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  • 1. Closing the loop

2. Inclusiveness and Participation Government communication should encourage citizen participation in policy making, attract public interest in government work, and enable direct communication between government and citizens. Government communication should promote open governance and open public administration and institutions. An important role of government communicators is to provide channels for the public to influence policy making processes. Government communication should engage citizens actively in the work of their government, and act towards ensuring citizens satisfaction with their involvement by providing, among other things: feedback on the outcomes of citizens participation, promotion of results achieved through collaboration, and advocacy for continued cooperation between government and citizens. The Budva declaration 3. Source: Mike Bracken, UK Cabinet Office, 4. Where does policy design start? 5. Author:MaciejDakovick The expert? 6. Engaging the non-contractible You often dont know where they are You dont know how good they are Many will never want to work for you because you are: a) too boring b) too callous c) too unrewarding or d) too irrelevant (or a combination of all above!) Adapted from Clarissa Baldwin, Harvard 7. Source: Mike Bracken, UK Cabinet Office, 8. our_energy_bill.html 9. Smart cities or smart citizens? 10. 11. Policy 1.0 = [P + 1s] Policy 2.0 = [P] (x)s 12. The pretotyping manifesto innovators beat ideas pretotypes beat productypes building beats talking simplicity beats features now beats later commitment beats committees data beats opinions Source: 13. Break out groups 1) What examples do you have of 2-way government in your country? What works well? What are the challenges? 2) From theory to action: what concrete interventions can you take (e.g. small scale experiment) to foster 2-way government in your country?