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Further Notes On 'Lifting The Veil'

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This photo was one of the earlier ones taken before narrowing to mainly feldspar.Important to these notes; especially the elestial smokey quartz on the far left, a.k.a. 'candle

quartz'. To the right, a Himalayan Quartz cluster, the Amethyst Cacoxenite goddessalready displayed, the Tibetan scepter, and far bottom left is an Indigo Aura Quartz; far

bottom right is Opal, above is Aqua Aura, to the left is an Axinite chip, and far upper rightis a Lepidolite chunk with a deep Amethyst point beside, These not pictured before.

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The Opal.You don't have to get all the same things, by any means.

This should offer an idea of how to start setting up and some implements to begin to workwith gradually more and more with dedication.

Whatever it is you decide to add in or leave out, be true to yourself and listen to your souland the spirits you know most.

888 as palaces of Nuada (Neith's masculine consort here)/Neptune777 as Orchids of Asteria/Uranus999 Cerridwen's Cauldron stirs and conjoins/Pluto

Associating the planets this way is just helpful - not lawful or doctrine set in stone.

The Planets, along with the modern zodiac, I had never transfixed to the Spheire of the Vortex, till very recently.That must seem strange...

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The 7th Spheire

The 8th Spheire's aspects in the core of 7 – includes another that is a bridge connected to the 9th...

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The Bridge, it is really the 3rd motion of the 8th Spheire, technically.

Finally, the 9th Spheire, as looking down into the core of the 8th where all extensions are complete.

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Unfortunately, it seems like teasing a little, but the preview is worth it and will draw a more clear resolution in things just gone over and things to come, so is a worthwhile opportunity.

Gwion's tale with Cerridwen and Her Cauldron, if you are not familiar.It echoes strongly a whole new perception on Sophia and the Lion-Serpent/Demiurge.

Cerridwen, the Celtic Goddess of Witchcraft and the Underworld, lived on an island in the middle of Lake Tegid with her two children. Her daughter, who she named Creidwy, was a truly beautiful child; while her son, who was known as Afagdu was, perhaps, the ugliest child to ever grace the face of this Earth.

Like any other loving and caring mother Cerridwen wanted only the best for her children. It was obvious that Creidwy would do well in life. Unfortunately, however, Cerridwen knew all too well that Afagdu’s looks would only act as a detriment. So, in order to counter her son’s physical appearence, Cerridwen began to brew a magickal formula which would give him all the knowledge, wisdom and prophecy in the world, making him the most brilliant and inspired of men.

Cerridwen continued to work on that formula for one year and a day, simply to produce three dropsof that precious liquid. It was kept simmering in her cauldron under the care of a young boy named Gwion.

Then one day it happened. While Cerridwen was out in the forest gathering herbs, the three drops of the boiling liquid accidentally flew up onto Gwion's finger, burning it and causing him great pain. In what appeared to be a typically automatic response, Gwion stuck his burned finger into his mouth in order to ease his pain.

All at once Gwion’s whole world quickly began to change, once the formula’s mighty powers beganto work their magickal spell. Suddenly, he was able to hear everything that went on in the world. In fact, in that one brief instant, he was able to understand all the secrets of the universe, as well as the knowledge of the past, the present and the future. Luckily for Gwion, the sudden increase in his perception made him well aware of exactly what Cerridwen would do to him once she realized that it was he, rather then her beloved son, who had acquired the formula’s magickal powers. Fearing Cerridwen’s wrath, Gwion quickly fled away, but the all-knowing, all-seeing Cerridwen immediately realized what hadhappened, and she began to pursue Gwion with a vengence.

The race was on. When Gwion used his new shape-shifting abilities to change himself into a hare, Cerridwen pursued him in the form of a greyhound, and the two of them continued to play a game of cat and mouse, in a long and ongoing pursuit. If Gwion changed himself into a fish, then Cerridwen would change herself into an otter; and when he changed himself into a bird, she immediately became a hawk. Itwas not until Gwion changed himself into a grain of wheat, that Cerridwen knew for certain that he was hers. Immediately, she changed herself into a hen and then she quickly ate the grain of wheat that was Gwion.

Something unexpected happened, however, when Cerridwen ate that grain of wheat. By ingesting it Cerredwen became pregnant, and nine months later she gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. There was little surprise, and no doubt about the fact that the child born to Cerridwen was actually Gwion. It was, however, the Gwion that he had previously been, when he was nothing more then a very young child.

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Cerridwen soon made the decision that enough was enough, and that all the intrigue finally had to come to an end. She was, however, unable to find it within her heart to kill the child. So she placed him inside a leather pouch, and then set the pouch afloat in the sea. Luck was definitely on Gwion’s side because Elphin, the son of a wealthy squire, discovered the pouch with the sleeping Gwion inside of it. Elphin and his wife happened to be childless, so they decided to adopt the boy, and because he was such a beautiful child they named him Taliesin, which means "beautiful brow." Even at an extremely early age, Taliesin had the most wonderful gift for poetry, and when he grew into a man, the poet Taliesin became known, far and wide, as the greatest poet to ever come out of Wales.

This is a tale which the people of Wales could easily identify with, because to them, death and rebirth are normal and necessary parts of existence, if true inspiration is to occur. It appeared to be completely natural to them, as well, that Cerridwen, the Goddess of True Inspiration, was also the poet's Muse.

That was the famous Myth of Cerridwen and her Cauldron. Unfortunately, Cerridwen, just like many other Goddesses, is remembered solely for the way that she appears in one particular myth. That is not only unfair, it is also unworthy and extremely unfortunate. Goddesses, just like human beings, are complex creatures and it is impossible to judge either one of them by any single act or action. If people truly wish to learn about Cerridwen, or about anyone else for that matter, then they need to take the time and exert the effort to do just that. Once that happens, then they will be able to see Cerridwen as she trulyis, and they might also discover that she actually has some important qualities to offer them.

Cerridwen takes on the role of the Crone in the typical Welsh Triple Goddess Trinity in which Arianrhod is the Mother and Blodeuwedd the Maiden. Cerridwen has also been known to have dark prophetic powers and, since her totem animal is the sow, she is easily identified as a Goddess of the Underworld, with all the dark and frightening powers that are associated with it.

Note; ideally, the 'palaces of Nuada' has no oligarchy because their is no ruling priesthood; metaeonic engineering relies on no designated great holy body seizing hold. This is not ever truly commandeered by an esoteric cast. It is the People's Chariot. Everyoneis their own wizard and every being therein is already always doing magick and magickal - 'under no enchantment but their own'. If you find a designated Order of Ecstacy, you are finding a group of liars, thieves, jackasses, and an invasive species who all this is over the heads of, anyway. It's that simple and powerful. If a brotherhood brings these elements in their work, that is encouraged, but the integrity of Ekstasis will not be chained or compromised to serve their cause. Of this very effect, it is the natural choice and presents afavoured magnetism of the Great Goddess authentically, as well as all fey, familiars, and totems.

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It is potent and powerful enough [original, too], that it will not fade as a grain of sandinto prior existing currents, lodges, or other form of fraternity or secret society. It is friendly to anything else 'plugging into it' but is its own Prime platform, not a 'neat plug-in'designed for the other platforms mistakenly perceived as being better or bigger, having a longer history or aggregore of established status. That should be respected among those who play it smart.

BEL is Beli or Baal or Baldur..but given a female designation in the former masculine position here in the transit. It's important to have this as Kanaz ascends, the three torches light the 3 pillars of Hekate {pictured in/as the High Priestess card}.

Neith [a.k.a. 'Saint Genevieve'] - the candles and elestial. Phantom/Smokey Quartz. Mine is gridded by yellow calcite on a black square of granite-marble, and every so often rose quartz. especially with the blue kyanite or any/all kyanites or tourmalines. While the 'center' is jaspers and beryls and sunstone on return of the Cauldron back to Midgard through our solar gateway. Also large, pure Pyrite, or Gold, of course. Moonstone is especially good with this; Diana, Hanwi, Nyx and Selene. There is a Kwan Yin and Ishtar/Astarte connection that is huge. As much as patroness of warriors, she is savioress and a dungeon master.

Brigid of the Torch - Genevieve of the Candles. The Netjer and the Family. Gede can run hot or cool at any moment. For example, Baron Samedi is a hot one with mastery over the cool science while Papa Gede is cool with mastery over the hot science. Yet, they are often called 'the same', both accurately, but without most who do really looking into this. So, it gets potentially complex quite quickly. The basic gist is a single ghuede - as dead spirits over abyssal matters yet beneficial to the soul's design and destiny control [not anti-soul] - again, runs hot and cool or even cadaverous cold zones at the flip of a hat. Unorthodox and appreciative of the innovative and underground or fringe.

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The ghuede then are into Brigid and are themselves children of, more warm..but also 'Gwenny', which is yet 'the same' as Shilibo who joins all-goddess in her 'cosmic underworld state'. There is a spirit named 'Ghedelia', too. A 'Dead Guinevere' actually fits into this, and as the daughter of Asteria, who is also Hekate.

“Her symbol is the candle (coin, egg, and book, too), but also essentially the torch, just in a different way. Think of your tree of life fitting in the flower, fitting in the seed. Just as the agricultural spirits are also associated with fertility, they hide under that beloved aspect, a power or force signature (KA) that IS the energy of the traditionally thought of as big or dominating spirits at the crossroads of life and death.” - written months back in my other notes for miles.

If you think of Hecate or Brigid as the 'night sun' (what Hanwi means), of the torch guiding you through a deep tunnel going down, down, down; this guiding force is similarly resonant to Nuit to strong levels, she is sequined of candles that make a temple and guides through the dark going up, up, up – to skry the universe or traverse otherwise. Has a very similar function with Amazonite and Moonstone and Prehnite w/ Epidote, and then Turquoise. Amazonite and Moonstone really 'nail it', and then the Smokey Quartz elestial with especially blue Kyanite. Yet, in becoming the woman clothed in the sun, I havethe large Pyrite and that heart is awesome. Once you add that, it becomes more 'Kanaz' or torch and so again goes from maiden to was even a gift for the 'Black Madonna' or Hekate/Lilith. So, I'm sure you easily can work with cat's gold, just know that will be the case...try chips or small amounts of gold or even more copper nuggets. If your copper is the convenience of pennies, be sure to 'altarize' them on your sacred platforms and use ones before 1972(?) or they will be mostly zinc, instead.

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Side note of some interest: The three masculine in ascent [Ida/Pingala yin & yang serpents and the sashumna represented as Apollo, Dionysus, and Cernunnos/Pan] entwining with the three feminine Maiden/Mother/Crone are Hermes Trismegistus, which makes sense. This should clear up quickly any initial assimilation issues of a Feminine Bel influence, it isn't really an invasion of something that belongs to the Man. The Sun has longbeen associated with the feminine as the goddess. Study it and you'll see it's the case.

The Shu/Tefnut line (Sky and Water) of the golden bolt/Set of Sol Barque is the potential for competing 'lover's sparks' adressed in depth in the project. As this is addresing archforms as the priority, it can be a relationship that is completely internalized, or a couple. It can be greatest strength between you in a working opposition as explored all meanings within, or the greatest seering of cords and abrasive areas that just don't 'click' oralign. Amazingly, it is like Jupiter in Leo and Mercury/True Node in Libra sextrile to it. If this Libra end [be it male or female] can muster the ability to offer the raw or darkly transforming honesty (Pluto in Capricorn's motiation) while playing the male-female Empathic Peacekeeper Bridge [Mercury/Hermes' thrust] into the Jupiter/Leo, it will level out to ascend beautifully. If the Jupiter/Leo effect refuses to heed it, the scenario will be realizing your time in that coupling or framework is waning quickly.

It's a setting sun.

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The nest (elemental point of the star) resembles the nether and chaos [it is a protective abundance as a thing developes, and a fortress or Kabbalistically would the 'Fence'/Cheth adjoining Binah to Gevurah [whose tarot association also happens to be the Chariot], while the yolk (the tarot card or rune or other divinatory implements projected over the elementary nest) is the aeonic logo synthesis solution. It might then be best worked with as Vau/the Hook (whose card is the Heirophant); while this is possible and depends on preference, given all materials provided so far, the optimal correlation ought to be Mem/Water – even the card associated is the Hanged Man in suspended development and gestation, with a golden yolk-crown. The 23rd path really is a best fit if you study it as incarnation or reincarnation as redeeming law of reversal. It could be stated accurately that the nest element template is the daath/abyssal factoring and the yolk is the Soul/Beauty and so reaches into change the Malkuth situations through the Yesod such adds even more significantly to the magickal and shamanic core values. Recalling the first images offered in Lifting The Veil, it also is Hermes entering into Hod. The 8 of Wands of the Thoth deck true enough is the association, then. Study it deeply. Upon the Set of the Sol Barque effect utilized and setting in by the effective KA, the Shu/Tefnut diagonal line simply becomes Nuit and Hadit. As soul rebirth is tangible, this is not neglectful or a disrespect to the archform and vibrations that entail Ra-hoor Khuit. So, it is Thelema friendly, as much as produce of the opposition.

I did this realizing the long history of Set and Horus echoed throughout cultures as Baal versus Herne. The whole point is te 'Rectificando' of the Raido representing Phoenix.

With that a special reconciliation of the dual aleph/ultimate male archforms who seek to inherit the ancestral cosmic field and gain the honour of the Anima Mundi partnership is taking place in the One.

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At the top of this image is the Phoenix with the red Raido at the front of 'Recognize Infinite'. This art work was created while enduring the abyssal crossing over a 24 hour course. It should be made known this was not a ceremonial reenactment, but was likened toa bolt of electricity 'out of nowhere' that shredded through my atomic structure light-body 'flipping inside out' , each molecule being stung over and over – the Final Chaos Torment. It is unlikely, however possible, others might experience it to the level of intensity underwent.

It is more of a question of what you can make it to the Otherside of to accomplish the most epic greatness, than if or how afraid you ought to be. Is your vision of destiny second to none, or are you happy in the status quo? Then, is your Will to maximize your own metaeonic original Pleroma-bridge?Even so, there was no warning the experience was about to commence, in my case. Layers and layers of astral realities – entire universe scenarios - halved at greater velocity until 'the bolt'. It was Necessity... It arcs the name Osiris up top, and echoes below.

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Oddly enough, if Horus were sync equated with Thor and Osiris as Odin..even thoughthe planetary associations would get royally skewed, so we are talking about the status of the archform in respective cultures, then Tyr is EL who is later known as Bel or Baal, and a.k.a. Set. So many would give Set association to Loki, and they may be spot on, yet we are investigating the function of Set of the Sol Barque, a specialized role. The energies instantly garner this association instead. That of El who is Tyr. The prototypical champion masculineforce and progenitor. Set is also god of the storms as much as chaos and the Loki frequencies. Through the ages of the western fundamentalist duality cosmogonies, El/Bel/Baal becomes satanic/Set worship anyway, in the most direct interpretation from the time the Jehovah lineages started. Beli being Baldur, not Tyr, a separate Nordic deity, may raise a moment of slight confusion. The Mars of the Thing is also really pointing in its depths to the Lord, as in...Hadit...the Winged Globe. The atomic 'white sun' or Keter Sol.

Also called Ahura Mazda. A lot of people now like to say 'Christ Consciousness'.To a lot of other people, you might as well be saying 'Invoking Lucifer'.

Peh - Mars - The Tower. Simultaneously, as the golden bolt is cast and worked with, ascending and morphing into the palaces of Nuada. Hence, the Neptune connection and also the realization that this is the spear of Shiva or Set of the Sol Boat.

BEL and PEH share the Horse in an 'X' is also the year of...the center of your 5 point grid layout. Berkana – Pertho – Laguz - Hagalaz creates the nest abounding the yolk.

Even writing this, the grid in front of myself is the Himalayan Quartz cluster in the center, a Green Aventurine at Berkana in the upper left, a Moss/Dendritic Agate at the lower left of Pertho, the blue Kyanite at the upper right of Hagalaz, and a Mookaite/Australian Jasper at the lower right of Laguz. In the center, a quartz cluster [or your elestial/candle smokey quartz] is ideal since you can then have something like another tumbled stone...or Phenacite on it, or nice sized small Sodalite egg etc, etc... Ehwaz is the two horses the cosmic twins ride together. A copper on top of the candle smokey is likened to magnetically drawing in the star-maiden Nether, along the course of intentionalenergy work and solar/lunar gateway access.

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The 'Mars of The Thing' [Tyr's mysterious title] is our Golden Gevurah reasoning and resonance. The transfer of mythical data about the Ragnarok was brought from a quantum/spirit science into the forum of an astro-art. In the form of Baldur, the long dead solar deity via Loki's poisonous mistletoe dart, was joined by Tiw, who did not survive the Ragnarok. Tiw also becoming a dead god joined into Baldur as the aeonic transition. Tiw is known for sacrifice. He put his final breath and last word into the corpse of Baldur to awaken him. Baldur is known for amiability or a Pisces like demeanor. The Nu Sol is comprehended in this finished puzzle; it just takes a little intuition to enter the framework of its power. By this, the Cosmic Twins do survive Ragnarok. That's all key to this undertaking and should be instantly grokked without any troubles.

The Unknown or Ineffable Father...and His avatar so named 'Lord', living in to bridge the Aquarian Age Cosmic Twins..

Seti at the front of the sol barque during the aeonic dawn of a golden age would be the forerunner* - not just this, but as the sun rides from east to west, the rising white sun of the aeon would be in the western ascending cardinal direction.

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* - a concept reverberated even in the gospels, through the drama of Jesus & John the Baptist. Or, to most occultists, Horus and the Baphomet. Or, RA and Set of the Sol it goes on and on through forever, retold endlessly with countless variations, subtle and grotesque.

The Whole Thing is a genuine oasis refuge for those who are having less than favorable to horribly traumatic hot points collective experiences - by the people, the spirits, or some combination. People not necessarily 'Pisces soft', but excused for being such every time. This extensive body of work and field of intelligence ought to shed light on some of the reasons people have been traumatized to disappear, start a career of vengeance and war that gets shamed and disowned hypocritically by the bleached-robe book-keeping bench-warmers (irony intended**), or even just commit suicide..or otherwise mentally/emotionally snap and otherwise fall-out. The greater offense taken on my own part will be in that every time, these victims are mentioned as a sort of 'bragging point', as to how hardcore and intense this collective thinks their magick games are, only in thoughtless passing that lifts themselves up unfounded. No other access is provided intothe depths of these people's lives and personal histories to be able to diagnose and substantially treat the issues or follow through with their friends and families with counsel, and their cases are not documented to any professional depth. The lack of genuine response is documented here as negligence, and further more adding into a 'gang-stalking' variety of abuse of this system and the people entering into it [even studiedand versed occult practitioners]. At the very least; passive-aggressively harassing, and at the worst; a lethal form of hazing, through the irresponsibility to arrogantly use that as a selling feature for how 'advanced' and 'hardcore' this metaphysically based corporate venture is. If it were an actual architectural structure - a restaurant or a hospital - it ought to fail inspection under the current management and staff, and be condemned property unfit for cosmic squatters.

Considering all things, I think no one or group into the points chauds/masonic degrees of hot spirits has any right to be pissed off or offended for this work, and while I expect no thanks or apology, that really would be the appropriate response...or none at all,in wisdom.

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The main opposition, in fairness, comes across as one who is trying to get to trance or astral involvement quickly and radically effect mundane circumstances they want to fabricate into their kingdom, and one who is always in trance and astral involvement and slowly bridging it to the mundane as a kingdom already finished from within them.

One trying hard to lose control finally in a reality hurting them and one trying to gain control finally to prop a hurting world. One heading toward a deeper need to transcend andone with a deeper desire to be all things and taste all vibrations/be eminent apart from blame and restriction and suspicion.

If you understand the Sodalite-Labradorite-Moonstone-Amazonite Thing, it creates plenty space and is a converse effect of getting the big slow gentle but epic whale body out of the aquarium and returned to the Atlantic. These stones have a deep Sagittarius-Neptune-Scorpio-Aquarius-MascuLunar/SolFemme matrix that are ideal for the octaves and the palaces, orchid field, cauldron trifecta. Any Craft that reveres the unbridled power and grace of the Shakti/Shiva sacred origin; all of this is like a custom tailored transmission that is The One Gift.

To work in it and return to the golden/saffron ray below and out of Peh into the 'hot pool', the Lapis is completed and extending. Pyrite, jaspers, sunstone feldspar, heliodor, amber and citrine. You get the picture. It is more important to ground here as even though it seems not as 'out there', it will produce a more thoughtless, restless or reckless, shallow or pretentious, institutionally vacuous [for some even claustraphobic or agoraphobic] possibly becoming diseased setting to the hybrid children of the hedges or authentic omega-crossed/ing souls. This even includes some dead spirits/fey/totems/gods.

There is an entire grimoire for dead spirits highly popular with the gnostics, and yet, tey are all listed as 'hot points', this material should provide extensive coverage over the completely neglected 'cool points' that are no lesser spirits at the cross roads of life and deathand abyssal feats and wonders, as well as earth healing as a priority and extremely powerfulamong the effective practitioners – bringing back vast stock of Medicine – including visionary phowa and siddhi - from the Void and soul recovery or liaison through the cosmicunderworld. To sorcerers who aren't that effective or just desensitized and soul worn, it would just seen like Baldur's [Pisces-soft nature]. Some are just not that smart or patient or loyal...

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** “First off, Let it be known that I am a god of war and vengeance”. - Horus

“And let it be known that I don't give a shit who you think you are...” - SetThe One Painting 'Phoenix Luxor Vox'–

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