

Seema Khan and S. R. Orenstein

Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Chapter 4


Gastroesophageal reflux (GER), represents the retro-grade movement of gastric contents into the esoph-agus, and is a frequently experienced benign butsymptomatic condition. At the one end of the spec-trum are infants with physiologic reflux, also referred toin the United States as “happy spitters”, and at the oth-er end are children with objective pathologic sequelaecomprising gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).GERD also has come to denote symptoms affectingquality of life even in the absence of objective damage.GERD is the most common pediatric esophageal dis-order; although precise data are not available in chil-dren, GERD accounts for substantial health care costsin children, as it does in adults [1].


The epidemiology of GERD in children has beenstudied to a limited extent due to the challenges posedby the evolving disease spectrum, lack of a diagnosticgold standard, and scarcity of incidence and prevalencedata. Estimates of GERD prevalence are based on dataanalyzed from interviews with patients and parents ofchildren with GERD, and vary according to the symp-tom frequency and severity queried. The prevalence ofGERD symptoms in the general population of infantsand children is in the range of 1–10%, in contrast to aprevalence of 15–20% in adults [2], [3]. In a cross sec-tional study of 798 infants with regurgitation but with-out neurological or respiratory diseases, pathologicGER was diagnosed in 11% using Rome II criteria [4].On a cross sectional survey of 566 unselected childrenaged 3 to 9 years, parents reported heartburn, epigastricpain, and regurgitation in 1.8%, 7.2%, and 2.3% of

them, respectively [5]. In the same study, 615 childrenbetween 10 and 17 years of age reported the symptoms5.2%, 5%, and 8.2% of the time, suggesting that par-ents may underestimate their children’s experiences.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease is one of the mostprevalent gastrointestinal disorders in children withneurologic and chronic respiratory disorders. This as-sociation is thought to arise as a result of the provoca-tions of the mechanisms of reflux. In neuromusculardisorders, spasticity and prolonged recumbency, and inrespiratory disorders, increased abdominal to thoracicpressure gradients and decreased tone of the loweresophageal sphincter (LES) due to some of the thera-pies, are all predispositions to GERD.

Very low birth-weight infants with chronic lungdisease are diagnosed and treated for GERD morefrequently than those without lung disease [6].

Natural history

Infantile GERD is generally regarded to have a favor-able natural history, with persistent symptoms inabout 5% of infants by one year of age, following apeak at 4 months, and resolving in the large majoritybetween 12 and 24 months of age [7], [8]. Epidemio-logical studies of the natural history of GERD and itscomplications in older children are scarce [9]. Un-selected infants with frequent regurgitation may de-velop feeding problems in the subsequent year offollow-up [10]. Children with chronic respiratory andneurological diseases commonly exhibit recurrent orchronic GERD symptoms. By nine years of age, chil-dren with frequent regurgitation during infancy maybe more likely to develop persistent reflux symptoms,


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zation of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) as hyp-tonic to the more complicated and accurate currentmodel. This current model incorporates dynamicchanges at the gastroesophageal junction involvingtransient LES relaxations (TLESRs) of a sphinctersupported actively by hiatal crura which are intricatelycoordinated with the LES. These motor mechanismsat the gastroesophageal junction are impacted by moredistal motor mechanisms, involving gastric volume–pressure relationships promoting TLESRs and reflux,and by more proximal motor mechanisms, involvingesophageal clearance of the refluxed material. Sensoryphenomena have been appreciated recently, both fortheir role in the pain symptoms of reflux (with orwithout esophageal inflammation) and for their role asthe gastric afferent limb to the TLESR. Whether re-flux produces esophagitis depends not only on the fre-quency and duration of the reflux episodes producedby the above mechanisms, but also on the balance be-tween the noxiousness of the refluxate and the counter-acting esophageal mucosal protective mechanisms.Current attention focuses on the genetic and environ-mental factors that modulate all of these pathophysio-logic mechanisms and thus underlie the determinationof who becomes diseased.

Anti-reflux barrier

Transient lower esophageal sphincter relaxationVery low pressure of the LES is a prerequisite forreflux of gastric contents into the esophagus. Mostreflux in infants and children, as in adults, occursprimarily in association with transient lower esopha-geal sphincter relaxation (TLESR), defined as anabrupt decrease in LES pressure to the level of theintragastric pressure unrelated to swallowing [18].Premature infants as young as 26 weeks of gestatio-nal age who were diagnosed with GERD exhibitedmore acid reflux during TLESRs, compared withhealthy controls [19]. TLESRs may be triggered bygastric distention and by increased intra-abdominalpressure [20], as occurs with straining, obesity, tightclothing, cough, and increased respiratory effort. Ininfants, extrinsic abdominal compression in semi-seated postures in the post-prandial period is animportant factor contributing to the pathogenesis ofreflux. Also important are the influences of the meal

a phenomenon exacerbated by maternal smoking andmaternal reflux symptoms [8]. Children over one yearof age without neurological impairment most com-monly have “endoscopy-negative GERD”, and theiresophageal inflammation, even if present, is unlikelyto deteriorate during a mean of 28 months of follow-up [11]. However, half of older children with GERDhave a chronic relapsing course [12]. Adults withGERD were twice as likely to recall having at leastone childhood symptom of GERD as adults withoutGERD, in a survey of 400 adults [13]. In an uncon-trolled study of a cohort of 80 children with GERDfollowed up as adolescents and young adults at anaverage of 15 years later, 80% reported monthly refluxsymptoms, and at least one third of the individuals re-ported use of anti-reflux medications [14]. Erosiveesophagitis was present in 3 of the 14 individuals whowere evaluated by an upper endoscopy.

The increasing diagnosis of GERD in older chil-dren and adolescents is a cause for speculating thatGERD beginning in infancy or childhood may per-sist into adult years, thus predisposing to the com-plications of peptic strictures, Barrett’s esophagus,and adenocarcinomas.


GERD and its complications are recognized as cluster-ing within families, suggesting a genetic backgroundfor GERD phenotypes. A gene mapped for “severe pe-diatric GERD” with prominent respiratory symptomsin five kindreds was localized to chromosome 13q14[15]. Later, a genetic linkage for “infantile esophagitis”was identified at a separate locus [16]. A candidategene approach to screen for mutations that might becausally associated with reflux suggests that a GERD1gene on chromosome 13q14 might be located within20 kb of SNP160 or SNP168 [17]. Due to the hetero-geneity in GERD phenotypes, more than one geneticlocus may be involved and might influence various ofthe pathophysiologic factors.


Understanding of the mechanisms underlying refluxepisodes has expanded from the primitive conceptuali-


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size, intragastric secretory volume, and osmolarityon the occurrence of TLESRs.

The TLESR is primarily a vagal reflex with neu-ral pathways in the brainstem, and may be triggeredby mechanoreceptor afferents upon stretching of thegastric fundus. The neuroenteric mediators responsi-ble for inducing TLESRs include nitric oxide, vaso-active intestinal polypeptide, and cholecystokinin A,while somatostatin, gamma-amino butyric acid B(GABAB), and opiates have the opposite effect. In-creasing proximal gastric volumes increases the rateof TLESRs [21].

Hiatal herniaHiatal hernia is a fairly common finding in adults,with estimates of its prevalence ranging from 10–80%.Although widely believed to be a predisposition forreflux, it may be also be an incidental finding inasymptomatic persons [22]. Hiatal hernias haveaffected family members across multiple genera-tions, leading some to suggest an autosomal domi-nant pattern of inheritance [23]. The diaphragmaticcrura normally reinforce the LES as an anti-refluxbarrier, and relax when a TLESR occurs. The lack ofthis reinforcement assumes significance when abruptchanges in abdominal pressure, such as during strain-ing, overcome the LES pressure in a person with ahiatal hernia. Hiatal hernias are more prevalent insevere reflux disease, and have also been reported tobe common in conditions associated with severe re-flux, such as cystic fibrosis and neurological impair-ments [24]. Of 718 children with reflux, 6% wereidentified to have a hiatal hernia, and nearly a fourthof them were neurologically impaired [25]. Severeesophageal damage may occur during the prolongedesophageal acid exposure that can result from thetrapping of acid in a hiatal hernia. The risk for refluxis considered to be greater with increasing size of a hiatal hernia, and complications of reflux like Barrett’s esophagus are also associated with hiatalhernias [22].

Delayed gastric emptyingDelayed gastric emptying has been associated withmore severe GERD in children [26]. Delayed emp-tying leads to gastric distention, more triggering ofTLESRs, and accentuation of the volume and fre-

quency of post-prandial reflux. Gastric emptying isinfluenced by the volume and osmolarity of themeal consumed; thus overeating and ingestion offatty foods further provoke reflux. Children withcerebral palsy are considered to be more prone toreflux, due to disturbed motility, particularly gas-troparesis. However, gastric emptying, measured by scintigraphy in 28 children with cerebral palsy,was not significantly different from that in a con-trol group, and the emptying times did not corre-late with GERD severity on pH monitoring [27].Gastric fundic accommodation, the increase in gas-tric fundic volume in response to a meal, measuredby barostat or scintigraphically, also likely impactsthe occurrence of TLESRs, with greater accom-modation allowing acceptance of greater volumeswithout provoking TLESRs. Other factors affect-ing intragastric pressure include obesity, tight cloth-ing, provocative postures, straining, coughing, orwheezing.

Gastric sensorimotor aspectsIn many patients including children, reflux symp-toms of heartburn and chest pain correlate poorlywith endoscopy findings. In the absence of erosiveesophagitis, these symptoms are referred to asnon-erosive reflux disease. In some of these cases,the pain of reflux disease may be associated withhistologic esophagitis. In those patients lackingeven microscopic inflammation, other potentialexplanations for the pain sensation include in-creased sensitivity of esophageal receptors to bothnociceptive (painful) and non-painful stimuli,akin to visceral hyperalgesia causing functionalpain in irritable bowel syndrome or dyspepsia.Such sensitization is proposed to be due to acti-vation of the prostaglandin (PG) E receptor, andthis may be an attractive target for treatment [28].Studies conducted in adults with reflux demon-strate that acid infusion promotes esophageal pain hypersensitivity that is reduced by proton pump inhibition [29]. Symptoms elicited duringacid infusion are also associated with increasedesophageal contractility, postulated to be due to peripheral sensitization [30]. In support of a mechanism involving central sensitization of spi-nal afferents is the report of esophageal hyper-sensitivity upon duodenal acid exposure [31].


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of this complex act in infants as early as 35 weeks ofgestation. A disruption of the normal swallowingfunction particularly threatens the airways of fragileand physiologically immature infants with aspira-tion, apnea, cyanosis, and bradycardia. In olderchildren, as in adults, upright posture confers anadvantage in clearing refluxed material by theaction of gravity, but this advantage is lacking ininfants, who are generally recumbent in supine andsemi-seated positions. Esophageal motor responseswere nearly normal in response to infusion of salinein piglets with reflux, including those with eso-phagitis, but were impaired in response to acid in-fusion and influenced by acid volumes as well [38].Primary esophageal peristalsis, initiated by swallow-ing, comprises 83% of all esophageal responses toreflux in infants [39]. Secondary peristalsis is in-duced by reflux and esophageal distention, and playsan important role in clearance during active sleep,thereby being crucial to infants who spend a greatportion of time asleep. Peristaltic abnormalities maydevelop secondary to esophagitis; evidence forfailed or hypotensive peristalsis is present in 20% ofadults with mild, and 50% with severe esophagitis[40], [41]. Long lasting reflux episodes, those great-er than 5 minutes, were reported to be more fre-quent in children with severe reflux than in thosewith mild reflux and controls [42]. Salivary func-tions include stimulation of wet swallows and thewash-down and neutralization of refluxed acidsecretions. Other protective components proposedin the mucosal defense against acid reflux are prost-aglandin E2 and nitric oxide, in low concentrations,but their contributions in children are poorly un-derstood [43].

Helicobacter pylori

The role of H. pylori in relation to GERD symp-toms and pathogenesis remains controversial. A re-cent prospective study compared symptoms beforeand after H. pylori eradication in 95 children.Symptoms remained unchanged, and were indepen-dent of H. pylori status [44]. Another study foundthat neither the diagnosis nor the severity of pepticesophagitis in H. pylori-infected, neurologically-impaired children was influenced by H. pylori eradi-cation [45].


The pathogenicity of the refluxate is determined by thenoxiousness of its constituents namely, acid, pepsin,trypsin, and bile salts. Acid in combination with pepsinhas been found to be the most injurious to the esopha-geal mucosa. Most patients with reflux have normalgastric pH, and it has been suggested that volume rath-er than acidity of the refluxate may be more impor-tant in the pathogenesis of reflux. Infants, includingpremature infants of 24 weeks gestation, maintain thatbasal gastric pH below 4 from day one of life, but acidsecretion is modified by neurocrine, endocrine, and par-acrine pathways [32]. Severe reflux, defined by refluxindex scores and esophagitis grade, in a small numberof children correlated with gastric acid hypersecretion[33]. Pepsin and trypsin, being proteolytic enzymes, aredirectly damaging to the surface epithelium in theirusual milieu, which is pH less than 4 for pepsin, andbetween 5 and 8 for trypsin. Increased serum pepsin-ogen values in neonates with upper gastrointestinalbleeding and esophageal lesions further support a path-ogenetic role for pepsin [22]. Bile reflux may causeesophageal mucosal damage by rendering the mem-brane more permeable to acid. Simultaneous pH andbilirubin monitoring demonstrated bile and acid refluxin 9 of 13 children with severe esophagitis as graded byendoscopy [34]. Another report suggests a pathoge-netic role for duodenogastric reflux, which was foundto be higher in 10 patients with cystic fibrosis com-pared with 7 healthy controls [35]. Alterations inamino acid metabolism leading to increased esophagealmucosal taurine to serine ratio in patients with in-creased esophageal mucosal acid exposure may repre-sent adaptive responses to acid reflux, and may precedeesophageal inflammation [36]. Polyunsaturated fattyacids, precursors of eicosanoids, are also proposed to have a role in the pathogenesis of esophagitis [37].In children, increased esophageal mucosal polyun-saturated fatty acids correlate positively with esoph-ageal acid exposure but not with esophageal mucosaldamage [37].

Esophageal clearance and mucosal resistance

An important line of defense against reflux isprovided by effective peristalsis in coordinationwith swallowing; sucking appears as an integral part


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Clinical presentations

Esophageal presentations attributed to GERD varyaccording to the age of the patient, and include re-gurgitation, irritability, arching, and feeding aversionin infants, and vomiting, chest pain, heartburn, andabdominal pain in older children. Circumstantialevidence strongly suggests a relationship between re-flux and a variety of extraesophageal presentations.These extraesophageal manifestations involve theairways or dental erosions. The former are best ap-preciated in light of the intricate coordination of theintimately related human respiratory and the diges-tive tracts, especially in fragile infants [46]. The re-lationship between reflux and respiratory symptomsis bi-directional; reflux may precipitate or exacerbaterespiratory disease, and vice versa.


Vomiting and regurgitationRegurgitation and vomiting are the most easily rec-ognizable symptoms of pediatric reflux. Episodes areusually effortless, non-bilious and post-prandial. It isusually the quantity and type of emesis that dif-ferentiates physiologic reflux in “happy spitters”from symptomatic reflux in infantile GERD. Somechildren have persistent or intermittent symptomsbeyond the first year of life. Projectile non-biliousemesis in the first few weeks of life may mimichypertrophic pyloric stenosis but simply representreflux, whereas bilious emesis mandates evaluationfor intestinal obstruction.

Irritability and painIrritability coupled with arching in infants isthought to be a nonverbal equivalent of heartburnand chest pain reported by older children with re-flux, and strongly believed to be clinical manifesta-tions of esophagitis. However, these symptoms maycorrelate poorly with gross and microscopic fin-dings in the esophageal mucosa. Infant crying hasbeen demonstrated in association with reflux episo-des during video and esophageal pH probe moni-toring [47]. In patients with non-erosive refluxdisease and normal esophageal histology, thesesymptoms are speculated to represent heightenedsensory perception or visceral hyperalgesia. An

important presentation overlapping with GERD,particularly in infants, is cow’s milk allergy; studiesreport the two conditions co-existing in 42–58%children [48], [49]. Generally, in all children withthe aforementioned symptoms, other causes of esoph-agitis, such as eosinophilic or infectious esoph-agitis, and esophageal motility disorders, warrantconsideration.

Failure to thriveInfants and older children with reflux are frequentlyreported to suffer from failure to thrive, but preterminfants are relatively protected, probably as a resultof special care in intensive care units [50]. In a retro-spective review of 295 children with clinical presen-tations suspicious for reflux, 72.5% (mean age fouryears) had at least one positive diagnostic test, andthese children had a higher frequency of failure tothrive compared to those with negative testing forGERD [51]. Severe reflux may predispose to feedingrefusal, and, in turn, to inadequate caloric intake,due to pain provoked by esophageal acid exposureduring meals. In addition, loss of nutrients andcalories due to emesis may predispose a child topoor growth. As an iatrogenic factor, the use of re-stricted diets to treat overlapping food sensitivitiescould also impair oral feeding abilities and con-tribute to poor growth.


ApneaApnea is a frequently cited extraesophageal mani-festation of reflux in infants, but the causal rela-tionship is controversial, despite being examined bymultiple investigators. Most episodes of apnea ofprematurity occur in the post-prandial period, andlikely follow bouts of regurgitation, and yet studiesusing impedance and monitoring cardiorespiratoryevents have been contradictory [52], [53]. In 21 in-fants with a history of intermittent reflux and apnea,81% of apneic events did not follow episodes of re-flux [52]. However, using pH and impedance testingin 22 infants with a history of irregular breathingand reflux, 29.7% (49 of 165) apneic episodes wereassociated with reflux, though only 22.4% of thesewere related to acid reflux [53], (Fig. 1) [54]. Apnearelated to reflux has been explained on the basis of a


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ing stridor, chronic cough, hoarseness, and “lump inthe throat” [56]. Several laryngoscopic and broncho-scopic findings have been described as predictive ofreflux. These include post glottic edema, vocal cordedema, nodules, arytenoid edema, tracheal cobble-stoning, and sub-glottic stenosis [57]. Significantassociations in adults may be limited to posteriorcommisure erythema (in 76% of GERD, 0% of nor-mals), vocal cord erythema (in 70% of GERD, 2% ofnormals), and arytenoid medial wall erythema (in82% of GERD, 30% of normals) [58]. Airway abnor-malities such as tracheomalacia and laryngomalaciaare often diagnosed in infants and children with stri-dor, and notably associated with laryngopharyngealreflux [59], [60], though it is possible that the airwayobstruction promotes the reflux. The prevalence of re-flux as diagnosed by barium studies and pH metrywas 70% in 54 children with laryngotracheomalaciacompared with 39% in a control group. Gas refluxepisodes with mild acidity have been demonstrated inadults with reflux laryngitis on concurrently perfor-med impedance and pH studies, suggesting a contrastin the quality and quantity of refluxate involved inesophageal and extraesophageal presentations [61]. In20 adults with laryngitis, a three month open labeltrial of high dose omeprazole (60 mg/day) resulted insignificant improvement in laryngoscopic findings,including in all those patients who had a positivepharyngeal pH study. Symptoms of laryngitis andquality of voice as outcomes did not improve signifi-cantly [62]. In 90 of 100 children diagnosed withGERD based on the results of pH metry, the com-mon laryngeal abnormalities were erythema andedema of the posterior laryngeal mucosa, vocal nod-ules and granulomas. A significant improvement invoice quality and laryngeal status occurred in thosewith laryngeal abnormalities in response to 12 weeksof anti-reflux therapy [63]. Possible mechanisms un-derlying these associations are neural reflexes media-ted by intraesophageal acid, stimulation of laryngealchemoreceptors, aspiration, and direct acid related in-flammation [64]. Exacerbation of reflux possibly oc-curs as a consequence of negative intrapleural pressureand altered thoraco-abdominal pressures that allowacid to breach the anti-reflux barrier [65]. In a case-control study, neurologically normal children withGERD were found to be significantly more often af-fected by sinusitis, laryngitis, asthma, pneumonia, and

laryngeal chemoreflex causing respiratory pauses andlaryngospasm [54], but might also be due to prolon-gation of normal mechanoreceptor-induced glotticclosure [55], or to immaturity of pharyngo-esoph-ageal clearance functions.

OtolaryngologicGastroesophageal reflux has been associated with se-veral important otolaryngologic manifestations, includ-

Fig. 1. Intraluminal impedance and simultaneous pH probeand pneumogram illustrating non-acid reflux: retrograde eso-phageal bolus passage with sequential decrease of imped-ance over time at pH � 4. Temporal association with bodymovement and central breathing irregularity is apparent onthe oronasal and chest wall movement sensors. [Wenzl TG(2202) Investigating esophageal reflux with the intraluminalimpedance technique. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 34(3):261–268]


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bronchiectasis, but not by otitis media, than thosewithout GERD [66]. Esophageal clearance was sig-nificantly delayed in 89 children with chronic respira-tory symptoms when compared with those withprimarily gastrointestinal symptoms (n � 83) or mi-xed symptoms (n � 64) in a study determining theseverity of acid reflux by pH metry [67].

AsthmaAsthma and reflux commonly co-exist, but the contri-butions of each to the pathogenesis and symptoms ofthe other remain debatable, mainly due to differencesin the selection criteria of study participants, and out-come measures evaluated [68]. Adult asthmatics reportreflux symptoms more frequently than non-asthmatics,and experience more nocturnal awakening in relationto their late eating habits [69]. Children with asthmaexperience a high prevalence of reflux [70]–[72], butboth are common conditions and thus could be associ-ated by a chance in some children. One recent studydescribed a 75% prevalence of reflux in 36 asthmaticchildren; reflux episodes were more frequent in uprightversus supine positioning, but the overall reflux dura-tion was not significantly different between positions[73]. Nuclear scintigraphy, used to detect clinical corre-lation between reflux symptoms and asthma episodesin asthmatic children, revealed scintigraphic evidenceof reflux in 10 of 26 (38.5%) with GER symptoms,compared with 23 of 100 (23%) children without GERsymptoms, but did not provide support for a directcausal effect of reflux on asthma [74]. A randomizedcontrolled trial, rare in pediatric reflux-respiratory dis-ease literature, evaluated asthma outcome in 37 chil-dren (10–20 years old, mean 14 years), using ranitidinefor only four weeks as the intervention. A positive out-come was reported for nocturnal asthma symptoms butnot for pulmonary functions [75]. Proposed me-chanisms for reflux-induced asthma symptoms areacid-stimulated vagal nerve afferents triggering bron-chospasm, or aspiration of gastric contents.

Dental erosionsA limited number of studies have examined the role ofacid reflux in producing dental erosions in children[76], [77]. In 37 children evaluated for GERD, 20 ofthem were identified to have dental erosions, and all ofthem also had an endoscopic diagnosis of GERD [77].As in adults, dental erosions in association with acid

reflux affect the posterior dentition along the lingualsurfaces. Ingestion of acidic (juices) and caffeinatedbeverages, consumption of ascorbic acid, and poor oralhygiene are other contributory factors.

Sandifer’s syndromeSandifer’s syndrome is characterized by hyperextendedposturing involving the head, neck and upper torso.Originally the syndrome was thought to be a manifes-tation of reflux accompanied by hiatal herniation, butsubsequent reports have identified cases in childrenwithout a diagnosis of a hiatal hernia [78], [79]. Manyof these children are also diagnosed to have a neurolog-ical disorder. The majority of children with Sandifer’ssyndrome respond well to anti-reflux therapy.

Complicated GERD

The important esophageal complications of chronicreflux are strictures, Barrett’s esophagus, and adenocar-cinoma. Aggressive medical management, preferablywith proton pump inhibitors, and close follow-up,using tests to assess symptoms and severity of reflux,are warranted in complicated GERD. Surgical man-agement is contemplated in patients who remain un-responsive to medical therapy.

StricturesExposure of the esophagus to acid and perhaps topepsin is crucial to the pathogenesis of reflux stric-tures; hiatal hernia and esophageal dysmotility areother risk factors [80]. Reflux strictures are typicallylocated in the distal third of the esophagus, andshould be distinguished from congenital esophagealstenosis and other types of strictures: caustic (gene-rally more proximal), eosinophilic, postoperative/anastomotic, following radiation therapy or sclero-therapy, or (rarely in children) malignant. Esoph-ageal mucosal biopsies obtained below the stricturehelp to confirm the diagnosis of reflux esophagitisand exclude eosinophilic esophagitis, Barrett’sesophagus, or malignancy. Reflux strictures are trea-ted with a series of dilations in conjunction withpotent antireflux therapy [81]. Surgical resection orstrictureplasty are reserved for recalcitrant strictures[82].


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differentiating GERD from other diagnostic possi-bilities (Fig. 2a–c). It is performed as an outpatientprocedure, and is less cumbersome than a 24-hourpH metry. Histologic abnormalities may be presentin biopsies sampled from grossly normal esophagealmucosa. A review of endoscopic evaluation of refluxin 402 neurologically normal children, between 18months and 25 years of age and without congenitalesophageal disease, revealed erosive esophagitis inmore than one-third, strictures in 1 to 2%, and su-spected Barrett’s esophagus (but without histologicconfirmation) in nearly 3%.

HistologyA diagnostic upper endoscopy in children is almostalways supplemented by distal esophageal biopsies.Biopsies at two levels are important to demonstratedifferential eosinophilia in eosinophilic esophagitis.Histologic findings of reflux esophagitis are epithelialhyperplasia (the upper limit of normal basal layer thick-ness and papillary height in infants is 25% and 53%,respectively [89]), intraepithelial inflammation, vascu-lar dilatation in papillae, balloon cells, and ulceration(Fig. 3a–c) [90]. Due to the often superficial, fragmen-ted, and randomly oriented nature of biopsies in chil-dren, cellular inflammatory infiltrate may be the onlyrecognizable finding [91]. Neutrophils are seen in ab-out 20% or less of pediatric cases of reflux esophagitis,appearing in the most severe cases, and are hence not asensitive marker. Eosinophils are not normally presentin the epithelium of young children and can be indica-tors of GERD, but in concentrations greater than20/high-power field (hpf ) are likely to represent eosi-nophilic esophagitis, making them nonspecific forGERD. A few intraepithelial lymphocytes (“squigglecells”) are normally found, but � 6 squiggle cells/hpfindicate reflux esophagitis [90].

Esophageal pH-probe monitoringEsophageal pH monitoring (EpHM) is widely accep-ted as a safe and reliable method for detecting acid re-flux. Perhaps its greatest utilities are in clarifying therelationship between reflux and discrete respiratoryevents such as apnea (with pneumogram), in quanti-fying acid reflux in extraesophageal GERD, and inassessing the efficacy of antisecretory therapy. In a re-trospective analysis of children evaluated for GERD,EpHM detected reflux episodes at a higher rate com-

Barrett’s esophagusBarrett’s esophagus, a rare diagnosis in children, isknown to occur with long-standing acid exposure,and in association with cystic fibrosis, severe mentalretardation, and repaired esophageal atresia [83], [84].Genetic predispositions, prolonged duration of esoph-ageal acid exposure, more severe nocturnal symptoms,and a reduced sensitivity to acid are implicated in thecausation of Barrett’s esophagus. Normal esophagealsquamous epithelium is replaced by intestinal colum-nar metaplasia with goblet cells; the metaplasia is re-cognized in the distal esophagus as salmon-coloredtongues of tissue projecting proximally into the palerpink esophagus. Guidelines for screening and surveil-lance have been proposed to help identify patientswith Barrett’s esophagus who may progress to developdysplasia and adenocarcinoma [85].

AdenocarcinomaAdenocarcinoma is extremely rare in childhood, but itdoes occur and should be sought in those with Barrett’sesophagus. In an 11 year-old patient, the diagnosis ofBarrett’s esophagus was reported to progress to adeno-carcinoma [86]. The risk of developing esophageal ade-nocarcinoma increases with hiatal hernia size, Barrett’sesophagus length, and acid reflux severity.


The diagnosis of uncomplicated esophageal reflux isusually established on the basis of a good history, anda thorough examination, with attention to the child’sgrowth, nutritional, respiratory, neurological, and atop-ic status. A validated questionnaire has been develo-ped for symptom assessment in infants and translatedinto multiple languages; others designed specificallyfor older children are now in use in epidemiologicalstudies but must be further tested for reliability andvalidity [87], [88]. Complicated, unresponsive, andatypical presentations of GERD are indications forspecialized investigations such as those discussed inthe following section.

EndoscopyAn upper endoscopy, particularly when supplemen-ted by histology, is the most accurate method of de-monstrating esophageal damage by reflux, and for


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pared with barium examinations (83% versus 43%),and showed a lower false negative rate (7% versus48%) [92]. Its utility in infants and children may be lim-ited in the presence of structural upper airway or GIanomalies, and due to the buffering effect of non-acid-ic infant formula; probe placement, patient positio-ning, and dietary factors may contribute to day-to-dayvariability in pH-metry results [93]. Parents of chil-

dren undergoing pH studies also perceive changes intheir child’s feeding pattern and activities duringEpHM investigations, but the large majority regardedit as a well-tolerated test [94]. The utility of three dif-ferent formulas to calculate pH probe placement basedon patient height has been the subject of recent analy-ses [95], [96]. Fluoroscopy and, rarely in pediatrics,manometry are also used to verify probe positioning.

Fig. 2a–c. Endoscopic images from children with (a) a normalesophagus, (b) an esophagus with erosive reflux esophagitis, and(c) an esophagus affected by eosinophilic esophagitis. Eosino-philic esophagitis, distinct from GERD, often appears as in thisimage, with furrowing of the esophageal mucosa, and whitespecks on the surface resembling candidiasis


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Bravo pH capsule system in children with GERD,sparing the patient the discomfort of an indwellingtransnasal probe; this technique has the potential forhigher quality data acquisition than conventional pHmetry [105].

FluoroscopyFluoroscopic evaluation of swallowing and of theupper gastrointestinal tract is often important in theevaluation of the child presenting with obstructivegastrointestinal symptoms or chronic respiratorysymptoms. It may also disclose other diagnoses: py-loric stenosis, malrotation, achalasia, and strictures.It has a low sensitivity and specificity for diagnosingreflux and is only a brief snapshot of overall reflux[92]. Barium esophagography or specialized swallo-wing studies may be useful in identifying abnormali-ties of pharyngeal, laryngeal, or upper esophageal

Conventional pH metry normative data includes re-flux index (the percentage of time during a 24-hourday that the esophageal pH is �4), number of episo-des and number of episodes longer than five minutes.Scores have been developed to associate reflux withrespiratory disease, but are not widely used currently[97], [98]. Symptom association with reflux episodescomprises a frequently used function of EpHM [99],[100]. Dual pH monitoring, with the upper probe inupper esophagus, pharynx, or even the airways, is sug-gested as a potentially useful technique in patientswith reflux and airway symptoms, but the limited pe-diatric data are conflicting and warrant further valida-tion [101], [102]. The value of combining pH metrywith impedance to improve the diagnostic yield and toclarify the pathogenetic role of non-acid reflux is nowbeing explored in infants and children. [103], [104].An exciting development is the application of the

Fig. 3a–c. Biopsies of the esophagus from childrenwith (a) normal histology, (b) morphometric chang-es of reflux manifest in papillary lengthening and basal layer thickening, and (c) eosinophilicesophagitis. Extensive esophageal epithelial eo-sinophilia, as shown in this image (�20eos/hpf ),along with papillary elongation and basal layerhyperplasia, constitute the histological features ofeosinophilic esophagitis.


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function that may prompt aspiration during swallo-wing and during reflux.

Nuclear scintigraphyScintigraphy, also referred to as “a milk scan”, is gen-erally performed in infants and children suspected ofreflux to gather information regarding reflux-associated aspiration, and to quantify gastric empty-ing times. The study employs liquid (generally ininfants) or solid meals labeled with technetium 99m– for its short (6 hour) half-life and limited radiationburden. It offers the advantage of detecting non-acidreflux in the post-prandial period, but is technicallydemanding and restrictive for a child. Scintigraphyhas a sensitivity of 79% and specificity of 93%, whenpH metry is used to define reflux [106]–[108].

ImpedanceThe multiple intraluminal impedance technique is avaluable tool for diagnosing reflux, and its relationshipto respiratory events, particularly in infants, in whompost-prandial reflux is non-acidic (Fig. 1) [54]; it alsoevaluates esophageal clearance and swallowing. In anearly report of its use in infants, the sensitivity of impe-dance was 98.7%, compared with 18.9% for pH metryin identifying all reflux [109]. Despite time-consumingand visually complex analysis, impedance studies aregradually being applied to the evaluation of pediatricGERD, and its therapies [53], [104], [110].

Tests for reflux aspirationThe identification of lipid-laden macrophages intracheal aspirates is generally considered a usefulmarker for aspiration but lacks the sensitivity orspecificity for it to be considered a highly reliabletest [111], [112]. Scores are computed, based onthe number of lipid-laden macrophages in a givensample, and used to grade the probability of aspira-tion. Moderate to large number of macrophagesmay imply aspiration but does not differentiatebetween reflux- and swallow-related aspiration.Pepsin in tracheal aspirates, sputum, and saliva hasbeen proposed as a more reliable and specific testof reflux aspiration. A strong association has beenreported between positive tracheal pepsin assays inchildren with reflux or respiratory symptoms, parti-cularly in those with coexisting symptoms [113],[114].


Conservative anti-reflux therapyAspects of anti-reflux conservative therapy recommen-ded for adults may also be applied to older children andadolescents with GERD, but must be tailored to in-fants because of unique developmental and matura-tional factors.

For infants, who are mostly supine, the gastro-esophageal junction is constantly “under water,” andaccessible to reflux of gastric contents. Although proneposition has been shown to reduce reflux comparedwith supine or seated infant positions, support for in-stituting such measures has been less than enthusiasticdue to the link between prone position and sudden in-fant death syndrome. Efforts to minimize physicallyengaging and excitable situations in the post-prandialperiod may also help in reducing reflux, because of theincrease in regurgitant reflux promoted by abdominalcontractions [115]. Effective parental reassurance andtelephone conversations aimed at educating parents re-garding reflux go a long way in symptom resolution fora large number of infants [116]. Thickening of feeds isa first line anti-reflux therapy in infants [104], [117],[118]. Formula viscosity may be increased either by ad-ding rice cereal to feeds or by using commercially avail-able pre-thickened (with rice starch or locust beangum) anti-regurgitant formulas. This intervention re-duces regurgitation, decreases crying, and increasessleep time [118], [119]. Adding 15 mL rice cereal per30 ml of milk formula increases the caloric density by50% and may induce constipation. Pre thickened orhome thickened formulas are comparable in their anti-regurgitation efficacy, but the former may be better tol-erated [119]. Frequent and small volume feedings, aswell as lower osmolality feedings, have all been advoca-ted as beneficial to infants with reflux [120].

PharmacotherapyPharmacotherapeutic agents encompass anti-secretoryagents, antacids, barrier agents, and prokinetic agents(Table 1). Anti-secretory agents are the first line ofpharmacotherapy because they are most efficacious intreating acid related symptoms and complications ofreflux. Anti-secretory agents include histamine-2 re-ceptor antagonists (H2RAs) and proton pump inhibi-tors (PPIs). PPIs have assumed a significant positionin management of severe, complicated and extraesoph-


56 Chapter 4

in fasting and nocturnal reflux, despite their generallylower potency and tendency toward tachyphylaxis[123]. Most studies, at least in older children, havefound PPIs to be more efficacious in symptom reliefand healing of esophagitis compared with H2RAs,antacids, or barrier agents [121], [122]. The dailydoses of PPIs administered to children are higher on aweight basis than the standard adult dosages.

A failure to respond to optimal doses of PPIsshould raise considerations of incorrect diagnosis,improper administration (should be given just before

ageal reflux presentations, and have the potential forobviating the need for anti-reflux surgical procedures.Data on the efficacy, safety, tolerability, and dosage foromeprazole and lansoprazole in children are available[121], [122]. Important developments pertaining tothe subject include approval of PPIs for pediatric use,as well as the availability of new formulations of boththese drugs that are expected to simplify treatment op-tions and compliance. Further information on safetyand efficacy of H2RAs is also being gleaned in chil-dren, which may prove useful because of their efficacy

Table 1. Anti-reflux pharmacotherapy, oral dosages, and side-effects. AC � ante-cibum; PC � post-cibum; HS � hour of sleep


Metoclopramide 0.1 mg/kg/dose qid: AC, HS Drowsiness, restlessness, dystonia, gynecomastia,galactorrhea

Erythromycin 3–5 mg/kg/dose qid: AC, HS Diarrhea,vomiting, cramps, antibiotic effect, pyloric stenosisDomperidone Pediatric doses not defined Hyperprolactinemia, dry mouth, rash, headache, diarrhea,

nervousnessBethanechol 0.1–0.3 mg/kg/dose qid: AC, HS Hypotension, bronchospasm, salivation, cramps, blurred

vision, bradycarida

H2-receptor antagonists

Cimetidine 10–15 mg/kg/dose qid: AC, HS Headache, confusion, pancytopenia, gynecomastiaRanitidine 3–5 mg/kg/dose bid-tid: AC, HS Headache, rash, constipation, diarrhea, malaise, elevated

transaminases, dizziness, thrombocytopeniaFamotidine 0.5 mg/kg/dose bid: AC Headache, dizziness, constipation, nausea, diarrheaNizatidine Pediatric doses not defined Headache, dizziness, constipation, diarrhea nausea,

anemia, urticaria,

Proton pump inhibitors

Omeprazole 0.7–3.3 mg/kg/d, 1–2 div doses: AC Headache, rash, diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain,vitamin B 12 deficiency

Lansoprazole 15 mg/d ( � 30 kg); 30 mg/d Headache, diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea(�30 kg): AC

Pantoprazole Pediatric doses not defined Headache, diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, flatulenceRabeprazole Pediatric doses not defined Headache, diarrhea, abdominal pain, nauseaEsomeprazole Pediatric doses not defined Headache, diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain, flatulence, dry

mouth, constipation

Barrier agents

Sucralfate 40–80 mg/kg/d qid: AC, HS Vertigo, constipation, dry mouth, aluminum toxicity,decreases absorption of concurrently administered drugs

Sodium alginate 0.2–0.5 mL/kg/dose 3–8 times/d PC Same as antacids


1 mL/kg/dose, 3–8 times/d Constipation, seizures, osteomalacia, hypophosphatemia (AI),diarrhea (Mg), fluid retention (Na), milk-alkali syndrome (Ca)


Khan S and Orenstein SR 57

a meal and not in the presence of antacids orH2RAs), or genetic variation in hepatic cytochromeP-450-2C19, which results in more rapid metabo-lism of PPIs. For children unable to swallow PPIcapsules, granules can be administered orally in aweakly acidic material such as apple juice or yogurt,or in a solution of sodium bicarbonate for adminis-tration through jejunal tubes.

Antacids neutralize already-secreted acid, mustbe given in relatively large doses to compare withanti-secretory therapies, and convey potential sideeffects. Nonetheless, their immediate neutralizationof refluxed acid may be useful for occasional instan-taneous relief, and thus also as a rapid diagnostic testfor the cause of pain.

Sucralfate is the most widely used barrier agent,and acts by forming a complex with the base of ulcersor erosions. Its main use is in erosive and ulcerativeesophagitis.

Prokinetic agents have theoretical benefit in reflux,particularly in young children, but their use has beenlimited due to lack of objective demonstration of benefit,and due to concerns about serious side effects and toxic-ity. Bethanechol, a non-selective cholinergic agonist, iswithout clear benefit and is currently rarely used. Meto-clopramide is a dopamine-2 receptor antagonist, 5-HT3antagonist, 5-HT4 agonist, and a slightly anticholinergicagent that acts by increasing the LES pressure and im-proving gastric emptying. It has a narrow therapeuticrange; extrapyramidal side effects and drowsiness are themost common side effects [124]. Domperidone is a pe-ripheral dopamine-D2 receptor antagonist that has atherapeutic potential for improving gastric emptying andesophageal motility, but clinical efficacy data are lacking[125]. A small number of studies investigating the ef-fects of erythromycin in children with gastroparesis sup-port a role for erythromycin as a prokinetic agent, but ithas not been studied in children with reflux [126]. Itexerts its prokinetic effects at low doses by direct activa-tion of gastric motilin receptors on cholinergic neurons.Higher doses of erythromycin may stimulate the alter-native pathway, activating the muscular motilin receptors,and producing prolonged, non-propagated antral con-tractions which will not improve gastric emptying.Potentially serious side effects are rare with low doseerythromycin; emergence of antimicrobial resistance hasnot been studied [126]. Cisapride is now generally un-available for use in United States. A new motilin recep-

tor agonist without antibacterial activity, ABT-229, wasshown in a placebo controlled study to significantly re-duce mean percentage of time esophageal pH was lessthan 4, but did not change the results of the esophagealmanometry and gastric emptying studies [127].

The potential beneficial effects of baclofen, aGABA type-B receptor agonist, are attributed to itsreducing the frequency of reflux episodes by its re-duction of TLESRs. Pediatric experience with baclo-fen in neurologically impaired children was recentlyreported; administration of baclofen orally or via fee-ding tube three times daily for one week significantlyreduced the frequency of emesis, as well as the pHparameters of total number of reflux episodes, andepisodes longer than five minutes. However, baclofendid not positively impact the reflux index [128].

Anti-reflux surgeryFundoplication remains an important, and perhaps themost definitive, technique for eliminating reflux. Themost common indications for performing this surgeryin children are GERD refractory to pharmacotherapyand life threatening respiratory complications associatedwith reflux, such as aspiration. [129]–[131]. The exactrole of fundoplication in extraesophageal GERD and inthose children with chronic lung diseases is unclear[130]. Symptoms and signs suggestive of reflux maypersist or recur after surgery, and may prompt resump-tion of pharmacotherapy, despite lack of documentationof reflux. In a two-year post fundoplication follow-up of176 children (two-thirds of whom also had other medi-cal disorders, including neurodevelopmental delay,asthma, and cystic fibrosis), two thirds reported reflux-like symptoms necessitating therapy [132].

Laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication is being incre-asingly performed in infants and children. Reports citeit as well-tolerated, and associated with favorable earlyand late outcomes [133]–[135]. Forty-eight childrenwith reflux and symptoms of airway disease had no re-currence of reflux during a one year follow-up post-procedure, and the overwhelming majority of parentsperceived the outcome as positive [135]. During amedian follow-up of three years after laparoscopicfundoplication in 38 children, 66% were completelyasymptomatic and 26% were improved. In comparisonwith the open surgical technique, children undergoinglaparoscopic Nissen fundoplication have a shorterhospital stay and a lower complication rate [136]. The


58 Chapter 4


Gastroesophageal reflux is the most common esoph-ageal disorder in children, and is responsible forheterogeneous presentations ranging from effortlessregurgitation in “happy spitters” to complex esopha-geal and extra-esophageal GERD. The frequencyand noxiousness of refluxate in proportion to the var-ious esophageal defense mechanisms, and genetic,physiological and environmental influences ultimatelydetermine the pathogenicity and complications ofthe disorder. While most children may be confi-dently diagnosed solely on the basis of a detailedhistory followed by appropriate response to therapy,diagnostic tools may be useful to clarify the role ofreflux in extra-esophageal, and complicated GERD.Prompt identification and intervention for GERD inchildren is crucial to the prevention of strictures,Barrett’s esophagus and adenocarcinoma that are as-sociated with long-standing reflux exposure. Thefirst line of anti-reflux therapy in children is conser-vative therapy emphasizing thickened feeds, smallervolume meals, proper positioning, and eliminationof smoke exposure. Proton pump inhibitor therapyhas an established role in the management of thosewith GERD sequelae, and as empiric therapy inthose with extra-esophageal GERD. Fundoplication,reserved for children who are refractory to pharma-cotherapy, is being performed successfully; results oflaparoscopic surgery in children are favorable withrespect to shorter hospital stay, and lower complica-tion rate than open fundoplication.


[1] Ashorn M (2003) Gastrointestinal diseases in thepaediatric age groups in Europe: epidemiology andimpact on healthcare. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 18(Suppl 3): 80–83

[2] Vandenplas Y, Goyvaerts H, Helven R (1991) Gastro-esophageal relfux, as measured by 24-hour pH-monitor-ing, in 509 healthy infants screened for sudden infantdeath syndrome. Pediatrics 88: 834–840

[3] Colletti RB, Di Lorenzo C (2003) Overview of pe-diatric gastroesophageal reflux disease and protonpump inhibitor therapy. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr37 (Suppl 1): S7–S11

rate of complications in children with and withoutneurological diseases is reported as 2 and 3.4% in dif-ferent studies [137], [138]. In one center’s experience,almost all of the complications occurred in the first50% of the cases, underscoring the effects of the lear-ning curve and improved techniques [137].

Esophagogastric separation was performed withfavorable results in 10 neurologically impaired childrenwho had failed previous fundoplication; further expe-rience and long-term outcomes with this techniqueare desirable [139]. Robotic laparoscopic anti-refluxsurgery has also been added to the surgical armamen-tarium, but it has only been performed in a smallnumber of children. The early reports are encouraging,provided instruments appropriate for pediatric casesare made available [140].

Endoscopic treatmentEndoscopic therapies against GERD that have beenstudied in adults include radiofrequency ablation, ga-stroplication, and injection of inert biopolymers. Expe-rience with these techniques in children is limited.

Radiofrequency ablation procedure is a novelanti-reflux treatment strategy. A single published pe-diatric report describes 6 older children with an ave-rage age of 18 years, of whom five were asymptomaticat a three month follow-up; at six months follow-upmean GERD symptom scores were significantly bet-ter than before the procedure [141]. Endoluminalgastroplication and suturing in adults are reported toimprove reflux index and symptom scores. A recentstudy of children (median age 12.4 years) with re-fractory GERD undergoing gastroplication reporteda significant improvement in symptoms and qualityof life scores [142]. At follow-up, 33 months later,82% remained off anti-reflux medications, and at oneyear, six of nine patients had improved pH param-eters including reflux index on a pH study. This pro-cedure may be complicated by suture perforation,mucosal tear, and bleeding [143]. Early experiencewith the injection of a biochemically inert and bioab-sorable polymer into the muscle of the gastric cardiais encouraging. Further data regarding the efficacyand safety of these three techniques in large con-trolled studies involving adults are needed beforeexploration of the precise role and clinical applicationof these endoluminal therapies can be defined incarefully selected pediatric GERD patients [143].


Khan S and Orenstein SR 59

[4] Costa AJ, Silva GA, Gouveia PA et al (2004) Preva-lence of pathologic gastroesophageal reflux in regur-gitant infants. J Pediatr (Rio J) 80: 291–295

[5] Nelson SP, Chen EH, Syniar GM et al (2000) Preva-lence of symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux duringchildhood: a pediatric practice-based survey. PediatricPractice Research Group. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med154: 150–154

[6] Fuloria M, Hiatt D, Dillard RG et al (2000) Gas-troesophageal reflux in very low birth weight infants:association with chronic lung disease and outcomesthrough 1 year of age. J Perinatol 20: 235–239

[7] Nelson SP, Chen EH, Syniar GM et al (1998) One-year follow-up of symptoms of gastroesophageal refluxduring infancy. Pediatric Practice Research Group.Pediatrics 102: E67

[8] Martin AJ, Pratt N, Kennedy JD et al (2002) Naturalhistory and familial relationships of infant spilling to9 years of age. Pediatrics 109: 1061–1067

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[13] Waring JP, Feiler MJ, Hunter JG et al (2002) Child-hood gastroesophageal reflux symptoms in adult pa-tients. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 35: 334–338

[14] El-Serag HB, Gilger M, Carter J et al (2004) Child-hood GERD is a risk factor for GERD in adolescentsand young adults. Am J Gastroenterol 99: 806–812

[15] Hu FZ, Preston RA, Post JC et al (2000) Mappingof a gene for severe pediatric gastroesophageal refluxto chromosome 13q14. JAMA 284: 325–334

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[19] Omari TI, Barnett CP, Benninga MA et al (2002)Mechanisms of gastro-oesophageal reflux in pretermand term infants with reflux disease. Gut 51: 475–479

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