Download - Fruit Ninja

Page 1: Fruit Ninja

Angel Pena-GomezFRUIT NINJA

Page 2: Fruit Ninja

-What the app is/does: Fruit Ninja is a game that slices fruits with your ninja skills. As fruits are thrown onto the screen, the player swipes their finger across the screen to slice fruits or point boosts and avoid bombs.

-Two features and benefits of the app: Good Graphic so it’ll be a good fruit slicing experience.

-Personal experience: I have Fruit Ninja on my Tablet and on my Xbox 360 for Kinect. (So your movements are actually moving and slicing the fruits yourself.)

-Genre: Casual, Action

-Other information: Fruit Ninja supports all devices so its playable on any device.

Page 3: Fruit Ninja

On Mobile Device and on Xbox 360 Kinect