Download - FSN_Cadency-Restoring-the-Rhythm-of-Finance to-Balance-Sheet-Reconciliations-through-Certification_08-2013_Final.pdf

  • FSN White Paper


    Restoring the Rhythm of Finance to

    Balance Sheet Reconciliations through


    FSN Publishing Limited 2013. All rights reserved.

  • Page 1


    INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................... 2

    TRADITIONAL APPROACHES HAVE NOT SOLVED THE DIFFICULTIES ....................................................... 5

    Spreadsheets ....................................................................................................................................... 5

    Specialist reconciliation software ....................................................................................................... 6

    HOW CERTIFICATION OVERCOMES THE HISTORIC LIMITATIONS ........................................................... 6

    A risk-based approach......................................................................................................................... 6

    Automation ......................................................................................................................................... 7

    Knowledge management .................................................................................................................... 8

    Collaboration....................................................................................................................................... 8

    Quality assurance ................................................................................................................................ 8


    Process visibility .................................................................................................................................. 9

    Better management of risk and compliance..................................................................................... 10

    Quality assurance .............................................................................................................................. 10

    SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................................. 10

  • Page 2


    The Record to Report (R2R) process is the bedrock of financial reporting, financial risk

    management, strategic reporting and decision making. Weaving its way through the entire

    organization, the R2R process enables the collection and delivery of trusted information and

    is relied upon by internal and external stakeholders to give a true and fair position of the

    business. It is the de facto foundation of financial governance.

    Nestling within the thousands of tasks and activities comprising the R2R process is the

    reconciliation process. It is an unglamorous, highly labour intensive and risk laden

    component of the financial close, yet the completeness and accuracy of reconciliations can

    have a profound effect on the quality and speed of the entire R2R process. On average, it

    takes a company 21 man-days to reconcile and update the chart of accounts, and the

    average figure is much higher for companies with international offices (26.8 man-days),

    compared to those with just national offices (13.5 man-days)1.

    88 percent of companies have experienced delays in their financial close, financial reporting

    and filings in the last 12 months and account reconciliation is implicated in 29 percent of the

    instances of delay1. Among the companies that have experienced delays, 62 percent say

    that the Boards trust in the finance department has been reduced as a result. So it is not

    surprising that reconciliations management solutions are a top 3 priority in the finance

    function, well ahead of other trends such as cloud computing, mobile technology and social


    But at the same time, the cost of closing the books has been increasing substantially.

    Around a third of companies say that the cost of the R2R cycle has risen over the last 3 years

    with an average increase of around 17 percent.

    Yet paradoxically, this picture of rising delays and costs comes against the backcloth of

    steadily increasing investment in the financial close, reporting and filing. So what is going


    It is clear that existing approaches to financial governance based on loosely coupled suites

    of ERP/CPM applications, spreadsheets and collections of niche applications sourced from

    multiple vendors are not delivering the goods.

    In this white paper we explain how Certification, a key element of the Cadency financial

    governance solution, addresses reconciliation issues in the context of a unified environment

    designed to deliver process visibility, control and adaptability to the entire R2R process.

  • Page 3

    When a global consumer packaged

    goods organisation wanted to reduce

    its overall cost of finance, record-to-

    report process efficiency was a key

    area of focus. Any deployed solution

    had to interface directly with the

    companys 4 instances of SAP, and

    support more than 2,500 users posting

    over 31,000 journal entries during the

    close process. The company

    implemented a solution that managed

    its R2R cycle, allowing it to achieve a

    single global Close process that

    automates and manages most of the

    reconciliation effort. By doing so, the

    organisation ensures 100% of Account

    Reconciliations are processed

    consistently, while reducing risk to the


    Dissonance and discord

    Reconciliations fall into two main categories, namely, high transaction volume

    reconciliations such as local bank reconciliations, and secondly, the more specialised and

    intricate reconciliation of balance sheet movements.

    Generally speaking, high volume reconciliations are a pre-requisite for an effective period

    close in reporting entities, and are not the subject of this white paper. By contrast, general

    ledger reconciliations have applicability to both group accounts and reporting entities, and

    have a direct bearing on the speed and accuracy of the R2R process.


    With Charts of Accounts running to several

    thousand individual lines, many companies find it

    challenging to ensure that material errors do not

    slip through the net either because accounts are

    not reconciled promptly, or, because nobody has

    been assigned the responsibility of performing the


    Ask an auditor where one is likely to find problems

    during the course of an internal or external audit,

    and the answer is likely to be "un-reconciled

    accounts". It is quite common for unresolved

    balances to be carried from year to year in even

    the most well run companies, with only sparse

    explanations being recorded to explain away the


    Leaving general ledger accounts un-reconciled for

    a lengthy period of time is generally a bad idea -

    peoples' memories fade over time and tracing errant transactions that make up

    reconciliation differences can be onerous and unrewarding. The danger is that un-reconciled

    items simply get carried forward from one review period to another, with the detail

    becoming more difficult to resolve with the passage of time. This lack of oversight and

    balance integrity can lead to significant exposure. Yet few companies have a documented

    policy and programme of review, leaving them exposed to risk of error and nasty surprises

    at the year end.

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    The issue is even more critical for those organisations caught by Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX)

    legislation or in heavily regulated industries, such as financial services. Nowadays, non-

    compliance can lead to hefty fines and reputational damage.

    So what are the key challenges with reconciliation?

    Scale - for many organisations the sheer scale of the task is off-putting and there is no clear

    strategy for deciding which accounts should be reviewed. As a result, experience shows

    that many companies review a mere one in fifty active balance sheet accounts.

    Administrative burden - Identifying the accounts for review and setting up a rolling

    programme of reconciliation in a matrix-based organisation is time consuming.

    Lack of automation (workflow and status reporting) - Keeping an eye on reconciliation

    progress usually relies on manually intensive processes. For example, an individual can only

    reconcile a handful of accounts an hour. The result is that many organisations simply

    neglect important reconciliations hoping that other management controls will compensate.

    Lack of prioritisation Most companies employ a blanket approach in which all accounts in

    the balance sheet are placed on an equal footing and are reviewed on a periodic basis,

    leading to misdirected effort and lack of productivity.

    Idiosyncrasy - Balance sheet reconciliations are almost by definition idiosyncratic. Bank

    account reconciliations are the exception because they lend themselves to a routine

    approach, but the position for other general ledger accounts is less obvious. The manner in

    which more unusual accounts are reconciled can be highly specific, and often rely on the

    knowledge of key individuals within the organisation. The methods used often go

    undocumented, making it very difficult to move staff from the reconciliation of one account

    to another. For many, it is a question of trying to 'make do' based on previous period's

    working papers.

    The above challenges relating to the reconciliation process are certainly significant, but it is

    important that companies not lose sight of the fact that reconciliation is not an end in itself.

    For many organizations, the reconciliation process is tackled in a vacuum, i.e. outside of the

    R2R process itself, of which it is simply a part. It is this myopic view that lends itself to the

    principal failure to date, which is that very few businesses have visibility into the status and

    condition of the reconciliation process and therefore cannot foresee its effect on the

    progress of the reporting process overall.

  • Page 5


    Benefits remain elusive everything is working to a different beat


    The ease with which spreadsheets can be configured to meet the specific characteristics of

    each balance sheet reconciliation have made them a popular tool in the finance function.

    But they suffer from significant limitations. Designed first and foremost as a personal

    productivity tool, spreadsheets are of limited value in a process which depends on

    collaboration and shared knowledge. In this environment, a spreadsheet is a blunt

    instrument with serious shortcomings, for example;

    Individually designed

    spreadsheets, which are

    manually maintained and rolled

    forward each period may

    contain input errors or formula

    errors which undermine the

    integrity of the reconciliation.

    Poor documentation standards

    may make it difficult for

    someone other than the original

    spreadsheet author to work on a

    reconciliation severely

    impeding productivity and the

    ability to move personnel between reconciliations to meet changing patterns in

    staffing and workload.

    Spreadsheets stored on personal hard drives or even shared network drives may be

    difficult to find and retrieve. Their contents are likely to be duplicated in weighty

    ring binders of hard copy spreadsheets and supporting documentation, making

    maintenance of reconciliations between one period and the next tedious and time


    No visibility at the centre of the status of reconciliations, for instance when the

    reconciliation was started, what problems have arisen, which accounts are affected.

    In most instances, a spreadsheet-bound process needs to be supported with manual

    methods of communication, emails, ad-hoc telephone calls and meetings to keep tabs

    on progress. As a result, it is easy to overlook reconciliations, lose documentation, leave

    critical accounts un-reconciled, or fail to trap accounts adjusted again, after they have

    been reconciled, reviewed and approved.

    When the worlds largest designer and

    manufacturer of essential technologies,

    including microprocessors and chipsets

    implemented a solution to eliminate the burden

    of manual spreadsheets from their Record-to-

    Report process, it eliminated redundant data

    input work, and leveraged reconciliation

    automation whilst maintaining the desired level

    of control and increasing process transparency

    across their shared service centres. By doing so,

    the organisation achieved an immediate return

    on investment (ROI) with the solution through a

    10 percent savings in the first year alone!

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    When the worlds leading search

    engine provider implemented a

    solution for Balance Sheet

    Reconciliation, they immediately had

    visibility and complete transparency

    into their global reconciliations and

    close activities. This resulted in

    increased quality control with

    efficient, automated reconciliation

    and certification processes, enabling

    the company to reduce its period-

    end close from 10 to 5 days.

    Specialist reconciliation software

    The deep functionality of specialist reconciliation software, remedies many of the

    limitations of the spreadsheet-based approach, but these applications, which are usually

    configured as point solutions outside of the regular R2R process, have limited impact and

    usefulness. The inability to share in the workflows of the R2R process and its status

    reporting prevents reconciliation software making a full contribution to the productivity and

    efficiency of the financial reporting process.

    This is well supported by research which shows that

    despite the use of specialist software, spreadsheets

    (72 percent) and e-mails (68 percent) are used

    predominantly by finance teams to track and manage

    daily progress during the R2R process, and 86

    percent of organisations use one or both of these

    methods. In addition, 52 percent use the telephone,

    while 54 percent schedule face-to-face meetings. 40

    percent attempt to control the process using simple,

    manual task lists hardly a sound basis for tight

    financial governance1.


    Putting the rhythm back into the reconciliation process

    Cadencys Certification capabilities transform balance sheet reconciliations from a

    standalone spreadsheet-bound activity that habitually causes delays in reporting, into a

    streamlined process that improves control, reduces financial risk, enhances productivity and

    assists management to accelerate the R2R process.

    It achieves this through a dynamic, risk-based approach to the identification of high risk

    accounts, sophisticated automation of reconciliation activities, knowledge sharing and

    collaboration all within the context of a single overall environment (Cadency) for

    financial governance.

    A risk-based approach

    Naturally, not all general ledger accounts need reconciling on a regular basis, and clearly any

    regular programme of review should ideally be risk-based in order to optimise the use of

    scarce accounting resources. But certain accounts are more prone to error and can give rise

    to material accounting adjustments if left un-reviewed for any length of time. The problem

    is not just confined to general ledger accounts with high transaction volumes such as bank

  • Page 7

    accounts and other forms of control account. Inter-company accounts and depreciation

    accounts can be just as risky, particularly when magnified on a divisional, regional or group-

    wide basis.

    Fig 1. Cadencys Certification capabilities encourages a risk-based approach to the

    prioritisation of reconciliations

    Certification enables management to take a risk-based approach to the review of balance

    sheet accounts. This can be achieved by manually allocating accounts to user-definable risk

    categories (e.g. High, Medium, Low) or by taking advantage of automated facilities

    dynamic risk management that identifies the risk profile of accounts according to criteria

    (business rules) established in the system. For example, an account with no movements in

    the period or with a balances that falls within a predefined credit or debit threshold may be

    considered low risk, whereas a particular class of account, say a control account, or one

    where there is a unexpected swing in the period from debit to credit may be considered

    high risk.

    The dynamic and automatic surveillance of all accounts ensures that the risk profile is

    constantly reviewed and that resources are committed to the highest area of risk which

    can differ from period to period.


    The ability to sort rapidly the wheat from the chaff is a critical aspect of reducing the

    burden of balance sheet reconciliations. For example, low risk accounts identified as above

    can be ignored; accounts where the balance in the general ledger agrees with the

    underlying sub-ledger can be passed as reconciled, and account balances that fall within

    acceptable ranges can be left for another time.

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    Of course automation also extends to bringing in sub ledger and general ledger data from

    source systems in the first instance as well as rolling forward open (unreconciled items)

    items from one period to the next. But automation also means that unreconciled items can

    be aged to give a qualitative feel of risk and users can be prompted to review accounts

    according to pre-set intervals regardless of risk profile.

    The reconciliations themselves can be partially automated so that items that meet matching

    criteria can be eliminated automatically to reveal the transactions that are less

    straightforward to reconcile. Also, where reconciling items give rise to accounting

    adjustments, the journal entries can be raised and posted automatically, if desired, to

    underlying ERP systems. Every aspect of automation helps to eliminate error, reduce risk

    and improve productivity.

    Knowledge management

    Certification encourages the consistent application of best practice by exposing the

    methodology and rationale behind every reconciliation and guiding users through each step

    of the reconciliation. Easy to follow user configurable templates are supported by

    documents and guidance which enable reconciliations and knowledge to be shared across

    the finance team. Prior period reconciliations and commentary are available on demand,

    along with any supporting documentation, allowing mangers to move reconciliation work

    between finance professionals as required to smooth peaks and troughs in workload and to

    enhance finance function productivity.


    Workflow allows completed reconciliations to be circularised for review and approval, as

    well as for the escalation of exceptions and unresolved issues. As a result, more experienced

    resources can be deployed as required and difficulties can be addressed before they

    adversely impact on overall R2R timescales.

    Quality assurance

    If required, personnel can be required to sign off on their specific reconciliations once they

    are complete. As an additional precaution, programmes filters allow reconciled accounts to

    be selected for review by supervisory staff and internal auditors. Additional tasks can be set

    for any reconciliation, for example, to satisfy regulatory compliance or audit requirements

    and the progress of these can be tracked and managed through automated workflows and




    All parts of the orchestra working together

  • Page 9

    Unlike historic approaches, the Certification functions within Cadency are deeply embedded

    within the R2R process and forms an indispensable part of Trintechs overall solution for

    financial governance. Positioned within this unique solution, it supports visibility and

    transparency of reconciliations and enables management to better manage risk and

    compliance. In addition, through the high quality of reconciliations and accompanying

    documentation it provides assurance of compliance to all stakeholders in the reporting


    Process visibility

    The uniform design of Cadency allows the entire spectrum of financial governance

    (Certification, Compliance and Completion) to be viewed from a single console-based

    vantage point. This means that at any point in the R2R cycle, management can not only

    view the status of the process, for example, the tasks, issues and reconciliations outstanding

    and the percent complete, but also view the financial materiality of the balances affected by

    delays and issues.

    A strong feature of Cadencys console design is that it tracks the organisational hierarchy, so

    that individuals at every level of the enterprise have shared visibility of financial governance

    issues through the same user interface. This means that at any point in the R2R cycle

    management can view the status of tasks, issues and reconciliations within Certification.

    Fig 2. Cadency provides a window on the status of the reconciliations in the R2R process

    For example, authorised individuals can see percentages of reconciliations started,

    completed or overdue, allowing individuals and their managers to take remedial action to

    bring reconciliations back on course. Comprehensive statistics of, for example, the number

    of accounts reconciled or reviewed on time can be derived at management's option, for a

    segment of the general ledger or for a single company, division or geographical segment.

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    The enhanced visibility rendered in a single seamless environment, not only gives real-time

    visibility of bottlenecks in the process, but also allows management to immediately take

    action, such as reallocating personnel from one part of the R2R process to another and

    reassign tasks from one individual to another to maximise user productivity.

    Better management of risk and compliance

    By encouraging a risk-driven approach to balance sheet reconciliations, Certification ensures

    that resources are channelled towards reconciliations that pose a higher degree of financial

    risk while at the same time contributing to the overall management of risk within the R2R

    process. The ability to force the sign-off of completed reconciliations (following review and

    approval), ensures a culture of shared responsibility for risk management and provides a

    higher degree of comfort to auditors and audit committees that the organisation is


    Quality assurance

    The ability to prescribe the precise steps in the reconciliation and to enforce rigorous

    standards of documentation, independent checks and quality assurance provides comfort to

    stakeholders that the work has been carried out thoroughly and that a high degree of

    reliance can be placed on the integrity of completed reconciliations. The comfort gained at

    this early stage through the use of Certification adds more broadly to confidence in the

    numbers and financial governance as a whole.


    Balance sheet reconciliations form an essential, yet under-invested part of the periodic close

    process, giving rise to the risk of accounting error and misstatements. Difficulties with

    reconciliations are frequently blamed for delays and missed deadlines.

    The majority of companies use a vast battery of spreadsheets to tackle reconciliations but

    many find the sheer scale of the undertaking and the administrative burden that goes along

    with it, overwhelming. Lack of process support and a clearly directed risk-based strategy for

    tackling the problem leaves many companies with un-reconciled accounts exposing them to

    uncomfortable levels of financial risk.

    Specialised reconciliation software has provided a partial remedy, allowing businesses to

    standardise on an approach to reconciliations and to document what they have done. But

    these solutions tend to work in a vacuum and completely detached from the broader R2R

    process. As a result companies that have deployed these solutions continue to suffer from a

    lack of process visibility and control.

    At its core, Cadency, with its Certification capabilities, is a very advanced reconciliation

    product, combining the latest thinking in risk-based management of reconciliations, with

  • Page 11

    advanced levels of automation, knowledge management, collaboration and quality


    But more significantly, Cadency represents a new breed of solution which fuses specialist

    reconciliation functionality with the management of the overall R2R process so that the

    progress and impact of reconciliations, issues, tasks and controls is visible to the CFO and

    the finance function within the context of the disclosure management, governance, controls

    and compliance. This elevates reconciliations from a mere side-show and positions it clearly

    as a central theme of a comprehensive approach (Cadency) to financial governance.

    The ability to streamline and manage the entire R2R process from the very beginning in a

    single financial governance environment, maximises process visibility, minimises the

    chances that risks are overlooked - giving the CFO peace of mind and confidence in the

    integrity of any reports and disclosures.

    Bibliography Note1 Oracle /Accenture study: The Challenges of Corporate Financial Reporting, May 2012. Note2 Gartner: Top 10 Findings from Gartners Financial Executives International CFO Technology Study, 16 May 2012.

    About Cadency

    Cadency, is the first of a new class of financial governance applications - a paradigm shift in

    Record-to-Report solutions designed from the outset to enable comprehensive stewardship of the

    process, regardless of the underlying ERP/CPM suite.

    There are three broad elements to the Cadency solution, namely; Certification, Compliance, and



    This covers task and issues monitoring the ability to set tasks, for example the

    reconciliation of high-risk balance sheet accounts (providing policy, instructions,

    explanations and supporting documentation), allocate them to responsible individuals, and

    certify whether the tasks are complete or whether there are issues arising that need to be



    This covers controls monitoring the ability at any point during the process for

    management to assess risk, set relevant controls and monitor whether the control has been

    applied effectively, as well as if the organisation is compliant or whether follow-up action or

    escalation is required.


  • Page 12

    This is the complete management of narrative the ability to synchronize commentary with

    numbers, author multiple document types for multiple stakeholders, and manage content in

    a variety of published formats such as XBRL and e-filings.

    Fig 3. Diagram of the Cadency Conceptual Model

    For further information please see the Cadency white paper which can be downloaded


  • Page 13

    About Trintech

    Trintech is the leading provider of solutions for the Record-to-Report process. Nearly 700 clients across 100

    countries including half of the Fortune 50 and the FTSE 100 rely on our solutions to optimize resources,

    reduce costs, manage risk and monitor activities across the entire finance organization worldwide. Trintechs

    Cadency platform automates the entire R2R cycle including account reconciliation, close management,

    compliance, and financial reporting including XBRL tagging and regulatory filings. Trintechs offices are located

    in the United States, United Kingdom, Netherlands, France, Ireland and Hong Kong, with partners in South

    Africa, Latin America and across the Asia Pacific region.

    About FSN

    FSN Publishing Limited is an independent research, news and publishing organization catering for the needs of

    the finance function. This white paper is written by Gary Simon, Group Publisher of FSN (Financial Systems

    News) and Managing Editor of FSN Newswire. He is a graduate of London University, a Fellow of the Institute

    of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales and a Fellow of the British Computer Society with more than

    27 years experience of implementing management and financial reporting systems. Formerly a partner in

    Deloitte for more than 16 years, he has led some of the most complex information management assignments

    for global enterprises in the private and public sector.

    [email protected],.uk

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