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  • { Gender

  • the state of being male or female

    Gender: Definition

  • Clueless: In this film the main character is presented as quite a girly girl along with all of her friends. The main character is presented as quite a popular girl. This film makes teenage girls seem quite dramatic.

    A Haunted House: In this film the woman is made to make the mans life a living hell. This film presents the woman as being the demon which could make men think woman are all like this.

    Hot Pursuit: In this film woman are presented in two different ways: the first woman is presented as a good Samaritan as she does not get into trouble. The second woman is presented as quite a girly and dramatic girl because of the amount of clothes ect she brings with her.

    Film: Comedy (girls)

  • Film: Comedy (boys)

    Neighbours: In this film men are presented as party animals and not caring about anything else. This could make woman think that lots of men are like this and it could make a gender stereotype for males.

    Dumb and dumber to: The main characters in the film are presented as being extremely stupid and not knowing what to do. This film presents men to us as being quite annoying and that they are useless which again presents a bad gender stereotype.

    Zombieland: The two male characters in this film are both presented differently. The first male is presented as being quite weak and dependant on other people whereas the other is presented as being quite lonely and acts like an army sergeant.

  • Some girls: In this tv series there are 4 girls and each are presented in a different way , the first is presented as being extremely girly and prissy. The second is presented as being smart and the outsider of the group; the third is represented as being the normal person and the fourth person is presented as being a chav and a tomboy.

    Pramface: The female is represented as being quite a party animal but also a hard working student. The second girl is presented as being quite a bad influence compared to the main character.

    Skins: In this tv series girls are are presented as being quite dramatic and the rebellious group in the school. This could make people think that girls are always like this whilst they are teenagers.

    To show (girls)

  • Pramface: This show represents teenage males as being quite immature and just caring about girls. They are also presented as being quite dependant on their families and not having successful lives.

    Skins: In this show teenage boys are presented to us as being drug addicts and alcoholics. In the group there are some people who are outsiders and do not fit into the group but are soon influenced by the other people in the group making it seem like teenage boys are Abad influence.

    The Inbetweeners: The inbetweeners are presented as teenagers who are trying to be cool . This can create a bad stereotype of boys because of the stupid things that they do.

    Tv shows (boys)