Download - Fungal Biodegradation of Lignocelluloses Chapter 15 · Lignocellulosic biomass is renewable, and huge amounts of lignocellulose are annually synthe-sized and degraded in nature. It

Page 1: Fungal Biodegradation of Lignocelluloses Chapter 15 · Lignocellulosic biomass is renewable, and huge amounts of lignocellulose are annually synthe-sized and degraded in nature. It

15 Fungal Biodegradation of Lignocelluloses




I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319II. Fungal Degradation of Lignocellulose . . . . . . . . . . . 320

A. White-Rot Fungi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320B. Brown-Rot Fungi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321C. Soft-Rot Fungi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321

III. Fungal Degradation of WoodPolysaccharides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322

IV. Fungal Degradation of Lignin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324A. White-Rot and Brown-Rot Fungi . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324

1. Ligninolytic Peroxidasesof White-Rot Fungi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325

2. Peroxidases of Brown-Rot Fungi? . . . . . . . . . 3263. Laccases. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3264. Role of Small Oxidants in Incipient Decay 3285. Hydroquinones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3296. Cellobiose Dehydrogenases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3297. Redox-Active Glycopeptides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330

B. Soft-Rot Fungi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330V. Biopulping as an Example of Potential

Applications of White-Rot Fungi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331VI. Overview of Fungal Lignin Degradation and

Outlook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335

I. Introduction

Wood and lignified gramineous and other annualplants are generally called lignocellulose becausethey are composed of the three main naturalpolymers: cellulose, hemicelluloses and lignin.Lignocellulosic biomass is renewable, and hugeamounts of lignocellulose are annually synthe-sized and degraded in nature. It has been esti-mated that annual worldwide production ofterrestrial biomass is 200 � 1012 kg (Foust et al.

2008). In Earth’s carbon cycle, especially in a for-est ecosystem, saprotrophic wood-decaying andlitter-decomposing fungi perform an essentialrole. Among them certain basidiomycetes,so-called white-rot fungi, have a special rolesince they are the only organisms that can effi-ciently degrade and even mineralize the mostrecalcitrant natural polymer, lignin.

Cellulose is considered to be one of the mostabundant biopolymers on Earth. It is the mainconstituent of wood, and approximately 40% ofthe dry weight of most wood species is cellulose,which is located predominantly in the secondarycell wall (Sjostrom 1993). Cellulose is a homopo-lysaccharide composed of b-D-glucopyranosideunits which are linearly linked together by(1!4)-glycosidic bonds. Cellulose can be crystal-line, sub-crystalline and even amorphous, depend-ing on the tissue source in native plant, or the waythat cellulose is isolated (Ding and Himmel 2008).The structural integrity of cellulose is one of themain obstacles of enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose.For the isolation of cellulose harsh extractionmethods involving sequential acid and alkalinetreatments are usually employed. Fiber aggregationcaused by sample processing and found in isolatedcellulose does not necessarily represent the cellu-lose structure, and the detailed molecular structureof plant cell wall cellulose remains unknown(Ding and Himmel 2008).

Hemicelluloses in wood consist of relativelyshort, mainly branched heteropolymers of glu-cose, xylose, galactose, mannose and arabinoseas well as uronic acids of glucose, galactose and4-O-methylglucose linked by (1!3)-, (1!6)- and(1!4)-glycosidic bonds. Galactoglucomannansare the principal hemicelluloses in softwoods,which also contain arabinoglucuronoxylan.Xylose-based hemicelluloses are often termedxylans in both softwoods and hardwoods.Depending on hardwood species, the xylan con-tent varies within the limits of 15-30% of the dry

1Department of Food and Environmental Sciences, University

of Helsinki, PO Box 56, Viikki Biocenter, 00014 Helsinki, Finland;

e-mail: [email protected] Forest Products Laboratory, One Gifford Pinchot Drive,

WI 53726, Madison, USA; e-mail: [email protected]

Industrial Applications, 2nd EditionThe Mycota XM. Hofrichter (Ed.)© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010

Typewritten Text
Page 2: Fungal Biodegradation of Lignocelluloses Chapter 15 · Lignocellulosic biomass is renewable, and huge amounts of lignocellulose are annually synthe-sized and degraded in nature. It

wood. Acetyl groups are present as substituentsparticularly in the glucomannans of gymnos-perms and the xylans of angiosperms (Sjostrom1993). Hemicelluloses are reported to be linked tolignin through cinnamate acid ester linkages, tocellulose through interchain hydrogen bonding,and to other hemicelluloses via covalent andhydrogen bonds (Decker et al. 2008).

Lignin is a complex, amorphous, three-dimen-sional aromatic polymer. Lignins are synthesizedfrom the oxidative coupling of p-hydroxycinnamylalcohol monomers, dimethoxylated (syringyl, S),monomethoxylated (guaiacyl, G) and non-meth-oxylated (p-hydroxyphenyl, H) phenylpropanoidunits. The molecular weight of lignin is difficult todetermine because lignins are highly polydispersematerials (Argyropoulos and Menachem 1997).New bonding patterns have been described insoftwood lignin, e.g. dibenzodioxocin structures(Karhunen et al. 1995). Recent studies show thatlignin can incorporate many more monolignolsthan the traditional three basic units (Vanholmeet al. 2008), e.g. acetylated lignin units have beenidentified in non-woody plants (Martınez et al.2005). The isolation of native lignin is complicatedif possible at all (Buswell and Odier 1987). Isolatedlignin usually has a brown color but in soundnon-degraded wood it is obviously colorlessbecause the wood of many tree species is almostwhite, and after attack by white-rot fungi, bydefinition, the modified lignin in residual woodand cellulose is also white.

Uncertainties in the basic structures of espe-cially lignin but also other components in ligno-cellulose make fungal biodegradation studies achallenging task. The following properties areimportant in terms of microbial or enzymaticattack: (1) lignin polymers have compact struc-tures that are insoluble in water and difficultto penetrate by microbes or enzymes, (2) theintermonomeric linkages that account for therigidity of lignin comprise many kinds of C–Cand C–O bonds with the b-aryl ether linkagebeing the most significant and (3) intermono-meric linkages in lignin are not hydrolyzable.A conclusion from the above items is summarizedas follows: (1) polymeric lignin degradationrequires extracellular enzymes and/or smallmolecular weight mediators or factors such asradicals, (2) the lignin degrading system must beunspecific and (3) the enzymes must be oxidative,not hydrolytic.

II. Fungal Degradation of Lignocellulose

A. White-Rot Fungi

White-rot fungi are a heterogeneous group of fungithat usually belong to basidiomycetes, althoughthere are ascomycetous fungi that cause pseudo-white rot (also designated as soft-rot type II), suchas fungi belonging to the family Xylariaceae(Blanchette 1995; Liers et al. 2006). Basidiomyce-tous white-rot and some related litter-decomposingfungi are the only organisms which are capable ofmineralizing lignin efficiently (Kirk and Cullen1998; Hatakka 2001). More than 90% of all wood-rotting basidiomycetes are of the white-rot type(Gilbertson 1980). White-rot fungi are more com-monly found on angiosperm than on gymnospermwood species in nature. Usually syringyl (S) unitsof lignin are preferentially degraded, whereasguaiacyl (G) units are more resistant to degrada-tion. Many white-rot fungi colonize cell lumina andcause cell wall erosion. Eroded zones coalesce asdecay progresses and large voids filled with myce-lium are formed. This type of rot is referred asnon-selective or simultaneous rot. Calcium oxalateand MnO2 accumulate when the decay proceeds(Blanchette 1995). Trametes (syn. Coriolus, Poly-porus) versicolor is a typical simultaneous-rotfungus (Eriksson et al. 1990). Some white-rotfungi degrade lignin in woody plant cell walls rela-tively to a higher extent than cellulose, and they arecalled selective white-rot fungi. In nature they maycause white-pocket or white-mottled types of rot,e.g. Phellinus nigrolimitatus (Blanchette 1995).There are also fungi, e.g. the tree pathogen Hetero-basidion annosum, that are able to produce bothtypes of attack in the same wood (Eriksson et al.1990).

In a screening to find suitable fungi for wood chip pre-treatment for biopulping, 90 white-rot fungi werecultivated in spruce (Picea abies) wood blocks for 10weeks, and about 20% of these fungi degraded more ligninthan cellulose (Hakala et al. 2004). The selectivity dependson the wood species, cultivation time, temperature andmany other things. This work and several other screeningstudies have shown that e.g. Ceriporiopsis subvermispora,Dichomitus squalens Phanerochaete chrysosporium, Phel-linus pini, Phlebia radiata, Phlebia tremellosus (syn. Mer-ulius tremellosa), Phlebia subserialis, Physisporinusrivulosus, Pleurotus eryngii, Pleurotus ostreatus and Pyc-noporus cinnabarinus are lignin-selective fungi at leastunder certain conditions (Eriksson et al. 1990; Akhtaret al. 1998; Hatakka 2001; Hakala et al. 2004).

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B. Brown-Rot Fungi

Brown-rot fungi are basidiomycetes that degradewood to yield brown, shrunken specimens thattypically exhibit a pattern of cubical cracksand easily disintegrate upon handling. Only asmall proportion – roughly 7% – of all wooddecay basidiomycete species falls into this group,which occurs most frequently on gymnospermwood. Nevertheless, brown-rot fungi are essentialbiomass recyclers in coniferous forests and are themost important cause of decay in man-madewooden structures (Gilbertson and Ryvarden1986; Eriksson et al. 1990). Recent phylogeneticanalyses based on ribosomal RNA sequences sug-gest that most brown-rot fungi evolved repeatedlyfrom white-rot fungi, most likely by the selectiveloss of some biodegradative mechanisms. Six ormore separate brown-rot groups, including thefrequently studied genera Gloeophyllum andPostia, have probably arisen independently fromthe white-rot lineage via loss of some decay cap-abilities. One possible exception is the white-rotgenus Grifola, which may have evolved from abrown-rot ancestor (Hibbett and Thorn 2001).

The hallmark of brown-rot is rapid strength loss in thewood before extensive weight loss has occurred. Thisobservation was first explained by Cowling (Cowling1961), who chemically delignified sweetgum wood thatwas undergoing fungal decay to obtain holocellulose frac-tions (i.e. the cellulose and hemicelluloses), and thendetermined their degree of polymerization by measuringtheir viscosities after solubilization. The results showedthat the brown-rot fungus Poria monticola (¼ Postia pla-centa) decreased the average chain length of the woodpolysaccharides about fourfold at only 10% weight loss.Since a principal function of the lignin in wood is to shieldthe structural polysaccharides from enzymatic attack, thisresult led to the conclusion that the biodegradative agentsresponsible for incipient brown-rot are low-molecular-weight species that can penetrate the lignin in soundwood despite its low porosity (Cowling 1961; Koenigs1974).

During brown rot, the hemicelluloses in woodare degraded most rapidly, after which virtually allof the cellulose is removed, leaving behind a com-plex, aromatic ring-containing polymer derivedfrom the original lignin. Experiments withP. placenta grown on cotton have shown thatcarbonyl and carboxylic acid groups are intro-duced into the residual cellulose during decay,which suggests that depolymerization of the

polysaccharides involves not only hydrolyticenzymes, but also an oxidative component (Kirket al. 1991). Analyses of lignin from brown-rottedwood have likewise shown that it becomes oxi-dized, partially via demethylation of the aromaticrings, which increases the phenolic hydroxyl con-tent, and partially via introduction of new carbonyland carboxyl groups. Nevertheless, the residuallignin is still polymeric, and most of it appears toremain in situ (Kirk and Adler 1970; Kirk 1975).These findings have led to two conclusions: (1)brown-rot fungi have little capacity to degradelignin and (2) the low-molecular-weight speciesthey use to initiate decay are oxidants, with oxy-gen-centered free radicals such as the hydroxylradical (lOH) being the prime candidates (Koenigs1974; Eriksson et al. 1990; Hammel et al. 2002).

The apparent persistence of the lignin afterextensive brown-rot of wood is consistent withearlier proposals that low-molecular-weightagents that can penetrate the secondary cell wallmust play a central role, but is also perplexingbecause brown-rot fungi clearly produce cellulasesand hemicellulases (Herr et al. 1978, Ritschkoffet al. 1994; Mansfield et al. 1998; Machuca andFerraz 2001; Cohen et al. 2005), which can pre-sumably operate only if some of the lignin isdegraded beforehand. Recent work based onnuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of dis-solved wood samples have clarified the picturesomewhat by revealing that many of the intermo-nomer linkages of lignin actually disappear duringbrown rot (Yelle et al. 2008). These results suggestthat the lignin may be transiently depolymerized,which might facilitate the access of polysaccharidehydrolases.

C. Soft-Rot Fungi

Ascomycetes and mitosporic fungi usually causesoft-rot decay of wood (Nilsson et al. 1989;Blanchette 1995). The decayed wood is brownand soft, and the residue is cracked when dry.Soft-rot fungi form cavities within secondarywalls or erosion but then the middle lamella isnot attacked. Xylariaceous ascomycetes fromgenera such as Daldinia, Hypoxylon and Xylariaare grouped with the soft-rot fungi because theycause a typical erosive soft rot. Compared tobasidiomycetous fungi, the knowledge about

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lignocellulose degradation by ascomycetes is lim-ited, and very little is known about how theydegrade lignin. They mainly degrade hardwood,and weight losses up to 53% of birch wood werefound within 2 months after decay by the mostefficient fungus of this group, Daldinia concen-trica (Nilsson et al. 1989).

III. Fungal Degradation of WoodPolysaccharides

The ability to degrade plant biomass and celluloseas its major component is widespread in fungi.Trichoderma reesei is a mesophilic soft-rot fungusthat is extensively used as a source of cellulasesand hemicellulases for various applications. It hasalso long been a model system for the degradationof plant cell wall polysaccharides. It was shown tobe an anamorph of the pantropical ascomyceteHypocrea jecorina. The sequence data of thewhole genome of this fungus has become availablerecently (Martinez et al. 2008). Thus the cellulo-lytic systems of T. reesei and those of the firststudied white-rot basidiomycete, Phanerochaetechrysosporium (Martinez et al. 2004), and thefirst brown-rot basidiomycete, Poria placenta(Martinez et al. 2009), the genomes of which areavailable, give a new basis for comparisons.

The concept of how fungi degrade cellulose(and hemicelluloses) is almost totally based onthe enzyme system of T. reesei, while only ratherincomplete data are available on other ascomy-cetes. Cellulolytic enzymes of basidiomycetes wererecently reviewed (Baldrian and Valaskova 2008).The fungal degradation of cellulose is catalyzed by:(1) cellobiohydrolases (CBHs, EC and (2)endoglucanases (EGs EC, of which CBHscleave the polymeric cellulose from reducing ornon-reducing ends, and EGs randomly endo-wisealong the glucose chain. The cellulolytic systemalso contains (3) extra- or intracellular b-glucosi-dases (EC, which hydrolyze the resultingcellobiose or cello-oligosaccharides to glucose. Thehydrolysis products can also be oxidized by cello-biose dehydrogenase (CDH). In addition, numer-ous other carbohydrate-active enzymes areproduced by fungi. In the carbohydrate-activeenzyme database CAZy ( gly-coside hydrolases are grouped in as many as 115families (Cantarel et al. 2009).

Table 15.1 summarizes the characteristics ofthe sequenced genomes of lignocellulose-degra-ding basidiomycetes. Taxonomically and ecologi-cally very different fungi have been used asmodels for lignin and cellulose/hemicellulose deg-radation, namely the white-rot basidiomyceteP. chrysosporium and the mitosporic (ascomycete)fungus T. reesei (syn. H. jecorina), respectively.The latter fungus cannot degrade lignin while theformer fungus degrades lignin but in addition alsoefficiently cellulose. Taking into account the eco-logical importance of wood-rotting basidiomy-cetes in carbon cycling and wood cellulosedegradation, the databanks contain only surpris-ingly few genes encoding cellulases of basidiomy-cetous fungi.

P. chrysosporium has an unexpectedly high number ofcellulase encoding genes compared to T. reesei (Martinezet al. 2008; Table 15.2). While T. reesei has 10 genesencoding cellulolytic enzymes, one CBH1 (Cel7A), andone CBH2 (Cel6), the P. chrysosporium genome has sevenCBH1 and one CBH2 encoding genes. Only three of theseCBHs have been purified and characterized (Uzcateguiet al. 1991a, b). Many other ascomycetous fungi such asAspergillus nidulans, A. fumigatus and A. oryzae, Magna-porthe grisea, Neurospora crassa and Fusarium grami-neum have a higher number of cellulases, and even 1–5of the most efficient CBHs (Table 15.2). T. reesei has rathermany genes encoding hemicellulose-degrading enzymes,16, and P. chrysosporium has 19 (Table 15.1). There are34–44 hemicellulase encoding genes in the ascomycetesAspergillus nidulans, A. fumigatus and A. oryzae, Magna-porthe grisea and Fusarium gramineum genomes, indicat-ing that these saprotrophic and plant pathogenic fungi relyon hemicellulose degradation (see also Chapter 16).

It was originally reported that many brown-rot fungi grow poorly on pure cellulose and thatcrude cellulases obtained from cultures degradeamorphous cellulose but lack activity on crystal-line cellulose, which is relatively recalcitrant tohydrolysis (Nilsson and Ginns 1979; Erikssonet al. 1990). These results have been interpretedto mean that brown-rot fungi lack cellobiohydro-lases, the exo-acting enzymes that are required forthe operation of a complete, synergistic cellulasesystem. In agreement with this original picture,almost all cellulases purified from brown-rot fungiare endoglucanases, i.e. enzymes that lack theprocessive activity characteristic of cellobiohydro-lases. However, it is now clear that some brown-rotfungi can utilize crystalline cellulose as a sole carbonsource (Cohen et al. 2005; Yoon et al. 2008),

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c Notpresent


e Notyetdetermined

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which raises the possibility that their non-proces-sive cellulases act in concert with low-molecular-weight oxidants to enable complete substratedegradation.

Although there was one early report that Coniophoraputeana produces cellobiohydrolases (Schmidhalter andCanevascini 1992), these enzymes should be re-examinedbecause the assay used, cleavage of p-nitrophenyl lacto-side, is not completely specific. In addition, it has beenreported that one endoglucanase from G. trabeum hasprocessive activity, as shown by the high ratio of solubleto insoluble reducing sugars it produced from crystallinecellulose (Cohen et al. 2005). Additional work is needed tocheck this conclusion, because measurements of insolublereducing sugars are technically challenging and requirecareful replication (Irwin et al. 1993; Medve et al. 1998).Even if future work confirms some exceptions such asthese, it appears that the cellulolytic systems of brown-rot fungi are generally less complex than those of white-rotfungi. In this connection, it is noteworthy that the genomeof P. placenta apparently encodes neither cellobiohydro-lases nor endoglucanases with cellulose-binding modules(Martinez et al. 2009).

IV. Fungal Degradation of Lignin

A. White-Rot and Brown-Rot Fungi

Lignin is a large macromolecular and heteroge-neous polymer the degradation of which is diffi-cult due to its chemical structure, e.g. it does notcontain by definition any hydrolysable linkages(Kirk and Cullen 1998). The enzymes must betherefore oxidative (i.e., oxidoreductases), anddue to heterogeneity of the polymer and manytypes of linkages (C–C, C–O), also nonspecific.

Lignin is also stereo-irregular, thus differingfrom e.g. cellulose or hemicelluloses.

Due to difficulties in the isolation and analysisof lignin preparations, various lignin model com-pounds, e.g. dimeric b-O-4 model compounds andsynthetic lignin (dehydrogenation polymerizate ofconiferyl alcohol or other lignin precursors, DHP)are commonly used in microbiological and enzy-matic studies. These model systems do not containany linkages to wood polysaccharides. All ligninpreparations have disadvantages in reproducibilityof preparation, or exhibit altered structure ormolecular weight compared to natural lignin (Bus-well and Odier 1987). One of the most reliablemethods to determine fungal lignin-degrading abil-ity is based on 14C-lignins (Haider and Troja-nowski 1975; Kirk et al. 1975; Kirk et al. 1978).Usually the evolution of 14CO2 from 14C-DHP orother 14C-(lignin)-lignocelluloses is monitored.These studies have given information on the suit-able conditions for lignin degradation by white-rotfungi such as Phanerochaete chrysosporium, Phle-bia radiata and many others (Kirk 1975; Hatakkaand Uusi-Rauva 1983; Hatakka et al. 1983; Kirk andFarrell 1987; Hatakka 2001), as well as by litter-decomposing basidiomycetous fungi (Strophariaspp.,Agrocybe praecox; Steffen et al. 2000). Dimericlignin model compounds attached to e.g. polyeth-ylene glycol (Kawai et al. 1995), thus mimickingpolymeric lignin, have allowed the use of efficientanalytical tools (e.g. NMR) for more defined char-acterization of degraded lignin structures.

Solubilization (formation of water-soluble lignin frag-ments) and mineralization (evolution of 14CO2) of

Table 15.2. The number of genes encoding cellulolytic enzymes in fungi (data adopted from Martinez et al. 2008)

Fungus TypeCBH1Cel7A






EG5Cel45 Sum

Aspergillus fumigatus A 2 1 2 3 3 7 1 19A. nidulans A 2 2 1 2 1 9 1 18A. oryzae A 2 1 1 2 2 8 0 16Fusarium gramineum A 1 0 1 2 2 13 1 23Hypocrea jecorina (syn.

Trichoderma reesei)A 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 10

Magnaporthe grisea A 3 2 2 2 3 17 1 30Neurospora crassa A 2 3 3 1 0 14 1 23Phanerochaete chrysosporium B/WR 7 1 2 2 1 14 0 27

Types: A ascomycetes, B basidiomycetes, WR white-rot fungus

Enzymes: CBH1 exocellobiohydrolase 1, CBH2 exocellobiohydrolase II, EG1 endoglucanase I, EG2 endoglucanase II, EG3 endoglucanaseIII, EG4 glycoside hydrolase family, EG5 endoglucanase V

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14C-labelled natural and synthetic lignins have beendemonstrated for various white-rot fungi (Hatakka andUusi-Rauva 1983; Hatakka 2001). A high mineralizationof 14C-(ring)-DHP was observed in the case of Phlebiaradiata that released up to 71% 14CO2 from 14C-DHP in37 days when grown under optimal conditions for lignindegradation, i.e. under 100% oxygen atmosphere in a lownutrient nitrogen liquid medium (Hatakka et al. 1983).Phlebia sp. Nf b19 (former name Nematoloma frowardiib19, Hilden et al. 2008) caused even higher mineralization(75%) of 14C-DHP during growth on wheat straw whileonly a small percentage of the initial radioactivity (6%)was incorporated into the residual straw and the fungalbiomass (Hofrichter et al. 1999b). Usually only the end-product of lignin degradation, 14CO2, is determined.However, in the case of certain fungi or under specialconditions, the rate-limiting steps may be the reactionsafter the initial attack on polymeric lignin, in which casesoluble oligomers may be detectable. The variety of differ-ent ligninolytic enzymes and the isoenzymes and isoformsproduced by the fungus may also influence the productionof 14CO2.

1. Ligninolytic Peroxidases of White-Rot Fungi

The extracellular enzymes involved in lignin deg-radation are peroxidases and laccases, with theiraccessory enzymes (Hatakka 1994; Kirk andCullen 1998; Hammel and Cullen 2008). Peroxi-dases include: (1) lignin peroxidases (LiPs, “ligni-nases”, EC and (2) manganeseperoxidases (MnPs, “Mn-dependent peroxidases”,EC, which were discovered in the early1980s, and (3) versatile peroxidases (VPs, EC1.11.1.16), which were found in the 1990s (Martınez2002) and apparently represent hybrids of LiPsand MnPs. Fungal oxidoreductases are listed inthe FOLy database (;Levasseur et al. 2008).

The plant and microbial peroxidase superfamily coversthree classes of peroxidase families of which class Iincludes intracellular prokaryotic peroxidases, class IIconsists of secretory fungal peroxidases, i.e. lignin perox-idases (LiPs), manganese peroxidases (MnPs) and versa-tile peroxidases (VPs), while class III includes secretoryplant peroxidases (Morgenstern et al. 2008). The analysisof the genes suggests that the class II sequences constitutea monophyletic gene family, and that they diversifiedextensively in the basidiomycetes. LiPs evidently aroseonly once in the Polyporales, which harbors many white-rot taxa, whereas MnPs and VPs are more widespread andmay have multiple origins. The phlebioid clade of Poly-porales includes such fungi as Phanerochaete chrysospor-ium and Phlebia radiata, which are well known producersof LiP. The Phanerochaete chrysosporium whole genomehas ten lip genes and fivemnp genes (Table 15.1), of which

two were previously unknown (Martinez et al. 2004), andthe corresponding proteins were not characterized. Thedata suggest that P. chrysosporium also has a versatileperoxidase gene the sequence of which shares residuescommon to bothmnps and lips. Phylogenetic comparisonsbetween some well-known peroxidases show that white-rot and litter-decomposing fungi exhibit a continuum ofvariability in their peroxidases (Lundell et al. 2010). Even asingle fungal species can produce several different perox-idases as exemplified by the white-rot basidiomycetesP. radiata (Hilden et al. 2005) and Physisporinus rivulosus(Hakala et al. 2006).

The fungal peroxidases LiPs, MnPs and VPsare all heme-containing glycoproteins whichrequire hydrogen peroxide as an oxidant andhave heme (protoporphyrin IX) as their prostheticgroup coordinated by two highly conserved histi-dine residues (Martınez 2002). The heme cofactoris located in an internal cavity connected by twoaccess channels. The main channel is used byhydrogen peroxide and the second is the sitewhere MnP and VP oxidize Mn2þ to Mn3þ

(Ruiz-Duenas et al. 2009). Typically for LiP activ-ity, the amino acid residue needed is a tryptophan,Trp171 in the isozyme LiPA (LiP H8) of P. chry-sosporium. Tryptophan exposed on the LiP pro-tein surface is conserved in LiP sequences and alsoin VPs (Martınez 2002; Perez-Boada et al. 2005). Itis assumed that it takes part in long-range electrontransfer (LRET) from a protein radical at the sur-face of the enzyme, which would act as the sub-strate oxidizer, to the heme cofactor (Ruiz-Duenasand Martınez 2009). This could allow the enzymeto oxidize bulky substrates such as polymeric lig-nin that cannot directly contact the oxidized hemein the active centre of LiP or VP.

Most white-rot fungi secrete several isoenzymes into theircultivation medium (Hatakka 1994). The molecular weightof the LiP, MnP and VP varies between 35–48 kDa, 38–62kDa and 42–45 kDa, respectively. Lignin-modifying per-oxidases have typically acidic pI values of 3.0–4.0 (Hatakka2001), while also neutral MnPs have been detected fromlitter-decomposing fungi (Steffen et al. 2002).

LiP oxidizes non-phenolic lignin substruc-tures by abstracting one electron and generatingaryl cation radicals that then decompose chemi-cally (Kirk and Farrell 1987). Reactions of LiPusing a variety of lignin model compounds andsynthetic lignin have thoroughly been studied,catalytic mechanisms elucidated and the enzyme’scapability for Ca–Cb bond cleavage, ring opening

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and other reactions demonstrated (Kirk and Farrell1987). MnP oxidizes Mn(II) to Mn(III) which thenoxidizes phenolic rings to phenoxy radicals, lead-ing to the decomposition of the structures (Goldet al. 2000). Studies with white-rot fungi haveshown that the expression of MnP is more commonthan that of LiP (Orth et al. 1993; Hatakka 1994;Vares et al. 1995; Hofrichter 2002; Rainio, Maijala,Hatakka et al., unpublished data). VP has beenreported so far only from Pleurotus spp. and Bjer-kandera spp. (Ruiz-Duenas and Martınez 2009).Crystal structures of substrate binding site mutantsof MnP indicate that there is only one major Mn-binding site (Sundaramoorthy et al. 1997). Thisproposed site consists of a heme propionate, threeacidic ligands and two water molecules.

The characteristics and potential applications of MnPs andVPs were extensively studied in the 1990s and frequentlyreviewed (Hatakka 2001; Hofrichter 2002; Martınez 2002;Ruiz-Duenas and Martınez 2009), while LiPs were lessstudied. MnP has an important role in the depolymeriza-tion of lignin and chlorolignin as well as in the demethyla-tion of lignin and bleaching of pulp (Hatakka 2001).Moreover, the enzyme mediates initial steps in the degra-dation of high-molecular-weight lignin (Perez and Jeffries1992). MnP oxidizes Mn(II) to Mn(III) that is stabilized byorganic acids such as oxalate, malate, lactate or malonatevia chelation (Kishi et al. 1994; Kirk and Cullen 1998).Chelated Mn(III) in turn oxidizes various compounds,including lignin. In the presence of unsaturated fattyacids, it contributes to lipid peroxidation, and the formedperoxyl radicals may act as selective oxidants. Significantmineralization of synthetic 14C-labelled lignin (DHP), upto 16% of the applied 14C as evolved 14CO2, was measuredin an in vitro system (without fungal mycelium) consistingof a mixture of MnP, linoleic acid, Mn and H2O2 (Hofrich-ter et al. 1999a; Kapich et al. 1999).

In addition, some accessory enzymes are involved inlignin degradation. These enzymes include H2O2-generat-ing enzymes such as aryl alcohol oxidase (AAO, EC1.1.3.7), glyoxal oxidase (GLOX), and pyranose-2 oxidase(EC; Hatakka 2001; Kersten and Cullen 2007).

2. Peroxidases of Brown-Rot Fungi?

The components most often cited as missing inbrown-rot fungi are the secreted enzymes gener-ally thought to have a key role in delignification bywhite-rot fungi. As far as ligninolytic heme-con-taining peroxidases are concerned, the situationappears straightforward so far. The currentlyknown lignin and versatile peroxidases (LiP, VP)of white-rot fungi, i.e. those enzymes that cancleave non-phenolic lignin structures directly, all

contain an exposed tryptophan required for catal-ysis (Martınez 2002) and no brown-rot fungus hasyet been shown to produce a peroxidase with thisessential residue. Similarly, manganese peroxi-dases (MnPs), which oxidize Mn(II) to the ligni-nolytic agent Mn(III), all contain an essentialmanganese-binding site comprised of acidicamino acid residues (Martınez 2002), and nobrown-rot fungus peroxidase has been foundwith this property. Additional white-rot peroxi-dases that may have a ligninolytic function havebeen described recently (Martınez 2002; Miki et al.2009) but none of them has a brown-rot counter-part so far. Perhaps most pertinent, no currentlyknown type of ligninolytic peroxidase is encodedin the P. placenta genome (Martinez et al. 2009).

3. Laccases

Laccase (EC, p-diphenol:oxygen oxidore-ductase) has been studied since the 1880s when itwas first described in the lacquer tree (Thurston1994; Baldrian 2006). Laccase is a copper-contain-ing oxidase that utilizes molecular oxygen as oxi-dant and also oxidizes phenolic rings to phenoxyradicals (though the redox potential is somewhatlower than that of peroxidases; Thurston 1994;Baldrian 2006). Most white-rot fungi typicallyproduce laccase (Kaarik 1965; Bollag and Leono-wicz 1984), and the enzyme is common also inhigher plants and in other fungi, and even inbacteria and insects laccase-like multicopper oxi-dases have been described (Giardina et al. 2010).

Laccases belong to a superfamily of multicop-per oxidases (MCOs; Hoegger et al. 2006), forminga phylogenetically divergent group of so called“blue oxidases” that all contain four copperatoms per mol of enzyme, arranged into threemetallocentres between three structural domainsformed by a single polypeptide of about 500 aminoacids in length (Ducros et al. 1998; Bertrand et al.2002; Piontek et al. 2002; Lundell et al. 2010).Phylogenetically, multicopper oxidases may beclassified as true fungal laccases and separatedfrom other laccase-like enzymes (Lundell et al.2010). In fungi laccases or laccase-like copperenzymes can be involved in lignin degradation,but in fungal physiology laccases may also haveother functions, for example, in pigmentation, fruit-ing body formation, sporulation, pathogenicityand detoxification (Thurston 1994). The crystal

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structures of ascomycete and basidiomycete lac-cases were solved for enzymes of Melanocarpusalbomyces (Hakulinen et al. 2002) as well as Copri-nus cinereus (Ducros et al. 1998), Trametes versi-color (Piontek et al. 2002) and Lentinus tigrinus(Ferraroni et al. 2007), respectively.

Laccases catalyze the oxidation of a wide range of organicsubstrates, such as phenols, aromatic amines and hetero-cyclic compounds, usually restricted by low redox poten-tial characteristics (< 0.8 V). They catalyze the completefour-electron reduction of dioxygen (O2) to water withconcomitant electron withdrawal from the reducingorganic substrate compounds (Thurston 1994; Call andMucke 1997). Laccase catalyzes the cleavage of the Ca–Cbbond in phenolic b-1 and b-O-4 lignin model dimers byoxidizing Ca-carbon and by splitting the aryl–alkyl bond(Eriksson et al. 1990). Due to its rather low redox potential,it is not able to directly oxidize non-phenolic lignin units,which have a high redox potential (> 1.2 V). Laccases can,however, oxidize monomeric lignin-like phenols and ani-lines of redox potentials ranging from 0.5 V to even 1.9 Vfor one electron abstraction, and the efficiency of oxida-tion correlates to the redox potential but also to stericproperties of the enzyme (Tadesse et al. 2008).

In native wood, less than 20% of all lignin units arephenolic (Higuchi 1990), and as a consequence, laccasesare incapable of depolymerizing macromolecular lignins.In the presence of oxidation mediator compounds (redoxmediators), such as 2,2’-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonate, (ABTS; Bourbonnais and Paice 1990) ororganic N-OH compounds such as 1-hydroxybenzotria-zole (HBT), which were discovered in the 1990s by Calland others (Call and Mucke 1997), laccase-aided oxidationof non-phenolic compounds and even delignification ispromoted. There have been attempts to find possible nat-ural mediators (Eggert et al. 1996), but except in one case(3-hydroxyanthranilic acid from Pycnoporus cinnabari-nus), no such compound has been identified. Syntheticlaccase mediators have widely been investigated for vari-ous applications in the pulp and paper/forest sector, themost common being HBT and violuric acid (Call andMucke 1997; Widsten and Kandelbauer 2008). There is avigorous search for safer and cheaper mediator molecules,e.g. among naturally occurring aromatic compounds. Syr-ingaldehyde and other related compounds have shownpromising results as charge-transfer mediators in laccasecatalyzed reactions (Kawai et al. 2004; Camarero et al.2005; Nousiainen et al. 2009). In nature, hardwood lignincould be a source of syringyl compounds, but even if theywould act as redox mediators in nature, in softwood, thesesubstructures are not present. Although white-rot fungitypically prefer hardwood species, many of them grow anddegrade also softwood and its lignin.

More than 100 laccases have been purifiedfrom fungi andmore or less characterized in detail(Baldrian 2006). Typically, laccases are inducibleenzymes with pH optima between 3.0 and 5.7.

Laccases of some soil inhabiting basidiomyceteshave higher pH optima (pH 7.0), e.g. those ofRhizoctonia praticola (Bollag and Leonowicz1984) and Coprinus cinereus (Schneider et al.1999). The optimal temperature may be as highas 75�C as found using the laccase of the litter-decomposing fungus Marasmius quercophilus(Dedeyan et al. 2000). Laccases from white-rotfungi usually have molecular masses of 60–80kDa, acidic pIs (2.5–5.0) and are glycosylated(Thurston 1994).

Laccases have long been proposed to have arole in lignin biodegradation (Eriksson et al. 1990)but the exact role of laccase in wood and non-wood (grass) lignin degradation is still unclear.Although laccase is very common in wood-rottingwhite-rot fungi, it was confirmed that the wholegenome of P. chrysosporium (a model white-rotfungus) does not contain laccase-encoding genes,although some other multicopper oxidase encod-ing genes have been identified in its genome. Therole of laccase in lignin degradation becomes evenmore questionable, since the whole genome of thedung-dwelling, non-lignin-degrading basidiomy-cete C. cinerea contains several (17!) laccase-encoding genes (Table 15.1). Moreover, the recentwhole-genome sequence analysis of Poria (Postia)placenta indicated the presence of true laccasesalso in a cellulolytic brown-rot fungus (Martinezet al. 2009).

Nevertheless, laccases are apparently rare in brown-rotfungi, as shown by the long usage of the Bavendammreaction to differentiate between white-rot from brown-rot basidiomycetes (Bavendamm 1928). This test dependson the development of a color reaction after application ofa phenol oxidase substrate such as gallic acid to the myce-lium, and most brown-rot fungi give a negative result.However, recent work has revealed the presence in thegrowth medium of some brown-rot fungi of uncharacter-ized substances that oxidize laccase substrates, and thegenomes of some of these fungi harbour laccase-like genesequences (D’Souza et al. 1996; Lee et al. 2004). Further-more, at least one brown-rot fungus, P. placenta, clearlyexpresses a true laccase on wood, as shown by peptidefingerprinting of extracted proteins and by heterologousexpression of the responsible gene (Wei et al. 2010).

Even when laccases are present in brown-rotfungi, it does not necessarily follow that this decaytype involves enzyme-catalyzed delignification ofthe substrate. Although there is a long associationin the literature between fungal ligninolysis andthe presence of laccases, there is little evidence

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that these enzymes can truly depolymerize lignindirectly. Instead, they rather cause additionalpolymerization when tested on model ligninsin vitro, unless suitable redox mediators are pres-ent (Rochefort et al. 2004). It may be that naturallaccase mediators do occur and simply remain tobe discovered (perhaps even in the case of brown-rotters), or that laccases actually have no role infungal ligninolysis, perhaps being involvedinstead in melanin formation or in the unspecificdetoxification of phenols via polymerization (Bol-lag et al. 1988; Galhaup and Haltrich 2001). Alter-natively, the laccases of brown-rot fungi mayparticipate in the generation of biodegradativeoxygen-centered radicals, as discussed below(Wei et al. 2010).

Thus the present genomic informationstrongly suggests that the role of laccase in fungalphysiology, that is in the fruiting body and sporeformation as well as pigmentation and detoxifyingof phenolic compounds derived from lignin, andin other similar reactions, may be in nature moreimportant than the participation of laccase inlignin biodegradation. Even if its role in ligninbiodegradation is not clear, this enzyme hasundoubtedly more potential than other fungal

oxidoreductases in various industrial applications(Widsten and Kandelbauer 2008), and because itsheterologous production in industrial fungalhosts has been developed, its use on a relativelylarge scale is possible even now (Yaver et al. 1996;Berka et al. 1997; see also Chapters 14, 21).

4. Role of Small Oxidants in Incipient Decay

The chemical changes that occur in lignin andcellulose during brown-rot, in combination withthe apparent lack of ligninolytic enzymes or com-plete cellulase systems in these fungi, suggest theinvolvement of small oxidants in decay. The best-known and perhaps most likely candidate is Fen-ton reagent, i.e. the oxidant that is produced whenFe2þ reacts with H2O2 (Fig. 15.1; Koenigs 1974).The Fenton oxidant is generally depicted as thehydroxyl radical (lOH), although it is possible thatthe actual species is a similarly reactive iron–oxygen complex in which the iron has a formalcharge of þ4 or þ5 (Halliwell and Gutteridge1999). Essentially, all a fungus requires for theproduction of extracellular Fenton reagent is amechanism to reduce extracellular Fe3þ to Fe2þ,because Fe2þ auto-oxidizes in most biological

Fig. 15.1. Extracellular free rad-ical reactions proposed to have arole in incipient brown-rot. AThe Fenton reaction. B Hydro-quinone-dependent processesthat produce the Fe2þ and H2O2

required for Fenton chemistry

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environments to produce the perhydroxyl radical/superoxide acid–base pair (lOOH/O2l

–), which rapi-dly dismutates or oxidizes Fe2þ to produce H2O2.Alternatively, Fenton chemistry will occur if thefungus has a system that generates extracellularlOOH/O2l

–, because these radicals are sufficientlyreducing to convert most forms of Fe3þ to Fe2þ

(Fig. 15.1; Halliwell and Gutteridge 1999).Fenton reagent is the strongest oxidant that

can occur in water, and reacts non-selectively withvirtually any organic compound it meets. Itabstracts hydrogens from aliphatic structuressuch as polysaccharides, thus depolymerizingthem and introducing oxygen functional groups,in agreement with the chemical changes that havebeen observed in brown-rotted cellulose. Fentonreagent also oxidizes aromatic rings, causing ringhydroxylation and scission of adjacent aliphaticstructures, which may explain why brown-rotfungi are apparently capable of some ligninolysis(Hammel et al. 2002). In the process of thesereactions, an array of new substrate-derived oxi-dants is produced, especially alkoxyl (lOR) andperoxyl (lOOR) radicals, which are less reactivethan Fenton regent but able to cause additionallignocellulose oxidation (Hammel et al. 2002).Several hypotheses have been advanced to explainhow brown-rot fungi initiate Fenton chemistry.

5. Hydroquinones

Work over the past decade has shown that extra-cellular hydroquinones are produced by diverse,phylogenetically distinct brown-rot fungi, includ-ing G. trabeum, P. placenta and Serpula lacrymans.In G. trabeum, both 2,5-dimethoxyhydroquinone(2,5-DMHQ) and 4,5-dimethoxycatechol occur,whereas P. placenta and S. lacrymans appear toproduce only 2,5-DMHQ (Kerem et al. 1999; Paszc-zynski et al. 1999; Shimokawa et al. 2004; Suzukiet al. 2006). The significance of this finding is thathydroquinones bearing electron-donating substi-tuents (such as methoxyls) auto-oxidize rapidly inthe presence of most Fe3þ salts, thus generatingFe2þ and semiquinone radicals. Some of the result-ing semiquinones then reduce additional Fe3þ, orreact further with O2 to produce quinones andlOOH/O2l

–. This last species then dismutates oroxidizes some of the Fe2þ to produce H2O2

(Fig. 15.1). The Fe2þ and H2O2 thus generatedthen undergo the Fenton reaction, as describedabove.

Some studies done with decaying wood support a role forhydroquinone-driven Fenton chemistry in incipientbrown-rot. The hydroquinones are present in wood under-going decay by G. trabeum and P. placenta, and are main-tained in the reduced state despite their tendency tooxidize rapidly when removed from the wood (Suzukiet al. 2006; Wei et al. 2010). This result indicates that thehydroquinones must be present in a steady state, i.e. thatthey are continuously oxidized and regenerated in thewood. Computer modeling of these reactions has providedevidence that the quantity of Fenton reagent produced viathis redox chemistry is large enough for the hydroqui-nones to have a role in polysaccharide scission duringincipient decay by G. trabeum. However, the quantityappears insufficient to account for all of the cleavage thatoccurs, and thus other process must also contribute(Suzuki et al. 2006). An additional difficulty is that somebrown-rot fungi, including P. placenta, produce largequantities of oxalic acid, a strong Fe3þ chelator thatmakes the reduction of Fe3þ by 2,5-DMHQ thermodynami-cally infeasible (Green et al. 1991; Park et al. 1997). In thiscase, it appears that P. placenta laccases rather than Fe3þ

are the initial oxidants of 2,5-DMHQ. The resulting semi-quinone radicals then react with O2 to produce lOOH/O2


a species which, unlike 2,5-DMHQ, is sufficiently reducingto convert Fe3þ to Fe2þ in the presence of a high oxalateconcentration, thus generating all components needed fora complete Fenton system (Wei et al. 2010).

6. Cellobiose Dehydrogenases

Cellobiose dehydrogenases (CDHs, EC1.1.99.18)are heme- and flavin-containing oxidoreductasesthat many fungi secrete. They catalyze the oxida-tion of cellobiose and some other sugars withconcomitant reduction of an electron acceptor,molecular oxygen originally being considered thephysiological substrate. Subsequent work with theenzyme from the white-rot fungus P. chrysospor-ium showed: (1) some Fe3þ salts are better electronacceptors, (2) the Fe2þ thus formed auto-oxidizesto produce the H2O2 precursor lOOH/O2l

– and (3)a complete Fenton system can thus be produced.Most of the work on CDH-catalyzed Fentonchemistry has focused on white-rot fungi andthe possible role of reactive oxygen species intheir decay processes (Henriksson et al. 2000).Genes encoding CDH have been described in thewhite-rot fungi P. chrysosporium, Pycnoporus cin-nabarinus, Trametes versicolor and Ceriporiopsissubvermispora. In the last fungus it has beenspeculated that the poor degradation of celluloseis due to its lack of cellobiohydrolases or andCDHs. Recently, a CDH from C. subvermisporawas purified and characterized (Harreither et al.

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2009). The fungus produces it in later stages ofcellulose degradation, and therefore it was con-cluded that CDH does not participate in lignindegradation but it could help the weak cellulolyticsystem of this fungus, lacking cellobiohydrolases,to degrade cellulose at a late stage of growth oncellulose. Thus, even now the exact role of thisenzyme is not known.

This mechanism may also be relevant to the brown-rotfungus Coniophora puteana, which produces a CDH(Hyde and Wood 1997), but it must be absent in P. pla-centa because no CDH is encoded in this genome (Marti-nez et al. 2009). One problem with a role for CDH inFenton chemistry is that it is no stronger a reductantthan are hydroquinones such as 2,5-DMHQ (Hyde andWood 1997), and thus like them it cannot reduce Fe3þ

efficiently in the presence of high oxalate concentrations.In addition, there is a “chicken or egg” problem with CDHas a source of biodegradative oxidants – presumably, theselow-molecular-weight species are needed during incipientdecay to release sugars for the fungus to grow on, yet thesugars are required beforehand as electron donors forCDH to operate.

7. Redox-Active Glycopeptides

Nearly 20 years ago, wood-grown cultures of G.trabeum were reported to produce extracellularFe2þ-containing glycopeptides that reduced O2 tolOOH/O2l

– and also used H2O2 to produce a Fen-ton system. These substances also utilized Fe3þ,provided a reductant such as NADH or ascorbatewas included in the reactions. The glycopeptidesappeared somewhat heterogeneous, as shown bytheir chromatographic properties, but had a suffi-ciently low-molecular-weight mass range of 1–5kDa to suggest they could have a role in incipientbrown rot (Enoki et al. 1992). Subsequent workshowed that similar substances were produced bya variety of brown- and white-rot fungi (Enokiet al. 1997; Tanaka et al. 2007). Recently, genesthat apparently encode these peptides were alsoidentified in the white-rotter P. chrysosporium(Tanaka et al. 2007), and it is interesting thatsimilar genes are present and expressed by thebrown-rotter P. placenta (Martinez et al. 2009).

However, so far some features of these substances aredifficult to reconcile with a biodegradative role. First, theinferred molecular masses of the encoded peptides arearound 14 kDa, much larger than reported for the sub-stances that were first isolated from colonized wood.

Indeed, the possibility has not been ruled out that someof the originally reported glycopeptides might simply beheterogeneous mixtures of partially degraded extracellularfungal proteins. Second, as with other proposed fungalFenton systems, a reductant is needed to return thebound iron to its active ferrous state. Since the physiolog-ical reductant is unlikely to be either NADH or ascorbate, akey part of the biodegradative system remains unidenti-fied. Finally, it is not clear what advantage is conferred byhaving the iron bound to a glycopeptide, since Fentonchemistry occurs equally well with iron salts bound tomuch simpler chelators such as oxalate. One possibilityworth investigating is that the Fenton systems involvingglycopeptide-bound iron might oxidize polysaccharide orlignin structures more selectively than simple Fenton sys-tems do. Another is that the ferric glycopeptides might beable to undergo reduction by donors that do not work withsimpler Fe3þ chelates. In this connection, it is interestingthat the G. trabeum glycopeptide was reported to undergoreduction by cellobiose (Wang and Gao 2003), but veryfew details of this reaction were provided. Additional workis clearly needed with these potentially relevant sub-stances.

B. Soft-Rot Fungi

Ascomycetes are usually thought to degrademainly carbohydrates in soil, forest litter andcompost, but they may also degrade lignin inthese environments (Rodriguez et al. 1996; Rega-lado et al. 1997; Tuomela et al. 2000; Kluczek-Turpeinen et al. 2003). Thus, some ascomycetes/deuteromycetes (“molds”) were found to be able tomineralize grass lignins (Haider and Trojanowski1975) and e.g. Penicillium chrysogenum, Fusariumoxysporum and F. solani (Rodriguez et al. 1996)mineralized in 28 days up to 27% of a 14C-labelledlignin prepared from milled wheat straw. Unlikemodel white-rot basidiomycetes such as Phaner-ochaete chrysosporium and Phlebia spp., whichdegrade lignin during secondary metabolism(Kirk and Farrell 1987; Hatakka 2001), the degra-dation by molds was maximal during primarymetabolism (Regalado et al. 1997).

Pine wood was degraded very little, only showing 2.5%weight loss (Nilsson et al. 1989). The high concentration ofguaiacyl units in the middle lamella of coniferous woodmay cause its resistance to decay by soft-rot fungi becausethey may not have the oxidative potential to attack themore condensed recalcitrant guaiacyl lignin. In contrast,syringyl lignin apparently is readily oxidized and miner-alized by soft-rot fungi (Nilsson et al. 1989). Usually thesefungi, e.g. P. chrysogenum and F. proliferatum, mineralizeless than 10% of the applied 14C-labelled guaiacyl type

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synthetic lignin (DHP; Rodriguez et al. 1994; Regaladoet al. 1997). Paecilomyces inflatus mineralized 6.5% ofa synthetic 14Cb-labelled lignin in 12 weeks during solid-state cultivation of the fungus in autoclaved compostand 15.5% was converted into water-soluble fragments(Kluczek-Turpeinen et al. 2003). Two wood inhabitingfungi, Xylaria hypoxylon and X. polymorpha, when grow-ing on beech wood meal mineralized 9% of the same DHPas above, and the major fraction (65.5%) was polymerizedinto water and dioxin insoluble material (Liers et al. 2006).These fungi formed large lignocellulose fragments unlikethe basidiomycetous white-rot fungus Bjerkandera adusta,which released smaller lignocellulose fragments. Thismight have connections to the finding that Xylaria spp.produced high levels of hydrolytic enzymes, like esteraseand xylanases.

There are no reliable reports on the presenceof ligninolytic heme peroxidases in ascomycetes.The genome of the efficient cellulose degradingfungus Hypocrea jecorina (Trichoderma reesei)does not contain genes encoding laccase or ligni-nolytic peroxidases (Martinez et al. 2008). Lac-case activities in lignin-degrading ascomycetessuch as Xylaria spp. (Liers et al. 2006) andP. inflatus (Kluczek-Turpeinen et al. 2003) haveusually been low. Laccase, aryl-alcohol oxidaseand superoxide radicals were detected in liquidcultures of F. proliferatum, but neither MnP norLiP were present (Regalado et al. 1999). Interest-ingly, in the ascomycete Petriellidium fusoideum,the specific inhibition of hydroxyl radical pro-duction was found to decrease the mineralizationof 14C-labelled synthetic lignin (DHP; Gonzaleset al. 2002).

V. Biopulping as an Exampleof Potential Applicationsof White-Rot Fungi

Fungal or enzymatic treatment of wood or woodchips combined with mechanical or chemicalpulping is a process known in a broad sense asbiopulping, or more precisely as biomechanical,or biochemical pulping, depending on the pulpingprocess which the biological process is combinedwith (Akhtar et al. 1998; Ferraz et al. 2008). Inchemical pulping, such as soda or Kraft pulping,strong chemicals and high pressure are applied toremove lignin. Chemical pulping produces pulpwith high strength but the process is polluting,hemicelluloses are also removed and the overall

yield is relatively low (40–50%). Mechanicalpulping uses mechanical forces to separate woodfibers, and the yields are higher (up to 95%); itresults in paper with good printing properties –newspaper is typically manufactured frommechanical pulp – but the process requires a lotof electrical energy for refining, the fibers havepoor strength properties, and the high content oflignin causes a tendency to high color reversion(yellowing). Biological (fungal) treatment is usu-ally combined with mechanical pulping to saverefining energy (Akhtar et al. 1998), and its com-patibility is not good with alkaline (Kraft) pulp-ing, as the most useful white-rot fungi produceoxalic acid and other organic acids when growingin wood or straw (Galkin et al. 1998; Hofrichteret al. 1999b; Makela et al. 2002; Hakala et al. 2005),and the neutralization of these acids causes a needfor extra alkali.

The use a lignin-degrading white-rot fungus to delignifywood is not a new idea as reviewed by Akhtar et al. (1998)and Gramss (1992). Already in the 1940s, Luthardt in EastGermany started comprehensive studies to prepare soft-ened myco-wood (“Mykoholz”) for the production of pen-cils using white-rot fungi (e.g. Kuehneromyces mutabilis,Trametes versicolor; summarized by Luthardt 1969, 2005).In 1957 a United States pulp and paper company screenedwood-rotting fungi for delignification, and in 1972, it wasfound that treatment (cultivation) with a common white-rot fungus, Rigidoporus ulmarius, reduced the electricalenergy needed for papermaking and produced strongerfibers from aspen wood chips. At the same time a pioneer-ing work was published from the Swedish Forest ProductsLaboratory (STFI; Ander and Eriksson 1977). This screen-ing identified some promising biopulping fungi fromwhich also cellulaseless mutants were produced. Thesefungi were Phlebia radiata, Pycnoporus cinnabarinus andSporotrichum pulverulentum (an anamorph of P. chrysos-porium). For biopulping experiments and lignin biodegra-dation studies, the researchers from the United States useda strain of the same fungus, P. chrysosporium Burdsall. Thenext generation of biopulping research was started in theForest Products Laboratory, USDA (Madison, Wis., USA)in 1987 by a large international biopulping consortium(Akhtar et al. 1998).

A key factor in successful biopulping is theuse of a competitive and fast-growing but at thesame time efficiently lignin-degrading fungus.Extensive screenings of white-rot fungi (Otjenand Blanchette 1987; Blanchette et al. 1988, 1992)resulted in the selection of the highly effectivespecies Ceriporiopsis subvermispora, and alsofungi of the genus Phlebia have been frequently

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studied for biopulping purposes, e.g. strains ofP. tremellosa, P. subserialis and P. brevispora.C. subvermispora was efficient during both hard-wood and softwood treatment, and since then, ithas been a target for lively research, and its ligninand cellulose degrading enzymes have beenthoroughly studied (Lobos et al. 2001; Heidorneet al. 2006).

In fungal treatment of lignocelluloses, it would be usefulto regulate the relationship of the degradation of polysac-charides versus lignin. To better understand the regula-tion of lignocellulose degradation, Phlebia radiata wasgrown under different conditions and the degradationand mineralization of 14C-labelled tobacco cellulose,14C-labelled wheat-straw hemicelluloses and 14C-(lignin)-labelled wheat straw was monitored. The results indicatethat the degradation of lignin and hemicelluloses proceedsunder similar conditions while the degradation of celluloseoccurred under different conditions (Cho et al. 2009). Forthe acceleration of lignin degradation and the simulta-neous repression of fungal attack on cellulose cultivationof the fungus in an oxygen atmosphere, addition of a smallamount of glucose and supplementation of the mediumwith vanillic acid has been suggested.

In a study (Hakala et al. 2004) to find suitablebiopulping fungi for the treatment of Norwayspruce (Picea abies), about 300 white-rot fungiwere initially screened on agar plate tests, andabout 90 well-growing fungi were then cultivatedfor 10 weeks on spruce wood blocks. About 15species of these pre-selected fungi degradedmore lignin than cellulose (Hakala et al. 2004);some fungi such as Phellinus viticola even con-verted almost three times more lignin than cellu-lose. However, the weight losses were usuallyrather low, indicating slow growth. The mostpromising fungus in this screening was Physispor-inus rivulosus, which was able to grow anddegrade wood also at rather high temperature(37�C). P. rivulosus produces readily MnP andsecretes also oxalate (Hakala et al. 2005, 2006).Both C. subvermispora and P. rivulosus causedlosses of Klason lignin and an increase in acid-soluble lignin when growing in spruce wood. TwoMnP isoenzymes were found in P. rivulosus andthey are differentially regulated (Hakala et al.2005, 2006).

Recently the so-far most intensive biopulpingstudies, both regarding technological and mecha-nistic aspects, have been started in Brazil (Ferrazet al. 2008) with the aim to treat Eucalyptusgrandis and Pinus taeda with C. subvermispora.

Mill-scale pilot studies at the 50-t scale haveshown which kind of practical difficulties biopulp-ing must overcome. The same level of energysavings as at laboratory scale were possible toattain at mill-scale, i.e. 18–27%, depending onthe mechanical pulping process and freenesss.There is, however, still a need for more resistantand competitive fungal species, since the maindrawback has been contamination of wood-chippiles with other fungi (“molds”). Earlier studies bythe biopulping consortium (Akhtar et al. 1998)showed that the extent of lignin removal isnot related to energy savings in biomechanicalpulping, but Ferraz and others (Ferraz et al.2008) have shown that there are good correlationsbetween biopulping effects and intense lignindepolymerization observed during the initialstages of wood biotreatment by selective white-rot fungi.

The dominant oxidative enzyme that the potentially mostapplicable biopulping fungi produce on wood chips is(again) MnP (Hatakka et al. 2003; Maijala et al. 2008;Cunha et al. 2010). For industrial purposes, fungal bio-pulping is still considered too slow and technicallydemanding, and the direct application of enzymes onwood chips has become a more attractive alternative.When Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) wood chips were trea-ted with an MnP–lipid peroxidation system, 11% lessenergy was consumed while fiber strength and opticalquality were maintained (Maijala et al. 2008). The treat-ment also increased the number of carboxyl groups on thesurface of wood fibers while the total number of carboxylgroups was not affected. This indicates that the enzymemay act only on the surface of wood.

Most white-rot fungi readily produce oxalateduring growth on lignocelluloses such as straw(Galkin et al. 1998; Hofrichter et al. 1999), andPhysisporinus rivulosus started to secrete oxalateon the fifth day when growing on spruce wood(Hakala et al. 2004). Oxalate may directly contrib-ute biopulping, namely it was found that esterifi-cation of oxalate produced by the fungus to thefibers may improve fiber saturation and correlateswell with energy savings in biomechanical pulping(Hunt et al. 2004). Finally oxalate may have alsomany other roles in wood-rotting fungi (Makelaet al. 2002, 2009). In addition to MnP and oxalate,white-rot fungi secrete also an array of other oxi-dative and hydrolytic enzymes into the surround-ing wood matrix, which all may be involved in thealteration of the microstructure of woody cellwalls.

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VI. Overview of Fungal LigninDegradation and Outlook

Despite intensive research, especially on fungaloxidoreductases, it is still not clear in detail howlignin-degrading white-rot fungi actually attacklignin. The peroxidases involved in lignindegradation are rather well-known and their rolein lignin degradation is generally accepted, whilethe role of laccase is not certain (Hatakka 2001;Hammel and Cullen 2008). Analogously to the deg-radation of polysaccharides (cellulose, hemicellu-loses), it is assumed that lignin fragments producedby the peroxidase attack are taken up by the fungalhyphae and metabolized intracellularly. This pro-cess requires active uptake of lignin fragmentsthrough the fungal cell wall and membranes,which means that the fungus must possess trans-port mechanisms (Shary et al. 2008). This assump-tion is supported by the capability of the modelfungus P. chrysosporium to metabolize aromaticcompounds and de novo to synthesize veratrylalcohol (Lundquist and Kirk 1978). It was foundat the end of the 1970s that mycelial pellets ofSporotrichum pulverulentum (the anamorph ofP. chrysosporium) metabolize vanillic acid suppliedto the cultivation medium, and several intermedi-ates were analyzed from the extracellular medium(Ander et al. 1980). The fungus most probablyutilizes intracellular or membrane bound cyto-chrome P450 enzymes, since it has as many as154 cytochrome P450 encoding genes in its genome(Martinez et al. 2004). However, only a few trans-porters were upregulated under ligninolytic condi-tions (Shary et al. 2008). The uptake of ligninfragments may be an inefficient process. Appar-ently the lignin fragments cannot provide the fun-gus enough carbon and energy for growth sincewhite-rot fungi cannot grow on polymeric ligninas a sole carbon source, i.e. lignin degradationby P. chrysosporium is a co-metabolic process asso-ciated with secondary metabolism and not linkedto the growth of the fungus (Kirk and Farrell 1987).

All lignin-degrading white-rot fungi studied so far areapparently able to produce MnP (Hofrichter 2002). Lac-case is also produced by almost all white-rot fungi, but notby the model fungus P. chrysosporium. This makes the roleof laccase difficult to understand. A minor subset of white-rot fungi produce LiP or VP, the enzymes that can directlyattack lignin (Ruiz-Duenas and Martınez 2009). Thus themajority of lignin-degrading fungi seem to utilize a com-

bination of MnP and laccase (Hatakka 1994). This distri-bution was apparent also in a recent screening of about 50lignin-degrading white-rot and litter-decomposing fungi,which were efficient degraders of wood lignin on woodblocks (Hakala et al. 2004) or in other test systems. MnPwas the most common ligninolytic peroxidase, being evenmore commonly expressed by the fungi than laccase, butonly about half of the species, such as those belonging tothe genera Cerrena, Phlebia, Pleurotus, Phanerochaete andTrametes bleached the dyes Azure B and Reactive Black 5indicative for LiP and/or VP production (Rainio, Maijala,Hatakka et al., unpublished data). As pointed out earlier itwas concluded that, among more than 150 agaricomycetes,LiPs evidently arose only once in the Polyporales, whereasMnPs and VPs are more widespread and may have multi-ple origins (Morgenstern et al. 2008). The production ofMnP is apparently distinctive to basidiomycetous fungi,since there are no serious reports on bacteria, yeasts andmolds, nor mycorrhiza-forming basidiomycetes produc-ing MnP (Hofrichter 2002). Studies claiming the contrary(i.e. production of “true” ligninolytic peroxidases by asco-and deuteromycetes, bacteria and other organisms) shouldbe regarded with suspicion because they may either rely onincorrectly identified fungi or suffer from incorrect/insuf-ficient enzyme assays (examples of such maybe misleadingreports are Ferrer et al. 1992; Kanayama et al. 2002; Ber-mek et al. 2004). Last but not least, VP has only beenreported from Pleurotus spp. and Bjerkandera spp.

The widespread production of MnP by white-rot fungisuggests its key role in lignin degradation. It was proposedthat lignin can be mineralized outside the cell by an “enzy-matic combustion” mechanism based on MnP acting as aradical pump (Hofrichter et al. 1999a; Hatakka 2001;Fig. 15.2). The most common way of attack on the ligninpolymer would occur by oxidized and chelated manganese(Mn3þ-di-oxalate chelates; Fig. 15.2). The suggested mech-anism involves indirect oxygenation of phenolic rings(ether peroxide formation), spontaneous ring opening toproduce muconic acid derivatives and decarboxylation ofthe formed carboxyl groups to carbon dioxide (Hofrichter2002). This mechanism does not necessarily produce smallaromatic lignin fragments since the aromatic rings aregradually eroded outside the fungal cell.

According to the traditional model of lignin degrada-tion, the action of extracellular heme peroxidase throughone-electron and hydrogen abstractions from lignin units(the key step in the degradative process) produces unsta-ble aryl cation radical intermediates, which undergodifferent reactions including breakdown of Ca–Cb andC4–ether linkages releasing the corresponding aromaticaldehydes (vanillin in the case of guaiacyl units) thatcan be intracellularly mineralized (Kirk and Farrell 1987;Ruiz-Duenas and Martınez 2009). It should be kept inmind here that vanillin is toxic to the fungus already atlow concentrations and probably oxidized and polymer-ized by peroxidases (Ander et al. 1980). In the case ofP. chrysosporium LiP, lignin attack requires the presenceof veratryl alcohol, probably as an enzyme-bound media-tor, and hydrogen peroxide is mainly generated by glyoxaloxidase. In this traditional model concept there is no rolefor MnP (or laccase), and there is still the question howfungi that do not produce LiP (or VP) can also mineralize

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lignin. If lignin fragments were (preferably) metabolizedintracellularly, at least some energy and carbon should begained from lignin for the fungus, and the fungus shouldbe able to grow on lignin.

It is possible that white-rot fungi use bothmechanisms to varying extents so that their roleis important in fungi producing LiP and/or VP,and these fungi have an efficient metabolism ofaromatic acids (e.g. vanillin) with necessarymembrane transport mechanisms, while in otherfungi the role of MnP is more significant. MnP-promoted lipid peroxidation causes the gradualextracellular breakdown of polymeric lignin (Baoet al. 1994), ring opening and formation of muco-nic acid residues, which can be decarboxylated byMnP, resulting in the production of carbon diox-ide (Hofrichter et al. 1999a; Kapich et al. 1999,2005; Hofrichter 2002).

The evidence is good that the earliest stage ofbrown-rot is oxidative and relatively non-selective,but there are also some differences betweenbrown-rot species in the relative extents to whichthey modify lignin and cellulose (Irbe et al. 2001;

Filley et al. 2002; Niemenmaa et al. 2008), and theonly other clear unifying feature in this decay typeis that the fungi fail to mineralize much of thelignin. Given the diverse phylogenetic origins ofbrown-rot, one question is whether it has arisenrepeatedly simply via the loss of ligninolyticenzymes that are essential for white-rot. If this isthe case, there is presumably an underlying suite ofoxidative components that are able by themselvesto attack lignocellulose, albeit less efficiently wherethe lignin is concerned, and it should then theoret-ically be possible to convert any white-rot fungus toa brown-rot fungus by knocking out componentsof its ligninolytic apparatus. Alternatively, somebrown-rot fungi may have evolved new decaymechanisms that were not already present inthe white-rot lineages whence they arose. Presently,we have too little information to draw firm conclu-sions, but it is interesting that some proposedbiodegradative components, e.g. cellobiose dehy-drogenases and redox-active glycopeptides, havebeen reported in both decay types, whereasoxidant-generating hydroquinones have beenfound so far only in brown-rot fungi.

Organic acids(e.g. oxalate)

Chelated Mn3+

Lignocellulose(wood, soil-litter)

Fungal hypha


Watersolublelignin fragments

Sugars frompolysaccharides

Mn3 +

Mn2 +

Laccases,other peroxidases

Co-oxidants(e.g. unsaturated FA)

O2Part of the lignin molecule

H O2 2



























Mn3 +

Radicals(e.g. ROO )

Fig. 15.2. Proposed mechanism of lignin degradation based on the radical-mediated reactions initiated by manganeseperoxidase (MnP) acting as a radical pump (modified according to Fritsche and Hofrichter 2004)

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Despite all the progress of the past three dec-ades, many questions regarding lignocellulosebiodegradation by fungi are still open. Thus,more effort will be necessary to elucidate aboveall the regulation of ligninolysis both onmolecularand enzymatic levels. Not least this will be theprerequisite for the further development of bio-pulping technologies and other applications ofwood-rot fungi and their biocatalytic systems.


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In: Industrial Applications; Hofrichter, M. ed. The Mycota: vol. X, Industrial Applications, 2nd ed. pp.319-340. Berline: Springer, 2010.
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