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PowerPoint Presentation

Gardner's Multiple

Presentation By:
Casey King

Dr Howard Gardner, a psychologist and professor at Harvard University, introduced his theory of multiple intelligences in 1983. His theory proposed that intelligence can be better understood through a new approach, multiple intelligences (MI). This differs from the traditional approach of understanding intelligence in that he proposes the question, How are you smart? versus the usual way of thinking, How smart are you? Dr Gardner's approach theorized eight (or possibly more) specific kinds of intelligence. Each of the kinds are considered to be individual, although they all work together to form any type of activity. Sometimes a person will use just a couple or a few, while other times, he may use several of them. Dr Gardner suggests that people all use the same eight components, but the amount at which a person uses each varies for each individual, as unique as a person's thumbprint.

Musical Intelligence
> Skills in tasks involving music> The capacity to hear, recognize, and sometimes manipulate patterns> Expression & talent through music

Exemplified Careers:

musicians, singers, composers, acoustic engineers, voice coaches

Bodily/Kinesthetic Intelligence> Skills in using one's whole body or parts of their body to solve problems, portray stories, entertain, construct products, or displays> The ability to use movement through the body effectively> Expression through movement

Exemplified Careers
dancers, actors, athletes, soldiers, emergency responders, surgeons, farmers, chefs

Logical/Mathematical Intelligence> Skills in scientific and mathematical problem solving> Ability to understand and analyze the complexity of problems and theories of math and science

Exemplified Careers

scientists, engineers, analysts, technical supporters, researchers, statisticians, traders, bankers, negotiators, directors

Linguistic Intelligence> Skills involved in production and use of languages> Ability to effectively use and understand others by way of words, vital in communication

Exemplified Careers

authors, poets, editors, PR consultants, TV and radio personalities, voice-over artists, journalists, public speakers, English teachers

Spatial/Visual Intelligence> Skills involving spatial configurations> Capacity to navigate a large area or completeness of subjects

Exemplified Careers

artists, designers, architects, photographers, sculptors, sailors, vessel captains, visionaries,inventors, engineers

This video is amazing. It actually shows validity toward Gardner's theory of individual intelligence parts. In this case, this autistic man has an amazing gift for spatial intelligence, even though other parts of the eight may not be as prevalent.

Interpersonal Intelligence> Skills in people interaction> Ability to sustain sensitivity to others and their emotions, concerns, gestures, dispositions> Excels at communication

Exemplified Careers

politicians, healthcare providers, human resources, counselors, police officers, educators, customer service, receptionists

Intrapersonal Intelligence> Skills in being knowledgeable of oneself> Ability to know one's feelings, emotions, strengths and weaknesses alike, interests, character, morals, ethics

Exemplified Careers

self employment, law branches and politicians, religious workers and leaders, self-esteem trainers, home employment opportunities, yoga instructors, historians

Naturalist Intelligence> Skills in identifying and classifying our surrounding world> Ability to identify, classify, and distinguish patterns and organisms in nature

Exemplified Careers
environmental scientists, botanists, zoologists, veterinarians, farmers, florists, food science, astronomers, meteorologists

This is a small list compiled of great apps for smart phones that actually aid in advancing an individual's interest and intelligence-related talent.

As mentioned earlier, Dr Gardner also suggests that there may possibly be even more kinds of intelligence. He did propose a ninth type, although because it is till relatively new, not too much is known about it yet.

Existential Intelligence> Skills in questioning and analyzing the people, ideals, and the world that all somehow interconnects> Ability to observe humanistic thought patterns, interactions, and intuition and can see the 'whole picture' of an event, or situation> Often questions the reason for being alive, birth, death, and simply general existence

Exemplified Careers

theologians, philosophers, life coaches, life counselors, educators, some religious groups and leaders

The following is an insert from an article posted HERE. This insert states the controversy behind Gardner's theory.

Limitations and Criticisms of Multiple Intelligences Theory

While the idea of multiple intelligences seems intuitively attractive, a key criticism is that no valid measurement tool is available. This has made MI difficult to prove. It is therefore accused of being ambiguous and subjective, instead of objective. To further complicate the issue, proposed assessments are complex and expensive to design.Some people believe that the eight intelligences are not necessarily distinct, but that they're simply subsets of a general intelligence (often known as "g") although the existence of general intelligence is, itself, the subject of controversy. Some also argue that Gardner's intelligences are better understood as cognitive styles, or ways of thinking, rather than distinct types of intelligence.

This is a video about a special school that allows children to explore the kind of intelligence that they show the most interest and talent. It is very interesting and the kids already 'seem' to be noticeably advanced for their age and stage of education.

SourcesInformation:Psychsmart Textbook, McGraw-Hill



Pictures:Google search "Multiple Intelligences"