Download - FrontPage Presented by: Jean Bennett and Tori Waskiewicz December 18 th 2006 and January 11 th 2007.


FrontPagePresented by:

Jean Bennett and Tori Waskiewicz

December 18th 2006 and January 11th 2007

We will Cover• Using a Template

• Creating your own website

• Publishing a website– Remote site to academic server– FTP to webpages server

• Making changes to existing site– Backing up sites/ working from your laptop

Template on Academic Server• Opening the template in FrontPage: Academic

Practice• Open FrontPage

– (If you have a site open, click file > close site)

• File > Open Site…• In the site name text box type http://

• Log in– User name: ursinus\yourusername– Password: yourpassword

Create a New Site • Go to File > New• Select One Page Website• In dialog box select One Page Web Site or Empty

Web Site• Under Options, select destination of new site and

select Browse• In the New Website

Location dialog box– Select a location for the

site and click Create New Folder (located on the top bar of icons)

– Name folder, click Ok– Click Open– Click Ok

Create a New Page

Normal FolderWeb Folder

• To publish in FrontPage, all files must exist within a web folder on your computer. These folders have a world on the front of them.

• Go to File > New…• Select Blank Page • Save the page

– (Note: Always name your “home page” index or default and DO NOT use spaces in file names)

– (Example – about_us.htm or aboutus.htm)

New Site in WebpagesTo Publish to the Webpages Server using

FrontPage:• Open your website by selecting File >

Open Site…

• Make sure everything is saved and as you want it to appear.

• Go to File > Publish Site…

• Select the FTP radio button

New Site in Webpages cont. • In the Remote Web site location text box, type

• NOTE: Do Not enter your username after this address. Only type what is above. You will notice that it will still let you into your space if you do, but the system will create a folder called your username within your space on webpages. For example, you will have: instead of just

• Click OK• A login box appears. Enter

your username and password. Be sure to type “ursinus\” before your username. Be sure that you type a backslash (\) and not a forward-slash (/).

New Site in Webpages cont.• Once you are in, you will see the local files (what

is on your computer) on the left, and the remote files (what is on the server) on the right. If you have not published yet to your webspace, you will not see anything in the remote side.

• To publish your entire site to the server (all of your files), click the “Publish Web site” button in the lower right corner

• Note: If you want to only publish one of the files and not the rest: Select the file you want to publish to the server on the Local (left) side and click the blue arrow that points to the Remote (right) side. This arrow is in-between the two sides.

New Site in Webpages cont.

Backing-Up Sites from Your Computer• File > Open Site… and sign in• Select the website folder from the

academic or webpages server• Click Remote Website Properties… • Select File System

– Click Browse and select where you want the backup of the site to be saved.

• File > Close Site

Making Changes to an Existing Site• File > Open Site…• Find the website folder on your computer• Work on the website pages in FrontPage • When ready to publish follow directions for

publishing a website. – FTP for webpages server– FrontPage or SharePoint Services for academic

