Download - General writing rubric

Page 1: General writing rubric

Research Paper Rubric AContent

Exceeds Standard Meets Standard Near Standard Below Standard

Focus- Thesis demonstrates original thinking and is well developed

- Thesis is established and is developed

- Thesis is partially established or not developed

- Thesis is vague, unclear, or shows little direction

Support & Elaboration

- The position is richly supported with relevant information from each of the source materials- Clear and detailed analysis of evidence is grounded in the source materials

- The position is well supported, using relevant information from each of the source materials- Thoughtful analysis of evidence grounded in source material

- The position is somewhat supported and may not use relevant information from each of the source materials- Limited analysis or choice of evidence grounded in source material

- The position is not supported by the source materials, OR the information is not relevant, OR the support provided is copied verbatim or cut and pasted- Inadequate analysis or choice of evidence grounded in source material


- Thesis is highly supported by the body of the paper- Thesis is reiterated and expanded in the conclusion

- Thesis is supported by the body of the paper- Thesis is reiterated in the conclusion

- Thesis is only partially supported by body of the paper- Thesis is alluded to in the conclusion

-Thesis is not supported by the body of the paper- Thesis is not evident in the conclusion

Introduction, Topic

Sentences, & Conclusion

- Engaging opening introduces the essay’s topic and inspires thinking; logically proceeds to thesis- Each topic sentence clearly connects to the thesis and offers an identifiable, well-phrased idea to be proven in the paragraph

- Generally engaging opening; presentation of general topic OR transition between general opening and specific thesis statement may need developing- Each topic sentence generally connects to the thesis but the main idea may need to be clarified

- Opening is functional but is too brief and/or simplistic; topic is apparent but needs further development- Some of the topic sentences clearly connect to the thesis and offer well-phrased ideas to be proven in the paragraphs

- Opening is ineffective, poorly organized, and undeveloped; lack of transition from topic to thesis- Topic sentences are absent OR they consistently lack focused ideas and don’t connect back to the thesis

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Research Paper Rubric BMechanics

Conventions of English

Writing is clear and uses precise language

Exceptional conventions of grammar and usage

Exceptional use of mechanics (spelling, punctuation, capitalization)

Uses: Clear language, varied

sentence structure and smooth transitions

Appropriate conventions of grammar and usage

Appropriate mechanics (spelling, punctuation, capitalization)

Generally uses clear language, but contains some grammatical errors, fragments and/or run-ons

Limited competency in grammar and usage

Limited use of mechanics (spelling, punctuation, capitalization)

Grammatical errors and/or sentence structure frequently hinder comprehension to a major degree

Lack of competency in grammar and usage

Lack of competency in mechanics (spelling, punctuation, capitalization)

References, Works

Cited, & Paper


Utilizes credible sources from books, magazines, Internet, and database beyond minimum to support thesis

Works Cited follows MLA Style in all areas

All sources are documented and all contain the necessary information

Paper follows MLA Style in all areas

Utilizes minimum (3) credible print, Internet, and database sources to support thesis

Works Cited follows MLA Style (-1 area)

All sources are documented, and most have the necessary information

Paper follows MLA Style (-1 area)

Utilizes too few (2) credible print, Internet, or database sources to support thesis

Works Cited mostly follows MLA Style (-2 areas)

All sources are documented, but some are missing the necessary information or it is inaccurate

Paper mostly follows MLA Style (-2 areas)

Utilizes only 1 credible print, Internet, or database source to support thesis

Works Cited fails to follow MLA Style (-3 or more areas)

None of the sources are documented with the necessary information

Paper fails to follow MLA Style (-3 or more areas)

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Creative Writing Rubric Extraordinary A Accomplished B Competent C Unsatisfactory D

Ability To Catch Attention

Captures reader's attention from first sentence, paragraph, or line; reader wants to continue reading

Gets reader's attention with first sentence, paragraph, or line, draws reader into the rest of piece. 

First sentence, paragraph, or line lacks the ability to draw the reader into the piece; reader may not keep reading. 

First sentence, paragraph, or line not only lacks interest for the reader but also contains a cliché idea/image (or worse, no ideas or images). 


Impresses the reader from beginning to end through original and interesting use of ideas, plot, language, dialogue, imagery, character development, etc. No clichés or stereotypes.

Interests the reader with some original and interesting use of ideas, language, plot, imagery, character development, etc. Contains a few clichés or stereotypes. 

Offers little originality in ideas, language, plot, imagery, etc. May contain many clichés and/or stereotypes. Reader may lose interest.

Lacks originality in ideas, language, plot, imagery, etc. Filled with clichés and/or stereotypes. Reader sees the piece as “spinning its wheels” - not developing anything as it goes. 

Maintenance of Interest

Succeeds in getting the reader to care about its outcome by being engaged in a significant problem, dilemma, or paradox that needs to be addressed and gets reader involved. 

Possesses a quality that keeps reader reading--possibly, engaged in a problem, dilemma, or paradox that needs to be addressed. 

Lacks the ability to keep the reader reading; problem, dilemma, or paradox presented may seem trivial at times. 

Lacks the ability to hold reader interest; fails to present problem, dilemma, or paradox. Writer may seem as uninterested in the work. 


Challenging and requiring reader interpretation, it has a clarity that leaves no questions in the reader's mind. (i.e. Why is a certain character doing that?)

Has a clarity that leaves few surface questions in the reader's mind. (i.e. Why is a certain character doing that?)

Leaves several surface questions in the reader's mind. (i.e. "Why is a certain character doing that?") 

Is unclear because of significant and unintentional gaps or contradictions in logic, plot, character, imagery, voice, point of view, setting, etc. 


Contains no errors in grammar, usage, or mechanics (unless used for artistic purposes) 

Contains few errors in grammar, usage, or mechanics (aside from those used for artistic purposes)

Contains errors in grammar, usage, or mechanics; that interfere with reading. 

Contains many errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics; errors block understanding. 

Page 4: General writing rubric

Writing RubricPersonal Narrative

Directions: Reread your personal narrative. Use this rubric to help you improve it. Check the sentences that describe your narrative.

Loud and ClearA

Sounding Stronger B

Turn Up the Volume C

I did NothingD = F

- The beginning is catchy and intriguing.

- Flashback fits in smoothly.

- I present the events in the middle in chronological order.

- No event goes off track of the narrative

- I bring the narrative alive with strong details.

- My personal voice comes through clearly.

- The ending wraps up my narrative.

- My writing has very few grammar or spelling mistakes.

- My beginning could be more interesting.

- Flashback needs a smoother transition into the narrative.

- Some events in the middle are out of order.

- Here and there, the narrative wanders off the main topic.

- I've used details, but I need more.

- Some passages have voice, but others sound flat.

- I need an ending that fits the narrative.

- I have some mistakes to correct.

- The beginning is dull.

- Flashback isn't working.

- The sequence of events doesn't make sense.

- Not much happens. I use few details. A narrative doesn't take shape. - There is no middle

- My personal voice is missing.

-The story trails off. It needs a solid ending.

- I have so many mistakes that the story is hard to read.

- There is no real beginning - I only wrote a few sentences - There is no sequence to my sentences

- There is no story to tell - The only thing I organized were my excuses


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- Strategically placed topic sentence- Clear and logical order- Strong introductory, supporting and concluding paragraph- Sophisticated transition within and between sentences, ideas and paragraphs

-Sophisticated development of the topic for: narrative, descriptive writing; thesis statement, informative or persuasive writing-Well executed progression of ideas with strong use of examples, evidence or relevant details as well as use of analogies, illustrations or anecdotes

- Sophisticated and well controlled sentences- Sentence variation (simple, compound, complex, compound-complex)-Variation of phrases and clauses

Vivid, precise,/concise, relevant, and consistent grammar usage-Subject/verb agreement-Singular/plural nouns-Verb (tense and usage)-Pronoun usage-Adjective/Adverb

May have minor errors in:PunctuationCapitalizationSpellingNeeds little or

no editing


- Effectively placed topic sentence- Clear and logical order- Introductory, supporting and concluding paragraph- Purposeful transition within and between sentences, ideas and paragraphs

- Appropriate development of the topic for narrative and descriptive writing; or thesis statement, development of informative and persuasive writing- Clear progression of ideas; use of examples, evidence or relevant details and use of analogies, illustrations or anecdotes

-Complete and correct sentences-Sentence variation (simple, compound, complex, compound-complex)-Variation of phrases and clauses

Appropriate, precise/concise, clear

Mostly consistent grammar usage

-Subject/verb agreement-Singular/plural nouns-Verb (tense and usage)-Pronoun usage-Adjective/Adverb

Few errors in:PunctuationCapitalizationSpellingNeeds some



- Clearly stated topic sentence

- Evidence of a logical order : Introductory, supporting and concluding paragraph- Appropriate transition within and between sentences, ideas and paragraphs

- Sufficient development of the topic for narrative and descriptive writing; or thesis statement and development of informative and persuasive writing-Progression of ideas, use of examples, relevant details, analogies, illustrations or anecdotes

-Complete and correct sentences-Sentence variation (simple, compound, complex, compound-complex)Variation of phrase and clauses

Appropriate, specificSomewhat consistent

grammar usage Subject/verb

agreement Singular/plural nouns Verb (tense and

usage) Pronoun usage Adjective/Adverb

Some errorsPunctuationCapitalizationSpelling Needs editing but it can be read

Matrix Rubric

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-Poorly stated topic sentence-Some evidence of organization-Introductory paragraph and concluding paragraph with limited supporting paragraphs-Repetitive use of transition

Limited development of the topic for narrative and descriptive writing; or thesis statement and development of informative and persuasive writing

Limited progression of ideas or use of examples, evidence and/or relevant details

Limited use of analogies, illustrations or anecdotes

- Minor errors in sentence structure- Limited sentence variation (simple, compound, complex, compound-complex)- Limited use of phrases and clauses

Vague, redundant, simplistic

Several inconsistencies in grammar usage

-Subject/verb agreement-Singular/plural nouns-Verb (tense and usage)-Pronoun usage-Adjective/Adverb

Frequent errors

PunctuationCapitalizationSpellingBegins to be

hard to read


- Lack of acceptable topic sentence- Lacks clear organizational pattern, sequencing of ideas and/or paragraphing- Lacks introductory paragraph, supporting paragraphs and/or concluding paragraph- Ineffective or overused transition

Minimal development of the topic for narrative and descriptive writing; or thesis statement and development of informative and persuasive writing

Lacks a logical progression of ideas with minimal use of examples, and/or relevant details

Minimal use of analogies, illustrations or anecdotes

Contains fragments and/or run-ons

Minimal sentence variation and errors in sentence structure detract)

Minimal use of phrases and clauses

Inadequate, imprecise, repetitive

Frequent inconsistencies in grammar usage Subject/verb

agreementSingular/plural nouns

Verb (tense and usage)Pronoun usageAdjective/Adverb

Consistent errors in:PunctuationCapitalizationSpelling Impedes



- Lacks stated topic- No logical pattern; difficult to follow- Inadequate paragraphing- Little or no transition

-Little or no development of the topic for narrative and descriptive writing; unclear thesis statement and development of informative and persuasive writing -Unclear or no focus; few or no examples, evidence and/or relevant details and little use of analogies, illustrations or anecdotes

Contains numerous fragments and/or run-ons

Little or no sentence variation Little or no use of phrases and clauses

-Rambling, inappropriate, incorrect, unclear-Inconsistencies in grammar usage-Subject/verb agreement-Singular/plural nouns-Verb (tense and usage)-Pronoun usage-Adjective/Adverb

Serious and consistent errors

PunctuationCapitalizationSpelling Impedes
