Download - Gardening in Germantown Provides Better Nutrition by Rob Smith


Gardening in Germantown

Provides Better Nutrition

by Rob Smith

January, 2011

April, 2011

Solar powered well water, March, 2011

April, 2011

April, 2011

Co-Clerks of the OTCF Garden Committee, 2011-2012

Leann Catherine

April, 2011

June, 2011

Shed, solar panel, water storage, composterSummer, 2011

Plan for 2012: 48 garden plots


Some of the vegetables grown at OTCF, summer 2012

Essential Nutrients Provided by Vegetables

Nutrient How many of Sources us are Deficient


Vitamin A 20% yellow, green, red vegetablesVitamin C 99% green, red vegetables, peppersB vitamins 30% leafy green vegetables, beansVitamin B12 60% Nutritional yeast, meat, supplementsVitamin E 50% vegetables, seeds, beans, whole grainsCalcium 30% leafy green vegetables, beans, dairyMagnesium 80% leafy green vegetables, beans, whole grainsOmega-3 fats 60% walnuts, flax seed oil, vegetables

Vegetables are good for providing nutrients, but most people need to take supplements to keep healthy, especially as they age.

Preparations for new plots, Jan 2012