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• Increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and Vietnamese by means of educational and cultural exchange

• More info on:

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Eight years of GCE in Central Asia

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GCE is in 22 schools

and 3 libraries

In Kyrgyzstan:

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GCE has connected 21 schools

with Kyrgyzstan

In the United States:

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IREX is launching GCE Asia in two Countries

The PhilippinesAnd Vietnam

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GCE ASIA GOAL:GCE Vietnam Objectives:

1. Train and develop new ICT leaders

2. Build mutual understanding and respect between the people of GCE Asia countries and the United States

3. Encourage respect for diversity

4. Support new models for ICT in education

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GCE Vietnam Program Components

1. Training & Support

2. Online Projects

3. Community Activities & Youth Projects

Target Audience: a.High school Teachersb.High school Students

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GCE Virtual Exchanges GOAL:Promote mutual understanding in youth of

US and their peers in other countries

Online Projects

Skype Video Conferences

collaborative educational activities linked to a theme, based around multimedia posts in a forum for 3-5 weeks (users post one or two times a week)

45 mins-1 hr, either stand-alone or part of a project

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Sample Project: Mapping My Community

Students map assets of their neighborhoods, share changes they’d make as mayor

“If I would have been mayor I would build a [museum], shop, supermarket and a park near our house, would put up the lamp near the roads so that it light us on the way.”

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Project: Global Grocery Baskets

Students discuss typical food purchases in their families, compare food sources/preparation, and share recipes

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Online Projects Promote Student-driven Learning

“I made Pelmeni – I think the recipe may have been put up in 4th period’s group. Mine didn’t come out very pretty, but the filling inside the dumplings was pretty good :)”

-- Arizona student, making dumplings at home from a recipe she found during a project

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IT and Youth Leadership: Tech Age Girls

“We develop our communities by developing ourselves”

-- Daria Azina, Tech Age Girl from Kyrgyzstan

IT TrainingGlobal Youth Service Day

Blogging & new media, leadership skills

Intensive training conference

Return to do projects in communities

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To Summarize:

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GCE ASIA GOAL:GCE Vietnam Objectives:

1. Train and develop new ICT leaders

2. Build mutual understanding and respect between the people of GCE Asia countries and the United States

3. Encourage respect for diversity

4. Support new models for ICT in education