Download - Garlic - Toxic & a Brain Synchronization Destroyer

  • 8/16/2019 Garlic - Toxic & a Brain Synchronization Destroyer


    Garlic - Toxic & A Brain Synchronization Destroyero an ECG of the brain to see it totally desynchronizes the brain & causes the loss of our mind, we exist as hum

    ot slaves to the systems that control us.

    Garlic repulses those who eats it for hours making people act stupid slow & simple ... this hard for most to grasp

    n ECG & see ... reading this article you may feel amazed that it cleans the blood but also destroys the mind

    ynchronization of the two hemispheres. Once finding out the neuro poison qualities it makes sense when you e

    what happens to you! One, you smell & repulsive to others.

    makes one of the best organic insect killer too, the reason no bug eats members of the garlic or onion families,

    lls them.

    Garlic’s toxin, the sulphone hydroxyl ion penetrates the blood brain barrier, just like DMSO, & the poisons high

    nctioning of brain cells. This got discovered by the world's largest manufacturer of ethical EEG biofeedback

    quipment. People coming back from lunch looked clinically dead on the encephalograph, when calibrating them

    What happened?" "I went to an Italian restaurant & eat some garlic in the salad dressing!"

    They signed things that they won't touch garlic before or it wasted time, & money. Pilots or people having atten

    ight tests in engineering in Doc Hallan's group in the 1950's recall. They came around & remind us: "Don't tou

    ny garlic 72 hours before you fly one of our airplanes, because it doubles or triples reaction time. Making pilots

    ree times slower than if not having garlic."

    Not knowing until 20 years later, owning Alpha-Metrics. Building biofeedback equipment, found garlic

    esynchronizes brain waves. So funding a study at Stanford & they found it a poison. Rub a clove of garlic on th

    ole of your foot & you smell it on your wrists. It penetrates the body. This is why DMSO smells of garlic: sulphydroxyl ion penetrates the barriers including the corpus callosum in the brain. Organic gardeners know that if n

    sing DDT, garlic kills insects. Most people have heard in life that garlic helps you, & those people get placed in

    ategory of ignorance of that of mothers who bought morphine sulphate at the drugstore to give to babies to put

    sleep. Patients who have low-grade headaches or attention deficit disorder, not able to focus on the computer,

    n experiment. Take them off garlic & see how much better they get, soon after. Then feed them a little garlic at

    ree weeks. They say: "Oh my, I had no idea that this was the cause of the problems." This information very

    npopular, but true.

    Beck also found in his research on human brain function in the 1980's garlic’s detrimental effect on the brain &

    searching further learned yoga groups & philosophical teachings caution against the use of garlic & onions as

    terfere with meditation practices. Aware individuals have describe brain fog experienced after garlic.

    he Harmful Effects of GarlicGarlic toxic to humans because its sulphone hydroxyl ions penetrate the blood-brain barrier & poison brain cell

    he Garlic family of plants widely recognized to harm dogs.

    the 1950s garlic reduced reaction time by two to three times when consumed by pilots taking flight tests becau

    e toxic effects of garlic desynchronizing brain waves.

    Taoists realized thousands of years ago, plants of the alliaceous family did detrimental stuff to humans. Labelin

    nions, garlic, leeks, chives & spring onions as the 'five spicy-scented plants.' Noticing that onions harm the lun

    arlic the heart, leeks the spleen, chives the liver & spring onions the kidneys.

    Hindus also avoid them, calling them the 'five pungent plants.' As well as producing offensive breath & body od

    ey induce aggravation, agitation, anxiety & aggression. Thus they harm physically, emotionally, & mentally.

    Even garlic getting used within food in China’s culture gets considered to harm the stomach, liver & eyes, & cazziness as well & scattered energy when consuming a immoderate amount. Garlic not always seen as having

    ntirely beneficial properties in Western cooking & medicine either. Health care professionals accept that, as so-

    alled killing harmful bacteria, garlic also destroys beneficial bacteria, which we require for proper digestive sys

    nction. Ken Bergeron, in Vegetarian Cooking writes: "garlic in the raw state can carry harmful (potentially fa

    otulism bacteria." It is with an awareness of this that the Roman poet Horace wrote of garlic that it is "more

    armful than hemlock."

    n practice garlic & onions exist as toxic substances getting expelled from a person's system as well as tobacco

    cohol & pharmaceutical medications. Making it apparent that alliaceous plants negatively affect the human bo

    et avoided with an added bonus of additional health benefits. Homeopathy comes to this conclusion when

    cognizing that red onion produces a dry cough, watery eyes, sneezing, runny nose & other familiar cold-relate

    ymptoms when consumed.