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GC/TTOl 12issue: I

Revision: ADate: DEC 1992

Standard forBridge Loading

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GC/ll8112 Issue: 1

Revision: A Date: DEC 92

Page 1 of l6

art Synopsis

This standard specifies the loads to be used for the design of railway and highway bridges including requirements for protection from accidental impacts.

Approval and Authorisation

Submitted by :

Approved by :

Authorised by :

Controlled Copy No. . . . . . . . . . .

This document is the property of the British Railways Board. It shall neither be reproduced in whole or in part, nor disclosed to a third party, without the written permission of ather tha Director, Engineering Standards or ,the Director, Operational Standards

Published by Group Standards Macmillan House


@ Copyright 1992 British Railways Board


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Standard for Bridge LoadingGC/TTOll 2

Issue: 1Revision:A

Date: DEC 92

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Issue/ Revision Record

This standard will be updated whennecessary by distribution of a complete


Amended or additional parts of revised pageswill be marked by a vertical black hne in anadjacent margin.

Issue Rev Date Comments

1A Dec 92 Original Document

Responsibilities and distribution

This standard is mandatory for anyonepreparing designs for traffic supportingstructures and controlled copies shall bedistributed to– BRB Works Group– Business Civil Engineers- Mega Project Cwil Engineers– Director Safety& Quality (Central Services)


The provisions in this standard aremandatory, except where expressly statedotherwise, and shall be implemented from thedate of issue.


Controlled and uncontrolled copies of thisstandard may be obtainad from the TDCCManager, Central Services, Dovadale House,RTC, Derby.



Part A

Part B








Description Page No.

Synopsis 1

Approval & authorisation 1

Issue/Revision Record 2

Responsibilities &distribution 2

Implementation 2

supply ‘2

Contents 2

Purpose 3

Scope 3

Traffic Loading on RailwayBridges 3–5

Collision Loads from RailwayTraffic 6–7

Loading on Highway Bridges 8

Parapets 8–9

Collision Loads from HiahwavTraffic -9–11


A Application of Loading 12–15

B References 16

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Standard for Bridge Loading G(X17)ll 2Issue: 1


Date: DEC 92

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Part B

1 Purpose

To establish a loading standard for bridges that issuitable

for present and foreseeable road and rail traffic


2 Scope

This standard defines the Board’s requirements for the BS 5400: Steel, concrete and composite bridges and that

loading to be used in the design of new bridges and the the deflection of structures canying rail traffic is limited to

renewal of bridge superstructures. It requires that the the values quoted in UIC 776-3R.

design shall be carried out generally in accordance with

3 Traffic Loading on Railway Bridges

3.1 GeneralBridges carrying railway traffic shall generally bedesigned for RU type loading as specified in BD 37/88.

in exceptional cases, where safety and interworking arenot adversely affected, a lighter loading maybe permittedwhich shall be defined by multiplying both the uniformlydistributed load and the concentrated loads of the RUload model by a factor. The provision also exists foradopting a heavier loading on restricted sections wherethis is appropriate.

The factor to be applied to the RU load model shall bewithin the limits 0.75-1.25. Formal approval to the useof a loading other than standard RU must be obtained atthe Approval in Principle stage under the procedures setout in Group Standard GC/TP0356.

When a loading other than standard RU is approved, anappropriate traffic mix for fatigue shall be establishedtaking account of the design life of the structure and any

anticipated changes in the movement of traffic over thestructure. The standard load spectra quoted in Table 2 ofBS 5400 Part 10 apply only to standard RU loading andfor any other level of loading the simplified procedure forcarrying out a fatigue check given in cl. 9.2 of BS 5400

Part 10 is not applicable. In these casesthe fatigue checkmust be carried out as a separate assessment for whichthe Board’s program FATBRIG maybe used.

When the RU load model is multiplied by a factor otherthan 1.00the same factor shall be applied to the followingload effects:

- nosing (para 8.2.8 in BD 37/88)

- centrifugal action (para 8.2.9 in BD 37/88)

- longitudinal loads due totraction or braking (para 8.2.10 in BD 37/88)

3.2 Continuous Structures

The RU load model was developed forsimply+upportedstructures and covers the special vehicle type 6 shown inUIC 776-IR Appendix 101. in continuous constructionthe maximum hogging moment due to vehicle type 6 isnot covered by the RU load model and the hogging

moment must therefore be calculated using SW/Oloading shown below (which corresponds to vehicle type6).

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Date: DEC 92

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3 Traffic Loading on Railway Bridges (Continued)

Whereas RU type loading is curtailed as necessary inorder to produce the worst design effects, the load modelSW/O is not to be curtailed.

133kN/m 133kN/m


15.Om 5.3m 15.Om

SW/O Load Model

3.3 Simply Supported Main Girder andf?all Bearers

In Figure 21 of BD 37/88 the reference to shear force atpoint X should be corrected as follows:

–The shear force at point X is the end shear for span ‘a’multiplied by;

3.4 Dynamic Effects

The dynamic effect created in the structure by themovement of vehicles at speed is covered by multiplyingthe static RU load model by dynamic factors.

The values given in Table 16 of BD 37/88 should becorrected as follows:

For values of (L) from 3.6 to 67m.

dynamic factor for evaluating bending moment

2.16= + 0.73

(L~~ 0.2dynamic factor for evaluating shear

1.44= — + 0.82. .0.5l%e~~ ~y~a2micfactors have been verified on the basisthat the deflection, of the bridge is within the limits

specified in UIC 776-3R. The expression for&J for spans

between 20 – 100 metres should be corrected to read

In Table 17 of BD 37/88 the following definitions fordimension (L) shall be added :

Structural Element

Battle deck type floorwith closely spacedcross girders andwithout longitudinal ribs:

- cross girders

- deck plate

Concrete slab decks

Dimension L

twice the cross girderspacing plus 3m

cross girder spacingplus 3m

the lesser of the spanof the main girders ortwice the main girderspacing

3.5 DlstrlbutIon of Axle Loads

When designing members for which the local effect ofwheel loads is critical an allowance must be made foreccentricity of loading inside vehicles and the axle loadshall be shared by the two wheels in the proportion of5.45“5For the purpose of determining the patch loading undera sleeper the wheel load may be distributed over threeadjacent sleepers in the proportion ~ : 1 . ~

42”4The resultant load on the rail produced by the vertical andhorizontal Ioadsshould be calculated andthendistributedthrough the ballast from the underside of the sleeper asshown below:




— H2


1- 1I I

0.6m- 1:4/1 $

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Issue: 1Revision:A

Date: DEC 92

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3 Traffic Loading on Railway Bridges(Cmthued)

3.6 Centrifugal Load

For the purpose of para 8.2.9 in BD 37/88 where VI is notspecified the value may be derived from the following:

Vt=4~ (C+d)-j hills

where R = curve radius (m)

c = applied cant (mm)

d = permitted deficiency (mm)

s = track gauge (mm)

3.7 Application of Loading (8.2.6)

The application of loading to typical forms ofsuperstructure is illustrated in Appendix A Figures A to Nwhere:

V, = RU static Ioadx Dynamic factor (8.2.1 &8.2.3.l )

V ~ = Nominal pedestrian live load (7.1 .1 & 7.1 .3)

Vs. = Design derailment load : SLS (8.5(a))

V,~ = Design derailment load: Overturning (8.5(c))

H, = Nominal nosing load (8.2.8)

H* = Nominal centrifugal load (8.2.9)

H S = Nominal load on pedestrian parapets(7.1 .2& 7.1 .3)

H ~ = Nominal load of 100kN






Vs., Vsb,Vwand H4 are Design Loads and no furtherpartial load factors need be applied.

The derailment load specified in 8.5(c) of BD 37/88shall be applied only when considering he overallstability of the structure.

On multitrack bridges, accidental loading shall beconsidered on one track in combination with RULoading on the other tracks as appropriate.

The figures in parenthesis refer to the relevantclauses in BD 37/88.

3.8 Permanent Loading for RailwayBridges

Design Dead Load (5.1 .2.1)

YfL values for dead loads at ULS of 1.1 for steel and 1.2

for concrete shall be used in place of the values given inTable 1.

Nominal Superimposed Dead Load (5.2.1)

For calculating the nominal superimposed dead load, thedepth of ballast from the underside of sleepers at thelowest rail to the top of the bridge deck shall be taken as300mm unless the bridge carries a greater depth ofballast.

In the latter case, the actual depth of ballast shall be used.

Ballast density is to be taken as 21 kN/m 3. (This allowsfor dirty water logged ballast).

Design Superimposed Dead Load (5.2.2)

For superimposed dead load, YfL shall be taken as 1.75at ULS and 1.2 at SLS for:

i) track (rail and sleeper)

ii) track ballast for a depth measured from top ofsleeper to 300mm below the underside of thesleeper; the same values shall be taken for slabtrack.

In other cases (e.g. additional ballast depth or fill) YfL

shall be taken as 1.20 ULS and 1.00 SLS.

Removal of Superimposed Dead Load (4.5.2)

Due regard shall be taken of the case where eitherm-ballasting or resurfacing work is being undertakenand for the temporary case during erection.

Each bridge must be considered individually and arealistic assessment made; particular care is neededwhen continuous elements are being considered.

For guidance it can be assumed that i) where live load ispresent, the superimposed dead load (ballast) can bereduced by half over the full length of the structure, (ii)when live load is not present, the superimposed deadload (ballast and track) can be removed over the length

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4 Collison Loads From Railway Traff ic

4.1 GeneralWith reference to para. 8.6 of BD 37/88 this sectionspecifies the requirements for accidental loading onsupports near railway lines.

These requirements apply to the supporting structures fornew bridges or similar structures and any structurecarrying hazardous materials (e.g. gas) constructed overor alongside railway tracks. They do not apply to linesiderailway infrastructure such as overhead line masts orsignal gantries. They should ba applied to newfootbridges where reasonably practicable taking intoaccount the nature of the rail traffic and the track layoutadjacent to the bridge. The requirements take account ofthe following:




the definition of a hazard zone where the risk ofimpact is greatest;

the need for columns and piers to withstand theeffect of light impacts that might occur fromderailed coaches or freighI wagons withoutsustaining irreparable damage;

the prevention of a progressive collapse of thesuperstructure in the event of a major accidentwhich results in the loss of a support.

Wherever possible, supports carrying any structure overor alongside railway tracks must be placed outside thehazard zone.

4.2 Structures within the Hazard Zone

Where supports must be placed inside the hazard zonethey should preferably be monolithic piers rather thanindividual columns.

The hazard zone shall be assumed to extend for a widthof 4.5m from the edge of the outside rails. All supportslocated between railway fiacks must be considered to beinside the hszard zone. Where individual columns areused within the hazard zone, the design of the structureabove them must incorporate a degree of continuity suchthat the removal of any one column will not lead to thecollapse of the remainder of the structure underpermanent loads, together with the appropriate liveloads, as follows:

(a) For buildings the permanent loads should bethose specified in BS 5950 or BS 8110, as

appropriate, multiplied by the partial factorsspecified in these standards for the ultimate limitstate, and the live loads shall be those specifiedthere multiplied by a partial factor of 1.0.

(b) For bridges, the loads shall be the permanentloads and primary and secondary live loads inaccordance with combination 1 of Table 1 of BD37/88; the ultimate limit state partial factors shallbe as specified in Table 1 but limited to 1.0 on liveloads.

To provide robustness against the effect of light impactsall piers or columns within the hazard zone shall bedesigned to withstand without collapse a singleunfactored load of 2000 kN acting at a height of 1.2mabove the adjacent ground level and a single unfactoredload of 500 kN acting at a height of 3m. The two loadsmay act in any direction but need not be considered to actsimultaneously. These loads shall be combined with thepermanent loads and the appropriate primarysecondary live loads set out in (a) or (b) above.

4.2 Structures within the Hazard ZoneContinued


The connections between columns and their bases shallbe such that they can resist a horizontal force of 2000 kNat the ultimate limit state without being dislocated. Pinjointed connections shall be avoided.

Buffer Stops and Impact Walls

Supports to structures which could be endangered byvehicles running past buffer stops should be avoidedwhenever possible. Where this is not reasonablypracticable, additional end impact walls must be providedwhich, together with the buffer stops, protect thesupported structure.

When designing such an end impact wall, suitableallowance may be made for the restraint provided by thetrack where this is securely connected to the wall.

For tracks serving passenger traffic, the end impact wallsshall be designed for a horizontal unfactored load of5,000 kN at a height of 1.Om above the top of the railwhere a buffer stop block with a minimum brakingcapacity of 2,500 kNm is provided for at the end rail.

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4 Collison Loads From Railway Traffic (Continued)

in shunting and marshaling areas where a buffer stopblock with a braking capacity of up to 2,500 kNm is usedat the rail end, the end impact walls shall be dimensionedfor a horizontal unfactored load of 10,000 kN at a heightof 1.00m above the top of the rail.

The general requirements for end impact walls are shownbelow:


Tracks serving 1.0/Jr& R.L 5000 Id+ at l.Om


passenger traffic above rcri[ level

Buffer Stop Block”.

Energy absorption\

Tracks in shunting. 10000 kN ot l.Om

and marshaling areasabove roil level


Plinths and PiatformsWhere individual columns are used a solid plinth should embankment. If it is not possible to arrange the design to

be provided to minimum height of 900mm above the rail avoid the situation then appropriate measures shall be

level or 1200mm above ground level where clearance taken to safeguard such columns and piers.

Permits. The height of the plinth should be constant and Consideration should be given to the following:

~he ends of the p~nth should be suitably shaped in planto deflect derailed vehicles away from the column. A solid i)

platform construction should be used to provide similar ii)protection from derailed vehicles for individual columnswithin station areas. iii)

4.3 Structures in Embankments 4.4

the use of guard rails

a retaining structure to widen the embankment

the use of massive piers

Structures Over the Raiiway

Columns and piers located within embankments, oratthe The structure and supports of any building over railwaybottom of embankments, may require special lines shall be so designed and protected that they willconsideration even ifoutside the hazard zone because of withstand the effects of afire on the track for such time asthe possibility of derailed vehicles rolling down the specified by the appropriate Building Control Authority.

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5 Loading on Highway Bridges

5.1 Public Roads (Maintainable atthepubiic expense)

Bridges carrying highway traffic shall be designed forstandard highway loading as specified in BD 37/88.

The number of units of HB loading shall be agreed withthe Highway Authority which will normally be in line withthe following:

(a) Principal road and specially classified by theappropriate Minister under Section 27(2) of theLocal Government Act 1966 as a45 HB unit road:

HA Loading and 45 Units of HB Loading.

(b) Principal road which does not fall within the abovecategory:

HA loading and 37 units of HB loading.

(c) Other than principal roads:

HA loading and 30 units of HB loading.

Full details of the loading to be used shall be confirmedat the approval in principle stage.

5.2 Private Roads (Accommodation andOccupation Bridges)

Bridges carrying private roads shall be designed to carry7.5 tonne gross weight vehicles unless the Board has alegal or prescriptive obligation in excess of this. Thedesign loads shall be established from the Department ofTransport Standard BD 21/84 using the reduction factorsfor UDL and KEL applied to HA loading for anAssessment Live Loading of 7.5 tonnes.

The bridge shall carry a plate indicating the maximumallowable vehicle weight.

6 Parapets

6.1 GeneraiIn the case of new construction or a bridge renewal, theparapets shall comply with Section 205 or 206 of theDepartment of Transport Technical Memorandum BE5.P6 high containment parapets shall be provided on thebasis of the criteria laid down in Appendix 6 of TechnicalMemorandum BE5. .

Where repairs are needed to an existing parapet it isgenerally sufficient to match the existing construction.

High containment parapets shall not be providedretrospectively except where safety considerations takeprecedence.

On a multi span bridge, if P6 parapets are requiredaccording to Appendix 6 of BE 5 they need only beprovided over the span or spans being rebuilt and notnecessarily over the whole structure. Paragraph206(a)(ii) should be noted where it states the role of theRailway Inspectorate as arbitrator in the event of adisagreement between the Highway Authorities and theBoard.

6.2 Extent and Height of Parapet

On electrified lines or lines to be electrified on theoverhead system, the parapets must extend 3.0 metresbeyond any uninsulated overhead electrical equipment.

Parapets shall initially be built at least 1,550mm high sothat the minimum height of 1,500 specified in BE 5 is notreduced by construction tolerances or futuremaintenance.

6.3 Additional Requirements

Suitable provision shall be made to prevent:



errant vehicles from falling off the approach roadonto the railway track(s);

heacf+n collision with the end of the parapet,particularly where a high containment parapet isprovided.

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Date: DEC92Page 9 of 16

6 Parapets (Continued)

Where high containment parapets are provided on new included in the book ‘Highway Construction Details’bridges, wing walls shall be built where possible in line December 1987 published by HMSO.with the parapets to assist in the provision of a transitionallevel of containment between that provided by normal Safety Barriers for Bridge Approachessafety barriers and that provided by the high con-binmentparapet.

If the level of safety of highway traffic is significantlyimpaired by the bridgeworks, the provision of safety

Transitional Safety Barriers barriers on approaches should be considered inconsultation with the Highway Authority.

Recommendations for the level of containment over thistransitional length appear in Drawing Nos. G30 to G36

7 Collision Loads from Highway Traffic

Railway underbridges built over public roads with aheadroom of less than 5.7m shall be designed for theloads set out by the Department of Transpoti under theirletter of 5 November 1990, quoted below. Where a

headroom of 5.7m or greater can be guaranteed for thelife of the structure the requirement to design for thesecollision loads does not apply.

“Proposed Ammendements to BD 37/88 Appendix A Clauses 6.8 and 7.2 Resulting from TheIncorporation of HGV Collision Forces of Highway Structures”

6.8.1 Nominal load on supportsThe nominal loads are given in Table 15 together with residual load components acting simultaneously. Loadstheir direction and height of application, and shall be normal to the carriageway shall be considered separatelyconsidered as acting horizonta~y on bridge supports. from loads parallel ~othe carriageway. “Supports shall be capable of resisting the main and

Table 15- Collision loads on supports of bridges over highways:

Load Normal Load Parallel Point of Application on Bridge Supportto the Carriageway to the CarriagewayBelow Below

kN kN

Main 500 1,000 At the most severe point between 0.75m andLoad 500 1,000 1.5m above carriageway level


Residual At the most severe point between 1m and 3mLoad 250 500

Componentabove carriageway level

(100) (100)


Figures within brackets are applicable for lightweight structures in urban locations (see Clause 6.8.5).

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Date: DEC92Page 10 of 16

7 Collision Loads from Highway Traffic (Continued)

6.8.2 Nominal load on superstructures. The nominal applied to the bridge eoffit, thus precluding a downwardloads are given in Table 16 together with their direction of veti”cal application. Given that the plane of the edit mayapplication. The load normal to the carriageway shall be follow a superelevated or non-planar form, the load canconsidered separately from the load parallel to the have an outward or inward application.carriageway The loads shall be considered to act as pointloads on the bridge superstructure in any directionbetween the horizontal and vertical. The load shall be

Table 16- Collision loads on bridge superstructures over highways:

LoadNormal to the carriagewaybelow



Load Point of Application on Bridge SuperstructureParaiiel to the carriagewaybeiow


On the soffit in any inclination between the horizontal500 and the (upward) vertical

6.8.3 Associated Nominal Primary Live LoadNo primary live load is required to be considered on thebridge.

6.8.4 Load Combination

Vehicle collision loads on supports and onsuperstructures shaii be considered separately, incombination 4 oniy, and need not be taken as coexistentwith other secondary live ioads.

6.8.5 Design Load

For aii elements excepting elastomeric bearings, theeffects due to vehicle collision ioads on supports and onsuperstructures need only be considered at the ultimate

limitstate. The7fL to be applied to the nominal Ioadsshalihave a value of 1.50.

The design ioads shall be applicable for global effectsonly, i.e. local effects at the point of impact are to beignored.

For the design of lightweight structures, such asfootbridges, over lower speed roads in urban areas, theresiduai loads given in Table 15 shall be combined withthe main load components and robust plinths 1.5m highshail be provided to resist these forces and carry thesupports. The supports themselves shali be designed tothe reduced residual ioad components shown withinbrackets in Table 15.

For elastomeric bearings, the effects due to vehiclecoiiision loads on supports and in superstructures should

only be considered at the serviceability iimit state. The

7fL_tobe applied to the nominal ioads shaii have a value

of 1.0.

7.2 Vehicie Coiiision Loads for Foot/Cycie TrackBridge Supporis and Superstructures

The vehicle coliision ioads specified in 6.8 shali beconsidered in the design of foot/cycIe track bridges.

Collision of Heavy Goods Vehicies with BridgeSuperstructures

Advice on the Application of the Revised DesignRequirements




The intention behind the new requirementsrelating to the collision of heavy goods vehicleswith bridge superstructures is that the overaiistructural integrity of the bridge should bemaintained following an impact but that localdamage to a part of the bridge deck can beaccepted.

In appiying the requirements checks shouid bemade against the following three criteria asappropriate:

the bridge deck must not iift or slide off itsbearings;

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7 Collision Loads from Highway Traffic (Continued)

b) in the case of bridge decks with a number of reduced contribution of an individual damagedcarrying members, e.g. beam and slab type beam rather than assume it to be ineffective. Thisdecks, the structure as a whole must not collapse is also applicable to parts of voided slabs.with any one of the carrying members beingassumed to have failed; alternatively individual 4. All designs checks (except for elastomeric

members can be checked for failure as at c); bearings as noted in Clausa 6.8.5) are to becarried out at the ultimate limit state only (i.e. no

c) in the case of bridge decks with a single carrying checks at the serviceability limit state).member, e.g. spine beams, local failure ordamage of elements (e.g. webs or flanges) or of 5. The applicability of the various checks to different

joints between elements may be allowed but the types of bridge decks is described in the following

structure as a whole must not collapse. table:

3. For bridge decks with a small number of beams orgirders, the designer may choose to include the

Type of Deck Check for Overall Check for progressive Failure at Check Local Effects at ULSstability to ULS ULS After Removing Elements

Whose Load Bearing CapacityWould Be Directly Impaired

Slab Applicable Not applicable Not applicable

Voided Slab Applicable Not applicable Not applicable in generaI but maybe used optionally

Beam and Slab Applicable Applicable. Remove beam or Not applicable in general but mayplate girders girder which may be struck (not be used optionallyand slab necessarily the outer member)

Other types in- Applicable Not applicable Applicableeluding spinebeams or deckswith smallnumber ofbeams or cells

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Date: DEC 92

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Appendix A Application of Loading

Hs Hz .-.LI


ILlll =

Y:+: ;y;~v, V1

● T HI

4 L“ . .~4 1 +H2

. . . .-. . .. :...,” ‘“:~..-.. . . . ._.- ..-. . . . . “.”

-. ● 4.

● .

Fig.A: Normal Loads

Height of walkway above


L —— -h

.,-. . . . . . . . . .., .:,. .=. . .,.-:...,. :. .-,..,.. . . . .. -,- ..... .


Fig.B: Derailment and Collision

adjacent rail d ~ 300mm



lgv, V1Iv

● tiq J-\.t +t-12

4 fw . . . .. . .. ....!. . . . .●

.,, .- -.,. -- .,....,.-.”. . . . . .... . . . ...-” .- ~...* _“:. . . . ----- .-

● .4 4

● .


7:‘,’=, ‘l;● i––

4 ,.4 :.. . .“ .,,

.... -:”.. . ..”.:::’”.::=:’:’.; ..” -. . .. .. . . . . ‘. .;.. ;. -. ‘. -.<.....; :7.-’.:”..... ..-.. . .. -, ..-? . . ... .~●

. .,.


Fig.C: Normal Loads Fig.D: Derai~ment and Collision Loads

Height of walkway above adjacent rail d C 300mm

Precast Concrete Beam and Parapet Types

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Appendix A Application of Loading

I+Hs / “-JL-

r .<,L —.

V1 VtI IL. –- A

. ., f ,... .$ ----- ..-. .. . .. .. . . . .. . . . . -..

. . “.. . . . . . . .- . . . .“ “

.. . . . . .. . . . .. . ..● .. . . . . . .. . . +. -- “. -. -~... .

Fig.E Normal Laads



c H4 I

.. L —— r. , 1 [, .. .“... .... .. .. . ..... .. -:’ .-:. ....---- .,.-... ,“. ..>.......... ..“.-. ,I. ,.. ... . - 7

r. . . ... . .a - .


... . .

.4 .- .4... ’.,. ,%”” .-b... . . ..

~.. ..+ . . .. .“. ... . .. . . . . .

F/ I

fig.~ Derailment and Collision Loads

Integral Concrete Deck and Parapet Types


Ii /--+-


‘--7” vi V1




Fig.G: Normal Loads




Vecb-vI AMwmcm114w -

H4 1

L.“ —-1 r. ..“. 1 I.,-.”..,. . . . . .. -.-..:.:.,

Y\ ‘-, -

. .. . . -, ----. ., ..”. ..- .;.” “ .




Y+... . ..4...


Fig.H: Derailment and Collision Loads

Parapet Types

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Standard for LoadingGicnl-oll2

Issue: 1Revision:A

Date: DEC 92

Page 140f 16



Appendix A Application of Loading






V1 Vt

Ht 1?.—— r

1--...-.,....-... . .. .. ... ... . . -...-. .,.-,-.... . .. .. ::. .,-:”.... . . .. . ...-. ..a...” ...~... . . .

. ..””.” ... . ...- . .. ,? .. ... .



Normal Laads

girders completely outside

/ UY? Hs $

V* I

IL _–T :

% _7 ,


L —.

. -- . . . . .. ... . . ... . . . --.L

. .4 ..-.. . .. . ..4 ..~.... II


- /


I-1 “- ,

Fig.K: Normal Loads


IL ——

..:.-....-, .:,,.”:.s- .“. ”

.“.... . . .. .. ....4..- I

Fig.& Derailment and Collision Laads

structure gauge: d>915mm (e.g. E and D types)


~-lL ——

. ..... . .. . .., -“..,’~.-..’-. .. ’..”’.’. .“.-.. . ... . ..4 .. ●. .,


fig.~ Derailment and Collision Loads

Main girders h Platform 9au9e :3o”<d@15mm

(e.g. 9,C and same E types, Standard bax girder types and wide Z twes )


Half Through Steel Girder Types

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for Loading Gwrroll2Issue: 1


Date: DEC 92

Page 15 of 16

Appendix A Application of Loading

A+’ 1— -dY,T’klx-1


Fig.M: Normal Loads

...----- -., .-:----....... ......... . -4,.. .

.=. “<4. .4


Fig.N: 13erailmen t and Collision Loads

Steel Girder Types : d<300 mm (e+h standard z tYPe)

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Standard for Bridge LoadingGc/lToll2

Issue: 1Revision:A

Date: DEC 92

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Appendix B References











Department of Transport, Highways and

Traffic, Departmental Standard BD 37/88Loads for Highway Bridges (which replaces

BS 5400 Part 2).

Amendment to BD 37/88 proposed by DTpin letter dated 5 November 1990.

Department of Transport TechnicalMemorandum BE5 on design of highwaybridge parapets.

Department of Transport, Highways andTraffic, Departmental Standard BD 21/84The Assessment of Highway Bridges andStructures.

BRB Group Standard GC/TP0356 Approvalin Principle and Checking Procedures for

Bridges and Other Structures.

UIC leaflets 701-0,776-1 R and 776-3R.

Highway Construction Details - HMSO

December 1987.

BS 5400 Steel Concrete and CompositeBridges.

BS 5950 Structural Use of Steelwork inBuilding.

BS8100 Structural Use of Concrete.

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