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Fun Task Ahead: 13 Hacks to Make

Essay Writing a Pure Pleasure

Let’s begin with a possible (and highly realistic) scenario of a morning after

you’ve spent the previous night working on your essay.

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7:00 AM. The alarm rings and you slowly slink out of bed, highly tempted to hit

that snooze button and shut the world out. But the deadline is drawing closer,

and you just have to finish that much-hated essay. You sit on your study table,

still in your night robe, with a steaming cup of coffee and turn on your laptop.

You take a look at your essay and think it’s treated you worse than a bad break-

up. You start typing, not having even a wee bit of fun…

A dreadful sight, isn’t it? Surely, not how you want to end up. So how do you

make the awfully monotonous task of writing an essay fun? Read on to unravel

this secret…

1. Pinterest it

Who doesn’t like getting in on Pinterest? It’s a mine house of amazingly cool

ideas and beautiful pictures. But did you know it can be helpful in completing

your essay too? You’ll find some remarkable suggestions on Pinterest on how to

make writing an essay the simplest task. And when something so easy, it’s

bound to be fun right?

2. Spin a yarn

Your essay doesn’t have to be a colorless narrative of facts. Stop writing it in a

flat tone. Think of your essay as a story that has to be told with you as the teller

of the tale. Treat critics or situations you present in your paper as characters in

your head that lead to the culmination of your fascinating anecdote. You can

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use some fancy words to breathe life into your essay in this regard. Although

make sure they fit into the context and are not informal or slang expressions.

Take inspiration from the writing style of some of your favourite writers and

emulate their flair for words.

3. Have your own ritual

This is the secret some of the most successful writers on this planet religiously

follow. This is what enables them to produce an outstanding work. Take a leaf

from their book and do it the artist’s way. Writers have a daily ritual, and they

just don’t sit on their computers all day long, churning out pages after pages.

Start your own ritual. Pick a time of the day when your concentration level

reaches its peak and choose that to write. Have a cup of hot chocolate or your

favourite soda by you. Plug in your earphones and zone out if that helps. Stick

to this daily ritual, and you’ll be enjoying your essay like never before.

4. Question yourself – Am I having fun yet?

This deep question can save your soul from boredom. Your subconscious will

automatically give the correct answer. If it says no, ask your subconscious –

‘what can I do to make this fun?’ Just do what it says. This simple trick can bring

your motivation back when you feel low.

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5. Stop fretting

A worried person is having fun – said no one ever. The more you panic, the

more disgusted you get at the sight of your essay and end up avoiding it. It’s

okay if your professor asked you to write a 2000-word essay and your interest in

it fizzled out in 200 words. Add some fillers to your essay with the help of

anecdotes, quotes, an info graphic or maybe even a joke if your faculty would

accept. Including these in your essay not only make it a fun read but make your

writing sessions enjoyable too.

6. Again question yourself – What do I like about my topic?

To know this, you’ll have to research a little bit first. Even if the topic as a whole

seems like a snooze-fest to you, there’ll turn out that one slant of it that catches

your fancy. Grab onto that stance and spill it out in your essay. Forget about

writing what your professor wants. Write what you want. Your teachers are

constantly looking for originality.

7. Netflix and chill

Now we don’t mean you literally do that. What we mean is make ample use of

visual aids when writing your essay. Most students just refer to the reading list

given by their teachers. This is what makes your essay appear as an

uninteresting mammoth task. Watch as many documentaries as you can instead

and take notes. To stay in the groove of your subject and yet take a break,

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watch related TV shows. For example, if you’re writing a physics paper, listen to

the witty one-liners of Sheldon Cooper on Big Bang Theory. If it’s a history

essay, tune-in to Game of Thrones and enjoy. This way, you never lose track of

your topic and are still able to refresh your mind and give it a break.

8. Five unique sentences should do the trick

Don’t get overwhelmed by the supposed size of your essay. Start by just writing

five sentences that form the core of your standard three-part essay. Once you

have these sentences in place, all you have to do is back them up with sound

matter, which is not that difficult since you know exactly what to look for. Now

that’s one major tension off your head.

9. Create your own Facebook forum

Make a Facebook page or group and give it the title of your essay. Add in your

friends, family, and faculty from school and have an open discussion about how

you can progress with your assignment. Conduct debates too. Unique

viewpoints can emerge from them. Keep posting your progress, putting up

snippets or pictures of the work done and have them review it and provide

feedback. Your boring school task is now a happening social media activity.

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10. Begin in the middle of nowhere

Okay, not technically nowhere but in the middle of your essay. Think about it

logically. How can you start introducing something you haven’t even written

yet? Rationally, the introduction should be written at the end of your essay.

This’ll take the pressure off you of coming up with a brilliant and engaging

introduction right from the start. Besides, since you would’ve written the main

body of your essay, it’ll also give you an idea of how to open your essay.

11. Change your workstation

Sitting at your desk all day long can be really uninspiring. Ideas, instead of

coming to you will be getting out of you. Take your laptop with you to the park

or your garden or terrace or the local monument and watch your mind fill with

ideas you could never think of cramped in a room. A change of scenery can

inspire even the most uninspired soul.

12. Use tools and apps

Are the complex formats and beyond comprehension referencing styles

weighing you down? Or is editing yourself really not your forte? There are tons

of apps and tools that can help you with formatting, referencing and editing.

Tools like Hemingway Editor, Citation Machine, etc. are particularly helpful.

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13. Write like a poet

This doesn’t mean you write in rhymes. Think blank verse and its joy-to-read

language. The use of bland language can not only put of your assessor but can

also tire you out and make you feel like you’re not writing anything substantial

even though your points are meaningful. Here’s at an example of saying the

same thing in two ways – one in a plain manner and the other in colorful


Plain version

The sky turned pink at sunset.

Vibrant version

As the sun sank slowly into the dark horizon, the sky acquired a pink tint like

that of a maiden’s blushed cheeks.

Notice the difference between the two. Each of them is saying the same thing

but in such starkly different ways. The comparison of the color of the sky to that

of a woman blushing shows that you’re out of the box and combining two

separate ideas to present a whole.

You can use all or a combination of these tips to make your essay writing

session an enjoyable one. Remember that the kind of attitude you write with

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reflects in your work and affects your grades as a result. So it’s best to enjoy

what you write rather than mope over it.

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