Download - Game assignment #3

  • 1. HAPPY BALLSa game of chance A Golf Ball, Drum &Surprise ReactionCreativity Class assignment # 3

2. Happy Balls WHY Happy Balls? I live on a golf course and weekly golf balls land in my front yard. Ive been collecting them over the past4 years. In the mean time my oldest son went to Central America to study. He brought me a small drum from Costa Ricothat has been sitting on the living room bookcase since. As I prepared for this assignment I strolled thru the house decidingwhat to do with 2 household items. I spied the gold balls in a large wooden bowl and the nearby drum. So the idea struck throw the golf balls at the drum the birth of Happy Balls game. 2 player + 1 dog Needed: 15 Lost/found golf balls 1 Costa Rico drum Leather chair Set-UpGet basket of lost golf balls. Set costa rico drum in middle of living room. Sit in leather chair about 8 feet from drum. Throw balls to hit middle of drum. GoalHit 10 golf balls in middle of drum within 15 seconds. When succeed move the drum 10 feet and repete ball tosss. First player to get to 30 points wins. Surprise elementNick my dog was watching me throw the balls and as they hit the drum and flew off across the room he began chasing them and picked them up in his mouth. He brought them back and placed them on the other leather chair. The game became more interesting to see how fast he could get the balls and put them in the chair. 3. Needed Basket of collected golf balls. 4. 2nd item neededCosta Rico hand made drum 5. Surprise element ball happy dog 6. Action 7. Nick the dog joins in the game 8. The winner! Nick collected 22 or 30balls.