Download - Full Body Workout For Beginners (Gym-Based) · 2019. 1. 13. · Full Body Workout For Beginners (Gym-Based) I recommend that you always leave 48 hours between doing this workout!

Page 1: Full Body Workout For Beginners (Gym-Based) · 2019. 1. 13. · Full Body Workout For Beginners (Gym-Based) I recommend that you always leave 48 hours between doing this workout!

Full Body WorkoutFor Beginners(Gym-Based)

I recommend that you always leave 48 hours between doing this workout! Do not do this workout any more regularly than this as your muscles need time to recover if they are to grow.

Although this is intended to be a gym-based workout, you can also do it at home with a set of dumbbells, a barbell, and a weight bench.

First exercise: Standing Alternating Dumbbell Press

Target Area: Shoulders

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and hold a dumbbell in either hand at the sides of your shoulders. Your elbows should be at a 90 degree angle with your palms facing forwards and your back straight. Fully extend one arm up towards the ceiling (but don’t lock your elbows) and hold the weight for a moment at the top before returning to the start position. Repeat on the alternate arm. This is one rep. Set 1: Rep range 8 - 12Set 2: Rep range 8 - 12Set 3: Rep range 8 - 12

Rest for 60 seconds in between sets.

Second exercise: Standing Dumbbell Diagonal Raise

Target Area: Shoulders

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, toes pointing straight ahead. Keep your knees slightly bent and engage your core muscles. Hold a dumbbell in your right hand directly in front of your left hip, with your thumb close to your body. Keep your arm straight as you raise it diagonally across the body to bring the dumbbell up towards the ceiling. Hold at the top for a moment before returning to the start position. This is one rep.

Once you’ve completed one set with the right arm, repeat with the left arm.

Page 2: Full Body Workout For Beginners (Gym-Based) · 2019. 1. 13. · Full Body Workout For Beginners (Gym-Based) I recommend that you always leave 48 hours between doing this workout!

Set 1: Rep range 8 - 12Set 2: Rep range 8 - 12Set 3: Rep range 8 - 12

Rest for 60 seconds in between sets.

Third exercise: Incline Dumbbell Chest Press

Target Area: Chest

Position the bench to approximately a 30 degree angle, lie flat on the bench and take a dumbbell in either hand. Hold the dumbbells by your chest with your elbows at a 90 degree angle and palms facing forwards. Your forearms should be perpendicular to the floor. Push the dumbbells up towards the ceiling, hold at the top for a moment, and then return back to the start position. This is one rep.

Set 1: Rep range 8 - 12 Set 2: Rep range 8 - 12Set 3: Rep range 8 - 12

Rest for 60 seconds in between sets.

Fourth Exercise: Dumbbell Flyes

Target Area: Chest

Take a dumbbell in each hand and lie on a flat bench. Position the weights directly above your chest with your palms facing each other and then push them up towards the ceiling. Your arms should be straight but do not lock your elbows. Keeping a slight arch in the elbows, bring the weights down to either side of your body until your arms are parallel to the ground. Squeeze your pecs and bring your arms slowly back to the start position. This is one rep.

Set 1: Rep range 8 - 12 Set 2: Rep range 8 - 12Set 3: Rep range 8 - 12

Rest for 60 seconds in between sets.

Page 3: Full Body Workout For Beginners (Gym-Based) · 2019. 1. 13. · Full Body Workout For Beginners (Gym-Based) I recommend that you always leave 48 hours between doing this workout!

Fifth Exercise: Standing Hammer Curls

Target Area: Biceps

Stand tall with your feet shoulder width apart and your back straight. Take a dumbbell in each hand and hold them down at your sides with your palms facing each other. Keep your upper arms still whilst you bring the dumbbells up to shoulder level. Squeeze your biceps at the top and then slowly bring your arms back to the start position. This is one rep.

Set 1: Rep range 8 - 12Set 2: Rep range 8 - 12Set 3: Rep range 8 - 12

Rest for 60 seconds in between sets.

Sixth Exercise: Dumbbell Upright Row

Target Area: Shoulders

Stand tall with your feet shoulder width apart and your back straight. Take a dumbbell in each hand and hold them down at your side, with your palms facing each other. Contract your shoulders and bring your elbows up and wide until your shoulders can’t contract upwards any further. Pause for a moment and then bring the weights back down to the starting position. This is one rep.

Set 1: Rep range 8 - 12Set 2: Rep range 8 - 12Set 3: Rep range 8 - 12

Rest for 60 seconds in between sets.

Seventh Exercise: Bent Over Barbell Row

Target Area: Middle Back

Place a barbell on the ground in front of you and stand with your feet hip width apart. Bend slightly at the knees and hinge at the hips to bring your torso forwards to the point of not quite being parallel to the ground, keeping your back straight and your butt out. Grab the barbell just wider then hip width with an overhand grip and bring it

Page 4: Full Body Workout For Beginners (Gym-Based) · 2019. 1. 13. · Full Body Workout For Beginners (Gym-Based) I recommend that you always leave 48 hours between doing this workout!

up towards your torso. You can then straighten your arms again to lower the barbell. This is one rep.

Set 1: Rep range 8 - 12Set 2: Rep range 8 - 12Set 3: Rep range 8 - 12

Rest for 60 seconds in between sets.

Eighth Exercise: Weighted Lunges

Target Area: Quadriceps

Stand in a neutral stance with a dumbbell in either hand at your sides. Take a large stride forwards with the right leg, and then bring your body down so that both knees are at a 90 degree angle. Keep your back straight and your core engaged. Your right knee should be over your right heel, with your right shin perpendicular to the floor. Hold yourself here for a moment before pushing through the right heel to return to the starting position. Repeat on the left leg. This is one rep.

Set 1: Rep range 8 - 12Set 2: Rep range 8 - 12Set 3: Rep range 8 - 12

Rest for 60 seconds in between sets.

Ninth Exercise: Tricep Dips

Target Area: Triceps

Stand in front of a bench, facing away from it, then lower your body down to grip the side of the bench, just wider than hip-width apart. Your fingers should be pointing in the direction of your body. Walk your feet forwards so your legs are straight out in front of you. Bend at the elbows to lower your body down towards the floor, pause for a moment close to the ground, and then straighten your arms to bring your body back up. This is one rep.

Set 1: Rep range 8 - 12Set 2: Rep range 8 - 12Set 3: Rep range 8 - 12

Page 5: Full Body Workout For Beginners (Gym-Based) · 2019. 1. 13. · Full Body Workout For Beginners (Gym-Based) I recommend that you always leave 48 hours between doing this workout!

Rest for 60 seconds in between sets.

Tenth Exercise: Plank

Target Area: Core

To get into plank position come down onto all fours, with your palms flat on the floor directly underneath your shoulders. and then hold yourself in press up position. Keep your gaze on the floor just in front of your hands and keep your back straight. You may also choose to hold the plank position on your forearms instead of on your hands. 

End this workout by holding a plank for as long as you can!

That’s it - you’re done lifting for today!

Make sure you stretch your entire body before you get back to your day.

Any questions? Head over to my contact page to send me an email and you’ll receive a response within 24 hours.