JSON templates

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<choiceInteraction responseIdentifier="RESPONSE" shuffle="false" maxChoices="1"> <prompt>What is the capital of {prompt}?</prompt> <simpleChoice

identifier="{responseCode1}">{responseOption1}</simpleChoice> <simpleChoice

identifier="{responseCode2}">{responseOption2}</simpleChoice> <simpleChoice

identifier="{responseCode3}">{responseOption3}</simpleChoice> </choiceInteraction>

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Get the knowledge from LoD

SELECT ?country ?capital WHERE {?c <> ?country . ?c <> ?capital } LIMIT 30

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SPARQL query to generate capitals in Europe

Never possible to generate an item from a single triple because of constraint to find appropriate labels


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Generating item distractors

i.e., incorrect answer options


- Instances of the same class

Creation of a variable store Random selection of distractors

Next step: Attribute-based resource similarity (can be instances of a different class)

=> use of semantic recommender system

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Item data dictionary

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Generation of the QTI-XML item

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Publication on the TAO platform

TAO is an open source e-assessment platform based on semantic technologies.

Used for diagnostic, formative, large-scale assessment, including national school monitoring, OECD PISA/PIIAC surveys, competence assessment for unemployed ….

Supports imports

of IMS-QTI items

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Different types of questions

Q1: queries uncontrolled datasets

Q2: queries revised ontology

Q3: queries in History

Q4: queries a linked data set to add item feedback

Q5: queries medical information

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Q1: What is the capital of { Azerbaijan }?

Infobox dataset

3 were not generated for a country (Neuenburg am Rhein, Wain, and Offenburg)

“Managua right|20px”

Two distinct capitals were found for Swaziland (Mbabane, the administrative capital and Lobamba, the royal and legislative capital)

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Q2: Which country is represented by this flag ?

Use of FOAF and YAGO

Transactional closures

<> <>

Out of 30 items including pictures of flags used as stimuli, 6 URIs did not resolve to a usable picture (HTTP 404 errors or encoding problem).

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Q3:Who succeeded to { Charles VII the Victorious } as ruler of France ?

YAGO ontology

1 was incorrect (The three Musketeers)

Multiple labels for the same king

Louis IX, Saint Louis, Saint Louis IX

One item generated with options having inconsistent naming:

Charles VII the Victorious, Charles 09 Of France, Louis VII

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Q4:What is the capital of { Argentina }? With feedback

Uses the linkage of the DBpedia dataset with the Flickr wrapper dataset

The Flickr wrapper data source was unavailable

No IPR information

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Q5: Which category does { Asthma } belong to?

Retrieves diseases and their categories

SKOS and Dublin Core, Inforbox dataset for labels

SKOS concepts are not related to a specific SKOS scheme

Categories retrieved range from Skeletal disorders to childhood.

=> the correct answer to the question on Obesity is childhood.

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Data quality challenges

From Q1, 53,33% were directly usable

neither a defective prompt nor a defective correct answer nor a defective distractor .

Benchmark from unstructured content between 3,5% and 21%.

Issues• Ontology issue• Labels• Inaccurate statements• Data linkage (resolvable URIs)• Missing inferences

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Chance that an item will have a defective distractor =

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Data selection

Item difficulty- can change even with variables not related to the construct

(cognitive issues)- Can change according to the distractors

- => need to establish a framework to assess the difficulty of the construct AND of the item in general (including the relevance of the distractors for instance)

- Psychometric model: what do we know about previous test takers? What can we infer from their performance?

- Ad hoc model: can a

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Future work

Assessing models on Linked Open Data as a source of knowledge for supporting formative assessment and the learning process

Improving the selection of distractors by integrating dedicated similarity approach (from a semantic recommender system)

A wider variety of assessment item models

Authoring interface for item templates

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