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Fun Extras for Your Super Bowl Party

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A Super Bowl party is the perfect opportunity to get together with friends, have some great food, and watch a game, but don’t be fooled into

thinking that a Super Bowl party has to be limited to Bud Light, seven-layer bean dip, and hot wings! There are a few things you can do to up

the ante of your Super Bowl party, and to help you out, we’ve compiled a list of them right here for you.

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Photo Booth

Immortalize Super Bowl 50 with a photo booth. Include some football and team-themed props, and let your guests go crazy and take some fun photos in between plays.

Then they can share their love of the game on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. You can bet the hashtag #bestsuperbowlpartyever will be used in reference to your shindig.

Don’t want to pay for a real photobooth? Set one up on a tripod and attach your camera, then tack up a sheet against a wall as a background.

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Super Bowl Bingo

Stock up on some cool prizes and hand out these football themed bingo cards before the game starts.

This way, your guests can be winners no matter which team brings home the victory title.

Don’t forget to hand out some edible card markers! Goldfish, pretzels or M&Ms work great.

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Chili Bar

Tired of nachos? Nah, us either…but to give your guests a little variety, you can set up a chili bar.

Put out onions, green peppers, cheese, sour cream, and all your favorite fixings along with your best chili.

Let each guest choose their favorite toppings, and enjoy the game with a customized bowl of delicious chili.

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Penalty Flags

Create a small bucket to hold yellow napkins, and label them as “Penalty Flags.” This way your guests can wipe their faces AND throw them at the screen when the ref misses that personal foul or false start.

Talk about an interactive game (pro tip that we learned the hard way: encourage your guests to only throw clean napkins at the screen)!

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For the Kids

Pin the football on the field goal and the bingo game are something kids can participate in, and if you’ve got a backyard, toss a few footballs out there and let the kids go to town.

Don’t forget kid-friendly finger foods when you plan your menu! Pretzels, cheese crackers, and pizza are all great finger foods that kids and adults alike enjoy.

Don’t forget to set up a ‘quiet room’ where over-stimulated or tired kids can get a bit of rest and relaxation before joining back in the fun.

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Beer Tasting

Super Bowl Sunday is the perfect time to have a cold one with your friends, but how about spicing it up a little? Pick up some local craft beers (some you love, and some unique ones you haven’t tried before), and have your very own in-home beer tasting. This way you get to enjoy a variety of different beers and expand beyond your usual go-to's.

Who knows? You may even find a new favorite! Cost-cutting tip: ask each of your guests to bring a favorite beer of theirs.

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Don’t Forget Dessert!

Whether it’s rice crispy treats shaped like your team’s jersey or a football shaped cake, dessert is a great way to show your friends exactly how much you love the Super Bowl with a unique and delicious dessert.

Finger foods are still the best way to go when it comes to Super Bowl parties, so try a football cake-pop, s’mores dip, brownie bowl sundaes or even football ice cream sandwiches and you’ll be sure to satisfy your sweet tooth and impress your friends.

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Hopefully, these tips and tricks will help you throw a great Super Bowl 50 party, and most of all, we hope that your team wins!

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