Download - From Emperor to Exile The Fall of Napoleon Bonaparte Mr. Bach Accelerated World History Hudson High School.


From Emperor to From Emperor to ExileExile

The Fall of Napoleon The Fall of Napoleon BonaparteBonaparteMr. Bach

Accelerated World HistoryHudson High School

The Third The Third Coalition (1805)Coalition (1805)

•Britain, Austria, and Russia unite against France

•Major focus – British naval power vs. French continental power

British CartoonBritish Cartoon

The Battle of The Battle of Trafalgar (Oct. 21, Trafalgar (Oct. 21,

1805)1805)• British Admiral Horatio Nelson destroys the French Fleet

• England is safe from French invasion

““I was at I was at Austerlitz . . .”Austerlitz . . .”

• His greatest victory – defeats the combined Austrian and Russian armies

• Prussia soon sues for peace

The British The British Problem!Problem!

•Continental System – French Empire and client states forbidden from trading with England

Napoleonic Napoleonic DynastyDynasty

• Members of Napoleon’s family placed as heads of kingdoms

• Divorces Josephine and marries Marie Louise (of Austria!)

The “Spanish The “Spanish Ulcer”Ulcer”

• Gets caught in a 5 year guerrilla war in Spain

• Drains support, money, and resources

“Third of May” (1808) by Goya

The Big MistakeThe Big Mistake• Invades

Russia over their lax enforcement of the Continental System

• Scorched Earth Policy

The Retreat from The Retreat from MoscowMoscow

60% Casualty Rate on the Retreat

Smelling Smelling Blood . . . (1813-Blood . . . (1813-

1814)1814)•6th Coalition (Britain, Russia, Spain, Portugal, Prussia, Austria, Sweden, German kingdoms) ally against France

•Defeat at Leipzig•With allied troops in Paris,

Napoleon abdicates

End of the End of the Emperor?Emperor?

•Napoleon exiled to Elba

•Royalists placed Louis 18th on the throne (const. monarchy)

Exile on ElbaExile on Elba

The 100 DaysThe 100 Days• Napoleon

escapes Elba and returns to France

• The 7th Coalition unites to eliminate Napoleon once and for all

Every Napoleon Every Napoleon has his Waterloohas his Waterloo

Duke of Wellington Prussian



Napoleon Exiled Napoleon Exiled to St. Helenato St. Helena

What is the What is the Legacy of Legacy of Emperor Emperor Napoleon Napoleon
