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Page 1: Future tense

FUTURE TENSELeladze Ekaterina, Dashinova Ekaterina; LB1-11-40

Page 2: Future tense

Future Simple(Indefinite)

Formation: will/shall+V1

Affirmative form

Question Negative form

We will/shall (‘ll) work.

Will/Shall we work?

We will not(won’t)/shall not(shan’t) bring.

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Future Simple(Indefinite) Characteristic words and phrases:

the day after tomorrow;

one of this days;

next week(month, year);

in the (near) future;

in a month(year);

soon; some day; in fifty years’

time; in 2050; tomorrow.

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Future Simple(Indefinite) Usage:

Promises I promise I will buy you this toy.

Habits He will always make noise when we are sleeping.

Unplanned (spontaneous) decisions

Don't worry! I will help you with this problem.

Predictions It will get more difficult.

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Future Simple(Indefinite) Usage:

Single action which will be made in the future

He’ll be back in two months.

Repeating actions in the future

I will phone you every day.

Action which will occur during any time in the future

I shall be busy all morning.

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Future Progressive(Continuous)

Formation: will/shall + to be +V4

Affirmative form

Question Negative form

We will/shall(‘ll) be going.

Will/Shall we be doing

We will not/ shall not be going.

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Future Progressive(Continuous)Characteristic words and phrases:

when I see him…;

at 10 o’clock; soon; the whole

day(month, year);

at that moment; all day long; the whole


from five till eight;

this time next year;

two days from now;


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Future Progressive(Continuous) Usage:

Future actions in progress

In an hour, I will be sitting in front of my TV.

Guesses He won't be coming any time soon. He is still at the office.

Questions Will you be coming home before or after 10 PM?

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Future Progressive(Continuous) Usage:

The action will be going on when another future action happens

When you come to the library, I'll be sitting by the central window.

The action at a specified point of time in the future.

He'll be sleeping at two tomorrow.

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Future Perfect

Formation: will/shall + to have+V3

Affirmative form

Question Negative form

We will/shall (‘ll) have come.

Will/Shall we have come?

We will not/shall not have come.

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Future Perfect. Characteristic words and phrases:

by then; by that time; by Sunday; by the end of

the year; by winter; by 9 o’clock.

by; by tomorrow; before; until/till, by

then; when (in the

meaning "by the time")

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Future Perfect. Usage:

Completion before a specified point in the future

Before they come, we will have cleaned up the house.

Actions or situations that will last in the future (for a specified time)

By the next year, I will have known Monica for 30 years.

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Future Perfect. Usage:

Certainty that an action was completed

The guests will have arrived at the hotel by now. (I'm sure the guests have arrived at the hotel)

What we are talking about a future time, may be determined not by direct instructions, and the situation or context.

Half a year! Everyone will have forgotten me!

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Future Perfect Progressive(Continuous)

Formation: will/shall+have been+V4

Affirmative form

Question Negative form

We will/shall have been running

Will/Shall we have been running?

We will not/shall not have been running.

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Future Perfect Progressive(Continuous) Characteristic words and phrases:

by 9 o’clock; by the time; by next

winter; for a week

(month, year); by the end of

the year.

for a long time;

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Future Perfect Progressive(Continuous) Usage:

Action which began in the past or will begin till any moment in the future and will be still in process of development up to this moment

He will have been working in this bank for thirty years next week.

Cause of a future situation We will be making a rest stop in half an hour, because you will have been driving the car for 6 hours by then.

Duration at a definite moment in the future

Before they come, we will have been cleaning the house for 5 hours.

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No future tense is used in subordinate clauses of time and condition. Use the Simple Present instead of the Simple Future.

The Present Simple is used for future actions according to schedule / timetable instead of the Future Simple

The Future Perfect and the Future Perfect Continuous are rarely used in speech. They used mostly in writing, for example, in formal correspondence and scientific literature.

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Угарова Елена «Все времена английских глаголов» (compact directory of English verbs); Moscow, “Iriss

Press”, 2008, 96 pages) (Russian sites devoted to studying of English) (American site for learning English tenses)