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Fabrice Vanegas Letters from students Smart doc - click on any heading to jump to section

Mohamed Multhazim 1 Currently: University of Toronto Previously: Pan Asia International School Sharina Navani 2 Currently: choosing between four full scholarships Previously: Pan Asia International School Heysem Askan 4 Currently: Yalova University Previously: Pan Asia International School Anas Aktar Ali 5 Currently: Rock Valley College Previously: Pan Asia International School Sara Al Salhi 6 Currently: King’s University College Previously: Pan Asia International School

The right man for the job…look no further.

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To  Whom  It  May  Concern:  

    I  am  Heysem  Askan,  a  Law  student  at  Yalova  University  in  Turkey.  I  have  met  Mr.  

Fabrice  since  grade  9  in  high  school  at  Pan-­‐Asia  International  School.  He  was  our  

homeroom  teacher,  on  the  previous  years  he  became  our  history  teacher  then  our  

business  teacher  and  finally  he  was  our  Theory  of  Knowledge  teacher.  As  you  can  see  

that  the  subjects  he  thought  were  not  the  most  fun  and  exciting  subjects  in  the  

curriculum  but  he  always  had  a  way  of  making  those  subjects  interesting  so  that  people  

actually  paid  attention  and  put  effort  in  his  classes,  he  taught  it  “differently”,  he  made  

sure  everyone  was  involved  in  the  subject  by  asking  us  to  make  movies,  presentations,  

postcards  and  etc…  

Mr.  Fabrice  had  a  different  point  of  view  for  teaching,  not  only  he  taught  the  

subject  but  he  also  taught  the  students  on  how  to  work  as  a  team  and  how  to  deal  with  

people  in  real  life.  In  business  lessons  he  took  care  that  the  examples  that  were  used  

were  from  real  life  situations,  he  made  sure  we  were  prepared  for  the  real  life.  He  

thought  us  how  to  discuss  any  subject  without  disrespecting  each  other.    

He  cared  for  us  individually  very  carefully  and  followed  up  with  each  and  every  

one  of  us  during  our  university  entrance  time.  He  really  is  a  great  professional  with  a  

habit  of  doing  things  differently  and  more  creatively  then  the  rest  of  the  people.  I  am  

sure  he  will  be  a  great  addition  to  your  team.    


If  you  need  to  contact  this  is  my  e-­‐mail:  [email protected]    


  Heysem  Askan        


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To Whom It May Concern:

The first time I got my grade in 9th grade, after having the School’s newest teacher and seeing my comment; I got scared. The reason was because the teacher not just praised about me, but pointed out a specific problem I was having in class. Hence, I studied in a different cultural school; no one was able to identify it. However, my teacher saw my attitude against the opposite gender was rough. That day and today, I have learned to understand and know that I do have some weaknesses and I have to deal with them to get around in the world. Mr.Fabrice Vanegas is not only my business teacher, theory of knowledge teacher, and history teacher. He was and is my mentor. I have learned a lot and have faced a lot of difficult times. I had to specific moments in my life I could not deal with and Mr. Fabrice pushed me. I did not like it much because it was beyond my comfort zone. The reason I am stating these things is that, it is extremely rare to find a teacher like this in society today, where they would go beyond the capabilities of just being and educator at school and spending there summer vacation and a few weekends and holidays organizing workshops to help the students in the school to have a better and bright future. Mr. Fabrice, is a person who would find a way if there is no solution to a problem. Which truly is how an entrepreneur would go as about their investment.

I can write pages about describing would Mr. Fabrice has done to help me become a successful student and just not a student but a better person in general. Mr. Fabrice, just does not look at students as people just come and go, but he takes interest and makes an investment on each student, no matter if he has to go beyond his capabilities. A finial example is a couple of my classmates did not have much interest in learning. However, the techniques Mr. Fabrice used in class, through media and advanced technology. A lot of students including myself were able to discover the creativity in them and are pursuing in the media industry. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me. I believe Mr. Fabrice is a great person and will be a great team member.

Regards,Anas A [email protected]: (847) 532-3269

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April 8, 2015

To Whom It May Concern:

It is my pleasure to write this letter of recommendation for Mr. Fabrice Vanegas. He had

been my High School business teacher since grade 9 until grade 12, and also my

homeroom teacher in grade 9 and grade 10. I can state with confidence that he is a

responsible, motivated, and generous person. As such, he will be a very positive addition

to your institution.

Mr. Fabrice always involved his students to explore new experiences, and also in many

extra-curricular activities. It gave me as a student to experience a great opportunity, such

as taking part an event with UNESCO. His uniqueness and effort towards his work is

excellent. He really opened me to the new concept of learning that it will be benefit for

my future such as using technologies these days by creating our own movies and music

videos to learn business. Not only teaching us, but he also concerned about his students

and he is always been there for us. He is willing to help his students in every way to make

his students success, and I admired him for it, because not many teachers will care about

the students individually and willing to help us all the time.

His role requires strong communication skills, and he has shown that he not only has

these skills, but that he also has the ability to cooperate with other teachers and the staffs

in the school. Based on my observation, I can see his enthusiasm on this job. Therefore, I

recommend him to your institution. I sincerely hope that you give his application

favorable consideration. If you need any further information about Mr. Fabrice Vanegas,

please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected].


Sara Al-Salhi