Download - From the Principal… Reflection for the · 2018-09-14 · Ellen was passionate educator, well respected leader, a beloved

Page 1: From the Principal… Reflection for the · 2018-09-14 · Ellen was passionate educator, well respected leader, a beloved

From the Principal…

Reflection for the week...

Archbishop of Sydney Awards for student excellence September 7 On Friday, September 7, I attended the annual Archbishop of Sydney Awards for Student Excellence. These awards give public recognition to some of the most outstanding young men and women in Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Sydney. Archbishop Anthony Fisher presented the awards and as each student was presented to him at St Mary's Cathedral Hall a student from the same school reads a citation. Each recipient also received a medallion and a folio with a copy of the citation. Since the awards commenced in 1999, Bethlehem College has nominated some outstanding young women for the award and this year is no different. We congratulate Phiya Castillo as a very worthy recipient of the award. I know that her family, including her grandmother from the Philippines who gathered with her at the event were very proud. Justine Hobeiche of Year 11 read the citation. Please see this below. During the awards presentation, Dr Dan White, Executive Director of Catholic Schools presented each of the recipients with a small gift of a plaque with a small rock with a vein of Gold. The plaque also included a message “Do not be afraid. Be courageous. Be adventurous. God likes it!”. This was a variation of the message of his Holiness Pope Francis for the 33rd World Youth Day 2018 “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favour with God” (Lk 1:30). Dr White reminded these extraordinary young people that the way they have lived out their faith through service to others makes them the “veins of gold” in the rock. The plaque is a reminder that they should continue to be these veins of gold as they move into the next stage of their post-school lives.

Term 3 Issue 14 14 September 2018



Shop 32, 42-50 Railway Parade, Burwood


Principal Pages 1–4 Assistant Principal Pages 5-6 Important Dates Page 5 Curriculum Coordinator Page 7 Religious Coordinator Pages 8-9 Fathers’ Day Mass & Breakfast Page 9 Wellbeing Coordinator Page 10 Sports Corner Page 13 Community News Pages14-22

Page 2: From the Principal… Reflection for the · 2018-09-14 · Ellen was passionate educator, well respected leader, a beloved

Phiya’s citation “Phiya proclaims her faith with confidence, pride and generosity. She has been a major inspiration to other young Catholics through her leadership of Precinct Youth Faith formation evenings. She is an active and dedicated Youth Leader for Youth for Christ, volunteering her time to contribute to parish youth events and the Kids for Christ group. Phyia has been a leader at College Reflection Days, has shown commitment to helping the plight of refu-gees and assisted in fund raising for Caritas Australia. Phyia was an Assistant Catechist at Ashfield Public School and a volunteer in the Eurella Initia-tive where students minister to disabled residents. She also attended the ACYF in both 2015 and 2017. Phyia is a member of the College Student Representative Council and is a dynamic and committed leader in the area of youth evangelization.”

It is with deep sadness that I inform you the passing of Ms. Ellen McGovern, Assistant Principal of De La Salle College Ashfield on Wednesday morn-ing, September 12. Ellen was extremely unwell but had deteriorated rapidly in the past few weeks. After a brave battle, she eventually succumbed to her illness. Ellen was passionate educator, well respected leader, a beloved wife, mother to four children, two of whom are still in high school, daughter and sister to her two siblings, one of whom is Anne McGovern who was the Acting Assistant Principal for two terms at Bethlehem in 2016, a loved friend and colleague. I know you will be keep Ellen, her family and friends in your thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. I would also ask you to keep the De La Salle community in your prayers who were informed of Ellen’s death on Wednesday afternoon. This has come as a great shock to the community because, at Ellen’s request, the extent of her illness was kept very private. Ellen’s children attended St Francis Ashbury one of our feeder primary schools and then St Pat’s Strathfield and Santa Sabina. We also share families with DLS so this news will also impact our students and their families. Eternal rest, grant unto her, O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace. Amen.

Page 3: From the Principal… Reflection for the · 2018-09-14 · Ellen was passionate educator, well respected leader, a beloved

100th Anniversary of the Bethlehem College Ex students association On Saturday, September 8, Mrs Anderson and I had the privilege of attending the 100th year anniversary of the Bethlehem College Ex students association. The luncheon event organised by President of the Ex-students Association Gay McKinley and the Committee, was held at City Tattersalls Club. There were about 170 Bethlehem Ex-students spanning the years from 1940-1970s. The eldest attendee was 97, the youngest, a very recent graduate from the HSC Class of 2017, Jessica Filacomo. There was much laughter and excitement in the room as friends were reunited and memories shared. There was a fantastic photo montage created by former President Maureen Cleary, past presidents of the association were recognised and presented and Maureen Cleary gave an outstanding address about the wonderful achievements of these fine women, all of whom came from working class families. I then had the opportunity to address the guests about the present Bethlehem College including how the community continue to embrace the charism of the Sisters of Charity, learning and the building program. I would like to congratulate the Ex-Students’ Committee on their outstanding organisation of this very memorable event.

Congratulations to Mrs Julia Allsopp ( PDHPE Department ) and her husband and family on the safe arrival of their third child, a beautiful boy Lachlan James Allsopp! Lachlan arrived on Thursday 6th September weighing 3.95kg and 52cm in length. We offer the Allsopp family our very best wishes and hope that Lachlan’s arrival will continue to fill their lives with love and joy.

HSC Music practical examination, Thursday, September 13 and Friday, September 14 On Thursday, September 13 and Friday, September 14 the Year 12 Music students presented for their HSC practical examinations. Across the two days, our talented students were assessed through performance, composition and viva voces. I would like to thank Ms. Weier for her outstanding preparation and support of the students and Mr Lee for accompanying a number of our students for their performances.

FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28. Staff Development Day Friday, September 28 On Friday, September 28, the Bethlehem College staff will be involved in a staff faith formation event. The theme for the Staff Spirituality Day will be “Este Fideles: Let faith be the strength that propels your sails.” Working in partnership with a range of agencies, the spirituality day will provide opportunities for staff to engage with this theme through a range of workshops/site visits/guest speaker presentations and reflections. Students are not required to attend school on this day and are encouraged to continue their study at home. The College will be closed so parents will be responsible for organising their own supervision for their daughters/children in their care.

Changes to arrangements for the annual College Academic Awards ceremony

Over the years, the College’s annual awards ceremony has been held at a number of different times according to the needs of the community. We recognise that no single time will suit all parents and students, but this event has always been viewed as the culmination of the academic year. As a Catholic school, our life as a community is centred around the eucharist and in 2018, we wish to link these two events together to show the continuity between our learning and our spirituality. The most effective time to do this is by holding the College end-of-year eucharistic celebration and awards ceremony immediately after each other during the day on Thursday, December 13. This will also be the last compulsory day for attendance for students in Years 7-11. The mass has been booked for 9am on Thursday, December 13 at St Vincent’s Parish Church. This is an opportunity for the College to celebrate the important feast of Advent, to present our Christmas hampers to St Vincent de Paul as part of their annual Christmas appeal, to give thanks for the 2018 academic year and to farewell our Year 10 students who will leave us to move onto other educational pathways. Following Morning tea, the Awards ceremony will commence at 10.30am in the College Hall. It will conclude at approximately 12.30pm after which, students will be permitted to leave with their parents and carers. Term 4 officially ends for students from this time. All parents are warmly invited to attend both the mass and Academic Awards ceremony.

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Mrs Paula Bounds Principal


The Performing Arts and Sport Scholarship Program at Bethlehem College is designed for students with exceptional ability in Dance, Drama, Music and Sport. The Program offers young women who are dedicated and passionate in their pursuits the opportunity to develop their talents further, take on leadership roles and be ambassadors for Sport and the Performing Arts at Bethlehem College. There is one Scholarship in Dance, Drama and Sport and two in Music. The successful candidate will receive a small discount on her tuition fees for Years 8-10. ($500.00 per year reduction on School Fees ie. $2,000.00 over four years). If the Scholarship recipient continues her study in Years 11 and 12 the Scholarship will extend to these final two years at the College. The Scholarship holder must commit to extra curricular activities in each year she holds the Scholarship. The Scholarship will be reviewed annually and if all conditions are met will be re-awarded for the following year.

Applications are now open to all 2018 Year 7 Students interested in applying for a Performing Arts or Sports Scholarship for 2019.

Application forms for (Music, Dance, Drama and Sport) with details on the Scholarships and offered

audition/interview requirements are now available from the School Office.

Applications (with documentation attached) must be handed into the School Office by the 16 of October 2018.

There are no Scholarships currently available for Years 8-12. All have been previously awarded.

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From the Assistant Principal… Dear Parents and Friends of the Bethlehem College Community, On Wednesday 5 September the school was abuzz not only with students wearing farm themed mufti but also because it was our Funds for the Farmers Fundraising Day to support the St Vincent de Paul Drought Appeal.

‘Hayday Payday’, was a huge success with over $2000 raised by the various activities organised across the school, including a Year 12 Sausage Sizzle, the Year 10 Raffle of a hamper and shopping vouchers, a Year 7/9 Milo, Milk and Tim Tam Stall, a Year 8 Bake Off and the Year 11 Student Magazine “BLAZER” sales, all proceeds from which were donated to the drought appeal.

It was a great community day and one in which we not only raised funds to alleviate the stuggles being faced by rural communities but also our awareness of the plight of our fellow Australians.

Fathers and Daughters: When Fathers and Daughters Disconnect

You may have seen the article by renowned Australian writer Madonna King in the Good Weekend of Saturday 1 September who wrote about the increasing phenomenon of the separation by teenage girls from their fathers as they enter puberty. King described how in studies undertaken for her recently published book of the same name, that fathers are increasingly feeling estranged from their teenage daughters, with many girls feeling that they feel “less comfortable talking to him about things that I might have previously been able to to”. The resonating message that was emerging from King’s article was that fathers these days are feeling more and more distant from their teenage daughters and vice versa and ways in which this phenomenon can be reversed.

Madonna King’s article thankfully provides some hope for fathers who might struggle to engage with their teenage daughters or re-engage with them once they enter adolescence and the natural inclination of their teen being to develop greater independence from her parents:

“Showing affection, even when it was spurned, and refusing to step

back when their daughter reaches adolescence, feature as the

top pieces of advice along the way [from school principals

psychologists, doctors and researchers]”

Raising children, particularly teens, is undoubtedly one of the greatest challenges for any parent and raising confident daughters particularly for Dads brings its own nuances. King reports from her research that experts warn fathers (and mothers) against treating their daughters as needing more protection than her brother as it can lead to a perception on their daughter’s part that if they need to be protected, then they must be vulnerable. Instead, the advice is to “teach them the safety stuff, don’t do the protection thing”.

King quotes Paul Dillon, the founder of Drug and Alcohol Research and Training Australia who notes that “there’s something special a father-daughter relationship….but it takes work, and time, and practice”. Research has pointed to a solid father-daughter relationship as having an impact on raising their daughter’s academic performance, of significantly influencing their choice of a future partner and can encourage them to take calculated risks. “They can also gift them a sense of belonging, a self-efficacy and a resilience for life...the value of saying ‘sorry’, to be brave in the face of fear and to speak up when they - or someone else - is wronged”.

Our daughters/young women in our care can teach us so many things. For all parents, particularly fathers, King’s comments remind us that the key to parenting confident young women with whom we can have a strong and a close relationship during their teenage years requires not only the deliberate setting aside of time to nurture the relationship but also the preparedness to be genuinely present to our daughters when we do.

Best wishes

Catherine Anderson Assistant Principal “Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire” (St Catherine of Siena, 1347-1380)

Important Dates Terms 3, 2018 10-19 September Year 11 Preliminary Course Examinations 24 September Year 12 Graduation Dinner 25 September Galmatic Incursion Year 11 28 September Staff Development Day (Spirituality Day) 28 September Last Day of School Term 3 15 October First Day of School Term 4

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Sydney Catholic Schools are moving to a centralised digital information management system called

ONCE – what this means for your personal information.

Catholic schools in NSW, ACT, Tasmania and QLD are on the threshold of a major leap forward in the ways

in which we are able to track your child’s learning and wellbeing. For Sydney Catholic Schools this involves

moving to a centralised digital student information management and storage platform called ONCE. In terms

of student information, ONCE integrates two systems: Compass (operated by JDLF International)

and CED3 (operated by CEnet).


This transition will enable us to better manage the information relating to students, enhancing our ability to

manage student welfare and support students in their learning, providing parents and guardians with

immediate access to more information about their students, and assisting the provision of quality education

to students.


Personal information about students, parents and guardians will be moved from the School’s local

information systems to the centralised system. You should know that,

All data is located in Australia.

There will be no change to the information access rights in the centralised system from the

School’s current information system. Personal information may also be disclosed to others as detailed in the privacy collection noticeprovided to you on

enrolment and the School’s Privacy Policy accessible on the School’s website.


More detailed information about the data collection through these systems can be accessed here.

If you have any questions about this change in the way we manage our data, and how it will impact the

handling of your (or your child’s) personal information, please contact the Principal of your child’s school.

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From the Curriculum Coordinator…

Year 11 Exams Students in Year 11 are completing their final exams during Weeks 8 and 9. Please keep them in your prayers.


BRAIN TEASERS Problem 101:

Fill these numbers into the grid. 07, 200, 273, 374, 406, 3644, 6740, 07364, 2446, 77762 Students are invited to solve this problem, and deposit the answer, marked clearly with name and homeroom, in the box in the General Office by Mon-day 24th September at 3pm. The first correct entry drawn will receive a canteen voucher!!!! Congratulations to last week’s winner, Elisha Panto, 10V1, who correctly found the phrases: 'Two peas in a pod', 'A stitch in time', 'One in a million' and 'I see you are too wise for me'. Well done Elisha. See Mrs Mann for your canteen voucher.

Janet Mann Curriculum Coordinator


WEEK 9 Exam Block continues

WEEK 10 27th Sept - Drama


WEEK 9 18th

Sept – Science 19

th Sept – PDHPE, Music


Sept – Food TechA, Italian


Sept – English, Japanese 19

th Sept – Drama


Sept - Music

WEEK 10 27th Sept - iSTEM Nil

WEEK 1 19th

October – Drama 16th

October – Food Technology B 17

th October – Food Technology A


WEEK 9 18th

Sept– Italian, French 20

th Sept – Music R


Sept – Music A, L


September – PDHPE E A 18

th Sept – PDHPE R N, Tech L N


Sept – PDHPE L, Tech A R


Sept – Technology E

WEEK 10 24th Sept - Japanese 25th Sept - Music E, N 26th Sept - Visual Arts A, L, N 27th Sept - Visual Arts E, R


WEEK 1 23rd October – Religion, Tech A, L 24

th October – Tech N


October – Tech R

23rd October - Religion

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From the Religious Education Coordinator

Dear Bethlehem College Community, World Youth Day (WYD) is a worldwide encounter with the Pope, which is typically celebrated every three years in a different country. The next World Youth Day will be held in Panama City, Panama from January 22nd to 27th, 2019. WYD is open to all young people from all over the world. It is a unique way to deepen the faith of young people and grow closer to Christ, by means of prayer and the sacraments, together with thousands of other young people who share interests and ambitions. Bethlehem College will be sending two wonderful Year 10 Students, Barbara Farhat and Jessica Clemente, who will represent our community at this world event. As fellow students, Barbara and Jessica with undertake WYD pilgrimage carrying the thoughts, prayers and intentions of all students at Bethlehem College. It is important that our community supports our student pilgrims as they prepare and undertake this journey. Barbara and Jessica will keep us updated as the event gets closer and as they are on the WYD pilgrimage. The first step in supporting our girls is through the world youth day fundraising raffle. We are invited to purchase tickets in this amazing raffle. All funds raised will go towards supporting our WYD19 student pilgrims and the mission work undertaken. This raffle offers some great prizes: 1st Prize: Toyota Yaris Accent (valued at 16,920) 2nd Prize: $4000 Travel voucher 3rd Prize: $1000 Visa gift card 4th Prize: $469 Apple iPad 5th Prize: $459 Apple Watch Series 3 The raffle will be drawn at the WYD19 Get Set Event at Marist College Eastwood and results will be published in the Catholic Weekly on Sunday, 28 October 2018. You can help sell these tickets or just purchase some for $2 each. Let’s get behind our girls and share this journey with them and a Catholic Community.

2018 HSC STUDENTS MASS & BLESSING All HSC students and family members are welcome to attend the HSC Mass & Blessing at St Joseph’s Parish Enfield on Sunday 13th October at 6pm.

God Bless, Yvonne Taouk Religious Education Coordinator

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Fathers’ Day BBQ Breakfast & Mass 2018 On Thursday 30th August, sons and daughters of De La Salle and Bethlehem colleges gathered to celebrate and give thanks for our fathers, stepfathers, uncles, grandfathers and all who are like fathers with an early breakfast followed by a beautiful liturgy at St Vincent’s Church. Our liturgy and breakfast provided a wonderful opportunity for our girls and boys to show their appreciation for their fathers. It was great to have so many fathers attend which made this event special and memorable one for all.

A Prayer for Fathers’ Day God took the strength of a mountain, The majesty of a tree, The warmth of a summer sun, The calm of a quiet sea, The generous soul of nature, The comforting arm of night, The wisdom of the ages, The power of the eagle's flight, The joy of a morning in spring, The faith of a mustard seed, The patience of eternity, The depth of a family need, Then God combined these qualities, When there was nothing more to add, He knew His masterpiece was complete, And so, He called it ... Dad Author unknown

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From the Wellbeing Coordinator… Attendance and Punctuality Attendance and punctuality to school is essential to optimise student learning experiences and outcomes. Students should arrive at school by 8.30am each morning. A movement Bell is rung at 8.30am for students to go to their lockers and unpack their College Bag to get organised for the day. A sec-ond movement Bell is rung at 8.35am for students to go to first Period. Students are recorded as being late for school if they arrive after 8.40am.

The College has recently reviewed its Student Management Policy to include the Policy and Procedures for After School Detention regarding

unjustified punctuality concerns. The amended policy was presented to your daughters by their Year Coordinators and has been shared on the Compass Parent Portal.

At Bethlehem College, our Student Management policy and procedures:

exist to promote constructive and positive behaviour, a healthy self concept in students and an optimum learning environment. It must not be

viewed as the mere enforcement of a set of rules.

assume that all members of the Bethlehem community have an inherent dignity and a right to be treated with respect and sensitivity.

are informed by Gospel values such as justice, forgiveness, compassion, honesty and love.

require a whole school approach involving students, staff, school counsellors and parents.

are known by staff and provided to students and parents. These are outlined in the Student Planner.

acknowledge that the development of self-discipline is a process and emphasis must be placed on positive and affirmative actions rather

than on negative and punitive ones.

acknowledge that students have a right to learn and socialise in a safe environment without harassment or intimidation.

will ensure that a student who exhibits a pattern of unacceptable behaviour is supported.

grow out of positive and supportive staff-student relationships. Where breaches of College rules and expectations occur, emphasis must be on

the action rather than the actor so that the dignity and self-esteem of the student is maintained. After School Detention is one in a suite of behaviour modification strategies for a student in light of repeated breaches of College rules or noncompli-ance with the College attendance and punctuality expectations is escalated despite a series of measures having been implemented with no change. Students are encouraged to be punctual to school and we request parents justify lates and absences via the Compass Parent Portal within 7 days of the incident. After School Detentions are NOT negotiable by students and parent support is appreciated.

SRC Leadership Camp On Thursday 6th September 2018 the newly elected Yr 11 2019 SRC Members attended the annual SRC Leadership Camp at Stanwell Tops Conference Centre. The 20 students engaged in various activities to continue to develop their leadership skills and collaborative efforts. The students enjoyed various workshops focusing on team work, public speaking, facilitating meetings and building relationships. During the Camp we looked at prominent influential leaders and discussed the qualities and attributes that assisted them in their successful leadership. Students were given the opportunity to reflect on their future goals and desires and to establish the College Vision for 2019. The Camp was a great success with all students actively participating and gaining from the experience. I would like to acknowledge Mrs Toomey who accompanied the students, Mrs Bounds and Mrs Anderson who attended the evening sessions.

Are U OK Day? 2018 The Bethlehem College Community celebrated R U OK? Day 2018 on Thursday 13th September 2018. R U OK? Day is a day designed to raise awareness to stay connected with the people around you and to have meaningful conversations. Students were reminded R U OK? conversations need to happen everyday, that you don't need to be an expert- just a good friend and a great listener.

The four steps to reaching out and having the conversation with those around you are:

1. Ask R U OK?

2. Listen without Judgement

3. Encourage actions

4. Check in

The College Community were encouraged to remember to talk to Family, Friends, Teachers and the

School Counsellor if they required additional support of advice. Information regarding organisations

and resources providing assistance and information on how to support a friend and seek personal

assistance were advertised.

Some of these include:,,,, kids help line and

page 16 in your College Planner as it outlines additional helpful services and organisations.

Students were encourage to wear the distributed yellow ribbons in their hair to remind them to

check in with each other. Picnic rugs and yellow treats where available at both Recess and Lunch to encour-age peers to sit and engage in meaningful conversations with the people around them- Technology free! Whilst students engaged in HRC sessions utilising the R U OK? Day Educational Resources to raise awareness and provide students with the knowledge and skills to support one another and seek assistance for themselves in times of need.

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Year 12 Hospitality

On Tuesday 10th of September we were lucky to have ex student Christina come in and train us on how to make coffee. Christina is a Barista and owns her own cafe and gave us tips on how to make the perfect coffee. I enjoyed learning hands on how to use the coffee machine and we received tips on how to work under pressure in the barista industry.

Southern Sydney Business Education Network VET Excellence Award Vocational Education and Training students are required to do 70 hours of work placement for their HSC. The Southern Sydney Business Education Network is the work placement provider for Bethlehem College. Each year they allocate a Work placement Excellence Award for a student who has demonstrated outstanding effort and achievement in a particular VET course. This year Adriana Zappulla a Hospitality student was nominated. She completed her work placement at The Westin, Sydney and Doltone House, Sydney. Adriana demonstrated her knowledge and skills efficiently and competently. She achieved above and beyond expectations. She is open to learning new skills and demonstrating her knowledge in all areas of her study. Adriana interacted professionally with colleagues and thrives in the work and classroom environ-ment. I would like to thank the Hospitality teachers, Helen McAuley and Sandra Thorburn for their support and guidance of Adriana and congratulate her on achieving this award.

Mrs Tania Toomey Year 11 Co-ordinator and VET/EVET Co-ordinator

Year 7 Newman Science Class The students in the Newman Science Class over the last Term were set the challenge to design and build a Rube-Goldberg machine to switch on a simple light. A Rube-Goldberg machine is a machine which is designed to perform a simple task in the most indirect and complicated way and involves many different steps and devices which are linked together. The students worked in small groups, spending on average 1 lesson a week designing and testing their machines to be a complex as possible and yet still perform the simple task of turning on a light. The challenge was directly linked to their term two topic on energy and forces. It allowed the students to develop and extend their creativity and problem solving skills while at the same time working as part of a team. All the groups' machines achieved their goal of switching on a light using multiple steps (in some cases over 10 different steps) involving ramps, dominoes and a variety other creative mechanisms. All the students enjoyed the challenge and felt they got a lot out of it. The task demonstrated the students' ability to plan, problem solve and refine solutions, while at the same time employ a high degree of creativity.

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Year 11 Biology Excursion On the 21st of August, the Year 11 Biology students had the opportunity to go on a field trip to Camp Kedron, Ingleside. The field study allowed the students to gain a better understanding of our syllabus through hands on and interactive learning. Students were led by AUSECO Education officers and were able to go on a bush walk to assist them in understanding their given module; Biological Diversity. The Year 11 Biology class participated in an activity called transect sampling in which they were able to identify various types of shrub or tree. Through the use of biological instruments, students engaged in practical activities and were able to identify tree height, the soil depth and the soil moisture. The Field Study was a great way to learn about the biology of the environment through first hand experiences. Sofia Danas, Mazelle Farhat & Melissa Manganaro

CGSSSA Dance On the 12th of September, 22 Bethlehem students ranging from Years 7 - 12 attended Monte Sant Angelo Mercy College to compete in the CGSSSA Dance Competition. In order to prepare for this spectacular day, all the girls worked during their Recess and Lunch times to learn choreography as well as their Thursday afternoons during sport to attend Beats 905 Dance Studio. Even though none of our routines placed on the day, the girls performed to their highest capabilities as well as showing exceptional sportsmanship when supporting the other teams. I would like to thank Mrs Kells for supporting the team and guiding us throughout the 3 terms. Also a huge thank you to Ms Nehme for joining the team on the day. It was a fabulous day and a great way to complete end my last year at Bethlehem College and as a member of the CGSSSA Dance Ensemble. Jennifer Mentis

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It has been a very exciting and skillful term of MCCS Basketball and Soccer with competitions starting to wrap up. All students in Basketball and Soc-cer are to be congratulated for skill and sportsmanship throughout the season. We had 4 teams make it to the semi finals and it is with proudness that I can announce that the following teams have progressed to the Grand Final. Thank you to their wonderful coaches Mr Lee (Junior Basketball), Mrs Taouk (Intermediate Basketball ) and Ms Beaumont (Senior Basketball), Mr Elaro (Soccer), Ms Marinos (Soccer) for your coaching over the term. A big thank you also to Ms Tadrous and Ms Azzi who have also assisted their time throughout the season. Best of luck to all teams in the Grand final, may teamwork, skill and tactics guide you in your games. MCCS BASKETBALL: Junior (Year 7) and Seniors (Years 10, 11, 12) all to the grand finals. MCCS SOCCER: Junior Team (Year 7 and 8) to the Grand final. MCCS Basketball: Round 7: Bye (Junior, intermediate and Senior teams) Semi Finals Junior Team vs. St Patricks Won 25-15 Intermediate Team vs. Woolwich Loss 33-20 Senior Team vs. Trinity Won 50-28 MCCS Soccer: Round 7 Junior Team vs. St JPII Draw 1-1 Senior Team vs. St JPII Loss 0-1 Semi Final Junior Team vs. Catherine McAuley Won 1-0 CGSSSA Dance News: On Wednesday the 12th of September the contemporary, jazz, musical theatre and hip hop dancers of the College took part at the annual CGSSSA Dance championships. This was held at Monte Sant Angelo and attracts all dancers in different genres around the archdiocese of Sydney. T he dancers of the College have been working really hard over two terms to produce their dance choreography in their respective genres . Photos and report of the day to come in the next edition. Cross Country Championships 24-27th of August :

Also mentioned in the last edition of the newsletter Niamh McMahon, on top of her great result of achieving 20th place nationally, additionally she had also placed 4th for her NSW team came 3rd overall in the cross-country race. On Monday 27th of August she competed in the 3000km for NSW and her team placed 1st overall. Fantastic result Niamh! Here is a photo of her on Monday with the achievement of a Gold medal!.

CCC Athletics: Congratulations to Olivia Ivanac (Year 7) and Niamh McMahon (Year 8) who will be competing in the CCC Athletics Championships next Friday the 21st of September. Olivia will be competing in the 100m Sprint and Niamh will be competing in the 1500m and the 800m run. Best of luck to both of these students in their preparations for their races. The College will be thinking of you both on this day. Coming up: CCC Athletics Championships Homebush Athletics Centre 20/09/18 MCCS Ultimate Frisbee Gala Day 27/09/18 Catherine Conneely Teacher in Charge: Sport

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Community News...

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Page 22: From the Principal… Reflection for the · 2018-09-14 · Ellen was passionate educator, well respected leader, a beloved