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A NoteFrom Scott

When I started FrontGate in 2001, I did so for one reason and one reason only...

to bring the best Christian media outlets in their categories together under one roof for the singular purpose of delivering their Christian audiences to my fellow marketers in the most valuable way possible.

SPECIALISTS IN THE FAITH-BASED COMMUNITY - we are passionate about our Christian faith, experts in faith-based marketing for the ultimate purpose of Kingdom building.

FrontGate Media is the ONLY Christian media group created for the purpose of marketing products, services, and ministries rather than for the purpose of publishing content or putting on events. This unique paradigm makes our approach one f a kind. Our award-winning work has been recognized in the Internet Advertising Competition (Best Website 2013 & 2011) and in the WebAwards (2012 Standards of Excellence in both the Marketing & the Faith-based categories;) and by media such as Adweek, DM News, and more.

We are Your Gateway to the Christian Audience. We look forward to coming together with you to craft an effective marketing campaign.

At your service,

Scott A. Shuford

Chief Engagement Officer

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Reaching all segments of the Faith based audience including:

Our Network Includes:

20+ LeAdinG ChriStiAn WebSiteS1.9 MiLLion eMAiL SubSCriberS7.8 MiLLion unique ViSitorS Per Month34.1 MiLLion PAGe VieWS Per Month

1.3 million page views150,000 unique visitors

1.6 million page views300,000 unique visitors

20,000 page views10,000 unique visitors

1 million page views390,000 unique visitors

1 million page views150,000 unique visitors

430,000 page views100,000 unique visitors

+ More

14.5 million page views5 million unique visitors

500,000 page views200,000 unique visitors

12 million page views1 million unique visitors

• Pastors, Youth & Worship Leaders

• Small Group Leaders

• Families & Christian Moms

• Homeschoolers

• Book, Film & Entertainment Enthusiasts

• Conservatives & Politically Active Individuals

• Organizational Donors

• Christian Conference & Event Attendees & More.

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Contact Us For A Marketing Plan: 949.429.1000 3

Our Success

“I started working with FrontGate and immediately our numbers started going through the roof. In just three weeks, our Facebook page grew from 157,000 to over 204,000 (a 30% increase!). Not only does FrontGate deliver results, they’re a pleasure to work with. If you’re not already working with FrontGate, give them a call. They truly care about the work you’re doing, and they work hard to help you reach your goals and have a successful campaign.” —Jamie Stahler, Director of Strategic Communication, National Day of Prayer Task Force. “FrontGate Media is a tremendous partner for us. The audiences they recommended are right on target for what we needed to achieve. They think outside-of-the-box, often exceeding my expectations.” — ted Gartner, EVP, Grace Hill Media, “FrontGate Media is the significant player in the faith market for companies who want culture-engaged, active, faith and family values based consumers.” — the Washington times, Eric Getzinger, General Manager, Digital Business “I have worked with FrontGate Media for many years to advertise and promote the various products published at Tyndale House. I appreciate that they are always willing to work with us in developing the best campaign possible within our budget. FrontGate has proven to be and will continue to be a valuable resource for Tyndale House Publishers.”

— debbie Johnson, Advertising & Promotions Manager, Tyndale House

Our Clients